The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 15, 1850, Image 4

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    811/101C1I1IPT i 11,41"fgs
wlaGLaLi DZLUIi ra
N0.,101 Wood stroot,
INVITE th e armadas al buyers to that, larghalorth
at Fresh Goods par (lama, and *blab th ey ens
prepared to sell as very secoadoodathag 1C7121.,
We shall tre coratatulY Wssl• 4 4 fresh Loots dar•
Ins th. seaso n, and request as examiaawm of oar
stock by waters werassw, and
others s
N. 136 LlbertyAtreat,
EGsetthliy to inform hie numerous fan...."
that he is gnat receiving Ma new
wain% CASSULLEREb, and MIT
INGS of tte newest oil lea, adapten t or . pproub.
lag r d, louder seasons. nil th ose in want of
cboop, fashionsole, and good clothing, will find th e
i onr csi, moot fuhionable, and but stout in the
w "tom coontrY, dilOoMablistiMent. sepl9
fi l wa w . kg or
to Pittsburgh.
Real Road Company having
THE Perthsylnom
completed the whole loth of roil-toad to Ifeltdge
numb, then cocrecung the Portage Rad goad to
Johnstown, and from thence by boats to Pittsburgh,
an now prepared . to receive and forward merchan
dise, pr.. cc, de, to and from Pittsburgh and Phila
Tho boats will leave the depot of the company
daily for Johnstown, there connecting moult tha daily
mein of cars for Philadelphia, thu .insuring the de-
Weary of all freight to Philadelphia within fin days.
1111.1. to LIGGETT '
Agents for Pa...R. 11: Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
CRAM: HELLAS, egoists,
and Maim, Insert mina ,
Sign of the Golden Hap, No lot 'Third street.
flitipllf. IZLEDER respectfully inform.
hi. Ideate and the public, that he hag
purl returned from the east, with •
Pt tiepin( and extensive a nted
meet of Ititnes of annoys styles end prrnes, sele
by bin:melt, with great care, at the celebrated factories
°E N... e Mork:N. V. and Danboro, N. V., atm at
SUidart it illtnlrnoi,N. V.) Having selected the above
from an irmente stork just Gnathed by the above
maker., nay are warranted of superior quality and
tone, and will in all cases be sold at New Yarn fa.
tory mice. Purchase. will receive a taciturn tfaM
may arab e rich Piano, entitling them to an exchange
Or return e" same.. if found detective.
AI., a Lt
oplcodld (init.., from the Notary or
Schmidt d. ttiottl,N. V 'limy are a superb arUcle,
and warm .ted e.t.a, it not superior, to any made in
the world.
Also, A Coe .el,clion of Doles ClanOnets Violins,
String!, Br /NI Instrianen.. slid the liSiireill and most
vaginae rn inc. Inch:they Jenny Luta'. celebrated
soups. seplki
BURCFILL - D, at north east comer
of Pourtla and Market streets. are now supplied
With a full• astorlitent of the cartons qaalities at
above desirable goads, and baring been purchased
tram the ampere. can be•rarranted genulitc. arc
Jas. it napratt t Bens , Patent Soda Ash,
,A 2 of t
the he bore celebrated - brand, branpiv B34% . 7 ,..d t c : rviee.
east month, per u Armaitteh,li . E.Lrope,”.llerlin,s and
<nes ships, eta Philadelphia
Baluniore, warraut
nd Superior in both stmnstls sad quality to any in the
tesiket, for sale at the lowest price for cash and ap
proved bilis, by • Wa 61 MITCHELTIiEIi
sOOlO Iliberty street
Imago Supply of Solt & 17171rator Goods.
OL I3RPHY & BURCHFIELD invite the attention
of buyers to then large stock of goods _adapted
fat the season, ronsiating in part of
BSc and cord Franck Merinoes
" Caburgs and Cohmere,
Changeable Pontius,
limes Silts atla Tore Satins,
.., Elk and Fancy Alpacas.
Super Long Shawls, Lout Price do., Sactmg Flan-
WoLM,'English, and Amertcan Flannels, "rano
and vslorud. Their stock ci 110USELEEPINti
CIrODS, suchas Shociimes, Pillow Cate Masan,
Tab , e Drapers .
.A t , is large, and at lour
once. for qua,ity. Cuter. mill Sod it ta their adrart
tagt to examine ileur sick before patchasang—in tad,
north east totter of iW std Market sta. oat 7
eeeeee Lie
is - cr_PltliSul...3 ode all others
Charlemon, Va., Sept. 29, IMO.
Mr. R. r. c—Vcar . Fllleltave 2reonte eo mu.
lax in nll finsregion of conntry, as very muck to
eapnreedr all others as Lirer or Anti-Bill:me Pill.
ours, ae. JAME 4 A lAMIS
(EVrzt of Lktrec.)
Purrrchave e ra will ollect Met R. E. Rollers' Liver
ills ere theodgmel and only True and Remind
r Pill, end may bc had at No 97 Waal at. end of
dine centre:lFM the two rine. and vicinity.
.1 • . Xxtract. of Yellow Doak
\324 SoneaparlUa.
UT up the !truest maeilt.., containsmore
orate pure Bonder. Sarraparflis than any m other
encparin, extant %stroll is chemically co bined
*risk the (strum of h chow Dock, the Extractor Wild
Cherry, cud the Balsam off ir, thus making the maw
dy more thoroughly crticient than any other Sanaa.
Lila beton the pribln, At the same time it is perfect.
If freeffrom all mineral poisons, which cannot be said
of any SO, of rho Sarsaparilla compounds The in
valid should towere or poisons! Mercury, Iron, Idol
nine, Potash, bulphur, emetic, and many
other mineral and enetedbe poisons enter into anti
form the entire bans of mom of the Sanaparida an,.
Panaceas of the day. Garrott'. Compound Ilktract
or'Yellor. Beek and Sarsaparilla does not contain a
particle of these substances as any one can emaly
aseertain by - applying toe necessary testa
The patrons may stroasmcsily remora bees,, but
they an vitiate the blood, and so completely impreg
nate the whole ante= with their baileel erects that
the first cold, or the first attack of &some, prostrates
strength, and subjects him or bee to the
most cave/aiming tortare, and renders another cure
almost impossible and hopeless. Let all polsonons
Barsaptrilot preparations alone, and.rass--tiuysOtEs
Imposed Extract of Yellow Dock and Baksaparills,
which W thoroughly armada., perfectly bsradem,
and purely vegetable. All kinds of Meerut yields to
Mt genial influence.
Semfate, Cancerous Tumors, Cutaneous Eraphons,
pdyboyitie, Bile., Puincies, or Pimple. on Mc Face,
Chronic Sore hiyes, Fetter, Scald Head, Rheum.•
then,larremein or Pains in tie Bones or Joints,
old and 'motion] Cicero. Fever Sores, Rip Disease,
reedit:lc of the Glads, Blotchy., Syphilitic Symp
toms, Licritince, Dropsy, Dyspeptia Jaundice, Cos
herneee, Salt Fuca, Afectuous of the limners nod
dueatet amine from an uliodiemes au et Merem
ry, Mutt:ern Sort'(r rote, Wean... of the Chen,
Pulmonary A1re,“0,.. end all otner rliteud• teed.
ing to id, Contenir non, Liver Complaint, Female
Irregular as end Complaints, Sick. and Serum.
Headache. f.xeotTe. Gentlay. Spints, Loss of
Appetite. light Sweats. Paine in the Side and
Shoulder- Fr.poeure ueleupuidence in Life, Chroo
, Conarii•••on.i Interdera, anis. Spring and Fall
Pusher v. i•ie Blood, upi General Torus for the
Are.([ of Li. , of 51....e4rn pus striablnigt
The folio it au eximet of • letter dated Marin
27i lenti, rend, l• it Perkins, N. 0., o highly reepects
bM phy,sctuit el Marietta. Ohio.
7inen Pau - Dear; Sinli have under my care •
young.wentanetio,lor minuet yenta, h. bun Job
bellsfe fmni Ed - drub-if Limb., tad whole ease has
pnne hopeleu by three of our best phy.
eieians. took her into my Utility, and buy cud
—Dayton'. Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla freely, and
am conadent that the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
will effect. permenet cue. She is better in general
health than oh, hoe ever been before, and walk..
mile OT two vmmout fugue or pun. Aye. eAro eh.
lace Oro:diet. I will report the case In du time.
Very 'mei:fully, F.. D. PERKINS.
It has Yee, rettariced. f(11/11.11 men, that in the
curled catalogue ef diteeses to which mut is liable,
there is eirateely of of such tmirattence, and of such
batten; rto Senttlizio, whether we look to the entitling
elite engin, sat
t o e
proKrese, the comber and
variety iforguatiart it Innate, or its remutude
eurilicilly and cuedure fatality.
Scrofni ha. bulliedo the stilt of the mut mned:
purled... Mt this [Gantry and In Europe. Bat there a
hn e foetid. dmeatent Dr.bui Estroyl of
C. 1,1 troth and Sart.partita,” whim, yams mg in
*elf it prefect 'Dente in tile Mott ecr,rc ca.<
poi extraordinary etre or Grrofeta eared by the
_ sole ere of Doemr. Isavott . s Componhd =IMP, It
will be semi by this eernficate that this Loan hat been
ender the treatment of several eechrated phyllptses,
for the pert eight years, without daimng any benefit
and bas been effectually cured by the use of a few
bottle of Dr. tisysolds Compound Symp.
New You.denn 7,1849.
Da. Ginter:l—Dear Sir,—Owing myoaa Mahn/el:rich
money cannot pay, yarn induced to mato &publican.
knotted ;meet of the benefit I have derthed from your
thvaleanth Syrup. I was safely afflicted With a tern.
file Scrofulous disease, hereditary m our faintly,
which commencedon my neck, sad, eantlnateff to
spread. soon reaches! my ears, tanning into my land,
and attending all over my face, neck, and lower en.
tromines. I het:Arne a dthgestum obieet to look upon;
At nines my distress eras en great then ( was enable to
sleep or in down; and the disease cited:ding Into lay
ear. serirmay affected my hearing. My face wu oue
tontine°. sore, from winch a erseharge of matter
and water kept conunnaily oozing MIL People avoid
ed tee, aupposing Ihed the salad poi, or Kira. other
infectious diresse, and I was consequently obliged to
relinquish my bummers. tiotantestanding I bad the
best tom:ten &Jame, and tried Mfferent plans of mat
meat, tee disease cannoned to gro*wore, lentil I gave
lo despair, Panora:My I fell in with a passenger
en th emsambost, width travelling for my health, who
mformel rat,,thal Ma son was at one IMO In al toad •
Mannino all 1 was, and that by using your Syrup be
Was speedily enrol. ammodlatele procured the ar
ticle, commenced acing a, and now,
after having need
len than me bottles. I am well end able to attend to
my heathen. I send yon thus statement ea an act of
/Unice, only Leong that It con Induce the &Meted to
mate are el the right medicine, and thereby save them
much sairsinng and expense.
I romaim your obedient servant,
Care of an wearies:id 000 of Bryaipaa..
The cures pertonsed “Dr.Guysort's Extract of
Yellow Duck and Sanapsrllla are lasting. The pa
tlends generallienak to/manes to Improve after die
erne a rensosed. Cates are nutelonal i cled omit erne
has fully terse/ non there en. be no re aim or relate
of the dines. ' •
Nadtwar, (link/mar Col Feb. liCso.
- rS F. Itanirns a. Co., tient.. it is with great pleasore
that I write , ou about the very happy effects of your
Yellow e au and nompardla . p a n my son, who has
long bee n sufferingeniter that dreadful, loathsome Mal
ease, Erysipeln, with which he was attacked in lel%
and*ad tor several mouths arta/idea by some of oar
bast woo tried their skill pethevcringly the
five months, without any beneficial effectswhatever.
He•become reduce/ to a perfect skeleton. Ile bad al.!
cent from to. tap to his knee, winch were continually'
diachartfag dlagueungty o r mere. loaner. Med th al
and mrsmal.skiil was . bullied. Physicians raid that
fits rue was hopclen—there coald be nothing done
ye welt those terrible gangrermlng ulcers. My net
Lora and =pelf thought INS dittOttitiott near al :
0,, of my
ea. who had carted a child of serer.
ale wire year Insolvable medicine. awuhed me to,
make trial of it, end more from the restless damns to
do something while life tatted, than true, any , Lope al
getting relic 41 penned three bottles of your 'l'elew
Mock and Samarpteglit,” and cant nen ce using It
era, ray tistratiablnerit i he cemmenced Improving
110 bed used the third lieu n, and oefore be larA nut •
half cozen bottles he could walk obt. Ile used in all
twelve bottles, s.l try Ur-ocher last he was peneetly
rescued, every vestige of Inc disease accept the scan
Is removed, and beremeinskeperlect health ap to the
present time. iris - recovery, under the blessing of
M.l.lserninlyrnmelf to Wren of your Yellow Dock.
