hiAGNETit, rELLIMLPH. Nag Pella CiAD acTlKAmourpiiiio MR. THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE • DEATH OP COL. RICHARD M. JOHNSON. Locirrusr, Nov. 19. Col. Richard M. Johnsen died at Cis residence, near FnuticloA, ibis morning. Nay. 19th. MIL EL A T'S SPEECH AT FRANKFORT ELocnown. Nov. 19. A conesphudent of the Louisville Courier, in g of Mr. (nay's @peed, nays, that tor some an hour be acdressed the ASIICEIbIy. He reviewed the action of Coultas relative to the Avery queionn,..l the renounce of that gees with Cal.forn,e, limb, and New Mexico, and the nature nod &dem of the tetras' compromise:coca. urn. He gave Ms views briefly upon each. He also gave • history of the course punned by him. *elf and his patriotic eunapeets its the presentation of the original europium wa bill; when he took pc. came to pats a top compliment upon Ina conk. peers el the Detrino•ntio party. He took ~ •casnin, also, to speak la glowing terms of Yrea.debt Fillmore. and guaranteed hi faithful etecutiou of the iaws, in cue of their d o. ;soon by tie wad and fanatical abobtionientof the North. Al tcAgb he thought the people of the North were low abiding, the rens in the political sky twitcaiett a pomnotog atom in regard to the Fugitive Slave Law ' • hot he be li eved that the Preildent, should it ttzeocuis necessary, wculd order not the arm( and navy (or the preservation of pews an,: harconcy in the lend, egainst the cf. tuts Of the tat:areal abehtiontate„ whose lmpolitio cease he Jet outic.l In the most unmounted terms, He th oght that if the excitement upon this question should Condone to increue so tepid. II as heretofore,' and the aid of the laws should become necessary, there would be found a sew party—one for the Un.co, and the other quest ; and sod, folthug coat upon his breast, and oteppOig fmah rd. •• Mr. Spanker, of whetever ale. [ciente it may be cotapcsad, lam of that patty." Long and loud was the cheering which followed thisleetteneto, which teemed to meet • tetpollllo from every brut. MR. WEBStER IN NEW YORK. • .N*. You, Nor. LB papist Webster arrived us ltd. coy last eiget Ho was visttrd this- waning by a laic° nuasbet of our eiur,ne. la answer to a teeeptioit speech from Mr. litr tam Ketchum, Mr. Webster said, to aobstanee. that he approeed the purposes cf .too Uoloa meets log at Castle ("Laden, and would no always ready to carry hem not. A ertais has °neared, Nod idiots was neeemsy. He spoke of the impale tor which (be Uoiou woo created, th, ma • •,; of whiott was tu pratect trade and commerce.= Tame, more tt via any thing ear, created the Con. notation, and when that ta la danger. they rally to protect The %to vas not la danger when the eptrit of the peeve won awakened tar the delence.— Conant:One et the Nonh and South avail nothing --do no berm gloat object. far which the Government wen erected are greater thin ante, and the people orttfrita abandon them. We Muth opaque to Pe.: teeether en long it wo cherish the fittereru_tCat mete Of OnegleOpleL Lolouvitz.s, Nov. 19 The LeSidaatrebf Keotualty convened peens , day. Tan Gov:rues Menage wan rooelved and reakatter g7v:og It history of the wraigssolllol6- ed by the South. Northern aggression, ha use, ..Let the ploprodion be dlstheity Lo the non-slave holding 'awes to tamed! the wrongs, so far wilt may be in the power of Congress to do CO, by ob. taming from Kahl:unit a concession social of 28 deg. 30 coin, or otherwise 'to content to such amendments et the Congantton as shall hereafter wean, the rig wit of