BY MAGNEn; uhaeowtrai& T&LitiatuPll2l) FOR THP; PITTSBURGH DAILY. GAZETTE Frit EU. 1111E1;178 XIV TUE STILIMIUL AMERICA. krALWAX TtI2011;011 OFFiCiI Toesday, nog 21. The America reached Liverpool mi the WM inst. The Asia reached there oe the 11h, at half t ut tevc o - sr, makieg her. .trip from moon So fear and a hall hours waken in. dart, Jena', Lied was giving cow:lows to crowded hooves et leverpo3l, and wee to have sailed Me UM United Statos, oh tho Adeline, on Ma 21st lb. stint. " . . . .. • . .. . The potato rot Is spreading In numerous di oletn sr:Easiest! and - Ireland. 'Other crops, (se cretly, promas well: The muting Le now general, and the weetber is very One for harvest open- Lions. - g:s:GLAND The Chief feature of English news is the Queen's speech upon the plUrCrlitioll of Perham meat. Tusrmilowirr pitrerrsphs are all that pos.' semi any ;emend Interest : • • "Rank or the rriniebeheficial consequences from the tantrum which has West learned with a view waive my people In:lreland a fair participa tion In our tepretentallso system. - "1 am esti:rehired to hope that the treaty be. twees Cerro-env and Deumuk,.whieh has been concluded at Berlin, under my mediation, _mar Ind, at no distant period,' to the restoration of penes in Jbe North of Eames. “I continue tip maintain the most friendly reins Among the more important Vile introduced by t , - he Ministers, which have fallen:through. are, the tie lob Enitinettratiop Bill, the Savings Bank Bill, the Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland, Alt.lition Bill,end the Alarriage Ate concert given et LiverriMal on Friday, by Jenny Lind,ilte house was crowded to suffocation, and ticket. Fulda! a high rate Of premium. She is said to be ninieltreatinful nod accomplishil than ever. The Atlantic being too full of passengers to eenchamodate tire entire suite to New York, a portion of them ilk passengers by the America. I i FRANCE. The Assembly Was prorogued on the hilt instant. And the hluusters have now all , things their own seer the att6ttion of the French nalicm is now princi• pally occupied by the progress of the President through the Provinces. • With tome few exrep tious, be appears to have been favorably received by the people. • Accounts from the Provinces State that the wee. ther is exceedingly wet and unfavorable for her, vesting, in cot:template,' of which, there has beta an advance in the gram market of 2s lid per DENMARK AND THE DUCHIES. One account from head quarters represents that • alight engagement had taken place on the Sth The attack on the part of the Dirlt, eras precipi ilitc, 'on account of an explosion, of the laboratory of the art Mary of General W1:11,4511, by which there was great loss ofllife and property. - Ninety per *01:11 were killed by the explosion, and thirty Ave wounded, some ieemety; and eleven are mining. Many of the bother; were an mangled, that they could not lle,identlned.' Twenty two cadets of the Artily School, arpamong tho mihing. Scarce ly a home in the town has escaped from the con cinoion Too otioot of the catneteophe on the public mind hasen very depreasing.. About noon on ariday, theday on arh;eb the explosion took pl r e, the Dania General isdnine• ed, with • large 5 , of men, to the veer verge of the right wing of the Schleswig Holstein% posh. non. The latter leturned to the Main body be. hind . the - bridge, rated a sharp aumgcla ensued, which gradonify extended eastward as far as the Duvet:motet. It lasted for Some hours. Ibe Dane, nenntnnhered the Schleswig Hal. ateiners. The latter anvaiterd upon the Ilarica with flxeil"liayJnetr, . and with loud ---.