The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 09, 1850, Image 1

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    . ! .:... .
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- :-.,-, -1'• , „.„e.AII. _UT . . ....,
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5ita'44 ,,,,,, 47,,ex r a, - ;.: woven,. 4n
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• PupillVO Dr ,
• • W H I , T . .4 CO.
N. dr" I fix Oalsol.
! rrie. ;r, ?MOD srars-r, toon TO
na . MDCL
- _
t•' :1 r ptlaninsti.
Tis r. •.y • —•••••• 5,00
, •-• • 2,0 0
etchaoit 5. reduced, raw,:
AG EEO (1140%
TTe •C' PI T08V114411 PILES&
• One . ie,(lo' of Nonpareil or lea.)
Oct m , etch Additional intortion• • • 0,23
is one week —•—•-• 1,75
- swo walks
n, three weeks.— -.----o_. .4 tlit
i• oaa month—. —.
ar three
menthe —• 0,00
air nonthiheee---------„..12,00
Dent. (0 l)t, or lets,) per aanum• 10,00
tbs. ebmsgerible atpicatura (per ato
-cam) i•xelasivn ot the linnet , — 65,00
- Yet,. a additional itourtralostrmd overeat month,
am tarn atielLticnt'sqt art inserted seder the Teal
' ly rates, lc it price.
Adveni•hrnents exceeding. • square, and not over
Irwin to be charged sie • equare and • half.
rubliab -ra not accountable for leant adverneements
etyond tb•• &mouth charged foe Chair politico:Jon.
Macau:me rimethater for office, to be charged
. Woe as chi... advertisements.
Advertbements not marked on the copy for a recti
fied number of insertions, will be continued till forbid,
• and paym.-otesartrid accord. •
• The prlw.lears of vastly advertimera be toughed
. co their regaler bueiness, and all other ads,-
Itatimient• aalpenatolagr to the), reenter badness, as
agreed far to Le paid calm,
AU ads hnlatiamitz for chat liable meiltutlone, kte
mpunti . want, tewnel•lp and *therm:Mite meetings,
nd each I le, to be ether
balferice, payables Innen y
Narnat r mince* to ne charged tie cegta.
Desth n h eer ohs
witnant charge, mates atcorn
pamed by ;opera) ...radian , or obituary notice., and
erben to a•rompanied le be psid for.
Hernial•lscrttterh, and till otter* otriding cow0113a
oleallori•,. r (Nuiring designod so •uca.
(Jon to Fat .. Sairewl, Coate R., or ally pubile ewer
tainailwilta. 'trent tliaTsCa ate made far adValltettiew—
•lll•ooer.. privait art-oetnnonti—every notice
eiguekto t -a attention to private eine . rpnree rale all
al or inte ihed to prontoic. Individual . mtemelseen on.
ly .n.r.•-.1 with ( Wett ed , undelitemilng that the same
0a to be pa mr. If (Wetted to he inserted to the lo
va 00410,1_ IL , some swill i.e whrtlged at the rate of
not (tea cents pee n ie
Bishop •••• hut lc:glees tbe charged triple price,
Tavern utast, Pennons, 62 each
' lbegal ith•: tiletbeel advertisements to be charged at
full env,.
Real Fe••te Agents' and Auctloncem' advertise
ments rot th he class:dander yearly rates but to be
allowed di- count of thirtq dime and one third Veinal.
(MOOG IV went of bills.
watht.r. oa ral-4esagt7 111 narbT /ATM.
• . • .
One F,c air, LEH< loontalons• ••-• • • 411 ISO
1 , 0. c met, nalitinnallusertion• •.
• f•VMCI/SICIIIIIMIS witurr pax".
DortDo. are, OD lineslvlt4l.ll4
htuttiom-:e cu.
excll ttloTni. tntertlon--2-5 "
111 zdTertiveme lobe paid In Qv ince
srillTF. C:), Gazette.
ULU.; Po•t.
.114.141.3 P. lIARR. & C0,C ,, r001010
J(N SNOW DEN, hOmnry,
JA ‘11:31V. Aosritan.
EXIN E. Dm:llv Tribw.
l'Orovca 1, 0.:9.
Z(.111:i A. P.U.ININ.SONtr
Af.DF.RII.II4, vatn Wdrd, Peng street., telween
11'llara W•lKut 61Liktair.eil promptly at.
- - AL.:XANDS.II .131. - WATAIOn,
A TTORNVY AT LANV-oMee, on Fourth weer A allove on -L .
C. wuvriar.,
ITOILNES: AT LAW, nd• Cotrtrthitiormr fat
All comma , ratc.. :3 p smpuy .anavrercd.
AVI WS Ir. 13 Ultra,
ATTORNI.I AVLA W-4Mca rn is anti alrec:,
.betwre 6.thdeld and Gnat,
t • wz-ly
A TTORNI.': and Count ellor at Law, and evrnmi.•
Goner to, 11., Sloto of Coor.oylosain, h. Logic
MO, Sate of ~...norob
Rofercoces—t',,o.r.roh: 11, W. Forr.,rd, Prune
ten k Tlilic r, M'Comllesl It tnei.liore,-.lolan Vorke
3mellst. Semple, .0,14-1•
F OnAV 11.1:11Na . jar.n.on.A:quos,
Glargat .7, Pa. (drthdi'3 Ferry raft °rut
Hating perinonentlt located at Mu plane, a neve
and aubatanual Wharf tord, we act prepared to TO
relee auJ forward promoilv to all ponitson Ble
and Bandy and Deaver ne Oldo Csnal.. D &
Glaatoet, tune in—field
Wit. 11.17.3,. •• • - ..... • 1011111 COSSIA •
R. 11. wootnrAco .• •---• • —lA2..ror easALst.
AWLLEV, WOODWAILD & CO,•Wholesale lino - Boo r s, No VI Markel 0, PtAladelphas. toot
Ptta.bvirigh Alkul Werlcs.
ENNEI7, B racily & CO, Moralattarers or Soda
Frodenet Braun. lieocze.kelter.
& REITER. W 141.11003 and Retail Drug
=a t .
p :currier of Li rty • 4 St. Char surcut,lmitis-
ri A. 14tANELTS - 3.. C.7,For.taAllag. and Com
•.alarlaa•bicrala"u. Car.ll. MAD.. Plasburgi,
Wilmce,t,:roecr,Comnussion taut
la....Ftarardla,ullexcLant,:xo. 41:Wm. lot, Pitt r
burgh. ao,l[ R. If... Fleming
CIONDISSION NIER GRA hrt,t—For the sale of Do
sYk=l7.l7l.;;'l ;;;,ntr "
door Dols Piarbarglt
Reference—W-7u , V.ta 1. thil EC CO, Bask rts
— s. swats 1 Lott a. {M.
Dal 11.13 a IRVIN*
rIOMMISHION 114:RCN 1.., CS tad 11111 Nrolters,
V No 114 Second twee:. Pm•bdt4.4. .007
Wtt. I. snal., ot, 4.4m4 I. lINTIBTT
1. NGl.lBii A. DENNET I', lime Earttab, G. tuber
F * Co.) Wholesale Once., Comnwlloo and For
4maactarA dn.'gWood st;7 o/ Ald alrst _w
ardrlU - Jiillit.ilrilx.
r No II .! Second w, l'at,t or4ll. mr2l
Main W. re:n.l,l-1.1 IWALTS. C. LIVIIVIOTOII
cdirsil-.RAL C 011111,5103 and Corwarcing Net.
clams ltd Cw4t Po alcraillo 474 Market s reel,
1' adelptna 1125
nenLD, 13 OK ICOI3 aco
11). tqnnrt & Not* Wharves.
McC. ttstwo
J W•stnera ( sang
tELE L, t4Wrlr7&7!3 - ViNiolleAl
• <rand Coaart.,.. Ner.lhant, for th• onl.
/Ltatne‘u W. , elm. !At. tr. ot.p.ito bib ort feldl?
L.A. II IL IMT. ..--
Wit. P. 101110.
trAMCIV, Jiii , :l , & Ow, (credos...Ai to Atwood
Li Jones & 1713 riorarrit moon end Forwarditur Met
Lean, deed,: in Pitirdidmir Mdliatitimared Goods
Pitutionrh. Pa - "ro.W/7
- —.--.......... .
• . A • IA
'• • Wee i.xsa• 1. SOIL. C. 1112.0
_ IMPOlrt: Denier French and Amedean Pa-
per tr u ang m iost anil !Sorters,. Window Bbadca FlfC
ttourd Prot., d o. 11.a—Vrinne, Printing and Wrap-
Ping Papor, No or 'We'd sr rect.irtween Fourth street
find LAarconJ weatsule, Pittsburgh, Pa.
'Dim Iste of the had Cltairdoets,/ta•
Dew h. o. would r repeat fully inform the old OVA
Laded odd thr plathe encaily, that mill alldron.
U ni t
to ..a 104 (. 100 0 611.1 bot, fa all lOA
varieties. .00 pre r steal to El all ardor. rot
caries' Fstralture, Minerals, YOrtZlit, Viol•
p!rtstrane to .• bat.sed. Ilt• tratehood ' ls No 01
nr•t & Serval sta. Jr: faidna
ue rln Dye Stuffs. Pals; 101.. Vsratthes, .4e, No.
RS Wood Ott , 1, one do, 00010 of Illadead Alloy
VlStathargh. apt
11= 9 1t.d1.7:11,1,,W4Vhd te ae — T r e
!A! ceen ald dealer In Prods' e and Piusb.rsh
NvOleveille , NO9I WOW,_ POrObOnrh• apt
DUI. L..", .1111141 DICI Cr,
re MAI! DIC , SEV h Ca. Wholesale Croce - fa Cara
oslselon Moorhen.. anddertlers to Peados*, rim 5 a
Weser. and lfr Front siesots. Pirtshorgh. nostS
Jahn 3. yuiteortit,
T: 8. DILWORTH &Co., Whole/10c L racers, and
Ace., tot 111 a, rd roanlor Co., N 0.27 Wand IL,
No. 0 gar . three dole, anove Third ea POI.
"Lrghltaillnnu . crest/only on hand a well oalestad as
*moon of Ct. bettand fre.hert Istedtcliteayshlch he
will salt or, th, 112007 roaaanabla term. Physician.
sending order still he ports:rely attended to, ;IA rap
plied with articles they may rely area u gelltlinO.
Phesici ,, s Prvcrionons ,till be accurately and
neatly proved the t.-trt111,1.1213., aiaePbor af
li, tor sale. a lara• each of trash and rood Porta
Woe I• 13
Joan Etort Ihrtard Ficyd.
r FLO CO , Wbolessjp, Circecn, COlntrac3.2:l
• nierchnnl , . tnd' Deniers in ern.% .e, Kenn!
Churen frnanng on Lanny, Wood on!
Sinai ntrr etl_i nze.ute.. ea. up
FNO, A. CAP t. if Agent for tits Laxe Ei and
JP Idled/inn i.-or to Ilestrr and the. Lakes 41goc
an tgo eornor t.l IV 4trr and ntnintftcid lan.
1 - StWX: lit r rtin - gtOgt - SC.W. 7 - - tg acr
etrot — ii7l
J . • Le•ri4 llatrl ia.m a Co, Contruisslon bletrboat
ta d
.4 2 ,p, of fnet , eft. I,nots Odom Baur. liefatorg
i4O. drurator • t..11L rt , nt
• No :Id Wood,strecti:ratthireb.
OTIWILI7NrViiii, Whitten.. aria
iat la Mink, Instnments, School Poor
Paper, Platen, :hod lb;,ps t Cotdin Printers , Cocd,
outionury gentrAly, Plusborgh.
111 .. {hp, boocn• rc t•lrco trod.
Tr - E - CAN FIELD, Mato of Warren, Otoo t /Cootrid - o
g„ oioc d t'atrar dlni Mtn...haul:and .wboLcuro
defiler in Wes:urn linter , . Ch•cre. Daher, Pot and
Pct.' Art. nod Westran Prrnface gencraity. Water
Orel, between So:lidded and Wood, Pittsburgh.
