The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 11, 1850, Image 2

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to>t caw. cocatortimA
Back. County.
lIENR • W. .....NYDED,
J. union Cosnty,
000 ttttlltt SITSIOI..
ullyrtun Couto,.
Arathnnsonto and Whig nozolnallons for
Allegheny County.
In Main SWIoN, imon nut mw•im.
M0R114.14 ROBERTAOI, Pittsburgh
T. J. HIGHAM, lower St. Chit.
' WALKER. Eli:sixth.
JOHN bIoCLUSHEY, Robinson.
JAMES FIFFE., Snowden.
VaL FLYNN, Lower BL: Clair.
The rapid increase in the number of 'secret so.
chlies la this country, la a palacel subject of con
temptation for the Christian and Patriot. A few
Twits ago, secret societies were confined to two la
clitinber; now we can scarcely keep pace with
tbs., they are so multiplied, embracing various
subjects and creeds, as Tomperane I, Native Am.
arlioutiam, the Mechanic Alta, etc. Tbelut me
adon of this sortb is the Protestant Association,
which paraded tke streets of oar city yesterday,
with its badges and insist., reminding one of a
Mims& procession. This seems to be a sort of po•
litioabeetigious concern something like the Orange
Lodges in Ireland, unless we have mistaken it■
eheaseter. Its bond ci Union we mamma is,
ektagy,opposition to the Catholics.
Etsitsving all secret societies unnecessary, and
stony of them deafening, and esteulated in their
ultimate and aggregated efforts to be , productive
ae far mire harm than good, whether ionsidered
hotbeds. operations upon communities ar indlvido •
ale, we have viewed their increase among us with
ezmeding regret. This Protestant Association,
whether secret or not, of whleh we are not in
formed, we look upon u one of the Meat danger.
au of the various new societies which have late-
grown up here or elsewhere, as it is calculated
to originate those fends which have done ao much
Mischief In Ireland and other parts of Europe, and
to. promote prejudice, bigotry, and hatred, indeed
of the mild and benevolent principles of the Goa.
pal of—Christ. No surer mode can be found to
Provost Catholics from ever coming to the knowl-
Wire of the truth, as Protestants understand it,than
to meet them with an array of persecution, pa.
litical and proscriptive le its character. As far as
ere know, this to the first attempt to import and
nourish to our midst, one of the worst evils which
aglirct Europe, and which is wholly at war with
tae spirit of our free ins nations. We trust it may
b. confined to our midst. where it most soon wither
■ad die, unless we have greatly. mistaken the
char.° or nod (Mathieuce of oar Protestant chi
ne.. _ _
...MARYLAND HIPORM Convcerlos.—An election
took place in Maryland, last week, for membess
to a convention to reform the conatimtlon al the
State. The returns are all in, from which 11 appears
dig the Whigs have elected 69; the,llexciacos 42;
and the Union ticket 12. Toe OMILODOLI wilt
consist of 103 members. Of the twelve elected
on the Union tickets, 6 aro Whigs, which will
Sive them 25 members, being a majcalty of 7 in
the Convention.
The Convention is to amenable at damp°lie, in
November, and the Constitution which they will
form is to be submitted to the vote of the people
In the June Mowing, when, If a majority of the
♦otors am found to be in its favor, proelamatiort
Will be made accordingly by the Governor, and
the Constitution, no adopted, will hencetsrth be
the fundamental in of the State.
New Puma Roso.—We are moth pleased to
Ind that an ant is to be made to build a Plank
Road from TemperaUeviile, an the opposite aide
brae Ohio, to Mart, we presume, near the Perry
landings, to Nobleman, in this county, a distance
of about twelve miles. The location of thin road
will be abont midway between the present War&
ington and Steubenville turnpikes. it is believed
that the river hill can be overcome on an ascent
of 26 degrees, and that bah the above named
t turnpikes can use the contemplated plank road
for the porpoise of overcoming this formidable ob
struction. This contemplated improvement will
prove of invaluable benefit to the section 01 001112-
UT through which it pastes, arid mull greatly raise
the value of real estate in all that region. Many
of our citizens will be: seeking country seal. on
the healthful and breezy hills and beautiful val•
len on the line of the road an soon as it 10 con
streteted. We tope those airho have undertakes
It will not relinquLah their aorta from a slight ob
stacle. Perseverance will cover their labors with
The stuckholders of both the Pittsburgh and
Exchange Banks, of this city, have accepted the
chasers granted by the last Legislature, sod will
continue to conduct their business as usual. It W
gratifying to find that we are to safer no diming.
%lon of Bank capital, eves if we are not to be fa
vored with an Increase.
Boar's Slimenerre's blearzum, ter September
Li an exceedingly valuable namber, both In orig.
Leal articles, and in its various gunshot, and mil
oellaneons matter. We commend it to tho amen
ties atom merchants and business men.
Tar Fascist. or vat LADY or Uregzst. Ara•
mama took place in New loch, on Monday. A large
number of hide's and gentlemen, although it was
reining hi avilv at the time, escorted the remains to
the grave. General Garibaldi was present ,and
Fiopanti delivered no oration on the occasion,
which erect.' the audience to tears. The deceived
was buried In the grave of her father, end her hos•
band performed the sad office of raring the first
spadeful' of earth upon her coffin.
Fem. hlemco.—The New Orleans Picayune
learns that the Impector of the hlexiam mi attry
colonies of the DM, h. Informal his Governmen t
that more than seven hundred persons, of both oozes,
from the United States, have moved into Mexico,
with the intention of similes permanently. He has
appropriated for their residence, a tract of territory
at the confluence of the San Antonio and San Ro
drigo rivers, on the principal passes of the Oman
Tux Hon. Ms. Coccores FUGITIVE Susan
who were lately found secreted In' the house of R.
S. cone, Washington, D. C., made another futile
, anenuttio escape on Wednesday, while handcuffed,
and just. about to start for Hr. Colcock's place in
South Carolina, in charge of his nephew. An ex-
citing chase through the streets resulted in their
capture. rA slave dealer immediately offered to
purchase them, but Mr. Colcoch said that 511,000
would not buy miller of them. They were taken
back to jail.. One of them raid, in reply to nn of.
deer.—"l have but once to die, and I'd sootier lake
the chance for it now than go home." This man
has hitherto been a quiet, timid, obedient servant.
The Republic says:—
"Maratha time of the absconding of there slaves,
two females of like character eloped, neither of
whom has been regained. It ts mid that one of
thein, who was of a very bright color, departed in
the camasa white lady, through the aid of a veil,
and ply in charge of a white .escort."
RAILIO.I)I.—The contractors are busily at work
on the Stare Line Railroad between Buffalo and Dun
kirk, and as soon as the right of . way is eecured,
will extend operations over the whole line. Sub
scriptions to the amount of 5300,000 hare Immo se
clued on the route of the Attica and Hornellsrille
mad. It is contemplated to have a nix fees track
from Buffalo to Homelbrville.
Profeasor Pars has made a'repOrt to the Secre
tary d the Navy, giving an outline of his raped
mean is the 004:Idiom of electro-magnetism as a
motive power. He says the poiver is peculiarly
lined for purposes of navigation, if it ran be made .
auleerrientoind a trial upon • locale of one hun
dred horse power...wraps to be - the only mode of
suviving at a definite conclusion up= this point.
For the Pattsbutgh ClLLate.
. Ma. Ennoa—Theresppeared,a few day, state,
in the editorial columns of the C,ommerciallournal,
an article, entitled "The wonders of Hornrropathy
again." In it were statements uld insinuations,
calculated not so much to inform the public mind
it regard to the principles of Hahnemann, as to en
cite Prejudice and blind opposition to them.
aible of the injury thusattempted, at the mcrifice of
truth, against a science, beautiful, hnrinoniowi, and
fraught with blessings to suffering humanity, I pen
ned a review. That review, as a communication ,
is dented admission into - Um columns of the Jon,
nal. The course thus pursued by the editor of that
paper, shows clearly to my mind that his motive
has been maliciously to injure liorntropatbY,
poualy to display his ingenuity in advocating the
wrong side of a question, or selfishly to gain
revenue by the publication of replies as advertise
The second best thing that I can do to :tondo!
his poisons, is to oder the renew to tho
through the Gazette. I I' I).
To the Edltor of tile Cartinfereini Jolrnel
, Th• wondero Of homoeopathy again
Before proceeding to no notice your second effort
at a portrayal of the wonders of Honweapathy. I will
simply remark, in relation to my view el your for
mer article, that in it was a brief, faithful, repro
seatatioo of the potrus assailed by you. Were I
persuaded that your renders, like yourself, have
been unable to discount D difference between your
oportrsyal" and my representation of Hoiroupathy,
I should regret it much. But, knowing ILa differ
ence to Lave been palpable, and believing it clear
ly understood by all, except these who Lave read
with,Mundiced oyes, I shall make no further effort
at tin demonstrattou.
The quotation* from Hahnemann'. Organ
which you have made in your article, I ackno ,
edge most cheerfully, as correct. But your nett
needing interpretn ions and Inferences I remeliat
as unfinthlul and unjust. Now Hahnemann,
Waking edam dynamic, therapeutic power of
drag, meant simply this , that in every salatash
contained in the Atateria 'Medico, there le a yams
rekte/s, although imperceptible to the ern SI.T
serial or dynanue--se yet capable, sedan developed
and properly applied, of s n a nsfestgag sin FF..,
am( of restoring health, on the disordered Junetsors
of the human body. If you will confine younel
to facts, afflistaaye regard to the admitted truths o
philosophy - jeers not What amount of Melon., o
force of Milos you bring to bps against this priori
pie in medicine, it will only stand the more prom'
nest and shine the brighter. It is mapleaseil, al
ways to be accusing an opponent of ignorance or
the nee of sophistry. But you will readily see the
justice of such an accusation against yourself, by
oompariog the quotations which you have made
from littheemeehi With the following parniraph in
your ertielm—"Tbus, hylui,eg the mein:Wt.—Hahn.
emanns's—own definition, we fold that the Homan,
pathic art developer the vital priacspie of 'dell''
vine' or, in plainer words, that Hahnemann dismay
ered ► proc...s by which tenter can be chained in
go ir w i T h . nve get holearn that the word "dynamic"
or even "spiritual" is synonymous with the word
"vital." Hahnemann has nowhere said, that his
"art developes the viral - principle of medicine."
nor, has he any where conveyed tne idea, thou "he
tom discovered a proems by which mailer can be
changed into spirit or life." He only nem rte, as
the electric power, latent in the flint is made mani
fest by the action of the steel, so the curative power
of the drug to developed by comminution. If, in
the sober thoughts of that illustrious philosopher
and physician, you me only see ',paw" and
ghosts, we shall soon look for revelations from
your pen, that will put to shameful silence, even
the "nameteriom rapping." at Rochester.
