PUB MI EL By WHITS Cc CO arAursaraisa are earnestly reqneaset a nstaa in i usu. favors Deane 3 r. n., and as early in thee., le practicabla. Allsertoentents not maned for a spa. g.d usai sanably e ordered t. ave Erik . F4.= Is Agent for this paper at his simnel in Dess Rork, Philadelphia, atd and is. authorised to reeds* subsenptions and adsenisesnents for as. Partez4nric. Nonni Aincencm.Advertine. 'menu and anbeeriptiona to tho Nonb American and Untied Starts (I Ue , • Madelplda, marred and for. eminied loon orrice. far relo Tottrobt ed from this . f o r - , übserfoliou end advert .- .., L Z; m TN.?, ed a nd fo s rwarded free of Cracucreziatt Ci m a arr—Advertiseratais *m a egibacriptiecre, for Ws paper, will be received and elded from We office. r/GEE NEXT PAGE FUR LOCAL- MAXTEEB TELEGRAPHIC NEW.,, FROM WAJIIIIITGON Celrettmeteleneeof the PituberghGezeue. WAitzumn." Nov: 120 k, MO. Wes colored and Slava Population of lataalkinglon—Ramo;al of _ha float of Gov•ramens n ary---flogloottons thoroon. • Many persons have observed with extreme regret the returns of population for whet remains of the Federal District. It is shown that the number of t l keel ermine, as was sopposed, they have in slaves n this city is over two thousand,and Matto far crease ,by several hundreds, since ISO. The pro . portionol increase, if I recollect, in this class of personsys about sixty Per cent A considerable mat . Me has also halm place in Georgetown. The accessi to the number of free colored persons are tom what greater. There are now about seven amuses! of the latter in the District . It is comm in to hear ti miter spoken of . idle and worthless, ' and a cuiire to the neighborhood in which they are found, and a charge upon publth and private char ity. Thrule harsh and illiberal allegations are main ly. rue.. As a chi., they are orderly, quiet, and hard works. .It is true they are low in the social scale, and kills good and sufficient reason for their I condition, in that respect, is, that by our laws and ettl „ customs ta , bits el th ought, theyare virtually a proscribed i Again, it is tree that they famish much mo than their doe numerical proportion of convicts fo our tail and penitentiary; but the rea son for thatl, also, is so dacrednable to on as the fact in to them. Many acts, innocent in a whil e man, are crimes under the law in a black. Take an an example the course pursued toward negroes who are seeking Mem a livelihood in so laborious and humble sul occupation importers about roil road depots. ft seems where been lately resolved to ex. clod them from that employment. I have myself been frequently appealed to by these poor createres to protect them trom the violence of ill disposed ruf fians, who appear to be employed by more respec table persons to insult, heat, and Operetta them in every manner, while attempting in this way to earn a living. The slightest rasentmeat or resistance upon their pan, m rases of even the grossest out. rage is sufficient to place their names on the crimi lthl records. here, too, an they are not permitted to work, they must of course in many instances take to dishonest courses to procure the means of life What more effectual means could be devised to multiply the proofs of the idleness and worthless ness of the free colored man. Oar mayor, a popular, humane, and e7.,,,•:eni man 10 his private character, ha... tuft 1.,,,,i ~ 1.0 taro, as required to do under the law, tear unir-- he free negroes come forward, register rtra Lit .., and give good and sutilcien: bonds 'ler thou -.owl behavior, and to mane the city from the liability of maintaining them, they must be et:recite:o ran the Kraal of the corporation. We talk of Amnion sod Russian berbanty, but what can be more her barons sad cruel than this order, proceeding from the chief magistrate of the capitol city of the great art and freest Republic Oa earth , Where are the poor men to go to , They cnnnotgo to Virginia, for on the unwarrantable mutilation of the District, by -the cession of Alexandria roomy to Virginia, some four years ago, it is currently, and I suppose truly said, that most of the free blacks were driven over to this side of the Potomac, by the operation of Vir ginia laws. They cannot flee in the other direction' for Maryland has laws against their ingress, and even when they have the means, they cannot travel on the mil roads, milms they ate ableto give heavy bonds to secure the company against the liability of conveying away a fugurvo-from alavery. What the alternative of a failure to give the required bond and security is, I do not know, but I do know that a like requirement, m almost any of the larger cities of the worldwould place I matener numbers of white men in the position of outcasts and criminals. I hare not called attention to them thing:, in any feeling of i I will, nor with the desire ot exciting hostile sentiments against our community, but certainly is a subject forthe legislation of Congrein `The national treasury bleeds very freely a year for the support of a considerable portic mi .- white population, in one way or mother it appears to me that the national character is deep ly concerned in preventing the continued perpetra fion of such scandalous injustice. I The number of alaves Is Increaslng. That is a I great nomfortune, to every point of new. It almost precludes the hope of a quiet adjustment of den fearfully exciting and moat dangerous question of the Continuance or extinction of slavery here in our political capital. Mr. Seward estimated the] number at only six hi:indeed,- and to his celebrated bill for leaving to the people here, and the coy i councils, the tune and mode of emancipatingMeom he proposed the inns iron of only two hundred thou and dollars,as a toll compensanon to their owners Why,at the very moderate average of two hondred tad fifty dollars for each individual, it would cost ore than five hundred thousand dotter*. To my Ind, this is the worn item of information which , the camus returns have yet disclosed. The condition of this quenton will certainly give no inconsiderable impetus and importance to emelt er, the removal of the rem of Government to a point ilmarerthe geograpbtall- centre of the Republic. It til `quite time that the necessity for that removal were looked fully in the face. The extension of our em pire, rail roads, and the elemne telegraph, by the 9wo laitti, of which mighty incident. of modern mediae/ion, time and space, are practically annihi lated, have decreed the crublishment of a nevi po. Mimi centre of this confederacy. Why sh old Oregon and California crom lour thousand ,::in. of mom:oath, dmert, plain, and river, to reachl tbe seat of Government? Why Mould not Maine Mid Florida meet Meth, half way' Thirty years titan now, Si. Lou.,, on the Mississippi, will be in the midst of our population, having as many souls West as there arenow on the East of her. Flom St. Louis, Com. Stewart could -receive his orders at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, fora naval mare men, Much wooer Min a elan can now ride fttro the Ptatieent's hodse to the Capitol, but at Nisquar ficor Walla:acne, in order Issuing from the Secre tary's desk at noon, would be received at suartre ?lathe morning of the some day, that is, fn five Or air hours leas than nu time. Again, in thirty years, the cars which 'leave St. LOU!, for New York, C.harletnon, New Priem.. Sams Fe, and Mormon City, will reach their destination the second day after. Nay, they will go through by daylight, for they will go onchandred miles en hour, at an easy travelling gait, and on the ending of the second day May will thunder into the magnificent depots, thou mmd feet square at Astons, can Frandsen, perhaps Mexico, Halifax, aid' Quebec. Where will then be the remotest tereples of our God Terminus? Let its Waste 00 more time, then, over a pattrli ni,ggerquesnon to the District of Colombia—lei us squander no more millets on sand stone builditsgs and c4irmbling ofirournents, and for the mileage of brawling disunionent ip Congress here, but let UP go out upon the first commanding knoll on the cot skirts of St. Louis, where there in yet breathing space, and there commence the greaten, city of any age or Of any country. lmam' AN 11111t011renT Dt.CITIOI To Frroot Da.Latut The Detrod Dads Adrerff rcr gives tte report .1 tee corneadtee of reference of the Board of Trad respecting • ease pending between the buyer. and aellers of a la: of dour—which Flour, on hasped. lion In the Boston varlet, proved to be of • grade blferint to the one rep:motel The buyers pre sented a clam 0(96 12000 dollen and interest a the difference between iho grades. The Committee decided ai follows 1. Thu Flour sold in the Detroit market, th seller giving an ucgnalilmd gnaw:ice that it shai limpets superfiee, said ru melee should bold treed in Driffslo, Troy, New York, end Bottum markets and to care of failure to inspect eoperfine, the trailer should pay the difference between the ignide! N which It d:d ineget, and sopedne, it notaledl within a recisonahlo dine. fe. That each rearnable time, , n rate like the not rreeed forty daya for ital. pvtaunp t o It,ton, Inspection and the tnmmla. silo of the le.proor'a C,l.fitleo and sea:meta back to Detroit. Free. Inn incrgn concloaiona, the Ciampi tea dicelei that Inc 11. ycr h., Flo clamp upon arse, ler In Ills case. MEE 1M=1:1 No body knows who Ii Gevemor yet l—wheds ' et he be a Whig or a Lo—Hunt or Seymour, though it is a whole week, to day, since the ekes lion was held: never was there a canvass so closely contested, yonwill thus see, ind the only wonder is that, by reason of their bickering, beforehand• the Whigs have not lost Mr. Hunt by so overwhelm ing ensjotity, instead of (as I think the chances now are.) electing him by the skin of their teeth. Had there been no rupture at Syracuse, and no recrimination at Utica, by the so caked "Sew. ardista,” on one hand, and the "Filimoritea," on the other. I make no doubt the Whig State ticket would have been elected by ten thousand majority, Here is • lumen which those who as . ire to be the leaders of the party, in this State, should learn something from. Bat will they? I fear not. pwenr,lomunal..riu I.l.