V:,t. ;V.%
4', near 7.h at apt
PENN 0111. L, I.IT T 138001.1, PA.
17 ENN COILDS d< CO, Manufeetarm a
vary fitment , ' 44 9 ice".ing, Carpet Chun, Cattaa
• W.M.A-710
l aA A= Jukc,:na staetion. 80 11/N OK DEIt, latLLE ß,carrer PT
rks& !aka Thad atra•xa. FiltaVirgb, Pa. /YAW
Pittsburgh City Ohms Works.
M !dulcet met', bdotcto Fu.t and 94"ua,
Yatablingh, P..
ißentlon paid-so odd 41.11. Also
W., D. ODDD.
lnt. etr
'hillier, Vhilad. C. W. Rloikon, Palsburgh.
IkAILLER IiICKETSON. WonlVde Grocer., and
I. Importers of Cram!lea. 'Wine , . and Sq... _No.
172 and 1:4 corner of Liberty and Irwin Wee , . M.'
burp, Pa. Iron; Nana, Cotton Yams, &e. &c., con.
stonily on hand.
Jamer U. NI , (101. W.i.r O. 11'.
own /Vera.% 194 Liberty Eft. rettrba rgb
• - • • -
12411.1011113, SONS 1. QM".
• JONES t atriaa.
VrANDFACTULLERA of *An; andblister'Mt 'plough ace% steel phitsh wings, coach aid clip
tte connp, hoonoi,ed iron axles, hcil dealers in Am!
Noble easungs, Gra engule lamps, sad coach trinnun
n i
corer of Rosa and Front
J. J. 'Persicae awe reelaslon Plserialaanter.
IVO. St OM I,e.° et, N ()elven*, keep conststtlY oa
/I hand a lame we:memento( Braude-sof the follow
ing Ornate; which they offer far sale as agents for J.
Durand rt Co. Bordeaux. VII: Plastery, J, Erand , J
rend it Co,Larocheille,J J Parana, Cognac,
teean, A L DeWitt, A de Mendote, Jean
dei also, Mellor Gin, Bordeaux Red and Wlth.e Wines
in casks and caws, selected with cane by John Durand
ktai beeides Chau:twine Wine and Sweet Burgundy
Peet ••
ACT 110LMES &SON, No LD Market se, sonend door
. from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign .d
Domestic fhtla of Exchange, Certittcatee of Deporth
Dank NW...a Specie.
[o"G:deletions made on all the principal clues
bro... the Lthiled Starr..
_221 .
/IF Walt SCIIIIOIIMA MN, Third st. oppositolha
Post-OtEne, Pihrhurgh.—Nlap t, Lartdmape.,l3lll.
heads, Shoe/bill, Labels, Archnentural and Montane
'hawing., Bovines. and Void. Partin, & engraved
or dray n on stone, and pnated in colors, Gold, Demme
Slunk in in the mow tiptoed CV:f and at the mow
reasonable eerier actin:lv
T: 21.5: kCO. ' 2351.31)er:3r Et;rt
1 . 1233argb. bololalc firomrs, l'rothsee and
Comm:scam Merchants, and dean, in PitmtioraL
Planufkc tire.. 3217
v2p, 1110 e. LTSII.I. 18.11. f. ROMNPON.
term an nil Finds of Foreign end Domestic Wince
end L.q nom N. II Liberty street Ira Italie a eery
large of enamor eta dlnnoeitenel wanted - ,
which *nil to land loin fee • a-h. iityl
1.0. IiCTNO.IOI.. I. edi,.t
DEVNOI.O.3 & 811Er_ Foriettri nerl t!areinis
fnnhierchnnts, fo- tne Alleinieny giver rhtle,
teak - Min Cinocerie. Prednee 17t44urg. Alunsfae
tures,and Chloride of Lime.
The higheit price. in cash, pant at sit usne. for
*sltry rows. Conte Pena wntl on, siilb
11.10111-MT — Y..IZP.LL. Co., Who:desalt, lincers,
Commiselon hierchnnt..dertiern Pnittene mid
Pit bl
tsburgh untfec:ures, Liberty streeineviiirren,
WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Piciearding,
and Oman:salon Moron... ono Poo:, is Pin.
nuLgb Muclufaxtures, No Liberty strootolilunuren,
OC. lIMI.CISATT • TllCLi w or
lACKLE:IT an-E. Welale Dr , lon‘ For k. W is
eign...l Datooktle Dr l.ody
Goal, No. O. Wood
crust l'lmsburyb. , opl7
Q & — WiiidMeTclrods.rOdulers
1.3 in Flour cod Produce generyll7, nnd Fororiudiuri
and Corruntssian
_,Tiferchtu.e. lis First &Excel and
114 Second street • uOl7
C. muss, rrrissular. SOMI mous, Assuan°
ELLFItS S NICOLE, Produce and Oceeral Com.
miscian Merchants, No. t 7 Libony weer, Pitts.
buret 'Sumo, Linseed and Load Oils.
Q P VON 13CKWITASP rib - , - Whis — iiWla aG.
con, Pomading and Corataltsion Merchants,
Dollars In Pitobough Mana'actares and Vattern
Produce, have augoiertil to their near yearehouso, (old
si.atli) No. 34, corner ul Fror.t meet and Chancery
Laic col:*
w.rta Dternoml, ept~.
. r. sunlvrr.l CEA
9 aR1178.11 & BARNES,
Prod:tat end Cmatairnan Aferzte=v,
And dta:cts la Pitldongh Manufactured Allie I:3,
Nat. 130 and 139 S<COl3lll •ttect,
Boareon Wood & Smithfield. Podsburon: an
;inn WATT.]
WHOLESALE Grope:, PornvrAtor.
VT sad •water:in Produce god einsborgh Alum.
fazttres,V , 4l , Pr. icyl:
83 brit "Arne arriving, areS for We ne
11 . 11 OWN At KIRKPAT2.II.K
117OULD1eforna the partite, they nave taken the
11 warehouse tainceziy .espied by the late Me
Soloman Scheyer, 314 eeeond street. Haling* Wee
and come:Masa* warehouse -they would inane the
ettentien of penises haelne jeada to canalso qv store.
They grill also give tntent3ol to the plarthaze land We
a( No3es. Des fta, Sonde, de. anay
L. P. Waicrann..H. N atcrtnart• WatenDL,.
IL. 6. lV A:ERMAN & soav,
mNALP: ti ROC Eftel. Cemm.:_!on ;,.f.,1 C.
Wyrnr.ling Mercoun , i draer, ;n l`r.-
duce L Putsbar6la t.-gcr.t.
fur sale etZliatr.anon.l , arg :2a.netra ttar,f
Tobleco Tr i
.13uth , , PCB
TITILLSG attood to not:cotton+ dod odr c too. •I
yy ontrotted cn .tom to itatlcr
ltdlor to
J. b. IL Floyd, Liberty ot
W. W. WalLoce, do
Jy.mes Idartbalf do Porryttrytt
dry Co.. Wood at I
Corm} BuM,PCIIII street, Patstrurr h. mr4
JAMES Alt DAVIS do CO.. `—
No. Sel: Dinkel, and. LA Commerce et., Philadelf
Advnaces mace, by colter of the above, on eon. rt.
snot of Produce to either Mum. mot
• J. D. wgzaaans a CO..
Forwarding end Gnomic.. and
dealer. In Cow try rrndoon and Vittsbargh Mane N.,
lures, corner of AVood and Fifth intents, Patstinrgh
m rig/
Wm. 11. wt —• •• • —. l 11. MC V.y
%Va. H. WILLIA3IS a GO.,
North East corner of Itiood And Third meets,
Ant Pinarhon. PA.
{RM. ...XXV. • JOHN I COs
W../.313W.A.... l.Lr 11 SAGA 1... ,
IV• M.
an iIaniAUEY I CO. Orb*lemdc Omen', Id
d A/ Woad weal, Fdlanalg h. apl7
20.0 D.ones, DAVID DOCANDLEts.
w& liCCANDLEtsB.(stacecsawra L D
TT Wieg,l Ns:helms!, Grocers, Forwarding and
omm:salon Mere ban.; dealers Iron, (glass,
Cotton Yarns. and Pttts• tap Mannfutorrs general
ly, COTDVV or Ward and Willer !Melt, r,U.e,raith.
tA r Jt — inilfrOrElLYit — CE, Wlwleasle •Uroec rat
.4 • iteettfyirg Discilew, •od Wine wsd Liquor
Mere :sot Also—lmporters of Felts, Ash sad Bleach.
ieg Powder. NO.lOO Liberty street, (opposite ttlxill
. I SONT - Watelies, Jesserry — it, IT; - et t- Warc
VV • ..;atf . Zlttary Goods, corner or Market nod
Folic!: streets. Catshareu. Va. Itches •nd
Clitteka carefully reps. red.
JOU' s. taeff .
W 1L . .1:%12 ,, ,,, ... ,, c0 i , ,, D t zatets In s.
WY. X.COTCTIIIVV. tri C1.k...
Wr•R. 111eCUTC11C01, hoinsitio 6,3
dealers to Produce, Iron, Nob., ~ ,
Pittsbergo Manufacture generally, Liberty sm. , i.—
• 00.PA13.1FilVirlaRTIIP.
IHAVE take* VOL CARR inn, ymnership with
me IA Ay business, which will P s m thin date be
carried oft under the name of "Johnrker A Co."
March Ist,lnso. JOHN PARKER.
John P -• •• •William Carr.
irioateorte Grocers, Ikakrs Prodsce, Fore:vs
Liquors, Old Moruragalula
erof Rectified Wkiskey.
Commercial Row, Liberty arrest,
mr2o PinxbarKh.
WATEXIII.I Nuxn. So: MCA 11•101, WK. 1. MN
(Sueentors to Hussey, Hanna co.)
or Demote, Bank times, and Specie—Norio tvest
cornet of brood and Third infect, Current money
reeclued on tiepoeitei--fught Cheeks lee talc, itn.l
collections made rztrly oil the mine potris
the United States.
The Itigheet premium geld (or Foreign cad a mrrleuri
Advances made on en.slenmerds et Prnnere,•lilp
ped Fan. on liberal writs
me a. melon.) loot.
Wlll. A. BI , CLVIIO a Go.,
No 2513 Liberty area, aim" Wow',
if sva always on hand a large uo.Lortment of Ch.,
IifOLCTICS and Fine Tens; slro, l'orewn Fran. and
tints,,Wbolesals and
E 411311.1) CILA•S
i.lti Fiala. Mulct, and Flaetc, Porter, Scotch Are.
Miam! Water. Vaunt Medicine. end Wine Cottle..4,on'T description , also, IFINDOW GLA SF.
Keeps cons aridly on dread a central astonnient of
, tbct Oven articled. ALSO STATE, as the ther Green
Glace F/ClatiCS .0 A.S. STD.., I. the o e isinnt
eaniatee,Teyriß‘emitc Risen, IN n'LL OPSI.IOII. and
Will coalman in opera:lnn both a... ,T nod winter.
Ii Ocdera reepeetfully 10ileitCd.14061 ill be Idled on the
... goofiest c•—•--
Wsueboate, No 112 Second intent, between wood
eitl22cteld et, Prtroorgh.
— b.);Piiiretsnrciestrip.
tifi o ltp/ T t and Ctlnft.f
, 11 , N . FI 7
firm of' Shrrere lkl'ereT:mfwor'rtre tra ' nettellon of the
WbrAf.l ' OfoceeY.
pee ne d an end ttneamivaion Goti.
nese. mllOl2O 6122 neenhd street, between Wood
and ttnithneld et.