the S , aveboldiug SilteS 001:11 misconstruction, and further aggreasion, bet in the event or a nivel to do no, hesitate not to ex • press my decided opinion that the only effectual remedy t 3 the cvd which mutt continue to hgroW from yen to heir, I. w bt.tocad la the prometaad peseeab'e secession from the aggregated States.' The Legislc are alter besting the Menage read, adjourned ut.t:', to 111000er. FIRE IN CHARLE3ION. CHMILIIIIIN (S. G)Nov.l9 A Are breke•oill this martian, about 1 o'ilock, In the extenstvo fonadty of Cameron 8e eDer mett, on fist el street. tear Union wharves, loch, with its contests, end also a large woolen store house, and other badman were yea:save& The lons no (Johan saer: et,imatel at VA, • only 83,000 of wbleh we, tneur,l. FIRE AT . DE mot r. DLTIOII, Nov. !9. Tha Detroit R111r02.3 tISO met in oath by 601 n width, wee deetroyed by fire last libt. The lamb computed astoa,ooo,copoo of etch fell on person. 0101151+{ goads stored in the dd. In(. About 40 Will an transit mere consumed. Lomiviras, Nov. 19. The steel h rising s!oarly, and there are 6 fee water In the canal . • . The weather has the appearance ol"ralo Dca an are offering 13,54, ca:t for. litAl hogs, ac.l d • van ink s3m car 1 00 . NF:W iimuc MARISEI Piaui—The mallet is active, and lower and medium we 6s better. tales of common Mlle& slate at $1 6nil4 81, end of goad Ohio still& 81 11314 81 per bbl. Oraia—Wheat is ie good inquiry, si tate supplies. Sara of Michigan whitey bmheL Of Com, the supplies Are amid demand moderate. Provillona—ldesii Pork is Miry. speculative movement in prime, with it 8.2 per bbL teed is lets buoyant, and malting at 71811 per lb Oreeeries—Oely a moderate boaineal in Chewier; bat the approaching CO hummed son, ingiory for seen, sad Sates of Porto Rico Sow at 6107,, —Orleans at 81c per It.. Sales of lasses at3oe per gsL Rio Coffee is mai llgo per lb. Whiskey—The market in without c cantos 101P017. New-Yost, Cotton—Satre of Ihoo bales at form Flour is undimmed. with gales o to straight at 24,C501 15 per bbl. aye Flom in relang at $1.02 per bb Orain—Wheat is in good capon Sales of 18,000 bush Canadian at 10 both. Bales 6000 b. se Ilya at 820 Is DOW active, with miles of 20,000 elle for yellow and mixed. Oats is 45c per bushel. Whiskey—SMes of 100 bbls at roc per gallon. Provisions—Perk is in moderato wi mud, and the market for Mesa is unsettled, w th_lales at 411441111,01 per lib' Beef Hams are Oem at 413.8048414. per bbl. Sales of 200 his at 710 Bc, the letter pt:ce for chore. HAI TIMORE MARKET. 13.1.nr005, Nov. 19. Flour and Ors sales of Howard Mgt arid city milli It tl 61 per bbl. Gigots without change. Oroceties--6 ,les 1500 logs Rio celfcli, at ones lien, to day, at 106.1311.—, also 147 hbdi Pan° Rico sugar or St 6095 65 per ewt. Whiskey Is sling or 2Sc pet gallon. Provisions •••• arm, at former prices. Sides of lard at Sr per R. UNIQUE TO SUS Lase —South Carolina witl ob serve Sunday, °Clot., Ztb, as its day of Tbaub• giving What on earth can a State be thankful (or that fa not thouLful for the blessings of the Union! TSB FHILASZISIIIA ELECTI2I Ftl=4The Grand Jury a: l'olladelpaia, Tann:day, found three true hilts seams: James Barr, for tunics fru:dale:at astrost,ssuot: papers, and too bills tgainst BClli.rwo 140 , 10, for filrfre37, U 3 &Wittig the electton returns of the district of Sol:lbws:IL while scuelp In the capacity of return clad , . Boh are Whits, ir is ssid. Tha % ., g t er gr, commodore Stewart, dining a few dips 040 with the President of