The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 29, 1850, Image 3

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    BY MAGNEn;
uhaeowtrai& T&LitiatuPll2l)
krALWAX TtI2011;011 OFFiCiI
Toesday, nog 21.
The America reached Liverpool mi the WM
inst. The Asia reached there oe the 11h, at half
t ut tevc o - sr, makieg her. .trip from
moon So fear and a hall hours waken in. dart,
Jena', Lied was giving cow:lows to crowded
hooves et leverpo3l, and wee to have sailed Me
UM United Statos, oh tho Adeline, on Ma 21st lb.
stint. " .
. .
.. • . .. .
The potato rot Is spreading In numerous di
oletn sr:Easiest! and - Ireland. 'Other crops, (se
cretly, promas well: The muting Le now general,
and the weetber is very One for harvest open-
Lions. -
The Chief feature of English news is the
Queen's speech upon the plUrCrlitioll of Perham
meat. Tusrmilowirr pitrerrsphs are all that pos.'
semi any ;emend Interest : • •
"Rank or the rriniebeheficial consequences
from the tantrum which has West learned with a
view waive my people In:lreland a fair participa
tion In our tepretentallso system.
"1 am esti:rehired to hope that the treaty be.
twees Cerro-env and Deumuk,.whieh has been
concluded at Berlin, under my mediation, _mar
Ind, at no distant period,' to the restoration of
penes in Jbe North of Eames.
“I continue tip maintain the most friendly reins
Among the more important Vile introduced by t ,
- he
Ministers, which have fallen:through. are, the
lob Enitinettratiop Bill, the Savings Bank Bill, the
Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland, Alt.lition Bill,end
the Alarriage
Ate concert given et LiverriMal on Friday, by
Jenny Lind,ilte house was crowded to suffocation,
and ticket. Fulda! a high rate Of premium. She
is said to be ninieltreatinful nod accomplishil than
ever. The Atlantic being too full of passengers to
eenchamodate tire entire suite to New York, a
portion of them ilk passengers by the America.
The Assembly Was prorogued on the hilt instant.
And the hluusters have now all , things their own
the att6ttion of the French nalicm is now princi•
pally occupied by the progress of the President
through the Provinces. • With tome few exrep
tious, be appears to have been favorably received
by the people. •
Accounts from the Provinces State that the wee.
ther is exceedingly wet and unfavorable for her,
vesting, in cot:template,' of which, there has beta
an advance in the gram market of 2s lid per
One account from head quarters represents that
• alight engagement had taken place on the Sth
The attack on the part of the Dirlt, eras precipi
ilitc, 'on account of an explosion, of the laboratory
of the art Mary of General W1:11,4511, by which there
was great loss ofllife and property. - Ninety per
*01:11 were killed by the explosion, and thirty Ave
wounded, some ieemety; and eleven are mining.
Many of the bother; were an mangled, that they
could not lle,identlned.' Twenty two cadets of the
Artily School, arpamong tho mihing. Scarce
ly a home in the town has escaped from the con
cinoion Too otioot of the catneteophe on the
public mind hasen very depreasing..
About noon on ariday, theday on arh;eb the
explosion took pl r e, the Dania General isdnine•
ed, with • large 5 , of men, to the veer verge of
the right wing of the Schleswig Holstein% posh.
non. The latter leturned to the Main body be.
hind . the - bridge, rated a sharp aumgcla ensued,
which gradonify extended eastward as far as the
Duvet:motet. It lasted for Some hours.
Ibe Dane, nenntnnhered the Schleswig Hal.
ateiners. The latter anvaiterd upon the
Ilarica with flxeil"liayJnetr, . and with loud
---.• Minato. drove them trom their shelter. The
Dane. Bed In such a hoegy, that they kit behind
them their tilted and woonded,, whio3 a, with
thnn i a most uncommon cirearnstance,
llama from Hammtig to the 13th Inatan,i Irate
that it ha. heel o:Leman/Ind tolremove the Depart
ment et War from Kiel /0 ItCLatthillF•
lothiligeten has been received from the neat of
war, to the effect that a cessation of hostilities has
intro Once between the belligerent parties, god
that negotiations were, as foot et Schlerwg be
tween the English; French, and 'Resent! Envoys,
in order, to put an end to the effusion of Ideal.
Intellgence.has been received from G . npenba.
gel, that the law of-Ommark, during an this
broil and tronti'e. het been nursoing his anal am,
oars tend dissitinteoh", - "and that a dencoo, mat
bat been made of ray chinit,nine muting° with a
lively young dress neater rir thatcity., ~.
The hatcher, linyneo, hu retnrutd from the
Austnan &pntoon, to join tho traoor George, in
ht. eiile.
The Canne bss 1 eeu fresolve4, and new elec.
hone will tat, e Owe.
Lord llowden. the English mieieter, bas been
well ieeeined . by the QQ . CCD. Ass
completely, reeoecred.
!, - THE ROMAN STATES. • • • -
It 1' aitl !hit . the note . ot the great pourers re
rom enda the Pope to grant accommodation to
the Sites of the (Ince h en the model of one which
Atibir a has given to the Lombard,
• . .
• "Franirtraienas Shipleri Circular.
L1VE11.1901.. m' Artier. • •
• • Ltvetroor., August 16
Cotton—We' have expmience,l a vete quiet
week,kl sho Getton market, witlra further decline
of fully f peony per 11.. in the lower and 11311111 kt.
qualities, white the other des.eriptions have been
scarce and in greater densand for export, and have
inaltittilned tbelr pnsltion. The 'decline is ascrite
ed soluly to the great iwnaitiveneas of holders at
the least possible change in the- proapects of the
rowing crops. The ewes of the week are e,ti
mated at 39,210 befee, of which the trade have
taken only 15,000 bales. , The AMCIIC4II de33p , r1p....
pots sold CODite.l of 10,000 hates Uplands at 7f 0
nil: 11 600 heel titlean• at 9 09f d; 4 560. bales
P 4.13 le end Alabama. at 71 08/dj and 250 , 1 Weir
Sr. Irjlend at 12i 0 171 d. per lb.
The vOleol q3,3ations are—Falr griming Si;
fair Up/awls .td Mulvle 61; middling 7f 0 If; or
dinary, 7 0 71 per lb. •
The tees! amok its this trt•tket ft eleinsaiNl at
473,1:00 beer, of which 320.000 are AinfliClLll,
anaimt a coot at this laze 'list, year et 735,000
• Wesumerroa, Aug. 28.
9:ml2l4—The reio:ution heretofore atibmitted
by Mr. Dar's, of Mao.. .mat-me t 3 the manner of
pert/ming contracts 1.1 service by •reamers, was
taken upend isdored.
Alley tbe.closing of the =ming traelneur—
• btr:Clay moved Mist the bill to abolish the &are
Usde. In the . Deriet of anlnrobin be taken up,
which lear. agreed tn.
Mr. (hay them moved that It be made the ape
eta, order Grille day for - Nl:daddy next.
• Mr. 4tchl-on,a• a ques:un. moved that the bill
bs laid open the table ; which aria 'ejected—Tem!
2d. wive 36--as follows :
rrat,,,trittehlton, B trowel!, Berrien, Da•
via Or Mil.r., Daws on ,
Downs, llonston, Muter;
Mason; Pratt. Itutt,'Sebastiao,. Soule, Turner,
and Notes..ti.
N•lirs—liedger, Dabtwin, Bell, Renton, Bradbo•
ry, Slight, Case, Chase, Cart, City, Coop e r,
Davie, of Wire, Dayton, Dickinson, Dodge, of
Wiscoitaln, • Dodge, of lows, DoUglses,
Fitch, Foote, Greene, HAOIIsO, J0a0.% King, Man
gum, Pierce,,ftelps. 6oieida, Smith, spme ee ,,,
Surgenn, Delano, Underwood, Wales, Woo
eonin, And Winthrop-34
The 'coottoM to mate the bill the order of the'
day for Monday, vime then olreed to.
The:Hoax HI granting bounty land to offt•
eersland aoldiera whu have . been In the nodl
ser : yieo of the United Stares, and all the
amendments ir the Committee on public lands,
wore igree<l , lo, CX . Cep!ing proviso allowing
the aeldter, at tn.% option, to reselvo Leap for one
Modred dollars In hen of land..
Pending the debates upon this ,
prov:so, the far
ther consideration of the .abject was postponed
twit to morrows.
The 'Senate thcn went iota exre2L.Vo 11 . evidon,
the remninJer of the evening.
)inves—Mt. Strong moved that the Reese take
op the,Pennaalranis contested election use, but
gave way to gdr..Pease, wh.ainoved that' It to
postponed two we. kik which wss seated to:
Ttie.reports from 4bo CoacaluVes, were then_
received. - 7 • .7
Et•tiev, fmtO the Select, Ointizoittee aFt.
mated to Inquire vrltat 'pereon• holding Often;
cadet the la.t adrn;nioration welt engaged ixt
electioneemg rtmnltt Gen. Taylooontsibuthas.
to rho preoe, - end poyirg money -to cony on the
omptigu--road. , • n report, to! part. that Me;
Mettle, of the l'nlan. and E. Segoenetack, late
Warden, of the l'.otteatiery, refuied to answer
ae witiettel. The , Conunnt,, In 'clew of thii:
re•o!•ed to adopt • mo. , ltilfrt to the effect that
(tickle end .Segueetrark, havi,g rer,eed to ono
~, . r, the flout° bo Rked for their advice and
oril..r thereon.-
otro , ed a remtatian that Speak..
er Lamle kia.astratt. clireeted .'to the Sergeant
at Amyl, le take law cu,tcdy Messrs floehie
aaj.-Bannenstsek, and that they be Would to
the bar of the , tleem, for alleged contempt; and
thatlherbCnllo.ed eneesel, if they desire it.
Wa gw sha morning tour had expired, the
tr oaa ppmgieded to dispeee of f the buin.te ea
the Speaker!, table., ' LI •• • . „
Sevemf eiteentive' econmen;eations- Isere then
TOO Mil eitobtishias a teriltinial government
for Utah was tend by its .titie, when Mr.• 130,d
moved that - ill be referred to the Commtn n e on
Tenitorien. which sits* carried. •
Mr.' aweelz,r Moved 'bet the House pc into
Ct . ...W. 111 mi. With the view of ankh' g op the bill.
The Speaker Mid it wee natal order to go into
Commtitee op •sy parneuler Tao Cows:ninee
must dixidOwlast beWnem they Would mho up. •
Tao question wze tstren on the,alcetsion or
Spanks?, and the Ilociao refuted' to go troo Mum;
mltteconthiti Utah bill—vv.. 62.
.nays 110 • -
The hill to *elite the-Texas •Bdundary taming
bees mid by ha title,: Mr. Ihge inked that it bo
*objected to presented by the 116th saie.
bPdaker—tTov question is, stud' the bill be re
- s
Thertire is in the following words—. Tit •
1 42kmiting or a WI shall be for information, and
ff oProititionbOuisde,ihamtetgon chat be, shall
this bdl be rej.tted f .1(4 . 0 bioPturillOtt itts'iOatler or
if thaquistiOu to trier.' it be negatived., the bill
ak.U'io•Mtiits. tteond readlig
Idr. proceeded to address the House.
