The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 04, 1850, Image 4

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11:10811LLII1AN ZINC:
IriljinVierle hlontagne Company autio. lythmrorents
11 h Roofing and Flooring in 'heelsl .f e ,
,2 ".Lnium Per Notre foot. Co •.. le
B 2 ' t • Poffur r cd &path
Lihmultlngl4 x4ll nunres
i liWgr i i , ke il . "; bur. Molds ° , ' Fcrforate d
They warrant their metal po.•end tr.- !rem^ny
admixture of Iron, or any o th er
gut.vt,nce, end
e.olll.mi ft for the marutf:etare of Roil arl..eLe• n
the heave furnishing lute, a. it does not net, I. nn:
affected by the action of water, and may t e poliskro.
painted, and Japarteed.
,_,fthtPlea, models, plan., siverifte Minna, and other
Lielerenatton may be had of their agents:—
ArCIAL kFiraostra, New York:
An1.0:1, ROLLIN. d. CO Lltalon,
r" . ...0 ?comas& Co., Philadelphia:
W. A. 11. Ale KIK. Banin.orej
5 w.,& AVMS, New Wean.;
F. MILLIROUX. ReetJent Agent,
Liege, Nay 1. 11 Hanover et., New York.
Edward A. Othutrey,
16 South Calvert at., new . Balt morn or., Beelrimoro.
awn. F. Godfrey & row , .
TIWPORTFR oftthoe Finotr mend Dealer in Leather,
1. away:ens kind,: Englieland Fretteh Rot •
Freneh Calf Skin., relent Leather, Morocco, 'ed.
bite, one pint f0n...11.1n0, or. Loeline , Ervnf odo ,
SILK CiALIAIONS'ANM Rlllttnyitt, I ts.
Shoe Knives, Awl Blade, Nine THREAD, Blued
nets, Rhoo Nail. and Shoe PEGS, of • we
E. Al G. having evtahliel.ed the ahoy& heninrev in
SialOmtpre, is enabled to any rend. or Weot
ortarthearmoet devrnteh. Led !owe, eel t ev.
Alannfaentre., denier, an , e,, morn.. may rely
tpon obtaining every n• .•'• the trade, of the beet
goaltty, and on We'll
irral att afar tort rot I, you., Dont Tree•. Shoe Tree.
Cbimpa, Root Stremben, c All orders
promptly executed Low pores for en eh.
A catalogue contalaing a enrol - 11,e het of ever)
ale in the trade will be forwarded to !nee who
may desire it.
EDWARD A. GODFREY, le if, l'aivert ph
mayNhdflm near Baltimore et Baltimore _
Broadnirays coronas of !Malden Laws.
HIP extensive HOTEL, has been re wed th•
oabwriber, and has been rompletely refitted "•
mon elegant mammy. Large sdi.itinns ire now
being mode which, when completed, will mine It the
moat eXteal:Vee lintel In New Tine. It ine :tete emu
nation of the proprietor, to make it eqoal.. rc
opeet, .y other House in the United States. It•
canon is the most destnlble and central in the city,
tn the fnbionab'e ran of Brosdreny. canerincet
to all the public butlf.-ags. Osiers of amusement- cud
business. Grateful tot •he psztonnve rentveil
from his western friend., while at thimherland, Md .
and more recently at the Weddell
lints, 4lreelvnd,
Ohio, he respectfully 'aliens renewal of their entree.
be, for hi. new estatiluarnent , at New Ton. and
egs to insure them that every effort on ht• pan M.O,
be given to admititster nen comtort leasnrc.
A. S. BA Il rat 01.
New York, Ma t eb.l , 3 o .--Imn.lfe'lm
oGeeo, George meet, Pip:non:b. Encland The
managers beg to acquaint their numerous entrons thin
the neat Distnbation of Portraits pi II A- n li•u •• a,
narcotise MOSe entered for the for,t-uri.,
National Derby Race: l'ao paint., of .1.11 . -
il ea ,t e d 6,0(10 emelt class. Frost class incin 'ct Lab
accord elms ditto LA. Forlr application fur the r
appropriated chores te reeessary A on riy sulisc
nig for mom thanen< share bus the ch.., ar e
an equal member bonuses. Thus< nicasticrs &nig,
the vanes. Portraits 'sal be presented walk tire Int
s owing snort:—
POrtrait of l.i class bonsses to ditto
Winner, or First hone .f.,11.tn0 Lip lain
Second Hone.--- 1,000 4,000
flied Horse ---
Divided amongst Starten• • - • (how loco
NOII-ttlartees 11,t,00
There are 209 hotlines in etch eLrr.a, that hews the
number of bones entered for the rare. 'Car
will be conducted apart the same letritimr, rLer.n:es
as those which characterisca the la p
late St. 1.:: get sod
? u.,<dinin. par:nu:ars of the result bill
De soot to absent mead/era immediately after the .1e•
elan., that etch may know his position.
Subacribers registered and scrip forwerled en re
ceipt of a reminnnce. Dills of Fre him,. Drafts. liana
Niles, de, addrecied and made pavahle in the
Managing Directora. W. JA Al Et , & CO.
Five pet cent_ commie:non to he reduced on the
presentation of bortusea curt , tia
1650 1 REED HOUSE, 11830
HIGITII & -BAADER, Proprlatorns
PuLttc Syntarr, Ella, Pa.
GENERAL STAGE oencn—K., , ,,,, WeCe
end Southern Stugr., Irmo 11.1. hon., oe•Ny Ca
tinge. to end from Seem actNriet r n ,
M. W. Kum, WI- Amery
G. W. I:Awls:x.l.e nine Kownea !late, 4 4luu.
SI! James tarray's Fluid Magas....
DRErARED um!, the 111,
CA , of Ote
vsnus,•.,d e•tabll•tirtt lot u;ort tr.'. ol y rat
Thta elegant p.eparaun. ,
caw, of hire.
att them eat Purr, ea., nail clh , „4 I,•re, ,
Magee,. 11111, and icalce.l enl,
ought fut.,: exhibited, pu .. c.. ice I the r,
the Magneeta now In pg. tier.; ace, wit,...u! r,
like it, to form dangerott3
It effectually cures heartburn se :I;urn.c C
coat, of the atomarh, as code. pen.....r'r•
bonatea are known to de. it pine.-.. , 1, •
(tau slavi sour; in all ca-e• ne , • ,u•
aperient. a n d in pneulta , lr adann..l 1,11. r.•.
Bin Humphrey Davy n,brific.l Onr rnrm
soluble sombiznuons lout, un: need •
. -
goat and gravel, therby ecu.dera-ued tec,
tendency, when other add even li.;cc•.t
Itself, bed fawd. .
. . .
From Sr Phtim Ctammon, Ram., Surgeon Genera:
to the Army In Ireland:—
"Dear Str—There can be mo det% then Macno•la
may be &don niatered more sal , y In the inTrn rn ucon.
cantrated an'utton Man in yub•unce. •nn:
many oilier reasons, I am of oproon that :net F tatJ
Magnesia Is o very vidstabte addition to our sl sterna
Madice. 1 . 1111.11" GRAM' - 1'11N"
Sit James Clarke, Sir A. Cooler, Dr Bright_ and
Messrs Guthrie and Renitent Mayo, axi London, •trone
ly recommend Murray'. Field Magneto. heron tn.
finitely more sale and sanest:nem titan inc eel d, mind
free from the danger attending the constant Lae of
soda or gauss.
SOT side by the importer's anti rtro,rtetor , s,ert.,
If A Faallti;Si - ta - h d.
• .
NOTICE: heteny atyYtz. ;t,.1 c- n• •tr ••.•es S
of April, the aut,tcr,be-s t • r.l •••
Ilatmeg. VA., Me st , ,totYl., • - ~
d by G. A. hlartn, re , tonar ord.,
Apnl Ilth, at 4 months, mr $l7l 65, o y
John 0. Morgan. same nate and Mr fill t 7. or
a note
din by John Watt h. Co .in in favor ut John S
Martell, arid re-endorsed by dated Aim! OM. at
font months, for SIM The abuse notes were never
received by ts, and this Ls ttt eaunon per•o“. ,
against trading for or buy tag the come. a• poramnt
01 them Irma been stopped, SA W lIAILBAL la II
AVERY large and ehotee Goes of Fresh Sprinc
Sammer Goods h. last been opened at
Alexander & Dar's, No 6.5 Id. Let street, north west
corner of the Diamond.
In calling the attention of oar customers and the
public to tths sleek, it affords us great pleasure to in
able to say it embraces GREAT BARGAINS in al
most every description of goods, as a laree portion of
it was purchased at the recent ellensivo nJon Slues
to the eaStere cities. Our assortment, tnth of , anrrt
and staple goods, is very ',opens., and cloth. to all
cash buten., either by' ter ram% a Lose op
portmuty of *unto, Ithth taste and Pars ,.
Pie* style Foulard silks, very cheap, nett ;dam anal
figured chargeable tatty, of alronat every • re .e.d
quality: super plain and figured olark Flit.; do t.s
rege• and lassoes; bargee de la ns. new and nand
style; near style t reach, Ene11•11, nod Scotch
.a•rns, to treat vanes'', and at very lo prier pia,
cored, and satin striped de Intro. of f.. 1 snot• and
quainter , . Gaon lustre. 01 all shades and rum,. stag
/nuns, etantses, print.. he
Super chameleon mit snaw:s;
black doi plain and sinter., lend 11.,‘ rt b , •• .•
mere dot super plain and cenbro,rm,
Colored crape do: Lamm. end nr /sr,
A fine aseoetneent of mulls, noofoale, joeonet
Bedues, [woke, Lisbon. Inwna.
Rough & Ready. pea. hrard, Florence brat,and
sager tinglish straw ennnele
A fine gunk of eaperior pl , un ssul frlnrn.l milt and
Satin Tare p la of all rn!orgard
A large assortment of super French, Enet.h end
Belgian cloths and eusuneree of ell quell... end
peke* to which we would invite the altenttun of the
Our stock of brown Winleached moglins. us k,nrs,
checks, etianebtaY*, drs, /se, y'rrY isrlf, annul
the very lowest prers.
Also, a largo lot of table diapers end table r . otbs,
brown and bleached; Ruseta and Scotch di Ayr', c 1.1•4
linen. neanklns, cotton and wool n goods for Ines and
boy. , wear, Web linens. red, white and yrnow
nes, domestic glnglimas, silk and , linen hill(' and
glove flowers, kinds, hosiery and bonnet sru•
fetal !se, to all Which we would rsar,iln , r
Invite the attention Of whiresale so: retail rash
buyers. ALF—CANDOR a DAI ,
rasyntl 85 Market st..N W roe of it, lbsmond
APPLE Ttti.ll:,.
g i lsc o p . te . p7z .s d
tree• yell be dtitaered at the orb•rf at l'tu•t~urgh for
slt per riaaared. Per4ollllvrlaldog good thrtity
should lasso their orders .00n at the brug.,ced. end
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood nod:4.h qt.
I t air,Ey BROWN re CO.
Water a have removed to No 110
t, 2d doer below t3e Mononganola Howe.
.d Third street. kr,
. .
CHURCH. CAM/VIERS & base removed t r,
Water it. between Wood & Monet, it. me
&Ouse formerly Oecopled by Hardy. Jones b. Co.
Aficir=r s b s
b; : ll , o:nebt's et Stoma,
iX/ be. bf•Clurg &Terse do; ,tt. rre•tvtd
etz9l for lisle try AI &
Plantation Sugar and Biel
155 We common, fair. & prime Plantation , a‘are;
2,0 oak I.rlo Man *don ....