the United States, rittnarhed *at be had in with seers President, with the ahigle aormica of the lamented Taylor. The President ha, officially recognised Edward 'Smith Sayers, Esq., as Vice Comte! Pottage' for Pinsegyittin ia, Delaware, and West Jersey, to reside at Philadelphia. The Penult:aster General, daring 'beseech smiling on the 9th instant, established flr, new Poet Oleo, discontinued 16, and changed the Dames of it—none in blasyland. A awn named Thos Hinton, said to be a nephew of General Hinton, cow under arrest in Ohio for robbing the mail, was cowrie:tut of passing counter frit moony at Zanesville last week, and sentenced to the State prison. • Letters received al Buffalo Cyan D. Foote, Ifni. ,ed Statee Charm d'Alrairee at Bogota, aiata that it wee toe intention to leave Baron, on his return to the United Stairs, ab ootthe 10th *flare meth; Re will probably et...mac nis poet a l s o Editor of that or mod" Whir paper, the Erdal° Coramercial Ad vertiser. • Nona SanTimm: Cr . Hoornew —"I have never seen the day when, If I weft , to fallout with omen with whom I have teen friendly, I would as. poop to public anze their private ant confidential letters to we. on man will do it but one who is Tort to all sense of bongr and shame ." Uoiled States Menthe for Delaware Disirift, requests us to ware titre repletion of this city, is 13,97e—Det. cud i na t wi s e:nen Is to receive the titic of St. Pitidentth,who was c British saint, and the grand. ditritliter of Quinines. The widow of the tat: PrOfnltet WinChtethr and her deughtera, have sailed for Paint e barque lan. Coco .Steckton wili ho a cand'olate for tbe United Statee Senate in the Neat Jartel tare. Janata cousty, Lb.* State, in the last ten" has a papal/t -wo of 12,973, es screw or I,IKS Team The follotatts named gentlemen are spoken ol for United States Senators In Ohio, eiv Samuel Vinton, Thomas Corwin. Hinton Griswold, nat. Mr. Oallows., John W. Andrews, /cine Hdcheonk,.Tohn C. Vaughan, and Jord a. n& Gid.. C°N"°'-ro' - ARrakirtagad tioAahiERCIAL RECORD. LiE(J 7''l.)A i •') I COMMITTEE POE NOVEMBER. v. YON 1011011011117 W. 3.11,11171 T C. Bevlow of tai PITTSBURGH 111•RIKET. ttli TES Wl= Etl3l3s 11199. 19. GENERAL IiEII&RICEI.—The market daring the past week, his preeentad no Important change In quota• now, and basins generally has been moderate. The weather has been very unsealed, there having been bound seven storms of rain and snow, and Guinea on that &aunt, war considerably cheated. For the Ma few days however, It has bean clear and Omura, and in a general way,: fair amount of sa• duty has prevailed. The fall baelnests is now Wt drawtog to a close Hat of the Cant! lines have flopped reempartg goods from this point east. and the remainder of the season will he cemented In closing the business already on the lines. Goods, however, will continue ID be shipped by wagon, to Johnstown, end thence by rail road to Philadel plus, and by rho same arrangement, marsh.- slim will conunee to be forwarded, from the rest to Pitutbergit Our riven continue to eplandirl navigable order, and the receipts of the various &rucks of western erode, tine, have brew quite full during the week. The re• emirs of flour hive been large, bat in view of the near approach of the clewing of canal navigation , nearly all that has coureforward, has been harried to the east, through that chanuel—leaving comparatively light supplies to operate upon in this market. The re. celpte of Grain, Provisions, GrOCefitf, fr-C .have been pretty fair, aed