The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 03, 1850, Image 4

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AO.lOl *aid amnia, .
TNV ITE the =entice of buyers *a their large mock
J. of Fresh Goods now ripening, and whirl they are
PrePareit to sell on wry aceinemodating lenius
We elan be conwandy receiving freak geode dun
ing the arawnoind request an examlasuan of Oar
slack by western merengue., and others- visiting ear
Be. 136 1611.617.111666 t,
I}FAGEI teenectlult} ha intim las ianwou Mean
D and customers ,host he is tut rceeleius Mane",
Gui stock of CLtalitt. CAISBIIIIEBEs, and VEST-
IliGlS,ot the nee, en '4lmm:tasted tot the approach•
ins nial and winter sealant. elf those in want of
cheap,, and good clothing. Grill Ica the
lam" mom tanatontblo, and beat Stock in the
W *Mtn cOliatry, nt tat. ettablialunant. sepia
tsar oTiLiYstis
to Pittabozgh.
1 IXHE Pcuttsylvama .Rall Road Centthany haling
Completed the whole bid of railroad to klelitdayw
thith, thus cottecnng the Portage Rail Med UV
Johns:nen, and dots dinner by boats to Plusburgh,
are now preps ' to receive and forward microbus.
Mu p , produce, & ~ to and from Pittsburgh and PhDs.
The _lita.Zona -wl leave the depot of the coMpenth
dally for John von, there noutecting with the daily
Min of cars fo Philadelphia, thus .ildwirtg the di-
Livery of all freight in Philadelphia within Her day.
Agent tat Pa It N. Co, Canal Beath, ?Matting!
tealo.dll . . Philadelphia.
Marna cued &India Imetnethead,
tign of the Golden Harp, No Nil Third meet
Immo '
If. IILEBER respectfully inionns
to. Mende WO the public, that he hae
just 'clothed from the nosh enth a
room dg. mid •Ktenstve nuns I
mon* of Pilmos at raturall mice aod prices, selected 1
' by linnet f, tech emit one. at the celebrated lac toricel
at Nunn e Clark, N. Y., and Daph aur, Pa Y., aunt of
ntodart A Leatiam,N. Is j lining Bele cted the above
Mote an Immense stock tort finished by the strove
manna they arc witrented of sopenor gustily nil
tone, and will in .11 cases Octal,! at New York fed.
dry barn ?meted. Will receive • written gun
buil t
each Pints; entitling theca to en eschange
Gs ret w ina of name. 11 Isluad deleCti•a.
Alen,. lot of spicatitt ,thistare. Irate the rectory ut
&hymn 1 blunt. N. V They ad a supral. addle,
Lad undimmed equal, a out *upend:, to any made to
the world .
Alto, a Luce leetiou of nods, Clammed. Violins,
a. Bract inundate, and the litreerl and meal
kOpuisl ionic, souladiiig deny l,saa't velet.radd
.._°,..— _ _____.-.-. septet
W•teh Flannels.
N.lu2ff.',l;',,,i.",YAL:l.3lell:j-trpets" 01
e " tu o
re s
with a tall .60[114. 1 1 VI MG 41.1.1111. galahlles 01
uhya.. 0,,,a1de gaud, and Lanny, been p u rcha se
fu : .. . :swathe laduarte la eau be warranted gentile. oeT
Jas. SI wild - Soma. Pastskut 554... h.
834 :,'".'“74,",:j'Zi,:`,:::.f.l:`,`:." . . d ,„Vritt. ° ::. l
.month, per .'Anna liseL"Esisopd,n , lleslis and
sr." ship, me Pbliedelphia and Baiumore, wan-mat
ed superior in both strength and quality to ally 111 lb.
Martel, Mr wile at Ihr lowest prier for eath sad np
prored Lille, Ly W & hl NITCIIELTatthI
•11a111 Liberty %Mel
Largoapply at Fall a Wester Goal.
__ASV ISURCHFIELD melte the attention
411. Of Laver. to their large mock of loos ,adapted
for the season, consisting In pan of—
Jilt and CoPd French Merino.
" Coburgs and Cu/imams,
Changeable Poplin.,
uress Silt, and T 111,3 Sauna,
Ilk and Fancy Alpacas.
Super Long Shawls, Low ?Sea do. Sacking Flak'
Welok, kln4liatk, and Aurena. whim
and Colored. their amok or 11013SELWXF11 419
GOODS, such ae Aber ungs, Rtlow Coln bluallina,
Table Dipper.. Towelling, Le, is large, and ai low
trite. for quellii. Dale. wi And it to their advan
tage roc...rine their stuck hefore poiebaung—attrio
north cast corner of gth and Martel sts. Ott 7
Charleston, Va., Sept 90[3
Mr. R. E. Pals lave beet:kale .0 pop.
lar in all it. 'sewn ofconntcy, as very wadi to
wipe reeds , writ is as a Liver or Anti. kllltoua
Year., &a. JA.II A LEWIS
thleirtet or Letter.)
Pierchear n it recollect that R. E. Beller.. Lorer
ate the original and only True and Getialue
r otll, and rosy be bad at Igo 57 Wood et, and ol
g lets generally to the two clues and vicinity.
lUtr .
or . goy's.* le.siesel. of Yellows Doak
Mut Sarsaparilla.
DDT up in the, largest sized bottles, coaxal= snort
1 - of the pure llooderu it.saparillo than any other
prepare:you em. Mitch is cheducuby coutibmed
wile the tbstruct of Yellow Do<A,Ulc Estraet of V. Lid
Cherry, mu the Imam oi 1 ir, thus makmg tke some
ay mole ton
:oughts . einem/it than auy otter Sem. -
rdlauerh.c duol,e, Al are sameono , 12 Iv pee..
If nee Una bil Cason., eaten cautset De•alo
of any Mast ar the Samapanila compomes. The In
rand alittald wow.. of poi.. I Memory, lron,
stme, Pomb, lodine, Sulphur, Arsenie, and resay
.Wet mineral .4 nietathe pet.. enter to aoo
tom the mace basis of most of WD Sarsopartila anti
Pima.. of Me nay. Goymil's Compound Extract
of Yetlow Duel . and liarsepeolla duel not ecilium •
pellicle of these etabstmees, u any one can easily
ascettain by appiymg the meessary ,tae
'rhe po.ous may measion•Lly remove thscaso. on,
they At 010al0 to blood, and so completely Impretp
11•1.• Um whole system Mit that bailee efeell that
Its List cold, or the Drat aumk of disease, prostrates
to p•Ltent's strength, and abloom Mtn or berm the
met metuantlug torture, ant renders anothat cunt
almost unposatbie "bud hOpeteie Let all palsoaisai
barl•puilta preparano. 01000, and Ilse Mysou's
Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
ssloch thoroughly efllleaelons, perfectly touvetless,
amt purely vegetable. All Muds of Meese yields to
00 40/401 intsatice.
Strofela, Ceneero. Ttiltion, Cameo. Eruptions,
tryst/tel., Mei, Pustules, or Pump., on the 17. e.
Carom; Mire aye. 'fetter, Scald Head, !Cheater ,
ism, th,largement or Puns iu me Bones or 40L0s
oil and vtuollarn Ulcers, lover Sores, hip Diseme.
Sweiilay of the 61.40, lilotottes, ilyphitille Sytup.
mos, Lumbago, Dropsy, Dyspepsia., moindlee,
itycnete, Sell Mem, ot the liidney• and
ume•sea arming from an injudielote n. of Mercu.
s, blintator's sort Taro., ttl; rail.. of IL. Clic.,
• Veto:unsay Adeetnsua, .1.10 all dila! um... 0 1004
uoy w w 0040 Consamptmo, Live, Lotoplane,Feutote
1,0,,,11art00a and COtoplairds, Stee and Nervous
ilcodvoLe,Lic-drei Daintily, Low 0.7.1110 Lots et
Appcols, isla Sweent, roles to ale ' Side and
euvuttict, Kato,. c or Inoatitletine au Le, stbrunt
11 Ltonstituit,ttel lasurdnrs,./14 sr • 070.08 7.',1
et..., We 11114.1, end tittacial 101110 La WS
-- Symms., II as uortvalled
A two of Wror dud Let's of Dale= rime swallow
halo . tog is se extract 01 • letter dated 5110-0
1,050, smut Y. 1.1 Parkin , /11 • taittly ispects
LI,. dLy rtoodt tit Stetter:ALL/Mo.
Johot—Dakry ter: I 0000 under my c
t June ado,ol, Orr ell.leeo year., ens bosom t
n le
ler.. ito, I, Oornidd lambs, and whose ea. ha
Leen foontoloced Lopelels by Wray or our be. 'My
larleux 1 mob far into Any Molly, and have use
Dursott's Yellow Dort aid Sarsaparilla freely, and
cottiolc. Mai ''.aloe Mel .01 Sarsaparilla
omit edcct • per n et rule. She boiler ut gum,.
hcaitt, timo she ttas ever Leen before, and wails
Wile Or two without Mgw or pain. Aye. ago stus
used crutches. I will report the case in doe mot
Very feepeethilly, E. U. PERKINS.
11 her been tlt ked, eminent am, Lb.. Ms
vatted caislogste ere Meal 04
to Much man 111 115015,
alert 1s one ell vuell orkportartee and of seen
lute... 00 0l10101•, whether me teal to I.lto ebscurny
of ,ts Orty.ll:. its prove., me ..dar
tsmety attn./tat:mitt allmas, 00 im remarkable Int
dutabotty sattlestensme
Semhos bs• milted the slatt of the must em Well
phyolcialm in thomouou y and an Europe. Dart Were is
s tor um unison in Dr. linyolPs Extra. of
001 tow to Sarsaparilla,. Mica m pommy It.
edit pert.. .. ..... au the most mere eases o.
An es In... Outer, ease of Scrofula cured Ly the
solo Olt II 11,0,0 mtyott's otodeoutol syrup It
• will be 10011 by certthcate 0,01 %h t. luau tom beta
under We tteemeut mt.. retchmed phyomens,
forth. prat eight years, without derteutts any benefit,
arld lt ar been tact:Welly eure4 by Lot me or • low
bottle of Dr. May sou'. Mamma Syrup.
Nstu buot,Joh• 7, lel.
Da. Got Dew Su, --Owing toy.. a debt tarbtch
money cannot pay. I tau matted tom.. • pea= ea'
trittiwtedeutent oh dal Lenetit I hove derlecd from Jo.
invalume Syrup l was sorely silflimed with • temp
We Sombilous Loredstary ,i, oar family,
which toidiummJ De soy neck, 004, eontmung
spread, soot. rese.4 uty ears, 0000104 0010 my head,
and ellenthog eh over Uly Mee, nett, and lower ens
tronoors. I beesuic • dug - MO% °lnca 10 look upon.
At Woes toy duitresit IVY ite peel et I leasttrAldo
.1.01 or Ito donut and the disease extending into :07
salt sermattly ortectdd my besting. Illy fate was taw
cone/Meta sure, from winch a discharge or matter
and mates kept rostimuMly poling OuL People
f eet , I 004 Ito small poI, or SoMe other
lotolas disease, tied I was cOn.tmently obliged to
relay/out/in Notwillatemllng I bad ths
best medic. advme,•nd tried different Mos oS treat.
ruent,loo domale eonilmed mime were,autil gave
up 111 delpuir, Corbaustely I Mille With • passenger
the steatubeal,Vtitne tra•ellutg for my healtb, who
LitfOrtue,/ Inc mat hot Solt *Se al oft Moo to all Dad •
eedolittott al I was, and telll by ;mug your syrup be
eptedoy etite4 I n, =meul! , Watered' the at.
Lela, ed.:name/tang and now after havtng used
tem than am mules, I am well me ' able 14 attend to
balllitar. 1 seed you ilas
* e a an &et 01
Nance., pal) , Lointi• that It Ittat lea taco the allieted
Mahe the n•Lt enchant, and
Muth mtet.. old einem.
remalm your obedient ...ant,
Curb of an. agyporattol easy of .Erysipatas.
TO. salvo pettotatto by 'Dr. thiyeotti SILT.% of
Yeager Dock. and natetiOstilla Lee tastang. The pa.
tteet' getmal Lout. rello.4ol u to lemma a ft er .3m ,
ea. Is removed. Cores ere tiot etirmaisled until timeLu y tested don there em be no ratline or return
Of t. daevilte.
