811/101C1I1IPT i 11,41"fgs - wlaGLaLi DZLUIi ra DOMESTIC ADD FOREIGN DRY GOODS, N0.,101 Wood stroot, INVITE th e armadas al buyers to that, larghalorth at Fresh Goods par (lama, and *blab th ey ens prepared to sell as very secoadoodathag 1C7121., We shall tre coratatulY Wssl• 4 4 fresh Loots dar• Ins th. seaso n, and request as examiaawm of oar stock by waters werassw, and others s --hoar DIOBY, N. 136 LlbertyAtreat, EGsetthliy to inform hie numerous fan...." that he is gnat receiving Ma new wain% CASSULLEREb, and MIT INGS of tte newest oil lea, adapten t or . pproub. lag r d, louder seasons. nil th ose in want of cboop, fashionsole, and good clothing, will find th e i onr csi, moot fuhionable, and but stout in the w "tom coontrY, dilOoMablistiMent. sepl9 fi l wa w . kg or to Pittsburgh. Real Road Company having THE Perthsylnom completed the whole loth of roil-toad to Ifeltdge numb, then cocrecung the Portage Rad goad to Johnstown, and from thence by boats to Pittsburgh, an now prepared . to receive and forward merchan dise, pr.. cc, de, to and from Pittsburgh and Phila delphia. Tho boats will leave the depot of the company daily for Johnstown, there connecting moult tha daily mein of cars for Philadelphia, thu .insuring the de- Weary of all freight to Philadelphia within fin days. 1111.1. to LIGGETT ' Agents for Pa...R. 11: Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. CRAM: HELLAS, egoists, Philadelphia NEW LOT OH lIPLYHDID PIAAOI, and Maim, Insert mina , Sign of the Golden Hap, No lot 'Third street. flitipllf. IZLEDER respectfully inform. hi. Ideate and the public, that he hag purl returned from the east, with • Pt tiepin( and extensive a nted meet of Ititnes of annoys styles end prrnes, sele by bin:melt, with great care, at the celebrated factories °E N... e Mork:N. V. and Danboro, N. V., atm at SUidart it illtnlrnoi,N. V.) Having selected the above from an irmente stork just Gnathed by the above maker., nay are warranted of superior quality and tone, and will in all cases be sold at New Yarn fa. tory mice. Purchase. will receive a taciturn tfaM may arab e rich Piano, entitling them to an exchange Or return e" same.. if found detective. AI., a Lt of oplcodld (init.., from the Notary or Schmidt d. ttiottl,N. V 'limy are a superb arUcle, and warm .ted e.t.a, it not superior, to any made in the world. ..=-- Also, A Coe .el,clion of Doles ClanOnets Violins, String!, Br /NI Instrianen.. slid the liSiireill and most 9 vaginae rn inc. Inch:they Jenny Luta'. celebrated soups. seplki =M==l MMURPHYti BURCFILL - D, at north east comer of Pourtla and Market streets. are now supplied With a full• astorlitent of the cartons qaalities at above desirable goads, and baring been purchased tram the ampere. can be•rarranted genulitc. arc Jas. it napratt t Bens , Patent Soda Ash, ,A 2 of t the he bore celebrated - brand, branpiv B34% . 7 ,..d t c : rviee. east month, per u Armaitteh,li . E.Lrope,”.llerlin,s and &H l rropri.tor.,. Puddle ,orr, /irk, p o .i GENERAL STAGE p GIFFICE—EaateIn, Western, and :Southern Start, leave till. nou.ol daily. r i aged to and front Steam and Paella . Boat, Grata AL W. Kin% late of tie Autatiean .11etel. Pa. GI: W. Banta, tale of till IGeaman paci, Moo. apt64111:13 • 1=M6XT3221 pprovent m rill the prinetsel ghope et Near lark roachair,s, ship mutt., arr., with the utmost 4.011 fore used, 0000tnta in their cutting a tram, over the ir on to he cut, which require no sea Aria; lit of