The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 20, 1850, Image 3

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Nag Pella CiAD acTlKAmourpiiiio
Locirrusr, Nov. 19.
Col. Richard M. Johnsen died at Cis residence,
near FnuticloA, ibis morning. Nay. 19th.
ELocnown. Nov. 19.
A conesphudent of the Louisville Courier, in
g of Mr. (nay's @peed, nays, that tor some
an hour be acdressed the ASIICEIbIy. He
reviewed the action of Coultas relative to the
Avery queionn,..l the renounce of that gees
with Cal.forn,e, limb, and New Mexico, and the
nature nod &dem of the tetras' compromise:coca.
urn. He gave Ms views briefly upon each. He
also gave • history of the course punned by him.
*elf and his patriotic eunapeets its the presentation
of the original europium wa bill; when he took pc.
came to pats a top compliment upon Ina conk.
peers el the Detrino•ntio party.
He took ~ •casnin, also, to speak la glowing
terms of Yrea.debt Fillmore. and guaranteed hi
faithful etecutiou of the iaws, in cue of their d o.
;soon by tie wad and fanatical abobtionientof the
North. Al tcAgb he thought the people of the
North were low abiding, the rens in the political
sky twitcaiett a pomnotog atom in regard to the
Fugitive Slave Law ' • hot he be li eved that the
Preildent, should it ttzeocuis necessary, wculd
order not the arm( and navy (or the preservation
of pews an,: harconcy in the lend, egainst the cf.
tuts Of the tat:areal abehtiontate„ whose lmpolitio
cease he Jet outic.l In the most unmounted
terms, He th oght that if the excitement upon
this question should Condone to increue so tepid.
II as heretofore,' and the aid of the laws should
become necessary, there would be found a sew
party—one for the, and the other quest
; and sod, folthug coat upon his breast, and
oteppOig fmah rd. •• Mr. Spanker, of whetever ale.
[ciente it may be cotapcsad, lam of that patty."
Long and loud was the cheering which followed
thisleetteneto, which teemed to meet • tetpollllo
from every brut.
.N*. You, Nor. LB
papist Webster arrived us ltd. coy last eiget
Ho was visttrd this- waning by a laic° nuasbet
of our eiur,ne.
la answer to a teeeptioit speech from Mr. litr
tam Ketchum, Mr. Webster said, to aobstanee.
that he approeed the purposes cf .too Uoloa meets
log at Castle ("Laden, and would no always ready
to carry hem not. A ertais has °neared, Nod
idiots was neeemsy. He spoke of the impale
tor which (be Uoiou woo created, th, ma • •,;
of whiott was tu pratect trade and commerce.=
Tame, more tt via any thing ear, created the Con.
notation, and when that ta la danger. they rally to
The %to vas not la danger when the eptrit
of the peeve won awakened tar the delence.—
Conant:One et the Nonh and South avail nothing
--do no berm gloat object. far which the
Government wen erected are greater thin ante,
and the people orttfrita abandon them. We Muth
opaque to Pe.: teeether en long it wo cherish
the fittereru_tCat mete Of OnegleOpleL
Lolouvitz.s, Nov. 19
The LeSidaatrebf Keotualty convened peens ,
day. Tan Gov:rues Menage wan rooelved and
reakatter g7v:og It history of the wraigssolllol6-
ed by the South. Northern aggression, ha use,
..Let the ploprodion be dlstheity Lo the non-slave
holding 'awes to tamed! the wrongs, so far wilt
may be in the power of Congress to do CO, by ob.
taming from Kahl:unit a concession social of 28
deg. 30 coin, or otherwise 'to content to such
amendments et the Congantton as shall hereafter
wean, the rig wit of the S , aveboldiug SilteS 001:11
misconstruction, and further aggreasion, bet in the
event or a nivel to do no, hesitate not to ex •
press my decided opinion that the only effectual
remedy t 3 the cvd which mutt continue to hgroW
from yen to heir, I. w bt.tocad la the prometaad
peseeab'e secession from the aggregated States.'
The Legislc are alter besting the Menage read,
adjourned ut.t:', to 111000er.
A Are breke•oill this martian, about 1 o'ilock,
In the extenstvo fonadty of Cameron 8e eDer
mett, on fist el street. tear Union wharves, loch,
with its contests, end also a large woolen store
house, and other badman were yea:save& The
lons no (Johan saer: et,imatel at VA, • only
83,000 of wbleh we, tneur,l.
FIRE AT . DE mot r.
DLTIOII, Nov. !9.
Tha Detroit R111r02.3 tISO met in oath
by 601 n width, wee deetroyed by fire last libt.
The lamb computed astoa,ooo,copoo of etch
fell on person. 0101151+{ goads stored in the dd.
In(. About 40 Will an transit mere consumed.
Lomiviras, Nov. 19.
The steel h rising s!oarly, and there are 6 fee
water In the canal
. • .
The weather has the appearance ol"ralo Dca
an are offering 13,54, ca:t for. litAl hogs, ac.l d •
van ink s3m car 1 00 .
Piaui—The mallet is active, and lower and
medium we 6s better. tales of common Mlle&
slate at $1 6nil4 81, end of goad Ohio still& 81
11314 81 per bbl.
Oraia—Wheat is ie good inquiry, si
tate supplies. Sara of Michigan whitey
bmheL Of Com, the supplies Are amid
demand moderate.
Provillona—ldesii Pork is Miry.
speculative movement in prime, with it
8.2 per bbL teed is lets buoyant, and
malting at 71811 per lb
Oreeeries—Oely a moderate boaineal
in Chewier; bat the approaching CO
hummed son, ingiory for seen, sad
Sates of Porto Rico Sow at 6107,,
—Orleans at 81c per It.. Sales of
lasses at3oe per gsL Rio Coffee is mai
llgo per lb.
Whiskey—The market in without c
cantos 101P017.
Cotton—Satre of Ihoo bales at form
Flour is undimmed. with gales o
to straight at 24,C501 15 per bbl.
aye Flom in relang at $1.02 per bb
Orain—Wheat is in good capon
Sales of 18,000 bush Canadian at 10
both. Bales 6000 b. se Ilya at 820
Is DOW active, with miles of 20,000
elle for yellow and mixed. Oats is
45c per bushel.
Whiskey—SMes of 100 bbls at roc per gallon.
Provisions—Perk is in moderato wi mud, and
the market for Mesa is unsettled, w th_lales at
411441111,01 per lib' Beef Hams are Oem at
413.8048414. per bbl. Sales of 200 his at 710
Bc, the letter pt:ce for chore.
13.1.nr005, Nov. 19.
Flour and Ors sales of Howard Mgt
arid city milli It tl 61 per bbl. Gigots without
Oroceties--6 ,les 1500 logs Rio celfcli, at ones
lien, to day, at 106.1311.—, also 147 hbdi Pan°
Rico sugar or St 6095 65 per ewt.
Whiskey Is sling or 2Sc pet gallon.
Provisions •••• arm, at former prices. Sides of
lard at Sr per R.
UNIQUE TO SUS Lase —South Carolina witl ob
serve Sunday, °Clot., Ztb, as its day of Tbaub•
giving What on earth can a State be thankful (or
that fa not thouLful for the blessings of the Union!
Grand Jury a: l'olladelpaia, Tann:day, found
three true hilts seams: James Barr, for tunics
fru:dale:at astrost,ssuot: papers, and too bills
tgainst BClli.rwo 140 , 10, for filrfre37, U 3 &Wittig
the electton returns of the district of Sol:lbws:IL
while scuelp In the capacity of return clad , . Boh
are Whits, ir is ssid.
Tha % ., g t er gr, commodore Stewart, dining a few
dips 040 with the President of the United States,
rittnarhed *at be had in
with seers President,
with the ahigle aormica of the lamented Taylor.
The President ha, officially recognised Edward
'Smith Sayers, Esq., as Vice Comte! Pottage' for
Pinsegyittin ia, Delaware, and West Jersey, to reside
at Philadelphia.
The Penult:aster General, daring 'beseech smiling
on the 9th instant, established flr, new Poet Oleo,
discontinued 16, and changed the Dames of it—none
in blasyland.
A awn named Thos Hinton, said to be a nephew
of General Hinton, cow under arrest in Ohio for
robbing the mail, was cowrie:tut of passing counter
frit moony at Zanesville last week, and sentenced
to the State prison.
Letters received al Buffalo Cyan D. Foote, Ifni.
,ed Statee Charm d'Alrairee at Bogota, aiata that it
wee toe intention to leave Baron, on his return to
the United Stairs, ab ootthe 10th *flare meth; Re
will probably et...mac nis poet
a l s o Editor
of that or
mod" Whir paper, the Erdal° Coramercial Ad
vertiser. •
Nona SanTimm: Cr
. Hoornew —"I have
never seen the day when, If I weft , to fallout with
omen with whom I have teen friendly, I would as.
poop to public anze their private ant confidential
letters to we. on man will do it but one who is
Tort to all sense of bongr and shame ."
Uoiled States Menthe for
Delaware Disirift, requests us to ware
titre repletion of this city, is 13,97e—Det.
cud i na t wi s e:nen Is to receive the titic of St.
Pitidentth,who was c British saint, and the grand.
ditritliter of Quinines.
The widow of the tat: PrOfnltet WinChtethr
and her deughtera, have sailed for Paint e
barque lan.
Coco .Steckton wili ho a cand'olate for tbe
United Statee Senate in the Neat Jartel
Janata cousty, Lb.* State,
in the last ten"
has a papal/t
-wo of 12,973, es screw or I,IKS
The follotatts named gentlemen are spoken ol
for United States Senators In Ohio, eiv Samuel
Vinton, Thomas Corwin. Hinton Griswold, nat.
Mr. Oallows., John W. Andrews, /cine
Hdcheonk,.Tohn C. Vaughan, and Jord a. n& Gid..
C°N"°'-ro' -
LiE(J 7''l.)A i •') I
v. YON 1011011011117 W. 3.11,11171 T C.
Bevlow of tai
ttli TES Wl= Etl3l3s 11199. 19.
GENERAL IiEII&RICEI.—The market daring the past
week, his preeentad no Important change In quota•
now, and basins generally has been moderate. The
weather has been very unsealed, there having been
bound seven storms of rain and snow, and Guinea
on that &aunt, war considerably cheated. For
the Ma few days however, It has bean clear and
Omura, and in a general way,: fair amount of sa•
duty has prevailed.
