The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 27, 1850, Image 1

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    'I'AULISHED IN 1786 . ,
rilliListlED BY
0. llama?.
tD flint, MR ['DOI TO
--..—57,0) per ann.
• minced rate,:
UrO _
uncut PRE..
111 T r
re 1
One. o
i'Nouparell or inn
One or re, __Jitionsi ausertlen• • • 075
15 tufo --.-• 3,00
Do three week.-- ..-• • -••••••• dpg
Ite one month--- 5,00
Dc. tyro months— —.— ;op
Dr three moms.-- Lon
• Do. , fon months •-••-••—• 10d0
sin 010111101.•.- 1200,
1)0. ' coerce months.-- .. 18,00.
Mending C/; ,, d to fires or less.) per minam• 10,ud
One Square changeable at pleasure (per &n
-yon:4 eve sive of the paper—. 7
Fn. each addition a l square, inserted over 0 000onth,
, and Wench additional squire inserted under the Year
by rates, half price.
ALMertincreents exceeding • square, and net over
litlceu lines, Lillie charged as a square and • half.
. hildlabers 'leo accountable for legal adveninments
inland the 11.11101111) chargedfor theirpublication.
Announcing candid Meg for other, to Le charged the
same an other advertisements. '
Advertisements not matted on the copy fora sped-
Sod number of nxerionts, dill Le mutinied tilt forbid,
tad payment exuciei accord.
, kite pnvilcgen of yearly advertiser. winds confined
rigidly to died regular business, ad.l. all other adver
tisements not pertaining to their regular business, as
agreed tor, io Lc paid aura.
All advertisements for charitable testilutions, fire
• • inpanice, w
ard. township and or herpu bite xneetingo.
Ad neh w t•• Le craned nalfpnee, payable strictly
Marriage notices to be charged 50 eclair
Death notices Inserted without charge, mule. scram.
(carded by funeral invitations or obituary pollen, and
hen so ac,finpanied IA peid fot. •,. i
Hegel!. advertleers. Ohl 01)01R07611GPRillij OD011101•
et Imlntrine
deeigned to ea/Tanen
don to Farm Doirecii, Concerts, et Any public enter
tairdnerds, lettere chance are made for admittance-
CI notices of Private assomationa--etery-nodee de.
terd to cull 1100111)011 tO procure eraerpnges eater/la.
n Intended to promote individual donna, can on
ly be !netted /with the muleratunding that the .11110
late be paid ler. I; Intended to be inserted in the lo
cal column, ILO same will be charged at the rate of
not len than 10 cents per line.
Thillop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price,
Tavern License Petitions, to each.
Legal and Medina advertisements to be charged at
' fall pnces
Real Estate Agents' and Auctioneers' advent.-
- meen not to he eiIiBROR under yeasty rates, bin to be
allowed discount of thirty three and one third percent.
from the amount of hills.
One 13qeure, three insartions• • —•- •-I 50
Do. each additional ineertiOo• 77
- One Square, (1U lino) ono •nrenlon— , -.50 eta.
Dd. each ruldulone msertion• -.25
All transient advertistir.enta to be Paid In advance.
. L. WI H II A T R E r 4CO ic.. Gajettc.
HMV fir: RIDDLE, JoumaL
JAMES I ' . BARR CO, Carardclit.
.10S. SNOWDEN, fderean•
RAINY, Evening Tribbne.
Premium% Dee. toblb.
,ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, bertrern
O'Haraats and Walnut. All business promptly fli
ed to. malt
A TTORAiIiS AT LAW-1.1113ne, on FoorLnlnt.l.
47.___abo ye Wend.
ITORNIri AT LAW, and Col.lllli. ni Dirt for
PennsyDania,St. Louts, Mn. • •
All eammunteallonio prempliy answered. •
• Acett.iy
ATTORNEV AT /.AR '--4/tince on Fourth greet
between 1 4 .nml,field slot l:runt, Putaborg , “
A TTORNEV And Collll,c llor at Law, and ammo,
11l dollen for Ow Stnte 01. Ponneylvania, St lamb;
Ma., Oateol Viontwah.)
Lleferennes—Pnwhornh, lion. W. Forward, jimmy
lan a Iddler, M'Candler* &Mel:lure, John rerke,
anwells A nninhir, allreohl k Inns. moth-17
• BiowELL co.,
Gl= goo.. Pa iS'ositk's Fort y Post Woo.)
Mains permanently located at this place:a new
and rib...anal Wharf Minh we are prepataft
actin and forward promptly to all points on tha r iv e r re,
and Sandy and Bearer or Ohio enrols, ft
aflawow, lone 15.—te1.,
1011 X F 4.1.111• V
. N.
.I_ll tees. No 211 Market et, Philadelphia. 3 apt
Intisbarigh Alkali ' •
DENN ETT, BERRY a. co, 111. n rst3
sfautef Sala
Bienehlne Powder., Pieria:le sr.) Sulphuric
atlas. Wsrehon.s No-- . , Ware, Aimee belost Ferry.
_ turrtlslf
Frederick Breen. . licoree Reiter.
DRALIi RrATER, Wholesale MA Rand Drug
.° girts, comer of Librrtr end i. Cllr streets, riu.
1.114 Pa: ar4
(1 A. hIcANULTY tr. CO, Forwardmg and Com
la.' attrition Merchants, Canal Damn, Pnisburgh
Pa. - . . Mt,
el H. GRANT, Whole:tale G rCecr, Comentnion and
V. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Waor at:, Plus
banrh. a
Ira horsey —Andrear.Flemme R. N. I ommg
&cONALISSION MERCHANTS—rot the soli of Dm
memic.Woolem nod Couon Good.; alro,dealer. lo
lan& of Tailors' Trimming's, No IV Woo. 1! al, 4th
door from FIAA, Pitheb rs h.
Reference—:theurs. R m. A. hill a. Co, Ilanken.
nOW&ISSION NM :CHANTS an.l Bill firokno i
la No 114 Second Jaren; rllu , litiroh. tug;
WM. 2. I.liilibli,l A.. .I. 11101.1 T.
EGLIBII k CIENNErf, (law Fandisl3, (311u:tier
t Co. Who:made Groords, C0M1111.03i012 and For
warding Afercharao, and lit Ili, I in Produce aa.l Pius
harg6 Hanaliclarcs, No. 31 Wood at., t:e... mean 21 and
34 mom. ocu
No 112 Second at, Pittsburgh.
Rum= W. rousuctrual Iwuhrla c.utihasuots
• B. W. POINI/EXTE/liki CO.,
gENERAL COMSIISSIGN and Fortwasding Mer
chants and Flour Dealers, No tqa Market .;reef,
ladelpLia. JIIS
N. llNenvh Water accts No. Is. Notth Wharves.
- IZsatlrt
D. C.hlcCam mom..
I. A. Ways., aux
Er. LW., (soccessor to Murphy ir:Wio—orliett
.uL. Cr Itel Commitsio. Merchant, for the sale of
American Woolen* Labervy, vpponita Sib et. . rebl7
HARDY, -TONES & Co., (sarcasm" to Atwo o d,
Jonas & C....)Coratalssion and Forwarding Mer
ohants, dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods,
Pituburab, Pa etchß7
P &11811A141.9
(119CTSSZOit to .510.51.. C. If !LW •
IMPORTER 17 , 0 , , In Prench and Americus F.
1 per liangiurs and tionlera, Window Shades, Ere
Ward Prints. kr. Pruttlng.Ll %Wrap
ping Paper, Na. E 7 wood street, between Fonntt street
and Litamond alley, wtal . side, Pittsburgh, Pa.
lehl3 i -
0111 AGNEW,late of the grin of Cbambers,Ag•
new k G.O , woo Id rcapecifttily inform the old cos.
lamer. sea the . Ft:Bite generally, that he will ad/Icon.
tinne . to carry on the Wren 111 m.. b0a..., in all U.
'Arledge, and is prepared to 111 all order for Apothe
curie.' Santino re, hlmcrils, Portent, Viol,,dc_., 00.,
pertaining to Ids bapinesa lit. troreboasela No gl
Market street. ledercen First A Second eis. jytdaLarti
11011 M D. MOW:AN, WEele -7 .7ri e
cc in Dye Sioirs, Paints, Out. Varnishes, kr, to.
PI Wood a erect. one door South of Diamond Alley
Pitt guargh. eel
prigs uarga7l.l..„ WholegateGrtirer, Enellamon
Merchant, and dreier in roda•c. and Plit.bergh
Illanefactarer. Noll Water . C t, Pot.berea. 4,1
1.4l•11 LIES.,, IJb Ur Viably,
BAL&111 Dic,Knv es,Ntlbolasea Utuerre.Co;rt•
gasmen Merchants, and ds•lars in Prodoes,
Water, and 107 Nom straet.. l'otsburatt:
/aka 871,Plarar ---• • • --Jump!, Dilworth.
T DILWORTIIit ,Wholesole Grocers, and
Ii • Agents rot Ile terd Powdor Co ~NO. Y 7 Wood e[.,
ttnabtirsh des-7
firmylO. -- foliftll4:ND, 4 " . t h " ."
N 0.15 Market et., thleis doom Above Third at. Pitt.
targb, will bate ronstamly on hand a well seleeted
tonment of the Lest and tiehheel hiedleheaSpeorhieh Pfe
will all an the mail reamonable terms. Phyrrelans
minding order', will to promptly atiended to, and rap•
shed with articles they may rely open as Irv:lathe.
PP , Periptients will be toesirmely and
nos y pt.:pared (ram Ih• ham matarhile, at any henna
h• day ar night. r • '
Also for sale, • larg• mink of (ma and tend Perk
=my., I• 13
.lone Richard Floyd.
& IL HASVO, 1 71.01essle Oreserletlponniseien
$l, ali:1 Dealers, Di e, RGIIII.I
Chinch Iloildines, frontlet on LlLerly,Wortd and
esurtiaen t Awl
1. A. C.cUG . IICY, Agent lac Um Late Erie an d
MiellfAitn Line to Itcaser and the Lutes.—Offic e
as the earner of Water sent AIM l avl
-.171:711ZA. IlllTtlllttOt.l, h Co.—Saccessore
Levers, Hotel:Ono at Co.; Caeoptalon :Vachon.
sect Agent.. of tta St. L.mloll.4lexte Oates Refinery
lee. 43 water !Led vi - fronl PdVddird h.
4 bcutdid,4 - Laar:a 1.1:0, Wanleaale Maginot
bi Woo.taa .
ror_t_ t tlittabOtah. apt
WatWeasla ana ctall
In Mn.,,, MA al stood Intirementt, School I,lnoa
(raper, Slateti the .I pen., goal', NOM."' Carda, an
audlontuy acncrall bl Wood a, Plua bn rat. •
Orr Nom hon. /o ~ ten tnda nt ,
etif4FIECII, (late o( Warren, ()too,' Comm...
.and tbnmara Produce renernlly.
• rent, between SmolAold and Wood, Pianbarab.
UR, & JON ES- Pornintding and Comudsaion Met
_eons, D.lert in Prodace nad Pittsburgh mane
afattared.ardcler,ennullinin, near 716 rt. up 4
• PIMP, MILL, PIT'211111174:114 PA.
KENNEEDY, CIIILD9 d CU., bl.aractoren o
vary imper.or 4-1 t 4 .l.celing, Carp. Chola, Gonnaaodyalttor 4llO-ly
Ik:A Jokn.ton k Stockton, BOOKSELLER, STA
=OMER, PRI NTETC,!..d. DINDEIL, corm of
tri Third mint, rinit , lllll. Pa. jr3D:de
THE ----- ::-PITTNIIII:-7.011
Pittsburgh City Glass Works.