Noma?, (Ilerkilusr Coy Feb 182,
B. F. liloollolo. Co, bents, 11. Is Web great {Resew •
that , write 1011 lee very happy edeeto Of your
' &doss Dock filitt Satiaparilla upon my ton who Lam
Wing Lean aufferilm order tau divadial,louLonte dW
Wc,-Efjaipclas,Mtl, welch he was mutt. to
and reso ittr several months mended by soma of our
best FNMA., w ool iltl Med skill
Soo mouths, wilt MY lteneital
11,,b g eo.e rt due ed to * pertect skeleton. Ito bud *l.,
eepl tswiUM tap w bm knee, which were millusalty
aisetargica disgustiv,:y odensme maws. Med..
' and sargieel *Lid was bellied. Physicians wild lital
- • bO. caste Into hopeless —Were eOuld be hollang eons
•trosi tt.cra let (tbie gmiteuetug ulcer. My neigh.
hors 0/111 veil ‘1,011,141 hot 6100011111.101111e110 01 hum.
ol bog Mil s, who bole oned a ekuld of •crob
ala entl, oar Invaluable mbeing wished Ma to,
Make ot it, wed more MAO the :edar, deelra
keructang Mille life Immo, ma n , r um Woos ul
"Mat rcloa,lpfamire.l Mere Mille/tot your . 0 Moss
Poet Smaparitts,.. ittul mi. c 4 twee it
and Ur _toy aAnOlLtecul, Le commenzed improvisor
Swlts4 ma ma to il e Cott., •rol oefore he h. used •
tweets. Job , h 1.01110114 ceeltl eratt col. Ile used 1.1,
•Istolles, '1 mbar last lie WWI perfectly
fes,Oree, dory vesdde of Luc disease ea opt tee *care
Y muy,cd,....d 1.0 molains in perfect health up to the
preVeLtl 00,0. 111. leeo4Clf under the blelreles 01
(M4o* acttrety oaring in the use of yMr Yellow Dock •
.47trirmpatota, mu I morn you mot w an myloll
SUDO arsiti totoliablibas to you, add lt is 'rear joy
pat / Inforto you of WA% your
011re1111/01111e has dom
Mr .7 VOL Rm.:tire/Iy,
etlolo.o Wile" plll up in Maga bottles,
...inine • quart, end the Dam of use Syrup blown
N the ilao., strul. p. weapon signature 01 S. F. Wt'
log outs. 43 V/11114/er. 1 . 11110 1111 per totila--or
s bottom 11::.
It ko alga ky 1 D. PARK, North Last comet of
Soutk sod it , othoi ruseu, entree - 0e uo Walnut
commaati, OM,. Whom sit Moils moil lat edam.
(*or Elle, W. Y. ;Os ?MD Co , Wm , x.
toed, lion Cixbons, Eio•onssdk; TuneLl,
tritt,Towsaa, Raman buy, Wills
beta,lb4erlog,C•ilcostivlgi I. Wilcox, woo.
GOO catimt dist Sos We Lomond.
-101111t.t.P 'Vlb• &MD so Slilrbillillgo"
M' bl9i HA VVORIII, u. the thailio44,sto /411
Mg trelier.l
V ate pet /b —'IMY YW I I //VW
1111 Wiled 'Wm* PlWlttih•
Collections owls on aD the ➢ cities of the
UMW Mies. =Si va7
B.E, Corner sod Nadas au.
Au. vummallsae WOO LIZCIULL
(Next door ul the Beak at Pauborgh.)
Uaaaaa •, Szeilisaig• Y r•k•rs,
NcerEsi,DßAFTAAccKermict s,ooLD,PlLVEit
COLLECTIONS—Dna/Ai No tts serd tiocaptaace,
payable in any pinatas Unica. eillented Oaths awe
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE en New Yarn, Yalladelpain and Hal
l/Oar% also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Balm Lowe and
New Orleans, sillastatilly for sale
CAME NOMA—No wa on all solvent banks to the
United States XISCOILOted alibis lowest raws. All kinds
( Foreign and /1.6111/IC. Gold and Silver Cola XO5Ol
10 void.
NNHOLMES & SONS have removed Omit Elonk
tog end Ebabode Ofdea to No 67 Mulct In.
o ..doore below old stand. aver
UMW on Englund, Daiwa, and Scotland bought •
El any moult at tha Current Rates of EXchangel
Also, Drafts payatte la Say part of the 014 Cowries,
from .L 1 to 51000, at the rate of S 3 to We L Sterling,
ortatoat dulaction or discoant, by JOSEVA EOM.
SON, Daropeut and Genaral Agent, othes 611 a one
door west of wood. outlay
ei.xan saaitat c ] . (paean LIM
IDligh • _ _
ID la Foreagn and Dotoastio Mils of Exchange, Oar
=eat. of Deposita, Bang Notes and Coln, °or= of
hd sad Wood streets, &rutty oppoante St. Chutes Do.
0.. J. 5121)111
SNOLISII a uesnumr,
'‘ArNOLESA Lk: CIituCSAS and CommLimon Mar.
chants, No 41 Wood Cicel, opposite St Charles
Howl, ara now ICeOlving and offer (or sole, at foss
rates, as lollows:
thff P Itg• 1. 11., leapoll. P,I 66 N. LlSpantsh Cigars.
and lilacs 1c • no hl Havana and yam,
lOU pigs ffs ne lb and hill. to OM paelteges.
lump It Se totliob to. 1 SNI ld Havana, qt GIS.
00.0 bags Itio, Lap...A 6NI Stegall..
•nd Java Coffee.l 1. dl Ponelpes.
NJ lams N Sagas. 46 tas hl litmsins;
nu Silo N 0 llalmsees. lio bales Filberts, English
SO br.spowdered,cturdedl Walnuts, Sloall Nuts,
and loaf Susan. asulpround NU..
00 hes Alum. -
20 Dig Coititoll-14:7
_ .. , .
SU WI. TlMolll' Oil. 114 his Pepper Sauce,
1O gel. Lamp Oil. tOr cues Plekleg,
:At bit No 3 dlatlserel. 10 es..gruel ellocolate
tdss beg Oslo/ Iflilltilasei Mound Sprees of Wlunds
150 las Rosin Soap. Stibze Sardines.
lOU dos Pot Buckets. 3 Ins Starch.
05 bzs Chocolate. 15 bee Rock Candi.
03 boa White Pipes to ha, Shelled Almonds;
IMO rein Wrap. taper. 5 case. Loom Mo.
to bin Pepper It Algomal SinebarOs Can and Dried
600lbScotelstRapeeSztelf Tobacco.
IS tee Mee 10 mos Blacking.
Together with a general assortment of goods en
tail kept la mete thmots wall as Pittsburgh mutat
factarea. - _
0 Mirital..citL - ol.crras,
WAIeCLINTOCIC is nomr opening uMs Carpet
. 'Warners!, No 75 Foal alr ! el am! 75 Wood
...mot, a veigtZeesi u;;nroont of Carpeting, nom•
prising in pan of the following Tariatiem—
Lek sod elegant style Velvet Pile Carpet;
Rion and elegant style Tapestry Stamels
Saperior Engilan and Anent. Brussels Me
Extra aup. 3 pty Carpotr,Rags, ems Menne;
!Summandl do des dap. timed Bogs;
do tugraln do; Chordal, Matt;
Extra fine Anna do do; I Tailed Maur,.
Com. all wool, do doi fltair Rods;
do Coltell dodo do do; Coco alms;
du mitioa do do; Jato do;
Also, • very lame delonnient. of Trimmings but
dom. Boats, Carnage!,Homo*,
oa Mar.
A "'GU largo assonnientot well seasoned Oil Clod*
ranging to weld, from 12 Menu to 24 teat, of vary
handsome ay., oat to at any wised room, ball, or
Ted stool of goods will be wild es oiiiap at rosy
can be pardoned in any of the mincer-
` _mss. Wo
.mita every body to Gall 'dm wish a bargain.
• seoll W IdeCUNTOCK
s KO 861-100 bas Ctn.& add %V a Comma;
10 bap old Jm• Coffee;
ID bags Legume dm
30 bags tamp 111. do;
10 Of Meals Chaim Tea.
00 caddy; bra extra Oolong;
40 do prime Orem;
3J !de/mats do;
10 bra bomb Baialna;
3 bales son shell AlXlalairj
dos pare carpals! Lemon Sagas;
O bistlotatoplnblz t faneyCluseolate
10 bas Biome, Coma and No 1 do;
0 bas Almond and Balls Soap;
60 b
do: . Bonin and Vattegatod Map;
3 (Awe and Bordeaux Oa;
2 dos Pepper Sauce,
so. Bertin fr. Walnut sickles;
dot flow Water ;
O eam Balkan almesroon
eases do Vetnomln:
I cases pate !Mil Conte reorder;
cum saperfin• Wee Flom,
10 bole masbal S pulsenzed dogma;
to bolt small Loaf,
ID brls pare Cider Vinegar,
50 dos Coon Brooms'
Cot. Wood o Fifth sts
41/ElThr/.16,31 SPOOL SILK..
Eo7tressty for Ban:v.
avoid Ile Coaay lueattaenialleca attaudlng the
.all of the cusuonsty Skein, the •Dove amens to
taunt, and for • lenag wita wanted. It has always
a mauet of eJ100014,12001., mat aritOst the common
de of cotton, was colavenleully apatacl an goat
oar—.Slll, au Much tame maatulo, al.auld lave
o *applied 00 Skeins, nom %wale!, be much IloolAe,
laltaa.aod Lou hall ans..
'OO atlicalLy nu at lam men overcome. Um public
udeted •good tiemcly poi op 111 a emo l
Weal farm for Moues
I oa outs Lommum urged aganoo tats article is dm
,patcsil apaaaqsaaLay On eaCY•poul.
tatsTu la
1,00 Spool is awasrantea 011 Ai
la. 01.1 k, walla me otdmary Stein, m same
:, Yam bin rostaaa palmtop ; 111107101 from IS
For sale bi
.p 7
tomb for asc at Um time of oar
. - de IL Llttl, to OVIVIOSIC, the must
selonty ta hammy. lodamadent or
Went form IA which a ts faratattut,
runes over the Stein. ma a does
!Mato of siloduan, the vegan= of
• Of IMO to pronoun:lg it tor am.
Vol. Id HUlL&ThieNri &
41 North Thad al, etutodelphd&
IioItSTINANoI, Baas & CU
Maiden Lane. New York.
Solo Agents
Spout 511 It t
and t. only
pt -cal at a, my
txtni multi estt•
I:`,;f .I ° ' . 1
. extJ
W Of
W TILH mom:warm
A. A. MASON lb CO.
No OD ARIEL? 112111C 11 T.
Uritween Thl d loarth einem, Whsberglii
I :OM% the atm won of mew-hams eta.' the eery,
w thew talcum 6 smelt of gall and Winter Woods,
w weked WOO al at ssu are sad tin
from went
poportatiOns, la Yon sales.and from the ked
. uusuntsettarer , by Melt muset partne New Ne
1 or• 'nears k thie tall will be Mend to be much
wager and more limed than aay they have cry batons
to rosght to dos m tat, Wong septet/uteri by [tempts
et owes almost all) through We Wasoo Is they ap t
year Mt the em La markets, rendering the.. etas at
a I triaell fall and Serfeet, thereby enaptiON theta sue
cessfully to coin ele WWI eastern house. mire
LNtal4rNo at l tweet, rr?TT J AlCli tee • ;anu e te;N
yl•ania, has teed, sod now wady lot tale, the
hattwirlng 4.4.11 at ticketed by latowlt Irmo um
thseafamory, wdl be supplied so moat at Mr .
Citiekerints pnea I%
d LOW ./iIV,7 Ott..
elegatt Mom 064,7 to;
do o 66 do,
do do 6 do,
I do Mahogany, 6 do,
I do Walttat, 0 do,
I fall carved winagratid.
A GAUD—the oat...seer has' the pleuare of
attooontang to the Onto. of rtushirge, that ha has
tawo-arrwdernents with Mr. John Idallot, for the
thliliVO Bode of toe Nano Pones. m inu..nsh
ItrcALIA PatillayiTatill, and those wahine to por
t how may ea minted that tacit loter
Gtt estawut be faith-
Will attended to. J
Damon, Match 113,1849.
• 1= o f
addition to the glove stork of tattoo from nit.
f a new curdy la odered from the ration"
of Adam 5104/11, bacoo Mal., nod Worcester,
AZ Oct. and HallatCom nen A. Allen, [been, at
pleat Varithff Mat twt th three handled &BIM
eneAn...s (thee Jewett nut truwasantett., rso
ylo for °tweet, last renal wed and for tale at
To Poops@ traniasho Old you/arr.
sac= ims same rind of WWI Leaf, Fin*, ['MSS,
mad itoagh Pthauredlilaek Teas that are used la
um. Coanoy, eau La uoaght at Stk. and 760 per 16.