The difference represented by you, between the
views of the materialist and the Homeopathist in
medicine, I regard as alteetellem enema' and re.
taitous The materialist in medicine, is one, who
believes the prima mum of disease to ne snruorsdi
_...haaace lurking in the system and producing
derangement in the vital functions. To cure his
patient, therefore, ha would resort to emetics and
cadmium to remove the u rneleria era s" from
the stomach end intestines; or to verarseetion and
leeches to reinove it from the hloo,l Sudcrifim,
blisters, vetoes and issues, be would me own the
same hypothesis On the other hand, the Home°
pathist iielieves the rnorbihe agent to act upon the
vied principle, dynamically. in the production of
disease; and to require in the cure of maladies.
remedial menu. that can ant tan similar manner
As I am writing merely in defence at kionmaiera.
thy, it does not become me Isere to d.setiss the
question, whether In the remand of disease, it to
the physician's duty to scrub the interior or mut,
late the es - tenor of man's tender semen.: or mere.
ly to administer a specific attenuated dose, which
will restore harmony to the disordered functions,
m does the little goverior to the movement. of the
mighty engine. Nor is it my duty to show, sorbeth.
er the miaerna, the moraine and all the mysienow
sufluerres, that are filling our world with dismiss
and death, are ponderable, material stadia; or red ,
er, imponderable and dynamic. It is evident to me,
however, that there are entertained in the Old
School of medicine, notion. as grossly material as
were ever taught by Epicurus.
Were it a law in mature, that no crimes could he
produced but by sensible material pauses, how like
a deem, would the present system of dynamics
vanish from philoscphy, and how like an inuoipo.
mat and stubborn giant, would inertia .hold all things
to the universe at rani
N ot withstanding your own evince iniseencep
lions, I hope you Iron continue to pub] ah use lan
gorge of Hahnemann Si, long as your readers
- Berme well, even the detehed portions ni the Or'
peon. which you eelect to suit year purpose. I leer
no evil from any continent or Inference tmoo
make. In coming to the lestsection of your article I
find it quite difficult to preserve the sobriety tat
should charectense a scientific discussion.
It is indeed laughable to see one, after having
made, with his own hands, a "man of straw" end
named him after his enemy, turning with eager
malefaction and public parade to demolish him
To "convert matter into spirit" Horn respathy
neither professes or wishes todo. Permit me to
enure you, that the "groaner curio:my " whin/
you have created mail of which you so proudly
speak, is not in regard to any thing ner•aerlons to
the New School of medicine; but rather in view
of the (act, that there inn man to the middle of the
nineteenth century, eo thoroughly imbned with
saateridlins, as to seed at the idea of a dyne °neat
medicinal vinne in a drug.
The "aazinas inquiry" is not, "by what wonder
ful prorate is natter converted into spird,"but rash
er from what mysterious use or purpose you
Came to christen your "man of sew" a Howneipit.
die principle. J. P. DARE.
Tko National istelligencer of yesterday con
tains the following circular from the Postinaste
Parr Ounce Dtrawnssev, Sept. 4. IBM.
An ensminatea of the post bills, mecums of
mails seat and received. and of the accounts of
postmasters. has disclosed the fact thin the pub.
.fished regulauons are continually disregarded
Ibis violation of the regulations is ovempted tohe
ezeosed by many postatuters, by alleging that
bole predeessons and others have, for • long
period. been permitted to practice it without cen
sure. Alter the end of the present quarter no such
excuse will be admitted. Posimingen are expekt
ed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted
with their duty, sad to we that the printed regula
tion. are alertly followed Is, all persons in their
ernp:oyment,eXeept only to exam, where different
inotructions have been specially given.
Every postmaster or other officer of the I/nutri
ment Is required to report to the Postmaster flea.
end every violation of the law or revelation', OD
the port of say other postai...ter or offi •er of the
Department, and every postmaster is opecially
directed to seed to this dice all lane. or circu
lars which have been or shell be sect him by any
other postmaster in regard to the moiling nr die•
trihatioa of letters, or toy change in the practice
of his office. Special sgento at the Deportment ere
required to report every postmaster at say tuition.
ant office who does not personally superintend Its
All postmasters whose comralosinno are gulf"
cleat to allow the employment of clerk, are espe
cially coutioued not to employ more than are an.
<Ministry 1n the prompt dispatch or the hotlinese of
their respective offices, nor to pay extravagant
salaries. Sorb salaries as will secure the beat
services of competent and f iithful clerks may be
allowed, subject to the limitailon prescribed by
law. All commissions which are not rv-eded to
defray necessary expense. aro to be htithfullyon
coasted for.
POStrOaleern will see that the mall arrangements
of the Department are faithfully eXeentetl. They
will promptly report every variation from them.
with the same of the contrgotors who make it, es.
petiolly where different days for the mall trips, or
a different mode of conveyance mu hove been
substituted. They will also report all defects of
arrangements in the days and hours cf departure
and arrival, sad also every eiscoartexion of one
route with another.
The 81st regulation mutt be observed, and in
fertherence of it, distribeting offices will mail mat•
ter received from other offices for distribetion di.
root to the offices addressed, and will bag the
package, Is the proper distributing or separating
oft., so that the Department shall in no caw be
charged with commissioes for double distribution.
Postmaatens should not mail letters or direct
packages "Eratward," ••West ward," •'Northern."
or vSeuthert," or by any similar deisignatioe. All
letters are to be mailed and packages to be ad.
dreared to • particular office, as directed by sec
tion 81 of the Regulations; end wbenever,sf or
the tat of October, 18.10, letters are received at a
distributleg office which have been improperly
sent to such offioe for distribution, or are diatribe.
tad them m ennacipeneu of not being addressed
to. particular oftee, the postmaster at such dia.
tributing °Mee is directed to notify the porta:raider
who mailed such lettere and report me facts to
this office, a. reqeired by the 112 regulation, and
this regeiremeat to notifyand report IS hereby ex.
tended to every case where a letter is sent in an
office for distribution, when it ehoald, under the
regulations, hate been mailed and sent direct, en
to any other dirt:abutted office.
The attention or poetmanters Is particularly eel.
led to the regulations In regard to drop letters, pre
paid newspapers, cheater., pamphlet., and peri
leabt, and to the mailing of - letters, d c., as coo.
to hied In chapters 9.10, 11, 13, IS, and 21, of the
published regulations.
A IN a Ling.—At a recent temperance
ealebration'in .Tennessee, a little , lad appeared in
the procession, bearing a nag on which was in•
All'. sighs when Daddy's HIM'!"
I , ...ON 0. EGON
The Urea= deice received by ibe Ea .pira City,
are to the hat of July. They reached San Fran•
cisco on the 29. b, by the treamship Caro
We copy the tcLoering bore the Wawa Specti,
Gcs.n Itliass.—The gentlemen who haye been
absent f,r some weeks part. exploring the Yaks
ma and Spoken, in ovarch rf gold, have all rem,
ned. They report hoeing bound some gold—a we.
IT email quantity, however. The ttreams were
all a° bath that • aate!actory examination could
not ha made. It is thought, however, that when
the waters aubside eo as to admit of it, a more
thorough examination will bring to light hidden
Mine' of the precious metal.
The Untied State• steam propeller ?Almelo.
tells, Commander Knox, arrived at Astoria on the
20th June, with the joint Mnainedoll ed army and
navy officers appointed to select positions for light
houses and foruficattons. The Spectator says that
it is andersiooe they have completed their defies
153 far as Pup VII Sound and the adjacent Conn
try 14 concerned. and are now to examine the
mouth of t be:Co umbia. The Masaachisaetts came
through the south channel, dressing 17 feet, End
ing abundance of water.
We also learn from the lame source that Capt.
Thomas Hawks has buoyed out the channel from
Pillar Rock to Tomo° Point, and last week cam•
ed the Thulium Virough it, finding It a perfectly
good beating channel, with stiff...lent water far all
veasela navigatieg the river. The old channel
round Tongue Point bar has long been one of the
greatest difficulties to the river navigation.
F(0311 lac New York Councr of Friday aderucron
Arrival of the steamers Cherokee and
Georgia, with the natl..
The United Statea ateamshlp Cherokee, Capt.
Winnell, from Chaves, August 28 b, and Mega.
ton, 0 atn.3 August 40, With
,specie and passe.
ger. to Howland da Aapinwall,arrived this morn
ing. She left at Megaton, lam., brig Maria, 111
days from Wilmington, N. C. The chief mate di•
ed on the 1 nasty° out, Sept. 3, lat. 30 10, long. 72,
57 Petted the wreck of the brig Robert
full of water. Spilt. 4, agehangod alguals wnq
he Hamburg bars Alida, steering southrant.
The following are the names of some of the pas
scowl who died on board the Panama:
Mr. William Holt, of See'Murry, Wit ; Mr A.
Dann, Of !Ambit - ran • Cept. Robinson Lobe, of the
Rhin J.tit C. • - Dr. ' Roper, of Philadelphia; Mr.
