The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 07, 1850, Image 4

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1.801“41; DLL= DI
• Dios 101 Wood Utilise,
INVITE 0o gitentien of Loyers to their la*, meek
'I, of Fresh Goods new opening, and which they are
PMPartd to 0 011 cm very accommodating terms.
We shall be Constantly receiving fresh goods dot.
big the onion, Ind rogue,; an esaminatton of our
stook - by western nieraiiiiit i 'luin others visiting our
- _eue 3l _
1. , • • WEI. DICIWY, • •
1d0..136 labors y„Stro ts
}TAM ... , 0 , 041 So inform hi. numerous blend.
. anttatitonerS, t h at he is hut remising hm new
tail cook w CLIY3IIO, CaIiiiSUCLELM•i, and WF.ST
INGS.,ot the newest styles, adapted for the opproac b
big fed and winter 'tames. all thorn in want of
cheap, isshionatile, nod good clothing, will nod the
largest. most fashionable, and best suet in the
cotnOT, it this eultblisionent. inpin
TIM Penney/ear.fa Rail Road Company having
completed the whole. Iwo or rail road to Ifolhdrtyn
burgh, thurcentrecung the Portage, Rail Road to
Johns (nen, and from thence by bouts to Pittsburgh,
%re row pmpand w receive and forward members.
*cktg, Frontlet, 41, c, to and from Pittsburgh and Phila.
d' it..l.o.sts will lease. We depot of the company
daily for Johnstou it, them ecuthecuag with the /lady
main of care kr INitudel,hM, rheatainanag the de.
Livery or all fictgLi ratlacie,plaa 4/Matta five day..
Agents the Ps. lt. R. Co, Canal Resin, Flusburgb.
k LIELLAS, Agents,
septd:dtf Philadelphia.
Maxis cid llfigaical lizmileatents, .
Err. of ths Golden Harp, Nc pit 'I bird meet
a fil.tillEal respectially infrums
Ms isICIII.II mid ihr pahbe, that ha bap
Pill rammed from ti.e ems, will
•,,,, el.'s . ..At ace CSICIALVC assort-
MC. of Pismur sr. t ',ova art les awl priors, selecrod
by himself, with Kii Y,h , e at the celebrated factories
or Maims is Clark. ir V. .u.r:Daolmrs, N. V., farm n 1
Stodan & lionham, N. V.) 1 1 rring sabered tba oboe.-
tram an Immense s .no K last Galahad by dre. ribose
• =kola, they RIO CflklTll,lti of suparior quality tual
tote, and will la 111 Cocoa !... I OW-LA Nam York rue.
toryynicua Purchase.. ill 7,Crilrt a written ours
arty with each Piano, C11 , .11/14 , Wt. I. as exchange
or salami of stmt. it timed Colic rice.
Also, a lot of splendid Guitars, from the Money or
Schmidt & ?dud, N. y They are a superb goda,
and warranted equal, if nor superior, to any made in
th• world. - • ,
Abe, ■ fine eeteCtion of Flints. CLalionets,
&Tiny, Bran immanent; and the newest end malt
poplueT mote, inelaang Jenny Line* oelebrnted
ann. Rept)
MURPHY 4.I3I7ACtIFIELD, at north nail cornet
of fourth and Market laces, are now supplied
with i fin •Faortsorm of the enemas quattie, at
above &citable goods, and baclog . been porchn.ed
from Importer. can be wee- •-
Jas. RlMegrtast i Boas , Pateiet find. Aata
Q 9 A CASES of the above celebrated brand. part
Var.! in store,...nd the remainder to arrive Wl. and
onxt math, per "Anna Illen,"Earope,""Berlin,” and
Ebel .hip.., via Philatielphle and Balton o te, warraut.
toperior in both strength sad anent, to any rn the
market, lor tale at the 1012211 11122 for 212111 tad sp.
earn When, street
Ulnas Pappliat Pall ea Vaasa:. Goods.
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD invite the 'newton
of buyers to them large sloth of goods .adacied
for the aearein, consisting in pan of—
Dik and Coi'd French Merin..
Coburg. and Castlmeres,
Changeable Poplins,
Dress Bilks awl Tura Salim,
111 k and Farley Alpaca.
Sapet Long' inhaurla, Low Prins do., Baring Flan
te/s, Welsh, English, and Amenean Flumals whim
and relined.' Their stock of lIOI.ISEKE:EPING
GOODS,- - mich as Meetings, Pillow Cam Monis'.
Tibia Diapers. Town:bog, te.. to large, and ai low
Prices (or nudity. Payers will find it to their adv.-
UV to
eastamina their sleek betas chasing—at the
north comer of ith and Slalom au. get
Sellers' Savor POLr Baperce do all embers
Vbarlonon, Va., ceps 21.
Sir. R. Ft. f'cllcro —Vont Pills ham become, so popu
lar In all Oils region of coonny, uv_ .
ei . ) . .ot ,
flttenor.. ecti
reed¢2 . lpaltie 211 Liver c.
4E21112102 1.2112 t
Pareltaor ry .11r•rollycl that Syl!drs ,
Pills sre• 141 triginnl and only Tend and I.
Llayr no, and May be tad at ho S, X% odd yy.
draailety genesally tn ll.a Iwo rine.. and yicituty
D. Disys•D's Ext r act of Yellow Doc
mad Mu-sapaillia.
DUT up in the largest sized bottles, contain. into
cram pore Ii dery naremperilla than any ol:•er
preparation .litant which m chemical.y anti
with the Eltreet of 'Yellow U.x t, the btateectol
etsen7And ths Cs Imo of I le, thus making the r iffy mote thoroughly <einem then any other Sump.,
lila before the publ.c, At 14.3 sulk same It Is perte,.-
17 free from all mineral polsons,whieh cannot be em ,
di any other of the Sereapailtla con:kande Th. Le. -
valid lipoid beware of poisons! Mercury, Iron, to
mum. Potash,' lodine, ....telpher,. Arsetue, and moo
- Mk:mineral and MCI11:13 pinions enter into ILA:
form th e active kali of mom of the Sarseperhla env
Paosoeu of the asp. Gl:Teen's Compound E.T.A,
of Yedlir Done sad Sersapardth does not Claaillll
particle of Theft 11102•1111tCS, as any one can etunly
ascertain by applying the necessary testa
The poison. as; licsuonally remove diet..,, it ,
they so valid* the blood, and so completely malice.
hate the whole .plaet with their tliefal effects anal
tio nest cold, or the first attack of diocese, prostrmell
the pattern's strength, and eobjecte him or het to the
moat exceeded/ tonere, and renders sli th er care
=all 6 sod implies... Let all polsonou,
preparations alma, and me Gulion's
-Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and darespatilm,
, trkiele Is thoroughly eldescions, perfectly balances,
and merely vegetable. All kind. of diseak yield. to
ant sealed tolerate.'
64(061111, CIIIIIMORS T1161;14, C 1141200611 &upturn.,
Pampa Riles, Postale; or P.N. ensue Psi,
Monte Some hyes, Tatter, Seed Head,
dun, Eolnterment or Pains In bite Bones or Jobutt
old and stubborn !See., reser Sores, lily DiAus.s.
Onetime of the Glenda itinthea Syphilitic 5705
Lumb ,, 4'o, Dropsy, ilytprpsta, Jaundice, tpr
rtgetiess, Salt Rescues, hilectionsof the Kidneys an.
diseases arising from as inradielog. ass of Metro.
Minister's Ears Tseonb, Weakness of the Chen
Puha/bar, Affections, and all other diseases tend
ing towards Consanepthso, LiVer Complann, Ferrate
.. teitles and Complaints, Slob.and :Verrone
rippot= General Debility, Low Spirits, Loss or
el, lght Sweat., Pains en the Side and
Moulder% Koos.. or Imprudence In &lb, Citron.
Is Consettatienun Disorders, and ass Spnng and Fall
Pongee of the Mad, and General Tonle -for tn.
System s it is =trailed.
_Acwooflneerstairiasebs visas:tors ittarseandanr
The folio • Irig Is an extract of a letter doted March
27.1850, from k. B. Peskin., M. D.,• highly respects
hie phystelan of lerntristve, Ohio.
Jose Pau—Dc 114 Sin I hare lender cue .
70141.11110 who, tor siateenkleass, ban been rod.
(Wing from Dleeraer.d Limbs led whose case hat
been pronounced bopoleas by three of our best phy.
deigns. I took her into soy family, tad hare use,
Osman , . Yellers' Dock and Bensenville freely, suil
Wancen that the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparills
ifect•pannanet cure. Slue Is boiler In general
health th an she has ore, been terets, and walks
13111. or two wilhoat fatigue or pain. A. year ago she
seed ennehes. I will report the cue in due time.
• Very respectfully,
It has been remarked, by endued wen, that In Me
vuledeatakque of disease. to which man is Lute
J theta is sureely one of nehlmponenee, and of met
Unused u Serondi,whether we look to the obecernt
Of its aligns, Its Muddier:. progress; the number ant
ezans that , it o a t it . acks i. or its remarkable in
--Sc7Za has baffled the skill of the most ender.
physicians 'nein country and In F,rope. Hut them
. an antidot this datum m Dr. Guy ett's Extract o
Yellow Dock ud Darsussillu,” which Is proving it.
eels PCllOOt quctfla m the most severe cams o
An estranrannuy Sle6 of Scrofula cured by the
sole an of Doctor tinyou , s Compound :syrup. 1 ,
'will kw seen by this certificate that this man nu bees
miler the treatment of Several celebratml physicians
- for the past eight years, without deriving fay beneht
and has been Mentally eared by the use of a fey
bonds of Dr. Ouynott's Compound Symp.
Nam You,June 7,1513
Da Gaseous—Des Sir,—Owing to you. debt which
araney cannot pay, I am induced to make a ;labile se
Itecrwiedgment of t he benefit I hare derived from your
Invalnable Syrup. 1 was sorely afflicted with-a tern
hie Sendhlons- disuse, hereditary In our funtly
which commenced on my neck, and, contmcdre;
gruel. soon reached my earl, reaming into my bead
and extending all over my foe, sleek, and low, es
troantlea. 1 been= a disgusting object to look spoilt
£1 times my distresses' so great that I was unable to
sleep orlla down; and t h e Macau extending into my
farm seriously ad toted my hearths. My face was ore
erntlzosons sore, from witch a dmeharee of matter
and Inns kept couthmany costes Oat. People avoid.
ad me, supposing !bad she small oozes some other
Infections disuse, sad! Was Consequettly obliged te
ielloquish my bulges. Notwithstanding I had the
best medical advime, and tried dLiferent plans 0f treat
mast, the disease continued to grow wore, until I gave
ap In ddpiLlS Follo.l.lely I fell in with a passe ego,
on the eOsOml oat, while travelling for my health, *he
mfarmed me that his son was as out time to as tad a
condition as I we. and ME by suing your Syrup tie
was speedily Mime. I immediately procured me az.
Ws, commenced using It. and now, milli havtag used
less than six bottles, lam well Mad - able to attend tc
ay besiness. I mod son Ohio statement 00 an set Jr ,
ittedeere°ll hoping that It may induce the 1.1111C4-1
=Hasse of Moneta medicine, and thereby use Men
mach indent. and experts.
- I rumba you otd , dient servant,
KaraQJOHN Q. S PALDINSO 6 s ofernrtsliaSON• of Erripola... U
141 mat s pettormed by , Dr. pupal% Ensue of
Yellow Dock mid Sarsaparilla are luting. The ow
UM% general hnailk cerrunte• - -•
Gatell64 Liiiioro eta di.
sass le removed. Cons Era not chronicled mull time
to rally &Wed that there con be no relapse or morn
of Ida &seam,
• • omer, (Iterate:L. Oa Fah. t.sPo
S. F. Banat Co., lieutP. talntb great pleasure
th y , 1 write you about Me very nappy effects of ) our
Yellow Dock Sarsapanlla upon ray eon, who km
Max been ourfennx tinder Mal al, loathsome dls
ease,l'dy Mpelas. aria; widen hewan attacked In r
sat way for uiverul mend. aucodr,l by t 0,.. 0,0.,
but pyarcians,svao tried their skill perseveringly top
Eve month., without any beneficial eiteeta whatever.