70 mato lolls do Jo,
: 11l store, far ky
11111.1.111 R1 , K171 - ,ON
17e C. 1 71 1.,,,t% -1
RIO COF E.-2.1 , Dy. 0 77
C II (; ,, f i tT
, st
ITCP.4 les fOtei T iThi --
H tNo I ltir snir t.y
H AM 3 3 LIELF-10 tea Lhdateld's S Cord /lam,
Ilar.kins do
36 toe Evans tr. Omit dn,
2. tee D. Macy'', do,
ate. eanvamied Beef ruoas;
6 tea plain do
U 6161 OELLERS NlCin.s
I\TOVAMCOTIAIIIaiRrN6-1.5 be. Jo rlnre and
.1.1 for sal. by Dolt.] R011130:11,1.1771.6: S. 1 . , •
CHILLIWTHEOLuir —l6O brown EL ii,rothd;
I.otas Nr. do;
Ga biz No 1 Itosm
loot iveolved and lax be
61ILLER tr. 111C4:1.7•40N
-•• ort Yu, •• re.
12 aelveß : '
and for ::
lelb;"t j .:
24 'VI. S. P. Town.n.P•
- ii ,- spiKELA VENDER -7 -6U rej,'1t.!,6.13.zt0-c47
.131 TAR— 140
t b :r 4 l: V'it C r l j a o r r:renr:gnm•r.l 7 l.
er. sale b
• • mitt for pale by—
N t
, ha, /eel Cocesved a ocar
PIANO MC.:OIC, among which
thrs Foy.,
Ma v. do you Love me, .
OM. toey Red Rose Llve Alway, .
loo:q a Lady,
Come Ncd.
.. • .
Gyro, It. Run all Night. do. '
Dolly [Sly. do.
SQldter'. D'eddlng, by Glover.
The Rohm. do.
On. Touch the Cord yet once •gatn.
Sweet Mcfnarri of Thee.
slivrt ,gl , l.
Lumens of the !nob Emir rant.
A New Medley Song.
Then hart Wounded the Spirit that Loved nes.
The Departure. by Glover.
lie ID nd to tin Loved Once
'Ti. Dome wl.ere e'er the l ts
Tire Yankee Maid.
Low Ila-k'd Cur. by. Lover.
IM ecru cyst think of int.
Slumber fien . :t Lody.
Jr M., Urn'.
lAbri. Csllarste, Weddlng, Wreath, and Date) ,
R' !tree
Darr he.or. Malden. Della Welt, Concert, Ledi
veir. Col', F:',(11. Lily. Alter .1r ..'ara
TI: too, not into the 9q of paler, we ony nothing
Itun.:re.O. of Ct.r.t., Importers, Largo
ra.h, A.-. In not
m3r , tr form. we ttoisto
our zItt.11(11 they putobose
•• .netad we know to
tool , Lcapeat T.. in PHIL,
.•••.,! P. , .1,1, T., 11% lonn.l.7 , ecnts per lb
A ,rone --- • • 73 do Jn
impo ri...1 into tbr Stntr.,
risCtd i •
...r it.ferior ere an n
keen !US A 11/tWORTII
Great AMC...111 Mechanical Work.
L) A A. !St. , York, have in rour••• of pu
Uratto.,. In pnv.s, price twcaty firo cents es",
.11.uhs nes. ,11,44,1 use. Eng... IVori.alnd
e..1.011.1i for ar 11',1,ng
Arn, and haor t<ndri for ihe Eng.
ntrrer: g Priff own
riArr. ni o.• zn ni eve
. . .
W.DRA of Inrge WM ronts
r• lt
and urwanl. of Ttio
stn 1,1 •nut It wtll workutg-dra
And deSetiplll,l of 14, molt Important martkin
In Ihr l I,lrd ,lor• latterentlent , t thr result, st ,
Acne rt.:ln tnerrsttr. w, VIII 11111 retrpletr prerti
trratt • Merinaurra. Marl/terry F.t.stne-wort
and lontanrttee: Ow, 6 11•* . 1111111 tnnr• thal
rye thots•a, ,011.11, worth of toito volume, mutts
•Jkil etht
n, c g: , of Mi. eat lion Mon 1..:, :Ilan, he.
•re f3of ca • aro , neh onfouni of
•on. n• •halt them to work to tne' hem alf•no•
n• • • •I to arfon 011 W mmtn es whieh Iher minhl
di• - •woe cont•a.: nm.u,.. useful /11i0MPIEtrt.
.U• to•cflfer U11210•I eyond pm - anent in
fon w.ffle*. 1/1 . 11: hon: an) aoloect
ICl{% cannot 'a • of toolcr•tauf tun tu mid
fn. .133 3 much Which ft I. tnpe rant .
•• ie rrnineft, tees .1,
u.k eoul; , ,,ns
• 0 e ue•lrek-
u li•r work .
roml en chat thus eneour.
TlC:gem ,mntt.:y I'L it
nnal:”1 , ••••• Jamtv,, 1 , 50. w...
Tar wot IM p„,. art 40 novel. r•
tar em', tatmht.r. ‘l,ll eoter.ened e the.,
a.r. A Ither”l thee..., "'al be
Ally on, remmwe the ri:! , ,hrra n 0 In advar. 'nor: ti•rougtt po.l °nice free
Op!atoms of the Pr•••
rTnnor ll•rrent , tr,
r•. and A it be mine or wealth
, Jou, el
“rootth Etrm ,cthr.e.vry on ithosytrdge
We watt r.,,a4rtwe rreammcnd our rextl , -is th
,YYr. numl.c.y .1.1 ay they tp
thar "—AlueFwen
t•We ccoamcnd thr Wort to !boor ell
ett in or iticrcttcd /n atcct•acten: or 4 , enttfir oty
•••,, up, cut,catd, wont) of the"' courttuancu d
udy toy, Gs; Y..) Iludnct
"It ••• tru, • [tent wort. and the: ottd•chcr• dc•
rt r ••• tr.vcctorY ntAc mutely, ••••••I ntmr•l
et•itrz• •••••• .attred tl•c ruldte y. •• V.
wol Iktr.,W owe& In pm,:
crituthw, ttt ttl. alto *lO3 to tweltt
w .Itr. progr••4 of ./.1,111 011 to the
. k .• • - •I,,gr Ilttotortt ttry
I.: ..t 1 cli 4„ art. allat LC.
q . ..T1(1 , C,C. A lvcrtaArr.
- .A i Intr, c-1 lu
ICC I, hiC• 1 1 110111 d walks; th ,
Iv,. I" I....lvruttages ,) Ji
lenrk of ^rtetteter pteettrat attltty . arl great
.t. . • o,rh.
'kV- ;se, puro.r.: tornualtrer, an , Irrr
• or. r• Utut uork n,
r pie
otro, ti.ou lr rikrroolion or. rvery
art• •,:cnecir, ..,..
• 11 fft. c cf- dot, an. ofccnonff, n(
w , h a• ;la of Connect.feat scrvn•-
' .nfi• 4 Ow wort W Wet: alfe:flaou.''—‘ofwl•
I 15 ::1•. • 6,111 work •s rocs./ onscharoo .ho
-~,.. ~.
• .1.,0•br0 tor ear, no 4 low pro
0.4 mate• nc:crottoe to
;I onr the mn•t com;orebeto. 74,..1
, u capes: wora c•cr sAcoL"
one decnott W ke.p
pro:r•-•. ttrT ao!re,r,,rt . o. torrry one.
oar d''.. Goan,
•it , n r tar I , .icar eof I rr, U¢ i aria
r• iirhotrd in ter ahri
imirerri i ng hront•nrrit., n• air,- a 1 r ratunii
rown, far .4.• hem dime Mr
%tr. dn•rritringi An, neap machinery and
—rimernitm Are- rrean
w numf.ers.e,cl • ptter so mode
;.t Ist, n mtaetwr.
w:.r lea , 'l:we In euell totterw.
nerd de.ef•ec from iwwf lermg re.
fq. A.. 11,Jel 11101 he IL to eatwielterd I,em
•ent I.l...rue•w•cl wou. be...tame& if
r wl.ll Lne ne., of very many vomfries "—N.
1 4 . r I.lwie.f.ter
• 11,e r
renrt,• •L• wan whlch Ful.frar
nll llj oiltu.”1.11 mhh •er n••• , .. ;.ier •rr
rl,l. • r,lr. ,r; rnako nn. tilt. MO, ie/
von° li
r Otto ex•arnwrd..
C 'awn, ,o no ?le- faro, no , orh,
anrg r, '•The Prnet.Cc n.
nt,:a"a.,l wan :kr Jo,r•dient.
r, •^Verld en”..•
n In ngn l ing nr
• Ve,tni, H.,nrdy. ront, onit
, •utnr , wontry, incr,firm•
n• thry n,. a , ,tl tl•e•: Fl.y.rtcd Mt
Krum vnlvr
.r tru'y r,ottl.r Ft.m•ly ,ent pourrr
r•—•,d ha.
, lan
• ono,: root!, •Ito gm or,. of
••••.r•• •v of r Tlio4[l, I ! orvor olloor
of Ote •too of .o.ret
for nolo boor, ofoyourntsnuf,
r ttrottr.etor t , or. ItintmotO,
rt.ol ttto v.tor ilJornvery, rt , t•oro roe to •ny O t to,
m„-It rt.o.olot, tt W. JJEArttt, u . u
fil'ltNS —lt one of Itt• br•tthlnt• tr: he wore
for Hunt..
tar year!y cured by tr. (lint It itevr , rlvlstt: r•-flrf.
If Ain:bor.) And Nurnr knAv , its value InAs,. of
Som th. y always avid) , It
•u• An., u•Atl acrord/ng direvuolo, pvce
;r, v,ry fAw homy.
• • •
t o hr .,
"I'• , •-ald Prod, ',or,. Eye., Quinn,bst
, ore 'roron: or rvott, Attt , .lloll.l:
of t `(tor,
f.:or ILttn.. t . 1.1,114, I. 1),..en.1.4 of llte Skto, Sort
I ttot, Poop,. . Swe'littit of 11, Lantos, Sores, 1 . 1 , ••. Cold rt-et. nr Itro-
Lyn Ltroo.t,loOtu Ache, AklIC u, the acc, dz.
rrom the Re.fing
There. •Wn• nnovpr. nwrlno•, u bronchi Le
for thr pub..., lbw ha. no uo ' , hurt et ion: woo .erb a
rrpononnonn su !Slc.llhator , A:I Iloalone or WOll , l
Ammn.trrrry harry tt on ha. mod, 'nil of a
• pro on. ruulnorn cuord by
it of nn noon poninfon Tr r nronnenuohunnotbrr of Ow prbru,
1•In.on Id troor:r•toon „non tn. Ihr undr, a 'north of o
. r •o On One A.'. .. r•r lf dot. pot ornme•
tin Innn nrbun.n., ovury ran do no nnoury, boning
annionet: onapourdly.
A. un nnl.or a: ore of Ihr urn/Wort:li Itroling pow.
en nun nr.wo lon ut Aro. wt. noboonnt Inr!lownup
or rt.!, a, wool n w.pocnoolo ce.toont of 3ltudenercek
town.t.ip, inr , .:
Nl.bleb• ',e .l/Ity ll. Berk. ro,, March :A.107.