.darnkrarlifs, ne I allegro pan that I feel myeell
antler gran ob/ig anon. , In you, and It Is with gn., j o y
thst inform you of . what your Sarsaparilla ban bone
Inc my 301 k.
Ilaelgone genuirxt urdeSS put pp in large baffles,
coburftirnt • quart, an d:the name of the Syrup blown
in thy glass, with the, Written signature of S. F. Mu
nett4 on the Gonad o wrapper. Price El.per botele—or
& Ivaco fdr Stk.
It is sold' 47 J. D. PARE. North East corner of
Fourth and:Walnut ruses:, entrance on Walnut et.,
Com amen, Ohlo, to whom all order. moat Ire addree
Carterre Din., .11Irie; Johnson &Co., Wat - e-
Ccvd; 'A Cicerone, Creasing - Wink; Abel TurrelL
filontret Ilitartiltla,ToWandm Robert Roy, Well*
Lem; 1.. *Wench, Callansburg; Wlteca, Jr, Pam
ten,'of Market itrect and the Ihamond.
ORRIS* in the Diamond, are cell
•,01 - 4 a
Ue n
pTeer a l
T ••
R •
Y MS I aepfil
a • 15 Wood Meet, IPlttslitsrgh.
Collections nails on all the :niacin.' of the
trailed 13taies ngt utLy
5:71. Coma of Third and /demi& as.
sc., Om.,
(Next door lo the Beak of Pltublirgh)
piglf s'i 1f7141 f
, Bkoheogo Broker
COLLECTIONS.—Drape, Notes and Acceptances
payable In any par ef the Union. collected on the moat
favorable terms. •
• • . •• . •
EXCHANGE on New Yost, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, L fligville,l3alrlLoals and
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANE NMM—.Notes on all solvent banks in the
United State, discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds
f Foreign and Muerte. Gold and Silver Coln bought
n d sold. ang3u
HOLMES & BONE have removed their Bank.
s ing and Exchange thine to No 07 Market It.
oar doors below old stand. nap]
"DILLS Sgiand, [rebind, load Scotland bought
p way =tom at the Qin= Hater of Ezobellet.
Also, Thorns payable in any part of lbc Old Countries,
from 41 to LlOOO at ihe rate of 11.5 to the Storting,
without deduction or dim:tont, by JOSHUA ROMN
SON, European and Omani Agent, elan doh on.
door we of wood, octlEtt
Inzs taLlEZß L HARI
In Forelp and Dm:l=nd MIL of Resew:go, On
uneaten of Unponne, Baat Notes sad Col n, _comer
XI .nd Wood cows, directly oppoaite St. Chute. Ho
N. B. i11.L1111.1 PIA .1. SIMIXT,
IT//131.1.ALE GRUdERS and Commission Mee.
chants, No 41 Wood meet, opr.oslie St Charles
hotel, are now reeetang and oiler for ea., m low
totes. as follower—.
ItiO pkg. Y. IL, Imp, O.P, I 50 M hi 4anteh fan.
and Black Tees. - 50 M Havana Lad Kota,
WO pigs lb En lb and hub in Itloo packager.
Limp &5. roll Tobtco.2i el M Hamm, qe hoc.hoc.WO bask Ilm, I Legnayra, M Regalia.
and JavaCotree.4 15 M Pr:napes.
50 Molit N 0 Sugar. 50 tas Al Raglan
5u bete N 0 Molasses. a 0 bales Ftlbens, English
40 brie powdered, ernah'd Walnuta, Brant Nuts,
and loaf Sugar. ' and Ground Na,,.
40 ale Anon. 5) b. Lemon Syrup.
10 brls Tanners' Oil. L'lr b. Pepper Sauce.
300 gals Lamp cp. = c..... Pickles,
50 bola Nog /Mackerel. 10 cases sac% Chocolate
Xid bk.esXlolCloxlllGlass Ground Spices 01.11 kinds
LIZI bms IttodinSoap„ 50 b. Sardiner.
NV del Pot McLain 59 b. Snitch.
tSS boa Otocolate. 15 b. Rock Candy.
21 b. White Pipes - 10 lixa Shelled Almond.
ILO non Wrap. Paper. 5 eure Liatotiee.
(0 hos Pepper & Alsace. Rinehart's Cat and Dried
CUOlliScoteatßapeennuff Ttfbacco.
le me Rice 10 gross Ulackmg.
T e . fV a f'::l? — `l: f fhtauilt:alylrt.dr 7,,T . Into g
lanGUor.. aep7
0 &.. 11 rETIM — OlL — O.LOTIIII; & - i.
IV Mee/ANTOCI( Is now opening at his Carpet
V I' . Wareboase, No 73 Fourth meet and 7tl Wood
arta, • very handeome usorunent of Oa/tatting, coma(hang In part of the followmg varieties:—
Rich and elegant style Velvet Pile 4.rpet;
Rich and elegant aryls Tapestry Brussel. do;
SllPeriOf English and Monne. Elmseels du;
EM. 'CP . 3 PO Canners; Rugs, extra Cheats;
PnPettra du do; Sap. Putted Rog.
do Ingram da Cheadle Mel&
EXtra fine de
dodo; •p ~e
, . ANA .
Cons. all wool, do do;
Mat .;
do cola. chain do dim Cone s;
do cams do do; Jnte do;
Also,a very large assortment of Trimming. for
Steen poet, Cernages, Moose. le.
Pa Clods.
A very laric asnortgram al well seaeoned OdElotlie,
ranging In width from 33lathed to 34 feet, or very
'Ande.Malean.. styles, cut to fit any Idled room, hell, a
.. ...
The stook of good. will be gold as Ent ep as the
ran be purchased In any of the easter, men. 41 .
i .elm every body to call who wish a bars aro.
(.1 U 414
HIES-100 bia Cream .d IV It A...i5.;
10 bates
old Java Coffee;
10 bags Login/to do;
35 bap Amer Rio 02;
1,0 of rhesus Chelan Tea;
10 codify bas extra (Wont;
10 do pet.. creep;
br <tem do;
/0 bzo bout @Maim.;
3 bale sett shell itlistorn*
0 do. pare ehrgatal Lent. Saw,
5 anttooseopathi ik fancyClioeola
10 boa Brom, Coe. and No 1 ace
bxs elmood sad Palma Poop;
60 Ina Rosin and VA/legatee Soap;
5 dolt Oh,. and Bordea. Oil;
o dos Pepper Saute;
doe GerAlra it Walnut Pickle.,
0 doe Rose Water;
,eaeol4ll. Mageari-ni;
is ones do Yerntieolh,
2 eases pure India Tile Powder;
3 eases superfine Rice Flour:
10 brls enuitied & pulverized Saguia
IA brie small Loaf,
10 brie Pero Cider Vinspar,
LO doe Coro Brooms,
Cor. Wood & F 122 air
Expo sly Ars" Snrogg.
For sale by
• re avoid the many tocoovemencez euer.dmg th
use of the customary Skein, the above uncle h.
teen much, and for a longtime wanted. It has stress
ea a manor of astonishment, that whilst Um commas
snide of Cotton, was eotrentently, spooled for gene
ase—Sllt, so mach mare valuable, aboo4 tar .
I era supplied in Skeins, from which so much troabie
vesatioo, and loss has arisen.
Thit difficulty but us last been overcome. the piddi.
offered . good article, handsomely put up in a con
talent form for domestic Ole.
The ody objecapn urged ay,altun this article is the
stparent emall itglatity on each apoo! This le emil,
"Nettled. Each Spool is warranted to contain au
t ord. of Sisk; while the enlmary Skein, .t the sure
price, has but an gammen quantity, varying from to
18 yard.
The Spool Silk la feed, (or one at the time of par.
chase, and at only needs • WM, to conviame the Mon
mepdcal of its tapenenty in quality. Indeperelent et
me mat and anapplent form to which at is famished,
it hat great ad mntages over the Skein, as it doe.
s may with the tedium of winding, the vexation 01
:.nth , sod the loss of time ha preparing It for 000.
Sold by WM. 11. HORsTIMANN t SONS,
SI North Third et, Ptalsile.lplum
8 Malden Lana, New York.
Sole Agent. _
Between Third lb Fourth streets, l'aisburgb,
1 iVITE the attention of merchants visiting the on)
.o their ostensive stock of Fall and Winter Good.
er reeled with great care and =union from MM.
.orportations, large auction sales, and from the Icad•
ors manufacturer., by their rerident partner to kir,.
York. lbeir stork this fell will be round to be muck.
larger sad Sore varied than any they have ever before
oaght to Ibis market. being replenished by receipt.
or goods almost daily through the season es they an
p• le in the utern markets, rendering their mock a
a i time. fall and perfect, thereby enabling them ear.
rrnsfally to compete with custom bonus. teptt
;TM Sao. 07
11 1
1 1 11 0 1
JMN IL MELLOR, Na 81 Wood meet, sole alien
for eidekerlog's Plano Pones for Western Peon
sylvasdit ; bits mitered, and now ready for rale, th
to:lowing assortment selected by himself from th
musitifamory, and will be supplied as nroal at Ail
C:uokering's preea,
dined LAMS XIV, 7 octaves.
.5 elegant Isisewood, 7 do;
do' do 61 do;
0 do do n do;
1 do Maltogsity, G do;
1 do Watt sr 2 4 do;
1 fall carved s
A CARD—The subscriber bus - lira pleasure o
tonounglngto the Mimeos of Pldstuirgh, that he ha
acsagomems with Mr. John 11. Mellor, for rtt •
exclusive tale of hie Piano Forte., In Pittsburgh an.
einem Ye 1.11111 1 ,11111, and :note warring io par
Law nay be assured Mal their interests will be Moll
fully attended to. 1 CIIICHERINU
Huston, March D,1648.
le addition to the ober., of Pianos from Mr
Clriekering, a new merry is *Bored from the (octane.
of Adam dtodart, Bacon tr. Raven, and Worcester
New York, sad Hallett, Cerneten a Allen, Barton, it
prices varying (mm two to three hundred dollars.
S for Oatotrer i latt received and for vale at
oct7 78 Apollo !landings, 4th
Pooplo from tho Ola Coutry.
1 4 1 SCILT sanie kind of Small LealFtne,btrour
11ml Rough Flavored Black Tew that We wed in
We Old Cousary can be bought at dOe and 7.5 e por
at !Sortie Idaworthte Tao Store, can ride ol 11,
` Diamond, "and no where else In Pittsburgh." acy24
WI WNW kAFER—Tbe best in mane, eon
L had at the agency Wl:Wawa kWh, 15 Wood at.
Children, •tale of Cruelly and Oporesslon, Is tbt
e ora new prat/ We by T. S. Arthur. Ais said 1,
the antborfs best produenorb for stale at Bohner
toary Depot, Tblrd street, opposlw the rost Of,
al., the Monk Knight °lab John, by blaJor Richard.
ern, and Inuall's Ltslng Age No Md.
11E AM boo And meddler sale by
kr nap J B Cs AFIELD
Illogurataihr Ormr/g.
1131" URPHY rt. BURCHFIELD have received amy
AL ply of goods ad Pled Mr swimming whs.', .00h hs
Mae% Bowbabines,
Chignon Cloths,
" Cnburgs and Parmattes,
" French Merinos and Crahmereu,
" oore d Loln wld Mou
A:pagewb Mourning )
Collar., Black es
Cravats, Vso rning
itandlterehiecs,ke.. oc
Kea let Lows rt 11 Syrup eJ
laoue•, loft received end ler sale by
Agent Sr Law. Steam Sugar Refinery
LILi Fri bble.on band and fog side by
IHESSR=4OVeges prune qtle7.lor aa(e by
MANNERS' ITIE- 7 23 brls low pnced, for sale by
I N7O ° tbALLS-250 lba jam rac'd and for salT Lir .
°el 47 Woad at
D'Affilirr STITII' SOW DES—la oz. ree'd SEL LERS for gale
L nai R 4.:
1111 AL. SODA-4 °seta received for
gale by
V 7 cell . It E SELLERS
(11.thl AitAlllo firaErioES-411 bazior dab, by •
Wla RiciarPlP - 0 --- iiiii iii - gini4 aTraw
wrapping medlona, doable medium, crown, and
doable crows, a very superior article, on hand and
fat sa/a by . It 0 STOO=ON
47 Nada* at
.1. U. mir&Lott.,
plc - kin Wood street, has just received a new ow
sortment of NANO MUSIC, whirl , am
e fallowing:—
Molly, day- Lave me, by B. C. Form,
01, may the RCIIROPC Live Alway, do.
