THE i'ITTSSU• tHI GAZETTE !PUBLISHED BY WHITE & OD PITTDOVIL OO WEDNE.SUAY MORNING. AUGUST 11, IMO DEAGOILATIO Willo 111TATIC TUMULT to>t caw. cocatortimA JOSHUA DUNGAN, Back. County. FOS SOVITOSOSSIIIt. lIENR • W. .....NYDED, J. union Cosnty, 000 ttttlltt SITSIOI.. JOSEPH ri EP:VERSON, ullyrtun Couto,. Arathnnsonto and Whig nozolnallons for Allegheny County. 70111 =CM MORD CONIIII , O. THOMAS M. HOWE, In Main SWIoN, imon nut mw•im. nAIaNAH. DENNY, JAMES CAROTHERS, M0R114.14 ROBERTAOI, Pittsburgh T. J. HIGHAM, lower St. Chit. ' WALKER. Eli:sixth. JOHN bIoCLUSHEY, Robinson. JAMES FIFFE., Snowden. IROSIL4II3 IO ATTOINif, FRANCIS C. FILANEGIN, Pittsburgh. EBENEZER BOYLE-% Nonh Papal*. Assam, VaL FLYNN, Lower BL: Clair. D. N. COURTNEY, Ohia D'Elii NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL. MATTERS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, to The rapid increase in the number of 'secret so. chlies la this country, la a palacel subject of con temptation for the Christian and Patriot. A few Twits ago, secret societies were confined to two la clitinber; now we can scarcely keep pace with tbs., they are so multiplied, embracing various subjects and creeds, as Tomperane I, Native Am. arlioutiam, the Mechanic Alta, etc. Tbelut me adon of this sortb is the Protestant Association, which paraded tke streets of oar city yesterday, with its badges and insist., reminding one of a Mims& procession. This seems to be a sort of po• litioabeetigious concern something like the Orange Lodges in Ireland, unless we have mistaken it■ eheaseter. Its bond ci Union we mamma is, ektagy,opposition to the Catholics. Etsitsving all secret societies unnecessary, and stony of them deafening, and esteulated in their ultimate and aggregated efforts to be , productive ae far mire harm than good, whether ionsidered hotbeds. operations upon communities ar indlvido • ale, we have viewed their increase among us with ezmeding regret. This Protestant Association, whether secret or not, of whleh we are not in formed, we look upon u one of the Meat danger. au of the various new societies which have late- grown up here or elsewhere, as it is calculated to originate those fends which have done ao much Mischief In Ireland and other parts of Europe, and to. promote prejudice, bigotry, and hatred, indeed of the mild and benevolent principles of the Goa. pal of—Christ. No surer mode can be found to Provost Catholics from ever coming to the knowl- Wire of the truth, as Protestants understand it,than to meet them with an array of persecution, pa. litical and proscriptive le its character. As far as ere know, this to the first attempt to import and nourish to our midst, one of the worst evils which aglirct Europe, and which is wholly at war with tae spirit of our free ins nations. We trust it may b. confined to our midst. where it most soon wither ■ad die, unless we have greatly. mistaken the char.° or nod (Mathieuce of oar Protestant chi ne.. _ _ ...MARYLAND HIPORM Convcerlos.—An election took place in Maryland, last week, for membess to a convention to reform the conatimtlon al the State. The returns are all in, from which 11 appears dig the Whigs have elected 69; the,llexciacos 42; and the Union ticket 12. Toe OMILODOLI wilt consist of 103 members. Of the twelve elected on the Union tickets, 6 aro Whigs, which will Sive them 25 members, being a majcalty of 7 in the Convention. The Convention is to amenable at damp°lie, in November, and the Constitution which they will form is to be submitted to the vote of the people In the June Mowing, when, If a majority of the ♦otors am found to be in its favor, proelamatiort Will be made accordingly by the Governor, and the Constitution, no adopted, will hencetsrth be the fundamental in of the State. New Puma Roso.—We are moth pleased to Ind that an ant is to be made to build a Plank Road from TemperaUeviile, an the opposite aide brae Ohio, to Mart, we presume, near the Perry landings, to Nobleman, in this county, a distance of about twelve miles. The location of thin road will be abont midway between the present War& ington and Steubenville turnpikes. it is believed that the river hill can be overcome on an ascent of 26 degrees, and that bah the above named t turnpikes can use the contemplated plank road for the porpoise of overcoming this formidable ob struction. This contemplated improvement will prove of invaluable benefit to the section 01 001112- UT through which it pastes, arid mull greatly raise the value of real estate in all that region. Many of our citizens will be: seeking country seal. on the healthful and breezy hills and beautiful val• len on the line of the road an soon as it 10 con streteted. We tope those airho have undertakes It will not relinquLah their aorta from a slight ob stacle. Perseverance will cover their labors with success. The stuckholders of both the Pittsburgh and Exchange Banks, of this city, have accepted the chasers granted by the last Legislature, sod will continue to conduct their business as usual. It W gratifying to find that we are to safer no diming. %lon of Bank capital, eves if we are not to be fa vored with an Increase. Boar's Slimenerre's blearzum, ter September Li an exceedingly valuable namber, both In orig. Leal articles, and in its various gunshot, and mil oellaneons matter. We commend it to tho amen ties atom merchants and business men. Tar Fascist. or vat LADY or Uregzst. Ara• mama took place in New loch, on Monday. A large number of hide's and gentlemen, although it was reining hi avilv at the time, escorted the remains to the grave. General Garibaldi was present ,and Fiopanti delivered no oration on the occasion, which erect.' the audience to tears. The deceived was buried In the grave of her father, end her hos• band performed the sad office of raring the first spadeful' of earth upon her coffin. Fem. hlemco.