14 said Me question casts with this House—ahall
we give peace to the country ti The question
before them were aeyeral—all ia some seam mo
unted with, u d may be said to pow out of the
asousuen of Texas. He *u wuling to set on
t h em separately, and in good faith. The first in
importance and dignity, Willi the boundary of Tex.
I es, which ho proceeded to shots was recognised
by this government to • the extent which she
claimed. He contended that the boundary pro
putsl in the Senate big does not touch she Halite'
of New Mexico; down bleZeo. He
should 11:46 tsetse Texas ten millions of dollars.
111,beliesed that governments - should bemcivided
for the .terranies acquired--that American Instead
ef Mexican lawn should prevail. That the
mot Proviso, ifadopted, wottidabske the Repuhlie
Ulm centre. 'EU eulegisedostraTAism at Gaye*:
what over ail others, of ancient or &akin times;
He appealed to the puNotunn, of gentlemen for Its
After .neiderab's confused debate, the
qvestion, •• shall the bill be rejected!" was
sat inddecided in the negative—yeas 34, nays
After au varleceulai attempt to amend, the
Route adjourned.
Sr. Loots, Aug. 28.
The interments for the week endive ar 12 ce
clockto day,were 129, of which 7 were of chol
er., and 73 children under 5 years of age.
The official votes for members of Congress, in
the Second and Third Districts are—in the 2d,
P°"er• whiff. 707 2; Henderson, dem.. 6042. 10
the 24 district J. G. Miller whir. tlft7h ; Green,
a ° ll tettigt r+osl ; John Idtler, Fenton an, 2110.
'ibis gives the Whigs fonr onernhera ol Congress
04t olive.
,TOU dialer* bits broken out at Mflarsakie in a
vdry malignant form. and t oe deaths vot ryorted
"having occurred on Friday and Saturday.
At Lucile, titre death from cholera are re.
i Sr. Lomb, Aug 26
. A ruction mat made, to the Cnmive!port, to
•( punt phyuctans to enquire into the aunt or
0 solvablentempom. bat 'moven Wed by Joege
Lammax; A og. 28.
' A man named, shot a woman at Mn. Ken
ftom's bawdy house, by the name of Lx Stave
hero, and then atted himself with the name pistol
The woman is not expected to recover.
The occurrecco transpired at 2 o'clock, this af
niLll,lOll, Ang, 29.
The Beare De Grace Bank stopped payment The suppoption .tl, that it Wu totally
, . Puu.anct.rata. Ang. 29.
Floor—Receipt are increasing, ar d prices
save declined 61c go bbl C.ty sales at 95 37 1 0
. 1 ,
tilt for standee and choice brands,' and $5 fits
05 for !UHL Stlieflll 104 Or Western fl oor
nave arrived by railroad.
' Gr to—The Implies of wheat are increasing.
gee dons are 1090112 n for red, and 1 120 1 les
for bite. Of Corn, receipts are moderate,
and p lee s ate steadily maintained. Sales 9000
bush Is southern yellow at 655. ir bush. agora
Tile ipts of Oats have fallen oil, and prices
ate at tidy; with sale. of Virginia and Delaware
at , and of Perm'. at 37, for neer, and 45e
* bn h for old.
G erles—ollice continues active, and prices
have A ber advanced. Sales of_Lasusyra at 51
OlOc of Miracaito at 91 4 and of ILO at loia
llc in, ea time. Sugar is buoysw. wiih small
Mock* on hand. 'micro( Porto Arco at 9606 15 of
OAR t5B 371536 50; of Orient., at 56 '75, and of
Etava • orown at $0 f.'o as cart, all 4 and 8 moat.
Idol es are well maintained, with nte7 of Or.
lean. t 290? gallon.
Pro sio
, nir—Sales of Mess Pork at 1111,75 per
bbl.o sate* of prim. Of Bacon, we note
safer 1 m wore at KilOo for covered Pitney hams,
and '7 " . 1 for city emoted. Sides f te; Snort!.
de. 4(211tc per lb. For Lord, the demand fa
limited, teas are offered at 71e, and bbla at 7,,
per lb, with few buyers.
Tams,— No malts of consequence have trans.
plied this week. Prices arealeady, and receipts
continue hatted. No moot. to any extent have
Freights t Pittsburgh—Thy Goods, GO.; Gro
ceries, 70e; ltseesselare, 60e; Coffee, and
Istses 80c per cwt.
noon aorta:.
Nave Yore, Atrii. 2S.
The America'. team check. tranuolouv, bat
MI yet, hu had a t effect upon pmts.
Cottot —rhe toarket to depressed.
Floor to quoted at 54,3101;4 per bbL
Gram—Wheat is heavy. Sale of a boat load o
Otto to reported at 105. Corn la heavy and with
oat change.
Proviamna—Pork has a dovourud tendency
Lard in moderately inquired alter.
Tobacco a Gm, van sales ci Kentocky leaf at
.61 Obi ler lb.'
[own.. snout]
Near loan, Avg. 59.
Cotton—The mime, et the close, teas OWL,
only ,00 k.ales having been sold.
Flour—W,th a moderate tinamese, prices favor
buyers. The wles amount to 9,000 bele at the
lasi reposed price,
Crain—Wheat is moving more freely, with
rake 3,000 bosh white at 119 e v bash. Corn
man.l,‘ no unprovement. Satre vi prime vitae
ai bovhel.
I.IIW is &lag la sales. Laud
stel ,, og at tlicics,
Suga-2alcs at New Orleans m 61er 11l
BALTIOIC, Aug. 28.
Flour—Tan America'. betas had depressed the
market, and dour bum declined ge on the bbl
Sales Of en, Luitla and ilowartratteet al St 90 p
Grain—Con has declined slightly, with sales
of wane at file, and of yellow at 60c ir bast.
Provisions—No trIIIINCLICIPI of moment. Tatra
is • regular trade demand m B rm
Coffee—The market is firm at 10131 le for Rio
Cal.. Tilere is up tat, UM Coffee now bold un
der Ile. 0.../a , l selection• are held at 1110, La
guayra at II:Cc - 11013 Vlb hOpotlera, grucially,
arc ant offcrti.g their rennet 01 Rio, the stocks
this market a.o reduced to 16,000 base; sad of
other Mocks 6000 hags.
Wa.aky—Sales al •26$
_27: p
CisciaNan, Aug. 2S.
Flom—Owing to the heirs reeelpfa by toe Wai'
Water Canal, the marm in unsettled. Price. bow
bore declined, with val. at 65 65 per bet, b.
holden are rot Otapoee.4 to give war .y
Whilltry-6ale• are effected al Y 7, per g al.
Li-veed ltll-51ded at 75016 e per gal
caber an ties usually qook.d are aeuenkly Lam •
Lorthrtu.a, Aog. 29
Grocerien—Sales of 77 hhdo auger at 61i and of
- 300 tagn Rio Codo at Intro. per lb.
There are 4 feet 4 inches water in the anal,
and falling,
The .aehather la p!eaaant.
Alm mucluar's
;Mx CAROTO2c*e. W. 11CE1W0,..• • C 0. .001
trerica, Prrmacwou Gsrerre
Tbursday morning, Auggst sv, ILSO. $
The market yesterday was 'inborn any material
change in quitanous. The day was pleasant, and, In
a general way, a fair amount or buelnewt was done.
FLOtTFI—Toe market was dull en the wharf, and
bityars were ale in taking hold at the priers asked.
The only tale we heard of was 73 bbls new Ohio, at
gialtsol/1,13, the hoer paying for inopeetion. This
shows a decline on farmer nits. Several other low
arrived, but up to o late boor last evening no laes
ktdb , eeedecte I.
Spirit Of the Domestic Markets.
I ovz,,,x, Avrontl , 4, 1e".0
Sales 10f pros hogains, and On coil. rope at 121 and
Cia. and 200 pr e ants no coda nt Pon,. Asada of •
mall tot of leans and woolany• at 30010 e
Sktnt—Thrre ta no ebangs. Sales by quantity an SI,
L and rj` the rtragto lot at $122
- Gram—Labs-el reit. at 71.• Corn In homing: a sale
of 200 bpi at nne, from wore it result at ad. Oats at
Sic., and Hay a Cie
Gtoserles—Pa•s of 1.25 bags Cates al IN; prime an.
gar 44. Molaater at Tle.
Provitinna-11110 of 280 Uhl, meat pork at 111e,25;
and of map at I'. The I.llWe B.con retain, to
by Stream; nlebrd aides st 41rtstraaldtrafrotn mason.,
Al and clear aldes - 11. From alone the rate. are—rest
iltes.dere, 41: riltheil alder, 11c, t tear atdrr, 11, plain
ant ,ts banged 01. ' nnintn•ts COO try 3 an tattlers,
at 4117 , 1 e Lord is seep dul; prune eu.ntry rendered
'ln tat, scat, at Gin
Wtnakey was anihog from glare at 220231.
Tobanno—•alea at the wartime.. Se.detdaY of 17
had.. •,143.152111257,11797,23, and /164357.
Platelets—To Piano Chluns, from Portland, antra
drayage paid, Ziie. To Plttalrargh,2llo:l2o.—Jonr.
Sr. LOMX, Angus' 20.'g
We.hare no koproVentent to note In Ike receipt of
pinduee, end e srry itgitt buiinew ma. done. Tobacco
seld.tolskly m fu'l rates neer was rather more se
ttee, with sales of 180002000 obi. , I Wheel, Corn and
Oats •re dull end inactive, Freights to New Or/euta
ere enehtnged.
linuip-01 bales very sayerinf, from store, bold 191: niece store estimated at 000 t/
1 . 4 . 4- o'...ltan more beld:abovo the Market; burcie
e2er 1I I 1 , 75 fur tipper Mine.
Seise et the Planter , o'l9 thds,in different lout. at
• ...anti of from d 5.2.76390107,120710 to 57,90217,VS
88,1389,(0 So St got.
liitner—Stales of 100 at the tolitniting rates t—Gbod
•• •••7 and Renee and Ready, SIC; Sining field and
!Ovine comm.), 13,75 ; fan amid extra do, 11.7,75024 i
Nona Cl Levi. and tale ny
1.).711 bbl.
I Vbent—Mmt.l dell, with salsa et the EXchenge of
rot,trisoa,,,,, folio we—lnferior et We; Mixed, alit;
sect. xemmed
.417,71,z7 ... es frve a r . . 4. , bOuto eltiOnlrlers at to
R p. •
j ' F 3l l Market.
aw pe:Oroxi3. AO ID 19507
: Ppm—There hex not been ma g i
iial7set iboetes t Area; b e t in the
:Solee of 233 obi. et bal..