—Babseriptiona maired and forward Assn exemplification of the remarkable reedi. nen with which, in this region, the professional Abolitionists seize upon every thing and every body in the shape of a fugitive slave, wherewith to bring grist to their milk, I may mention a lit. Ile Incident I wu made cognizant of to day, by the leading actor to the farce. A negro named Bard, a big, lazy, good for nothing kllow, who hasalept and loafed upon the wharves here kir the past ten years or more, undertook • pedes. man tour, a kw days since, to see his mother, who lives some where in Me Northern part of this Slate. Ile reeched Union village, just at the time the "Crafts" excitement was at its height, to Boston, and as the good people of Linton were innocalating themselves with the extremest ha- Wed to the Runaway Negro Bill. One of the dlgnatanes of the village asked Bard If he was a fugitive slave, and Samba, (writ with all his stupidity is a practical joker,) anal ed in the affirmative. The kholitioniata r with raised a subscription for him, fed him al ed him, and with documents to certain die", unshed philanthropists in the next town ahead, cept War on his way rejo ring, and with many a eltudkle that the poor "fugitive" had escaped the Northern bland hound, Thus did cuflea pass on, (coin won u to every where receiving the same kind ...rune he met, unsolicited, on his nett, at Union ailing; In the course of hi. journeying, he found him. self In Vermont, and wu, for two or three dam the honored guru of Governor Slade. Finally, getting about a near to the Canada [Harder ae he had any desire for, Coffee concluded that as be had raised money enough to live through the winter comfortably, he would go hack sod live at bocce, again. And so he did come home,—and I saw him YeMerdaY, mounted on a molasses cash, in South street, haranguing a squad of enthuaiutic day. tics, upon the extreme profttablenen of the fogl. rive slave ` . briahaess." lio said he had made money enough at it, and recommended his fel. low loafer, to go and do ILkewlse,—“for tit Abet illallizta liked robe humbugged." The fellow exhibited a lot of greasy papers (pats ports) he had received, from his free soil friends, in the va rious towns through which be passed, and Ihete were commented upon with a chuckle, which drew out a hearty yak, yet, yell from the cloudy audience bcfare him. he cream of the joke, here, i?, Reed never a alavo--was never in a Sontheren 818,0 in his lias. lie aal born at Stratoga, in this twin, lived there many years, and subsequently battled to Pauli:Wraith. Rot for the past ten years no has been living in New York, a no:or, one dot baler, and codling eke. Even .11 he ere a slave. I think his owner untold rather pay m to remain away/ than to stay at home. Is; gsbond that ia. It is to oe hoped that thus lore mdent will have the t fleet to tem; er %rah little diacretion the that of the negrophol i. A &aconite which Archbishop Hughes, t t th (Inman Catholic diocese ot:Neni York, deliver, as Sander evening la•i, at St. Patrick's Came drat. in this e ty, coon ' , rho rise and tall 0 Protestantism,' has attracted an unusual degree o attention, among ell classes of the rentanna but more particularly from the Protestants. Th Bishop was very severe upon every ttong a t every body our of the pale of the Church Rime, and even went so faro to read the bit oil service of every form of religion in Enrop and America, save that which reccguis,s the .r frellbility of the Pape; the day of their destm e Hen was at hand, he contended; like every nth• "temporary innovation." they bad had their dr: sod would, therefore, soon pass away tko en mbar "delusion.' Verbatim tenons of this , awkabie address are published in most of city papers, but without comment of any kind The Archbishop seta out for Rome next month. In stew of the mach talked of World's Fair, London, oeu Spring,l,lllloUlll companies of yortue men arejorming for trempAtlantm exmiraloar " By,club'Eng together, In Ono way, the expense •e greatly reduced, individually. Eat the most o'i. gmal idea, in this respect, is thin of the Nr c• York Light Guard," one of oar crack Military co, panics, who contemplate going to London ,n term. A !ready 100 names are enroiled, and it thought they will be able to double the num!, before the time comes for departure. They tote oleo to go to Paris, to Edinburgh, and 'other ctt. e. in Europe, while they are about it. This ,e magnificent idea, indeed. Busineu matters have not evinced much a drily, in any department, mina° my lost. Mon, has hero In good request to day, .hot not at C. 121111.11.11110 with the supply. Rues Ira ea y at, any 4 laa per east. for sixty day bats of pm. grade. Four month, paper gate at fags. Its ...a at foreign exchange are ahghtly yielding. S: r. hag mid at 10010 i, this afternoon. for imam,. mon by the Canada, to morrow. The salsa of Cotton average SOD be!ea per ti ett , y—pricer are rather depressed, sod Operatt .hum a theposnion to ...peed trantaettous ut Ge Adtmtic's news earner! M hand. Flour at freely. Sale. riots my last of 26,000 bbl. at 14,e 054,651 I r common to straight State, and 51. .r mum! Western. Southern, •:4355,121. Floor coerce at 11.3,27 f. Genesee Wheat 113 Meal S 3 M. Mesa Pork is held at $ll •ad Prime u t 9 ,7 7, with (a,, demand. Prin r Meaa 11.1 is in brisk requeat at old pmoa. Ls J is Grm at 71071. Battee-14c for Western Dm, y. Cacete--50161e. Wb.skey tam small supply._ Bales at 29021 e, which la an advance. Albs a, steady. Sales of ,Pore at 5d.121, and Pearls Ai LlGHT:rine ROD 4-11 will be aete by ad ;rumen:it in another column, that Mum. J. T. Decker, Woodward, de Go., have arrived. Thr genttemen are well known In this community builders sad ereetors:or lightning rods, on scienrd., principles. They walled upon our citizens darn a Lit very, and] dill an extensive business In chi .r Lae, and their work was generally very higi. y ■pproved. They. solicit Interviews with per., a interested, al the residence of Dr. Hunt, on Foot h . between Market and Ferry streets. Dactumm Mataasraz.—Godea's Lid) 's flrnhaniv,l3artain's,and the Ladies' National Bi melee; for December, have all been received fle:mee Literary D.mot, Third street, opposite past rtSce. They are all more beautiful th Inmates Tr, Nov. 13 . 1650. To the Eduor rf Me Pate.% egh la. At the request of a number of the rut. of Irdians township, the Farmers of tht• me. neuthhoong townships, steemblel at the Wolfe . EL. Bell, Deer Creek, for the purpos• of haste; a Ploughing Match, after due coneldesalloq the twenty first fist , at 10 o'cloct, who appointed far the purpose, and we invite any person trona the nelltbonog township. to joie wirh us who lees propelr. Perezzia:lninbidg to be nom petters earl enter they omen on the manalt7 the ptonshing. Oar resolutions wets as Gollowr, lat. Any person wisbins to compete, pays the sum of nee dollar. 2d. I. Mods and R. Bell we Instructed to find a tunable field. 3d. U . Boyd. I Cursed, sod R. Bell, a Com. mitt - 0 to Forlde tonde—D. Boyd, Treasurer. 4th. gerolved, That John b lurdoch,jr, of Pee ',l.., y e t, Boyd, of Indiana, and Jonathan Holton of Plum reship., be seleeted as lodger—the ploveve to be moved h oe , the s " be , „. Judgei examine the work. the sth L , C. WI", D. Boyd, end I. Boyle were rep pointed a Committee to alike nit the stoned end arrange tbe premiums. 