Mc boner, of Dhartgarowp, Wats.; Wm, Thereat,
of Noble county, Indiana; William Tait, of Brat
tleboro, Vermont ; Captatn G. B. Manchester, of
Edgerton, Holmes Hilo; E. Frost, of Springfield,
Mas.•, Mr. Cauncey Crocker, of New London;
John Barker, of Pittsburgh; John North, nf Plym
outh, Ohio C G. Show, of To ledo, Ohio ; Thom
as Terer, of Henri:4,l4,w York, Captain Rob
inson died on board of the empire City ci. Gar,
grea, 20th August. and was boned on shore. The
Panama left San Francisco, August let, with 275
Iminger& She touched a: Acapulco, and while
there, some of her passengers caught the oholcra,
which was raging there to a great it mien. The
day atter tam left Acapulco the broke out,
.d about forty itive :Mow t, enty. hoard
of the ship, and the balance on the Isthmus. The
above arr all the names that we have been ens.
bled to obtain. For the tnformation of these whose
friend. were advertised as leaving so the Panama,
and who may not base arrived at New York, we
sum t„ at many persons, after purchasing tickets,
have concluded 40110 go by her, and have sold
their tickets to when. ' -
The United States mail steam ahtp rieOrala, Lt
D. D. Potter, 1.1. S. N Commander, from Cltagreit,
bringing the male brought down by the steamer
Penmen, with over a hundred passengers and a
large freight from Havana, also arrived this morn•
The Ge , ral• ice 04/I.v. Bona no the 251° of
August. and armee.] at Havana on the 'gbh, v,;al
detained until toe orght of the Ist. waling to con•
sent with the Fatale and Ohio. The Falcon arri•
wed from New °radiant on ttte afternoon of the
31st, yr,td the Gowen the afternoon of the lit, from
New You.
Nothtee had beet beard a the robbers of the
specie tram, although several! urea. had been
on auto mon.
Tee passengers report a steamer coming tato
Penama when they lefi—topposed to be toe New
Orleans. The Fan•ara was the colt ./..e , to
rum the Or. g.e sod Columbus were datly rape,
tea. Great numbers were rowing down from the
nomes, for the retro A," of returhing home, many of
hot in t destitute situation, and the ...sof these
barely made suarnolo to pay their expente. All
ioremeers had been drtvl out of the mines to
cunerquesne of ire fieloent murder. Ora a
hundred Mextuans mere landed tta Acaptu , ve, by
the Panama, woo were oblused to lesv• t he
Tee ps•a brirg very rialfavoraVe report.
lion the misc.—me river. remaining high, and
there Wad couch disapponotn.eut cow. queues.
The steamer Carotina had arrived at San Fran
rise-dram Asian., (Oregon,) the day before the
Panama (a t. The !Jolted 50.,. steamer Massa
chusetts. L rut. asratuartdic; 4aos, arrived to on the 30. h of June, with Mei-mot se..atias
•on of arrow and navy officer., appointed to we-
Ices pm...trona for Caht house. sad 101116f2t100..
Tbey had completed their deities RS far LI rUJI.V.
Sound; nal are now to examine the month of the
Columetn. Soo Francisco was recovering very
la., tram t',, v' e efrects of the fire—nem and elegant
",„„"i°97 w ere - p- Y"'ea dtrerilon.
ihe euip hod arri.reo at Geri F.n•
(“1,C.. in r..fra,111.4y etric primiage ,f 97 day.
!tern Nev. lie 4
John S nook. from German Flit*, Herkimer C., 1
, paver- r-rn Fla .1 me ilrores, it
ci on tae 29 4 of dot:goat, d enolera ,ra..rtiv•
He came down m a mho; lee from San Fran.
dere to Pan•tz,a,oa bin return to ... family, and
had cmileried a ratan •ronnat of money which is
in the bards of-me Captain.
Every thing wag quiet when the Georgia leh
Havana. Troop , . mere coming from Spain, and
in n rhort time the force on the laland. would
amount to over 39,000 regular krwilt-
The Or/lett had broken out afrezti at Sage. la
Grande, and wva off a great number of
Havens was visited by a berries. on Its VII
of August. It blew with great video. and d,d
a great deal et damage to the shipping. All the
vessels of war dragged thrir anchors about the
herb+•. Mia•.p benntifid trees were injured, nod
the banana and plantain urns were almost all
The Captain General had refused permisalon to
the American reamers to go to the dock which
the company bad hired Immo the English Marl
Company. No cause amyl..
The Gecugla usede her passage home from lias
Teen in lour Ulf/.
PCIIISTLve,In Ccrla.sitlOULMate:te—
le the 231 esserresConal Distract. the Whig Can.
ferret have nominated John H. Walker, of Erie,
sc the oandidate (di Congrar4 In the Various dia.,
wets where nelenthnes have beea made, the fol
lowing are the Walg candidates:
Ina B. Chandler, 23 Dmlriet, Philsdelphie.
Henry I) Moore, nom. 3d District, Philndelphia.
Bketehley Morton, nominated by Delaware.
Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaater,
Thomas M. ti.togintsa, " Lchenon,
Daniel M. Selyers,
Hobert M. Bard, Yratiklm,
dames Armstrong, ny, Union.
Andrew J. Oec, Somerset,
l.thei Almon, s Beaver,
•Thernas M Howe, t , Allegheny,
John H Walker, Erie,
James Taylor.
John W. Howe, 1. Mercer.
•Hoti. Harmer Denny Is also nominated by thin
tlistrlcido 11l the 'licence la the repent Cohere's,
occasioned by the resignation of the Hoe. Mown
VEY it on I tiacirion —tier returns from two think
of the State fairly pout& a hope that the Whig Stair
Ticket, for the lira limo in several years, is elected
by the People. The Senate is largely Whig, as it
has been for torero' years past. The House
pretty certainly Whig, though lite majority over
•'Old Lt ra" Tree Lktnoemey," ace. will not he
large. The Joint Ballot is sure any hoer, and thorn
it a U. S Seminar in or chinen
lyletirs. James Meacham and William Unhard,
Whig., nre re-elected to Congress by hand some
majormes. We se.reet there is no choice in the
usually Loco.
lit the let, there in of eon,' no choice, an two
Whig candidate , Vero_ running It in said that Mr.
Lyman is ahead Bowen, Mal may be, we trust
We Wh ¢s of the whole Distant will m once unite
and elect at the next trial whichever of their can
didates stands highest on the poll at the vote lust
rest, with an undrastanrang that the other shall he
supported and elected for the nest term ilionningi
lon Co. being entitled Ily usage to two terms to suc
cession ) If this undernlanding is heartily entered
unit, the whole duliculty may be auspiciously net
tled. blesses. Lymnan and Miner ore two of the
best \V Ii in the Stalcalike competent and descry
ing. let there be no talk of dropping them for a
thud candidate, (whoca will excite new heart burn
ing,) but let each to turn be elected. Than will
heal the feud wlthout injustice, to their country,
themtelles, or their friends.—N. P. TreSupe
The Veers or 1111ssouat —The St.
Louie Intelligeecer divides the popolar vote
ict the several Congreulottn l Distrieta as fol•
Inrg. Denton. Anna
7,070 5,600 5,113
7,072 5,642
6.57 i 2 4 1 0 5 137
5237 4.765 5.247
5 . 111 7,703 1,924
71428 19,481 21,370
Lrr The Pucuc toys IT.—The Rochester
Democrat of Ttleadey has the following paragraph.
We do Dot concur in the "hope" expressed to the
last sentence. If' good people" lend themselves
to the deception of other., yerbapt they Me) be
made twee, by the exposure. Bornething Is doe
also to thole who, in the lace or a peptiler Men*
have uniformly insisted that there was =AUK In"
pemuurel in the ridicoloos exhibition: •
t , lt is said, upon the best authority, that there
has been e serious mbbey moms the "Knocking
Girl.," recently retuned from New York, and
that matters are nearly ripe for • tell disclosure
of the "grand secret." We hope, for the sake of
a great man• pod peop:s, the denouement% Will
be obviated."
Elcan .hc Wa.h.tiglon
We commend to the careful perusal of those far
mers of the Union who are anxiously looking for
the realization of Mr. Secretary Walker's promises
of a European market that was to "go on increas
ing" from the time when the "potato rot" enabled
us to export to Me amount of some twenty or thirty
millions of dollars worth of genial, the following
Paragraph which we take from the London Eziam•
icier of the lath ultimo,
"The Emperor of Russia has ordered the forma
tion of five or six hoes of rood conmeefing the moth
of Russia with Odessa, in order nom the immense
quantity of corn produced in this fertile and almou
virgin soil may be more readily transported for ex
port. "It is expected," says a Russia correspond•
ent, "that inn few years the marloms of Europe will
be sis overflooded with Russian morn that all com
petition will be impsassible.••
Tool:tam a market abroad for grain we determin
ed to close our mills, our mines, and our furnaces,
and set the workmen that hod been employed in
making cloth, and lumina coal, sad smelting iron
ore, to raise food. The European market has air
ready totally ceded, nod Canada is now knocking
at our doors, asking to have the tariff on grain abol•
ished, that she may aid in bringing down our prices
to the level of those of Europe. She now pays
Twenty per cent. duty, in preference to sending her
foal to the "great grain market" of the world.
What will she be willing to pay, when the Ru ss ian
railroads shall he completed.' The answer to that
question will depend upon the movement of Con
pes.. It protection be restored, the mines, and
furnaces, end mills will be reopened, and then the
home demand for food will relieve us from the no
enmity of seeking a market in Europe- If they be
not opened, we shall hove a larger surphm for sale,
and when that shall be the case oar farmers will
hove to compete in the markets of Europe with
Basilian corn, with which "competition,' we OM
told, "will ba impmenble." That country noises
now fifty millions of qommers of surplus wheat, rind
. - .
those fifty millions give four hundred and fifty
millions of bushels that are to be poured Into the
•'great grain marke.," to reduce the level of far
ming labor in England to that of Russia. Unless
we err very greatly, the day is not for dieutnt wizen
the loudest elamon (or the reatonition of the tariff
or 1845 will come from the cow exclusively agrc
cultural States.
Gn. Qmrstam arm VIZ TSZAS Qtrearton.—A
letter addressed 1 y Gov. Quitman, of filliasiesippl,to
the editor oftbe V.ettsburg Seniteel, dated Aqui
la, sayo.—
lt Desiring no concealment, I have no objection
that it should be known that I believe the title of
Testa t t the terrdary claimed by ber oa thin rade
of the Elio Grande to be Indisputable; that the for
cibte %future of any part of this terntory by the P.
tional Executive would be a wanton art at despot.
tiara, which should be sternly maimed by Texas,
that tin the evident i,urpniras of this 03...11/11111 to
convert a portion of her territory to a tree sod, the
Southern States should make common cause with
reran and that, in the event of a collision of arms,
or great danger thereof, I would deem It my duty
to convene the Legislicurc of this State, and re•
commend to them the adoptm of prompt ant Ma
firneat measures to wit mummer State to the mato-
Gana. , or her dy tr itght4 aiftblitt f:donl 0•0 , P.-
11.2. Nat have I a doubt, that, io so doter, I "hall
conform to the will of the great mask of the people
of this State."