WhofesTbiero to other
bu to
pa (e.n ts
he 011
0523e"1112(23ge1L0 ,13o0bble p
sale of ItITA ,ehlooeh
•lifiallitfat—=oleo of la
3000lbe South Pea at 23, --
No IL—Me/carp
P dal net lawn. A
'lnn Whale at 571 t,
NW C 0..;
ma sle;
lb, Polar %bow
:Ann—Than were 3 Icy, 0 lathes, In ettr,ime4by
-u " 'uk J ut Clap . 20 .k,na 4 44 ,
htlebigati, Dries, Deane.
Fashion, Peebles, Elleabeth.
Atlantic Perham, Brownsville.
Jacobi', Brownseille.
Yentlitoghany, Hannon, illationgshela C.ty
Fricndelop, Wheelig.
! Camden, Hendrickson When:log.
Cashier, MeMillast,.Weeeling.
Reseille s Rees, Wheeling.
Wave, anal's, Wellsville.
Bliellandoikh Coles, St Louis.
Michigannirles, ElleaserJ
resident, Peetiles,Ellzaheth.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlanue, Parkinson.
Vangtiogheng, listeepee, Monongahela City.
oniati. Liston Moselle,
Jenny Lind. delloghez, Eanersilla
nos Scott.
Hiller well..illo.
—Glencoe, Wier% CITICIIII.2I.
Pilot No 2, Duval, Hoeklngpon,
Eepress, Have% St Loots.
Camden. Hendrickson. Wheeling.
F, lengehip, Wheeling,
MONONGAHELA ClTY—Vouthiorttetry, f r r.
WHEELING—Cashier, 0 a. r.
ST. LOUIS—Fort Wu, 10 a. at.
ST. LOUlS—Waragma. IS a. N.
ZANESVILLE—Empress, 1 r. r.
WHEELING—ReveiIIe, 10 4. IN
ST. LOUlS—Gmmea, II a. r.
Or LOUlS—Cadentlla, 10 a. r.
Oa. ST. Loam —Tnefina light draught Meamer Foot
Pat, Cant A. Miller, will leave to above, this morn
ing, at lOo'clak. Ibis line steamer has undergone
thorough repairs and repainting, and IS non in spies
dto order (or the accommodation of travellers. Her
aelcommodatioes are A, No.l
ex Sr. Lorm—The splendid fight draught sleazier
C.hdarella, Capt. Haslet', Itasca as above, this day, .t
10,A. 11. This boat is oae of the first class light suer.
and her seernamodadon• are superb.
Theaplendid nemlight draught winner, Washing
ton, will leave lot St. Louis this day. She is a good
runner, and is highly popular, Loth in name, and in
point of accOMmotht an.
BE 1 VER—Pira Waimea-31J tam eheeie, IV Do
wer 110 do do, J C Bidwell; 3 do do, Ll M /lama; la
by floor, swam • pipes brandy, O U aliltenberger, G
bill. paper. Di epateb; 3 bills paper, Looms; 6 basil/us
ware, Loomis.
SUNFISH —Paz Cossurs-54 bblollour,W H /oho.
roe; SG do do, Alnultong ds Crozet; 74 Go do,Skoisor lc
Homes; 43 dodo, Belli k Line La; 30 Gkil Oran, Donald ,
sCh; 4 eks bacon, Drown .4. Su/puns4, 100 bzs glass
are, Strtgbaso; Si bids lob, Leech As Co; SI do do, /1
Groff" k. Co; 20 do do, Clot/ /s. nab,
Dr. Cisaysistan Ifizeratte or Yeller. Doek
and Sarsaparilla.
TUT up in the largest sized bottles, contain. mot
of the pure Hondium. SamparrUla than any other
preparation extant which to ehmleelly combine.
with the ILYtract of Yellow Doek,the Extetatof Wild
Cherchand the Balsam of Fir, thasamkrag the reme
dy mote brareeghly efficient than any otter Sarsapa
rilla before the {lbite, At the tame tram it is perfect
ly free from all mineral tenons, nth.h eauo be said
aloof other of the Samp•tilla compounds. The
valid should beware of Dolmen: Mummy, Ira., get
nine, Potash, lodate, Salphur, Arm., and mans o th er mineral and metallic poisons enter into and
form the active basis of most of the Sarsaparilla and
Panaceas of the nay. CiumeaSs Compound Extract .
°Pietism Dock and S•naparilla doe. not centun a
rankle of thew substance., as any one e. easily
...thin by sPrermg the mecum./ mn.
Thu poisons may oecasionalty mato. thee.. bur
they so vitiate the bloce', and so completely tame..
nue the whole system with their baneful effeem that
the first cold, or the first attack of disease, ptersitate•
the patient'. ',repeat, and submit Mtn or her to the
most exertatiating tanner, and render. another care
aleniat impouible and hopeless. Let all poisorme.
Panamint!. preparation. alone, and eon Gnome.
improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sampan.,
Which if thomaghl. efficacious, perfectly harmless,
and purely vegetable. All 'nods of disease yrald. to
Surefals„ Cramer.. Tumors, Cat... Framtione.
knysteelas, Biles, Pamela, or Pimples on the "'nee,
cbrame sue Eyes, Teller, Scald Dead, Ithenme
pm, F.olarument or Pain. in toe Bones or Jinets,
Old and stubborn Ulcer% Purer flares. slip Dame,
Swelling of thy Gland., Blotches, Syptillate Syrnp
toms, Ltuntatto. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Jeamlice,Co•-
t & euu s , sal" Rheum, Affections of the kidney. and
climue. orating frem an injaniclun. am of Nemo
m. Minion-es More Taro., Weakneaa of the Cbera,
Pulmonary Afections, cod ail other Mama teat..
ling lowest. Conamption. Liner Complamt,Tetuale
Irregalsinties and Complaint., Bret and Nemo.
fleadaehe. General Debiltty, Low Stumm, 1,,, e•
AlnretiM, niisht Barents, Hans In Ibis Side and .
Shoaiders. Exposure or imprudence in Lite, Omen
ie Conettlutiorml Warden, and as • Sonny and F.ll
Penfier of the Blood, and General Tonle far the
Synem, AI le unrivalled
A eareof 07revera Deane/.1.11M. rzrmattoutang.
The folio ing I. au extract of a letter h i ghl y
07,1850, from F. Perkins, D, • highly mpeetre
bra physician of klarietat.Onto.
Jona, root—Soar' Sir I have ender my taro
young woman who, for stamen year., has been sob
faring from Ulu - rated Limbs •Ad whom ease has"
pronounced hopeless by three a n dr best ptty ;
neat.. I to n e be into rar Smile have used
(Myron'. Yellow Dock and Narsapanfis Maly, cod
ern confidant that the Yellow Dank sad Sumporllla
will effect • pertinent CUT, Sna M better in general
bealtb th an she has ears Leen tenors, and snake •
sodas Mao IV/1130111 fatigue or Pam. A year age
seed crutches. I .11 report the cam in es. me.
Very reopeerally, B. D. PERKINS.
It has been remarked, by Miners mer, that in the
vaned evalogue on e mases ertieb mars ls liable.
there is @career, of each impermneo, and ors.,
.Se_noloia, whether we loot to the obraenty
of lie origin, its inaidnus prom res., tie number ano
vanety otorga.that it auacks, or Oa remarkable IA
...toda)f and extrutc•
Sendai& betfled the .0111 of the molt erratum
pbysseisin• Miscounts" and In I.laropo Inn Mere Is
4-11 odd. e for ttim disease in Dr titiytat's gate., or
Vel s n,w Lae. and Barssioarills,” wb., storms it
sell • perfect specific in Ms most severe cues o.
Au extraordinary ease of Scretala eared by the
swe era of D'-,.r Guyon, Computed
yin be men by S. cersfiem tbal th is man has been
under the treatment or 1 eMbrated pitmen..
for the past elate years, without deriving any benefs.
and has been effectually cured by the N. Of a kw
bottle °flit. Guy sou'. Compound Symp.
Gram - r—Dear Sir,---Owin you• de S•w Yout, Junebt whub
money retool pay. I am indeced g
to make • fable
kitowledgment of the ber.efit l have derived treat loss
tualuatele Syrup. I was sorly alßieted with • tern.
ble Scrofula. disease, bere e ditray to oar funtly,
.11 eh commenced on my neck, and, commune to
spread. soon reached my ears, miming IMO my Lead,
and extending all over 1117 face, Leek, sod 'met ex.
-nullities. 1 bet .me • 'Situ:mg obiect to leek wpm
At Innis my distr,., war so great that !was suable to
sleep or lie down; end the disease extending iota my
•ars seriously Baer.' my hearing. Mn fats was ono
.nannotts sore, from which a ‘Guharce of manes
anJ water kept continually ...Oak Pe001.000.1.
ed me, tappet.' !bad the small pox, or name other infections disease, and I was consequently &tat t ed
(Cialq,..ll my Latium. Notwithstandica I had the
best medical adelee. sod tried different plans orate',
mem. the disease continued toerow arena tenet tram •
up in dup., Fortunately I fell in with • pauencer
on the marabou, while travailing for 19, health, wlw
Informed me that his mu was at one tune In as Dad •
conditios as I was, and that by using your SyntP he
was speedily mired I immediately procneed toe ar.
aline and now eft, keying tee d
less than us bottles, I am well and ' able to ettend to
my busmen I send yon this itatetortil as isit set o:
/nuke, only hoping that. mac tne•ce the afflicted to
.a'o use of the right medicine, and thereby save them
mach startling and enures
1 'maim your obedient umzet,
Care of an agprarettirer can of Erripeitu.
The care. pertormett by "Dr. Guysott's Extrael of
Yellow Dock and Samputll• am /acing. The pa.
Vent's general health continue. to Improve after du
ims removed. Cores aye not chronkled 0011111 w,
ram idly tetrad that there can be ne telapee or re tro
Natters?, (Derkimer Coy Pelt 1910.
S. P DINOSTIf h. Co., Sento, ll is with grestplcuare
that I write yea &boat the very nappy edema of your
yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla open my son, who hat
long been uremia ender that dreadful, loathsome dl.
ease. Erysipelas, with which he was attacked in tell,
and nue tor several months attended by some of out
beet pude us. ergo tried their skill perseveringly tot
five months, without any beneficial effect. whatever
/le become redueed to • perfect akeleton Ile had al
from his hip to his knee. which were continually
discharging diegusungly offensive 61.2147. Medical
and serene seilf area baffled. Physician. said that
hen cue was hopeless—thus could be nothing done
to arrest thou terrible gangreneing ulcers. My
bore and myself thought his Mu:union near at hand.
One of my neighbors, who hod carrel a child of serer
ribs with your Inralo•blo met:beim, wished me to,
t 0.,, trial of It. and more from the restless desire to
do something while life lutes, then from say hope of
gctung relief, I procured three bott!es of your" 1 elm.