6.11. W. C. Denny, Esq., is reqnewed to address the meeting, or praside some person for that pm pose, ea Thureday, the 2lat Inst. 7th. Adjourned to meet In the semesters, no Saturday evening at r• o'cloch. The Secretary was inetret:ted to have the pro eeediags publtsbed. JONATHAN HOLTON, Cten. Jae. Boni, Sae,. MOM 211E1A YORK Cotrezposulenea of the Ptuabaugh Gazeue. Naar You. Nov. 12. If the semporsty tranait ahouid reel re the ex. peas:lona It Areas to marmot, there can ho littic doubt the completion of the canal will own tc commenced with ardor. Supporior: the aurveys about a cost dot exceeding th .arm eal.metell in 1837 by Lieut. Bail, the prospect of the reborn would, there a reason to believe, bat morn larger than the pubbo have at any time been eeenc om . ad to euppow. There is tr.eo the Itch that the in. Malt or thew returns ran boner 110 limit so long to the commerce of the world shall increase; one, Indeed, already the idea of the galas to won:ego, pears to have struck some mind, num etch bare as to lead them to question if the privilege. whi c h have been granted are not of a kind to extraordi narily favorable that they will sooner or 14. f he repudiated by the Stale Of Nicaragua, No such danger, however, 'erath;'as the company are guee. aolied in the safe poosew,lon of nil their right. by the treaty Cl protection which ha. been gratified b,tweco Great Onion and the United Stair. /,,ndon rpertant. The Charleston Courier state, that the railroad eummuuleation between that rily and New Or leans has bean extended about fourteen miles trim Mol , gommy, westward, and redurea thus tar Ihe v.v. , . ' , hone ' , aging, whirl/ olsstrorts the tri, portafion of the mail• and passeare, tram lint Ir.. Inn le New Or ern. The annual Show and For of the Talbot eounty, hid I Aerteulturat Soeleiy will tate eta,. on Wed. nerday, Thursday, and Friday ul the present woek. AMERICAN Ti WITH %M.A. — The trade be tween Californo. and China is already uanming a degree 01 importanceworthy of nobs. When re. play WHAM communications are established—a result which will take piano at an early day—the trade with China will increase in a rapid ratio. A San Francisco letter of Sept. 17, any.: The amount 01 remittances In China from this port is beginning to be a very important item.— Vessel" depart weekly, and the consumption of Cnina faboca used here is immense. One large comminioo house state Mat their average remit. lance monthly for several months last past is fully equal to the sum of one hundred and lily thousand Mexican dollars. Other nooses combined may perhaps ship as conch more, .d this way silver currency is becoming more and more difficult to obtain for the ordinary tranmections of the city." Ennoaartox.—A gentleman mho has travelled through a considerable ',onion of Roscommon gives the fallowing as the result of his observes taloa " I have witnessed the greater portion of the in habitants of what were once thriving villages pro. paring to leave their native land, the mean. of accomplishing which has been sent loom relatives already sojonrning in the great Republic of the West. It is a race win the peasantry who will be the first to reach the emigrant ship. lam coo. rioted if the tide ascii expatriation pro redo as it is doing at prewnt, ihe rural population viii lie extinguished, and of the ' bold peamtairy weir country's pride' not a wreck will be Irk behind —. For miles as I went along, the land was almost waste and uncultivated, and presenting • wild and desolate appeararce." A Tamil-me Scr.:4.--The tiger scene desenbed below occurred at Ton:volt few days since - - "An affair occurred at our 'exhibition on Tues day last of the most intensely exciting and terrific description, and which, but for.-the Intrepidity, da mg and presence of Van Amirurgh, would certain ly have resulted in the horrible death of our old friend, Signor Hydmlgo The circumstances were as follows:—At about nine o'clock, Hydralgo went into a cage in which had been placed our largest Panther, the Bengal Tiger, the African Lioness, the spotted Leopard, a Cougar, and the Hyena The th. I exhibition proceeded, and Hydralgo seemed to have the annals completely under his control, and the audience seemed to be both delighted and to crested at the daring of the 'Tamer ' The perfor mance bad progressed very nearly to itsclose, when from some unaccountable enure, the Tiger becainesulky nod refused to lap. lie struck him with a whip, which so enraged the lunour beast, that breaking through all discipline, nod web one bound and a yell of fury that terrified the audience he milted upon Hydnilgo and brought hum to the floor of the cage. He could do nothing—he had lost all control over the brute. Every thing was in confusion, women fainted, others screamed ur ter roe, children cried, and the men termed paralysed. It would hove been ail up wnh poor H had not Van Amburgh, who was on the other aide of the arena, coshed LO the spot, in an instant by was to ibe mum and in less time than it takes me to write it, be had the enraged animal under his feet m perfect sub jection, and released his friend from his perilous snouts:is, more frightened than hurt. Van. Am burgh's prose, nee of mind, his courage and intrepid ity arc deserving of all praise, which he reeetved in the hearty cheers from the andlenCe. For the time it lasted, about two or three minutes, it was the most exciting scene ever witnessed " Sita.s•ollor .lanuan Catir.—ln the Cherokee Advocate, of October 12, we find the mewage of John Bess, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, to the Legislature of ho tribe. In brevity Mr. Rcaohimessage might profitably serve a. a model for Governor of the pale (non, or even for their great father at Washington. Ho 'smut. the death of President Taylor, adding due moral reflection there., espreireve peculiar regret at the death of Dr Wm. Butler, late United States Agent among the Cherokees, return. thank. to Divine Prorldeare for the goodness of the crop., rejoices that peace and good order generally prevail in the yahoo, while he laments at the growth 01 a clans of niter, perate and thieving character., and propose. hm:J iag a jail to correct them—suggests that the caper", P, of the government ought to be detninwhed. and I thtnke it Inaltspernable that a er n.. of the people be taken, to enter that the appropriation lately made by the Untied States Government, may he Justly distrthmed—and all in but little morerpace then is occupied by this paragraph. Truly Jolla Roos to a man of Intatnew and waste, no word. Phate .Son A New A ret4sttos or Sirsat so toe —We were very touch interesied, • few tt•y•ltss, In wchessteic 100 prft I,rsi per aloon of n ao.trr. otg.po, ros,oted try hi. t'isik hoetnen for hle Kicgsland ,rts With/sr. and which .s to he area at the lowlifes and nnaentne shop of Mews Lehi:ter tk.. Ferguson, on liettond street, between Greco and Mervin, The pricatplc novelty about ti ayspherrotor rf rd. steam Is ado qrha.der. is t 0.., ail the twat welchers Vessels, valves, airdes,S: are uopenred with. Its ietrwir valor consists t its entire sungionty. and the icipstdiablitty ila ester getting oat VI Order. The riltedel let her - tenntal, istacaltng on the centre. Ateara end toe cylinder Orre • to;, Or OIL sattnoth surface, with one suerture working against • correspettid• ton 14 C. 7 Qat baying two ap•rotres When the ream i•tet on, it fooor.a thrcuica one ei these :apertures in t`,..e centre trgi foto the cs hooter and nets it to motion; end as the ...tiled, rthrm • en and dawn, it lets 'he cot., 15.1.:45.1 the tray OS Wrap.) chest, •or •O• of the twat sod Machinery. Il dallenit, treout dr•setngs deacrthe o to the snader's nederstantitna, bat u-c must any that :‘ IS 'he Moles: boo ri s entitle, a,' he. less mant re ioh taan %as f S T , R n I" `c"°"" Lar•rawa r •ted t••• Ymmturan were in vent: e a we bar- yr I ,re a•.mr • ••••••• • ; ; main tr !be paten n md, ect-ch oop rd d re, •t. , ly co Ite• t•e - ars towel! thaw: a r y,••• Adebneea aZado,•j ',yawed. omm'lm der, and, hart, bteregs at ravh end ; rem en.. thenyl•nder.head from cuntrg •••• wear ex. I ; mt"-Ths / 0 0.• Da; EMIT, rerlre• less:aleara, and any one can tra ., p fas••• • ••. C• r: r °IP." th heder. The pre rat one mirbiCtl n *Mt , . s um .! I:m•tat sea Ferry_swrms. r 6 ,14/ Tit Neater, betweer only thirteen it•-bes I„,,,aa m tn. ; e eery•re that ••• per•ormcd •net Err ibe eater *bop 1,1 bre I et From tt..l absence of *I. carnplicattan alma - binary, n ran be tarn shed at very low coat, compared with Mew! JO !we, and Is etroCcrdly adapted in emu. retry-ow, Tor beat rerematendatmo we can rye, Is In !aro! , ma crarmnatima &it. TO-1 par," tatrreated are taken the necessary steps to aerate a patent.—St. Lout.. Rfrz Th. Gaiivawar of the Ocean.. The fu,cing of utt: fennel . which or hundretJa at years boa defied end aupertileo Inc commerce of the world, crews u vent at ha•d. half of the contract for the junction at the Alien. tic and rho Pacitte, obtained Gnat the State of N, carman. lac year by toe promptitude of thr Amer. Zrtrus s ism held at the option of Etaafth ean,• taltrea; mot fn underatantlfro Is al letem annotate cal :hat, if the coaterapiated shut Leta! can br constructed On contlfgono that tatialt Mere nn uns rertmata as to the algeneas of me enterprum, 1112 10 of.: camel lorwar,l with the togoeoee of our htgeat mercantile firma. The talcum:tate amps DoW In ...11., of adoption may be explained to a few words. Ar preneta the Ural,. here" the Latham% of Poore. ocestple, bur days, god it. tutuoventercra sad danger. are notorious. Al Nmaragua Itrepreatnted Itte tranot tray imatolify etteme.l a tn oue d•y, and thet by n [ . ..na1.. stead] room, tafth the extep. 1.00 tt fifteen mikes by mule or omnibus. or Pataage Aratil.l he up the Sao Juno, across Lake to the M Nmar a port f,l ben gua to een of that name, and en, e th an Juan del Nor, on the Paethe Ito arriving •t the terminus terhieh.s coside r .. bly sou hot the age marneer.plated tor the perm. *mut "toll, oatt.riy, Itealeite the patience, would find himself Some sft or...hen hundre d ntaser to California than he had treated mach at lathrnna of Pron.', nod as the rate of ap.f...1 of the Attn . /tern stearoere on IL. serve,. upwards of :30a to lei e dun, Ina same in tea gotten,. would be /Aut.:eat le a total al INbt miles, steattered 1.11 1. tattoo to wi El. 13 Im annpflahett by Mote Verdi.. A lower ehergo of the trepan, •od a comparatively heligly clfulette.