Pittabotrh. Mean I.lf4o.—acel •
T EIE WO." ...last mire la Cash grili be paid fas
the &Zenist grades of Waal
MS & w timialAucit
n LE 3
THIS magnificent eetahfutement being now nor,
pleted and ready for basthera,tbe proprietor woald
respectfoily solicit a share of the public pamengle.
He trasteby giving his foil .mown to the tittrine -
to make the Louse a pleagant not mil:forcible retort
for the ell:lrene of Pittripagh and for the countri
Good !Mendel:pa will be in waiting, and every r:•
ertlorrenade to render the estatsliztrment worthy
coantenninee and anoport of an pediment communal',
The TWO SPA.CIOUR HALLS, fated for Patti,.
I,i-entree, Mlle and public mertir.g., will
be let by the evening or week, op an lUwtal terms rte
any other it, the clic.
• - • • •
• .
The BAR And RESTAURANT, equal in stjlo sod
beauty to illy In tho wnrld, will be kept furrosOrd
WWI Pura Winos, -Clolee Liquors, Cordials, Porter*,
Ales, and all the cool, ligbt, relreshmentsof theses..
Poultry, Game, Fish, Soap, Oywars, and owns,
served up In the:best style.
The DINING and ICE CUEAkt BAl..oohi, being on
the nett Coot, and eaay of wens., will be constantb
supplied with 01l the Utilities and Delicacies of the
tenon; and also, with itch stbstantLala as the marten;
Boarding by the day, weak, or year. Amery or
Sanger.; for Individuals or parties, farmland en abort
110l1C. •
• .
tivnticinen with their Wallies, visiting the city can,
he surplice with rafteshracuts all laces al any boor
of the Uwe
Good Stabane and an extensive Livery Establish
cant It connected with the Hall.
Dinner su I &slosh. lareskPut and Tea at the usual
Manteca for Ladies to the lee Cream and Dialed
Saloon, No-SD Smithfield street.
jetrilidtf K. 11. VAN RENCIIELAER
VV keep eons:Andy on hand or make to order the
best artinie is their line, it their old rand, No. 1h Si.
RI/,lll3 0, at No. an Market street, reeved story,
entrance its the Dimond. Vendible Shotters made to
order, and nld blinds neatly revisited .1,10
W. t .1. GLEN Zl, Doak Blade..
WE are sail engaged In the above haziness, corner
Wood and Third streets, Pim:burgh. where
We tire prepared to do any work In our line 'nth des
patch. We attend to oar work personally, and anus
(anion will be peen In regard In its neatness end du
• .
MELIA iLni. ruled to any rumen and Foetal so
mantra , ly. Rooks in nornbe,o nr old bNaro bairn d core
folly Or rellalrea. NAM. pot on b 301" in gilt loCarr,
Thane that Conn mark in nor llo• ore award In
prier. Int•
Pens Bia.chlue Shop.
II \ VilifiTNlAN—Prituntfaatarer of all kind , of erg
tenand woollen machtnere, Allegheny eieg, Ya
'rho above wort. being new in fell and soner."fel
reanen, I am prepared to exert., mitre win. 4:1 -tract
fur oil klnd" of machinery in r. y !Inc, roes es olfloy.',
Picker.. arroaderr, eaN,, gnnt In; mar !ADES, 'attorney,
drawine frames. rryonitm, Ouargla., twines, woolen
cards, doable or yincie, for men-bent or neuron . walk ,
milles,jnekr,ke.:"ltde and baud lather and tool. in !fen
cer!. All kinds of shafting made to ordee. or len. Mr'
en for goo:mg fattener or mill, at mareaable ensarre-
Rarmt eo—Kennedy, Child. dr rl. - e.,ll.laebro.-er •
f`A . I,,rhe r15..1.“ A r••
QUPENSWIneth al AN VFACr Enei,
IClldraleaghsten.honad Plettaerearenetl P..
.37 Mare at,' bn worn Market and
ita,d, Pk:lll4lre.
m C1.41, , ,t ortaoly .
f kx . cl o ou no m da .: Aoalea c 9 . 0
..11anterior anal.) tVtolenale wn
and country Met
chant. arc re d, lacono to call and ex
amine for threatened, as we ore deecentitede to .11
cheaper - then hes ever before been offered to toe
irrOrdere not ty mat I,eceompar.lea o, the cash co
nod reference, will Mt promptly atter.ded to. non
e. WHITE ` ;
L.—•.,t141•".11-cd.crul sod Benda-Sy tate, yLey stAkinf , hod no. rept., cd to ilsocive ouslors for
strcry descriptioatof Cloactto, (attain', 13,
roeehea t 1...
014 nand
to too sucuut hour, re of si.o r cal.
rid the facilities they bore, they Suct rotatdcut rue
tordded to do ape s on the too., tc.atle .t . ll ,
tharts th . anting attllot Su tone brut.
Paling partieller ralsr.ittn In tutt •cleruon o: mate
tad having nur.c but ou.sscsrot rsoltu• , .Itty
Luve kstrilai,on u - sts,nuttr. ttte, 'rot. VC:
tbrieuarc ask' Ike sander et :or tobti tlto matter
ti. B. Itepairin . g don. tr. the td., szd on the
most tea...actable tem.- -at It
ri• ars-worm WOOD •11D P Iru.r.rom.
i",>x - riNur toorannfrature told. II
L. TIN AND sktEgrieox Wdll.l'- Amor k
anilth Work.
Stems Boats Ldli to crier
. .
Special auena msteam bo oven boa t nett. Have on hands alma *averment or ,0ppe.. 0 r..1
Kerner, Try Wve,&c.l.e. Steamnont (not,. v rlo..‘es
Portable "'anus, various rusaa—o very onv -n:
nate for tool :clad
We rancid reepoandlrlarne seam bona men tad
others to call =4 see ens antidote and prvees before
parchasicur el seurhere 1937
IV rot:tight eassa Coat nom Balling.
Tthey tree 1 11.` :iege".. u ,f,`„ b l;
faabloort/rit deligas m
for Iron Ha , bath tor hog.d
ono eernelettes Persons 'trauma. o procure hand
er's. puler. please roll and e amine, sod judge
fortbenotelves. Roam/ be f had at Ile slaw,
Cot noties, and to the best tosneer, the o
Craig and Reberea streets, Alleghen
ater..V-dtf A. L,A3.1 ! ENO:.
D£G.S tuf:ren hts blends a d elastomers a a
JUlLboidg)Ar.l ten, 1.4 bilk PC 0/ opt. stork of Weds
comp Tog. tba thereattarot (goblin,
Ibis Dyke, of Vlath., illfilaleve, (11,1 Cep tnti,tot
tonandlinedsan.mer.lris,andeve, *nee Ie ioitabla
for gent:ernen's woo, for spoug and • It being
5t0re...41 , 1e to deserlte the hertz, y s. tr, .Gr gaanuty
of the Moth, the pry rotor hopes ho Lie erar.l
of good, cheer, fnehi l ntable. end re I made eietheo,
asill g,relbra a call, or their no . tort this o,de
thr Alleghenies Wet can compare tro It.
The read, made nrl arunent .5 very 11.1.1111", oast.
fog to Cr tams
earl road eantrheht,, r.tuntry the chants, and all
who rut..., ;mkt', ait.• • ftirti'at4r th•,l..d •i•
arnthe the .10 , 0 Loturh ptatf......1,.00h runic.. tt.
tennon is pod In the wholratO • In ant estah-
I lishmetah
Every rude In the tailorrhe ra rs to rimer to
I the moot fasboonoble and bee, manner,
+t tin
T l o n if:Tf TsTf,
of Dlr. C Medley. Too Immt.was well he e_srried on by
A Bradley, who will reffle the Looness of the late
REMO , " A L—A Baer LIM him removed hi. Foundry
Werth. from No 112 Second ottect.tmNa 10 Wood
"Net., between Fleet nod l?erond rtr:et. , to the ware
house lately osestmed by G A li. tie. where he will
beep conmently on and • sonem.l imsomment of Cut.
lugs, lifitte•, Stove, Cooktrs blnees, to. 13
and No t. American Wooer Steel. Also—Vett
Caat Steel Ftles, of all ateas, and Iliac kamith •ni Shoe
Raapa, aloof • on hond and for 6111 P. ei:hrr at hi. "Ea-
BP, fiteel Works," f011ar• avast. Filth Ward, cr atlas
office in the Iron Store of MILLMAN.? l OkRRI
UON, No 4, foot of Wood meet, epanorgh
We, the underhand!, having and, anal enure an,
lifnetion, the Cal •ittrel and Filet mule by Saronel
Melielvy. at his Ea,cle Steel Works, in it:malty, lake
pleasure in respeimanding diem as Neal In quallty to
any dent owl 4y 1e•51 talcum mancifanture.
gh, Marcia 14, 11.4 , 4.
ul c 1 1114110EWKKRNEP. E. en,
blamPneiorer. of hoo and Nall, Pticatwgh, Pa
Iron Foonde rn and :Maritime's, l'ouboritt. I'.
alattoteetneer• of ereennt, Azle., Spring Steel rid
Rivet., rat. burr, b, P•
Knoton Dodder) and Ittaelorte Card Manufinoto•
roes, f.atabeugh. Fa.
Cease Pounder, Potaborgh,
Atatoctraetorere of Iron and Neils, Siusbarob PA
Locomotive Engine/ and Mgt W
Builder l'etr
LL4olaktOratt, Von
W t 11,.
Marble M Roo future, Marton . and Doting Iltol4-
0,,t, to. Seusboelt , Po-
of Port nerablp.
TIM Pr rtnetslop heretofore e sitting between the
fobwootorf, under the firm of Chambers, Agnew
A. Co, Clam Manufacturers, was dimwitted by mutual
consent, on the first day of /Hy, instant. All porton.
Snowing Llietfliart. debted to said firm are request
ed realm payment no either of the parties, without
delaydelay, and all persons hainux unsettled accounts with
), and
are tillrited to foment them for settlement
immadtatc/y. ALLY AN DER CHAMBERS,
JO H:4 AtiNEW.
BrOutem D. it CII AMBERS
210.1 . 10 E,
TIM °Tatra 11Jd COatifaCell Of arrillin by
the "Citizens' tens i le post 141:0," will pleave
Moo notice Mot th aeill be reaired
at our ertireboarte, aeY to rl the r t L pI, btinfa
the goods ore removed. C! A hie AN I.TY ACO
ry I
Washing, iliataLgaia4g 81/...11 Glatanataag
Miscilans—Pal the clothes lute cold Water and let
it.= t oot, over ttieht. In toe moraine wring them
eind 44,11: in n a L tI 01. 1.001101, urnter.,a
wmeh tide tie proportion of one pot of IMO to emht
aollont of ormer —stir it
m op and hot: Me whole twenty
Tree olothea .7 then be vmg net end
welt ',tilled in Herm eold . witter. 'roe put, of rat
term. ihm may be moat vAled, meg as wristbands
goligr• of shirts. my Iry D.teLlly robbed before
rinsing, mad the clothes sott4 be lo::nd ?emelt) . ele,w,
• .
Warranted art to troure the Lust fahne and tu mire
perfect anuelaetton, or tile at Mill h. refanded
tied Wholesale and retail Fr It F. SELI.IIIn
erpib 57 Wood it
151e . aelassad, IN s.a . e.s ao•d - Plitaboigh
Tat e e,raph Company.
N pumoanets ofl resole boa aid the Board orDirce
tort of the CI-valand, V•tren and Pittsburgh
Telegraph C.ornpc TR', requesting the Sari tar) tomat o
out and eater to he pablished LC the m..pvendona
the line, nu exhibit of Ihe Enoorlal end othet WWI/ Of
Ole com p an y. I autnnit the fallowing FuTpru — A r
The hoe of Telegraph earunteivem a: uesclane an d
terminate. •o Yetisbangto, pauing thronsti Chagrin
Falls, Praia lin Newton Fells Warren. YellOgitOlarl a
and Lowell, in the Pune of Ohio. and New Castle awl
ROCACIntr. le the Pune of Pettneybraalaott which
pont. there ere retort located for tbe receipt and
tranarnlnzenn of
Tt i g whole length 01 ;he line la i493114.-C4pite
Stock, f>l.witche. gadtin• p ptal ateitt of
dan or amount 610,Zij pi fiel d by Aleut
alone the line, and the balance held .7 Cdr. 114
Speed, the eintrachu. nit aliened itinount of sub.
sonpUong by CI(110 nt have been paid to Cornell &
Sped, for which the Trustees have their receipt.
tender /EFFEltektN HALM, Reerntary
TO 1110 AT POILD/4119.