W. CUNNI G7lAlt & CO.,
No 01 Market meet, between Firm and Second,
Pnlnborgh, Pa.
Ur "Particular attention paid to odd RIGS. Also,
Dealer. in FLINT - MASS, VIALS, BIeTLDS, ice.
w. C0M111611,114
.17=1( ' n. enananotax, - phalanx,
Wm_ hailer, Piffled. O. W. Ricketmn, Pittsburgh.
;ArILLER o RICRF:TGON. Wholesale Grocers, and Importers of Brandies. Wines and Seguin, Nos.
172 and 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin Erma Pius
built, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, An. Ire. con
stantly on hand.
to y
John htkGitl. Jame, D. AINDIL Walter C. Roe.
MtGILLS ROE, DTholesale Grocers and Contras-
Con hlerehants, No 104 Liberty St, Pittsburgh
•P 4
111411110X11, MLR N. IRIS..
JONES 441:1100,
MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough snags, coach and dlp
be sprlngs, iron axles, and dealers in oust
leubte castings, Are engine lamps, and coach trimmings
enersitY, comer of Ross and Flout sts-, PtuLlt2b,
J. &J. Tartlets, Commiserate naellhaterits.
1'0..11014 Levee st, N Ottawa, keep odntlantlyy on
VI hand entree Wpm:manor Brandiesof the follow.
log brands, which tbey oiler for sale ae agents for J.
Durand & Co. Bordeaux, vol Maxim, Fluted, J Du
rand A Co, Ler. hello J Damn, Coigne., Ade hl tn
tenon, A 1., Bleville, A , biondore, Jean Louis, Ae.,
fee; also, An choiGia, Bordeaux Bed and While Wines
in cubs and cases, Untitled with core by John Du rood
Je:Co; besides Champagne NVlne and Sweet Burgundy
Port. . feb7-17.
tiOLSIES ASON, No IS Market sr, second door
/,1 from corner of FOUZIA, dealers in Fomiga and
Domestic BIBS of Rechenke, Certificates or Depatit,
Bank Note. and Specie.
o . Caleletions Made on all the prin. Mel cites
hroughout Me Drifted States. um,
OF WM. SCHUCIIMANN, Thial et, opposite the
Po st-uthoe, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landerepes, Bit I
beede'Skowbtlls, Labels, Architectural and bolo
Drawings, Dusinem and Visiting Canis, etc., enEraved
or drawn on summand prmedl/1 colon, Gold, Bross
or Black, In the most approved style, and at the mob
rcroonable MICC• ocuatly
RODINcON,LITTLEaCO, u.xssLllrorpßreal
Pittsburgh. WIIOle•lie Grocers, Prixinua and
Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh
Mantrac urea. apt?
lon. WORM,. TllO4 LITTLI. NAM, t. 110111100111.
_BERT MOODE, Meholeude Grocer, Reetifying
Dianller, Beale in Produce, Pituberrh Matrfac•
rtes, and alltinda of Foreign and Domestic Minos
.nd Liq
of superiouors, No.ll L d
ol aMonongahel a lma. On henlsolate),
d a very
large stock r
whiehnstil be 'sold lore for c • my,
I. rt. 1167601.6. L. L. 0010.
REYNOLDS! SHE& Forwarding nod C0M1661-
Lrl hlcrettuts, for Ma Atle Pt urrty River Trade,
eale 16 firoecries, Produce uaburgh. !hunter
twee, and Chloride of Liam.
The highest Vice, in cub, paid at ail times for
country ragn. Cornet Penn and Irwin na apld
ROBERT DACTIEILITZb 0., liVrniiWaTetrincera,
Cottimiscbmi hterchwats, dealers in Produce and
Pittsburgh Manufacares, Liberrf Pitubarag,
117 - HOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forward/en
TV and C 00301•16.1 hlercliant, u,d Dealer in Pitts
berth hianufacntrea, No :e.trl.l.bert7 street, Plustiu
. zoo, swami:
11ACKLF:TT WHITE, Wholesale Dealers ln
0 Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Re. VI Wood
Street. Pittsburgh. apl7
la In Floor =I Prodaeo generally, and Forerardom
and Comeniaaion. Ilderuhants, Pirat S t reet and
Ile Second mmet.
r. 111 MA, r 1171.11211. =MI MCO., MAIIVIA MD.
ELLEKS R NICOLL+, Produce and General Com
0 mission Nierchunta, No. 17 Uhertyalreer, Pins.
burgh. Spero, Linseed and Lard Ode spit
- -
Q F VON gONNIIORST b CO, {VholetaleGro.
Peden to F=4§ it?:=!°:rtirl"%VebsTe'ti
Produce, harilreetiorad to their new orarolionite, told
sund,) No. canton( Front street and Chimer
Ide Diamond, Patsberth. alkt
turf Centeignon Merehrion,
Pithiburgh Manufactured Aftletet,
and 1351 Seernadl street,
['pod& Smilhheld t hushing!, singt
(ions 4-ILeoe
TJI7IIIOLESIAL eittwets, Commission Merchants,
IT and ua.le, to Prodace and Pittsburgh Mana
faelares,LYA Li rty et.,Pittatiargh, Pa, prole
F LOOR -TO s choice Family;
1.0 brl Superfine;
63 brl Fine, arriving, and for into by
Bala° ar. IRY' N
WOULD inform th e public, they have tater, the
warehouse , nreuerly ',recopied by the late Mr
Salomon Sehoyit i ll4 Seined street Slaving a large
and eout.Meneat or...thane, they would ' niche tho
atteetion ofpersons having goods to consign or store.
They will also give attention to the purchase and sale
ofNittles. Brads, Bonds, Re. ' aug7
17 . 7.11<te •
.deeetA I
NO*. 1901
L. S. W alennan• • 11. N. Wine reran • . W. H. Weerman
urHOL E t SALE GRWCEILL Cooimiaion and For.
Ty warning Merebaisi dealer. IA all nada of Pre.
duce & Yinacirgli Alaufactard an/ &gent.
for ale of Riaonond and r.rechbarg Manufactured
Eutir,, Pa
Wif:`.." l .t" d ta td Inh''imalc‘ riona n
414'r and nil
C ATIYJO b ir4
►auntie, Re ter to •
J.,Efc Et. Floyd, Llberty
W. Wallace, do
Janos Marshall do Pnlabarl E.
dly Han! Co, Wood in
rousMcFAUSA t Cu . .
Canal Ruin, peen areel, Yineboreh. znr6
N. ad: !dulcet, end fit Commerce sv, notaileibble.
Advances made, by e ether of dm aLove, an cone n
awnless( b`redime either moose. care
J. D. •---Jdtin Gait.
J. D. ARILL1&1118 & CO..
‘lr Fonvarling alad Comtois.loo Merchants, and
dealers to Coo try Produce and Pittsburgh &Loofa,
tures corner o Wood and Fifth streets, Ptitsborgb
m. IL IVl.llllms--.... _I IL McVay.
North Esc corner of Wood and Third turtle,
le.rilPrruorrou. I . A.
Wn. ii•tiLLKS, swot S. etwaleve,
W.! S. IypanWASIS, ISMS ItAireini.
sl. HAGALEI & CU. Wholeimlo Gf °coo, 18
and 20 Was,i street, iltubstratt. apl7 .
Mitt D. %kiwi, DAVID ill'eanni.ini.
WICK t hf;CANDLESS, (successors to L & 1. D.
,T Wick,) !tVholesalo Grocer., Forwarding and
Cormois elan Merchants; dealers in - Don, Nub, Gluts,
Cotton Yarns, nod Squatter:lk Manufactures general
ly, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
tkr 151711LITCHEWHEE,
Merenam+~Al{w Di
fliers, and 'AtaLnil
log Powder, fto. IMP Liber Ltgear
portrrty street, (opposite Sloth
attsol,) Plusbatib. apl7
i t 7 w.Witsiis,Wal ,chn. Jewelry, Silver over,
and 'Annan , Goods, corner of Market and
F street $ Pittsburgh, pa. N. D.—Watches and
CI eke curefolly repaired. ap l7
'OEM a. tecisin.
WM. YOUNG & Co., Dealers to Leather, Hides,
TV &e,l43Liberty street- tandrly
PWJr. e It bIceUTCEIF,ON, Witolesale
b e4:lArn .. l . r r t . P_Todann, Iron, Nail., • r nd
Pitt burgh, Lanerty ntreer.—
T aye 'akin WAL CARR tpto panaerylip with
e is m) hueinna~ ni`!Zl°mli
..1.1.,t 5 1 Po
Match lit T. _.rARKE
A Grelzra Dealers in Prod.:, Farelgn
Winer rd:ptors, Old Monosegaheln
ickd Ralf/led Wltiary.
N 0.5, Commercial Row, Liberty street,
inr3D Plusberse. P
araaran r. nimme Isamu. was 1. •• •
Zli f HANNA & CO..
(Sueeemora to Homey, Hanna b. Ca .1
in Forelprand DoinasUe Ereheuge, Ceniheme•
of Deomile, Blink Notes, and Specie—North west
corner of Woad and Third streets. Current money
received on deposiiefilght Cheeks (or rale, and
collections made on Ralfill alt the principal mint.
the United Swam.
The hlgheet premium paid for Foreign and American
Adv•ooeo made on conolgomonts of Prodocin .14
pndF.:axt. on liberal tonna. — 0p73
*N. a. n'eLeso.l
No ZS LatYty emit, atop Wood,
Hale shay • on hand a Israeassortment of Clinic&
firm:erica and Finn Teas; &lan, Forogn Frott• and
Noss, Wholesale and Retail. Dealers supplied on the
'norm terms 1111,Y1
A a Lr. I.7l.Afin ViroILK a
Vials, Dattles,isod Flasks, Series, Scotch Am,
inetal Water, Pstent—bledielne,mid Wine Bottles
I every deactipUen; also, WINDOW GLASS.
Keeps constantly Ott hand a general MT...nt of
it e alsimealtieleis. :ALDO STATIiI, as Menthes Green
'lull Peen:lies are ALL Raffia, as is the custom in
skimmer, Tilts FACTORY is MAUI TOLL aralanall, and
Will condimis in operstlon both summer and winter.
Oblate tmpeettelly solicited, and will be filled on the
shrines; notice. •
i Werehouse, Na 112 Second - street, between Wood
- mid Smithfie/d stsPittstiansh, __ , 11 22 idlY
13 - 0;;PritThle.1111111P.
~AML. P. SIIIIIVER and 01168. BARNES have
4%1 associated the:melee* together ander the
Ern of !thrives & Dame, for the triumaclion Of the
Wholesale Grotery, Produce, and Commission , bub.
um, at No IV & 132 &rood street, between Wend
AM Smithfield et. _
Ptti.hartb. Martell ISSO.—saml
THE blithest markt mice In Cu,b will be paid for
the alarm grades of Wool by
ills ti a W ibißo.lool/
, E MO , • lb. for vkle_Oy_
bcp2l It • FAHNE.WOCE k CO
TFIIS , magnifieent establishment Dente now con,
pitted and reedy for burines 5, the proprietor would
reirectrully solich :11. share ot the public patronage
Ile trusts by giving Li, full attentvin to the business,
to make the house a ideation' and comfortable resort
(or the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country
will be in wag, and every er
cttimade to •airdar the cstatilisharet worthy the
COIIIIMPIIIICG•1311 I PrPtlttnt ip,e/ligm C o mmur , it ,
The TWO SPACIOUS, HALLS, fitted for Parties,
-Concerts, Lectures, Rails, and public meetings, will
be let by the ergots, ... week, on as liberal terms as
an other is the city.