He become reduced ton peace: ea elmon Ile hada'.
ems hoar hie hip toles knee, which were col:LW:Mall)
dlseitairglax dlsgothogly odetudve man.. Medical
and mirrical skill was balled. Physician., chat
?Oa ease wee bopclees—utem eoald he nothing door
30 arrest those terrible gangreneine elects. My neigh._
bore and myself thought 1111 dlett,lpttan new it h•na
One of my neighbors, who sad ceased al child of temf
ala with your invaluable medicine, malted me to,
mode trial of it, and snore from the notices demo to
do something while life lasted, than from any hope. of
getting relief, I procured three Imniee of your"}. enon
Dock - end Sarsaparilla." and cornmeal •ed using 0
and to my aatonothment, be commenced Improving
he hail used the Mini bottle, and odors he had ailed •
101 l doyen Dottie/ he could walk oat. He used to all
melee bottles, au/ Ly October lam be was perfectly
re. bred, every vestige of the disease except the soon
Is removed, and he remain. in perfect health up to the
present lime. Oil. reeovery,.ander the tilessin•
eked, ts entirely owing to the use of your Fellow Dock
old Sarsaparilla, and I secant , you that I feel lapel
Mader great obligadrina to you, and it is with great)°,
HMI Inform you of what your Saropartila has
be my ton. Reepectfoliy,
ErNone valuate adore pat op in large bottles
coutalntag a quan, ond the name otthe Syrup Glean
the, Vass, with the Torliten r/Iplatpre Of S. F. BC,
DAtt, en the Oannde rapper. Pnce el per Emile—.
I buttes for I& •
Mazola tA. J. D. PARK. North E.t corner ol
Pawl& and Walriet alreeta, entrance on Willett
Claminlma, 0510,w whom all orders m u tt lie - addrea
outer& Brea, Erie; W. I'. Johann & Co, Watt:
in* OIIn & elmanas, Croaringmae; Abel Tema
biotin:am ninon hita c Towitralm Robert Roy; Well.
V. Roderick, Calleasbarg; L.. Wilcox, Jr. Paw
earner of Mama[ street and the Diamond. •
tr rawly:o , . • .
GUICAP ,TlitA. LID 10 111111TAILW.
KORAN HAWORTH, la the Leaeseaql, are aell•
tog exealteat Tea. as •
kV rte fIat...WAY IT It *9l
No 15 Wood idzset. Mlitabdrigh. •
Coneedeas made od W the, principal aides of the
Veiled Siam. aoßtaily
3. H. Carße , 'V Third and Plarket
ALL raAns. - 110ns AT Mu. - LUICIAL leas.
472.0. E. All2lO-1./.•
Mc, fte.,
A*. 14 POUgTB e HZ T,
.(Neitdoor to the Bank of Pirtsbozgh.)
11. lunatics • sons,
Bi•ai'•r•s S 6• Beok•r• .
- • -
coLLscrioNs.—Dvdts, Notes and Acceptances
y.hletens - man Of the, Union. COUCCthd no the meal
lavorable en..
EXCHNGE. Nev. 'kart, Pkdlatielphls .d Hal•
Moore; ales, Saint Louis and
ri„„, Lief..., constantly (oriels.
BANK NOTES.—Notes ou nll - eel:vent banks in ths
United States disemmted gale 10Prigt Mts. ill kinds
f Forelre end Atnenean Gold and lellvet Cols, bought
ud sold. itt
l:rj a 4A rave dtt r 1. e
cvol do to tio t; Xl.t:c
doorsur Gel •d stand.
10,11.1431.3.1 X Ir el and
BILLS on England, Ireland, and StCtland bpagat
any .1011111 at UM etirrellt gak, of 1.1,
Ala', Dann payable is any pan of tha Old doonnvier
from -AI to £lOOO, at the rate 0: OS m ;;C i Starltni ,
without dediochan or direount, WAWA ROM''' .
SON, European and GC...!, onen Bit ono
Coot west of wood. ontlSlt
& A,,Esi, a
I.:oANloallit3 AND EXClL'oNfill IiftOLENS, denten
.1) Foreogn and DoonrAtid 11111, or lacann,, Cc:
tohnaion of Lkynsote, lions Notes and Coin, dome: o
3d and Wood wet., olorrtly up p:, on 010. Charles Ho
rt. mar2Aly
XL. 1.1411.1,_11.1 ' p•F.
.7(T HOLIISA LE GROCERS Coininnsaion M
Y chat U , No 41 Wood trice% (ippon...St Char
Motel. are cow receiving, and offer (or awe, at 1.
octet, ea (011pnr4,—
ISO pkga V. 11., 1mp,0.1%1 .00 Al hi - Spanish Cigars.
Bina k TC. 50 M Havana and Vara.
01(1 pkgllo Si lb mid boll. ' ir. S.lOO packager ,
lump 24 5, roll Tobao. , .29 Pt llavaaa, qr bk.
..S0 bap Lo, Laattagra, I 6AI llcgallas.
and Java Ccll;c.ici Fl 15 M Prmripen
GU {dal, 14 0 Sugar On hp 01 Sa..ans,
SO brls ri o moia.,.. Go boibero,Enklinh
40 brispowecred,cruiled {Valuta., itrakil NI.,
and loaf Sugar* and Ground Piu,,
00 1 , 011 Alum tk, ban Lenloll Syrup
Sl bd. Trult,i.• 111 ....... bat Pepper sauna
:no , a, I,4unp Oa. at ea/ c. P,,,Per,
Cat Icle ,
No 3 111ocarel. to carast spied Chocolat.
L 95 1...2,621.42.Wz121.1aza Ground Sinew, of olt tend
ILo Las Rom Soo p. ' 4.
_rat Oza Sardine..
lOttt!oz rot Ilackata. 20 Lx. S,oeeh.
f.l La., Chocolate. 15 boo {lock Candy.
IS Lao White Pip, I. IS Aza Shelled Almond+
ILIt rm. Wrap. Paper. 5 ett,e/ 1,,qu0, tar
221 hi/ rapper .2..ojspica. l RliltaUf C 4 CU{ .1.101 1414.,
411, !COleLLRIlpt,IllIZ . ' IOIIII,LI
to les Rico 10 tio,z Blacking
Together with c gencrat al,orlatein of goo.. tau
ally kept la tactr ane, as Well ao Naito:ran mans
lactare, .. sc
CAir.PI.ITS; - 011.; CLOTHS, to.
W. ,Fei- L ' in ' u T e. l2 . , C :ZO 1; ' P o o7rra m tre7t rrn i l ' ":6 Wood
alte•l, a arty
el 11;nd:totem n(Ccgrpeang, co
yriaing in part el Ike lollavatue varieties:—
glen and elegant aria Velvet Pile Carpet;
Men cud elegant atria 'Tapestry Itrxiseels do;
Sara rior Encliah and AmermanlitasSElD do;
Eaton rap. 3 ply Caroate; i Pap, extra CLenno;
copefute an do, I nap. Tailed Rose;
Jo Ingrun do; Chenille Mara;
EUtra fine& Gne du do; Tailed Matt;
Unto en .root, .10 .16.. Moto Mod,
dn r..u'ircirain do do, endo Han
du ..,ivy dodo; Jute do;
• ery large wept 01 Trileruardi
. v t;•rylayry . .,Hoeres, de.
A L y leyse netscrimetstol well ovuoned ua Cloths.
, •.Lzatg Ivtolth from 7in eLes to 24 feet, of •ery
.tyke, cat to la ally or
In. stock Of goods oral he sold es °hoop at they
rzlii he purchtseli al any of we eanern cities W.
e.cry body to call who ....ill
W %lc NTocK
. 1 / 1 111;S—lod boa Cream Ott W II C. 0..;
10 bare old Java Coif...
10 bags Laguaria du;
Ott hap Laney Ono do;
10 stollens Chul. Tea.
to caddy bCe extra Oolong.
40 do prime Croon;
5 , hf chests do;
10 bus bunch Raisin.;
a Sales son shell Almonds;
C dot pure eleryrin Lemon Sugar,
5 busHomeripathl • & fannyChoomate
bus Dr.., Cocoa and No I do;
bge Almond and Palm Soap;
60 Lg. Rosin and Variegated Soap,
Obve and Bordeaux Oil;
2 doe Pepper Saute;
7 dos Corkin & Waluni Pickle.;
v doz Rote Water;
time Italim Maccaronl;
5 ease. do Venniceth;
came pure India Can !r Ponder;
3 eases superfine Rice Flom,
le bets combed d: pulvermed Sugars;
10 bits small Loaf;
10 bets pure Cider Vinegar . ;
50 dot Corn Broom.;
Cor. Wool it •is
For alo by
Ji.4119 POOL. 611. a.
Expnusly Jer Snenzg.
io .00,4 thu many tricravouiences titiendiae m.
use or the customary Skein, the traria, 'aorta La
brim mock, andfor along time ',rated. It has 'away
bet a a matter of ashnshatent. that whilst Ott comma.
snide of Cotton, was conveniently spooled for gene
rot ace—Sllk, Ino mach more valuable, aboold ho , .
been supplied in Skean, from which so mach trouble
vezation.and lon has mum. •
The difficulty bra at Put Peen overcome. the pabli•
Is olihred a goad article, hradsomely pm up Ina eau
salient form for nameable toe.
The only objection urged' against this article is the
apparent small quantity on each spool. This is easily
explained. Each Spool is warranted to contain 20
yards of Silk; while the ordinary Stein, st•the same
Mice, itth but an etioetta(n quantity, varying from 13
to lb garde.
lie Spool Silk is reedy for use at the time of Dot
chase, and at only needs a trial, to convince the mom
rtcptical of it, nib erionty in quality. Independent of
the neat and convenient form In which It is (=matted.,
11 Pas great advantages over the Skein, as it does
away with the tedium of winding, the vexation of
lkoshng, and the Inn of time In preparing it for use.
51 North Thirds t,Phithilelphut;
11011ISTIdANN, 1311013 A. CA)
S Maiden Luse. New Took.
Sole Agents
He: 85 E1A1113.189 IFTBIeBIT,
Cetereen Third s.Foarthstreete, Putsturgh,
INVITE the attention of matehmts winning the may,
o their extensive grunt of Fall and Wiener Goode,
teemed with great ears and attention from recent
importations, large, enchant, eater, and from the lend
ing martulsotureribl by their resident partner in New
York. Their stock this fail will be found to be much
larger fled more varied than any they hare ever before
broar,bt to ihie 113arket, being replenished by receipts
of goodsliltnOil daily through the mime as they ap
pear in the emtetn markets, rendering Their stock at
all Limey fall and perfect, thereby enabling them rec
ta...tally eonipete wi th eastero homes xepa
- roux H. MELLOR, No SI Wood Wm , " i° ""
II for Chlekarinea Piano Fortes for Western Fenn
aylviiniti, Wm received, an 4 1:113W ready for ode, N
following assortment .elected by himself from tin
dmittufaddrit mod tad! be supplied as esual at Mr
iThiaxeringbi pates, oat
II carved Loma XIV, 7 amerce.
n elegant Rosewood, 7 do,
11 do do 01 do;
11 do do 0 do;
1 Ma Mahogany, 0 do;
1 do Walnut, I do;
1 foil carved mongrand.
A CARD—The aubseriber has: the pleasure of
announcing to the citizens of Pittsburgh, that he has
made arrangements with Mr. John II Mellor, for the
exclusive sale of his Piano Fortes. in Pittsburgh and
Weenra ?eaterylonian, aid those wishing to par.
chase may be assailed that then Interests wilt &Irani+.
rally attended to. I CIIICKERING
tramon, March 23, IMO.
In oddruon to the abovo mock of Pianos nom Mr
Cbrel cribs, a new eupoly is anted from the farm..
or Adam durdart. Bacon & Raven. and Worceste r.
New tort, and Ilailet4Cumsten & Allen, Boston, at
prices varying from two to three hundred dollars.
NEw nioNa ILL h etallAßlNs, No
1.1. d for Oetntier,last received sod Corniest
nett' TB Apollo Ralidings.4ll. a
— to People from the Ola cciaatry.
Lainne the same kind of Small Isar, Flue, Strong.
and Rough Flagozed Sleek Tess that err reed
we Old Country, Can lie bought at Ote and 7&' per lb.
Cl Mortis Cs Ilswotth's Ten Store, east side of lb.
Dawson,"and no where else In Pittsburgh." iteuPl
IJKIN I CirrrATPlilt—'lll; best tomallet canu
had at thit agtney at Gltiltail Milt, ES Wood a c
sep:tt tY P
V , I'. N. ALLTlllM—ltir ou o i ph . .l7:
N r . avA VA; s' tale at time . py B 4.l .
