. ! .:... . , . . - :-.,-, -1'• , „.„e.AII. _UT . . ...., . . ..:. _. ..,,,, 5ita'44 ,,,,,, 47,,ex r a, - ;.: woven,. 4n ' .. . .. ' '..'.' ..' . 41. .... _ ... . . .gBTABLISIARD IN Mb. . , • PupillVO Dr , • • W H I , T . .4 CO. N. dr" I fix Oalsol. ! rrie. ;r, ?MOD srars-r, toon TO na . MDCL , - _ t•' :1 r ptlaninsti. Tis r. •.y • —•••••• 5,00 , •-• • 2,0 0 etchaoit 5. reduced, raw,: • tt al Cl OP CILIIMIZTIAINCO AG EEO (1140% TTe •C' PI T08V114411 PILES& • One . ie,(lo' of Nonpareil or lea.) ----•10,50 Oct m , etch Additional intortion• • • 0,23 is one week —•—•-• 1,75 - swo walks n, three weeks.— -.----o_. .4 tlit i• oaa month—. —. O. ar three menthe —• 0,00 !c—• air nonthiheee---------„..12,00 Dent. (0 l)t, or lets,) per aanum• 10,00 tbs. ebmsgerible atpicatura (per ato -cam) i•xelasivn ot the linnet , — 65,00 - Yet,. a additional itourtralostrmd overeat month, am tarn atielLticnt'sqt art inserted seder the Teal ' ly rates, lc it price. Adveni•hrnents exceeding. • square, and not over Irwin to be charged sie • equare and • half. rubliab -ra not accountable for leant adverneements etyond tb•• &mouth charged foe Chair politico:Jon. Macau:me rimethater for office, to be charged . Woe as chi... advertisements. Advertbements not marked on the copy for a recti fied number of insertions, will be continued till forbid, • and paym.-otesartrid accord. • • The prlw.lears of vastly advertimera be toughed . co their regaler bueiness, and all other ads,- Itatimient• aalpenatolagr to the), reenter badness, as agreed far to Le paid calm, AU ads hnlatiamitz for chat liable meiltutlone, kte mpunti . want, tewnel•lp and *therm:Mite meetings, nd each I le, to be ether balferice, payables Innen y advent,. Narnat r mince* to ne charged tie cegta. Desth n h eer ohs witnant charge, mates atcorn pamed by ;opera) ...radian , or obituary notice., and erben to a•rompanied le be psid for. Hernial•lscrttterh, and till otter* otriding cow0113a oleallori•,. r (Nuiring designod so •uca. (Jon to Fat .. Sairewl, Coate R., or ally pubile ewer tainailwilta. 'trent tliaTsCa ate made far adValltettiew— •lll•ooer.. privait art-oetnnonti—every notice eiguekto t -a attention to private eine . rpnree rale all al or inte ihed to prontoic. Individual . mtemelseen on. ly .n.r.•-.1 with ( Wett ed , undelitemilng that the same 0a to be pa mr. If (Wetted to he inserted to the lo va 00410,1_ IL , some swill i.e whrtlged at the rate of not (tea cents pee n ie Bishop •••• hut lc:glees tbe charged triple price, Tavern utast, Pennons, 62 each ' lbegal ith•: tiletbeel advertisements to be charged at full env,. Real Fe••te Agents' and Auctloncem' advertise ments rot th he class:dander yearly rates but to be allowed di- count of thirtq dime and one third Veinal. (MOOG IV went of bills. watht.r. oa ral-4esagt7 111 narbT /ATM. • . • . One F,c air, LEH< loontalons• ••-• • • 411 ISO 1 , 0. c met, nalitinnallusertion• •. • f•VMCI/SICIIIIIMIS witurr pax". • DortDo. are, OD lineslvlt4l.ll4 htuttiom-:e cu. excll ttloTni. tntertlon--2-5 " 111 zdTertiveme lobe paid In Qv ince srillTF. C:), Gazette. ULU.; Po•t. ROVTAt. MIDDLE, JOntod. .114.141.3 P. lIARR. & C0,C ,, r001010 FOSTER & TIROTIIER, Dispatch. J(N SNOW DEN, hOmnry, JA ‘11:31V. Aosritan. EXIN E. Dm:llv Tribw. l'Orovca 1, 0.:9. CARDS. Z(.111:i A. P.U.ININ.SONtr Af.DF.RII.II4, vatn Wdrd, Peng street., telween 11'llara W•lKut 61Liktair.eil promptly at. - - AL.:XANDS.II .131. - WATAIOn, A TTORNVY AT LANV-oMee, on Fourth weer A allove on -L . - C. wuvriar., ITOILNES: AT LAW, nd• Cotrtrthitiormr fat t. All comma , ratc.. :3 p smpuy .anavrercd. errl234Y AVI WS Ir. 13 Ultra, ATTORNI.I AVLA W-4Mca rn is anti alrec:, .betwre 6.thdeld and Gnat, t • wz-ly MUE A TTORNI.': and Count ellor at Law, and evrnmi.