the ,otid iron, without ,raising din the Iraq; of work: and in their ximplicity and little hahrtm ries untie, the eupervision of this Deptironent. `X. Crates' 4 1•t.tent Int," fur screws nn meta they having liven uird in IWO of the large found to he very cranium mud exeel:eni A. TALeflrr:Col Ordin%,a. Centex or YARD. •ten Dag , %Yam:taco", &pt. 1545. Conti& ring hater' Patented Improvement for cut ting •Cretta On wets: to he a •alnable one, I here, by authority of , the lionoratle Secretary of the Nan, Pnuchnacil of the Attorneys of the Patentee, {Cm. .tlenranel blower, Vac , the right to male and toe rata Improvement for the L. N. Navy. JOSEPH SMITH, Chief ot Bureau In ass oleo by • Ratfaln Works, Unflato; Neese S Arldey Rochester; ..!Intern & Co. Glnucester, N.Y . ; Ilroirtnad & Snyder, :Schuylkill Count 7. • Brame h. hew York: D. I & Delamater,"Phrenix," N. Y. .. Dunham &Co, New York; Irennacad & Co, Monument Work s. 1110 u tut Caren, nochestell Mots & &year. New yam, &thn . Worlls, do: Pease & hlntohty, do, Wert Point Foundry; Noon" :k r Lou, Philadelphia; lookr, llrcederttrch, Pa; Walmorth NaNcn, - trat ton and New York - . • Lnman hint:l:lnc Chop, Lowe AracceitC; Co, Mawcherter, N Lynteta dy Son:har, South therton, and nurnertma other.. No 11121neb tne, 10 vet, dioll & taps ft j to 21n. pd. 8.15 C No 2do S do Ito 11 puce CO No 3 J.l ri do Ito I,price SIZO AD ordent DAM - titled to Calf!. & ISKolitla, akar, G. IL Glutton, New Von, Id-D. Mot - Malt &Co, Phila. &labia, and IL IL Scoville & Sono, Coictigo, for Mee end Tadt, tvith or uilitout m•rhinet for lilting them, will meet dull prantin 'mention. 1:010000„ Party 3. I SSN. MISCELLANEOUS, 1,.)A!.A11 . 11t. HANNA & CO. have removed Irre i !... ,4 l. ,t t ,, h ‘i ,..rt i rt r rs ..t lol ., tiro to north vrolo corner or Woof IYOTILE, Portnerntop heretofore meting between the robaer,bers, trotter Ilue hem of iturbtulo'r, t Co., year Mitt doe dinuelved by mutualconsent. The lortmere of the firm Wall be ',tied by J. W. Bur. bridge, or Wto, Wilton, Jr., e,tlier at whom Ir author. ilr4l t.. uc the /tame Of the tam iu liqoldflOOft J. W. 111:111RIDIJE, • WM. WlLstrti, Jr, • L1'014,1t1.10111.1 k CO. Pittoburalt. July l, 111,50.-Iy4 A.D. W. Di:abridge m Benj. F. lnghram have this day associated themselves under ibo firm of Dut budge Ingham, to trzumact a Wbolesale Gtimery and General Conanussion Busourss, in the Ilona lately UT el by Ilitabridge, Wilson .t Co, 110 Water at, Dittithorga, July 1, =ME=:C Fiala: sub Lel Zen have this day formed a rd.partner ship audits the firm of W b h . Wilson, for the our nice ot Intorno, log the Wholesale Grocery and COM poimon INstness, at No taSt Wood street. =llll=ll3 1/01.1.R1S tits 111A1711011.TIl s D ,CTIFYINC: DISTILLERS, and Tea anti LA, 111ereltailla,Ra,i alda of the Diamond, Paubungl, Pre now Whiskey, at the very lowest prince fat chap, gee Rectified Whiskey, Gin awl Doturni c Brandy; airs, French Ilriney, 'Rolland Gin. Jamaica Spirits, Lon. earl Cis, W Willey, Rota, kn. Part, Sherry, Alt, a,Unavip,igan, Claret, Flatuntell, Finings, Tenn. !elle and Livban 'Wawa. IVitolenale C Rettul. rtur7 plusTiNu Nwrat—Alvenym on hand or made to SS order, the gamine Woes of' Printing Paper, ling t,V rapping Paint; Crown, Medium, and Double Crown e.ees Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medians. and lioubtt Crown Post Odin Paper, PeeteboarA-ke. Le W P IVAIISHALL, Et: Wood et, Agent for Chalon Mills. u.l l 4.Nemtll"juitiCAT,Z::::ifot, `.