It ts
' la at a aa n w ort a lyt e m Sal p:od i uetlott,
eaid to
bilte tengPottTO4a Abe Poet O6ce;
wu, nod Mantlltivhing Motor
Ago No eel
vru&pity & um:twin EL Goods D have .
reeeived• tat
4.11, ply of gewds adapted foe mourning west, such e.
111 .1 , 10 , tobaslaes,
Canton Cloth,
" F rench Sod Parmattes,
" French Men:um and C.toneres,
Ploy. de Laines and _Mourning
rch, Moannts Collars, 01. k Cravats, Vail.,
0 II ISOLABSEA.-eo Mile Eh Lou* n H p zap .1,
larro , ,Aut received and for sale by
AgentOLLonA. Steam Sbgo Retib,_
_ .
CALUE-8 bblkon hood and for Jim& by
lILINE-40 boot.; Nora quality:Tiiain-bi
rri o E - FtS l Oll..- b I loweld Vevag
N WIGALLS-30 lba,Juti Teed delpsk, b i t s
act d7 Wood
pa - TOT SOAP Ft/NYDER-1a boa reo'd for sale
atICESO - OIS-4 casks received for sale by_
oe4 - R- E SELLERS
1 - 1_ UM &wile LOKEW3LT-10 bit for sale by
RALPFROIVAPI7I-400restos rag iindis - mw
g g wrapping medium, doable toediimi drdorib and
cloibe ovens, a 'lry acv der antrJe, cso band and
lot ask by - • C STOCKTON
Mph 47 Manila
Je H. X 1111.1.01,0. SI Woods:nee; has m inst received . a
now as.
Nsatsuma of PIANO SIC, among which anl
the following:—
Molly, do yon Love me, by S.C. Poster.
0b...., the Red Rose Live Agway, do.
elly wets a Lady, do.
Mete Ned, do.
Gwine to Run ell Highs, do:
Dolly Day, do.
so Idlers Wedding, by Glaser.
The Robin, do.
Igoh, Tenth the Cord yet eau again.
Swett Memoir. of Thee. ,
:silver Moon.
Lament of the Dish Emigrant
A New Medley Sam.
Thou but Wourded the Spirit that Loved Thee
The Conscript's Departure, by Glue ,
Ile Kim, W t 6 Loved Ones at Home.
"Pis Home where e'er the Heart M.
The Yankee Meld.
Low Baekhl Car, La by Lour.
Do you e ver think earn
Slumber Gentle dy.
Jeunle Grey.
Elfin, Cellanus, Wedding, Wreath, and Daley
Batchelor, Malden Della Welui, Content Ledlee
Souvenir, Catty, Elvin, Lity,Allee,Evexgreen, Sars
ega, Adieu. and Wry Polkas. may 29
WEenter not Into the lint of pennons any nothlmg
about Hundreds of Chewy—. Importer., Large
Capirel, Bought for Cub, &d. In Malone will not
humbug in any manner or fonn, we eimply invite the
public to compare ettr Teas with what they undress
elsewhere; Puy Is the tut method we ktoss to suer.
min woo sells the but and cheapest Teas In Flute
burgh. We one our Belling
Good and strong Tea at mend Means per lb.
A prime 73 do do
The best Tea imported Into the U. States, El
Low ptieed, duteged, or inferior Teas we do out
Propnetors oldie Tea Market,
jel East side of Diamond.
ereat Asserscasacohesion - el Work.
D. Appleton it Co , New Tort, have In course of plait
lication, in peIu,OCIC• mercy Eye cants eau's,
Q, MaeAlines, illecAosnu, Entruse Work,andEn
guttering; dangned for Prnetteed Workang
Men, end to intended for the En g,
neerneg Pm/ism.
rpfllS WORK la of Imge Svo.ame, and will contain
Iwo 1710011 a. Plan, and upwards of
SAND It will wawa warking.draar.
Mae and descripuons of the axon Import:mu machines
m the United States. Independent of the result. of
American ingensity, It will contain complete practi
cal mantes on liffthaalea klachinery,,
and klngineering; with all that la Unita in more than
nor thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, maga ,
ttes, and other books.
The greet object of this pnbileanon is, to place be
fore practical men and students such en amount of
tbeoreticel and scientific knowledge, Inn condensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the best advan
tage, and to avoid those mistakes which they might
otherwise commit. The amount ofusefal information
thu• brought together is almost beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there is bardly any subject
within its range which Is not treated with each clear
ness and prectelon, that evens man of the most ordi
nary capacity canalt fail of understanding it, and
tlink leaning from it much which h is Important for
him to know.
cost,. am, In short, determined, retractile.
of to make the work as complete es possible; and
it is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will
procure it as issued in numbers and thus encourage
the eitthrprive.
The work will be /meted in semi-monthly number.,
commencing to January, 1850,and will prowess with
fre..l regularity.
The whole work will be published in 10 number.,
st2s rent. per number,end completed within the oa
en; year, 11.5 U. A liberal &amnion will be made to
receivetultUag thei publisher. 110 to advanc,
thei the weft through the port aka free of
Opinions of the Proms.
...To our neonerono Nazurfscrarero, tdechanks,
ncerv, nod Atli..., it will be • mum of
IR. I.) Journal.
• . . • ..
“Vomm men, arm yourselves with its knowledge.—
We can with confidence recommend our readers to'
pomem themselves of its nomben us fin u they ap•
pear."—American Artisan.
• .
We anhesimungly commend the wort te Mow en
gaged in or irtlerolled in mechanical or galantine per
:um, as eminently worthy of their canonization and
.Lady.'—Troy, (N. V.) Badger.
It it troly a great acre, and the pel/hers de.
serve the thanks of Inventors, machinists, and mama
lecturers, and Indeed of the public guncrally."—N. Y.
Dielloonry will be highly asafal to praclical
sochartica, and valuable to All who wish to acquaint
umgoselies with the progtlin of Lactation fa Mg mt.
arts."—Nor Bedford Daily awry
"Young inechanicit ought to keep pated tip in the.
erotical Si well as praetaal: knowledge, and this
work will thaw them gam how they olled.n—ltorbtry
(Maw.) Advertiser.
••We take it to be Just the work that •LOTTAI and bum
tired, ot mar lotalligniu mechatnes have dulted to pow
rem So ample ale iw dcserlpOrm, and an fall and
minute its rpecitichuons, that it seems to as Mat soy
etcongaltiotant magnet any matigue it describer., on
g sacortt, a° , 1
hola y s . c.wirlugs and ittstructions."—N. Y.
"Ail Interested in mechanics eliould salad theses
itch,. of Its ailvaniagu..—Sehryllrlll, (Penn.) /oar
"A work cf extensive practical atillty and great Im
portance end value to the rapidly Inereastrig Interests
of the cuntry. We regard the work es eminently
calm lur edto promote the eater of science and abs
mechanical arm. and todisiseminata valuable Inform.-
Uou on them subiects."—Fawner and Mechanic.
"Practical men in all the varied walks of mechani
cal and manufacturing indestryi engineering, itc., will
find In this work a 'treasons whirl, it will be to Weir
profit to poasesa."—Tioy Daily Whig.
"Wo have carefully perused the numbers, and have
no hesitation In saying that It is the best work for me-
Chard., tradesmen, and scientifus men, ever publish
ed, for it nautilus cantata information on every branch
of the mechanical arta and 'mimes, ezpressed in a
aryle and language intelligible to any
_reader of ordi
nary capacity."—tilouceatar, (hiasa,) News.
"We are sure we are doing We mechanics of Nor.
sigh and other parts of Connection a service by
bringing the work to their auentlon."—Norwich,
(Conn i Gander.
••It isiust such a work a very. mechanic should
posse,. '—frcern.tht /oared.
We, consider it ore of the most useful and imponant
reblientions of We age. No mechanic eon afford to be
without itii—Newark, (N. J.,)Covantereial Courier..
• ritt all We venous publications having for their ob
lent the eltund•rion and advancement of the mechani
cal 3313 cud selenPes, none that we have wen, in so
fall of promise as this."—traffalo Ortra.:Adv.
"It is the heat and cheapest work ever odelred an the
selenfifie and practical engineer and mechanic. The
plat. are [reunite], ereemed."--Wuhlngton Globe..
"This great Dictionary is one Of the most uefal
works ever published for yearn, and the low price at
which it is sold makes at acceptable to all."—South
. _
regard It as one of the most easopmbemove and
salaable, as well as etteapeat works ever published"
—Baltimore Advertiser.
"ought to be taken by every one desiring to keep
pace with the progress.' an and science in every one
of the labors of emitted lifc,”—Rondout Courier. '
"It is designed after the ginneiple of Cr,'. Dte ions.
ry, only that it is more devoted to the methanical and
engineering profesaions, and above ail, t valuable
accumplisbing for America what Ure hn done far
England, viz describing nariencan machinery and
worts of GUY—Scientific American.
'lris published in numbers, nod ate prim so mode
rate, looking of what is contained in each number, that
no one who am the least Inthresr in tuck matters,
need be deterred trom procuring i 4 and every one who
does se„arill find that he teas in a condenued lons an
amount of instmetion which would be obtained, if at
Vl, only by the purchase of very many volumen.h—N.
Courier and Enquirer.
*The comprehenviveneas with which the subject.
are trained, the admirable manner in hich they are
illustrated, conspire to make this one o f themost den
ratite works."—ihmneratic Review.
"this work should be In the broads of every mechanic,
anthan, and manntheturer, especially those who have
:he least wired.. to excel to their respective bud
mese. We have carefully examined It. with a view of
recommending it to MirentOrg To them we would
thy in the crane language of tat Ilibici "It is goods"—
Baltimore Inventor,' Journal.
If the foreeolug adverti•ement a ,maned Ate times
doting the year, and tha paper ,contsng n annt to es,
• copy of the sera ...elite tent group In payment
Containing SD M neury, mar iglu, Ithurria.
'rum following testimornal was given by the cc lei
braced Dr. Wooster Beach. the author of the great
medical work entitled - The American Practice o.
Medicine and Family Physician."
'Having been made acquainted with the ingredients
which compose MeAllister's All-Healing Ointment
and having prescribed sit tested it inseveral ease. U
my private prainine, I have 'w halutoon in saying or
certifying that it to a Vegetable Remedy, containing
no mineral substance whatever, that ihs ingredie nts combined as they are, and used at directed by the
Propnctor, are not only hornless, bet of great value,
being a cruly scientific Remedy of great poorer ands cheerfullyrecommend it as a compound which has
done much good, and which is adapted to the cure of
a great convey of eases. Though have never either
recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medb
einee, recant for the truly honest, conscientious, ho.
mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige me to lay thus
much regarding it. W. BF.ACH, D. D.'
New York. April 110,1648
BURNS-it 13 Ctlt of the ten tram,. in the mond
for Darns.
PlLES.—Tbiaisands are yearly tilre, by out Mil
meal It Lever fails le &mix relief.
For Tumers.prers, and all kind. of rime, II L..
If Nlotbonq and Ndd 44 knew tls valui. to eat. , of
Swollen or Soie Wrest, limey would aiway• &DPI) it.
to .aotL curs, if tired according to directions, It gives
rebel En s very fnw b....
A wand the box are dUstetion• for &Ong AleAlltale
Ointment for Scrafal•,,Llver Complaint , ury a ly c i n .,
Tatter, Chriblnin, Scald Head, Sore Eye*, (lamer,
Sore Throat, Bronehttes, Nervous Affection., Pains,
[Haut. of the Spine, Head Atha, Asltuaa, Deacons,
Ear Ache,liorne, Corn., all Disease* of the Skin, Sore
laps, Pimples, &a., Swelling of Ile Limbs &meal,
Itheuresilsm, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled Bros
keit Breast, Tooth Aebe, Arne In the Fare, &a
Prom the neatling nagle.
Them woe never, perhaps, • Medicine btoa4bl be.
(ore the public, that has In so short a time won well
reputourn as ale Allreweln Alldlerdiag or World
Salver Almost every perm/ that has made trial of It
speaks erhrealy In Its praise.
.one has been cored by
It of th e Most painful rheumattsto, another of th eplle.,
a third of a troobleennle pain in Me side, a fourth of a
swelling in the limb., he. If it does not give home.
&ate relief, In every case, It can do no injury, being
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wonderful hea/Ing pow•
er pawned by this salve, we subjoin the following
certificate, hem a respectable citizen of Maldentreeek
townaldp,ln this county:
Idaldenereek, Berke co., March 30,1847.
