sEtaimiamr 1.801“41; DLL= DI notsanc- AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS • Dios 101 Wood Utilise, INVITE 0o gitentien of Loyers to their la*, meek 'I, of Fresh Goods new opening, and which they are PMPartd to 0 011 cm very accommodating terms. We shall be Constantly receiving fresh goods dot. big the onion, Ind rogue,; an esaminatton of our stook - by western nieraiiiiit i 'luin others visiting our city._ - _eue 3l _ 1. , • • WEI. DICIWY, • • 1d0..136 labors y„Stro ts }TAM ... , 0 , 041 So inform hi. numerous blend. . anttatitonerS, t h at he is hut remising hm new tail cook w CLIY3IIO, CaIiiiSUCLELM•i, and WF.ST INGS.,ot the newest styles, adapted for the opproac b big fed and winter 'tames. all thorn in want of cheap, isshionatile, nod good clothing, will nod the largest. most fashionable, and best suet in the cotnOT, it this eultblisionent. inpin oii-d TIM Penney/ear.fa Rail Road Company having completed the whole. Iwo or rail road to Ifolhdrtyn burgh, thurcentrecung the Portage, Rail Road to Johns (nen, and from thence by bouts to Pittsburgh, %re row pmpand w receive and forward members. *cktg, Frontlet, 41, c, to and from Pittsburgh and Phila. d' it..l.o.sts will lease. We depot of the company daily for Johnstou it, them ecuthecuag with the /lady main of care kr INitudel,hM, rheatainanag the de. Livery or all fictgLi ratlacie,plaa 4/Matta five day.. ' DLL Loa JJGULTT Agents the Ps. lt. R. Co, Canal Resin, Flusburgb. k LIELLAS, Agents, septd:dtf Philadelphia. NEW LOT OP SPLENDID PIANOS, Maxis cid llfigaical lizmileatents, . Err. of ths Golden Harp, Nc pit 'I bird meet Wiff4o a fil.tillEal respectially infrums Ms isICIII.II mid ihr pahbe, that ha bap Pill rammed from ti.e ems, will •,,,, el.'s . ..At ace CSICIALVC assort- MC. of Pismur sr. t ',ova art les awl priors, selecrod by himself, with Kii Y,h , e at the celebrated factories or Maims is Clark. ir V. .u.r:Daolmrs, N. V., farm n 1 Stodan & lionham, N. V.) 1 1 rring sabered tba oboe.- tram an Immense s .no K last Galahad by dre. ribose • =kola, they RIO CflklTll,lti of suparior quality tual tote, and will la 111 Cocoa !... I OW-LA Nam York rue. toryynicua Purchase.. ill 7,Crilrt a written ours arty with each Piano, C11 , .11/14 , Wt. I. as exchange or salami of stmt. it timed Colic rice. Also, a lot of splendid Guitars, from the Money or Schmidt & ?dud, N. y They are a superb goda, and warranted equal, if nor superior, to any made in th• world. - • , • Abe, ■ fine eeteCtion of Flints. CLalionets, &Tiny, Bran immanent; and the newest end malt poplueT mote, inelaang Jenny Line* oelebrnted ann. Rept) CE;IXE7== MURPHY 4.I3I7ACtIFIELD, at north nail cornet of fourth and Market laces, are now supplied with i fin •Faortsorm of the enemas quattie, at above &citable goods, and baclog . been porchn.ed from Importer. can be wee- •- trrlunt;d:gensktile Jas. RlMegrtast i Boas , Pateiet find. Aata Q 9 A CASES of the above celebrated brand. part Var.! in store,...nd the remainder to arrive Wl. and onxt math, per "Anna Illen,"Earope,""Berlin,” and Ebel .hip.., via Philatielphle and Balton o te, warraut. toperior in both strength sad anent, to any rn the market, lor tale at the 1012211 11122 for 212111 tad sp. BlTmed ibW & DI MITCIIELTREE earn When, street Ulnas Pappliat Pall ea Vaasa:. Goods. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD invite the 'newton of buyers to them large sloth of goods .adacied for the aearein, consisting in pan of— Dik and Coi'd French Merin.. Coburg. and Castlmeres, Changeable Poplins, Dress Bilks awl Tura Salim, 111 k and Farley Alpaca. Sapet Long' inhaurla, Low Prins do., Baring Flan te/s, Welsh, English, and Amenean Flumals whim and relined.' Their stock of lIOI.ISEKE:EPING GOODS,- - mich as Meetings, Pillow Cam Monis'. Tibia Diapers. Town:bog, te.. to large, and ai low Prices (or nudity. Payers will find it to their adv.- UV to eastamina their sleek betas chasing—at the north comer of ith and Slalom au. get Sellers' Savor POLr Baperce do all embers Vbarlonon, Va., ceps 21. Sir. R. Ft. f'cllcro —Vont Pills ham become, so popu lar In all Oils region of coonny, uv_ . ei . ) . .ot , flttenor.. ecti reed¢2 . lpaltie 211 Liver c. 4E21112102 1.2112 t Pareltaor ry .11r•rollycl that Syl!drs , Pills sre• 141 triginnl and only Tend and I. Llayr no, and May be tad at ho S, X% odd yy. draailety genesally tn ll.a Iwo rine.. and yicituty . D. Disys•D's Ext r act of Yellow Doc mad Mu-sapaillia. DUT up in the largest sized bottles, contain. into cram pore Ii dery naremperilla than any ol:•er preparation .litant which m chemical.y anti with the Eltreet of 'Yellow U.x t, the btateectol etsen7And ths Cs Imo of I le, thus making the r iffy mote thoroughly . 0.8. HUMP, New Toik;E.D. Natation k Co, Phila delphia and 11. H. &aria* & Vona, Chicago, for Dies onnt Taps, with or without machines for siting them, will moot with prosiTt intention. CEEIV•oo, Map 34M-' MISCELLANEOUS. ~ 'II.I43IOVAL. PALMER, HANNA d: CO. 6:two removed their ..Ezhango Office to north wear carper of Wood and Thi a rd street. tan BOTICIC, TIM rannersitip heretofore existing , between the übseribers ender th e firm of ntabridge, Wilson b. Co., . was th is Iday dissolved be mutual. consent. Tho Wiriness of the firm will be settled by I. W. Par. bridge; or Wm, Wilson, Jr.,9 ithr r of whom is anther. ISed tante the name of the inn in linaidetion. .... 1 L 7 1 4 *0 Ski.o°ltaN.krb.o bridge tr. ingbram, to transact a .Wholesale Grocery and Genersleotmisslon Business, in the bonus lately strained by Dartindge, Wilson .t ro,llo Water st. PiUsburgh, July 1, le6o.—tly4 • CO.PA.IITBIEftSIIIP filllEautioribers fiavo Oda day formed a eoportuer [hip wader the firm or W IP Wilson, for the pur mse of traosacting . theWholerale Grocery and Com. Opinion Bustuess, at No SO Wood Street. tvdl. WILSoN, Jr. Pittsburgh. 1 , 183-3y4 • PRANK. WILSON MORBID & - . „ RS REMajan Is ? .G E l 2ll.ld Rho b 4 1:10 . 17,,kn d t b W ra k g ' r, tee now offering' at the net lowest prices ton nub, F & r euded VhlagteHy;o' l G l u OMb l.DuomameaatileMlittiaentrduyr.;, y & mire, , ench Bandn and Gan Jca hcrr Loa. dor Ginn,, /flat WhiakeY.Rum, &e. vont ga,Tena den, C aapa o ne, Clam, hol ae atea. R ala d trite RSA 'Mr' Wues. Wsae mail. - tOl3 ERINTING PAPER—Always on baud or made to order, the various glees of Planate Paper, Rag Wrapping pupanCrown, Medians, and Double Crown Maas Straw7Nrapplag Paper; Crown, Medium.and Double Cream Post ()Mee Popen - Pasteboard, &e. ' W P bLeRBIIALL,BS Woad st., Agent for Mourn Mills. XOMAN IN AMERICA-1/et work and her re ward. By Maria J Melon:4llomM. of "Charm. Inrolusems," "To seer. and to be." vol 12mo • Litt on Day Pamphlet., No I:—The present time By Thomas carbrate- CRALSICEII.