4.as Qt.,- ABTIMN ADVI ItT 11:10811LLII1AN ZINC: IriljinVierle hlontagne Company autio. lythmrorents 11 h Roofing and Flooring in 'heelsl .f e , .. ,2 ".Lnium Per Notre foot. Co •.. le ...re.. B 2 ' t • Poffur r cd &path Lihmultlngl4 x4ll nunres i liWgr i i , ke il . "; bur. Molds ° , ' Fcrforate d They warrant their metal po.•end tr.- !rem^ny admixture of Iron, or any o th er gut.vt,nce, end e.olll.mi ft for the marutf:etare of Roil arl..eLe• n the heave furnishing lute, a. it does not net, I. nn: affected by the action of water, and may t e poliskro. painted, and Japarteed. ,_,fthtPlea, models, plan., siverifte Minna, and other Lielerenatton may be had of their agents:— ArCIAL kFiraostra, New York: An1.0:1, ROLLIN. d. CO Lltalon, r" . ...0 ?comas& Co., Philadelphia: W. A. 11. Ale KIK. Banin.orej 5 w.,& AVMS, New Wean.; F. MILLIROUX. ReetJent Agent, Liege, Nay 1. 11 Hanover et., New York. moriffedato SLIO/S FINDINGS AND LICATIIKIL. Edward A. Othutrey, 16 South Calvert at., new . Balt morn or., Beelrimoro. awn. F. Godfrey & row , . TIWPORTFR oftthoe Finotr mend Dealer in Leather, 1. away:ens kind,: Englieland Fretteh Rot • Freneh Calf Skin., relent Leather, Morocco, 'ed. bite, one pint f0n...11.1n0, or. Loeline , Ervnf odo , SILK CiALIAIONS'ANM Rlllttnyitt, I ts. Shoe Knives, Awl Blade, Nine THREAD, Blued nets, Rhoo Nail. and Shoe PEGS, of • we E. Al G. having evtahliel.ed the ahoy& heninrev in SialOmtpre, is enabled to any rend. or Weot ortarthearmoet devrnteh. Led !owe, eel t ev. Alannfaentre., denier, an , e,, morn.. may rely tpon obtaining every n• .•'• the trade, of the beet goaltty, and on We'll irral att afar tort rot I, you., Dont Tree•. Shoe Tree. Cbimpa, Root Stremben, c All orders promptly executed Low pores for en eh. A catalogue contalaing a enrol - 11,e het of ever) ale in the trade will be forwarded to !nee who may desire it. EDWARD A. GODFREY, le if, l'aivert ph mayNhdflm near Baltimore et Baltimore _ BAR NU NI'S HOTEL, NEW YORE, Broadnirays coronas of !Malden Laws. HIP extensive HOTEL, has been re wed th• oabwriber, and has been rompletely refitted "• mon elegant mammy. Large sdi.itinns ire now being mode which, when completed, will mine It the moat eXteal:Vee lintel In New Tine. It ine :tete emu nation of the proprietor, to make it eqoal.. rc opeet, .y other House in the United States. It• canon is the most destnlble and central in the city, be tn the fnbionab'e ran of Brosdreny. canerincet to all the public butlf.-ags. Osiers of amusement- cud business. Grateful tot •he psztonnve rentveil from his western friend., while at thimherland, Md . and more recently at the Weddell lints, 4lreelvnd, Ohio, he respectfully 'aliens renewal of their entree. be, for hi. new estatiluarnent , at New Ton. and egs to insure them that every effort on ht• pan M.O, be given to admititster nen comtort leasnrc. A. S. BA Il rat 01. New York, Ma t eb.l , 3 o .--Imn.lfe'lm A FOV.TVCIE FOR SAO or 15 ERITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT t LUIL oGeeo, George meet, Pip:non:b. Encland The managers beg to acquaint their numerous entrons thin the neat Distnbation of Portraits pi II A- n li•u •• a, narcotise MOSe entered for the for,t-uri., National Derby Race: l'ao paint., of .1.11 . - il ea ,t e d 6,0(10 emelt class. Frost class incin 'ct Lab accord elms ditto LA. Forlr application fur the r appropriated chores te reeessary A on riy sulisc nig for mom thanen< share bus the ch.., ar e an equal member bonuses. Thus< nicasticrs &nig, the vanes. Portraits 'sal be presented walk tire Int s owing snort:— POrtrait of l.i class bonsses to ditto Winner, or First hone .f.,11.tn0 Lip lain Second Hone.