The DAR and RESTAURANT, equal io style and
beam - 710 any in the world, will be kept furnished
with Pare Wiaesi Choice Lannon, Cordials, Porters,
Ales, and all the cool, light , refreshments oldie seaSeirt.
Poultry, GUM,' FON Soup, Oyeters, and Clams,
served op In the best style.
The DINING en E CREAM SALOON, being on
the first floor, and cag y of accers, will be eon-windy
supplied with all the Lurusles end Delicacies of the
aemscuri and ILIND,WiIti 'nob subatanuals en the rootlet.
Boarding by the day, weak, or year. Dutnew or
Suppers for Individuals or taxmen, tuttirted on slum
Gentlemen with their families, visiung the ray can,
be mu:relied with'refreshmsuts oiall - t tads it nay hour
or the day.
Good Stab Ong and an extentive lavers l'.s.laLlw n
meths connected with the MIL
Entrance for Ladle. in the lee Cream and billing
Saloon, No 67 Smithfield street.
A. armisivaihr, mai p. wcrraavau, ra
VIV keep conriantly on hand or make to order the
beat article in their line at their old eland; No. 19 Si.
Clair streel; alne, at No:tai hi az art street., second 'tory,
entrance In th e Diamond. yeoman Shuttera mode to
order, and old blind• needy repaired. mop
W. & J. GLYNN, Book Blades.
NV E ortgi ' n n flYgle " :lTo e ce a t?,7'it ' sff:::: ' .%:,
we are prepared to do any work In our line will. Jr
patch. We attend to our work pervonally, -and to
(Kelton will be [teen to regard to na neatness and 41
131.1: nooks ruled to any pattern and bourol_sub
stantially. Books to nutobereor old booka bound etre
ally or repaired. Nunes patois books In gig. letter
Those that have wark in our line an invited to eal
Price. low carat II
WlGllTM:AN—Manafutater of all kinds of cot
ton and woollen maettnerly Allegheny city, Pa
The above work* being flow in fail and ...revere! 09-
am prepased to excepts orders with dispach
for all kinds of tuarktucry in cy hue, rash a. willow.,
eickers, spreaders, clank, grincimg nataLmes, flatways,
lacaning threads, looms, SVOOICII
cards, doable or single, for ofterehant or country work,
mulvv,iaeks, feed slide and hand lathesand toots In gen
eral. All kinds of shafting evade to order, or plan gm.
en for gearing factortes or mills at reasonable rhairp,
RErri v..—Kennedy, Mild. ....o.,Blaekstove. 0.11
gr. On_ Fing_Pannook r`.• Jac A Gnor
illtrattsighass,tuaar Pittsburgh.] P..
Oflro, No. 37 Water it,• team, Marla and
Wood, Pitts4urgh.
ipWlLLeonnantly keep . band a good a 3.3. 3-
meat 01 Watei of one 07•111330.11.114ClIM . and
Cupciloccuality. Wholesale and COIIIIIII Me,
ebams ire tupentfunp turnea to call no 1 ea.
.. a for naenusillei, as we are donrrained u. Den
shaapar than base Pat b•bnn 1.•• n o Hated to th• p lib
rCrettors sent by butil.accompablea by 111 e.....
pood reference, will be promptly atunded to. Mfg
C, would respectfully 'Warn.
In. the public 6.1 they have erecied a ch.' , WI
Laeock, between Fellers] sod Kaminsky street.. The,
are now making and ere prepared to receive ordel id,
*very desertpuon of vehicles, elluelic, Chariots. Ito
o li.gates, Hartong, &a., de., which froin , 11 , 11
long expertenee in the manufacture of the above work,
arid the fantlitie• they have, they reel cottb.l..ol the r ors
enabled to , do work oa the most reasonable terms with
these wanting articles lu their line.
Hosing particular ntlentuor to the aelecoon of nu",
nal., sod hewing no
ne bet competent workmen. fiber
hare no homilation in am, n, ilnetr work. We
therefore ash tho .mentio n of the poldie to Mi. Inc..,
N B. Repairing dente in 6a beet manner. and o•• the
moat leatmeelite term. - tf
54: TIMV•I
111.17A14'14 A
m " T Y iiN ' lrE w t: ' :a3 \ t ' aL7e o or . r.Z ' a I V:arde ' o: ll' I . 1,11
V TIN AND SlIFJ•rt I tioN Al.,
oath Work.
• Steam Roma boat to order
Sperial strenlioa gtorn steam Intl wort.
Hove on hands • One •Isortrusat of tlorpsr and Ursss
Kettles, Tin Ware, Le. Strausta,st Cook tug Pss rsa,
Portable Forges, 1.111.0 t 61.11—• very <a:lsmael, at
Mk for oteamboatz, 011110111 ill <enigmas, or raa road
comp antes.
e would ntaettally lona steam Mar wen and
ellen to Coll and see oar armies aro] pace. Lomat
parobas9as el ...bola.
I •I 7
Wrought wad Cast. Iron q.;/11.g
yathflE nitmeribers beg leave to Inform the public that
they bare obtained foam the Ewa ail the law and
ilonable !Walvis for Iron Railteg, both for boast..
aim eemeterim. relololll wishing to proem, b and.
some patterns will please mill athl examine; and
forth m:twelve.. Ratheg will be foraietted at the aLost•
est notice, and in the best manner, at the earn, of
['nig and Rebecca Wrath, Allegheny oily.
ang29-dif A . :LAMONT A KNOA.
BEGS leave to Inman rnen.lL and dampeners ,h.
he in gut reervelna ha new .prong •I,Lek of L.t
camp ming, all thenew,: most faLl ...tyke of C!oths, ts,sanLerel. fat,,
, eLnne•
1011 and One a.itaater ctorf,, hod et .Ith • hie
1.., gentleme , nc, t.v; It
talpo,lhte. to Jeacr.l., the Lanai, cue...,
of the .toot, the proprietor hopes all who .re ...a,
of swel, cheap, faattionable, and well CID wv
will awn hint a can, a• Math 1.4 an,k tho
the Alleghentes that tut coonate won Lt.
Tim toady made departatect
Led to •Itataea.
Kul toad contractors. country merchants, an s.
'who purchase target,. are panteular4 ins.ted h. et
the sock before purctasina , es parucola, et
tendon Is pa !J to the wholesale business in the er ,ah•
Every artirie In the telloring 'tee made to eta. r to
the most feehlottabla cod best manner, et the rho tort
MHE partnership Lerendrare elating ender the 4[lll
01 A A C BRADLEV,,•thuolved by the dect see
or Mr. C Bradley. 'rite boetneer Will re carried 0.. by
A Bradley, who Wlll settle far bestasslt or the tr.
REMOVAL—A Hammr h. removed ht. Emmert
Waretmuse from No Ito Second street, toMo 11l Woad
street, between firm and Sermsd street., to the ot are.
!Maw lately ocenpted A Berry, where be will
keep constantly on hand • general ao•ortment of Cs.,
tugs, Grates, Stoves, Cookingeloves, Sm. iv t
'ill and No.l American Blmter Mad. Mao—inc.:l
Cut Sue, rites., of all (41.4.1 , ; and Blacker:ma an.leaca
Mears, lawns on Sand and for sale, atelier al Ins 'Ea
rle Steal Works,' O'Hara siren, Filth Ward, or a, Me
°Med in rho Iron Stole of BOLLMANS &
SON, No 4, foot of Wood street, IhttaborgL
We, the undersigned, having used, With s a tire J.,
lsfaction, the Cut Steel and Files made by •i
AlcKeley, at has Phile Steel Works, In this city,
plumate in recntomendlng them as equal In gum, .1
anY v r Used by as, of foreign manufacture.
Pittsburgh, klatch 13, 1538.
. _
blannfacturers of Iran sad Nall., Pinstargb,
In. Ponders and Machinists, Plrubrwgh,
rd.afsetarera ofSprlngs, &Iles, Spring Steel and
I ttizej , a, h r i n E ts, j 72 :
Engine Builders and Illealue Card Maw:Acts,
Brass Poander, Plurtmoch, a.
M.a.faetaress of Iron and Nada Pausburge, Ps
LonomoUve Eng...42%1p Builder Putaburah, Pa
Marble Manufacturer, &fantails and Engine Build
csr2,/ er, P , lttl•ctrh. P.
Dissolution of Postai...hip.
rIMIE Partnership heretofore existing between the
sebseribere, under the hem of Chambers, Agnew
a Co., Oleo Mminfatturera was dissolved by mutual
consent, on the bonder of July, linnet. gli broom.
knowing themselves indebted to said firm are rmilueAt
rd to make payment to either of the parties, without
dd./. end all person+ buying snouted account+ with
acid hero, aro 'beyond to present them for irettlenient
immediately ' AIuiIKANHEH
Townen aud coning.. of goals arriving by
A the ":attune Portable Boat Line,. will pleavr
mite notice that they will be requited to pay freiglii
at our miniboom, areording to the receipt, In-lore
thn sooda are removed. C A hIeANULTV & cti
claims., asad — rlriiia•lingf
Iftglilledlae,. Put th clothes Into cold water and let
them seat over nigh . In the morning wnng them
oat and pat them in a • kettle of boiling waiter, to
which add the proper ton of inut pint of data to eight
gallon, of wake—stir t op and boll the whole twenty
minutes. The clothe may then be wrong out and
well rinsed in clear old salter. The parts of gin
memn that may he in at afiWil, math as welathunda
nod collars of ahtets. nay be slightly fleoilita heti.,
main& and the clothe, will he lound perfectly clean,
white and clear.
Warranted not to Injure the tweet fabric and to Five
perfect estiefacnondhr the money will he refanded.
Pod wholesale sod retail by It E SELLERS
'2iPLlT______ h 7 Wood at
Cldoelaad, Warree and Plitaliprgh
IN pursuance of a ;mull town of the Board of Direc
t tors of the and, Warren and Pitubule].
'Telegraph Company f rettocining the Secretary to mare
oat and cause to be phililished in the newspaper, along
thc line, an extant oldie financial and other affairs of
Otis company. I raboill the following Report:—
The tier of Telegraph eommences at Cleveland and
terminatel at Pittsburgh, passing through Chagrin
Flair, Franklin, Newton Falb, Warren, Youngstown,
i t t .
and Lowell, in the S ut of Ohio. and New Castle end
Roc:halter, in the S of Penneelrania i at which
piano there are nth es located Inc the receipt and
tranoulsathn or bnain ..
The whole length a the Ilse Is 149 miler-JCaphal
Stock, Nast per mule, Making a total capital swell of
1TTJ,330, of which amount MAN a held by Cilllette
won, the Ithe, and the balance to held by COMoll &
Speed, the contractnra. The above. *Mount of sub
ithriptiOnal by Cita4l2o, have been paid to Cornell A.
Spud, for which Ai, Trustees have their receipt.
„ jeg,thg . JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary.
100,000 rat Ectuoned Deck Plank;
00 1 000. feet Coal Bolt Sitlint,
iz.A t f Allarlial at Law, Ponta 81.
. ,
rllllll, eo.partnervS4 , he I.4tareen the
1 cub:L.ll6er, in the name of Vl.
on+ta , e, Barnes
th.. day,, mutual consent.
Burke h Barnes v . /11 .mile the ba , lntsa of the concern.
far w! eh ourr.o.e they ore .011,ortre.1 to It.t the :tame
of the :oueern NATHANIEL CONSTABLE . -
The undervagae4 hare this Jay •shoc.a.,l the entire*
In the tt.oue of !HAIR t: for the purpose
mantaacturing Fire Proof t.taf.ja, Vault lints, he
he , cl the eland of .he late firm ht Cana:able, Butte
AC., where they wit, be pleat,' 10 receive rho patron
age or the 0.1.1113Grl of 11.111 hoot WM inertia.
iuniu BURKE,
In retiring from the Arm of Cooslable, Burke Co.,
I with sincere pleasure reonsconeOd Mews. Burke A
Barnes to the souhdruse ant,' (neat. and the public.