Dock and Busaparilla.^ and commenced using 0
end to my intonishnicnk becommenced Improving
ha hod used th e third bottle, and before he had used •
hair damn bottles he could walk on!. !Erased to all
twelve nettle., sad by October lan he was perfectly
las ored, every vestige of the dice.° except the sears
Ls removed, sad he carnal. In perfect health tient the
Present ume. Erd reeekery, under the blessing at
God, is curtly owing to the auto( year Yellow Dock
out Putruparilla r and I &sure pm that I feelme
ender great obligation. to you, and It t• with gram toy
that I Inform yoo of what your Sansapartlits hart done
for my no. Respectfally,
117 None genuine unless pot up In large hord
contelulog a quart, and the owe of Me ;Syrup blown
ni the glide, with the written eignutUrii of S. F. Ben
nett, on the °elude wruppet. Free lit per boille—oi
u bode. for 11.5.
it It told 11 J. D. PARK, North F. 410 comer ad
Fount; and Wnlmo Etter., entraree on Walnut at
CiEcinnan, Ohio, to thorn nil order. mast be adder.
cy r ryr & pro ; rr,tl W. P. Johnson& Co, War,
ford; oho & Cleroony, era...Dr/Me; Abe l nryryn
ran:arose: Ihrom Ma, Towanda; Brawn Roy, %Veil.
bone, L. nottenen, callenobrirg; L. Wilcox, Jr. Pau
Porgy, earner of Markel weer and Lb. Infunaort.
fyin:Javyl yulf
a Averpn,
J IVY TUESDAY monung September nid, at II
clock; at the Comniumat Sales zoom, Caner of
Wood and Full, meets, will be sold . •
A tract of-Latid snowed oo the. Eau aide of the
Monongahela River, shoat foot miles whose Monon
gahela Coy, !poverty owned by (Almon, and Bunt -
COll ilan dna at, tca Acre., one half OPOrribeh is under
Cultivation, with a farm Ileum. and; Ulm am cum.
Mous frame dwellings In Connection wok the COO
Works. The Ph opened is fat orebly bested for
draining - Mid ventilatioa. Vein of Coal four feet In
depth. and quality Very superior.
Title Indivniable, nod along credit will be given
on put of the purchase money.
imuremytaTikdfaugit P. hi DAVIS; Aisii.
No. at Nona Win. N
Mum a - o. 10 Nonh Whams
ST:cases 11/.IILumI.PLIA
Nowls llooxa 5 phii v r n
D. C. lifcCADDom.
.I. A. MAXIM. •S as
llkasgiiatt di Hon* pedant Sada Ash.
8.14 °Zidt h g:Tr=:°,7,:tib,"ll.l;
port mtto!. poy"Anosittch?"lootopo7.ll4lll ,,a ttad
othet btu', 'la bold Balbotoro, broaitt,
tld,(11porlor in' both throg* Ind quality to any to
the t
mania. /Donk slap laorest.str4o.fer WWI oxid ip
provcd bill., by W k B 1 MITCHEL:nuII;
I 'ben, colott
• m r...r.n.
, m. ,1,1 , 1. 1 1 54 . 4 1,01 5 . 21 ,11AL 1T:rz e d etva ttp.
rrel. Ala, Pia sad Moo Neu, for ;omit;
tors, to, to, j7l/1
11320/313 . 301 TES 1111130113 DAILY oarzraz
Curtsy ,Dscausao la Atueurry.—The
Mayor of Allegheny went through the dtatriet m
Where the ravages of the Caolen have
beep no kaiful, yesterday, tad we learn from him
that the dune is on the decrease. There were
five death' 'ort Wedtreadit, four of which were
certainly of cholera, wad ace wan dOubtfuL There
wen &sr Ave new Cues, bat as the disease has
warned ■ welder form, ft Is probable that most of
them will recover. Doctor ftele-ia getting better,
sad Dr. Haultmeyer flout of all dagger. Moat
of the Inhabitants of Allegheny, In the immediate
vicinity of Chestnut street, have deserted their
One Gnln., mho lived in Allegheny, and be.
coming alarmed, Oed to South Timber', Woe
aitneked by the cholera, and died there yesterday
RIOT on Till ClUnities Cons RAILSoso
UpWards:olthirty•Of the laborers on the Charlie, 's
Railroad, assembled at the office of the Contractor,
Mr. John N McChesney, in Robinson Township,
on Tuesday , afternoon, and attempted to break
Res door to pieces with pick axe. They did not
succeed in thin, however, and finally retreated.—
Police Officer Fox was tent for, and succeeded in
arresting one of the ringleadets, named Michael
Quigley, who was committed to jsil, to answer
the offence. Toe rest of the rioters Were not ar•
railed, but were discharged by the Contraeler. 05 ,
Wednesday morning.
Coans..% 'swum—The Coroner leld an in
quest yesterday, on the body of a newly born in
fant, found dotting in the Ohio river, near Man
chaster. No mark. of violence were preceptible
but it eras evident that It most have been drown.
ed. A verdict In accordance with the bete was
Fitz Wonna—Those fond of itch emu.,
mots mill be pleased to learn that n dimples
Fifa Work. la to tate place at Rosedale Garden
00 StIOZIhr Olrerail. Sea adverliPoMADL
Democratic Coiably Convention.
The "stracyrifted" rust in solemn conclave, in
the New Court House, at eleven o'clock yeller.
day. Long before that boar, however, the lobby
and ante chambers were filled with carolidatcs and
other persons, as busily engaged in wire wort:mg
Fad all the tricks in which the "Democratic" cc
cacti, as though they bed any chance of election
when nominated.
The Convention was organized by calling Col.
James A. Gibson, of Pine township, to the Coal,
Masan. Rudy Patterson, General Davis. An•
drew Barclay, Doctor Wilson, Wm. M. Edgar,
Thom. Ned, and Dr. James Power were duly
elected Vice Ptemdenta.
Moan. John S. Hamilton and John Rea were.
on motion, appointed Secretaries.
i a It now became evident that there would be a
considerable amount of 'nobbling among the dele
gate, there beingno less than three lets 01 dole•
gale+ appointed from the First Ward of Pittsburgh
alone, where the Democrats bad a famous row at
the primary meeting. Major David Lynch .cent
dtagly moved to lay on the table all the credentials
in any Ward, Borough, or Township, where dui
=rent nu of delegate. were appointed. The mo-
IWO Will Carded.
The Secretaries then promeded to ettll over the
names of the various election distriWN and the del
egates handed in their credentials
The delegates from the F'irst Ward nod on
htklag their testa at mate, and ma gentlemen very
gravely marched 'onward, and handed to three MI
fereot acu of credential,.
When Kau Township was called, Kenton
Kerr" appeared, tun Jacob Whltivell announced
that there would be opposition made to Mr. Kerr's
tabtag his seat. • Mr. K. grew very much exerted,
and declared that his seat was not contested. if any
one did so, lei him lacy forward. or ever after hold
his peace.
'everal *film Loran ...en that Benton live. in
the Third Ward, Allegheny. but fewest that he
woollen( be elected one ca the delegates there, a.
he Is anambittotts gentle:l3,l,bn got hlllifittii retest,
sad Inas lima Township. His loud core and
threatening Keene.cs did not carry bin point, and
the ronstdembca of has eredenttels sens . poogonett.
Major Dartd Lynch said that toannuch a , the
room wax taconsentently crowded. not 'being
large enoogh eceommcdate .Al the Ltmaornsry.
be would move that those person. Who were nut
members of the Convention should withdraw.
This motion was carried
Mr. Herr kw! been a Democrat fur twenty two
ca. /la wanly to know who Ibr wi•
hat conte.inl tits twat—let hint ctn., ittrward anti
eyarront ban.
Mr. I hmtlton.aid that the obrettou mad.. to
Alr Kerr unl tag ht•aeat an. that Kerr trA•
mH, at the time ut Etta befug returned,u.ll now.
sod never had beet, a reakletst It t.
ws Town.
gentlemen from the Ant \l'ectt, here rt. 311,
etlthem wets. The Chatrerma derided that this
1 1 E=!!
.51r. Ken rage nod gore to the Coorcohen o
minute and particular amount of tits family atlms
for the paw year. When he was on in Harrisburg
Lest wiener, /am:oz . /or rhr D•rwerrary, his wife
wrote torn a lever stating that his landlord Mille
3rd Ward, Allegheny, wail giants to sell his home,
but he kindly procured another for the 1.0,011.1i11U.
dation of his illenton't) family. Tani house was
let for a very high rent, and he was • poor man,
though thank Gild, ho anted no favor*. He had a
little piece of laud to Rosa Township. The gen
tleman here toklaziganarole story •bouthlr Taggart.
a butcher of that township, and about his tumor
been a Ltenaoenit foe twenty two years. Ile had
served his party by putting up hickory pole., and
had even tied am. to them to make the people be
here they grew there. lie had lately moved out
to Itirss, with his teas med./sunny, the whole ea
curled by the Wilmot Prortki r , in the shape of
colored woman. lie had taken ma all the little Ben
tome., and he had a goodly quantity of them, with
the firm detentunatacro to revolutionize Ross,
and make it give a Democratic majority in the fall.
&mon'. arguments and eloquence did not pre.
Vall, and his case was laid over among. the other
Minn:sled seats.
The disputed tends were brought before the
veatmo, end motions, amendments, and amend.
merits to those amendments Innumerable, were
proposed. The contest waled warm, and the di+
putaina contending for the honor of a seat in the
Conventionfoircame so noisy, dist, on motion, the
whole matter was referred to a Committee. and
Messrs Rudy Patterson. John N. MeClowry, David
Lynch, Dr. Power., and A. Barclay, were appoint.
ed on that pommmeecnd retired.
Mamma Samuel Fleming, John 9. Hamilton,
David Lynch, Thomas Neel, and It. H. Kerr, were
appointed a Committee on resolutions.
A motion was made and carried to adjourn until
one o'clock, P. bl.
-- - •
The Cooreollea wee brought to order.
The report of the Committee oo contested real.
was called Car, both appeared that that Commloce
did not undentand what they bad beau separated
to rio, a portion bring of the opioioo that fell pow•
ere to decide who wen:entitled to seats, wag eon•
(erred on them, while others thought that they
were appointed to report the tarts tithe rice, and
let the Cootie utioo decide as to the eligibility of
the various candidate,
It was et law agreed that the Committee eboold
report the facts atone, and they retired.
A motion to proceed to mark (or candidates was
Several gentlemee owned the motion. The
Convention wen not fully man:tined the
members had all presented their credentials, nod
the contested mate wren yet meant. lnjpe midst
of eenelderable confusion • letter from ion. IL.
!doClintoek, was read, declining to run for the
long term.
• trtottoo to Roared to nominate candidates am
made and carried.
Mr. W. W. Dallas was Dominated for the long
tem, -114 r. D. addressed. the CoastsOen, stating
hls ardent wishes were for Oa •sass of the
Dasskrati. 110 hoped that Mr. Jilin' Salisbury,
of Blrmioaluro, would be nominated for the long
gain byseclsmation, and ha would thirefuns with.
/raw his cams.
W. W. Dallas, Erg., and Dr. Jonas D.' Minion
Malvern nominated for the short term.