. Nelly was a Lad'', do,
Vane Ned, do.
Fwine to Roo all Night, do.
. . .
Day Day,
Robber's Wedding, by Glover.
Robto, do.
• •
Oh, Touch the Carel - et ewe aghtn.
Sweet Memoirs of Thee.
Lament of the Irish Emigrant
'A New Medley Bong.
Thou bust Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee.
The Conscript's Departure, by Glover.
De Kind to the Loved Ones et Home.
Tie Dome where e'er the Heart is.
The Yankee Maid.
Low liisekid Car, by Lovar ,
Do you ever Mink of me.
Slumber Curiae Lady.
j' lin na , C
l'G uriVriiiii, '
r.i Wedding, Wreath, and Dairy
Batchelor, Malden, Bella Welta, Concert, Ladies'
Souvenir, Cally, Elvis , Lay, Ati,e, Esecisreen,
riga. Adlea. and Llszy Poltu mar 22
UTE enter not into the Ilatof purer., we say nothing
TT about ll.dreda of Chests, Importers, Large
Capital, Bought for Cash, he. In fact, we will not
humbug in any manner or form, we simply Invite the
public to compare our Team with what they purchase
lsewhere; this It the best method we know to ascer
tain woo sells the best and cheapest Teas In Pints
burgh. We are now selling
Good and strong Tea at 40 and Secrets per lb.
A prime ye do do
The best Tea imported Imo the U. States, it •
Low priced, damaged, or barmier-Tens we do not
Pro Prick s -pi of the Te; !darker,
jr3 East side of thantond.
emer.c•ra Ploohosslool Work.
1). Appleton h Co , Now York, hove In eeuree of pub
!leaden, in pails, pnee twenty Ere cents each,
. . .
Qf Ataddria, Areehantra, Engum W' Land En
6m +g; de.rhgne.4 fir Raman! Warktng
Nen, and Mare txt..*44, for de Engl.
narnasg Prgrasnan.
Tins WORK is °flange km sue, .no will contain
Two illorlann rears, and towards of au Toot
i.nn illorritorrince. It will present working.draw
nn and descriptions of the moat Important machine.
to the United Stein. Independent of the results of
American ingenany II ill Militant riellitplcie practi
cal tread.. on [decimates,,
arid Fhlronectiter, with all th
lamere thou
one thousand dollars worth f folio vo mega.
and other Woks.
The great object of this puhlication is, to imo be.
ft o nn t
fore practical men and Madan. emelt mnount of
theoretical and scientiGe knowledge, en a condensed
form, ae sliMI enable them to work lathe beet admen
cth av- V The a m m ount e ri . l it ' s h et i t it h lo ' r ' in m a i tfo h n t
the. brought together In aluinm bdpoU proceCent In
such works. Indeed, there Is hardly thy subject
within as rouge which Is not treated with such clone
and mention, that even a man of the mosl
nary capacity cannot fail of undemanding it. and
thus learning from it much which it is iniponmu for
hi:: to know.
-. • .
The pubtishars are, in shun t determined, regardless
of cost, to make the Work as co mpl ete es possible; and
it is hoped everyone desirous to obtain the worn will
procure it as issued in smother. and thus eneatudge
the enterprise.
The work trill be Issued In semi-monthly numbers,
commencing in January, and Will progress with
The whole work will he published in 40 nuothers,
at :LS coats peramtaber t and compteleg within the cur
rent year, /alit. 41041.1 discount will he cads to
Any one rattandlna the Wasters 510 to advance,
than medic th e wart throngt th e post °Mee tree f
&plosions Of she Preis.
"To our lumens. Mdelieterets . Mechanic',
gin .
and Arun, it wall Do a ride of wellth."—
acs. (n.. 1.) Journal.
"Young shed, arm yonntelyes with its knowledge
We ears with ronddeneerecommend our reader. to
pours. themselves of its nand., afew es they ap
peag."—Anterienn Arnow,
"We ontecitatindl y commend lb" RPM In those en•
gaged to or hilegened in mechanical or sciontific pur
setts, as eminently worthy 1.1 their craintnation and
It Italy a great work, and the putitthers dr.
torte the thanks o f inventois machiniev, and mane
(aeg o vere. and indeed of the pane aeue:sliy."., Y.
I' L d itTlll!..lionary win Utcnil M pracucal
mechanics, ye/stable to whO with to acquwot
themselves with the prosier, of intention in
chum, ans."—New Bedford Daily Memory.
"Young mechanic. ought to hoop potted up in the.
°muralwell as pea real knowledge, and nue
wort wit az l
show them ia. Low they stand."—Roydry
(dds.) Advertimg.
"We tote n w !rental the Worn Mat scones sad hun
dred. of cat Intelligent mechanics L eve dealged tu ima
ms. Po duple are its de.scriptions, fldl and
minute its ificaued, Mat it seem* to a. that any
mechanic m igh t s
convect any machloe ltdasetibes, an
the dength of im engraving. and tostructiota"—N.
Commercial Advertiser.
- .
• • n❑ Interested U$ mechonle• .thould avail them
we've. of as 2 . l vantegue.”—Nebuyttill, (Penn.,' Jour
"A week of exteraive practical utility and real Int
portar.ce and value to We rapidly Inc:cuing interests
of the eocnary. Wu regard the wort as eminently
calculated to promote Ile cause of science and the
mechanical arts, and to disseminate valuable Inform•
tam on these aubjec."—Partner and Macho.,
“Practscal 'mart to all the vaned walks of raechant•
cal and mentifacturing ind.tryiettrneettne. ie., will
hnd in this work a treasure which it will be to their
profit to powtem"—Troy Daily Wing
W e
have earefally perused the numbers, and hav e
no hemation In sayteg that it at the best work for me
chames, traileenten, and smarm:Eat men, ever publish
ed, for It centains canine inform...non every branch
of the mechenteal arts and sciences, ezpreawd In a
style and language Intelligible to any reader of orda
nary eapileiy."—kilouceatat, hlatia4 News.
"We are a cre we are doing the inechahles of Nor
wich and other par. of Connecticut a service by
bringin,g the work L. 3 their 4/.l.36.o—Norwsch,
(Conh) Coaster
"It lsaast snob a work as every nieeLanie should
paimeas."—Frecm.N Journal.
Wo consider Ilene of the most useful and (repot.ct
publications of the age. No meehanic can afford to be
without 117—Newark., IN. J.,)Commercl•lCoeri-r.
.1./1 all the •artall. pnaltration• having for their ob :he eturatinan and advatitement el the ittechant•
cal en. •clen:ae, nane the: we hare seen, Is • so
full of prom., a. was "—Buffalo Com.:Adv.
"It Is the Lost and cheapeit 'VDU ever ogee,' to We
scienfific and practical engineer and meeker, The
plates are beautifully executed.'—Wesaington
"This great Dictionary isone of the mow useful
wo v
rks eer published for years. and the low priel
Chich n sold makes it arceptable to all
•;%ti .
e . r e ettrd vv enve pithy son eamprebevalve
•Pv - v , works ever pttgished
"One. to be taken by every one deem., to seep
pact with the pregress Yen and scaenee every one
of the labors of civilized life,'—hitindorit Courier.
"II is designed m or e principle of f're'e the ..the
ry, only that at ii more devoted to the a:eche:nevi and
no engiceertox profeasiona, and above all, .s ralualate
aceomislong for Amen. what Cre has done for
kaaglyd, tr • de.crlhing Amencan mashincry and
wort a of all "--tieientifte A
"lots pub:lathed to numbers, and at peter so mode
rate, looking at want is contained in each comber, that
co one who iths the least intermit in sorb matter,
need be deterred from prring It; sail every one who
does so, will Lod that eAre In • condensed form an
amount of instruction which would bo obtained, If at
all, only by the purchyas of very many volumet.”—N.
V. Courier and Enquirer.
"The comprettenativenekt with which the Cidajects
are treated, the asinurable manner to winch they are
/Roweled, conspire to make this one of the most deli
rabis workar—Demoerane Review.
"This work should he in the hands of every mechanic,
art,san, and manufacturer, especially those who P•ve
the least aspirations to excel in their
so e
neases. We have eyeful]) esnauced it, with a ane f
recommending a to anventors. To them we would
say la the croak °lag Bible: 'lt good."—
Baldraore inventors' Journal.
Nati. 0 sirs Pm:pm:mug/ Nstarpapers thropapirrart
tke Um:a &tato ma Canada.
uthe forogoing advertisement is uum
five ue•
daring the year, and the paper eantrung it soot to as,
a copy of the wort Will be rent grabs In payment.
_lols:dfavrltT •
Containing no Marnmt, nor Whcr Mineral.
rgl/iE following{ testimonial was given by the cein
brucd Dr. wooster Reset, the authorofthe great
medical work entitled "The American Pmetice 0.
Medicine and Family Physician: ,
'unclog been made acquainted with the ingredients
which compose McAllister's AD-Healing Ointment
and haying prescribed and tested Mu several cues Ii
:y4rtzto ti t . r , af , tle . e . ,. l e betation y, in co saj . inf or
no mineral substance whatever, that its ingredient:
combined as they are, and used as directed by the
Proprietor, are not only harmlew, hot of grew valor,
being • truly scientific Remedy iff great power and I
cheerfully recommend 11 as a compound which has
dame mach good, and which is adayried to the
a great variety of cases. Though I have never critter
recommended or engaged in the aeon of secret medi
cines, regard for the twit' honest, ormitmentions, hu.
m ane,
char...ter of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the valor of his discovery, oblige me M ray rhos
much regarding it- IV. BEACH, D. D."
New York, April 22.1,1840.
DURN9.-11 4 one of the bee thing. in the world
for Borne.
PILLS.-Thousands are yearly cured by this Oint
ment It never fails in alms relief.
For Taman, Ulcer., and all kind, of Sores, 0 has
. equal.
If Mothoral and Nurses anew it. val. In ewe. of
Swollen orßreast, they would alway s apply it.
In tech rues, ifßore nerd according to direction:, It give.
relief in a very few boon.
Aromid the boa are directions for using McAllister's
Ointment for Scrofula Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Telma Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sere Throat, Dronetutes, Nervous Affections, Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Read Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Sums, Conn, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore
laps, Pimples do., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
gan Dream, Tooth Ache, Ague In the Pare, do.
• From the Reading Eagle.
There area never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be.
fore the public, Mat has in so Mon • time won tech
reputation as McAllister'. AU-fleshes or World
Salve. Almost every perton that has made trial of it
time]. warmly in it. prat.. One has been eared by
it of the must painful rbeemetitm, another of Mendes,
• third of • troublesome bean in the side, a foarth of a
swelling in the limbs, Lc. If it does not gine imme•
ditto relief, to every case, it can do no injury, being
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow
er patterned by this salve, we subjoin the colliseing
certificate (rem a respectable elation of Maidencreek
townthip, in this county:
hialdencreek, Berk. co., March 30,1.047.
Mesa. Ritter is Cm—l desire to inform you that
was entirely cored of a severe pain in the baek, by the
lase of McAllister's AR-Heeling Salve, which I ; ar
chaised from you. I.ofered withit for about SO year.,
and at night was enable to sleep. Daring that time I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed ter me
by phyticiansandother persons, enthout receiving stay
relief, end at last made trial of this Salve, with a re ,
sell favor•ble beyond expecution. lam now entire•
ly free (root the pain, and ealoy at night a perneful
and sweet sleep. I have aim used the Salve eince for
tooth ache and mild' complaint., with Millar happy
result.. Your friend, Joan tiouranucn.
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.
Principe' Office, No 20 Nona Third rtreet,Philadel-
MIMI or Prnmaan.-11. A. Pahneitoek & Co,,
corner of Wood and Pint Its.; Wm. J.ok.Ort, Na
240 Liberty green' L. Wilcox, Jr.; corner of Market
street and the Diamond, also eoraer of Fourth and
Smithfield streets; J. H. Cassel, earner or %Snot and
Peon streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at am Bookstore In
Smlthfield streey 34 door from Second.