--- 1,000 4,000 flied Horse --- Divided amongst Starten• • - • (how loco NOII-ttlartees 11,t,00 There are 209 hotlines in etch eLrr.a, that hews the number of bones entered for the rare. 'Car will be conducted apart the same letritimr, rLer.n:es as those which characterisca the la p late St. 1.:: get sod ? u.,P.cc to his numerous Gus ,-, i k 111 conercl,ll4.l: there are two • ot msr set •trect, or, tending to 0 •;• ,nil: c tire 11.. cc, oth,cll is alone the only r L.. t,onell Dry Goods retai.halsment in Pitt• •urv, • ni,tr ouiLllere , ore say to ail of Or, w whole...dr or Tetras', , -r on .Slas rircet, between Third I I ur:1,..• ove“tog the haseeet., r,rhral, aLsol ~,•r. t or ~i r, o ne and ournmer Dry U00c.14 rver for •.1.1 . 111 I:I,NNE - te: iiikINNETS! :Ns, 10111,50—The large:owed ninut fault ion uh, ou..t nf tlo-ort• ever operie,l in il.i. city, IF lust a ton leo of me Itor Ike Mut.. Markrt 4.• Area Tlool anti Fourth • venere Dry ovei o!,eriptoot arc selling cheaper than 101; c Tbe pu hats Alen moo oirre are two other hen hive store% on ~ tree.. num pretrial in rooloric with the Illg 1;,., ll.vr. 1'1,4 tool Fourth whsle Ml.l (Jolt, at ail LIME, the largest and unwcol st, Dry I,thtth, Ire•b opened. 1':•--e l .60 00,..•.•, that the •thre is hataween Th.,tl I out,ls •treet, ~[ll of the HI" HIVE, wh,,, 1,1, ol evrry deverlptton are selling •4 any other house to tlte city WILLIAM I. RUSLIELL. I Gonda. A, •.f 114 Cloths. an to t,• l,, rt. 1., Crap.- Lk 1A... he; with I n , ,•orint ot 1.. , v0s sod other Dress Goods, ht ts• nty me ...IN". lattoonable colors. ;.+e pram. RIO nod Java: %Jr., t cs— I.g. innl.lo, dippH,•nd 'perm; Fes Cream and English Drury; • doz Ilrinp and Manilla, Mau& Fn ali rr M Cnnloll and half Spanish; 11•1. , is ond /1.110 Fri. 01neterciand Salmon; 0 Vcaraorii " 11.111. Cure; 1 , 1 an—lon kb, v I and Manilla; I Inrr..ortg Mock and Copying; 011•..... N Orleans; 13 Fro l l•rls Sugar 'louse; 01 211 car:wars; do Jnrird. I.a asumrd; Inu 11pitItti3.1.; P-311 .rrs Rosin and Can Sieel; t•LL•s— h N Orleans and Clnrified; TLA i.a/.Lagr, Lrren and Ithaca; TonArro• 12„S, & 1 a. 1,1a,i, 00 A• 11 1100111/1-30 dorpal , at Zak: For clic by I U WILLIAMS & CO not, Conn, of Fifth and Waal ma WANTED. rIERS . fl ! FURS rubscribera yells ray r rot 1,311, 011110, Musk Rai, Gray and Red Fox, and nil kinds of aluppnig Furs }. he eagto m fcFvO, corner Fatli and Woad 1:13L. SPRING SKI.ECI 11/N.—NVOI trceired, by ,first nil .lopmeina, a now and choice assonrocot of Wsll ca Popo, of OM 'wend hooch and KaatcheatYlca, in fold, clomot•, oak, pinta and WO colors. w. 1 . . bIAItORA.LL, Cate SS Wood alrOct IM=:Ei2:22 ICo-pnrtnerthip heretofore emoting between S. I B. 111”1,11eid tt,td Jonn McGill, under the Bun of S. B. Buthbetd & Co , t. Una day divolved by :noun! eourei Tbr bum,,e,,,, of the old tam will be wilted by S II Burhbeld, at tlic old stand, N 0.220 Liberty street, Pin..hunt h S B BUSIIFIELD, Al orLb I, 164'11' S. R BUSOPIELD end GEORUE RICHARD will ronttnur the Whotennle a.d Retail Dry Good. and 1et.... , r7 Dustmen., et the old stmatl, No. VO order me fllIll Of B. B. BUSIIFIELD t CO. • • Al arrl3 I. --(orrit 1 H AVE otqat dm. day asaed;witl, me In the J. so, Grocery. Commowton; and Forwarding bus nse, my