• Minato. drove them trom their shelter. The Dane. Bed In such a hoegy, that they kit behind them their tilted and woonded,, whio3 a, with thnn i a most uncommon cirearnstance, llama from Hammtig to the 13th Inatan,i Irate that it ha. heel o:Leman/Ind tolremove the Depart ment et War from Kiel /0 ItCLatthillF• lothiligeten has been received from the neat of war, to the effect that a cessation of hostilities has intro Once between the belligerent parties, god that negotiations were, as foot et Schlerwg be tween the English; French, and 'Resent! Envoys, in order, to put an end to the effusion of Ideal. Intellgence.has been received from G . npenba. gel, that the law of-Ommark, during an this broil and tronti'e. het been nursoing his anal am, oars tend dissitinteoh", - "and that a dencoo, mat bat been made of ray chinit,nine muting° with a lively young dress neater rir thatcity., ~. - •AVSTRIA. • The hatcher, linyneo, hu retnrutd from the Austnan &pntoon, to join tho traoor George, in ht. eiile. The Canne bss 1 eeu fresolve4, and new elec. hone will tat, e Owe. Lord llowden. the English mieieter, bas been well ieeeined . by the QQ . CCD. Ass completely, reeoecred. !, - THE ROMAN STATES. • • • - It 1' aitl !hit . the note . ot the great pourers re rom enda the Pope to grant accommodation to the Sites of the (Ince h en the model of one which Atibir a has given to the Lombard, ' • . . • "Franirtraienas Shipleri Circular. L1VE11.1901.. m' Artier. • • • • Ltvetroor., August 16 Cotton—We' have expmience,l a vete quiet week,kl sho Getton market, witlra further decline of fully f peony per 11.. in the lower and 11311111 kt. qualities, white the other des.eriptions have been scarce and in greater densand for export, and have inaltittilned tbelr pnsltion. The 'decline is ascrite ed soluly to the great iwnaitiveneas of holders at the least possible change in the- proapects of the rowing crops. The ewes of the week are e,ti mated at 39,210 befee, of which the trade have taken only 15,000 bales. , The AMCIIC4II de33p , r1p.... pots sold CODite.l of 10,000 hates Uplands at 7f 0 nil: 11 600 heel titlean• at 9 09f d; 4 560. bales P 4.13 le end Alabama. at 71 08/dj and 250 , 1 Weir Sr. Irjlend at 12i 0 171 d. per lb. The vOleol q3,3ations are—Falr griming Si; fair Up/awls .td Mulvle 61; middling 7f 0 If; or dinary, 7 0 71 per lb. • The tees! amok its this trt•tket ft eleinsaiNl at 473,1:00 beer, of which 320.000 are AinfliClLll, anaimt a coot at this laze 'list, year et 735,000 bales., CONGRESBION'iIi. • Wesumerroa, Aug. 28. 9:ml2l4—The reio:ution heretofore atibmitted by Mr. Dar's, of Mao.. .mat-me t 3 the manner of pert/ming contracts 1.1 service by •reamers, was taken upend isdored. Alley tbe.closing of the =ming traelneur— • btr:Clay moved Mist the bill to abolish the &are Usde. In the . Deriet of anlnrobin be taken up, which lear. agreed tn. Mr. (hay them moved that It be made the ape eta, order Grille day for - Nl:daddy next. • Mr. 4tchl-on,a• a ques:un. moved that the bill bs laid open the table ; which aria 'ejected—Tem! 2d. wive 36--as follows : rrat,,,trittehlton, B trowel!, Berrien, Da• via Or Mil.r., Daws on , Downs, llonston, Muter; Mason; Pratt. Itutt,'Sebastiao,. Soule, Turner, and Notes..ti. N•lirs—liedger, Dabtwin, Bell, Renton, Bradbo• ry, Slight, Case, Chase, Cart, City, Coop e r, Davie, of Wire, Dayton, Dickinson, Dodge, of Wiscoitaln, • Dodge, of lows, DoUglses, Fitch, Foote, Greene, HAOIIsO, J0a0.% King, Man gum, Pierce,,ftelps. 6oieida, Smith, spme ee ,,, Surgenn, Delano, Underwood, Wales, Woo eonin, And Winthrop-34 The 'coottoM to mate the bill the order of the' day for Monday, vime then olreed to. The:Hoax HI granting bounty land to offt• eersland aoldiera whu have . been In the nodl ser : yieo of the United Stares, and all the amendments ir the Committee on public lands, wore igree