The fall baelnests is now Wt drawtog to a close
Hat of the Cant! lines have flopped reempartg goods
from this point east. and the remainder of the season
will he cemented In closing the business already on
the lines. Goods, however, will continue ID be shipped
by wagon, to Johnstown, end thence by rail road to
Philadel plus, and by rho same arrangement, marsh.-
slim will conunee to be forwarded, from the rest to
Our riven continue to eplandirl navigable order, and
the receipts of the various &rucks of western erode,
tine, have brew quite full during the week. The re•
emirs of flour hive been large, bat in view of the
near approach of the clewing of canal navigation ,
nearly all that has coureforward, has been harried to
the east, through that chanuel—leaving comparatively
light supplies to operate upon in this market. The re.
celpte of Grain, Provisions, GrOCefitf, fr-C .have been
pretty fair, aed the market a amply supplied:
ASHES—A general gatemen hes panelled in the
Ashes market, and no heavy uansacuons have come
to oar knowledge. A regular moderate basin., has
bean doing, !manner, at the fallowing prlc ,a 1--Pearl
Ash, Gin; Saleratas, DOS* Pot Ash, agatie; Pad
Ash; 31035 e, and Scorching, at 31e ♦ b.
' The sales al Bennett & [terry', brand, assents t.
about 3D tone Soda Ash, during the weak, at 310, time
APPLES—We notice fill receipts of Oman Apple*
and sales to a considerable anent, hate been Iranian
tea on •be wharf, at a range of priees, aecosimg I•
atialny from El to'fPla, and 15.., Wore at 750111 • bbl
ALE alto PORTER—The market Is Arm, with snit.
as active Susumu by car brewers, at V. auk Incl.
BACON—Tae receipts of Bacon have been less
abundant, the mason now being nearly over. We
have no change to snake from our last weer* roper,
/ • can we report any heavy 11.Z:imitates. Sales
bare been confined to the regale. wants of the home
trade, sad we nodes a considerable degree of firmness
to the mattim The following are the pram( reline
beams :—Plain hate, ?MIN common bagged ham.
71c, and extra eager cured canvaseed, at 1001' le II;
lb. Bides are in fair request., at Ibleal, and shoulders .
at lbe IP lb_
BUTTER—Th. receipts of butter hare been fell
the most of which, however, has bean shipped east.—
The sales of the week rum op several tons, at the fel
lo wuur range of pricer:—Prime roll, It015e; common
to fair quality do, Stela:: and tees at POPO i lb.
BEESWAX—From first bands, beeswax may be
•ominally quoted, at lE11&191, • lb.
BROOMS—Coaelderable tots have come forward
doting the week, and we notice lull 'twit. le tee
market. Salts have been (ale (lam best band,, at
111,110143761,01 for the lower, methane and better
qualities, and from store at 1114501,500 ad • do,
have noticed no arrivals or blooms
,r some time, and mipphes are limited. The rating
rates on tints, are 853052 V ton. =cording to ;Leant,' .
CRANBERRIES—Note of ha. arm
ed the present season, and the marked is bate of sup.
P.a. A good article would be monk it240.2r ,0 •
bushel. •
CHEESE—Receipts hove been fall, and shipments
cast heavy. We notice sales In valetas lot., of tome
RAO ban Western Reserve, atAIPSI (or ordinary, 60
ett instead coalman, and 61061 for cream, as to anal.
try and sin.
CRLCHERS—The fallowing Is the mamtfertnrel
list of price,
Water Crackers, per bbl I.
Donee do "
Dyspeptio do " ....
" •• --
Cr. kers, per lb • • • • ---------
CORDAGE—We note no change In prices In tat
sdrlonsordeles dollar this hest. The following a,
list of pyless.;
Manilla rope, by coil,
Whits Rola, by eod,• -
Tassel Rope, by coil,
Pad king V ern, hue,— •-• • IN
44 common.•—
111,3702,9103,73 Ip doz.
auectil• • —l4c `.
111,4002.25413,1X1 fp 114 z
41.. Y coil, • • -UV -
gyaragsd Cordage Is sold regularly at 1210
CSITINDI SHRETINGS—We Lear of no yawn.,
-Vet, in Ihnsburga manufactured. No. I Ye. and A
attar Nllla, is tetling at Rs, and common or Naasusak
.7io ♦ Tat., and vary Ann.
isCOPPF.ll—Ttili malls Pittsburgh oumutactistarl
prices of cake and ingots, ate 19010 e p m Prima of
other gesenplioas are tiaciangld.
COTTON/ iiilol3—Priaavarst genital!y wits' trat,
it tie recent a:lra:tee. Stock• se a uaitaaally ilatu;
and sales Once beast necessarily eriabrkest to regales
limited trinSaatiOne to Mist
owing fiat of price., with
N 0.3, ow perm • • —••00
". " • •.-- , --310
6i W . . -21
11•12 , 66 46
S Is doing
Id weather
of Now
Rico Mo.
.g stllo
Carpet Chsin,;—• —lt Candlewickd•
Coverlet Yam.. • • Bug Filling,- •-2e
Twine. 21 Mining, Na.) &2. •16, IS
no Important renege in prices daring the week. The
following is a correct list of prisms of some of the
principal Mlle
I; eataad—
•'lo7o per
e. Coro
lash at TO
at 440
Aloes, Da 15017 Lknorsee root.--7 0 9
Mom 310 4 " hall.--•100:0
Aassfolid a ..... ....EOM Lae Dye•-• • ....... W. 049
Arrow RD/A.-1001s Ma/oasis Cub 73030
Aumfortie 10011 Madder Umbro 14015
BMX. refined 23038 Myrrh, Turkey 50050
Beam puu• • .1112,1505/175 Cris Vitriol. • • --• • 40 5
Do Correia. • • •35019 " Castor •.• —• • .51.75
p r i m ,,,,.„„ .... ...... 410 il " Cusia 3.3004.00
Camphor! ref .4503 0 " Cloves . 16,3003, 50
Chloride Lime, est 51 " Lemon 9,30063,00
Cochineal - •..,1,3001 T 5 " VerenVt ..... 15003 00
Cream Tamar mks 0p..., Terkel. 4, 7 50 3 , 00
Coppers...... • • -.410 1 Qubtine• •--- • .4,4004,50
Glee I. bbls 1160191 Rhobarb, root •• • .7setoo
ow:. 40050 Sal Amortise —16020,
Clam Arable 50076 SU Rod, • •• --- • • • .40 3
" coat-- 230 M Senna-- 19000
" Trautelneth. • MOM Termite Acid 44030
" Shen. 15010 Vitriol Blue--• 41016
Ipecac 1,75 lateen:ad, Obis 60 7
iMbrage 151116 psoutte, b bl. 111021
leap, powdered. 000 Logwood, chipped •••-•ri
DRIED VEIU/T—Reecipts by man have been quite
gall, but the better demand, and higher ;mice. in the
sue, base ceased nearly all to be shipped to that mu.
ket. Large qualities are now being boughs to at the
east, •a we are Inforened,for the California marten.—
In Vhiladelplda, on the 151 h, Apple. wore quoted at
81,1501,40, and 00900 es at 82 Pho The applies to
this market are eereparalively belts, and we can re
port no large tales Prom Stu hands, we quote
Peaches at $14101,37,"and Apples at 600551 Pb,.
DRIED BEEP—Western cured doted beef is in light
supply, with moderate sales et 11010 r, Its In Vilikr
FLOUR—ThO meow during the put week hare
been heavy, but nearly all has been shipped eau, with.
out touching this market, and the supplies been are
comparatively Ugh.. Prim yesterday, showed a
!slight decline from last week's quotatiou, and sales
on aloe wharf and from wagon, were reported to as at
13,11.1; and Rom Core at 133,7603,57 • al, for
good ods superfine. Extra family brands have been
aOld from more, In small lot., at 84 P 1111, and by stn.
gle bbl, at 14,1111• bbl. The regular standard rues at
the City Mills, are 1/0112,35• ewl,necordiell to gui
Rea FL3ra—Receipts have been light, and supplies
are United. We quote from Ana hands, at 57,310737,
and from Pare at W 1,600345 ♦ bbl:
Cosa Mesh—Regalar tales from the Mills and from
gm, at 90000 'be, In • =all may,
ElCOrsrmus Fiona—This article be, come forerwo
quite Mealy, and the market is well supplied. We q.te
from dm hands, an 11,001,75, and from store at 100
9,11 i • care
' FRATRER 9— We notiee tau. Empties iothe mar.
bet, with sales to a Ibis enetn, at 31033 r I lh. as In
FRUIT—The demand le fair, WWI gala. Rai..., at
59P3043 p tor. Sales of Alraor.da, at mar. •
,Iti; of (+roma num, at 11,9501,37 • 1.. a,; of P“aala,
acne; of FJbar:a,ll7o 9o ; at Cream nets, at 01078; of
ante entrants, it 9091, and of English Walt au at 71
IREm Oranscs. none; Flgs,llols IP L ern r ma, r 6 on
Fl 'H—Nast fah have appeared an tbts a art 1., cud
a fair ear.eral baldrics, has leen &Ind, kr*, Nr.
1 mackerel, f 19,177 far No. 2, sod 10,2507,19 or N 0.7.
15151A,411,50 . , Salmon, 419,67, and Herring al 90,50 par
FREIGHTS—Tea I:diary:opt:a the Caal De.=
this paler cut, voLica ate rather straer,Gcl
Baton L Batter :Do Hides.-- • —Ude
Lica, ulted, ♦ Eel • • •Ilec Lea th er. • •-- 70,
Deuwax Me 14•1111
Udall. tr. Halt- •- • 6de Lard in Lard Oil.— 40a3a
• 7
Caen •--- —• •- • eoe Tork, 15 ,:k„_
Dna, k hicdittaen • - • 73c la aka, earl —•
Fero • • • Oft
Drisd Frrut— ••• ear akin. Doer k Baalo 760
FlOar —•— - • 7ra Tata°, Odle.-- •Pk
Face & Palmas- --- •100 e Do Ey •We
Olassomiro• 3Ze Drldakey,tnir • 160 a
Thriaead • —•— 690 Sheep P • fffie
flardwats • - R ape a. Darn/ 600
GRAIN—With the <zeta. of Wheal, (the SOO% of
which ...a bought out of the market) receipts have
not bean haam and .applies at present ase compan
lively light. no factorins terms may Ca given a.
l b. ',ling brat Laud poke. at prearal:—Wheat. 73,73
080, 1 14., 660500; Barley, 113070 e; Corn, oraw ha.
slang) 31077 l in the can, ad 400410 far Wed
O1f=11113—W• Lava no carted Aug., to oar
ttea oreeety market dudes thoWolll4 at_d mita.
ak. yet, tre pretty 6rlll. la the absence 01 metre
10 any lama Wens. gunnel gettcrally,ana eat Warr
gm seem taga ages) to the dogma. Balsa have been
m Limited 100, mite following quotations :
N 0 Saga; 7,7 d 07do, !Solemn, Me for common, and
44016 a for S. H. Coen is unsealed, and prices rather
miming; see quote Rio at 11403210 gr It Sales Loaf
gook 9411111/010e, and of Mee by the Mums, at dde
OESALLN CLAY—Sales are reported at WHOM p
ton. The imports of German cloy, darina the month
of October, by esnal.Beent 467,000 Be.