In Abe belly City by D. P.Sehwarta um J. Douglass
By J. CI. Smith, Druggist, Birmingham; D. Nellie),
East Liberty; IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander
& Son Monongahela City; N. B. Bowman & Co., and
J. T. firm Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver, pm
John alker, Jr., Elisabeth; Roabrlght & Erwin,
ItbeheMar. febllsodly
B rien iBD-24rsc a oo th e f
An,a bdo
—The Olin Of many Purloins O disfigured oath
slight eruptions,. N.M.% nimrpties, and when
this Is merely • disease Cl the skin, an it it in ninety
mg. C.,. ont of every Lsnd red. it in very coolly re
mised. Jules liaucl'a Nymph Snap is expressly
adapted to diseases of the stir, tin it arts directly
upon the minute pores which [loner .14 surface,
cleansing 010113 from impurities, and if lii 451‘21Irie
properties healing and eradicating all eruptions. and
rendering the darsest and rou g hest .kin solt, fair, and
Persons who have been in the habit of none. ordi
nary soap, will be acomsted at tee beautiful erect
produced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate
bloom, preventing the neck, face, when& from chap
ping, allaying ail Initalson, and removing ail cutane
ous eruptions. It pommies are xquisna perfume, nind
in entirely devoid 0(011 alkalin propertien, rendering
it the only article which can be used with safety and
comfon in Me nursery.
All those whose fares or necks are disfigured with
pimples, blenches, inn. caorpLesv, kc , etmuld make
tom of Jules linvel's Nymph Snap, ns the proprietor
positlyely assure. them, reset itsuse will reader the
most discolored akin whine, the roughest shin smooth,
mad the most diseased akin nenithy, pure, and bloom
'Lies Finvel's Nymph Soap L the only reticle which
will effectually produce the Imam effecm In no short
• time, and the oily one which is tit the same time all
powerlal and entirely Lamle., Prepared only by
JULES lIAUEL, end Chemist,
120 Chestnut coat Phila.
For wale wholesal e nod retail Idr 11 ,
A. Fahnestock
& Co., and it. E. Seller', Pan:Durgin and John San.
gent and J. blitchell, Alicelicay cop, Pa. ieS2
AGOOD Mahogany Pi eno Farm, 6 OdISIVCf,
second hand--• •----••-- —6lOO CO
A handsome upright Pt.o, nob lin.carood
Furniture, 8 octaves, and in good order • .• • 100 00
A plata 0 octave Piano•-- 93 00
A good I% octave Piano -- 73 00
A good 31 octave lhano, with handsome bum
tuna ....... ••--- -
Foe Bale by
81 lVood at
S Fittslle Slight Ligh.
UPERCEDINO the NVooden Float t
s, and being
eo thereby coonomic. the oil, and pre-
Tunic R a t ion, heretofore BO much objected to in all
lampfloats. One table spoonful of the common
lamp oil will lut Nine Hours, or any (.11.• lengN
of time,
according to the additional quantity of oil.
Received and (or sale by JOON D MORGAN
J _
UST RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Fundy G.
eery rad Tea Warehouse:
'.' do Fi klcd do, i"" tlu coca;
hdo do de, in pin ' t
The above Frerh Oysters are parboiled, and put up
in e Wahl/ eonnentrated souti, enclosed In hermetical
ly sealed mom and will erg. emelt to than those
pat up In the ordinary tray
For male, whinemle rind retail. by
WM A AlcCLirnt, c a ,
my3o nrit Liberty it
Groat American hi..A.:Oita W oak.
APPLETON d CO., New Vora, hare in moose
OFistiblication, in soon, twenty nye cents
each . a DieTIONARI Almeld ' ilea, Mechanic.. En
gine ' Work, and Eneincenne; Fotetinal
Workinx Men, and Mom intended Mr ilic l Eogineering
Proreasion. Edited by or Bropi
This work is of large boo sloe, end will contain two
thousand pagea, and upward, of ms thousand alum.-
lions. It will present le ; ill - awing rod demrip
unto ef the moat Important machine, in the United
Sates. Innepemicrt cf the results Alan:lean in
genuity, It will contain complete praeuctl treatise. on
Mechanics, Machinery. Engine %Vora, and Engineer-
I it; with all that to useful in more then one thousand
dollan worth of folio colonic, ins,none, a nd other
boobs- Ms ',lido:, e. cu, add For tole by the
aptr'Apollo Buildings, Fourth tot.
MEW 'TOME( Oh' P 10.7709.
tra-- a
'' 7 - - ,-- ,
....--, 1 ...... ..,, ,
*7 -:-'" 11- ‘ 42 " - F - 4 - PT 4 ri - iF Y TZ:WI
if .:..
- .) . a 4 -
: - ,:4 2 •Fii . 2 tYq '' ' r
...- 7 C; ',..; " -4
4= kea
John H. Mellor, ,31 Wood Street, Pittsburgh
Agent in Wrxtern Per:my for the eri!t
Gratattl taaa• l•ro F'arm/.
DEUS to loform bia.rtemal. +,..1 the tria•leal public,
Efr that he boa t vortur , ,, w .1 ae,.. rceeire and
arpose for ale, during 01 , tLe lerxest
arrr , atock P °dead
for flu In tat rre. - .—ata<H,,, 1. I tv found
Sup,Wy rarred Rosnreo., Fenn.
with all the race.o implor ttral
style or ...arm,.
Eq..en,1,41). re , en) Re-enoc.,; Near..
Pm." For.,
XIV At,ies
fern steel of I'm-
Mo I'er:el, •er. tor 1.1 n . t 4 tn,
OM, preprei presrent
Paronasers av a‘sared of Mr Clack •
erinv Pianos have been, t,.1 . - 01. , ,,,aur to be. the
ensue as at tne tuAattfa. , :nry r.t
tar tra mp eta and will set up in
perfect oiler, is nay part or Ole ova, sr Omni charge.
- There eve more things ts, 4: sash ttn north
Than Sr. dreamy; of nt prltesopky.."
risliE VIRTIIE-st Al thrs rewarkeble remeay, end
2, the constant appttearron !or to the proprietor
has indueed him to nave Our With la
t.ets end dtreettons for th e
The PETErtIEUM I, provorsd treat s sell in no I
county, at e depth o: four t- • pore ana•
daiterated snick, without w pc, hul
lust., lowa from Nature'. .:roar lAbraterrt That ei
not:oaths pleparnes reanhthe 4,rit.te.Uor of dsseasesois
no longer a master et en, ottunly Tit , fe are many
thtnes in the senses of stotore,whirb. t nom, :nigh t
be of seat at, 'tett Or, end -
erne. and rr•
storing the bloom e( heat:a 0.1 totaa-4 a .4,
fere, Lona befitre 000 eronrneor ...marl. to pututas
it up to bottle,. It had a fr. Pttallar'loo 11, entre ot errs
ease. The ,:aunty ee ~Iy IP 411. (0, It
end vvverll rese.arla' • en• "err:anted, a
sure imitc•tton st Its , tan,
Wend anlatc•tt.n • "•
We do nel te et, h
eaths,too •
Week its sway into the 'nu, vt-.0 awl
•nst, to be healed. W. - htlat 1,0 c:orns for it
untirersai appireanon to every diwo.e me antietote
tingly say, that in tunalrer Chrome• Ais
annyelled. Among thus may be enumerated -al!
diseases or the Mat., tisseept, such at CHRONIC
BRONCIIITIts. r , CINSLIMPTION (in as early sther,l
Asthma, arid all deseases nf the tor persages, L.Wk:ll
CONIPLAINT, Tharheta, Lhaesees at
be Bladder •nd Kidneys, Pains on the Mork or aide.
Nervous Mat-Imes, NraralgO A, Psj.y. Ishea t a air, pain,
Goat. Fry airodas, Tr tier, Ring worm., Boren Seale,
Ultitttev, (nil Sore, ha, he. In Palen 01' debility re
sulaeg from exposure, or lona and r1 . 017 - 4C1,4 C 01
disease, this utedle,n. writ bring min vet It vet q..
net as
• general Tudhic t,,1 ALTERATIVE in turn eases.
taansiong lane and edergy to th e whole Iron, moor-
tag *batmen., °pram., the a:stealth (anther]., which
eau., dmesse and a Ortolan etlvttlettoe, an peen
eneased and renewed enervy to 'be org.a.
• or
Ltre, The propnotor knows of .e erns rert,
1 . 11.1 A that resisted ever) other treatmeat, get mei/
ander the ate of the PETROLEUM tor.% Alton nine
The proof eon be peen te any.pers. d..sttes tt.
Non, geouine wahoht the estate
gold by.the prnpnot
S Canal Met., near st.
t.y it L. ~ . W Lod .1,
and KEY .- it '1 IP. 'WELL.
earner IVos,l At ee.l .'nigh alley. rt•An err tos
no•Stell•te,tar, • • n, zed ne, , lt
111311PILATT'S 1,1 'V UNT 01,A AS /1
Pere. lief:laced
ty stmt .011 itasst Makers'
etala q wert•-,1 10 1, o, t ,
3i by th y rreet,r 0' • t..el fll,l O . ra y far Cerrency or
apptoval Netts 11.1 or ! or „
tt , .1 NI1T,11•:1,TILEIn
No 75. Venial% a
Trimmings, &a., cosaprtaing . l part , the s'ollnlvlng,
• l'atra 4 arcr I:oval e 1,.: I
J • •
• Ta, ,L,
r. Mulish and Ataerte,
tiF.rira Fhtlherfine Imrah:
•?, SuperGne
Superfine Ingrain carpe. -d
Ettra fine
rEn—n ~,ntChendle
It ci , ctf,,, tio
Common, ill wool
4-4, 1 and 'Tap Van Cm.
4-4,1 and I Twill%) Carp
4-4,1, en d d 4 plata Car.
List and Rag Carpet*,
EH Printed Cotten Carpets.
hzfr, ,
C 11,13, Ir .or Slst
Stteep •
A del
84,1 1 -4, 64, L-4, 4-4 and 011Clotho;
64,54,44, and 1 hlattior,
IN loth poen( 011
for sow.
Extra pr,nlod , r
Fm aced
Printed atnolneno. "
Einbutted Stand
nod toititald
Itainbil: Sint Unto;
ratter Ithit,ixem;
Enalph t eln:11 Table
l'uvrl i;
Coach TIIIIOI3/01
Blue and Drub Clotlll4
ernason P1u.14;
-- • •
Deans a for Lump;
Watered Moretna.
Duff llollefid LSO,
fur ViShades.
French transp
Venermo 111.1,
JoieDiu.;' , ant ut ,,1, 1,ri17.101: mu.;
4 , 2 , 11111 i• I,l'l, 10l Cloth
• .
Bordiny for Flags;
7-4 and .4 Table Lino.
Russia Crate;
Brown Liken Napkins' $
German (id Clnth Table
Sung, OIL CIATITI from the Inn.: o,prov,l Eng
lish and American mll
uigan:ores, :him tn tit ,
in width, Which mil he eel to Lt halts and
vestibules of any size or shape.•
The undermaned havinu imported in,. from Eng
land, his Vel•et Pile and Tapestry CA P These
Carpets, which lire of-the latest and MOM elesmit
styles and pansies, mat of Me moot gorgeous enlors•
w i l l il be mid nt prices aglow as they Cart he parch nned
any of the eament
Having the tars, assortment of the richest and
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far surpasses
in quality anti cricapneas of prier.any assortment ever
before brought to tlits,etty. Ile also invites Steamboat
Men and Crutch Manufsetorers to his Mtge and well
selected assortment of TRl mmiNGS,Molother articles
necessary in their tattintrv.
The und
ersigned is atm anent foe the only Stair Red
Manufactory in Philadelphia, rind t epured to tell
lower ihnn can he purchased ViAl • Whr, Mi. city.
. _
Dreg. Gond..
A A. MASON et CO, co r,rl, 11CltTer,,
and Fourth, are retnr,ort n large on.
sonnet:l of !forage De lam, !or,. Clothe, on on .
Oro •nlelt; Pallothts; Crepe Or Lnloe, art; wott
• large rhenoriment of Lawrie Rol
r Gonts.
of the 'sleet allies itn4 mart larroonable roh.r
EPRING BELFIS MN.- l lMl7o g re ' relecd, by rIY.
camel shiments, a new nail choice licsiirimoni of
ll Paper, of the latest French and Fissiern +trim
ld gold, chamois, oak, plain and high colors.
W. P. lIIARFOIALIi, ( l one P. C.
i istrut
id Wood meet_
li ret , - o, iln , a ry ii
lon, and Te o , I ii .. B r i l e mg lV o u
OM, two BOOK, Ft. N. and W. Wain/mini. The
• Fishtail in Immo bo condue red under the role of
8. Waterman k. Ole obi wand, N 0 II %Ve
la and 61 From slrce, , O 41.131 0
Plr,•borob. ••ob I.r . volo
1850 inalail 1850
BOATS of this 'Laos swift ten p
t tedaily, and de.
Ever freights without translumhent.