•re flan oddment, and Dotter tiler. ~.„ eutertapned that the treat it,. of tragic will be tutted fo :be new dire/Ito,. tide, according It the lam immolate Irmo 1f... was kept up al rate of tteveoty tltutptattd per • sons year, aml ft was earcted to nevem,. The n•vtgabfloy et the Nan /tom, however, tr. iu present state, 11,411011 yet to Im teslttl. The Amerieln romp:iffy who horn obtained the print lege of the route hove scut down Iwo tasels of Pahl &aught, the Director and Ntearrepte, e he the pa 'pose of ratiolatelt plartag the Waller beyond doubt. At the fart dais the bisector Lad watts creased the lia,st tie mouth, And Was prepay,g to menet; the hit: acorn had prevlolarey Roar ail the Cal - radla, branch riot,. wave, It su p through the cote ... ear,as of her etfatrear, ahr had run aground upon a nod book, though v..tbett. .natalmeg Par damns,. Toede at account.. wti. ewes, great interevt. Whatever may be the f eft al Cr/patting,' of the river, at mdffute and ariayll mull he •nnetpated in the brat total of anew meth ed cf navigattrg it. Earn to the Thamee, the Mot cantor, could srareefy have been repotted to make a trip from louden tettlya to Richt - now: v fth out some ocohap. Ntintf,i„ therefore, the present expellment thaw any Hear efffeatte no of sin - Teta there Will be realtoottie gioll/1,1 for eimaratroa. lion; and it farm rairapaltaal A Chapter iu the hI.. tory of ent:rpt km that all moat regard it w to good The engineer of the Marmon" Gap Railroad has invited proposals for letting the first twenty miles of that road. The majority in the State of New York "against the repeal 000. of the free octimil law" is from 50,0f,0 to , Lease, the celebrated painter, is at work in Etc rope on a great picture of Washmatcu crossing the Deth laware the o , and to expected to return to this cotuttrY wi it in ring. The Providenpce Journal says that the sevent one milts which have suspended liminess and were in its published list are all cotton milts, and are by no means all that have suspended. Among them are some of the best radio, which can make money as long no money is to be made in the business. The steamship "Baltic," the fourth of Collin's Live rn rpool line, returned to New York on Sunday moing from a trial lisp, ',Midi was highly satire factory to all en board. Me,. Alice Green, another of the unfortunate vic tims of the explosion on hood the steamboat Tel egraph, died at the Philadelphia hospital on Sat rday. , The Centreville Times says that Chester river is filled with a number of pungies, whose emptainsare mimed in =Tying oil the property of fanners.— Col. Johu R. Emory was robbed of about a dozen fine mutton, and recently Mr. William EmorylGO bushels of jyraln Mime pirates. lust Woslarri's I.Mymnon.—Tbe Dresden (Tenn.) Whig Mirror, of the 25th ultimo, says that on the preceding day a woman went to the jail at that place, to which her husband, a man by the name of Roberts, was confined on the charge of perj.rYi obtained admission to his cell, and, to all SPPo." ince, after a lengthy interview, deputed. Twen ty four boom afterwards it was discovered that her iiosband, dressed in her clothes, had escaped, sod the devoted wile was the sole tenant of hit call. "Ho God 1 No God 1" The fool huh raid in bin heart, there is no God r xl, •No God' No God' The rimpMet d i Potheower That on the wile a Mend Shrmkr, as at drink s lie cup of dew, And tremble. at is d; • "No God . "—ealonished Echo cries From oat her cavern hoar , And every wanderme Lard that die. Reprove, the Atheiri ,ore. The solemn forest liftt, an head, The Almighty to prorls.ut, The brooklet, on as egad urn, Both Imp to grove hi. name. Iligh seek,• the deep and vet:tern! Along is billowy track, And red Vesuvin, open hi. mouth, 'co hurl the lionenlmtl bock. The paha Ifer, with as princely iftla. Tee reneon'e leafy shade, The Mond foot, bending toils lord, In eon ler Is and glade; The hittneeit seeds, lio, borne by winds, The ',vim; ?perms, food, The melon on be desert sends, Coullite the evorner's med. oNoOnd • " tenth indoeneolon Agb, • The I; ream on le .tiroed, And the pals moon turn, paler stool, pt sorb an ompoon. seem' Ard from their horning thrones, the stalra Look doom troth angry eye, That thine a wonm or duet should most Eternal aledeety. RESIARKAISLE CAS£ 11 EVIDENCE IN 0111 MIDST '! ML Vjeheerfally comply settli'your re que.t the! I veuti:d give yno;an neeouut of the 111100. saiTteulou. chic of me [title duughterh. eye Ly the u of gout -Petroleum' She vro. atmeted *WI a very ..ore eye ,e. February o: March ast. Imo, I tur.c.hatcly applied to the Lest me lima pu me eat ~y mho,. a was pronounced ..a very hot) eye - and 0.1 gave me no hope of doing her ru., Rotor Otter hiu. h hoer into the roan.. try tend who rerr mecemful curme ere, no* Impel., 11=2! I=l A,I 11, rertlty that at the time fr.Y II V•v.o•t r.••••• to the reaclasion that we had butte try yorr '' I' .:o!Tiara," aux ma. Urtnat. 81.11 D tr . tre • row etc. two toontha •he ar..t _Or eSO row wo wrw hoth eye. good a• •••• •t• did •nd, a• far a•I i.alieve at, !a- ts :a the hies ein ul h• A .12, t, h•en ca ••••1, r l'e e =ME “IloPleptyg. , hy Keye<ra AS, Ito Wood ~reef; R del.e.r., 37 W0,r.4 nre”l, D al. torn. R. A. El. hot. dir.eph aad II r del:mans, Allegheny. •Isn by we prop(,..”, A AI KIF.R. h0y:.4.! C I an• flax, ..a.enth et, Plusbarai (Moe nl Or.,v•n) Yet,ha. It. R. Co. Third al. Aagual TR; Ln:Jets or th.h, a. Vennaylvlatta Ittll Road eoccpany are y ho,ded to pay the °( t. tr • ta.matot of bye Jet'.,, per short. at Om offtea h( Lc. t'oophny. eon !,(01e day of Atella.t I,,nth the "dthh dal 0( I (, The holm,. the MN: 0: I‘ vr. S , " I ILI ~F R. Jr., Ttesarrer G. W. TAVS.On. COMMI3SIONEat AND BILL BROKER 119 R• condi FALL 111E08TP:10A DE HARDWIRE. LOGAN, WILSON &CO. '29 WOODS - I KEE , rer.e • htre, wr..l 1,40 nod; or .ermalt, at .! Amer.e.l Herding, to off, mdtweasento. to buyers Those wishing to posetokse ortli promote the, teterrst by !polio, ro u , oat cork. the—p are dete.r."Yln.,l to sell or. , s most ~,e ,oh•n t•rms U. S. BIAII.III/C HOSPITAL. B 7 tz ,, A .L T . F. , :• ;:r Big haven Budding, ,t Clair a:mgt.., the ir nav e work, It ihe 1:/iited gttate. Haepttal late car —For and deliv.ring in.ono pa - da earn for up ar,d taut al., in accordance with a grade whieh will be tor foriro4htng and delivering UN. I.istp gigt,te 'midi. of rubble atotte and for rot grist 4 . ort.h „g,,,,mth,e 'r t .. gr•vel to prttivel the gwril. of the Ohm Flivrr—the gravel to g„. ,ggeg from lye Lerch at low water er Formug iige exca•agion andl slater t er, for o, g vatvnafog • abort( 430 Terre er:11 he .hoot caltie yard, of ligght eara•aßoo for tau, and sing diatns, and, a.t,g, c i dad got,. yards of .a. graitonn The ...ow r a Lo built of hard arid dothille lit., mortar, and well fronwd. For toroth., the. Froorriai. tud emetic, a wooden few, to oring.. AB Maier t at, t., agt.,ggi fo the in at. aP.rge•l of 11, avrtermtesvirnt. The preen ahir whit. ant , lo eon:Oged van,. vv.; tvarOtt aa Con“..n. n.I als erelle•, rot. min ten • fetid :0 • 1/03 I.( 11C3 - 0. bond., w 1..3001. of he bid.. P 300 im,. •n 4 ut lb. work ran t and 0 wher ['nun.. ants. yin tr wre.j.cAn obtaated •i ',Rio, 111 R. /111N,0,1, 1 . 0 . ..burgh. Nor 4, 1,441..-nolo]id larapratar•asa•lata ra /Veal lata'r• Ilk. C. O. 611:MINS, late .1 Doman, lo o p repared to manufacture and Net 111.rk.a l'urro in "'hc and P.q.. trier:, apt, a n Or due.. Plates:— rminat er, en • Inv • u.nt th,e •yerve yiposral. oL.•, yAllrey+ar,, I.ell doOr Ina May ogler, , Mee:. {tars. ro-J. lr M'Fatlden.r. II I I.:Atoo JOB NI 'CO RD & CO, Wl ,l • l <..aled. Retail Manufacturer. a bealent in HATS, CAPS ik FUliSe Co. Woolf A 1,1111, sta., Plttatrocalll. Where, hey Coffer 0 tull /1:14 rymlnlety, Strak 01 111. a. Fur, At cry .0.111) nod yty)r, Wt, Lo Ce Hoe, Altrlrl.l al Weir ea.- they lames• ru yet lal i• ouring than Nat nutlutll.o.l 4,V• SI• ralata. R. P. TANNErt. & S ILO E WARE HOUSE, 62 st, h•Lvra•2l hird Foo.-th, =ME • dIIU7s , X I• „1 I; 0 AIV A ; diR.• I. It 4 , .•, o: 11111 Rorie, nett °yule II ha. i.ceti Relent,/ 4, 101 4.• 41,41,4,1441 u sixr • and qua fly is not turps..R.l by -trick In be' found ' , Abet ea.l or vre•l t auid mit otic.. generally are iiiv.te.l and ritaynine,•• we ore ilytermine.l s ...... t rrasorothle ter. , A 1.,,. lionCyeat'. Shoe. or all Linda ICBICOU RA 0 HMI), INSTIT U TIMMS INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Pit labia C. 1.11 C,'SEV, .—:II.kIiKS,S4C'T. Watt, iitmet, in the wsitliniißa 01 C. l 11. 