GLASS—OI Window Glen we cooed heavy sup
plies In the market. Priem ere generally the mete as
;lantana= wee a--say, for city brands, 8 by le, 53,30
10 by 18,14;10 by IC - 1435; and other ante in pro.
Country Wanda are sold al lower PIC.. and may be
gaoled as follows :
6 by ID • ---• 41,75 10 by 15
IL - by 19 ••--•—.3.40 10 by Id -------- 3.75
iti by 14 ----•3525 10 by 17 -------7.75
The above are the time prier.
Etna Gum—The following table Is • list of the our
side price. of many of the moot prominent a-ticles of
filet glass manufactured and 0015 In this magket
Plain Tumbler. per Joe.. 30eat3,00
Mould do 874 a 1,75
Pressed do 3,20
do do toy, " " 374
Goblets. 1,50. 9,00
Champaignes, " ° 5,`5.0,00
Wine Glauses. " 50. 0.00
Lemonades, 74a 6.00
Jelly stands. each 50a 0,00
Moaners, per dol., ,U 0•12.00
Pitchers, • .050 0.00
do heavy pillared, per pair, 9.004n00
do heavy out auto, each 75a LSO
Molest:so cuts, •• 50. 6.00
do Brittanla tope. per ptur 75a 4.00
Flower vanes, per dot, 4,00. 9,00
do do con, pet pair, 6,00.1&00
Jelly Glenne. ptr doe 515 a 7,151
Preened eweet-mtat diebes, par do: 4.51111,00
do do bowls, per pair 07a 0.00
Bureau knobs and pins, per dor. lOXia 1,50
Bh jar, per cover., don 6,111111::
Fluted Cologne., ' " 3,00.11.00
Tincture., ground mapper, p dot 1,00..11.00
Show Bottles. each 75a IX
11&17—%Ve note regular sales of Timothy from war
on, at MUM ge ton, according to quailte•
11096-3alea of western N. Vo•k, lean, at Inc; It
1650.20 c, and of Bowan at 140 • 1 / 5
IRON & NAILS—For the past few days the silty
mama of Iron and Nail, from thin market have beet
hervy. We subnoin a list of prices of some of du
Prl o[l* niuclee
111011—Flat bee • •-• •
Round and square bat
" Band
" 00 P • - 7 --•••• . .310610
Nana-1 e
to 00 to Ott petmy . • •.•
penny ....• . 4 .
• 3 p ,50 4,
" 6to 7 penny ..... •• • • • 4,03
5 penny 4,45 t,"
4 penny ..... • • •• • • 4,50 "
3 penny 6.50
ftlents.-Ilat, to If in 4.00
Cot. 5 to 6 inch 4,50
" ens 6 to 7 inett• • • • •.. 4,00
The above potter ate glare. satieet to a dlsemm
far cub.
LEATHER-Ws nonce a mauler descend at rut
prices for all arucle• andeetrnm haai Aida. pf Bald
more sole at ttertle, and of New Torii do. et MOW
• pound
LARD-We to:tre tLe te,eiptv of sevet•l
table :ors during the weak. tut WIN have been rattle.
restricted. We note moderate transatmous Lbl
and kg., at 715142, on tome, in bbl• and keg.
LUMBER-The following are tte soling potter fee -
I inch Common RoeM. per 1000 feet, 11l 00
' I do do do do do 19 00
14 do do Plank, (P MO do 1800
9 do do do do do 9100
I do Clear Illeard, do do OOD
11 do . do Plank, (P MI do 39131
* do do do do do 49 00
Pone Joist, (0 Id) do II 0
II do do do 1000
II Scantling do 1000
Pone do do 11 00
Shingles per hirearce) 475
LEAD—There is a regaled demand In the mute
5 tor OW, and 5051 for bar.
La..i PhP—The prennt range of yrlces of Land Pipe
Is 7014 e, according to elm.
SaTtkr La.—Sale. al eke by the sheet, and 6.0 0 P
when pal.
Winis Loo,—Pate lead is selling at 111, and No I a
61,90 f keg.
MALT—We nuke further legularlasles of Malt at
651:1114 0 bd.
0111-1-inseed commons mow him, et 910100 c IP
gallon, Sates of No 1 Lard 00 at 58e, and of No. 9
.1 - 40030 c
PICNISTA L— Tem loom has Lean coming ontoard.
osothe6Clianging Rock or Allegheny medal, and sell.
have keen confined is • law small lots, at Wa.osleil for
H. o.4 . and 1271341 for A Ilegacny. on the Weal :.a.
RaOo--0e quote hoe: hand sales wt 3:' for mixed'
sed eloout le for white.
ROALN—Clams et 119,1. kr 1.01 km North Carol...
BElo33—Eat Need has adranced, and mat now m
opoottl al 81,50 p bushel. Sales of Tomethy from er.
nail et 815099.69, and of Clover a 114.10 0 M.
PO EDER —Hazard, Dupont. and- hadln 0 Smatbh
Ralle.toieder may to gamed at large quantotice. 14,70
and 41 eonele keg. at 81.=15,50 V keg. RocoY rovv.
in, ari119,119 to 53.50 or Mtge and small osmotic..
SAti . ‘Ti-liales on a regaia r ..y al $1,93 • bb1..h.1:
is ologoloorly estaillshed po oce alldat.
SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes on lohls at 41091
0 ora cash-61 , 1s sum charge
SPi,C.lo—Cawle, i-3.l4oc,'Clovoie. 2:4399e. en.l Net
inesit at, for Na. 111.4191 50 IP P.
SOS4P AND CANDLES—iiales of rosin map so 4
041, of Star Candles at 9.909 k, ortould tallow. 00.-•
and oo common &Piled at 0, W O.
swr—SCes do 11.75. Lag.
W . f o
. DUCEY—We halm tams of Gootdols rectoned, at
931 le 4s gad
T LOW—Supplies ate 000s11, and w• may yeaoe
toinially, ao 10,4 r lb
3 ACCO—We ornoce • good Amend Mr ell de.
smitions of esmonfamored. Hassel and Ilinbineon'
bratilia have advanced to 310 , Grua . . may be quota,
at .3(e, and ether brands common. at 90079, as In
ona(ity. ToOSP prices ova flora. with an advanolng
Ti4R —Sale. et 140114.25 0 bbl.
VINEGAR—The regular raw. for gap/ eider Vine
gar (rum store. are 81011 e kg gall.
WlllB6l3E—Sales ol Recufied at 2340*10, cash
IVOOL—BOOInm, 10 101. Maple loan beau moderate,
bat prices are form. The following genie:ions may be
owed i—Common, 30e; 9 blood. 31e; 4 do, 'Oa; I do, 330;
fall Micah 37033 e.
- -14 a VID
tamers — We glee the NI
'mproving undat.CY
o. 13 ere per itl
'• 17
14 "
• • •
No. NNI, cut perdox 9i
two, " ......el
ALIXAMCIT, November it
Beeves-11m margin way well ',medal on
end the number offered was pretty fall for this market,
amounting to shoot 800 heart, soma 600 of which are
repotted to us as having been told to city hatcher', at
1584.43 ant, ♦ cwt
Sam—The arena's amowaed to shoat 400 hoed,
which were mostly sold at $100,70 ♦ head. =eon ,-
tog to quality.
Heos—A limited cumber wore sold at Stea r n IP
Coon &,aa —Were sold at 1101:112 each, fo
• men to otedona qualities
Perntourgra, Nov. H, 1830.
The °tering, at the yard thin week, comprised about
IWO head of Beef Castle; ASO were driven to N. York
330 Co.e and Calves; 700 Nom and MO cheep ao.
" Beef Caine are In falr request. stades MP ♦ Ido
lbs; 050 bead wall and about 10 bead ware left oTer
C 41 •" --13,7 Cntea.l7olll4; Bgt :agars, 112
0225, and Petah at 11110:32, earn.
Hogs am In bcncr demand; allav a 1 g 5033,60 do te*
F ound.
Sh“p Lamb•--prme. range (mot 1,2 S KO.
DALTIIKOI2. Nov. 13, 1850.
Cattle—The offeatrip of Soaves at the Scale. en
Miming reached 1450 head,b4B of which ware told to
city botcher., Soot, p•eten, 47 were loft over untold
and 355 were driven to Pollagelphla. Prices ranged
from 62 to $2,75 on the hoof, equal to 441/75X net. and
averaging 6t,111 mu.
Ilag•—We guns from 61,75 to
Etasn—Tnera wee 5 feet ® Ickes; In chum !. at
dusk, list eacning as d Itt et stand.
Fashion, Trebles, E h
Michigan, Brie', Braver.
Beaver. (Jordon, Beaver
Baltic, Bennett, Brownsville.
Allende, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Youghiogheny. Ilarinnee, West Newton.
Brilliant, Owes, Cincinnati.
Dismal, Cantwell. Wheeling.
Arent. Kinney, Wellsville.
De Wirt Contort, Donnney, et Louis,
Fashion, Peebles, Flisabetn.
Michigan, Biles. Deny..
Heaver, Gordon, Beaver.
Baltic, Benne% Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Blownly
Youghioshenv. Ilartupee. West Neiman Youg t{ hioshenv.
JamN, Moore, Wheeling.
Rave:lle, Dales. Wellsville.
Hibernia No. e, Bachelor, Cincinnati
General Ottnes. Abrams, St Lams
Priendshic, Cincinnati
Jelin Dean, Gallagher, Emigsville .
VILLR—Fort PlO,lO a. x
WELLSVILLE—Arenn 10 g.
I GRlVMOTTH—hlaingt.o
ST LOUIS—I. Q. Alems, 10 s to
ST. LOUlS—Vummt. II A. w
LOUISVILLE—MiIton, 10 e. a.