J C BIDWELL, Potaborsh,
BIDWELL & BROTHER, Hoehester,} A"'"
1850 nu=
Prom Pittstrarcla to Colundue and Cleveland,
t A rough. the nal and populoter annul. of Calm
bane:, Carroll, Starl,-Theneranne, Cashed.,
Ittnatingnan, Linking, and Frani/in.
Trio completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal
opens up to our city through this great gamma/ central
mute a direct earartionicanon to the above as well as
the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and
Prom thts section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
loth been, to a great extent cut off, in consequence of
the high rates of trans;thrtation, which are now IV•
dared to, PS and SO per rent.
Boats of this hne will leave daily, and run through
without transhipment. The Canal company have
bestowed upon this tine an interest to the enprece.
dented advantages of their charter, and thus secured
to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering their goods
equal interest in this advantage. Agents:
J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL do CO., Glasgow.
C Hokum, Spear's WU, Ohio; • & A Goy,
Williamsport, 04 George Kemble, Elkton, 0.; Carlile
A Ilaffman, do; Hanna, Graham &Co. New Lisbon, ft,
Arter &
Speakeranover, O.; & Booty, Mi.
Uervm 0& Poster. do.; Jeseph Pool & CO,
do.; hall eq Bass. Oneida Mills, O.; II V Rover, do.;
C Et Ilur.rthal A Co, Malvem,o4 ft K Grey, Waynes.
burg, O. E Reynolds, do; Isaac Teller Magnolia o.'
Si Darkdoll.l&Co, Magnolia,o4 Wridarkness, do; J
'M'Farlmud &.-Co., Sandyville,o; P P Later, do; Full ,
bangh & Steintonigh, tiolivar O.; Willard & Shriver,
'do.; J J ElodkinA, Maasllban, b.; Coa A J A . A co, do;
John Robinson, Canal Fulton, 0.; Fertig & Torrey,
Camel Dover; O.; A Medbory, Roscoe, 04 L K Wars
no, Nowark.o4 Fitch& ltale , Colconbas,o; L 0 Mat.
Mews,Cleveland. 04 Rhodes & Green, do. may 9
1850. Makfig k
By Peamohamia Candi and Rail Rood.
riniE Bonts apd Can of Mit Line have bout pat la
I compete order, and with a addilirin of severe
now One, to the Line, mki as lo carry a larg•
quantity of produre and goa d.
The entire 1110 C; of lie Lino is cloned and rotoro•
al by the Proprietors.
113 South Third st,
A..a et the Tobacco Watehottee, Dock rt.,
PIO adeplea, Po.
No 114 North Reward at, Baumore, ALI 4
OFFICE, NobWOO et, Nov Yozk;
O LEECH CO, Ciu;a Peon et,
11103 Pittablitrgh.
agiimi MO,
m ai ,
ON TTIE PENN'A AN ) onto 04NAJlills
CLARK, PARRS & CO, R home, pa., hope..
(hlce .r SinittiJONeld aN
nd A
WatarOAOG st e t
, W Pinabargh.
Cleveland, Ohio.
T i V B eigi r it 'il a l n i Err n a l i k' ers fVonI P PA I RIIVIrO7I trd
CLEVELAND, to any point ott tne Canal and Lakes
The far/Lees of the Llse_on unsurpassed in cumbe r .
quality and capacity 01 1001111, 11110011110011 01 Gl$1411111:
end citric - icy .4 Open,.
One Baal halriel. Pinshorgh arid Cleveland nsali. ran
wpg n Connecuon with a Lino of Steam Beau t,e.
mean PFITSBURfiII and DEA VERi .4 a at
Fin: Clara Steam Mao, Propellers and Vessel., on
:ha Laker .
Clark, ParkeON,l GoNEE
r, Pa;
E Parks & Co.
re Y
hl II Taylor, Warn. C. ourt&MOWIti011o
A & N Clark, Newton &elle, Os
I Brayton & Coh HaDzina, 0; •
Cent, Gromell & Co, Fr.kitn, 0;
II A Miller, Coyartogrt Fella, 0;
Whseirs, Lee & Co, Akron, AP,.
Chamberlin, Crawford k CO Clevelend, tt
Hubbard 4 Co, Sandusky, d;
Peektinus A Scott, Toledo, 1), -
si & Co, Detroit, Mich,
Willtastos & Co, Mllwankle., Writ;
Morley & Herten, Ractne, Wla;
fent< A Gibbs Chicago, III;
as Hale Obocago, 111.
OHN A CABG/fEY, Agent,
__ooooo corner WatesLarol Smithfield me
180. ,
CLAR , ZE. PARKS & CU, Rochester, l'rupricteirs.
ri lit Proprietors of this old and well kructsoil.tne
•VOY ill I , form the public that they are now I op.
oration for the present .ason: and have eammtrineed
rsceorans Freight and Passengers, winch the
prepared to Carey to sit points on the Cana and
At the merest rates. On: of the Boobs of the4ine
will be constantly at the below Mono rt els
Bridge, t.t receive freight.
°Dee. cot Water and Suothrteld Potsbargh.
H aC Carmirµ•ham, New Castle, Fa,
Meeheitree I Co, Pulaski;
W C Mel., Sharon;
J & Allail , Sharburar,
Wick. Aehre A-Co s Greenville;
Win Henry, Hartnown,
Wm Power, Conneaulvdhs;
John /learn 4 Co, Erie- ,
John Hollister & Co, Dulfalo, NY. tu rt 3o
gsrgb Portable Gloat Lllll6,
1850.010.1 M
NE W YO, e.
Tisowle RK, Ill'ket
Bowartt.e. T i/N ea Lei A Cei`e•mjioa.
Pt.tiadriptda I Pittsburgh.
T InEn,":l•l'all.l'arte.r now
e.L;e thou l'ure7al"at of tht,
.tanda, reeri•tre and forwenline Mereha dine and
hnr old
Peada. , . at lee , tetra. and with the prompters. Cer
tainty, and safety, peculiar to thett system and ' Made
or transportation, where ottertnedtate onnshlpment
of da
saesded. with the consequent delays and probability
, .
Meech indite and Produce 'hipped east or west, and
mu . of Lein, forwarded free of charge for earettlis
lon. xds•ricine, or stainer. Having interest sil
ently or sndttrctly
n tketetterboats, that of the mantra
a solely rosalind nen .hipping their good,. •
Ail 1,111111111:“ drums to the folloartng agent Finn pt
attenad it
tta.P PIN Market street, Yhiladelphly.
t Omer Penn hod A
Wayne streets, Putshor3b
'Arm McCollogh & Co, 44 North st,firdc, P. [LINO
rha. DoKne Ne tloston, &J. T. Tapreou
rt, w York; James Wheelsmeht, embus
alla 1850.
B•wcen Plitabargh an sk .'
The Canal Immn rm." , pen. wo are reody to revolve
till forward promptl, prodoro trn,l areichan
dt. tmst
PreaFtagg nanny, ac ;owe. Mats, charged h 7 mayor
gable lines.
Produce. mod merchandise will be received and for
wanted mot and ercsy vr.tbout any chaise for for
vrardtruf M . ads:mein; frttilst,sommiattlon or storage
Bills of lading forwards ; and all directions faith
fully munded to.
Add mi. Or apply to. WILL. 6INGIIAOI.
Canal Bum, cod Liberty and Wayne sts, Pittsburgh.
,No 1(3 , Markel st, betmeert 4th & Phil's.
No 1.°2, North Howard st, Baltimore.
JAS. 111071111/1111,
melt. Nn 10, West meet. New York.
notk• to our Patrons.
pile decease or the active partner, In Philadelphia,
lthe late 1.2 e• 51 Davis.; produces no interruption
the busincst—arrangetnents hard been made which
insoles' , the same interests precisely, which have
netetafore exisrail The business is conunued seder
the saw, MUM and firm, sir
t JAY. AI Davis & Co., Philadelphia;
Joust MT.= & Co., Pitoburgh.
The continuance of the patronage of oar mss
Mende in respectfully solicited. If any persons have
demands against the concern, they aro requested to
p , esent thew forthwith, for payment.
Pittsburgh, Aped 10, 'SO. JOAN M'FADEN,
apPf•tf 6anietog— Partn_er.
Pasceager soma ftensliiiaaies Ofßees
AIIIANRDEN t CO. conunue to bring peesema
from any pan of Ergland, Ireland. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with Weir
usual punctuality and attention to the went. and cam.
fondl emmievants We do cot allow ant misamgers to
be robbed by the swiedLthe scamp. that Infest the sea.
port*, an we take charge of them the moment they te
r..T-1 themselves, and ace to thew well being, and de.
!match them Wllhollt any dethimun by the fast Mimi.—
We any this (cmlewlY, as we defy one of our pas..
gen to show that they were detained 4n kinnw by as to
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • WO detained
months, until they could be sent In some vid craft s at e
eh: p rate, which too frequently proved (hell' COMOS
we intend to perform one contracts sonorably, cost
what it may, and net act as was the ease last mason,
with, ether officers,—who either performed not ill, or
when it railed their convenience.
Oran. drawn at Pittaburgh for any rain fromill to
gum, payable al any of the rorisewl Sank. in Ire
land, England, Scotland and Wales.
Eh...spews Gen-al Agent,
eskl Fifth strum on• door belovr - W•••
L IQUORS -17 Lt pipes Brendy—Otartl, Dopo'(, ke
tt pipes linller.d Gin;
5 est. N Rum;
we bhl. Whiskey; ter silt by
sees W • a e vernileliebbs.
B. A. Fobs k & Co.,
Fin; and
Vi' 15'oodarses, ogee for.a4, on favorable termu
100 bbl. Whiung; 600 lbs Garb. Ammonia;
CO do Alum; 600 do Assafeetida,
300 do Dye Woods; GM do Crud,' Tart i t t,
93 do Lampblack;. 500 do Liquorice •
to do Sen. Red; MO do Irish How
s do Catophor• ' MO do Red Precipitate;
10 do Span. Brosvn; 130 do Calomel Amer;
:V do 1 allow Genre; 93 do do Eng*
10 do Brimstone; 200 do Bucker Lea,
9 do Cloves; 260 do Rhubarb Root,
3 do Cham. blowers; 400 do Romp. do;
14 eases Ref. 11011221 POO do Gentian do;
25 do Castile Soap; 900 do Sal Roclicelei
13 do l'ruloilm Blue; 200 do &MUM Mixture;
10 do Cale.lllnatiesia; UM do Poto'd Rhubarb;
19 do Chrome Green; GM do do Slip. Elm;
s do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arabic
sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 du do Llq. Rcol:
Co reams Band Paper; 100 do do Jalap;
In bags Sielly Sumac; MO do do ACCayenne;
25 hales Bottle Corks; MO do Ralph. zinc;
2500 Satoh. Morphia; 300 do Bar Tin;
IWO Ihn Caps Aloes; 200 du Tuntarinds;
1.100 do Ili•Chrom Potash; 150 do Qalel Silver;
5.321 d 0 Pink Root; WO do Orange. Peel;
ISM do Turkeyr 713 do luneal;
IHili do Crams Ton..; 29 do Hyd,
MO do Tartaric Acid; CO do Mime;
100 do Uva Unto 93 do Granville Lotion.
IRUCIRLEH-300 Usson's best Wank Lead Ora.
Walled elf es. for sale by
Mir Jamas. Ilhirrar • Squid .1111411481..
pREi'ARED, tinder the tmMediaw care of the In.
veutor,sndestahlished forupwards of *ITO Y...
elegant preparation he recommended in all
easel of bile, acidities, Imlige.tion, gout, and grov el,
t he , meetftle'..yound effectual atom wh ich
Magaeoia'may, and indeed the only °nein which it
night to be exhibited. ponessing all the properties of
the *Lowrie nowin general use, a/Milan beteg
bite it, to (note dangenstio eancretions in the bowels,
It effectually cures heartburn without injuring the
teat, of the stomach, as sods, puns, lad their ear.
ILongue are known to do; It prevents the food of M
facto turning sour; In all mew it sots is a pleasing
aperient, and is peculiarly adapted to females.
Sir liumphrey Davytestiged thin thin isolation forms
.6luble combination. with uric acid salt. in cases of
Om and gravel, therby conntmacting their ittiorio.•
tendency, when other alkalies, and even hiagresia
Inwlf, hod failed,
• From Sir Philip Crompton,
Bart.,Surgeon General
to the Army in Ireland,—
'Dear Sir—Thefe can be no doubt that hfegneein
day be administered more safely in the tonne( &con
centrated sOlUtiren than In substenset for this, and
many other
seasonal us of Opinion Mat the Fluid
Magnesia is a very valti.hte addition to our Meteria
Sir James Clide, Sir A. Cooper Dr Bright, and
MOM, Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London,strong
ty recommend&lunar. Fluid Iklawneen, as being rib
4211tOiy more tale and convenient than the stolid, and 1
free from the danger attending the constant use of
soda or pots...