& IthoOrth's Tea bun°, oast side ol the
thadthad,"and Co where else la Pittaburgls" adP B4
jitlN t !Au PAPP,ls—the boss so mama can
sad at the agency of Clinton NUH, eS Wood at.
IV KW Most' S. 16. statTilUlL,— , lbe - Orpout
1%14/dtesi a We of Croelty and Oppfe.sloo,
le We
utle of a beer prise Isla bt T. tl. tidbits. It is sast to
be the sotbor's best pmts.:Woo for Sala at Holmes
pepOlblltlld street, oiposite•the Yost Lltbeei
slsooLs !Loot Imilaf of elt. loon, by 011000
sou,.and Lsosllls ustog b=l._ *et
1 ItILAIII bis lit res'OlOt tf , t br
[ _.L.P7 1 LI C•NFIEILI)
Amnions 000ds:
IMPUY t btnieliriELD pave
pty oi goods adapted rat mourning
tilact oxibannes,
Gamma Mott.,
. Franca Mennos and Cast= tea
Noose ao Lames luta Bloon:Ink
Alpacas', Moaratog Collars, Black
ls Crasau, Yana,
.dlca.a at 0,814., • oeto
a 1.,.. a AML,AnslEo—ou anis dl Lusae 0 II ns.ap mw
a, maks*, neat reetteen and (or alt by
"a , Agent Bt Lows gleam engaz Eteallesy _
g , 1.1/1-8 Obis. o ha/Aland for sale by
IIIEESE 7 -40 - Vius know quallty, liTsdaib - 1 —
ki oat? InALAH DICKEY &Co
egfANNEKVI` OIL-111 Lela low kneed, fot kale by
1 ve4 W A. V' WILSON
N iTTIiALLI3—VA 11,4)15t terArgl,,Zy s
4 ST Wood et
P9' ER-10 ows ran'. for we
S-AiverDL RF. 10 , -1 4
IZENO6 4 --10 bx — ChWoili by
w .. ---
i Oil-400 mace may and mate
Wrettlbrala:medlPta doable =adios, alma And
doabla crown, a ear; ceps/tar article, OIL lewd ' aad
rat tale by la 0 WOCKTON
bona 47 Markel B 1:
------ -- --=_
J. a. M,11.1.1 a.
E u
O. B 1 Wood sumo, has lam rewind
i... • • . e
sortment of PIANO mimic, .I.a.
Molly, do nee /...1, in 5.0.) 'sort.
Mom t. Red Rove Led Abu) 6 .
Neuy 1111/1 II 1.017, . .1.
Cools Ned. , to.
; G.. to Ru all Night, .1.1,
Dopy Dl, ' do; .
Bolan," weddlag, by Glans,
The Robin, do.
110 b, Teach the cord Ter ease agate.
Bem% blevooln of Thee. F,.
Niue Noon. . '
Lament of the Mob Holman. ,
A NOW Maly
the Spirts that laud Ttott 4
Thom hut W
L he r ?: , t a lse . tr dr , n t sue ,: Iff i r.V. , .
, Tin Home "there e'er the He l en M. mo I'
The Yankee Meld.
Low Bated tler, by Lour.
EU you .07 .1. of me. .
Number Gentle Lady.
Jesnale Gmy
wriuth, •ad
- Elfin,deilTisi - us, \ , ... _
Weltrea k.
Bauclthisar, Malden, Bella Welts, GOTOTTII radi. , '
Barrenir, Cally, Elmrs,Llly, Alice, Keergreagßar.
al, Adieu. and UM Polka. era
WE enter not Um the his of polfaraweeljething
Maui Hundreds of Chasm Imports LAW
Capital, Bought for Cash, to. In fact, we ill not
humbug may manner or fora we simply i in the
public to compare con Teas with whet they p base
elsewhere; this is th e best method we know aster.
nth wars ads the best and calmest Tel. Pinta
berth. We are now eeUl ng
flood and strongTes at Wand Wea de n petits.
A prima oriole, -• • • • • 75
The best Tea Imported into the U. Illtetekli
Low priced, dama g ed or inferior Teas tea tio not
lay dioß'ais A itAworrit
Proprietors of the Tea Market,'
tel Es. t side Of thamond.
ureaAsnarlea is Illesehawe oil Witryks -
II Appleton & Cu, New Vent, totee in coma if pal,
'leaden, in pun, ps 'a twenty five cents aye,
• D 1 I, rlosisav t
Of illeasnas, MerAuusts, Sngino IPord,d En
glawnrig; donrud for Promo:Al W ne
Men, and don intended for a• AV ....
menu/ Paremotra.
frtlllfl WORK is of lags Bvo. etre, and alleontalta
.1. TWO TELOTWOD ream, and upwards ot STO 1100-
WED museum's. It will pawed werkhrepdrea
loge and descriptions of the meal important Machines
in the United Maths. bagman of the Malta el
America ineemilts II MU contain congleth practi
cal tread ea a Ida hales, Llnieldnillyi KPIII4AwOa ,
ad Flogineeeloc with all that le asetle isi Rife (100
one thousand Milan worth of folio vidanas, mega
non, and other hooka. • i ..
The gloat ohjem of th is putalcame , Is, to OUT be
fore prsetical men and students nen an amoent of
Unwed.] ad sclentlfie knowledge, In • cendensed
form, as gall cable them to work to the bed advan
tage, ad to avoid those mistakes which ashyought
otherwise comout. The mount of send Inftwuration
thee brosght together Le elmeat beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there is hardly enraidest
within no range which is not trawl with seta !Leo
neu and pronto, that even a man of the mat ot,h•
nary capacity eanuot fall of understandinglyand
thus learning from it mach which it Is important for
hi to know. , A
Thep ailman are, In short, determined, regard's,.
arms, to Make the won as comedown. marble; and
it is hoped ovary ono derirous to tibiae the week will
procure tuts (need Is numbers. and thus enaturage
the entorpfiee. k.
The work will he Issued in seed-monthly otthibare,
commencing to JOIST/TT, IWO, and will propene with
1 great replarity. _
The whole work will be eradiated in 40 nattier.,
at 25 eau wombat ad eranpleted within the ear.
rent year, Ihso. A l i b .eral discount will ha made to
g ,,,,,,,,,
Any one,raMining the publishers RIO ut withaneas
Wall roans the work through the post afloat. of
Opinions oaths Press. '
"To our n•merous Illainfacturen, blechele, So.
sincere, ad Artisans, It will be • am of er
P %h.-
ni•ldeatt , (R, I.) Journal. .
"Young men, arm yoereelves with in kno:IVA.-
We ea with confidence rammand or .
mesas themselves of Its sambas Se fast Whey ap
pear.o.-Anterica ATOTT.O.
"We unhesitatingly commend the work to &a en.
mod In or imeresurd in mechanical of al 0 ate
lain, as eminently wroth o f their wants a ad
study.A-Troy, (N. V.. 1 B t.
"It is truly a trent woo , and the publiah es de.
one the thanks of inventen, mahltdartad mere
WAISTOW. and indeed of the pasha gansendly.orN. Y.
onto Diettonery will be highly ashl to practiced
anseltanice, and visitable to .11 who Wish to aquent
. themselves with the i cr.. of invention Inth• me
m o kd rd . Da kw y p Df=fii i.
mooed as well ea precteal knowle, end thle
work will show them jut how they stana . -144Mbea
(Meal Advertiser.
We take It to be jut the work that worseartka.
deeds dour hitelligemineeltenles Ma desired pa
ws. Po ample are its dascriputins, and se fall and
arum Itsripecificanom, tau to We= 10 TT AIO TOT
mechanic might conoset =Touchiest it deo es, au
the emngth DIM amnesiacs and inetreetionam;44. V.
Commsrad Admin..
"All interested La nachanics should avail that
alas of its advantaase-fieloalkill, Wan,' Jam
"A work of extensive practical etility and =to
pomace ad value to the rapidly inennuang us
of the country. We resod the wort to eminently
calenlated to promote the cease of selenee Od the
mechanical ens, ad to dissentinate•Maable inthrota
non on th ese ablecten-Forner and Mediate.
"Practical men 10 all the varied walks of medial.
cal and manufaenning indesirmagineeting. fee" will
find in this work • unarm which it will be .lo their
profit to poesesen-Troy Dolly M ug. ..
haveuarchtll7 Ported ate n".&e.. , t b ''''
no berdation In staying that it is the ben wor or me.
ebanies, tradesmen.
and acientille men, ever► blish.
ed, for it amain, minim information on every branch
of the ausehanical arts and annees, espraand to •
style and language intelligible to aareader of ordi
nary capaity. , -Glacemer, Mao,/ news
"We an sure we sae doing the meakentes df Nor
wich Ind other parts of Comecticat a service by
bringing the work to Unit auentionn-Noterich,
---- • ^-"A.-r- ~
"NI ;um such• work as evert mechanic should
possesa."—Freeman's /auto&
Wo consider it coo of the mot useful and 1.4k.r... ,
publication sof rim.. No mechanic ean Wk. to
without W.—Newark, (N. J.,)Commereial Cowries.
(I.ri all the various publications having (eight , ob
ject the eaten:teen and advancement a/the Mecham.
eel tins .d sciences, none that we beve seen, it so
toll of promise Linen—Buffalo Com:Ady.
it is the hest and cheapest wort eserolterid to the
rticaftfie and practical e gret
maxi mesbiato. Th•
pietas sip bcettufelly executed..—Wathington Otte
“Tins great Dictionary is one of the molt awful
monks ever published faryears, nnd the kietprice at
which tt sold mt. it acceptable to all..—dosri ,
4 We regard rtes one of Utmost eamprubetraive and
...limbic, es wen as cheapens moths ever prttilithed.“
—Ualtireare Advertiser.
-Ought to he made by every one Cermet to hoop
pace with theprogreas clan sod science thee.) ono
of the lat. of cleaned life,' —Rondeas
.Nt designe d after the priaelpie of Use's (ketone
ry, Self that it Is more devoted to the escebameal and
engineering profession., and above all. •.•
..complishing for America what Dr. (meta. for
Koos., yin describing Amens. matibutery sod
wor i t i a . of=de i t a entilic
rate, la cking al what M e et tainett rit " etle p lt d it%irre ' r,th ' al
use who hes the intawn to trth awaited,
steed be deterred from procuring al zed averygne who
does so, will Ind thot he hes lak a condenseirlene au
=pant of insusetice which would be obtabled,if at
eft, only . by the purchase of very many solver' —N.
Y. Grinner end Tognirer.
°Mu romprehmertenes with which the written.
are treated, t. admirable manner in which tit. are
Ma'am., conspire to make this one of the 0,4 desi
rable wartan—Democratte Review.
"Me work should be inthe hands of every meeh.le,
arts., and menatecurer, especially these whip have
the least wired*. to excel to their respecatl busi
nesses. We have earsfelly tied it, with s riew of
recommending it to inventor. Ta them srigtroeld
say In the Won langsage of tlis lisbiat "It is"—
Dahlman, inventor. , Journal.
Nadia up all Propnstora Nes=hrosglussi
the Muted Siatas and
If the forespring adverriument le inserted 64 timea
during the lone, and tits paper contemn it •CA as,
• copy of the work will be sent gratis in payttent
Containing seir Mercury, not te 'srou .
1. IF. following testimonial wee given by Me cele•
bested Dr. Wooster Beach. the nuthorof the great
medical wont entitled "Vie American Premier, o.
Medicine and Family Pliyaielen."
'Baring been made acquainted with the ittterim
which compose bisAllieter's All•llealing Menem
and baring prescribed scA tested it in sever cases is
my private ;nutter, I bane ..o hesitation in Mules or
certifying Mal it is • Vegetable Remedy, =MOO'S
p i t
no miner substance whatever, Mat Its I Menu
combined as they are, and tired as direr by the
Proprietor, an not only harmless ,
being a truly OCiOntifte Remedy of great n and I
cheerfully recommend it as • compoun d lob has
door much gaol, and which la ad led to cure of
a great variety of cues. Though I have nevarelthet
recommended or engaged In the sale of wan mech.
eines, mart\ for the truly honest, conscientiotio, ho.
mime character of the Proprietor of this flintmem,
and the value of bls discovery. oblige me Warty the.
utu r Lb . rv o ll , J , lta i
2,1.1846. W. BRACiItD. D.^
BURNS.-11 is ant of the best things in
for Boma.
PlLES.—Thossands ase r ;# and by I. OW
went. It never fails in let
For Tamers, /Seen, and a kinds of Bee. , II he
riralhrs/ o re
rent, knew Oa value Lanus. of
Swollen or Bore Breast, they would slwayll apply it
In saeh ewe, if nsed according to direetionS, it give*
relief in a very few boars.