• A Goner to, 11., Sloto of Coor.oylosain, h. Logic MO, Sate of ~...norob Rofercoces—t',,o.r.roh: 11, W. Forr.,rd, Prune ten k Tlilic r, M'Comllesl It tnei.liore,-.lolan Vorke 3mellst. Semple, .0,14-1• BIDWELL CO" F OnAV 11.1:11Na . jar.n.on.A:quos, Glargat .7, Pa. (drthdi'3 Ferry raft °rut Hating perinonentlt located at Mu plane, a neve and aubatanual Wharf tord, we act prepared to TO relee auJ forward promoilv to all ponitson Ble and Bandy and Deaver ne Oldo Csnal.. D & Glaatoet, tune in—field Wit. 11.17.3,. •• • - ..... • 1011111 COSSIA • R. 11. wootnrAco .• •---• • —lA2..ror easALst. AWLLEV, WOODWAILD & CO,•Wholesale lino - Boo r s, No VI Markel 0, PtAladelphas. toot Ptta.bvirigh Alkul Werlcs. ENNEI7, B racily & CO, Moralattarers or Soda B Ferry. Frodenet Braun. lieocze.kelter. & REITER. W 141.11003 and Retail Drug -7- =a t . p :currier of Li rty • 4 St. Char surcut,lmitis- ri A. 14tANELTS - 3.. C.7,For.taAllag. and Com •.alarlaa•bicrala"u. Car.ll. MAD.. Plasburgi, tnrY Wilmce,t,:roecr,Comnussion taut la....Ftarardla,ullexcLant,:xo. 41:Wm. lot, Pitt r burgh. ao,l a.sl:[ R. If... Fleming TIETLSET, PDC:MIRO CIONDISSION NIER GRA hrt,t—For the sale of Do sYk=l7.l7l.;;'l ;;;,ntr " door Dols Piarbarglt Reference—W-7u , V.ta 1. thil EC CO, Bask rts lanv — s. swats 1 Lott a. {M. Dal 11.13 a IRVIN* rIOMMISHION 114:RCN 1.., CS tad 11111 Nrolters, V No 114 Second twee:. Pm•bdt4.4. .007 Wtt. I. snal., ot, 4.4m4 I. lINTIBTT 1. NGl.lBii A. DENNET I', lime Earttab, G. tuber F * Co.) Wholesale Once., Comnwlloo and For 14=Mel"an:dj''Pr:t.nd%d 4maactarA dn.'gWood st;7 o/ Ald alrst _w ardrlU - Jiillit.ilrilx. rpORWARDOIG A. COIL OISSION MERCHANT r No II .! Second w, l'at,t or4ll. mr2l Main W. re:n.l,l-1.1 IWALTS. C. LIVIIVIOTOII H.W. POINDEXTER As CO.. cdirsil-.RAL C 011111,5103 and Corwarcing Net. clams ltd Cw4t Po alcraillo 474 Market s reel, 1' adelptna 1125 nenLD, 13 OK ICOI3 aco •TOBICCo cunIIISSION DIERCHAATS. 11). tqnnrt & Not* Wharves. A. J. I.lcct I.IIII..ADEL.I•IILA Egmb McC. ttstwo J W•stnera ( sang tELE L, t4Wrlr7&7!3 - ViNiolleAl • x - riNur toorannfrature told. II OUPPT, L. TIN AND sktEgrieox Wdll.l'- Amor k anilth Work. Stems Boats Ldli to crier . . Special auena msteam bo oven boa t nett. Have on hands alma *averment or ,0ppe.. 0 r..1 Kerner, Try Wve,&c.l.e. Steamnont (not,. v rlo..‘es Portable "'anus, various rusaa—o very onv -n: Or nate for tool :clad companies. We rancid reepoandlrlarne seam bona men tad others to call =4 see ens antidote and prvees before parchasicur el seurhere 1937 IV rot:tight eassa Coat nom Balling. Tthey tree 1 11.` :iege".. u ,f,`„ b l; faabloort/rit deligas m for Iron Ha , bath tor hog.d ono eernelettes Persons 'trauma. o procure hand er's. puler. please roll and e amine, sod judge fortbenotelves. Roam/ be f had at Ile slaw, Cot noties, and to the best tosneer, the o Craig and Reberea streets, Alleghen ater..V-dtf A. L,A3.1 ! ENO:. 0115113 D£G.S tuf:ren hts blends a d elastomers a a JUlLboidg)Ar.l ten, 1.4 bilk PC 0/ opt. stork of Weds comp Tog. tba thereattarot (goblin, Ibis Dyke, of Vlath., illfilaleve, (11,1 Cep tnti,tot tonandlinedsan.mer.lris,andeve, *nee Ie ioitabla for gent:ernen's woo, for spoug and • It being 5t0re...41 , 1e to deserlte the hertz, y s. tr, .Gr gaanuty of the Moth, the pry rotor hopes ho Lie erar.l of good, cheer, fnehi l ntable. end re I made eietheo, asill g,relbra a call, or their no . tort this o,de thr Alleghenies Wet can compare tro It. The read, made nrl arunent .5 very 11.1.1111", oast. fog to Cr tams earl road eantrheht,, r.tuntry the chants, and all who rut..., ;mkt', ait.