—The New Orleans Picayune learns that the Impector of the hlexiam mi attry colonies of the DM, h. Informal his Governmen t that more than seven hundred persons, of both oozes, from the United States, have moved into Mexico, with the intention of similes permanently. He has appropriated for their residence, a tract of territory at the confluence of the San Antonio and San Ro drigo rivers, on the principal passes of the Oman chose Tux Hon. Ms. Coccores FUGITIVE Susan who were lately found secreted In' the house of R. S. cone, Washington, D. C., made another futile , anenuttio escape on Wednesday, while handcuffed, and just. about to start for Hr. Colcock's place in South Carolina, in charge of his nephew. An ex- citing chase through the streets resulted in their capture. rA slave dealer immediately offered to purchase them, but Mr. Colcoch said that 511,000 would not buy miller of them. They were taken back to jail.. One of them raid, in reply to nn of. deer.—"l have but once to die, and I'd sootier lake the chance for it now than go home." This man has hitherto been a quiet, timid, obedient servant. The Republic says:— "Maratha time of the absconding of there slaves, two females of like character eloped, neither of whom has been regained. It ts mid that one of thein, who was of a very bright color, departed in the camasa white lady, through the aid of a veil, and ply in charge of a white .escort." RAILIO.I)I.—The contractors are busily at work on the Stare Line Railroad between Buffalo and Dun kirk, and as soon as the right of . way is eecured, will extend operations over the whole line. Sub scriptions to the amount of 5300,000 hare Immo se clued on the route of the Attica and Hornellsrille mad. It is contemplated to have a nix fees track from Buffalo to Homelbrville. Profeasor Pars has made a'repOrt to the Secre tary d the Navy, giving an outline of his raped mean is the 004:Idiom of electro-magnetism as a motive power. He says the poiver is peculiarly lined for purposes of navigation, if it ran be made . auleerrientoind a trial upon • locale of one hun dred horse power...wraps to be - the only mode of suviving at a definite conclusion up= this point. i , ~• For the Pattsbutgh ClLLate. 110RICEOPATILY. . Ma. Ennoa—Theresppeared,a few day, state, in the editorial columns of the C,ommerciallournal, an article, entitled "The wonders of Hornrropathy again." In it were statements uld insinuations, calculated not so much to inform the public mind it regard to the principles of Hahnemann, as to en cite Prejudice and blind opposition to them. boo aible of the injury thusattempted, at the mcrifice of truth, against a science, beautiful, hnrinoniowi, and fraught with blessings to suffering humanity, I pen ned a review. That review, as a communication , is dented admission into - Um columns of the Jon, nal. The course thus pursued by the editor of that paper, shows clearly to my mind that his motive has been maliciously to injure liorntropatbY, pom poualy to display his ingenuity in advocating the wrong side of a question, or selfishly to gain revenue by the publication of replies as advertise mews. The second best thing that I can do to :tondo! his poisons, is to oder the renew to tho through the Gazette. I I' I). To the Edltor of tile Cartinfereini Jolrnel , Th• wondero Of homoeopathy again hovieseed. Before proceeding to no notice your second effort at a portrayal of the wonders of Honweapathy. I will simply remark, in relation to my view el your for mer article, that in it was a brief, faithful, repro seatatioo of the potrus assailed by you. Were I persuaded that your renders, like yourself, have been unable to discount D difference between your oportrsyal" and my representation of Hoiroupathy, I should regret it much. But, knowing ILa differ ence to Lave been palpable, and believing it clear ly understood by all, except these who Lave read with,Mundiced oyes, I shall make no further effort at tin demonstrattou. The quotation* from Hahnemann'. Organ which you have made in your article, I ackno , edge most cheerfully, as correct. But your nett needing interpretn ions and Inferences I remeliat as unfinthlul and unjust. Now Hahnemann, Waking edam dynamic, therapeutic power of drag, meant simply this , that in every salatash contained in the Atateria 'Medico, there le a yams rekte/s, although imperceptible to the ern SI.T serial or dynanue--se yet capable, sedan developed and properly applied, of s n a nsfestgag sin FF.., am( of restoring health, on the disordered Junetsors of the human body. If you will confine younel to facts, afflistaaye regard to the admitted truths o philosophy - jeers not What amount of Melon., o force of Milos you bring to bps against this priori pie in medicine, it will only stand the more prom' nest and shine the brighter. It is mapleaseil, al ways to be accusing an opponent of ignorance or the nee of sophistry. But you will readily see the justice of such an accusation against yourself, by oompariog the quotations which you have made from littheemeehi With the following parniraph in your ertielm—"Tbus, hylui,eg the mein:Wt.