110.10 tom returned from Pre Flastnro Clue., slid In
recemns large •artery of Goody, to
watch he respectfully invnes the •ilentoin or Meer h.
mu* and pedlar.. NO rt 4 Word rt. Whit_
racnaind, iron the Isrgsaonlaetonea in
Nei; York and PhiladelpOta, and also both French
agencies, the newest and most approved styles of P.-
per Hangings. together with Warders, Floe Sloan!
Prat., and Tester Taps. Inc sale at tin Wood at, be
tween Eceurth st and ilamond alley, tthccesur to
‘.. 11/11.1 i •P3
A —3 brie testreel . 7l
par wean.,
IPI and for sale by the barrel or lizrie pound at the
(Avg, Seed. and Perfumery Warehouse, corner Of
Stills red Wood Meets. a N WICIZER.9IIA
THE Mentz Manufacturing Company now tiler to
1. the public their Premium Chemical Stove Polish;
and without ”aggeration, or fear of contradiction, by
those who hoes tested it, it, far superior to
any other In the market. The consumer need have no
apprehensions of sod.' carpets, Sc., as lis m. co
position prevents a dust team arising when being ap
piled, which must be done when the Slave is cold
The quimtity required is no little p e t beau.
tiftil lame. A saving alive, fifty cent is Insured
to the consume.. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipes,
Sr., when laid away far the summer, is sure pre-
Tentative against rust. After having tried a once,
lif it accesitiblel no person will rue any bat the
Ilinintv ?Handler...og Ca posy'. Premium Charm
cal Stove Polub. Fnr sale by
rimiti Vtrtllr Montag
t'unipirity ainaply their agents
wall Hording NMI Flooring in All,' It 147 fref,lront
II in 71 ounces per .quart foot. Corrogatad Inabeet,
407, P 7 oa, for mot.. I”ldiue• and depots,
Ship :theathing, 14 from It lull pontes.
Natio, Spikes, Wile, Sligo.. Moldy, Perfo“te4 Zinc,
gine Paint, !re.
--They warrant their rectal pore, •n,I free from any
adnita tare Cl Iron, or Rh other ennetstncc, and earameno II for them uttuinetnre of nine, orfirier in
the holm. lurniolitop. na it does not rue!, le not
allteien I,y the of Prater, end In%) 1 . " 1 . 4 bd ,
paned, undj•PNIOICI
FL MI:111:11
Sampler, modrlo, pions, rimelfieetiona, atol othm
miemoolion may he 1...1 yenta
Hminnu, New Vork;
A mown, &Co Boale,
Narital. l'aorrml & ,I • loledolplas,
W. & 11. Dallm,ore,:
4 1.11/11, IrAr R Sr•gsvOt, New OrLesoli
N111,1,1110UV., itepolvin'Aion,
Onnoret .1., Now yna.
I.lege, Septet:Wirt 1,--seps:onn •
/11111 , . Alanlting I molly of Leigh Ham ; with f Tonal
." nein... GI inentl3 and comemnot•nep, / vola.
arlyle. Esher Pay Pan/Wen—No Vilion.lTc4
Ilistnry nf Des sus theGredd. By Jacob A blTolt, enlb
Juba Ilasentd, • Bidnener. Be Mr• tinnln IL
Ilietured Field Hoek of the Revelation —No 5.
- • • .
The above woria iccriaL•lihin Otorl 'Or gala by
It C STOC ouu IM.N
C., Mallet &TIIIrd Pi.
A RNOLD'S Writing FI.I,
Iloebllntl's Nape,*
A fresh let or the stove wholes toot tocelVe.l ftr
sale 11 J 1:111D &
ec2a GO Wno.l et
TAKEN conuahe, Irma tbe *team boat Pilot fibil,
.1. Pa vco gert of Bunter, marked J. Any tunformation
venting them Yrill be thunkfolly reniured.
Seale filarial fire luenranto Company,
• • •
ne t rtjusnurtg, PA.
T"' Very liburalymerinitee extended to thir- cam.
piny, havins issued policies tri Sic amount of ncur
One d a Million of Dollars, (Infirm the last
three months; in riVinietin manifestation of the ettr
motion and confidence of the radio in the IMMO of
manowoment Oil which its business is conducted
To city or codravy membrane, and owners of dwell
., and inolateft or country property. it is believed
SA company affords advantates to point of chcap•
.after, and we: only, Inferior In on Maurer.,
Company in thin country.
" - Conduct,' on me eryallable nod ',Toady improved
oyster. ofelroinfication of liiskr ‘ excludingwil weal
tloovjdvi nearing only • limited OMO9ll‘
ns' 001' ovo
ty, than precluding the frequeaCT and O
of lance Erne, and also on both the Stock and Mutual
plan, it not only po*ieases the ebeapneen end deem
ntodation of both method*, liot* S.. insured w
a puticiparion to tho Font*.
lt is under the control of We following lfimdlvl. •
John P. ttutherfoni, A. J John It. Packer,
Samna 'l' Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier, Phil. , C
wiek Robe. Kim, 1 I' RUTHERFORAP , .. , .. ,
A .7 Li I.l.Krr, 9.01 ,
A A ettICINP, Actuary
/bonen CHLee for Wedtern Pennsylvania, 54 Smith
field tweet, PalF Laligli Persons denting irdurance
. will he furnished with boots of the company. by *all.
ing at the odes. oe.l
111 Mutual Lireand Iletatb Inaurance tlaupany
ol Philadelphia, Iscorporaded by the LegisLatore
of Pennaylvanta, blotch, 110111.1 Ch.M.' perpetual.
Capital,,olM. Rarm snug Lay Putman.
Imam' Cowman, and full MI per ebett lower than the
usual rates of Life Insurance, ea the followinu C 01111•
parlaou will allow Thus, a person of the age otzu in
suring for SIUM for life, mum pay in the Girard Ill,Mi.-
Pettharlvenia. &Ph, Penn hluotal, 1111d3b; Etpatahlet
10.414; New R 41.11,14,33; New York Life, SUM; Al.
blou,110,40; Lite end Health, PhilatleVhis,Sl,M,
Ditarroas.—Smnuel D. Orrick, Challea D. Ilan, W.
F. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Mem, IL W.
Valdwm, IR hi Reeve, hl. D., Chas. 0.1.1. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. IroMonn Darker, E. 11.11aller, I.lwin
R. Coye. Prealdent—Samuel D. Onwk; Vice Presi
dent—Rol. P. Kin y; Secretary—Franc. Blackbern.
ripp ;imam. will be received, and even' iuroetnatioo
given ,y PAIINERTOCK, Agt,
- - .
Care, C-outinereial Rooms, some, of
ncer-alv Wood mad Third ,to rinaburah
rPIII3 INSURANCE CO. ot North America will
1. make permanent and limited Ins - mance tun pro
perty to this city and vicinity, and bit shipment. by
Canal, Rivera, Lain, and by Sea. The properlins
this Company are well invested, and fartush an mall
able fund for the ample indemnity of .11 patrons who
desire to be protected by insmanee.
inyl tt WM. E /ONES, Agent, 44 Water at
Firs and manna innurano..
111 HE OFFICE of the Inouranco Company of Nor
America, hair been ream,ed to No. lit Front
oast of World.
• • •
The eohnatber, Raoul for he above old and 'woo-
Mble Company, wail lame Policies on ElnildinFe and
their cootenta, and on slimmer,. of Merchandise by
Steam Banta nod other temente.
OderZl and Atlklque Furniture
57, Dr., Fclrrattinen. •
p ßfalega n l : ly b ?l b or a f:Lha il le
pleted hla erring stack o
FURNITURE, the iargeat end most vatted assertnsent
ever orered for sale to Wm elly, tompdsier wveral
setts of Rose - tenor, 111anontn• • and Duct 15'aLirrr,
carved, ornamental .d plant sellable for Parlors,
Drawing and Bed 110 oms, nil
of wediq, bo sold at
the lowest prices.
Persons desiring Furwtstre4g any cle.cnptlan, are
spectlaily Invited to call ee..l examine hi• wore, which
embraces ever) description, f the
platnest to the moat eternal and c o st ly, of which the
following comprise l a pan: •
Tete Tete :sorts; Tett a Tete Divans,
Coneerantion Chain, Eli:abet:clan Chien,
Recepiton do lcltuir XIV .1.,
Ertresioil Jo 11.1tIrt Cameo;
'hat Not,; Toilet Tral,lev,
Louis XIV Comas/Opts, Dale ol Vork.o ttusst,
no sums with hash ant II art.cliiith so•Cfli.
50 Mimes, du do,
40 An: Malmaan • l'arlot l'lsstrs
In linaesrood .10
It 1111 V. Cm. ,10 dt.
40 OM. Srai
4 Matmeno, 11,ellur do.
3ln Marble Top Cs etreTali •
do Jo do West ht•ni
Mahogany Itealstes,,l.,
It do es,
In UM {Valltut d,
t2l Cheery
'wen Is ,ge •.ortu,e,.l C0M.1.111 (:,.sirs sod ,tti,
sr rarn,tore lob 1ed...,
the stiortist notite
MI order,. 0rt,,,1,111,
1 . . 1/ 21, • .• ...4,ipplerol p,lh all
of dlshonat.., • •IleClA,st ,opoolerably
re.lured tot, e , kilt
- osvic Fon anike,
' ERN M A NI, I. A t.:T C II El/t4' PRICE:::
White Flannels. all I Toot tl'oe D.ilfai
Red do do I Iliac Detnito,,
Yellow do do . Parryliloltoreade.; all are
Blown on do nderk.l at Factor} picas.
Idlarl Satinetto ll , ral La,gselakuliog. -
Steel na....i da
Blue do Caeca. atol Stripa., aer7
Drat du ... 'a , ...r00.1• .
Billet CaalllW,To Tailors` Condi.
rani do Red Plc ,d ilttr.g, tap.. .1.,
Emory Twerd. Vest P Amt., lintkram, .
Super Mirk Broad Cloth. TallOT '; heavy do;
P.a... Draw,: do Eircoart. I-me.... C.1ia . .., a
Super Greco do - Drab Fie' ,Fr, Least do, .I i
Sop., 7,01,1 do sod ryorvlrd,
Nape, Mac I, Do< t. 5,,,. R1.a. , 1: imd Who Tape;
S.p..r Dr.h .`,..e,Fr,.. !Ilia, I Twl , l. Ural do;
Sap.: 11., ... u.l It ~..-11 . !.. L ei , ..11.1110i.,
~.1••ri il, ~
, 41t1 . 7:14 . ~..,1, n
, —:, ~1. ". • n .; o •
I ..:',., •
kli.e d, 1. , c,/. E.gurt, V <An.,.
111,, 0.. iliac. :fat,a do D4ci,dg lliavn 11,14n4 5,',..1k,
litowit /dr.., taithhf, erfiv•zi, 1, Ad
Al the Alau.s..mrera' sN.,Lato , c, No Id? Wood .
l'alltholeit Irr.ll
• •
Comer nf Stith and Woad streeat.
ittolowLnAer ZINC.
I:relcr's Amorican CompaunS,
Mrblann'o F7l2fle of Ornom;
P.ry Davis' Psin
lisiudreili • Pills, gem.,
Ayer's Cher r y Pcrioral,
Smith's Tonic Syrup;
Wistar'a Balsam of %Wild CUerry;
Rogers' Lisermorth and Tar;
Lliall'a awl Townsend's Hurray... a
Ludlum'. Specific;
agooil's Cholagingue;
Trask'a Magnetic 'hutment;
tarratu.s Panacea:
ALlcti'm N. and 8 Liniment;
BOOKS. ikcy.