two Kona, IL. N. and W. 11, Waterman. Tit ' uaine.. ti 11110 re will be conducted under the style o Waternann k Sums,. the old stand, No 11 W tar and Lit Front Wool.. L„ a, yiATERMAN, Ittoblulb, A)ittli ph /Ph - MEDICAL. GREAT IMPORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVER! CHEMICAL COMBINATION Frogs the Vegetal. ;Kingdom, to repel Diem., Dr. Claynott'm Extract or Yellow Dock and •ar•aparllla. Coact consumption, scrofula, eryripelaa, goal, liver complain., spinal affections, ulcer., .7- drepny. ovvilinta, scurvey, ' affections of the bladder and kidneys, mercurial diseases, cor rupt humors, mak of blood io the head, fever suid ague, female complarn., general debility, dyapep 111, lees of appetite, headache, colds, costiveness, travel, night sweats, orgauie affections, palpitation of the heart, biles, Nana In the side, chest, back, &r. It w iofsdlible in all' diseases arising from to fa pare sure of Ike blood. or irregnlas action of We sys tem. In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All-wise Eking ha deported plant. and herbs congenial toner tomato lions, and adapted to he cure of &acme; and to th• vegetable kingdom does the reason of man, es well • the insurer of ant all, turn for antidoks to pain. The Syrup is a smenufic compound of the most gal • sable plants tonature, entirely free from deleterious and enervating mineral mbstancestand a. it expel diseme from the system, imparts rigor and strength° aconmaponding.degree. CERTIFICATFD. An extraordinary ewe of Scrofula, Erysipelas and U ems, cured; by the sole use of Dr. Kuprows Com' pound epcop, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla Ilsoochrw Nov. 17, Cisc Da. Grimm—Sir: 1 tender my sincere thanks for the great niter. I have derived from the use of your Valuable 4 top. I have been troubled very bud wit • acrolulom sore, which made its appearance on Ch I did not pay much attention to it at first, sap posing it to be minim, bat an eruption that appear on per far i It finally began to increme, until spread to its .ark part of the heed. I applied to • physician, who attended me all to no purpose. hod tried every thing that could be tried. I saw your Syr up of Yellow Dock end Sarsaparilla, and concluded to use it, hit I knew that Yellow Dock vem one of the most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I boughbought your Syrup, and frora the use of one bottle, 1 see a (Teat change In my system. I co...tired to melt anal I seas a welt man. ! s now feel like • new person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free from all impurities. There is not • question but 11. your newly discovered compound far superior t kny sarsaparilla syrup ever sold. Thus cerolleate a at your disposal to publish if you Ilke, and any one you may refer to me I shall be hap. py M gots them n amai n y o u rinomation I coo about my ease, tut. re o obedient servant, Gaon. 0. Joniesom 11311 arket street. The best female medicine known. The Extract te , Yellow Le - et and ei•rsapenlls. is a posittve, speedy, and p2jetnan tiltcure fur all romplunts incident to FENIALM Its mild, altetative properties render It peculiarly applicable to the slender and delicate consututton ot the female. It is unrtvalled int came. upon nieh diwases as incipient consumptton, Itarrenntes, Ica corrliwat, or salutes, irregular nitwit..lon, inconn Pence of urine, end general prostretten of the syatene. It immediately counteracts that dostrewatig