*rotted the bog are directions fanning fitetAllistert
Oinunent for Scrofula, Liver Complitint, /Erysipelas,
Teller, Chilblain, Scald Bead, Sore EyeigdasineY,
Sore Throat, Bronelutes, Nervous Affeettop Pak.,
Diu.. of the Spine, Head Ache, asthma alhess,
Ear /Who, Barna, Corns, all Dtseues of the in, Sore
Lips, Piraplea to., Swelling of the Litoki, Sores,
gtheiniustismPlies, Cold Peet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Arse In the P. 0., A.
From tho Reading EsalA
Then was !savor, perhaps, a M ed icine bronght be.
fore Ma public, that has In so short • time yeah seek, •
reistalls. s MoAlllmer's All-Healing or World
Solve. Almost every perms Wm has madiabisl of It
se warmly In Its psalm. One Owl bred cared , by
Iponke warmly In to .-
It of the most painfol mernisol, soother elf the p* ,, , ,
• third of • troublesome paln In the side, • fourth
swellinOn the limbs, &o. If It does not ere imme.
dime relief, In 00017 cam, it can do no Mid?, being
or t i slnVier ov i iLnee of the wondernst healing pow
er possessed by this solve, we
,sablein the follounng
certificate, frem a respectable citizen of Idedsnereek
township, in thiseountr
Naldencreek, Berke 00., March 34, ISM.
Stases. Ritter & desire to inform you that
coma from you. !suffered *holt for about VO leers,
and at night was nimble to sleep. During Mu unto I
teed truism remedies, which were presenbed tor ma
by physicians andotherpersous,wllhout reesivlngstoy
relief, and at last made nial of this Salve, with a re.
Bolt favorable beyond elpectation. lam now enure•
ly free from the pain, and ruby at night peaceful
and sweet Weep. I have also used tho Salyz &locator
maths . elm and other complaint., with smiler happy
mains You Mend, Jona llothiasern.
Sole Proprietor of tea above Medicine.
Principal Mee, No 92 North Third sutelPhilads I.
Lavern to rernsonom—S. A. FabucaNk
earner et Wood and First 01.1 Wm. JOtcen, N 1
110 Liberty mooch k Wilcozar Miner of .Market
street arid the Diantotid, also {inner of,Phrarth and
flunthfield streets; J. IL Caesel,comer of Walnut and
Penn street : 4 ;7 Ward; sod sold al the SeNonent In
=aid . 34 door from Second.
tyby R. P. Schwastiandealeiglsse
di% elie ,i n=eV i k fi e l lreaori J. LIVID .
S . n,prPlwl• COT; N. 8.-Dowinin Co., sad
J. T. , mew._ krill • John Basile) Row vet, rN
John Chet, Jr., POlniunh; HembrighlW Erwin,
iteehestsr. f lisodl7
ru, • —riamikrolia.
—Tha aln of man? Verson* I, disfigured 'lna
etwptiona, as pimple s, morphew, fee., and whom
is merely a divesee et the akin, as it to lu nlacty
nine eau. ono of every bledred, it to very easily m
itoses& Jules Ilasere Nymph Sup to =prewar
adapted to diseases of the skin, as a net, directly
noon the Waste pores which corer its mutate,
aleansing these from impurities, and by Its baDatme
p= T izall . ng ., •: ., td erroedlegehtf
akin son, and
.. d
Persona who have been in the habit of axing ordi
nary •Olp. sail be astonialled at the beautiful elect
ymduen by the Nymph Soap, in Impanal• delicate
bleookpreventing the neck, face, 0 ,b.,,,d, to . 0,,,
ping, allaying all trritation, and removing all ratan.-
Ocul mpuon , It pass/taxa, an exonieite perfume, and
is entirely devoid of all alkaltne properties, rendering
combo only - ilaScle which ear. be aced with safety sa ng
comfort in the
• •• • ••
All those whose faces at necks are liellictred with
pimples, blotches, nth. murphew, Ac, should mote
trial of hales tlauel's Nymph Soso, as the posprictor
pOlitiVey scare. them, wet Its lise will reader the
=Ott discolored skto VIM`, the mu ghe., skin smooth,
and the most encased skin healthy, puss, and bloom
l'igics Reuel , . Nymph Bony is the only article which
will adectually produce the shove effects in so short
• Um, and the 0,-ly one which u et the same time all
powerful and entirely harmless. Prepared only by
JULES HAIM, Perfumer and Chemist,
120 Chestnut attest, Phila.
For mile wholesale end retail by B. A. Fahneetoek
& Co., and R. P. Sellers. Pittsburgh; and John Bar
on/ and J. Mitchell, Allegheny elly, Pa.
AGOOD hlahogiany Fla. Forte, G octaves,
second head---- •• .... —.4100 00
A handsome uprighi PIZ., with Powwow]
Furniture, 0 octave, and in Good order • too OS
A plain 01 octavo Ibisaii• • • •• . •-• • •• 45 A
A go./ betave Plano •• • .. ...... 75 ory
A goal 54 octave Dana, ynin lisodemee furni
For ..It by 5411151 it MELLOR
ma deal Wood n
itiiitglic Night Light.
IVERCF.DIND the Wooded Fkrits, um/ Letup lo•
0 combustible. Murebt , ecouomloce the od, and pree
pent. 4111uon, heretofore fru much objected to in all
Mbar do L. One table spoonlul of the common
anima, Win 11.1 Nine iio.ll,ot any farther tanath
aoeotditut to the additionel quantity of oil.
Reiteaved via (pr .ale LY JOIIN D MOROAN
JUST RECEIVER, at the Pittsburgh Family
eery and Tea Wareiwooet
• cues Fresh ()yowl, inun cans,
6 do Plekled to. to kit lc.;
do do tub in pint do.
The above Plash Oysters are parboiled, anti pot up
in a WWI ponoentreird soup, anointed In hermetical
ly Mated cans. and will keep mutt latigai than tboto
pat so In the ordinary way.
For rale, wholc”le and retell, by
Win A NlceitUitti A Co,
coffin owl Liberty st
Oraal AMmaininAu ftleiabanicat Work.
DeAPPLETON & ‘l3 , New York, hays In course
of_publicanon, to sutt.epttec twenty Imre cram
dtte . bLll RIRTIONARN if Machine, klachanius, En
gine wan, and Eneoteenng; deatened for Practical
Working Man, and IhOrr intruded tomb., tfugthaentig
Profirs•Mn. Mord by Olivet Byrne
This work in of later non sire, and will contain two
thousand poems/1J upwerds of tit thousand Illusuai
Bons. It will present working drawings and descrip
tion. of the moat Important machines in the United
&ales. Independent of the results of American In
genuity, it will contain complete practical treatise. On
MaChaniar, achinery, iVort, and Engineer
in; rite all Mat ie useful in more then one thousand
doll worth of folio volumes, magatines and other
books. Su numbers received, and for sale by the
R 1101 . 1:1NS,_
'girl t h Apollo Betiding; Wi th wt.
ohn 1 Illellor, SI
Bole Agent in Western emmiyiranta, for the sale of
°road mad liNaar• Pismo
BEGS to inform to. metoll end t d
will e musical d
that be has ;sow t nature., an receive an
for aala, doting the prem. month, the Impel.
=rialat deilrable mock of PlaitoForte* eves offered
for sole la the went—moor, the namber vie be found
a Nino of
Saperbly ear,. Rdro wood fltheid Plano Fortes,
with all the recent lundoactueuts tn otethanlsth an d
style of exterior.
Splentildly carved Rote wood wren OctaTO lease
Plano Fortes, amts.., the Elisabeth. utd
illl ethic.
With a levee eta- t .7 al. the venous style. of Pm.
no Fetus, veep., pin,. truth 1270 to
theyM .4
11 . 10C0, 0 Mared to• Mr 07,tekeTIZA for preset,
Pnecharate ace v..¢,,r1 ttLat the pr :en of Mr. c .. ‘E.
e rings Piano* hove beet/. 1/.4d unit continue to be. the
s e th e es at the thaeniaetory 1,1 Ramon, witllool chance
for trim...nun and orit. dett•e red sod set op in
perf m ee , t . order, iu pafi nl the. ray, araboat charge
. • --
'Them are more thins. in beaten and earth
Than are drearopt of it, philosophy...
erfalli VIRTUES ot this temera ante rente,ly, and
1, the constant application to n, to t the proprletor.
hat induced tom to have it pot an i en. , tafth I.
Gels and dtrectlona for the p
I.eneht ol e atine.
The YKTII01.51 . :1; hi 5. p.c. uted Is o m • well In Ott.
county, at• depth el snot hundred tees.. • part rasa.
dultertned article, veitheat any cheuncel change, bat
rest am flow. trine N nture , Great Lefllx, arafr That
muumuu. properne• reachinr a ount of diseasetoa
no longer • master of unces minty. There are Men?
things in the nicasi• of onto., arlilch,lf known, might
he of •1011111cIllieress m alle•fating sageritog, and re
storng the bloom m
heel. and vigor to many • suf.
feret. Long below the proprietor thosaht of puma/
it up In bonier, tt nod are pots.. lot the earn of die
ease. The wool Uhl
s o r e r fl rfereffrffr as/. fur it.
and several remark eh. olt has
it is a
sure ind.eatton ot Elf future copalmity and er.Je
eprend appltcation to the s ore ot aroma..
We do not nosh to mate a lung parade at carob
cams, m we art corsfekeue that the snedretne eats soon
woo, its way it to the hitter of there who so,fer end
wtld to be healed. Who.: we J., out elute it a
universal application in recce disease, a a:arttris,
tingly any, that in a number of C.:4room Down-, it is
a unsalled. /among these May be enutnet.i . rd —ell
sliweues of the mucous nest's., such as ataNIC
lIRONCIUTIS, CONSUNIPTION (in it. earls starl_ g e
Asthma. and all dimams of the sir iomstsgm.
cohlpf,6lPlT, SPLPYrtgo bmrtsea. or
the hadder and Kidney, rm. In the Hack or Side,
fiervints Dumas es, Neuralgia, P slay, Misr Unions . P smos,
Coat, Leywpolas, 'letter, kin,. wont., Burn., :Weld%
Brmsee, Saris, 6r., I.c la sari, ( debility re.
toiling from eaposere.or lung nod protravled cases or
mime, this medicine will bring relief. Is min set ' as
• general TUNIC and A LTERA'rI V If in tomb cases,
imparting tone and energy to the whoa fratne, ramose
Lag obstractiOns,opersiog the sluggish insmtions, whirls
Rase disease and a tartlets constitution, wfd gng
Menage.' and renewed energy to all she organs oi
Wet 'Om proprietor kitowrs of several tenser
PILIA that restated every other treatment, get well
der the am of the s o fur • short time
Moroof can be given toy person who desires it
at genuine without Ilse signature al the proprietor.
Sold by the Neptune,
KIER Canal Hulas hear tlerenth6l,
Ale by ft K. SELLERS, 57 Weal ad
eoroer Wood at. and Virginal ley; who ate hie
ricorlhelle •Poeinind hash.
Pil.l Rad..ood,
FARM trUBSCHIBEIVe! will sell Muspratt's be.
e s ballty and Mytt test Wass and !roast Makers
Soda Ash, warranted serener to any °dust br•nd
31 by tbr eleanuty old tensor boreal. for cum..., 0
ayptotrad N 0.., at four Monti, Of II ler a Ices teem
Liberty att. t
wDPCLIPITCYMC noor roAnnntaly 'teeming his
11 606n` Sid :1 of CARPET OIL CLOTHS .
Trio:minim Se, ecnApttsing in Put
t ...theoilowing,
I :ta :toper Ve o lve'Ptle g
Et "h : nd trn ,l7y*
Superfine Ingrain e.g.,.
Elva Ins
Cowawa, all wool. "
Rupe e rt.. Go do Rag
Tufted Re
Extra Wilton
udic. Door 11 ,
Sheep Mtn
14, 1 and I Tap Van Car
4-4,1 and Twill'd Carp
1.4, 1,1 and l-4 pI o C.. and Rag Carpets,
15-1 Printed Cotton Carpet..
8.4, 7-4, 6-4, 64, 4-4 and
Oil Cloth.;
64, 5-i;441, arid i Matung;
0 ineh patent 00 Cloth*
ka rtaira.
C... Tiannumas
Eattoraed Plana
I ^
Panted women
Emboased Stand
(-torn and trostiod "
Dsotaiik Slat lament
flukey Red Chlntseq
En/list Oil Cloth Table .