Cal. Gibson, P. Q. Shannon. and John Barton,
were anti:minced kir the State Senate.
e following gentlemen sere notaliceted Tor
tr onsai me att,340,4, MimiclLL. B. Patterson,
JOrdAten,B.Turbeu, Wm. Moorhead, P. Dm
64 1 0, A. Karts, R. Foster, Col. Thomas Neel,
Col.:Se:on, Amine! Bitch, Thomas Farley, Joan
68tainelc,9.11. Potter, and Beajainla
Frnainadina Biewart, J.
" Conaly omEnlationer—J. W.
White, Jima Oanal&gbam.
And dor— Edward fAcCorkle, Andrew h Inane,
ter, William Stowirt.
Courtly Sars,yr—E.ll. liesatinsa, Atiattnow
ratterron, and Jael Citeht
A moil In e.t.a made .to eppoint a Committee to
Lamy in the Caminineo on contested amis." it
Was Lair ad by aaelamatioo:
After an encore of some minutes the second
Committee returned, and announced that the first
Committee wanted three minutes longer.
After the erOiration of come time, Benton Kerr
mooed that • Committee, armed with cowhides,
should he appointed to wait a the absent Com•
A motion was made and carried, appointing ■
Committee of three to wait on said ',Committee,
and tel.•s rote them the papers, Ste, in order th.,
they might be laid before the Convention. This
committee retired, and in n few minutes bath
made their appearance. The Committee made ■
report, explanatory cf the method in uh:ch the
Detnocrres In the contested election districts hid
intrigued against each other.
Various Motions were made. Conlusion. Cleo .
of question. •We want the evidence. We
want the facts.' The evidence in the Fast Ward
ease, was tea/. It was moved that the delegates
elected in the First Ward on Saturday night last,
Messrs. lYlathers,•nd Moorhead, he declared
duly else d. It was moved to amend this, by
giving note of this pares a seat In the maven.
Mr. Irwin was waiting twine remark, on
motion, when one of the delegate. declared (tel.
was very evidern}, that there had been cheating
In the cane. Mr. 1. remarked thu if any one
could brat that gentleman io cheating, he was
emelt rho amendment wan lost. The original
motion was rattled,
A motion declaring that the ee!eqates from Re
serve township,. who v. era elected :at the lama
place for holding piper :one, abonid be admittted,
was made. A long 11114 angry &Mate followed i gn6
the motion war w ithd raw u. Yarfoea motions and
amendments wan male, and Messrs. newhorw,
and thtervim were finally admitted. A motion
rejeettrg the delegates Dom Adams township,
was made and carried.
A Inocco WI. Waal) 41141 Karr be pd
witted to a aeat ID the convection.
DL. Narrow, fleaton'e colleague, lamed that h.
had come to htm, before the primary meeting, and
said that he seabed to he elected or. delegate,
uWcd INt po tog) Ipsided for two months in tb
taw cabin. Mr. U. woo Uphill d dply plcocd.
The Amt. Of ~Wcek, P.M, had row airier •
end the Convention was declared duly organ
ist d.
Mr. -Tames &Intl:try war then -taamicated lot
the tong term, theta bring nn cppneitton.
I' Was moved and aeConded that the delegate,
mark far at] to a tmlidatea al UDee,
Mr. Irwin annevoced that Clem. rail K. Meare•
head bad deela.ed hia intention,' it he were den ed
t r the Lettiel•ture, not to support &MOP Cameron
for the limited State. Static.
Tae following nonlzmitionv were made
James Stkebu•y.
Cengreu--Siart T,,,,,
lona, Et. M.Cl.nto k,
w. IN. Dail.,
Jobia A. Barton,
.•A. e, Hl.
L. B. reterhov,
Tntnr. M. U,
J. K. 61...voreareal
The above coaled geatlerner. Vera clamed a,
ha 6,1 belot. le •a. , !Or , el', of Afir pray,
!acted on the xt c .m[ hot:
IN 1. Slewar,
Ji.s. d. Elawfcr,
County Cannon...,le,
Jobs 11. VSilOps rrcolrel plorwity of voion.
Edsvar3 McCortle VA, nominated, having -
ceived W
N Pelt: non.
E. It. iletologr,
At•et the leoteree of a nor:thee or trtolalione,
the Cooveotino at:jot:treed
PO• 7116 exesitioreser cr or 4.11,0151L1M
• 1141t1...177 , L.k ., Z
. I.,..:eg.:gari or TI:. 1114:1D
Scrofula or King, Roil. Itheapriadsro. Clbormate
ono. Kruhtiona, Pimples or tan oi. Me Face.
Riot... s. Chronic Sore Rye.,
a n d %Vona
or T.,. Seribl Ilea.l, Rolle...lent and Pion of
the Lionel •ml Jouit, Vtahliorn hirers. Syphiltir
Prinpiwil, Sciatica or Lumbaro.—and dt . c ...
from an vinadiczons ewe slerenry. Act
Aran or limply Erman.< or l.prudenee in L. c
rkiao—Chronte CMlVltyllituei Distr.., &a.
med:cine has ari t oi,ed • very ...needed and
I estab.....l firs he.'
ow ...ever it h. oreo
I hawal eniirelv Pis own morn, It• .4101
efr.c•ry has o.orte surtioord. llic
wirer:mon vte •
0, ho"doar! .1-we yr,
sinew end rerun, h.. b... rte 4 to
heatth and vigor Ihe seroftrio. potie. covered
with Meer.. Inaihwome to him.. and his attention.
has been mode whole. Ilemlreds r I persons, who
bad airiered tint-eI...MY for ream oudre rummer.
and el.ndolar diaorwierw, chronic and
many other comp:mm.l springing from a der.gement
of then or.n.and the eirenixtion, horn been
rais..d as were troarthe rack of drastic. end now,
with rter.M4 ytodly te.tuy to the
&L., of ren
this Wert , 3:1011.
-Tam! it+ eta.% MER ElLit N FICT'ON
The attention of the reader le exited to the following
astonishing cure, effected by the a.. of Sands' Sera*
P. 41 1 -4,. in certify hat laavea colored woman who
ham teen altdetrd tor khe i Len tour• Se•nfoltt,
end all the r.r.,,d1,6 I used had on effect in arresting
the progress of the complaint: on the ontritryi, she
constantly ere., worse: arid et. expending bet Ween
570 and 5. , 0 with physicians, beside• Bring other
popular remedies without suce,ia, till the Mara,' hod
eaten away the certiliree tit her no.c., made its
pear..< on various parts of Ler body and bad finch
enmroe Ira ravager in Me root of ler mouth
Ur dreadful the
w i th the P. 07001
tiring her m the face, I oat. her can. to Dr
Disorway. the agent Mr Sunda' Sar..ppril: a in New•
horn, N. C, by whom I w. ad•wed m Jae Mat article
and tri my surptl. atol Mal of my neighbors, to whorn
her mawa war knwn, akor ovine four and • hell Lot.
'ea ..he was teeth?. to perfect health. and that In the I
pare of three arcel.,lll,l idwa n hie to work it two
weeks from the lime con.eticrd inking it.
wit.seow the truth of this tinter.. I have
!levant° anted my name, lb, I WI tinyor September,
repo au~rru fiIcCOTTER. J. P..
"Mouth of Neu. River, Craven. N O.
011111.: 111110/A'r.
The following I. ancilrart frem a letter received
from ra Bevan, woe had been Mir ted aAveral yen , .
with Fr role lona 1:Inn ea, h O ., and recent,"
an alaction et the throat and chent,—
. ilatrarns Vn , Dec.
.Itieones. A_ II ll•sua -ll.forc I coml ll, menced
mune your Sartaparilla, toy .utfertega were almost
I "t t 7 t t .s h 7:, at al s" ..r., ` , ° , ' , i t c Z C C :fu r :lV;
ereek. lneelber {bat • oula tu.t ape. •bove a 1.'1,1,,
per, and hamlet, the it tlannummn (footmy throat Co.
tended to my head, ra that in, labtmgv very runt h
Ire.) Ar tat the
t h ro atSaranprr alto time.
tn, health was tiarravt nod toy hl• now well;
I ant ea free f roulb and tighlne•A of the rimer at
vvec era-, and nan hr ar ione dirt \t throat
hoer well lomat :beer rooull, the cure of wide)
heel,tr., entately by u‘e Cl your Curia.
l u nar friend I.I I UISA It ItliVANn
'the foliew,m, te•ttmornal to the rune of the Stern:
net tin R., loath, Wr,a ht, aged 70
riltev at tV,,, rn .
• WI.
"Mews Nand, firmintnen-1 , , , m, .Ins, I have la•
pertenced, and from the Informanon have reeent,l
reeetved f Gin on tot of per•oto. of high teepee.,
tunny ratio have anal your earaspartlta, I have awl
the team doubt but that It la a moat valuable metlielua,
and that the onmertnia eettlYthatex yea have reveler,'
of Ito aleony are folly= uatnitted by e rpe mace, and
although it, rep , ninon end minty are very extensive,
and stand to no nerd of tuy humble effort. to marmite
them, I want all Who MIL althrted by dtseate to he.
a egaaloted wlth the efficacy and rawer of yOut
valuable Inethelne.
ni sob gentlemen, gratefully itn,lvery re.peetfully
Prepared and vold, artanie.hie and remit. by A. D. A
D. SANDS, Druggist. and (Menne., lola Fultou sterol;
eornerof Willbon, New York. Sold also by Drug.
K ay,. generally throughout the United States and
nda. Pelee tl per Wolk; KII hocks Foetid.
go co., and EDWARD PPAIDgIi ICI!, Pattaburgh: A/
so. ha go. to %MTh, IDideveratee. I aulledeodisaria
Saddam •xad Widows ,
THE undersigned, late Agent (dr paying United
Stales Pennon., at Pittsburgh, wilt attend to the
and Bo untyition orthadalaru and Widows. Cis haina lot Pin
ola:l. Lund,
Ah officio! cooreettan with the United States'Clov.
ernmerit hos mode Ole !amain, with Wt. rodeo and
forms, as welt
ats the deePleh. s of the Pedalon Depart.
went at Washagou Caty.
Mons widows sod ems or Revo I:lionizes Soldiers
Sim clans. Wm r , ?.7 Yerbe oblonied Sy pion , — -
(Moo of Woo..eser,
Mayor's Office, Finish
_JolyriS,ltrrio 1120,
pi.oi7x-140 Is
stiCaLap:Aft_!_eu_t 414 drink Cease
., Dtptallt Hazlett,
*. tit terra for the sieve mad ell inter.;
17 ...Cock A. 1.7. Nzb ' " II " "Y An* 21 ' , . 2
1 or rte.ela"r Peeett_e, pp.
__yl CO board, ir te
' F1. 1 .1._ J,„/MVITON JONES, Agent. ,_
a: ye light draught steamer
j WilkinLameter ,, will. leave for rote
md Intermediate ports, on MO der,
h Mot, at to o'clock. A. bil.
_For freight or passaatlroird.. atm SO
The entire's' new and mlandid
et Steamer
W. W. Martin, master, milt leave kr
the above an all intermediate landings on MU day
the 29th Intl, at 4 r 0.