Hit et A. t . ., —I tie.lrr " . Baum you that
Ira" rttreil of vere path matt baelk. by tbc
Mr.A.b,ster se
Ftb.,, which I pur.
ebb e.I rob] ,or *boat :A years,
yi.l 4, cell •' •• • - ,t Irani.;that time
tr l•nnotto• t , *me!. were preArnbr.l ior Inn
t, boy ,ebte• p• .iblll.tvithoul rcc<tvlus aby
bt •, bite., at la, me Jr . b., •et., rtt,
JAME , At.,l.L,NrE:tt,
Pr.ciptl Ogiceonce, Notat .trrct,Phsladel•
PRIrE 23 rr.NTs PER 110 X.
, rre from
&arm, tt , yerrtectli • -II A. Vtrime•tnet A 1 . ...
rrr•pr or,J at: I V., F., %Via. Jaminntn,
I. W.leroz, Jr., env,' n: arr•
* tr.., Inantontr. Mno rrtrner rti Inu rtt. ot
• t:t.lte *tree , . J Canne romer Wn:not nett
I , or. -Ire., Filth tVetrd. nrnl ...MI et the lloolintory in
I li tnl
t t oteny tt,ly ny 11, Sr:overt:end J.
Ve rt Idnertt . 11. llntetlar.d, AlcEcen,nrri, J. A exam',
ttnnn..Slnnor,y:. , N 11, UO,lllO A. CO., and
1. T /toter, Ilrnwnny:llm John Park . !reeve, 1 . 0,
I. V, ..ter. Jr., I,:ta•trrt.h, llonteriett 1 - rrYttl,
/Milk 24.- •—• 50 Gls c — Ta m and Wirai - pr e for cal
%.d 'AO 06 W /1688AVeli
V minable 11.111. Cite Insl r •ew.... to
let on Inc *rabic tern..
THE W 0 HASH N A VlGAT!rtti CrlrIPA art
Id now prepared to le n•e the ‘`.' tote r Power ot the
Grand Rapid, to on nmount onthetent to prop , fend
hundred pairs of molt atone The lodnuett batted
upon rock found:wan end the power can eons,-
ntehtly hen ppbetl both of the Herr Th.
vain of the W ithe Hier, or well nr the Vdnbaoh. can
be readily lure kbed at Hue inn,. While urtitte•
iron ore. end coot. to the grotto., ohm...nee, and al
aupennr nusOtty, eon be randy procured through the
settle eouutrY
Trev•---Oite hundred tlit'dor• pot ennuto for a paw
er tdaatotent tn propel steel. ton of usetitun. oirr.l
nun tarn., for It perind tit titter. emu. with do
net, 01 renewn' an the orptentine ,hr lenge at a
fan valuation of the power rnlpl.lTed 11, 0 , 1. 01 Ihr
mill or manotectnry theluded, without fotrtber charge
from the chtotpatiy. By artier 01 the Ehrertnre
resudent el the V.* N Co.
V:11.,11711l, In Mny 9 I,W 011,0,.1:1m
Ut.F.S unur.l.l4 siEmcATED NV ,11.1 ,
I/ —The skin ni roam. h.rson• O.•figursol
sitsht eruptions, n• pimplev. morphs., d.r. thud when
thi• I. mres.l • tlisenso• nl ths us It Iso. ni set) .
en cs of every I....nired it Is very rose,. re.
ki nutters Nymph Monp Is•.,
advele Ito disenses of no. shin, •• 100. oirsl.o)
o the inn, poses eo•rs ils
ng t son (
from impitroles sod hy
end rvaghe.-t.kla,
pro luerd
i• M'
A thoer
.r.• Jul
AA the MO
Jules lin
• time. .
poor trill a
h0h.,...1,en 11l 14e hnbil nr 13•;nq nrd,
I a n•1n.„.h...1 et n,
Ihe N! mph $Ol, '.; th twatr
en ling the nee k, or L..4 , 1.nin hnp
I, el irnt.ort, reinrvin;; a'l ,Innr
po•owon , .. r? fun,
ev014..(411 nllaltnr
Irtirle whir*. nun be p:ed safety sad
whoge lire 9 n r.. 1.• am wi
Eche. , Inn. 0rp! , ...w..1,..
. Ny ifl lnvh the
'Lem, dint tt..a.ill it oder t.,
ak. *tire, the rruglie, •InOotti
t 4ireneed %kin health, pure, end bloom
Nymph Snap 1. , Ott. not,' •rltt.te wltt,
al:y tt, above rtl.ttt , •o•Itor
the n It oar 1..1.1E11 IA at the tta.e
e . trrly hartu,,t. Prepared onty y
ULLS II AVIA.. rrytamer titenat.t,
att -ct, rtt
,wtteleattle n.ati A r•I. r .ro r
et. a.. 1 'tar
%Inhn,ntly rcrie Gnrl2V
6p,cht }. lit', Wlit ii ,-•00.1
I 6 66,1,A, ut..l. gond rr • - 1,0
Right Light
TING toe SV., 1., l'•••nto n“ •••
I la.t
'F't .. I'ir:.ear.•t I
Tte •
For •.e, ma:
Oral Arn•r Iran Plechrtnical ‘Vor In.
'.v.. • .our
/. cs, put. rattot t• I'M. .
co, Wort, .‘,l 1.•.
o , ttyr or r• rl
Thi. work vr.l
• on 4. ircelved. nrd s.s.e
iT7 4 7l'''' ,. l
Citti4 .- 7 .7 1 4 ' ll
41 -. 4i4
1 .. '' T P P. I ? I, 1 1
(3.,,....... :_, 1..i . ,.. .:,...; 19")
)L' .-
- - - •-•-'' '''4l. ' Sl.
John 11. 'Mt Ilv, t , l Vow! Strert, 1'i110u , ....h,
,-,,,,k. N..,, , . i . I .11:‘1. 0
a..nn eknd 5q..... P 1.... Fort ev
pwprn,lurlit• in tn.. :win,.
1 , 11,
.1, of ex cr.r.
Youlo rm.
•11 •-•
vt,L , ta , t•vtn ^" "".
Jun,. DAN
API.. Oui, I
P. N. DAVI9,
tc.• •n!. nthl n'
pat.'nn.rn thern..) to :hn fortunr
h nc
Notte• tunur rat room.
:13c ILI,: Lax. v.•l firn..
'J rAr.,
att/1 1 4 1 1I• 1, (1111 i 1- fll nre
p :hem rr, e. • •
ersl.. Apr.. MTA rrEN
4, l ir :1
Mae five Lone,
1 1 , , , 1 „ . , t1 . , .. 1 1!1 , - . I ~. 1/ , 1! ,, 1 r 1r 0 1 . 2 , 11 -1 ; n , trro r l .,
100 1, ro..:;•,
rrn /1 1 u1r.. :•c A••11,r01 , 1
3011 I/•o Cr ado 1 1r
25 do honor, :re Ir, 204 I.;•ortr. ,;.• hoot,
20 do Ven 11,1, 500 Ir
• r• r•r0 0 0l or; 1, d.: Itorr 1 ,4 11 ..11 4r
111 ,In Slry 1. 11r02,..; 150 n anzr: Al 4
An I'lovos, 21. In Pro, or:: Ito,
'do I'l.ln nowro., 400 0.• ,ron ,
o•••••• 11.1 lloroa, d;
2:1 r l oar., 210 err ,•
14 d 1144 a I'd , d 1:-••'.
111 ,In Chroror Gr...., 4 . , I
do dr: elorre, 1.1 :a do 1 A; ; .•
no r• am , 2 nod l'Ad; r, 144 J r
11., S. rily Slll, r: do A r • N,;aor
25 trolem Itori• Cror•-; 1• 11 . 1 0 1 ,1 4 4 2 , 4.
11111 3, , II : r 4144 ,- rAO 4/o ;r 1.r...
11310 an I . :114 ~,,,
1:A1 1 1 rol 11.1 11 .11 1 1 ,‘ r•rl.
• 50 1 /1“ Tx nor . ,
lOU Ilvo 1 r;:. aro 1rr.41.•1 1 1e 1 arono
“nr rr 1. ivarth
Tin: , ,: t 01 'het trutnrgn• , reme ~ Ft,
the enu•iar t Appl•rnt ~,,, tetr it. 10 the• prtittnet , r.
utner•l huh La lint, it put up
ttt Ntv.hlt
het. , .I,ret.nht for the he co the
The PETIIOI,/;1. ... p. •-J tttith it •••,..i•i• thi•
County, nt n tlrptlz nf four titt.tett••• , •re. i • rttr,
dultrrare..l tartirle. w..ey.ut kr.) nt
to 110
prop , . try yr...rt.:re n tr.. ny'rr ot on• Ye ., •.
no Intnter Ina,. of 11 . 1.•,13// 'y TtrYyr
things In Or nt nun. rnyrrn, kyow:,
and ,V(1, V .01 peritt.,o/.1, .• n
•nre /11.1/.. , 11011 fq futt,r, to.ptrattty um! ,
oprend uppltrauno os .tre 0 1 e
We dot wrtt. 1 v, t.nrode of ver
eat..., none nee r0.,•0..... o
Work ita way Into the Invor 01 ttats-t, who •01,
vrt•lt 10 be henortt Wleot we do not we
10r :t
untleroal oppltrawan to ever, .1...en.e, we u 1.11.-•.:,
tingly may, that In a oombee of Chrome Lhoetztoto .•
stnrontlted. Atnong the., rosy he tadoll
rltoetoeo of the mutton. totite.. ottrlt n. 17 1II:ONIC
111tOCIITIN. CONSLIMr fION On Itt early
Aotttort, nod all dt orogen ..f to ale po•ob.r•, I.IVf 1I
COPLAINT, fIYSI . F:Y,I Lluolwr. 5. Dornaeo of
the hr
fill Kal.tev. ins toO/'lurk nt oe,
NervousLl:senseo,Neuralris. ll, •y.fOtettoot... Palos,
Gnu, Ertywipelns. fetter, Ittorworms, Lions.. Scald..
111 "1 4 ,01, to., is:. In ente• of dr-taloty
(ram ex: , ooure. or long and protest/10d ono.. 0 ,
du ;1.14 He'd wir , wllt br , ng re1...1 It wrll not no
• gear ra. TONIC Ind ALTIOIATI% I. th toot e,ren,
0 ,....t5y to ttte irtintr, rouo•-
raut , 010tt....e nog onresen C 0,...), and eivtiwt
,neren...rd ~.I ed or,. to a.. :Le °rear,. t 1
C of .evoral cot., of
000 resole, es,' 010, tresoncnt. c , we::
„, Knit•Ll:, taq s 11111/C.
, n „ r•vr.l in any person vela, ilesars
N. A 1/:• tbs sisnuture of the iononetns.
the r0 ,,,, t0r,
d ft. t'anal Boom. nrar ..evehth st.
As • v 01.1.1.ER0, 07 I , nnolYll
nod— 0...7 SEll SW
ro-•.er %Vas. at and VIT. , 1110), who 47..
nn Y-dl• •sr , oaroe •orsaoted 'sects
TJ Camp Blankets: TO Officer coats, tS l•nnts;
Jo lours nett hoed Manng Boots, It! Isthrnos Bogs;
seater Tanks, fl and 12 caltons each, O 0 contechs,
Kalion soil, I doe Barks/so Money Baas: do 0010
moths., do do. Tie aboreKoods for 00, at thc
o).o6ting EatoUblitoint, N o bWo od at.