Coversllrown Linen entomb sloths
Brass Stair Rods;
Snot Druggett;
CI" Pet Illndlngs;
Lor and Coro Slats;
, a 'want and Skeleton Mao; 1
5 and 1-4 Green Oil Cloth
tor Minds;
11 tick stack (Rom
. - -
Crouron Pluoh;
tioarli Oil Clothr;
Woo. for Linings;
Watanid !domino.
Lf Holland for WStader;
branch tranep "
Venetian Bhnds;
DanOng for Flag.;
7-4 and .4 Tat.le Llnan;
Nutria Crarnl
Betneh Diapers;
Drown Linen Naplrt Table '
Gem. till Cloth e
SUM OIL CLOTISS iron U l e mow approved Eng.
Ilsb and American manufacturers from 12 to 26 reel
In width, which will be cut to fit roams, halls, and
vestibules of any We, or iihape.
The undamigned having Imported direct from End
land, his Velvet Pile end 'Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets, which are lit the West and tacit •legent
style. and patterns, and ord. most gorgeous colors
will he said at prices as low at they can be purchase
for in any of the eastern cilia..
Having the tarsal ...annuli or the richest and
most thattionable BRUSSELS, THREE
PLI and INURAIN CARPET'S whtch far warpaths
to unsay and cheapners of 'are a way awortment ever
before brought to title ray. ile oleo invites Steamboat.
Men anal Conch hiarmatacerere to law larg and well,
selected usortmerit of TRIMMINGS, anal oilier attacks
areaway to their buxom..
The undersigned as alsoarena for th e only Starr Rod
Murthfacaory ni Ph il adelphia, and is prepared to sell
lower than Can be purchared elsewhere to this city.
Dr••• Goods.
A. MASUN•A. CO., GO Martel !Meet, between
Third sod Fourth, are now recelvim a large as.
serunelt of Mow De Wins; ree.inn mtba, on e n.
lite new article; Palletots; Crape De Luna, Ac; watt
a large assortment of Lawn. and other Drew Good*,
of O. latest *tykes and Moll laaltiollabla color*.
• Ppar ti. .g..
PHING SELECIION.—WTI ri be received, by bra
canal stdperierns, a new and chok 01
e /101000111 0
I! P 0001,0( the Idlest French and Eaatem
in gold, chamois, at, plain and bleb color.
W, P, bIARSUALL, (late B.C. 11111,)
nd Wood strati
INAVEWadi, atmoetatedpridt me,the Whole
m rm
mile Omen, Co:llama, and Frararding busi
mraa,nry two Sane, R. N. and W. B. Waterman. Te
11.1118. eLliti MUG Will be Conducted 11Wief Mit 0
Waterman at Bona, •t the old mand,No W •
tar and el Front avec. L. e WATERM•N.
ratuagrali.l4..ea te, tare
EFINND [MIRA-A—t r ial. at
it on • SCRO m ON/lIARER Or CO
1850 EWES 1850
B°l7`gtxtrN. ;:t=pgrati"' and da-
C EltDWELLltirrsburgh,
lIIDVMEek. BlAlltt,liochelnarj`"'
1850 ii iia f E 2
Fro= putrbargA to Catoesbus and Cleveland,
tkrouellt t *e rsch ond populous counties of Cola.
b,0.n0, Crroll, Stark Tuscan:sow, Coshocton,
ltristguas, ona Fr m_
The completion of the Bandy and Beaver Canal
open. op to our dry through this RTCIII natural "Tulsa
route a direct commuthemion to th e above as well u
the etijoinitts counties of Warr c, Holmes, Moor, and
Prom thts secUan of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
hae beet , te great extent eat 06, teasegtiehea of
the high rates of transportation, which are now re.
dueed I 20. not 60 per cent.
Boats of this line will leave daily, and ran through
without transhipment. The Cana company have
bestowed upon this idle no Interest In the vapitee•
dented advantages of their charter, and thus eccured
the middle pottioas of Ohio In ordering their goods
equal inures In this advantage. Agenun
J. C. BIDWELL, Pitteburgh;
BIDWELL k. CO., Olazgow.
• R C Holmes, Spear's ALIO, Olno,• II tr. A Gu
hg y,
,ip rg
gg pos,o.; George Kestible, KUM., 0 ;
L do; Hanna, Graham & Co. New Ltsboo,.o;
Aser & Nicholls, Ilanover, 0.; Gibbets & Booty,
nerve 0 ; Speaker & Foster, do.; Joseph Pool A Co,
do.; 11011 & Bore Oneida Mills, 0.; II V Bever, de;
C B & Co, Malvern, 0; K Gray, Wayne.
E Reynolds, do; Isaac Teller, Magnolia O.;
trJ a ll o arltdulli&Co, Alagnolla, 0.; WnSHarkness, do; 1
M'Farland h Co., Sandrrille, 0; P P Lid., do; Fast,.
bulb & Steinbaugh. Belmar, A Shrives,
do ; .1 Hoffman, Massillon, O.; Cummins & Co. do ;
John Robinson, Canal Fulton, 0.; Feats A Torrey,
Cimal Borer, 0.. A Illedbty, Roscoe. L K Wars
.T.Naurark,-04,Fitch & Gale Columbus. 0; L 0 Mat.
them,Cleveland,O , Rhodes & Green, do. moyg
Transportation Company.
. 1.1 , 718 ... En011, PHILADELPHIA,
FraiihllJßG . Ia — NPSY YORE,
By Penns - Ow - ma Clals! and Rad Road.
rilltE Um. and C.n of this Lisa have been put
1 corn pets order, and with the addition of revs
new one. to e Lino, enable. or to carry a lii
oanntity of pr lice and good.
The entire sta,t of the Line is owned and cow
sJ be the henna tot s.
HARRIS fr LEECH, No 13 South Thrt4 at,
And al ale Tobacco Watei.o.l., DOCh at,
Dbl adeptoa, Da 1
No lit North We rt Battatoro,
OFFICE:, No 7t et New Tata,
D LF.ECII & CO, Cana Dario . Dean et,
..rl3 DM.Ltigh
_ _
nee= 1850.
CLARK, PARKS b. CO, Roahattar, Pa., Propr'..
Office nor Smithfield and Water Ea, Pittsburgh.
Cleveland, Ohio.
mills well known Line are moaned to transport
freight and Passengers from PITTSBURGH and
CLEVELAND, to any point on the Ciuml and Lakes.
The facilities of the Una are anarpened to samba.-
quality and capacity of Boats, experience of captain
arid efficiency of Agent.
One Bow leave" Piusbargh and Cleveland rat
slog in cormecoon with • Line of Steam Lints b.
priTsuuncii and BEAVER, and We
Brat clan Steam 8.., Propellers an d Vont!
the Laken
Clark, Parts & Co, Rod:roar, Pa:
E N Parks & Co, Yntota•Wwfi ,
B Taylor, Warms &
A & N Clark. NeWloo Fella, 0;
I Bunton & Co, Ravenna, CI,
Kent, Grinnell & Co, Frankirs, 0,
H A Miller, Cuyahoga Falb, 0;
Wheeler, Lee & Co, Ahron,
Chamberlin, Cramford.& Co, Cleveland, 0,
Hubbard & Co, tialadasty, 0;
Peotham A Boon, Toledo, O;
A Co, Detroit, Minh;
Wllllame A Co, hlllwankle, Wls,
Marfa, A, Dutton, P.aeine, Win;
George A Cobb., Chicago, Ill;
Thomas Hale C h icago, 111.
.030 comer Water and Smithfield
ilaME§ 1850.
HE Proprietor. of Ode old and well known Line
would inform the pulihe th at they are now In op
eration for the present mason: and hare es_mtnitnecd
reeetring Freight end Passengers, whiehhey
folly prepared to Carry en aP points on the Canal end
At the lowest rem. One of the Dons of the Line
will be connivently at the landing, below klonottgatini ,
Units, so centre freiht.
OBoe, roe Water and Penahlield ra, Plusher/Os.
.• • •
htt W l Cun rce & Co o , P New k C i ale, Pa
W C hiatus, stharont
Shot psharg;
Wick. Ache. toe*, tlreenvilis,
Wm Henry, Ilartstown;
Wm Power, Conneautvillo;
John Hearn A Co, Enei
John & Co, Eladalo,N V. corns
Poriabll• Bast Limo,
irarza 1850 .1111 Ra
"I% f.tOPOW.TION Or 1111.1.1
Toinims Bomommt. j ITrorrva & CPCiroma,
Porladolphia. Ptltskurgh.
T I~F: Cu al being now open, P
Line and,TEITII ` LV; th o.;
gouda. receivi sg
ng and forwarding Merchandise and
Produce at low mu, and with the - promptness, nor
talaw, and safety, peraltor to their motion. and mode
of transportation, where
transhipment to
avoided, with the ronsequent delay. and probabdity
of damage.
Merchandise and Produce shipped cant or weat,.d
1.1111. of Lading forwarded free of charge foreommis
lion, advaneing, Or storage. Haling
inrest di
' reedy or indirectly in steamboats, that of the owners
is solely consulted wheo shipping their gondk.
All eammmea man.lo OW following agent. prompt•
Is mtandad tut'
Nome Markel street, Philadelphia.
Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh
John MeCullogh h Co, (IS Noah at 13.114 P. B. Boo;
Co. Dusne ot, Boston, W. &J. T. Tayseett &Ca
to South st, New York; James Wheelwright, llnr3sel
amilimo so .
I:loll,ll4MPlttstrwrgh an astern ass
The Canal being now open, we are reedy to receive
and forward promptly, produce •nd roerchandize east
rind west.
Freights always at lowest rates, ehergml by matron.
Produce aa nd s mrchandtse wtil Le meelved and for.
warded welt, without any charge for for
warding or adiranciet Height, commission or storage.
Bill. of lading forwarded, and all direettone faith
tally attended to.
Address or apply ta, WM. BINGHAM,
Canal Stun, roe Liberty mod Wayne .14, Prusburgh.
No 160, Marker ft, betweesath & Phil'a.
No 162, North (toward It. Baltimore
meld No 10. West ter, New York
Motto• to our Patton&
1111 e deceue of Lite active B
partner, 0 Philadelphia
ithe late Janie. N Davajprodtteca ho intorrupo
. .
ougneos—aangemenio - have been made chilch
aivolves the 'same rr Interest. precisely, which Alva
heretofore ruined. The business is continued under
me same name and firm, Ml:
/mum M DAM. I Co., Philadelphia;
JoMi 111•Funan s. Co., Pluaborgh.
The continuance of the patronage of oar OfiLsy respectfully aollcited. If any person. have
..kmands against the Concern, fikelf 11MS requeoced to
p aunt them forthwith for payment.
Pirmlutryh, Apn l 10, 1 50. JOHN hPFADEN,
kleStrnal a Cor.
1 , ./ Iraxtinted
easoOtagode saw Uanattaute• Oidkaa
ighItANKDEN & CO. ominous to bring persons
rem any pan of Engbmd, Inland. Scotland r r
Wales, upon the most liberal tams, with the
anal punetuanty and attention to the wants and con.
fort of erelong - rants We do not allow oar p.m:mem XI
Do robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the ma-
DoT, as we take charge of them the moment they ric
tnerriselves, and tee to their well being, and de.
mein h theta without any detention
one o ne
We say this fearlessly, as we defy of our omen.
gers to show that they wendetained en h... by us in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • an detained
months, until they could be scut in some Id emit, of •
th e p nme, which too (Momently proved mein coffins.
Nr - e, intend to perform oar contracts amenably, eost
hat It may, and not set a. was the ease last telpon,
with ether ollicers,--who either performed not all, or
when it muted Wets convenience.
Dra p a y able at Pittsburgh for any ales froM LI to
moo at any of the ptoviceinl Beaks in Ire-
I gn d, Scotland and Wala..
El re .. h ugrelao w A g W en e ,
1411011:5 -17 la pipes Ilandy—Otad,l7llpay,
pipes 11•11.4161 o;
5 est. N E Num;
too Lbl. Wbislty; lor sale by
••• • ui btrr.711V1.5,57,,
IL A. Paha k Co.,
111,1LESALE ORUGOISTS, corner or First and
wV if Wood streets, offer fur vale, on favorable terms'
114/ Whtting; 500 lb. Cub. Ammonia,
MI do Alum; SMI do Assaf/mods;
AM do Dye WouJr, Me do Crude Tartar;
:5 Jo Lampblack; 500 do Liquorice Root;
.do do Von. Red, ISO do Blab Mom;
e do Camphor, 150 Jo Red Precipitate;
to do Span. Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer.;
vu do fellow Ochre; 15 do do Eng.;
IV do Iltitomotte; WO do Bucher Leaves;
- d do Cloves; stO do Rhubarb Root;
3 do Mom. Flowers; 100 do
14 cams Ref. Borax; WM do Gentian do;
125 do Caadle Soap; SO do Sal Rocheele .