For sale by the imPonee. and proprietor's ag l ents,
Coe. of Wood la Front ste.
Fron thr Vegdable:Kinirdory, m repel Dimmer
mud Ilamsaparlillis
Cons consumption, scrofnla, erysipelas, rheumatism,
gout, liver complaints, soltal affectimas, Menial IP
philis, dropsy, astbroo, piles , scurvey, affections of
Me bladder and kidneys, mercurial M.0.-mos, cor
rupt humors, rush of blood to the head, fever and
ague, female complaint,, general debility, dyopep
sot, loss of appetite, headache, colds, costiveuem,
gravel, night sweats, cholla, organic affections,
palpitation of the bean, biles, pains In the side,
chest, back, dc.
It is infallible In all! diseases arisitne from an
pore state ante ;blood. or tress - Wax action of the .7.
to the Vegetable Kingdom, an Aliweise Being ha ,
deposited plant. and herbs consentsl to onr 0001110.
lions, and adapted to be cute of disease; and to Ws
vegetable kingdom dm, the reason et pt... Well •
the Instinct of mil ala, tam for antidotes to pain.
The Syrup is a ementific compound of the moat val
usble plants in !Imre, entirely free from deleterious
and enervating mineral substances, and ea It expel.
dame!: teem the syetenti, Imparts vigor and usengthil
Au mlntordithary ease of Scrofules.F.YMPelm stbil
ern, mead: by the sole ore of Dr. Guysotra Con'
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.
Dacemmn, Nov. n thin
Da. Ouncire— Sts !leader . My R.MOM tiiLlk. for
the great benefit I b ar ed from the use of your
valuable urea. Ibeen troubled ver'Y bad wit
a acre... core, which made its appearance on co
chin. I did not pay much attention to it at first, sop
peeing it to be nothingy, bat an empunn that appear
on perseole far It finally began to Increase, until
spread to lA' .set part of the head. I applied to •
physician, who attended Me to no purpose. had
tried ever, th in that maid be tried. I saw your Syr•
.up of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concluded
in oar far knew that Yellow Pock was one of the
most sdnable ankles in the world for the blood. I
bought your Syrup, and from the um of one bottle, I
could me a treat c hange MMy ifylgtOl. I continued
to use It until I •••• a well maw I now feel like •
new peroon; my bleed H perfectly elemsed and free
from all impuritiew There not a question bm tha
your newly GROOTCYGd COMpOliaa Is far ammo. t
any samaparilla syrup ever old.
TiiiM certifies. is at your dispels!! to s hat like, and any one you may refer to me. Il be hap
py to glee thorn all the information I eau about my
cam, ROC I remain your obedient servant,
Omega G. Jostrann,
I IT Market nifc•t.
The ben Minna medicine tnown. The Extract of
Yellow [look and Sarsaparilla is a pasture, speedy,
and pitmansnt rare for all somplautts incident to
Ito mud, id:manse cropernes conic, It perultally
applicable to Ma runnier and
the female. It la unrivalled in u cassia upon such
toclplent eensampuon, barrenhou /es
eorbess, ur trreanad inenattaatton, Men..
ounce t) Urine. end general prostration an. system:
It o a n d ily coantemota that distressli.g nervosa
am,d Ironclad', an common to the female frame,
.d imparts enetty sod buoyancy as surpristng as
they are prateinl. We Lava m in do ( whit;
Indus.. as strongly no recommend tilt madte;ne
a s
wt.° Ss, noi been ~lussecl With oa
enthurstre Urea!, or ralirig of th e Womb, of
/l es
years , standing, cured by Guidon's ID Cr,tat et of
Yellow Dock and Dereapanl l.
ia, alter ere, y if,,
known toned] bed been tried vrithout trim:
Wencincron, Ohio, Pelt., IE4,
This aertifies that my Wife, aged W Teo r e bus
been suturing
the oboe. complaint bedre
years—nearly ell of th at time confined to her I
have for fouryeure constantly employed tho laestand
lest talent that could be procu-ed in than nonfat of the
country, without any benefit whatever. I have also
purchased every thisstmmeat reeratimended tar th•
cure of such diseases, all of which proved worthier..
In tho spited of I nth, I eras induced by my friends
p Dr. Guyhoirs Yellow Dock end l h ,srseparitla,
w hichw was Used foe Ana months. After th e had need
Mr about font weeks. It wan trident to all that the
war improving, and from this lime she improved rap
idly, and gained acsh and strength, outil the disease
was courtly removed, and nee az ricer etnoylng mono
Vrell b ceent health. hit. MOFORT.
eing neighbors of We.. a nd Julia N MOnfOrt
know that the share statement, as to the sickness o
Aire Monfort, and •s tn the cute being effected ty
Gus eon's Veltow Do:k and es•reaparilla. to be Auto:,
Brent Caro of Coax - amplloso.
HAMILTON, Juutary 2.191 f.
W. Stanch—Nal Sir : The grea ellrteht which
have denved from *oar Extract of Yw bock and
Samarnsfilla, induce, me, as an am ofjurtiee, to mate
the following statement:
After waning fok two years from general debility
winch finally tstroinatml to consumpt An, I war m yen
up by my . frtends and phyommhs an beyond Me end of
An In lot resort, 1 was Oidni•tti to try
your Smart, and having lused but tem tooth-, to.
cordzug to your direrhonr. I am enurely rec:l. 1
would therefore . , central., reeorruneryl your 1.1.0,1a1-
led Compound to the tglieted who desire powerful,
olcanaut and sole tecardy. Gratefully your mend,
None genuine unites put cp in letile riiudre bottles,
containing a quart, and tLe fq the ..yrup
in vie tine, wan the writien •IK:lie,re el e Ben
nett on the outside Wrapper. Prior 51 pci Did., or
atx bottles (or 15
It to •old by J. D. Park, corner of Pourii and %val.
oat street, Canemvati, General AKent for Ike
South and Weal, to wham all order, raucl do address .
Caner h Bro.Fale, W. P. Salton & Cu. , Wale,
ford: Olin & Clemons, Cronswgaille; Abel Towel
Montrose' ituana Mix, Towanda; Robert /toy, Well
bona; L koderick, , C•llenWare; L. Wileoa,Jr...P.l
burgh roman& platter street and rho thatrond.
medicines of the day .n
Unhurt Station, Ohio, May 25, leg%
ILE Sellers—l think It right, for the benefitof others,
to statetome facts In relation to your excellent Fa
mily Medicine,.
I h y
ave used year Vennifuge largely in my own
family. cite vial frequently expelling large quantities
ICO to Oki warms) from two children. I hove
also used your Liver Pills and Cough :Syrup in coy
family, end they are, in every immense, produced
We effect. desired.
As I am engaged in merchandising, I am able to
state, that I have yet to hoar of the first fallen where
poor medicines have been and in any section of the
country. In conclusion, j. may state mat they an too
medicine, of the day, budoth destined to have a very
extensive popularity. Yuan, respectfully
Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS, No 2$ Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
nee, and vicinity.ler
MILUICINE-2—.Tney are ass
0 Medicine, or the day."
rixsunt's firsvon, Ohio, May Pb,1849.
R. &Sellers: I think it tight teethe benefit of others
to state some faces la relation to year excellent.Fartil.
ly Medicness.
I have needy et Vern:Wage fanny in my own ism-
Hy, one via , fre,tently sauthrenng for expellingi .gc
quantities (say Ito SitV) worms from two children 1
have abo used your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in
my family, and they hare In every instance produced
the ellen desired.
An I am engaged In merchriadiring, I am able to
State that I save yet to hearer the fins failure where
your medicines have been used in my section of the
I country. In conelonon, I may ewe that they are In
medicines at the day, and arc destined .o One • very
extensive popularity Yowl, tee -vein:illy,
• .H. nentals.
Prepared and sold by R. • i.1031,N0 k 57 Wood
Creels and sold by gthuggt• • ; %ovally to the two ci
ties and vicinity-
original, only true, apd genuine Liver Pill.
S"" Cant, ,11,%"....
Mr. R. E. Bellenn - Dear Sir —I think it a duty I ow.
to you and tataa r public morn ly, to nate that I have
been &Mined with the Liver Complaint for a long
nen, nod se badly that an abons formed and broke,
which lefties in a very low stare. lining heard of
your celebrated
,Liver being for sale by A II
my physician ,
in reo n eure d nd d ed to . m . e ti. b r y .
a fur t y rl i ttl i . ' kpnehased I%, c ari u d ' fo W unT them to
elan what they are recommended, TIIE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and alter taking! r boxes
I find the Bande has entirely lea me, and I am now
perfectly welt. Respectfully yours,
Wert Liberty, March 26, M 154 N ...
I entity that Ino personally Impended with ,
Adam •, and nun bear testimony to the truth et the
a„ :cruflearo. A R SHARP
'rho cerium° Liver Vinoare prepared and sold by
E 3 1,14:119, No $7 Wood street, and by druggthts ,
In the wo elites.'
To TEE . PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen• •
eine Liver Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and have :
his name stamped in black wax upon the ltd of each
lax, and Ids signatere on the outside wrapper—all
Uinta are counterfeits, ar base imitations.
spill R E SELLERS. Proprietor
WA J T . o , 4li c til a l n t i vmit o rm
err Watches, caret, Loa cases, which I can jewelled
sell as
low as thirty end thiny five dollars, nod sea:mated to
her good time.
Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, cum.
prising the anion and latest styles, and bell pattern,
. lv WILSON, Watchmaker end Jeweler,
77 E n i t t n S o E ttle entire L'24l rtr oto C n ?it sale ' Ofl ' re d e e °
Woolen and Cotton 0.41, now °ter their large
cork of Tnilons' Trimmings, Venfingn, Fennel, nod
German Cloth 3, Conant., Constmeres, &e. nt first roc t.
129tWood et
SeST ree'd, wd a
d, an elegant plain Renone oct. Fian
from the celebrated manufactory of Nunn* a
Clark, N. Y., of superior tune, and •ery moderate price
For sale by
dal at J. W. Womlorella.
YY V for removing Tartar, Scurry, Canker, and ell
imbalances destructive to the Teeth. - It is delicious to
the taste, cleansing the mouth, heahng and strengthen.
Mg the ram, and punfying the breath.
roe vale, vstoleaale and retail, by
R SELLERS. 57 Woo.l et
Itralsodlaa, Wens., 0 4 .9 114,
50 lij,P q in:S , o . guiacli o rmily, vartou , s o 7intages:
4 pipes Holland - Gm;
2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
120 fir Pun
cas cheo ks n Ma Os
de d
ril a gh hi
:MI do ()pond do;
20 Lb& Darden. Claret
IO hf pipes Spanish Red Wine;
20 bra Prordeas Claret;:
Pit has Muscat Wire;
5 brie Preach Whits IVine Vine.gar-
Roo/ for math DE MILLER RICKETothri
"010 311441 VW Warty at
P. w. GA:TES ,
THESE DIES having ticen adopted and highly
and Philadelphia, are now onered to manufacturers,
fideince, as the most perfect wow', in ow or cutting
Their eriperiority over any other Die, hereto
Scsaw t whether V or 'gear thread, hy sera passing
or premiums pqaro lion, no the do, on the thread o
in their greater durability, rapidity, and perfection
to get out of order.
l'intaashventA, At:l.l7,lBLn.
This le to certify •haz ,re have from P.
W. tales the tight n: te , c hater. Dee for cra
ting halts. In ear et.. tern,alio Ines eve ranch Beha
vior to any others weerr at:ovulated wain tor the
porpOze of malting hon.,:
Viin.coni.ntrit, Ace.
H av i ng hid p Potent Pier In use In Mit
establishment lor ill, la, Line monies. tor cattle!,
bolts, two can in et recommend gown iii
ighest tortes, nn have lor d all others away,
they being so fax soscronr--pnatienng them 75 per
cot. cheaper than env others now in ow.
Pea" Work., Pa.
Thtato to comfy that we hire yoreraren the rola
to tile, and adopted in r4r bore. 1 P Vi (inter' Pa
tent Screw Cotter, which we highly approve of. We
can do mach mine work, and' we believe It rill Par
titive iu durability and nreeirion, as porch am economy
Of labor, any dies known to tie
P11111021.PE., OIL inolith,23th day, 1548. •
Nr.v "Fong, A.K. 1 9 11 M.
avlng eared I•. W. liares!"Yrnent Me
x . for cal
ling holly, we take Ona.tra fn rkYO. o .'" ' it .."