RPM -• eaudati
I. 511 1860
n: thr une ar,l, leave regularly, and de
li fretrie• tenhout trangh,prgeut.
J r ISt OW l'uzsbureh,
J m e Ager.te
rnv I I IMV ;TRIM, Roelleetee)
. 1850
From Pa; ,h ro and Cleveland.
born,/, thr , rari porafrt. rnfre o Cobern
1...44, ',”rer/. Jr ,r[, arra ,
r eon. 1..,41, 7 , and Fran[!..
The contpletton of the Sa ntly and Veneer Canal
opcn. en in our ,ty through thts great natural LP/111111
1011. tt dtreet , 1 11..11.1111, ~ . ~, 1
the nhare well as
Derd, 1101.111/rn Wayhe, knos, and
Deir are re.
Pro. 2,, ` ^,,,u u o r Oh., thr truda arch l'itin burgh
s• t•e• n rrrat extent rut off. IA roocrqurnee 01
I. r:ttr t r A r , rortntlost, lvtlich ere r.ow re•
, 211 urd for f,^l
Itne.,..l:rsve datly, and run through
wto.out tran•lrrinent. 'lllodu fnn COMPanY
•h, ntt 11 1 ,11,1 in 11. e. unpreee•
lentrd tynn,nnd• f Ow , rhlrter. d thy. eccurrd
0 :hp n . iddl, pr..nn• n(01:10 10 the"' n o d , '
In thinAge°,
& CO., Gtro.gow.
C f 11 A. A Glll l .
sVottyg Kr;l , lr. ElLlnti, 1/ Crohle
t... 1 / 4 11 ,, , Ncal.z.t.o.,',
'lll, Ntr,:./. , 1111a./.1. A. Hoary. Alt
./ . / 1 / 4 ; 1 1 1 12,
, 1. 11...•.1 1 ,, , et •, 11 : 11 V thi;
Cll Ill• .21:1,' , K Uray W.-
:re p
1i ,, yrr , 1 , 1, dn. 51,¢1., 1 6
I.V111 . 11..11,• , . do. J u , !:10 , ortver,
J I Ilotfat 1., Comm.. , C tin
.1 Lt,3l 1,1 A Tnrrrr l
11. lel. A LI/ Al.-
I'l:\\ , l . l.VA\lA \AL I'"OVEN..
% . Ia Penney tvanln Road.
A No cw•Nott & Ca,,t9a .treat,
io 71.
~ ~' .
11,0 rrlas
lA'At A Mc,•Ll'H.• c".
West“,a WractsportaLlon Company.
/S 5( ).
0. 1.1,..k a Coq.) LIN K.
10 - 1 ,V 1 t 1:1.II 1•111:..‘1,1.110A
ON ',IL: 1 . 1 , :11',1 AND 01110 CANALS.
, /611.11111.
t htt• ,
11A( 1 .1'011.15.i
tb. num
T,t .
S5O. AaL
LA 1( IC $4121.G1 A3l I , n1t . 1114,1\ !V 1.11%
: • Itt•❑nrKlt Portable lion( Woe,
6. 7‘ ;irie• r a zil ' IS 3
. .
I' • tt A ittl ..; I . llt.tatrAtz
J., t'.l, I.- North At. Ita l' II Hurt
, ••••,t , • •t, :••-••• or!. , 1401-. AVlte•tivtr,ll:, tf.ttt,it.
LI. %we ret I•llt.lturgh amt. Itia•terneftly•.
ITC— onw FLI Or I, and kir Jirtett,,La Initll
A.'• l -•• 4 , n 1. 1,, lIINGIIA
1,..n nor I...arty i. 1 •E, Pot ,I .IIIC I I
161 \ I.IIA
No I-1. Nlnrkol w.Fen 701 5!h,1 .% 11,seri. AYI.
No 1-2, North Ilnwn1,1•1. thilumore
J A O. 1 1 1K(111A1I.
rOrln Nn In, W..•% New N'nrlr
p Far v.. Itornittarse• 001••.
HA\ itI , EN CO. comm. to term, 1 ,, r.0n.
c ny p.rt of Et!gland, 1 , 1. d Cteo tincol or
\Va!!!•, Me molt Liberal term, with then
emu! ponemmity attecnon In the Com
fort of CI - MUM rant. We do ant allnw our ...Tore, to
be robbed hl the •" ,,, Illog Prom. that Infevt the ea•
Ports, aL we taker .tree of them the moment their re
port thr1a...1,,, and •ee In them well I,mae, no de-
pp ,1,111 thous nay deteetten by the firLt arup•.—
'We nay thm we defy nee or our p.m.!
gers to .haw that they were detained 4N. 1!.,u-s by et to
Liverpool. whin, thoopamk of ntbers • •re demised
Inman.. anti: they could he mot in .o. ~d ^reit, at •
eh; p rate, whirl! ton frequently prow, ,he!, entlins.
rim. totrad to per 'orm our contract!. nonorably, co•I
!, may. awl hot net w. thr cam Ir. scapon,
with ether , dlMer.,--who either performed not all, or
whet!,:.need thmt ronrentenre.
Draft. drawn at rottbarKh for Rny env, tom El ha
paynhle at nny Mt, e moo, actal Bulks tn Ire
land, r../ land, Scol,and anti %Valor.
JOSIIII/. 110111S10N,
Fif E m p a. n n.
FlGee,n . I aA
L ,.,,,0H„_,
Itrently—,tard, Dopey, ao
. J pipet Holland ton,
curp, 1114%111/10rt
I 4,3 .... .s.
- •
-••1• .lAkrnl,
rr r..rrwr at••I Snlttfilml.l•l.
4.11 N I • lil.l'ry Are
.5„ . ~.. ,
gr. ”or I. Mr., It rind
,_ ~. ~u -~~.
il•.. .iiioat t•...tormort ogritt, prompt
) 1 0RM:if/I:E.
TA 'I ! I: k 11,11NN,.1t.
orto N Rum:
UN Obi. Mosley: for .ale I.y
✓. If. filliLL SI Wood arra, har reoive4
jeJlarrlng New Music:
Olt, .7 can you see by the truth's bay !um ; d e di_
coed to Rev. C C.ook. Ob, think not leis I love
thee. Blanche Alpen,l love th ee. When o th er frissids
around thee. The cot beneath the bills. Wert thou
but mire. Annar Laurie—Scotch ballad. The Robin
—words by Eh. Coot, music lay Step hen Thnu ban 'mounded the shim that loved thee. The
ilrave of Washington. The Irish Mother's Lamont.
iun Reston—Russel. Ile doeth all things well Widow hlsehree—Russell. The sous e .
of ins Low hacked car—Lover
!hem Wansre--compleie. The M•gle Bell. The
Itrid dnr Weddane Polka. Jenny Land's American
Polka. Lissy Poi ko. Soar. Atomic. Polka. Tap
roil American Polka. La Belle Baltimore. Polka.
Jenny Lind Polka. The Orlgina Bconath Polka—
Salutation Polka, Flirt Polka. Josephine
Polka Summit Polka. Rossingol Polka. The Pro
hi's, Quadrilles—hleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quadrilles
The Wrcuth and Daisy Waltsce--Mrs Ernest. The
Penis Iloy—vartatiors by Crerny. Monument.
Sounds from Home Wrecker'. Dunchter. quickstep.
laitalsvilie March and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick
arch Strut.
LOW constnntly reeeteine his
grin pen the fallowing, rt.
Veleeryile Carnets, e
Tspertry p
'an linusrels "
ertel 3 ply "
No f 5, Pot
111'CLISTO^4i ism
VV Sprfre, of
rrunnllnps, A r.,
• turn Super Royal 1
• EnellAh and AlllCtlf/
Katrn ,aperune
• 6uperGne
:z orr fire Ingrun CarxcLn,
Ftra fine
Eaten super polenlCherulle
Roped. do do Rum
Tufted s;
Common • "
Rm. Wilton
Common do •
Chenille Door Mute;
Sheep Skin
-4. 1 and rattan
Tap Ven Car.
-4. I and 1 T. U d Carp.
.4. 4, 1 and .1.4 p:uln Cur.
and Rag Carpets,
.4 Planted l'anton Carpets.
4.7-4, 54, 4-4, 4-4 and I
041 C.cpth.,
.1. 3-4.14... d 1 Matting.
inrh inocilt WI Cloth.
Eutru printed piano cover,
Etnnosaed Plano "
Printed woolen
Enilioaited Stand
Linen and wortaid "
Darna.k Star Linen;
Turkey Red Chiffon.;
Cho tre Borderin;
till Cloth 'Table
Cnve ll r l ' illencrumb e loth •
lerl.l r•rtair s Sour
Carpe n t 114i g .thz,v;
J ate and Coeii Mat.:
itiliciant tint nett-ton Mat.;
and 4-1 tereen 011 Cloth
IlluelicLaek Diaper:
Ciurrt Tlatadneaa.
Blue eu.d 1J Cloths;
Crimea , . 1 . 1t,1t.
C,rh (111 Lamas;
f , r 14tunga;
Mai II oßrod for %%Shad/
Ve.etlari 1111, J.:
Balding tor I , :aga;
7.4 1,0 4 i
'lldue Linen;
Hu. a•A;
Sccuel, lltuyfro,
lia - 1,1,1 Nnplt,a, Cloth Table
(slt. Cull'. from he mprt appro. , ' For.
IrliirOOLChllll/ Irmo 1.4 so 1.4 fret
ta rut :0 fit room., h•Ilo,
•1110 •rhn,
Tyr,O , orrirrOr.l hoysz.or smoor.rd thr.rt from oq•
:, V. sYrt bit &MI l'aprcry CA It .
•'ssi.rts. ths Is on:1 tosotrlrcaol
mottos. ur: osi
ptt , tr ttt:t•
w:I. ttenrl at ttt toss :boy Cam Le purchnsod,
nithr 1.4,11 e
II•votf thelorge•l hesonotent of the rteheet and
m LIR Uthetl•ltO. 1.7411:1t1AL THREE
l'tt't 4 , 1 Ithit HAIN t'ANYITS +bleb rectum
.r• ant rhetotheet
et pore. tarty starototerit ever
h - Otte htottett Lotto. ~t Y, Ile aim otettea etteemboat
hien et , 1.
r Mono., tutor. to largo .011 %veil
.or•ment of TRlNlNllNGo , ...otiother articles
ry .11 thrir Ra.'
•i • ,IJ4 .114 ~ •a agent for Ike only Stew Red
re tr. Prairtelphia. and Is prepared to act]
csn'tte purchased cisearttere in tras cay.
3 Ow tirtlo4• 1 b•w Voed• I I
Nne a,ui Nunn,' DI -w G. for 1S:J0
•••,...,......,,_•_, Het .II Dealer to Hnth,
• Elt•-• , !.13, on'' 4rtlett,son Dili tilottDS. u
-••,,, tietwolO Tt..1.1 50..1 rout tb. saKn of the
' ` • :1 s 1,.., 11..... I. Jost e...notelosed rectrtving
4: o t ..,..n,nr tO,s , of the mom nttl,..pteit,lld.