101i,WOO teei diasoned,Deck ?taut;
190,000 fast Coal
JIOUHET U elargl4,7
lawkait 4Worair at Law, &anti it
mete Moth al Fire r iy,
, r r e ll p E s a
tbttO 'month., I. s'tdeieot inindrestalbmt • all 054,
11111fi011 rod ennfldence of do pabbe loth. ST.tnitt
dinn...iorint on whiten It. (
buslness Is condi:eta '
To ~ t y or 0010,111 Wert hint, and 0.1011 ordlNOU
:nz, and isolated or ....foxy pronenT , it
I. t4lleaOA
' ,, r fnoinuur uffoidc adveitocea in- point ofrocnit•
t‘f , t, rod vecurit•. infetior to noluuranee
Cfellumy ronntr7
Ctidoeb-i nn eglitAldn and .semlyin
ti no rimed
01.1.0 a' tnanufLention of Illske.cludlnfr liPmit
hax.tdx, Inidirln. only a' ,• mount In antone
loesli•y, , i.u. precluding the (nm. nor nnimcdrnitt. i t
of lame bre.. nen atm on both the Stock Ind Ilintnnt .
plan, It nut only pos.ase. the ehestpnells Mod Inltonb
mpthation of both method., but entitle. tbelmaredlo
• onniolpatiou in the profit.
It I. ander the control of the follo.inf DitelitinE,
John P. Rothertord, A. J. (Witty John 8.,..1PAL1t.
Samuel T. Jones, Alms° A. entfisti PWIo
wick, Robert Klotz:. I P 11111711ERFORD.Pnin' t
A J GILLETT. 9.07.
A A Cau.a2. Lamm. •
Insnek Mika (00 Wanes,. Poonsvlvan... ll 4*lttitn*
field insert, Plimborg6. P[7lo. dmlsiog Inta.ince
ord. be iornlslird with I.ok. of the earnon7 M
' et the ' , Mee •
A•so ..... d Fit onion's lattillilloto teat•
pony of tin City of leittablifirti.
CAP' rAL snomoo.:
K. ', MOREHEAD, P tea': -AV. W.DALLARrii"._OY
ITE CAMP.DSII or nrepaved to liouressalm FIEF and MA RINE. RISKS oral kind. •
Antongrrhela Mosso, 124 k iti rvdue
I K Mnor, acrd. Dolly rmmman, Wm. A. Rill,
R. H Hmliev R. B. Simper , 4,2011,4 Ititl, WZR,
7.1. Edenr,
Gregg., A. P. Kilbu . . 04.
line wood, D. C. R. , :yr.ri Chea. Rem, I , ll,Rocinnan.
Late and Wealth laisiarsalse.
eirilln Atetaal tale and Health Insunnea Camp.) ,
of Putladelphia, lerearnomed bytholegillESte
Of Pennsylvania, March, 1E49. Chewer perpetaal.
Capital, lIISPAKI. ' ILt/ous Lowan rue,
vane Calera., and fall tyr per cod. IKTYO/!ICK
anal rates of Life Insurance, ai the Wing COO
pariana will show: The, n person of the 111_„051,.„...V,K
-sunup for SSW for V., must Psi' in Ilse •
p<nniyi.....,111:2,3ti, Peep Closest, 11.2.* Fctici
92,61; New Ungland, 52,C7;• Cie* York Life, • Kl•
bion.*/,49; Life and Health, .
Dikscrusta—liamuel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hell, W.
F. hlocus., ?-nbert P King, Char:es I'. Ha Id. W.
Baldwin. tope, D. Chas. 0. B yes,
Lewis Cenper, I. Roania.i'll,rae.,l".. 11 gFlye,
11. Core Presiileni—tturioul D. Ure;e; X flea ,
:a. r
dent—Ku ran,. Seeraary.—Francla Netbarpe.
Cyclic:inane will he rem red, and every inforalaßan
'riven hv SeVNIL. FAUN E.STOCII, Act,
Other, Cornmercinl Rooms, corner of
err/7.A1 ,, Wood and Third as., Pitishstr#
plaid &JCR 44.8.10 issuneisicia.
rim ci
. I , ;rrth America 7111
mate peoument tdid Ilicuid:l4.ElHgebkft'tits'l:
perry in 11. 0117 and vielnitr. and 10 aalpoe.
Canal, Rivers, Laker, and by Sea- Tan propel es of
mrs Compels...l. well invested, add tarnish an null.
;Ifle fond for the amide indemnity of all persons who
aeauelo he protected by insurance.
SnYLI WM. P. JONES, AReatA4 Wateru
044 *Sad hiall?.? papprasee.
gime OFPICF. al the Intnfulee Cloingini if t;ti
1. !Menai, has been removed to No. Iprre4l,l
cot or Wood,
The .blertber. manta !or tko above °Mood req..
slide Company, laid bone Foliate* on EV4134 14124
Weir cornea.. and on ahloaten. mof Alandloo lay
Steam Swale and otbnt
1,1 W. P
at , urn' nett Antique L uraltare.
arAarr.r, w• WfIODINELL,
di, "f Mill , Sr:, I,,u•mpfig
Rcdjon j ut . tl s ; . X. ;ma tt.42:
pa . tlhe that he he.. toot
pleted his spraixstoOk of
FURNITURE. the iarEn-t and tnnr.varionasuottalont
ever adored tor sale to Ur.. city. compilying Bryon'
eons of Itosnrunoory MaL002.31. end 132.“3. iVaLtivc,
cat rut, ornordentd/ and plat:, tudtitle for ertrlor.,
()razing inta! Pd Boone, el! of witch aril to cal/ ki
the Inercti prieas.
/ l ersonaaetaiq rdrudLute at any ddscuptidu, ado
uhuctrdny .r.t..ud to call and rmarranehl...tOok, width
uninracr • 2:2:7 .IcYcli2tiCin. /Yuan tto etneapcil and
piancosn to 1b....CT:1L1 clot,t,t and costly. o gulden the
.n noin.i r:c CO. ylon,
nversanlon - r: Cons em.. Volitiny
. ¢c.rinwia a . XIV
, Ilc liet
T ah i o t tnlc,
tt can Sc;,, r
Ltrar XIV C Lnel.rtdre Ddkc of
ti ..t..
td nat.. 1. - n.ll Plait cc
.1.4 2441.4,11
la !WI to .1, .1 a. do
tine Pe-as
1.1.1nnq.221 Ilnincliling de
au l'inno
s Toi. n= • 2.•
ed M.l, .rani Enc 2 • 2224 ‘.
12 dr. ‘Varnizot,i,
IS BPS Walnut dc,
e.hdf7, dot
A Vert /rye a2.7.ortnycnt of 4 , 44.. , V,flrdattra and out:.
er 1.41 td
. . .• •
Hteem Bee:. laralshekt clotted Eagle*.
Ali ordc., promptly
h.--C...Linet ?Act e,* yen *applied all sort!
Mahnr.m. tV•llaut..4 V.aresa, a anuadocably
(ad.! 011 , C , tebtS
F1,14,111NG.4r, CO.
t fit.l:ll r It Ft it t.t,..,T 4 It t-4ts,l,
ME: vs.
Whtte Fla - tuet., ut is
'l l** irt,--t-e-Attim•rt
• 11..znc league Shallaf.
therl w,ier. "i,,
Moe , . ris nbJ stnpra, iary
pi, do,
S4-c :!?upo Work Liroad T•'ea/ .ss,ltr•ry do;
: I.lrovrn a.] BtOWM
Ural ,
$4,1, Toetth-J .1. f anJ
Black Ito, T.a.c pe,
Sc.. , r't?+ae c l, rt. that.
1. 1
tlndtk• at+4
etar., ,o car.lSit Cal
"11:ft...1, •
• a .". I a,ertntr rtelet
For.ured Vesttgs;
liratn :and bee An.;
Wow r
Altmoileto,cre 1 an•bot , c, No In Wood.
Pst, • 132 ral
. •
frIlE eo-pert,rt r re toter , . extrnnit between the
j ra , teriber 4, In the wane of C(llosl.bie, Berke
(X), 10 Itars day disw:ved by mutual consert. Meat.
Burke & Barnet 1'111v:tile the blICIC•••E °Me concern,
for which purport they are anthntreed (r , use the mane
14, 0040000 tiANIf:L tX.NnIABLE,
Tuc _IAA ..baNb..X•
The undersigned have this day aseorratert the mselves
In the name of IJUILKE L IIL RNLI& far rho papaw
tolnanoraotoring Firs Proof Vardi Drum, &or
, sr the nand of .ne lue hew Dr Constable, Burke
whore they emir beplen.ed 101PC01.1140 WOO.
age of the customer. of (bat house and their rereads.
1110MAti BAHNES.
In retiring from the Arm of Constable, Clarke & Co.,
re , th rhmele roenmtra recommend 0.1 . Burke h
Darner to the cooddenec of my &loads tmd the palhe.
Fe r b .h lM , l". xs NAT IIitNIEL CON dtT MILE
Fe A ti.l4tritrip7
. 11• , t J e n „ 4l
.7 lar7 f c ro o t , p , i' r if d d gg in n
oot~r, to
...Lica be respeetfolfy Ins am. the alienunifof march
•nd pedlars. Ne Wood at. fthU
' ALL I4T FAPPR—W. P. Neutrals is constantly
reeetelitg, from the largew nmenfamories to
ear York and Philadelphia, and also from French
agencies, the newest mid can.l al - Tweed styles of Pa
per Backings, togettiet with Borders, Elite Board
Prints, and Tutor Tops For role at es Wood at, be
tween Fourth st and Diamond alley, linecessor to 8
C. DilL)
• 1.3
ArgrALLIC VAIN f--s aieamer,
LYI sttoizAbf e lt r o am bifel , ; r , :12?5 , 1 ,4 4 . rn . 4 n ai r ti,e (
en 4 'Aram' Y 3 RI ' l4l . lektila9tlZil *
• aria
TME Pheinidx Manofactartng Company now clet
the public their Premium Chemical Stove Polish;
and vdthout exaggeration, or fear of conttaglicuou, by
those who bare tested it, pronounce It far superior to
any other In the market. 'The eanAnnler need hays no
apprehension aof soiling Wats* ho 11 •
position mascots a data Irani arising w hen lieutg al ,
plied, which mast be Gone when the niece it 'iota
Too quantity minded tarry hula to produce a beau
11(o1 lustre. 4 saying of over Ley per red is nugrra
to the s cnitowcw, 4 coating applied to y, - re.,
he, when WA sway lot tie summed. sure pre •
Tentative against rust ever haling tried it once.
Itf itts arcesseile) no person will and any bus the
histinfactutiag l'ainpanyi Prentinin Chemi
cal Slays Polish. For vale by
mv a rorner Euzul V on a .irrets
. .
II M01.`1711111510 6T011.14,
ranter rot Penn and St Cislt street..
trrAt ALF:ZANDER WlNY,furmshing "Jades-
YV littera, where every Meta for laneral and
Mourning purposes eau be got Ln re asonanie terms.
1111 , 13 m
T fl
!IF Vietlle blonnue eompanr supply their ovate
iesbq and rgorma, in et,crtz it; foof, from
11 10 2 - 4 ounces per amide foot. Corrusentrd In Mee.
tf/ oz, (or roblenr pone tauldlngi and depot.
