'I'AULISHED IN 1786 . , rilliListlED BY HITE:i CO. E 0. llama?. tD flint, MR ['DOI TO --..—57,0) per ann. 2,017 • minced rate,: 13171:11T1111361 UrO _ uncut PRE.. 111 T r re 1 One. o i'Nouparell or inn „„ One or re, __Jitionsi ausertlen• • • 075 15 tufo --.-• 3,00 Do three week.-- ..-• • -••••••• dpg Ite one month--- 5,00 Dc. tyro months— —.— ;op Dr three moms.-- Lon • Do. , fon months •-••-••—• 10d0 sin 010111101.•.- 1200, 1)0. ' coerce months.-- .. 18,00. Mending C/; ,, d to fires or less.) per minam• 10,ud One Square changeable at pleasure (per &n -yon:4 eve sive of the paper—. 7 Fn. each addition a l square, inserted over 0 000onth, , and Wench additional squire inserted under the Year by rates, half price. ALMertincreents exceeding • square, and net over litlceu lines, Lillie charged as a square and • half. . hildlabers 'leo accountable for legal adveninments inland the 11.11101111) chargedfor theirpublication. Announcing candid Meg for other, to Le charged the same an other advertisements. ' Advertisements not matted on the copy fora sped- Sod number of nxerionts, dill Le mutinied tilt forbid, tad payment exuciei accord. , kite pnvilcgen of yearly advertiser. winds confined rigidly to died regular business, ad.l. all other adver tisements not pertaining to their regular business, as agreed tor, io Lc paid aura. All advertisements for charitable testilutions, fire • • inpanice, w ard. township and or herpu bite xneetingo. Ad neh w t•• Le craned nalfpnee, payable strictly admirer, Marriage notices to be charged 50 eclair Death notices Inserted without charge, mule. scram. (carded by funeral invitations or obituary pollen, and hen so ac,finpanied IA peid fot. •,. i Hegel!. advertleers. Ohl 01)01R07611GPRillij OD011101• et Imlntrine no deeigned to ea/Tanen don to Farm Doirecii, Concerts, et Any public enter tairdnerds, lettere chance are made for admittance- CI notices of Private assomationa--etery-nodee de. terd to cull 1100111)011 tO procure eraerpnges eater/la. n Intended to promote individual donna, can on ly be !netted /with the muleratunding that the .11110 late be paid ler. I; Intended to be inserted in the lo cal column, ILO same will be charged at the rate of not len than 10 cents per line. Thillop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern License Petitions, to each. Legal and Medina advertisements to be charged at ' fall pnces Real Estate Agents' and Auctioneers' advent.- - meen not to he eiIiBROR under yeasty rates, bin to be allowed discount of thirty three and one third percent. from the amount of hills. 1111)1111T OR TROWSZLIA IR DRILY Torrn. One 13qeure, three insartions• • —•- •-I 50 Do. each additional ineertiOo• 77 LOORITIII3IINTI `OI3IXST ?Mt - One Square, (1U lino) ono •nrenlon— , -.50 eta. Dd. each ruldulone msertion• -.25 All transient advertistir.enta to be Paid In advance. . L. WI H II A T R E r 4CO ic.. Gajettc. HMV fir: RIDDLE, JoumaL JAMES I ' . BARR CO, Carardclit. FOSTER 7k. DROTRER,Dispanh. .10S. SNOWDEN, fderean• JAMES W. DIDDLL, AMerican. RAINY, Evening Tribbne. Premium% Dee. toblb. CARDS. JOUN A. PAILICII2I3OIII, • ,ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, bertrern O'Haraats and Walnut. All business promptly fli ed to. malt ALEXANDER 12. WATCH/Z. A TTORAiIiS AT LAW-1.1113ne, on FoorLnlnt.l. 47.