—Hahn. emanns's—own definition, we fold that the Homan, pathic art developer the vital priacspie of 'dell'' vine' or, in plainer words, that Hahnemann dismay ered ► proc...s by which tenter can be chained in to go ir w i T h . nve get holearn that the word "dynamic" or even "spiritual" is synonymous with the word "vital." Hahnemann has nowhere said, that his "art developes the viral - principle of medicine." nor, has he any where conveyed tne idea, thou "he tom discovered a proems by which mailer can be changed into spirit or life." He only nem rte, as the electric power, latent in the flint is made mani fest by the action of the steel, so the curative power of the drug to developed by comminution. If, in the sober thoughts of that illustrious philosopher and physician, you me only see ',paw" and ghosts, we shall soon look for revelations from your pen, that will put to shameful silence, even the "nameteriom rapping." at Rochester. The difference represented by you, between the views of the materialist and the Homeopathist in medicine, I regard as alteetellem enema' and re. taitous The materialist in medicine, is one, who believes the prima mum of disease to ne snruorsdi _...haaace lurking in the system and producing derangement in the vital functions. To cure his patient, therefore, ha would resort to emetics and cadmium to remove the u rneleria era s" from the stomach end intestines; or to verarseetion and leeches to reinove it from the hloo,l Sudcrifim, blisters, vetoes and issues, be would me own the same hypothesis On the other hand, the Home° pathist iielieves the rnorbihe agent to act upon the vied principle, dynamically. in the production of disease; and to require in the cure of maladies. remedial menu. that can ant tan similar manner As I am writing merely in defence at kionmaiera. thy, it does not become me Isere to d.setiss the question, whether In the remand of disease, it to the physician's duty to scrub the interior or mut, late the es - tenor of man's tender semen.: or mere. ly to administer a specific attenuated dose, which will restore harmony to the disordered functions, m does the little goverior to the movement. of the mighty engine. Nor is it my duty to show, sorbeth. er the miaerna, the moraine and all the mysienow sufluerres, that are filling our world with dismiss and death, are ponderable, material stadia; or red , er, imponderable and dynamic. It is evident to me, however, that there are entertained in the Old School of medicine, notion. as grossly material as were ever taught by Epicurus. Were it a law in mature, that no crimes could he produced but by sensible material pauses, how like a deem, would the present system of dynamics vanish from philoscphy, and how like an inuoipo. mat and stubborn giant, would inertia .hold all things to the universe at rani N ot withstanding your own evince iniseencep lions, I hope you Iron continue to pub] ah use lan gorge of Hahnemann Si, long as your readers - Berme well, even the detehed portions ni the Or' peon. which you eelect to suit year purpose. I leer no evil from any continent or Inference tmoo make. In coming to the lestsection of your article I find it quite difficult to preserve the sobriety tat should charectense a scientific discussion. It is indeed laughable to see one, after having made, with his own hands, a "man of straw" end named him after his enemy, turning with eager malefaction and public parade to demolish him To "convert matter into spirit" Horn respathy neither professes or wishes todo. Permit me to enure you, that the "groaner curio:my " whin/ you have created mail of which you so proudly speak, is not in regard to any thing ner•aerlons to the New School of medicine; but rather in view of the (act, that there inn man to the middle of the nineteenth century, eo thoroughly imbned with saateridlins, as to seed at the idea of a dyne °neat medicinal vinne in a drug. The "aazinas inquiry" is not, "by what wonder ful prorate is natter converted into spird,"but rash er from what mysterious use or purpose you Came to christen your "man of sew" a Howneipit. die principle. J. P. DARE. Tko National istelligencer of yesterday con tains the following circular from the Postinaste Parr Ounce Dtrawnssev, Sept. 4. IBM. An ensminatea of the post bills, mecums of mails seat and received. and of the accounts of postmasters. has disclosed the fact thin the pub. .fished regulauons are continually disregarded Ibis violation of the regulations is ovempted tohe ezeosed by many postatuters, by alleging that bole predeessons and others have, for • long period. been permitted to practice it without cen sure. Alter the end of the present quarter no such excuse will be admitted. Posimingen are expekt ed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with their duty, sad to we that the printed regula tion. are alertly followed Is, all persons in their ernp:oyment,eXeept only to exam, where different inotructions have been specially given. Every postmaster or other officer of the I/nutri ment Is required to report to the Postmaster flea. end every violation of the law or revelation', OD the port of say other postai...ter or offi •er of the Department, and every postmaster is opecially directed to seed to this dice all lane. or circu lars which have been or shell be sect him by any other postmaster in regard to the moiling nr die• trihatioa of letters, or toy change in the practice of his office. Special sgento at the Deportment ere required to report every postmaster at say tuition. ant office who does not personally superintend Its basineu. All postmasters whose comralosinno are gulf" cleat to allow the employment of clerk, are espe cially coutioued not to employ more than are an.