For freight tr passage, apply on beard. aaityp
The splendid steamer
anaslar, will leave for above
ealand all intonnedla:e ports on NA day,
'be 27‘b Inst., as ID o'e r l.k, A. Al.
plume, apply on board. aaa2o
m ai te " The sploodld amarosr
Co[. master, orlll !circa for the above;
and all intermedhoo porta, co idle
day. the cam mit, at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For (maid Or pusage, apply on hoard. or to
ape II W B WHEIsLER, Agt
m aiThe splendid steamer
Ebben, master. will leave for above
and insosaselhato landless on this
A. Iday, the 113th of August at ID o'clock
kw " • ,
1 .-1 211 e I "
i ' Will resume , b. , rxuln , tap. to
.o . t i xt:4:?! iVbealina ibis At T,ICSI2, P '" , :ib
vcsy FlOaday, vrcble .7, uk Po t.
A A. M.
' A
lIMSTHPOWI b irdi;:ZAits. \
day, at 10 &cf.
For (might or
maiYae n'trit/tiMaIIENY.
DL Ilogiopeo, will lea - go ter above
all Intermediate laaltiaga, every
Fat o'ciloc P. M.
or freight or nage apple on board favgl7:dShir
Packets are
i log at anddepartlug from
, Prg of elftotofglit
HE (111 L i lON 6:IJN li /Fill Y IliA 0 IFlll'
Cignnin .10117( BISSIINGILOS.
14E4Thi..plen did .boat was I-ullt by li
• OW. of th e stemerFrose Newto.
KVAIN,Inf i il.e t ftellinali ro:
ra — eye ~dete4; ‘4 46 ioillttselpl4.o o
we New England, Na. R.
For (rojribt Of pascrip ypply an bnnrd, nr Ro
mr.ll U 1/ MILTENDEROF.II, lift
1850 igNEEZII
YH;l~4lre,.i vain AL PITTREIVIEgit
TRH flit RAS' P08?451,13 ROIY
fIoNTINuEs ta A MAO freight to Pittsburgh via
tr Roll Read and Cahal, nn very rewonable wrens
add with the usual despatch. Rem oar large depot
Marto stmeet Philadelphia: fotaterlyeetap!ed
by Aid•••,11. Magri= .t Peet
at:eV:dew R POTAIDE;NTER fr,
RY C W , ARWiIE44I4(i r4tocElf
siial. 1850
The rich passenger ,reamer
Robert It Maier, mutes, will leave Pinsburith every
lin tier, Tbuisday, and PAta (guy WerAines. root
Wheelie ellll 111 aware; A, Al. Relenting Will leave
Wheeling far Pdtabuith every Monday, Wednesday.
end at a AT sues
All Pirrs , uvnaii a WHEELINUPACKET
agaLThe newerCASIIIFR,
SFIliMu, molter. will 'rove for the
Love andall ipletofelleap orttiop
tine de :Mb :Mb 14,1.. at 9 A 14•
Fur frelto or patesor, applY or bored. ant?
manta Ai
O•ir ss 11114 1$ St•ffigg•
Via Llrhwurtrills and c...berltnd to Balthartra gni
Fans To Ill•muoar-r..•••••••-....$10 00
00. l'ldhahazyura.--•-- 13 1:0
Flu tE moralnk boat !tares the aubarf r &Anti all
I bridre duly, at 8 o'clock precirely. Time
idaltirnure:3l holt tsi time to Philadelphia, 40 boars
The even., last I daily, ickeepr panda, gv-
enkuksj at 0 o'clock. Pararnecra by lulu:lag an tha
ervent.g b 421, will Mar the moaolaloo IP Cava Dahl
d ay. .J Was avoid algid travel.
*curd your tiekets ai the Mice, tdonortgahala
Hoare, or Vt. Chutes llotaL
.0114.10 hiF.BIIbIF.N. anal
11 splendid h rant running wane,
W. S. Conwell, miler, having =der
gone thoroggh repair,will run hew
ntter ns regal•r pneket between Fittsbargh sag
Wheel tortng rittihargh eves, Mouthy and
nitride,. morni at U o'clock.
For re.g lit or 'towage apply on boorg,nr to
act IV 11 WIibIELFR. An.
185 0 , UMW,
And 11.11 Road Cara,
(Eart.neivet.T roa Pasant...9llh)
V.. the Central r...ißoad and Penn'. Canal.
9140 mare Rail Ruud, and 140 miles Canal.
tone—he Pure-4110 throegh.
The Pertsge Rail Road is passed inn day Ilatil
o n a n d r d i o v l o e ' j e a le " ta ) e th r ° ' e* eir% can
hoes Huntingdon Co The can an the
ahoy- road and ikon Allegheny Plasm° Rail Read
ere en new, an! the very best de•cription In the
country, and wall the Inereand speed po the moon
tatha• ••••dole•f• a throu n h soh despatch. •
A Parr el 0401 will leave every monong at 111 o'-
cle. I. and every e•cutng •I 9 o'clock.
FOi ealelt. Speed, Quinton, shit nano la de.
erdedly ,he matt preferab:e now tu use to the Einem
Cain. For passage or information apply to
W SUTCH, Monongahela tisane;
or to D LEECII A CO, al Resin.
P H.—On the Int September, the C Can enral Rail Road
will be npen talk, lidaysburg, when passagen will
on through In 4i hour.. • lOU
c iElat • 1850. pa gi ajzi
[D - Weaver .Agenl. (or INDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND
PACKE toortng add ohlpping between Plusburph
andand Hocanter by steam Loam y PAtehiean, Lake &le,
Gooda recelpted aed romptl delivered
pia,' on Ihe and [Alma at Ire lowest ta l e s
hilupp,rs wall plea& direct ponds to vtltdorellls
i.e. um iv
Voter at, VllMeorlte.
CAPITAL 1100,000.
J. Finney, Jr., licey. I It. MUSA., Jr, Petrel
Wdl !artier against all hinds of risks,
It. lifi ANC
LL Idesee will be liberally activated and promptly
A home initituticn—meneged by Directors Who an
well known di the community, end who are delermith
by promptness sea liberality to maintain the cher
serer. scdell Ihriy hare accursed, LI ° deco r the best
proteedon trribose who desire to be Innate.).
Oman - nes—lt. Miler, Jr., Geo. Bleck, .Batler,
N. Ilolrces, Jr, Wm. 8 Holmes, C. !Lateen, Geo. W.
Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, is.. Lippincott, Thee. K.
lamb, Janie.; M'Aoley, Ales. Ntiouck, Thos. Sepik
Ornet. No. al Water Greet, (warehouse of Span
k stairco Ibasbursh. Jnl dly
lIE undeneened 'teeing completed their MAIM!
PIM are
lm promptly all orders le
;teeter mat other Manufactured Capper or any To
.tee.. Metre from the Copper of Use Cliff bile°,
take Soot nor.
This ,feal has been thoroocbly tefied by comp,.
sciretthe mast in the service of the Geeernment,
tad ilionotmeed Impeder In dewily, strength, and
rust ity, to tots itt etee, and km emelt preferred Inn the
nanutectorc recd.:meet and other permits.
It le tneretme confaltveh recommended at • supe•
tor mole, tor all ogee, to any in And we
,pectluey *elicit the attention of purehaser• and
tthera Io thm new trench of home mandfacturs.
A 4 orient %Ye/ebonite Is No B Commercial Row,
.41.criv .erret. nn fin (1. I . IUS . SFY &CO
------- .
noaoclaacdl. /111.1¢.1•IMO• 00m.
Pan, tittle t Ily of Plltgltoniglb.
cA I'l I'AL 0900,000.
I K. RIO( ill El W. DALL - A111.84u1 ,
ZR EDl3,lfiall'hllnt."'"th'i
0f,., Second :Stogy, Willem, Had.
Din laic
J. K. Moonleml, Cod y
Ylutergog, Wm. A.lllll,
E. 11. lianloy, U. U. Stamm, Joshua Rhodes; Wm.
Edgm, Edward:64mm, A. Aughuta, Wm. Kol.
Immutud,ll. C. Sawyer, C/mg. Kam, Wm Ourilla.
16 f l oc FEET Worked Oak Flooring Boo*,
to att-y per rertly try , and or • .11perlOf quality
truelerdtf S. LARE4
lipirvirtue of-a — precept ender the hand. of Wm. p .
liThrfe; President of the Court of Common Pleas,
in and fee the Firth Jadicial Dm , [let of Pennsylvania,
and Justice of the lloart of (rye, and Tenineer. and
Oemiral Jail, Delivery In and Inc Bald Dtstrict, and
Wilhelm, Kerr mad Samuel Jones. bee, Auociata
Jodges of W e Came calmly, In =id for the 1..%an1y of
AllogilmaY, dated the' lath day of Augett, in the year
of oar Lord one theroiand eight hundred and aft and
to me directed, for holding • faun of Oler end Tar
Wrier arid General 101 l MOM', et the veen Dolma
in the. etty of Phtebergi . 4 "on the Fomrth Monday
October no, at 10 o'clock A AL
ratilla natter to hereby siren le all Janice, p oi the
Pete% C.... end ConsnOtes of Allegheasythat.
they be then and there, In their wpm penormorint
their voila, recorde. imPtlmbaelsp=tmiOadorm and
other •rentembranees, to do the. damp, .Irtileh to
their respective afters lather behalf. appmum for m
done—and w e e thole that wilrprefecale the piaci:ten
thatnew are av may be to the aild colony tet
A I.eghere, to he then end a"! to t"eddtd *Oulu
ui,g„ ~,aasj art lath of Must:wilt,.•lttla teat ditY
of angoet e in the year of our Lord cue =anal an Xt
hundred d lily, and of the Ca 0 111011.1621/1 the
AlaitgAwiner 54117741cuIPINIRivis,
• -
• .' P v . .
1 . . • .P. W. iegA T. E S , ,
PAT VIVO: 1:1547.: '•
THESE DIES having been adapted and highly approved in I the pnricipal RITA in New York .
and Philadelphia, are now offered , to manufacturers, marbioisis, 'p smiths,fice, VIII 4 the utmost eons
fidence, ss the most perfect ankle in use or Cutting screws.
Their superiority over any ober Dies heretofore tont consists id..
their enuring a muter
Scam, whether V or Sql,Ste thread, by on:pawing over the into to be cut...which revive nosed/6z
o, l"Trivitt , pn•p.ratiox, as the dies cat the thread our of the solid iron, ridnun raistng. it in the lewd;
in their greeter durability, rapidity, and perfection of work; and in their simplieity and little liability
to get polo( order.
Pamanasturtsji Amg.17,1818.
This Is to minify that welts..purchased from P.
IV. lbwse the right of sting hlspattat Dies for eat.
nni bolts. In sw °Clung Ids Dinars much nee
d. to try others we an swinish:mad with tor the
Purpose or cutting bolts.