• • ftirti'at4r th•,l..d •i• arnthe the .10 , 0 Loturh ptatf......1,.00h runic.. tt. tennon is pod In the wholratO • basin...ls In ant estah- I lishmetah Every rude In the tailorrhe ra rs to rimer to I the moot fasboonoble and bee, manner, +t tin htrT2 rilal33 • T l o n if:Tf TsTf, of Dlr. C Medley. Too Immt.was well he e_srried on by A Bradley, who will reffle the Looness of the late firm. REMO , " A L—A Baer LIM him removed hi. Foundry Werth. from No 112 Second ottect.tmNa 10 Wood "Net., between Fleet nod l?erond rtr:et. , to the ware house lately osestmed by G A li. tie. where he will beep conmently on and • sonem.l imsomment of Cut. lugs, lifitte•, Stove, Cooktrs blnees, to. 13 DIcIRELVY I :Si ANUPACTVRER of CifiST OTELL, and No I and No t. American Wooer Steel. Also—Vett Caat Steel Ftles, of all ateas, and Iliac kamith •ni Shoe Raapa, aloof • on hond and for 6111 P. ei:hrr at hi. "Ea- BP, fiteel Works," f011ar• avast. Filth Ward, cr atlas office in the Iron Store of MILLMAN.? l OkRRI UON, No 4, foot of Wood meet, epanorgh contl.dl CIUGULA IX. We, the underhand!, having and, anal enure an, lifnetion, the Cal •ittrel and Filet mule by Saronel Melielvy. at his Ea,cle Steel Works, in it:malty, lake pleasure in respeimanding diem as Neal In quallty to any dent owl 4y 1e•51 talcum mancifanture. gh, Marcia 14, 11.4 , 4. ul c 1 1114110EWKKRNEP. E. en, blamPneiorer. of hoo and Nall, Pticatwgh, Pa KNAPP TOrPEN, Iron Foonde rn and :Maritime's, l'ouboritt. I'. CAeLEMAN, MAILMAN a cO, alattoteetneer• of ereennt, Azle., Spring Steel rid Rivet., rat. burr, b, P• FAWN! FAMES, Knoton Dodder) and Ittaelorte Card Manufinoto• roes, f.atabeugh. Fa. A FULTON, Cease Pounder, Potaborgh, URAPP,LINDSA V & CO'," Atatoctraetorere of Iron and Neils, Siusbarob PA JOSE/11 TOLILINSOIN. Locomotive Engine/ and Mgt W Builder l'etr LL4olaktOratt, Von W t 11,. Marble M Roo future, Marton . and Doting Iltol4- 0,,t, to. Seusboelt , Po- of Port nerablp. TIM Pr rtnetslop heretofore e sitting between the fobwootorf, under the firm of Chambers, Agnew A. Co, Clam Manufacturers, was dimwitted by mutual consent, on the first day of /Hy, instant. All porton. Snowing Llietfliart. debted to said firm are request ed realm payment no either of the parties, without delaydelay, and all persons hainux unsettled accounts with talc ), and are tillrited to foment them for settlement immadtatc/y. ALLY AN DER CHAMBERS, JO H:4 AtiNEW. BrOutem D. it CII AMBERS 210.1 . 10 E, TIM °Tatra 11Jd COatifaCell Of arrillin by the "Citizens' tens i le post 141:0," will pleave Moo notice Mot th aeill be reaired at our ertireboarte, aeY reogd.ng to rl the r t L pI, btinfa the goods ore removed. C! A hie AN I.TY ACO ry I Washing, iliataLgaia4g 81/...11 Glatanataag flui.. Miscilans—Pal the clothes lute cold Water and let it.= t oot, over ttieht. In toe moraine wring them eind 44,11: in n a L tI 01. 1.001101, urnter.,a wmeh tide tie proportion of one pot of IMO to emht aollont of ormer —stir it m op and hot: Me whole twenty Tree olothea .7 then be vmg net end welt ',tilled in Herm eold . witter. 