100,1 nnawera our nzperratlona, and have nn hesita
tion In diving it av our oninion, that it far eXiiela any
other in ',resent are for enthr i lr
T • SECOR .k CO.
We have P. W. Gave' "Plateu Died' for mitring
sere,'"and the economy of using them la very
eone olerable, that eve look upon them as indispensa
ble to every ealabliahrdeat having any -iluaneilY of
!wrens to Cut.
CHICAGO, May 10, lOW.
Outmeacz Oince, 'eV...5 , 1(1,1.31W , , ew- 19 .
I have purchased of W. If. V.v.;le. for the United
Its right to use Lr all die arsenal.. and 'num-
. _
Sir Jastrio• Murray's Fluid Magnesia.
PREPt. AEI) under the immerlinte care or the in I
vector, and ntrablnhed for upwards of thing
years by rue profess... for removing . Pile, neirltlins,
and indigestion, reston. Ay.... preserving si
tuoilerract state of the bowels, and dissolnug uric acid -
In lira ret and Coax ; also as an vary retueuy lor gen
rt,lsnd for the fends affect,. Ancident to child
hood His invaluable On the valor of Magnesia eh a
remedial agent it it unnecessary to enlarge; but the
Fluid l • reparatlon of Sir James Murray s now the
most volved by the proter.J., as It encrely avoids
the parsthrlity of those danktrousconcreuons usually
rethlung from the rise on he ankle el powder.
For sale by the importer's and proprietor's agent,
sepia Cor. Wood , Front at..
i::eleß3linT Cis 71:
n. l nua.on n o :
20 bxe exhir.ene , 2's lump;
30 bre 0. Mys7l , l lb lump:
711 4 0 bze do fore.lo Iy
sepll MILLER h. 1t1CKF.17.:074
0 0 S'yoli.:KlllN has reeeivel for sale, vol 412:
t i!o rto. f 6 4, 1 i Iiil ..m on;i:41coory of the Lichee and Fan or
Lie and Leiden of Thomas Campbell, in rile
Edited by Wet Beatrie, MII U,
Elementary Sep tekes hteral Elolosepey. Ry the
late Rev. Sidney Smait, Pl. A.
Loch:ass on the American Eclectic Rystem of 'Sur
gery. By Deri)3lll. N D.
aleot no Venni:, ovel,
ne Shnualer Knot, a Isle of tlie seventeentb arm
The Scarlet Lenny, a tom... By Nathaniel
Hawthorn. augh
rri.w tttn - Tika
by William Beatt,e, AL D., ono of hi: csecatota.
2 Inns ltnto cloth.
-. • .
Rothway Fhionoroy: a weanre on the new art of
tranapinr, lu ratutagement, prospect., nod relatiotw.
opine:Pi:refill, financial, and roefat, with an ciportlion
of the practleal TCRUitli of the railways In operation It
the Crated Kingdom. on the Cdr.:them, and In America.
Lty /:loyal. Lowther, It C I. ,he. I rel. rano cloth
The Payt, Pre:remain' Future of the Republic, tn...
'Med frein the French of A. De. Ldmiartine, author of
rho Glerondiata,” "Mem., of my Tooth," "Ra
phHinl.,ae"lvo Ittho l ts thwart! Hel!urciac inoth. Lecturer. Addrewns,
other Wrltlect, by Borneo Greeley. I eel Cristo elo.
The Mowry of the Confetohonol hy John Henry.
/looting, D. D.. D/3:10p of toe Gotere of Vennont.l
vol Ithno cloth. .
The Conquett of Canada. fly the dotbor of• lino .:e
-lara," Wathonon. vote rnno.
Gom a 'sketch of pb &amain, of the.
fly Alex Von Ilinabohn, tmollouni train
the German by It. t'. o,lt J,14 rZtnn rinth •
Gibbon'. Dechno ant 11,0 Ernpire,
mak toles by 11. IL tOG:nn,.. Want at ohelp c.l•lntn.
L2mo, cloth. complete En o yok at ter 1' n f 4,04
teeerred for ank by ft 11. ”•iir';:t
• . .
augA TS litm!.,l,:lotr-n. t.
Now Illu•le
IMOURN ttee h sadue-1. , Vlreu friend•
around thee. Col.•crwl's and Iclurtt
Annie Laune. Are we a.u,a•u. 1:Av• ! , eMerd
ear. Ile deuth a:I 'Sinus ••ell. Mr /3 - v•,•. ixe.v,
dicer amen. Grave ot \Va•U..7IO 'I nod leant
pita Rua 'd Sour 1177. , Ind to
loved one, al ham, Cheer un MT 4VMI mma
Lem:v:l ..Surla, 1:.1,•••r Wa!,
Ilrau:eh•ro %Valtu Sulotano, Yalta_ I'ol. IT
Flrrel YMbl l ...ttrr Lit.d l'orca
Marra from Norma.
'roe al,ve lire Just received, an, , r r i. 11.
•ue'l NlVood et
J. 11. MELLOR, 81 Mood l atne et t, kat rewired Oa
litelommg Nero 61.11,
(\II, say emit yen xec too troih, holy lighe dedl
kJ rated to Nev. C Cook. Oh, think not lets 1 love
thee. Matte be It Ipcn,llore the. WUCII other Otends
emend thee. The cot beneath :.tie Nil, Wert Ikon
but nun, Annie Laurie-Scotch belied. The Robin
-monis by tdtza Coon. e by Stephen
Thou halt twoudded the epirt2ll.lili that loved thee. The
Grave of Waithlngton. The Iriccs Mother', Lament. UW ,
Beiton-ituttel. Ile dunth ail thing, melt-,
Woodbury, Widow Slachrec-Duagett. Ter cettnge'
of nay conther-llnteginsons. t.tco hacked car-Lover
tl fm Walteett.--coreplete. The Magic Bell. The
Bridal rr Wedding Polka. Jenny I..cdtt Aeicricott
Polka. tiny Polka. 'erme Aniernian Polka. Tip
'Pop watertean Polka. La Belle lindintorehn Polka .
Jenny Lind Polka. The Oriel. c.rontia
Salutation Polka. Flue Pole, Jocephine
Petit. Sammt Poltatoityurgol Itu.krt. The Pro-
Filtot Qoadnller -Xleyerbeer. Jenny LintliOnagrilles.
Can Wreath nod Uttiay Waltzes-lie. tlebriid The
Swim. Drover Par-vntiatioi Ls - Center 'Aludomoitt. I
:Leanne from Home. Wreckerta Daughter. quick...ten ;
Louisville glareh and Quick 'dep. Weed Up, quick.
tarawberry Planta for Sate at lir•ex.-
stood Gard..
BU . I r S h L
amongst all the different vnricu Lire enter: c
es now ertre.n.
Order -a aildrecticil the.ptup into, Weil 31.thr tiesi
ter, milli receive prompt ounnuoa• J Al it KAIN.
HAS bCCOM.C. an estatthshed and niinn-t ind.thens
able re ow. in carry welt pratented
from its wholesome and ntrithica neat,
yes as afood for the healthy on well RT a that tot ith
snal.da, and also fertile anatenance of a rthm ink tetil..tren
and infanta. Various modes of cookine and preparing
II are given on the wrapper.
Though well known in the east, it hat rever heen
introduced to any extent in thttshtnyii. culteentt
era hay, therefore., made arrangetuentll lo nc con.
I=4rs supplied with mi. and ithve other It to 1,1.1
deale or families an more fanratee tcrma than it
4as over haen sold at in Pinkbar, h.
IV 11 A hreCLURC t. CO
"td4 Utterly at
Teti: c - g.
lAMnow prepared to furoinfi Apple Teem from the
well known Nursery of Jeeol, N. Grown. The
reeswill he delivered at the wharf nt Pittsburgh for
EC per hundred. Pernaas wishing good thrifty trees
should leave their orders noon at IWO Deny, Seed, and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth els.
ets. Gloiods I - ili i iii — Gooded
KLEBER han rust received a hue lot of lanes
IL • tastnameata of the Leal manufacture, selected
tamself with great care, for this market. such as
Valve 'Prom ban ea, S. !tarns, El ogles., Comoro, Tuba
Ss, also, a fine neleetion or Maxie Bores, playact
two and three tones; Pwtinae, Aeoordsons,a.c. Ac.
Also t. periorliarman and Italian ,111.egl, tad erne.
eNeapolitan 8 tiring, four lengths, x splendid
article SIGN OF Tlititit.LLlSlN HARP,
sags! rot, Third street.lAT .
I Wltgag le =gifm c . , zatr,, ^ „ L e v
r l_lcn—
A sovereign remedy for chicon, theta:man. affeettons,
weakners and [amen,. or most pens of the hod),
scalds, burns, tore., of most kinds. ears. 4wedings,
sprain., bruin., cares, and felons whet, first amino.
Also, the meet enneenient and ante stiettim solve for
strengthetang planter,, and droll. on the feet.
For role by et N
lard 2 • • Con Sixth A. Wood ate
r ro noWeitilolditia
et WINE to Ran all Night; Dolly Dayi
LT Dols] . 'One]; Go down to do Cotton Field;
Nally woes Led), doe.
Be Kind to the Loved Ones at florae;
Row thy beet tightly: True Love, by T
Our way across the sea. duett;
A new medley song, by R. Covert;
Jenny Gray, mole by Muter; •
bye that were croWaing, Wedding MarCh;
God bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Wane
Con.enpt's Depotrare by-IS. C. Glover;
Stands Horn Horne; Walt:es, Steyermarks•she
Lan Rose of ;Ammer,easy vatriattons by tient
United States Polka; Ladle. , Heaven. Polka:
Cam Cracker Quartile; Louisville Quadrille;
Beauties of Italy; Duras, Trlns,'Re.
A large assortment of New Made on booth,. 'Ouch
addition. aro made weekly. or sate by
feb23 I. li. MELL F OR. bl IVnod
Cheap eirdandarral Ellatory•
lIISII/F.V OF F.PiI,AND now pen
_EL fishing , by Harper & Brohh in a vole. cloth and
paper. ale cents pet vol. Three - vole received, ahrl
toe sale by IL IItrPICINS,
73 Apollo IlorWine+, Fourth et
1.; bags prone nu, tool Jar.,
Njeanot.s.-10 Li, etorthl. d/ppe.l,.ml
Cinema-160 has Cron and Ely Marro;
Color-20 doz ;letup and M
Cassia—l:o &Lott.;
ClOl,ll-1 barrel;
Claatts—:a Al Conon. and Isslthpsot.b;
brls an l h
d hall Mar kere",ond S mimeo
GI-mt.—JO Las assorted plies;
11ans-1200 l'„lime Ventre",
lot a / 1 .144r
ere Cared;
Ints--100 Ile F trlonOta,
lon—lP don I taLtirm,4 Iliaek and eopyrn,,
Mousses brls prleana.
ii noir Ork Sager House . ;
kilmiztro-9.0 dot &meted nonijissc
Alitcossolo-50 leo Icarian;
V rarzncizzi—Eo lb. do
N,...--Lno mega 6•1101,11;
Pirtzte—S-dot Jon emorted,
razz - oz.—so halbert kolvez; •
Forte 0 sterns %stoned;
Peoss.--IN) lbs lionicoon;
Snst•-40 tin Rosin nod Cam Steel;
Suomi-10 hhds N Orletzoi and Clarified:
psekagss Green and nisch;
Tosscen—S) boo In 5, Ss I lb lorry;
Viten Liottrit— :o dozy otent Zink;
For tale Ly J Il WILMA'S & CO
SOS Conti. of Nifty ..nd lik to d 055
1850 1 REED HOUSE 11850
tr , ziTnHallH>&H l rropri.tor.,.
Puddle ,orr, /irk, p o .i
and :Southern Start, leave till. nou.ol daily. r
i aged to and front Steam and Paella . Boat, Grata
AL W. Kin% late of tie Autatiean .11etel. Pa.
GI: W. Banta, tale of till IGeaman paci, Moo.
apt64111:13 •
pprovent m rill the prinetsel ghope et Near lark
roachair,s, ship mutt., arr., with the utmost 4.011
fore used, 0000tnta in their cutting a tram,
over the ir on to he cut, which require no sea Aria;
lit of the ,otid iron, without
,raising din the Iraq;
of work: and in their ximplicity and little hahrtm
ries untie, the eupervision of this Deptironent. `X.
Crates' 4 1•t.tent Int," fur screws nn meta they
having liven uird in IWO of the large
found to he very cranium mud exeel:eni
A. TALeflrr:Col Ordin%,a.
Centex or YARD. •ten Dag ,
%Yam:taco", &pt. 1545.