The patron .Int of the ray of :31. Lou M
WWI, was 110InnlInZna In the Catholic Cathedral of
Ohl pay on the lath, with unusual pomp. A poa
Wirral high mass was sung by Archbishop Kendrick
assisted by about 30 priests,
A young ntan;l2 years a age, and but about one
month warned. was authAlord to death by tulttaisng
l igo (rum the sweet fronts of nttre.whtle at wort
the lab Oratory knnith k Hodgson, Pniladolpb
Imo week. Ile was foliaged In the manufamort
the artiole, and ton death took plkee almost Ito
Motels. after encountering the loomsa of the vet
that coatatned the nom
qt dill ve d, m Greene county, Alsbaina, there
is • will owned by fur. W ahem. The water which
moves it u dermal entirely front six &rectums wells,
which range in depth front three hundred lo sts
hundred feel. They furnish one thousand gallons
of water per minute. As the water rs nowhere
wrsible under the null, it ha., when in motion, the
appearance of a self artiog piers of maatiltdrY
A desdructive tire nocurred at Providescr, It
1., on the 6th Instant, In the planing estahludiment
ell - Tolman k Hurtling, on Dyer street. I, was
one of the oldest bus , d , ngs m the city, sod was
destroyed, with It contents, together with nearly
the whole of their Walser yard. Low elsout $10,•
Kat, The building and machinery were insured
for 511,t0u.), The wooden boddte Stej nntrg MM.
destroyed, with its dentente. Andrew EstCht,
calico engravers, lost about $12,10d, insured st,
000; Albert Daly, lumber 112eratao , , lost 64:4434V
DO tasuranec ; 1. K Chttda, plane maker, I awl
gleio, no an. Car .!out
folk°, DO HlSClTlitre m• in all over P:41,04.10
Dorn or Ras. Da. hirsum—We are in
trim of a iclear•pme aonimucocation from lb
Rap.' 11.111.00 loom. al rionsiryinF in
mournful bat not •noirmber un•aprried
`en of the Limon 01 Itle Ron. Ur. Judson, io
well known missionary In Kultnatt.
lie at . e. al sea, on tbellm April, eine tilt
brim int anim•ififin depkrutr to, on an
oral. ton. h tics . a Mr•
Judean hat ch.lthen, r,01300 1.1 6 6:.•:,..0 co•
rotivnt, Its t. eil,lll, • -r . • .1.„
Fone•r,. 'of A /1/Cf , t .611 •, iCil
a widow.—
Wu D. CIALLOIIM.Ct•te Editor of the
Giccionatt Duette. nao been offered by Secretary
Coro. tie port of First Clerk of the Treasury De
partment, ata her deelined it. The offer evinocs
the sagacity of the Secretary, the dee', a.,
roves that of the editor. 1 sere a no tomer
post than that of s Washicgten Clerk•hip—a
ing white it lasts, a most precarious tenure, sod
• bright prospect of starvation afterward. Who
want• to give era lit, or in litisinces with
• turned out Glace bolder — N. E. Mita..
The Buffalo CestatarraaJ has the following rat
sgroph conctrning its Edda:. Di. F.ote
t•Hr. Foote will opt resume his pent at Bogota,
tller ne shall oars returned wale enuntra. But
there is no Inundation for the roolociere el tee
Trritroa. that he will be • toortatett with Mr. Sar
gent In the editorship of the Erpoefiz. or any other
per at Westmonto. He ha• no such inter-wins
at present. rod probably will not hare to bootee,
and will no doubt, on his return, do whet his tn.
otm•tton prompts him—resnate the editorial chair
of the Comenerte.ll.4
Tug CHoLitnn n. T4C . •P/O•nos.ii "—A moil,
man who crate down from San Pesci-owe, on the
Nemo.. informed us yesterday that the ravages
of the (;tioters on that Itearner were In
paasebsers had tudulgad moat freely in fruits
at Ampules), which doubtless contributed to the
severity of the discus. Oa the day Info", the
Stemmer reached Panama, the deaths were mono.
merlona and the ocinaternation so great, that n•
proper attention was paid to the such, and the
dead were thrown overboard with a lump of eon
lashed to them, but no other anent:on was give•
them. Men tiopppd down 4W:tilled almost an
aantly, and no stuck lasted more than • fe.
hours. Oa reaching Panama every soul fled fro.•
the atop, and it was doubtful whether the other
and crew could be collected 41 take her hock t
Sin Fr.... , Among the victim. of the direas•
were pr L Roper. 01 this city ; Jame* Dote, •I
ao 01 Oita cog. sod Jeb7 Barger of Plusburgh.
Agreeahly m en order granted by the S. Court,
Mr. While, the Receiver the Canal Bank offered
yesterday et public auction the amt. of that Ina it
tutus/ in hot .ewon, consoling 01 note, 'oda,
tneato t e , Ihe total amount sold reached S3let t lart,
IS for which the sum of 510,0;h was realized The
se is romp/ore all the paper assets of the Bank.
There .pa leer rttrlenw lurnituro unsold, which
may add a few daises to the above sum. Ito
amount realized looked small when clitupared with
the largo figures ul the nominal nese,s but we aro
told that the sale about nice. the expeetatumn, of
the—A/bony Juvenal
The followtel IHllabete wo clip from Dom
"She died," said Pear, " and war never seen
rigida, for she was buried in the ground where the
trees grow."
" Teo cold ground '" raid the child shuddering
AAN in. , the worm ground," returned Polly "where
the ug y little reeds are turned into Lssuitful Bow
and where good people turn thta angels and
Br away to heaven.
Tee FIIM•Lk ESLUOVII".O.—Moen curiortty has
be. awakened Luring the teat few *Sec., by the
appearance of a .tramge and foreign looking car.
nage torn the drive, whose fair inmate, some
thing strange and rather !melee looking otherwise,
has become the universal subject of converantion
amoegat the loitering groups loot giog on the very
edge of the curbstone, which skirts the macadrini.
zed road. Who la the lady' Whet is she? Where
does she come from' are the queations to which
eerie but the Initiated can venture a reply. She
is attired in the deepest mourning, and her coon-
Lessee,' is marked by au expreastmo of that fierce
grief which strikes such a feeling of anxiety and
dismay into the mind of the beholder. Although
null lovely—for time has dealt no gently with her
that sorrow ban mach to do in order to destroy
that beauty which once was the theme of admire.
thin and envy throughout the whole of Europe—
yet few could now trace In the pate and atricken
figure whichpasse. slowly before on, with bead
bent low, and eyes gazing on vacancy, the bell•
Bent all coequenng duct°. who, but • few pram
MO, shone tont) the guidieg star or every cotter
' neat& court, whose sceptre ruled alike the Ilto•
pre of beauty, of fashion, and of politica, and who
came with honor out of the struggle with the great
Leven ttlmseiC •
Met four years' absence from Paris, she has
mtutried 'broken. beartid;but upon far other mo
uses than those which gelded her on her depar
ture; love of power, love of homage, love of ad
miration. She has returned thither, led on by a
love of seirreascs atone, in,sefrcher reverse upon
the murderer of LiChnowski, whom she is deter.
mined te pursue with that undying hate of which
the middle ages have left as such terrible exam.
plea. The erdprfts. is aid, were eight lti num.
bea, Already two this, at OUZO bon Otto ill
Getzurer thiough !he erenionsof this lady. wko.
.arnirg the feminine tre•hoen of solitude and
tears, bas set forth upon this dreary pilgrim
Fabulous stories •re.rold, of course, concerning
her momfiernt offers of recompense to the agents
of pollee 0( the (111 - crept cities, wherein she deems
that any of the murderers have found refuge. Two
of them have been already taken here Within the
lest we, k. They were living under assumed
. -
• once in obscurity • B common workmen, earning
a doe pittance; but her log armed, tongytighted
veogoaoce has reached them even here; and
through her exertion. slain have they been tont
retied beyrod the hoarder, and delivered up to the
Austrian autbarttio; but so long n that dark blue
•rrir€e io seen slowly creeping op the Champs
Elysee• we may be sore some other or the blood•
stained criminals moot be concealed in Paris. For
more than three month. wan it beheld creeping
along •• we now behold it, op and down the pub•
tic promenade of the little town of Teel, where it
had been discovered that the woman who cheered
the men on amongst the crowd to commit the
mold •r had sought refuge in diaguite; end it was
not until the very day that the unhappy reenters
was taken, booed and handcuffed between two
geaderrne., through the eastern gate of the town,
that the guard equipage, with its gloomy burden,
was teen to hum as alt as our • ones could mo
ver It. on the rood to Puna, still It pursuit of that
revenge which, is not yet completed.
They soy Mat our greatest painter is engsgrd In
painting s portrait of the onfontmate object of Mil
sombre and fierce attachment, and that the favored
few have been admitted to behold It In its tinge
'abed state. represent. 'Yee IsobreALfelasernah"
(as he was called from hie great pens nal beauty.)
in the cottume sod &Wind° which he bore on the
very morning of his death. His minttilleent coon.
tenaoco and aplendid figure, stirred it th e bl ac k
velvet cost, the cap and tassel, the buckskin
breeches and the shining Hessian boots, aro all
reed hero to the life, as wet' -- the triode-
represent -.. web sa the window
■nd balcony from whence ho breathed Ins law
tender tires:req. when he descended to the garden
in order to .. alkalise the ineoleot canaille." armed
• •
with his ruling whip ■!noe. All grow beneath the
pelmet's band an ho lo 'aro oho inatruotioaa or the
deeolate lady who thus cheat. her sorrow for a
moment, while bonging to her soul the memory of
her last and doarcat intro.—Pali, C 0,,. London
'lthaca, N. V., A rail 15th, 1.117.
ultlesers Kidd A Co —Oerolemeno—Ottr cook of M ,
Lane's Worm Specific oa enhanced, as la also that of
all the merchants in Ole cruet) There is quite •
call for it And you oI I oblige too by Arterasting •
package as Toon as possible. If it ation!doba agreeable
to 100 tee wood get to your general agents for this
=miry. Pica= let us hear from you won.
Tlia above is only one among thousands of CCM fi
sml orders conotattly pooling in anon no fro..
I t quarters of the Union. Surio letters am the Leo
dance of no excellence.