nervous nos. , tied lawitutle wi common to the female frame, and Impartsan energy sod buoyancy as suntnaing as 111 , 1 Y VC We Lave evtdence file Witch endue es us stt , ngly to recommend floe medicine to inserted people v•hu have nett been blessed with oft, amps. emit-aeon Liam, or Falling or the Womb, of 6v. ye•re' standing. cured by Or. fiuyaorta Extract of Yelioric Dot, and Sarsaparilla, slier every other known remedy bed been tried without relief. Wasnimuir - Ili, Ohio, Feb., Ittie Thie certifies that toy wire, aged 17 year., has been suderine tourer the above enniplanit for five years— nearly •Il of Mat time confined to her bed. I have for four year. ronetantly employed the beat mei teal talent t int could be prom red in this section of the country, without any benefit whatever. I have also purchased ',very instrument reeommended• for th• cure of such disease% all of which proved worthies... In the aping of lot , . I was induced by my friend. io .try e r. Guysnit's Yellow Dock •nd Sareapantla, which we. used for font months. After elm bad used to about four week.. it was evident to all that as. was inyrovine, and front Mi. nine Ott improved rap Idly, and gamed fish pod strength, until the disease w•s en rely removed, and Met a now eNoYitie wont excellen d t Lealth. WM. Mt iti FORT. e benne neighhore of Wm. and Julia Monfort, know ail, tree atiaplec statement, aa to Me airtime. o Mr. Nl , ,litort. and to cure being effected by Goya.: s bellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. It. lie stricli7 JANE EDDY, BAILA/1 POWERS, Great Gar. or Cem•lemptlon. Itaattl.rott, January 2. Mr. Bennett—Dew Sir The great benefit winch bare de rrretl from ow Extract of Yellow Doett see Sartapamila. matters me, am au t. °Oust., to make the totiorrtng Itstratent: After wuantig for two year• from 6enenl debility whiet, finally ternoit•ted to consurup.a,/ wail given up by my friends and phy smiling; aa beyond We aid of med.eine. As a I•at re.rt, Iwu induced to try your Eatraet, and havlng load but two bottles, no- rording to your directiona, I am entirely -well. I would therefore, rarneatly reaommend your unequal. Ird Compound to the articled wbo desire . powerful. pleruant and Babe remedy. gratefully your friend, NI WAITE Not, iennolv vnielts pot op is bar., alma, trytlea ro,trut.lag a qua o tLe mune 01 :be .yrop blown la Lac 0:0”, wlth the 'a. ',bal.., of lien. nett ia out.tae wrappe rm r. Pone el per bottle, on •Ls bot:lea tor efo It is soid li• J. n ri.ra, corner of Fourth and Wal• riot attcots, Cd.etituati, Ohio. Goderal Avid for the Ouudt said West, to whom WI aruers mast be address . ed. Carter l Urn W P. /tuition b. Co., Water ford, 01. t Crosonsvillet Abel Tv 51t,ittroar, Hiram MI3. Towanda, Itoliert Hoy, Wells- Logo. RoJenrk, C•ilensidirt, L. Wile...l,PM. Loren, of Martel street and the Lhatuend. oplidauelt ritriats.. FA ;, ‘lll.l' AIEDW lAES-- - thory are the o! the Ohio, May 15. 100. It I.: ecilers-1 WT. t o n do , for the heliefit of Dawn, to cad. -dole (act. to rolatiou to your excellent }'a .l I Love used your,Verrnilage largely In my earn fermi, one •I.li irmmently expelling large quantities Ivay II to thlal worn., tram two children. I have alao used your Liver Pills and Coogh Syron., my totland they i ave, in every instance, produced Ms egret. deinrrd. A. I am enam,ed In merehanthemr, I am able to ,thtc thnt it tthve yet In hoar of the hrst ftslure whe•e suur so,thrier• 4avr v•ed at,y •