-•.. stor a• of !rails. and Sommer Dry
•t•r •n.r Cde We•oertt room') All of
Iv r fre opened. and rreelred
zro s•• stensorrs ffom France and Ens land, ma
.... L . lush 1.,r0r os. traroLed din-el [hum Red.,. all
o•a ararrsokrol the pure arurle; Mode
n. by lb!, and are all
to. .:cord. Also. Irish Linen Datnasa
Im , •rry l-el manometer, mod Irish
i...•.• of n kr.i.l4.lropr.rtrd dtrrel from Ikllasl
.o . rrider. and nrlll ne found the real Erin.go,
F:t Turkal/ colon, erplendld
• 7,1, talk sstilta, prre. , rlch goodsi
• /. / . /.1, / • / raw", lan3 imp. , rtanota. Fr.meh
•t.. t.., no. ”,porte.f, plud Flack
• Erroch mramer, new .tile plumed
• 1. 0 b•..1. L eer . • f o s r u t pe m rb m a o n g d
la l. J l, e ll t . .
p , +4.
Nan Ilare,• in mil rotors,
Silk F nog, ali
. • . v 4 r, French Luvrna, nevi
Nam black tofn lM
r at . tr. •I err, ban hatared oro
{-; • • r i.,. Prri eh awl t . ./.• , ..h
.• • ,r,••• .1,e1.41L1
:•• rzrb rganidereti
.., .trr. r, Swiss •nd
is.uro a•Lorgi
. ,
1r• - xe-. a, pr.res, prititra ng•rotyir.. hod
-to ••• r • itgr •r• 1; 11. trite Jr Lama, t1(111, artteig
,r g • ••••• n tnner atstt •upgr, Mork a
41= •: ) .e %1.. Mgt.. 11:1.1tatr.. , lb< van beat mt.
1,11, W. tterg
. .
erape {II freoll 'tom the Cut.
T,rt ,etri •e.en•lel gotklis, •II
• 'Ns% •. tre•tt
'al ort•uun white embrotdered
Ene•t Imports:lov,
, puinmer Cravats sod Scurfs In peat v
. • I,liolked Qapes, Cot pm. asad Cuff"
Oltair •
,'.; • i/ A 1 . 1. E GOOD
1 , •••i• mpactett atter t trent
I. • .te. pow trt P. 3 ( - etas per ) .re, Igoe) 144 retart per yard. IS.
c .••ormt.. ,kararaer Al..
rwredi. warm, land Kentucky /rant;
cotored, (rum a to 114 eent•
rrr. 0 • e Ho} I ztln , t• Prim, Lett
ftler Ru,•,a and Scoteb Desper,ritreme-
11.tta•rtreptite Gas of all kinds, very
c, 1. n 11.11111 Lash. Ova, GI to I2i cent. per
, •“'es a arv• at Cheek and Skintag
A.-0. ./11,ilt, all colors and quail.
•. .tow prt..e• 'attar, and yellow Elanaaq.,
o :
ltd •ad unt , leached full
a••,1117..nt 5 t Mer,:nmck
• s r•• . • 114,u11rd Table Diaper•,ll
r •Itr r.l •ele Il ale all prr und timalams,
Clll,lll, a tell o..ortmens,
. .
. riaps, fru= 1 . 04 to
,• rd A I +toe u(Cultart Table Diapers.
Mnr.rr , A ,ta.t a...comment, veri cheap.
. . . -
Thr httreet 1611.1 tot.itt •pleniti stock' of ramite4.
ei by tinythitire in rutobargh, a mie
.n a' the nearest Fretice stYtes,
et i , tii tint , . and hetiuty,i,litiot se/timed.
n ,ree tai these ParthAols, they will be
•i• 611,,,yrr•nou•e 1.11 the coy can al.
1.-re•nme qualsty of errode
The 1..+1c rr•pecutly ;nvits..l to crammo them
I`.. thr, •fflti. ladsome of Met 'wheel and
oe.r, e• rver =ported from Europe These
owtr nt attention at. 'eat..
A , UV' ablier good. 1.1 La sold oil at prate. tar
Lon, in the City; and in order to pro.
;be pnLite pt.., call and price there
rotor,. turn" with any or. , haute Ira the
a... e • oe ol the atodkve ns.ertton.
..coul here I.o> to his numerous Gus
i k 111 conercl,ll4.l: there are two
• ot msr set •trect, or, tending to
0 •;• ,nil: c tire 11.. cc, oth,cll is alone the only
r L.. t,onell Dry Goods retai.halsment in
Pitt• •urv, • ni,tr ouiLllere , ore say to ail
of Or, w
whole...dr or Tetras',
, -r on .Slas rircet, between Third
I I ur:1,..• ove“tog the haseeet., r,rhral, aLsol
~,•r. t or ~i r, o ne and ournmer Dry U00c.14
rver for •.1.1 . 111
I:I,NNE - te: iiikINNETS!
:Ns, 10111,50—The large:owed ninut fault ion
uh, ou..t nf tlo-ort• ever operie,l in il.i. city, IF lust
a ton leo of me Itor Ike Mut.. Markrt
4.• Area Tlool anti Fourth • venere Dry
ovei o!,eriptoot arc selling cheaper than
101; c Tbe pu hats Alen
moo oirre are two other hen hive store% on
~ tree.. num pretrial in rooloric with the Illg
1;,., ll.vr. 1'1,4 tool Fourth whsle
Ml.l (Jolt, at ail LIME, the largest and unwcol
st, Dry I,thtth, Ire•b opened.
1':•--e l .60 00,..•.•, that the •thre is hataween
Th.,tl I out,ls •treet, ~[ll of the HI" HIVE,
wh,,, 1,1, ol evrry deverlptton are selling
•4 any other house to tlte city
I Gonda.
•.f 114 Cloths. an to
t,• l,, rt. 1., Crap.- Lk 1A... he; with
I n , ,•orint ot 1.. , v0s sod other Dress Goods,
ht ts• nty me ...IN". lattoonable colors.
;.+e pram. RIO nod Java:
%Jr., t cs— I.g. innl.lo, dippH,•nd 'perm;
Fes Cream and English Drury;
• doz Ilrinp and Manilla,
ali rr
M Cnnloll and half Spanish;
11•1. , is ond /1.110 Fri. 01neterciand Salmon;
0 Vcaraorii
" 11.111. Cure;
1 , 1 an—lon kb, v I and Manilla;
I Inrr..ortg Mock and Copying;
011•..... N Orleans;
13 Fro l l•rls Sugar 'louse;
01 211 car:wars;
I.a asumrd;
Inu 11pitItti3.1.;
P-311 .rrs Rosin and Can Sieel;
t•LL•s— h N Orleans and Clnrified;
TLA i.a/.Lagr, Lrren and Ithaca;
TonArro• 12„S, & 1 a. 1,1a,i,
00 A• 11 1100111/1-30 dorpal , at Zak:
For clic by I U WILLIAMS & CO
not, Conn, of Fifth and Waal ma
rIERS . fl ! FURS rubscribera yells ray
r rot 1,311, 011110, Musk Rai, Gray and Red Fox,
and nil kinds of aluppnig Furs }. he eagto m
fcFvO, corner Fatli and Woad 1:13L.
SPRING SKI.ECI 11/N.—NVOI trceired, by ,first
nil .lopmeina, a now and choice assonrocot of
Wsll ca Popo, of OM 'wend hooch and KaatcheatYlca,
in fold, clomot•, oak, pinta and WO colors.
w. 1 . . bIAItORA.LL, Cate
SS Wood alrOct
ICo-pnrtnerthip heretofore emoting between S.
I B. 111”1,11eid tt,td Jonn McGill, under the Bun of
S. B. Buthbetd & Co , t. Una day divolved by :noun!
eourei Tbr bum,,e,,,, of the old tam will be wilted by
S II Burhbeld, at tlic old stand, N 0.220 Liberty street,
Pin..hunt h S B BUSIIFIELD,
Al orLb I, 164'11'
ronttnur the Whotennle a.d Retail Dry Good. and
1et.... , r7 Dustmen., et the old stmatl, No. VO
order me fllIll Of B. B. BUSIIFIELD t CO.
• •
Al arrl3 I. --(orrit
1 H AVE otqat
dm. day asaed;witl, me In the
J. so, Grocery. Commowton; and Forwarding bus
nse, my two Kona, IL. N. and W. 11, Waterman. Tit '
uaine.. ti 11110 re will be conducted under the style o
Waternann k Sums,. the old stand, No 11 W
tar and Lit Front Wool.. L„ a, yiATERMAN,
Ittoblulb, A)ittli ph /Ph -
Frogs the Vegetal. ;Kingdom, to repel Diem.,
Dr. Claynott'm Extract or Yellow Dock
and •ar•aparllla.
Coact consumption, scrofula, eryripelaa,
goal, liver complain., spinal affections, ulcer., .7-
drepny. ovvilinta, scurvey, ' affections of
the bladder and kidneys, mercurial diseases, cor
rupt humors, mak of blood io the head, fever suid
ague, female complarn., general debility, dyapep
111, lees of appetite, headache, colds, costiveness,
travel, night sweats, orgauie affections,
palpitation of the heart, biles, Nana In the side,
chest, back, &r.
It w iofsdlible in all' diseases arising from to
pare sure of Ike blood. or irregnlas action of We sys
In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All-wise Eking ha
deported plant. and herbs congenial toner tomato
lions, and adapted to he cure of &acme; and to th•
vegetable kingdom does the reason of man, es well •
the insurer of ant all, turn for antidoks to pain.
The Syrup is a smenufic compound of the most gal •
sable plants tonature, entirely free from deleterious
and enervating mineral mbstancestand a. it expel
diseme from the system, imparts rigor and strength°
An extraordinary ewe of Scrofula, Erysipelas and U
ems, cured; by the sole use of Dr. Kuprows Com'
pound epcop, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
Ilsoochrw Nov. 17, Cisc
Da. Grimm—Sir: 1 tender my sincere thanks for
the great niter. I have derived from the use of your
Valuable 4 top. I have been troubled very bud wit
• acrolulom sore, which made its appearance on
Ch I did not pay much attention to it at first, sap
posing it to be minim, bat an eruption that appear
far i It finally began to increme, until
spread to its .ark part of the heed. I applied to •
physician, who attended me all to no purpose. hod
tried every thing that could be tried. I saw your Syr
up of Yellow Dock end Sarsaparilla, and concluded
to use it, hit I knew that Yellow Dock vem one of the
most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I
boughbought your Syrup, and frora the use of one bottle, 1
see a (Teat change In my system. I co...tired
to melt anal I seas a welt man. ! s now feel like •
new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free
from all impurities. There is not • question but 11.
your newly discovered compound far superior t
kny sarsaparilla syrup ever sold.
Thus cerolleate a at your disposal to publish if you
Ilke, and any one you may refer to me I shall be hap.
py M gots them n amai n
y o u rinomation I coo about my
ease, tut. re o obedient servant,
Gaon. 0. Joniesom
11311 arket street.
The best female medicine known. The Extract te ,
Yellow Le - et and ei•rsapenlls. is a posittve, speedy,
and p2jetnan tiltcure fur all romplunts incident to
Its mild, altetative properties render It peculiarly
applicable to the slender and delicate consututton ot
the female. It is unrtvalled int came. upon nieh
diwases as incipient consumptton, Itarrenntes, Ica
corrliwat, or salutes, irregular nitwit..lon, inconn
Pence of urine, end general prostretten of the syatene.
It immediately counteracts that dostrewatig nervous
nos. , tied lawitutle wi common to the female frame,
and Impartsan energy sod buoyancy as suntnaing as
111 , 1 Y VC We Lave evtdence file Witch
endue es us stt , ngly to recommend floe medicine to
inserted people v•hu have nett been blessed with oft,
emit-aeon Liam, or Falling or the Womb, of 6v. ye•re' standing. cured by Or. fiuyaorta Extract of
Yelioric Dot, and Sarsaparilla, slier every other
known remedy bed been tried without relief.