QaNnl had P 1 1 7 Gr ELA stes , Ps''z'nfia'tont llle:in2l.nsolllso.ur
i!.." lll kment far ih11194 nin• wombs, for nano/
t is e lts,;••• can in every rayon rettomomnd them Is
o,„,tn i te g ..r-r o a r et ni tts4 i r: bsrL i t r f i ll o i ttx nry;
e ' n; cheaper Min sa oth m now to g 7 pro
Peon Works, P.
sad Unload in rip bum** P
of Ps.
eta :1",..1 L il y o re ' :: " ;;;: h jd : . YP b 7M e . 4471 :r n : e l
IS o 4 We
of labor, say dies ke, . 411 ns 0 . ernmuoj
maims. & MORRIS'
Plnlomilitk tbmb lisu ,
1, 1
flaring sdosad P. W. iirtUre=t, i ,Pit B4' r nog bolts, we take ;ammo sar
s thou minters oar expeetstions,
non p in ing it as our ophnon,ll, st
clam meg. l ks scq," •
- T 88Caa Co.
We have P. W Pates' "Placa Dim" fors
50w..., and the economy of mass Men
roosidsml4, OM go look upon themy tr,dy, pe ;„" r i
plc to every establishment haring say qung,i7,,
limos. to est.
Crams., My 10, 1E49.
°mu , '" OnWra Witto 2 l/PMs etk left. '4B.
a t.E , 9„bEsid gr i ll Scorilje. for the United
Mkt..4.1 SW
A 2TF.OItjABLI.ToItKe?m• 1
Y • F4O . tift,d._yeir. Doodling.=
g6RDT. JriNEDic .
141 Front at
_ - -
A enact. HOIIME o, Pride street, In the Flea
Ward,—Rent lms. Apply thli ellen as,
olni - ul l Yt P4
P tend sod TI stonoi al %lab.. No 3
Altljettgle4 iulotn Or
11. 0 STOCKTON, tooluallen,
17 Market 41.
To Let,
beten• Fa ''
three story Brick Warehuse, uo WMC2,
try street, molting Rio I. Pint
mem, on reumnable tem. ;{l444eu.'u, (Imo Immo.
E NrAg -
f 1 164 LORENZ.
FOR SALE.—.II Lot oi Ground stutate oa Fano
etreet,betweco Ilay and Idarbary Streets, üboirung
the house and lot nose occupied by➢
Richard Velerards,
buries a front of Serest, out la depth/69 (Mord! be
4 f n
} Aeonble j U
attire f LUSARLI,sto stlooar Wood.
Pripa - rty I A.iiiivitaity City Co. t$ KU.
LHE elbsenbers eller for sale a umber o ebols
Lelsoduulte In the Second Ward, frond,' f ea
em errand, an easy terms. In or I
W. - OIL ROBINSON, At; ? Ili •v 3 WC's!: to
or orits 8010,5N1N. on pm:Aug
TEA AND WINE DEFICLIANTS, ems side of th -
Easeilent Teas— U SO per lb.
Superior qualities —.... 0 73 do.
' Tho best imported r. Te as
Low priced, damaged, or Lactic Teas awl not tep
at Wiz estabitsbampL irts
------ - - --- -
top.aais a linocKwAY_, comadsuott reins.,
saramento city, Calllorait Liberal atlvanceo
mode en ' consignments, and
_nu banner.promptly mit-mood to.
3:ll.4ifiilSON RJR MILLS.,
01110 STATE COMMISSIONER foe taking Da
ALLlonslAckaowledgments of Deeds, Ad.
Office—Foorth meet, above Smithfield. ..
/All.-ou bus Turner& Waal. Oil;
AO Ms Tadarne OIL
Ira bus bLeaskad srsater Lepbsnt Oil;
311/ brls do do Wldtla OU;
astat gals calmer Sperm Oil;
109 bas **sal Ossall.s; far sale br
ALLEN 4111kEb1..E.3,.
lyt:daddlisr 92 & 92 South IV Wads, is
LIVE 111 11013:A1101r..
Vlrlary, Jr..
Agog /or the P.i hurrihas Ca, el Mts.
(CICE, of the Western lestrnmee tbneriany
Pe Water attest, Pittsburgh.
Wasp with air necessary inleirmatiort, and
grant tones will be famished.
Husbands can insure their lieu for the benebt of
their wives and thildren; erednorepte Lives of their
The whole profit. of the Cm
among the holders of Life Policieos. pSny are divided
tae dividends of the put two years Lave been
ty per ems:each sew. itt-St
It; thugs Hank lot Sic burgh.
A iI.:I:III3a.AL Macula, af the abolocra of the
CI. Exchange Beet of Yittabarau Mtn be beta at the
llanktug, tient. ett fklood•y, toe 9th day of September
felt. at Of o'clock. r. Al- for the parpoat e( consider
tag and detenntning upon the Act palmed at Mc late
eecaton of the Legialanue. extending'. the chatter
Ily order of the DICECIOn. •
Augast 10. lt6o.—aegVhdto
SA. k , t... P. 8/10 . 1VEH and CHA
I N 11.3113:03 hate
E ,,,,,, ro d hltlliVr.,`,T,.!T q l'%'
W OOl .l O l. 60 .0 , 1'. Plodded, and 10•=iz i ro '
t ° todei•
deed, at No 130 & L tkeand auteg between Wood
and kw:UW.I 04
Pittatush, Ai
ass Vial., Bottles, and Flasks, Porter, :Notch Ale,
Minn.. Were , ' Patent Medicine, end'Wlne Danlu
en at ere deeeripilon; aloe, WINDOW 0LA9113.
tly on hand totted.' mermen' of
'ilitsreet co ani:lr u a ALSO a' tEs th
A e o eroreen
Glut Factories are au. woreen, u 1. the cement In
sonnuer, This Fecruat is now to reg. OrLIATIoN, and
OW condemn in operation both summer and winter
rders respectfully tone/red. and win be lilted on the
shorten nodes.
Warehouse, No 119 Second inneek between Wood
Ind tionthfie/d eta Pinsbareh. Jew.dly
rut. e.eanienal 111417/11.
minivan A peutAns,
Pm:duo asuiprwatiyum Vgslisats,
And &Wm In Pidoborgh Blanaligatored Ankles,
Noe. 130 I*4 130 llteoo4 stmt, •
• Octoroon Wood & Soableld, Mateo...oh. call
I. CAROTHERS & so,. .
No 15 Wood tttttt s• Pittsburgh.
Colleedons made on all the ptinelOal eiders of the
United Mama. • augg ally
cievalaad. Warren sad" Plttelbargli ,
Telegraph Compiny.
TN pumas:tee of it ruolnUon of the Hoard of Dime
j. ton of the Cleveland, Wanrea. and Pittsburgh
Telegraph Company, requesting thei Secretary tomato
out and cuse to be pabllshal In the newspapers Wong
the tine, an cstibit of the financialand other affairs al
this company. I submit the fellotylbtpore—
The line of Tekgraph comm... at Meseta- d and
terminates at Pittsburgh , passing th roe). Chagrin
Fall. Franklin, Newton Fans, Women. limlngstaern,
•nd In the State of Ohio. and New Castle era
Reehaster, in the Butte of Newel...* at which
points thereare ofbees located (untie and
trtesatisalon of hula..
The whole length of the line is AC) =ilea—Capital
Pro., thd'ot vs. old. tasking • total.espital s loe t of
1121.7 nu, of ortnen &awing ate,e¢3 to bold by dazena
along the Lim, sad to held uy Cornell k
Speed, the contractors. The shove .moat of rap
saoptions by einem% have been paid to Osman*
Speed, for which the Trost.* have their receipt
'._jel4:llll ; JEFFERSON BALA, Secretary.
01111101.11T1911 01? P.anructcaniP7
I". , TATl , tr,gitr:ll B ,lrbTA`4llTl
by mutual balms. • 8.. R. JOHNSTON,
JulrS9, IL
C. srocrrox,
101.—augl? ,•.
pn~smtiDr a goo ~ D,s sa.
140 10 T►lyd. below narloat et.
W. 8. HAVE
ISseceaeor to Johnston a HAVE
RF.APECCFULLY Inform his Blends and the cos•
tomeo of the old establistaineat that, having
purchased the Printing Odlea and . Wok 'lindes of
the late firm, he Is prepared to animate with neatimis
and dispatch, every duce pion of ,
Having had the management of the Petottne depart.
meta of the , late Arm ;or seventeen yews peat, he
feels confident of being ate to render satisfaction to
ail who shit favor him with their pauemage.
Almost Id, Isino.hogi.thrlize
JOUR 1111(LIEM111.00 •
I Earwig&Wait.
To imold the many meonvenistmea attending the
L asp elite clamor.," Skein, the atova ankle has
been Muth, and fora long time touted. Irha a &way.
been a matter of satordsunest the common
attielq of . tiottosesqathslekntently *poke* for `en,
N bn. th - ...11U1ry eat Mush more vantabir, alumna Savo
been mppli.d in Skeins, from no math ',cable,
vetradon.and loss au 0111.0.,
I. The dileculty s m e lt laat bun ovetteome, the eoliths
otwod • goa, handaymety put unto • con-
Valliant form for domestic use. •
The only abiecdon aged ageirmi' this article LI the
aelludel eitaul eustaill each atettol. Tina la esifer
captained. Earth Spool. Itraltallted to contort yards Pr Silk; whit. th e lardiniay Skim, at. UM lame
price, has bolas ancartain quantity, varying from le
ha Spool
hook thready far us at lho time of mkt.
ra,andy needs a conea st
aleptitiofita rmsnenty in quality. Ind ep e n d en tof
the ne and untronlant form to "Midi it la famished,
it hu 'gran advantages over the Sloth, no it dee.
array with the Mania of winding, the venthlion'of
ItSobl ths alit= in Naming fora`!
Wet. it. Homan* Ns icsoms,
61 North Mini al, Philudraphar •
aoasrmmor, OHM di CO
8 Walden Lana Nor York.
D Mfg waived . Atli
Moons Miele, •rhlietaued,
btu, of W. right also. bluing tint sati "d
In "1 , 44 9 141 4 0 4 0 TP.g 9P.! ROA. 1 4 7 . 41.
ries under the rapertislott or thts Dejtarnzmit, p. W.
GI ate,'aP cdent,„ates" for enure r unman metal, they
having been tried two r large arsenals, end•
found to be very eflielentAnd eleru,nr,
A. TALCOTT, CoL Ordirtaneti.
Brazac CY Vane arm
'WeeelNene, AS, Una •3.
Conaiderlng Came Patented ovenlmpt,,, r ot cot;
Up, eerellef en metal to he a valoatale by,
asthority of the Honorable Seiretary of Ike
rirebtmed of the Ammar. of the Patentee, Vv..
&teethe, and Samuel Blower, Teo, the tight le make
and use said improtrentent for the U. B. Navy.
- .101%Pli 9311111, Chtef Of Bereats;
In ow also hy -
Roptlo Works,'Buttaia;
Reese &Ashley', Rochester,
Rosiest k Co, Illonceqler, N. Vr .
Haywood & Snyder, Elchoylkill Coanty;
Blrbeet; hew a ark;
1-lahee Dclemeter,.Phernis," N. V;
H. lc Denham & CC, New Volk;
Denenead & Co. Monument Works, Stall;
Van Curen, Rocheel.n .