611:1.NT. rtierr I an,l••e more. •rift tri..L..l,yd., it.r. Ai. ' h eVoid t/Mg , l , / 11, In agordeil thr et the Di n iYho aro 41 , rat re 1 ` 1 .4,r4h, welt and y the et - immunity ny, their i.sit.leitee., . nrd .irtsyrity Di.a. 1., C. G. Wla. lf .0,1 , r. \ m Lir Wither Ilryant, Ilygb 1/. /fin, Edward cli, n itylk, tt John Haworth, Y 1 i.b.R.FI., THAD DIAVOLIALTT. M. Wnrre anvooit:tA•thlitante R111¢11•111, of the PoUrth cDmhdce (or Mayor. at the ensuing the nomin ation of W< Wh:g COOVentarh, MANY WHIGS ~F Tlll' -11 WARD. nolo,lll 111• Warrit—lttr—Vou Dill plcarc announce the flume of Gannane Mounsn. av a ran , ll,lnte for the Ma'am/Iy, subject to the ran/iceman of the Whig Convention. Mr. Alorenicv plan, will he strongly b on urged by boat of ftiends, Leine I , non capable nod net 1 11,12 / 5 1e1 AI CITIZENS L. W late llicß Goneubl,..,‘ Plc n.but gh. wit besupp n•orten I, afire a hlsky•r al the it rlertoor.. Oec•on.n of the II ~rERA 4 tle Er roy ..11 tot I. R. LW, n0n., , , Pap . heti .utthett t .t hot sticluolidt. for the oat,. Al kt the J.ext stibleel to the de cleton ire •Vaag aeld Antimiu owe Coventten. inolltkltterterj MYTH WAI QT Da.lSPL , Mrs's Ursa Pars—The amontilting demand for this great medicine seems to be on the increase. Where it has been introduced, It has at Mined a popularity unprecedented In In. annals of medical practice. Physinena are acing it In many cases, at lent when they can obtain it. Patients, however, need not be under the expense of taking medical advice, as they can purchase a bar or the Liver Pills, with watch dirm-dons will be furnished, which will work a speedy core.. The following i c u e , from an agent show. its popularity in the section from which the letter is dated:— • Lunn Cain , s. Bernina Co , Pa. Much sal, leo. ). Kidd lb Co. Wood at, Pittsburgh— Gentlemen—tie find we nwi sell • great man more of Dr. fir L.e'a Pill. than year agent left as These Pill. are rapidly rlaing in favor, and we hay. almost sold all that we had. If you ran tend us to or twelve roten more boxes, they wall list perhap until your agent can bnng a. a nett supply. T I KELLY. 1[1:r For sale by!. KIDD & CO, No 60 Wood coon aol6.aldwB Ma. Eurroa—Please announce Jo. D. DAVIS. of W. Mord Ward, as • candidaEe for Mayor, befora AnUrnaltordc and Widg Conveabon. nole:dawncS FORT MRIOS Csmt Jona 7 Rosman Is nominated as a candidate for the Mayoralty, at the neat electron, subject to th e decision of the Whit and •01101.011iC City Conven tion. If nominated be will be supported as an active Aremen, a gibed citizen and a competent man, bj men of ALL PARTIV.S. noltbdtewlefl On Thursday, the 14th Smartt, by the Rev. W. A. Pasalivars, Mr. EDIA•110 Ricuattos i of this ci.y, to Min' CAROL/. S. daughter of Mr. 1. A. Seibert, of Allegheny city. Unita, tan Preaching. Marra, lAN Services will be bald, as usual, in Unio Nall, corner of Fifth and Smithfield sums, to morrow Sunday, November 17th, stink o'c lock to the morning and 7 in the evening. Religious Improvement of the Colored Pnpalatlon in Canada. The Rev. Dr. Burns, of Toronto, and the Rey. Wm. King. a depwanon from the Synod of Canada, will preach, God willing, neat Lord's Day, in the following places Do. Prcas.—Satihath forenoon in Dr. Dodgers church, Allegheny . Afternoon, in Mr.APLaren's church Gth street, Pitt. burgh. Evening, in !dr. West's church., Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. • Mo afternoon, in Lawrenceville. Evening, to Earl Liberty. On these neeasinn• mama:weft will be made regaid_ mg mission. for improving the stare of the colored population In Denude, and collection., taken up in their behalf. On Monday, Nov. IP, at 7 o'clock, P. Al , A PUDLIO MEE I INO will be held In Dr, Merton% thatch, Pitts burgh. when information will be given, and a collec tion taken up. nor 6 I Tribune please copy.] THE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Late Johnston d Ptscktnn's) And Blank Book and Sterna:erg Warehouse. W. ■ HAVEN 9 prepared to ezeemo every rtyle of Legal, Cons. mereial, Canal and glean. Boat lob Printing and Book Modest and fantail every ankle in the Blank !look, Paper, and Summery hue, at the shortest no. tme, and on the room reuottahle terms Blank Book and Staumtery Warehouse, corner of Market • B eeeond and Pouting Office and Book Burdery, No 50 Third et. ARNI./I.LP:‘, II tbbeit's, Hogan &Thompson'. and Hannan.* lunch. Red, -.cadet, do Cas. Inks. lsontan', Fabera, Brooetuan Langdpn's, Jeer, Imo's, and Monroe's Kane and Red Lead Vencils. I, Inland. or every drunprion; Celia n's, Pretta, Lev)',, Ka.ll)ls, Leman'. and °thee nss. , lacunas of Steel P., 0. de KM Smith's ley tension to A U. Bayley A Co) ca !cheated Gold wifh gold •ndatlver cane. Whams.). Eneltab Dnwtng Papas. -nnt. quart., doutle elephant, nilas, columbiet, an , . et royal, royal and elegant hrtsml Hoard. cap, dem and medians. Per orated board, fancy boo pr plain gold and o c l rer,cenno•acd gold, and • ~ocy colored paper, a.e colored amps and err ,tass, and lithographs for fancy boxy.; prepense ereettient of •il .1201, aanahle for deeds, charter, and diploma,; French note P.ce , •lwalaed ban' the most desuratr ' le styles, `lee. • frallerna, ftlalos gut, amboased and ittiveted, an,lable for hall., pan.' • weddings and mourning. F ,•, w'h note ana•loe en,' plan, and embos•cd: letter en•clone. w'.,ite and blue; laid and plain ad. nedon. .veMPes, aff Mae and whae. • ap.,vances pattern. mi' rand t ran, tin con , a and Terkel/ boxwood mrd boxes • mka, orestees, Fetch and Engin!, copying b 0 0 ..., nod rut paper; u• n paps, or nil lan( ecd and white patron blotting p•Prt Pen knives. an The above, with all caber articles to the Sttunr ea; n ine, both tar le, weatherie, woe a large as. sartmer..l of Want Weal. and oternorandnm books Of all common forma of, even . style bmathillf I. pager of all carp • ardenaltura, tor aaleri reduced rame on the moat r recur, at aS' lIA YEN'S Lhan'. Beck and Statromay Warctutae, _ • als•ruer of el aaaaa And Second nitr =CZ= A. W. VOITE as A/TORPEV anJ coarmeilar at Layr.OSete No IV E.. , " • suet:, appoana Wlllimi Ilan, PH:sounds. ea nolOAlwArlr. - MAC viLLe. JOll5lllOll4 d • sGR A i'Eti t/X Ir(10D, PHILO ',ALL, (Thltd nor)), Ptnabanh, Pa. InEWS ol Raddlngf, Blartdnerf, lien.d• of Nen•ti p•pf fa. Fronnypicece, lAndoespef, flr•g 'tannin eniom. Seal. log unit. and flora el unli Conon Strnips, 1. • , ine it.; style of ar t, and haven pftcn. ro16,1•4•104 T EN „. Z:•fIs Bardr. of Pittsbarlte u ri t t aviN IaALESMAN WA %TED. ttya rot , adelpttia Dry O Garde Iloosit-021C sole to intleseee a good ease end .te emcees' trade from Vt'esterta Penturyleanta and LO term be of good cesearter and. torallard to tabs a posa.ou as a Ent rate attest:atm hope other !teed warty. Comotootrauons will be coaridered roe hdentt %I Address. post pat& DOI Yltaladelyhla Post OM, twle.dettellto .1. T. tielvar,Woodvrazd 3 Co., DeoZia, stul Lighmtwir mth, ne Seurnmir Pron.aprea. /RDERtt ictl at ttos care or the roc Whoa; an 4 for poroonal nurrieent ran be tel sod at, raoutonca or Dr Hunt, bettreen Martel Flury. Hefereneca—Profooser ta.Utman, Editor of Sillartan's !wrest]; Professor 0 M hltteholl, of the elr.outnao o tsaocorr; Protestor Hobon Pster,ofTnogl.eoie Vuorcasty, Ky, ProtessorChocor Dewey, D D., Y D. Neer York; Pror 00000 1. L. 00.1, Cleaslantl Dui ressity. I rh to. In Cmsberga—A. W. Lousrus, John Itarper, Wilton /drCandless, Mr. ChdJ., Colonel Mora.. Hea. N.. Spates.) D. IlardAg, U.S. Arsenal. John Irwin A Sons, L harper. U. N. \% o, W. A. Marshall, John nanspenn, Mom- Llsels,JnO II Mohan. herger. note do Will shortly b. IS thibitsd its Pittsburg reiehr.eil series ad gigantic PANORAMAS, A VOYAGE TO EUROPE libreelog magnificent views of Il.ston its Hart • NW", the M. 0., Lleerpool, LONDON. From the name, paa.llll, uades the I:lndgeu and endlng vorlfh •VieW 0, the THAMES TUDINZL• Itrifbantly Illuminated. and bout baulta of Lla• beautiful Riven nntrix. D. !Notice 'xi I be wen of ihe thly of opetung ,koslit oekbgera ot the Pennaylvanta Salt Mann t. went el Zeta bmoirrrey aro d aytillathreatriarnalr'art rest aired or be paid on the 3ath loaner, at the olhoi o try order Leonia, Esq Philadelphia. order attireßoard of Director. IiF.OII(IETIILMIPSON, Treating., r a larentunn, Non. 11th , I:l3o.—ithe• Lat., lihnp•rior Trout Sahutos.- 30 Pronca"thir,''}`*litB.ll7l:traTnri'oartiro'iajl"&;pc"r Panting CO. These bah far exceed, fine n eg g fatness, soy naught in the Inver lake., •nd are pot up expressly Ms family urn 11. 0. KELLY, nolAddsr Cat. Fifth at & Masten_ alley `AL SODA-30 cenk. Engnab (or sale by 0 Isola LI A FAIINESTIWK &CO AL•IPIE.TILE—art kegs refined. ler gait. by no,in It A FAIINESTOCK & CO LIOLIORICE lIALL-17 eases Sicil y, small suck, nob: II A YALINKATOCK & CU VPSOSISACTIS--olobistist teemed and (or sale _Lf by kil OD & fXP utile No Cu Word .91 TA .1 AL CORKS—,OO) gross assorted jest recessed a. for sale by mop; KIDD& CO rIAB nu: ROA P—.:lo boxer for rain by— nolo J ItIDD h CO frOy f`OLORS-stl dor ...nett for role In L vole 1 K IDD & Cu D E n R . . i M a UDIt ARIt,iIV ROOT-1 cns ; filirDanebyo AAI ERWAN A If ItO %V HOOT-ISt/Ibn for oabr by n 0,6 I KIDD k. CU . _ BtoNze-74 We assorted WI colors) for •els by noln 12/1 °RENCK LEAP—/o bundles for sale by I' , 14,16 J KIDD &CO MA 13 KEREIL— Ito bbl. Noe Ia 3 for We by T .121 n CULDERf3ON & CLODS' 10p ICITLED COD FISH—i lot supthor fort!kle by noia A CULSERTSON a CLOUSE TOF.ACCO —WO big choice brands manufactured fnr sale by nol6 A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE CUR II ANT :4-10 ea.k. .nle by nob° A cut:nefrrsorg & cLOusE ! "...ICOTCH i f. ERRING-100 6.l_l'prsale by cIa.BERTSON & CLOU;Y: AVERY , a -re and oleo, asaartment of Picklos, &champ f , I :aunts, de. from the celebrated eatab• iments oUt .dcrwood In Boston, arid Smith a Co.. Philadelphia, ri vostantly on hand mid i on sa l e, a, low rate, at esa, •rty .4 comprising (Jerkins, g n o g ;fla, & pm; Tomato Ketchup, read pt. ( Pieolilly, do do Walnut )(Cebu', pm, bilged Plektes, 4o do Mushroom ketchup, 0,,k, g ,,, ging k i d pm, Pepper Rance tits and pt. ' Walnuts, oh Capers, ' Tomatoes, gm, SpatilatitOlivec 7 Now °emir, a large addnion to the above, to whirls, vie re per, fully call the attantivn of honse , keeper. and calm • Whl A IiteCLURG & CI I nols CIi . II , NUTS-10 'bags to::!!?!inv b 7 RUSSET APPLI:9-00 bri., which we win oel I low, 10 claul 1009) ENOLISH s BENNETT N • EW APPLES-60 bet Deka applea lb, sale by (0 JOHN WATT CO bbl. La4ge No 3 121Y2 kervi 25 do co No 1 Lake Fhb 25 do do No Cod Fixh _n o _ o For We by JOHN WATT b. CO SUGAR—a , !Md. prime for sal. PT note JOHN WAIT rt . CO 8R0 .2 18-200 du: lure c01t4,11;f:44.1.:g ROAD hIAKING, • manual of the principles and practice of road mating. comprising the location, construerion and improvement of roads, common, Macadam, paved. plank, and rail roao, EV W• C Oilie•OiF, A. 01., C E New edition, with additions. A few copies for sale by R C STOCKTON, noI6 Bookseller, Printer A Binder, _ . 