15 do ?roman Bluer 231/ do Soldlits Min ter.;
10 do Cale. Magnesia; 500 do Pored Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Omen; SW do do Slip. Flro;
sdo do Yellow; 100 do do O. Amble
do Ara Vermillom 100 1/o do Llq. Root
Allem/5s Band Papers 10 0 do do baloPi
45 buffs Sicily Sumac; 1.50 do do ALCayenne
25 bee. Bottle Corks; 200 do Solpk. Zinoi
75 or Solph. Morphia; 1210 do Bat Tin;
1200 lb. Cape Alma; 200 do Tamarid.;
1010 do Bi-ChromPotaab;lso do Quick Silver;
.2301 do Pink Boot; 2W do Oran* Peel;
15011 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Coe eat;
1190 do Cream Tartar; 20 do Hyd Potash;
SMI do Tommie Arid; CA do Kum
ice do Unt Urm; do 011110 MUM Lotter
feb24 l eldwltMT
‘j o6s Cibk "I""ted
IllaTJaillies Marlowla Plaid nati. 4 . o ..
11.13,PASED ander the immedime eue of the M-
E ventor,and established for upwards of thirty years.
Title ele.firlpreparation is reconunendedd in WI
the molt h ned l e ti elj,=l n f ti e a clt form to
blagnetia may, and Indeed the only ono irt which it
ought to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of
the Magnesia now in general use,witbout being liable
like It, to fermi dangerous 'concretions In die bowels,
lt effectually care.. hesimburn 'without Inliming
coats of the stomach, as soda,
bonates are known to do; It prevents the food of in
fants turning eider; in all eases it sets as a pleasing
tperient. and is peculiarly adapted to females.
B ible combinations with uric acid milts in oases of
and groom, therby counteracting their inlermat
ney, when other alkalies, and even Magnesia
had failed.
Fniet, air Philip Crampton, lien, Surgeon General
calla Army in Ireland:—
"Dear Sir—There can he no doubt that Magnerm
may be administered more safely in the form of a con
centrated solution than In substance; for this, and
many other masons, I am of opinion that the Fluid
Magnesia is a very valuable addition to oar Malaria
Sir Jones Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr R eght, mid
111“ars.Gutliric and Herbert Mayo, of London, suing-
IT recommend Murray's Fluid Magnesia, as being in
finitely morn sate and convenient the' Boi.d, and
free (rem the danger attending the consiti.t use of
soda or potass.
For sale by the importer's and proprietor's agents,
Cur. of Woad ft (
Frans the Vegeta:ft:Kingdom, to repel 01.56133.1
Dr. 0 nysott , e Extract or Yellow Doak
and BareaperlllA.
COIL, conompuon, scrofula, cry/4p01., rherattatlso.,
giurb, , lty . e r r e . ornpluint., seine) affeeticiu, ulcer., ag
ruiltagnoro, rush of blood to Ike 'head, it: vet and
agu , (male complaint., icuerol debility, risapcp
oas of appetite, headache, colds, co.tivcce..,
graral, night meat., cholle, organic affectanio,
palpitation of the heart, bile., pain* In 11,. side,
chest, back, ice.
It I...lnfallible in all! dimea.e. arming from an =-
pure ate of the blood. or ungular am um of the eye.
In I,e Vegetable Kingdom, no Alper., Being ha.
dopes Led plum nod herbs congenial to our confetti•
Kong, sod adapted to he cute ot .110,ofc, and to the
Vega Me kingdom does the reason or moo,. Well a
the in tent aunt Mg, torn for entelotts to pain.
Tb Syrup is a ectoderm compound.of the most ear
gable plane in nature, entirely free from deleteriMrg
nervating mineral submancer, end es ltexp •
from the eystrm, Imprint vigor end strength
Dammam, Nov. 17, 1,16
Do. 611lsonr —SD: 1 tender my ....ere Thank.
We great benefit 1 hare derived from The Use of yo
valuable strop. 1 Love been troubled very bad eei
eh in I did iiut pay mudb burnt/on to it at brat rap
peeing it to be nothing but at, erupt that appear
00 perroilit he t It finally began to increase, until
*fitted to do .aot part ot" the head. I applied in •
phyrtenion who attended bin all to no purpo.c. I bad
tried every thing that mold be tried 1 cane yoin w r•
. .
up of Yellow Dock and litlsspatills, and et:mein. ed
tO uselot I lasts that Yellow Dock was one of the
Most valuable Rhueles in the world for the blood. I
Sonia your Syrup and fwci the are of one bottle, I
could see • areal Moulin al my system. I command
PS use it lama I was a well mau. I nose feel like •
new person; my blood a perfectly cleansed and free
km all imp Hies, There Is not a question but tha
your newly discovered compound Is for superior t
any sarsaparilla syrup ever told.
This certlficale to at your disposal to publish a rot
like, and any one you may refer to me I shall be hap
py to ipso Mem all the information I eau about my
rankly your obedient servant,
Gutman G. Jonimon,
117 Market weal
lie twat female medictne known "rt Extract c
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla m pas •e, speedy
and permanent aura for all. complalote incident t
Its mild, alterative oropernee render It pet:ulnaly
applicable to the slender and delis.x conethunon of
the female. It a unnvalled m it. edema uponsuch
di ea as incipient coneumpuon, barrenness, lea
corrlinea, or whites, irregular menstruation, tneordt
once of urine, and general prostration orthe eysfeM;
It mem elliately coa
nter.. lint distreming nom..
neas and lassuude so common to the female frame,
and Imparts an energy and huogancy a. surpnamtg a.
wry are grateful. We have evidence on file whifh
induces; us str.fMrty Id recobendeful thismedicine to
married people who have not been blasted wt. ot
Clot Arr . Unlit, or Falling of th
ew Womb, of Ave
ears' standing, cared by Do
. Guul Extract of
Yellow Dock and Senaparilla, after every other
known remedy had teen tried witlibut relief.
Warruiratorr, Ohio, Feb., 1019
Thir emotes that my wife, aged 27 years, hex
been •rletlng under the ahovc complaint for five
years- nearly all of diet time confined to tier bed.
have for lour years eoestontly employei the beet toed
teal talent foal could be procu - ed lottuaaectlen of the
country, without any benefit whatever.. I have afro
purchased every matrument recommeoded for or
cure of such, all of wtoch proved worthless
le the sprow of tele, I was mduced by soy friend
to try Dr ilaywrols Yellow Eiffel. and S.reepantla
which was used for 1001 . tuoutl• Atter the Lieu are
it for about t o ur week, II was evident to oil thist
• •
yr. Imprormg, mod Iron/ tht. nine nite mannr,: rap
Idly, and gamed Ilesb and ritexhrth, until the doteave
war entirely removed, and sire to now enjoyihr; tonal
el eellem health - 010111 NIIINFORT
We Letna neight.ors of Wm and Jahn bloht...rt.
know that the above se to the toekr.clel
?lonian, a II 5 . t r .e cure Lama effected 1.,
peon.Uo Voliow Whit anti .l. Sar•aparilla, Le 11110117
MA 1L.A.11
Great Owes of Coolossaptloat•
BAWL - lON, January 2. lOU.
Mr Dennett—Rear thr e great benefit which I
have deemed from your Ex act of Yellow Doer and
Sathaparalla,induces ma, as an Me of justice, to make
the following statement:
After wasting for two art from gene a. detafity
which finally tenninatc , l in consumption, I was given
op by my friends and physician...L. beyou,l au! 01
uedictur. As • last tow., I isa• oulut ed to I t
your Extract, and fins tag guyed Lod two butte, Re-
ontros to pout directions, I am comely well. .1
would thereturui earnestly tesonimend your unequal.
Compound to the aftinoted who ..I.lf< a powerful,
iceman arid tale remedy lit bully your Mend,
M w Arm
None pentane unless put up in large. aydlltu bottles,
f0111.0.1/11111 • quart, •hd the name of the syfilp blown
to glass, with the •Igl.llltt SF. Limb
it on the outside wrebp, Prwe pet I.olllel o,
los bottles for CI
it is sold by 1. D Pith, cumel of rOOlll. and Thu
nut streets, Cancan:mu, Ohio, lie., al Aetna tor the
South and West, to whom all ostlers must Le address
Caster IL Utu • ludoun 1 Cu Water
lord, Ulm A eirlllo., Cruuiluguilie, Abel Totten,
Montrose Hiram hith. Towanda, Robert Roy, Well ,
Lo' Roderiek, Callenslude; L Jr Pots
burgh, rower of Market U.. 6.1.4 thu Diamond.
medicines of the day."
!inattlit 5..11, Ohio, Nay"21,164U.
R E Sel
ma l think Might, kir ihe benefit of others,
to state so facts th i
nk relation to your ser ellnFmily Medicines.
I have ailed your Vernauge largely /II my own
family, one vial frequently expelling large quentider.
(say 100 to RR worms) from two children. have
also used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my
family, and they i ave. in every instance, produced
the elect. desired.
As I am engaged In merchandising, I SW abl b to
state, that I have yet to hose of the first failure nowhere
your medicines has e been used in en y section of the
country. In conclusion, I may state that they are the
medicines of the day, and me destined to bare It very
Menefee popularity. Yuma,
Prepared and sold by If, E SELLERS, N 0 25 Wood
Meet, and sold by Druggists generany in the two
else. and •ICIMIY )V7
dinar, eole of &whits, Liypip<las and U
by dot wle u•c of Ur'. tam
IJ Sy r44b,
I Med LLEns ei• is s
icines ot the dal.”
(nybyuyey syby.b., Ohio, May luau.
R E.:icily:sr I think It right for Ma benefit of others
to state some farm in relation to Nut excellent Falai.
ty Medicines.
I have NM 7. sr
largely ni nay own No,
Ily, one alai fro v eently answering for erpellingl ge
quantities taty Ito 0001 worm. from two child.. I
have aim seed your Liver rills and Cavan Syrup an
my family, and they have In every inetunce produced
the elect dmnred.
A. I am engaged m meretraudising, I ani INN to
mate that I One yet to hear if the first failure where
your medictne. have been used in my moron of the
cont.'', in conclusion, ITy mate that they are Ne
medicines et the day, and ar dosu very
ned ... hare a ve
a/Lenitive. papulanty Yo St. es
. 11. pinata.
Prepared and mod by R. 1 t itS,NoI7 Wood
street, and sold by Ontykti enerally in the two ci•
Oct and vicinity. wadi
U tr ue
or only true, and plane Liver PIE
Saone Cumin, Ohio county, Va. t
D arch 06th, 10111. t
Air. IL E. Sellers: Deaf Sir—,k stunk it a duty I owe
to you and to the poblie genera ty,m state that I have
been afEicted with the Liver Complaint for a lout
ume, and so badly that an abets. formed and broke,
which left me in a very low mate. Having heard ot
your ea :emitted Liver Pillebeing for We by A R
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. F.. Smith, I coueldeed to give Meth
a fur trial. I purehmed one box, and found them to
last what they are recommended, THE BEST LI.
VEIL PILL EVER USED, and aßer taking four bore.
p I find the dmeme ha. entirely left m, and am now
erfectly w el l. Respectfully yours e
West Liberty, March
I certify that I asa personally aequainmd with 111
• ,and ran bear testimony to the truth ot . the
abnee A II SHARP
Teerennin' Liver Pills are prepared and sold by
E 9 LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
tattle nro aides.
TO THEPUIII.IO.—The °Aerial, only true and can.
Mae Lieu Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and harm
name stamped in black wal upon the lid of each
boo, and hie m enet.* .the eataide mrapper—ali
others are counterfeits, or base imitations.
a • 11l R E SELLERS, Proprietor
Justrac'4, au iniailice of full Jewelled ram
cur Wair.bes, IB Citrell fine elms, which I c•fl sell
low UlOllO7 and Wily fine doling, arid WEITTLIIIed
tree{ good
eplendtd saacitticient of JEWELRY, cc
"r"U.the ntrioua
N, d riLuetacltisMiayllac,rsuonddhl"
EISSEV, FLAGGING 6 Cu, hamoit anointed to
give then core atte e ntion to the sale of domestic
Woolen and Cotton floods, nom oder their large
stook of 'ration' planning% Vesungs French and
German Cloths, elm...metes, fie. at first east.
ea 129,W00d at
UST fled, an C egiant plain Renee/node act. } . 1014.
from he cel.brated manufactory of Nunn. d.