Pw a Shraddnat FA melte; from Ills IS ounce.
N. es,,Wlrr,, barer Molds, Perforated Zino,
Zit. , Pe s *.
They animal their racial pure, and free from any
eilmatere hl Iron, or any other tattl.t, and re
entnnter..l it for the manufacture of tong omelet II
a. boo, fortnoEing I na, it does not fast, not
affectorl by the neman of water, and may lie pollaked,
palmed, audispanned.
baroples, models, plans, spentbeatione, and other
lII{OfOI.IOII may ballad o f their teeing
?Weald. 3 8111011 e, New Volt;
A111454;1, DAL:AAA - A.
Nonun TAATTA& Co , ~'oiladalpkla;
W. & 11. MARDI, Bnittaor....
'ELLA*, BAT I STAArnm, N ' ew Orl.ala;
F. , 11111.1 , 1k0UX, Resideni Mom,
Ifonover et., New York.
Liege, Seplorhber '
K W BooBB. Anteblearaeby„l Ilona; with reesin
j. slsj• is mode tau cessemooraries, In 2 vols.
hr Jacob ibtou, wnb
. Julia Illnwntsl.. Romans, Cy Mn Martin DOC
Material Fels Coot of the Revelation —P.O K.
The above works 'dewed this day, and for sale by
at 0421. Coy Martel& Taltd et.
" • •
L -Alt D-4I I bblo Na ancs Or
• int 7 Wort Ind Rum 41it911
, .
Third nuset. opposite the Post Odica. ' •
• London All Journal for October
• Ltuallt (Mint Arfe,Ner .
Valles Faro; or the Attoblographt eon ' Or
phan. • Cloud by Charles J. Pew nom •-•
Pert eoar Government; a' new navel, by *re. TM
bra.rte.• ileTempleure.
By Charles Laver .
The Iron Man—Dem. , ben wort, comp . lam
LOW of-Yankee CULL
Genevieve; or Pleasant Lore and Sothm. By A.
De Lamar ine.
Boston Phatspears. No 81.
JENNY LANE; a beacifif Eddepbul Boaj; as sang
by the New Beaus Berensdem;
Be watekfal and beware;
Ok ! Pinsky take this hand;
The klaideesTean
Tke Melt Idea's Bride;
Would I we !pith tkeei
N11;1%1141:4 re
Bel IStv e, as by Jenny Lind in
The Bled and Ike Meld., rime i 71117 Liruk
Take tla l lute, sank by Jenny 134;•
Turn our away; a beuttifol duet, by 3. C. Foster
fileisbnia Polka; bStarkosk,JnyEl 44 Welk
fiend renn at irnd
wont's serf best Po lka; also, SUM W• 14.00 and 04-
lama. selection of Ouitir Preseca of best Wasters.
.11 ICLSDE lel Titled Wank
C t l6l _ DOI ea Hark: •
. _
• _ .
Boa. Agency for I/mahout's Plane.
HRLEDER takes pleeowe In 1711101•11eing la the
. public that be hes oneeneded is .caving the
ante Keeney for Dunham'. celebrated Piano Fortes,
for Western Penasylvszle.
The Pler,oa . maple by Kr Dynhate, tte ,;rio of
Banditry ge Notion; ere pwwell Cid Paprgely pawn
In 113 is nodgikhOribpd rare!, opy corocrient al this
inflNHillifrr if to ws. ths for • ling URP be other
piano. were known in e Western country than
those of Stodert & Dorboen and ?Cwt. & Clerk.
Mr Pun . .ani, .1.. practical partner of the above
hem, bas spelt onward. of twenty year. In Ote (ea
tery of solo procuealmanager and director of
We homing.... Woho. • year or two Mr Danlianshria.
1 , 0461;1 qpi npielcoiczy and eppartenanet c °Lk
Drfh, keg etinprq,c h , g eg . tl4va .PVrii th
' pa? • 1 4 0 4 " , a P . & t
hilli * :kll • !they have sell two io•utie o of any Mier
rnenafacture. They are distinguished by their power
and bollieney of, and eilnardinory durabiliir•
N. D.—A large invoice el the above decent Pianos
now receiving. SION OF TIIE GOLDEN HARP.
I,CEIVED mis ay Praia 11.
L Sarroada—Scltri;befi-
iiatplder - ArTafst.ll
Jeannette and /cannot. Vor thnlat.
Vol , . el by Rune days—l o3trr.
Alm , down in Cairn—toner.
Ba Watchful and Bewaro—Glaver.
. .
Bezidesmahy other popular Soon •od Pieces.
of the Golden Tep, Third et
"aEALTII, Disease, and Remedy. By Dr Moor,
lA, Adelaide Lindsey, • acme!, By (h. 1111thor of
"Lattice Arnold,""'Norman's Dtidae," AC., &a.
Lilo and Conceeclidenca of Debt Peatitey— pain 6
Gibbon's itoeac-5w and Mt vol —completion of tbil
voa. Deceived and (pr sale by
ENGLISH Glighlgeit—T4e ENTtab Louguaac to
111 smeola and toms, wish a lastory of In origin
and dereloptga“.. at; deslrned tor nu colleges and
teboo/o. WI .T. Fowler, Into protestor of Rbettoio
Amherst College.
Atttozotty—The recent proven of Autonomy,
especially In the United States. By Sims Loomis.
Five Venn of a [lacteal We La the fu interior of
Spoilt Attica with notegs of the noire tribes, and
isergOtes at to cgs. of
lltn, cleat.; turpyo
to.-1, kitaao, rbirraterts, go . wok, IliasinutOns. kty
F. G c'aioasioa ReetcOrd for sale by
e eroCRTON
sent] 47 ?duket It
Tusr rczetar..l.l lI.ELEBERS Matta
ty raw:nog Sonar
In the Eye llterc Lea He Heart I Lowe but Thee.
The Watcher. The %VW. and Rea H.q. Nang,
EP H. He doeth all things wen. All la over. Whets
re now the late. I rhoneh.J La lies
_l2 ado. cep 7
saw screws I sww pooas $
AT irozaktss. LITER ARP DEPOT,
Tatra sue., opposite Ow Post OfflCe.
HISTORY of readenaia, Na ri 113 MaeLeral
Knickerbocker aingarine for &presager
Hunt's Merchants' Magazine for September.
NV tang Review for September, avail an engraving of
Gen. Beau,
Lironon tritaitapeare, No ICJ
Ltaert tj.crr, go 3;4
iaorcratt (ago canmuui ktiy 10, *SVC,
I . :P o rta " lVi 44' slan ' lL ' e ' in a .t .l' lrr August.
Degoterone Knew (or EttpromLoi.
Eck, dr Rovreor of Fbrelso trot-tarot* tar Sokr s lo.
OSE. *OSTER; et the tilystenos of th• Coati of
L.Mon, .1 3of dos leitereSti "colt has ben
received at 11010..' Lberaty De t p 4 o r t, Tined strew,
opposite the Pon Masi al., Moo tom, oi TAAL
of the Mean, b y tli rn C.lm l' mj
~ed ct,. idol, .p
P•l4Tini Age, Be 4
Jiasit lieceaveds
LARCH tad axlensive 111.1G(11ZeDi ol PATENT
jet fdIerALLIC RUSHER FABRICS, among the
almost, erodless variety embraced In gtowasortment,
oasy be Mend Ow following—
Homo Covent, Camag• Cloth, Mr Bela, Am PS.
l i vf o l o stir Cr e ol7m&r p. Pal ., la a altzee . tio .
tt n v,ltv:l 4 C i rr7itg! ° ;tlaehine d ridl rj og7;fPFl r e e sTa L ,
Ibmbine feekble. Camp Mantes, reb , r
Life Plowmen, Travelling Saga, lubmas Bar,
L n alt• t4°.% Qioe
Ladies' Gam Shoe. (sentsiGumhboes,Legglnga,te.
Every ankle mid mall. erstAbllstonets/. warranted
to powsess all the charactesniev essential to water
proof goods, •tv—insolublitt, order any degree of
heat, dexibin'y in the veverew sold, gnat Earability,
imoemmomeas, and freedom (mm
&Iv, for arta athe Ocodryar Rphber Egz,Ong.m,
Nos b W. 4.1 4:8,1
reply 11 H PHILLIPS
Roust: a 11GN PAINTING and Glazing, amain.
ly and needy execasod.
h. —We wiz:, A die barfly undormod, alai we
tan do Parnang and Glaslag az cacao as any eWas
nen. , .. ID .be aod are deoinainsd tri da it.
Lind Epradt; Wird Sind do; 'Jockey Chin do;
Spring Flowers do; Jenny Land IlatlGlssr; .6:townie
Vmendr, Atatodinn; Poarton Soap, for orhttering
tbn gnat; Almond Fbatrang Cteant; Rose do do; Arn
broml do do, lico•sy Soap; Floenng do; Antandine
do; Hazel Not (n 1 Ao; Row do; 61nrshntstioss do.
Bows. do; Brown I.Vtndsor do; Rear's Greve, tr.s.
For sole, wholesale sod mat!, by E E SELLEES,
REID 67 Wood st.
LYF.D7LND DRY PAINTS of au kinds, conga-ant.
ly on Land of the best toothy, also, Vognobs,
Limnedooa, Dolled Oils, Paint Utgr b eg, atiss Toots,
dtd o (Pols, lorioth Site, do Said wholesale
and tel2ll4n aceinsonodaUng imam.
N. IL—All osmosis porabaling mixed or dry paints
who wish to do them awn painting, eav mediae the
_open Lime:ions &Taus. .1 aII PHILLIPS
lopth 7 a. $ Wood at
1../ V&OT
bend and then fm the P Il h ar dlipthillo Footory,
for the fall made:_
yd. 3-4 Floor Oil Cloth; 2000 yds 4-1 do; NM yds
0 4 do, UN yds 64 do; 10thi yds 64 do, MON yds sheet
do, medium and heavy, from Ito yards wide, all of
the newest Myth of pumas, and cot Slimy glee. ails.
600 a
70 y 0 y•rda d
14 Fmnitore MI Cloths; ICS yds 64 do;
sO4 o.
. .
lee dosed assorted sizes Taal.. Stand, •nd Osman
Covers, various patterns, and splendid finish.
IWO yds 4.4 Patent Cannsgs oil Ciotti; 449 70 i 4
dn, D. 9 yds s 4 dd.
3pl yds cal Clnto Crash for fo S:aira:s:oruipattenisi
3 7 1 . 0j . d , ;_littion Oil Ciotti WI w Mho
Window Sh•des, • large tworienctu twit tweived
of newest styles.
Mereh•nt• mid others wishing to pittetwe, ne
wiled toeoll and elamin• out aor•ottEr10111 good.,
which will be sold at the levee. eastern wine..
J s 11 1/111.1.1PA
w in _ :k•LCuwl .t
aaaaa patelllo, bed• at. L•entota kikuP ,
00 begs Barnpuill• Soda,
40 kw da ' du;
to bole. Lemon epup,t y µa i la tcoN. purc Ie
lu ' Vil3.vp R/1`V1,401.0
. . .
FEY undersigned has en hand, aud this o.By le
i envying B out the rnanalneturyrs, 4ouriginueut,
• lodge lot of Flannels, all cokes, plsin and barred,
Also, Bed Blankets, Mantel Costing, lreaser 0401/1.
ensilnicres, Ast and Tweeds; which be sill .ell
by the cure or piece, at nianctacturers' pucks. The
sitesuon of drains. in woollen goods I. invited
II Let:,
Lori y el
Q. E AC3 R 4
n•.t4lt OiCroofoak.•4.
4.IILItICAN .%:41) Ufa:SlC` , 6 , 4RDY
004.1D111 110:111:1{V, LACKS,
PENULKS, Sac. Alior
Satin and Panay V•stlags..
BANDANNA, and LINEN, 11131:FYI. • general a.