4: Market n_ DuFrs BOOR KrEPING—A supply of Dud • Book Reepin• and Blank Rooks reed by 0016 11 C bTOCKTON [Amerman Post and Chronicla copy) 1,/ Flour, • IJUCRW a supenor HEAT rti • FLOUR—I, (oriole by U sacks Ruckerheat acle 009 S.& W. HARRAUCif. QODA ASH-70 casks Sods AsTcreteived and for SO' by Inol S. & W. HARRAUGH. f,J Pit firSirga.V. ildes Spanish O Sole Leather, received and for solo by noB S. & W. HARBAUGiI, BBAR—Yobarrels Packed Butter, for sale by non S. & W. iiiiRRAUGLI. CareEM ed'ian'Erfraalle"bybo". CnoB S. & NV. Ii.eiRDALIOII. ODA ASO—,S9 eroks St. Rollox and JOhislon't brands for rale by J & R FI.OYD ' roe Round Church F's" - 2tr,1:t . v•1,7,."A1!"" 0 drums Cod blab; no., 100 bi• Scaled flailing, for sale by R ICI-15 lea Carolina for role byFL°YD ._t•JE FLOYD 12_200 RE ARRICD. and kegs for saie UUIB & R FLOYD s a l -100M barrelstoolsyllTe - rinii to core and fore by nod 9.h VV. BARBA UGH. 001 N A DOW GIBB-I,OOU bosom all sire., in store and for kale by nov9 8 1T . 1.1411D.—:W on common and fancy, IO IRON 7o I 12. FLOIp P All hen th.c . r.Arrtet";- rat,t. BUTTER—XI;I . II irnli : b o o n. in cloth; Jo crocks dn do. for gale by J U CANFIELD T ALLOW -6 —6 bd. for sale by bo, mcei,ed for I CA NFIELD b l y noIF J II CANFIELD SMAR—S6I3 le fur sale by bold J B CANFIELD I_loN4l 4 '-10 boxer far tale by B CANFIELD BUTTEsousR—.L barrels extra roll reel tor rale by 8 & BARBA EMIL _ . . HE F',—.loo till cream ebease reel for rale by bovl6 S a W lIALISAUGII TALI'Y-14 &weir tallow rec'h. and for WE b nor O; 01 a& W AR co on etgs , i fur solo bY 8A W HAUGH GUNNYDAUB In core And for solo by owla & W fiARDAUGII bss .landing from Bidwell's line torl6 iAME DALZF:LL Duda:Ts—to 00. Beaver bockats and do: keel .a) er receivinY l and tor sale by novld JAMES DALZELL ririNIVERSi-orid bids Tan - Were atroila oil novIG ____JAMES IMI.ZELI. Yalu able PIIII Property for Bala. THE tro•eritet will sell the Mall Property, at the tow. of Ftliutbutt, Wtrt crusty, Va , on the Little 1,4 ...1' a River, Pi miles I , aek o: Parkersburg, coo •iittiog of • Grist Mill and three :taw AMU, all Pt , . pellet, by cut , e on water erbeels, silso,a Carding rye eats e, all in good order; together eidt a large stock of 'mi.. Legs, a Lumber Vard. and • comfortable ow ate and Lot—well calculated for • boarding booze T. mos made known on appheadon to tke subscriber. Ott the premises, or, to ethecklett IChite, lot Wood y brut, Pirtsburgb. A BP:At:MIAMI% -- - -- - ._ Chocolate, Cocoa, die. 91 ce.e 111 ST received at Z 6 Lrberly flint el the man brated mafacthrero. a t inye of Freatt Chocolair, o f the different mellow:led below. v.', Fr ch,, I Late, No I. do Croon.' Doable Venn..,do Cocoa. Single do, Norfolk, Perfeetione. liocriropathle, A La Cane*, Eagle Spiced, Zealand Spreed. • The hhcr venue. of the above are made of the heft Coracca. Cocoa, and oraran.ed pore. For sale, whole Isle end retail, by Lnold WM A MeiCLURG & Co . . SEGAR-2, laid% prune. N. O. Sager; :to luls Nov Loaf do It Las D. do do 15 I.ris e malted do (or qsr e NiArrimivs S CO 'OFFER—V.2 bag, punt. Rm, for all, hr I ""RIMY, 111 AT iH cm,. co TEAnoln-110 Weber. Y. 0 •nd Imp for sale by •EIIEV, NIATTrif.:Wr , a CO lonAcro-167 tie s`r, y'S and 11, lamps; Itt keg. GRFIErJE-,ed's for sale by e MATTIIEWS A CO tots lib . 1 1 1 Iracirortg; .21b,1a No I /lernng, 21 coats Cod 11•114 -' b2a dry }forting, for rale I- y .18 CO REMOVAL. SPE.F.R hes rem• d ' 1, rat etre., No leet. 7 oll l° L ' be "' b e l " ce and derellone the mote --- TO LET, A:pre< """".. 7ZPV'FAVI.;rocK, n0i,12.• Librri• •: Blankets I Blankata t M i. ;. r .R.P:f . l o ' r & py lll o ', ll b C om lirLlK ‘ L , D ,.. tv , exL rzt.rf, d , Tame to Fatten Pollan per pair, Me Latter. prenuu article, and very manner. A 1,,. Citb and CT.JI Blanket, al dtficrent 111 • V.. not:, " • M t ar h il .l p /t riy ß o l ligii , F . T o. 4 . D qu l72 , lu n s , t , ii:r . n bo d y nrucle, anclvaing tl.ct t.lllea. vets' Lae Al. Frynch Doe.kin. *ad* Week and fancy; an4,l Black Flails Vt...., vorY low *nee. tor 4411.11 W. AFEW Phases Telegrnph Stock, IFFltley's Lone. Appt) to_ toolS] BAIRD fr. IRVIN rsIIL,TONia splendid (lodine Maps sre now being P totrodured us all the leading schools to ew England and New York. We have °butane , the acyney for them In Flltsbyrgh, and tome teachers and setooi committers to eats and Osamuna them,— dso i—Map o the Western Ileousphere, 02 5 I... Cinches No 2 do Esstena do do, Nu :0— sl North America, 7ssst No 4 d United Uwe, 70 g 0.1 No .4 do Europe, 71.1 ay: No 0— d Asia, . 7tl i 711 No,— do L S Amersca A. Africa, 7U at 4 Prseo 01 the series, with key, Sr', or the fast two Hemisph . fy Maps, with key, 510. ibex re tairt••lle4 In accuracy, beauty and adapted to the wants of the primary,cheapps gersmum gh schools of the trolled Mates. For r sablisher's places, wELNasus additton 1 1 freight at S i' e l nol.l Err Ad teI.ICSI aaaaaa ra' Sicailesi. - . ALdtb.,,or w imle , bxd o. to , ta a e n s i tate of Wm Wilson, ayment, and those haying clams ' Te d e a ' si c s k i r ' ill present their Keenan., dais autnenticatyp, for settlement. ADAM WILSON, " LT _noltd3 rbw CALVIN ADAM. I m '''' ' ' . Yon BALIC. T ILF , A . tt:FLI - erected on Me corner of Rebecca Iffelc wf . '4 , Y P'djceolhovroun"glnitpw.cVel'ea "ccie" and terra. easy. Apply to ' m° ' moll BAIRD re IRVIN 11\1 - AILIS-3)10 kegs assorted numbers, cif, brand ii 1.11 talc by ' l naill BAIRD A IRVIN B ARAIO —2VO tons apses - led wren, for solo by BAIRD& IRVIN BR AD WITHOUT TEAST. —... TBIS comp . and Is warranted to Nadu.. ihe within deserthe • effects . follows: Directions far making Dread, Tea C.., Buck wheat Cakes, Re.. by omen a ;Rising . edected in the Floor of • i MB lap. cent. To make I read—To each pound 0: dont add two teaspoonfuls i f Compound and the 05.1 oinstitnyor salt, mix 11.1 thoroophly lowanr while dry. it.h. maker • pre ared Hour that you can set ando and um at lino., then add a.Moth cold water as will make the doch the usual Intckness . ' 'knead it wed, at d let stand fifteen Woo . . before kinking, one or do two hours %ill nn hart. Riwoit should he mixed much Minn, nd baked at once, but will do no hart IS stand Sheen or twenty Minot.. There is no e., 4 ., of ~,,,O, noo mach nf this Compound in the Bread it Wall lit We the Mead yellow'. saleratos doe. ohan used to ewe.. y o• con put the wore Compound inta Tea Cakes Padding", Johnny Cale", Jodi. Cakes, Ginger Cakes Corn I.7sti Cakes, Corn Breoti, Brown Weed, liinemi Ilan. Cakes, Ihrwheat Cake.. Apple Dortipltogr Pot Pies, and for il baking Mutt... Bold by 11 11 SELLERS, nol4 d 57 Wood st T AR -15u home. Tar, 1c Ill9lEtakt-90 core and faTtaitt .. b.' NJ nail ISAIAH DICKEY /a en W 11111: FISII— 40 Gots and 9 hf br:a tar .ale 17y nota IRMA II OlC:99:‘' I,IH • ATEK Pituria AII:VERAL PAINT 40 brio in *torn and for Rale by 0014 ISMAII DICKEY & 0 OPAL VARNISII-73 page, balV, at hrle sad keea fa mtture and carriage, for sale bJ not ISAIAH DICKEY h CO --- LTONEV— , II beautiful ankle. put op ig beim for Ea, family use, Just received for sale by Whl A aIeCLURG h. CO • noi4 esn Liberty it PINE APPLE CHEESE -I , n bAren MA lon brand, very handsome, Jun received formic by WM A AIeCLURO & CO T A ! . -1001.0. N ,IN fa! •ale by HANALEr & CO ‘,Ol OA. a -411 ha. Llaktt's Coen.; 3001* do 110100; 00 Ls.. to No I I - 11..0131e, far sale Ly Inolil IVA, 11,11:1 ! I EV&_ CO __. MACKEREL -IU, brio No , i -. 1. ' Tag= r k CO 1.14 18 it 20 Wood .t • BENNETT Wrench prosdeloths POU DALE, 0 CTLINIS Ali A P.S. EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE, brI•111,‘ day reeNl fer %alb by BIORIVHRA BARNES lIT!Nti —l5O brls .upenor, for ale /1 A nuiNEsrocK ICU Cor First A Wood sts Go IP rrs for sale by - FAIINESTOCK & CO riTINE LH, for role by B A FAIINESTOOK & CU Ibr 10, role by A raillu3io,:l; BAIRD*. IRYIN GREENG '- APPLES.-.. 