Clark, N. Y., el turner tune, and very moderate price
For sale by U. KLEBER,
delft a.l. W. Woodwelbt.
VV for remov g Tenet, ticurvy t Canker out .1.
eobstances daunt Uve to the Teeth. It la deltctouit to
the tame, cleaaelnif the mouth., boiling and .Erengthen
tng the gums, and gentling the breath.
For eale,wtole ale and Feted, by
dana R F titRLI.ERS, 9 Wood vt
50 1, 20 ,, q7 -71. ' 1 8 .:
d e: . .1.1 y . ..: ? n i o n u. Ir l i r c . re ge 1 .
' 4 pipes H hand Ole;
' Ii planet. • Jamaica Spirit.;
"4 panetteo • Old hie}, Wittakey;
75) ql coat Modelle Wine.
StO do Oporto do; 1
20 bhde Bo den.. Claret;
10 hi pips. fiparush Ned Wine;
50 boo Bordeaz Clareti:
1005151111e5% WU.;
5 lola Preach Whin Wine Vmenr Mg i
Reel easels !re , !MUM Je WIC
tale i 11:11 $ 1513 Latioll ell_
P. W. G TES ,
THESE DIES haying been adopted and highly approved in all the principal shape is New York ,
and Philadelphia, ue OW offered to mantifilieturersi machinist., Ship sustlbs,ite, with the utmost cool
fidence, as the most perfect article in use or cutting INTeWIS.
Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used, consists ilk their ...Wag a n3MI:Fr
Sczaie t whether V or acticann thread,by ores passing over the iron tohe cut, which eequire no ereedgest
or reran. preporono . u4 as the die. cut the th re ad out of Me solid in, without twang it in the Feast:
in their greater durability, rapidity, and perfection of omit; and id ro
their Simplicity arid little liability
to get out of order •
P1411...113..1 . 111a, Ang.17,1848.
-- , 311.1 Is to certify that ,11,0 Env pv,CEeud trona P.
W tistes the tight of sung his patent thee for COI.
tmg hot.. In nor opinion, his D.... much .ttia
nor to any others ene 111.11110.1nea WWI tar the
pOrptiee 01 Dotting bone
Piunwenrine. thug. 91, Ind.
Having bed P W Patent ples In use In col
stabbehment for the law ntllo worth.. lot "Ong
tone, 11. can In every' forret recommend item in
be highest terms, as we have had 511 others away,,
hey being to far *opener—considerate them 75 per
pen. b•
This le to certify that we have paretossen the nebt
to u-e, and adopted in oar Mimes rP W Gates' Pa
tent Screw Cutter, which we highly approve of. We
can do moat more week, and' we believe It will ear
pare In darability and preclalon, as mach as economy
of labor, any die. known to or
nionth,Mith day, 048.
Mom 'Tor, Asa. 1t1, f 1849.
Haring adopted W. Oates , " latent Dies" or cut
ting bolts, we tate plc/Solo In saying, that It more
town answers our expeeitalona, and hale
no bents.
uun In Riving es ourTopithon, th at It far Sleets any
other plan In present she for ra T
tting bolts.
We nave P. W. Gat...Patent Dies" for nutting
screws, and the economy Of 05101 them to $0 .Irl
donsiderabls, thibure look upon them as indispensa
ble to every establishment having any quanta,' of
semis. to cut. •
Cmcaoq hlay 10, 1010.
ORDIlatO.ll 017101, W 7011501.0,1, 6th Sept, 49.
I have putehated of W. IL Scoville. for the Uoltaii
Ewes, tte right to nit In all 'the octet:Late arid
Sir Jams. Murray's Fluid Magnesia.
lIBBAItED raider the immediate as of the Ai
senior, and established for upwards of thirty
r ca n by the profession. for removing Bile, Acidities,
and Indigestion. restating Appetite, preserving ,
moderate cam of the boels, arid eso
ditviii aeld
in Gravel and Omni 01. 0 as an easy rem edy lot les
eleknese,l.ual for the febrile affection ineklentto child
hood it is invaluable. On the velum of blegnesla •
remedial ncent it a+ anneeesioryio enlarge; but the
Fluid Preparation of 10, James Murray I. now Bic
111061 valued by the totolesaton, on it entirely wrath
use pomMihty of Maim dangerous conmenons usually
re lung from the OM of the article In powder
For wile by the Importer's and proprietor's agent, -
Car. VV.:kr tr. From at
frOBACCO-4 f j t o ue n :lll tr il ß . r d i . bgarg 1014;
20 boo Cabine 2 '. lump;
00 era A. Myers' l lb lump;
70 qr bb do *lb lama , for Well
sepil MIURA & Rf6gETSON
R•C STOCKTON has received for sale, iTnrial
of Gibbon's History of the Gael.° and Pallor
the Roman Empire.
Lilo and Lento or Thomas Campbell, in 2 vi la
Edited by Wm Beattle, M D,
Elementuy Stedaties of Moral Philosophy. By
late Rev. Sidney Smah, AL A.
Lectures on the American Felectio System of Sot.
Rory, try ITerilarran Hill, 51. D.
'talent an Vemnn; a Novel.
Tee Shoulder Knot, a tale of tie seventeenth eta
"the Scarlet Lc:ter, a ,romance. By Nathaniel
Inmenhorse. 1010
ZIEW - 144./OKSI
Lll W lllam Benue, M. D., one of his executer.
2 vole 12ino cloth.
Railway Economy: a lecture on Wenew art of
(comport, Its management, prospects, and relations,
corminetelel, [mourns!, and social, with an ekposltion
of the prooneel malts orate rottWays In operation in
the United Rmgdom, on the Continent,andln America.
BY Dianyeue Lardner, D.O.L,fsc. I Ire-Ll:quo cloth
The Past, Present,.d Future of the Republle,eruin
hoed from the Preach of A. De Ltroartirte, anther 01
"The Plerondists.” "blematre of my Youth," .12a.
0.1," ac. 1 not 12mo cloth.
Hints toward Reforms in Lectures I
other Writings, by Horace Greeley. vol lemo ela. d
The Mowry of the Confesslonal.• By Jona Henry
Pontine, D. D. Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont.
1 vol 12mo cloth.
The Conquest of Canada. By the author of ' Roche.
(Elbou Warburton, Esq ,) nols Pirso.
Lomos; • sketch of a physical description of the
Pulver.. By Alex Von IlumGoldr, translated from
He German by E riot. 1 ' r 12mo cloth
and eall of the Roman Emre.
with notes by 11. 11 Milano. Iteiner's cheap pi
t2ma, cloth. comptate it, 0 cal, at 40c per volt 4 Told
recetved tor sale by R HOPRINS
to Jrusillo litoi C tne, Foutan et
NOW, Masts
IhIOURN thee in fulness. When other friends
around thee. Conscript's departure and return.
Annie Laurie. Are we ahrunt the.. Lwar
ear Ile doeth all truces wets. Nelly eras a lade
Silver moms Grave of Wooltisgton Thou bast
wounded. We spirit Ilonl'd !eater Boy. Be kmd to
lo•edOne, al home. Cheer on ntr own 1. 99 . 9 S
1,991,1 Spring Plower Woltz, MU Walt.
141.199 Porker" alt. Solute... Polka. Betty Poll se_
Ravel Lind Polka Linda Quiekstep.
tine It from Norma
rh, above are nisi ',calved, and for sal•
• Jil LLOR,
31 Woad at
MIL W JllUlko.
J. 11. MELLOR, 81 Wood 'ova, Ads received
folleneww New Xzesie:
1 ued w "" Rec " ff C ' S
Coe Manche. 51100,110 v. thee. When other fri nt:. Oh. thoih not hers 1
mound thee The cot the htll+ . Wool thus
but aunt. Anon, kaolin- Scotch ballad. 'I harlot.,
- words by Wiz. Cool, mode hy Stephen Wolter.
thou bast %emended the 9otnt that loved Mee. The
there of Wasetington. The Irish Mother'm Lament
Old tveMon—ilummi. tooth all things well—,
Woodbury. Widow hinehtee—auvaelt The tthuage'
ot my mother—Hutchinson.. Lor• hacked MS—Lover
Weitmo—complem. 'the ki•gto Dell. The
Bride! or Weddine Polkm Jeanj Lind's Antennae
Volta. Limy Polk.. hatree American Polka. Ttp
top American Polka. La Della B11111:110reaill Polka.
Jet.) , Lind polka. The Origin... Scottish Polka—
Jalten. Saltitationblot Polka. Jomphine
Polka, Summit Polka. Rodongol Polka. The Pro.
phet Quedniles—ttleyerbeer Jenny Lind Mudrillem
the Wreath end Daisy Waltzes—Mrs Eroe.t. The
Sy telin err Soy—v•ll r a e t c o s by
DCahua g n h ty. 11)103GIL
Snout. ie Boma. Wer's m
Lommtlie Merril and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quic
' etett lyl
our...betty Plants for Nate at Ones
-L. wood Garden•
DUISTa Pine, {lovers Seedling', and 1/tetanal
1) 'Mew. are d i ff er entest and nest flavored Wan
smoogst all Ow varieties now growin
Orders addressed to tba.proprietor, West Manche*.
ter, will reertve prompt attention. 1 gIcKAIN.
- - -
Ad become an establighed and. eltutta thdlspent.
Da. able yuletide in. every well' provided °mai,
rorn It. remarkably Wholelome and untridena gnarl.
nee as • food for the healthy ea well as a diet for in,
rid dr, and also lot the anatenanee of grew leg enildren
and Infante. Tatiana made. of cooking and preparing
it are given on the wrapper. •
Though well known In the ear; It has never been
Introduced to any extent in Pittabargh. • The tobserdp.
toy have, therelote, Made avrangemeras to be eon.
*tautly aupplied 'rah it, and now oTer it to retail
bearers or funding on more favorable terns than It
his °set been sold at In Plrabergh.
at, Zfr tamely at
Al' • L.
I Ald now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, from the
well known. Nursery of DiCob N. Brown. The
rew will he delivered Cl the wharf at Pittahurgh for
1(2 per hundred. Persons whining good thrifty trees
should loser their orders mon at the Drug, Seed and
Perfumery W archon., cOlllOl . of Wood and SIAM atl.
- Ur KLESER has of
received • firm lot of Drags
ILL. Instruments of the best manufacture, select./
ny tair.nelf with great cam, for tide market, such La
Valve Trombonea,Sea (ferns, Dugle.s,Contels,Tulms,
be., aim, a fine selection of Num Braes, playing
two and Mime omen; Retinas, Aecordeons, ke. he.
Also, si eerier G Jan). and Italian Strings, and gene..
ine Neapolitan E 'String, four lengths, a splendid
ang)2 Int Third mew.
, A sovereign remedy for chlorite rheumatio afeetlens,
wenknew and lameness of moo parts of the body,
maids, horns, sores, 01 most kinde, eels. swell ings, rums, eornn and felons when first anteing.
also, the most convenient and safe sticking eerie {Pe
strengthening plosive and drafts on the feel.
nimbi Cor. Sixth b. Wood st
E Ilan all Nighti 10 pls
qll7 Days
k.k Dole) Jones; Go down to de dodUF
Cotton PtelOi
Noll T uvula Lad),
Re Rind to the LovedOntaat Home;
Row thy boat Tme Love, Ey T. Hoed;
Our way scion the sea, deem
A new medley .one by B. Covert;
Jenny Gray, music by Mellei.
Joys that were crowning, Wedding March.
God bias. the hardy marine,.• Schuylkill Walt;
Coneeriptle Departure, by W. C. Glover;
Setthila trots Home; Waimea, Steyerrearkmebe Co;
Last Rem of Sommer; may raisin. by Item
United States Polka; Ladies' Bossard, Polka;
Deanne. of hal Craekevatandrille. Lottisville
l; Doetts,Tries,p , e. -
A large assoruaent of New Moue oe hand. to width
additions are made weekly. For sale y
feb2s - J. ff. KELLOII, al Woad at.
Dlsaap Btaradatd .Hlstory.
Esbi by Mew in •0114 cloth and
.t-4 centj pri Tlitee volt received, and
tor wile by HOPKINS, •
Apia . : VApollo Buildings. Foarth I
loFbEt 7 -au bag• prime ate ana Java;
ViCanbus -40 boa mould, dlgped, and span.