.orment of FANS, and every venal, of If...mgt.
Eons ails of the Diamond.
T tbII
establishment the puolic rimy arty. dnA.
ponupdn being I applied R ath rfirvillenr Tess al
fromnable ban.
Eyeetlcht Tn. --•— • • •fie .of per lh
. ticaldiss•— •• • • •• • :5 '
The Ite.l T a Imported • " "
This rd decidedly sod hest wors in
Prustursh tot./ Teas. MOLLILLS HAWORTH
wen Troprimars.
dy E. WILLIAMS will apes • dames) and En g.
fish School, on the first Monday of Sept. aces
Room over J. D. Williams. slam, earner of Wood
and Fifth streets.
Rev. Wm. D. Howard, I Hoe. Walter 11 LON.,
Rev. Dr. Elliott J. D. McCord, Esq
Rev. In. Melia J. D. AY4filttee, lily
MDRrIiT k eUROHFIELU inform their mama
en and buyers generally that, In consennenee
of workmen bring enacted In enlarging and improy,
log their more Room, they have removed their goods
to the Stromlo &mayor the building they aeon), anal
the Improvements are finished; where they ..,11 be
happy to see Melt customers as asset, and for the
trouble of stralkq op main, will try and remunerate
.them by 47 :
r eba,ap 13 , 11 ,1 da.
. . .TIMIS
do do do do for Gerd&
do do do ' do dont*.
do do do do kWh.
do do %ripe kr Ladies.
Oa do do Air Gents.
do do do Bath.
do Deuddali Brodie..
Imported end for sale by
alLw goose.
I 2117=
Nu all who sie • Ir and s Chimed with di.
sate of the bladder nies,e,, e distanatic
p it but Or limb., stlifjointa old sores,' running
Oben, te,._that they cut be wed be Inking the Pe
traleaml Yet toy mineral°, t its tool a nostnou al
shuck as you pin., bra ibis does it, make It se; for
It we
him p
singes which s rpclann to the face ee an of sa eo
nest 'rmo ty
unl that
remedy. The moo who la racked with pain aid nil.
Moog from disease; can for My cents get whale=
any of the ills ennaloseated ahem. Readert It costs
very little to make atrial D . This Petroleum Is no this.
taso4wo oompond, put gp foe the purpose of inmetsing
on. Ma etimuntalty; btu it la • reeseft elaborated by
the muter hand °lmam, and bubble, tip new the be
nom af germ:der mink In its original purity, and a
tars to sawing human, • ready remedy, • ceriale
and cheap core.
him eared Pike tiller otber tnedleimm Mies
to render any rellet It hal eursilltheumadent orlon'
standing, and skim scot and most painful charaeter.
Lt=l,fll7:lr. l "hl'i L ti 4 e.g.reavnr"oii 7
remedy Mu been erne Ora. as • Weal remedy in
burns and nalds,lt better then any medical cow
pound or ointment that we know K. At 111,41 odes chil
blains or frosted feet, in it few aupilmiliow; undosht
ed lesnmonyin he fdpumlis4 oTtheysth ;Pintail:kW
in thy nbeye Widest ay clithig Oft mind 11. Met,
Canal Vganti street; or yet
0 AO agents.
Keyes/ 4 hieDoWell, Odense co Wood street and
VirgtrtAlltriAt, A *hue, a 7 Wood meet, D. A. D.
IlatVe-yrirty, Allegheny city, ern the Iglottr.
REAUTI7.-It Is universally mice/Jed doe beauty Is
more common to thm conntry lban to any other,
whits .oth. mime thus UN .ha i In no ether coon
icy Is lt lost it co yams an est 'Nom Odc i# lrile
to n.cmotin extant, bat the /0.1.
glee. We nay to all, do pct Ocdl:4(4'
spoesranen, bet ift2 t
14 oln_4l l :ltat4 , 7 1 1rT
4 , p , n '
pti4trltly=aed imatlOT.
Wl= os.V AND !IM
Baty, or removing a .s p
an, .nburn, l e
blotches O
and NU, Copilot,. el the thm; the moat perfect eon.
aareame of bowl .nr7 krotarrt. Porebut nothing
nimot ch porting tots Nymph Soap, unless 11 ht. my Awe
407211 MIMI% Pnatationenmait Parkmax,for
parting to . the moan I ille4d cOMPlorkm • radiant
hitencia. 5 2 pty1ugIhdold a polson be more cue
-14411te We 0111 V. 0.1101 (Or a e skin, Co many of
9 " 4C ,Id OPP Nog inArioes. bly Chine. Powder L.
componnt/en trt meatlflo manner, and contain. no
Ingredient which e.
poeribly inflict an injury.
Jars. Morn% Danrwroaa Poarnaa, for TEMO , I.I
Imperil:toes hair. What is mote nolichtir than hate
opon the fare or maw of it lady. Ills article will
remove nine short time, without the vas of og shin ,
Jazz, ilsgail YrarsaLe Ltiotus Hata Del will
ntutanbinotorty lin iit to red, white, or pray bon, •
Meek, rdurn. 01 mantra color. It will
color the hair in a shorter time, and MOM ellecuslif
than any other Dye, bents at the wee titre indeliible.
Jvt.oe ii•l7/01 Baena° Ctasst.—lt is really • plea,
urns to abase with this cream. 'There is none of the
cloning sensation nasally experienced in the use of
lea Beeps. Cht the ennuary,it leaves the skin wool
and soft as an &Manes, and not liable to berope
J chopped.
ti•llths ReaaTir
uti i r tjeuitio %otitis,
anf i ttatritra herritegi fe7ed , n n' hre ‘.
P en
r e i awing, or so qatelly sees. My Rose Tooth
Paste will Impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, st
the suns time keeping the gums fine and healthy.
Also on hand, a complete assortment of French,
British, and Antencan Perfamery Vinru.4 entit
gonirset gad Caemist,
sqvistout street, rkii.
Aust. wito:esa e aid retail, by a Faltestesek
?c CC,and Si &Pollen, Pittsburgh; and John Bar.
gent. andi. Woken. Allegheny City, Pa 1127-4
101 'WE'S SOAP ossorted,thll7C7A for
sale by °elle .
SFATiMiWRIFINZ —7317) bbls to• one or
fatly .1 KIDD s Co
LIVE 01k—quart/ and KT.,
.16 .16 - eta of sot
A,_,: ,s r .. td two Goan . esOL, i 1,74
l 'it il 4l l 6orralliby
Ptjailtilitiegis 571 sale b 7
C1UL116—.6417110. Flitat — on .rite and for sLla by
roel3 slittlVEß.tr BARN •
ei.d 00 lrosh.lltat reed 1.
eel? 57 Wood it
lirigPlNg:-EdilialiNgliati,/mis rise for
111. .17 R E SELLERfr
ArI I . 7 AAIMOVIA—I east itst
of superior Baru.est Flj) bloomy alreet . Nam e our. pus Lle to 6 NO. Dnahtoa 0
lb sack . °.
for fatally ass. foel6l WM A PdeCLORO kCO
ANl te L eb da of
Y ItAMl tfaWr Ca .'t rel ' lll
on hard and fo, sale at 011 Chatty 010001, by
oela WM A 61. LUR E A Oat
TaWr7KriTsi ARC, .555&'50(1 lls (4.5514;55,,
61f reotl oall !or oak by
atoll R it SELLER-6
D 11111) 111$F—Iona Sgn-Ineau Sugar Cared,
Board, and Catreas.-rd, for sale Ly
.10 WS 0. hIeCLURO_ d. CO .
BAND BOXM-Ratled sod tall reu-A at aalple..
tale and retail, by W. r !La BSOAEL
.10 55 . 55'005 51
To . l4oilo Og, le Gedgeo N o I 0 toast,,on
ytr sumo? Grunt, and for colt by
0010 713 Water t
GAMIR OIL-34 brl< WOW. for WI by
St Wood at.
PEA DEALERS , aril .ida o ( m Diamond,
WINE a BRANDY of tho pampa athdonottHite tni
ntedielnal purpose., at 75,0 n! at pith pynapn. for
nab by Ito/tars 1 HAPt 011711
oola In the Ikynood:
Uinhittnt, tn
c in Anld,l Pin C..
mon, I ran Connery, I Pan C.d.. ean_Laeara
ear, I can Puccini, and I can 11. in
-emr Oil rota,
ed pare, !toothed (or oath by 'a E FELT.EAS
oelo r 7 Wood itt
I I,llo:l“;lll;47rogi'iiciliei-
JUUltio, and fpt Palo bj•
°elf , l,lloW , WIN HPAT
Iliiitc.b}irlieWS—PO — c dike on oond, bp poll
low to cloth the lot, by
UONEV- 7 1 - 61;litrre;oT• Ind 'on asl '
V;"' FI9II—ID ica b
tor py
V op!' WICK
TUus AND DUCKETD.—,a do;. piny, Id do
Tod., tar pale Ti . 7
oint 1, n PpyliTll ATi a titirHP
and go.n common
I. et' aATERDAN t NON!
ILOYFR SEEDZ49 141.pinctly prima CloChr
kj teed, in Hon, and for wale
anti LtiNVA TERM
WANrIiD An Liptrlenond
nalesenth, (null ar Penh the Fa Wan and,
!foolery bimetal., to whom q iiinneat salary with be
pant. H EATON,
octttlidif No at Fourth st.
I • iIFeEF-2.11 bags pneue No For sale by
o:na DI.LAVOILni a co
kl.d;Prono :11.11 , for rale by
-3 J o DILWOII/11 Co& Co
r o•4k by
1 mad J ii. .IDILAVDI4TA &Co
131.1 c. if d di
y V
Loaee 40 ruld
o . r r da d o
ide by .. .ty J DILIVOIini
I[ o : u .J V . C e ' r ..i
* ) I ;f ' n
POWDER—I,:O W DER-1,510 Izo Vetizvzt-,:uv4.000,
KO do Ky oo do,
YS bbls Sof -ly Fora do,
For solo by VILA_ 1 &Co
r 41/D-20 begs No I La rd.last tonalved and for
du ann. pr mig W II
BA CIJIII-7008747.-YrotiairotioTll7o7l.,-
Its do Soles,
In store and rot rate by
on= 8 A W 11A110AVIal
Ita,G oc B-:1000 lb. Rap jaet [stadia( Ind for role by
tln 8 a tn lIARUAUGH
LIOAR-11k4AN U dunra. In inure and for gal,' Ity
-- la actin 0 0 IV 'LA484114111
8 1. 1 .t / '' tolt ''67'LF" '"'"""'
ono., apply t
anti r a y VLIN
%.I•nt.Tre.rkt. •Mr nt.'s ct ado, 1111 l lue sole o,
U trail W r
Itl casks I:orcara nn alq tr i aa , le by
V real soN
4..11 •ToTw •tliittang
o ' Clanal, t a lc * cy JANIKS DALZY.LL
Gen 'tin Waal at
Llr 0011 "rob'
F'" ll i ng '' a o LYlll7L "
ri, o tlirElS' OIL 71 c i
Pa d Cora ..... h.
ElifiNEl) mud p. epare4 alpresaly for P.M.,.
l Co.larJa, Cat., se.
11. pa. .4 ....Ur. &nolo •sceeernaly
ni.lty, deuclo64 Nd ...oaks', and wean derv..
may b....a a. a tabor.. fin, Na is dm ulna man.