___abo ye Wend. DAVID 11. TIITTL ITORNIri AT LAW, and Col.lllli. ni Dirt for PennsyDania,St. Louts, Mn. • • All eammunteallonio prempliy answered. • • Acett.iy JAPIIMS ATTORNEV AT /.AR '--4/tince on Fourth greet between 1 4 .nml,field slot l:runt, Putaborg , “ stnlV-Iy JOU& U. UMW KIN, A TTORNEV And Collll,c llor at Law, and ammo, 11l dollen for Ow Stnte 01. Ponneylvania, St lamb; Ma., Oateol Viontwah.) Lleferennes—Pnwhornh, lion. W. Forward, jimmy lan a Iddler, M'Candler* &Mel:lure, John rerke, anwells A nninhir, allreohl k Inns. moth-17 • BiowELL co., VORWAILDING DIERGIIA.NTN, Gl= goo.. Pa iS'ositk's Fort y Post Woo.) Mains permanently located at this place:a new and rib...anal Wharf Minh we are prepataft actin and forward promptly to all points on tha r iv e r re, and Sandy and Bearer or Ohio enrols, ft aflawow, lone 15.—te1., 1011 X F 4.1.111• V . N. "DAGALEY, WOODWARD et CO, Whole.* Gm. .I_ll tees. No 211 Market et, Philadelphia. 3 apt Intisbarigh Alkali ' • DENN ETT, BERRY a. co, 111. n rst3 sfautef Sala T) Bienehlne Powder., Pieria:le sr.) Sulphuric atlas. Wsrehon.s No-- . , Ware, Aimee belost Ferry. _ turrtlslf Frederick Breen. . licoree Reiter. DRALIi RrATER, Wholesale MA Rand Drug .° girts, comer of Librrtr end i. Cllr streets, riu. 1.114 Pa: ar4 (1 A. hIcANULTY tr. CO, Forwardmg and Com la.' attrition Merchants, Canal Damn, Pnisburgh Pa. - . . Mt, el H. GRANT, Whole:tale G rCecr, Comentnion and V. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Waor at:, Plus banrh. a Ira horsey —Andrear.Flemme R. N. I ommg HIZELSEY 4 FLOATING a CO, &cONALISSION MERCHANTS—rot the soli of Dm memic.Woolem nod Couon Good.; alro,dealer. lo lan& of Tailors' Trimming's, No IV Woo. 1! al, 4th door from FIAA, Pitheb rs h. Reference—:theurs. R m. A. hill a. Co, Ilanken. ItAIII nOW&ISSION NM :CHANTS an.l Bill firokno i la No 114 Second Jaren; rllu , litiroh. tug; WM. 2. I.liilibli,l A.. .I. 11101.1 T. EGLIBII k CIENNErf, (law Fandisl3, (311u:tier t Co. Who:made Groords, C0M1111.03i012 and For warding Afercharao, and lit Ili, I in Produce aa.l Pius harg6 Hanaliclarcs, No. 31 Wood at., t:e... mean 21 and 34 mom. ocu AVM. 11. JOHNIVDON, „FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCRIANT No 112 Second at, Pittsburgh. Rum= W. rousuctrual Iwuhrla c.utihasuots • B. W. POINI/EXTE/liki CO., gENERAL COMSIISSIGN and Fortwasding Mer chants and Flour Dealers, No tqa Market .;reef, ladelpLia. JIIS ILICALD. Bi..IOIENOIL re co TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. llNenvh Water accts No. Is. Notth Wharves. A. I. Bra j - YINLADELPIIIL - IZsatlrt D. C.hlcCam mom.. I. A. Ways., aux _ Er. LW., (soccessor to Murphy ir:Wio—orliett .uL. Cr Itel Commitsio. Merchant, for the sale of American Woolen* Labervy, vpponita Sib et. . rebl7 I,4oWita. HARDY, -TONES & Co., (sarcasm" to Atwo o d, Jonas & C....)Coratalssion and Forwarding Mer ohants, dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, Pituburab, Pa etchß7 P &11811A141.9 (119CTSSZOit to .510.51.. C. If !LW • IMPORTER 17 , 0 , , In Prench and Americus F. 1 per liangiurs and tionlera, Window Shades, Ere Ward Prints. kr. Pruttlng.Ll %Wrap ping Paper, Na. E 7 wood street, between Fonntt street and Litamond alley, wtal . side, Pittsburgh, Pa. lehl3 i - PITTSBURGH GLASS WORE - 0111 AGNEW,late of the grin of Cbambers,Ag• new k G.O , woo Id rcapecifttily inform the old cos. lamer. sea the . Ft:Bite generally, that he will ad/Icon. tinne . to carry on the Wren 111 m.. b0a..., in all U. 'Arledge, and is prepared to 111 all order for Apothe curie.' Santino re, hlmcrils, Portent, Viol,,dc_., 00., pertaining to Ids bapinesa lit. troreboasela No gl Market street. ledercen First A Second eis. jytdaLarti 11011 M D. MOW:AN, WEele -7 .7ri e cc in Dye Sioirs, Paints, Out. Varnishes, kr, to. PI Wood a erect. one door South of Diamond Alley Pitt guargh. eel prigs uarga7l.l..