the market a amply supplied: ASHES—A general gatemen hes panelled in the Ashes market, and no heavy uansacuons have come to oar knowledge. A regular moderate basin., has bean doing, !manner, at the fallowing prlc ,a 1--Pearl Ash, Gin; Saleratas, DOS* Pot Ash, agatie; Pad Ash; 31035 e, and Scorching, at 31e ♦ b. ' The sales al Bennett & [terry', brand, assents t. about 3D tone Soda Ash, during the weak, at 310, time APPLES—We notice fill receipts of Oman Apple* and sales to a considerable anent, hate been Iranian tea on •be wharf, at a range of priees, aecosimg I• atialny from El to'fPla, and 15.., Wore at 750111 • bbl ALE alto PORTER—The market Is Arm, with snit. as active Susumu by car brewers, at V. auk Incl. ded. BACON—Tae receipts of Bacon have been less abundant, the mason now being nearly over. We have no change to snake from our last weer* roper, / • can we report any heavy 11.Z:imitates. Sales bare been confined to the regale. wants of the home trade, sad we nodes a considerable degree of firmness to the mattim The following are the pram( reline beams :—Plain hate, ?MIN common bagged ham. 71c, and extra eager cured canvaseed, at 1001' le II; lb. Bides are in fair request., at Ibleal, and shoulders . at lbe IP lb_ BUTTER—Th. receipts of butter hare been fell the most of which, however, has bean shipped east.— The sales of the week rum op several tons, at the fel lo wuur range of pricer:—Prime roll, It015e; common to fair quality do, Stela:: and tees at POPO i lb. BEESWAX—From first bands, beeswax may be •ominally quoted, at lE11&191, • lb. BROOMS—Coaelderable tots have come forward doting the week, and we notice lull 'twit. le tee market. Salts have been (ale (lam best band,, at 111,110143761,01 for the lower, methane and better qualities, and from store at 1114501,500 ad • do, have noticed no arrivals or blooms ,r some time, and mipphes are limited. The rating rates on tints, are 853052 V ton. =cording to ;Leant,' . CRANBERRIES—Note of canape.ee ha. arm ed the present season, and the marked is bate of sup. P.a. A good article would be monk it240.2r ,0 • bushel. • CHEESE—Receipts hove been fall, and shipments cast heavy. We notice sales In valetas lot., of tome RAO ban Western Reserve, atAIPSI (or ordinary, 60 ett instead coalman, and 61061 for cream, as to anal. try and sin. CRLCHERS—The fallowing Is the mamtfertnrel list of price, Water Crackers, per bbl I. Donee do " Dyspeptio do " .... " •• -- Bagar Cr. kers, per lb • • • • --------- CORDAGE—We note no change In prices In tat VI sdrlonsordeles dollar this hest. The following a, list of pyless.; Manilla rope, by coil, do Whits Rola, by eod,• - Tassel Rope, by coil, Pad king V ern, hue,— •-• • IN 44 common.•— mama. 111,3702,9103,73 Ip doz. auectil• • —l4c `. 111,4002.25413,1X1 fp 114 z 41.. Y coil, • • -UV - =II =CO= gyaragsd Cordage Is sold regularly at 1210 CSITINDI SHRETINGS—We Lear of no yawn., -Vet, in Ihnsburga manufactured. No. I Ye. and A attar Nllla, is tetling at Rs, and common or Naasusak .7io ♦ Tat., and vary Ann. isCOPPF.ll—Ttili malls Pittsburgh oumutactistarl prices of cake and ingots, ate 19010 e p m Prima of other gesenplioas are tiaciangld. COTTON/ iiilol3—Priaavarst genital!y wits' trat, it tie recent a:lra:tee. Stock• se a uaitaaally ilatu; and sales Once beast necessarily eriabrkest to regales limited trinSaatiOne to Mist owing fiat of price., with room N 0.3, ow perm • • —••00 ". " • •.-- , --310 -•21 6i W . . -21 •• 11•12 , 66 46 S Is doing Id weather Molasses. of Now Rico Mo. .g stllo EERIE Carpet Chsin,;—• —lt Candlewickd• Coverlet Yam.. • • Bug Filling,- •-2e Twine. 