.r arrow Hoot
Jim received and tat at 1111 Libettyat, by
WM A relceLinift
Aftutftli—lii gliTialtrs, We vile . Up
I)10 17D
trash beat, amain', for aide by ----
1 4 A TTlhenrti r
ailkt W ool Hit Z: '4
,11 " rt
Waal re-4lva at
i.ifer WIN - Y - 4TV ier aalion
Jl.ll gala by Ineldl .MORRIS 3 1.1.“%b/RT/1
Kt2:11.141a. -4 °, i'i.- 11 1' D P AttE d LY:JCZZ1, "
titid Liberty
k 3 PoUO4 and axgroebd, In store, for tab. by
cold Runtyv... *
. .
hula go; (;;;TT;Yi;' — "
ocl7 15SAIA11 . 15ICKEV • Ca
filirrtilliaZZOkTdesls: 7s,ll e4
• 15 maks Wm, Apple 9, •nortre
Hem steamer O.fedoras, fnd fot Bele by
rICATPIMI ACID-57015r marl{ Hte, lea iced
A. end lin e•la by 001 l ti: HELIX:RS
iloysP HaMoat.
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD hare reeeived a lot
of handsome Fancy Paled Sattneut. for 13oya ,
wean also, Plaid aol lain Casale:eras In great
salmi: Menne Carol:asses, gentuekyJeans,Blael:
'rabbi Valve% ate., at aorta east 06Met of ' Frank
and M a ls.lee
_.,. . . _ or 1!1_
'peat Colored Prints.
kt()RIMY . A tIIIROOFIELt/ lovid, alvtg;tvo to Oa
elude, loi of Amtdead void WAWA AIWA, davit
and ocdorablo colod, iiVi ftoddrad. .. ems ,
0 . 41478101 7 4 -1 1 7 o . tailiviSneirTidld rT --- ="
out. - ,oce Fird e k.
Vidal sta.
Wedeln College ef flomeeittllle ilciltlne n
. CLEVELAND, (Aria' ;
Season' of 195641--Choirtoroi issvi
mire FIRST WINTPIII. BROMISM this Itallletten
I will mummence °who ring , Uonday af Kong.
ben and condi= nineteenths. .
The Chairs edits faceltyare led onfollovne
Storm Sony hl. D. Professor of dwifeyy, and
Diseases of Women end Children.
Imaslirg Briggs, IL D. Pothunter of Prinelies and
Practice of Serge ry.
Charing D Witham% M. D. Profaner of Insilostea
and PI-settee eflfemattpallty.
Lewis Dadra, D., Professor of Manna Medici
and Medical Jurisprdence.
Hamilton L. Smith, A. M., Professor °fain:deny.
FA ein C. Witherel, fd.D;Proqweor of ,Altatomy
and Phrsiohigy. " • • -
Jena litalmard,Prokwor of Phytical,Sonatee.
Charles W. Dell;Domonetrelor Of AnatoutY,
Tie Charterof the Western College of floseesopubie
Medicine was granted by the . Lesislature. Of Ohio,
Mules anOottof 194140, it confers all the rights
and privileges nosily pmeugsed by Medmal Colleges
e t iloited States, cud, mace mane tepee., it
ellendependent of any Miler instintion, having
le m
the Pewee to confer derma, and pone:wing
a common men.
The deinns an tautened by the 'Faer&ty and
Trenton noon the recommendation of the Funetv.
Te. amount of fees for the .fell !WM. will A be SM.'
MMSoulenton Valid—to be paid bat onee. , Demon._
rsragd'e tletet, SS. Gradeation a., VO, PITIMM
who have ammded two fel. emus. of lecture% ht
other colleges, an admitted to the fall oonne fir Mis
lintitation Oa the per meet of Sta. (Hultman of re.
speglble metheal school. are permitted to attend the
000140 ou Me payment of the otanienlatlon tee Only.
food board, inetuelne room light, ead fuel; on be
obtained from 114 to 02 SO per weelt. ' For tanker
formation addren. CHAS, D. 'WILLIAMS,
Ile. of lb, Faculty.
liars caLUCIZIS, aJUa & c 0.,)
Woo Oil respeofally inform the eileomere of the Lake
Atm, es Use the peblie generally, that :her
eohtisee the teaaufectere of
In ell their vulgates, at 1011 . 0 W Steed,
No 13 Woad et, bitumen Viral& V/ stir
Or. Raul Colebmied Remedies.
DR- JACOSI B. ROBE, the irrseoverer and sole pro
pottier of these most popular and beneficial
medicines, and also the Inventor or Me celebrated
instrument for Whims the Lenge, in <deems • cute
of tamale diseases, was a Meant el 1110 eminent
phystelan, Doctor' Physic, and is • vedette of the
Unnteralty of Pennsylvania, and to. thirty years since
has been engaged in the lasesdastion of disease, and
the spoil catiou of remedies thereto.
Talmage the ow *this Mamie! tube, in connection
withitis Prophylactic Syrup and other of his remedies,
ho has gained an unparale.led eminence In eating
these drew:Uhl and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con
mettpdan, ,Caneens &notate, rheas:mita, imam*,
FO•Of and AVM, FOTO," Of 10 kinds, Clank ,
sipelm, and all lama °laminate disemes4ecaliar
females dtod every form ot disease tanes under
the toe of his remedies, to tablet huotantry is heir.—
OA by Me use of One compound only. for tbet MD.
compatible wi.h Physiolcalcal Law, but by the usa
of kis remedies, adapted to and preseilbed far each
peculiar term of disease-
Ibme's Tonle Altemtme Pills, when used am
insatiably acknowledged to be amattiin mall. other,
as a purgative or liver pill, itianatiMi 4, they leave
the bowels perfectly teen from cestlYeneem. Walden
his Golden Pills to admitted by the faculty to pause
Pectin.. Pmiterttne adapted to tomato dimmer, but
being saitsfistl that 4 hikra trial is sullte'ent to establish
whet halt beta mid la thcrunds of the most steeliest/.
The *filleted am lashed to call upon the agent. sad
procure (grate) one of the Declare paiimitlett, giving
6de:tiled accoant of each remedy and its application.
Ear sale by the fislicrtemg greats, as well noby meal
th firr= " lll b ll. t er9 ' l7oo7lllfeCl, Pitsburgh;
/ M Townsenti, drugaist, Market at, do;
Lee A. *Maus, do none the P.O. Alleghtmy toy;
Jot Barkley, Datlitsmon, Beaier co n C 4
JO. Ennou Valley, do . •
T Adana, Bearer, do;
A. IsFALITIPtIL P:111:, la new invention, peo
Ininnd to London,) represennete Jenne Lind In
the fields, in • listening at:trade, takioa 'enema frog
the nighuniele. has been ricelved by the tettoriber.
The eolortn• u equal to the Attest tolohatare takding,
and the !Menet, the meet in:4W and carnet of any
eat bran hl Del
tm.ti.tpA to America the Po.
Soul, nd thi celebrated Echo.Eona,
- 11. KLEIIER, -
oell QOM. Help, Int Third et
Yates Eloper lita• Oen din g s slogyalaig TaS
ritIIESE are the - inx, beat Mack Tess Dun are na
-1 ported Into the Veited Rates. Mania Havrenh.
Tea Julep, in the Diernont are selling mad Teas at
th, low Elle of 7.ls_r for club eep24
lik . f. 10111 TWIT Or dthtfilNlt, WEA,
a.d . Engtocerto e -No 57 of We rdeat "fork has
been received at Ilelntes° Literary Depot Third st"
optehe the Pon oiler. • s epla
Ito bxllo z XXI
/KJ x Li; pan extra
v.x, ia star, and for sale by
eee JOHN were & co
bth reel for aide by •
• ait tit:ants
.• .71Yeed at
A natter siDOT-8 basiireiVe - d - riasale_tm - ' -•
.43 It 't SELLERS
MAU:gel. C.'eaeL-li . bis ree el i rt t • apy
CiitlifilThEttialal7 - 1 zri i ;lntisAci s trr
ces ks, :it IXERS_
• • i
I N Ed g i r bV„ ' or ' e " o " / ul
pi ti e jliTi d ittlraairilly d
g pn 1.44
for !mid kuuIeON,LIrTLE a CO
or] 11 , 5 Litiene .
- Haar V.'
4.4 dog Window Linen
putillNG PAPER-1150 /m 4 64
76 'las:M.6=i 661641
bcsi in the m.,641, (or silt by ; •
4.06 8 STOCKToN
11.1): fe
.IJtold low to CiOge tht. ICA by
Wavy& preillsts,
LTsf s
f. m 0:071.d.
J Wagoa Cover Oa Ci 0114,1 rood Wk . !' Cris rale oy
_frel 7 it.* Sr:pal:llS_
OANEOLASSSi....-7 by,
UNOutlß—t2J;doi Cora i fo'r
- .
DUTFER--I3 b,l, a/it'd bmter rot info by
1.) Ana Jfa R FLOYD
rn&RPAULINEI-41 very heavy loree Tatraullos, of
J the ben roll. of India Rubber. on' bald end for
rale by 1.11 J &II ritp.Li PR
11 . 1. - ktElttidllaeurino, Nd A hniktolder, of !biz
11 ezeall.i maga/tut, and No 11 of Inerionary of
Mechaerks, has be. renew.. et Ifoltuil Literary
Depot, 1 bird street, cpponi a the Peal °Mee. also •
um American Novel called The ConWirator, • tale
of Ul.nerbasietes Island, on the tjblo Brier, and
No frl Factorial held look of We Amon°. Reno!.
trou. 1 ells
COl Tllll—to caski forlire ,
Cell W
4: 7 2 brla etilinor;l.l - 1-7de
- 11 — ore W & F *11.50N
a V bot - Vri —
ISO pdck woo &awned Wu&
75 .toted T0M0"...
W bag. PePP°6
Lae. Abiyiee;
3' laCts VinitHCION
be. No I chocolate,
a coie. Liquorice 130;
to dere,. fresh wane Rine;
cask. boil ?doddery
a barrels AN=
rt, barrel. 1 annoy,'
10 drew], rotral.hreketv;
AlO bo. Corn Broome,
be slia White ripe.,
111 b is prime N O Form,
all br.,deb . Mohnwee,
irk 1.,,. Itryallo T Mackerel..
In cols Inwe Nov do;
do No I do,
.1.0 bolt N Ter,
•d. was Ninon;
In arra No Y kern,
WWI. mooned Ist.,
do boles tea 1 Bating;
100 keg. pnebt Whim Load,
WO hiss &awned Nedla, •
Also. a fall aasoristent or Pittsburgh stiaaenstutrad
articles, lot sale by JOHN WATP I CO
sepl3 SdO Libor, st
Voirraasea Pure Wilma* and Ilikast,
SBITABLE for Medicinal Purposes, liwars on
hand and for sale by the isculd, quart, mdlon
sew tea I Sitnaßiore.
- Dossiassat r i."Wo fin ljboods.
VINE ease Wadi Cloth 00001 s,
1,./ I es. Yellow Ftannalsi..
a cases Had do.
I ease Red trilled Plants's,
ti eases White do do;
2 rases harred dg .
oeasel Plain and Fancy I.3taannal! , k •
• 1 case Batman;
cure Clan Alla.,
I case Jews;
' J ease. Blaa Mack Blanket Coating
emit array Blanteu;
*cue. Drab Sw do ims;
I nue Blois ;
2 eases White Bed Blankets;
tdaSairs Slam Boat Blankets;
Reeessol on oartalginnant, and for mils at rranolao.
toters prisons bp H,LEE
@evil/ MD Liberty Meet.
A l i SOAP—Last parfamad Brown
o do
Cin d namon Bar Soap:. Honey Snap;
Philadelphia VartessUd Soap;
littsborp do do;
_tunehov; for We I.l . ll , azi a eg 6
Low 6. IS off .1.1, ea pw-1N summate O•Madra
BROWN Windsor Soap, Daniul4, nplfey, blast
Vernacular, Oriental, Palni, Ann /Map Oil Sonya
Them S o ap s am highly nelebraterl 'My imparing
cmoothnen so the skim 4 • ? •
Parchaand from the malmnar, nod far meta by
tesil3 R F. Nigf.LRRS., d 7 wood st
I APIA PAClSiNtl—nlast ma assoned
A.Ableilsensto, 490 1,20 utl„ Oink. the &Demi
Paid/ Ineltatetr on Ail naildeitsenlYahrenhelt
,Nll% att afeert last Is saps:tar te ava u i l tltinit etas,
as na analtanciabu much elasticity eh :Inane'.
so kip • Aegean at beat, and may be 0 atom all
yams miters yielder ts neeeattry • sist.otnanb t ,u
alas*, pliant toe., ateolll killti,llltll2ll OpY/10.•
Ur beads. ha: .!.Fat sale irbaiesale and retail
. . P
saps .. 1411 oathPdl
- Irvin. NO. 86.