`Pchhe.r..c`; S. CountereLarms," "To steel and in be." 1 vol 14no Lauer Day Pamphlets, No I:—The present time. Fry Thomas Carlyele. E,acaztia—blcinoirs of Life and' Writings of Thos. Li:alms:3,i a D.. L. L. D. 'Drelecians on Butler's Analogy, Taleyon Evidences of Chriviinnit, and URN Lacuna on Divinity, with two Introducto y ry Lectures four Addresses delivered in um New College. Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D., C. L. D. col Dian. Catvin—Lire of John Calvin, earnfiled from radical. ta s iureen,nnd particularly Dam h. nocrerpondences I y . Tbritts.s tr Dyer, ith portrait. Val V,., palc by . R or Ir :a Apollo Build's , r, Fourth st. Combs! Rumba! UGROSS Foyer Polka; 10 do do very En., COared lirldlog; ld , • auper Englith Horn Itoddlna; 6 _ Pocket Combo. 500 o 1 Rood " 1000 db. avid Fine Ivory; al 1, biholl Side Comb.; ' 10 1 1 roper largo 131,101 o; ago guy. e.. 0 d a.ble Comb.. reed and for sale by 1,1 . C 1 - EAEII,IOB Market at . D 11.016.10 FOUNDRY. iono nicuoi-son raTaa. 'MIK undersigned, tmecessom to Anhn rs L on, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh Nlenol and p ubi c ilenentllY, that they have rebuilt the EA• t.L,b, FOUNDRY and are now In full operation, and Lave pan •of their patterns ready (or the marten— Acriongbt with are Cooking Stoves Coal and Wethl tones,, With a splendid air-tight Cos) Stave, which is ;•ore sdperceding in other cities the common round move. Also, a cheap coolgooking Stove, well &dap h, for small (similes, ItlY es, wa (all assortment l of com mon anil mantel Grates We, would particularly in site the nuendon of persons building to call at our vsatehonse before phasing,' and eiarnine a splendid rnele of cnanimelled urc Grates,l4nlsl,l In line stsll— :tritely new in this market. j Watch/110m, No. let Llberly et, •, Teske Wood G. NICHOL En PAYNE • PITTSDURGIIII 1111 POIWPATIODIkI. VIISGER, Importer anti WI, :call, DtftiGT in FAZIICV AND VA . GOODS! s tge of th e Gilt Comb, Uri hlar l ket , Prusbargh r Pn Western Merchants, Pedlars, a .1 others venting l'ittebur,it to putchaseGooda, art 1. pea:fully invited call aml exannoc the extensive a• comment of Eng lirlir American, French and Garton, Fancy Goode. All Foreign Goods at Ohio astable ',llClit are impbrt ef direct by myself, and purehnser nay rely Ott Lag horst,. from first hands. I hat e me latgest re.reri. meat of ankles,to the ninety l• e, in the ens or fittaturvii—all of which veil( be e I low for rash or ray'xmeeptatece. The Stock non, ~ In part, of • Lace Goode, Hosiery, Glove., Ph ona. Silk Cravats, Shoo end Parent Mite ids,Sewlng• Silt, Spool Cotton, , fspcs, SuSpenders, •loan, Nee• eies and Gallery. Gold rind Silver Watches, Gold Jr ..dry, nil hrnd. o Frashea, COmbcorel Remora: p e m o .e,o t . cep, Revolver., rtrt :tilt Cotton Parse., Spectacle., Steel • t., Music Wilt, arpot liege and Baskets. Nindmas, Findmg. and Thum!, - toYs and Fast, Goads; together till a large vat to Peaty and,Btaptc DUX (UUI Vl:Milli is also agent for u . s.etebr.s,,s L" astrr COmhe. 00017 Groat iGliaglida /lora aaw. ''l It t'• sh*,Colds, Asthma and r , rann o , ra . o d GREAT AND ONLW REMIF:DI ,or the sure of Um r cove is the nuNomu. n 1 BALSAM 01. aIEE, draeoveted by the celebrated Dr. Branon, no London, England, and introduced nib , the United Swam at tbn immedtate superinteridene, if the Inventor . The eltraOrilthary ounce,. of thi• medicine, an the cure of Pulmonary diseues, atirr•rai th e Amer.:an Agent in soli:none for treatment 0, .- 'rot moolible e• • roa that rain be :aural in the eratin.rai —eases that era k relief mvain Erato any of the era, o i n .a„, ve day, nod have been gin hy .. n.ot ihouneht-bio phyrittan• an confirmedcon and tort, : lihriduti an Balsam Iva ll el. f • .0 moot deeper... f base, It is no quack nostrum h stand cid 11,,, itch medicine, of kilown and ea.l AC, Every fas..tly Ir. the hinted oithl bh with Llueliants Balm. Life, only m enranteritet the consumptive wade/. uf the e !. at to bo used 3 preventive !oral, p est „, colds, roughs, opining. of blood, in, it in din stile at, hest, Irrityuon and soreness or It, lunge, iiitheulty of lirentlng, beetle fever, uie hi Ewes cel,act. cram and general debility, asthnia, luenia, orhoottiol .1 nu ph and troop. Said talarge bottles, at 71 per t o vont, felt direr Immo for the Protraction of henna Itartplats, t,ttauttng a masa of I , glsth and Au' rt can certificalea, and other rahlent.•, shawing rho ill, rgatilled merits of t]ir great lair,, Or 11113 Agents, gralullou For halo ty It 4 FAIINEISTot ,tt at and Wood art Wool and fith tha S 111 . 1;111y AL CO lit, / 4 .1 it — 171:71i1:::.1 PlrrePcoop. peen( :1,1617. Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln Justree to y• u nee( your incom- I perhble Coofrn SYruP, I beg leave state.,for the ben ' cfit of the community, that my eral (lots illilleted with a most distres,, K rmr. ch hied, in imius ry if LOWE al yo ur .. n cured it Cough of two month& ' , reeding Ah po , dock, the eoush returned, a was so cove re mat she could tiord more, Iron. weatuesa in the tocami 1 rent for one bottle of your Coogy "1 port of one bottle eared the cou K / other to prumeymun who ores severer: oflheled, who hod, los Own word., ' , In.. coo , Alt much randy to curt nn Pe.Pic he le if the -candy had ,te sit good us represented. l'oetc, respectfully, A IL RunoL. Vrepared and sold by IL IL, ELLERS,fa woof ,met, tad sold by Dracpcs ce , rally In the two • • El It; FY liVitiTl4lll IN :, it .:AI.IL'iIITWAtIEROOMI4IIIt f„4, C would ra.: . rra.lie, tt,at ve g h, n , Ihnttannol-411°. trtnnt ' of °titan Shine, !tee on' l a n . atl o e .o l ) 7'` der in tite.t.e. ty eta!, 0”, "!the I :me: , enate• Ills e:t° Tel:ward nun' Ciitatv-tw an Itr at° ~ 1 -.te hr ar doe, • •• Inttltahrnent e , atatettay.ll° . . ' ! - land, I tan ; tpan-A Intuts - at:l their 01,1 re vrc , ac the public ailnige; with aver; alines° !Ica !inc. A 6..1, No ° `Hood street, Ihnsnurgli. - J. A. DHOW li . clonomy Io I.was 1,1 the 1it...0i1, They sell ' Tea of • • • - -6 1 2 29 . vary ..... Los, prired.J•mace.l, “dcr,,lr Teo, et Ou. c.toOlkrN i,errforc, oether fell or ecnd chill,., )ou are ante to good nrtmlr, opd the dluor of Tea la note ppro a tr,d, they rtrtd,:y It or r0L.1,11 . , Cr moot r . /Yl2 A:MIKIS & /IA Vao,TH , r , i.:..q.1t.11 . -- ll tro L.... ll for sal , . ty It. Rif .:Kt.rsoN -_--------. (: ! 11/11 1 1 , 1,7 lataisrartes.l Cola Stshr 11 P.M:4ED lard erepered expre for nod, rad. 1.1 dines, Co,ts Casrorda , Recipe I, Felled Custard.—', coon of new ma. tour ~t r., , , h , ' , 4k .'9°.,^1 . 1 ' I salt, tiro tablerproonfitis or refined starche-sor .arcia in n small quantity of the milk, ull it is Paffae". diuroived and ernooth—add the ergs, it beeten. to itio ntveß—poar tha egg. end starch into the rho milk, while beau, stir constantly troth ay r inee.—Etreelkssiza. For gals bi E fl WM. WILSoN, Jr. FRANK. WILSON