Wasnimuir - Ili, Ohio, Feb., Ittie
Thie certifies that toy wire, aged 17 year., has
been suderine tourer the above enniplanit for five
years— nearly •Il of Mat time confined to her bed. I
have for four year. ronetantly employed the beat mei
teal talent t int could be prom red in this section of the
country, without any benefit whatever. I have also
purchased ',very instrument reeommended• for th•
cure of such disease% all of which proved worthies...
In the aping of lot , . I was induced by my friend.
io .try e
r. Guysnit's Yellow Dock •nd Sareapantla,
which we. used for font months. After elm bad used
to about four week.. it was evident to all that as.
was inyrovine, and front Mi. nine Ott improved rap
Idly, and gamed fish pod strength, until the disease
w•s en rely removed, and Met a now eNoYitie wont
excellen d t Lealth. WM. Mt iti FORT.
e benne neighhore of Wm. and Julia Monfort,
know ail, tree atiaplec statement, aa
to Me airtime. o
Mr. Nl , ,litort. and to cure being effected by
Goya.: s bellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. It. lie stricli7
Great Gar. or Cem•lemptlon.
Itaattl.rott, January 2.
Mr. Bennett—Dew Sir The great benefit winch
bare de rrretl from ow Extract of Yellow Doett see
Sartapamila. matters me, am au t. °Oust., to make
the totiorrtng Itstratent:
After wuantig for two year• from 6enenl debility
whiet, finally ternoit•ted to consurup.a,/ wail given
up by my friends and phy smiling; aa beyond We aid of
med.eine. As a I•at re.rt, Iwu induced to try
your Eatraet, and havlng load but two bottles, no-
rording to your directiona, I am entirely -well. I
would therefore, rarneatly reaommend your unequal.
Ird Compound to the articled wbo desire . powerful.
pleruant and Babe remedy. gratefully your friend,
Not, iennolv vnielts pot op is bar., alma, trytlea
ro,trut.lag a qua o tLe mune 01 :be .yrop blown
la Lac 0:0”, wlth the 'a. ',bal.., of lien.
nett ia out.tae wrappe rm r. Pone el per bottle, on
•Ls bot:lea tor efo
It is soid li• J. n ri.ra, corner of Fourth and Wal•
riot attcots, Cd.etituati, Ohio. Goderal Avid for the
Ouudt said West, to whom WI aruers mast be address .
Carter l Urn W P. /tuition b. Co., Water
ford, 01. t Crosonsvillet Abel Tv
51t,ittroar, Hiram MI3. Towanda, Itoliert Hoy, Wells-
Logo. RoJenrk, C•ilensidirt, L. Wile...l,PM.
Loren, of Martel street and the Lhatuend.
ritriats.. FA ;, ‘lll.l' AIEDW lAES-- - thory are the
o! the
Ohio, May 15. 100.
It I.: ecilers-1 WT. t o n do , for the heliefit of Dawn,
to cad. -dole (act. to rolatiou to your excellent }'a
I Love used your,Verrnilage largely In my earn
fermi, one • irmmently expelling large quantities
Ivay II to thlal worn., tram two children. I have
alao used your Liver Pills and Coogh Syron., my
totland they i ave, in every instance, produced
Ms egret. deinrrd.
A. I am enam,ed In merehanthemr, I am able to
,thtc thnt
it tthve yet In hoar of the hrst ftslure whe•e
suur so,thrier• 4avr v•ed at,y •<ction of thr
r• to- Ethel c drattord to hove a very
extra•tvo rr•pectfully,
• W 11 PINNEI.4
Preplan,' and srola by R. K BELLEW?, N 075 Wood
turret. and sold by Drugguts generaliy in the two
eine.. sod stcinny. joy
`t .t. t.ll, I`7o - 11 - 1.1 Eliteltrk.,—“Ther art, w
bledtcanes oc the day..
I:unAre's S.rvrtort, Ohlo,rtlrry P:,1849.
I R. F. Seller.. I thlnt :1 richt for the tenefit of °then
to .tale some fae, to relation to yr or excellent Fami
ly Med,r,ces.
I have us:d v. Vermitoge lavamy to my own tem•
ity. one ets• fre,dently aneererma for espcllingt .go
quurtetty Ito Ann worm, from two chtldree I
have elm aged your Lever Pills and Cough Syrup in
my fanstly, sod they have In every instance produced
the elite:desired
As I am sneteed in nyeeetandleing, I ant able to
state that I liave yet to hear of the bent (suture where
your medic ne• have been used in ruy mection of the
country Ito caneb.l4oll, may state that they are the
mediesne• el the day. and we destined .0 have a very
GJICII•Ivr papulartly Yours, res •et.ttel , y,
Y . .. 11. Pusa..
Prepared and sold by R. h I HB,No 57 Wood
street. and sold by Drugg“ senerally in the two ci
te. and vicinity. 10,31
Fkr:AT 11 116 OF LI VIOI COM PLAIIsIV, by ho
original, only tree. and geneine Liver Pill.
r.toscr t.;sets, tihio comity, Va.
March 'lllth, Init..
Mr. R F. Sellers! Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you end ile gcliera ly, to state that I have
been athicted with the Liver Complaint far a long
time, and se badly that an /thee.. formed and broke,
which :en tll , in a •rry in+ state. Haynie beard ol
your re:el , r•ted Liver lids being for sale by A R
',burp, in West Liberty, and recommended to roe by
my physician, Dr E. Staab, I concluded to give them
a fair tinsl. I purchased one box, •nd friend them to
just wear they are recommended, TBE BEST LI
VER I'ILL EVER USED - , end after takihg four boles
I hut tee &viva has entirety left me, and I am now
perm..? well. Respectfully yours,
West Liberty, March 00,1c49.
I eemly that I am pernonally acyumnred emit Mr
solaer . anti can hear terttmony to the math al the
u. ve ;macaw. AR SHARP
i,uttlr Liver PRI. are prepared and sold by
R E 1.1. F Rh, No b 7 Wood atreet, and by drogglita
rIIE ortatnal,,,nly true and gun
cony Ltuer are R -Hier., alai have
••• namo atampud in I , lnok wax
upon the of each
011, hts stanoutc on the ematan wrapper—all
then ore countarreas, or lour tmauttona.
, Jam reed, an tnvrace of fall jewelled paten Ile.
Watch,,, L I caret. fine rase., wluch I ens,enl .
low a.t tinily and tinny E•e doh., and warranted to
keep 1, , 0d nree.
Ako--A splendid ...Intent of JEWELRY, eon,
prtiong Ih 'a nn. and late. styles, and beat patterns
W WI LttIJN, end Jeweler,
SUIISCHIBEAS .cli Aluspratt's Demt
qualtly and its❑ test Class sod I , oarl Makers'
,unin A•h. warranted supertor to any other brand r t
31 by tire quantity of 5 tons or onward.. for rurrrnry or
apt - nov.l Noma, at four month, or:11 for a lens qa.-
is 6 _ Liberty street.
- TAILORS' 00005, AT COST.
& Cu, haying arranged to
la •
core ttirir enure attention to the sale of demotic
Do, nrld Cotton Goods, now offer their large
stock of Tolors"rniornings, Velitings, French and
German Cloths, Doeskins, wassiroerca, &e. at brat cost.
jel It9Waxl kt
• lA.:ACHING POWDER—. 9 casks gas hl neaten &
• nn.' brand, a Rape run article, for sale by
'75 ' II . I ' c K :i it; 'l ricolgc. " ;7ar - ri ve ' d pAe'rhs' and
ti Rjr:l7e . ,
and uow coining on by cane:, for role 'by
N. 11.—They will reeetya, during Wwinter, large
jiTrT reed, an e.rgant pivu Rofterrood a pet. Piano'
from the eulet.osted munotamory of Nutty,. &
Churls, N. V., of superior tram, nod verr t malr i =ree.
For tale by
deli+ at J. W. Woodorells.
for removing Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, and all
substance. destructive to the Teeth. It is delicieu. to
the tame, cleansing the mouth, healing and strengthen
the the rum., end punfying the breath.
Ear sale, vstolesale and retail, by
dc7o R E SELLERS, 57 Wood st
OURFLOUR-1P brie ea arible for starch or eirini,
or PR it. 1., beryl lIEGILLS & ROE
I A R., uiy,.zen bris receiving .cri., vat by
POT AS IT— So e.k • nit svilolovv tu close ...len
inent, by fill) JAMES DALZEIA.,
I IITRIC ACIO - -ibi Ilia just received for sale by -
1..../ 10 1 KIDD& CO
i ill EEztE-63 bee nrime, reedyer Bidwell , Line,
•_-/.._ ( ""r *M. by 0e2 6 1 JAMES DO 1.2 ELL
JEWE BRICK-10,0W in !Wire .eafor sale by
UACt ' 0 OULDERS--20 casks for sate by
13 ie'hl A & W lIARBAUGII
eLOUH-73 - bila il. - P - flour;
50 brls extra do, reed on conrocninent,
and for sale by tjc2ol A & W lIA RUA 1 , 011
lAllo-5 , 1 kegs NoTrea - for •aie by
Wl.l , liiiiLAAtc- V. 4 Las .sorte4 mall lost
received .d for sato by
CilitGra-ClikhOs-N 0. &gar, a prithe - article,in
kJ store .4 for male by
)cas ..3. & W. HARBAUGIL
24.. c., , ,, L .5 . ,," ts 4 , aides and fogly r to4 , lz.d
*s• vti liOnivr tl
%ME Partnership heretofore existing twtween the
submibers, under toe firma of litarintilJte, Wilson
& Co., was Wit day dissolved by inutogi
The bonne. of the firm will be settled by J. W. Dor
bndne, or Win, Wilson, Jr., either of whom is author
wed to uee the name tithe brat in liquidation.
Pittsburgh, July I. leso.—iy.
TAB.W. Burbndge & Beni. F. Inghrant have this
V day associated themselves under the firrils of Bar-'
bridge & Inglirant, to transact a WhoVasle Grocery
and General Commission Business, in the house lately
occuttled by Burtindgc, Wilson &C 5,116 Wster at.
Pittsburgh, July I, 19:41.—iy4
subscribers nave thla day formed a co-partner
ship undo the firm of W 3 P Wilson, for the par
men of transacung the Wholesale Grocery and Cum.
polesion Business, at No 20 Wood street
Pittsburgh. I, I B j o- IY4 FRANK. WILSON
Malodor/it Plano with two oletta of Rawls
JUG received at the sign of 'the Golden Harp, one
superio 5 octave Netodeon Piano with two sour
of Heed.. the latest Improvement. ' Toe above is
ptobnbly the finest toned instrument ever
sale here, with a Muhl: finothed end elegant extertor,
for pale by KLEBER
plUfaLl'ili vfine d t/ 0 00lt fo aper I j a u x;JA , t
50 do. do do 2 , 42'
do Dews printing, VGI7.
]oh do do do riot
GU do do do jai?
d o do do :Nan
20 o Blue Envelope,t2Ozvd,
OU do Yellow do 00125
PO do hlanill• do tlOlds,
WO do assorted ',lmplores
pers. In stare, roe sale by JOAN MELLOR
teal PI Wood st
TIECIDEDLY the cheapest and best place to DIM
LY burgh to buy Tea Is of the Tea Markel, east woe
of the Diamond. They sell
Excellent Tea at •——5 O per lb
Superior Qua lices•—• 75
The very Lest•— 1 110
Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas are not kept
at this establishment, therefore, whether you go your
self or send a child, you are sure to obtain a goo.
article, and If the flavor of the Tea Is rot,approved.
they readily exchange it or return the money.