AMALE tcacbc , , G.Oftttrato snoctiabestd ul'AtZz,
.aoci,will bad • desirablo altuallon, and fa—
calve, • libcfal Wary, by making mcnodiata
'Minn in soros. to Cu. Baud of Education, in tr.<
own Of Wellnille. Colombian • canon',
Byorder of the Board.
noP:ditord,w2eS WS. MACIINTOSH -Seal
Dicrellasesi and Usemese t
mule Bonk has ibis day deslar•d • dividend of
IL roar per ex 01 Oa n capital Mock. oat otitis pro Ats
for Oil riz WU; the um* Inez.
WM. H. DENNY, C•shisr
Piiisborab, Nov. 8, 1140.--no6d4r.
DA fIPEE Gee emo ed m Many Area, bolder
and dederl w ir i ate
mune WM.".
LARGE thus incry 'Met Ranie . lll PAR u I Gnat,
A• et. " d "'" T'reiLtignoci,
&0312 w 211 LAM) a
Tex FATAL Race 3au Btallllo=l.—Tke pack
et boat lows, Capti , Craimvirrived here Yesterday
morning, and Capt. C. collaborates the account
published yesterday in the Gazette. The dinar
bermes, however, are at an end, and most of the
ringleaders have escaped.
The shanties of the beaten party, have been de•
moitatieri, and their occupant forced to 111.
Pusue Kerma —The.meotieg, called io the
Board of Trade rooms teat matt, or the porpoae
of enquiring into the expediency of •odenaoring
to procure the erection at • tellable building in
thin C.ti. for the sceommodahon of the H. States
[Wirers, waaotganized by calling Benjamin Bake-
Well to the Chicr, and appointing John Harper,
The Chairman stated the elect of the meeting
is a brief, but •pproprmte address, and concluded
by calling on the Hon. Moses Hampton, Who sta•
tee that he had, for • ions time entertained the
idea al procuring an appropriation hum Con - resit
for the erection of public buildings in ibis City.—
During the last session he bad introduced • bill
making an appropriation of 150,000 for this pur
pose. Etils'ssiero introduced by gentlemen from
Ohio and Missouri, appropriating 550,000 for the
brectiou of Similar building. in St. L ouis sod Cd2 '
When the C•orneattles td Ways and Means ins
vemigatud the matter, it was bend that Ginnie •
tour and Si. Elute each paid fifty thouund
tars pie annum in the shape of dater, while,
according, to the record, Pittsburgh only paid
eight hundred and azteen. This was owing to
the effects of the law, directing these three cities,
together with some others, to import their goods
vut New Orleans, dii was desired to pay the do•
ties m thtse respective places. It was more con•
venient to Paul:users, owing to their canal and
oilman perior Meddles, to bring their imported
goods from the Eastern porta, than through New
Oriels., sad this accounted for the small amount
of duty paid here, and solved the mystery, for it
was perfectly evident that Pittsburgh meat at tout
impart Sl many articles as either of the other two
The three bills had tern detested. Oa the last
night of ibeeenlon while he woo in a committee
room, si.V.r.g upon the committee of Ways and
Mean. the Btli,e appropriating fitly thousand
dollar. to tinciotten and St. Louts, were offered
al amendments to the civil road diploMatin bill, and I
He nouid_dn bast little without the necessary I
statistics, though he had pramrly stated on the
door of Conserv', that Putaburgh contributed
as meal to the Nauonai Treasury in the shape or
duties, as either et the other cities retuned to. He
was met, however, by • gentleman from New
Haeupslitie. who showed that the amount actual.
ly rnlln tc.l to Plitsburgh, way only eight hundred
sod stamen dollars. per *Palll. Since bra 11r.
cal m Pittstmegh, he had oacertalosil that the
amount of duties paid by our therebants the
East, wag over enhtuo Jred a 014.41714 rldiLon
He would suggeat the lormailon of • r,ouimitte
to as,ltake the amount of dunes paid, as well
as to transact other nrcesorry boaicess, liner be
did not ore way Piustionth rineold be behind any
western eily. It that Collirnit . .eo were Waled,
he presumed that one of Its donee would be to
draw op • memorial to Constr. %alias forth
the facts of the cave. He would take the fiber.
ty of saying that their report should motion •
statement of the amount of rent paid by the Gov
ernment for us offices in this city, which he on
densund to be somewhere between fifteen hun
dred and two thousand dollars per tonal. Tee
idea of selling the United States property on Peon
street,:trving a (root of shout one hundred feet,
and extending beet to the river, should likewise
be susses ed to Coniston, liner it would probably
hag et least twenty theoremd dollars, and thus
Immo the actual =moat to bo paid out of the
General I IL Masthead thought that ble.liamp
ton had pointed out the proper course. and agreed
in his suggestioes as to me manner in which the
Committee should proceed.
tie would move the adoption at . the :allowing
• ••••210.Sit
• •••811031.
Reinlsc.l, That a cOonoillro of Otis be •ppomi.
ed to ',emit. t 'ael.,collect.t.u.Ges,andpre
patol report on the isupolt , of Pittsburgh, tad
echo a memorial to Caput... requesting an appna•
pillion for the erection of a budding tulle,. tor
• elllll.ll boon: and other public Oro% to be
submitted to a mectutt to be emit:cued at the call
of the Prraldeut.•
' the rffefohlitoU was ruled, and Ito following
gentlemen were appoicurd on actl commutes
I. li. MLA:MINA! t,
N. R. C.P.MO,
I'. O. lA)Ohtle..
Alsor .onfo.redforlf•Uf Mea.ra. E It. Uaooam
ao.1.1: U.l, Imola, Mr. Samuel Palmetto:it atoned
that be bad been maims tome lOgiurteo olio the
£130051 of Intel paid taboally by our merchants,
wad found iI to beta tallow..
Palue of Import., Idol e. Included.t 560G,000
Len duttes turd elpt,ll.l• ••••• • • .. .... I 26.i•Ga
Nett to•hte 1379.:300
IN w,t 02, the Mr ot:ag
ILPD•.-3 , VC 44. ull &UV.. 011 onr
e coati..< the opportunity offered ly
hit J. F. Dieter. Vo'.JOlcard, de , bcing
in the city, to hove their houses proteeteti by
lightning rods. The plan employed by these gem
demao we believe to be perfect,' giving certain
protection spinet the enc., of lightning. it is
withat,ehesp. All who been employed them, we
believe, are thoroughly satisfied.
Inn Gape June —The Grand Jury have com
pleted their arduous labor., and ssi'l probably ad.
Journ this morning. They have acted, during the
present tiessinn, upon three hundred and ninety
eight bills, many of which, especially iu trig ng
cases of assault and beauty, List have returned
UnITSD STATI. ttniwa Stales
Circuit Court met yeaterday, Thelon Grier and Ir.
in on the Bench
A number of motions to dissolve Intact:Meals,
dra., were made, and a considerable amount of
preliminary brogneas transacted, though no juty
trial man taken up.
Tex Piarrerruzi.—Tha Ord Jury vluited
the Pesiteatiery yeeleniey.
Casorraame—The colored elude:tut of Puts.
burgh have collected the ecru of one hundred
and twenty five dollars to purchase/ a tell, to.
tending to present it to the Church of the color•
ed scUlemeta,mealiased yesterday, near Raleigh,
Andrew Fulton, we underwaud, bas been ow.
FLA2IIIIIO Maras.—Our readers will recollect
that a Ploushing Match will take place on Thurs.
dui/Jim 72nd hat., on the firm of Mr, William C.
Danny, tedium towethip. Fourteen ploughmen
have already untried their names: from Ind.
aim township alone, and d is anticipated that the
anuMer of competliTra will be very large. The
Am premium will be, we are informed, thirty dol•
tars, and various other amounts will Lc distributed
as prizes.
After the ploughing mach 111 over, oc
will be delivered by Alfred B. M'Celmont, Esq.
StenMan ■o early hour on
Monday morning, while the watchman, whose
boat extended along Fulton street, was on duty,
he was warded by loud cries of "murder, mur
der." Running la the direction of the mend, be
found a man extended on the board Walk, about.
lag lustily. The watchman raised hlm, and asks
ad what was the matter, when be was Inform. ;
ed that some tremendously large, wild animal ,
a panther, as he thought, had sprang upon him,
knocked him down, and bitten him severely.—
Oa examination, It was found that his legs were
severely bitten In several places, and on farther
search, it sons Illeerlaktee that a tame fur, kept
in the neighborhood, had escape.' with the chain
around its neck. The chain bad caught in one of
the cracks of the board walk, and had topped
up lee peer fellow, who had been to Unnernote.
measly insulted by the lon. Iteynard, prebss
Lly, as hole liked Me atrahgulauon ceased by
the pressure of the elate when it encountered
tat foot of our traveller, as the Whir aid the
sharp teethe( the former.
Court of quartos Scallions
Norrassal9, 1650.
Freacat R. - taro. 13.hi'Clure, Presldeas Japan.
and Wm. Kerr, and Samuel Jones. Associate
The Jury in the ...sae of the Con.numutcalth vs
John Dean, returned a verdict of guilty.
Coutmonutealth va. James 'Seville and tnarat.
E. Orr--Indicuneet Malicious Minable!. The
Defendants In 4,14 Can, ecru vliedied to hal'.
Draken the artnJoiss of Mrs. Battlers Eubn, of
'Ti. /lily returned • ctd diet of ferny. Sarah
E., Oa ass aeutenced by the Coon to pay a fine
of Iva dollar and the root. of and to
gl‘ t aecnrity to keep the peace for 000 year, lo
the it orocte hundred dollen. Jame. Sevilla
(a I tie bay of au or aeven year. oyage) maa
lent tweed to pay • due of ea and ■ quarts
nanonimaanh as. John K. Nichols—lndica
Jaya( and Fannin committed on dm ping
awl Of Banana Earl. Timing, returned • 'rev
diet of otpailiy." The defendant made a sta lenient
to OW Court to mitigation of ho offence, Rini waa
aemenced to pay a five of ten dollars and the mist,
of prosecution. •
Commonwealth vs. Alexander hlcQuiatan—ln•
dictmeniperituy. The defendant, who vraa Cap•
lain of Barker's illegal Might waters, charged five
persons, with one exception members of the Po.
lice Committee, with conspiring to destroy the pa
pets belonging to the city, and on his oath they
were imprisoned.
Below adjournment, Joan Deno waitealled up
and sentenced to pay a fine of Mealy dollar., to
pay the coma or prowuttoa, auJ to give security
for keeping Ltic peace utwardetbe drivers 0( Ne
se. omnibuses.