'roe put, of rat term. ihm may be moat vAled, meg as wristbands goligr• of shirts. my Iry D.teLlly robbed before rinsing, mad the clothes sott4 be lo::nd ?emelt) . ele,w, • . Warranted art to troure the Lust fahne and tu mire perfect anuelaetton, or tile at Mill h. refanded tied Wholesale and retail Fr It F. SELI.IIIn erpib 57 Wood it 151e . aelassad, IN s.a . e.s ao•d - Plitaboigh Tat e e,raph Company. 1. N pumoanets ofl resole boa aid the Board orDirce tort of the CI-valand, V•tren and Pittsburgh Telegraph C.ornpc TR', requesting the Sari tar) tomat o out and eater to he pablished LC the m..pvendona the line, nu exhibit of Ihe Enoorlal end othet WWI/ Of Ole com p an y. I autnnit the fallowing FuTpru — A r The hoe of Telegraph earunteivem a: uesclane an d terminate. •o Yetisbangto, pauing thronsti Chagrin Falls, Praia lin Newton Fells Warren. YellOgitOlarl a and Lowell, in the Pune of Ohio. and New Castle awl ROCACIntr. le the Pune of Pettneybraalaott which pont. there ere retort located for tbe receipt and tranarnlnzenn of Tt i g whole length 01 ;he line la i493114.-C4pite Stock, f>l.witche. gadtin• p ptal ateitt of dan or amount 610,Zij pi fiel d by Aleut alone the line, and the balance held .7 Cdr. 114 Speed, the eintrachu. nit aliened itinount of sub. sonpUong by CI(110 nt have been paid to Cornell & Sped, for which the Trustees have their receipt. tender /EFFEltektN HALM, Reerntary TO 1110 AT POILD/4119. 101i,WOO teei diasoned,Deck ?taut; 190,000 fast Coal JIOUHET U elargl4,7 lawkait 4Worair at Law, &anti it lEVTOCK fr. CO PITTSBURGH; SATURDB INSURANC mete Moth al Fire r iy, . I . I.II.IVISBURG, , r r e ll p E s a tbttO 'month., I. s'tdeieot inindrestalbmt • all 054, 11111fi011 rod ennfldence of do pabbe loth. ST.tnitt dinn...iorint on whiten It. ( buslness Is condi:eta ' To ~ t y or 0010,111 Wert hint, and 0.1011 ordlNOU :nz, and isolated or ....foxy pronenT , it I. t4lleaOA ' ,, r fnoinuur uffoidc adveitocea in- point ofrocnit• t‘f , t, rod vecurit•. infetior to noluuranee Cfellumy ronntr7 Ctidoeb-i nn eglitAldn and .semlyin ti no rimed 01.1.0 a' tnanufLention of Illske.cludlnfr liPmit hax.tdx, Inidirln. only a' ,• mount In antone loesli•y, , i.u. precluding the (nm. nor nnimcdrnitt. i t _, of lame bre.. nen atm on both the Stock Ind Ilintnnt . plan, It nut only pos.ase. the ehestpnells Mod Inltonb mpthation of both method., but entitle. tbelmaredlo • onniolpatiou in the profit. It I. ander the control of the follo.inf DitelitinE, John P. Rothertord, A. J. (Witty John 8.,..1PAL1t. Samuel T. Jones, Alms° A. entfisti PWIo wick, Robert Klotz:. I P 11111711ERFORD.Pnin' t A J GILLETT. 9.07. A A Cau.a2. Lamm. • Insnek Mika (00 Wanes,. Poonsvlvan... ll 4*lttitn* field insert, Plimborg6. P[7lo. dmlsiog Inta.ince ord. be iornlslird with I.ok. of the earnon7 M ' et the ' , Mee • ------ A•so ..... d Fit onion's lattillilloto teat• pony of tin City of leittablifirti. CAP' rAL snomoo.: K. ', MOREHEAD, P tea': -AV. W.DALLARrii"._OY n ITE CAMP.DSII or nrepaved to liouressalm FIEF and MA RINE. RISKS oral kind. • Antongrrhela Mosso, 124 k iti rvdue Mantrtmem I K Mnor, acrd. Dolly rmmman, Wm. A. Rill, R. H Hmliev R. B. Simper , 4,2011,4 Ititl, WZR, 7.1. Edenr, Ed. Gregg., A. P. Kilbu . . 04. line wood, D. C. R. , :yr.ri Chea. Rem, I , ll,Rocinnan. awl:1,11y Late and Wealth laisiarsalse. eirilln Atetaal tale and Health Insunnea Camp.) , of Putladelphia, lerearnomed bytholegillESte Of Pennsylvania, March, 1E49. Chewer perpetaal. Capital, lIISPAKI. ' ILt/ous Lowan rue, vane Calera., and fall tyr per cod. IKTYO/!ICK anal rates of Life Insurance, ai the Wing COO pariana will show: The, n person of the 111_„051,.„...V,K -sunup for SSW for V., must Psi' in Ilse • p