CHUMS-1501,U Cram •nd Dairy;
Coati.-70 don Hemp and Manilla;
Cusia-do Maus;
Cbovu-i barrel;
C 10.1.50 d 1 Common sod half Spanish,
PbSti- • brisuid half bris alactetti,and
litsSi SU bag assorted mut,
liars-VAIO Prime Venison;
14 •
rail Sugar Cared'
S F and Manua
INS-1600S Humans an. .Capylisa,
hlabassts-th N 'Orleans;
'IS ball tall Sagat nous,
Al orrama-W7 do: ..toned oundsra;
blaccuom -50 lbs
VassuclbtaLgO lb. do
Naug-WO kegs usorted;
Pfe L n " ke3 d = ltraine
Parn-ba reams owned;
Faunal-100 lbs Hordes.;
Soari..-,50 boa Or leans nd Cast
suoaa-lO N and Clazilad;
Tu--60 paekagez Green and Black;
Toaseco-20 bra 12„ 6, & t lb lamp;
Wsse Ibuitg-50 dory atent Zink•
For urn by 1,/ WILLLI6I3 A. CO
multi • Corner of Fifikagal Wood au.
1 11 5 0 1 REED HOUSE, :111150
KEITH i as.unr.a,
Pram Square, Erie, Pa.
sad 'Annan fits, leave this how All Cu.
yea and from Steam and Packet Bean, Crate.
H. W. Urn , late cane Americas Rani, ' ate,
a. Deous, lets of the Manna Hotel, 010,
PATS/WSW KAY 8, 1847
' I •
dee ender the cnperviden el• Ws Department, P . w.
G ace' 7P &sent finny fat entung mews on Instel.tbst
having been tried in moo , the large amends and
found tp be very efficient and excellent.
A. TA.LCOTT,• Col. Ordinance.
Macao of arm
Wasatnuron, Bept- i re,t4B.
Coen&ling Gates' Patenitd Imptorement
tine screws on metal to tea valuable one, I have, by
authority of the Honorable Secrete.) , of the Navy,
parehand of the Attorneys of the Patentee, Wm. H.
fteentle, and Samuel blower, 1 W , the vied le Mae
and am said Improvement for the U. S. Nap
JOSEPH S4ITII, Chief of Baran.
In os nu by
Buffalo Worth DnIM;o:
Roue & Ashley, 26444 tdr,
110.1101 & Co, Oloueette N,
Haywood & Snyder, SeburikW Canary,
Birbeek,New lark;
flogs & Dolamater.oPlcunlx,. N. V;
11. K. Dunham &Co, New York;
De:mesa & Co, domourni Works. Bahi
V. CU., Ruhener;
Mon &_&yres New lot
Allan" Worki, do;
Pease &Murphy, do;
Wen Paint Foundry;
Noni• ft 800, Philadelpliw;
A Jenks, Breedesbursh, Ya;
Walworth k Nason, Donau and Now Vert
Lowell Machine Shop, L.,sre
Amuskeas Co, hlaneherer, N B;
Lyman & Sandler, Routh Boston,
and numerous others.
No ghlachme,lo sets dies & taps fr j to 21n. prL EMI
Nov do 8 ad ii Po lk price cab
No 3 44 4 do Ito 1, 15 •c t if int) yo Len
All orders addressed to ewes k rellial
G. B. Batton, New York, 8 i D.Marshall k 1 li: 11 = .
delphis, sod 11,11. Scoville 11 Pons, Coles" r Dia
11.11 d Taps, with or without mueldnea for using dotal;
will meet witkprompt attenon
Clll.OO. Ma ys‘lB3o. L
AL.i1611., HANNA id. Cu. bare removed Omit
Exchange (Mee In non!, trest corner of Wood
and Third • trews. anti
'.Fllg,,c7.ff.`',.h.'Pd„".".wfl'i„c`:t'ild.gribdre,.`44'ks •
& Co., was this day dnonrived by mutant consent.
The busin Wi lson, itm will be settled •
bridge, or W re , Jr.,etther of whom leacher.
Iced to ate the name or the firm in liquidation.
WM. WILmON, Jr.,
lquabstnh, Jul! I, In-Mr-114
TAB. W. Burbridge Beni. F. Inghrem have this
day unedited themse.leu ander the firm of Bur.
b t 'ashram, Le transeet a Wholesale Grocery
and t,eneral Commmelan Busmen, Jathehoaaa lately
decanted by' Burbndge, Wiken & Co, 11.6 Water st.
riusburgh, July I, 18=—Liy4
subsoribers hays tbi. day tomcod . colarmer
ship ander the firm of W & F Wilson, for the pra
m. o f trassaming the Wholesale Grocery and COM
potolon Sadness, at No VI Wood street.
Pittsburgh, 1, 1850--iy4
.L Mechante,Eset aide of the Dlamond,Pitiaborgh,
are now offering at the very lower prices for rash,
RecuSed Wblskey Gin and Demesne Brandt; also,
French Brandy, Holland Gin. Jamaica fl
doe Irish Whiskey, Rom, .h.c. Port, kla.
Champagne,Clant, Muscatel], Mena,
nide and Liston Wutes,'Wholcoale to getalL my 3
IDRINTINGI PAPER—Always on huod or made to
order, ths various I{l. of Printiol Papet, Rig
Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and Doable Crown
sues Straw Wrapping_ “ Paper Cmwo, Malmo. and
Doublepown Post Odi ratier Pasteboard to. to .
W P pIA7IBIIALL, as cdoos
ornyi7 Agent for Clinton AMU.
WOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and bar n•
ward. By Maria. .1 Mclntosh, author of "Charms
& Coanutrettarms," "To 'Dein and to be." I 'el I2mo
Latter Day Pamphlet., No I,—The prnent limn
Ely Thomas Carlysle.
CuaLtans..-Olemoir. of Lafe and Writlup of Thos.
Chalmers, 1) D., L. 4D. ?refection. on Butler's
Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory I.enates
and tour de
ases delivered in the New Collect
Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D., L. L.
trot Idirm,
Cauvot—Life of John Calvin, compiled from seam:t
oe sources, and panic (combs correspondences.
Lly Thomas II p er, with portrait. I lel 12m0.
Poo sale by R HOPKINS,
so-17 713 Apollo Delldine.,
2UGROSS roper Polka; 10 do do very ao.;
Su ms'd Redding;
le " super English Horn Redding;
Pocket Co
500 " " Wood "
1000 doe Budd Fine Ivory;
30 " Shell Side Combs
lo " per large Buirr ; do;
?On grosa azed Side Combs; roo'd and for sal. by
tebs YEAGER,IO3 Markel Cl
JOIN M• 1101.30•1 •. W. •. P4Hts.
1H E undersigned, encamor. to Amhara &
son, beg leave to Infer:ante citizen. of Pittsburgh
and publio generally, that they have rebuilt the EA.
G LE FOUNDRY and are now in MI operation, and
have part of their patterns ready for the market:—
amangat which are Cookiag Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a aplendid sir-tight Coal Stave, which to
now superceding to other elates the common :Pawl
Move. Also, a cheapooal Cooking Stave, well 51ap
....,4 for smell families., with a full monument of mato.
mon and mantel Grades We would parilnaleall in•
rite the attention of penman. building to call at our
warehonse before purchasing, and examine a .ptendid
article of enemmelled Grates, finished In fine 11w16—
clatrely now in this market.
Warehouse, No. tBl Liberty rt, oppoaita Wood M.
an.2.m.altl NICHOLSON & PAYNE.
It VERGER. Importer sod Wholesale Dea/ar in
Sign of the Gilt Comb, 109 Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa
Western Northam+ Pellut, and others visiting
Pittsburgh to purchase ' Goods, are respeetfally intritn
lcall and examine the extotruve tusortmnnt of Eng
ish, American, French and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Good. at this e.tablishinrnt are impon•
ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get
ting goods from first hands. I lame the largest assort
ment .of articles, in the variety line, in the city of
Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for cult or
city aeceptances. The shoes carols,,, to part, of
'Ace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.
Silk Cnoram,Shosl and Patent Threads, Sowing Slit,
Sc•il Cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nao.
dies and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewel ry, all kinds of
[trashes, Combs and Razor.
Pcrcusslon Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Cleats, Silk k
Cotton Purses, spectseles„Stnel Pens, Houle Sages,
Cairn Con and Balthus.
lhunile.T., Findings and Trnnanngs
Toys ni,d Fancy Goal.; tiwither wick, • large sari,-
ty of Funny and Simple DRY GOODS.
vEntEa is also agent fug the celebrateriLan
easter Combs. 11011/7
Great htsargltalt flame , Sys
.L OR Cosa hs, Cold, , Asthma and Consumption' The
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cute of the
above &scums, I. the .lIUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, diaeovered by the cerebrated Dr. Bonbon, of
London, England, and introduced Into the Dotted /taut
ander the immediate superintendence of the Invent=
The extraordinery success of ilia medicine, in the
cure of Pulmonary dim..., warrants the American
Agefit In soliciting for treatment the worm possible ea
ses that can be found in the cononmity--easee that seek
relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given up the most dimingtuatied
physicist= as confirmed and incorable. The
an Balsam has eared, and wilt core, the most
of eases. It In no quack no but o standard =
flab medicine, of known and r•dablialted efficany,
Every family in that/el:ad rates abcald be any lise
with Beaten's Ilungaien Ittisam of Life, not
eounmmet the consumpuve ndeneies of e
bat to be used as a preventive inedleino in I cues of
soh* coughs, spitting of blood, pun In the mile and
chest, irritation and wren.. of the lungs, broehltis,
deSleelty of breuting, =ono le-rer, night sweats, emaci
ation and general debi li ty, e.t.a, Ind=rsa, whooping
sough and croup.
Sold in largo borßes, at ft furbeule, with fell dm.
tiorm for the resonation of health.
Pamphlets, e
s, autu,s of English end Anted.
eau certificates, and other evidence showing the an•
equalled merits of lids great English ' Remedy, may be
obtained of she Agents, gratuitously.
For sale by It A FAIINP.SIOCII A Co. mu= o
at and Wood and Wood and rth ent. lapdkwS
Q.71 - EL - rsaig r i — M — tn
A 7 Norton& Lon Pri
Prri42lll.ll, March 17,1E147.
Me. R. E. Sellers—ln nut. eto y on and year incom
parable Cough Syrup, I beg leeruto slew, forth* be..
a, of the ....unity, that toy wife has been =Vend
times alined with a most thstressing cough.- y pa,
chased, In January limy a natne of your 57ruf, which
cured a cosign of two moons. standing. About one
monob since, the cough returned, and wits' in sevens
[dreamte could hardly , move, Do= weaknessin the
I sent for one bottle of ye= Cough Snap, and
apart of one bottle eared the coma I gaunt= other
to a journeyman who wee I, sorely afflicted, who had,
to use his own words, " ant:" enough cough candy to
Care all the Pe*. 14 Largh,c if the candy had
been es good as represented
Yoem‘reteeetfsilY. Atm= D. Hearn
prepared and sold 07 It E. SELLERS, SY Wood
ett.eer, end sold by Drueyi ds generally the two
O,NReAstNET waapatootd:
raify'i.;tinzaßOVrt_" lak'"Ps!" ho
keep. 141 hand at riteoon ' th:
west sale of the Diamond,: Alle
gheny edy, a COIIIOIIO &WWI-
Mein a 1 VetUUan DGedr also Ve
oltian i-hottere are made to or.
der In tee beet style, warranted
coital 1,. say lithe Unlual
Ma Minds can be removed with
. out Mt aid of • .crew driver.
Ravine parehased the week,
Mole, and *oat of the cabinet et
. tablishmentof Ramsay t retold.
land, I mai prepared to fa
their old easterner., so wen
the public at large, every thing in *Wilms.
Agen m cy . , Noe lVood street, Piarburgh.
. DOWN..
me •
DECIDEDLY the ebeape.t end beat Ooze In
er f b. ba p re . %Vey Tee (IT are Tea Market, aunties
Excellent Tee at • • -80 GO per lb
Sepetrglillilie• • • •-• ..... TS
The very beat- •-• • 100
Low priced, damaged, or moor Tea* ura not kept
at aloe establishment,theret., whether yon p your
self or send a child,. you •. • sure to obtain mood
article, and if the flavor or. the Tea le oolopprand,
they readily ' exchange it or ...turn the money.
Iyl9 1,10R11.13 & HA WORTH, Proprietor,.
(111ILLICOTHE BOAP—we bx, terMs
~ 4011 I • MIME& & aICIIITSON
Pulverlied Ctrs a torah,
IllEFlNlin and, ensnared of rerady far !bad, Pad.
IA die mask., Bastards, :ie.' • •
Reeve fir 4 Balled Custard. Bee dam of neii
Parr eggs, bill a tassponfrd (salt, two tablestKenfats
of refuted 111411C11-.llla the tut ell in a smell quality of
Me milk, till ft Is ;steady s salved end smooth-eadd
gas, eau Boum. co o f
simeb-eipater tam;
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POT 01007
geonomy In Tea.