The cue of the Commonwealth vs. Alexander
IdtQaiston, was taken up. Pleura. kistor, Ma
con, Cordell, and Petit, gave evidence on the part
Of the Commonwealth. As they all corroborated
each other, we do not deem it necevinrY to give
their evidence at letteb; substantially it was as fol
Oa the evening of the first of October, the po
lice committee met their rooms he the old
Court House. Md./Easton, who had been sp.
pointed captain of the night watch, by Barker,
without soy authority, attended the meeting
with warrants, signed by tam, an captain.—
The committee tore them out of the book,
lot the purpose of examination, leaving the
usual ma•g n for entries, in it, and pissed
resolution requesting all ptesent, not members of
the committee, to retire. hid:Lois:op, and sew.
end other persons who were In the room, retired,
and the former wow , to t e Mayor and ,swore
that the committee ware conspiring against him an
captain of the watch, and that they had destroy.
ed a portico of the Mayor'. papers. Upon this
accusation Barker and his potato went round and
arrested the member. of the committee, whom he
sent to jail, refoune •Il bail. They were shortly
aeeran•ds thachaleed hi Judge :McClure on bail,
by virtue or a wr.t of habeas corpus, and being
committed io next day, were again disc
charged by lodge Hepburn.
During the cove of the cis mi oation, Me. Snow
den, ono of the Counsel for the prisoner, umteu.
; dad that the defendant was Captain of the watch.
The Inv upon the, subject was read to the Court,
which promptly decided that fd . Quiatoo was new.
or Captain of the eight watoo, Barker llama had
no authority to appoint him.
The Court adjourued, when the evideuee on
the part of the Commonwealth was cio.e.l.
COMM! CP Tunt.—A man WII yesterday ar•
seated and taken before the M•yer of AllegbetlY,
vtistscd with .leafing some wagon chains, the
the pio,aerty of Hugh Palmer. He proJueed ev
itleere, purring oueluaively that he had pnrchue.l
the stolen property, and area timehargeti.
Maven S OYFICS, At Licoornf.—The ?arty°, of
Allegheny hod Iwo persons brought before hint
yesterday one charged with drunkenness, and the
other with selling blew In the First Ward without
• bream. The tomer woo committed to prison
for twenty four hoots, the latter . was bound over
for his appearance at the next Court of Quarter
Bowsuga.—The spun house of Mr. Familia-
Moor, on Wood street, under the Washington
Hall, was broken open oo Monday Pohl, sad
patrol articles were stoles]. though Roue were of
any great valor.
ARE 01) A FATHER, laboring for th e Gannon of
a fsoGls, and suffering Ism general debiGt7 and
low spans,.o that life almost weals a Garden, use
DR. S. 11 110WPS. siimmt SARSAPARILLA.
S•der ins from dticases to which tamales are gener
ally -solace, ass Dr. 9. D. ilowe's Shaker Sarsaparilla
--a will certainly cure you.
stall at out depot, or en one close agents, and get a
genaililet, gratis, where you will find Mat the Shatter
Sarsaparilla. at prepared by Dr. S. D. Howe, ha.
teen themeans of pennanantly curing more diseases
to which the human Manly •re continually seine.,
than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla ever yet
brousta before the public
Th.• medicate Lae. otablabed to ugh reputation
by It. numerous and well attested curt..
It IS put itp to quart bottles, and to the tally Sena
peril's that ISCIi on the !.Isar, gidrmys. mul flood at
.I.IIC linos. which renders It altogether mote 'sale
able to every one, particularly to females
Na said and miwre for Ur. S. D. I (OWE'S SIIA KEY
H.SIOLIPARILLA aoil tote no other.
rtive at per boule-0 bottle. for Si.
For by
PR. H. D. HOWE k CO., rtoynetors,
I Callum Molt. CanelOnati. 0..
To ',bon. &Harder. moot be 4.l.lrosoed
. -
nJxo, lot xole by J. 4. Jonea.J.Saboonmaker .2. Co.;
W Black, IL W. Moons, J. M. Toirnsond, J. Mobley,
Jaell son, rittstraysh.; k. Elliott, Allesbcoy SLIT,
W B blecliollab4,lllanehrstor; P.Croeter, Drowns
•ll,e, Jame.YaaUk Cin, Wheeling ratteroon
and E. U. Pllorgan,lst. Wrloan lb Knox,
Coats ooltbiltor?
ruts v. w "Oiled surce. which ha. attended tar
w ..r ataialiMiltLEVa ...Uhl n TIC CO3I
NX) wad uLtmoii P URI/1/AI, in x tLetually cur.
0”, a, • ..vocal and most kuvelerate Cases of IN•
Is u males,ot guarantee and recommendatton m In.
duce all who on adlieted with this dreadful disease
to Iry Its exams.
Hundreds of came, many or them mussed of St.
Louts and others trots abroad, have been cored with.
in the lam few Menthe to the coy of St Louis alone,
while leiter. from agents abroad show also that It is
parlay.... dot same Wherever tried. Many of these
were Chronic -.wee of long stmdlng, and Mlhope of,
recovery had been given ap. While others were o f
more recent date, of the mute Milantmatery forte,
very severe. All. however, yield to the wonderful
teed Mull. modicum, and thossmds who have fa
shoed it. benefits, and ate now to the enjoyment of
heelth coil but eateem the original discoverer rid
petiolate, a benefartor of mankind.
te well known nom the experience of the past,
that no otownsd application can possibly egrets per -
meneut care of Um dreadful disease. fly the applt
robot of Mint alsunr laments , pante! relief, so some
tame, may be ebianed for • short tune. IRS all the
while this theme le fixing it, grasp more permanently
the system, mod Mom or later will again develope
itself in • more .to
form, and after a few pen-
odic.' mums, it settles into a chronic form, whic if I
not soon arrested, ruins the Ludividuai for life. Tl,e
is omitted by the history of the past in all countries,
and more fully demonstrated by the history furnished
of Into to the proprietor of this compound, as given by
several hundreds of those who have passed mderlo.
Immediate nonce nod treatment during the last few
BLOOD ls so Internal reme.iy— m.
emcees ite operatiom where he dinette tint to
nett.. and, in purifying the blood, p ***** through the
whole mystem, neutralizes the Impute or cauttic sleds
otent which hos settled upon Me membrane.,
and tentione—Mlneeel it entirely (rem the Dwelt., sod
restores the individual to perfect hsaidt.
Let thins, who are afflicted no deceive therneelver,
mid put oath. use dl this medicine too lung, or until
gtheir limb. are dislocated Or contracted to ech a d-
em that they are cripples for life. The ex a perienc o e
of hundreds of thousands during the pashas well aa •
ulnvade at the Mese. dot, demoustrate. a the telly
of expectsig permanent telief !trot external mph.
The proprietor of this Jelled. medicine knows
learn experience, that no outward teal
semtbly Ora. permanent eare where t
pr ase 1.1
E r mly fixed in the system. Ile Cal, and doee prepare
and apply an embrocation very acute cases, which
end give relief In one hour's time, but this will not
trench • permanent The tiaturo of dos disease
that it requires longer time, and •n intent.]
remedy, to produeethe deemed ellen., and Mortunore
Rheumatic Compound and Blood Perigee to the only
remedy that has ewer been discoveredoithet inAmest
es or any other conotry, that well egeetually cute this
This medicine ran No had, wholesale sit retail, at
7.1 1 Mid street, next to the Pelt Other, Pateburgh.
Pete r ika per bottle, bolt et, for 503, or Ha pet
400. e. Pamphlet. can be had grads of the spot.
_., I _ R 11. WISHART, Agent._
A. Fl A 'sW i Sls , r 'rele n Nt z tsb Stoclr, A CNl t t . l:l;a i Nne.
GrFVI FY b I ;
V i r Isrst: Plot. IlTorrs Rlo;
10 batr. Logotsyro;
sO bap Porto Mica:
5 bap Old Go, /ova, tor sAle by
Ccl Wood & Firth .a
1 11111 , 1 a:1:1
tlrrkrrnn . Fivi:
11 jar.
M It r...• he.
br • •ntr (1.31
Caie C.t14,11
Li . 4 11:1.1A.AH CO
Floti -7 iiro No I Mackerel,
io hi brio do;
10 [dials No 7 filactoral,
iii gr brio No.I do
70 kits No I door told by
riolil J D WILLIAMS & CO
jii E..- :A le• I{ntE sistiiinding lin Immo by
11,1 e WM OAOALEY & CO
null Is & SO Wood so
co 11. toOLAriSES--iiiti brio 81. Losii& Dl.Jame.
0. broods lot sole by
MR HANiois -301 l iaiioitnionTtocowt, now
.troy, ownwno and fur tale Ly
nol 3
iTOTIti-- 47 ball sorusaan.larltng for sale by
C:1 bola WN BAGALEY a Cu
TriITQUE WAIN:SuUTING—Ar. ozone,. uni
CI « Wan roycr, to ale OY
E - S.D—IPP:i pigs Galatia AM received per sizarrar
LA Eel nfar, Lai ealc by
non . Z4EB it HUTCHIEGN k eti
VOOll-80 ooze• Zaootord2. lot
21 Wood ol
Exruei F~uc
~lc b 7
- . .
'fiIIJUST REUEIVEA • new etzek of
Chic tarings 6,0 d arid 7002.0 Plea.:
else, a Wetly carved Ockere Puma, the
mess testedial Insweesenteverbrouglit
to tate city. These Piano, will be lapelled as usual.
at Decn. twtoest waxer.: en coaled sou teens
reliance, CR al" Alen teethed, 0 fine lot et Ran
good plain sae calved Pmo Stoce.s, with silk plan
and belt el
seats. For Cli by
Agent hit • OtekstinCe Plume tot Western Yenna.
I 110111•1111
- A. t ofu ' : ktv7g7t t ' c ' e S elv aft eltigte V e ' irt th ae . rZi l
Them! Wings tel from the most celebrated tannin' in
licy; they the font &nuts •sui env length., end (0,
beast? of tons and duelling. are unrivalled. The
orbectibere agent having purchased the above for
bun at the tectory,thes ate warranted superior mess
thing of it • kind aver attend ID this tearer?.
H. KLF.DgiI,
Golden Bawl, No let Third et.
N. o.—blow opening di eplendit neve lot of Nesine
last% ea Deana's enisbnitsil Fuuas.
c -
Paaketa arriving at areliapartlaglaosa
the Pert at Ptttaborgh.
The splendid steamer
Hulett, master, will leave for above
and intermediate ports on Wedrtei•
day, at 10 &Mock, A. M.
For fvelght or passage al
The splendid new swum
J. W. Houma, master, will leave for
the above and ell intermediate porta
on Wed amegy, 40th lost, at 10 A. M.