Usa6tßu prritatmk
. .
XTReirrS a. .1 Ceoiiih. Egelialla, Calming'
.40,14„ . 11k9Witmits,la:toel/ea
Two.ueues.-1 4 .918.1 4:assuda, Hops;
I =4 trt:let/ 4P;
;IVA PilirtE694.n...d. CO
Ver. Flnttle Woad tt.
APPP-TahnosJ ifor Clen3ll2sr Nat* Pip*
nallnlikosat t ki i 14140.31!?..;
Bleires, r and man 1)7
en ,
I I rats. betsroen Wood a Mart& .41.
*IIOI4III.II'ALI3 illitre6ltsT a •
Callum otiVoad and Ptra Pshalmlb•
I for solo. al their nab *pol.llllll, dimes
from EMI*,
Rona, refined, in times
amass Cant &Cord, lip
Carb. Amnion, elks kisss
Pavia °rein, In eons
Roctsn Stane4lll 'oass ••
Flour Sulphas—Ass- t -
Castile Saha, If ht*
Ime b. ls ba to il.r keasd in kis
Citric deld, In in Ponies
Ptar.andiannislis db
A. Amapa Cur- do - , i
grAfate, -
lodtae wash . no
Crossoto Iplaw
do in az vials
lodine hf lb bottles
lodide fro*, in on viols .
Conf. Sal my lbj ars
Itt.Casb. Potislblb haulm
Mug Pill Eng.,in lb Jars
Ref. Ligootleo End. in ha.
Wood Poptholn lb bale.
Tart-Maeda do
Preside Reid. in as vials
Tatitoin Aetd, in Dv
Maros !darns, in keg.
RadV• !orlon bales
Or milo A T:t a ate:t ic ta . t tx or mot
nolo ntatotio.
Pill OZO, pt ir ,
-Vial Cotko, ortal
Adtte..the Pl Pas
Mono, m
ad, co
Lo do do t t .
OaManual' do do
Vaunt= co do
atone,roo Ea;
Pieclot anttel.leact
o P t &ti n
I Peddenktdd Novara and
OR Lavander,Rylke
do • ' Gaited
OR Otioninn
Oil Romany, .•
Oil )3 Ater Attoottda
Ptnk and
m eas p.d cra
Geri Car tr o./ &od
Rhabaii; Root
Potaldo! Patty
Indian Red 0e.2
Theoush la. POOR Days .
ATT .take pies tan in surnemseing lathe Merchants
TT of Pittsburgh and the Western baldness nom.
multi. that 011 and shil l Slesday,ther ISA of &IP.
Wilier. We will receive rad forward good. via the
Central Bell Read. and guaranies them is be through
In rear Bala. Us extensive stock ofCass and Boats
enattlee Is to ores the aboie . etamlitlerna route to the
public. whilst we stilt cranium oar usual lines via
Harrisburg sad Columbia •
Merchants wishing goofs !listen from the East
, aith destaluity and dispatch at lute =Hit* prod...
shipped them, ens invited IC cellos •
O'CONNOR, itTPINS ik CO.. Phil/burgh.
r • • ATEIAId, O'CONNOR /k CO, Philadelphia.
Orpsoprietors of the Pit s, tshusgh Transportation Liao;
the roll/mins t
- 2 OVaszoss Ca., agen 7l/ Nara easel, Raltienetet
• Bum.. Rulers Rico. New York{ s
'Rimers A 011abiai BraniSsireet, Boston.
seplikdi t ' .• •
D 00.1 in partitioned n in &iris, toitii,t beanie, with
Steam rower, We tend Iu • a triune•* part of the
tits, hT !ecetrh & ATI:MON,
_ccQt rim st bitireen Wood &Merkel
II nagitiAtte. Patent gala Mkt.
lllEsehrrlbera o e row rteriving. by canal, large
' 'applies orients MutPratt a Sou'rblei ism, tad
best quality Glen Wake rs.;Poda Ash,whleit they will
soli: at the losses; .erkeibnce rot Cub or approved
pen Liberty it..
• -
Mlel: 11.111BUROT, (pu7:l of th e fint Nvrapess
mantra) late el' NE-, York, vespeeirelty lara'
ale omens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, that he has
arrived, and tu,r.r," nat., g this thy ble paranattat
rendenee, for the purpose of Impart:lns' Lonnie:lee oa
the Piano.. App he ati hilt at Alm White's Boaralog
horse, CO Liberty at, or at it. Klebers None Store,
wilt otret wuh proart etoyatten.. .116
for a+ —
la ooac rta.voitino
15 ( o()t.'r:, L`rv.a7,114 .3.1 0r ■ PIP " IPI
, y •
a ga t peds D
milli chi tilummbure,
lietliog out at Cost to Close BiLsissogs,
A.LAUOC met of DHY.GOODS, for oluct sotto
olsiorates. !sego:nests;
ground teats, or RAI
going, all/ groon.-3 In a , mans
Lt 11000,
os.: If 1.•• tot st. Pinata h.
ritßx ender-loaned hae •Ilfaidated . Joseph Robb
I wait Itltn, to carry ou tie Wholes-ant and keWi
bracer) and Produce Bal a nces, under Um Ann of
'Mani and @DONA,. side of do hamond, corner of
ltalsond PAusl.n,
I :AY HNOT I,l7telving a lane. nneornnento
;I.ldzsl and 'MO.. eacetz , and Dry tiooda, eenann
r'ilitrZtti 'Castante Ebales • Agetiltlel4 tnditekskinGlorea;
en and Wootad Condone; .alpaeaa aa6 perntatezete
ea Oaten and Canted I landele; Colored and Biel:abed
Panelize.; Cassiness and (esti:nem; Whew, and
Lands; azi Bnua and C. mbge lateaas lad Vi
OM bra and Dress .tone, tie
All of which, country and city leetelneda are re.
spectrally invited to exanzine,nXedi Wood at sepds
- -- - - __.-
LRAVE, lAls On . , w.twAateA yeah tee' bir. 1. FL
Ctonse,.in Ow lb bobarale ,Owwery ...-wbf l'lviNte
oess; • the WIN of the Areq will be A. eniNmlron
it Cloys*. , (1731 ' ' A. CULBERTSON
•,,crsamponl, Lt. s. town..
ormizaTsimd CLOVIS'Ep
lATIi p LIZA.LE GROCERS .dl Corturdision
113 •
LlLAnte.-- 8 0tiifamily, for Lai, IT
£ ova' A CULHEIMON R cLnilfiE
wiIEAT rtul:!t—co 'acid f,r xala
- - - .
oets & SF.,
.T.461.117.:= r'SZ t (4 .1 1 11 1 Ise E
kTie - e - eiVed for
I • Y k BUS SIIFLEILD have aaaanrad a Irv
ply of Val: tholuding,Drab mad Slack
mores,Alaateas S Slit da , cog/
lIfWTh:rT - rT)r!
Li! V II: 0
Daum tLg nj i
.tort goods, giving to much astnniic,on on *min.
et allablu.kable 10,411310 P. .
• 26
Extra Vann Ily Anoint..
AFRESH *upplr orgh , I' olld Mille Allyn Fa m ily
Floor, a •rry choice •rtarlr. jon ree'd forale by
A 1 1 1,1_13, iri.:ve.lN ci.jusr:
Libery e.
Ilaualllciu Clanton Claweicta. _
Il;NTIt:11Ci receiveda, , 4 ,nr
-- s.:a Viosserrsols
eIF very LoseirDOWL p.+a-ran tutt bright odor. reed
A../ ore of & BURCHFIELD
VANCY PRINTe—UsOOOe. Lew bilk Fall Prints,
1' o! Newsweek, Crow ro, dirt - agues. Ihrowell's,
Arlen., clods., and store .oked taantrfacsonee. just opotarsg, for :Hy t y FILoCKLEFF 4 DfliFtE
tall/ 101 Wood's
Barrescz7l;t , . - 7,Th7, - ;;tiFirraiii,
weaves!, and Sot ord. Icy
ed 3 :as a Ifyi &scold Or_
XF U. SLI:AR -65 W.I. - pttni.;:ltut rec'd Ors tw0 .131
.131 „ signsocra, end of wolo
MILLER A.111( . 0 1%5'0:I
.o...llLiberty et.
BL CACHING PUlVDl;a—•vo..i,bl..Pmteb...
qUalay, for Mlle at rho 101EE.4 market pere oy
. 511.
`IIIEP-3blrl-Inaniorn eraniu, }nut ree: for EE!o ha
V cell I '• d & EV' 114,7Ill&liGH
'DLITT:4E4-4 lids Nall Ututer;
1.717 bole pEeEe4 du,prilainling len aule
ne:l P 314.511AL4711
IiPPLL - - Tito 6 - .1. - d
.14 ... ta1e If
GIEN.II 7 I - Z&V.3 Ileuw :,11 Vitt.
4d :Eno olti&E . 40,
Wouca Saloon do'
• • ei3;4l rod . 4 SHE tIrEEE,
PrEa 1 4 01 in, Con., mid 11,0 u..;
131 E Co a& and Warmed 2 , 1613.1a12/0.
V Rea Inces.3 fluerE.o l .
Stunted Flamini
REnatia Lk thablellub;
Milk End Antra'. ctrl
Wool 3unl IllackstlnUlovar, -
Super Kid EriE rfilk tanner
ecru. Conlacs,i,En: Mufflet&
.1 art trealual uu4 for bn • • r EATON,
ea Fourth Er
1) od
arr_Je+t~.ebrea e.
Exigrin;q6l , airiutfiww4i----.
J 11C11011NDLIIKER ti co
NIA 211 1 / oat 2t.
for sre - •
wk CIO common 2.,
1D kers in... • -
- Doff' •
•IDleie %tie 4y
Bee.)oolB—drat dee tier . eiie by
oel7, P WON et(treNlloBBT & CO
/111E.1F.33i7-151bos for solo by
8../ 8 P VON nomatiousT & co,
Lrak e i. 7 ll... , 4—,•stvcaelned ter Wile et i - Strieberif
turn, earn Wilmer Sum:4w noire, OIL woo do;
commOo dp, Web No I IViolor Strainad Lard orl.
• WSJ, , • ' • WbI•A bIeCLUIM &
• =to , W Ltaa tlestieZiernandiraTirt —
brodooteate by J SCHI - 8813141,:b5t LCo
wo r Clialook* 200. 55 00n512 Woo, cod 18 Wood ,
nob and cot oole no ma. litre* Po Con ch ell, thrtet
hod the 5 :1Ponoro cod mantonclutersorhl wet be
bold et re‘looetlpriees: • ' 00•12
V E4 THC O4.- kbaelirtiy Feather. toed pot S
Flanneier, std for sale by
Matt' G
sp - fe"sli — by '
u:• I. I aleby '
0111 %ON &ao
1 1,310 " , ' N krt. Ne -7 17, - iiig gaie — by
04111 HARDY, JO NEB t CO
kA UnTiikL—Oulemaa'sSupanntaakaladnetard.
1,11 in kep,hapowlet, and for ails try
lt AAS p.a. Cann ttevl's best *emu:tr. n
T C4 l. ** ,, b , " arsolge7 -
,Z:l7 f ot nig k
• "", • n'f*XSIB I
jr37,x4 at
• •
. ow* s • J i?o,kinuriahurzaze, co
S E Z U*OL VE W R-- 4 ,4 k - arribroderea. far rale by
7 SCHOOffatalta. bCo