Mau & Ayres N.. Yojkl
&Ilene Works, dm
f;4 l :::'i t or a rN:gatt;
ri, Tr i• 6ma, PhßsonloLla;
A lenk.Breedesbvsch. Pa;
& N.ebnalcielon and'Nedr York,
Lowell Nachloe /Mop, Lowe
Asnecehalic Co, hloochegter, N 14 ;1
Lyman &Soo her, Roma Bosun,.
an! numeroaa others. •
No UPsehme t lo His dies' & taps ft I to 21n..pri.
Nog do - do .ftto 1 f phut 112:41
a do do I tot, price 'IFS
48 otdere.sadrerzed to P. W. (ices, Chlesins. G.
B. Henson, New Volk, D.lionsfiall Co, Phila.
delsida, and H. if. eetetille a Sons, Cnicago, lot Dies
owl Taps, whit or without maebinu for using Dung
wilt meet with prompt onemiot, '
Cowen°, May 3,1554
Da3. 1. MYERS on v i
a l hut pretest:lanai nerileeo
to the 'citizens or Manchester anti , eking),
" Ic e cod: m. lo re., for the present, In Rotel:114
In Illutehezter, totredontly shove th e 11. 8. Merits*
, , lelhattm
• 11•11 D:
riIL JOHN MARTlN'resputrubv mmounect to the
chinas of Pittsburgh, ' hat pgummuitfp
•?sted hingself in thia en , t or e 0
Y , e.purpoite of pact
tieing Medicine and Surg'ety,iu ail in venous brooch
ca Uhl cline Is on Routh ante; No lOU. Ressdeoce
No 01 game
IRLPOM.T•Megi Td Tnr. ea vidiiaso.
Br. 11(1E1 Celebrated Remedies.
DR. JACOB B. BORE th e discoverer and sole pros
priguse of Mesa most papules and beveftmel
ugg m ing., and also itif inventor of the celebrated
Instrument for Inflaung the Limps, In andel" a cute
of •• bionic disentes. was a mint of that eminent.
physician, Deeto Phygie, and Is k gudaete of tkp
University of Peunsylv made, and toe - thirty years sine.
ins born ehilled in the investigation of dhasne, and
the ithillealtell of remedies hereto.
Tit/mule the use of his Ittflattng lobe. In connection
with Ms Prophylactic Syrup and miser of his ressedtes,
be has seined an unbends , led eminence In curing
Mow dreadful and fenl:metadins. Tubercular Coe.
surepdon, Calicoes, RerMa't, Rheumatism. Astlittur.
I Fever anti Ague, Fever* , of all kinds, Chronic Ery
'dachas, and oh thou obstinate disceses peculiar to
fectudee. Indeed every form oldnesse statuettes under
the use of his remedies, to which humanity u heir—
not by the use of one collescuni may. toe that is to.
torapellble , wl h Pity Hell:tatter Ague, era by the ass
of his remedies, adapted to and prescilogd for such
peceliar nem of tileenc.
Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pink, when • used aro
Invariably acknowledged to be superior to all other,
as purgative Or liter ull, tuamureu as they leases
toe bowels parreudy tor t !rem costlvenes•; Ile also
hi. Bohlen Pala is sdnistind by the Neely to possess
seceder properties aeapted to female demean, bas
being wished that .re - trial is solar mosto establish
what ha t been mild tothermals of the llteouee tt
'Coe alliteted ere Invited ? le roll upon the agent awl'
procure (fe.ons) ono of the Daeur's pamphlets. giving
...tud,duceount of cads remedy and its up:l:tuella,
Ear talc by the folloartne areas", as well ashy maal
ingests thronghout the t rnny.
bchooneasler Jc Co. :4 Wood street, Prusitursh;
M Tovruictul, dtuU5 1 .1.45 rthaet Cu, do;
lee IL tictlai•m, 10 near the. P.O. Allegheny city;
Jos Barkley. Derlingten, Rester co, Ps.
Inn Fllient, Ranee Valley, do do;
T Aden. Deaver, dh do;
PLANIETT'Ii 81TT1,11 , 8
Creates a healthy acunn 16(6nel:tout the hotly, restore
Iha appenle,entuthze ilm circulation. Five tone and
energy to the system, and e'restic power of resist
ante to dlscate In all its forms, "rely In be obtained.
They will perlotm a speedy and permanent core of
DY.PoPsW,lndigection Fhoulettcy, Genera) Debility,
Lever Compland, and n'l Wain of ayntploms coutie,
Monty ca/led antooas affections.
Mlle immediate lEeffeCLs ~
ly relteved by the am of this lomat
hallo compound, ateh ,M,.ptirely vegetable, sail it
adapled to ill ages m
Will find In Uli delicate end palatable preperetion,
comblvtation al Tonic, Altetalve and Aperient qui.;
nes, peenliarly idepted to their systems.
The specifie amt. th at th is ankle hen en the Liver
and Dirernve greatts, render, its complete Antidote,
bar Paver atd Ague. and llPions and Typhus Fe•C[S.
C 11.01.11146 L.I. July 11th IFS&
I hive and the article af,Planetes Ritterm,
mad have derived great tent fit tram them. 1 haws
been wit , jest fat yiars pest Is tie Freer and Agoc, bat
lhe Intr.duction at yunr It Itern, I Gave courtly
escaped my usual eitsemm, flied emu with madames,
[l.loll3lclialitila I. •nue of the hest Tonic. In use.
• liesµ etrolly . jrunr:,
tret - xsccu), June 15714
Ns that ?n. •
' Is/sires me.mreb resells, In; state, that this
Dyspepsia swab vouch say lire hi. been an long troub
led, OWN( hone inaction of 11,r. (Oast bee been no.
Urely overcome, and rayon Sry rho use Grp... revels.
able preparahoo or IhrterM , and for your kindness in
recasts:lsadore them, Wens., accept my throats.
Your Olershor 1 it f Cant,
Agents, William T. Diets tr. Co, IN thti Cr! Frost
Street. New York. For miler by --- . ' ' • .
asitiolmin ~' R E..isELLERs.
To Southern and W n Bgerohamtse
:iuhlie attention to
hi. extensive sleet of Porrarenry, Snaps, Sharma
Crellll2, On., to which wan Silver and two Golden
Medals lune, wi th in the act sin years, been awarded
by , rho Institutes or New York, Bowen, and Phil.
dolphin, Me tarter being the: only Golden - Medals ever
awarded for patrimony eit h er la Europe or in this
tionsok's Unarrarmala Sias . .. Conan, ,Amend, :
Rose,and Ambrosial,) novenially .4nm/fledged to_pe.
Im ...Perim' to any Shaving Cream m this comorg or
Dram • Snantic—Beatnifelly
and possswang • highly :brace...rim cad emollient
properties; Sepansaeo. Compound; Ambrosial Shay
log Tablei i Military Sharing Soap.
sormiama Tottar Soars— ai m mond, leac, faineants,
Boo* net,Piatechlo, blast. Patchouly, t minibns,ploat-
Ink.llrsparent, OlivcCiLlb winner, mil aromas*,
Il mq uet T&:liglGe=t l t:Z=T2nTilr f t .
Una, Jockey Club, filageolle Cimenlite, Citronelle
I Rosat, anil many other varittam,imall aizty dLConint
perfumes. -
Tom= Warints—Plorida Water, Eau dif Tolleart;
Orange Plower :Water, and • great 'minty of
lOgnes and Lavender Maori,
Potranamons roe Vas Mara—Gentler Dem.. on,
Antique OIL llandoline, Edo Lostrale, Oleuu, Co*.
pound On Memoir . , liair Dye., liquid and In powder,
man Philocome,lftianine, Si,' Jenny Lind Pommies' •
Dammam Plorammosa—llalsarnic EILLIr Ross
Tooth '
Paste,. Charcoal Dettui fi ce, Oder inn, ' Tooth
Pancosod Toni,
Powder. ;
Commts—Vegetsblo Coimetic Cream, &anodise
for chapped hands, Cold Cream of Hoses: CM. do
Perim' d ,Lip Sae,R.pberry:Cteato, ac.
Depiriory Powders; for minoring superfine.* hair,
Pearl Powder, Vinnigre de Rouge, aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria !lair Composition,. Preston Salts, beeides
scent variety of other uncles, too 1..11.1.11 to be
named in thiliadronitement.:
The subscriber hors, to ' , maintain the reputation
which this establishment be. acquired, by disposing
of nothing but first rate articles, end will be happy to
famish liaise who may wistito parionivialm. either
holearde or retail en as mairimble mama as any WI,
tablisMent in the United dtalea
Successor to end fo rm er Director of the Lsboiatory
• 111 Chesnut Meat.
hr. Damn. Perfamety is for sate by all the priori
pal Moguls. In the count'"
(11Aiaacau's OLD Sumo.)
TIME subscriber having leaved the above well knows
and eseeilenteatahartinient., lanow prepar e d to
entertain Mr friends and the travelling public genet ,
ally, in rho beat Wanner and ea the most gestionabl•
del i
Ilia a TAIILE at all:limes be supplied with every
cy of the season-OY. W %rah
sAm the best of
Ills Stabling enteniiae; Land ,very
inert has been nude for the accommodation of Du.
K WILLIAMS will open a classacal and /loa
n. lob School; on W e finn Monday of Sept. ne st
Poem d
Fink * oyez Ov .1 a . D. - WillianoV, Cote, cornet or Wood
anl,. 1
Rev. Wm. D. Howard, Hon. Wallet, . Lowrie,
Rev. Dr. lithott, I McCordßa i_
Rev. Dr.
Jy J. D. Wlltiaara,Dacf-
r HARE, thie dov, ateometed walk me 1. H.
Cloere, lu the.Whoteenki. Greeery end ?Woe.
Blames.; thd style of Re firm will be A. 'Culbert..
I Clone. 11y31 A. CULBERTSON
a:lawman' : 11. It: cum.
I)I7IIOI.II9AI.E.GROCEAS and Commission MET-
Dealers In Proaace, anti Pinshanitt
lilannifiketnted article t ! 11, 14beni st, r..
, burth,
iY3 '
. -
IL NIARTII A NOBLE.tre new receiving new
11 mg wheat, wldelitsofsopettor quality. Tb e g
can now furnish tamales with ken Floor. Ailoreerg
left to ate beak will be preate4
_attendee te.
. • City .
& C 0.,) oars eeeataxes, aarrsee
A. & D. H. CHAms,Etta s
, v „„, 4 rerpeettaar lame the ecataineet of the tete ,
a,,a, sr woo the ;public generally, that they sill ..
p(11101. 1 0 the eteneteeture of . - •
to ail their eerieeee, =the Ohl Bland, / ''': : 6 .
No 13 Wood idibei.woOn First it- WatOri .• .. - ,
o... ro jikt2l 4o z. bamq of /4 fon;
Lases a aw uoi "r"gt"..
irs# ; 111.0157. LL, Ait3