For height or panne, apply on board. note
The splendid and fast running steamer
John B. IL Davie, master, will leave tot
Davie, master,
all Intermediate ports
on Wednesday the 2.0 a, inn
For freight or puss= apply on board. or to
both 0 B titILTENBERGER,
• evr steamer
leave this day,
1 Weloek A. E.
Ly n board. .la_
D 1
The rplaal
jffilk i Capi. Gallagbe
far above, at 1
For frefahtFiyHmauma
The ;Ten/ new packet steamer
gonmell, muter. is now performing
e regular tri-weekly trips between
this city end Wheeling leatring, Plitabunrh at In
o'cicrt, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and
returning, I Wheeling entry facade), Thur.
, day and Saturday, in each we 1. I
Oat freight or poisaare. apple on board, or to
The splendid steamer
Lue - aa, master, will leave for above
and intermediate ports tide moming
r 10 o'clock
For freight or passage, apply on board. nol9
k i The steamer
D. Bow motes. will leave for tL
boo and'intermedlata pone on lin
day, LSO Inn. at 4 P. M.
For freight or poop, apply on boast, or to
The rpleadi• Molnar
Miller. masts , will leave for above
and all !Vona • late porn on dd. day
the Mb lost, at ID o'clock, A. N.
For freight or paasorto, aryl on board. nolV
Jain The splendi , mantes
Cox., master, will leave for the above
and all intermediate ports, on this
day, the leth hill, at t o'clock, P. M.
For freight (montage, apply on board, or to
The splendid steamer
maircaps. Coot, will leave tot ter alova
thl all intermediate 110. Oh this
day, the 1411, inst., ate M. M
For freight Or octane apply un board. nets
It k:Tißriiß u v efirWofKET.ND- W ELI.Th VILLE
The Ilytir draught .teenier
D. P. Kinney, mater, N•ees Parr
burgh blonday, wrdnewsy,_end Fri
day, at 10 o'clock, Leavy. %Wheedle TueedaY,
Tborrday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. M.
r freight or posse, apply un bowl. cue
MIL D. FL Dale, mum, will leave Pitts
burgh every Tneaday,Ttinrsday, and
Saturday, renaming, - knee Wellsville
cow) , Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
For freight or pasea g ypply on board, or to
ova V 61 WHEELER, Arent.
Captain Jana Bannonstan
Thle splendid boat was built by the
Owners of the ateanter lease Newton,
and others, for the and
Piusbargh Packet wide, mad will
leave every wads
0.2. for Cineinnau, In place or
the New &g land, N. 2.
For freight or pe wig: , apply
_on board, of to
The butrendes warner
Capt. B. Yoang,vrill ran as • regular
packet betvreen Pittsburgh, Wheal
g, Itridgeport,..lelunfisb,leaving Pittehargh every
blonde,' etterooon, for Wellsville, Steubenville, and
Bridgeport, and every ThervJay efternoonforSteaben
all,. Wheeholf. Bridgeport, Caption, and Sunfish.
Betarnine, leaves Bridgeport and stnalish every Tee.
day afternoon, and , Satllish every rrid.Y afternoon.
Por freight or palletise, apple on board, or to
sap: LI WILKINS. Arrant.
1850 Mg=
IONTINDES to Cr rinse freight to Pittsburgh via
Hall Road and Carte. on very reasonable terms,
and with the umal doormat, tram oar large depot,
No Ile %turbo street, Philadelphia. formerly occupied
by Remits. thribant AL Doak.
aagnriddm It W POINDEXTER Zs CO_
Caatral Itallrbad Opts tolloindoseborsr
103 mites Canal to Jahnuolon-280 ntifor Rail
Road Pam Johnvoton ra Pkilaidphia.
Exclusively for Panozort,
Time I,:routh, u hours.--•
/ - ‘l‘i an - r Monday, September 1•3 I , two drnly
‘_, Packet s will • leave ion Janus:own. t• out
thence take ipledStd new can you nal:, driest to
Philadelphia, puling over the new Pennsy,vartia
Rail Road, being one of the very best in the country.
The increased speed Lv this route makes it the most
desirable, as well as the moat comfortable one to the
eastern GM..
A Packet 800 .111 leave every morning at 7a'
clock, end every evening at 8 o'clock, PLB Bl 4 B ili at.
treThe Peruse Rail Road re pylv w el
For pause " rsiggi:Kgs Y longaSelt Hoer.;
.rpl3 or to D LEECH a CO, Coral Balla
1110 - 11:1/10ALUCLA 11—X--W/111.
aamitsai .Mt.
Only 12 llllaa
yla Brownsville and Combed./ to Baltimore end
Ilamvott—.-- • • • ---110 00
DO. P.11.4131:11.1./..----+ It oo
THE morning boat leaves the wharf, above the
I. bridge, daily, at El o'clock precimly. Time to
Baltimore, =hours; time to Philadelphia,. hours.
The evening boat leaves day, (except Sunday ev
enings/ at 6 o'clock. Passengers by leaning
eveian. boat, will cron the morinteir.• in mg.nail
in ::;r d c 'h y u o s art c le i te n ;l b li t t to Ye a thlice,
How, or t. Cherie. Hotel.
0c.i14.1) , J. NIESKIMEN. Arent
igio. ass=
(Beaver Poi
'l;_rAitenis for BIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH /
PACKETS; townie and rtuppuus between Patsborgb
and Itoelleiter by steam boats Mlahigan, Lithe Env,
and Beaver.
Goals recetpted and protißilly delivered to all
piece. on the Canals and Laker at the lowest rates.
•b.PPerr plow, direct god. nllidwall's Line.'
Water at. Vitt.sTs rit h.
.9 Gee,. I K. Pintas, Jr., illes t
Will insure against all kinds of Asks,
ALL. leews wilt la hbatatiy adlosted .4 promptly
A home lustiteunn—nasaled by Directom who am
well known in the oommanny, and who are detat
Ki by prunipmese and Itberanty so maintain the ch.,
actor watch they have waned, as offeriny the best
protection to those who se alio to be Insured.
Dreg mss—R. Pi ffl e., Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Bailer,
N. Dolmas, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Da men, Geo. W.
Jackson Wm. M. Lyon,
_James Lippincott, Cicalae
Dorris,James Pl'Auley, Alet. Nimlek, Thos. Septa
Grszce, Pio. 92 Water street, (warehonte of Span;
Ir. Co.. up entire.) PilllbUrlh. lUtail
J. lifisswwys Jr..
Agrnt for A* Pam LiP /n.suranca Oa. of Phila.
FFtt•F. et : tVatrr t h re e
c 7e p te , r . {l o l ,. n x trastee Company No.
Punn.hicts, with all necessary information, and
4 1,1 writ. will be furnished.
iteitoinds can insure their Imes for the bench; at
the wives and children': creditors the Lives of their
-- pot. of the Cr • divided
I - hewhole huh.. of the Company .4 Y. the Uhl. s ui Lae Pohetes.
lie die litende of the put two yt •111 have teen cub
ty her ten t. recto Ye.,
• _
RANCE CUMPANT.-01Ses North Room at lb.
achanjge, Tided creel Philadelptitst.
Four insoutscß—llWild/rugs, Merchandise and other
property, In Town and Country, insured against los•
or damage by bra, at the lowest tate or premium. •
td.ath IN elnuna.--The y also hints Vesels, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, unda s ropen nr
001.101 polieler, as the assured may degas_
Ts•Atroarsoort —Ttcy also onus most, rranspuned by Wagons, Rail Roa d Coot, canal
BOnti OW Swam Doan, Oh I 66666 and the
most lduet.l toms.
DIRECTORS—/nteph II Saul, Edmund A Soudsr,
/snit C Gdyis, Rabat t Burton, John 11. Penrose, Sami,
Hlwards, Gen G Leiptt,Etitood Dolini. 9 • lo a.s ,
Davis, Wm Falwell, John Newlin, Dr R Id Huston,
/as C Hold, Thenyhthas Paulding, Janes Bracts,
Henry .910 n, Ilugh Cr•ii, GCLige SCrilii,
nlclivain• Choirs ROY, /att... m Roy Ur
S Tkastrii, IdLri 9.011010, Wm Errs , Jr
DIRECTORS AT PIT/913L1R011 -0 I nir,rgwt,
Cr,..4 3 " h 1111Uhl MARTIN rt•sricTiS
TUGS- C ILAND, kllgaCtlt.
Jatarn tv. C4wsw , :f.saht
ornro ar Carnyani) Dd .
_W__at_a anon
prtleryikr, I o PJ:/
AFLO-I. secoi ochre laceeseciAl *Una, cciaciy
Lew, is istlesed et • 'nest bailed,
One sceccd Limit.d coals kltZus,• • •
Line 4. Jo; Si Je de
Liceda • tit do ..... 4 ,
Fct Cy JOHtbilitstlllllELLOß
N 0 A Den stack ct etackerices Plano . o now
1111ANtinitil5'751L—itet title for sale by
rgr=•l7/ril , rl.
Aruarity BURCHFIELD taxa Jam apsoad a
IEL Beth sapc47 of the varloas qualities of WA above
tnclathag thick tarillso. VW/ roe.
Franca Nokias and Caniateria, black sad faaall Also,
and Black WO YUWi, 4t vary low run foe
AHOUSE ANDLOTonTwarnaandsmxt,adloinias
ths M. E. Chasalk In tba Rath Watt of this airy,
/At, S 0 by 100 tat; loam brick, with eight mamma
a good oellu. Teri.: coy._ and tltb• indirpatable.
For, partionlara, apply to JOSEPH WOODWELL.
no4:dtf or. WILLIAM B. SCAIFE.._
T 4 ,11
ONE containing 29 2 acres, d miles from Wood•field,
on the graded road to the Ohio Hirer, at Fishing
Creek and Sardis about 100 acres eleared,3o scree
first rate bottom, 3 dwelling hossee,barnr, and a large
orehard. This would make • splendid stock farm, er
it would divide to advantage O. into three (alma It is
a desirable property, and will be sold
Two 60 acre tracts of land beautifully %Pealed on
the Ohio Leer, 31 miles below Wheeling, Improved,
and will be sold a bargain. Enquire H
• y HI Second at
IHE dwelling tome N. es Second suety between
Weed and Market rtreelsolos• onespied by the
nflect Rent WOO yer annum. Posses Mon given
an the ht.of Novembertnent. JOHN H MELLOR
onJ:tf No. 81 Wood anent
wo wen !leashed offices in Post Offico
Third street.
A long, well lighted room, dd worn nnweli 4 e
km sweet, between dd and 4th metre.