'Foe Or 4. KIAD A. 00, No On Wood ouoot.
13.1nd it to Bight b 7 tho V
S. S Limes—Sir: I wish to bear testimony to the
• wheal virtue or the Oil called Petroleum. Iwo kw
loins bole attliowil with • badly inliwated and very
ore e, e, so much go 43 to lase sight entirely for shoat
ba r e weetns,with very little hopes clever recovering
the sight, and bat a slight prospect of having It re
lieved it , the soreness; my attendmg physician was
unsucersslid in milting a core, or in riving relief,
sod cforded me but little encouragement. I heard al
ihr Petroleum Shout the let of Apni, 1550, and gave
,t •the result is. the sight is et garg-{ pad my
eyes acept a little tender or weak when I go
eat in ice suit. ANN IRELAND.
si, Cincinnati,-M•y 71, 16.70.
S. S Ltsrrom—Str - I have been *filleted with Piles
for ren eats, s have vied other remedies, wtthout
ermaner,t trier, until I heard or the Petroleum. I
have tired ons
y otle bottle, and Murk I gm v.:l:rely
nee d. I reronster, It 10 all who are ottllletexl 'arta
1 . 0 c... '1 hsve 1 now. it to to good for SOTO gyn.
Slay tOt, 1,10. F C IiARILE:rSLIN
Ike sale by Keyser 81. McDowell, lin Wood atm.%
k*. Online., 1: Wood et.; I) M Curry, Allegheny city;
0 A 1: 1 / 1 0(l. Alteeheny; Joseph Ibualass, Allegheny,
afro by the rropTzetnr, F. M. KIER,
IY4 analliestn• LOVA.. W. IhuaL.,26
PrrrsaClMl, Aegnst 5.1730.
Tn. Stockholders of Obto anJ Penn., leant
Rut flonJ r-ornpany are brrel,y noinged to pay ;b.
eletttl, 1,111,3, 1 1 of Lye donara per share. *film saw.
of me Gompany on or Int lore the 2011 do of Autos
Tin noah Ln•ta:ronnti on or before the MU day o
tlx The to Instalment On Of beluga Lb
•Ailt ear or 00101- r ,
ET The 711 L03,10Z14., 10$ ral!eol km on tho
Ju.). Mat
lusyodtl j.ARIME:II. Jr ,Treasarer
MI WV oat rt. Third • V•srth,
Are now terelving dipir very large rod saperlar Fai
Stork of
Mao, RONNEFS and FLOWERS. a'l of tha 1.15.1
and e apTrssly odaplea to. Om oresurru trade
ha.. been ,electra watt, ircat e•m., and a. to lises
and al. ity t nct saryaerd 1, any stock to be
rUstlis renrra:ly /Ise I..itrd to r•li and exam., •
a, pre er1(11131,..1 srli on ate mast re•soeitt.l
le rnt, A 1.43, 600dyt Pa.nt RaLtber Mums a a
Is Llse ttttt 7.
[IRTLA it !,,e repartd ‘n
K. wlete c,t
pewc-.1. tc"der.ce nest So , , May.
's lee, Fear, stre,t, Yatsburgh.
II". ta--J. 111Tadden. FIL El.. Ills
Or Pitt•bearagte.
G aSF.Y. l'am'r • • .---A. W. NIARC.4I.BacI.
0t1.r.--No 41 Water etre.,La the warehouse of C.
'1 4 1115 Cr,14'.1 . 4 V re now prepareel to Insure .11
IroJ• r 1•1 e oh 1V.60, anatleactonee, rroula
a wn
cnre. 4r.0l traneito raottla,
Arr unre l a4ra SIT for the ata`ity utd integrity or
the hauteur - In, .toned 114 the filliflL[let of the
arr,e era all ettrerea at Pattebursh, arol
tooven w . the eeralmetut, for tlmir Frudc.c.,
Iha Intetsrenee, ard
Itueery,D•galey. WM LAI
tole% Jr Walter Bryant. Dee. D. King, Ealewarel
licaaelton, Z. Cisoey, 5.11.1..5440, B. bl. Kier.
vri , 1-1 SALMI 04LI. IN
me. 101 Wood
II N v ITE the aunction of sort., to their large stock
r I Fresh (foods now opening, and welch they are
to sell on very accommodating terms. •
Ws attall bo constantly recessing fresh goods der
, no women. and request •n examination of our
woe's the
hr wcawrn merebmite, and others •mning our
co). aag3i
Oor. Wood & Fifth .ca., Pitt•borgh,
Where the ors, a fall and remotete els elt of Ilatr,
Cara, ruin, dr. ,of every quality .od al) le, by hole .
sale •u 4 ftetail, and invite the attention of their ear.
nteueis and parch rrrrr generally, ...onus them that
they will sell on the YOST •011,IrtrCLOUS
suety - If
- _
Are now prepared with • large and freati stook of
tirrinalt, and Arne? wow Hardware tn offer
•uperior inducements to buyers Tbore ' , Wang to
porroile will promo. Omit interest by !Jolting
sough our mock, as they ova del overload to sell on
the inwit rea•onatite terms nagll
Va. D. DUNI?,
- iit it •th ' •;,:. • Dentist. Cornet of }bunk
and Walton, bemetel
1111 - 1/lit` - ALE- Now TOCCIVAIII In whole, half, and
0 purr hat telt. of the fall brawlits. and constant
uppltr• sill be pt fer sale t.Y
121 Second et
WINDOM/ GI,ASS-3MM bait of the beat coot try
bland., embracing all the alma In general um,
r•t I I.illUt RESPERT.
Wagon for Bala, Cloleap.
A FIR 4 I rate new Uwe Borne Wngnn, rumble f
rs loon mill, or peddling purposes. Enquire
.30 tlmthgCld Si. neplEddl
N Liven, Lute Lreu smnt !tit
I t . Ig e n c u r n s d o f e d mloi
st,ss r.inte of llssistsan 0101101, of Pltuourgh, 2
e s...psd All persons indeLtess to sold mato are r
t:e •sts sl to mat , inunedsato pas spent, and those hasss
es s please presess: the, dulyaothennease
RIPTIAN is Ado inistsator,
reps t sarn•T Wsll sal township. _
Jamas 111 in Plead glaggra••l6.,
ipittigAßED under the ImmrdLata one of the la•
and established Mr upward. or thirty
year. by theventer,
profession, for removing Bile, Acidities,
and Indlgettion, midi:ding Appetite, PromrriMS
moderate smut attic bowels, and dinolvlug utlo acid
. .
a (travel mid Goan RUA a. an eery
aid of
lot atm
Meknes., awl far the febrile lilTertion Ineldem Wadi
hem! nla invaluable. On the value of Magnetite as s
'medial agent it la anneeearary to enlarge: hot the
rtuid Preparation of Nir James Marley to novr the
01041 valued by the pr leaden, ria It enmity avoids
the porsibility of (holm dangermmeoneretiona Inanity
residue, from the use of the article In powder.
For salt by the Imparter's and propprietor's agent,
LI A FAilliknFOOlif kCO
Watson Hughes and Martha M. Hughes, his wife,
and the hens of Humphrey Puller:on, late of Alle-
Itono7 k OOO y, deceased:—
You am hereby notified, that the Ohio and Penn
sylvonta Rail Road Company has taken and appro.
re toted fat the use of it. call road s all that portion of
the real estate of the said Martha ALHughes and the
heirs of the said Humphrey Fitllerion, to Al <ghee,
etty, beanded end dercribed as follows, na-..egm.
menclng on the boundary line on Federal street, be
tween the properties of the Bald heirs and the Bald
Martha M. and eboenberger, and mole' for seventy
two (72, feet along Federal Street to the South Com
moo, th ence along the South Common 10 klt. Mary %
Croon, thence down St. Marra Coon fogaeventy two
cho feet to the said boondary of the ProPoilka of the
, cud hum and and hlanha M. cod Bald Shoenbergen
thence along end boundary to the please!commun.
men. A dent teddasenpnost of which Is Sled in the
Court 'of Common Fleas of maid anon[), to No 1 7 4 or
October term, IPSO. MI ft COURTNEY,
septlnwhiT Any for 0. t P. R. IL. Co.
CI3ILLICOTHE BOAP—zoobzb for We by
T EAK -166 hf ehery Y 11,0 P, k Imp• Ter
70 bf cheeps Niogyong and Won, Black;
170 udd) bb V. lipson & Gunpowder, for
CIGARS-12Rn, 0 genaine Principe & Sam;
;MOM Havana,—llercanni;
40 000 dm Regabm, nations brands
40 ups Imitaiion ioeioe;
100,04* Philadelphia made hf. Spanish;
In more and for side by
TOIIACCO—r u I l t:,,ell a ts H ßLbinrEp . .9o 1%7;
!to bEs CalL:oss'3' ' s law n p . ;
bos S. ?dy
ua ers' 1 lb lump:
uur.t! MI
gr Dos do lb hm for sale by
SUNDRIES -2W has Sardines—GoWest's:
lu Lzs senitine Italian Miabearonfi
ZU brit do do Venstreelli;
l wt Nll'mvllss No I;
brls Cloves;
baskets Boadeaos and Marseilles
Olive 04; in store and for sale by
D Les just rce'd and for tale by
INSESED 011.--73 brie pare, in good package.,
UOft CURED Ile hff-It ~0r , S .,p azal,cts
CAME to the firm of the eubseriber, in Lower Pt.
Clair townehm, about the let of August, a Red
and NV idle Cow, age unknown. The owner is re•
quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges,
and take her away. WM DILWORTH
WANTED, a lunation in • Wholesale or Retail
Grocery estsblishment or Communion Ware
house, by the advertiur, who has bad twelve years
esp.-nen. in the above end the Glue
Choice reierences as to character and competency
Can be pun.
Aedren R P. et this office
THE Board of School Direct , rs of Linkman town.
ship, will meet at the house of Mrs. Sarah b. e-
Farland, in raid township, en Saturday, the 08th lust,
at In o'clock, A. AL, for the purpose of examintng
any who may wish a situation as teacher in any of
the public schools to said townrhip. The Trustees of
the several schools are requested to attend.
BY order of the Board, JOHN bIeCLUSKEY,
serolksiSt•S Secretary.
Important to Tallow . Chaadhere.