IYI , MORRIS & HAWORTH, Proprietors.
eNDRIES—IOI=2iaCr eamLheze;S ur.3si.m
Di brl.
do do;
6 boa. do do;
10 too Palermo.,
05 Lon Mould Candles;
Oil no. No 1 stareii i •
in doe patent Zinc Washhdords;
05 hi throbs Paper.. Greed Tel.!
40 caddy bits do do,
10 01 chef. superior Black Teas;
5 tea Duffield , cobra ninny
Pin aale 1 It W11,L1A1412 A. CO
11 10 Coe Wood at. Filth ns
(111070LJ.-1 - Li. - 2es No. 1 Fresh Chocolate
tun received, and for •010 by
Johnson—A menran Fernier 2 Encytlopaidia, boo
Emerson—Trees and Shrubs, into
Brown—Trees of Astern, ' ciro
Thointics—Anter eon Fruit Cultarit i lZno
lloy—A Guide 1. Or Orchard, 12mo
Bow—Family Kitchen Gardener, Irmo
Aliner—The American Bre Keeper, 12mo
Broarn—The American Poultry Yard. liboo
Marshall—The Farmer and Emigrant's Hood Book
Allen—The Montt:an Foam Book, 12mo
Bowing—Fri/0 .nd Prnil Trees of America, 12mo
mol.l.—Tbe Horse. boo
Bennet—The Poultry Yard PAno
For sale by JAltlEt4 D LOtKWOOD
je 7 104 Foonh
Atm•rlean Jourskal of Sel•ne• sad Arts.
OONDUCTED by Prof B. Elliman,Pref. B. Stilt
mon. Jr . and J•mea B. MAIL, New Haven, Con
rat. This Journal is issued every two months,
in numbers of 15s pages each, making two octavo
volumes • year, each wto many illustrations. It is
devoted to oriental articles on Science and the Art.,
Condensed Review. or Abstracts of blernoirs and
Discoveries from Foriegn Periodicals, Nonce of New
Publications, mid a General Bulletin of recent Scien
tific Worm. The first rene• contact 50 volumes,the
last of which u a general Index to the 49 volumes
preceding. Subscripuon, /95 a year, in advance.
1 D LOCKWOOD, Ag't far Proprietors,
IBS Fourth .t
Good Dooka (or Bummer Hoodlag.
Drown —Turkish Evening Eniertammenm, itmo.
Taylor—Eldorado, V soli, 1•Jmo
Colman—European Life and Manners, 2 vols,l2mo
Dickens-00mq and Son, 2 vole, 121020.
kay—copular Delusions. 2 vols, 12020.
Marvel—Fresh lileanings, 12mo.
C. U. H —Norman Leslie, 12mo.
Slial.—Enslish Literature, l'brio.
Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols.
!tinge—Ka Deal, 12mo
Tag lnr—Views Afoot. 12mo.
Humboldt —Cosmos, 2 sole, 12,00.
For rale by JAN D LOCKWOOD
je2fl 101 Fourth at
Doeka—tieneral Literature.
tirrlumery its Use and Manufacture. Lama
Stalin— Hint...opt, or Nature. 12mo
t'hdow—Aphori•ma and , Reacriuma. limo.
Shaw—English Liternid re. liMro.
Davis—Lrgradre. 12mo.
Bryant—What 1 saw in California.
Si. Pierre—Paul and Virginia. I vols. nob.
Alcoa—Lenses to Young men. 12mo.
Durnap—Rerutade of Ham. Nature. 1.2m0.
Vericour—alcderti French Literature.
Newnham—lluman Magnettitm.
Hisnisholdt—A.aprets of Nature.
Droderip—Zoological Recreations.
_ley 104 Foarlb
Foater'a 111•ar
ri WINE to Run all Night; Dolly Day;
Dolor' Joors; Go down to de Cotton Field;
Nally was a Lad), to.
Re Kind more Loved Ones at Home; •
Row thy boat lightly; True Love, by T. 110.1;
Our way acroa. the sea, deem;
A new medley rang, by B. Covert;
Jenny Gray, musts by Muller,
Joys that were crowning, Wedding March;
blems the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waltz;
S onse opt's Impar tore,
Wa by W. C. Clover;
ounds mom Home, ltz, Stcymmarktsehe CO;
Last Rose of :Yammer, clay variation. by Her.
Coned State. Polka; Ladies' &invents Polka;
Corn Cracker Oundnile; Locitswile Quadnlle;
Lteanues of Italy; Mena, Tnoa, de.
A large assortment of New Mune on band. to which
addiuons are made weekly. For sale by
feti= ; J. H. MELLOR. 8; Wood st.
Cheap Ntaad rd Dilatory.
fishing '' l llR Y`S'suL t:D 77 ptE,.7,r brtis,,n.c.ha
topear. al to cern, per vol. Three arils received, and
role try ft lIDPKINS,
apl7 79 Apollo thuldin,a, Fourth at
REDHURNI His Fust Voyage, by Herman ?Saliva]
author of'-Tyree. , "Oinoo," Ae
Illstory of King Alfred Cl England, by Jagob Abbot
watt Sue engravings.
the Soreereatu by Wm. Mainhold.
novgl comer Third and Market stream.
•Ow of the Atari Rersarkoitin Work.. of the Age."
N i.:i f EV v E l l 4 l , A nn an r aLe
tan, rdie
ant th e ' Yesitis, or Devil-Wotshippersi and vn
nittury into the Nbutnent .d Ans of the Ancient As
srians. Ily Austen
envy Lay.rd, Fs.q., D. G. L.
With Intraloctory No by Prof. F e Robinson, D. D.
LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, and 90
wood cu. 1 viola deo cloth, 54,5 n.
"The book has a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pies
turearna nurrauve "—Tribune.
"The work of layard is the most prominent ennui
bunnn to the Laudy of antiquity, that has appeared for
muy years."—Chnth Iraq
Net one excels in interest the aceoant of Nineveh
and Its Roma, given by Mr. Layard."—Wasiongton
"As we follow the diggers with breathless interest
to the excavations, sna suddenly bed ourselves be.
for • massive figure carved with minute aneartmy,
now lifting its
is head from the dust of 3000
years, one are ready is cry out with then stonished
Arabs, `Wallah, it Ls wonderful, but n trner" , —ln.
de g z e
n r ‘. by
novld Al Wood st
rTM`: - M.:MI
Tlti , i, ‘ , % d 'OMEN of file add sod New Teatemen
by H. eprague, 1). D. 1 vol. Imp. bee
elegantly bound; 18 exquisitely finished myrnsing
with descriptions by celebrated American Clergyme
111 - AMELIA., (!dirs. We!by, of no
and enlarged edition; Illustrated by enaraving• fro ,
original designs by Wier. 1 vnl i square yen elegan
ly Wand and gilt. Also—A variety of splendsd Aan •
.1. and CO Hooks.
Etessiellt Child's First Book.of the History of Rom
1 vol. frrno.
of Carpenters, Stupwrighita, IVlteelwrightt, Saw
era, Lumbermen. Students" end Artisans generally
being a thorough and ' , thence' Treatise on Measure
Lion mid the Sliding Rule. By D Al. Kuper, A. M.
Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Cotupostaou.
tllientlortPs Klemenlary Froch (Jranunar. By Pr.
Greern of Brown Unorrreity. I vol. Ibmo.
. .
Homliser4 Geseni.' licbrVw (h...., by Cou
GeAenir..' licbrew Le.con.
Locnnie Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables.
I. (sheep.)
The Kunkel:lnnen'. Greek Concordance. I vol. Gnu
. .
Wetster's Lteumtary, revised ed. 1 vol. Eva.
do do unallodged. I vol Ito.
Hanle'. Notes and Questions on New Testament
IVhettely's Lope. . .
losheun's Ecclesiastical Ilistory. 3 vols. and 9
ols. tsheep,)
Vestiges of Creation. I vol. 19rso.
Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. I vol. (cloth
.d paper.)
Scenes where the Tempter has Viumphed. 1 vol.
(elan and paper.)
Do's Theological Lecture. 1 vol. 800. (cloth.)
Alder's Pronouncing Haile.
Boyer's French Inetionary.
Smart's IlOrace. For sole by R HOPKINS,
novt3 Apollo Budding., Fourth It
The Olden l'lnsw.
TAAI D. D. LlteliWOoD, Bookseller and Imparter,
No. 63 Wood street, has for sale. few copies coot)
pleW, (the remainder of the edition.) of this vatualne
work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, and
other authentic Information relating to 'the early to.
plorations, settlement and Improvement of the country
Fthe head of 11,0 Ohio. By Neville 11. Craig,
Esq., of Pnlsburgh, l n 9 vole Sao.
novlo 1. D LOCKWOOD •
I)OSIA.N . DERTY: A ilistory, onto a view or 04
lA, Liberty of other Ancient Nation. By Samuel
Elliott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve engravlnga, ege.
anted at Rome 2 vole., tivo., umform with PrescOß's
Ilimorical Worts.
Just publtshed and for sale by
JAMES D. LOCKWIK/D, Bookseller and
novl. Importer, .l Woild st
jiANNYKFKIBLIciff ITALY; anirionsed
lamo. 7301.. AIRE. FANNY KOHL...EIi YEAR
The reading of this book boa Impressed n with It
Mach higher opinion of its author than we bad formed
from perusing her other writings. It dispnys a deeper
lone of thought, united lemon pore womanly unroof
feeling than any other production of the female mind
wish which we are acqusinte.n—Eve. Mirror.
“It is • •ery agreeable and readable hook, wrioealn
Fanny Kemble's best sole-401d, spirited and
taming. We recommend 11 to oar readers a. the best
publication of the ...min "—Reading Dal.
"It contains the Journal of SL trawl through Enttipe,
and residence in Italy; and is one of the pleasantest
and most InteresUng of Ihe sermo."--Cout. and
-.. •
"A. very clutractarlatie book. We have read it from
title page to Colophon with unabated interest A vi
ble." picture or . life in Roma. Kalekerbocker. In all [impacts emmently
nools Ikakooller fr, Importer, 63 Wrooi st
gmall Plaid Wagtiam•
ch°,o° eoloq isglalag tome of • yen : opener
quality; also, golun Ciugoiey Wilkuzer 0.6/0
• • .
BILL"t on Ihtgtend. Irelsmd, and Seortand bought
any amount at the Current Knee of &Leh:mtgs.
Also, Drafts payable into, part of the Ohl Coantrter,
from •.f../ to lACm, at the to of If 3 to the E titer(tog,
without deduction or thscount, by JOSHUA /LUBIN.