Also, a swan brick bonen, in Pitt Townehip. near
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Inquire or E D NezzAN,
N 0364, Second et.
A FOUR Bunk , fit...Mo alato 'roof. dam bath
DI. Mem, eas fixture., sad bake Mu, 1191 bird .t.
Inquire at 60 Water erect. exP3
AND possession given immediately, the Three Own'
Briek Dwelling House, No GO Liberty street, and
opposite Third at ALSO
The Second and Third Stories of Warehouse No
Market street Enosira of
C STOCKTON, Booksellers,
47 Market ct
M'CORD & CO, • 01140
Wholesale & Moan Manataetarare /a Dealers In
Ooy. Wood &Pints sta., Mimi:,ash,
Where they offer • dill and et:ambient Ose et of Rats
Cabs, Fun, do., of avert totality and style, by Whol -
sale and Retell, and unite the auention of their e. •
tome. and purchasers amenity, assuring them tha
therwrill sell on the store essystsrassons yenta.
TRICT attentlon - still be given to all business en.
la trusted to Ins care. PMsburgh manufactured
articles always on band or mitered at short notice.
Notes, Bonds. Alortaares, negociated en favor.
able terms. Advances made, if required. ocZet.les
ARRANGEMENTS heving been made ben:teen
the uttdersigned sr 11. B. Urayson, Esq-. of
Vashington City, (late of the Treuury Deparoninth
the uedersigned will procure Bounty Lends for the
°Meer, and mktiers,their widows and children, under
the Bounty Laud Bill, passed September tiltb,l6so.
&BIES F. KERR, Attorney at Lase,
Fourth a t., between Smithfield st. &Cherry alley.
Pinsbersh, Bet 21, 1850.—0e2 _ _
.:nab.pq4,Ju., LI
tursortursts by run non room,
tiorth.liast on. of Fourth &Market oat,
On Monday aornang, 23d Srptenarr,
With a Lane Stott of New Goode
No 17 Market Street, corner of Third la,
AS constantly on hand, for sale, Writing, Letter,
PrLoting, W
Tea, and rapping Paper; Bonnet,
lent Binders', and Trook Boards; Book and News
paper Printing Inks; which he will sell nuke largest
cub p dens, rin exchange for rags or =nen' serape
No. •Y Fifth
1 , 1271111411.1. ?A.
- • • • •
THE usulersignedshave, this day associated them
selves slider the Mai of Phillips, Rest &Co., fo
ths purpose of manufacturing every variety of Flits
Alannfaetnrar• ,ntpry varlet) . Of
Cut, Premed, mud Plain Flint Clan Ware
ORDFAIS 640 wattout delay, at dm latnent mar
kat prlca; - at their factory, on Try Intact, Item .
'Second, a: at no Water atteei l Patalturen.
To Southern end Wetrn Merchants.
Lb rubscriber respperndly insure public attendee to
kits extensiveetodißgil kerfuniery;,
_• Soaps, Shaving
Cremes, he., to width seven Silver iktul two Golden
Medals have, within the last Ca yeari,teen awarded
by the finnitiles of New York, Bon., end
dolphin, the latter being the only Golden Medals ever
awarded for perfumery either in Dieppe or in Ode
Rosont's Umnaleau SHAVING Gnarl, (h.lheood, l l
Rote, and embroslala universelly acknowledged
be superior to any Shaving Cream In tins memory or
Lluorusisa rot Stavuva—Seautifinly transparenr, l
and poesteeing highly Saponaceons and emollient
properties; Sapostaccoae Compound; embroeal Shay-'
tea Tablet; TITG.Gag Shoving Soap.
Bouomit,Pistathro, Meek, Paten/My, Ihnolbue, Float
icy, Tinutphre at, Olive 00, Wind , or..d Citesesien.
TT C,. roll tile ,glici .1.1111,
3,4ael Caolioir, , lem.lcza, y , Licate.
' Rota,
Cietvut,e, wootile
Rotal, and many other •a., •1! Cidellial
Tom. o ver Water, Eon ds Toilette,'
Orange Flower Water, and a greet variety or Co-
Loy., and Lavender Water.
Plaartailoa• vol Tara liant—Genalne Bear'. Oil,
Antique Oil,' Bandelne,Eau Loan., Gleine, Com
pound Os Marrow, Hair Die., [Neill arid in Powder,
and Philocome, Slant., and Jenny Lind Pomades.
Goorreatom Pasessavants—Ltelearnie EllMr, Rose
Tooth Paste, Charcoal Dentrlfice, (Moonne, Tooth
Pests, and Tooth Powder.
Cootencs—Veyetable Camelia Cream, Amandleo
for chapped heads, Cold Cetera of ROses, Cream de
Perm Lip Salvo, Raspberry Cream, de.
awry Powders, for removing superfluous hale,
Pearl i Powder, Vinalgre de Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria Her Composoion, Preston Salts, Donde,
• great Variety of other enrolee, too numereas to be
earned In this advertisement.
The subseriber hopes matittain the reputation
which that esteblishment sot sequlred, t y disposing
(nothing but first rate exotics, end will be happy to
fentieh those whoay wish to patronise him, rimer
wholesale. er n n reasonable term.. any es.
tat ltalment in the United Sawa
Successor toned former Ihrecter of the Ls bet cory
114 Che O min street.
Mr. Burn'. Perfumery le for sale by all the piaci-
I Draggle. In the coroner
HESE celebrated and jortly acknowledged am
parlor goods, in the latest coloilnya and rapid tit
roved styles, will be forniebed by the miblitribent
any quantity, at the very lowest prices. Purchas
es wlll please nroiee that the genuine Bay State
fabrics hear tickets corresponding with the above
Eat, and they will also be distinguished Erma!! other
Coolco Shawl. by their cayenne finish, Oneness of
'glare, and brilliancy of COlOll. Orders *elicited
ta all sections Milo reentry, and the tame will bta
promptly attended to, Purchasers will also Bed in
our Shawl department a large maortment of all else
other moat noproved makes. and newest dealgas of
Amerman, French, and Scotch Woolen Scowls, em
bracing a groat variety of plain and medium arYlm
for friend.. . ALSO,
Superior Faris Bunch, long and square Shawls le
latest styles and ben inanufecture—lligh lustre Black
0,l COTOTLEI Silk Shawls—Lupins Black and Mode
Colored Thibet Shawl..., woh yin / a nd monies pringgs
—Paris Primed Chooniere and Teeter,. Shawl.—
Plain and Embroidered Crape !hawk—New style
Printed Palo] Shawle--Neat figured Parts Brmlia
Shmale— Lupo. Black rod Mode Colored 'Meet
Long Sltwis—Plain tmund Seal Skin Shawls—Plasm
Mode Colored French Tetkeitt Shawls, fringed and
hound—Eight quarter French Mode Colored Thibes
Cloth, tommarms fall 'MO- yards wide for Shawls,
blndtnit to match—White and Colored Barcelona an d
I:rococo Shawls, by. Wholc•ans and Retail.
einnamlPtemiziras,ColitaleStonE4Surplushatal,l , . ill room Sedsmi al , Foildelidda
_ .. 1 sephndtmegmlni, _
Ttil9 hew:mint style of Hat is now recclicd; and
will be introduced on Buturiay,llst inst-itit
warns Cor. rifw & Wood ats.
rritE undersigned Las bee. appointed lien for this
obiand responsible company, to tanned Mr.
layette Brown, and is ready to Immo policies in the
Fire and Marine depsrunent, on as favorable term.
m., ohm responsible compan A RNOL D, thisitY.
74 Feulib at., neat w Dant of Pittsbnryh
rp 11F. udersigned would call the snention of met ,
J 1 chants and others hissing property exposed to
lass by Flu or the perils of Navigation to the superior
advantages offered by the
Pr ot•otIon Inourano• Company
or ItAirraltD,coon.vlx:—
L—Raies of Premiere. ale low as those of any other
2.—A speedy end emisfeetory adjunnent aloes. by
the General Agent of the Company for the lVestern
and Southern States.
3.—Arburation (of i
ll differences which any arise)
by referees mutualy chosen.
4 —Awards promptly paid In Speele,Bank able Furors,
Or Coolidge on Ness York, Baltimore. Charlestoo,
New Orleans, St. Louis, Looianlo, Pirmborgb. or
()Moaned, at the option of the inured.
itr Pamphlet, wing forth the mode and prin.
elplcs of adjusting losses, rates of prem... data.-
cation of bawds, to., Numbed to the cestumen of
ca t omen free of charge.
For farther oformotion, oyyly tho toolotroptetl,
wLo is folly authorised to truant Dwelimss, Stores,
Visrehooses, Mllilly itluelsetories, Bates, ke.
nd Household
chandise. combined or stored IbtrtlD, monist loss or
dantayo by FIRE'
Dry hoods, OfOCCIIO6, Manufactured °oasis, Fru
du4e, flou.nal4 Furniture, LVIO Stock, tad every
Atter amnion. ut Alerch.dlre or Yereonal Pro
wry, .lipped
or to he shipped par rood Mean:thorn,
ut coatsfruot paLets on the Western
or Feats. ci tie s tam Lakes,. other
.r,./ any turrns al the Western country, against
tte,hutar4e at INLAND TfiLNPPORT.I.TION
ti.&.:TiCali 01 0.4. Wawa, oat/ Marobnatee, per
tooi cent cr angle, ielliretil New Origin, ad
porn—tatweett New Chicane iii other Gull.
:--Ger./eat. tit Ananeu, pone tuna English or
European ports, or to any tither =Milns port what.
never In ita Allanuc ifi.lll,(4=iluil PERMS OF
74 Fourth Ii nest to the Dart of Piusbutitk
_25;1:442 ALL :4_
W 0^
ve.t-E3L—A guszma mortmentof Eastorn
and Vrona. Wall PS.T.CM from cd cents to t 1
pot ylocc, uim Larders to match for tam by
GL . l 4 ElUrrilit-3 ttla freslgiVeatro:
ONEY-;.1 box of • dellyhtfol Arm; for bate by
HESTNUTS-40 big is inote and fa! sale by
BIJORW HEAT PLOUR—t4 sots for . W. by
MINX HOARDS-30 bundles for wile by
altioas, Acturowiedirmoro. of Deo% to.
Oroo—coon stow, lisalthlkld.
netted)' rcr Con,...imption of the Lug;
Affections of the 1., tr. >dime, Bronchitis, Pains
or Weakness of the Breast or Lugs, and other ' •
affection of the Puhnonery Ovum.
