idifiClLL'A-NIOVS; .1111ACEUXTT •. 'WELITX, JOREIIIR AND. FOREIGN Dill GOON, AO.lOl *aid amnia, . TNV ITE the =entice of buyers *a their large mock J. of Fresh Goods now ripening, and whirl they are PrePareit to sell on wry aceinemodating lenius We elan be conwandy receiving freak geode dun ing the arawnoind request an examlasuan of Oar slack by western merengue., and others- visiting ear dry. WE. DIC/BY. Be. 136 1611.617.111666 t, I}FAGEI teenectlult} ha intim las ianwou Mean D and customers ,host he is tut rceeleius Mane", Gui stock of CLtalitt. CAISBIIIIEBEs, and VEST- IliGlS,ot the nee, en '4lmm:tasted tot the approach• ins nial and winter sealant. elf those in want of cheap,, and good clothing. Grill Ica the lam" mom tanatontblo, and beat Stock in the W *Mtn cOliatry, nt tat. ettablialunant. sepia tsar oTiLiYstis to Pittabozgh. 1 IXHE Pcuttsylvama .Rall Road Centthany haling Completed the whole bid of railroad to klelitdayw thith, thus cottecnng the Portage Rail Med UV Johns:nen, and dots dinner by boats to Plusburgh, are now preps ' to receive and forward microbus. Mu p , produce, & ~ to and from Pittsburgh and PhDs. Ae l The _lita.Zona -wl leave the depot of the coMpenth dally for John von, there noutecting with the daily Min of cars fo Philadelphia, thus .ildwirtg the di- Livery of all freight in Philadelphia within Her day. 1 . HELL & LIGGETT Agent tat Pa It N. Co, Canal Beath, ?Matting! CRAW & HELLAS, Apart, tealo.dll . . Philadelphia. NEW LOT' OF SPLENDID PIANOS, Marna cued &India Imetnethead, tign of the Golden Harp, No Nil Third meet Immo ' If. IILEBER respectfully inionns to. Mende WO the public, that he hae just 'clothed from the nosh enth a room dg. mid •Ktenstve nuns I mon* of Pilmos at raturall mice aod prices, selected 1 ' by linnet f, tech emit one. at the celebrated lac toricel at Nunn e Clark, N. Y., and Daph aur, Pa Y., aunt of ntodart A Leatiam,N. Is j lining Bele cted the above Mote an Immense stock tort finished by the strove manna they arc witrented of sopenor gustily nil tone, and will in .11 cases Octal,! at New York fed. dry barn ?meted. Will receive • written gun may buil t each Pints; entitling theca to en eschange Gs ret w ina of name. 11 Isluad deleCti•a. Alen,. lot of spicatitt ,thistare. Irate the rectory ut &hymn 1 blunt. N. V They ad a supral. addle, Lad undimmed equal, a out *upend:, to any made to the world . Alto, a Luce leetiou of nods, Clammed. Violins, a. Bract inundate, and the litreerl and meal kOpuisl ionic, souladiiig deny l,saa't velet.radd .._°,..— _ _____.-.-. septet W•teh Flannels. N.lu2ff.',l;',,,i.",YAL:l.3lell:j-trpets" 01 e " tu o re s ,1117.pTIZ with a tall .60[114. 1 1 VI MG 41.1.1111. galahlles 01 uhya.. 0,,,a1de gaud, and Lanny, been p u rcha se fu : .. . :swathe laduarte la eau be warranted gentile. oeT Jas. SI wild - Soma. Pastskut 554... h. 834 :,'".'“74,",:j'Zi,:`,:::.f.l:`,`:." . . d ,„Vritt. ° ::. l .month, per .'Anna liseL"Esisopd,n , lleslis and sr." ship, me Pbliedelphia and Baiumore, wan-mat ed superior in both strength and quality to ally 111 lb. Martel, Mr wile at Ihr lowest prier for eath sad np prored Lille, Ly W & hl NITCIIELTatthI •11a111 Liberty %Mel Largoapply at Fall a Wester Goal. __ASV ISURCHFIELD melte the attention 411. Of Laver. to their large mock of loos ,adapted for the season, consisting In pan of— Jilt and CoPd French Merino. " Coburgs and Cu/imams, Changeable Poplin., uress Silt, and T 111,3 Sauna, Ilk and Fancy Alpacas. Super Long Shawls, Low ?Sea do. Sacking Flak' Welok, kln4liatk, and Aurena. whim and Colored. their amok or 11013SELWXF11 419 GOODS, such ae Aber ungs, Rtlow Coln bluallina, Table Dipper.. Towelling, Le, is large, and ai low trite. for quellii. Dale. wi And it to their advan tage roc...rine their stuck hefore poiebaung—attrio north cast corner of gth and Martel sts. Ott 7 tMECt=m=;=iu=l Charleston, Va., Sept 90[3 Mr. R. E. Pals lave beet:kale .0 pop. lar in all it. 'sewn ofconntcy, as very wadi to wipe reeds , writ is as a Liver or Anti. kllltoua Year., &a. JA.II A LEWIS thleirtet or Letter.) Pierchear n it recollect that R. E. Beller.. Lorer ate the original and only True and Getialue r otll, and rosy be bad at Igo 57 Wood et, and ol g lets generally to the two clues and vicinity. lUtr . • • or . goy's.* le.siesel. of Yellows Doak Mut Sarsaparilla. DDT up in the, largest sized bottles, coaxal= snort 1 - of the pure llooderu it.saparillo than any other prepare:you em. Mitch is cheducuby coutibmed wile the tbstruct of Yellow Do