Messrs. Bitter & Co.-1 dealrato Inform you that I
was entirely cured of a severe pain in the beet, by the
use of Idetillisteee Salve, which I par.
chatted from you. Isufered with It for about SO years,
and at Mots was enable to sleep. Datingihat um, I
tried venous rentedlu, which were prescribed for roe
by phyeielans nod otherpersoms,withoutreuiving any
relief, and at Inc made trial of this Salve, with are.
salt favorable beyondnxpectation. lam now maim.
ly free from tho pain, and enjoy at ulfit • Peuelal
and sweet sleep. I have. al." used the *lva alone for
tooth ache and ether COMplabbl, with suallar happy
results. Your friend,- Joss Horsasasetr.
Sole Proprietor of tee above medicine..
Prinotyal °Moo, Ho 03 North Third rxreet,Philadel.
Prttcs us CENTS PER BOX.
'Lours ra Pri - namtan.—n. A. FabnestOok & Co„
corner of Wood and Pint sta.; Wm. Jackson, No.
240 Liberty street L. Wilcox, Jr., corner of Market
(treat and. Um Lhamond, also comer of Fourth and
Dmithdeld Immo, I. Ii Cassof, corner of Walnut and
P streets Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstall:1W
SonZeld street, 3.1 doorfrom &cond.
In Ali heo7 '
ty by 1 4 . 1 k a ' t,. S tli t gln ' Th s' aral l iL D lTerg a ,
Past Libenyt IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander
& Pon Manor - a, he'. City; N. 11. Bowman & Co., and
J. T. Aren, Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaker, Pal
John Walter, Ir., ElisnLett; Boribrigin A Erwin,
UM:heater. •
-- • foblloodly
cni I . t rij a i fb i Jo
%P The UM of many persons •is did /up! wttk
slight eruptions, as pimples, morpheo, tc., and when
this Le merely • disease at the skin, as it is in Meta
nine cues out of um
goap ehandleNymphd, it is very easily to.
moved. Joie@ Hav,. is crpressl
adepted to /Humes of th e skin, tis sate direcUy y
upon the Latham pores which cover its artrfrice,
el...ging them from impurities, and by Its humeral°
properties healing and eradicating all eruptions. and
undeting the ?Lulea and raagamt .to. son, fair, and
Pemons who have been to the habit of tiling trrdl
nen. map, will be monished at the bearniful elect
prodneed by the NYmPh n e ck ,
in maparung a delicate
bloom, preventing the neck, foe., or hand. from chop.
ping, allaying all irmation, and removing all mane.
one eruptions. It pomence naugaialte Perdue, and
is entirely devoid eel! alkaline properties, rendering
it the only ankle which can be used with safety And
comfort in the ann.".
All those whose fun or neck/tare disfigured with
ti r iff o le f s,, , b o lgr i it h r o , a r =
Nym Tithe., A.: 2
i s h lundd make
positively assures theta, that its flirt a/11=LT;
most discolored OM white, the roughen ,kin smooth,
and the most dm/cased akin healthy, pure, and bloom-
T tules Hanel's Nymph Pulp la the only article which
will effectually produce the above effect. in so short
a time, and the only one which is it the same ticatt all
powertal and entirely harmless. Prepared only by
JIILES HAUB!, Perfumer end Chemist,
120 Chestnut strut, Phila.
For sale wholesale and retail by B. A. Fahnestock
& Co, and 11. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John San
gent and J. Mitchell, Allegheny city, Pa. ley!
AGOOD Mahogany haw Forte, 6 o.llllel,
second hand— —lllOO 00
A handsome opright Plano, with Roaewood
Furnhurc, toolarea, and in good order • • • • 100 00
A plain Si Moo. —•— 45 00
A good illoatwro Piano -- 55 00
A good Si OCWIO Piano, with handsome (am,
titre 13 CO
For alba by JOHN H AIELLO/1
any !N 81 Wood at
aagaLo Might Llght...
I.7 UPERCEDINO the Wooden Floats, and being in.
combustible, thereby iteollollthee the oil, and Pt ,
vents Ignition, loretnfore so much objected to in all
other Boats. One table op.:mini of the common
lamp oil will loot to
Douro,. tee tilethee leihrth
of time, oeeardino to the additional quantity of od.
Received and (or solo by JOHN D MORCIAN
J - • ..
OBT RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Family Gro
-0 eery and Tee Warehouse:
5 eases Penal. Oysters, in sin eats;
S do Pickled do, in qtjera;
sdo do do, in pint do.
The above Fresh Oysters are parboiled, and put up
I/I• seated
concentrated soup, enclosed In hermetical
ly earls. end will keep couch longer than three
put op In the orditury way.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by
my3o 250 Liberty it
Great Ansericaus gfaehenieal Woili. —
DAPPLETON CO., New Tort, have in course
. of_pubbennon, la cane, price twenty five cents
each, a DICTIONARI if blarhlnes, Mechanics, &-
gips Work, and Engineering; dtaigned for Practical
Working Men, and th ose intended for the Engineering
Prillaman. E dited by Oliver Byrne.
This work is of large tiro she, and will contain two
thousand pages, and tows:deo( siz %howled ilium.
tions. It will present working drawings and descrip.
nons of the most important machines In the United
States, Independent of the resells of American In
genuity, it will contain complete practleal Manses On
Mechuiles, Machinery, Engine Work, and Engineer.
Inc; with all diet is useful in more then em thesunuma
dollars worth of folio volume., magarines and other
books. Sir number. received, and far sale by the
agent, 11 HOPKINS,
79 Apollo Buildings, Foerth et
mror STOCK or meads
--m 4 Attx-41;,
s y -
4 - tr ,-1,- -‘ 4 171 % '.1; Y.
John U. Mellor, 81 WSW Street, Plltibargh
Sole Agent to We,tern Pennsylvania, (or the Ws 0 ,
• .
Grated and Plqtatre Platters Wortwa,
BEGS to inform his tilted, and the masteal
that he has now Invoices, .d will receive .d
cape. for sale, daring the prevent month, the largess
and met desirahle stock of Plano Fortes ever veered
foetal. In the weet--among the number will he found
• fell eupply of
Bupettly curred Bosetruot Greed Piano Fans.,
with all the recent . mechanism and
style or interior.
'Splendidlk carved lioneteo,..,l .even ontsee Square
Plano Fortes, &Oinked in the Ehrobethsto and Louis
XI V. style.
With a lame - stock of nll the .song. styles of Pia.
no Fortes, •arytne In price. from 5275 to IMO and
preparrit by !If Clockortne for the prevent
year, 119404
Purchaser. ate wonted dant Ice pores of hit Cloek•
oriole Pianos have been, end trill continuo to be,.the
same aa at the maniulaotery in Boston, nnthottc chance
far tnnoortotion; and will In. delivered and set up in
perfect order, in ley port of the roc, endow charge.
"Thera are more Moss to ...en and earth
Than are drearop.of in philosophy!.
fisHE VIRTUES of thisremarkable ...Or, and
A. the constant *optic.= far it, to the proprietor,
has induced him to hare it put ap In bottles with la
bels and direction* for the benefit of the pablle.
The PETROLEUM Is procured from • well In au
cosuity, at a dep. of four bemired feet, in a pine ma.
dalterated aro., without any chemical change, but
just on flows from Naturc's Gres. Labra. yll
coma.. popish. reaching a number of dlseasen;is
no longer a ostler of uneertionly. Thera are many
things la the steam& of natare,which, if known, might
be of vest asinine, is, ulleviaong suffering, and re
storing she bloom health and visor to runny a eV
fern, Long ,Mitre the proprietor thought of outing
It op in bottles. It beda ...moon to: the can of di..
esise. The eon... and duly Increavang oath for It,
and several rem. tail., cures it has prrforowd, is a
sate indicatioa .ii its future yopatartly and wide
spread appheauon to the sore ea ...nye
We do not wish to mate a tneg 'toroth: of certifi.
ems, as we ve conscious that thr OtedlriOn can coon
work IL. way into the (over et there who seder and
wish to be beefed. Whilst we do not vial. (or eta
adverts' application in every disease, we untie....
thaglysay, that in a number of Chronic Disease. it I.
unrivalled. Among these may bented--.11
diseases of the metro. tisanes, such enume CHßONlC
BRONCIIMS. CONSUMPTION (in Ito early stagej
Asthma, and all disease. of the as passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, lb. - hen. Thseases of
the Bladder and Mideast., Pains in the Bark or Side,
Nervosa Diseases, Nisualt, f4s . y, Rbeamarie
Goat, Erysipelas, Tetley, not, Barns, Scolds ;
Brumes, Old Bores, he., &a. cuea of debitsy re.
suiting froM e21.0011t0,0f long and protracted ewe. nt
diwatte r this medicine will bring relief. It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such cast.,
noparting tone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opening the nogg.. functions,whlch
rater direare and a broken constitution, and gine(
increased and renewed energy so all the organs ot
Life! The proprietor knows of Several cores of
PILES, that remitted every other treatment, get well
ender the on of the PETROLEUM for a short time.
The proof eau be given to any person who down is
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor.
Sold by the proprietor,
fr M. KIER, BAWL near Seventh at.
Ana by IT E. SF:LW:A(B,37 Wood at;
and—KEYPER &
comer Word Id and Vurrln alley; who are ha
eoweAl♦ reeelarir eppeelded Agents
- -
Pelee Reduced,
THE SUBSCRIBERS bI u. p ntp e bey,
quality and Idytt !sit Glar• and Soap Makers ,
Soda Ash, warranted sapenot to air other brand t t
3$ by lb. quantity of 5 tots or upw ant. for currency or
approved Note., at four months, or 5$ for a less
010 IV & Itl MITCIIELTREI., an
.4; Lawny ogre. g
. .
No 78, Fourth Street..
W.SPCLINTIY'S isnow constantlyreethring his
. Spring Sts It of CARPET OIL CLOTHS,
Trimratngs, de., soiaprislogin part the following, vitt
Ertra SePrr Royal Velvet file Carpets,
4 " Tapestry n
English anti American Ilniesell 0
e Extra Superfine Imperil,/ 3 ply
Suparace Ingrain Carpet",
Extra fine
Cemmon, all Wool,
lExtra tor, raletuCbcodle
Rovat ' ar do do Ram
Tolled [Ufa;
Fitc .
nitro Wllion
Comm. do
Chenille Do4lr Mats;
I-4, I and Top Von Car.
p d Carn.
Printed Conon Caron to
8-4, 74, 04, .4, 4-4 and I,
04, 64, 4-4, laud I Aigwyri
for eneh event Oil Chelkee
Extra rtlntctiPlina c , ers
Erabasacti Placa
Fruited aroolcn
Qum Taunus..
Moo and Drab Cloths;
Cronsoa Plash,
Coach Chl Cloths,
Damasks for Latino;
Watered Moran..
Line. and ronatud "
Deanna Star Linen'
Turkey Red Chime.;
Mutton Bordering,
Englob Cloth Table
Brown When cdartab cloth.
Bow. Susi, Rod.;
Stair Itnaggen;
Carp et
Rind' ngs;
Jots and Cnsn Mats;
Ahearn and Skate/too Moral
0.4 end 4.4 Green Oil Cloth
for Blinds;
llustetoct Diaper;
10 t
Uud llolland for Wabade
Traci atent
Flefle it I/ "
Vesteutan 11146,1,;
Bunt 6, for rlagli
7-4 and 6 4 'ratio Linsn;
tkoleh IhitperN.
Brown Ll6en Naptiarl;
tierman uu Clnth Ta
[IRMO Ott t , 1.41. tr
hW and 4111.1,k/1 414110
In width, which veld Lc
vestibules orally sine or slit
The andereigned having
land, Me Velvet Pile and Tat
Carpets, which are of the
Xllland patterns, and of t
bo said at prices as low
for In any of the eastern title,
Harmng the larg m
est onument of the richen and
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far surpasses
in galliry and cheapness ofprlee,any assortment ever
before brought toads city. tic Invites Steamboat
Men and Coach Manufactarero to his large and well
sedacted assortment ofTßlMMlNGS,andotherartioles
neeeseary in their [molt:eta
The andersivied Is also agem far the only Stair Rod
illinafactorf Philadelpltin, and is prepared to sell
lower than tan be purchased elsewhere In this city.
the mart approved Eng.
nuret, room 12 to gl reel
eat In fir morn, halls, and
Impost:4 Jaen soar Eng
tpestry CARPETS. Tbete
m 1511.1 and most olegoot
att ereon bhe ere
rcha eous colorssed
Drum Goad.,
A A. MASON tr. CO., GO Market street, between
Third and Fourth, aro now receiving &large ae.
sonsneet of Damp.Dn Lains; Persian Cloths, an en
tire new article; Pelmets; Crape De Leine, du; with
a lalge MOIWICIII of Lawns and other Drees Coots,
of the latent Myles and most fashionable colors.