übseriber having paid particular attention to
r me varlet, improvements to the manalacture of
Candle Notable for the last .10 years, and sparing
neither urea not expense to make them In the most
approved style, is now prepared to offer to his eus•
lowers and friends an artele of Candle Noel& equal
'lf not superior to any manufactured in the world, they
are after me !metals style—the tips to arraw on the
pipe, mid dm pipe to sewer tight In the bench.
AR blealds nianufaellared b me after this will have
my name on each pipe, with
OHN the warrantee
CAlsilEdLY attached.
saoleshire, NM Race street, Pet larlelphit.
NIACISKREL-2 tl i to . rls No 3 d hl oi ackerel;
IW brie No 3 Ilea. do;
Just teed for sale by JAMES DALZELL
eerie 7O Water at.
Nl;l6u k UADDEY-10 cement S. F. indigo;
7 bbd. bladder, An Bale by
Illoasehold Pa...altar* at
ON THURSDAY morning, September 19th Wu
o'clock, at the residence of Joteph Pennock, Rao,
No Stu Peas street, will be sold, his entire mock of
Household Furniture, among when ate—
New style blahug any elate, Dorms, Ottrmans,
Chairs, Pict Tables. 'hang and oiler Tables, one
pair latge French Piste Rimers, Mahogany Dressing
and common Demme, Wardrobes, Work and Wean
Sande, Parlor. Stale and Chamber Corsets, lied.
mesds, Feather Deds, ' Mattresses, Panes sad
Common Chaim, :Settee, Looklng Meows, bluasel
Clotts, Window Minds, Fenders, Fire honk China,
Wass, and garensware; Also,. general emertlasat
of littel.en kamiture, be. Terms, at sale.
seplu.dn P. M. UMW., Auctioneer.
13ACON-8 hbd. Vida, Haas, Shoulders, 888, re
.13r.1•81 and for oak by 8 IVA 8T & SILL
se .lit Wood .t
lass best Cheers, rar rale I y
FOUlt—A rmatl s•anttly Sbesnr &Noble's !MIA
septa IiTUAILT a. BILL
1 INHEED uIL htla totantry, just .0,1 snel ter
••4 lay 1401i1StrN, LITTLE t
265 Liberty st
sreNtsa warn:W-10 brb. Just reed for vale aL
sepia--.__—_—_— Vor. WOO.l d Cs
S UM/Mb:El:
, ti .„ ! . .t. ,, ltS , t ei
I bag Beeswax;
7 bags Fealties - lAarrive, rat Wetly'
• IA Water b. Front all
illiaihissig. 111•••bis id ig. and Cis/sulking
thaurtirne—Put the elottes Into cold water and 'et
them malt core night In too morning wring them
out and put them tetra a lett.lo of boiling water, to
which add the pmporuou d one pt et of fluid to night
Colton. it venter—our it op end tool Me whole twenty
mirrors. ven t
clothe. may e wrong oat cod
welt nn.ed to clear cold meter. Toe poem of get.
tattoo Oat may lat mo.t each as redstband.
and eoltato of shirts. may be .tightly robbed before
tinmeg, and the clothe. wit be found perteetty
white and clear.
Warranted tent to rotate lb. borne fabric tad to give
perfect .antfacuon, ar the money will be refunded.
• Pohl wholesale and retell by R RF.LLERS
et . Wood et
rAINCY RUltin:Ft GtX/DS roeveod Gm We
1 York— T. dot large Moe Dell Reads,
I act e, fee sale at the India Rabbe
store, 7 and 9 Woods J h. II PHILLIPS
%A ETA LLIC RUDD 31 CLOTH-371 yd. a tplend
OM id art., far We by J 6 II PIIILLIrfi
*cp. , 7 At o Woo 4
1.109r11 Al. 811 r. ING- 33 Jame. •vt
aluell, made e t Cull mr tbal
Tri : II7I.ZIPS '
o f 1 eel,'
II r••dia. Wane.. 111., La
h p,n,• syn., vaJos n• e
sni 22 2. ea do
4 pi pe. llogand Can;
V puncheons Jamana Spires;
2 puncheons Old 1 Ise Wen key;
. 2D pr east. Msderis Wins,
on do Oporto do,
or hbds Borden t Claret:
10 ht pipes Spultsh Red Woe;
a/ Las Madras Claret';
10 b.* Menu Wlnel
2 eta Fume'', WUu ‘Vine Vlnevo
Roe'd for tall by lilllsLUat VALICK r;
u pld
19030 amto Hroxil Sogor,
A brio Amon'. trusbrd.
• 39 Guts Lovett
lies putv . d;
brt• St Lou. do;
19 Di. Leveling's boar;
btla St Louis do
In e ore end for rale by
CHEYsir.-30 bye prime cream Jost reed Fy
rept.) C t W HA RR ACGH
B'w t an k ll l g
S " . A A -10 ka44.N 0 Sa r o er a Nr ar uGli
• • --
ULGLIR—Sa brie saperflue, reed fee sate by
No 83 North Third , Philadelphia,
Importer and Manufacturer of a'l kind. of
SILK, 110111111 k COTTON RIMS, OROS,
Marto, Brogais, Cheap% Lam, to. •
AI, Geld and Silver Bullion, Fringe. Cords,
Tassel.. Laces. Braids, Embroidering, Bullion%
Spanales, Gsvels, Star% and Emblems of an bind%
suitable ter Recalls meter. and Socie ti es of every
FLAGS and BANNERS of various styles matte and
trimmed neatly to older at short notice. sett/Alm
()(1 TEACHERS wanted A pr
the Pehnola of Lower
Loll St. Clair rowntrop. Application may De made
in vetoing • e et/Kronen, to the undersigned. until RR
day, Ike sfrat day of Srpt 'toter insisnh at which time
the Board will protect! no eremite the applicants, at
the Frame Sollool Votes in Terhpetancerril'e, al nine
o'clock. A Id. None but romicieni trachera need
RaiatT. 11 , 4 A per corn b
R 11A11ENTON 1(13.1. Temperanee•ille.
PIIII.I J. Lower St. Clair.
A. A hItILER,3IO itinithfirdd or, Pittsburgh.
YOUNG L AVMS' 11/4311NAHlf c
Tins School, uncle the direction MM. A. Mrs. N.
W. Metcalf wil be re-opened in "Calonnade
Row . ' Federal Street on Monday, September deed. A
primary department, a number &optional branch.
es hare been added, nd a corps of machemeeured,
Sc that instruction ,' 11l now be given to scholar,
of a'l ages and and mem.
For particulars see circulars which may be had al
the book erores—or consult the Principals at their
dwelling on Federal Street.
Alit, hen), •org 3 tf
ENGLISII, Clem.teal, end hlathentatteal School
will ne•Onoft on hfofnieff, the hith at No
Webster street, al the head of Seventh al
•0 IV
/Lnghterl gd Pao klisieliest aid ishment
TBE well known Pork and Beef Slaughtering and
Pechter Concern, °weed and formerly occupied
by the late James P. Campbell, is for rent
lho establbhment in located in Chillicothe, Rot.
county. 0 ,nn the plat of around dividing the Ohio
Canal from the ffeloto River, and haa one thousand
feet of ground front on each. The enclosure embraces
am noon. of y round, containing large pen., large and
commodious alaugh•ering, hanging, nutting, ranking,
melting, and lard modem. g beams, brick beam tor
office and every convenience for handling TWELVE
HUNDRED 110 GB PER DAY,and rendering the lard
from the same; so there are • double due steam botirr
and unglue for saalding hog. and nutting lard, and
two tank. for rendering offal by steam.
Them la nine, on the emetic., mi It, Ileum, large
enough to contain eight thousand bushel.,
The Scioto Valley, of which Chillleothe I. the chief
market,l. one orate lantesV`ark and Becf Districts
In the Wert, and h is can always he bought We're
al lower Mice, the at Cincinnati and many other
points, end carve are abundant and cheap.
There ic no dra go necesaary, as beats may be
loaded at the Mac log House, and the hotline. for
skipping direct fr tuts via the Lakes to New York
ar Philadelphia, o Baltlmote via Pittsburgh, ono
' the Put or tomb Id New Orleans, are at ail seasons
of the year kill eq to Mom afforded by Cineuntau
Money facilities one aim good, them tieing ten a •
twelve bank. within forty five male..
Application. for renting may be made to
Attorney at Law, Cincinnati:
anglinlmoot —Ol6 Chillicothe, O.
SeOita Oar.
0111105 HOTEL.
'rills enanilshment has been recently fitted up, In
A.P eile saw, near Strum., whleh to convenient
the business puts of tee dry, also W CBT Jinni
and ether public bonding and within a fear moues
walk of the principal steam beat landing..
The propmeter, from bit long experience in the busi
ness In the ally of New Vork,naving been connected
with L.:menses Hotel for several years, feels eon&
dent th ose who may visit hit house will led them
Uo comfort of a home. tiEOIIOE BROWN
San Francisco, Aug. 1830—eePanOwkwIltT
UNIATA 111.00MB-120 tons on bank br nab by
12411 WM JONES
17.1111PICTS. OIL CLOTH/ha*.
WMcCLIMOCK I. 1301. opening at his Carpet
. Want:case, No 75 Fourth street old 75 Wove
street, a verg handsome assortment of Carpeting,aum
p Ring in in of the following varieties:-
- ' lima uld elegant style Veitret Rallaeik
Rich and alr pet tityle Topestsy Bruasel. da;
Seprrior Enalish and Amerman Bruesele do;
Fair. sup 1 ly Carpets; Rugs, extra Cherdle;
Superfine do do; sup. Tufted Raga;
do lateen:lit do; Chenille Mats;
Extra fine &line do do; Tufted Mate;
Coot. all wool, do do; Stair Roes;
do eoll'n Chain do do; Coco Mat.;
do cotton do do hue do;
Also, a very large aseortrnent of Trimmings for
gloom 80.114, Camaro.. lionsee. to.
Oil Gotha.
A eery large assortment ol well seasoned Oil Cloths.
renting In .width front 21 inches to 24 feet, of very
handsome styles, cot to fit any aired room, hall. or
The stock of good• will be gold as cheap as they
can be purchased in any of the eastern clues.' We
invite every body to call who w 1•11 a bargain.
UM Ac—to tons on hand and for sole by
_ .