Third none; opposite the Port Office. -
JL.I London Am Journal for Hatcher
Latch', Living Age, No TG;
The Valk)* Farm; or the Autotiography of en 00.
Edtten by Charles J. Peterson.
Petticoat Government; a new novel, by Mrs. Trol
Damen Templeton. Dr Ch.lcs Lever.
The Iron AlastDames' ton work, complete;
Life of Yankee HEEL
Genevieve; or Pleasant Lova and .Sorrow. By A.
De Lamar/inc.
Boston Shalrepeare No 23
FiW 1111311110 1 MAW AIUIIIO 1 •
LENNY LANE, a bean:gni FAhinpfan Song: naming
fl Ly the New Chic., Serenaders:
De watchtul and bawl.;
Dinah, Late this hand,
Tye Maiden's Tear;
Tye Rich klut's Bride;
Would 1 were with the.;
By 'ha Sad Sea Wave, as umg by Jenny Lind in
New York;
The Bird and the Maiden . Miff by Jenny Lind;
'lake troa lute, sancLy Jenny Lind:
Tut. not away; • belsulifal dant, by S. C. Falter;
Sleurhine Polka; by fitarknah,Jettny
Good Luck: Jenny et the Gat.; Losing, and Dad
worth'. very best Polka; also, new Waltzes and en'
trustee teler tom of Guitar Preceptors of best masters.
11 KLEBEtLIUI Third street.
Oeln Golden Harp.
Botts Agency for Dattabarn's Plano&
KLEOP.H :sic, pleasure in arm/mincing to the
11. public that he ha. seeded rectum, the
~,to agency for Donbas:4'e eelebreteJ ham, Forte.,
1,21 . Nesters Proneyirenta
The by Mr Dunbar:l, of tue firm of
eltodatt ADunhamearc too well and favorably known
In this OelgOborhuhl to require any comment It Ibis
time, &office it to say, that for a long time no other
pumpswere known in the %Veneto country than
Wore of Studart & Dunham and Hanna& Clark.
Mr Dtiebam, the mammal partner of the above
brie, Ism spent upwards of twenty /ma" in th
trir y of tall Wm, as practical manager and director of
the business. a year or two Mr Dunham has
bought out the manic (acuity anti appurtenances of the
firm, sad continue• to manufasture, as bstfore. in his
own ne. Dunham , . Pomo. have attained such
populantr, that in .one of the western clues, Marin . :
nati, kr “they have sold two to meat another
manufacture. They ore dirungumbed by their power
and btilhancy of tone and extraordinary durabiliiy..
N. B.—A large invoice of the above entrant Pianos
now receiving . . SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HARP..
-- fl ■wain,
D MEWED Hits day from the earl:—
la Serenade—Hehrubritt.
La Serenade—Arranged as Ham
Jeunnatm and Jeanual• for Guitar.
Virus of by gone dope--I.oater.
Away down In Cairo—locter.
Be Watchful and Beware—Glayei.
Bearden many other popular Songs and Piece,
rcpt Hen of the Golden Harp, Third at
&1411111 BOOki.
1:1 - RAJAH, Disuse, and Remedy. By Dr . Moore
14 Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. By we nails...
nLemiee *mold; ••Norainn's Bridge,. /Se, Cu.
Lifa and Conaspondones of Rob t. Smithey— put 5.
Gibbon's Rome—fith and Oth vol —.completion of lb.
work. Received and for sale by
1111 AW BOOKS.
UNGLISII GRA 11l hIA R—The English Lanynagc In
ill elements and forma, with a 4story of Its origin
and derelopcmcnt; deitatted tor use in coll Ages and
school.. Wm. C. Fenster, late professor of Rhetoric
in Amherst College.
Astronomy—The recent progress of Astronomy;
capecially In the United States. LOOMIS.
rive Tears of a Hunter'. late in the far interior of
Routh Afnea, aim nntiers et the tom , e tribes, nod
antedates of the chase Dl the lino, elephant, happen.
tunas, strafe, Atlnoretni., ite ...with illustration.. By
R(/ Cuaucanz. Re,rived for sale by
47 Market at
J •
usr rercirrd at- IL ELEIIII-311.1 Music Store, Ilt
G.lluvrtng Son.r -
In the Eye there hot the 'lean.. I Love but Thee.
The Wateher. The NV htte gind Red Rohm, Nyncy
It. 11. Ile .I‘..tth al, things wall All Is ' %%bore
re hoer the hopea I ehert.heJ Ls Sere n thle. .ep
I'..nin.l'e.ln'lrvfl4l:l. or
theg w of e '' rli e 11 " 14. 1 an t
tetetwed at Holger,: Literary Depot, Tiara :teem,
oproytte the Poet I !thee; .1.0, Men Perry, or Trlght
el the !lent.. by Olivia; tie,nge Ilentrtot. 'unnamed
Seth.lethrg hong ot Alba., hr Clemeet C. 111. re,
I. I. ,_n4 No 2,2 ul lattelre Laying Ago .1,1
A LARGI: and catriosisc assortment ii PATICeI
it METALL! , HUITISER pniong'il ie
antost endless alarm crolmarril in the 11.01111ter.l,
elan Le wand the roltotaloni—
llorsc Covers, Carria:n Cloth, Air Roils, Air l'il
lows,tAir C 124310115, Water Tobacco eonehcs,
Iltanor loots, Coats, r'are', croak.. Tarpaatins.
rrloscs. Mittens, l'ourkes, %taps, Elastic, halve,
Dear epilgs, hloopine Hslaing. Sore Vit“ters,
Machine earth., Camp Lltookeni, Paper Holders,
L. 1 1 ,1 rltteritre, Tramline logs, Isiamos Ham
lathing Mat, Dolls' Hcasia, Bag.. Lions, fladdlo
Hags, Ali 'Halls, Foot Hills, Lather' WariL Glove,
Ladies' Gum Shoes, Gent.' Gum elarres.t.eggings,ke.
Every snide cold at Hole establishment Is sir - anointed
to possess all the ellaracteristics r.enual to water .
proof goods, sir sindcr any dCKITC . of
beaL_A•Aittilicx in
. the selerect cold, gran. dtiraLltay,
odor, for Ir al ire GoWrev Rutter l:mpa[iuni,
No, st Y Warta Hirt, •
Ili 116
HOUNi ksuaN PAINTING ond t:italtnE, prompt-
It and .any executed.
N. B -WO NIA. II di', Welly onderatuo.f, that we
11/ do Punting and GlaTtne as cheap It. any treat
plotter. en the city. mod me detentinne , l to do it.
- J /IL II 4'1111.141'N
SLIAPS, At: —Jeday
b% Jo, Jttel... Clutt-dol
k towel. do, le ,811, 1.0.4 id.... Avon,..,
Pc...laq Foist , It,. whitening
I Lel . ram; 41 , 1 41,; .114,
4001 lloaay Sot,p; Ptoallott do; AO:Maine
Nat 0,1; Bone Jo; A1...a110w do;
Pogo. Jo, Brown w,lsor Jo, IlleoPe: he.
For taw, wholesale aml re tit', t , t , 8 KAFUE - HS,
.pto Y. Wood at.
.h/ PitlITiND DRY PAINTS of all kioda.c..tant.
1, it, boo Land no the brat quality, .ND, Varnish,.,
Lured Ott.. Ilot!ed Otis, Purl Broth., Nash Tool.,
We,. Vernet Nee., he. SOl3 wholetale
rottal on accommodating term.
N. 11.—All par.ns parelta.l,‘ rat.fra or Joy paints
watt wisb to Jo awl. own patilllng, Can receive the
aerenary Ulftt tinny attn.. / & 11 YIIILI.II•y
aer..l3 7 it. lt Wood .t
. .
hart aaJ levy from dm Yittillplattia Factory,
1,3 tot tat tall mut,—
414. yd. t 4 Floor thl Cloth; 'MO yds 4-4 do; NV yds
5 4 do; 54)4 yd. 54 do, Ina) yds 0-4 do, 10141 yds sheet
do, racJiain and limy y, tract 4 to 0 yard. all of
rho ha tarot style el paining, ant cul to any given sus.
.00u d. 44 Furniture Ltil Cloths; 4t o yds 54 do;
Son yds C-4 de
150 dozen usoond pace Table, 6tand, and Bantle
Cover., •1110111 padern4. and .D did
1000 41144.4 Patent Carnage Oil Cloth, 500 yd. 54
do; 501 7,1. 04 do.
MVP yds Oil Cloth Crash for Maws, assorted patimast
SW yd, 4.4 Green Ott Cloth (or Window BMWs, 300
(Mils Sd do .
Window Shsides, a large tosOtitijoht tc0 , 17:4
of imicest styles.
hlerehants and others wishing to mocha., are su•
mud to call and examine. our mrotunent of goods,
which will he sold at Ma lowest eastern prices.
septtu at 9 Wood st
Sarsaparilla Sod• k /Lamest Syrup.
00 Yeas Sarsaparilla Soda;
:0 tits Co
titi hairs L/' aMdo from pare tempo bore;
Just mommul and for sale by
WOOLLZA 00013111.
Tlf E undersigned ban on, band, and tv this day re.
calving from the manufacturers on consignment,
a large lot of Flannels, nil colors, p lain and barren;
Also, Bed Blankets, Blanket Coaung, Deaver Canna enattmerecestinetts and Tr:reeds; wlttek he will sell
by the rue or [gore, at mangfamormi. prices The
attention of dealers in woollen goo-is as invited.
anglG 139 LioertY sr.
los Plarket 6 tfugar k4b..i7r)
[arousal kIID ULLtrIIN
Satan anti Varney Vesting',
BANUANrvA, and LINEN [OAFS, general es
vorunent of VANS, and every variety of trierrnonge
T 11L SP A. Di Ait N 7OT,
F.aart ante ol the Mamma.
A 'I tht. itatabl.lonent Ihe poisbe may •I Toys de-
FL 'Pend span bent,/ ouppl.d.tlit excellent Tea. at
rxesoneble pr..7011.-MeX have
Cxcelleot Teas At • •• ..... SU 511
euper,or 40alltte; II
• per lb
Ttle T Imported • 100
d.eidenly lb. ehemp,hl and 1..1 el ol e In
I•llMt.titrh I liy Te La Al Itil A. 11 A Wit/all
IIpS Proprietors.
1.11,1 •
on Me 6.4 Al ~,,, lx, Sel , l 11 . 111,
11k.4.1 4.11'1 J V. ., cnrit ot W... 1
Rev %Vat. D flonrsr4,
tnti J Ul . m D .. lllrC lt en er t l, ll. eq.,Rev. Dr rt I .
IltrouJßev Dr. , J. D. Wt t,
,v 2z-11
NA 1111141 V gr. bUIteIIFIF.I .1,1 Inform their melon . .
IV/ ere t o t buyout generally that. In,
of workmen Lung engaged in enlarging and mum,
ing their Store Hoorn, thug have rflilflVeli their good].
to he Savour, g•ortyor a n building they occupy, until
the iinproyeenente ore !matted; when. they will lie
happy to pee their euxtourera•• usual. rind for the
I,oobie of wnitrog amen, will Ity and 'crooner..
lien by fte thug then Cheap Gonda.
iy, - r - lintraore from Fourth Witt. au a
LA WRENCF'LI IiAIR GLOVE...single. for Lathe.
do do do An for floor.
do d. do dri double.
do do .lo do Roth.
JD do :tours boo Ladies.
do do for Gent.
do do do Batik
do Deraidall 13rushe.