„ WholegateGrtirer, Enellamon Merchant, and dreier in roda•c. and Plit.bergh Illanefactarer. Noll Water . C t, Pot.berea. 4,1 1.4l•11 LIES.,, IJb Ur Viably, BAL&111 Dic,Knv es,Ntlbolasea Utuerre.Co;rt• I gasmen Merchants, and ds•lars in Prodoes,Nos.so Water, and 107 Nom straet.. l'otsburatt: /aka 871,Plarar ---• • • --Jump!, Dilworth. T DILWORTIIit ,Wholesole Grocers, and Ii • Agents rot Ile terd Powdor Co ~NO. Y 7 Wood e[., ttnabtirsh des-7 firmylO. -- foliftll4:ND, 4 " . t h " ." N 0.15 Market et., thleis doom Above Third at. Pitt. targb, will bate ronstamly on hand a well seleeted tonment of the Lest and tiehheel hiedleheaSpeorhieh Pfe will all an the mail reamonable terms. Phyrrelans minding order', will to promptly atiended to, and rap• shed with articles they may rely open as Irv:lathe. PP , Periptients will be toesirmely and nos y pt.:pared (ram Ih• ham matarhile, at any henna h• day ar night. r • ' Also for sale, • larg• mink of (ma and tend Perk =my., I• 13 .lone Richard Floyd. & IL HASVO, 1 71.01essle Oreserletlponniseien $l, ali:1 Dealers, Di e, RGIIII.I Chinch Iloildines, frontlet on LlLerly,Wortd and esurtiaen t Awl 1. A. C.cUG . IICY, Agent lac Um Late Erie an d MiellfAitn Line to Itcaser and the Lutes.—Offic e as the earner of Water sent AIM l avl -.171:711ZA. IlllTtlllttOt.l, h Co.—Saccessore Levers, Hotel:Ono at Co.; Caeoptalon :Vachon. sect Agent.. of tta St. L.mloll.4lexte Oates Refinery lee. 43 water !Led vi - fronl PdVddird h. ion! 4 bcutdid,4 - Laar:a 1.1:0, Wanleaale Maginot bi Woo.taa . ror_t_ t tlittabOtah. apt WatWeasla ana ctall In Mn.,,, MA al stood Intirementt, School I,lnoa (raper, Slateti the .I pen., goal', NOM."' Carda, an audlontuy acncrall bl Wood a, Plua bn rat. • Orr Nom hon. /o ~ ten tnda nt , etif4FIECII, (late o( Warren, ()too,' Comm... Ash, .and tbnmara Produce renernlly. • rent, between SmolAold and Wood, Pianbarab. UR, & JON ES- Pornintding and Comudsaion Met _eons, D.lert in Prodace nad Pittsburgh mane afattared.ardcler,ennullinin, near 716 rt. up 4 • PIMP, MILL, PIT'211111174:114 PA. KENNEEDY, CIIILD9 d CU., bl.aractoren o vary imper.or 4-1 t 4 .l.celing, Carp. Chola, Gonnaaodyalttor 4llO-ly 1 - It. C. ITOCILTON. Ik:A Jokn.ton k Stockton, BOOKSELLER, STA =OMER, PRI NTETC,!..d. DINDEIL, corm of tri Third mint, rinit , lllll. Pa. jr3D:de THE ----- ::-PITTNIIII:-7.011 Pittsburgh City Glass Works. W. CUNNI G7lAlt & CO., MANTFAcTrrimils OF WINDOW GLASS, No 01 Market meet, between Firm and Second, Pnlnborgh, Pa. Ur "Particular attention paid to odd RIGS. Also, Dealer. in FLINT - MASS, VIALS, BIeTLDS, ice. w. C0M111611,114 .17=1( ' n. enananotax, - phalanx, Wm_ hailer, Piffled. O. W. Ricketmn, Pittsburgh. ;ArILLER o RICRF:TGON. Wholesale Grocers, and Importers of Brandies. Wines and Seguin, Nos. 172 and 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin Erma Pius built, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, An. Ire. con stantly on hand. to y John htkGitl. Jame, D. AINDIL Walter C. Roe. MtGILLS ROE, DTholesale Grocers and Contras- Con hlerehants, No 104 Liberty St, Pittsburgh •P 4 PITTSSEIR — GII STREL VVORlisp AND AXLE FACTORY. 111411110X11, MLR N. IRIS.. JONES 441:1100, MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, plough steel, steel plough snags, coach and dlp be sprlngs,hruneor.red iron axles, and dealers in oust leubte castings, Are engine lamps, and coach trimmings enersitY, comer of Ross and Flout sts-, PtuLlt2b, J. &J. Tartlets, Commiserate naellhaterits. 