Paper 11.1311111g11
§PRIMO SELECLION.—W,II bar eeeived, by fire
canal ahipments, Axieer and choice assortment of
all Paper, of the latest French and Eastern styles,
in gold, chamoia, oak,plain and high colors.
W. P. MARSHALL, (late e .O. Hill,)
mrl3 SS Wood street
I/AVE day athomatedpwith the, in the Whole
sale Grocery, Commission, and Forwarding busi
ness, my two Sons, R. N. and W. IL Waterman. The
manuals, future *ll he conducted ender the style of
Si. B. Waterman & Sons, et tn. obt stand. No.:II•
ter and Front street. I. Ft v.% TL:II.4I•N.
...ban*. Msr.h lot. lase
`IAA V.l. ~
1850 ilailE2 . 1850
BOATS of this Line tw teas* reirsuey, and d,
ii .l " ol3 l iegnVit u tsrst;s i r '"
BIDWELL it BROTHER, Rochester') ryas
jai . - 1850 ll a ma
From Pittsburgh to Csinstanu and Cleveland,
through the rich and pop: dons counties of Colton
' bims Carroll, Stark, Thwarowers, Courhoeton,
ithatugutot, Litliug and Franklin.
The completion of the Sandy and Bearer Canal
open veto MIT city through this great natural central
may • direct C060:01101CalloII 10 theabove as well NJ
the ad,batriltig counties of Wayne, H olmes, Knox, and
n of Ohio, the
with Pittahargh
bas been, to a u kat extent qt on; in consequence of
the high rates of transportation, which are now re
dneerllo, 31 and 50 per cent.
Boat. of this line will leave daily, and ran through
transhipment. The Canal company have
bestowed upon this, line an Internet in the unprece
dented advantages of their charter, sad thus seemed
to the middle portion. o( Ohio in ordering their goods
equal interest in this advantage.__Agents:
J. C. DWELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL fr. CO.; Glasgow.
R C Holmes, Spear's Mills, Oluor II & A Gay,
Wilhamsporv,o4 George kiemble, l'Atrin, 0; Culils
& Hafts., do; Hanna, Graham & Co. Now Lisbon, 0;
Arm . & Nicholas, Hanover, O.; Hibbetsit Boon,Mi
nerva, 04 Speaker & Poster. do.; Joseph Pool I Co,
do,. Hull &. Bass, Oneida Mills, O.; II V Bever, do.;
C Harzthal A Co, Malvern, 0.; IRK Onyy,
W. .7." -
MirLi d E4l7 3. lo l 2: dllj u Zir; Z i p . V . lll . ll n g e ra9.l
ZlPParland & Co, Band7vi 110, P P Leifer, do; Pub - .
Baugh & Selnbangh. Molnar, 0: Willard & Shrives,
do.; 11 Hainan, Massillon, 04 • & Co, do ;
John Robinson, Canal Fulton, 04 Ferilg & Torrey,
Canal Dover . 0.,_• A Medbury, Roscoe, 04 L K War.
nes, Newark:o4Fitell Hale,Calsonbus,4o& L 0 Mat
thews,Cleveland, O.; Rhalles & Green, do. mayo
ogia TrAliapOitatiOSl 01:1;41111ly•
Mg= 1850. MAO&
D. LEECH t 00 , 51 LINE;
Ri townie Caned and Rod Scud.
PIl Eats and Can of this Line have been pot in
compete order, and wnh the addition of severe
new ones to the Line, enables us to carry a large
quantity of produce a nd goods.
The entire stock of the Line is
owned and eontro
ed by the Prom-Wawa
HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 South Third at,
And at the Tobacco Warehouse, Iht.elt at,
Phi adephln, Pa.;
No 144 North Howard Batintore, Idd.;
OFFICE, No 7 West st,'New York;
D LEECH & CO, Cum Basin , Penn at,
I=l3 Pittebu h.
aim= 1850,
CLARK, PARRS & CO, Hochestar, Pa, Propea.
Mice coo Smithfield and Water au, Piusburgh.
Cleveland, Ohio.
TMS well known Line are prepared to transport
l As=an D d Lug . cager i alram the rrra k v ,
The facilities oitha I ' L ' lnc l' a n ralinsurp n arsed- la number .
quality and °amity of Boats, agrarian°e of captains;
of Airenta.
One Boor letnr. Pinalnugh and Claveland dolly, ran•
clog in conneetion with a a of Swam Boats
tweenPFITSBUROH and B EA VER , and Line
First Clue Steam Boats, Propellor. and Vestals, on
the Lake..
Clark, Parks &. Co, Rochreter, Pa,
E N Parts & Co, YoungstOwn, Mau;
AI D Taylor, Warren. 0;
A & N Clark, Nowton Falls, 0;
I Brayton & Co, Ravenna, 0;
Kent, Grinnell & Co, Frankton, 0;
II A Miller, Cuyahoga 0;
Moonier, Leo & Co, Akron. 0;
Chamberlin, Crawford & Co Clsvaland,
Gabbard & Co, Sandusky, d ;
Peakham & Scott, Toledo,
0 Williams & Co, Detroit, Mob, .
Wliliama & Co, Alllwaukoe, Wt.;
Marley & Dutton, Raelne, Wid;
Thoras A llt, bb a d ago ' n. l";
JOHN ra ' HAUGHEY, Anent,
mrOA earner Walerand Elautbaeld
EOM 1&50-
CLARKS, PARKS R CO, Rochester, Proprietors.
111 E Proprietor s of this old and well known Lim
would mform the pablia that they are now In op.
motion for the present .ason; and have commenced
receiving Freight and Passengers, which they are
folly prepared to entry to all points on the Canal nod
nt the lowest rate.. one of the Dos. of the Line
will he constantly at the landing, below Alonongehela
Midge, to meeive freight.
COI Water and Smithfield Ws, Pittsburgh.
It W Cusmingitam, New Castle, Pa;
Miteheltree & Co, Pulaski;
W C Malan, Sharon;
Jlz 9 Hall, She/T.6llra;
Wink. As hr e lt• Co, Greenville;
Wm Henry, Harlan:tom;
Wm Power, Conticantwilei
John Hearn & Co, Elie;
John I Hollister & Co, Buffalo, N melo
Plitabzwrgh Port.iisls Boat LIM-%
1850.M . Sia
YOA Mt. 1111161 , 01MAT109 01 MC.=
Taimin• Boagsmatr, Turn A O'Connos,
Philadelphia. ( j Pittsburgh.
rfo E ng e" catb be llterrin o r:ie th u e P uMZ e abgr th old
stands, ',erring and forwarding Merchandise and
Produce at low rates, and with the promptness, cc,
tainty, and safety, peguliar to their system and mode
of transportation, whim intermediate transhipment to
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
of damage.
erehandtse and Produce shipped emit orwest,and
Milo! Lading forwarded free or charge for commis
don, advancing, or storage. Having no interest di
teddy or indirectly In steamboats, that of the owners
solely consulted whoa shipping their goods.
All COM/1111111C•11011. to the following agents prompt
ly attended to:
No Ca Market meet. Min&lran.
Comer Penn and Wayne atreatai Pittsburgh
John Id eCallogh & Co, G 8 North st, Galt; P. D. Hort
& Co. to Doane st,Doetan, W. &. J. T. TRIMOtt & Co
Ed Death et, New York; James Wheellortght, Cumin.
Ramat 1850.
Between Pittsburgh maa yearn C
The Canal being now open, we are ready to receive
wardand Produce and merchandlde east
and welt.
. Frelghts airway. at loerem rates, charged by reopen
able hem
I . (O4iOCC and merchandice will be received and for.
warded cast and west, without any charge for for
wardutg or advancing freight, commission or storage
11111. of lading forwarded, and all dim:Mons faith
fatly attended to.
Address or apply to, WM. BINGII&M,
Canal Basin, car. Liberty and Wayne air, Pittsburgh.
No 183, Market at. between, ltk & 6th, PUP&
No 181, North Howard at.. Baltimore.
auto No Mt, West imam, New York.
Mile doe., of the sego partner, in Philadelphia,
lthe late James II Death,' prodacrano Interruption
to the busineas—arrangementa have been made which
invoices the same Interests precisely, which hays
heretofore existed. The basin.. Is continued tinder
the some name and finn,
JAldlf M DIM & C 0.., Philadelphia;
Joni. hPFation Co., Pittsburgh:
Tae continuance of the patronage of oar many
friends Is respogally solicited. If any persons have
demands against theconcern, they are requested to
resent th em forthwith, for payment.
Pittsburgh, Apnllo,lo. 301110 BIiFADEN, Ethrifining partner
' Pass.ager mum Rasa!Wats* Olitaa.
AIIANRDEN & CO. continue to bring remota
i(011111117 pert of England, Ireland Seotiand or
%Vides, upon the mem liberal terms, with their
wool punctuality and attention to the winos and emo
ted of emu:Ornate We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the ewledling acmes that Infest the sea
ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port theruselvee, and see to their well being, and de
patch them without any detention by the first daps.—
We soy this lhadeuly, as we defy one of our passen
ger. to show Met they were detained 48 boo by us In
Liverpool, whild thousands of other. • ore-detained
months, until they could be sent In wimes.el graft, at •
eh: p rate, which too frequently proved their corona
We Intend to perP,nn our eentreetr itonerably, coat
what it may, sad not act ea was the ease lest meson,
with ether efesers,—who either performed not all, or
when it tolled their convenience.
iftada drawn m Pittsburgh for may mon from AI w
Limo, payable at any Odle prorlAnial Bank. In Ire
land, Poslad, Seolland and Wales,
Onapaaa atA Gam talAtrao;
Fifth anat. oaa doer vl7oea
LIQUORS -17 hr pipes Brandy—Otard, Dopey, tto
V pipes llellend Gin;
mks N E Ram;
too b bl. Whiskey; for WO bl.
B. A. ITatmostotar. &
‘l' Wood meets, offer for eale,on favorable toxins:
100 bble'Whidnir; IMO lba Cub. Ammonlm
60 do Alum; 503 do Assafretide;
,300 do Ore Woo,* 600 do Condo Tarter;
25 do Lampblack; 600 do Liquorice Roan
20 do Von. Red; =CI do In. 060 u;
0 do Cimphor; 150 do Red Precipitant;
10 do Span. Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer.;
23 do allow Ochre; 25 do do
10 do Brimstone; 200 do Bucker L eer ;
8 do Clovem. BM do Rhubarb Root;
3 do Chrn•Flowers; 400 do Romp. do;
14 cans Rat Borax; 200 do Gentian do;
25 do Cantle Soap; 200 do Bat Rocheele;
16 do Prussian BI.; 200 do Beidlitx Mixture;
10 do Coln. Maxon* 500 do Pow'd Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do Slip. Elm;
sdo to Yellow; 100 do do G. Arable
sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Root;
6D 14. M. 8.4 Paper; 100 do do !gap;
XS hags Blear Sumac; 250 do do Af.Cirrenne;
25 pale. Bottle Car.; 200 do Ralph. Zinc;
750 x Ralph. Morphia; DOG do Bar Tin;
1200 lbe Cape Aloes; SW do Tomato - 4s;
120) do Bt•ChromPotaalhlso do gni. Sliver;
RIXI do Pink Boon 230 do Grange Pooh
1500 do Tarkey Umber, 75 do Cochineal;
1200 do Cream Tamil 20 do 117 d Potash;
600 do Tanurin Acid; 60 do Mace;
110 do U. Urn; 25 do Granville Lotion.
(a l ib vis";•w ,
On 2 SCROO l gidAilig Co
Inr James Xarrars Plaid Matriaka.•
PREPARED under the fixtatelhala care of the In
venter, and establiattedlor upwards of thirty Team
Thin vielant preparation is recommended in all
elms of elle, acidities , tndl ration , &nut, and grovel,
en the " .1 auxl..tifeffeetusd form to which
Magnesia may, and indeed the oaly one in which It
ought to he exhibited. poesessing all the properties of
the Magnesia amain general use,without being liable
Ike it, to form dangerous concretions in the bowel.,
it effectually cures heartburn without inierink the
coats of the stomach, as soda. potass, sad their CU,
bonales are known. to do; it prevents the food of in.
(ants turning sour; in all ea.. it tem las & pleasing
aperient. and is peculiarly adapted to females.
Si' Humphrey Davy testified that thin *olotion forms
soluble combination. with uric acid to Io caste of
gout and gravel, therby counteracting their Injurious
tendency, when other alkali., and even Magnesia
Itself, had failed.
. • .
From Sir Philip Crampton, Ilan, Surgeon General
to the Army In Ireland:—
"Gear Str—There cut be ao doubt that Magnesia
may be adminiatered more safely In the form of aeon.
eentratedeolution than in substance; Inc this, and
many other reasons, I am of opinion that the Fluid
Magnesia le a very valuable addition to our Materla
Sir fames Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Idessrs.Guthrie and Herbert Melo, of London, strong.
mote safe and convenient than e".. b f2:'
fr end
ee from the danger attending the constant. use of
soda or potass.
For sale by the Immta arAbln r &irlttila agents,
may*? Cor. of Wood& Frequent
Fr., the Vegetal e:4l - ingdors, to raps! Diseases
Dr. Gursott , s Extract or Yellow Don*
and Sarsaparilla.
Camas consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rheamatiata,
goat, liver compliant., coin.] affections, ulcers, sy
philis, dropsy, asthma, piles, lcuracy,affections al
the bladder and kidney*, =entreat diseases, toe.
rupt humors, nails of blood io the head, fever and
ague, female complaints, general debility, dy.pcp
ala, loss of appetite, headache, colds, costiveness,
gravel, night aweata, cholla, organic affection.,
palpitation of the heart, bile., pain. in the aide,
cheat, back, Ac.
Ai. Infallible in all: diseases arising front &A Isti
pans gars orate iblood. or irregular action of tho aya!
In the Vegetable lirn,adom, an All.wise Being ka,
depothed Pleat. and herb.; congenial to our eanstit.
bons, and adapted to he rate of disease; and to the
vegetable knottym does the reasonot Winn, as well a
the Instinct of an/ ale, turn for antidotes to pain.
lito Syrup Is a scientific compoan forme mOst sal
noble plum in nature, entirety freedeleterious
'and enervating mineral substariees,•and as h expels
disc.+, from the system, Imparts vigor and strangth,l
An extraordinary Cana of Scrofula, Etysipelsa and U :
erre, erred:by the sole Use of Dr. Gayer:Aft Com
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock andSariaparUla
De. Gi - ritorr lizoorms, Nov. It lEde
Sin I tender my sincere think. for
the great benefit I bare derived from the um of your
valuable syrup. I have been troubled very bad wit
a zerofulons sore, which made its appearance on in t
chin. I did not pay much attention to It at first, imp .
posing It to be notions but an eruption that appear
on person's far s. It finally began to Increase, untft
reread to the .auk part of the head. ..I applied to a
who attended roe all to no purpose: I had
tried every thing that coeld be tried. I es, yeur Syr
up of Yellow Dock and Salaam:rills, and cohcluded
to use it, for I knew that Yellow Dock Ina one of the
most valuable articles MAU, world for the blood: I
bought your Syrups and from the. ere, of me bottle, I
could me a great change in my system I continued
to omit until I wu a well man. I now feel like a'
new person; my blood Is perfectly clammed And free
from all impurities. There Is net a queetion but the
your newly discovered compound Is far superior t
any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold.
Thu emilfieste is at your disportd to publish If yea
Uke, and say one you may relne to me. I shall be bap.
pp to give thorn all the information I can anent my
Cabe, kn. I remain roar obedient tensor,
Gurnee G. Jonnsnri,
113 Market inept
The hest female medicine known. The Ens., of
Yellow Dosk and Durespatilla Is a positiva,spactki,
and remanent cum (or ill complaints inedlmst to
Its mild, althlanso recreates render it peketteely
applicable to the Mender mud delicate consiblaion of
the female. It to unrivalled in Its cdects r.pou such
disease. as luripient consempuen, bDrretthess. Icw
corrboca, or whites, irregular menstruatitsu, Incenti•
nett., of urine, end general prom:tenon of the uystem;.
It 01011110t1C10 0101 6111f0.12b3g 00.1 . 10110•
Dees end Insmtude 110 e00010:01 to the Annals (tenth ,
and bui tarts an energy and buoyancy raf W 005114 ma
they ae m W
stefuL e have eviller-me on his which
Induces etrangly to reaommend 0101100 U 10
married people who hays not been We and with of
ruothesue Utem, or Falling or the N *nub, of Des
year. , ataudhta, cured by the lielsoll‘a EzVer: of
Yellow Duck and Pthenparltis, aline -every other
jr FOi ‘I
~ alter vd,
known remedy had been ' ne e without teller.
WA.IIIIpOtOV. Ohlo, 'ebt Itta
This aerates that my Wife, aged 7 . ) ears, hat
teen auffering under the above comp ta for five
years—nearly all or that time eonhned td her bed. I
have for fora yea.. constantly employed the best teed
kcal talent to could be renewed in this atellon of the
country, without any bench whatever. I have alto every Instrument recommended fate OS
cute crotch diseases, all of which peeved worthies..
In the spriny of I air, I moo induced by my (riends
to try Dr. Gurrol'a Yellow Deck aid DarsaParali,
which was used for (mar monthr. After ahe had awn
it fez about fear weeks. It was evident an all ttpa she
was ItnPromnir, and from this time she =proved sap
idly, and rained tech and strength, until the chat.*
was entirely reunited., sod she is now enjeyiny moat
excellent health. WM. 1111,eareflY.
We being neighbors of Itirt. and, Julia /Monfort,
know that the above statement, as to alfficktierw t/
Alm Monfort, and a. In the care &Mar Cooed hy
Yellow Desk and Seraaparilia. be atfmtly
tlitll..tll DOWERS: .
Grant Oars of COanumptlosul
Me. Bennett—Dear Sir The great eneSt lob teh I
E 1111•11 derived from your Extract of Yellow Itoci , And
Sanaparall.,lEdUCCO,MC, no an n., ofjudace n id , rdak.
the following statement:
After wasting for on,, yea,. from general dertoloy
which finally teßailliled
up by my friends and phyricions no beyond rheard of
medicine. Az a 101 result, I Way induced lc, try
year Entoct, and bovtng fusel but two btotin, cC•
coninig to your direction., I no entirely wall_ ',I
would therefore, earnestly [et: minced Your 0 .4:tol
led Compound to the unlisted who desiee e pinoleriel,
pleasant and remedy. Gratefully tone inind,
NonAgenotne unle.s.put up In large allowed:endear
contenting n quart, and the oat= of doe syrup blow,
to thoglaes, with the went., .ignatire of S. Pi lien.
nen an the outside wrapper. Price SI per belle, or
six bottle, fort!,
It N wad by J. D. Park, corner of Fourth una 'IVO •
nut streets, Cowirmuth Olin, Guttural Agent fdr the
South and Wrsh to whom alloy:tern must be address.
Caner Bro , Ene, W. B. Jude. & Co., 'Water
ford; Olin & Clemane, Croesingville; Abut TerrellMontrose; thrum Torranda; Robert Itoy, Wells
hero; L. Itedenok, Ce;:enebore; L Wiind , ,Jf • h;,.
burgh, comer of Martel street and be Diemen.]:
mddlettle. of Um day."
Graham Rtation, Ohin, Hoy 2S, Ma.
R. E.Selters—l think it right, for the tieneGtof others
to state some feels In telatibn to your excellent Pa
rally Medicines.
„ . .
I have need year Vernsifuge largely in mylovrra vial frequently expelling luxe quantities
limy IGO to ado worms teem two eEdldren. I have
also imed your Liver Tilts and Congh Syrup In say
family, and they Lave, in every inslanee, produced
the effect. desired.
As I am engaged in merchwidising, I era able to
state, that I have yet to hoar 01 the Ant (allure where
roar medmines have been uxed•in any wetion dose
country. In COneleAlien, I may state that they ark the
medicines of the day, and ate destined to have • vent
eXtensive popularity. Yours, resoedigully
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS . NoIIWood
sweet, •nd sold by Druggists gentrallg In the .two
cities and viciniAr. leg
1.7 Medicines 01 the day."
fisausses Runow,Oblo, May P 5,1842.
R. E. Renew: I t h ink it right teethe benefit of others
in State some facW in relation to your excellent Fatal.
ly Medicines.
I have naafi y: .r Vermlfaga ItuTety iu my own
Sy, one 'lett frr,sently ahaurernag for expelling! sto
gaanntiaa tiny Ito MI worms from two childtat I
have also coed purr Liver Pillaiad llough Syrup to
my family, and they have in every lwartoo produced
the effect &gated,
As I am ganged In inerchaudning, lam able to
state that I nee yet to hear of the fintl3.llll2fo where
7011 r medicines have been used In my lacuna of the
country. Ira conclusion, I tiny state that they ore Ms
medicines at the day, and are destined in have IL very
este...ire pspolarny Tours. 'es ..eedelly
... irrtuatt.
Prepared and sold by R. r IP Wobd
street, and sold by Druggi.,• in the two ei
nes and
B.Y..rr twat; ortrirKirebVt aM,71 1 , -
k..; original, only tree, and genuine Liver
Snort Cam Oltio vanity, Va.. I
20th, 1842.
Mr. R. E. &Item Dear lit— March dill* it • duty I owe
to you and to the public rears to state that I have
been a
nd cted with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, a so badly that an
s ta te formed and broke,
which loft m a very low state. Haring heard sit
your celebrated Liver Pills being (3r sale by A It
Shemin West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. E. Sewn, I concluded melon theati
a fair trial. I purchased
bat, and found them to
Jut what tiny are recommended, Ti DEBT LI ,
VER PILL EVER USED; and alter taking four bosh,
lead the disease has entirely left me, and I am now
perth.ctly wall. Respeottelly yet"
Weft Liberty, March 20,1617..
I osellty that I am personally acquainted with Mr
Co ,and can beat testimony to the troth of the
above certificate. A R SHARI'
TM] tenni. laver PIN •re prepared and told by
RR rt LLERB, No 57 Wood street, and by dmgqiew
in the wo elites.
. • • .
TO TILE PURLIO.—The onginalonly trite and gen.
nine Liver Pills ere prepared by R E Sellers, and have
Ids name sulfured in black eras upon the hd of each
box, and his unsure on the outside wrapper—ell
others ere counterfeits, or base imitations.
apIO R E SELLERS, Portofino,
•Jitat rend. an invoice of fall jewelled paten On.
vet Watchee,lB easels fate saws, which I en,, sall as
low as thirty and thirty five dollars, and warranted to
kurzi,ils;le'Sldid aSsortment JF3VELiIIY, eon,
prising the Carious and latest stylee, and hest paneras
W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler,
ENIFERSET, FLEMING & CO, hamng arranged to
giTO, their enure attention to the "ale of domestic
Woolen and Cotton Goads, now offer their large
stook of Tailors , Trimming', Veining*, Freoeh and
Germ. Cloths, Doeskins, Eotrimeres, Re. at arm Coln.
AVoml sr
J _
UST ree d, an elegant pi., flooessoodC oct. Ytan o
from the celebrated manufactory of Nun. k.
Clark, N. Y., of superior toue,andocry moderate price.
For sale by It. KLEITER
- at J. W. Woodmen..
VV (or removing . Tana, Scurry, Canker, and an
substances destructive to the Teeth. It in delic ion to
the lute, cleansing the month, healing and stiengthen
tug the gam,. and purifying the breath.
For sale, wiolenle and retail kr
dead R E SEILERE.I7 Wood et
Braadlors, Winos. Oisso .•
60 hf pipes Cognise Brands, ...riot. , viniitnel4
90 Dr casks do do;
4 pipes Holland Gin;
2 puncheons /mules Apron; Old 1 lish %%Writes; •
20 qr casks uteri& Wine,
20 do Oporto do;
SO Lards Bornenas. Claret;
10 kfpipes Epanistt Rod Wine;
60 bus Bonitos Cliret;:
10 bils4^scat Wine; "
, ch Whits Wins-stesitr,
Re i m pps,w;.l'. y • MILL= &lIICIELT6OI4
110010 , -, LOOM st
TIIESE DIES having been adopted and highly approve d in alt the 'principall situps m New Yort
and Philadelphia, are now offered to mumf.ctimreVLOSChirlilti, strifihs,,Te., With the ithrooet Coat
fidence, es the mem perfect article in toe or cutting 'brews.
Their isupe.,ioritc over : ,rny other Di es h ee eiefore Ined,7•consimi in their Curling • ethillita .
SCU' O' beth. " Vor SRUMlS:thresi. a, by ow mains over them= to be cut, which require no amiging
io t he Preparation, es the dies cut the threadoutof' the SOW irout without MIMOSA in the Intl;
ir greater durability, rapidity; and pellOorion of work; said in their simplicity and little liability
to get can of order.
Parcsmanws, Lig.l7,latEL
Thls Is toe ertify that we have parokasal tom P.
W. Gate. the right of Kilns hlsirt Giesler eat
ting.bolts. In our oplakm;hts • are wool% SoPe•
riot to any other. we ILe mils tad with foe the
purpose of ambit boll.
PCEZDZIPPLa, Avg. YU 1819.
Having bed W Gates , Patent Wes in ore In our
establishment for the last nine months, for. ehrlihg
bolts, ;we can to every respect recommend 'them In
the highest terms, as we have laid ell where away,
they being so far superim—eonsideting them 75 per
cent. cheaper Shan an=nom le u M m •
, GU& CO,
Penn Works, Pa.
This Is to certify that me have purchased the neht
to our, and adopted In oar beaten I.P W Gates , Pt.
tent &row Caner, whlthlro Iti,ghty approve of. We
can do mach more work, and we belkve it will sus.
'Pass in durability and precision, as much as mtat*
oflabor, any dies known to in
MOMS, TASEEN. & b10G.1218.
PRELADILP2II, lithlanth, fah day, IMO.
Niw You, dig. 19,154.
Having adopted P. W. Clateat."Patent Meet for tut
ting bolts, we take pleasure in raying, that it more
than answers oar expectations, and have net !luna
tion in airing it as opt opinion, that It fas excel. any
other pi= in pretreat use for nutting bolt.
We have P. W. eat& "Pateilt Dia" for Mating
strews, and the ematamy of =Mg them ta Mt nay
analderabia, that are look upon them as MdliPelim•
Me to • ever, astablialmeat hating any qitaxolty of
mows to en
May 10, 1840.
Oannsacs Orsten, Wass:moron; eth Seni.,24B.
I have panhasad of W. 11. Scoville, for the,'Unitad
States, the right to use in all the annuals and atom
air James flarrayrei ilutd Ugrian*.
PIIBPARED under the mosordisto care a the fn.
• cantor, and establothed for upwards' of thirty
pearl by she profession, for removing Bile, Atidities,
and Indigestion, restoring Appetite, preserving •
modems Ante of the bowels, and dissolving title acid
in Gravel and Gout; also as an eray remedyloi sal
aleintus4and for th e febr ile affectionineideot te child.
hood it is invaluable: On the voles of Magma'a as a
remedial agent It to unnecessary to enter/at the
Field Preparation of Sir James ialurray ,ts tbe
most valued by the .protession, sit enure] avoids
the possibility of dengerouaeoneretione htually
resWung rte use of the arddle in palatial
Fen Ea by the unponn ithintrAtfaent 3
eenil Cor. Wood & From
TOBACC(1,80 bin Hassel & Robinson's Vs honor
206 n Jones & Hodson's d's t
• - -
. . .
. . .
WI boo Cshiness.64 loop; . . . :
.an boo 8. Myers , ll lb Wain • , J
. 711qr.exs do ilb Imre. for sale by
sopll idlUdat A R.I . CKETSON ,
RRC STOCKTON has received for sale, Tel 4th
. orGibbon , slitstory of the Decline and yeti of
tee Boman Empire. I
tete and Letters of Thomas Campbell, in S vrls.
Faked by Wm Beellin. l,l D ,
Elententxry St eteees dr Moral Philosophy. Dy the
Iwo Rev.,Sidney Smith, M. A. • •-, •
Lectures on Mel Allltlr Felectio 'System of Sur.
!tory. By Benjamin Hill Al. D.
7albot an Vernon; • peel. • , •
The Shoulder Knot, a tale of the seventeenth eel.
fury --..., .
Ihe Scarlet Lesser, at romance. By Pittodselet
IlawthOnte.• atur9 :
by William, Beattie, nl. D, one of his Melon,
a vol. 12no cloth. ••
Railway Economy: a Arum on tba merlon of
transport, Its management, prospects, and' relatimrs,
commercial financial, awl axial, with an atribealea
of the emetics' remits alto, railway. la operaion in
the Unaad !Deplore on the Comanant, anti to America.
ByDionyshm ..ardier, D. C. L., &a. LtoLl.4mocloth
the Yast,Presant, and Statue af=t h =
lased • from the French of A. De
~T he Ocrondlstaa oblentatra or my "loath q "Ra
phael," 10. 1 vol limo cloth.
Dints toward Reforms in Lectores;Addmeala, and:
other Writings, by Horace Greeley. I cot ltrao eta.
The Flimsy of the Confessional. By John:Henry
Hopkins D. D., Bishop of the Dumas, of Vermant.
I col l'issie cloth.
The Contest ofCartada. By the author of 4 .
pelte , .
Ise.? (Elliott Warbotort, I vole 12m0.'
Cosmos; •sketch of o phylneal description • of the
Univerie. By Alex Von Humboldt, translated RIM
the German by F. C. mu. 4vole 12mo cloth
Gibbon'. Decline and Fall of the Morten 'Empire,
with notes by H. H. 'Haman. Harper's eheapettitlo.
1.1.1 m, cloth. complete tr, 2 vela at 400 per yor 4 voli
received for sale by R HOPIf/215
IMOURN thee to sadness. When other &Mode
around thee. Conscript's departure and temin•
Annie Laurie. .A.“ we &mast there. Low hacked
ear. Ile doeth &1 thinks Well! Melly woo L mui..
Pilver moon. m° of Washington. Their bait
wounded:the sp e nt. Mould Soler Day. Ire lund to
loved ones at bole. Cheer v r my own Jeanne:,
CM, Lem Spring Plower atm. 'DMA ',Wel.:
Brarnebero Waltz. Ba:nation Polka. Betty Polk.
Rarest Polk. /two , Lind Polka. Linda Qulsketep,
March from Norm.
.. .
. . .. ,
The above are jog received, eceived, and far vale br- 1
J H )114.1..08,
end! Ed Neale:
. .
J. H. MELLOR, 81 Wood street, has renamed the .
follososng Nem Muni=
g" ill, say can you see oy the truth , * holy lighltdedi.
Vir milk to Rev. 0 Cook. Oh, think not lass I love
thee. Blanche Alpen,l love thee. When other Biondi
around thee. The cot beneath the bills. Wert thou
bat mine. Annie Laurie—Scotch ballad. The Bobln
—.ow. by Ellsa Cook, moan by Stephen' Glover,
Thou hoot wounded the epirit that loved theei The
Grave of Washington. The Irish Mot/tees Lament.
Old Sestan—Russel. He doeth ell Warr
Woodbury, Widow Mathree—lturielL The cottage
of my mother—Hutchinson. Low beaked enr—Lover
lien Walues.—templem. The Magic /Jell.. The
Bridal or Wedding Polka. loony Lind'. American
Polka. Liver Polka. Soiree AmeriOnt Pinkie. Tip
Top A11Y(2.131 Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka.
Jenny Lind Polka. The Original Scottish Polka— ,
Julien. Salutation Polka. run Polk.. Jiwephion
Polk.. Summit Polk. Beatungol Polka. The Pea.
phet Quedrilles—Mayerticer. Jenny Lind Qsadrillea.
The Wreath and Daisy Waltzes—airs HMCO; The
810$11 Drover Boy—js natie vs by Czerny. Monument.
Sounds from Home: Wreaker's Daughter. or:tektite°.
Louisville hbovb and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick
men. . •
!strawberry rianta tor Sado at.Orsora7
wood Clardann. '
BGIST'S Prix, /lorry% Seedlings, sad Vietoriai
Theta the hugest sod best Savored told. amongst all re the dilrerent varieties now grown.
Orders addrused to Itia prep. Icon, West Manch*a
ter, will receive precept attention. J ftteK.AIN.
HAs become an establiatted and almost Indispers 7
able reyelsite in every well Provided Mindy,
from int remarkably wholesome end net:Worm quail! ,
tie... • food tor the healthy to well ea a diet Inc M
eal:Mt, and also for the cinema lice of growing mdldrei
and infanta. Van:outmodes °retaking and preparing
it are given on the wrapper.
Though well known to the cut, it has never been
introdaced to any °steatitic/nits:sure. The subecrib
era have, therefore, made arratigements be con.
mealy aupplied with it, and n elf effete it to :retail
dealers or families on more faviorable terms than l
has over beta sold at to Pletzburgb. :
. 236 Llbesty et' •
- -
T AM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, tram the
1 well known Nurireiy Of Jacob N. ileown: The
reet will be dehrered at the wharf at Pittsbirgh frit
111110 per hundred. Pervonaladatting good thrifty treei
ohould leave their order. Aron at the Drug , Seed, and
Perfumery Warehouae, earner of Wood antiSinth eta
'Dr CABER boa icon ceived See lot of Brui
ALL. bsstroments or Oa kat manufacture, nice
by himself with great eu" for this market, such ail
Valve Tiombonms, Sas Horns, Bugles, Conicia,Tabas,
also, • Eno oelection of Neale Dozes, playing
two and three nines; .Ffatinas, Aceordmna, &a: de,
•••pertor German and Datum Suing% mad gem.
lee Neapolitan F. t±tring, four lengths, a eplendid
_ -
Vtlftgns celebrated HTICKING RAINY: AND
A sovereign remedy for elveric rheumatic ate enemy
sreskness and lameness of men pans Of the body,
scalds ' burns, sores, of ranst kinds, eats. swellings,
sprains, brutoto, corns, Mad felons when first coming.
Also, the MOM convenient and safe stinking salve Inc
strengthening plasters and drafts on the feet. •
For sale by S N WICKERSHAM
astgr , Cor. Sixth In Wood sts
CIWINE to R. all Nighlg Dolly Day;
Daisy Jones; Go down to de Cotton Field;
Nally ens a Lad}, Re.
Be Kind to dm Loved Oxus at Home;
Row Ihy 1 . 011 104; Terse Love, by T. Hood:
Our way 0000 tho sea, duett;
A new medley somy, by 'Leaven; •
Jenny Gray, moil° by Mullen
Joys that went ofountinti7 edding Muth
God Wyse the !lardy noir • Wsiu;Schuylkill
Conxeript'a tftuastura, by W. C. Gloves; :
Gonads train tome; Waltzes Sleyermarkmeho Col
Lan Rose of Slimmer, eery .l2 . llllolU by !laic -;•
United States 1 . 011"; Ladles , So aienle Polka;
Corn Cracker quadrille; Louisville Qoadrille;
Beauties of Indy; Doers, Trios; ice.
A logo assortment of New Mule on hand. to wtdeit
additions sn altde weekly. Rot sale by •
&MA - J. M. ME:LW& 01 Wood n.
. .
--- =LIE;Rtip taattaxa /Hat ory.
. Hartingby Harper k Bap., in - 6 vol. atoll, And
paper, at 40 cants per vol. Three vets received, and
for We by R 1101M1INS,
apl7 78 Apollo Baliding. Fourth at.
bar,,, prime ire wi
1.../Canomer-.40 bxs mould, dipped, and sperm;
Camara-11n las Cream uld English Doirr; • I*
Coen.-40 dos Hemp and Manilla;
Cassta--HO Metre;
Crory.-- barrel;
Cloass--,10 hi Common end hal;
Frest-tr: brigand half brie htseXerelond Ralmon;
bs. warred riaeal . .
Raul-itto Prime Wools.;
1(00 Sugar Cared; • .
horse-1 00 lbs A F and Manilla:
Cox starri.on. Mack pad CopPlag;
Monasata -26 brie N Orleans!.
• le half brim Sager. rgonies;..
Meseta-20 dos assorted catuatara;'
111.ecaeoM-21 lb. .•,
Vsamacmar-60 Ibi " • r,
N.u..-200 kap maenad; •
Raw ts-6 doxjan• , ,
Paacnma•-...% bushels aslant; - • ': • • :
Pavan-d0 reams liasortech
P.maxi.-100 lb. Baniesax; , •
boss-4W toa Rortztand Cart Steel;
Haa,,t-go ads NOrtearo and Olarttadi'
Tea-LO packages Greta sadlit •
laciri, , •
Toaanco-610 hut% 6,46,11 b Lamp; , . -
Water Boaams-60 dogpaterrt RWG _
. For lale by • r •Jr D r WI Woodr
mrie Coeur afFilltt tai
3850 i REED. HOUSE, fill so
GM wit . a. RRILBERgreps teaerat9 . _
4 Id ,30111k11111 0711 C it.* lida
a beir si 4 . 11 Z. C" . . 1
L nr. "4
late eate A l = si 2,N.,,,..
............., tate of Gm Rim= Ile , al.Glee,
ries mder No auperriti on of thos Depanment, P. W.
Ontee.Patont Pus"ftir caning screws an Meta!, they
.fining . 'been tried .
two or the large arsenate, sod
foot./ to bo votY efficient and excellent.
A. TALCOST, CoL Ordinance.
113011.Za11 OD YA.10.. mta
IVAsum,SepL lei. j
Considentor Gated , Patented Improvement for out.
tins mews on metal to be I voluble one, I have, by
authority of tha Honontblei &screwy of the Nan,
=rof, the Attcanaya of the Patentee, Wm. IL
ad Samuel Mower, Lod, the right to mak•
and Ina said haprovement for the U. &Navy.
- JOSEPH SMITH, Chief ot Somas.
l'B'Rleesl4l'.lme & W A bl s T h n' teßo . nhnt . "ro —. • '
Rani= & CoiLilicacectsr, tic SA _ - .
H zowt & 7der Beluyllun , . nor;
Bt. et New nt:
It Eltoletnrnt.lO,"Mlifo.r't•' N.
Demoted & Co, Monument Works. Batt;
Van Curen, Rochester;
Mott &Ayres, New York,
AIL= Wooks, . I ea; .
Pellet k Hamby . do;
West Point Foundry; .
North & 800, Plilaiklphin; '
A !anti, BreedosburO, Pa;
Walwatth At Nunn, Banos, uld New Wort
Loma ;Bethke; Ehop, Lowe;
Ameoskeas• en;, N ti
Lyman & finother, BOIMII Boum,
and ountanma others.
No 142.1aituno,10 sMs diem & taps fr i to 2 M. pri.
Nog do 0 • do ito II 1110
do ' do lot, price 560
All otters addressed to Gates k 71I'Knight, Chi e.g.>.
0.8. HUMP, New Toik;E.D. Natation k Co, Phila
delphia and 11. H. &aria* & Vona, Chicago, for Dies
onnt Taps, with or without machines for siting them,
will moot with prosiTt intention.
CEEIV•oo, Map 34M-'
PALMER, HANNA d: CO. 6:two removed their
..Ezhango Office to north wear carper of Wood
and Thi a rd street. tan
TIM rannersitip heretofore existing , between the
übseribers ender th e firm of ntabridge, Wilson
b. Co., . was th is Iday dissolved be mutual. consent.
Tho Wiriness of the firm will be settled by I. W. Par.
bridge; or Wm, Wilson, Jr.,9 ithr r of whom is anther.
ISed tante the name of the inn in linaidetion.
.... 1 L 7 1 4 *0 Ski.o°ltaN.krb.o
bridge tr. ingbram, to transact a .Wholesale Grocery
and Genersleotmisslon Business, in the bonus lately
strained by Dartindge, Wilson .t ro,llo Water st.
PiUsburgh, July 1, le6o.—tly4 •
filllEautioribers fiavo Oda day formed a eoportuer
[hip wader the firm or W IP Wilson, for the pur
mse of traosacting . theWholerale Grocery and Com.
Opinion Bustuess, at No SO Wood Street.
tvdl. WILSoN, Jr.
Pittsburgh. 1 , 183-3y4 • PRANK. WILSON
. „
REMajan Is ? .G E l 2ll.ld Rho b 4 1:10 . 17,,kn d t b W ra k g ' r,
tee now offering' at the net lowest prices ton nub,
F & r euded VhlagteHy;o'
l G l u
OMb l.DuomameaatileMlittiaentrduyr.;, y & mire,
ench Bandn and Gan Jca
hcrr Loa.
dor Ginn,, /flat WhiakeY.Rum, &e. vont
den, C aapa o ne, Clam,
hol ae atea.
R ala d
trite RSA 'Mr' Wues. Wsae mail.
- tOl3
ERINTING PAPER—Always on baud or made to
order, the various glees of Planate Paper, Rag
Wrapping pupanCrown, Medians, and Double Crown
Maas Straw7Nrapplag Paper; Crown, Medium.and
Double Cream Post ()Mee Popen - Pasteboard, &e.
' W P bLeRBIIALL,BS Woad st.,
Agent for Mourn Mills.
XOMAN IN AMERICA-1/et work and her re
ward. By Maria J Melon:4llomM. of "Charm.
Inrolusems," "To seer. and to be." vol 12mo
• Litt on Day Pamphlet., No I:—The present time
By Thomas carbrate-
CRALSICEII.--bl.lOll, of Ltfe and Writing. of Thos.
Chalmers, D.. 11., L. L. D. Preleetirms on Butler%
Analogy, Palers EvldeneeiorChristionity, and 11.11'.
, Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lecture.
and tour Addroi.e. delivered In the, New College.
Edinburgh,by Thomas Chalmers, D. D., L. L. D.
1 vel 12sno.
Cir... Life➢ flolm Calvin, compiled tram mat ..
tie aourees,and partici:ltaly from his correepoadenece.
Bp Thome., 11 er r with portrait. 1 eol Mao.
For talc try ; • It HOPKINS,
ap47 ; 78 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et.
Gambol Gombet
nfl GROSS limper Polka; ID do do eery ;
ase'd Iledilieg.;
Pe Eittdlshllore Reddlnr;
S Socket Combr;
woo doe ess 4 ilFloo ivory;
," Shell Side Comb
97 '" .1 0 gro erol " af l' dS r .
it e ee . a . l, G !
( ebs
0. =Aims FOUNDRY*
tom, . . O. W. G. PArn.
/PRE andersi d, necessors to Arthur& le Niclwl.
J. son, beg lea eto info rra the Mitre. ofPittsbuy . gn
I arid pubho gene ly, that they have rebuilt the LA
I GLE FORM=and axe how to full operation, and
have part of th r patterns ready for the market:—
Amongst which Coo to king Stoves, Coal and Wood
Y 3 / 4.
Stoves, with asp maid ale-natio Coal Stove, which 14
now supereedinq In other cities the common roun
Stove . Alm a c inn coal Cooking Stove, well &dap.
red for small 'families, with a full assortmeal of com
mon and menus!rates' We would particularly in
vite the anemic& of persons building to call at our
warehouse befor puhssing, and examine &splendid
article of enamor lied Grates, finished In Eno ml,
entirely new In this market
Warehouse, Ni. t IS! Liberty et , oppnsite Wood n
ang-...9a111. , NICIIOLSOIi du PAYNE.
CYEKGER,. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
• Siip . o . l the t1 ,.. 1 , C0 c 1u . b ,.; It i tLg e oget a s . i. i j o llts ,, h . are hi P:
Pittsburgh to pa Goode, an respectfully invit ed
to call and swami the er.41111,0 assortment of Eng
lish, Anterieno. Itch and German Fancy Goods. -
Goods at this establishment-aro Import
ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get
ting goods from fast hands. I have the largestessort
meat of, articles, in the variety, line, in :the city of
Plttsborgh•-sill of which Will be sold low for cash or
city ateeptineca• The Steer : consists, In part; of •
Lane Goode, Roddy, Gloves, Ribbon&
SilkCmvats,Shois arid PateratThreads, Sewing Stlb
I r e o s o ., lCmcntj y yp74,l34pervien,Britnne, Pint, Nes-
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, oil tends 01
Brushes, Combs and !taxon.
Percussion - Ceps, Resolvent, Pistols, Clocks, Silk A
I Couon'Perses, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Kuno Boxes.
Carpet Raga and BILOCU.
BindlngS, Finduigs'andTaromlogs.
Toya awl FilltOr 0 • together p iths llege varie
ty of Fanny and Sum DWI COW:
e. YEAGER is aL agent or the celebrated Len.
caster Combs- , I . . • neoly
• _
Grarit.•ansisllan Itareteftys -
F O c l=n ttra„s„ „, t2o n int i m , p c b o o r n e l ot T , n4
Wove sibmascm It the /11ThiOAUIAN BALSAM OF
UFA discovemd by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, at
London, ngland, anti introduced Into the United Sloths
a nd
the immediate superintendence of the inventor.
Theo rcraordinary neon. of thin medicine, in lb.
eons - of Pulmonary diseases,. wannnbi the ArneriCue
' Agent in soliciting for treatment the wont po”ible ca.
am -
N tear be foundinthe einarounity—cases that seek
relief in vain from any of the common eczneasce i;,.
day, and have been given up by the Mom ditontn,
phy3slemns es eordirmed and teemed. Thu Dongere
an Balsam has eared, and will none, the most de:p.,rhis
of am. It is no quack nostrum, Late standard Lot.
Ilsh medicine, of known and emblished mlcsoy.
Every family in th e United States should be s oppose
with Baehan'a Ifuageriaa Balsam of Life„nor only w
connteniet the conhumptire tendencies of tam ethants,
bat to be used La n prialeraive medicine IP all root, of
colds,'coughs, ,opilting of blood, polo u, th e undo end
chest, Imitatton , and soreness of tho lungs,
difficulty of bleating, hectic fever, :Unfit swears, caner,
11.110 a cad {Choral debility, at th tha, 'newness, arfathwr,4
160.0 end troop. •
Bold in large bottles, at SI per bows, w Ito [all dlns
-11041 toe the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, contithirtg a mass of Moan,. and Amu's
. eau certificates, ar.d Other orlecnet, showing the so
agguUled of thls great Euglith Reawdy, ,:,: t . 5a
I obtained of the, Agents. prathithusty.
For sale by D A FAilniniTtieli S. um, hrr a
at and Wood and Wood cad Orl, ma. •t00n,„,,,
Shrugs - son, Marco 17,
E....u4kii—lnittettoo ID lOU end yonr inearri
parabic 0:m0SO - up, I beg !cove t° StlM, for mete,
blot the community, rhat my wife has been snverni
dints inflicted with a most distressing cough. •I. no.
e baud, in Jamu last,o bottle of your Synip, which
cared cosign o f wo months' standing. Anort. one
raemth since, the cough relented, sad was an screte.
that she , coold: hardly move, from weakness in Ma
breast; r sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and
part of one bottle cored the cough Ignve the other
too Journeyman Who was severely afflicted, rebelled,
to es. his out words; "eaten annual cough candy to
cure all Ine - feople to Pittaborgh,”•if the candy had
bneuns Bood.oS Maresented.... '
Veers, mstmet.fully, Atm= 11. Helm
Prepered and *Ahoy K. E. BEILIXItSS7 Vinod
meet, and 'sold by Druggists generally in the two
ne o n • • del6
BROWN teotald respette.
'one the . •pablie, that be
hand at his nand on Ms
of the Diamond.
:ay, a complete RIM",
VCRid. Wald.; also Ve
hatters exe.sne•le to et
to best style, warranted
any in the United Stair,
sds can be removed wdh•
aid of screw dotter.
patelnued the stock,
t 4 mood of the cabinet es
tient of Itatasey &
p . repared . to farzush
d cesternevy ea well as
7 thing fA that:lies.
7- A. DRONV?..
Ksonomy is Tony.
DECIDEDLY the ehhsi and belt Place ih P 1.. .-
berth to hey' Te batthe Tea Make; text mut
a: the Taxman& They '
- SaiieilOrQnahtles—..—:—.-• 0 73 ,"
Th. very 1
Ltrat rrieed, deranged, or InTe7lor Tar are net kept
at akin ostablleludeat, therefore, whether you rp your
"ketf-or aendrebnirrottlits tufo' titroMain 0 rood
-mink, and g Aw•flf.vor of ..the Tea I. novepproved,
they readily exeSinge it or return the money.
myl2 • MORRIS te HAWORTH, PrepriMom.
HE SOAP-STA bzo bar sale by
ty EPTNITD — and - meowed esireWii 67 P o n d,
IA dings, Cakeyeamrds, tee.
ReelPe for Bolted Costard.--Orie Pod
owl of new milt,
four ens, loaf a tlooetal of WI, two Ahlelpoonfols
reflned north ~ O U the stern to st small onontlty of
he nag, tilt Iris perfectly dissolved wad smooth—odd
ti le eggs, wall tenon, to tho Porch—pans tho eggs
WI morel law the bah= of As stralroskito bolffqg
Agg, someleallg pi bal. OP tetwit.Ailsoflrn ...