BINDERS' BOARDS (Stravol-150,0. lbs Chain
bersbueghh manufacture on hand and for sale by
C liEl°6-65 b"
it CO
se& Water & Front so.
RIO COFFEE—= begs green fo J
r sale by
se .9 Bourg Church.
EAe-2,0 packagcs V H. 131 P, Ip. & Black Teas
1. latest maportaliou, for sal. by 1 It BLOND
F IBI/-100 hrl• largo No 3 Mackerel;
60 hl brls Nos 9 soda do;
10 brs sealed Ilerrirg, for sale by •
T AR & 011.-3 D brls brown Turners' Oil;
50 brig Carolin• Tar, far sale by
ICE= - 15 tee fremh bent Mee. for sale by •
LRATHER-3CO sides N Y sole Leather , for sale by
repo J & R FLUI'D
TOBACCO -100 boxes No tufactored Tobseeo, of
Russell & Roblosonl, and other /31VOlita brands,
For sale 0, t.. 01 J & R FLOYD
CIIEFFEI-2000 W R Cbeeso in store, for sit'a by
eepD J & R FLOYD
FLOUR -60 brls Poland INlfileroperlor family Floor
lUU brio superfine Camay Floor, Put reed
195 Liberty 21.
lb YE FLOUR-29 brie jun reed for We by
IDER VINEGAR-35 brill sop.rlor just reeilbY
AHEALTHY woman, who can come well teem
mended, will find immediate employment
E.npulre at Hue o&e. itep7iddt
UST received at IL KLEBERB Merle Store, the
tf T following Boom—
le the Bye there lie. the Henn. I Love Lot Thee.
The Watcher. The W hoe end Red Bosco. Nunes
B 11. Ire doeth al thing! well. All la over. Where
(1•4. I imam.
mr. a. xsausu.]
IaadLUII it
11, chants, No 41 Wood
Halal, are now receiving
rates, as follows:
130 pans b
H.. 100,0. P.
and Blank Te •
200 ekes 5. P. lb and Aflb
op d as roll Table°.
pa Rto , La stars,
Java Coffee.
Is N 0 Sugar.
.Is N 0 Molaases.
as powdered, eroded
nd loaf Sugars.
00 bets At..
O bd. Tanners' OIL
3W) gals Lamp Oil.
al belt Vo 3 Woo cote.
MO boo bona 1051 V Glass
150 boa Rosin Soap.
100 dos Pot Buckets.
bas Cboconae.
21 bats Whim Pipes
100 rots Wasp. Paper.
VO bats Peppers Alston.'
eOO lb PleotctaapenSontle
10 tea Rico od
TV!! mb er win • general
•Ily kept an tam tins, as
. • '3 and Commission Met.
urea, opoosite St Charism
and offer foe sale, at low
50 M h(Spanlsb Ogars.
.50 M Havana and Votes,
• i 1000 packages.
Ly Nl u
Havana, qr bac
M Rep:Lilac
53 biz Ra.sirist
LW bales Filberts, Fuglisb
Walnuts, Llraixil Nuts,
and Ground Nut.
93 Lae Lemon Sph3n.
SP bin Pepper Same.
Meares Plekte,,•
la cans spied Ctincolete
Ground Spicet of all Linda
GU ns• Sardines.
15 bur Rock Candy.
ID Li• Shelled Almond.;
6 easeaLtquot lee
Itlnehart's Cut and Dried
10 pews 11lac ksog.
aaaotlsocol of gobds u•u.
wttl .. Pin:o/106 mans
SUNDRIES --1101 bag Cream and W R rheum;
10 bags old Java Coffee;
10 bags laguayra do;
31 bags lane? Rio do;
10 Of ekes. Chulan Tea;
10 caddy biz extra Oolong:
40 do prune Green,
30 tif cheat* do;
10 boa boneh_Ramina; •
3 bales 3311 .hell Almond.;
6 dr, pure ettry4tal lamon Roffirfl
3 ba•Romenparld :Or fancyChoeolati
lo 051 Brow+, Cocoa and No 1 do;
5 lizs Almond and Palm SOIL p;
50 has Norio and Variegated Soap;
5 dna Obre and !lonia.. x Oil;
2 do. Pepper Sauce;
2 •tor hierkin &Walnut Piuklea;
11,100 Rom Water;
1 ea. Italim hlncearoiii;
cases do Vermicelli;
103.00. pure India Conic Powder,
3 cams superfine Rite Floor,
16 Oil. eea•bed & Pu 1 0 .104 31 P 0 6 0"
Ili ON. small Loaf;
10 brl4 pare Cider Vinegar,:
50 dog Corn Broom
Cor. 'Pool & PlllO .t•
For .ale by
LINSEED 011.-10 Erb an received for ialo by
ttl Wood at
1111141.51 CA MAGNETIC OINTMENT-200 doze
j. for sale by J KIDD fr. CO
sep7 cu Wood
JACQUITIPS otaeltrated rattrot Trusser--A oew
0 lot nu reeelyet and by
T 1 Et. GU VdOTT.d Yellow Dock Rarsaparil:a-1 do
reed fbr e.le by [edi I JRIUU AL Cu..
DOW DER J ALAY-2 cares jutt Irr'd for .of by
•or , J KlUb & cu
POWVER GUM ARABIC—(Yurej I caßbobel
need, and for We by
B LACK ILICI—A foil assortment just opened by
see, GP Mallet es
y IN FIN 11D81.15.-183 down weeived 08; warning,
II al 8 rents 118 (we) AA'
D HINTS—A large and aplendld .110T1161.1 Nen•
nwt, rochneo, and Fall Illaer Prints, taw open.
leg by la B P 7 l A A MASON & CO
D meet, all widths and brands, direct from th
manufacterers, at the lowest ptleets, by
EGGF—Sbglg fregh Epp. lost reed (or gale by
srp7 N 01315014, LITTLE &CO
of Quincy Granite, to be bung In Mont
For sale by W P MARSHALL
won BS Wood et
INSFJED brl. Grimblera brand recd by
W1111:1 , ;BEtat3-2 bri, recdfr i ; LagArg
REAM CHEESE-2W Dix Jos , ree'4 ror We by
sep? .1 B C4NFIELD
k bris N C Tar;
10 brim l'annoral Oil;
brl• No I Lard Oil in Coro and f ,
sale by bIeGILLS fr. ROE
400 Sugar Cured llama;
se{: !IIeCILLS & ROE
pAIN rED TUDS—Io do: ..w be &Minato, to close
, hr lot (PeF 7 l 111rOILIR. a. ROE
FLOUR -30 brie Marlens h.lns izir, aL L ll l G ,,,, b I
B ROOMS -100 dot Coro BrootnA . nz ., e i zig k rnan
'131004 B-23 ton. Juniata No 1, for sale by
p .ep7
A SITUATION Book UmTo, I.Y .n esp
L' cooed ...Ont. Address "hot Oaf poet Ome
ttotl•taotoffzoterence Moen. rood:tit
GOLD/UN SYRUP-40 beisrgir /4 f ... 0 1 gi1le a b
a y ,
Between Third it Fourth streets, Pittsburgh,
INVITE the attention of merchants visiting the city,
to than extensive stock of Pall and Winter Goods,
selected with peat rare nod attentto.! from r e c e nt
importations, large .uation sales, and nem the lead
ing ....fetamen., by their resident ;anther In New
'iota. Their stank this fall will be lotted to be much
larger sad more varied than any they . .. ever Demi<
broight to this market. bitiog replentsheil by receipts
of goods almost daily through the season as they as.
pear In the eastern markets, rendering their stock at
a'l times toll and perfect, thereby enabling them
...fully to compete with eastern houses. sep6
For • few day. only, Dabufe`a grand original Paint
Init. of
llESEsublinie weans( art, Iry 10.1.1 one hundred
thousand &glare, hove been exhibited In the
r pt oeipelcake of England, heisted, Elent4nd, end
the United States, to the universal ednuestion of ever
twonf peeps..
Ilpen from V in the morning till 10 at Wight.
Admittance 3c4. CLo Id tc It c 4. a p3:4lw
East Milo of Ma Diamond,
AT th . • motabliehment the public may al vays
Fend ou being supplied with excellent Teas at
ressonablii prices—they have
ldseerclit Teas at •—•--- SO 50 per lb
uperiar qualities— ..... n yn
The Best T. • Imparted •—•••• I bg
This I. decidedly teecheapest act ; l •est store in
Pittsburgh to tuy Teas. bIGIVIPLIS le HAWORTH
aeo Proprietors.
rr HE 'undersigned will attend to Counting Snet, in
we noes a Allegheny and Plusbnrsh and the
no blawhood mend, and render cor. eat tills.
Charges moderate. Stew:lease, nandushy street,
neat We Casuist Church, Atlegheny.
Joseph W. Kerr, Are tothey Pittsburgh
David Prrimone, do.
1. IC Moorhead, db.
Kremer a Rohm, de.
hart Baptember a, 1E60.-44p:47W
cm --00 b. ji1.1...tfi..16 by
sey3 l3O &1.33 Second si
F LOUR -406e1. llopedalcstitTilgeareillgEs
ILICS—A law invoice plaid champ:able and
fia•ted silks Qua day opened by •
an t.ll A A MASON .t.CO
GINOIIOIB—A lone =Kik of thew g.ds closing
ocit al gnat baigams A A MASON A CO
Rics-15 tcs In Cm and for sale by
Cotner of Marta snal Third amts.
OU of instruction both day and evening So,
Mg dents can enter this Institutionsten) time and
, e iceive complete Mercantile Fdlocallen, cen•lyti-g
of Book Keeping, Commercial Computanon,Poiiman•
shin, hc.
p. R. ch.mberlin, Instructor in Penerianehip vied
Mercantile Computation.
John Fleming, Esq.. principal teacher of rook
Keeping, and Lecturer on Commercial Science. Low,
he. Mn Firming will be assisted in the Law ltpel t
merit by .veral members of the Pittsburgh Bar
W red Pare Wines and Brandtee.
SUITARLS: for bledielnal Peeper., thane% on
bawl and for tale by the Dimly- gnarlier ripen
tend ea & Wine Store.
ct. ),14
• • • '
TILE Vieille Montagne Company aopplYtheir aseots
with Roofing and Flooring to sheets:ll7 fret. from
11 to 2t ounces per square foot: Cowl:aut.! in it , . its
127, 2; no. for roofine poi bedding. and depot,
9hip Sheathing, 14 x 40 Riche., (ram 24 to 45 minors.