21 Mining, Na.) &2. •16, IS DRUGS, MEDICINES k. DYE STUFFS.—We find no Important renege in prices daring the week. The following is a correct list of prisms of some of the principal Mlle I; eataad— •'lo7o per e. Coro lash at TO at 440 Aloes, Da 15017 Lknorsee root.--7 0 9 Mom 310 4 " hall.--•100:0 Aassfolid a ..... ....EOM Lae Dye•-• • ....... W. 049 Arrow RD/A.-1001s Ma/oasis Cub 73030 Aumfortie 10011 Madder Umbro 14015 BMX. refined 23038 Myrrh, Turkey 50050 Beam puu• • .1112,1505/175 Cris Vitriol. • • --• • 40 5 Do Correia. • • •35019 " Castor •.• —• • .51.75 p r i m ,,,,.„„ .... ...... 410 il " Cusia 3.3004.00 Camphor! ref .4503 0 " Cloves . 16,3003, 50 Chloride Lime, est 51 " Lemon 9,30063,00 Cochineal - •..,1,3001 T 5 " VerenVt ..... 15003 00 Cream Tamar mks 0p..., Terkel. 4, 7 50 3 , 00 Coppers...... • • -.410 1 Qubtine• •--- • .4,4004,50 Glee I. bbls 1160191 Rhobarb, root •• • .7setoo ow:. 40050 Sal Amortise —16020, Clam Arable 50076 SU Rod, • •• --- • • • .40 3 " coat-- 230 M Senna-- 19000 " Trautelneth. • MOM Termite Acid 44030 " Shen. 15010 Vitriol Blue--• 41016 Ipecac 1,75 lateen:ad, Obis 60 7 iMbrage 151116 psoutte, b bl. 111021 leap, powdered. 000 Logwood, chipped •••-•ri DRIED VEIU/T—Reecipts by man have been quite gall, but the better demand, and higher ;mice. in the sue, base ceased nearly all to be shipped to that mu. ket. Large qualities are now being boughs to at the east, •a we are Inforened,for the California marten.— In Vhiladelplda, on the 151 h, Apple. wore quoted at 81,1501,40, and 00900 es at 82 Pho The applies to this market are eereparalively belts, and we can re port no large tales Prom Stu hands, we quote Peaches at $14101,37,"and Apples at 600551 Pb,. DRIED BEEP—Western cured doted beef is in light supply, with moderate sales et 11010 r, Its In Vilikr FLOUR—ThO meow during the put week hare been heavy, but nearly all has been shipped eau, with. out touching this market, and the supplies been are comparatively Ugh.. Prim yesterday, showed a !slight decline from last week's quotatiou, and sales on aloe wharf and from wagon, were reported to as at 13,11.1; and Rom Core at 133,7603,57 • al, for good ods superfine. Extra family brands have been aOld from more, In small lot., at 84 P 1111, and by stn. gle bbl, at 14,1111• bbl. The regular standard rues at the City Mills, are 1/0112,35• ewl,necordiell to gui lt,. Rea FL3ra—Receipts have been light, and supplies are United. We quote from Ana hands, at 57,310737, and from Pare at W 1,600345 ♦ bbl: Cosa Mesh—Regalar tales from the Mills and from gm, at 90000 'be, In • =all may, ElCOrsrmus Fiona—This article be, come forerwo quite Mealy, and the market is well supplied. We q.te from dm hands, an 11,001,75, and from store at 100 9,11 i • care ' FRATRER 9— We notiee tau. Empties iothe mar. bet, with sales to a Ibis enetn, at 31033 r I lh. as In FRUIT—The demand le fair, WWI gala. Rai..., at 59P3043 p tor. Sales of Alraor.da, at mar. • ,Iti; of (+roma num, at 11,9501,37 • 1.. a,; of P“aala, acne; of FJbar:a,ll7o 9o ; at Cream nets, at 01078; of ante entrants, it 9091, and of English Walt au at 71 IREm Oranscs. none; Flgs,llols IP L ern r ma, r 6 on Fl 'H—Nast fah have appeared an tbts a art 1., cud a fair ear.eral baldrics, has leen &Ind, kr*, Nr. 1 mackerel, f 19,177 far No. 2, sod 10,2507,19 or N 0.7. 15151A,411,50 . , Salmon, 419,67, and Herring al 90,50 par barred FREIGHTS—Tea I:diary:opt:a the Caal De.