ImpLood and for sate by
00111 0 A FAIINCSTOCI; k to
91 3 2tOt.itiltliht—lr bap. Greeil . plo Coles,
lf4rlLbreterltsoi.: I fo ' lloPolol, G. I'.,
and Black Tea.;
lot be. se. Lump Tobacco;
10 keg. el twist do;
Lola Tanners' 011;
20 rola N. C. Tar;
lit brie No I Ilona;
UV sides Pole Lecher;
10040. Corn Oroono;
15h Las IVlndow Gino, 11111'd
240 ems Wrapping Potter;
/5 Lake Bil/UD4;
2 Renton, R. F. Indigo;
200 kegs Nail., assort e d;
(hearts Pot Ash;
With <nand tissonmont of groceries far .ale by
K •
men who are sick .3 affileted with dis
resent the bladder tindl st let rheumatic
pains in bark or limbs, a:Oron., old sores, running
Wren, he, 101 thee can 'be . need M ' taking the Pe
troleum! Yon may - lane otor t Ito be•ng a destines ati
meek as Ton Idea. Ind ibis doer at make it eo, far
we proclaim trt the face oh. honest eitimm.ity, that
lt h o vinous which vre tot contained in any Other
comedy. The mar who is racked with pain and oaf:
fenny from dictate, eon gar fiftycents. get relief from
any ollhe lllcessemsrated above. Reader! it Coats
very hale to mike a wt. This Petiole= is no Mix.
cOmpond, put rip for the purpose of imposing
on • the community; but It ia a remedy elaborated by
the master hand.of attune, and bubbles . ap from the tin.
row Of oar mother earth in its anginal parity, and of.
fur to itudering kuniatutY a beady remedy, a censdr,
and cheap care.
It b. cured PO. after other medicines him failed
standing,eder any tiller. It has cared Rheum...of long
and Of the worst end most painful character.
It has oared Cholera Aroibus.hy one or two doses; II
has cured old otmes of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy hos been of up avail. As • local remedy •In•
burns and scalds, it la bents than auy medical sots•
pound or ointment that we know of. IS will Cute eta
blunts or frosted feet, in a few applications; undoubt.
ed Itinlasony tan be furnished of the truth contained
in the above statement by calling on Samuel AI. Kier,
Canal Basin, 7th tweet; or either of the agents. '
Kayser A Idellowell, corner of Wood street and
Virgin Alley; R. E. Seller., ti 7 Wood street, Ll.
liot a 1). Al. Corry, Allegheny city, Ora the agents.,
DEAUTY—It la universally concealed that betutY le
VP more common In tins country than, to any other,
while at the same d un e it le raid Ota tin no other goon
or,i lost at ao young •n age Now this is Mee
to a thin extent, but the lows le often caused brne•
glees. We soy to ell, do not neglect your personal
Rpm:menet., but read the following, and yea need not
lack good looks- Thine snicks are scientific pre
paratione, and have all attained a With poptdatity.
Joins Ilayth!s Kan DIV= on, ViSfOi AiD finest
War, for removing ion, sunburn, pimples, Watches,
and other eruptiona of the sktm the most perfect cOn•
actuator of beadily every known. Purchase nothing
purporting to to Nymph Soap, axles, a has my name
Jos= fiscal Persian on CBINIS. Pomons,for Im
parting to the most complexion • radiant
whiteness. In nothing should • person he more Care.
fat than the use of a powder for the skin, as many . of
those sold are very injurious. My Chinese Powde r is
compounded in • scientific manner, and contains no
ingredient which can possibly in4let an injury.
Jot. llsolVi Darnall:my Pownim, for removing
superfluous hair. What is more unsightly than hair
epon the fecal or arms of a lady. This ankle will
remove it to a Short time, without the use of any sharp
Jots. Hstrzna Vooaesn. LIQUID MID On will
Instantaneous:7 impart to-red, white, or gray hair; a
beamilany black, brown, or nubs. color. It will
color the hair in& shorter time, and more effectually
than any other Dye, being al the came time indel tibia.
Jags ft....SPAM° LM/M.—it in really a plea.
Lore ID shave with this recite. There is none Vibe
maning,..nsatlon moistly ekperieneed in the ass of
most Soaps. On the contras - 7,n leaves the skin smooth
and It as an infanta, and not liable to become
Jct. Ham's DosaTivirrn Parrs.—Next to the hair,
we think the Teeth were intended as the greatestoma
ment to the human rate; bat when neglected, nothin t t
ia . 0 fialignring, or quickly seen. My Hose Too th
Pate will impart to the teeth n pearly whiteness, at
the same time karTin the gums riem and healthy.
Also on hand, a -complete &comment of Frenth,
Ilritlah, and Amene. Perfumery and Fancy article..
/MEd HAUEI„ Pertunter and Chemin, -
ID) Chestnut etrect, Phila.
For rale wholesale and retail, by H. A. Fahneatoek
& Co. ,d R. E. Sellers , Pittsburgh ; nod John Sur
gent.andanJ. MM.., Allegheny City. Pa. 11.7-2 P
- -
ea vougenth rite vroln, •fto rt,2 nen none ,
niNla cr Rhoonatleeri, Cthetiarue Cow.
news granulate. Pimple,
1, -or Pulaleg emir,* P lea,
Dletchey, !filet, Cherrath Sire ERi
yck, ng orin
or Pokier, final& Stead Eftlargenteat curd - Pain of
the Roue. and Talkie, (stubborn Ulcers, .9 yphillin
Sympftme, &Silica or Luthbrigo,—and donee/eh
arising Roca art iniudthioaggthe of Mercury, .ftel.
thelLeDropey, Erphtheo or Rupee:dente In Llici
Atee--ehreuie Ifteardenft &e.
In tars preparation we have all tie remora:lye pen•
parties of the toor combined and concentrated in
their Minos stieng th mat etheaty. ExperiPiefira
were made 10 the turieuthc ;are of lb,. medicine untie
It Was do, be improved. Accordingly,
we Sind it tele:Oki to alma. amvergally it easo of
Innon Scrofula. Liver Lima., San katurhtlefteral Prem.
.110, Vaal Power., .ml all those tormenting
drae••ey or the sloft ao truce to the lialienee, and in•
lerleut 1.• the health. it r, u tOtile elprnelit
Infeetant It Oct. earatti ithoarlr apnn rho.
the C1,:{04.‘11. add Me in,!, .1,i.11 :Mi. Liar,:
xre girr Me, r •
at. 4 et it, • eit“...
I,eleagentobi, re
Thera are way, Of i fee
toe Alm bdt there is et.iy atm nay of rtmunseg.
darroie Na prillaftee. no topinal
ere. 01,, re 're it II ninil ettiiiered it(
sour., inore Cluid• or the boa . whirr, toner. lb..
rowan., the locatriet where it to devetoped In Inflam
mation, .ore., ulotre, moron, nese ~,,, , oboist:par
swell/ea, AC., or the eche may he
Thoth rinds raugi be rek're,/, hr red upon, purif i er
Sy a
game powerfal ageri. Saab as abed I is Sand.'
Syr a: ilia, which Cattily
orator, and 'bowels all
that is 01011.1 ng, and at the gore true melons their
vigor and tore. 111 germ mei.% is that It =eel. and neutrahres the *rove principle at 4sseue mete, end
when that la goon, the gymptams accesses:yr diary
pear The rapidity 10.10 which the 'alien' reenact.
health and gwength under Ore tripple indirenne le ear
pnling Each.ew egrets] witiatogr e applied nuniaties
in the result a hew centheate of its excellence; nod
fthe hol, pelf lit point to the accumulated tesurioas
of or:altitudes who have experienced 11, elects, to
eanVillee monde:thy used of its real value.
Lieut. Miller of the army bag Vaulty seat us the
fallovring letter from California:—
Mokratory, Jae. 13, liar' leave
A. kr & IL Sands—Gerthemett—l bog leave
to add my mummy la layer of yen, inilafilable me
Menne, hoping it may lead torte °Are onfartunate
benign to try the ...icon, not tido they may he bone.
fitted so I hove hoar
r 4 - m:ell Len froth the traded Statea by the over
tend coats, about the teat of October last A few
Jerre after Iva. attacked with a very disagreeable
graption of the skin. which my physielete could not
eare. I happenedfind your Saniaparllla in a store
in tine place, and t einembeeing the popularly of the
medicine at home, I perehued three Yopine, widel
had the disited ofrovol cemprin mf Stficulty en.
444 weeds, y our", Or
J. 21
_Here is ano th er, nearer home lT, -
11.1. ER, U U.S.B
. • Vote, /lot ft, l
Messer Sands—Oeutlemen—lNria have great ple er.o. asure
in acknowledging. to yea the great beneSt I have re
fined hera the lunar yoke hareaparllia. A sobject I
of primal - tory dlgease,l griadc a voyage to Europe,
but while there ceolteurd ;2 he alitteteil. A few
week. lifter My reirtn, 1 wag seized with a violent
hcarrerharre of' the litnga, and from the debllly and
great prostration of strength _Oat _followed, with the
Pe:Seamed dthficulty of respitadon, 1 am entirely re
tiered hy the are of yore Srreaparilla, which 1 eon
alder a most important aid Ugly valuable diecokery
in the healing err 1 feel that E kayo oat tar (ounces '
year, enjoyed go good health, as at present
Nita Owners, Nov. Ili, IND.
Metres. Sandt—Gentlewen---1 take the liberty of
tending yott a letter which may be of importance to
those who are taffering as 1 have done. 1 itoetycd
great beach, from your Sanaparilla, &ivies hero
eared of a malady alter enacting itlx year.. 1 hereby
cheerfully certify to tip good .Sect of your medicine;
and I Dope (dad Yull reward yea Per all the good you
hove done. A crank.cough - had tonne, rd '
me day
and night, and repeated attacks of fever induced tile
to behave that I ahoul,l die with consumption. .One
Jay, while ruilenag a violent attack of buratto fever,
is friend peponailed me to try yotth turomparable Oh,
dieing, but to tell the troth, 1 b ail ` no confide:tee in eh
helpaly parcll el bottle, and by ria •re and the
or - Obit, I we, Teetered whetter health than I had
enjoyed rat six Swart. I cannot bin Idea, the author
or tlas admirable medicine.
With great reepeor, I am, gentlemen, your obedient
servant, FERMIN tf ROIJ PAZ
Prepared end gold, wholcolle and renal, by A. R. &
II HANDS, Deugginis and (Swatters, IVO filar. Stroh
Cllf.Per 01 ‘VIIII/Onj yua. 8.14 also by Drog•
giro generally througliuut the Coned Staid. and Cal,
a.I a. fore SI per hold, sty. 1 , 0111.11er Si
Fur ealeWll.triX,Jr.,EA lINFiSTI
& rigr., and IROVA FENDERS:II, Pitryburgly. Aogo. et malign; 11.61..ervetar Ino7tdeoil.ftwS
F;l7h-11,01%T:till): An4.}.:47orr't!.
maw rwehre.lut
isixcEut:Nt P,.fl' WINE wt weir R.B.Tn fE;i
.ale by lo6HII MORRIS h. HAWORTH
liEsi - utiTrErt--111 litg. fresh pneled.• leeeiving
and for R DA 1.Z13.1. & CO,
weld I.theely vi
et — Wke very vorr.tor
I. ground and ungrOtmil, more, lin .1. by
ovIG It DAL 7. 1 ,1.1. A co,
REAI , E-8 ELI. on band And for .1, L,l
])RI hi/ 1.1 I T
in! , n . er s• Pwtz; ..
Um steamer Calettoolw. and tor Sate We,
tißmyN & I SU".
. ..