--bl.lOll, of Ltfe and Writing. of Thos. Chalmers, D.. 11., L. L. D. Preleetirms on Butler% Analogy, Palers EvldeneeiorChristionity, and 11.11'. , Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lecture. and tour Addroi.e. delivered In the, New College. Edinburgh,by Thomas Chalmers, D. D., L. L. D. 1 vel 12sno. Cir... Life➢ flolm Calvin, compiled tram mat .. tie aourees,and partici:ltaly from his correepoadenece. Bp Thome., 11 er r with portrait. 1 eol Mao. For talc try ; • It HOPKINS, ap47 ; 78 Apollo Buildings, Fourth et. Gambol Gombet nfl GROSS limper Polka; ID do do eery ; '° ase'd Iledilieg.; r Pe Eittdlshllore Reddlnr; S Socket Combr; Woad woo doe ess 4 ilFloo ivory; ," Shell Side Comb 97 '" .1 0 gro erol " af l' dS r . it e ee . a . l, G ! ( ebs 0. =Aims FOUNDRY* tom, . . O. W. G. PArn. /PRE andersi d, necessors to Arthur& le Niclwl. J. son, beg lea eto info rra the Mitre. ofPittsbuy . gn I arid pubho gene ly, that they have rebuilt the LA i I GLE FORM=and axe how to full operation, and have part of th r patterns ready for the market:— Amongst which Coo to king Stoves, Coal and Wood Y 3 / 4. Stoves, with asp maid ale-natio Coal Stove, which 14 now supereedinq In other cities the common roun Stove . Alm a c inn coal Cooking Stove, well &dap. red for small 'families, with a full assortmeal of com mon and menus!rates' We would particularly in vite the anemic& of persons building to call at our ni warehouse befor puhssing, and examine &splendid article of enamor lied Grates, finished In Eno ml, 1 entirely new In this market Warehouse, Ni. t IS! Liberty et , oppnsite Wood n ang-...9a111. , NICIIOLSOIi du PAYNE. PITTED ILGEI IRIPOZIMATIOSIL CYEKGER,. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in • FARM,' AND VARIETY GOODS! • Siip . o . l the t1 ,.. 1 , C0 c 1u . b ,.; It i tLg e oget a s . i. i j o llts ,, h . are hi P: Pittsburgh to pa Goode, an respectfully invit ed to call and swami the er.41111,0 assortment of Eng lish, Anterieno. Itch and German Fancy Goods. - All Far Goods at this establishment-aro Import ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from fast hands. I have the largestessort meat of, articles, in the variety, line, in :the city of Plttsborgh•-sill of which Will be sold low for cash or city ateeptineca• The Steer : consists, In part; of • Lane Goode, Roddy, Gloves, Ribbon& SilkCmvats,Shois arid PateratThreads, Sewing Stlb I r e o s o ., lCmcntj y yp74,l34pervien,Britnne, Pint, Nes- Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, oil tends 01 Brushes, Combs and !taxon. Percussion - Ceps, Resolvent, Pistols, Clocks, Silk A I Couon'Perses, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Kuno Boxes. Carpet Raga and BILOCU. BindlngS, Finduigs'andTaromlogs. Toya awl FilltOr 0 • together p iths llege varie ty of Fanny and Sum DWI COW: e. YEAGER is aL agent or the celebrated Len. caster Combs- , I . . • neoly • _ Grarit.•ansisllan Itareteftys - F O c l=n ttra„s„ „, t2o n int i m , p c b o o r n e l ot T , n4 Wove sibmascm It the /11ThiOAUIAN BALSAM OF UFA discovemd by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, at London, ngland, anti introduced Into the United Sloths a nd the immediate superintendence of the inventor. Theo rcraordinary neon. of thin medicine, in lb. eons - of Pulmonary diseases,. wannnbi the ArneriCue ' Agent in soliciting for treatment the wont po”ible ca. am - N tear be foundinthe einarounity—cases that seek relief in vain from any of the common eczneasce i;,. day, and have been given up by the Mom ditontn, phy3slemns es eordirmed and teemed. Thu Dongere an Balsam has eared, and will none, the most de:p.,rhis of am. It is no quack nostrum, Late standard Lot. Ilsh medicine, of known and emblished mlcsoy. Every family in th e United States should be s oppose with Baehan'a Ifuageriaa Balsam of Life„nor only w connteniet the conhumptire tendencies of tam ethants, bat to be used La n prialeraive medicine IP all root, of colds,'coughs, ,opilting of blood, polo u, th e undo end chest, Imitatton , and soreness of tho lungs, difficulty of bleating, hectic fever, :Unfit swears, caner, 11.110 a cad {Choral debility, at th tha, 'newness, arfathwr,4 160.0 end troop. • Bold in large bottles, at SI per bows, w Ito [all dlns -11041 toe the restoration of health. Pamphlets, contithirtg a mass of Moan,. and Amu's . eau certificates, ar.d Other orlecnet, showing the so agguUled of thls great Euglith Reawdy, ,:,: t . 5a I obtained of the, Agents. prathithusty. For sale by D A FAilniniTtieli S. um, hrr a at and Wood and Wood cad Orl, ma. •t00n,„,,, istrnSTAl;tuvatTsltivoiw Shrugs - son, Marco 17, E....u4kii—lnittettoo ID lOU end yonr inearri parabic 0:m0SO - up, I beg !cove t° StlM, for mete, blot the community, rhat my wife has been snverni dints inflicted with a most distressing cough. •I. no. e baud, in Jamu last,o bottle of your Synip, which cared cosign o f wo months' standing. Anort. one raemth since, the cough relented, sad was an screte. that she , coold: hardly move, from weakness in Ma breast; r sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and part of one bottle cored the cough Ignve the other too Journeyman Who was severely afflicted, rebelled, to es. his out words; "eaten annual cough candy to cure all Ine - feople to Pittaborgh,”•if the candy had bneuns Bood.oS Maresented.... ' Veers, mstmet.fully, Atm= 11. Helm Prepered and *Ahoy K. E. BEILIXItSS7 Vinod meet, and 'sold by Druggists generally in the two ne o n • • del6 • ITIAI BLIND, ' AgEROO3I, BROWN teotald respette. 'one the . •pablie, that be hand at his nand on Ms of the Diamond. :ay, a complete RIM", VCRid. Wald.; also Ve hatters exe.sne•le to et to best style, warranted any in the United Stair, sds can be removed wdh• aid of screw dotter. patelnued the stock, t 4 mood of the cabinet es tient of Itatasey & p . repared . to farzush d cesternevy ea well as 7 thing fA that:lies. rinst.ang; 7- A. DRONV?.. Ksonomy is Tony. DECIDEDLY the ehhsi and belt Place ih P 1.. .- berth to hey' Te batthe Tea Make; text mut a: the Taxman& They ' Teh =7EZ=I - SaiieilOrQnahtles—..—:—.-• 0 73 ," Th. very 1 Ltrat rrieed, deranged, or InTe7lor Tar are net kept at akin ostablleludeat, therefore, whether you rp your "ketf-or aendrebnirrottlits tufo' titroMain 0 rood -mink, and g Aw•flf.vor of ..the Tea I. novepproved, they readily exeSinge it or return the money. myl2 • MORRIS te HAWORTH, PrepriMom. HE SOAP-STA bzo bar sale by C wept' MILLER a MCIIErSON ty EPTNITD — and - meowed esireWii 67 P o n d, IA dings, Cakeyeamrds, tee. ReelPe for Bolted Costard.--Orie Pod owl of new milt, four ens, loaf a tlooetal of WI, two Ahlelpoonfols reflned north ~ O U the stern to st small onontlty of he nag, tilt Iris perfectly dissolved wad smooth—odd ti le eggs, wall tenon, to tho Porch—pans tho eggs WI morel law the bah= of As stralroskito bolffqg Agg, someleallg pi bal. OP tetwit.Ailsoflrn ... VI