Conti& ring hater' Patented Improvement for cut
ting •Cretta On wets: to he a •alnable one, I here, by
authority of , the lionoratle Secretary of the Nan,
Pnuchnacil of the Attorneys of the Patentee, {Cm.
.tlenranel blower, Vac , the right to male
and toe rata Improvement for the L. N. Navy.
JOSEPH SMITH, Chief ot Bureau
In ass oleo by •
Ratfaln Works, Unflato;
Neese S Arldey Rochester;
..!Intern & Co. Glnucester, N.Y . ;
Ilroirtnad & Snyder, :Schuylkill Count 7.
• Brame h. hew York:
D. I & Delamater,"Phrenix," N. Y.
.. Dunham &Co, New York;
Irennacad & Co, Monument Work s. 1110 u
tut Caren, nochestell
Mots & &year. New yam,
&thn . Worlls, do:
Pease & hlntohty, do,
Wert Point Foundry;
Noon" :k r Lou, Philadelphia;
lookr, llrcederttrch, Pa;
Walmorth NaNcn, - trat ton and New York - .
• Lnman hint:l:lnc Chop, Lowe
AracceitC; Co, Mawcherter, N
Lynteta dy Son:har, South therton,
and nurnertma other..
No 11121neb tne, 10 vet, dioll & taps ft j to 21n. pd. 8.15 C
No 2do S do Ito 11 puce CO
No 3 J.l ri do Ito I,price SIZO
AD ordent DAM - titled to Calf!. & ISKolitla, akar,
G. IL Glutton, New Von, Id-D. Mot - Malt &Co, Phila.
&labia, and IL IL Scoville & Sono, Coictigo, for Mee
end Tadt, tvith or uilitout m•rhinet for lilting them,
will meet dull prantin 'mention.
1:010000„ Party 3. I SSN.
1,.)A!.A11 . 11t. HANNA & CO. have removed Irre
i !... ,4 l. ,t t ,, h ‘i ,..rt i rt r rs ..t lol ., tiro to north vrolo corner or Woof
Portnerntop heretofore meting between the
robaer,bers, trotter Ilue hem of iturbtulo'r,
t Co., year Mitt doe dinuelved by mutualconsent.
The lortmere of the firm Wall be ',tied by J. W. Bur.
bridge, or Wto, Wilton, Jr., e,tlier at whom Ir author.
ilr4l t.. uc the /tame Of the tam iu liqoldflOOft
J. W. 111:111RIDIJE,
• WM. WlLstrti, Jr,
• L1'014,1t1.10111.1 k CO.
Pittoburalt. July l, 111,50.-Iy4
A.D. W. Di:abridge m Benj. F. lnghram have this
day associated themselves under ibo firm of Dut
budge Ingham, to trzumact a Wbolesale Gtimery
and General Conanussion Busourss, in the Ilona lately
UT el by Ilitabridge, Wilson .t Co, 110 Water at,
Dittithorga, July 1,
Fiala: sub Lel Zen have this day formed a rd.partner
ship audits the firm of W b h . Wilson, for the our
nice ot Intorno, log the Wholesale Grocery and COM
poimon INstness, at No taSt Wood street.
1/01.1.R1S tits 111A1711011.TIl s
LA, 111ereltailla,Ra,i alda of the Diamond, Paubungl,
Pre now
at the very lowest prince fat chap, gee
Rectified Whiskey, Gin awl Doturni c Brandy; airs,
French Ilriney, 'Rolland Gin. Jamaica Spirits, Lon.
earl Cis, W Willey, Rota, kn. Part, Sherry, Alt,
a,Unavip,igan, Claret, Flatuntell, Finings, Tenn.
!elle and Livban 'Wawa. IVitolenale C Rettul. rtur7
plusTiNu Nwrat—Alvenym on hand or made to
SS order, the gamine Woes of' Printing Paper, ling
t,V rapping Paint; Crown, Medium, and Double Crown
Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medians. and
lioubtt Crown Post Odin Paper, PeeteboarA-ke. Le
W P IVAIISHALL, Et: Wood et,
Agent for Chalon Mills.
u.l l 4.Nemtll"juitiCAT,Z::::ifot, `.`Pchhe.r..c`;
S. CountereLarms," "To steel and in be." 1 vol 14no
Lauer Day Pamphlets, No I:—The present time.
Fry Thomas Carlyele.
E,acaztia—blcinoirs of Life and' Writings of Thos.
Li:alms:3,i a D.. L. L. D. 'Drelecians on Butler's
Analogy, Taleyon Evidences of Chriviinnit, and URN
Lacuna on Divinity, with two Introducto y ry Lectures
four Addresses delivered in um New College.
Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D., C. L. D.
col Dian.
Catvin—Lire of John Calvin, earnfiled from radical.
ta s iureen,nnd particularly Dam h. nocrerpondences
I y . Tbritts.s tr
Dyer, ith portrait. Val
V,., palc by . R
or Ir :a Apollo Build's , r, Fourth st.
Combs! Rumba!
UGROSS Foyer Polka; 10 do do very En.,
COared lirldlog;
ld , • auper Englith Horn Itoddlna;
6 _ Pocket Combo.
500 o 1 Rood "
1000 db. avid Fine Ivory;
al 1, biholl Side Comb.;
' 10 1 1 roper largo 131,101 o;
ago guy. e.. 0 d a.ble Comb.. reed and for sale by
1,1 . C 1 - EAEII,IOB Market at
. D 11.016.10 FOUNDRY.
iono nicuoi-son raTaa.
'MIK undersigned, tmecessom to Anhn rs
L on, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh
and p ubi c ilenentllY, that they have rebuilt the EA•
t.L,b, FOUNDRY and are now In full operation, and
Lave pan •of their patterns ready (or the marten—
Acriongbt with are Cooking Stoves Coal and Wethl
tones,, With a splendid air-tight Cos) Stave, which is
;•ore sdperceding in other cities the common round
move. Also, a cheap coolgooking Stove, well &dap
h, for small (similes, ItlY
es, wa (all assortment l of com
mon anil mantel Grates We, would particularly in
site the nuendon of persons building to call at our
vsatehonse before phasing,' and eiarnine a splendid
rnele of cnanimelled urc Grates,l4nlsl,l In line stsll—
:tritely new in this market. j
Watch/110m, No. let Llberly et, •,
Teske Wood G.
VIISGER, Importer anti WI, :call, DtftiGT in
s tge of th e Gilt Comb, Uri hlar l ket , Prusbargh r Pn
Western Merchants, Pedlars, a .1 others venting
l'ittebur,it to putchaseGooda, art 1. pea:fully invited
call aml exannoc the extensive a• comment of Eng
lirlir American, French and Garton, Fancy Goode.
All Foreign Goods at Ohio astable ',llClit are impbrt
ef direct by myself, and purehnser nay rely Ott
Lag horst,. from first hands. I hat e me latgest re.reri.
meat of ankles,to the ninety l• e, in the ens or
fittaturvii—all of which veil( be e I low for rash or
ray'xmeeptatece. The Stock non, ~ In part, of •
Lace Goode, Hosiery, Glove., Ph ona.
Silk Cravats, Shoo end Parent Mite ids,Sewlng• Silt,
Spool Cotton, , fspcs, SuSpenders, •loan, Nee•
eies and Gallery.
Gold rind Silver Watches, Gold Jr ..dry, nil hrnd. o
Frashea, COmbcorel Remora:
p e m o .e,o t . cep, Revolver., rtrt :tilt
Cotton Parse., Spectacle., Steel • t., Music Wilt,
arpot liege and Baskets.
Nindmas, Findmg. and Thum!, -
toYs and Fast, Goads; together till a large vat to
Peaty and,Btaptc DUX (UUI
Vl:Milli is also agent for u . s.etebr.s,,s L"
astrr COmhe. 00017
Groat iGliaglida /lora aaw.
''l It t'• sh*,Colds, Asthma and r , rann o , ra . o d
GREAT AND ONLW REMIF:DI ,or the sure of Um
r cove is the nuNomu. n 1 BALSAM 01.
aIEE, draeoveted by the celebrated Dr. Branon, no
London, England, and introduced nib , the United Swam
at tbn immedtate superinteridene, if the Inventor .
The eltraOrilthary ounce,. of thi• medicine, an the
cure of Pulmonary diseues, atirr•rai th e Amer.:an
Agent in soli:none for treatment 0, .- 'rot moolible e• •
roa that rain be :aural in the eratin.rai —eases that era k
relief mvain Erato any of the era, o i n .a„,
day, nod have been gin hy .. n.ot ihouneht-bio
phyrittan• an
confirmedcon and tort, : lihriduti
an Balsam Iva ll el. f • .0 moot deeper...
f base, It is no quack nostrum h stand cid 11,,,
itch medicine, of kilown and ea.l AC,
Every fas..tly Ir. the hinted oithl bh
with Llueliants Balm. Life, only m
enranteritet the consumptive wade/. uf the e
!. at to bo used 3 preventive !oral, p est „,
colds, roughs, opining. of blood, in, it in din stile at,
hest, Irrityuon and soreness or It, lunge,
iiitheulty of lirentlng, beetle fever, uie hi Ewes cel,act.
cram and general debility, asthnia, luenia, orhoottiol
nu ph and troop.
Said talarge bottles, at 71 per t o vont, felt direr
Immo for the Protraction of henna
Itartplats, t,ttauttng a masa of I , glsth and Au' rt
can certificalea, and other rahlent.•, shawing rho ill,
rgatilled merits of t]ir great lair,,
Or 11113 Agents, gralullou
For halo ty It 4 FAIINEISTot ,tt
at and Wood art Wool and fith tha
S 111 . 1;111y AL CO lit, / 4 .1 it — 171:71i1:::.1
PlrrePcoop. peen( :1,1617.
Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln Justree to y• u nee( your incom-
I perhble Coofrn SYruP, I beg leave state.,for the ben
' cfit of the community, that my
(lots illilleted with a most distres,, K
ch hied, in imius ry if LOWE al yo ur .. n
cured it Cough of two month& ' , reeding Ah po ,
dock, the eoush returned, a was so cove re
mat she could tiord more, Iron. weatuesa in the
tocami 1 rent for one bottle of your Coogy
"1 port of one bottle eared the cou K /
to prumeymun who ores severer: oflheled, who hod,
los Own word., ' , In.. coo , Alt much randy to
curt nn Pe.Pic he
le if the -candy had
,te sit good us represented.
l'oetc, respectfully, A IL RunoL.
Vrepared and sold by IL IL, ELLERS,fa woof
,met, tad sold by Dracpcs ce , rally In the two
• •
El It; FY liVitiTl4lll IN
C would ra.:
. rra.lie, tt,at ve
g h, n , Ihnttannol-411°.
trtnnt ' of
°titan Shine, !tee on' l a n . atl o e .o l ) 7'`
der in tite.t.e. ty eta!,
0”, "!the I :me: , enate•
Ills e:t° Tel:ward nun'
Ciitatv-tw an Itr at° ~ 1 -.te hr ar doe,
• ••
Inttltahrnent e , atatettay.ll° . . ' !
- land, I tan ; tpan-A Intuts - at:l
their 01,1 re
vrc , ac
the public ailnige; with aver; alines° !Ica !inc.
A 6..1, No ° `Hood street, Ihnsnurgli. -
li . clonomy Io I.was
1,1 the 1it...0i1, They sell
' Tea of • • • - -6 1 2 29 .
vary .....
Los, prired.J•mace.l, “dcr,,lr Teo,
et Ou. c.toOlkrN i,errforc, oether
fell or ecnd chill,., )ou are ante to good
nrtmlr, opd the dluor of Tea la note ppro a
they rtrtd,:y It or r0L.1,11 . , Cr moot r .
/Yl2 A:MIKIS & /IA Vao,TH ,
r , i.:..q.1t.11 . -- ll tro L....
ll for sal , . ty
It. Rif .:Kt.rsoN
(: ! 11/11 1 1 , 1,7
lataisrartes.l Cola Stshr
11 P.M:4ED lard erepered expre for nod, rad.
1.1 dines, Co,ts Casrorda ,
Recipe I, Felled Custard.—', coon of
tour ~t r., , , h , ' , 4k .'9°.,^1 . 1 ' I salt, tiro tablerproonfitis
or refined starche-sor .arcia in n small quantity of
the milk, ull it is Paffae". diuroived and ernooth—add
the ergs, it
beeten. to itio ntveß—poar tha egg.
end starch into the rho milk, while beau,
stir constantly troth ay r inee.—Etreelkssiza.
For gals bi E fl