. It s •
r) ICE —4O i rlkce l'°
r ele by
1.10 oclll JAWIFq A II OTCIIISON Zr Co
T iCLI 4. NIi BOAR ...11,!— , 0 bundle. esprled. C.,• ro se hi
10 BROWN A LUMP.% nu .
ITtr. ti RIC 7, tifr , ....IV. v ---- ,y - % } c t i. - 1 } 1. 1 : : : . f ., 1x . e . . , Cd
.41 for rale fly cell'
Soya' Battlattll.
have tece.vek a lot
IV/ or handeocuie FMK . ) , MIS.' Pannell& to, Bay&
wear; alp.), Plaid out Plain Caainnetes In great
yariciy. Merino eacilnicrer, Kentucky Je lin., Black
Tabby Ve +a hunk Out corner ur boonh
and niurtrl slreela
MURFIIY r BURCHFIELD invite attention to the
ctufacc lot of drnerie•o and Brum% Pont:, data
and of Juniblef aloLsiida!lecelyed. . Deis
I•• e.,7l.lVag=i,
arta , nor First A Wood sts.
j C o O I -otes fbsb!Bß a D l WbiNYu & l
Kr I
c R
firligetril GLISt, WORIS. -.-
. . • - . .
. .
A. 4. D. iH.. CHAMBERS,
(7...nculamEn, AGlnnr - k. cc 6) !
Would Terpeettgar qnfitrm Alm ensunnerieor the taie
flew as elm de t tabrio generally, dm Lacy - adll
eonnane the mat tam or ! -. ..
lirnsrpowe • thinsza,sowstiss.
In alltheilivirteties, at nut'Old Stand, • . • '.
Pro 13 Wood It, *mamma 'Rigel t ir otrig.• j
ig93431n % % ' J •:J% % %.
I :
Ik, knell ;Celebrated Stmedips.
. ..
DEI:JACCM a Atha discormer antole pto.
pnctor of the moat popular and ' nedielal
a:Admire/01nd; IWO/ - the. journal...W . 4k, Celebrated
l"folgerd fullfdignAll the Lm t% In effecting a ewe'
of. tr hronio . ditwasetowith g stoat.", kt 'that eminent,
Phlsivien;;DuCtorlthyitc, and Is a gradate Of the
slavvreity ofPonneylemliCaind forthirtyypan'elnce ,
EH been mugged bilge irmetigautoe." o 4e4% PM
We applicanon of repredleathensto.' .. I ,
Through the truce his iodating label ifk.otnotgf , fol.
with his roplaylache Nyman and other of tuerethedies,
Ito ,bas gamed , an- nape telelled ethinoneel in curing ,
those dleadfal an d fatal melodies; Tobernalar CAD
...ZPaa., Cancers; gerofulA-Kheartomierni As th ma,
- Fever - and Ague, Foyers of all kind., Chronic Rry•
females. ho, and ell sheen'
I bstrostet diseases Retsina to '
Indeed evely ona oldiscamveruskeuttodef
the nee of lds rowdies, to which kordanity la heir— I
not by she use of eras etnnpound only. tot thai is In.
compauble will. Ph, Ysiologicar La*, but by the One '
of b un remidies, adapted to had pitecitutill for each I
peculiar form of dititue.
Dr. Rom , . Tonic Alterative Eine when: lied are
Invariably acknowledged to be superior to, all-other,
as b o w el. gve or liver pill, inasmuch
nicey le_tl
the ptirfeetly. free (mut costivepossess
his Golden Pills us etbrducd by the funny to Possess
ghat t i rf g r e P il e g i titit i° T i larls ( s7ft l e 9 ntto "" tes ''''
ethat has been mid in =minds oi; the Most empties".
The aglieted are invited to call area the *neut. mad'
prem.,. 'moo one of the Doctor , . pamphlets, gleing ,
a detailwf account of each remedy and he auntie ciao.'
Ear sale by the fullovnng antonym; well as by wet
druggists throughout the cousin.
J behoonmaker & Clo;n1 Woad greet, PlUsblugh;
Jht Trientherid, druggim, 43 Market et, do;
Lee IL neckline", , do menthe PA} Allegrany eity;
Jo. flarkleyl'hilloit?g,B•PP!! en., f; P.
T o lPag i Ne= 7""". - do '. dt e e
fECEIVE/0 - 101. 'day, al IffeClinhick'a Caine
Watehonie, NO,' CS Fourth street, and RP Wow
ducat, a cm splendid aanituttant of Variant Goode,
cotapthdog Inpan thdfollimmingi TatletitlW--
Bine and Gold Patin Raisins;
arlet and,Crlnts ec o
n dot a
Sc and t
Seailet kn Al
4 w ki te Union Damask;
W oo Cticoeon and White do;
Orange and Blue Satin Gamut;
Ullmann and Purple di; •
Etaboaxed Turkey Red Chino, do , do;
Plain do
Ruff Window Linen; do;
Drab do' do; aa. I
The atiehe ones hang packaged direct front the'
imparters and Idanafactantra, .ba &old as cheap
a• they wis h in g fl oes y of the Cant= chins. Via ln
vue all
p ea arehouse, SS Fourth .treat .
dor atiziintiltaihn
USI N-100 brig, Hp 1, .lore and for zata by
[lno§ JOHN .WATT 16 CO
M ACKEREL-4 brio No 2
6 brla No
hf brio No 2;
- . 2 <l2 No I;
u do Nog;
" '
. .
In *tom and for We by
JAMES A torrcorsoN &co
tirklEiilND-41, be, No PraTtoro and for ~I, by
no ./Aid EN A 1111 TNIP5ON & Cf.
SUNDINt'S-4u bo Chretnuts,
doz.Woollso 20rk,9
2 bd. Batten
2logo rdo;_
pen Toir Linen, on enineintiment
_o° 3 l D Linen,
a ott
A , Bert"edtlO l 7.:LailfV d i r ' egi th r i e o
renting ' w 147,:";inf t a n
the field in a listening attitade, taking Impair from
the nigh ngale , has been received by the subseiiher.
The col ring is equal to the fiucht noniausre painutir,
and the , Fencer the mom trralthil runt cerreet of •by
Yet limo ht out. . ,•
Also, cony Idiot's Greeting to America, the Prise
Seng,-• d the celebrated Folio &intr.
It. Kuincn,
or? .
Golden Harp. tot Third PI
aliiii, 0. 0 .,A.. Dmlong a flllagyniess Tat
I 11.11E:4g are thc sere heat Black Tea. tin are ins
L lb into the Veiled titates. Morris & IlamPstlt,
Tea beaters, in the Diamond, •a selling sant Teas at
thejnve prise of Ite liar_ 14, (or earls arida
.1 . ' - P - Migittirttalita - 'LL: . ,il.379lYerk;
.11) 1 :21Zi ft ee l rit . o 17 of Win ' II r eat wort
licen received at Holmes' Literary Veot.. Thin:lls,
opposim the Post oZetti ,
DDIV6I;ABS-540 bat Az Di - •• ' • .
140 bra 10x 12;
' BO biz 10 a 11; past extra
gospel', In store and for sale bt off
.1 N WATT &00
CLO SM- - 77217
/IL ncii.
'a fors by
47 Wood ei
xs teetive
kIAG . rI/1 C411..D-9 hos received for nay by
(SARA - Wit - YNEED 2 ,-inet I.
V .8 R F. S.ELLE/L9
C IIZO3IILEI Ft.r.s!IIIO(8--Y tor iv reo'dicTr - rla Hy
IYr.,: lot by
Oto, 11
01. tiEt.Lb-Utl
L lN,stells -2A !JO. Pure, It. reed by site by
J 8 CAN 1313.8
Long Shan't..
IN are.vositty of unto and pattern, tun recenect
J. in the store of AIURFIIT H BTRCIIF/ELD
LINSEED 1011.-th ben pure countrysu.t reed for Sol by RuSIBON, LITTLE
883 Liberty.,._
• Liberty st.
HIM IVtiolow 1.1•4444
IIIIcolon( at W. aIeCLINTOCVB Carpet,
W arehaux , No SS Fourth street, and 73 Wood vt,
14 R. 83 W stout thltll. oc3
PRINTI 1 1 - PAPERT-It — in el. 14 Val:
bettAi the ortet, for zahl e ty 4" 2'ti 4 equal
to the
1140p.M.W1 1 . A.11.8-110 casks oortotbut rough, ?Erne
rota lo w close the to by....
Ri 7 - Zit
Noii — P r iciWa — ifeld - 14:0; iii.:fiZakt.,
don. '
COD FI9D=IO casks for sato bp
W k. ::% 1 ":11 st N
S Salmou,.for We by
ak bs prime (ire. km Coffee;
150paekagos assorted Tom,
• 73 las sunned Tobacco;
/0 bogs Pepper,
5 bag. Alamos;
.50 mans Cinnamon;
50 bill No 1 Chocolate;
:I eases Liqtaorico Ball;
10 tierces Oman jrnme Rlee;
cube but bladder;
S barrels Alton;
00 barrels Tanners' Oil;
50 dozen patent embalm
MO bre Corn Brooms; •
30 boots Whim Pipes;
30 bade prime N 0 npayi
00 bets do Mo a la sses;
100 brie /arms NA3 blaclteiel;
bris large No do;
5 do
50 N C Tar;Nol do,
20 Ms Paolo
50 Ms No 3 koanr
0000 lb. assotled Yelrits;
50 bal. Nol Batting;
lou begs prone Wino, Lead;
VIX) kegs neekikdi Neils;
Also, a full aslant.. or Bilisborgb manoketuted
&melee, I orliad by JOHN WATT b CO
eepl3 9iol.rliefty el
%V aaaaa tad Para Wina• and grandlea,
IRTADLE for Riede:mat Purposes. 'always on
kl hand and fur sale by the brill*, quart 0r ird/On el
arp3 ink ,k. Wow Store.
_Lem ....— Good*.
() NV I ea s e V il le , ts i lfoVltn . n 4 a b l . s7 l'i
*oases Rod do,
I ease Red twilled Flannele;
2 ease. White do do;-
:lrasa Barred du.
rases Plain ant/ Raney Oetrensterest
roe Bunnell;
:1 you ttl•n Alpiasi
I cease/tans;
1 eases 1/1110 Slam Blanket Coatinv
ruses Gray ene
2 earl. Lltsb Blankets,
I ease Blue do;
-teases Rib. Dedßlmkebli
:511 pairs Steam Boat Blankets;
Reeeteed on tOrIBIFSIZIMIL, and for side In etanufar
urers tonere by ll' LEE
13P Libbrry Wert.
dopd o erfumed Brown Windsor,
Cinnamon Bar Soa Honey Logy;'
p; ;
Philadelphia Variegaled Soap;
Pittsburgh do MI;
Comb Soap;
Ohre SollP; for sale Wholesale mhd mall by
atoll Wal ~ L AIeCIT dun
dArsv de1—a7r4.1.7-ii:..Nc-dialial.
lipahOWN Windsor Soap, Beitroie, I nay, Mark
11 Vernacular, Orienrad, Prank' and bliVa Oil Soaps
flaw Snaps aro highly salaamed Iry onpartartg
=outline. In Me akin.
Purchased from tte importer, and lb. 'lila by
sapl3 II E SELLERS, 07 1 5oral et
Ph l iC tett= IMetoktitn=k."l%.=
packing I. prepateg ;Wyatt =ldeal - en Palirentelt
Wall tot Infect u, and is 'superior IA every thing else,
as no substance has so moth elasticity *Lich stands
IA high it degree of hear, and may be used about all
Pane Ott re patinae is ateeyallat. 11*.;--lblukcd•
re a y v artl. " POr i raribgefltitW l L
• 1k Id Flnurars
Tag Woad at
VOL. , XY-01._up
rirrakCTA Acearie,rnEll '
41 .2,0,'• Clem, llyoulanma, Strumurn e a4l43:
tun., Tailmicatai Sarr2parilla,. Qulssla, Elc, , m
chits *en, and lua, 1 14 , mp. . • • .