SON, European and General Agent, ofhea 311.. one
door west of vread, °cant
ablia xiterelAj_ troyeato ea 11111
DANE:ER.9 AND FACIIANGF. 11Fttthb:DS, dea!ere
JUhi in Forelgo and Doutr,tie ROI. of E1C.1,. Cer
tificates of Ihpoette, I.lal, Notre sad Coin, rorn. of
3d and Wood Urea., At:belly oppoute Rt. Char!esl
Utociaus ..
ans t
Book Noun,
►aobued it tbi loweit raise, by
otpl3 S blarket sweet
i tiLia ri b w i ri . FI CIIIMSOID:-Stght Cheeks
ithiladelptria b md m
Capstansly for We by H. If 0L.M . 6 k SONS.
bryl3 35 M
RECTIPVINti DISTILLERza. and Tea and Wine
Merchants, Past slde of the D.M1)01%.1. Pittsburgh,
•ro now offering at the ye ry lowert priers fan cash,
Reelrfied and Donlesne I.lrandy; also,
French Brandy, H 01141313 4... Janis te• Sp.rns, Lon
don um, Iradi turkry. !tam. hr. Por, : , hem, Ma •
deice, Champagne, Claret, Maw sten. Malaga, Tene
milli. and Li•lron Wines Wholesale & Retol. int 3
RIMING PAPER—AIway• on hand or made to
order, the , earlooe Files . of Pruning Pap-r, Rag
Wt•PPing Pape , ; Cr..arn, Medrum. alkd i/OL11,1! Crown
tea Wrapptne Pop,. Crown,, and
Doable C/01•11 POSI "dice raper; l'axteboard,,kr. An.
P NIAR: 4 IIALL. I Wood at,
Agent (or Clinton hl ills.
JO WATT & CO. have remo•ed their nook of
Grocerieslo the opposite side of Liberty at.
WOhIAN.IN AMERICA— II er work •ini Mir ra
ward. By Maria 1 Mclntosh, author of "Charms
Counterebarma," "To room and to be." I viol Limn.
'Loner Day Pamphlets, No Ir—Tha present tune.
By Thomas (larlyalo
—hlctobirs of Lilo and Wruinga of Th. s
Chaim It., la L. D PretrOlloll. Ott Bunei's
Ah2l o gYi Fakirs Ettidences of Chrtgriontry .nit lin la
Lecture on Itivinityr with two Introductory Letitarris
,rd four Addresses delivered in the New Cottage,
Edinburgh, by Thom. Chalmers, D. 1.), L. L. D.
I,pol 1 Own.
.Cocoon—Life of John Calvin, compiled from marten
demoniac. and parucularly front hos correapondence.
Up Thorn., li Dyer, with portrait I vol 12mo.
For sale by H. HOPKINS,
ispl7 ia Apollo Banditti,. Fourth at.
Combat Combs,
2 0
„ ? . R0 : ? . ...u ., 7 , 1 . 1 1 . , 01ka n ; Ili do du very nom
" caper Englitfliont Redding;
6 Pocket Combs,
500 " ood
1000 doa nas'd Fine Ivory;
1.01 " gthell aide Combs;
10 " gaper large BM/OM;
Otto grosi am'd Side Combo; reed and for sale by
letis C YEAGER, ItO Mark,. at
Buff ,
llolloindl Buff nollandl
AKE NOTICE—That W. McClintock has this day
received *corral en,* of the omat end best Hrt
Lidos. llolland, to which he would moat respectfully
call the attention of Ms cwitomers and the public nu
. - •
I,7"Carpot 'Ware Room, 75 Founts FL lank
A FEW very Ene'VEITAFEL 100 reed from the
A. celebrated m.alactory of C. F. Mar., and for
On . by Jane J II MELLOR. PI Wood at.
TIIE Complete Works of John Runyan; 2 vole, gvo,
in I vol, Illostramtl; muslin gilt sod gat edge.
hlnchelPs Ribkcal sod Sabbath School Georraphy;
To work;.) vol,
Tn'. Angly.. and Speller.
Life of John Q. Adams; by Wm. IS. Seward; 1 vol,
lttmo; muelln
Poems by hiss. llcmanst 1 vol, I . hno; muslin; gilt.
South's tgennona—ctermon•ached upon several
pecas ens, hy. Rtobert Sou, I)pre. IL.; • new edtuon, •
soh.; tricludlng Posthumous th Discourses.
Stuns-4 vol. 10 2; sheep, eatra; Soo.
For ssde by R. 110PKINS,
ebti Apollo Duilthmys,Fourth at.
'THE undersigned, ...censors to Arthur. k Nichol
!' son, beg leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh
std public generally, that they hate rebuilt the EA
FOUNDRY and are now in full OPereben• and
have part op their patterns ready fur the marl:et:—
Amongst tvl,ich are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, watt k splendid nir- tight Coal Stove, Witten is
now supercedlng in other eines the con i moi, r o und
Move. Al., cheap coal Conking Stove, well litia
ted for small fannlier, with o full ssaortmerit of emo
te. wd mantel Grates We would parigularly in.
vite the attention of person. building to call at our
arehotise before purchasing, and examine a splendid
article of wan:melted Grates, fiolaticd In fine style--
Mill rely new in this market-
Warehouse, No. lei Liberty It, o
ga pposite Wood at,
augultl ritetiot.suN a. PAYNE
YEAGUIL Importer and Wholesale Dealer In
Sign of the Gilt Comb, WI Market st- Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wessern Merchants ' Pedlars, and others visiting
Pittsburgh le porehweGoods, ore respectfully in , . ited
to call and egumine the extensive aa , ortinent of Eng
lish, Ante.rienn. French and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Goods of tins eitablisliment we impo-t
-ed direct by myself, .111 purchaser, only rely nu get
ting good. fano first hands. I hage the lament a4nort
wont of Imitates,' in the variety line, in thecity of
Pittsburgh—OD of which will be sold low fur cosh or
city acceptances. The Stock consists, in part, of
Lace Goode, Hosiery, Gloves, Ritthotio
- -
lk Cravats, Shoo and Patent Threads,Pewoog P. ilk
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nee
dies and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kmds of
ku.bel, Comb• and Razors.
Perentston"Caps, Revolvers. Pistol, Clocks, Silk le
Cotton Purses, Sp,tuelcs,,Steel Pen., Music Boxes,
Carpet bags and Baskets.
Bindings, rtadlogn and Trimmings.
Toys and Fancy Goals, together site a large •nna
ty of Fancy 'and Btsple URN' cioope.
C. YE:AI:BR is also agent for the celebrated L..
easter Ceram.novl7
Urea&'Yatllah Remoay.
F OR Coo l {t Cold., Asthma utd till 7. Te r etT of Ti. tre
Wove discoid', is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Botha, or
London, England, and kntroducod into tlio United State.
ender the inutinhate supenntendence of the inventor.
The estraohilmery success of this medicine. in thi
dire of Pulmonary diseases, warrants Ike Ainerizan
Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ea
ses Masc.. tie found in the community—calms that Seek
relief in yam from say of the common remedie. of toe
day, and have been given up by the most distinguished
physictens as confirmed nod incurable. The Hued:m
an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the most desperate
of eases It no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng
lish medicine, of known and mtablished efficacy.
Every family to the United States should be supplied
with Booboo`, Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
Ea.the consumptive tendencies of the climate,
di. to be need as a preventive medicine to all coach of
eoughs, opining of blood, pun In the side and
chest. irritodan 'and soreness of the lungs,.brochtus,
difficulty of Wetting, hectic fever, night sweats, erne.-
linen and general dcbtlny, s.thma, 1114.111 M, wnoopmg
sough and croup.
Sold in large bottle., at SI per bottle, whit fall dire..
dons for the restoration of health.
. .
Pamptileta,•outamina • mass of English and Amen,
ean certificate*, and other emdene,shouting Ul/-
equalled merit. of this areat Enel,.l, Remedy, may 14
obtained of the Age., monloarly.
Foe sule by II A FAIINILSTLAIK Co., corner er
lit and Wund and Wood and Mt, so
Nuruirra, Is!
Mr. 11. R. De Ju.c , to Y.. and Your mem.-
parable Cough r 3 nap, I beg leave to state, for the...n
ein of the community, that my wife has been several
times afflicted with a most disarming cough. i poi.
chaaed, it January lost, a bottle of your Cy rap,
cured a copgh of two months' standing. Stoat on*
month since;tho cough returned, and ars. so severe.
that she could hardly move from weaknem to the
bream; I 'etit for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and
a part or one bottle cured the cough I gave this otacr
l 0 journeylirren In woe setervly stateted,
who trod,
to ÜBE his own word., ten enough cough cuy in
cure all the" people to Pittsburgh," .1 the candy hail
been as gooil presented.
four, respectfully, Acre. It. Kam,-
Prepared stud sold by R. E. SKI.I.F:RS,Z, Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally.,n the two
AND cAumer WA AtER.O.SI.
J. A. BRoWN *Paid respect.
Ily infornt the publtc, that he
Irecps on hand at his stand on the
west stdo of the Duitsiond, Alle
gheny nit . , a complete R• 601,
Ventunn Uhndrl alga he.
I n Shutters are made to or•
ti%ra t nuto h e. , 7, , n, ,, a , un;u7=l.. ,.
Ills Blinds can be removed with.
out the aid of a screw dri•cr.
Having pnrchaionl t h
tools, and wood of the cabinet ea•
tatilisliment of Hainsuy
land, I am prepared to furnish
their old custiinis. IA well
the pantie ailnree. with every thing in their line., o a Wood street, Patsburgh.
mcb26 J. A. BROWN.
CTorad BlAreanies
Mt:Rril • er BURCHFIELD have received an us.
sortme I o' the vane.. colors, •nd of nnw and
beauttfal petters., also, White Counterpanes of vs.
hour prtmesi
Shlrteng . ntialley•.
of the.... gdo . p.. lircal care Is tnlten o.
very Lert ragkei coil they 1.11; II large q•utatatat,
(tom Om deny. col ;the mat.uladwrery, ,cy euzi i.o
no'd . the! very lavOcri prores • aus.
1)0 I'll D maks reed and fen stir
nub: U h lIA K 11.11,011
ALL, YA M. M A 1t.,.. A 1.t. - 3. utit
ly receiving, fmni tbe larg, snoweien,
New York and Plitladrlpliss, ai.d os a so
iso new / rear
Agencies, the newest no,. approved isles of i'a
per hangings, togetherith Borders, Mire 11-at]
t., and Tester Tnps. For solo at NO Wood st ,
tweet: Fossil street and Dilloolld y,
to B. C. iv. I
MURPHY:it. FIURC/IFIF:1.0 den ,rtely In above
ankle, and ato prepped a superior
article. w,axsarrin ALL ILn 3r, and J :Ow prh!t.
K.V. fine bosom
P•akage• Iltor•.
ONE Dag, matted Gala Woad. thoshorgh.
Out Band!, marked cp.,. D., hat,
burgh. Thenwners will please ma Lad pay the
charges, and take them many.
July g al; I , so.—jrzl WAL G
i7t7ii I ii=5TD - iii• 1 I I`A GU Rh:Gra:Lit
Y V bare Mill an hand • leo, pen 0 uhu rga aright
width for Wool Back., which they et Maw oat
• Ter City Bl•rultarste.
to,Oeo A nipetuir ~.ell rase los blasting;
*AO kegs Ilasutd`s Blasting Powder:
I,ruo tegn do to Bide Powder.
The extensive Late and e
R epread reputatiOn
the above powder, is thv te s t o•rantee or its rood
SlonlitY• Leavy your orders, the,' wi4t ceevixe prompt
ate bon, by J 1.111,5V1 titTll
/1 3, al Wood a;
laseorn Lawns at 121 e•tatm.
MURrIIY & BURCHFIELD ail+ selhnfr n eat
•rucle of Brown Dm. Lawn. tat In., price
of lato per yard; aim. a great varietyanir of
Inat at 10a Ibis, sad hid
.pb o tom
o .o*ttile 0 4s le , botiglibutorndribli Pe'