0 krt. etipenor, for sale by null S & W fiARRAUriII kl , kl - ONIC IIUAR D+-mu boodles orsorted [ l umbers 1 l'ibilunchumettv Trunk Board., best ciuulay for rale by [not If A CULBERTSCN & CLOUSE MOa"Siff . '-S-40 - barrel k 9 If., St. Loots refinery., pin received for .ale by nell A CULBERTSON A CLOUSE R71:BIN - 4-7 i iiTias 7irgh oo I.n - oil ana io kriivo— [loll A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE L INSKEL "'I.- 2.5 " M ' l T l;ii;N ' , r aTtli ' V ' C ' O r Loll . 2.,'.1 Litiery •i . S AI- "DA-7 c"k' Kngh.h'j'll"l::':;il.l.l.7lSby .ell 4 , -.. Wood At L2OIIeIILACK-V5 Int•iiric reed for stile by n , II II F. SKLLF,II 4 .; B lO n .. l .‘ , lS—i'd dot extre_ry:t.....b!oc..te,ll:.Laa.:4 "., 's_ai:s " C lFF ,, ' n l'..T37lbi-W ' j4ill;l:7ll,"c.:iViii.LßS-. LTArgnitltt.-.4 cask• reed f o r by 13 roll . WICK 2 fiIeCANDLXS33 f I.I , IIANTA—Ia qaolc, re.t, for Pnie b nII ; WICK tr...IIIcCAND4ESS C jo, [not Ij ' WICK & for We ey ISAIMI DICKEY h CO st BUCKWHEAT FLOUR -A:0 tacks !haled Ilurt• wob,ut Fiour, rrvelved by -mid by ll WICK k MYC.ANCI,I3.Y.B enre. ll .--;0,011,: rzl f f • PrbAll:lillAPlGlNGi:Lletit amidark ttatlnWell Paper., at 2be per retb tar axle by P MARSHALL, ` es Wood et riHRUNK . PAYER, far [War Wanks and bozo% nill W P rIARRIU I.i: yirRITINO, Ria.P175167--t paNTIN iiPA PER ‘V for sal. wholeaale and retail, by lV P MARSHALL -A "(IUi.MNI----- ' el ' n. llol3, on Wall Ppper, (2,7l.l7,4lexeelltng—urrli; .A 1 _ W . I' MARSIIAIJ. L EAD -1400 pip bo rTia rust rereiveJ per ettarnpr Erprem ..4 in,.. ' l'Y roll JArillls A litirellit.llN & CO E xj ac tit y cr I.lFuwoot)- ~,o totes 2 - 4;:tiord'a J Sr•boOPOIAKIii( rc CO Poll 91 Woo.l ri - ----- ATIrrIIIEGe, I curl No I, for sale by AA bill J SCHOONMAKER &CO Po m ir a nnx &aria biaClPir and tide, Oaxiird void in mitar rine and ir arrive. 2 S CILWO 4TH & CO A u Er, E 4 3-7 -1.71. superior quality on band, _ 1 S DILWORTH tt. CO W ECOL-37a ci;,.1,e,,1 fat *sly by nuttunrnc.E.k INGIIRAN nobi Martel TAR -6p brls N. --••.or limr.E. INGIMA3I no], owe b, MULASSE,S—' b not 4 " Ii• BUREIRIo c .. .". for sale by & SOAP—YOo Lzr Rorirt Foal, for 014 ISURBIIIDGEer. ViG LIRA M COCZ4III-5 cask '7IRICIT;74TV;PiLAm MACKEREL -00 brk No 3. bl" brin No 7; 10 i t No 1, for ealo by Rf I II HA M 3I .ASSES—io i, n, ”tta Bugat'.l!..e; "6'1,11: ; a .yrup, f r by J D WILLIAMs k CU - SUN DRIES-1 ee roan F. Indigo; 3 bags Pep Per; 1 Lae CaeTie; I l.rl Clove.; brl Or. Meetard; I lug Oteger; brl Pepper, Cc r mile by .1 D WILLIA3hI A CO INOTICE TO COZIETLLecTORs. S EALED Proposals will be receiyed eine Gore or IV. P. 8111111, Wo - 4 street. until Saturday, the 3Uth inst.. IfOr the etection of a Bridee across Hoop's Rollout, fu Peebles township, where the pataborgh and Coal 11111 Turnpike Road crosses she smod rot,. Bid. to MIRTVIbb cos, orcone and wood separateiy, required hyl the plan drawn lip R. E./der:ow., Esq.; to be Seed at the store of W. P. Ham. II D KING, President nol4:dlt II P CAN, BECICCOZY DAIRD tr. IRVIN would invite attention to the floe opportanities they con afford capitalists for in. vestments. From fifty to one Lusdreil thousand dollars of the best real estate secarittes, having to tun (corn six months to six years, and in sums to .11. 110/3 FOR 'SILLE... & FEW Shares Cliff Mine Stock; also, North Jot_ Americin and Western Insurance Stock. &poly to Haird & /non, 114 Second street. Jecoad Supply—all opoo. IhrFURPHF & fTURCIIFIELD have now completed Goods t hfeo r o p t i h n e i n W o in f t a e rv, y d lasrege SEimCONvD ys utoployeof meet to buyers to make their purchase. from mem. Ladle, will hed Preach hferinos and Coburgs of all deai rabic calory; Printed FreliCh Cohmcms and ale Lah tca, a l l wool; Gold Medal • do In great variety, of new stf , lei, at :Weems; oat style. and solid colors, as low as Ifl co; Changeu Polins. areat ve•ity of Shes; Dies. Silk tle anti p Stains n o gf neweat c itylet a nd most desirable colon. Scarf., Neck Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery, he., and n mil supply of llousekeemng Goods, at lowest posainle prit es. Especial attention In also invited to their choice nuke of Shining Mus lin. and Irish Llama—the latter warranted pure Snit •, North past comer of Fortui and Market' eta nail S UGAR—IV ohdo N. O. received for c are by nnl7 W k F WILSON Wood et HEF:?{E-40 him received (nr sate by nolrl W k l' WILB4/N SALTPETRE—IC(I begs for .ale by 1.1 nol3 Wh F WILSON DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, IVOTICE Is hereby given, that the partnership LI heretofore existing between C•rus Black and Joseph Robb, Ix this day dissolved by mutnal consent. All debts due the firm we In be paid to Cyrus Black, and all demands against said film will be presented to Rim tor settlement, CYRUS BLACK, nol 3 dth JOSEPH ROBB. Cvnus BLACK will continue the Wholesale and Retail Gtocery and Produce iluslams, in his old tient!. west side Diamond, Pittsburgh. ocil33fitt R rd, by •^ BURBRIDGE A. /NIMIRAAI - - lid Water to (CANDLES—t o bls rio Mould: lJ r 0 bxs Eo Nipped; lo Cis do Pressed, forsole by nol3 BUR/MIDGE re. 4NGI/RArd ( 1 11000LATE—: , 5 bre No I for sale norn R[IRRRIDGF:h INGIIRAM TOFFEE-52 bag. faneY Kno e 0 bap , prime Green Rio; 10 bags M me • 10 bags Dorm Rica: 5 oags Old Gov. Jays. (or rale by J D WILLIAMS& CO Co, Wood St Fifth ere 17 ~~HEiHFItUiT- i. , . 61;a jars Iturd,aux Ptunes; ...a, GS, M. ft. Elwyn, Y brie Zante Currants; ca..e, Groat Citron, for sale by J D WILLIAM't 4f CO 7. 0 15 H-3 bole No I hlacherel; ..I: 11l hi brie. do: to ht brit No 0 Matters I, lo or brls No I do: 10 tilt No I eo. (or sale by nol3 .1 It W1LL:1.3113 Zi. CO TaICE I -30 to, both Just landir.s for tale b• n null WM HAGALEV it CO lc. /Y. 00 Wood st Sl'l:,-1..3. brio St. Leas — ir. St. Jame . t da - n W ils ",- col. ' irle by nol 1 Itit WM II • GALEY ,t CO . _ IlLf .iLISINs-100 Coars bunch 31iiseutt I, nes AI crop. arriving arid Jur sale by I „ Zwrit RAG & C[ . / so IGA US-1: to. common. landing for male by CI .nol3 WM RAGA LCV di Cil ------ NcTtlZ•7b LE, Peznalos Teashers7 - 7 AN C 22.1.221122 of applicants for the situation now 'utast in the Shut Ward Public School, city ol plow...est, will I. hem at wild sc blot hOuve on Satur day, lath test, at 2 o'clock, 7. 31. nol2 JOS. IV, LEWIS. 0111C/CISOINWS PIANOS. JUST RECEIVED, a new stock of Chickeringls 6,6 i and 7 octave rianol2 also, • richly carved G.. Plano, the most beautiful nwrourent cyst brought to this city. These Pianos will be eopphed at usual, 1111100 at Hostott priest, witaccr •11 coterie lot 2.•70. M 1322.1620112212 Also received, a One lot of Rose plain subl carved Piano Stop's, with silk ptiwb and hair cloth seats. For sale by 11. MELLOR. I Agent (or Chicks/IneIJOHN Pismo, fur Western Cold', nol2 RORIABI BTRIAG9 LOT of gcoutne Roman Strings for Viols, and 611..111:dminos been rec.:trot Oy the T h esesubscriber.h money are trom the wont celebrated factory in they are four thread., nod frA lengths, and for beauty of tone and durability, are fri unrivaledl he subirritier's agent having tiureturaed the tilos, for him at the factory, they are warranted superior to an thing of tie hind ever offered lo.dna country, y II KLEIBER, Golder Harp, No Int at. N. - Now opening a splendid new lot oftlo 'lnns lc Clarit's and Dunham's celebrated Ft.uon. ' milt • -- WOI.IL -- kN GOODS. 75 i',''.:?..5g:•,,r1:1'.F.1..,..°"1:1,1°V11'.1.Tid.,-.',..„.,.., ..., boles Yellow do do, .25 do Wince do do • 5 do Green Bock., do do 5. pm approved style Blanker., d Lops 7.4 sup. svek Flannels, sli shades; o be p. French, Berman, West of England, and Amerle. Block. Bloc, Brown, A luvrtiblo Green Broad Clorlsti Zd pa Beaver Cloth, assorted colors, 15 pa Woe, Brown, Green, and Black eans; Jam received from manufacturers, and recent hap°, scion. Alerchunts arc respectfully invited to call and examine th e tame at A A MASON fr. COB .01/ d 2 .4. 64 Market 1.l Xs ik Ly:l7Y Y .11,1 'axi:Brawn, etalkild niii - e - a• lJust recerved from the ftttorY, for .ale by noi r! 11 I I.E. lIROIVN FLANNE 1 corm 3.4 and 44. roar re- JD cerved for sale at manofaelorers' prices by not/ • )1 LEE Cll:F . E—al his prima in Gore, Inc sole lg. & ..? ISAIAH DICAtA CO . .'‘ , ____ , . ; PiTrsitußGH ' • 4.6=W2e461.-i7".. ~,93-e-' ' ' I Varner of Third •nd Market streets. 