P z r.elv , lh.d.for.Necbs ; • • -
, • - D FAMitagotgt...:Ei
Orm , Ern 1 Weed
r "r ab f gliTaitlM S"---1
It ' 'D
;itiT%WtIV . II
rieSt btrweew Wbod Motet al.
, CquAr of Wigs and
OFFER:Yor cal& of thel
m, refined, tit cases
EartetT Corn & Powd, kra
Cab. Ammon t asks &Jars
Pori. Green. In cans
Rotten Soop, in' cooks(
Floor. golphitr. do.
Castile Bola; In tar'
Ciac: hhartana do •
Cal b. dal "do
Lae Dye, Mood in Gels
Cara Iron. in has • ;
Mr& deldjitt lb bottles
Ca l iramon poise. do
Oil A%De l rliiet. do
lodide Potash do
Craiaote White do
do 11 i or:trials
lodine Rag , la lif n lb bottles
lodide Irca,ritt at villa
Conf. SenasOn lb lan
lil-Carb.Pouts&lb boulea
Moo Pill hicipio lb ran
Ref. Loudon Eng. in boo
Wood Raptiot in lb bottles
Tara Entede , '. do
Pilau& Ref& la oz vial.
Tartaric Acid, in bog •
CiPag• Untill, in kegs
OH. *KT CKSITIAAL /10177 , 111
Through 1* POUR Days
WE take Aware In announcing to the Merchants
v of PitiSburgh and the Western. hominess coma
moth/. thht be
and alter Monday, the heal et Sap
toner, no will waive and forward Dela Oil the
Central Rail !load; and puma we them to be through
In Four Days, Oar extensive stock orCsra and Boats
cuabloi us moiler the above expeditious route to the
t i v i rgr:Lwatl i ' vinla our mann lions via
hlerehauta Valaking goods hong' bt (root the East
with certainty, and- dispatch at law rater, orpredate
shipped there, invited to coil on p
&CONNOR, ATKINS CO.,.llnaburgh-
ATKINS; CONNOR h Phtladetythia,
' Proprietors of the'Vittsbu rghlbaspolitation LAW
°lithe follerpring agent., -
(Peinaiolat Co., in North street 4
K Broesill Elaunty Place. Nov Yorill
Emory KOaanyli. Doan, triestilnion.
O *Ma as owns tor R — ld.
16 Golds pairtitinue4 oh in lieu, to soli inent, with
Eh..wain S toner, for rest, in a bnehonn p t an or the
eity, by .
oche rt. between Wood h. Market.
illuspratto. Potting. Sotto ASIII..
TlLEpTergri eitt177.714r gli:Ztfr
bait goillty Citrus Mace rue' andatash'rrhila =6411
.ell at Om loyten mutat prim Inv each or MVP Nand
&11/1 W cii • ].: & MITCHEL:IR=
Li to rp
M l . l 3 ; a l :.Ll . AATß of D:l ; ;; , (zi . n , it o il a zf re tlati Ste t i g z eri,
the Congo, oldhltabnrigh end rittraheny r that he has
nrrrvet.l, and &tamp_ xlei!.tiw lampennalient
reardence, lona.* putpore 01 tiripartitir ids:roe:twice,
the Ptano. Anylicadour left et him iclites Boarding
toot, co Liberty .t, or or ii&bere Nook Store,
wall ateet sittlriportinfattennonl . ottla
15—,()00 Worked Dnl nmd.,
per feetty thy, and
,ot • +spume quality
for eater by B'LLAIIKK
- Pintroeburgh.
1. lei host to 6On*. lioalnau,
A. A. LA hit:Eldon k of Lilt ti “CrODS,ior ribteh bond.,
mortgages, judgetortni, pound , fenk, or real
cane, will be teemed parnkith
!seltl (115/Woud aLFP/Ilibersis
(1 A Ilitlitiliarras-TeTanbiTirriiisii,ria—c-tre.e
LI. fancy and staple, stitiesy.ind Inv Goods, eonsist•
in:: In part et W 001.,,, 'Mitten and ntsbroare :Shawls
-00 sp
Wor. T test d blb t,e Lot and Dockstintitootts; Wool;
OtorßotO baaines;
Woolen and Canton I laustels; Colored aw.Glettebro
Mutants; ttssianets .ssol casAttyles ./tibbons.and .
Lou Rumor op.! Globeq l'brest/s
Umbrellas and flint.
All: of ablehl noontry• and oily subrelurnts too
species ur 10.1104 to calenne, at es Woodot_ sop=
LGlava; thlii de_ ,y ass RT eerssed 'swa lP th Me 111 r. I. H.
asse, In Um Wholesale Groecry and Fredaco
•CWess; the style of the Erns will be A. ClarCll2o2
• _
TA7IIOI.ESALS GROCERS . and Connallinion
V V Chnli LS, Vadernin Produce, and PitintiniFh
itlannlnriureil tansy US, n,
Ilterian 130.1. Tramsnlngs.
ur 111CL'LISTOCK. tin attention of +team
TT . boat men Lou, exteanne ••fortonent of Inn,
lamp, ecroprinliot in poll the. throwing ...acres—
Utell Ind t Mao ono:Gold Salto Detains;
0 .• do - t;ttetisaa do;
oo teet.itei ;old Steel do;
rink an.l into. • do.
e.• , , Can and brown do:
cf tfolho nod 15 tote Datuaik;
Moe diido.
Scatiel ' do; -
Cetoson. Green, Mae, and Shar?et Damaatk,
WSlCttii Morten
litoataml andlinen-Table eacerthel
Stripod Toilet do do:
Turley Red & White do ~
Turkey Red fr. Blue do dc;
1.4 and G. 4 ICArrard Table Cover.; ..
7 4 and ent Tahle Linen; C4 Bleitebed Shearing;
teeoldh Diape.r;.. 'do ' do;
Search Napkoilit ' Embossed Table Covers;
Bemeh Ceuta;: I Plaid Tolle: do do,
0-4 Blenched Skewing; = Mat& Re. &0..
All of which ate dtrec Irma the tOetirtfacnerees and
Importer', or the flowed mad riebeat colors and pa:
tern., all or vildeh *ill be not.; an cheap a• any of
the eastern ebtes. We invite slant beat men to give
or a call et oar Carpet Wareboare, No. ES Fourth st
and 79 Wood lc.. torn(/' W. NtecuNroci:
Ursa Z. 14 BOZl‘4''Alllom
Lava Gonda •114 Patabroidenon;
(Zentletten's retuiaLing Aniolosi
Zephy.f, Pattern'', and e. 0112.
ik.s VPer,
Flower Maier 10. Na el Fourth street.
. . .
Carpets. 011 Cloths, date.
W 1 . .1.
, fleCLir , 4l . oC/: le now connoted,. receivins l
Cloths, comi t risittrln7rrrtZt ' L l I looferrogarPvearr.teresd--Oi
New and lob Ire Velvet .Pile Carpet.;
do do Tapestry Btll3ll/31n do
do do English A Amencan ernseels;
New style priced Tapestry 0.4, 7-4, 0-4, 54, 4-4, and
nous etyles and anal,
orp ~ . . 3.4 04 Cloth
En. eves 3 Pit carpets. Sheet 011 Cloth, cut At
do Ingrain do' •
buperfane do. do , ' . ah
vey. one ball' to
or room,
Medan sup. do.; do • ties
Mae do do Chenlle Rues
Common do : do . Tufted
. do
44,3-4, and ,34E Damsel' Canaille Door Nato
Vettidatt Carpets - , Tutted dd do
44, 34, and 8-3 Tapestry Thrum. do do
Yeattlad carpets t Sheepakto do do
4 4, e 3 4, 3-o, arid' 04 plain Jenny Lad do do
44 V , 3 , e,r3:1r:. ... -,..4;:r;- -"°-
Venitisn carpets . Duff Wtudow Linen
04 cotton Dragyett Drab do do
4.4 wooled do— Veeitinn Blinds, &c.
12 4 do do
!Woolen liter 1111.4fiert. , :
, All of which hive been purchase.' (corn the IRIPOII-
Fr , and coutufaCturers, compnaltig the newest and
siehest styles, which tut otrer,to enqorocre . l ow 11.
&an be puichised let sop of the tall then titles, all at
the Calvet Wanhosse, es Fourth nand :0 AVooel an
W. 1 11 cChINTOCK
.. . . , .
M LI RIM I & tlukcif FIELD Lam YerClved a sup-
Clakhin ply or
Al Fall llemery, ancludior Drab and Mark
- eroa paalcat. epou Snk, ac . ac‘Pl
_ ._. • ._
Walsh FitiianaUba.
N i ilk , :;l2 . tteltf y i r cb:lFd. , l : ) ., i .r awn.. It!: t to t a: I u ,, , ,
.b.,, ~,,nj., giving to mach rantracnon on account
of Melt untbnnkabiaquabbea.
Extla Fatally 'Planar.
AFRESH supply of the POlnt ai
ni M. Unita Family
I blot, a su p ply
itnialc.jatt tre'd far ante by
• /I cuLuEirrsont .a.cLousg
•..0.. ~_ 1 / 5 LSI/MPH
Ilaltallitala Canton Plandlals.
A A URPII Y & JIB RCM/ P.ldt have received a sup- '
al ply of ,Lorne . t .
rior a.m. - - ornll
Haled -R. JJJJJJ Pistialicala
- 11 F Very ha adman* patter.; and bngtdrolors reed
. at Llote . Of :, MURPHY & BURCHFIELD
in ' t.l l it-I'I4IIPS;Pia rarer new pro Fall P 'n
of Morrimach, ember., .Sprayue's, franor'ellti.V.
Allen & Clyde, sod Mar good manufactories, jail
opening-, for edo by 'SllAcKLlcrr a %sr, irrf:
, lot 'Wood st
b 0010
urr - hi-7 tubs, a huo ii
—i ielt 7 fd7fiiiiili
1,11 treeiveJ and los nue by
Eitik 122 &eon.' Rt.
prin., just teed on twn.
41 gosnera.•al (or Ingle
t, nt
Al quality, lby mite at the- lo
ci ' by
Nh sl wren ojrnEs.
rec'dior yalis
ItUtTER-4 1 , m ,
Wu mekea
BBala be, .caeca Brent oofors end uxeeTory
7~w do
; rawer;
, ,do Warm Saxony, I',d:;
Pk. Shin.% Colli
do H ns aul and Partt Silk revadt
an) /3019M111;
' Cotton, and Worined
. P 174/ P I
Itaatia Silts litabrallan
akol Lin a Pocket 11.114;
WWII and U Min Gloves-
SoPaa Eld a Silk Calcomat
oltela, Coati rta, and blattleto•-•
Jam recalat and for rate, by , r saTON,
• ' Yount. at
lATaT INr '
7.1 Mita /iliac k - rettbred tar raferoi
ten,ea cki i ms, - .
"nir PaPft,lip3l7, dtretß
17:10...thrFik0:: U.'aUrd.
Bole kftenie .
113 ,0J ,.. nrtbod
I f t t o etive
. E 4,
Lead do 2
Damn= do do •
Citrate Iron, bog •
Poidikw egthi-Iton
AldPoo Cells
as t
Pestles •
Oil Lavender, Spite
Oft opgamp, Gardeo
011 Rotexotor
Oil Bitter Almonds
Oii adepet !-- •
Oil Croton •
ik and Mee Saucers
Cardoooe Seed
Helton` Teats, prepared
Gentian Root t
Pollebing . hog,
WIRE Red , odd'
:011paosn nose.
a a