Nails, Spike, Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated P, , nc,
Pine Paint, &c.
They watrant their metal porn, and free fro , r
admixture of Iron, or any the substance, and
commend it 'for the manufattore of most articles in
the home furnishing lino, as' it does not: mat, la net
affected by the action of water, and maybe
painted, and japanned
Sample, models, plane, specifications, and Other
teformation may be had °Fawn. agents:-
IPC., rt. lc Freotto, New MIR
Rota:lts & Co.. Roston;
Nantals TiorrOt & Co., Philadelphia; ,
W. & II team, Ilattirt.ore;'
P.m, Dar A Prmwra. New Weans;
F. AULLIROUX, Rendent Agent,
2 Hanover !IL, New . Yolk.
Liege, Peptember 2.--srps,l3m
11ApLES T. Saner, Francis Plrekett, and elm.
M'} nlrls. have Ibis day astoetated tberntelves
ander the arm of Snare, Plunkett d far
the purpoue of manufacturies every variet7 ot : Pant
September 2,1820.--teptd2ar
MANtIFACTURERS or every varlet of CUT,
home, Water FtIVA, lately occupied by Younk,•lben.
yen & Plunkett' ee.
AtIFS WOOD tr. CO., have *omelette Jameioll.
1 Scully, with them in the mannfitetore &Iron, natl.,
Steel, dt e. The Mlle of the firm will remain unehtmzed.
Picahargh, September 3,loso.—septrdhe
la EL WOOD. P. I. ruszra. wt. O'S. WDLLT.
Slagle Ira= Works. •
Warehouoe, No 113 Water area, Pittsburgh, Pa.
. -
I and Engineering. No le, hu been received at
Holmes , Literary Dego. Third street. appeelie the
Poet Office Every mecitanic should have thin work.
lIARPER'S Month! Migamne for September.
Pictorial Field Book of Ike Revolution, No 6.
Jost reed for sale by C STOCKTON
sepl Cor Market& Third Ws
GREEN COPALVARNISH-3 brls, 10 hf lids, and
10 begs, now landing for sale by
scp4 Water & Front On
Pnlvorlsod Coin Starch,
LbEFIN6II and erepared expressly for Food, Pod
ding., Cakes, Custards, Ac.
Recipe f or Boned Custard—One quart Of now milk,
four eggs, half • terispaanfol of salt, two tablespOonlnls
refined starch—stir the stolen Ina small quantity of
the milk, till it ts perfectly dissolved and smooLb—add
the eggs, well beaten, to the starch—poor the eggs
and watch into the balance of ibis mirk, whilebolling
stir constantly till it boils no onc&—Excellenk
For sale by R SELLERS
sepl 06 Wood tit
Easter= ll.xchubge far Saler.
A , reduced rules, at the Ezetra , ;glig l ig liv .
. e . 7 Car. Third ea Mallet sts
Flaxseed Wanted.
r Ebisttem market pnce e ß ellita l ltd: N V by
end 301 Liberty at
ACoN—lco Abee prime sides for sale by
HIED BEEF-12 brim ellIV•1115t d Pops Ce red
ILS—.IOO gale bleac o hed veinier Whale Odi
300 ale d do S
brl. No 2 Lard Oil; perm
10 bib No I do
SELL E for dal
RS & e by
Faber will render ermine ineensible to pain, it so
elenr,v the ditty of throe who sell maul' of. thdartiele•
purporting to be Shaving troop, to present leech pee
chaser verb a •allbeient quantity of the above melee
arelieve their su ff ering while uidetscing the oper
tion of Waving.
is now admitted by all to be the very best article (or
shaving to be bound In this or ace other country,. In
the taw of toy Almond Rose and Pistachio * StinVirg
Cre.m. instead tt
of being an operaen to be treader.,
dirtying to really e Liam. The Ingredients of witch
ir io composed we of such a nature, that • liner and
etcher lather eon be made than vnth soy other article,
by whies the beard it softened, and t h e
liable to be burned by the alkali which fornikw large
• portion of other !Masten soap, nor will R. become
chopped, bat will remain smooth and senate an in.
rent's. No one, after using this Shaving Crtnni, can
ever he Induced Si oar any other. Cantles ds neer*.
nary in perehasing my Shaving Cream, us there ere
many ininations add Ask for Jules ileuelts Shaving
Vream, and eon own then get an article which renders
Waving e•. 11 and pleasant.
/LILES lIAUEL. Perrot:me and Chernist e la
I4D Chestnut at ,
For sale , wholesale and retail, by U. A. Fahnestoek
& Co., and K belle,., Pittsburgh; and John Sargent
od J Mitchell, Allegheny sep3-2p
Coach Lanaicoach Laa• 1 cosek Lao• - t
CIRLUL, wholesale and retail tessufeelorer of
Vl' s Coach Lace, Flying!, Cord, Tassels 1414 lent
inlugs, al No e7,horla :rash strew, Ph lidelphia
N N. once Makers and dealers osll And it to
their mterest to CelL All ord6ra promptly aliesded
"" Nic ois
WILMABTII!NOBLE Gave reducCd iTe — price of
their tcult Family Filmic to correspond with
the decline in wheat. cern
(Al FISLI-10 MAI Orr& tropeelr& fast rced
cfrO.ASE—r.: btla mar I' roing bona reamer riO.Vl-
1.7 !rater, fur sale by ISAIAH I.IIOKIW & CO
aep2 Water & Frontal&
BACON --MOO pes•worterl,lllpriel ,, lftlititilo smoke
house .4 for tale by nIitIIVER & 0 BNPIW
septa . Ibltt tr. 02 Beetled at
SAIOKED Sal.rblolAarity hiehly print/in the
Fast, but never before brought to Pittatureb. A
few very superior, just reed per rooters, mob kr vale
seta we Ltnerty at
Cait. u 74l-I.v. use pnene teed for
.._ • _ _
ULKIE PRIAJF PALIIT-8 Ws in I tore, ibt mile by
r Yin!. J B 0
r - M - FkAAtiftVlZUtiirttiVA-1 ee,e recM
LJ sept W7il A bIeCLURD 3CU
Ao I.—neerlyr4 mold for bale y
espy WA! A 111cCLUall A CO
'WY EY.B-20 bags prime jug bee', for sale by
sep2 ' liG Wale, al
Al.. tiO.l3A- lo bele retie ;prinkby
0 repo & INGIIRAM
IVIACILERLL-73 No 3 Liam; .
bi brie do; reel for isle by
rep? 103 Liberty el
L,MOu:AA—Ito JotAeumd An sale by
.eel A cuunarrsoN & CLOUSE
C II .... c hi... v .1,-40 O. % A y . j rge r e r e s isii i aLt: 7 3 by
FAMILY FLOUR —A frerlt .cpp p Poland M il li
• choice &rue le, ram reed per canal (Or sale by
""u"".ale be T -eir,11.7411,!;&' 't 7
IA - C - Ortpro It in /14,1111 Patent Mkt Aih.
834 CASKS of the a twee celebrated brand- part
In store, and the retnainfer re artist tins cad
next month, per "Anita Rich: , -`intrope," "De v lin." and
et . . slope, via Philadelphia end Bannoore, wnrratit
nd superior in both itteneth and quality lb any In the
er.6 pi, for select the lowest prier for tech end ap
proved hill., by NV er. fit MI rciftt.TnEE
nutty Liberty enact
Prof. Tian mpoonvo Seminary r9l:llr.,:uag
WA., commence Inc fall senior, on Blonde , .
the Oil Pl Peptember, at his moms, Id Llbeny tit. ‘
between Third and Fourth streets. Ali is limited
number Is received, early application be de
able. For terms, apply to Rev, Do. Riddle or to
Mr. T. at bit rooms as above.
Pittsburgh. Aug. 7.7,18.10.—aug27:d2w
Oilier of the Ohio. 5' Penn. R R. Os, t
Pittsburgh, Aug. 15, ism
PROPOSkLA In writing will be received by the
uneethigned until Tuesday, the In day of Oeiober,
for the deneery of We Crew ties required for site
the track of th e Ohio and Peonsylvania Rail Road
Dont hence to hluntllon, a distance of 113yulles. The
number of nee: repotted will be shoot one thOurstml
nine hundred per mile. The ties re tO be of round
white oak or rti are
ek oak, rabic. to the inspection of
that engineer of the company. Then mast be maven bt
• saw,
to lengths °freight feet. If of sawed Meng
they are to be preen by eighhes along; nan d
hewed norther, they see to he Batsed co tbit top and
bottom to a width of eight inches. They mutt bo
cleat of hark, delivered end piled op On the lino as
by t her ne
xt r. between the fait oflitmt
and hot of Mg veil Bldeon are requested to s a
l e .ae
what number of pes they propene to deliver, awl on
what sections °lilac rail road they prop Ore tebneliver
them. They way ptopow for
I t oteltertitutor
it ..1 locust. they may be
Pa post°. we also invited for funtlabliig Mid Mkt
of white pow or minim oak, to be four by aloe inches
aping, and from eighteen to twenty to
l e
th Inc dr!lvtieo ate ibr line ar . lrad as atm TIN
"u 4 N B .)N , J e, President.
8. E. Co,,' lar Tkird wad Maria U.
°". R. ARNOLD a. 'CO.,
So. 7 4 F01.1;11. TB to THIMIGT,
(Next door to tie Bank of Plusbaork.,
•. alumna s semei
Banks., Zzo'ango 8 rrrrr s,
MID 1.11.1112 IN
COLLECTIONS.—Draft:, Not and Acceptance*
parsblep any part Of the ll eated on the molt
favorable terns.
EXCHANGE on Nese kart, Philadelphia and
°atom abo, Cinehanan, idouistrtUNSalat Louia. and
Neuf Orleans, consttunly for gale.
JUNK NOTES.—Notettom all wheat hanky in the
United Br ans discounted It %hologram rates: /J 1 tied*
of Foreignand AmencanGold and Hayek Coin bought
and sold. • aug3n
NROLE. it SONS have remo.eri their Ronk
. lea and Eschew (Vice to No 0: Market .t.
tour doors Oehler old !Sand. auw