= this paler cut, voLica ate rather straer,Gcl Baton L Batter :Do Hides.-- • —Ude Lica, ulted, ♦ Eel • • •Ilec Lea th er. • •-- 70, Deuwax Me 14•1111 Udall. tr. Halt- •- • 6de Lard in Lard Oil.— 40a3a • 7 Caen •--- —• •- • eoe Tork, 15 ,:k„_ Dna, k hicdittaen • - • 73c la aka, earl —• Fero • • • Oft Drisd Frrut— ••• ear akin. Doer k Baalo 760 FlOar —•— - • 7ra Tata°, Odle.-- •Pk Face & Palmas- --- •100 e Do Ey •We Farnithre Olassomiro• 3Ze Drldakey,tnir • 160 a Thriaead • —•— 690 Sheep P • fffie flardwats • - R ape a. Darn/ 600 GRAIN—With the dime, Bronchitis, Pains or Weakness of the Breast or Lugs, and other ' • affection of the Puhnonery Ovum. gy ISTARM BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY is • Vh' fine Herbst Medicine, emorsered cblegy of Wild Coenv Berk and the genuine Iceland Moos, the lanes imported expressly for rile purpose, the nye medical sinus of which are alto combined by anew domicil proeess,•witta the extract Of ter—thus readwing tb whole compound the most certain and efileactoes remedy ever discovered Or CONSUMPTION OF ,THE LUNGS. Intereiting Correspoodevre—Dr. Weal'. Banks of Xenia, Ohio, a highly nspeetable Druggist in that delightfal village ha. t^farmed Os that the sal* of Wirers Balsam of Wild Cherry i. unparalleled. The demand for It Is en nisei. that he can seemly keep Minselfeuppited wpAtt. He hu had La Waters medicines for boy affections! wore of these were esteemed toad, and some gave temporary relief:. but Mime he has bed Wiatars Balsam of Wild Cherry, a climber of the most scans acme were completely eared by its use. "I never a-14 a medicine," says the doctor, 9n which I had that cadre cenfidenes that I have Muhl." IT Coax. I—Mel:ever Wistarq Balsam of Wild Ch err y to (*traduced, it at once attain. that high re pennon which it SO richly aeon:cit. Whet ce ,,, vent Its sate, when On eri.r CMVI eat be w)ttemed its woodchat cures The . worst cues of Anions, recant sad dangerous coughs, land also thou m a t an of long stending,) Brunette. or Constasphos, line fn early stoical are always cored by this reniarkable =Mettle. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION! Cored by Wistaria Bantam of Wad Cherry.—The fallowing care of Jeremiah Dalin, of Ca tlaq (five of Ida brothers and anus inning died of Coa. suroption,l is truly wonderful - Ought not this to tine the strained to make use of this health giving remedy, when it is effecting cares eke the following: Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Co. O. September 27,1530. • '• J. D Pau—Dearth Sir—l take e liberty of advising you of the benefit that I have derived from the ass of Dr. Whales Salaam of Wild Cherry. I was pros. tread by that terrible scourge, COnentoption, itt :der last. The attack wee nal) herrltylog mer for fire of mar family. Kay brothers and sistere,) had died of Consuroptron 1, was afflicted with nutty all of the wont features of the disetale, 1 had • Mstmming cough, and expectorated a greet deal of blcod, beetle fever, sense paths In the side sad chest, cold 0 0101 alternating with Rushee of boot and cordow B Ntkt 'went. I once under the care of a skilled physieLta, Rom the time 1 wits taken het until about six weeks Mau, being then about helpless, and my friends considering • my cue hopeless, or at least beyond the reach of oar ofphysician's raid, advised the use of Whi Balsam Wild Chewy. Without my, kmowledg m y father procured it, and commenced ;adrolmaterlng it us me, . and from the first day the I erimuseeeed taking Neal health improved, and in two weeks from the time Commenced taint it, I was able to be out and ounce have and Ithor, which I still connote to do. I a taken font honles of the otedielneand now consider myself perfectly well. I make this SW. littst to indoce mien than are afflicted as I have hero, to make toe al Winar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, - which remedy has, corder the Mesonsof Prostr ate., ' rammed my health . • JEREMIAH ISORIGO. Still farther evidence or the =astable curative properties of this inertlmable preparation: Rag tlelville Brown co- O, Aug 21, 1212. Nerves. Sanford k. ' Parka—Gentlemen—About sit week.. ago (received the agency of IVlstars Bah= of Wild 'Chen), but with come rellactence on my pars, for the mason t hat I had been `he agent or no many 1122=E=EI:?1 and other ne!ulmtl; . sone thing wnderfl, h at 'hih Minim% out inibe it to be Of no lecomit watever, exceptio mum farmer. candidly admit Met this time I have been deceived; for the extraordinary dares erected Wutter's Balsam have convinced me that ogood can r oots oar of Neutral:o' Your torn MR cue cue dome bottles, which are all gone —having been the means of can mveral obstinate eases of Comm:. tn—snd tici Mistake: Me whet ace and know law brand to believe. One case m partimlar—A Toting gentleman in Winchester, Adam. comity, a, miles from this place) wen cared of Conmetphon when the doctors had given him up, or et lenetemati do nothing for himi and w. the intention al hi Mends to convey him to your city and place him under Me are Orlon. eminent ptiyulcien Mom but a friend told him of Wistars Deimm, and Mat he could obtain it of me; he tent for end before the second hot le was gone he war wend nod well, and attending to his every day tames.. As them me aeveral lommies for the medmlnc. it would be well to forward an additional enrol y without delay. Very respectfully LonnyLAMBERT NEWLAND The above, from L. Newland,Esq., a highly tespect. able country merchant, commends Itself folvibly o the candid anention of RP those who have doubted the greet went of Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam. We are jest in receipt of the following voluntary tribute to the curative power of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Chevy. Pons E. Hall, 11. D., of Monett Clement, Michigan, who II a physician of high atendmg, an d an •raerisivc druggist Mt Clement, Michigan, Oct 50,1940. To the maned, thie may certify that Met. B. Bob ram, of thhr village, three or four weeks after cionfirie meat, was attacked with a violent come and great prostration, and scented bmterung IA the rave with repidi 7. I edvisral her to an Rimer'. Datum of Wild Cherry—she did so, and with that vain/bre medicine alone was restored to health, and is now • hying proof of the value of Winar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. E. CALL, Physician and Druggist Read on and be convinced rail :umber ofthe re. comkable ...leer of Wiiterhi Balsam of Wild Cherry ' Melon, Sanford a:Park—Cent , A, a counter oils.. tine to sou, I would oiler Mc rollowing statement Ma cure effected by your medicine. known as n o va'. Balsam of 'Wild Chitral Irt the , Lprinn of 5847, my wire was severely etteeted with Partrinettmonia ,in Pleurisy. which resulted Ina deep sewed pain in the eel, eecarcpwoeil with 0, screen cough; she ores at ter.Oeil hr some of the best physician.rn Chicago, but to no purpow, for wesksabe mitered, Intent relief, coughing inceramtly night and day. I came to the Occlusion that all the remedies known to the physi crams could not help her; and Induced to try your Wild Cherry.. I procured one bottle,md commit:oW using It according to direction, before It was all gore the cough stopped the Pain in her side !either, and with the aid of an:Aber bottle she was restored to per• feet health. In consideration of these elnammancra, I would tenon:mend it to the public as a valuable medicine. hoer., respectfully, B. N GARILATT Pound iteptile, Mwtoinin, October Eh 1%1. I:Er Price It per bottle—sls bottle s for SS. Pohl by .1 0 PARE, , (Suede... of Sanford sod read Fourth and Walnut strehts. COmeinnen,Ohio, general Agent the the South and West. to whom all orders Mum be niiilreenid. L Wildeira,lr. . rarer.: A. !rm.. J. Kidd le Co, B. A. Paha:slot sO. r .., l'insliu. ;I . T. Russell, Wash- Ingto, . 5 , 'll ;.','rim, M i t.. -A.:in; L. D. Bowie, u,,,c,,,,0. ,: It Is, 4,:, ,11r.,1 ; ,ii: ; a KnonlA 8 . men.'; 91.011. titlm...ri„ Lerl,... r. - Ilend &Son ens ingdo o ; Tire. Orr, liolltils yet.,: sr llddebrand &Co. 111,311,,,a; J. K. Wright, ,"‘,•‘...{; Evans & CO. Braekviller A. Wilson ei.Ercn, Wayoraburgh; McFar- land n. Co. N. Callender. inetimille; Dutton h. Out Erie; Grabens de Pottier, Mere. lames Kelly &Co. Duller, Soddy, nellfer, .T. D. Summerten, Wanes F. L it C S. lone., Condersport; P. Crooker, Maier, Brownsville. eellidikin (thin HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS. 4cores 'Mirk LSON, 95 Wood at, corner of Diarand alky,Starnd troy , Ocewnstdffreih.rock grEll varlets. Manufactured and Effected with much Care in relerence to price, Mlle, and quality, in New yarn city, and will be offered at the lowest rates of ps o c ne low prices, Wholesale and Retell. Pittebarali3Oct.ll. oellid3mitselmS raira 'unfurl [mass COLVI:l. SECITLICT &COLVIN. CCIAL Merchants, and Dealers In Dry Goods, Gro uenea Iron, and NON, corn-r of Walnut arrant a ndWathinvon Turnpike Road Temperanceline. ,Inalkarl7ss !AMIE EREL—',I, brig No 3, • 1» Sr bets do, t.•a sale loss to olds. JOHN O! , ..FADEN & CO &,0 Peon st nri.c.dent, by ob To Steito Boot Dotldol,. EXTRA beam) Oakland and Ilb , uard Tunße lea able tot steam beatdecbing vz awning, teraived on.eonslgnment, and fez gale low b; 11,F-MING a CO, 00 25 12, Wood at //LOUd RICA/ tIC&D. WILMAJLTII & lOULI*on cell nit" RtEid Floor, 4011onw, on and ann. the In Novena,:, $2 c 5 Pa , lOU tte. aoperfle, at Si pet 104 las. lent I.scoatit to to milers • •-" • • 6MUM b Jet Moot cazt "A .14 co .1.1 ilo.rools tor sal:. Inguils of JOHN WATT & CU 1,15 iLcrt) It af:E. tiUtIOS-4arfy‘ ,yorbaulti of Coti - fraiil LA Linea Edgings and Lozes, and Col• purenibscd by ibe rat, rib:, Enylazd, tad lo: WI •ery felucca rates, . ARBITIMIGT '0 mated to Ctmrtor. • Liai Omit ..3tetn W - ceelea .c.ttaln Boa. •15. Apply m VCAIFF. .TEINEtEi Dee Finti u., tetneen Wood te Mutt B 5 wood It. 1ia223111 A :GIRL to da general heals vc ta r to whop a per 11.. m anent Mastic/1 and good wag. win be Oren None need apply tilthost good references. to eba. ratter and .114. !anti , at this other- no 7 f.schange Bank of P litsburgh. • tus Bonk hes this dsy dectured a Mateend of T keeper cent, out of the pronts cf the last 410n , h., payable an demand. THOMAS al (10Wr., Pittsburgh, Nov.n,len)—.tb..e2w AN setae LUlnatla mu,, avir n a cub capital of darn thennand dollars, to use a Interval in • very profitable balnaas, batted to Western Pole vylvanta- He will control the whole bosineu In his section. Addrawi G. W. E-, this tio&dit. ;, - .~:, ~`.; .: i E 2213233