1'0..11014 Levee st, N Ottawa, keep odntlantlyy on VI hand entree Wpm:manor Brandiesof the follow. log brands, which tbey oiler for sale ae agents for J. Durand & Co. Bordeaux, vol Maxim, Fluted, J Du rand A Co, Ler. hello J Damn, Coigne., Ade hl tn tenon, A 1., Bleville, A , biondore, Jean Louis, Ae., fee; also, An choiGia, Bordeaux Bed and While Wines in cubs and cases, Untitled with core by John Du rood Je:Co; besides Champagne NVlne and Sweet Burgundy Port. . feb7-17. tiOLSIES ASON, No IS Market sr, second door /,1 from corner of FOUZIA, dealers in Fomiga and Domestic BIBS of Rechenke, Certificates or Depatit, Bank Note. and Specie. o . Caleletions Made on all the prin. Mel cites hroughout Me Drifted States. um, Lothorkraphie OF WM. SCHUCIIMANN, Thial et, opposite the Po st-uthoe, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landerepes, Bit I beede'Skowbtlls, Labels, Architectural and bolo Drawings, Dusinem and Visiting Canis, etc., enEraved or drawn on summand prmedl/1 colon, Gold, Bross or Black, In the most approved style, and at the mob rcroonable MICC• ocuatly RODINcON,LITTLEaCO, u.xssLllrorpßreal Pittsburgh. WIIOle•lie Grocers, Prixinua and Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh Mantrac urea. apt? lon. WORM,. TllO4 LITTLI. NAM, t. 110111100111. _BERT MOODE, Meholeude Grocer, Reetifying Dianller, Beale in Produce, Pituberrh Matrfac• rtes, and alltinda of Foreign and Domestic Minos .nd Liq of superiouors, No.ll L d themy ol aMonongahel a lma. On henlsolate), d a very large stock r whiehnstil be 'sold lore for c • my, I. rt. 1167601.6. L. L. 0010. REYNOLDS! SHE& Forwarding nod C0M1661- don Lrl hlcrettuts, for Ma Atle Pt urrty River Trade, eale 16 firoecries, Produce uaburgh. !hunter - twee, and Chloride of Liam. The highest Vice, in cub, paid at ail times for country ragn. Cornet Penn and Irwin na apld ROBERT DACTIEILITZb 0., liVrniiWaTetrincera, Cottimiscbmi hterchwats, dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacares, Liberrf Pitubarag, it. A. GONN/NCIIIAIR, 117 - HOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forward/en TV and C 00301•16.1 hlercliant, u,d Dealer in Pitts berth hianufacntrea, No :e.trl.l.bert7 street, Plustiu Pa . zoo, swami: 11ACKLF:TT WHITE, Wholesale Dealers ln 0 Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Re. VI Wood Street. Pittsburgh. apl7 Wool la In Floor =I Prodaeo generally, and Forerardom and Comeniaaion. Ilderuhants, Pirat S t reet and Ile Second mmet. r. 111 MA, r 1171.11211. =MI MCO., MAIIVIA MD. ELLEKS R NICOLL+, Produce and General Com 0 mission Nierchunta, No. 17 Uhertyalreer, Pins. burgh. Spero, Linseed and Lard Ode spit - - Q F VON gONNIIORST b CO, {VholetaleGro. cur., Peden to F=4§ it?:=!°:rtirl"%VebsTe'ti Produce, harilreetiorad to their new orarolionite, told sund,) No. canton( Front street and Chimer Lane. I 3 HAWORTH. WINE MERCHANTS Ide Diamond, Patsberth. alkt TEA AND Eagf snta. W HOL E & BARNES, ?SALE GROCERS, turf Centeignon Merehrion, Pithiburgh Manufactured Aftletet, and 1351 Seernadl street, ['pod& Smilhheld t hushing!, singt (ions 4-ILeoe SO II WATT & CO, TJI7IIIOLESIAL eittwets, Commission Merchants, IT and ua.le, to Prodace and Pittsburgh Mana faelares,LYA Li rty et.,Pittatiargh, Pa, prole F LOOR -TO s choice Family; 1.0 brl Superfine; 63 brl Fine, arriving, and for into by sepl2 l IBOWN a. KIRKPATRICK Bala° ar. IRY' N WOULD inform th e public, they have tater, the warehouse , nreuerly ',recopied by the late Mr Salomon Sehoyit i ll4 Seined street Slaving a large and eout.Meneat or...thane, they would ' niche tho atteetion ofpersons having goods to consign or store. They will also give attention to the purchase and sale ofNittles. Brads, Bonds, Re. ' aug7 17 . 7.11