Vh' fine Herbst Medicine, emorsered cblegy of Wild
Coenv Berk and the genuine Iceland Moos, the lanes
imported expressly for rile purpose, the nye medical
sinus of which are alto combined by anew domicil
proeess,•witta the extract Of ter—thus readwing tb
whole compound the most certain and efileactoes
remedy ever discovered Or CONSUMPTION OF
Intereiting Correspoodevre—Dr. Weal'. Banks
of Xenia, Ohio, a highly nspeetable Druggist in that
delightfal village ha. t^farmed Os that the sal* of
Wirers Balsam of Wild Cherry i. unparalleled.
The demand for It Is en nisei. that he can seemly
keep Minselfeuppited wpAtt. He hu had La Waters
medicines for boy affections! wore of these were
esteemed toad, and some gave temporary relief:. but
Mime he has bed Wiatars Balsam of Wild Cherry, a
climber of the most scans acme were completely
eared by its use. "I never a-14 a medicine," says the
doctor, 9n which I had that cadre cenfidenes that I
have Muhl."
IT Coax. I—Mel:ever Wistarq Balsam of Wild
Ch err y to (*traduced, it at once attain. that high re
pennon which it SO richly aeon:cit. Whet ce ,,,
vent Its sate, when On eri.r CMVI eat be w)ttemed
its woodchat cures The . worst cues of Anions,
recant sad dangerous coughs, land also thou m a t an
of long stending,) Brunette. or Constasphos, line fn
early stoical are always cored by this reniarkable
Cored by Wistaria Bantam of Wad Cherry.—The
fallowing care of Jeremiah Dalin, of Ca tlaq
(five of Ida brothers and anus inning died of Coa.
suroption,l is truly wonderful - Ought not this to tine
the strained to make use of this health giving remedy,
when it is effecting cares eke the following:
Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Co. O.
September 27,1530. •
'• J. D Pau—Dearth Sir—l take e liberty of advising
you of the benefit that I have derived from the ass of
Dr. Whales Salaam of Wild Cherry. I was pros.
tread by that terrible scourge, COnentoption, itt :der
last. The attack wee nal) herrltylog mer for fire
of mar family. Kay brothers and sistere,) had died of
Consuroptron 1, was afflicted with nutty all of the
wont features of the disetale, 1 had • Mstmming
cough, and expectorated a greet deal of blcod, beetle
fever, sense paths In the side sad chest, cold 0
alternating with Rushee of boot and cordow B Ntkt
I once under the care of a skilled physieLta, Rom
the time 1 wits taken het until about six weeks Mau,
being then about helpless, and my friends considering •
my cue hopeless, or at least beyond the reach of oar
ofphysician's raid, advised the use of Whi Balsam
Wild Chewy. Without my, kmowledg m y father
procured it, and commenced ;adrolmaterlng it us me, .
and from the first day the I erimuseeeed taking Neal
health improved, and in two weeks from the time
Commenced taint it, I was able to be out and ounce
have and Ithor, which I still connote to do.
I a taken font honles of the otedielneand now
consider myself perfectly well. I make this SW.
littst to indoce mien than are afflicted as I have hero,
to make toe al Winar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, -
which remedy has, corder the Mesonsof Prostr ate.,
' rammed my health . • JEREMIAH ISORIGO.
Still farther evidence or the =astable curative
properties of this inertlmable preparation:
Rag tlelville Brown co- O, Aug 21, 1212.
Nerves. Sanford k. ' Parka—Gentlemen—About sit
week.. ago (received the agency of IVlstars Bah=
of Wild 'Chen), but with come rellactence on my pars,
for the mason t hat I had been `he agent or no many
and other ne!ulmtl;
. sone thing wnderfl,
h at 'hih Minim% out inibe
it to be Of no lecomit watever, exceptio mum
farmer. candidly admit Met this time I have
been deceived; for the extraordinary dares erected
Wutter's Balsam have convinced me that ogood
can r oots
oar of Neutral:o' Your torn MR cue cue
dome bottles, which are all gone —having been the
means of can
mveral obstinate eases of Comm:.
tn—snd tici Mistake: Me whet ace and know law
brand to believe. One case m partimlar—A Toting
gentleman in Winchester, Adam. comity, a,
miles from this place) wen cared of Conmetphon
when the doctors had given him up, or et lenetemati
do nothing for himi and w. the intention al hi
Mends to convey him to your city and place him
under Me are
Orlon. eminent ptiyulcien Mom but
a friend told him of Wistars Deimm, and Mat he
could obtain it of me; he tent for end before the
second hot le was gone he war wend nod well, and
attending to his every day tames.. As them me
aeveral lommies for the medmlnc. it would be well
to forward an additional enrol y without delay.
Very respectfully LonnyLAMBERT NEWLAND
The above, from L. Newland,Esq., a highly tespect.
able country merchant, commends Itself folvibly o
the candid anention of RP those who have doubted
the greet went of Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam.
We are jest in receipt of the following voluntary
tribute to the curative power of Wistaria Balsam of
Wild Chevy. Pons E. Hall, 11. D., of Monett Clement,
Michigan, who II a physician of high atendmg, an d
an •raerisivc druggist
Mt Clement, Michigan, Oct 50,1940.
To the maned, thie may certify that Met. B. Bob
ram, of thhr village, three or four weeks after cionfirie
meat, was attacked with a violent come and great
prostration, and scented bmterung IA the rave with
repidi 7. I edvisral her to an Rimer'. Datum of
Wild Cherry—she did so, and with that vain/bre
medicine alone was restored to health, and is now •
hying proof of the value of Winar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry. E. CALL, Physician and Druggist
Read on and be convinced rail :umber ofthe re.
comkable ...leer of Wiiterhi Balsam of Wild Cherry
' Melon, Sanford a:Park—Cent , A, a counter oils..
tine to sou, I would oiler Mc rollowing statement Ma
cure effected by your medicine. known as n o va'.
Balsam of 'Wild Chitral Irt the , Lprinn of 5847, my
wire was severely etteeted with Partrinettmonia ,in
Pleurisy. which resulted Ina deep sewed pain in the
eel, eecarcpwoeil with 0, screen cough; she ores at
ter.Oeil hr some of the best physician.rn Chicago, but
to no purpow, for wesksabe mitered, Intent relief,
coughing inceramtly night and day. I came to the
Occlusion that all the remedies known to the physi
crams could not help her; and Induced to try your
Wild Cherry.. I procured one bottle,md commit:oW
using It according to direction, before It was all gore
the cough stopped the Pain in her side !either, and
with the aid of an:Aber bottle she was restored to per•
feet health. In consideration of these elnammancra,
I would tenon:mend it to the public as a valuable
medicine. hoer., respectfully, B. N GARILATT
Pound iteptile, Mwtoinin, October Eh 1%1.
I:Er Price It per bottle—sls bottle s for SS.
Pohl by .1 0 PARE,
, (Suede... of Sanford sod read
Fourth and Walnut strehts. COmeinnen,Ohio, general
Agent the the South and West. to whom all orders
Mum be niiilreenid.
L Wildeira,lr. . rarer.: A. !rm.. J. Kidd le Co, B. A.
Paha:slot sO. r .., l'insliu. ;I . T. Russell, Wash-
Ingto, . 5 , 'll ;.','rim, M i t.. -A.:in; L. D. Bowie,
u,,,c,,,,0. ,: It Is, 4,:, ,11r.,1 ; ,ii: ; a KnonlA 8 .
men.'; 91.011. titlm...ri„ Lerl,... r. - Ilend &Son ens
ingdo o ; Tire. Orr, liolltils yet.,: sr llddebrand &Co.
111,311,,,a; J. K. Wright, ,"‘,•‘...{; Evans & CO.
Braekviller A. Wilson ei.Ercn, Wayoraburgh; McFar-
land n. Co. N. Callender. inetimille; Dutton h. Out
Erie; Grabens de Pottier, Mere. lames Kelly &Co.
Duller, Soddy, nellfer, .T. D. Summerten, Wanes
F. L it C S. lone., Condersport; P. Crooker, Maier,
Brownsville. eellidikin (thin
4cores 'Mirk LSON,
95 Wood at, corner of Diarand alky,Starnd troy ,
grEll varlets. Manufactured and Effected with much
Care in relerence to price, Mlle, and quality, in New
yarn city, and will be offered at the lowest rates of
ps o c ne low prices, Wholesale and Retell.
Pittebarali3Oct.ll. oellid3mitselmS
raira 'unfurl [mass COLVI:l.
CCIAL Merchants, and Dealers In Dry Goods, Gro
uenea Iron, and NON, corn-r of Walnut arrant
a ndWathinvon Turnpike Road Temperanceline.
!AMIE EREL—',I, brig No 3,
1» Sr bets do, t.•a sale loss to olds.
&,0 Peon st
nri.c.dent, by
To Steito Boot Dotldol,.
EXTRA beam) Oakland and Ilb , uard Tunße lea
able tot steam beatdecbing vz awning, teraived
on.eonslgnment, and fez gale low b;
11,F-MING a CO,
00 25 12, Wood at
WILMAJLTII & lOULI*on cell nit" RtEid
Floor, 4011onw, on and ann. the In Novena,:,
$2 c 5 Pa , lOU tte. aoperfle, at Si pet 104 las.
lent I.scoatit to to milers
• •-" • •
6MUM b Jet Moot cazt
"A .14 co .1.1 ilo.rools tor sal:. Inguils of
1,15 iLcrt) It
af:E. tiUtIOS-4arfy‘ ,yorbaulti of Coti - fraiil
LA Linea Edgings and Lozes, and Col•
purenibscd by ibe rat, rib:, Enylazd, tad lo:
WI •ery felucca rates,
'0 mated to Ctmrtor.
• Liai Omit ..3tetn W - ceelea .c.ttaln Boa.
Dee Finti u., tetneen Wood te Mutt
B 5 wood It.
A :GIRL to da general heals vc ta r to whop a per
11.. m anent Mastic/1 and good wag. win be Oren
None need apply tilthost good references. to eba.
ratter and .114. !anti , at this other- no 7
f.schange Bank of P litsburgh. •
tus Bonk hes this dsy dectured a Mateend of
keeper cent, out of the pronts cf the last
410n , h., payable an demand.
THOMAS al (10Wr.,
Pittsburgh, Nov.n,len)—.tb..e2w
AN setae LUlnatla mu,, avir n a cub capital of
darn thennand dollars, to use a Interval in •
very profitable balnaas, batted to Western Pole
vylvanta- He will control the whole bosineu In his
section. Addrawi G. W. E-, this tio&dit.
- .~:,
.: i
E 2213233