1 CIIARTERKD A. D. 1-ed. The only Chattered Institution of the kind in Penni., itaccim. John Fleming, Ptincipai Instructor to the Science of Accconts. D. K Chamberlin, Professor of Penmanship, Me,. ..mile Compatatien, he. Alex. M. Walton, Erq, Lecturer on Commerdial Law. The course of instruCtion Includes nook Keepi l pg, and its application to every branch of botinesa, ice tarts nn Commercial law and' Commercial Semite, Penmanship, Mercantile Compuiation. dc. Studenia can enter the College at any time, and when entitled, will receive a Diploma, signed by the Faculty and Parimining Committee. noin C OO "611—to 2teu rn i:• bur mall, now landing, andfoi DICNEV it CO 1111Vater et Q ALTPETHE—Hrt bags to arrive, for)otle by noll ISAIAH DICKEY it CO B Rl n fu . s t iimi--- . E-12 " 1. =iloZZ6:ii,t co CLOVES -3 Ws for rale by Attr i l i l Oß-- 7 11barren'fo Iriele . SCIIOONMAIZER CO F"CileOliblAßEß h CO & rn nullJ SCHO poro ONMAKR y E& UU to I 2I A FI4IWE 1 S h C . H e CZWN * I;aR A ...I . ($5171:1V14 - 0 - 112 dozen R. 1., .'lark S. Co 's 1,, pure; also Z gallims in balk , ur 41 reef.] ea II /au Ila DA , t) ; 60 I st nog HI N TU IF IS Lrl• are J Kt DI `PAN I'6ll WIIITING—kUbrIs rsecifor sitle br 0 009 J KIDD OE. CO PARI. stipealor, for ode by - nrg J KIDD tr. CO lAA" POLACK—SO bris In usonecfpaers, . n or sale by for.]KIDD to CO THE WOOD* TIONAL likk-POSlTtilkYr Corner of Fourth and brii4ket Meets, I[llil BRACES a enropiete monrunent ofßr hoof Books eithool A, Globe., ?asp., Charts, and other ed sodoonal helps. "reanbers, Sobool Directors, and foralies are invited in call and ese mane the stock. & co , s ou TUNE MAPS—I'LIs tpten dul yobbo:Ilion comprises 7 Maps. each about m.o. font square. Every school should hoe a set Fur sale at the publishers prices, a, the EDUCATIONAL REPCUIITORT, 00 era:Markel& Fourth 11/. lITTEIVA---ANATOMICALCIIARTA, s et s, ( , sale at the EDUCATMNAI. REPOSITORY rAsonos RI.AC RIND-16 for sale hs ilog J KIDD &CO VITKR-, i „up, Ms day rod for lo .deal ro b.,ck. do, for faintly. der, received elißi _ V.A.Ft& DANE_ .LO - A. 7 SUGAR —111.2 . . rg fn. f,r i rgAr . ita ., l ‘ e o by _ ALi's Al Laid 0 . aim! Re G.. y IG for solo tyl . —1 5 , TM; R 7'3,;41 , Ice Corollas : very handsome, for pale by JAMIS A HUTCHISON t CO 5".7, — " 7 TlAleAn'A' ri a I ETCIbI. WABTILD, A GIRL to do reneral bons. work, to whom a per manent situation and good arum Will be kiwi, None need apply without good references as to elis• teeter and abiliwy. Apply at this offtee. no: • Bonk of Pittsburgh. TlE.l!l;7l.ilectenddstrlrs7 i the Trrkerbt'ov: the capital meek, for tee last al month., payable Lar stockholdere or their legal rept...made., forthwith November MI. IPSO. JouN SNVINsit, Cathotr . —nov:dlw HORSE AND BOGGY STOLI,. Fifty Dollars Ravaged. TOLEN from Baltimore, November sth, a Bay la fare omit a long tail, and a Buggy with a bo a , body, painted green, and lining tire, Ilia Mid' t. about SS years of sae, red face, and thick rm. I will lave Fifty Dollars Reward for the arreat of Ma thief, so html !hoop get him. IBIIN h 1 eCLINTOCIL 10 41w Lexington at., Baltimore. I BIM. Pat I G RINPSTONES-I fiver feet diameter; 40 mooned lame, for mie by nor S F VON BONNITORST et CO CIILSSE—IOO bsr for race by , • S F VON LIONNfIORST & CO BROOMS -I:9d. for Arlo no; br•: — S F VON HONNIIORST & CO PATENT TIIRFAD-1741/ Ihs I en black, direct from The snanafactans and for rale cheap. nis7 I' AR BUTIINOT 121711= THE agl j law A retTt r icTto't i rimtnlkl t ;roVeutv. , 0 p 'r e h el to;nmary and eammary proceeding. therein, before Jaice. of the peace and other magistrates, and to prone., proceedings and practiee, comprising arrest. bail, and commitment bl oath rates in the several States, especially Pennaylannla. By Mordecai M iiinstey. author .1 the aft. Justice." ex. Harper , . New Monthly Magazine for Novemlmr. The above works sin received Inc cafe by R C STOCKTON, Car. Market & Third .re . GERAT to: PINS-2PO pocks tub stack ror solo by mil, C A RBUTHNOT °ORS A EYES—I2OO groan plated, Noe I, d, 3, 1 1 and 5, put received for sale by .07 C ARBUTHNOT gED FLANNEL-33 pcv all wool, received on eon. signollent, and will be sold cheap. no 7 ,2C ARBUTtiNeT Plageharite and notalaraetarera , Bank. ',loT, p lit e a ,t,!; a :n .p t i hsday declared a dividend of T itai stock, oat of the profits for the last Fix months; payable otter the tenth int. Pittsburgh, Nov 5, I W. IL DENNY, Cashier '..d—urtidtvefd TOBACCO -4 1 .5 Itegi Gedye'sAin for We by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK 144 Liberty B. WO Flsll—a drums in more fnr vleby rn6 BROWN A: KIRKPATRICK BCKETB-15 dor jurt arrived and far 'ale by nob BROWN & KIRKPATRICK Exchange Bank Or Plitaburgh. rl - 1111.9 pant ha. Otte rho - declared a dividend of roar per rent, out of the Profits of the last ma months, payable on demand. THOMAS al. 11411TVE, Cashme Mtist.orc6, Non. 5, leso—neG:42ls , R AISINS -IK. bas new amp, for sale try noI WIII ILAGALEV & CO 19 it 20 Wood at tß r il a c i Tt ry -W brio No 1 winter ;,,17.1401,1itnTleso:d L o; Wood on WAISTED, N twits, ends man, baying a emelt capital of A three tboaeand dollera, to take an inter•ot en a very profitable buteinese, located in Western Penn. epicenter /le will control the whole baaineea in Ins eection, Addrese G.tW. C, this office. nofiallm Sealed Prapoeale 'MILL be received until the let of December next, for the delivery et the 'PelPialargh W1...f0n the Al l egheny Rwor,of two hundred ap.l eighty thowand feet of Hemlock Plank, to be three inches thick, e twelve niches wide, and sixteen Intl long. AL anSO, Ptoposals for grading d tay ine down the Plonk on the Partnere end Aleeharties"rittriptke Road. Ihc portion of the road to be craned ,t.. 1 laid with Plank, hes between the end or tbe, road stoned. and Interseetion with the Green•bute it told Ptuctierrn Turnpike Road. near Henry It* r tla tavern, JOSEPH COITA R Sequentrator O Al EICHI3AUSI, Ilredent P. k AI. Tut t et he Road Co GO,OOO Copt*. Prlast•d cf flarpor , s NOW Elonithly Ithirgant we, NOV LS THE TIME TO. SUBSCRIBE. PrlflE November number Is publit bed and for role at Holmes', Third street, eppeeve the Post ONce . The leading obje p u b li ce Now hi ortbly Meg" toe to preeedt to the in handsomer style and at n cheaper, ntc, a greater. amoant rending mate, than sop orher periodical to the 7, :d. nob /Int iETI'ERNINT-100 lbs r.. 1 ranted pure, js,, reed for tale by loch] a E SELLER!: CHESTNUTS—who • jo" Vlt! a TT b,t y C„ ntN: • --- Itopillear Scotch ow dle e a r liV111•1ily. IPUNCHEONS /Restart'. c, Ill„ wed Male I,ch p , 4. , key, of very delicate flavor. 12 Pantheons Afghan's Wok ralSe, exit. que!. and high Br a nd ies n custom house ;ock. Also, pi* Bidetent 'Maw, and brands i t half, quarter, ail - octilet. Import, a and for sale b i A II . 1 e CALLA, nov.Adeoillnithalkt To Wall,. t. Philadelphw lULESIIAIT.L'S tillA VING , n FAN._ p , , ,, , ,. w .! the man who does not ilprer ,at . Om luxury of imi ellay shave! .1f my there be, er.. de not add reas no, - selves to him, Bat to all others , 0 :ay, if you wish re render slowing a pleilare, pm. o . i e a box of Judea Hiles AlmOnd Ploachio or qtr aegis! Sheaths Creapts. - It it utkrly imputable •0 Lad ward+ to de scribe the feelings of • person in ho /.3... been toted to Shaving WWI Orallotry•sOlp, rove meting trial Of Olio or the first time. It is a combos •/ ot wonder, ad. truratton, andpleasure. JULES HAUEL'S SHAVING CREAM is eXceed • t o emollient; rend ering the todleit and most way beard euft and pe, pdg in admirable lather, and by tit extremely mild nature allaying all trait.- tion, and preventing that unpleawet and el fegit t4 of the skin which I. to often rat erkneed est sht. tag. Gentlemen acing dal. Ilauel's Shaving errant . may file the coldest and moo piercing Windt in, mediately alter it. Mee, Within. the skin becoming chopped. And th ere who once ere it, we ran safely my wall never ow any other. One great adventre which w-, a s ,i,, a y . ~.. prectated by Th om who weer st hp-kers, Jo th that it will not discolor ale beard, which grow So ap . will do, giving a sandy or Tor, vopearilee to the edge of the arhistera dale. Ilse-I'. Shaving Ctean.r. are delightful 'preparation., rotatkanded with Won.. to toe' atter ciliation of al' ardeles Metal:ood . render the operation of Wowing inplensant, and wit, be apprect wed by oil who make ;31.1 of them. I Prepared nniy IT JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chen - lima MO Chmtnot , , Phila. For rain, wholemie and retail, by Ti. A Fahnesteet A Co., and S.F. Sellers, Pittsburgh; R o d lohn Satgeot end I Mitelielli Alleohenv Cis', ..027—.0 WHOLESALE FA LL GOODS, A..A. MASON & CO .d 2 dt O'4,IIIIABILEIP ST, , rirrlOrliaril,.. IX7OULD With the alteniion of Merchants front VI all Se* of the coasitry,to their immense Sleek of ate* Fall Goods, <murk, non the olden and mow complete assortment In e, s., eg ter n r nab try, constwint ed ‘ caw, hest styles Print,: 40 do Imported •MI Am.:wean Gingham.- vp, do Airmen', Parente., and Mentio. . 3: dn Cashmeres and, Laine; 41 do Gannett and den ll .; It dir In do I' llllea c aths and Gilson, is v; - hed Muslim 011alet Panne's, ell rob-0, ,‘_. li. de ricktry, all yril-, t 3-1 do Grown Aluslin, Ire. ten ec Airs, , • ,, e, ill became. 10.. 1, 11, r i bose/ a i. Gootta, tillinery de, Ten. 1 ritac i ag gs , 0, boo, Lore, a abbey and Worcs.& c. ' Ma 11 'll eta area otated, from tin great Meth ks oi Wit 4`1,01, ,ii. 0161., m o ds. lays prorating the late i and moo , •tr• relic pds, and at print. es low and ewer than al.) erehrin house Beleelsetnefactumrs . • cite for le roo. eunntibes of PORIC•I/0 Good., they Pa nil / 'WY gel ea' Ilk voles of merehilm for dam net, s oli alto ,e In Illia ray at the tem, prim the •re told al in ringlet cities. elerchnno ettLer go g or illumine front the est., are inv.,' t it an egen n , 0., of their.. olt. A 4 MASON & 0 neetdl .13,,:stIwtss___ SII—A mw casts for sum b. - JOIC r g AIeFADEN & I'o __ _ - - ---- Iro bEls No I ',tr. lettle, for sole In r good negarae.ln pat JOHN MrFADEN 0 R —CO nuns fair, 11 J.°'4..LLZELL IL—b nits Just reCeiPfd for ssle by JAMES D.ALZEIJI no-'"f' y HA,satlno II PiToT lIEF E Gd bx, prime; hls <ream, for :, hy I,D _lll/INVIRLD a_ - • BUTTER-10 1/1 cloths, • , o k ,j o ; VANFIFI,U 'ED-5 bri.l.l 2101. oale 1.1 . • ANPILL IIN bxs 1n MI, sad for .aTn — ny , B CANITELD F RF,II Fm C L.t r. ,:l: R 5!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers