MISCFLLANEOUS IHACKLBTT a wuitk, —wboubat.* cmm r* DOMESTIC AND FBREIGJI DRV GOOD! So. 101 Wooil street, INVITE tbe aiifntioh of buyer* to their larpe of Fre*h Gocdi tow opemne. end which they are prepared to ref! oa yrr? acecaandotmt term*. "> thall t*e eon»tantl» r*-eei*me frcah Kuoi j,, j of . i”S the reason, and rryur*: »a examinat.on of our nock by wetter* merchant*, uad other* vniimr „ ur Sitl: Wfl DIOBV, So. 13C Elbert y-,s tree t, BEGS reapectfirUy to inform Li« numerou* and customers. itat lie i» , u .t receiving h.. mi nock of cuiTits, CAs=sj]>n:BK' w INGS.orthe nmtit «t> fidapict f., r Uu . . >riD , n ' ; in* fall Mil VTlllirf teutons All I'urnr in warn >» ctccp. fashionable, anri «c-ort rloihire, will find tbc fashionable. and bs*t Moci YVeitnfft country, cl this establishment *ebiß OfaWflß rtlj. rivfirt-rmnl. U.tl Uokd to Pittsburgh. rpilF. Prnny.lvan.a Rail Road Company bavin. 1 - completed the whole line of rail rose 10 ilnllirfavn* <°-' ccu; f the Pontse ft... Rood‘to • JotUiSicipn, and from thence by bo-its io Pitnhurrh , «?* now prepared to receive and forward merclian diie, pttaucc, to find from Pit:* burgh and Fiuta. delphia. I The U«u will leave ihe drpot of U.e company «i*ily £dr JonntUHrn, there connecting with the d*>iy train of chr* f.>r Philadelphia, thus innartits me d e . lirory ofatl fic;&hna Puistlelphin wwhio five dav* | HELL <* I.iGUfcTT /Agcr.ll for Pa IL if. Co. Oar.sl Batm. Piti*bar-\ [ CRaIO* UELLA6, ARCttu!' afeplCrdL Philadelphia. ’ Lot or splendid pianos, Mur, c and lnslrumtT,is. tiißti 6l the Golden Harp, No lot 7 l,.rd «ireet. FINDER respectfully inform* h'* fn e t>d< and ihc jmcl.e. ;i.ai ne has FI # MI JUt: ,e,a,,;C ' J St <‘* Umi cwi. w:th n I' 1 " 0 ' 1 *'***•« •««» eaten.., e c**ort went of IjUtini of varans siylr. and pnera. selccied by him.selt wiib great .--tfe at the ceiehraied factories of Nanns* Clark. N anci jjjnhau N, V ,i„ir m SiodunAtfcuhhm.N y.) scU-cird tii« above from an tnnirn.e -toefc just Cn rhed by the above makers, they are wananird of »nr.tnoi cuaiuv a.-d lone, and wilt in nit c*s:» be .o'A; New i 0,1 u* tcryprtee*. Purchaser. win receive a written < uar mnty with each P.ano, enmrtng ibcm to an exchange or rriurn af same if found defective. F Also, a lot of splendid Goitstv from the factory or Schmidt t N. V They are a . ttP erh »n,e»e ■ r.d warranted ecus!, if noi supen&r. 10 anv made the world. c “'! Aico, * fins select,on of Flutes. OfU.c.r.-t,. Violin, Sinnits,--Dfaes limrumvat*, and Hie n-.vc--| a 'J rno.i popular mu«;c, including Jenny LuiU » celeb",,, s ,env- 3 Welch rianntU, MGRPHY A UL-nCKFIELD. at no «h cast eorne, of founn and Market streeis a rr , U101i1 .,, with a fall ufMirir.ir.-.i w , i„ c <ar.no* ou i * above desirable acodt, « c d huvn,- 1-crn parcuT.ed bom the itnpotiers cm wirrantAl emutuc or ] J.a. Uhiprait A Son.. Patent BoHm Aah. CASKS or the a bovc cclchiaied l-rund i,.. OM in MOW. and lie temaiiiLcr b“ arrive - ..L 1 oextmoaih.per “Anna Rich,”"lu»rc.De --lu.i, - -fSt ; -■ wi'jiMin^ywstar M I '*^»*,u,v P,,l> Cr *'* ll *- W'n.crcod., URPin A UCRCHFIELP n.vite the auerntm of buyers io their large stock af fft} , s 6; jaricd 101 l r*tL. sril, , on * con " l » , in.< in part of— Ulk and.CoPd French Menm.tr Pcp°hn. rR * trress silks an<i Tnr.’; Panr.s JUk and I-'ancy Alpactx. Sup-r Lorp Shawl,. i. ovv p ne - do , c>,»„ vv . el *'hi Ei'i'lisb, ar.d Amcr.ctn whue GoODf“«ils rh «, f ,l ° Ct *" HUOeKKEknSsg V»kV |V ““n? I'hertioj:*. Pillow Cate Mn.ln r labie I»iapcr«. Towelling, ,s c „ « Urve and a: Urn pnees for qunliiy. Uuy e , a * i; | flod u t.Mhcir “iVin Uffe to cxainroc their stock br/„ rc pmchasinr-at ts" florth. ea»t corner of 4ih and m.,.., ... 'oet‘ Bellata 1 hlv,r PUla kupmsdiTalToihsrs „ Chtr!e«ion. Va.. Sem ti u- u tai m «l. \r,f."'"iT^n C „“ r^r”V,T“' supercede nllothers a» a Uvcr or \mi-l u u« fh i*° 1 lihVfll , Cn *‘ , “ U ° i ' l ’ r '“'' «•»«!!« Liver 1 ill, and may ;, #l j at », 0 vVcaj *i.j mm U * eCc:a:i J r lp - u ’ e ,Wu «‘u« Bud vtcmliv Ti» \» * srtit •ajtihr'tAN i< FALL STOCK 'IF LAY goods. A. A. MASON t CO DEALEiiS IN EA.ICV s STAPLE ERi GUUDS. No. GO 51 AliiilcT STHRIiT. l '* UTrf Fou, 'h sim-Ls IHuturrh, lte BUr,:t,f ' n nirreha.'U vis.tiat th- -icv Aho their exteuaive stock cf I’a,l and aeltemd wnb great care und aricnno,- tn.lu rt us conations, large u „.i (fcra / in* raanttfacturera, by ibnr re.tdcin nanne- lor, -n,,,, «rt J„. M M J3'~- b rA” larger and more vmled than nny -hey bar- rT - r bro.-ght to this oaikei. b*ii-e rrpirili.ofj or Roods alrnosi d*!i) thronau U.e srsaon #» pear «n the eastern mark C i., wi.deru; R ti:.* u *:oci£« all timevfull and nrricci, i:.e.*coy mui.lnic •aciaVnc Ccts.'uUy io eompeir wn.. •••%■- K ‘ f CKEAM CllEfc2>K-ato ns., , Us i r,,.: ;o; _* e PT J II G « NKI KLI) COICKtaiSO'S PIAC DS J’SK&kskm: as*? ■»"““« I : !*"■■* XlV.Toci.vc *elcguji Koiewiuoii 7 «,,• ; ;« ci r do do p (Jc- I 1 H° , S ,’. aLo <* n T- « do. J , ~d 0 VV » | d‘'t. C* 3o 1 lull cttrcd >cio>icr&r..l Jftw or A CAnD-T!r- r .~ . uiuoancioj; in thr rii.i-.! o'- 1 C maiio urTaimeiuem* wiitV.Mi' j Gf ',"u' •' 1 " '- z ' «cI«R.Te 0 ( um iy- 1 ;V : u,< "c«ier« »'cflc,yi.„ l(n hn .. •>= 1« iig f“iiy ottt..a c j ,o v.:' ■'■ ll " iiuiU'a, AUrct itj, ie*c. j ' fn ■Edition to tbt af.„v e -r p - „ , SStffittltXZSsßr: SEWMIiSTIP ' •» ter l»cioser.;j»i rpep MAOA3»f? r .«ed cd tei *alc ' R tiOH" Z 4 Afp'ln Ru-idi .j—l* b*ie» Wbuc, 15 btlu Black, 10 i.alti t.l*jed " !•' ( for inlc by ■yy addin-. To”P«opl* from *' * * 41cCaNDLE59_ Exactly lltf tame t.iu' 1 ' .»• Old Coastry. ond Koilgh Kioto* . <>f small Leaf. Fire, Sironf tne Old Country, ca r . oil Iliac. '!>*« iba> nre o«ed ii kl ftiorTi* & 11*' be tcught at LOc and Tic p«*r it- Diamond, “acd «<>iUi’sTea Su.rr, ea.M *:oe o( ibr CtuHiisr ..■2LT‘"'.de i hail at’ * PhfliK-llw ben m naiK-i rtu w» Ko<l ibe agency of (Juc’-od Mill*. ri Wood *t. _ f.,- W I'MAKSIIAI.L pJ NOVEL, nv' f s ARTHUR -The (uoh an -« L'dldreu; b lain of Crnrllj - ar..l rtpnrovn-i «« in* Ulle of a new pure t*»n !■ >• T S.AiUiur. It i« v*,d u, be Ulo ambor't best for ‘a t »i Hi.lmo Ellerary Depot,Third nrert, rpj.twte Urn- |\in office also, tlie Monk tjjuehi o: Si. J.iun. * / Major flji-.i»r,i ton, and Luteli'r Lieing Age 'in m ocl’ PULVEBIZCD l-ALKHaTUS—47 i.j*. ,i, •od hall pour.il paper*, (or «jle I 7 oc4 WHTK ft McCANDLE>'S SALBRATUd-tt caik* for ««ie by oc« \V>CK A MeOAN IH*F as __ WINDOW GLASS—‘AH' bra'^xiu H- hxt IOxI'J, for *air by oel Wji:c A MHiANIH.KtM Linseed oil—a-j mi-. wr mo B A FAHNKSTO'K ft CO aepS3 Cor Frr«t * Wood *•» OIL I'El'FEKMl.NT—Mbrl* |.ui« for «*.e uy *epaj B a. CO IIANNIN— SO ounce* lor *nle Oy •epili U A FAHNESTOCK A CO SALTPETRE— 70 k-er* rr&ncd for koje l-j* *epp _ "U A FAHNESTOCK At •» OUGAIt CUAI'D JTaMH—A choice let lor K> o_»fP'-a S"l HART A SILL LOGWOOD— 1 ti*ve nn OkikJ g imi.'l Id: oi 1. wood m Hii i, il*c ieh,ch will t>e iokl el,-op *t 8 N WJOhIIRMiAM A *ep?l Co«. Weed .v. iftim m CANARY SEED—Du ■!.. )n: lec'J >o» *nJo i.y J KIDD ft CO «ep2l ftti »i PARIS YVitITL- vUUO It-* .jutlii/, frc il J KiMO* to CSOu L.IVKII tllLr— It act itiuhluii, CUli a. ' .<» - / porp Co 4 Liver 0:1, jojt reirmd l.ir unit- l»y *sp3l _ J Kll>ilAkCO Fleming#" bv.uk helping V-i siem*unm BuOKuperk' Aisiaimr.t, a new edition, for *%!<- *•> R r sTO^KToN _ »epU 17 .Mario »t \JF “«" r .tfffcy’ Vv a.sH 01/Ov tM— 'i duz pairs, &». jt article, jest received ar.n foi r«ir by _«P»* JaHFHFLUI'S /*1 KNTEEMKNS (.LoViy-j u L/e „ \J anicle, received and for tale j,y .. J A II FHIU If'M HBCKER’ri FAKI.Na— A fre»h tot of tWeacelJsoi arucleuf aid,jati rreM end for ■*:? t.v SN WICKKUSHAM. «pl» Cor_fli*ih & Wood nrevts S~ OLE LEATHER-4«» iU prim* far sale by JAMKs DaL2t LL ’ «gH9 Jliw.lrr .r ClOt-TEL* KICK— J.t'i. Kio Coder / lUlcsKicr,rfc’r r '. rr ,n,l For sale by f*epl»l JAMES DaLzki.i'- PALM SOAP—I3O lb* received iu; *ai- i,y wpU _ J KIDi) * rn CIDER V{NEGAK-3i nor 0 , - .tC[»P A CLLHKKTSON A CLOUhK T7.LOUR-A tmnll qumUty Sheerer A Ncblr*. « Illa X *tpi9 STUART* pin. ■*fTNB£KlTolU-J<r A/ttieby ROBISON, LITTLE 4, CO ■ - ftcplQ ■ * _____ __ 25i Liberty m. A BEEsWaX noWUcdin* by •X *P* 7 ._ ISAIAH UICKKV ACO 'TblGli—2s ice froib end Tor tale by 'Jtv »api7 A^inirrATiiirK FISH— 320 brl* laigc Mans. No 3 M&cfterel; lIP bl brie do do do, 9 draca new Cndfiili; arriving for ralo hy BROWN A KIRK>ATKICW HO brSi primo Clover; O S 3 trie prune Tunoluy; for eeie by tepl7 BROWN A KIIIK PATBICK ALICANTE MATS— Faney Hemp for •■!* try •eps3 WM AMeCLyRG_A_CO CffEES E—"WTKi* "btVi Cre arn; 115 bze common do; fat tale by aepffl STUART A SILL BROOMS— 05 doi In store uid”fer t «]e" by KtrO STUART A fiILL gt a 1 .t: RAT US— op biibcn gaalirr7or~«ele"b'v ' O ecp23 STUART A SILL T*AWSN—A imainorcleer tide* for **le fcy J 5 . : ~ BTUARTAJSILI^ STaRuH— bli biect breiiJi for *ele by l • STUART A SILL SOLE LEATHER—C3OO lb* rec’p for sale by JOHN WATT A CO —tin A a rnitKP HAMS—lOUcrcei'e priSe'enids; tlw,»frw ec.Kt j,pjt j^urCTirroni. OCHANBE BROKERS- banking house J. CaROTRERS <fc CO., Wo la Wo.wJ street, Pittsburgh. CURRENT monev received on deposit Collrrilon* made os all iha pr.ucipal cue. 01 the ■ GnltcdPutr. eerhdiv A. UIZ.KISH A CO., ' EXCHANGE BROKERS N. K. CernST vf Third aiul Muritt Ht. ? T«aai*crro!o at mo , t usual k4tk . GiCO 1C ARBiOLD A CO., bankers, omm it mum, ou.im umbi Ac . Ac., So 7* k-OVB.ru STREET, fNr at dror to uic Dank of i'liuharcij . _fcUfTS-.dtol.Vp _ * ’ lOLUES A. gOIB, Dank«ra, Eicbiogi Broki t-(JLLKCTU>Ngi—Dn,tti ft otr a ?S;,S“' “ «—• ■=-•»*• ,„, o5X“",; SMSSftr* ~ w r i«i»ii», coD.'iantly for ’ •*•* *-***u« aao umsi's,2^«SSr.,»«».» u. nu *oV(? n “ d «—«sar£nKss»t'iiss „ “EMOV/lL ' " r WWaffif; Ano. irratupavaMe in Lv - , Rnle * a< E«fc»n*«| ss £%%% ..,.« twtlfUf * mi<l w-oXu.c *’ £*'*, Aw# * nd corner ot e. fUcct -» «*r*cUy t>j*|-<wtu St. CUiift Up. • • - - _ joaydwiiy "■ “• bE^'„ Ka OLISHABt»SBTT, V\ ctu^V' Scfu j Ki4S * nd Cora, Mei tM US'ii Jl"4z* ° '■■ “ii *‘f =*-—*• t:• ‘Vf “"> ” ™*» "■ •'“SE ttssss**- -MWS, *.n'lirT’'" 4,r,i “ i ‘' j "«r,S"T.-.vsr “"•’ li’af i-ucnn e ,. u tijouml \, t , VP t, r ,. .... •' ,l ,ll ' I.cmon , o,i - «*»*»x« i^.j»r f we * * ** a, oJ> Mil -J;i C(kl Li. t w ;;;':'v™!,*? r rL 10 — «.x, ni; | G ™;- J »p‘«’ •* *•» *<«*»- u '';:rP! ,B r'"- hx&ffir ■Ji i'Mv'i ,v | Ebi. ftnck Caij.ly ■ss: £■•'■> ' ; »i- I •■AWE,; ... laetare*. i«*well ar hiuimnu tami#- it 7 JkrlTvm,-; 0,l CL “ T '“. .5u- - » ssr.r. s^^n Hieii ana elegant ,-y|* w*«i u,u , P Sz&x&zSs&tt lSraassr Sxua fine A £ r .e Ou do! I '.iTrvl^r 1, u ,° ‘i 0, s,Bjr Roj.*. ■■ 1 1 'II Ctiili) .lo |}.l, I f.*, \l»,. a A'TV,r: doli '‘ ; l Jut? rtu ’ , Wu‘ C’A4.*..“ ‘ niiei.*' # ** Jwn « i 0“ ?•***. ntAX..-eras lire, Vu?? n f. * »» a/ .cry *r.:u.ta«r T Cl M r c*«i rwm, uil,.’ ~ cL ' w *• **r ”"V‘ r ' ;o c .„„; o w '4^ k «»2"* »•« w Ol , '»J'i*its-.|«»B*«Creiua»4d IVUCiiett *'• J'T* IJoS.-*?; 10 Oaca Lajuaym 03. 3v bag* fancy K.,i q, 4 10 Ten. 10 C«fl(f7 bj.aj lfß Goionp, 40 do prime Ureci; S'hfetrsu ({ a iOM« bun.-b Eai*.p -3 bale* »..n .f.u , (• pam te* Ajaosli: ttiZ'iMnar’ ' ,!&1 I .*tbo'i 10 yu £j» 'pub. •4Urr,rb„ t . o -a le 3 b,r " <CM an<l No I 00 U L.t. rf " a , nd l'»im 5 4>n nt ?c«p, M.ccon,: ••.IT** '*'r<aiceiii; F« «a:e by J J > 'V** , ' *CO __ Cor '»'o<w * Firth r- I JUK V'' l *'V P oo‘' nut' 'T’i "-o i .. Er P T ™*'V M -Xciz-itf. ..,i„ _', u , * ry *itm. t,e ,• 3 lo,: *r u»ic irir !,i ;f l ti, y „■ u -t- _l r , 1 V* ofi ' ’ «U- rrt! . -otKj'r •cnicnt var** *tlas: bectl overcome, the public .itielr, nandioinely put up m u eon dome.ticurc. j?ctir-n ur*e-i this "tticlc II tr.- .taai. quantity uu each "pool Thi* .» ean.v •ri Es*a spool i« warranted to contain cti t oi Silk, while the «rdt. ary Saein, »t me sar.ir iff, ha* but on uncertain quantity, varying from 15 .a tr yard*. Iti» Spool Fuk n rcidy for oar. ai the liar of pur •rn«*. nrd i o.;ly need* a iria:, to convince the raoM • krptiea. o( it* tui-ennmy in qoajit;. Independent of ,ti- nr a; cm c mi?* nient term in which ii >i lurouhed, i na* (Treat nl*R>'iagri' over the Skein, a* r. doe* »way with tbe- tc l.uin of winding. tbe vexation 01 ant.tr.g. end u>c jo** of utnc i i preparutf it for use Sold tty V.'K, H. HOR»TMaNN A SO.NS, ol Noru Third rt, Philadelphia, HURHTMaNN, BRO S A CO . a Maiden Lane, New York, ♦’* Hole Agents Willi LEANS—S bile lec'd for -ale by , ep ? _j n cA.vnvi.n INtlltio—' 4 ccroom Spanish for *i»ie by K|iU 11 A FAHNESTOCK A CO 11 let —OO tc» iu»t f»e’J ana lor «ie t*y K. wpll JiMti A HUTCHISON ACO lINSI'ED 011,-75 brli pure, in k«od psekiwei, j «. pi| SI-'LLLiIS « NIUrUS O Cl. Alt CURED HAAH<—stibri* superior l**r sal* by O >tpl l _ SELLERS fr NIC«»L* MA' KKRKt*—75 brls No ii/lor ta.r iot tu di..r rnnnemner.t aaCS' MHIJ< DM.ZUi.L Dli-THJi'.AKt OF Aii:i:ilA.MCS, "»t* ainl Lnviiaaenng No Ift, I,at been received as Huiine*' Literary Depot, Third afreet, oppwitr tl>* l'o*t i .tf.ee Every mechanic should Puve tin* work, ••■pi _ _ ... .... HARPER’S Monthly Magaunc tor September Fi.rturiul Field Book of the Revolution, Nod j „»l ice <3 lor ante by STOCK ItOf BACON —1 llfiOl MUt», .•■tou, Mlivaoi-.., . c-*tveJ and for sale by STUART A SILL M-pio Wood »l rpHAsKS MAGNETIC OJNTMLNT—:iUO doi* I 1.-. f «_lc !. t J KUIU ACO „ r| ,7 CO Wood .1 JACQuiI ll'S ci'U-braiL-J Talent Tiu»*e*—A new loi iuii reeeio d ai.d lor rale by »e|,r _ j KID” * rf) | ,K. ill 1 Mi I i s- t rll'»e iwi our*»paru.u --I o«j I ) JUM fro'd fur .ale iry J Kll)D Kl>_ FoV. i')KR J aLAi' -i ire’d for -ale by te -,y J KIDD A CO iji »\V l>FrnT.li:ii'A llAlllC~ll , uie,| 1 re re.vrd, bod I*l »«ie by **pt7 J KIDD * Co rpi.Att -15 b bl ehr-to’V H. O t\ a Imp Tea Tulif ilieti* Ninir/our and oniony b.itrk, l?ii codJy br« lly«.ti A Loopoivdi i, ioi r ale by f.cpll) Mll-l-m* RtOKlf^lN j UiEESE-61 in utitx..- rcu a ..i.i lor *aie by ( \ y laMLS hALZKLL 7u Water iu rOT ASM- -st» ea»k« in Htnrc and tor «»le by %Pi ,- ic Ja.MLS DALZELi. B-Ir» Ihtl—'l» i‘fcien No. 1, for »«le by ;4-jl J AhIUH I>ALZELL_ 01 17aSS libre» 'asaoVteT" ‘ixerj of Frn.ih A Her r r«»r.'4 crawl, receited ar.d for i “‘T. > h > , 1 ,.. , ic pi4 RIII’.V, MAITHfcWSA C.(t_ PIG IRON—lOMona Laurel UN' Furnace, for **le bv Hepll] _ MroILLSA ROE N~' t , moLAmSKS—H* bflf. oak cODpcrano , aepM _ McOU.LMAKOE FLTfroHkt SCALES—A "few ret* platform male* t.. d aw i-joO 10 JslCt-tC.\, for aalc by -cpM .MrOILLS A RGE CUUAUSr'' Vriiie-pe, Havana, a.ts K c l Cirar*, aelerted brand*, lor (ale by P epll Mr«ILI.S A ROE tVr Vi 'ON fjooDS -in bale* very.lieav y, for rover j m* (leant boat deelc«,rereivrd and for ia)e by «rpst SCAIFE A ATKiNSUN IHI^—IS bjl* Jo*"t re.' d ,’jf rale by J KiDD A CO ipplt 6-»NYood it BAO N— A (•: •> catkx L J l<jr» and Shoultlt rt, in store _jtnd fer R*lr hy__ _ (eeplCJ l.tKFbbW) pAfUit <s*i imi Wrapping Faper; a ■ sodo Ohp Taper, for sole by diitepn j a R fi.ovd yiNFuAK—IO brls cider Vin**ar f«r a*in by .V •*P ,ft _ S P VON OONNUORSTA CO NAIL RUBS—ISO bdl* Janinm «M rod* fur tais by — r v< ’f* UONNHORST A CO MUCLD CANbLEs. lo Ui* Cn.ri'-nali for sale by _L‘ e l’ 16 » T VON* IRiNNHORSTA CO Z«NC W’A£II BOARDS—w do* Holme*’(opor.or fornaloly j D _is? 1 !: * cor Wood a rmb .t*. rii^t P || V y ALI I 6 < ,J > 10 and fi mil* roll, for talc by W P MARSHALL M Wood .t U OSE COLORED Wall Taper-A new J„ wt marshall AOU.V— lUO hbil* Shoulder*; ~ ~ 140 libd* Side*; . 50 hhdv llama; for ule by _ te Pj C SELLERS A NICOL 9 SALEKATUS— WO hxs tapehor. for «ale Ut w Rag ALEV A CO / 111 AIN c A ULL—A second band Cnble for sale by V SCAIFEA ATKIKON PIU MKTAL—3jI) tons for site by HIIEY, MATTHEWS * CO »P |4 - T 7 A 79 Water at. oOUAK CUtIKU UAMS—IO ice vwlJae bnnJT“ jV-MP* B SELLERS A NIIXtLS DTAMSiTWHmMi-W bVlTfoTtale'bf iD wpfi JKU)D*CO MISCELLANEOUS- N,, f- **• ’iftwa, ~ t— « o. si Wood meet, lost ree^,*-. eomoect of PIANO MUSIC. »» * e<l * ncw **• the toikw’n*:- «wsiC, amon* Molly, do too Love mt, by S CL' F„ .* • Ob, may tie Red Roee A&£ , ? r - Nelly wai a Lady, do. Uncle Ned, do. SlfK, oOh, Touch the Cord ret«». ' . »T"r l l& oir,OfT^ The 8 P“« Loved Thtv Be Kind to X i®l p j t £ re i h J Clover. T.. Home w H«n«. Th« y«nkerM e a eerUleH ««ta. l-°» Back’d Car, by Lover Oo Ton ever thitjk of£ Slamber Gentle Ladv Jeanrne Grey. ' wS '*"'*'*' W™*, „* U...J SouTtoir!' £ ollccn ' TEAS I TEA! 11 TEAS I M w .5” Hupilai, Bought for Cub *r r P rt * r *’ Ur K e humbug in an, manner or’ form, i c - ["mnlTinvi!' ,T »«»« Per lb. *""• p bioakiß t fSwS« l *,r c d 0 no ' • Ea«*i«}e orDjmmond M.et.»| oPl W ork. **“■* *•»- *' for Praetieal Worimg Pirn, and ihote intended for the En 4- * ruenng Prrfexnzn. T'ms won*™ „„ co ' nt , l 0 ae'J l “?n i\, raU *° WhjCb U nol lfc with .ach cielr' i;.', "“*««•» «*«* '■ ■• .»i.o,u„,*tof „. !;;;, i T, 1 l :r".' r, ‘"' “> •■>«>. .. , ' cas < A UUeral discount wd> JQ ltie car ‘?!,l!‘- *»e m*j, io Af,y one remittinf the pulduhers. w»:“” 1 *' wo,t “»po..“ac“, v "") “ Tn „ Op*ttio«* of U»- # p rfc „. J o oar nnmeroß* Macula*,,," tmeer*, and Artuana, n *,; 1( b Mechanic*, Ru. £-"?• .h.m. c l,„ ».r -*«">« Aru.,o. ‘ “ '*“ *• U,«y ,p. oX’iiSEEi 525-I*.- »„... “j «fTf He uankt P* b !i*tiefi dt- ■—* Ji- nwsirei w ,ii, ae " a ° ">»* U) acqu* f . •£SG?i.i 1 J , Kf«S T u ‘ “* ■£ =k--h:«] «, w«ir^ C ‘ o r J*f , c 2 k ?«r a rte , "<iiaßl|- i t ll | I y , * eJ ■ «•« tawiiJ „. »*»«.. *m,A. .-nt mechanic* Lace • .. “ n u» Sjr are »u description*, l ® {*■»*- ci&cauons, that ft tee *aa no tail rind ■f.t contract tnr oaci- JU to as th»i any ti*" cr'ii»eniTarin£t and • ' ne it on ‘inercial Adraruscr. .flstnicuoi,*.'—N. V "A'l mteretied m meehani telve* of u« advaauuea 1 r <* avail them. n»: jcbßylkiJi. (Penn .) Jsnr- ‘ A work of eitennve p ponancc ind value 10 f»ouc»l atiuty and great ic.- of ice coontry. \V« •* x»P>«liy increment* interetu calculated 10 promo- regard im won n eminently •ncctinrucol art*, or .*® lbe c*»»e of *OlOOOO and the uor on thc»e*uO|e 10 diiseininate valuable infoi nui "Practical me «l*."—Fanner and Mechanic. ?«J and ma.-tnfar ■* '.i alf lhc varied walk* of meeham. (Lnd in is;»,wo iovlo«rTj Ac_ will proSt w roi*>. «* Jreat'Bre watch it will le 10 tietr “We hava'si* -oy Daily Wfe* ns r.e*ita'i ,p i r . t ' peniied the nuatcr*. and t>«re rhazucj. tf'adewn'A™ '* “ l * *>«« ««»» '<” me cd. for it ccntair Q * • rwa ‘*fi® men, ever pubU»b oftbe mechanic'! 1* nuie lniormauonon every branch ciyie and i1,,—,. art* and *ciencea. expreated in a nary - Intelligible to any reader oi ordt -w. S. I»:!r JIo.c~mMH.~J New,. With and k ,e are io * n * mechanic* of Nor. A U " ir pan* of Ccnneeiicat a *ervtee by /Co- 4 work to their attention.’*—Norwich, ' jt)Cor.t« r . --It iijarji aebawork ai every mechanic thoalj p c»x*» • -F - .tcnu’i Journal. VVo co et Uoae of the mo 6 aacfo! and important '-.jt ica'jona olUetgc. No mechanic can alTord » t>« t*.‘ ... .a. - Now*ri, (N. J..| Commercial Conner l" ifc*' T*ncM» pablicatioin Kirin; for Useu ob •a.-t 1 4; nao »'«uon and advanrerMjn of we neeba:\:- ..t-. \r;'- -ciencc*, nor IUI w: h*»e »een, 11 »t, •Kufl*:o i Jat . AdT. ‘ !. u u.e br,t and chrar-,**t wori rrtrrttcred 1,. me ir icef.be a.irt fiructlrai and rr.eeuam* I:-e r lafr are beuuiitully execnied.’ Wntumfon Uio'-e u This ircat D.eOionar) 11 one of tbc most esefu! w..rrs ev-r pabliitted lor year*, end tbe le w pneJ at which it ;» scud make* it acceptable to all "—South “We refcnrl u ai one of the most eomprehea«ive and valuable, a.l well ns cheapest works ever puo'uhed." —lislUSEOre Advrmvar. “U-efu to he uken by every one desiring to keep tu-<- witn tbe prosre** of art and science id every one l the .abort of cmlited life.”—Rondoul Cooner "It is dcMf.ord afxr tb« (.rmctple of t’re'* Die nna ry, uitly that it i» mare uevuted to the mechaa. r al and engineer!o( profe-siona, and above all. ..■ valuabie «* aocomprivtuijf for America what Ure has done lot England, v:t crvcttbing American machinery ami wort* of ai l ttcienuhc American. published in numbers, and al a price *o mode rite, looking at what is contained in e*rt number, that uo one who na* the lea*t interest in such matters, uecd te deterred from procuring ti; sad every one who do-* «n, will tnd thst he b»« In aeoadensed farm an amount of Instruction which would b« obtained, if «i ell. only Py tha purchase of very many vclßmea."~N. V. Court*; and Enquirer. '•‘Tho c,>tnpreher.*ivr*ees With which the subjects rtre tres'rd, the sdmirabla manner in which they are ,ilu«uaied, conrenre to make this one of the most deal iii>>. works IV-roocratie Review " This work should he in the nmnd* of everv meehaair, en.zan. and manufacturer, especially those who have the least expiration* to excel in their respective bust ne*'ci We have carefully examined it, with a view of rer.nir.mrr.dinf’ it to inventor*. To them we wrsold •ay in the * irons lan/uaye of th* Bible: “It is good fi’uUi* lu llit P'upntSon if IVevtpaper* tArjughout die UtutrJ Scuts anj Canada. If dir foregoing adveriiscmeoi is m*rned five times •luring tbe year, and the paper conning It arm lu us, a copy oi .he work wilt be sect gratis tu payment. anlA.tAwliT UTALLISTEH’ft OIKTURIIT, Containing no Merrurj t ntr oiler Mineral. THE follnwmc lestimomai was given by the cele brated Dr. Wooster Beach, the author of the grral medical work entitled “The American Traciice o. Medic.nr and Family Physician ” ’ Ha ving been mao* acquainted with the ingredients which compose McAllister's AH-llealing Oiutmeni s::d having prescribed ard tested it id several ea*es is my pnvale praeuec, 1 have jt beaiution in saymg or certifying Uni it is a Vegetable Remedy, containing no mineral tubstaaee whatever; that us ingredients combined as they are, and sued as directed by the Proprietor, ®fc not only lianul*r», hot of great value, bring a truly •cirnlibr Remedy of great power: and I cheerfully recommend .1 as a compound which hat done much good, and which I* adapted to the .-ure of a great vanrty of mset. Though I have never eimet rei-.otamended or engaged in the sate of seem idoUi cine a, regard for the truJv honot. ontnoiciiiibus, ho man-" eharacier of the Ttopnci->r of thi* Oiuunent, and the value of Ins discovery, obiier me to «ay thus much regarding it. VV. BEACH, 11. D n New Yolk, April Zil, ItHfl BURNS. -It ts one of the ben things in Ike world fur Bums. Til.iiri —Tboosscds are frarly eared by this (Hut ment. It never fails in giving relief. For Turners, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, it has Nurses knew its value is cases r.f Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply a In such cases, if used aceomtng to directions, it gives relief in u very few hours. Around the box are directions for ustog Me Alii iter's Ointment lor Scrofula. Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Teller, Chtlhliun, Reaid Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,' Pore ‘Throat, Bronchues, Nervoos Affections, Pams, Duma** of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafnc-*, Etr Ache, Btmt. Corns, all Diseases of cheHkin. Sore Ups, Pimple*, An., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism, rile*, Cold Feet, Croufl, Swelled or Bro ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague In the Face, Ac. Prom the Reading Earle. There was neror, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that haa in so short ailioe von «e< h a reputation a* McAllister'* All-Hekting or World Salve. Almost every person ibat baa made tnsi of il speaks warmly In it* praise. One bk» been cured by U of the most painful rheumatism, anmber of the piles, a third nf n troublesome patn In the side, a foorth of a swelling in the limbs, Ac. If it does not rive imme diate selief, in every cat*, u can do mi injury, being applied outwardly. Aa another evidence ol the wonderful healing pow er possessed by tins aslve. we subioui the following certificate, fram a respectable citizen of Mnideucreci township, in this county: Maidencreck, Berks to., March 30,16-17. Messrs. Ritter & Co:—1 desire to inform you that I waa entirely cured of a severe pain in the back, by iba use of McAllister’* All-Hcalinr Baive, whieh I p ur . chased from yoo. I suffered with it for about *0 yean, and at night was unable to sleep. During that time 1 met! various remedied, wblcb were prescribed tor os by pbysicianaand other persons, without receiving uny relief, and at last made trial of this Bahre, with a ru ibli favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a ptaoofuj and sweet sleep. I have aldo used the Salve since for tooth ache and other complaints, with Similar happy results. Your friend, Jmaa HoLCttraacu. JAMES MeAJiHSTER, Pole Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal Office, No 29 Norn Third street, fhiltdel* phi a. PRICE B 5 CENTS PER BOX ABfTm i« PmißCßfia.—B. a. Fab tie nock A Co corner of Wood and Pint *{*.: Wat Jeckton, No MO Liberty itreet; L. Wilcox, Jr., epreer of Market iireet and tbs Diamond, also comer of Fourth md Smiibfioid etrecls; i. 11. Ctitel,corner of WaJnnt and Peon street*. Fifth Ward; and cold at tbeßookstore ia Southfield sfreet, 3d door from Second, In Allegheny City by H. P. Bcbwara and J. Dourlus By J. G. Smith, Dmggiit, ffinninrbaa; D. Nexler. Bait Liberty; 11. Rowland, McKeetport; J. Alexander A Son, Moaoorafaela City; N. B. Bowman A Co„ and J. T- foere, Urowturlllo: Jbbn Barkley, Beater, Pat John Walker, ir, EUiabeth; Boabriaht A Erwia. Rochester. febueodly brie on band and for tale bt i Wft i J-Th? !itn L S'„ S MEDICATED NVMPH SOAP nth as* Srs S’"* H» niii,,, “ “ ‘‘J. •“«. »• ■■ *cu 4„ cU I •Iciuum, r »U« 1 M*er iu uuhct. properliei be«ii„,' .*“1 b r iu luumi renJennj u« *“ OTPltonfcMil bio, mm*. * nd fooshcst skin Mft,fai r , and Persona who hav.. * naiy aoap, w m b . ~” n 1° p* haLitof aiinirordi- PtoJoctd b) . ISr 5,, “““«■«! *>. ike bc»aiifi.^» cc , Uooa. prei-cnun, il,; ‘“P*nim» dtUc.ie Pic«. "iWinA *ir.mu,in» k ’ h ' chv •“ prupiion* hpo * M "“orals *ll uu£. i» murely devoid of a ij u|Ar° ex * Blsi,e oerfome,and n Uir cnij article 7r»„ en 1»« 2 C P ro P crOe *» rendering comfort in uic nerwr* M fc e,n««d w.th safety and Ail those who?* / “' Finpler falntche«~ la-,”°l Bre d »«fiffured with tr:nl of iule« llnurl’. ** ‘ make positively assures the in'Til 0 . *°* p ’ •* * be proprietor most discolored skin «. h ’:,- b ‘L u * usff re oder the iiipd the most aijea9ed\kinV lt,e i r ? J * he ’ l ,kin »nooth, mr ,fln healthy, pura, and bloom- Will efiertuahv P '! lh * on J 7 *n‘de which * time, ana the o„i» ' he ah °'« effect* m*o abort pewerui and en’irplv h.™, 1 l, t * lu,c "■me tune all JFLfcS 1 "P*"* ° n, T by Pcrfujler »nd Chemist, For sale ,' u ‘. B J rce . u Pbil *' & Co, and R. e. p l *‘ J -7 A. Fahnestock .nil J ,Mile ■■.ell' Alio,,,' \ 9m- SECOND HAND PIANOS A OOOD MahPKanv A. aecoiu! hand ? - .* . I ' urtc ' 6 octave,, A handsome uiiti.h, i>..„ ~"•*•*“•100 00 Furrumre.fi oc.ivA . w,u } K®«wood A plain 5* octave P.nno £ood order 1 '••>«* uo A K ood h.,L-iave Fmno J 3 «l tare*! ." > A OCI *'" ; l!lftriu . with lnuiUsome furrn- *°° For *e!a by* * may JOHN H irRLLOM 00 jlJVood H *pnu miiion, htreL (■■ •.. „ c * i»* *>*4 »ua pro oite< float. Oiip “’ Jt . h , “Necied to in all - - _ Druggist The Krr.h Vy?*" P ''“ ?' [0 « h«fciy ccnceiurmie.l layj'jy' 1 ’ and pul ut> IT «etlcd e»n«. mi j Wl u k#r . .o*<-d in hcuneilcal u' *•*•' ‘u the ordutttry w* v y •nth longer than liioie For tile, wtoligal* ®au » . \y etui. t.y ' .1 A MrULURG h. Co, Ureal Atnerlo' - tSC Liberty «l DAl'Fl.Kixou aU Mechanical Work. ■»f v-al. i«-.*r 4r O . Near Vtrrk.hiTo in coone eai-b, a DiCi-iT °M* »»n« J pr,cc twenty fivo cenn rii.e Work » 'NAin " M*.-hme«. Mechanic*, Kn- Wurkiw y >ul hnuinrenne; tlnicned ter Practical -c». and u.iendej lor ibo Er.rtneennir 7Ki» *' Tdited liyOUrrt llyrtic Uo«* »° f * lawc hvo ami will contain two »•*' *«*o !•■»«•, and upward, of »ur ihocuand illunn ’ ‘.l ,' ?' U I' r ** enl w *»rHr.c ifranruio toil deaenp- ; •w. i ot the mo«i important nactiißet in the fatted I *•» the ie.-.nin ut American in- 1 11 „ ccnaplete ptncuchl treauae* or I £ “* , '' c *’; M * pi ,‘ ofr T. td>s«nt W ott, and faftniy * dofL..'il * ,!l teft,c ,l, * n «“«tbo»i# , nd °' " l «’" , to«.n» M tui« tutd ot t n e , Al re.a.ved, », M | f a| ttle • "«? r H mUMUNS, “ 7 " Apo" " • •«*, fr - '0? Apollo iiuiUmgy ff anh STOCK OP PIAIBC |, .' - H!CCJ ''s, pianos. UH H. Sfllot, S'. Hood SUttl, PitUbusll, •*.c Aj;c"! .r |A '■•le fn Anp? wls . .'or iLe *aie o.' UUCRI-.RI >,<*> CKI.KIIRATKD B ruuj Irwiu, , k '', f i r ra K “ nii 'A- aosieui public, tk.i kc t>.,-»» -.ml ~!! rrmre ani f « ‘ l, ‘ ( ]“***<" momh, Ibr larfcat •rJ most Jc.rtfc.o .u*» J r, ano F >.ie«e»er attend l°! “1“S“o"" “““ b " w “‘^^ carrej <;rsir ; ri 1 i ar .o Fortcu o* ei^cVci^ 11 ' lß 'l >ro7cK ‘ i - 11 * m and >tplsn*div csrved Ro^w ro .l -even o:t«re X\V°’-*'£ l * f c, ‘‘ iQed •“ l ' -*0 kUial/eitian and Loan WiUi « large «*oc» nf a , llin , lrlMl my| c , 0 f p i 4. 7 lf «•“*«*“* »«* the present • V* *• '“"• J lt * l F«« 0 1 Mr. Cine*. ■ ame as at the ml* ro!UJI ‘U* to be, the jt> , . ®* isf»:Mnr-r ;n r-'.tou. wtUtouteharre ’ M,9 w ac > p*rio< the cjlj*, sf.lKoal ciAffe. PS".'riOLKl-n, Oil nOCK OIL, *!“"• rif more thine* ljr»vrrt sedamni r r , | K '1 JTfkS or P ii.i, r.-m-irsubf/'reiuady, mad * •*’ cjs *nd d.reeuor.* ter the bearUof tie pnbite. * n,e I KTKOI.EI M n pmrured I rota a well in thi« J®’ * M t? >*t m depth of tour hstiJn-J teet, is a pars oat illerated arue'e. without s>iv chpini<*aj CQmuge. but i a«t ■« flow* froa Nature KircmiLahrstory” Thant contain* properuer reaching s oember of diMUcs,.!* no lonrer s matter of uncertainty There are many thinr* 'n the arema of r.sture, which. If kunwn, might be of east u*rfal:tr>> .n miteria;ing suffering. and rr • taring the bloom of health «ti vigor to u«ny a tut rere.r Long before in- prepr.rtor thought ut putting 1. o? *-s bouie*. it h t~ 1 it;.*. *•. ter **• cart or <ll,. es*e- The constant and .Harr .nrrr**.n< rail. for .1, anrt several rrrr.arkst r . ur-» it u- performed, ;• a * u ' f indication <: ■.» in ,tr* |..»poiar.:y and wide iprwad application .;t ih.i i ur- of Ji«.-a»r He do net w-i-h I. .nn» -.1 .«»••* p-radr of cerufi r-.j,-, a« w~ coi-n,.,. lri -.| C , MBIKJI , o*-«fk IU w«5 m:«. in- nn.i n; r. 10 tutfer.und to <>« u«tcii '» »v- noi claim f«.t u a •uiiTenial application ,r. rtt-y ,j,»ra»<*. w« anbeaile <»y, U.«i u: * iu.rril.er ■>( « l.rumc Dikeaiea u It • itfivßitrt! tn. .- tr enumerated—ail diM-*«*« of the mu-oct. ti*«uev .mrh a. CHRUNIC BRONCHITIS. »'t i.\s*l Ml* ri«IN t,u,nearly w.™,, A«lhiT.«, and a.l d.-avr. of ta.- u.r p&a»agcs, LIVER COMPLAINT. DI&PKMIA. |..a.i,<ra. DiJcaie. of tLR Uiadd-r a-.o K>dticv*, Pun. it u,« Rack or S.de, Srrroovlh«- i*c*.Sr*; a is-.».p 1 ..y Kfceiiiaauc Pauu, Oral, !.»-)«•[* <ls», Tetter. ttinrwornt*. Kuril*. S**n* O'J f*or?», Ae., Ac In cu*cs of deoiln; n . »nlun« from rrpnsur-. or lor* and protracted cue. ol diwa.e, Uw» mrdlr.nc wii: bring rr.W mil ul ** « general TofiU, and ALTERATIVE m each ca*e» uapnruoc 1 one and r»rr*T u> the wl.oie frame, nnn' in* oOf.ru ;uou*, opening the .Jag/i,}, (n union., which cniitt drxjit wit broker. cininmimi:,, and giving increased and renewed e,M-,* r tI) t j, e or ‘ * .?* pfls?n ? f ltno,r ‘ ri «-re. of I IL.E>, Itat retitied erty oilier ircaixnrnt, ret well uuder itie aw ol the PKfROLtL M i., r . ihort mac Tbe proof ran be given i 0 my p* r «on who drure. it Nt n r '?. , l c,,!lirr " ,lhnul "*« «'«"ttkurc 01 me proprietor. ; Doll Ly.tlxt projinrlnr. * S. M. KtKR. Canal K.nm. t ,eai Seventh « -'ELLKR.S, 57 Wood .li and—CLVSKRA M limVEI.L eorner \\ ood .1 and Virgin *ll*3, trbo arc hi* novv-nir «pj*oinierl Afentt MHPUATT'I PATKST BOOA abi. Prlco a.ducon A ABU •|| |. r ill* nuar.i.iy of S t -^ a , br * ud '» appiovod at /out mourn., fl , for a lees^oV ° T i.tbenr Mre.l „ CAR S. E ? T .,vy.*S£MOHBE,- ■rflLu' »”™* r '““;r , '&L cSf?iill| - Tnpe.trv •• ‘ {j ij Fnefl.h and American » £ Extra Sjprrhne Imperial Im* » r* d Superfine '< ». , 9 buperfine Ingram f'arpei*. Kura fine taper patmcCfaeaUle |Rup<-r6ne Jo do Ro*»; Tufted iliut*; Common, all wool, " K..e Con'm'"'''"'" 0 " r!, c S r **' Un ," Hbrfp.Sku, Ailcl»i4 <■ M. I .no I r.,, v,n c. 1-4, ( and * 1 wtil d Omrt. *•1. ), | ai.d d-4 piaui Cur l>i*« and R»* Parpcia, s-4 fxibicd Cotton Carpet. <• 7A, A-4, i. 4, j.g . Oil Cloth., * ; F.ltla prltUed plane COVWt l'_. table ” Ua&c,»,s<i Woao •• „ n Tabio » Printed woolen 1-Ji.boAcd Htnnd »• Lutcnatid waftßid a S* 01 *** Hut |., n « n - Chm. ty Chmiie*; Ch.nuo l*, r(Jeni n S l vei,°‘ i C '° h T#bl * Wnol?t' ,U “ n cnuab cloti * Hodt: Stair Jlnureetr ?«rpe| Uluiuh . 'Vf'H stcl «-ton Matt; Diaper, Hitter Oil Ciotjo from >/.. _ lita and American manufacturef! 0 * 1 a l*P roT » J Eft** in wioJb, which wm bo rai V <rfUTl ** ,n ** rctuhule* of any *izc or shape ° to:Mn »< htlla, axrf bu VflT*» n p 1 |eond n fJ^« f>r,^ d dif ° rl frc,ra Erf f. Carpet*, which aro of T*‘° ° Ah • tT? • The U ttyica and pattern. a,,0 ofih.V 1 * nd mo *‘ • ke F'-t>< will be >iid oi prices a* lown!£ m *‘ sotreo-ct eolc-riu ft»r tn any of the eartern m\it+ lboT f,ua b * j»arch»*od Marin* the larfeit b1 Uo ' niosi fasbionable T*»lf r5St?f l ’- acn l ol U>o rlehctt and PLY and INORAIN efu u 2 U ’ K ' A !AL TIiBEK tn quality and cheap*, t »y, ,Ta wbici» far mrpattet before brou*Hi taifc, C itv .7 Ce,anjr ; »=*ortmcnteTer Nee and Coac4 linnor!,/.’ ~r: ■••oji.tiuso Steamboat ■elactcdajiortaianio/l'R b “* l»rfe and well a Th ,? ‘ r ? ‘ htir bu«i”l;* IMlN<;B '«dotberartlcle. Nan^fteiory'uTphUadaT! fnr tk,e onl >' Ptairßod lower than Tan be patchu^'i l I* 1 * l * prepared to tell mrid * put chased cKewhvre is this city. - . WM. M«CLINTOCK. *•4. A-l. and | Mams*; l-> meb pueu Oti Ctou?* for naira. OOAC* TIIKKIWBi. BUio and Drab Cloth*; Onm«on I'lorh; Coacu Oil Cloth*: Duu«t*» to* Lmutf*: Watered Mereic*, IUQ, B»«llolla.n.tio,wail»Uei.- IrnntjiQreni n Franen tramp. n Venetian HJindc; Bommjf for Flan 7-1 .« ».( Teble Linen; Ru**iaCrubj Sroica Diapers: llriitvn Linen Napklns: Ucmiuiii <>,| cloth Table Covers; A. twS^SS'Foenl’iJ" M * r *« ■«»«. 0 lento eeionmcnt of i „ l ||L C p *i Be Be™ *> 4c i mlt Of the latest style* r ® n * oUier ore,a Oood *’ ap3 Biyie. and most fuitionable color*. S to fint Will Paper, or /.? " C TT * nd cho *co wrorunent of W b MisiJ 1 ,??* 1 h colw ■"• mrl3 ' P (lnto &41 Hill,) b 3 Wood street I isto V Orm*rr l*w l^*djw * u ‘ n,e - m Uie Whole* MasßT S?«nd Korw* nUaf bail* rSfeSIiTSSMi {"• 11X10 WD - »'w *»«. The &fiL WKUmaifVlf ** condneteduatlci th* style of Ptn.h.rffa. I<Kn fi - WATKRMAN. T wjipgn^u brl , bna 1 recHl by *4 *P? ,J B C^WELD TRINSPO&TATION IMS 1850 1850 ERIE & MEADVILtE LINE BOATS of this will leave regular!* ..i / liror freithts without transhipm-fr* 1 *’ tful de ‘ J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh. JAMES COLLINS, do, 1. BIDWEU. I BHOTHER, Roch w „J A, '" U dSSfr 1850 h BlDWEtL'ai***™ SANDY AND BEAVER liNp trom Pittsburgh to Colurnbiu /'/ \t j throngk thr nrh and vopuiou * coin,* hana Carroll, S,a,T?r!£.?™™'?f L °‘™- Mnr&nfnm, LrJaag, and FranUin JS.%',,°S p «^ O .ViXh s fc”'i B '"v C ““' routoa direct communication to Se V^ cai ?, lrai the adjoining counties of Wayne r weli Delaware. . yn *' *M>loea, Knox, and From this section of Ohio, the trad« «u,l. D ... . . I has been, to a great extent cut off in p,u * hur ffk ihe high rates of transportation »M- C h on ''“ Jlaence o{ dueedlO, VO and 50 per w “ ei aro nowre- Boats of this line will leave daflr .„j without transhipment. The Canlf lnd tun Ihr ? n * h bestowed upon this line an imere.t *° m P* n V haTC dented advantages of their charter ,‘v * otipreca .' to the Biddle portions of Ohio in«l\ ODd ,llu * « -c “ rwl us^sskst's^^^^: , R C Holmes, Bpear’s MNhf* ni. ~, Williamsport,O.; Geonre Km'hi * A Guy, i P BniroJw?M i luy?*?f h v P |^* ansr, * * s*: —\fr r-; J* ,a mi.u.. Rhodes A Green, do. aa« ,# w "‘ ,r " TrajUportatlon Oompaai •“ *«*i u. LIbSOH A CO’S LLIE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH PIHI.ATJFI PH ta BALTIMORE * NEW YOISV' ' T,7? ™,a,loania Canal and Bad Boat. *",' 1 c ‘'**“• Lj »' t»*» t. Ml pm In tjuamii, or p ro Jn c i‘i l tSdl; l '• y “ '"«• Um '" HARRIH ALEECH, No la South Thi .-J Jt , . AnJ *• lobtisco Warehouse, I s*.* tl> JOftEPH N ° lialin “WtMd ; Ok HIE. No 7 West si. ? it-w V«rv- U LEECH A CO. Can, B«m ! K %*• .. msm ». jRa. ONION LINE, OM THI PBlfll’A AKD OHIO OAHALB. CLARK, PARKS A C-O, Rochester, 1 *a., Propr’s. JOHN A Ascdl Office cor Southfield and Waier *• * Pittsburgh CHAMBERLIN, ORAWFORT. A CO, A«7 T.„_ „ L C teveland, Ohio. HIS well known Line are pr? pa-ed to transport wvwF h * ( £?:! lrnm PITTSBURGH and L.L.LVK .AND u. any potni on tb e Canal and Lakes. The facilities of the L*«® "• •naorpassed , n naraMf qualuv and capacity of Boat*; c.-.-perieoce ot captains, and efficiency of Axeuts. One Boat loavr* PmsUurg’u snd Cleveland dally.run. ning in coonecuon wnii a Li oc of Steam Boats be tweeu PITTSBURGH a-sd Bt> AVER, a“ t( First Usts Bteam Beats, Prt>|«Uera and Vtucli, on the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parks A Co, R« h< tier. Pa; M O Taylor, Warren. v>, A A N Clark. Newton Falls, O; A to, Ravcsnna. O; Kent, Grmnell A Co, F rankiia, O; HA Wilier, Cuyaiiogti Fails, O- Wheeler, Lee A Co. Akron, O: t.tamhcrlln, Crawford A Co, 6ev«land, O; . Hubbard A Lo, Sarsiusky, O; Peekham A Bcoit, Toledo, O; C WtJharas A Co, :Dcuoit, STich; Williams A 00. Mi Iwaukie, Wn- Blurfey 4 Datton, lincme, W*i*- Georvc A tilths, Chicago 111- ’ Thomas Hals. Chi rsyo, 111. *r*m JOH '' Arent, or: r corner Wsier and Roithfield ns fegpa 1850. ri^ttc B il‘ E ' PARKS A CO, Rochetier. I’ropru tors. ri*HE Proprietor, of Uni old and well known Line inform tor pcblir tost tn-y a« now In op erauon lor toe wun; and have comioeuced Li?* 61 “ nd P*** cn jrers, whieh they are fully prepared tn carr) to all points cn toe Canal and . . . LAKFS F.RIR-ANU MICHIGAN, Al the lowesi tt | p . .«»,* 0 f u, e o( tl> „ LlCie wUI be eonstani.r si toe laniing, below Me noi ~aji cj a Bridge, to rseeivc freighL O- JOHN A CACGffiST,/.cant, Oflea, cor Wsui and SmitoSeld sts, Ptiuis CONSIGNEra- R W Cunninghaui, New Castle, P»: Muchcltrre A Co, Pulaski: W C Melon. Sharon; J A S Hull, Sharpsi'Urg; Wick. Acbre A Co. Greenviilti >Vm Henry, llartsiown, Wm Power, Conncastvillrr John Hearn A Co, Erie; ' John J minster A Co, Huffalo, NY. mrflO PtUsbargh fortabu Boat LT®«, _ ]BOO.-^rjaL p >a TUF TaAKIMaTsTIo”" rini To ant) ruL.« PITTSniiRCH. I'lllL.nEl.l'hU !>.• LTIMHRE. Nl W ORK, BOSTON. Ar T‘liif“mu/“b f e dT P" w Of lb., ly ■»»ndf°to ilCaU<&> 10 wllow; aj agenu prompt- r> VDROUi >g THOMAS BJORimiDGR, MoK7^B|« ke , ||ree u p h i] ade , ptua> Ron.fr TAAFFE A O CONNOR, Corner Peaii And Wayne *m eu, Fuubwffb 4 S‘ n Si °?, h *1- Ba‘«P B Burl i i*®"- W * 1 r. Tiip.ctm it C«. *|»So«m at, New Vf. rk; Jaia( ., Wk. Klwrighl, Cmcia. BIIHSEAS’S YKANSPORTA f]O(T LINP, isnoßßa^n i»ifor»«.j p „ mpU) ,, p „ v i 1 ,„ ,„j ,o„ ci .„ d ,„ «b i irK«l* h " r ' *' l< "" 11 '*"■■ '•y »>Poi- * ad ®erebai:di*ji will be received and for r«dfre«^ tnd WC 'V Wllhoul charge for tor edvencic* freight, commjttrtan or storage. rXi»»iSS ,or '* rJ ' 5 ' *" * ,3 ? r ° u or •Pi’ l ? »•. WM. BIN (iHAM, C4, ** i Baun, cor. Liberty and Wap le m, jlj ruburgh M . 0 „ .. IifNGIIJ.MAboOK, No 183, Mulct »i bctwee n 4th A 5t } Phil*» MS. \VtLsON,A cl No 164, North lfp*'»rJ n. Uuiimorc. MS. BINGHAM, No 10, Wont erect, Ne »r York. ■ otic* to oar Patrons. RKLIAJIC£ PORTABLE BOAT LINK. JWk ° ( £ f .? c,, l ve P ,ru,er » ‘o Philadelphia, Atihe Jito Jame.M Uavia.) producesnoimerrmtioo u> the busincot—arrangements have been made which .ivoivrt the time tnteictt* precisely, which have Lercioforo e elated. The bu .intt* it continued under (he itiae at me and hrm, vi Jtxiu M Di vi» A Co- Philadelphia: Jonn M'Faiim A Co . Plitsbargn. The con unnance of.tne patronage of oar out friendiy .-etpeetfuUy tnJielted. If any persona have demands against tba concern, they are reouested to preteut i um forthwith, for payment. Pitt.bi .rah, Apni 10,'30. JoIIN M’FADEN, _ “P ,7 '-w Surviving partner. ■ P* iuiiir aau HtmlUaatt offltt. CBl HAWRPEN AC O. continac to bring persons wSK{tom any part of England, Ireland. tfofiaad or «v»Waiee, upon lb« most liberal term*, with their mu» .1 puncmolity and f mention to the want* and eon. io not * nowoar poswngen to be r obbed by the swieatmg scamps that infeit the tea. P or **t** we tako charge of them the moment they r» ■ potl the mselvet. and see to ttwdr wall being, and d» . iwieh them without any detention by tho fim shine • - we ae j tbit fearlcv.ly, at we defy one of ourpajae a. fera v , «how that they were detained 43 Mur* fy at i n Ltw pool, whilst tboaeande of othere * «m detail icd th®® .h», until they could be sent in moi «/d craft, at a fth? p rate, which 100 frequently proved iheir coil ’ <fc intend to perform our contract* nonorably , cost «r j»t it may, aud not act at wat the cnae but te *jon * Ith ether officers,-—who either performed mot »U or ’ #hen >t tuited their convenience. ’ Drab* drawn at Pittsburgh for any tarn, fros i £t to XlOOO, payable at any ufihe provincial Hanks inlr*. land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBI S&OU, European ai.d Genat al A|-eoL Übl _ Fifth atraat. OR* door below tVdadi LIQUOns— I7hf pipet llrandy—Otari, Do pay, Ao ■i pipes Holland (jin: 3 ciks N E Rnra; 400 bblt Whiskey; for eaPi bT »•»* W* M MtTVHFLTBrr I B. A. Fatmoatock A Co- : WHOLESALE DUUQOISTS, cor mm* Rr« md Wood meets, oftr (or tale, cm JevoraMc icrma ’«J bl>U WblUnf; SCO lbs Cuxb. Ajnmo*ili“ M do Atom: 600 do Awa/milda; 300 do Dye Wood*; 600 do Crudr. Tartar -85 do Lempllnek; 600 do Llqu orfcc Root: 80 do Vcn. Red; 300 do lri»» 4 Mom- 5 8 do Camphor, ICO do Rod Prtcinitaia; 10 do Span. Brown; 150 do Crjomel Amer^ 20 do Yellow Ochre; 83 do jo t?-. ’ 10 do Brimeiooe; 800 do Bucher Lenv*** e do Clovee: 800 do jKurbaSlt ’ 3 do Cham.howen;4oo dr, Samp! do-' 14 caee. Ref. Borax; 8W t 0 olnffi, S Itf do CaeOle Soap; 800 do Bal Rocheele; }* An bl °? Beidllu Mixture; }2 Oale.MtjrneataiMf, do p ow , d Hhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; Wo do do BUp.Eliu: 6do do Yellow; *.oo do do G Armh^l 6do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do I>io Roet: 60 ream* Bend Paper; 100 do do ji3ao M ba« Slctlr Sumac; aao do do Af.Ceyeane; 93 bale* Bottle Cork* goo do Sulph Ztn * C 750 i Bulph. Morphia; 300 do BwTin IWibaCapa Aloee; goo do Tamarind*- Iff” do gt-Chrum Portaah; 16Q do Quick Silver: 5800 do Pink Root; yn do Orint* Pm>i-' »S» J? TM‘er U»b«n 71 do c£hfr.^”' 3 25 2° S”*®. Tmrt * f i *> do ilyd Pouxtu «0 Acid; 60 do Ut«T^ ***** and miant > J 3 assortment Hen n,'«ckf Cwhnw, and FaQ fii* ret Prime, now open *°* b » WJ A ftuibNUCO Bir Jaass Rurrsys ViisJd nagauis, PREPARED under the immediate care of the In -1 venter, and established for upwards of Uiirtv years. This elegant preparation is reeommendeo in all cases nf bile, acidities, indigestion, gout, and gravel, as the most safe, easy, ana effectual fora in which Magnesia may, and indeed toe only one in which it ought to bo exhibited, possessing ail the properties of toe Magnesia nowin general use, without being liable I'kc 11,10 form dangerous concretions in the bowels, it effectually elites heartburn without injuring toe coats of the stomach, as soda, potass, and their car bonates are kndem to do; It prevents ibe food of in fants taming .our, in all cases it acts as a pleasing sperient. and l» peculiarly adapted to females. ?ir Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forms soluble combinations with uric acid ralti in cases of coat and gravel, tberby counterasticg their injurious tendency, when other alkalies, and even Magnesia UseJf, had fail.-,1. From Sir Philip Ctampton, Bart, Surgeon General to tho ArmT in Ireland “Dear Sir—There can be bo doubt that Magnesia may be administered more safely in the form of n eon eeniraied solution than in substance; for thi*, and many other reasons, I am of opinion that tho Fluid •I 11 ? 11 *® 1 * k ll ve *T Taluable atldition to onr Materia PHILIP CHAMPTON.” Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and me«.»r* Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong 'T . rc ° ou,, oeti3 Murray’s Fluid Magnesia, as b'in* in i£r y mofc Ba,r tnc * ttonTenieni than the solid, and tnee from the danger attending the constant use of »<>da or potass. For sale by the importer's and pronrietnr’s agents, II A FAHNESTOCK k CD Cor. of Wood A Front sts. piT ISPOETAST CBEOICAL DIBCOVEBI \ CHEAUUAL COMBINATION Fr&n tho VegauiU \Kingdtm, to repel Dissoju D|. Ouytoti’i Extract of Yellow Dock , I and Warsapmrllla. Clwx» consurapucn, scrofula, erysipelas. rheumatism, f®*B> Lver compioicu, snina! selections. ulcers, «/• f * ,Uj ** 1 ojo\‘*y. asthma, piles, sturvey, affections ol ine bladder and kidney*, mercurial disease*, cor fuP* humors, ru*b of blood us the head, fever and |gue,icmalc complaints, general debility, dyspep -1 t»i lost of appetite, headache, eolds, costivenesi. 1 ****** “Shi sweats, cholic, organic affections, ! alpttatian of the Lean, Liles, nauis In the fide, beat, back, Ac. 1 1* infallible in a 11' diseases arising ftain an un. pn e state of tite ;blooJ. or irregular uoti..n of Use sys* tee , - In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All-wise Belnf ha. deposited plants and herbs congenial to oor cocatiio tioha, and adapted to he care of disease; and to ths vegrtable kingdom does the reason of man, aa well a taa instinct of ani aia, turn for- aatidotas to pain. i be Byrup it a scientific compound of the n>o*i ral nablc plants to nature, entirely freo from delcierioas and enervating mineral substances, and aa it expel, disease from tbe system, imparts vigor and lt/cnrtb i aeorretponding.dc-rree. CERTIFICATES. A “ P * tnUir ‘ lt^* r T c ofScrofuls, Eryiipela* and V S' « '*• t 'T. u !, r * >,e UM! 0{ Guysott's Ooa pound H) top, \ eilow Dock and Sarsaparilla. n . . Bbooxuh, Nov. 17, IMS « ,^T'“ Trr «“? , r 1 lender ray sincere thanks for S„R? lbe " eft * I , h * Te dcf,7eJ from the use of you t valuable iiy rup. | Imvc been troubled very bad wjt I hl , * n "•*»' »*>«* raede tu appearance on m n« n. i, d . lU k 1 ' 1 ‘"l 7 mu s b ftU °auou to It at first, tup posing it to be nothing but an eruption Uiat appear SSSfV ’}" \ •*««»% bq, U , P U,inc,c™?S P „dl spread to ih« -aok pan of the head. I upphed to a phyuemn, who attended me all to no purpose. I had . ned every thing that coaid be tried. I taw your Svr ,L \t\: U r, and j*M«aparti!s, and concluded to use it lor l knew that Yellow Dock wasoueofthe mi >«t valuable iiruele. m the world for tho blood. I btn. ghtyour byrup. und from the use at one bottle, I cou. a tee a grew chango mmy system. I continued to ut ett until I was a well man. .1 now feel tike a mT bloo i,*’ perfectly cleanted and free front rJI impurities. There is not a question but tba your n swiy discovered compound is far superior t any sa, uapanlla syrup ever sold. Thu .tfrtiEeatr is ai yoar disposal to publish if you tike, and a ny one you may refer to me I shill he hap py to give them ail ins information I can about my ease, Ac. I remain your obedient servant Cxotos G. Jonnson, 113 Market strest best feratie medicine known. Tbe Extract ol Yellow Dock and Sttstpsrilla is a positive, speedy, and permanent cure for all complaints incident to f , .FEMALES, its mild, alterative properties render it peculiarly app..cable to the slender and delicate constitution of the female: It Is unrivalled in its etfecu upon such ■tiseftref-a* iacip.cnt cor-.umpticn, barrenness, ieu corrtioett or white-, irregoiar menstruation, mconti i.rr.co eff u.- 4 r.e, aid general prostration cf the system: ll uain edis.eJy counteract* that distressing nervous ncflu and U ssitude to common to tho (etna's frame, Mid nnpaiti sn rneisy and buoyancy as surprising as they are grateful. we have evidence on file which inducts u* sLr-’r.rlj to rejommend thic msdieute to tuariied pc: pie **hj have uot bsen biassed with oil spring. PKubsrscs Dreej. or Fslling of the Womb, of fivt rears’ stamlir.g. cured by I)r. Guyeott’s Extract of aellow Doak ar.d Harsnpanila, after every oifcct knewn rmaeny had been tried without reltcL -- . ■ ■— l ■—J - - ...,4 -UUll.t fQ.ICL > w aiiit.vuTon, Ohio, Feb., 1649 rhia eerttbes that ay wife, aged S7yesre,haa b«cn <oCrni:/ cr.-ler l the al-ovc eoaiplaint for hvs years—nearly an of that Ume confined to ber bed. I have for tout yens* cantuniiy employed the bestmed ier.l talent im: be procu'ed in this section of Ihs country, wiu.oai any benefit whatever 1 tave ai«o purchased etu) iia.rumett recommended for tb« cure ofanc:! ciM-iscvalJ cf which proved worthies*. In iif »ptji.s f>! iet:-, I was induced by my fnenda io ir, in Guysot; < bellow Dock und Sarsaparilla, •Lta wstsuj fi.j four mnciha. After she hud used it for about tour weeks, it wai evident to all that siu was improving, and from this time she improved rap idly, and g-umJ fi.-sh ar.d cttciigth, until the disease wau entirely rratovtd. and she is now enjoying mod 1 ex^Ue^1 WJJ. MONFORT. Wc be.nt nei-hbor* of Wm. and Julia Monfort, knaw that m- al<.»e *uwn,e„i, cs to the sickness o- Mis. -ifoion. and a>u> ti'e cure being effected by., GeysoU s V a.losr Dock and &ar*aptriila, io be strictly sn *»- JANE KDDY. SARAH FOWERSi Grist Cars of Coaenaptlom. lhutu.To.l, January 3. ItHT. Mr. Becnel',—Dear Bin The great bcne&v which I have derived from tour Extract cf Yellow Dock and ciarsapanSt* mduee* me. as an act of justice, to make lie following statement: After ws tune fortwo years from gtaerkl debility trt vrh hnaby ittnunr.tcd in consumption, 1 w»* given up fry my friends and physicians u beyond the aid of me* 'icint*. A*, a lart resort, I was induced id try you." Israel, and Mimr |u»ed but two bottles,uc. tore lift U> your direction*. lam rnurclv wen | watr C ihtjefrr?. riri.f.iiT reir.n.tnend year unequal le-.l c tmpiiar.a in the util.tied -.mo desire « powerful, plto-.s il ana sale remedy. Gratefully your trio,ui, v , m waite None re uuin- uidrs* pet up in large square unities, rontainjiig a quart. and the name of lire ayrup blown in the alas'*, with the written stature cf S F. Ben nett on the taiiflide wrapper Price Si per bottle, oi fix bottles ff'T S 3 ’ It is »old by J. D Park, romer of Fourth and Wal nut streets, <?inciuaaii. Oaio, General Ageui for ike South and W est, to whom all orders matt be address ed. Carier A bio , Eng, W. P Judson A Co., Water fotd; Olin 4 Clemons, Ctotsingvilte; Abel Turret!, Montrose; llirum Mu.Towuiil*, Robert Roy, HVISj. boro; L. Rode ncs, CaUcusburv; L Wilcox, Jr . Pitta bulgh, comer ifMarkei Unci and the Diamond. _kpl3:d&wly .’X _ SELLER!- FAMILY ,MEI)IiTNK.s-~l’r.ey medicine* of ibe day.’’ • Jroliam Station, oUu>, May a, 1-4* R E Seller*--! Uuok it right. for the benefit of oilier* to state some tacts In reiauon to your excellent Fa mily Medicine*. I ha/e u*o<i your Vermifuge largely in my own family, ore vial uc«,ue:.tly expelling large quantities (■ay lui to «*• wonn«) from two children. I have iiiao Died your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my family, and the/ i ave, ui every insuuice, produced ih« effect. desired. A» l am engaged in merchandising, I am able to atatc, that 1 hive vei m hear of the Brat failure where your medicines Uavo been used in any section of the country. In conclusion, 1 may slate that they are the medicine* of the day, and ace detuned to have a very extensive popularity. Youra, respectfully, 'V H PINNELL. Prepared and told by R. E. SELLERS, No 75 Wood meet, and told by Druggists generally in the two cities add vicinity j f 7 SKLLEfc.'' fAlifStV MKJJliflNKS—“they ai« i£ Medicine* of sb« day " fJasHax's STattoif, OhJo, May R. L Sellers; I think it right for the benefit of others to state some fact* in relation to year excellent Fami* ly Medicinal. 1 have usad y**r Vermifuge largely in my own i*m ily, one viai’frequently anewermg for expelling! .ge quantities (nay lto SWI) worms from two cbildua 1 have alto used vour Liver Pill* and Cough Syrup in my family, and they have in every instance produced the rSrct desired. As I am sogaged in mercheadmng, I am able to : state that I nave yet to bent ef the first failure where your mediciies hgve been used tn uy section of Utc country. In conclusion, Itnay state that they are ifct medicines of the day, and are destined .o have a very expensive pspulamy Your*, res .cciralir, tt. H. Pihjsxh. Prapared and sold by R. i i >.RS,NoS7 Wood atrrel, ami sold by Druggn* t cue rally m the two ci ties and vicinity. myUl (f TfcjdATOUKli'fiV LI VCtt CoSIVTaJNt," by'ha kJT original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. Shout Ctxu, Ohio caunty, Va ) March 26th, 1841). ) Bl ER- E. Hellers: . Dear Sir—l think it a duty I ewe to y.»u and to the public genera ly, to state that 1 have been a£icted mm the Liver Complaint for a long lime, and so badly that bu abcest formed and broke, whie. k left me in a very low stain. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pilla being for sole by A R Sharp , ill West Liberty, and recommended to mo by my ph yalcian. Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to give them afairinal. fpurchased one box, and found them to 'jejusl what they are rerommended, THE REST LI VER PiT<L EVER USED; and after taking four boxes Ifindthe* diseaso has entirely left me, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, D H COLEMAN. West Liberty, M arch srt, ISC'. Icertity that lam personally acquainted wttn Mr 'loleiu.ii:,and can bear lestimoay to the truth ot the abrvo I'e.Tificaio. A R SHARP The gdDuiuc Liver Pills are prepared and sold by R Ei •- LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists in the-wo ciues. TO THE r’UHLIC.—The original. onlT true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by R L Seller*, end have his name stamped in black wax upon the hd of each *>ox, and his signature on the outside wrapper—all others are counterfeits, or base imitations. apio R E SELLERS, Proprietor WATOhV.s’i t— chTTaFek than *-Vi.k Jurt rcc'a. an invoice of full jewelled paten ne ver Watches, IrJ carets Gne ea-»cs, which J can sell as irrw as thirty aud thirty five dollars. and warranted in keep good time. Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com prising the various and latest styles, and best patients \v. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, TAILORS’ GOODS, A'f COAT. HERSEY, FLEMING A CO, having arranged to give their entire attention to' the sale of domestic Woolen and Cotton Goods,'now offer their large atock of Tailors’ Trimmings, Veiling*, French and German Cloths, Doeskins, Gasiimercs, Ac. at first cost. HERSKY, FLEMING A CO JH US/Vood st JUST tec’d, an elegant plain Rosewoods ocl Piao o from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns A Clark. N.-Y., of superior tune, and very moderate price For sale by if- KLEUER, dcl9 at J. W- Woodwcfla WILLIAMS’ IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER. for rcmov-.iijf Tartar, Scarry, Canker, and all substances destructive to the Teeth. It U delicious to the taste, cleansing the moatb, healine and strengtheii lac the (turns, and purifying the breath. For sale, wholesale and retail, by ' deso n K SKLLkRB. 57 wood «t BrandUPf Wlncii G4*» Ac, CA hC pipe* Co«mec Urwdy, TWioarTrlctajee; OU SO qi ca*ka do d°i 4 pipe* Holland Utn; . . 3 puncheon Jamwce Spin**! 9 puncheon. Old liieh W hiikoy; 00 qr ct»k* MttiJerln Wine, **o do Oporto do, SO bhdi Bortee*z Clerct; 10 bf pipe* Ppant*h Red Wme; 00 bxe Bordeax CUret£ 10 bxa Mo*e«t Wine; 0 bile French Whir* Wise Tiaenr; Bco’ftfenotott MIU4SR4HICEET3ON «pi 9 anftmuwztTct P. W. GATES’ PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS PATEITKD HAT s, 1147. BnJpS? Pf® betm adopted arid highly approved.in nil the principal shorw in Ni>w Yortt fi , rni|aa viphta t are now offered to manufacturers, machinists, ship smiths,ic., with tfa’e urnmst emit naence, as tbe most perfect urticle in use .or cutting screws. “* p f ,or »y ove f any other Dte* hereiofore used, consists in their culling a pckhxx*' '~ r • w betfier v or sqi.'akx thread, by overpassing over the iron to be cut, which require no in tvwui preparation, as the dies cut the thread out of the solid iron, without raising Uin ihe leaf; eu greater durabiiitv, rupiduv, and perfection of work; and in their simpitciiy and liule iinbtifly io get out of order. . ‘ CarttOcates. _.. . PmxasuLnru, Aug. if, Ifrta W . !,'. , , t ? h i eTllfy lt ‘ l Wi h»*« purchased from P. tior taiu ?0t 0f “ ,un,r hJ * P««n Died for cai rio? to «n* D» «Brepuuoß,bi« Ins. sra rape nor to any omen we aro acquainted wittf tor (ht pnrposo of cutting bolts. vj r J P MORRIB-k CO. ~ ~ „ PnaaostraiA. Aeg. slij H *y.‘ n jr had P W Gates’ Fsient Dies in use in cur establishment tor the last moa months, fdtl canine can in every respect recntnmerd.Jihea in the highest tcnci, as wc nave laid ail others away they being so far soperior—considering tbem 75 pet cent, cheaper than any other* now m u*e ] RANEY, NEAFIE CO, Fean Works, Fa. Thu is to certify thst we have pnrcDaieq the right lo ate. and adopted in cur busines i P W Gates* Pa tent Screw Cutter, which we highly approve of. VVe can do much more work, and we behove i( y»ill sur pass in durubility and precision, as much atiecoaomy of labor, any djes known to us MORRIS, TASKER k. MORRIS. i'BU-iCXLrtiu, Clh mcnth.‘JBtli day.l&iS.'. Nrw Youx, Aug. W, 1819. Having adopted P. W. Gates' ‘‘Faientlnei’’ for cat ling bolts, wo lake pleasure in saying, that it more tLun anrwers our expectations, and have no hesita tion m giving it as our opinion, that it far excels any other plan m present use for cuumg bolt* : T F BECOR A CO. Wc have P. W Gates’‘•Patent Dies” fo? leaning •crews, and the economy of using them is-do very oonsidcrahle, that we look upou them as mulppcnsa ble to every establishment having any quantity of ■craws to cut. ; . McCORMICK, OGDEN * CO, Caicaeo, May tu, 1649. v ! OBD.taKH.OmcE. Wumsotott, Cth Sept-, ’4«. I hare purchased of W. H. Scortlle. for tbajUnited Suteo, the right to use in ail the arsenals and anno- MISCELLANEOUS^ Sir Jsmss Durray'i Fluid Magktesls. PREPARED under the immediate care or ib» in ventor, and established lor upwards of thirty years by tbe profession, for removing Bile, Acidities, and Indigestion, restoring Appetite, preserving a moderato state of the bowels, sad dissolving uric acid in Gravel and Gout; also, as an easy remedy tor sea for the febTile affection incident to child hood it i* invaluable. On Uie value of Magnesia as a remedial agent it 1* unnecessary io fytlargeit but the f iuid Preparation of Sir James Murray tv now the non valued by the profession, as it entirety avoids the possibility of those dangerous concretions usually icsulting from use of the article in powder- For sale b 7 the importer's and proprietor's-agenl, B A FAHNESTOCK £ CO scull Cor. Wood A Froni sis. r I'OUACCO—50 bts Hassell A Robinson’s Sis lump; A '-*u hrs Jonrs A Hudson’s ffs . do; 30 bxs Cabinets’ s’* lump; 30 bxs S. Myers’ tlb lump; >• 70 qr bxs do ilb lamp; for sale by «cpll MILLER k RICKKTSON RC STOCKTON has received for « of Gibbon’s Jiiiiory ol the Dselme and Fall of tne Homan Kznptre. L'fc and Letter* of Thomas Campbell, io 3vds. Edited by Wm Beatuc, M D, \ Elementary Ssetcbes of Moral By the late Rev. Sidney Sm.lh, RL A. Lectures on the American Eclectic Bystem / of Sur gery. By Benjamin Hill, M. D. 1 allot an Vernon; a Novel. The Shoulder Knot, a uie of tkc seventeenth cen tury lbs Scarlet Letter, a romance. 3y Nathaniel Hawthorne. . aug9 NKW~BOOUsI i LIFE A LETTERS OFTHOS CAMPBELL: Failed b 7 William Ueatue,M. D., one of b.s executors.- 71 to!* ISmo cloth. Railway Economy: a.treanse on tbe new art of tnuiipon, its management, prospects, and felationt- financial, and social, with an expositiou of the practical retcita of Uie railways in operaiion in the United Kingdom, on the Continent, and in America. By Dionysius Larduer, D. C. L ,4c. I vol.lthnocloth The Past, Present, and Future of the Republic, traits- Jatsd from the French of A D~ Laiaanluc. author ot “rhe GeTuiidiiia,” “Memoirs of my Youth,” ’‘Ra phael,” Ac. 1 vol ICmo omihi > inward Keiorm* in Lectures, Addresses, and 9 b«er wriunga, by Horace Greeley. 1 vol I'hho elo. Tbe History of tbe Confessions!. Uy Jwhn Henry Hopstn*, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont. I vol itfmo cloth. 1 The Conquest ofCansda. By tho author of 1-Iloebe- {ElUott Warburton, Esq ,) 3 vols ltfmo.!-* Cosmos, a sketch of a physical desenpuon of the Universe. By Alex Voc Humboldt, translatdd from tbe German by K. i .«»iu. v »oi. lVmo rlo:n> GiLbon’s Decline and Fall of the Uomau-Empire, with notes by 11. H Milman. Harper s cheap edition. Ihmo, cloth, complete in G voi* at 4i»c per vor; 4 vai* received i&r sale by R HuFKINH ' “4“ 73 Apollo Buildings, Fcprth st Ssw Baalc ~v " T MOURN thee ta sadness. When othep, friends A around thee. Cer.crr.pi’s departure and return. Annie Laurie. Arc we almost there. Low backcd csr. Ile.docth oil things well. Nelly wca'a ladv Silver moon. Grave of Wathingtoti. Thou bus; wounded, the spint Bcui’d Sojer Bof- Be" kind to loved ones ai home. CLecr up my own Jfaoceu : oh. Lemusl. Soring Flower Waltzs. Elfin ,'V»lix. I Hrsreeboro Walu. Salutation Poika. Betre'-Polr a. Ktvel Polka. Jenny Liud I’olka. Linda Mu'ickstep. -March from Ncrms. TTm above stXe just received, and for sals by „ i H Mb LLOR, feMVood h»w raurtic ~ J. H. MELLOR, Si Wc&d street, has received the fotloicmg iVVio Music: OK, say can you sec oy the troths holy light; dedi cated to Rev. C Cook. Oh, think apt leas 1 lose : thee. Blanche Alpca, I love When other friends \ around thee. Tho cot beneath the hill*. Wtjn thou but mine. Annie Laune—Scotch ballad. The Kobin —words by Eliza Cook, music by Stephen Glover. Thoa hast wounded the spirit that loved thee. The Grave of Washington. The ln*h Mother's K’amenf. OM Sexton—Ua-sei. He do.-.U all hinys Well- WnalDur)' Widow Marnree—ftns-elt The fciiase of my metoer—Mutrbicf-ons. Low i-nckcc car-eLovcr Elfin \V kilter—complete. The Marie Bell- The Bridal or Wedding Polka. Jenny Lind’s American Polka. Lizzy polka. Soiree American Potkl. Tip Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. The Original Sei>ui«h Po’ka— Julien. Salutation Polka. Vliri Polka Jogcphine Polka. Summit Polka. Rosstngol Polka. The Pto phet Quadrille!—Meyerbeer Jenny Lind Quadrilles. The Wreath and Daisy Waltzes—Mrs KroeM- The Swiff Drover Boy—variation* by Czerny. Monument. Sounds from Home. Wrecker's Daughter. quickstep Louisville March and Quickstep. Wood Up.-Quick *i£s > Jyi k(r»wbirrf Plant* for H4l« at'<M««n wood Gordons * >ri2e i Hovey’s Seedlings, tod Victoriai These ore the largest ®nd oett fiuvortd iruL all the different varieties now grown.':' Order* addressed to the proprietor, West Munches* will receive prompt attention. J McKffUN. auall * UKtlKKna FAIUMA HAS become an e»i»bli»bcu and almost indispens able reqoisiir in every well provided : iamny, from its remarkably wholesome and iiuintinasciuait* ue* s* a food lor the healthy as well as a dlerfnr in* ral ds, and also for the sastcnance of growing CDtldrm anJ infants. Various modes of cooking and preparing it are given on the wrapper Though well known in ihs can, it has nereT been introduced u> any extent in Pittsburgh. The snbterib irs have, therefore, made arrangements to Ue ron itantly suprliert wnh iu and now offer u ©“retail Sealers or families on more favorable terms ihan it has ever been sold at in Pittsburgh. WM A MeCLURG it CO ■uf-’S Ail Liberty i\ API*LKTH*ciCB. ~ IAM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, (reta the well known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown; Tho rees will be delivered at the wharf at Pitubftreb for •12 per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty trees •houtd leave their orders -oon at the Drug. Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth sis. »pn_ _ SN WICKERPUAM— Hsw'tloodsl 9|«w Ooodil ' HKLEUER bss iu .t received a hnc lot of Dross • Instruments of the best manufacture, selected by bimrelf with great care, for u.i* market, sum a* Valve Trombones, Sax Horns, Bugles, Cornets,Tubas, AC.; also, a fine selection of Music Boxes, playing two and three tunes; Fiuunas, Accordenns.Ac. Ac Also, ** perior German and Italian suing*, amlgenu* ino Neapolitan E string, lour lengths, a splendid 1 truc e. SIGN Ob TUK GULDEN HARP ; ang« HU Third streeL W HITE'S celebrated STICKING STRENGTHENING PLASTER,pnee 1-ictE—! A sovereign remedy lotchionie rheumatic affections,' weakness and lameness of most pari* of the body scalds, burns, sores, of most kinds, cats, swellings,' tprains, biulses, corns, and felons when first coming. Alto, the most convenient and sufq sticking aolve lor strengthening plasters and drafts on the feet For male by 9 N WICRERSHAM augffi _ _ Cor. Bixth'A Wpod sts Foater'a »«w Ethloplau filalodlaa. GW INE to Ran all Night; Dolly Day; j. Dolcy Jones; Go down to da Cotton Field; Nelly was a Lad), Ac. ALSO: De Kind to the Loved Ones at Hone* Row thy boat lightly; True Love, by T.Ilood; Our way across the sea. duett, • A new medley song, by U. Coven: Jenny Gray, music by Muller, Joys that were crowning, Wedding March; • God bless the hardy taurine: Schuylkill Waits: Conscript’s [Departure, by W. C. Glover} i Sounds from Home; Waltzes, Stcycrmarkische To; Last Rose of Summer, easy variation* by Heft: United Slates Polka; Ladies' Soaverur Poiks; Cora Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Beauties of Italy; Duetts, Trio*, Ac. A largo assortment of New Music on bard, tojwhieh additions are ioade weekly. For sain by febSS J. H. MELLoR, si Wood it. Chitp Btandard Illttory. HUME’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND u 1:0* pah> Llbln* by Harper & Oro'*, in 6 Tola cloth and paper, at 40 cents per vol. Three vols teceired, caa lor tale by R HOPKINS, apt" 78 Apollo noiJJin»*> Fourth «t | lUtfrCfc/— St) l>«H» jic.uic l*iu miujuvn, V/CattDLn—lo bis mould, dipped, and »pena;. : Cura*—lSO bis Cream »r 4 English Durr; Cobb*— 50 dos Hemp and Manilla; Ca**u—3o Matts; Cloves—4 barret; 1 Cioar*—oo M Common and halfHpanlth; Fail—‘4s brliar.d baifbrl* Mackerel,tnd Safmcn; Gli.sk—3o bis nssorted rise*; Huu—lBoo Prime Venison; " loco Bug&r Cured; 1 noico—HO lb* S F and Manilla; Ins —l9 do* Harrison* Black and CoßTin** Molaasss—Sabrli N Orleans; a . " !13 half brl* Sugar Ilonte: Mcrrixo—£o dot assorted canisters; Maecasom—CO lbs Italian; Veucaoiu—CO lbs do Nails—2oo kega assorted; PicxLsa—s dozjars assorted; : Pxachks—2o bethels halves* Farsi—SO reams assorted; Pacstt—loo lbs Bordeaux; ® bis Rosin and Cast Steel: N 2 rlean * Clerified; £ rctn tuld Black; .' wfffnT’ 10 2 !*** l ,b l«nip; dozoamu Zink; For sole by J D WILLIAMS A CO JSli® l Comer of Fifth ood Wood su. iB#oj REED HOUSE, tasso IKBIVH 4b BARBEXU Proprietor*,! Paiftc Squart, Erit, Pa. ..9 1 S' E ? AL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western, sod Stages, leave tW« bouse daily-- Car* I W** I to tnd Cram Steam and Packet Boat*, Oralis. “* W. Karra, tatoof tho American Hotel, Erie, Pa. Q. W.Busn, lata of the Kinsaia Howl, Okso. «P*s^wa riea under ibe kuperriiioa of thu Departmsut, p. W. Gates’" Patent Lie*" for cutting screws on m.v.a .they Laving bren tried in twoof ihebitfe arsenal*, or.i found to b-; very efficient and excellent A. TALCGTT, Col. Ordinaca. Bcbxac or Ysuss srm Dock*. ) WaHHinoros, Sept. vi. ts«M { Considering Gates* Paiented lßi.*ovcmrßt for tot ting screws on snetai to be a valuable one. I r. sve, i y authority of the Honorable Seercniy of the Nuny, purchr.sc.l of the Attorneys of the Pctcnter, m il Seovilie, nrd Samuel Mower, Vso , the naht in msxe and use said improvement for the L. i*. Navy. JOSEPH SMITH, Cbiefof ncreau. In u*e also by % Buffalo Works, Bnflaio; ; Iloarc A Ashley, Rochester Bonlett A Cu. Glouee«ter, N. V; Haywood A Snyder, Schuyikiil County, Utrbcck, New York; “°fs * Dolatnater, “Phcnix,’' N. Y; H. k. Dunham ACo, New York, penmead A Co, Monument Works. Balt; Van Coren, Bochester; Mott A Ayres. New York, Allaur Works, do: Feaae A Murphy, do- Wert Point Foundry Norri* A Bro, Plaladelphia; A Jeriku, Breedesnurgh, Pu; iliTil’or 1 Boston ar.l New York. Lowe!! Machine Shop, Lowe Amecskeag Co, Mattcncster. N fi Lyman A Sou-bet, South B-uei. ' and numerous others. rues*.] N= ll.Machm.,lo « u d. c .t„ p . ~, „ . de.Dtus, and H. 11. Seovilie A Hons, cnicaan for '11,.-* unit Tups, wuh or wuhout machines (or u./ng there wiU meet with prompt uileniioD ' Cttrca.to. May 3. IKSO. , , MJSCELEANEOUS, UIIBIOVAL. PALMER, HANNA A CO. have removed i- •: Exchange Office to north west corner of vs V-u and Third sirens. NOTICE, THE Partnership heretofore ctistiny Lciwe-n tu* subsenners, under loe firm of Kurbndy- \Vi!*r:”, A Co., tvs* (hi* day dissolved by mutual Vomer* The himlueta of the firm will be settled by j \Y (; U1 bridgn, ut Win, Wilson, Jr,either of whom is autocr ue-1 tu use Uie name of the tirm in Il.'iiul.,| l c-. J. W. Hi AliltlDiiF. WM. WIIAON. j, . LYON, frIIURI) A CO. l*Uisbur/h, July 1,1953.—jyl CO-PABThEIiSkIP, XAS. W Durbrniuc A Bcnj. F. have this tl day associated ihem«eivcs under the turn ofßur >ridge A inehtom, to transact a Wholesale Grocery ind General Commission Business, m the house it.irvy fccanied by Burbndge, Wilson A Co, llfi Water st. FmsbarKh, July I, lfcOij.—Jy4 CO-PAbTHEKSiIIPi IIHE subsctiber* have this day formed a co-pnrtner . ship under tho firm of W A F Wilson, for the pur mse of transacting tbe Wholesale Grocery and Com poiesion Business, at No Wood vtreeu WM. WILSfiN. Jr. Pituburgb, 1,1650—jy4 FRANK. WILSON KOERM A HAWORTH, RFCTIFYING DISTILLERS, and Teasnd Wine Mercitanu, East side of the Diamond, Pittsburch, are now offering at the very lowest prices (or cas'i, Rectified Whiskey, Gin ami Domcst-e llrandy, nl«o, French llrandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Sp.rits. Lon don Gin. Irish Wbi.kcy, Burn, Ac. Port, Sherry. Ma detro, Champagne, Claret, Mnwatell. fiUiara, Tene rciffc and Ushon tVines. WholesaleA Retail, my-1 PRINTING PAPER—AIway. on hand or made to order, ilio vanoua lixcs of Printing Paper, Raz Wrapping Paperi Crown, Medium, RndifonWr, Crowr. «ze-Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, and Double Crown Poat Office Paper Pnateboard, A-* \r w p Marshall, w Wooa Agent for Clinton MilU. WOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and her re ward. By Maria J McJniosh, author of ‘‘Charm 4. Counterefcarra*,'’ “To seem and to be.” 1 vol lamo Latter Day Pamphlet*, No I:—'Ttte present tine. By Thomas Carlysic. Ctuumts—Memoir* of Life and Writings of Thos. Chalmers, D D., L. L. D. Prelection* on Butler's Annlnjry, Paley's Evidence* of Christianity, and iTi U'o : Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Ledum ■nd four Addres'C* delivered in iho New Collcgct Edmbarjrn, by The tons Chalmers. D. D, L. L. D. 1 vol ltimo. Calyci—Life of John Calvin, compiled from authen tic sources, and particularly from bi» correspondences. By Thomas II Dyer, with portrait 1 Vol lima. For sale by R HOPKINS. 79 Apolio Onihiltigs. Fourth vt, Uoubil uvmbti Ofl GBOS3 super Polka,' It) do do very f.na; -fc»V 00 ** su'd Reddinr; la “ super Kng!t*S Horn Reddlr.p 0 “ “ Pocket Combs; 500 “ “ Wood “ low den aes’d fine Ivory; 30 “ Shell Side Couibs: It* " toper larffe BulTulo; 200 ffross css’d Side Combs; rep’d and lor mi* by C VEAGKK, lui Market e; BAOIiB FODtIDBY mcuouo.t tt . w 0 PAIHB I'XiE undersigned, successor* lo Arthurs * NictH .toru beg leave to inform the ciutcnsofp.tu-tm.icn a . n AP‘i b . l ‘ r generally, that they have rebeili the EA ‘-.k.FoUNDRY uid ore now in fall operation, ana have: part of their p&uems ready ior the mar£w . ' mohgst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and \V,«.*d Stores, with a splendid air-tight Coal Store. which 13 now 'superceding in other chle* the common rminJ Also, a cheap coal Cooking Store, well t,.> ted for email families, with a full asaortment of rox mon and mantel Uraies We would pnnirularly it, rite «h< attention .of persona building to call m our warehouse before pur.-Uating, nml cißminc a ipleml.a midc 0! ciuranniilcd Grates, finished lu fine style uoitrcly new In this market. Warehouse, No. ltei Liberty it. augta.-dif NICHOI PITTSBURGH IMPORTATIONS. CfEAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in • FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS! Birn of the Gill Comb, 109 Market Pittsburgh, Pa Western Merchants, Pedlars, and others visiting Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are respectfully invu-j to tall and examine the extensive cKoroacnt of Eng • Ush, American. French and German Fancy Good,. Ail Foreign Goods at this eitabliibmcnt are import ed direct by myself, and purchaser* mar rely on p-; ting goods from first hands. I have the largest assort tueni of articles, in- the variety !i% in 'he cut o Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash o; city acceptances. The Hincx con-txu, in pan, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ru.tona. Silk Cravats, 9ho*and Patent TLteadfl,Sewja? Silk Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Ruuons, Pin*, Nc#-' dies and Cutlery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds o: Uro'hes, Comb, and Razors. Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pismls, Clocks Silk k Cotton Pnrses, Spectacles, Steel Pena, Music D-m... Carpet Hags and Baskets. Bindings, Findings and Trimming,. Toys aud P'ancy Goods; together with a large vans ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER is also agent lor the celebrated Lan caster Comb*. oovl? Ursai Kagllih itautay, FOR Cough*, Colds. Asthma and Consumption! Th* GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY fbr Uk cure of • L« above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM Or LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bur|, &r , -jf London, England, and introduced uu < the United Biatoc under the immediate superintendence uf the invent,,/ Theectraordinary success of this UK-Uianc m u., cur© of Pulmonary diseases, wimxcis tiro Ai'n.-n„ n Agent m soliciting for treatment Che worst pn-v.in.a r a sea that can bo t'ouuU in the community- eases that sees tclief in vain from any of the ccinui.,,, remedies of uie day, and have been given up by the most 'UsUngaiPt.*,! physicians as confirmed and incurable. The Hunger;, an Balsam has cured, and will care, the ruuet desperate of cares. It is no quack nostrum, but a sucjarJ Lu»- iiih medicine, of known and establi*ned eiticacy. * Every family in the Uaited Stoles vhouid be acpnittd with Buchan’s Hungarian Balaam of Life, not nniy to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the bu to be used as a preventive medicine tu all cum of eoidi, coughs, spitting of blood, }»un m the .idc A i o cheat, irritation and soreness of the longs, difficulty of bleating, heciio fever, night sweats, cmac. ’ auon and general dcbUiiT, asthma, Inflaorua whoo-inv sough and croup. ' * Sold in large bottles, at dl per bosle, with fall dtrst lions lor Die restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Amen eon certificates, and other evidence, showing uie on equalled menu uf uus great Engu-b Remedy, mar be obtained of the Agents, gratuitous' >. 7 For sale by.IF A FAHNESTOCK A Co., corner o st and Wood and Wood and Gth in. juiidAwS SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH aYßljp—Tui»? NoTKtna Lux It! Pittsbcsok. March s? i c. 57 Mr. R. B. Sellers—ln jusucc to >o B and yo U r parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to atatc, for the ef.t of the community, that my wife hat i, ecn „ ‘ ‘r»l times alStcted with a most distressing courh t „ r& chased, in Jucuary last, a bottle ~f your a/mi L& u* cure, a coa£n or wo moo.h.' .i.ldi”. 'Jlf'" ■Tionth .luce, tile cough returned, „ " T °"° that she could hardly move, from wnkn,.,. ,1 ?, re breast; l sent for one bottle of your Cough Svrun a- !; a pan of one bottle eun-d the co«*h I S a . 4 to a journeyman who was severely afflicted wh« hVi to use his own words, ‘-eaten enough cough .o SS *&2AS s * nil tM * »"■«•«* ILLRGUIfiBT VENITIAH Bl lvn — AND PSINET po ® , | lo “ ! **** o . 7l J Having purchased the stock, tools, and wood ofthc cabinet es tablishment of Ramisy A M*Clcl their’ old eaatomers, as well aa the public at large, with every thing in their lino. Agency, No h wood street, Pittsburgh, motive J. A. BROWN. Economy lm Tea*< DECIDEDLY the cheapest and ben place tn Pul,. burgh to bay Tea it hi the Tea Market, east sra e of the Diamond. They sell Excellent Tea at - • -—BO «) per It, SaperiorQualitics—• 075 * The very best— l W ” Low priced, damaged, or tnfeiier Teas are not kept at this establishment, therefore, whether you go y our self or rend a child, you are sure to obtain a good article, and iftbo flavor of.the lea is notjapproved, they readily exchange it or return the money. jilt MORRIS A HAWORTH, Proprietor, /THiLHOOTHE BOAP-sttw bxs“ior sale by »cpn ’ MILLER A RICKETSON 1 Corn March) REFINED and prepared expressly for Food, pad. dings, Cakes, Custards, Ac. Recipe for Boiled Custard.—One quart of new milk four eggs, ktlf *tearpoonful of salt, two tablespoonfsis of refined itattb-atlr the it area m a aaall quanUtv of the milk, till it is perfectly dissolved and smooth—add the eggs, w*U beaten, to the starch-poor tae ergs aud starch into the balanca 0/ th* rntik, while boiUnx stir constantly UU it bells Bp caceo-ExeeUem. For aid by R S Bgij.gp« - f?5ywtfft * 70SIIC Wood st)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers