The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 10, 1850, Image 4

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rri HE Vieille Montagne Cots any sone , / th eir Wks
- 27 With Riming eniFlooring iu sheets 217fee48em
11 to 22 ooncea per Kam foot. Correffaind in &beets
2.x7, 17 ea, for roofing pat baildillgo and, depots
Bhp Sheathing, 14 Sp kelt" from lila 23 'cameos.
Nails, Bekaa - Wire, low Molds, Perforated Zinc,
• _
They sesdeant their Metal Pare , and free from any
o f Imo, or say other substance, and re
, conronend It for the manufacture of most Metes in
tt , th e t acit c orr osning tene t to it does not rust, Is net
affected by the action of mace, and may Le polished,
punted, and japanned.
idompk., model, plena, •Pecificanons, and other
information may be had of their stems.— •
11PCssat SUOMI, New York;
Roiattss tr. Co., Boston;
• Nara. Tama k• CO, Philadelphia;
W.& 11. MeEnr,liattimoret: -
.• eftsmt, DoT&
Ellansynt. New kilo.,
17. MILLIIIOI/X, Resident' Agent,
..y o lige, May I. - • • 2 Ilemovcr et, New took. .
. .
Fraud A. tleicifiliy.;
16 SoidA C nia, Baltimore a.,l3ahimolv,
• le F. Godfrey & Sons, .
IMPORTF.R of Moe Findlogs,and Dealerth Leather,
of vad kinds:atkinds:English and French Vad Skins,
Melt Calf Skins, Patent Leather, Morocco, red,
white, and pink roans,linlngs,&e. Laminas, Francais,
Shoe Noises. Awl Blades Shoe THREAD, Bitted
Tacks, Shoe Nails and Shoe PEGS, of all etre..
E. A. G. having established the above business In
Baltimore, la enabled to ship roods South or West
with Mo utmost despatth,•sol at the lowest prices.
ManuLletnrers, dealers, and all others, may rely
upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the best
quality, and on liberal terms.
67"Mitensfseturer of Lests,BootTrees, Shoe Trees,
Clamp., Crimps, Root Stretchers,&e. All orders will
promptly excelled. Low prices for cash.
A catalogue containing a complete list of revery
etc in the trade pill be forwarded to those who
may dram it.
IDAYM , 6I6I near 13111.1DIOrD 1,1-,11/IDAOo.
Broadway, of lialdent Lame.
1118 extenstve IItITEL has been Mared by the
setmeriber, and has been completely refined in
most elegant manner- Luxe l additions O. DOW
bei e
ng Made, which, when completed, will make It the
*OM erteaarre Hotel in New York. It le the detenni.
'melba of the proprietor, to make It eette.4 to every re
spect, to any other House ln the United tiWel.
cauon la the mondellrable and central in the city, bee
mg in the fashionab!e part of Broadway, convenient
all the public bolldmg.. places of amenement, and
business. Grateful fot theilbere patronage received
t- Rbm hie western (deeds, wine at Cumberland, Ma,
and more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland,
Ohio, he reapertfally aellelta a renewal of their pave...
age, her ha new establishment, al New York, and
begs to assure them th at every edart on his pan shall
be giren to adetnalater to tbeir comfort and pleasure.
A. 8. BAlLitlid.
Neer York. Marel,lllso.—(mrS7ro
A WOILTUNI6 POH. £lO or la.
agSret, George street, Plymouth, England. The
minims beg to Leptiaint their 110 tneraril patrons the,
tha test DistobStlen of Portraits of Race florae., will
mantis* those entered for the forthcoming Grand
Piatioual Derby Mare; the number Or shares Ity be
limited to 3,9110 each'elass. First class member SIP,
second class ditto 1.11. Early application for the on
appropriated shares is necessary. A party sabsan.h.
'tog for mere than one share has the chance of gaining
...goal number bonuses. Those members who draw
the, samosa Portraits will be presented with the fat.
,owing seam—
Portrait of Ist class bonwes ditto
*inner, or First Horse ..f.cotal littooo
" Seeond Dom. —• MOM 11,003
• • • • • •
Third Horse •—• b,OOO 4,066
Divided amongst Starters • • CIAX) 3,000
Non-Starters 6,106 3,a0
Therese 4W bonuses in eaeh class, that being the
nsnber e( horses entered for the race. The Drawing
will be conducted upon the same legitimate principles
as those which characterised the late St ledger and
other proceedings. Full particulars of the result will
be sent to absent members Immediately after the de
cision, that each that know his position.
Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded on re
'nem of a remitivica Dills of Fschange,Dralls,Dank
Notes, an., addressed and roads payable to the
Managing Directors. IV. JAMM &
Five per cent cornrahrsion to be reduced on the
presentation of bonuses. ntrili-nna
REIM" t BARBER, PropriOars,
Psalm Square, Erie, Po.
and :Southern Stages, leave this heave. daily.
Oases to and (rem Steam and Parfet Boats, Gratis. ,
Kann, late of the American Hotel, Ette,,Pa.
O. W. Wm., Isle or the KiIIIIIII. note, Ohio.
Ste James ittarrara Plaid artargualsss
i.REPARED ender the Mame-lice care of the Ifn
vector, and established for upwards of thirty years.
This elegantpreparation is recommended to all
easel of bile, acidities, nithgention, gout, and gravel,
as the 190111 safe, easy, .Id - effectual form in which
Magnesia may, and indeed the only one in which it
Ought to be exhibited, posseasing all the properties of
the Magnesia canto general use, without betas liable
like It, to form dangerous ennercuons in the bowels,
It etketeally cares heartburn without Injuring the
coats of the stomach, es nods, pours, and their car
bonates are known to do; it prevents the food of in
fants turning NMI in all eases it acts 111 a pleasing
atmrionb and is peenliarly than ado sad. emals.
Sir Humphrey Davy testified solution forms
soluble combinations tenth uric arid Fehr in cues of
gout and gravel, therhy counteraency their trJunou•
tendencyi when other alkalies, and even Msg...
itself, had felled. -
Prom Sir Philip Crampton, Hut., Surgeon General"
to the Army in Ireland:—
"Dear Sir—There can be an doubt that Magnesia
may be administered more safely in the form of *con
centrated solution than in substawie; for this, and
many other reasons, I em of opinirn that the Plaid
lAms ,... cla lnc rely valuabl , e n tit . V . .. nor blotvia
• . ,
'Sir James Clarke, Sir Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Maser* Guthrie and lierbert Mayo, of London . , throng.
ly recommend Murray's Fluid Magnese,” ueleg
-smtely more sate and conventent than the sethd, and
free from the danger artenthng the constant use of
soda or potato,
For sale by the importer's and proprietor's agents,
learn Cor. of Wood& Fraht eta .
- - .
I'OTICE In hereby given, that on or about the 13th
of April, in., rabgeribers had matted to th-m. at
ellehurg, Vs.. ter. Mi.owli.• i.uaa, v !MU
drawn by O. A. (Canal, peyalte to oar order, ltd
April 1111, at 4 month., for 5173 Gth a bate drawn I y
John U. Morgan, same date sad time, for 6111 17, and
note draw. by Joan Watt*. Co., In favor ofJohn
Mattel], and re-endorsed by a., dated Aped oth, at
row months, for 8173. The above notes were never
reteived by as, and this Is to caution all pent..
.Faint trading for or baying the same, as paent
01 th em ha. been stopped. 85 IV HA/WAUG ym H
VlittlY large and choice nook Fre*h Spring
ZS. and Setamer Geol. has wet been opened at
Alexander & Day'. No 8S Market Excel, nor* weal
corner of the Ihanto ed.
In calling the attention of our easterner. and the
public to this stock, tt affords us seest pleasure ler be
able to say It embraces GREAT IlfirtGAINS to ab
most every desenpuort of goods, an a large portion of
u was purchued at the them:teeth:wive neuron sales
m the eastern eines. Our assortment, Loth of fancy
and staple goods, is very superior, and &Cords 41 all
cub buyers, either by wholesale az retail, a gee or
pottanity of .itinir both tame nnd prirze.
New aye, Foulard silks, very cheep; richplain and
figured changeable oaks , of almost every style and
rove, a nd
plan and flawed black
and Uwe.; enrage de !I'm, new and band
e style; new atyle Fnnch, fattish, end Scotch
-Mir.. an great variety, and at nosy IV pricer; plods
, awed. and satin stnped de loins or all kinds a nd
qualities: linen lustre. of all Wades and colors; glad
bum, chintsea, prints, Mo.
Super chameleon silk deaw/a ; plain and figured
black do; plain and embroidered Mutat do; ewe case
ma do; taper plans and ma
mate re/dared wane and
oolorcd coped and net dn. Me.;
A fine ar.rtment of man, nansooks, WOW'S,
Hertel., nooks, bistine. lawns. kr-
t itate w at r ta n rl
e tru . d, Florence breld:and
A floe ewe' of enpertor glare and fringed Cie end
Satire Tule pareenl. arall rehire and qualities.
A lane attotttoom of gaper French, English and
Iglaa cloths and eassimeree of all qualatee and
prices, to wake we Weald Inv.a the attention of the
Oar stack of brown and bleached mutlins,
check; charribrzys, drilling., &.c, I. very lugs, and sr
the very lower!, prices.
Also, a large lot of table diopera and table cloths,
brown and broached; Rama and Scotch diaper", crash
linen. canting, cotton and wool •ri goods for taco and
boys' wear, Omit linen., red, white, and yellow tan r
nolo, domestic gingham; silk and linen hdkfs and
gloves of all kind., heatory and bonnet ribbon, gni.
hoisl Sower, Soo, Mall arbleh we *mold respectfully
invite the utionUon. of wholesale and mina. cub
boyar. . ALEXANDER Ss DAll,
may SO F 4 Market ar..N W eor. of the Diamond.
re074 , 104:7 7 ! I I
A now prepared to famidi Apple Tree He
Wel M l
kerma Nursery of Jacob N. Brow. (rem
trees will be dehrered at the wharf at Patsburgh for
OW per hurdled. Persons wishing good thrifty trees
Phould leave their ortlers =eon at tbe Drug, Bend, and
erfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Simi sta.
DAILEY, BROWN k CO. tome removed to No VAR
Water et, eel doer below the Monongahela Bowe
PALMER, HANNA & CO. have removed their
Exchange Mc, W north Vein corner of Wood
acid Third steam. . arr2l
• 17.79C711 - 15 VA - 1.
(V IVECTI. CAROTHERS Ir. CO. have removed to
11..) No 97 Water et,letween Wood /r.Mattet, hi the
koeme formerly occupied by Hardy, /ones & Co.
STAlldi=2:Thiorriatit's ex titaret — V ---
bzi Strobe do;
90 boa DM erg & Tee. do; ust received
and Or tato by MOLLER & RICKECSON
Plantation and lilolaalea
135 bbdc common, fair, tr. prime P 1.1611013 trams;
2so oak Orb , ril[l.llod Molasser;
70 ewes ban do do, In more for NEM by
MILLER & Ribitgrsort
j ai & 174 I,tbort• .
itlo Col 7 l —, NE—Odu tityi - to - diate b - r
iai 4.l.Water st
Rlf - 4 - iniTut sale by
I-R lull
RRINU9-10 brie No Clo .'gale by
t lel ~C II GRANT
lIA.IIIII &11E1E1F-1 0 Las Duffield's 9 Cured /Iomo;
' 5 les Mallet, lkotan & Ila nk tno do
30 too Eaton , / E Blotft'• do,
40 tea D. Moot'. do;
S Ns cartooned Deefononda;
a t“ plain do
For sale by Dotal SELLERS & NICOLS
VilTiit9 IT.--arittHEß-01117-15bili in note and
ON for solo by De tut RODISON, LITTLE &CO
Ciliii.Litinut; elie —l 6 c - 7 ---71---- a. br,m'rn Clatilmotbe;
; be by• No I do;
boa NO 1 Henn Saar;
Jost 'strived and for gale by
12:tia by Roybry . Llve.noreN nom
se)Ted okrid, (or Yale b 7.
2 -, - 4Doz P7Tornocniry sarsap.yilta, forsble
1 JUDD k
jell J KIDD&
"pryCII Sat/S—Tek WY C Tar,
• 9O Ma Pitch, on ennalantarot and
axle by Ran NELLEUS NI:3OLS
: ;Numb., •
NO. Ri Wood street, hm, last rceeived a Deer as
vestment of PIANO MUSIC, among which are
the fenced/iv—
Molly, do yon Love me, by S. C. Forte,
Ok, may the Red Rose Live Aiwa'', do.
Nelly was • Lady, do.
Unele Ned, do.
Garble lo Rim all Night., do.
Dolly Day. • do.
Soldier's Wedding, by Oloviee.
Oh t Toyett tbe Cord_ yet once &pi.
Sweet Memoirs orTbee.
Lament of the Irish Exelsratt.
A New Medley ffinig.
Thou but ;Y•SUiludeitsrDplrit that Loved rhea
The Cause/114's Departure, by Glover.
Itelliad taste Laved Om. At Rpm
limbo webers ePeelheillein is.
The YeAthe Med.'
••• • • .
Low Baetcl Car, try Übist:
Ikry oo 'met think' of at, •
. ,
Hlasaber Gentle •
Ellin, Cella:is% Wedding, wreath, sad Daisy
Batchelor, Medea Bella WeltdConeert, Ladies'
Source+, Bally, Elvin, Llly, Alice, Everveen, San
oga. Adieu. and Utz, Polkas. mart
WEenter not In the !Leta putenawealy nothing
about Hundreds of Chests, Importer., Large
Capital, Bought for Cab, 00. In fact, we will not ,
humbug in any matter or form, wo simply invite the
ablie to compare oar Tete with VIM they purchase
elsewhere; nos le the best method we know to ewer.
lain sato sells the beat and cheapest Teal In Poll.
anis We ere now 'selling
Good and strong Tea at 40 and 50 caw per lb.
A prime 75 do do
in. best Tea Imported Into the U. States, In
Low prated, damaged or interim Tea we do not
Nonnative of the Tea Market,
Je3 Pau side of Dtantond.
Gress Weik.
B. Appleton to Co , New York, have In coarse apubi
[tendon, in pasta, pnce twenty five cents can,
. .
Qf literAiner, .21ferkonte.r. 6nga.o IT'ork,and
gsneersng; ekrignrd for Pruett:al Wirrhang
Men, and those intended for the Eng.
miring /Woman
MYR. ti 011111 BTX.MIL
. .
_ .
711118 WORK is of large Pro. nze, and will contain
K. two THOUSAND PA OVA, and upwards of gm THOU
SAND 11.1.U0T0ATIONS. It will inerrant working-draw
ings and descriptions of the mat Important mechlnea.
In the Vetted Smith. Independent of the results of
Americus Ingenuity, it will contain complete practi
cal treaties ao fifeehaalcs, Machinery,,
and Engmeering; wi th all that is useful to more than
one 'Leonid dollars worth of folio volumes, maga-
Ones, and other tenths.
The great object of this publlcatton is, to place be-
fore practical men and students such an amount of
theoretical and acientiao knowledge, In • condensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the ben ally an.
tageand to avoid th ose mistakes which they might
ethe ' rwise commit. The amount of useful Infartannon
than bnntglit together la almost beyond precedent! In
such works. Indeed, there le hardly any enbieet
within its range which is not treated with tech clear
and prectsion, that even • man ern, most ordi.
nary • capacity cannot fall of understanding it, and
Wicker:dug from it mach which it is important for
him to know.
The publishers are,ln don., determined, regardless
of coal, to make the work as complete as possible; and
It is hoped every oar desirous to obtain the work will
procure It as leaned in numbers. and thee encourage
the enterprise.
The work will be leaned In semimonthly numbers,
nominee 0 January, 1830,and will progress with
great regalarny.
The whole work will be published in <0 numbers,
stCanaper number,mid completed within the one.
rent year, 1550. A. liberal disco= will be made to
. .
Any committing the publishers 1110 to advance,
shall receive the week through the post Office free of
°slaloms of fru Press.
trro oar namerons Manufacturers, Mechanics, En
gineers, and Minims, it will be a mine of ' , WM."—
Nwitideace, (Li.) Journal. ,
.Irozag arm yonntelves with its knowledge.—
We ran with confidence recommend ow readers to
Konen themselves of lie madam as fast as they ap
pear."—Arnertean Artisan.
"We unhesitatiegly commend the work to those en
gaged in or torment:4io anchardeal or scientific par
son, no anomaly worthy of their examination and
I t
is only a groat wore and the publishers de
serve the thank. of teventois, machining, and mum
favorers. and indeed of the public generally."--N. Y.
lo .4l.:Dla do tocary will be highly useful to yntetleal
mechanics, and voluble to all who wish uo acumen:it
themselves with t h e props" of invention In the me
chanic ans."--Piew Bedtord Dailyhiereaw.
.`Young mechanics ought to keep posted ap In this
as swell as met cal knowledge, and this
work an!' near them int bow they stand."—Rokbary
thins.) Advertiser.
. .
"%Vetoing it to be last the work that scores and hun
dreds allow Intelligent wee hanks have dadred to pol
ies.. Se ample are Its destriptions, and so fall and
minute Its sittecifiennota, that it wean to as that any
mechanic might contract any machine lt describes, on
the ',enlist. ofttswtgravinga and inarnetiorts.^—N. V.
Corweerual Adveritter.
"All interested in meditates should avail them
selves of it. adeantanten”—Seheylktll, (Penn.,) dont
"A work of manatee practical ntility and great g
Interests im-
po rt.. and tora increamo
of this country value .
We re
gard id th ly e
work as eminently
calculated to promote the cause of science and M.
mechanical arti, and to &stemmata valuable informs
non on these subJeela."—Farmer and Mechanic.
"Practical men in all the varied walks of meebaAl
cal and manufacturing tantrum enginecrinf Re will
And In this week • treater. whieti It will be to , tbeir
Pro. 4 t to pothesan—Troy Dolly Whig.
We bare carefully peruser! the numbers, and bane
no hesitation In saying that it is the beat work for me.
chante!, tradesmen, mad scientific men, ever publish
ed, for it contains minute Information on ever, - branch
or themechanical arts and sciences, espressed in a
style and language Intelligible to any reader of ordi
nary eapseiry."--thloveaner, (Mass.,' Newt.
"We are tore we are doing the mechanics of Nor
wish and other parts of Corutectlect • service by
bunging the wort to their aucralcia."—Nortvich,
(Conn' Ovaries
"It is teat such. work so every mechanic should
posuew..—Freconwt's foamed.
We consider It one of the most useful and Important
pnblications of the age. No meehenic can afford to be
mithouth.''—Neware, Commercial Coarter.
"of all the ruinous public:Minna having for them
lent the elucidation and advancement Cl the mcchanl
eal and wieneea, none that we have wen, is so
roll of palmist 04 v.m.v —Retrain Com tAdv.
..1 , ts ow la it and etc.', s atom cdered to the
wienfifc and practical eirgmeer and mechanic. The
plates art beautifully cocetited.'—p:iulungton Globe.
v.This great Dictum...! Mone of the most useful
mark. eye', published for y.irs, and the low price at
which nu wild mates It acceptable to aLL.—South
"%VG recant has one of the most comprehensive and
savable, as well ao cheapen worts ever pnbilsted."
Baltimore Advent...
. .
"Oogin to be triton by every one desiring to Seep
ofadds the program e'en and selence in every one
die labors of eivtlized life,"—Randout Cormier.
"It is designed oiler dos principle of LTre's Ericson.
or, only that it is more devoted to the menhanteol and
engineering professions, and above all, I .0 valuable
sa actomplishing (Jr America mho: lire has done for
England, via : describing Amer.. machinery sod
worts of at t.'--scientific American.
“Itis published in numbers, and at . price so mode•
are, looklng at what containedin emh ember, that
no one who hie the least intertest in meh matters,
peed be deterted from procuring it; and every ontrwho
doe. so, will find that he has to a condensed term an
amount of Instnetion which would be obtained, if at
all, only by the purchve of very many wolannes."—N.
I'. Courier and kir.gotter.
"TM comprebeionveneas with which the enhject•
are totted, the admirable coamer in which they are
illmtrated, conspire to make this one oft be mon deal
rabbi worts.”—Dentoeratie Review.
"Ibis work shook: be in the hands of .very mechanic,
&Man, and nahoufactsrer, especially dime who hare
the least amiratkins to meal in their
cons bust
acmes. We ham catefolly mammal it, with VIEW' of
recommending It to Inventors. To them we would
my 10 the smog language of tbi Ilibiet "It is goal"—
Baltimore Inventors' immal.
Maim Io 11! . .. e ProprTor qf Net:Taper! thou hen/
(di* Ult State and
If the foregoing advertisement is inserted Lvo times
during dm year, and Its. paper ceasing it sent to us,
• copy of tba work will be sent gratis in payment
Containing no Mercury, nor other Mineral.
MIMI following testimonial was amen by the cele-
I hinted Dr. Wooster Beach, the author of the great
medical work entitled "The American Pratdca o.
Medicine and Family Phyeiciann
'Miming been made mnitainted with the Intredlents
which comm. IdeAllister's All-Ileafing Ointment
and having prescribed gni tested It in several cases Is
my private pramlee, I have i.o hesitation In saying or
centrying that it is n Vegetable Remedy, contenting
no mineral mbstante whatever, that ks ingredients
conk:deed as they nee, and used as directed by the
Proprietor, am not only harmless, but of great value
being a truly scientific Remedy of great paver I
cheerfully recommend it as a compound which bat
dote meek godd, and erhich Is adapted to the care of
a great Timely of eases. Though I hare germ either
recommended or engaged In the sale of secret medi
cines, regard for the tralv honest, conmiernions, hu
mane character or the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige me to say thus
mach regarding It. W. REACH, D. D.^
New It ork, April SW, 1B4&
BURNS —lt Is out of the but things in the world
• Burro.
••• • .
PlLES.—Thotuands are yearly eared by this Oint
ment It never falls in giving relief.
For Tourers, Ulcers, and all hinds of Sores, It hss
no equal-
If blenberef and Narks knew it. wake In eases of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always artply it
In such eases, If used according to directions, n give.
relief in a very few hour.
Around the boa are direcuons for ruing ItteAnkteris
Ointment for fkrofala, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Totter Ch il blain, Scald Head, Sore Eye., Quincy,
Sore Throat, Bronektes, Nervous Affections, Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Anthema, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Barns, Corns, all Discuses of the Skin, Sore
Lip. Pimple*. Sc., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
fiber:put:sm. Files, Cold Feet, Creep, Swelled or Bro
ter Breut, Tooth Aehe, Ague in Ike Face, de.
From the Reading Bogle,
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brooght be
fore the public, that has in so abort a time won seek •
reputation at MeAllister's Ail-Healing or World
Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of It
speaks warmly in its praise. One has bees cured by
it of the most painful rheumatism, another of the piles,
a third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourth of a
swelling in the limbs, he. If It Clots not give Dune.
Mate relief, in °rely case, Mean do no Infer), being
applied outwardly.
Al another evidence of the wonderful beating pow.
er possessed by this Nye,e subioln the followlng
certifieets from a respectable citizen of Matdencreck
township, in this county:
Maidenereek, Berk. no, March 0,
Moms. fUtutv Co:-1 desire to inform y ou that I
was entirely eared of a severe pain in the back, by the
me of McAllister's All-Healing Salve, which I par
chased from you. I suffered with lifer about 20 year.,
and at night was tumble to sleep. During that time I
tried venous remedies, which were proscribed for me
by phymciansandotherpenons,vthool,ooO•i°3.q
miler, and at last made trial of this Salve, with a in
sult favorable beyond expectation. I em now enure.
D free from the pain, and enjoy at Mght a peaceful
and sweet sleep. I base also used the Salve ounce for
tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy
results. Your Mead, Jo. Ifoummol.
Sole ProprietoArMESf t ooe above medii , ne.
Principal Oiles, No M North Thirdsovect,Philadel-
Adm. m Pmaattwo.-0. A. Fahnestock A CO,.
comer of Wood and Firm ata ; Wm. Jackson, No.
210 Libeny latent: L. Wilcox. Jr., corner of Warhol
I Ernst and the Diamond, also corner of Fourth arid
ttodthkeld streets; I. 111. Cum!, corner of Walnut and
Peon streets, Fifth Wed, and sold at the Bookatore in
Smithteld stmmt.lll door from Second.
In Allegheny City by 11. P. Schwan:and J. Dottglars
By 1. 6. Bad*, Manua, Ihrmingbamt D. Begley,
Ent Lawny; 11. Roorland, Melteespont 1. Alexander
& Boa, Monongahela City; N. D. Boorman & Co., and
Roos, er Uromnorillm John Itatkly, Heaver, PO;
Jobs W, Elisabeth; Boatmght A Erwin,
Rocked:tor febileodly
Imp no m . • " Et C. ease for psi.
iftiq ' • • 1111 ROBAKU
Valuable and extensive WaterpOlear
• let on favorable terns.
1, now prepared to lease the Water Power at the
Grand Rapids, to an amount saki= to propel four
handrail pairs of mill atone. ' The I cotloc Is based
upon a rock forindation. stud Ale power eau eon...
ruendy be *rolled an both
of the river. The
grain of the White Wear i es well on the Wabash, eon
ba readily famished ro at this. peon. While timber,
in ore, and coal, m the greatest abundance, and of
stfPerfar awity, can be easily procured through the
wane country.
Taos—Ono hundred dollars per annum for • pow
er zsußeieau Ufpropel • aingle run of medium sired
mill mines, f ora period of Sheen years. with the
right of renewal on the expiration of the lesirei - vra
fair valuation of the power ria,ployed_ The site artily
mill or manufectary included, Withoat further quire
from the Company. By order of the Director.
• Presldenlar He
—The skin of many pederti is divEgured oittlr
slight eruptions, as pimples, morpheme, tic., and when
this is merely • disease el the skin, silt Is In sleety
nine cues out: of every bandied, it as very emidir re
moved. Jules Hanel'. Nymph Poop Isxpressly
adapted to discues of the slim, as it acts e directly
upon the minute pores which COVC} I. outface,
cleansing them from impurities. and by us beisamie
properties healing andcraditatin,oli eruption, and
rende6ng the darkest and roughesildan •Oil, fair, and
blaming. .
Pecanns who have been In the habit of using ordi
nary damp, will be astraushed at the beautifal d ßeet
produced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate
bloom, preventing the neck, face, or bands from chap
PINS, obeying all (relation, nod removing all entane•
ens eruptions. It possesses an egmaisite oerfnme, and
Is entirely devoid of alt alkaline properties, rendering
It the only article which can be used with Weil end
comfort in the nursery. .
' All those whose faces or necks are disfigured with
pimple., blotches, tan. morphew, Ac., should make
idol of Jules tin s e l 's Nymph, Soap, as the proprietor
positively assures them, that. lt. use will render the
Mest discolored skin while, e rougkSt skin smooth,
and the most Miscued skin healthy, pore, and bloom
Jul. Hanel's Nymph Sup Ls the only article which
1 .
will effectually produce the ve egrets in so short
• time, and the o sly one whi ch sat the time time all
powerful and entirely heresies% Prepared only by
JULES HALIEL, Pe timer and Chemist,
105 Chestnut street, Phila.
For sate wholesale and rend by B. A-S.ll.sinch
A. Co., and R. R. ;idlers, Pitniburgh; and John Sar
gent and I Mitchell, Allegheny' city, Pa. ie9 •
siacoan ELAIID, PIANO/.
A GOOD Illahognny Pomo Fine., o *Moves,
seseind hand--- • WOO 00
A handsome upright Plano, With Rosewood
Furniture, a octaves, and m Ovid order • •• • 100 00
A plain r 4 octave Piano 45 le
A good a octave Piano -- 75 CO
A good OS octave Piano, w ra th hencman, (mot-
..... M
• 75 W
. I 81 Wood dt
For sale by
may 4,1
Mothlio•lllght Light.
QUPERCRDING tb4Woode t nlFloau, and being in
k) combustible, thereby <con se. the oil, nod pre
vents 14rninon, heretofore ro <add% objected to In all
ether floats. One table gpooldial of the common
lamp oil will last Nine Ilaers,ar any further length
of time accorein. to we additional quauntY of
Received and for sale by JOHN D ItIORCidN
may= Drsralt.
JUT RECEIVED, al the Pittsburgh Family Gm.
eery and Tea Warehouse
5 eases Frees Oysiers,ln on cans;
5 do Pickled do, sin epee
odo do do, In plat do.
The above Fresh Oystera are parboiled, and pat up
in a highly concentrated soup, enclosed inliengtedeal
ly sealed eons. and will keep much longer than Mono
pot up In the ordinary way.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by
Torn) 056 Liberty et
. _
Gnat Am...loam Mechanical Work.
DAPPLETON k CO, New York, have In course
. of_publication, is wins, prints twenetty flee cents
etieh, a DICTIONARI 0' Machines, Mechanics. }lo
tCuoernllitert",dariErthrthriVeinie"ditinliir elnPale. '"4 g
Profthanan. Baited by Oliver Byrne.
This work is of large Bro else. and Will contain two
thousithd pages, and upwards of Oa thousand illostra
bona. will present working drawing. and dethdp
nons of the mosttmpertant machines is the United
kw.. Independent of the res of American in
genuity. it win contain complete p alls ticalWeatkes on
Mechanics, Machinery. Engine Work, and Engineer.
log; with all that uwfal in more then oho thousand
dollars worth of folio volumps magazine. end other
books. Su numbers centred, and for gale by the
78 Apollo Buildings. Pourth
Sole Agere Iv Wreicro Penneylmola, for llle sale of
Grand and Square Plano Furies,
I.XiS to Inform hist ends and We musical ß
that he hos now invoices, and will remelts end
expose for •ale, dong the premed month, lareew
and won dertraeweb of Piano Fortes eyer offered
• hill
for We Intl, w en { —an:tong the number otit ho wand
RaPerbly tarred Rosewood Grand Plano Fortes,
with all the recent improvement. in IrICChiIIIIIMI and
of exterior.
Splendidly caned Rosewood seven moire Name
Plano Fortes, antahed in the Elizabethan and Loon
XIV. styles
With a hirer atoek of all the varlet" 'Weis of Pia
no rortel, varying in priers frora•ic27S 'S.. and
SOO, prepared by Mn. Chitkerten for th preecal
Parcbtuers ace mtactrel thatthe nf Chirk•
email Piano. have been, and wall continue in tie, the
•am•• at at the ro•tattlactory rn artthimieharce
for ...Apartado:4 and aca.,cdme. rt up to
perfecto rator, to any part uf the city, ar.thoui charge.
PEIR undersigned Pc...leave to inform the public
that Las declined biaries. in favor ef itle
PP 1,1. Davi, who will corwan. the Auction and Com.
mission business at the old ottani, corner of Wood and
Fifth suet . , and for whom he would solicit a main
nonce of the liberal patronageleretofore bestowed op.
on the house. JUILN D. DAVDS,
April 9th,
P. 21.
COWlCrtiopr on .11) VERN 117111141,
VIVT ILL sneer sales, on lain:nal morns. o( Formica and
Domestic Merchandise, Real Estate, Stock,
and bodes, by experience and close atteritiOn In
Ovalneea, ta merit a continuance of the auppon and
patronage se liberally eltended to We fOlSPOrboasa.
April 9111,
decease or the active partner, in Philadelphia,
lithe line Jame. hi Datiisdprodame no innennynon
to the bustness—wrrangeritems have been made which
involves the canto' Interests, precisely, which hay*
heretofore existed. The business is continued ander
the mane name mid fanti MM— -
Jane M Davis ik Co., Philadelphia;
NITADIVI Co., irtabargu.
The tontinuume of, the patronage of oar many
friends it respectfully solicited. If any persons base
demands as/upett the concern, they are requested to
present them forthwith, for payment.
Pittsburgh, Apnllo,lo. JOHN !dire DEN,
WHOLEZALE DRUGGLITA, comer of Fint and
b rml streeis, odor for sole, on favikrablo terms:
100 Vh, bog; 600 lb. Curb. Ammonia;
00 do .Alum' WO do Amara:id.:
SW do - Dye kVoods; 1/06 do Crude Tartar;
03 do Lampblack; 600 do Liquorice Root;
20 do • Yen. Red; 300 do 10.4 Maui
B do Camphor; 150 do Red Premium:s
10 do Van. Brown; 150 do Calomel Amery
20 do Yellow (hAre; 00 do do Rock
10 do Brirmione; 200 do tucker Leaves;
b do Cloves; 200 do Rhubarb Rom;
3 do Chem. Flowanc 400 do Ramp. do;
14 cases Ref. Donut; WA do BeCOM do;
00 do Caaule Coop; 200 do Bel Rock:tele;
15 do Prussian Blue; WO do Beidlita Mitten;
10 do Cak.,%lmmesta; 500 do Pow4l Rhubarb;
13 do Chmme Breen; 660 do do Blip. Elm;
O do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arable
5 do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Liq. Roof
GO reams Baud Paper; 100 do do Jalap;
loigaßleily Sumac; ago do do ALCayeme;
25 bar Boole Corks; 200 do Ralph. Bice;
75 or. Sulph. Morphia; 303 do Bar Tic;
1200 lb. Cape Alms; 220 do Tamarinds;
16106 do IlicChroM rota:Mil:A do Qatek
2010 do pint Root; tsq do Oranke Peel;
1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochineal;
168.10 do Cream Tartar; 20 do liyd Potasta,
500 do Tartaric /mid; GO do Mace;
WO do lm U Urra,• 23 do Granville Lotion.
fehtibdfmatmT . _
"There ore more than!. In heaven and earth
Than are dreampt of in philosophy."
THE VIRTUES or Bus remarkable remedy, and
the eonstunt application for it, to the propnetor,
has Induced him to hare It put op La bottles wltls La
bels and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM Is prothred from a welt 'Alba
county, at a depth of four hundred feet, Is a pure una
dolicrated article, without lay chemical change, but
ju•t no lowe from Nature'. Cheat Le:met:pry!! Valk
contains properties reaching a number of disease.,,;.no longer ta matter of uncertainty. There are many
wogs m the aroma of nature which, if known, mtght
be of van usefulness to alleviating suffering, and re•
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a sub
freer. Long before the proprietor thought of patting
It up In bottle., it had a reputation for the cure of die.
ease. The tetanal% and dully Inereitang call. for 14
and several remarkable roan it has performed, in a
aura indscation of It. future popularity and wade
,pread application in the bare of dlaLao.
' Re du nbt with to mate n long parade of certifo
etas, ae we aro connetous that the niedietne can moon
work ita way into the.favor of Mom who troffer and
wish to be healed. While, we do not c/a= for It a
universe/ appllcatton in every dlseaso,• 1141h.lta•
tingly ray, that In • number of Chronic Mecum it is
ansvalled. Among these mop be emmarated—all
dricases of the mucous times, such as CHRONIC
Asthma, and all dims.. of he atrpusages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarheca. Diseases of
the Bl a dder and Ilidoera. Palos in the Back or Side,
Nervous Disauesdieurales, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains,
Erysiras. Totter, Ilangworms, Burns, Scalds,
Denote*, of Sore., the., ke. In cans of debility Ms
tutig acre exposere, or long
Sod protracted cum or
disease, Ws medicine will bring relief. It will act Its
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In .oeh eases,
imparting tone and energy to Me whole frame, remov
ing obsunc noes, opening the sluggish fanctlons, which
rinse dime and a broken eotalltutide, and giving
and renewed energy to all the organs 01
Lae" The proprietor knorwr . crt eeveral cures of
PILMI that reststed event other treatment, get well
under the use of the PETROLEUM for a short time.
Thee, proof can be given to any pent o who donate St.
Non?_ , %enuine win out the aignature of the proprietw.
SolY o th inarf:final Bid ,n near Seventh at.
R E. SELLERS, R Rood st;
tenter Woad at. and Virgin alley; who are his
noslbellY moduli appointed Agee(.
LI 36. Camp Blanketai 20 °Geer coitt• 12 pn Pants,
to pairs nen fined Mama Maul; 12 Isthmus Dap; 3
water ?Juts, 6 ud 111 - gallook each; 60 canteens,
gallon each; 1 dos Buotskat Money Dolts; Ido oiled
cambric d 6 do. 1110 above goods for ula at the Call.
foods Ontillog Ellap . klumpuore i Wood st.
• .
• 1850 Alt= 1850
IDOAIIIot ihio Loos will leave modal% oad de-
Alllrikt Or Crsiolits without tranakipszom.
C BIDWFT.L, Piusburigb,
13IDWIELL BROTHER., Roohoolor,
1850 'ffli f im
From Pa- A ND 0
'to. Columbus and L'lerslund,
.aravgA the nrA and pupulouscusouits ot Gahm
blaze Crowd!, &d
a: 11.tedrotras, C.,oshoetrui,
Xxdivreat, Lin(isik and Franklin.
• The ebutplaton of the Soody and Seaver Canal
opens op tourer city through this great natural antral
route a direct aimmuniennon to the above ea as
the adjoining armada of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and
Prom tan section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
has been, to • great potent an off, In cc/marmot:se of
the high ratesof tronsponation, which aro now re.
doted in, 40 and 50 per cent.
130111 Of this line will leave daily, and ran through
without transhipment. The Canal company have
bestowal upon this line an interest In b e unpreee.
dented advantages of their ebony; and thus secured
he the middle pornow of Ohio In ordering their goods
Noe Interest In this alvanutre. Agents:
1. C. BIDWELL, Pitaburght
BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow.
R 0 notate., Spear's hlills, Ohio; • II A A Guy,
WlLltamsport,O.: George Kemble, Elkton, 0 ; Castile
& Huffman, do; Hanna, Graham Go. New Llsben,Cl;
Amer & Nichol.; Hanover, O.; March , A Beery,
04 Speaker A Power. do.; Joseph Pool K Co,
dox Holt & Buss, Oneida Mills, O.; -II V Bever, do.;
C Hamad & Co, Malvern, O.; R K Gray, Wayo hneg e..
a o ri d ß 's IIT Y diTtp do I I tt, " C; ri.larlts Magnolia
WFtwland & Co., P m Laffer, do; Fah
burgh K Stelnbaush. ilohvar, 0.; Willard A Shrive;
do.; Hoffman, hlusillon, O.; Cummins & Co, do ;
Sohn Robinson, noel Fulton, O; Ferilg A Torrey.
Carol Dover O.; A Medbury, Roscoe, L K Wer
ner, Newark , Fitch & Hats, Colombo; Ck CO Mat
thew; Cleveland, O.; Rhodes A Green, do. sno)9
lata 1850
Via Pennsylvania Canals & Ball Honda
O'CONNOR, ATKINS & Co., Canal Basin, Liberty
street, Pittsbargh;
ATKINS', O'CONNOR & Co. , 249& 2.50 Market street,
O'Coirrama & C0.,70 & North atm; Baltimore;
E.',ll=4;;;Zotrlkbeatie meet, Boston;
iiO,ISILION trees, hlaveville, Kentsety;
HALL& Co., Colombia street, Qnelmiath
Wnis. Lewisville;
Um& there, & Lb., St. falls
To Awn... aJ Mershatukse and Prochits to and
front Baltasurre, N. sark,l Boston.
Oar route being now in fine order, we are prepared
to forward good. an above at ems lowed Frier.. We
insets ell f re ighlfrs. of any charge having policies for
over 1630,0110, and with the rodeo:ring extenelve stock
of Boats feel confident of giving entire satietaction to
all bosioese entrusted to our earn. One boat. are all
new, and commanded by explain. of experience, and
nor cadre line la conducted on wrier serdath haying
and ronperenes principles.
Boar.; Captain. Boats. - Captains
Iron City Began Pennsylvania E Layton,
Marylsi Mershall M. Louis, Cowden
Cincinnati , Send. Col. Onward Ridley
Roth Anna, Chatean, • Mary Deborah Sims
Wm Albino, Penroad Enterpnme, Karon
Import, ht'Quaiis /eclat& Blown
Bowe, Alter Oct. Scott, Gore
Garlinda Riley Telearapallo IShields
Celia Hawkins Point Mill BoyM'Quada
crlivellnuchGower Italtru'eClipperßtley
America Perry ' Ohio Belie Kearney
Mermaid ASColgsz Hunter Single
The Fox lif'Quade Julia Ann J Layton
Aurora firDowell Telegraph No2Llarts
Look Sharp Berry North Queen Wit..
Shippers will find it to their advantage to gore tot a
mete Canal Bate Liberty at, Entstiorgn.
— Wein-era Transportation Company.
aka= 1850 .Mi1l
..... -
By Pecerscpionnio Cana and Beta Bind '
TIIE Boats and Cars of this. Line have been put in
compete order, and with the addition of sever.
new ones to the Line, coubles no to carry a into
quantity of produce and goods.
The entire stack of tba Una Is owned and eontro
ed by the litoprictors.
And a: the Tobacco Wuchouse, Dock at.
Phi adeptun. Pla.;
JOSEP/I T4Y1.011 & SON,
No 144 North 110w574 Bettttore, SIS.;
OFFICE. No 7 West st, New York;
D LEECII & CO, Cooa Boort , Non
ntrl3 Putobaroh.
i liaigiza 1850. that .
CLARK, PARKS L CO, Rochester, Pt, Profit'.
Office eer Smithfield and Water au, Pittsburgh.
well known Line are, prepa-ed to tronaport
freight and Paatungers from PI MiIIURGLI and
ELAND. in any point en the Lake.
The facffities of the Line are ansurpassed le nointier,
duality and capacity of Roans experience of capulas,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Rem loose. Pariburgh and Cleveland daily, ran
tMu; in connection ara Line o Sum Beata
and BEAVE f R, and s Line be-
FUT, Clot, Steam Mau, Propellers and Vessels, on
the Lulea
Clark, Parka A Co, Roche.. P.
E N Parka d. Co, Youliginown, sridri.;
It Taylor, Wuren.o;
A IS N Clark, Newton Falls LP,
I Brayton A Co, Ravenna, 0,
)(en!, Grinnell it Co, Franklin, 0;
H A Millet, Cuyahoga Fans,
Wheeler, Lee A Co. Akron. Pt
Chamberlin, Crawford G Co. Cleveland, 0;
Hubbard I Co, Sandeaky, 0;
Peckham fr. Scott, Toledo, CP,
A Co, Detroit ; Mich;
& Co, Milwaakie, Wis;
Idurfey A Duman, Racine, %'l.;
Geniis A Gild,. Chicago Ill;
J Ill;
Thomas IfiCc Chicago,
mad carnet Water and Smithfield au
iMM 1850. -i.
CLARKE, PARKS & CO Proprietor.
Ir HE Proprietors of this old and well known Line
j would tnform the public that they no now lot op.
oration for the present season; and have commenced
receiving Freight and Passengera, which they am
fully prepared to carry to all peseta on the Canal end
At the lowest rates. Ono of the Bow of the Line
will be constantly at the landing, below Monongahela
bridge, to receive freight:
Moe, eor Water and Southfield eta, Pittsburgh.,
W Connnighatu, New Castle, P.;
Nltcheltree & Co, Putman,
W C Nolan, Simon:
AR Iloll , Sherpshurm
Wick. Aehre & Co, aimenall/M
Wm Henn', Ilettsteerni
Wm Power, Conneadivtlle;
John Hearn & Co, Erie:
John J Hollister A ro, Hudak, N Y. thrao
Pittsburgh Portable Boat Mae,
NW= /85021a4,
Taoism Dominos.;) S Tuna & &Comma,
TPhiladelphta. / Pittsburgh.
u. Canal being now open, the propnetors of Ibis
long establtshed Line are as usual at their old
stands, receiving and forwarthng Merchandise and
Produce al low rates, and with the promptness, ter.
taint), and safety, peculiar to their system and mode
of transportation, where tntermediate transhipment ea
avoided, with the consequent delays and prObatality
of damage.
Itierebandise and Produce ebtpped elntior wert,and
Dill t of Lathng forwarded freo of chanre for commis
sion. advancing, or storage. flaying no interest di.
recur or indirectly In manumit/tate, that of the owner.
its solely convoked when shipping their gmds.
All cornmunicallons to the followtng avow prpmpt.
I attended tat
No TN Market creel. Philadelphia.
Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh
John Ale Cal loin tr. Co, 114 Nonn at, Daly P. D. Bur{
& Co. 25 Doane la, Boston, 19. &J. T. Tapscon CI( •
PS 8011th 1; New York James %Vheetwnight, ChICILF
natl. mr22
atm 1850.
Between Pittsburgh an astern t es.
The Canal being now iipcn, we are ready to receive
and forwardpromptly, produce and merchandise east
and west.
AbleFreli ne ights always at lowest rates, <barged by rupee
Produce and tuerchandize will be received and for
warded east and weal, annum any charge (or for.
warin or adancin height, connairrion or etornge.
Ml d o f of ladin v g
forwa g
rded, and .11 44 gg rfaa a
(ally attended to.
Addrew or apply I. WM. DINCHIAM.
Canal Dulo, cor. Liberty and Wayne eta, Pittobargb.
No 1133, Market at between Ith tr, N th , PhD'.
No In, North Howard at, Italttmora.
JAS.I I / 1 40110th
cola No 10. Wen wee, zve. York.
-• •
_aLratt Ilenelttanee °Meer,
jallaWlDErli k CO. continue to bring persons
from any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their
neuelp actuality and amnia to the wants and com
fort of emmlimatits We do not allow our enactment.
be Tabbed by the awlodling amps that infest the sea
ports, as we take charge of them the, moment they I.e.
port Malaise; and sea to their well being, and do
spaleh them without any detention by the Yost ships.—
We say this fealealy, as we defy ono a our passe.
gen to show that they were detained 49 h.neu by us in
shut thousends of others • are detained
months, until y could Docent in some eel cra ft , ate
eb:p nua, which too fromeatOly prosee dick co
We (mead to perform mar contracts alterably, cost
what it may, and not act as was the ease last season,
with ether olncers„—whoetther performed not all; or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for an saga Rom AI to
glow, payable at soy
prorlrelal Minks In Ire
land, rila.nd, /heft:eland Wales.
Rtropeen 'l4 Get.l.l Aga;
bel Fifth Wrest ems dm. halmor
LILICTO3-17 hf pipes Brandy.- - On'ird, Dupoy, eta
• . • P reel NE Rum:
jums : Tegeirioitellicakny.l,l
MILW - -
J. IL MELLOR, Si Wood urra,./ters reel:l'lod as
. falcr ta ftg Nee f +me:
A, say can you. ue t.y the innitte holy than dedi.
AL/ ca
n tedte R C Cook. Oh, think not leu.i.lave
lice. Blanche el ev.
hen,l love the. Wben other Glands
amend thee. The cot beneath the hills. We than
bet mine. Annie Laurie—Scotch ballad. The Robin
—wonia by Men Cook, music by Stephen Glove
Than but wounded the spirit that loved thee' The r.
Crave of Washinsta. The Irish nailer's Lament.
Old Senora—Reuel. 'He doeth alrillngs
Woodeury, Wldow Bitichnee—RnaselL no tentage
amp. mother—Hutchinson.. Low backed ear—Lover
P o wehecc—cemianln. The Biagio BOIL The
. Bridal or Weddina Polka. Jenny Land's Metric.
Nit a , Liszy Polk. Smite American Polka. Tip
Top American Polk. La Belle Baltimorean Polk.
Jenny Lind Polk. The Online Scottish polka—
„Dikes. Salutation Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine
Polka Summit Polk. Reumgal Palk. The Pro
-o,h t, Q,,,,ordies—bleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quadrilles.
The Wreath. and Dairy Waltats—hin Ernest. The
R 16.11 Drover Bpy—vartationß by Calm. Monument.
Swindell.= Hem. Wrecker'. Iltaghter. quickstep.
Loaunlle March and Chileksup.' Wood ttp,'Quie
No 75, Po •
TILT IreLis7oo4: is ..
Spring SI. .• of
Trlmmlnv, Se., ea.priiln,
Extra.tioper Ropfl
English Ind Amerie
d ea Elms Supmhme Im
p ie
pie pan the folloarsag,
Velvet Pile Carpels,
cut 13rassels
• rial 3,ply 2
L ugfi o n . e . logrado Comm,Fine
Common, all wool,
Extr ß a super patentChendle
Rapv ug fine do do Rego;
Fire Tufted ET;
Extra Wilton ".
Common do
Chenille Door Meta
Sheep Skin
N, 1 and f Top Yen Cu.
4-4, f and f Tarill'..l Corp.
4-4, i , I and Y. 4 plain Car.
Um and Rag Came.,
4-4 Pruned Conon Carpets.
8-4, 7-4, 6.4, 5-4, 4-1 end
Oil Clihei
6-4, 5-4, 4, and 1 Malang;
ineh Went Oil ClotEn
Rata dttled piano tomes
table "
Emoossed Plano
Printed woolen
Embossed Stand
Linen and wostaid "
Damask Star Linen;
Turkey Red Chintzer;
Chtstro Bordering;
Eng!nal 011 Cloth Table
Drown Linen crumb cloths
Brass Stair Rods;
Stale Droggett;
arpo Bindings;
Jute and Coco Mots;
Alicent and Skeleton blab;
1-4 and 4-1 Green Oil Cloth
Inc Blinds.
Hocketnek ' Diaper;
Ram MAO,
Oct. Czar.. from the most approved Eng
lish and American mannfacturets from 12 to 21 feet
In width, which will be not to dt rooms, halls, and
vestibules of any size or shape.
The undersigned kering Imported direct from Ent
land, his Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. Then
Carpets, which aro of the la eat nod' most elegant
styles and patterns, and of the most gorgeous colors,
snVI be sold at prices as low as they can be purchuad
for to any or the eastern Cities.
Coadal Timetaa.
Dine an Drab Cloths;
Cnntson rush:
Coach Oil Cloths;
Demobs'Jar Liings;
Watered Arareina
• MAO,
Bad Hollend for WShades;
French le/011p. ss
VGlletilltl Blinds;
Otiativic for Sari;
74 mil 84 Table Limn;
Russia Cruh;
&web Diaper.;
Oman Linen itpkins;
6007 i. Oil Chili Table
A mon a o th rt e ab lle DRUSSEL3 , e I IFF.RRIAL P ITI I RW. I
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which for serpasms
in quality and chenille's of price, any as•ortment ever
herons bmngirl 'otitis city. Ile also Invites Steamboat
!den and Conch Massofacturers to his large and well
selected aavortment of TRIMMINGS,and other articles
necessary in thor benne..
The aadersigned is al
Phßadelso agent for the only Stair Rod
klaturfamory in phla, end Is prepared In sell
lower than on be parchmed elsewhere In this city.
Nero Spring and Summer Dry Good" for L S O
Y. K'aoevate
man.dien.."M:Mda, British,ae
between Third and Fourth, sign of the
Me gas Dart, has lust commenced receiving
and opening one of the moat rich, splendid,
and extensive stocks of Spring and Summer Dry Goals
ever offered for sale in the \Verdant craven. All of
these Imported Goods are „fresh opened, and received
per the Int steamers front Prance anti England; as
also Irish Linen', imported direct fro m Belfast, all
grass bleached, and warranted the pc. article; there
Linens are all imported by th e sobseriber, and are all
pert dm yarn, warranted, Also, hid Iffnen Damask
Table Clothe, the very ben mannfsethret and Irish
Linen Goods of all hinds, imported direct froth Llelfast
a te . mbseriber, and snit be found the real Erin-go-
Nese ric
tyle h Turk Satins, all colon, splendid
Knod.; b lank k Turk Satins all prices, itch gnoar,
block glace Sills, all Colon, law
Importattom Franck
hid Wove., ell colors. the beau imported; plaid black
Statures, per left French steamer-, new style painted
liortges, en:end:Ltd goods. Alm, a report. nd large
dtock et wide block Brumels Lace,or rooming t Wises'
resses, very nen goods; plain Bareges In all colors,
extremely low, beautiful goods; black NM Prato, all
widths and prices, very cheap; French Lawns, new
starts, per last French steamer, Blain blank Oro Do
Rhine, high lustre, auperb goods; black fi gured Gro
De Rhine Brocade, Itch goods; French and; rtglish
Cashmeres, new style! heitutlfpl gut* lendid
ficured ims4Foods for ball dreariest rich embroidered
Swim Mull. tor enerdng area en Sal.. 'Edging and
Imurting, the km imported, Silk Thema rn ell 'colors
and qualities, new style, plain and satin smell! black
Bareges, all pnectu pitted Lawns, new styles, from
et to od cent, per yard; Bernie de Laths, a new amine
for ladies' drones Also, • lATIre and superb stock of!
new style spring Bonnet Ribbons, the vary best im
parted, aline..
Canton crape Shawls, all colon, fresh from the Cm-
Um Roust; Truk Satin Shawl*, splendid goods, In all
colors, per last steamer; beautiful changeable elan,
"ilk Shawls, (reek Impartation ; white embroidered
Carden Crape Shawls, mperb goods; greets embrotder
ed Canton Crane Shawls, aplendol geode; Loptais
Frenett made Embrouleerd Thrtet, Inert Imports:ion; I
Para painted Cashmere Shawl., all priors and
Elea; ladles' 1111111... Crane and Scurf" gre•nrae
nets; French worked Capes, Cohan. and Calf. • Inge
A'Larga Sleek of
hnl., unblesched Muslms, from 5 In 10 rents per
yari, 1 Sr.:,'.Hearne.] Sicilia., from 4 in 14 ennis
yard. ti raso tents Linens. Imported direct front
Iklfeut, 11 bales 'Eluting, from 8 to 25 rents per yard;
rll/[ll blur Drill, from 8 in lye a.m.. pen yard; ba
wd.* lull sesomment of Sommer Clod.. Also, Cm.
wmeres, Tweeds Smetelts, and Kentucky Jeans;
oases dark Calico, fast colored, from Ste l2k term
per yard; 5 case* Beryl & Englisk Prim, heel
imposed; 5 bales Russia and Scott& Diaper., extreme.
ly low. Also, Housekeeping Goods of all kinds, 'cry
cheap; 2 bales Raisin 41rash, form GI to In rents per
yard; besides a large stock of Cheek and Shining
Stripe. Also, Canton Flannels, all colors and
tins, at low pricer ' red, wkitc, and yellow Flamels,
you olteaso; bleaebed mod anolearlicd Drillings, roll
aisortment; rases blue Memmack Calicoes, ea.
[comely low; black and mbleanked Table Diapers., all
prices; html'.r eye Diapers, all prima and glialitim,
cry cheap; colored Cambrica, • fail amiortment,
cheaper !Lao ever, 3 balm Burlaps from 14 to
tim e r
• large snick or Canna Table Diapers
Slarumn' Shirting—A fail useirluient, very cheap.
The largest and most vplendid mock of Parasols
ever opened by any one house in Pittsburgh, is this
day reeetved, and are 10 et the newest French styles,
which, for richness and beauty, cannot be serpaued.
*a we blue a large lot of thew ?amain they will be
cold cheaper than any other moue to the city can an
ford to bell the Came quality Gertrude.
The Ladle. art ruination) matted to examine these
Parasol., as they will find some of the richest and
newest styles ever imported from Europe. These
envoi. are all of tea nob.t and meet fashionable
colon, and are worthy of the attention of the ladies.
All of the abovegoods will be mold ofe at prices far
below any house in the city; and In order to prove
this fact, the public will pietist, cell and price these
goods, and compare them with any other house In the
city, and be convinced of the above usestion.
Tbe übscriber would here say to hi. numcrou cute
tomers end the pnblia to general, that (here are two
other bee hive ours in market street, pretending to
erre with the the Bee Hive, which is alone the only
celebreted and far famed Dry Goods establishment in
Pittsburgh. Tee subsenber would therefore nay to all
purchasers of Dry Goon, either wholesale or tetall,
that the Big bloc Hive, on Market street, between Third
and Fourth, le now opening the largest, richest, and
most eplentlid neck of epilog and summer Dry Goode
ever oared for male in Pittsburgh
New Small rea leign—The largest nnd most fashion
able monk of Donneta ever opened in this city, is Jest
tw al dm sign of die Itipt Dee ILO/ciao kletlict
street, beeen Third end Fourth streets, where Dry
Goods of every deseriptlon am.selling cheaper than
any other house in the city. The pobde will please
take notice that there are two other bee hive stoma on
Market street, who pretend to compete with the Dig
Ike Hive, between Third and Fourth streets, where
the pools will find, at all times, the: largest and newest
styles of Dry Goals, fresh opened.
• Irr Please take notice, that the store Is between
Third and Fourth streets, sign of the DIU DEE GIVE,
where Dry Goods of every description are selbug
SUISAPIIII than at any other house in the city.
A A. MASON & CO., CU Market street, between
Third and Poor*, are now receiving a large ass
40,1131,11. of Barege De bins; Persian Cloths, an en
tire liew article; Palletnts; Crape De Lein, &e; with
a m of Lawns and other Dress Goods,
of Uml ariat a styles and most fuhionable colors.
CIOFFMcI-40 begs prime Kin and Java:
I.lCarircliss-40 b. mould, dipped, and sperm;
Cusima-130bes Cream .d Fnßli.h Dairy;
Coca—Yo dos Hemp and
Cassia-40 Maus;
Cloves-4 barrel;
CIGAIIt-1..0 M Common and hal(Sp.l.;
Flll4l—W. brlsand dal( brie klackerel.and 81l10011;
61.18a—:A h. assorted siscai
llama-10U Prima Venison;
Itloo sign, Curd;
Innino-100 Ib. B P and II
1.-16 dor liardenos Black aid Copying;
Mouisna-2.1 hula N C.irleans;
.15 half Ws Sugar Heflin;
lifterairo-411) Jos assorted eanlatura;
blaccatom-55 lb. Salim;
Ills do
Nassa-200 kegs !snorted; dos jars assoned;
l'eagnas—ao bushels lialsrea;
PAPSA — 50(C1L1111. Otsorted;
r. Itardentax•
tio•r--50 bac florin and Cast Steel;
Stoaa-10 bhdr N Orlams and Clarified;
Taa—Or parkas. Great and Dlack;
Totaroa—So bss 12.5, & 1 lb laatltt
{Vasil Bombs—GO &mpg/sat Zink;
For solo by 1 D WILLIAMS & CO
mrIS Corner of Firth and Wood MA
W A TKOs •
FCRs! FURST FUltBl—Tho sibscrjbers srliftray
far Coos Mink, Mn k Thu, Gray and AO oz.
and ail ktnd of shipping Fuss, as highest eastern .
pr ua tileCOltD & CO,
confer Fifth ind Wood sta.
S .
Paper ngs..
PRIM:3 lIELECTION Hangi .--Will be received, by first
canal shipments, a new and chalet, assortsnent Of
Wall Paper, of the latest French and Eastern
In sold, chamois, oak, plain and lush colors.
SALL, pate 8. C. hill,)
train baWood larval
Tl 6 Co-partnerahtp heretofore existing between a
Lt. lhashheld end John &lean, under the firm el
a a Hteutheld at. Co, te ofa day *waived by mutual
*ow, The beaow of the old Atm will *sealclaby
8. B. Bushaeld, at the old Wand, No. Yid labertyettett,
Yittehurgh. 8 BUSIIPIELD, •
Muth 1, IB* JOHN hIeGILL. • e.
continue the Wholesale mad Retail lint Goods and
Grocery booloms, at the old stand No. IMO Labatt)
under the firm of s. a BIiSIIPIELDOGO,
March 1.1650.—(r0r12
HAVE Mb day us:cared:WM me, Unbo
..le Grocery, Corandadoe, and Foram:ding bu t.
nem, my two Noce, H. N. and W. EL Watt:MM. The
asthma la Male wW bo conducted andetito htyle of
Water:awl k Sono, , 11“ MO old stand, No. 31 W..
un and as Front wart
From rho Vrganita :Kitterkrot, to repel Dianne
Dr. thavystatath Pi:tract of Yellow . Doc)
And parsuptartlla, .
thrna eonotnnplen t scrofula, orralpatha, tharanatitta,
pea, Lim cemplelota, spinal &freedom,
ina d dra r inn i f ' e Pil T= l l ai Mn se "W s, ' c ' e * r. '
rapt hatoon, rush of in the held, fever and
ague, female compiainta, acitentl &MOO', dyapep•
au. Ina of appetite, headache, told., co_.' l •9c- , ...
lineal, night Meal". 61101 k, OW . = glaClJOrt,
pa Ipitalion of th e bean, pun. le the side,
caked, back, he.
It is infallible to an' diseases wising from an ta
pa rt state of the blettf. eiirrrgular action of the Nye
In the Vegetable K 1111111202, an All-wish Mrg h.
detwatited plants and herb's; Congenial tease constitu
tions, and adapted to hi erre of disease; and to the
vrgetable kingdros does the reason et WILD,. well •
the Instinct of ani alt, tarn Are antidote. to pain.
The 19IvaP i• • stir entifie compound of the most vat
stable plants in c stare, entirety free from deleterioss
and enervating mineral substances,..and as it expel'
disease from the system, Imparts Ingot and sUrligthll
An extraordinary case of Scrofula, ith7sipelas and 0
nets, cured: by the role use of Dr. Guys:m.9a Cora
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.
litaoostrn, Nov. 17, 1949
Da. Carson—Ale. I tender my senate thanks for
valuable reat beneat I have derived from the ose of yam
swop. I have been troubled very bad wit
a scrofulous sore, Which made its appearance an In
chin. I did not will monk anention to it at first, sap
posing it to be nothing but an erupurin that appear
on person's far I. It finally hews to Increase, until
spread to tit , .a . k
part of the head. I applied ma
physician, who attended me all to no mallow. I bed
tried every thing that coald be tried. I saw your Syr
up of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concladed
to use it, for I !caw that Yertow Dock was one of the
most valuable anldles in the world for the blood. I
bought your Syrup, and (mm the one of one bottle, I
tould see a great change in my system. . continued
to use it antil vs. a well man. I now feel like •
new person; my bided is perfectly cleansed and free
of all impurities. There is not •q uestion till the
your newly discovered command Is far conchal t
any sarsaparilla syrup ever raid.
Thu ceruheate at your distant to publish if you
like,and any one you may refer to met I shall be hap
py to o them all the information I eau atssut my
ease, So. I remain your obedient servant,
Gkonti• G. JOHNSON,
£l3 Market Street
The best femalemedicine known.. The Extract of
Yellow Dock and Samparilla isa positive, apeedy,
and permanent earn for all complaints Incident to
Its mild, alterative oropernes render It peculiarly
typeable to l eis slender and delicate conetitutio
the female, unrivalled in Its elects open sorb
diseases as Incipient consumption, barrenness, les
corrhoca, or whites, Irregular mertantation, incept
neneo of urine, and genteel prostration of the felon.
It immediately counteracts that &Meeting nervous
new and inesnude so common web° female frame,
and imparts an energy and buoyancy as surpnsingiae
they see grateful. We have evidence on file which
induces_ us Marley to recommend this medicine to
married people who hive not bean blessed with nd
E . /lowan. Dmt, Or Falling of the Womb, of five
Tema . alluding, cored by Dr. Guysott's Attract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, aver every othro
known remedy had been tried without relief.
W. 1112182., Ohio, Feb., Mtn
This certifte. that my wife, aged kryears, bm
been suffering under the above complaint for fin
years—Dearly all of that time confuted to her bed. I
have for four year. constantly employed the heat toed ic•l talent that could be proc trod to trim Steil= of Utry
country, without any benefit whatever. I have alio
purchased every lastruinent recommended for the
cure °lnch disease., all of which proved worittlen.
In the .prink of tete, I was induced by my friends
to fey Dr. Guysou's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which was used for four months. After Mc bad used
It for about leer weeks. It was evident to all that s h e
was Improving, and from this time she improved rap
Idly,. and gutted flesh andstrength, until the duxes.
was entirely removed, and aim is now enjoying mom
excellent health. WAI. MONFORT.
We being neighbors of Wm. and Jolla Monfort
know that tee above statement, as to the sieknen o
Mrs. Monfon, and as to he cum being elected by
Go rsou's Yellow Dock and San
JANE aparilla ,EDDYbe to strictly
tOrsat Caro of Consumption.
Hammon, Jmuary s, 18W.
Mr. &melt—Dear Sir t The great bemfa which I
bays Umtata from 3011 r Extract of Yellow lima ant
Swamilto, Ingo.= ma ea aa act °flood., to mate
the following statement:
After waiting for two
s y ears from general debil ity which finally terminated in consoruption,l wasglven
up by my friends and physicians as beyond the aid of
medicine. As a last resort, I was induced to try
your Enron, and baying bused but two bottles, as.
conling to you directions, I um entirely well.
would Merriam earnestly recommend PM unequal•
led Compound to the afllletcd who duke a powerful
pleasant and safe remedy. Grumfally your friend
None genuine onlus pinup in loege square bottles,
connoting • quart, sad the name of the syrup blows
tu the glut, with the stritt-it .tgrinture of iff. F. lien.
nett on the outside strapper. Price SI pet bottle, o,
six bottles for IS
It is sold by .1. D. Park, corner of Fourth and Wal•
Sot wrens, Cmciunau, Ohio, lienerol Agent for th e
uth and We.; to whom all orders must be addreas
caner k Dro , Este, W. P. Judson & Co, Water.
lord; Olin & Clemons, Crossingetllc; Abel Terrell
Montrose; Haase 31m, Toximds; Robert Roy, Wells;
borot L. Roderick, Canonsburg; 1.. Willcox, Jr.. Pier
burgh, conies of Market street and the Diamond.
la ELLER! , 'FAMILY MEDICIINIES—t•They are the
1,7 otetheineo of the day..
Graham Statioth 01110,11 hr 'IS,
kl. E Bellers-1 thoth it right. lot the benefit of others,
to aide porno (Lou to refuter., to goat excellent Fa
tally Medicines.
I have need your Vermifuge largely in my ewe
family, one vial frequently expelling large quantities
Loy 100 to 000 worms) from two children. I have
also used one Leant Yilla and Cough Syrop in my
family, and they tare, In every balance, prmineed
the edect desired,
As I am engaged In merchandising, I am able to
state, that I have yet to hoar of the Or. fella. where
roar medicines have been eyed in any section nf the
country. In roneletaimi, I ma; time mat they are we
medicines of the day, QM, a .e destined to balm a rare
extensive popularity. Yvan, respeelfully,
Prepared and hold by It. E. SELLERS PINN ,
No 73 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists 'generally in the two
cities and vlemliy. je7
PAMILY nIEDICINEIs—.. , ghtg ars ma
hierliemes of the day! ,
flaneasee ATATION, Ohio, May Ph,191.9.
B. &Sellers: 1 think n right fortho beriefit of others
to elate mere fee , . in relation to year excellent Fami
ly Medicines.
I have wed y. Veradlnge tummy In my own smna
lly, one vial ‘fre...rently enswering for expelling( .ge
quantities n ee d[ to 200) worms front two childrea I
have alto your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup
my family, and they have to every mutance produced
the miter desired.
• As I am *egged In merchandising ; lam able to
mate that ( hare yet to hear of the fim failure where
your medicates base been used in my secuan of the
country. Its conclusion, I may state that they are tits
medicines of the day, and are destined to have a very
exteasive pspolanty VOara,rno ie 11 al:r,
t 1.15. rata.L.
Prepared and sold by R. I. I b ItS,No 57 Wood
Innen and sold by Druggis generally In Om two el
ties and vicinity. scry3l
ffiafkr eust - ikaivRaZOirPGAINT," Siic.
LT original, only teaciand gettable Liver NIL
SUDS? Caux, WM-canny, Ye.
Marsh 26th,1845. SS
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear sir—l think It a day I owe
to you and to the public ruler& by, to state that.' have
been athicted with the Liver Complaint for a long
ume, and BO badly that an abets, formed and broke,
which left me In a very low state. Having heard of
your celebrated Liver NM being for mile by A R
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to MO by
.mTofPirla t l i ..nfgr;sta:iulltw i lfg,
. c an im rlornrlfLe th m e tt
liejust what they am recommend., THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and alter uthingfour zu
Hind the disease has entirely left me, and I sun now
perfectly welL Respect:ally yours,
West Merry, March 28,1800.
I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr
Celan, t , and can boar testimony to the troth of the
aMvo eenificate. AR SHARP
Tne ,nine Liver Pals aro prepared and sold by
R LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
in me rvo nide,.
Inc and jpezi-
tune Liver Im p are prepared by R
o n Imo, and have
1111111! stamped In Limes./ upon the lid of cool
bon, and Ma mamma on We outside wrapper-all
others are eenu,terfeits, or base imitations. •
ROO It li SELLER% Proprietor
Jait reed, . invOtee of full Jewelled paten tic.
vcr Watch., 19 caret. line caeca, which I can *en a,
low a. thirty and thirty Ave dollar., and warranted to
hoglo—.4 ood u s;le c tidid anortenent. of JENVEIAIf, corn.
.ric the calicos and Intest *tree, and heat p.c.&
""' W, WlLsOlii, Wateldstiker ed Jeweler,
0ar...4 Maybe, end ...web. •••••••
. - - . • • •
• Pelee Iteduced.
T"E BUDISCRIBEttd will sell Muspratt's best
quality and bleb teat taus sod Eloap Makers'
Soda Ash, warranted superior to soy Gibed brand it
31 by the quantity of 3 tons or upwards for tin=y or
apps oved Nowt, at font months, or a* fbr • less wits.
Uty. - 311TC1ILLTREIV,
je6 Ldbeny urea.
HESSEX, FLEMING & CO, hanng arranged to
give their enure etteatioo to the sale of domestic
Wooten sod Cotton Goods, now offer their large
stock of Tailors' 'trimmings, Vesting', French and
Gem. Cloths, Doeskins eassimerca Sc.." taw cost.
Jed 11O,Wood at •
YOWDER—M cults Jas &bayous &
DP Sons. brand, a superior article, for sale by
nave W&111 claims
- - - _,_.
. .
c7F. CABK.s bloceran's Soda Aah, and 10 casts
1 ol Bleaehing Powder, arrived per ahlp Ocenhridge,
bb"Y on
N. B.—They will receive, during dio wirner, largo Nave • we... ccona
JUnT roe., an elegant Veda Romwood oat Kano .
of from the celebrated monufactory of Nunn. &
Clod:. N. If, of lower:or me, sod Very mederate
For solo by . H. KLEIJER.,
delft * at J. W. Woodorella.
for removing Tartar, Searcy, Canker ...11d all
.abitances destructive to the Teeth, It I. deltoidu to
the rate,clowning thee:loath, healing' an d strnathed•
itts. she anot; and punfying the breath. • 7.
For ..le,artolesale and mai_l_, . •
dein - • • R E SELLERS, to Wood at
CI OUR FLOUR—Iff brls rultabla lat starelt
C fnr ..1^ by • Dc 27 .1 hrGILLS & ROE
A 1.11)4.!11.—gu bd. I . ecivfogard for rale
Pge4 - '''' . ll;lT''''l7l4lTaratt
(... yThltrAcia- it;srust received for ...le hr.
• _ J KIDD CO Tie'd per. Didwell`n Ma,
bY. ileVel JAMES DALZFI..t.
. .
F MK BRICK-10"0 in more end ror imle by
JAfiff7l_ I.ZFLL
• J. . - I
""k43-2° fePiirrfu b ition
pTik-71, s F 17b0r,, .
50 brio exult do, loc'd on conrignenent,
and (mule by S4 L -W 111ARBAUGH
1441/W-402eg0 No l coca for sole by
till MLR., b.xs .awned slzet lost
TV reeelscd and fur Bala ley .
1.1 sane and.for sale bt
Jet 9 S.
CASES Bacon Eider Boli
I s 4 idca W ica.A2Y (cassia by A CUBEThar
rr fig Pannershlp twretzfoilit oxixttag 'bolero Om!
oabwaribers, ander bra firm of itprtnidgei Wlisoil
Co., wits thin day dusolyed by modal efts=
The boxinern of the firm will be willed by J. W. Dor•
brido, or Wm, Wit on , Jr.,eitber of whom II aolliow.
lord to row the mime orate tiros iallGuidation.
PitLDu 1,1856.—jy4 .
TAS. W. &abridge Beal. P. Isshrus have this
if day oasorlated themeetee• ender the fina of Bar ,
bridge de leg brim, to trammel a Wholesale Grocery'
and Geneva] Coavamslon &Wien, is the hoese lately
aeolntevt bt Barbndge, Wilton ia &Nile Ville/ 1.
Pittaborgh, /My 1, 1&/,' •• •
Itm subscribers have Ode day Mimed a cognate:Of ,
shipunder the hrm & eV:Risen, for the ear•
rose of transacting the Wholesale Getwery add Com;
poission Business, es No WiWood street.
Pittsburgh. I;lBso—jy4 i FRANK. WiLSON
Molodeoia Platatisai.WW-ini
supsreceived al the sit Mte.Golden Hasp, one
superior octave Mei eon Piano, with two tens
of Reeds, the latest lutpinetnent. The above la
probehilr the Guest n osed /raiment env offered for,
sale here, with a tdghlv finished sad elegant einirlor,
f p ,by " ELESER
reit , 4-10 a rum taus boot papa 19r14
20 do do no MLA
• SO do do, do SlOr&
110 do URI printing, 14137;
UM do do do &Wt.
60 do do do !Bath
IN do do do 29043
SO do Blue Envelope, Mat*
• Ito do Yellow do WM:
10 do Manilla do 2002,'
13 do do .do, Magi
ZOO do snorted *Lappin:Da,
„tr., o amn, Wr mule try 301110
ten el Wood
Economy ta Time, II
DECIDEDLY the cheapest and best plaele`ig
burgh to hey Tea ts at the Tea Market, cast seari
01 the tharnond. They tell
Excellent Tea at - 60 per it,
Superior gealitles- •• • 0 76r •
The very ben.--- . ....-... lUD •
Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas are net kept
at this establishment, therefore, whether Yea go year•
self or send a child, yea are net to obtain •11. 0 .1
article, and if the flavor of .the Tea. Is notjapProsed,
they readily esehaoge it or return the money.
jyh! MORRIS & LiAMORTH, Proprietors. •••
SUNDRIES -40 boo extra Cream Cheese;
lo brls No 3 Mackerel;
brls do do;
5 kegs do do; ' .
10 has Secretes;
2 has Meald Candles;
20 els No 1 Starch;
lb dos patent Zino Washboards;
b ht chests superior Gran Tes4
.40 caddy boa do do;
to Debars superior Black Teas;
Gto Daifield , sextra Rams; I 0
For sale. by J D WILLIAMS &CO .
hid Coe Ward &Filth Ma . 9
CIIOCOLATE—ts) boxes Yo r diri. - Fteil; - Gbocalstar
jam received, and for sale by :-
GOOD 'looms lt'Oß ITARMEDUI,
Johnson—American Farmeihr Encyclopedia, Ova.
Ihnersoo--Treca and Shrub', Coo
Brown—Trees of America, ktio
Thomas—Am er!em Fruit Culturist, hot s
Iloy—A Guide to ihe Orchard, 12nto
Bout—Fendir Kiteben Gardener, IlAito
Miner—The American Dec - Keeper, Mao
Down—The American Polito Yard, 1.200, • --
Marshall—The Farmer aral,Entigrantra Head
Allen—Me nmeriun Farris Dook,,ttato •
Doering-471th and Ptah Treci °CAI:Lark/ha:no
Vortatt—Tbe Horse, 800 - •
Bennet—Tiro Poultry Yard; lihno •?-.•
For sale by D LOCKWOOD
m•rlean at,ale Sanaa. aorl A. /My
CONDUCTEIIi Prof. 11.1atilinaan, prof,ll, 614
man, Jr and Janata IL Dana, New Ilavan;Core
reorient. T his Journal la roared every twOmeante,
in numbora of Lid papa sub, making tam hdthal
volume. a year, each with many illualnationt: It is
devoted to original articles on Science and•the Azia;
Condensed Review, or Abstracts of hlemeira 4 / 1 4
Discoveries from Ferriage Periodicals, Notice oPNeir
Publication., .nd a Gartland Hal letin at teeth{ Semi ,
lige w °aka. The firm !Ferias contains fl/voLamerl,trs
last of which is a general Index to the 49 •0111111FS
p Subacnntion, SS t yur. la advance.
D LOCKWOOI/,Auet for Proprietors,..:,
rate la north st
Good Books for Hammer Road ilia*
Drown—Turkish, Evening Entertainments, 1man,...%
Taylor—Eldorado, 2 vole, limo
Cameo—Dampean Life and Manners, leobt,lintO r
Diekena—Domny and 80n,2 vebtr,llato. .r 1
Maekay—ropulay Delasionv, 2 vela, Wan.
Marvel—Fresh Gleanings, 1200.
0. O. ll—Norman Lorne, Irmo,
thaw—Earthen Literature, Ilmo.
I'rior--Goldsmuh`a Mbleellaneou Warite,47ola. I
Maye—KVoeab, !tau.
Ts, ler—Views Atoot.l2mo.
lumbc lat—Cormos, 2 vol., 1200.
For rale by 7AB D LOCK WOOD,
104 Fourth
Books—(*asst Literature:
Mona-Perfumery its Use and Manufacture. 1 8 no.
Stallo--Philosophy of Nature. 14mo.
Chilow—Aphonsmaand Selections. 12mo. .
Shan—Fnalish Literature. Ltatio.
Davis—Lesendre. Wrao.
Ur/ant—What I saw to California.
Piorre—Paul and Vni6 , .. 2 Vol. 12 . 0 .
Ale on—Letters ro Wing ttien•
Bornap—Reentode oribunan Nature. lbws.
Verieonr—Modem French Literatans.
Ne senhaso--Liumm Magnetism.
• ~
llomboldt—Aspeats Nature.
Droderip—Zoological &emotions.
let lO4 Forth at
Foatsr.s Dew Nabloplan Ateledl.s.
WINE to Ron all Night; Dolly Day; •.! • :."
kr Daley Jones; Go dawn to do Conon Freld;
Nally was &Lad), ka.
How nd boat Lased Oncs at Home;
hy lightly; True Love ,by T.HoOd;
Oar way areo3ll the sea, damn
A new medley wing, by D. Coven;
JentryCrny, music try Moller,
Joys that were crowning, .Weddlag Marein .:;•
God Glees the hardy warineiSehaylkUl wetn
C.:nreript'r Departure, by W. C. ClO•cri r
Suomi, not. Home; Wansea, tweyermarkisebe CO;
Last Sow of Sommer,_ array varianons item
United StatesPolka Ladies , Beasenir Folka;
Corn Cracker Quadrille; Lernamlle Qt WeUl.l
Mantles of Italy; Diens, Trio., an.
A large aSSMUMILOr New !Suit, en bana.l4ll:ll
adiUtiots aro made wealth'For min
(ebb J. H. Ammon. in wer.4 ti c
a:heap Staaderd Illttorysl
int be/Ismer *.Bra's; in t tots: eloifi of
paper. at 40 cents per yol. Theca vol. reenivet,
tor sale by - R HOPKINS,
1447 78 Apollo Dal • •• Feensti as.
DV. DB UR N m Ifiortnt Voyage, by Memos Me/ITM
Al. unbar of! - Tyno,."Otrioo," • •
Ilium of Kano Alfred of Ettglan!l, by /nob:Abbott{
with One eotrowings.
didoon she Sorter nw by W Elenhold. .
Joimarav a srocerstm,
00.21 • comer Third tin Market streets •
a ds fells Non Reamer orka,q ; at. Av."
Of Vigil to the Chars:lsm Christianpse ofrm Kurd*
tan, and the Yesidis, Devil-Worsh
Inquiry boo the Mennen or
and A rt a Of the ro Ancienm tutest
DY R ef. Esq.,
With Introdoetory Nene e E. Robmson,D.C. L.
LL. D.
.. Illustrated with 13 plates sad tams; and PO
wood ems. R vola.evo. cloth, KM. - •
one book boa a rare amount of 4, pia.:
taresquo nahrsalve.n—Tnbune. •
The work of L.yard Is the most prominent eontri.
button to the study of antlesity, that bas appeared foi
malty yearau—Otairt. LA. •
"Not one shade be interest the account of Nisferrols
and its Heins, glum by .lldr. lomatnin—Washington.
As we follow the diners with breathless interest
in their excavations, 112 Ia suddenly Sod ourselyea be.
fore a massive Syaret earved• with minute ateuraey;
now Htbnis Its mantic heed. f ro m the dust of MOO
years, v a ate ready to cry oat with the-astonished
Arabs, qTalleh,7 it is woudestat, bat h is melt "--111;,
dependet. .
For sale by JAMES D. LOCTCWOOD, '
no vs
TIT 6 WOMEN of the Old and New Testement.
FAited by E. 11. Bonne, D. A I vol. Intri.
11 " b' proa tic 3; 7A=VIl m"4";
PO} MS DV A3IBLIA, ( drs. Welby, OnCY4) a new
and enlarged edition: illestralad byes. gravings from
original Oens by / vol. metre ilivo,elegant•
ly bound gilt- Abut—A variety of splendN Anne.
ale and Gill Books. • : • •
1 sal . l e d lls Chairs That Book.ef the Bleary Of Roma
use of Carpenters, SbMwrights, Wheelwrights; 8411,
yen, Lumbermen , kleou!, and Artisans general/Si
being a thorough and pracueal Therms on diatmn...
tiou and the Sliding Rohs. 8p . :D.11. Koper, A.IL, r
I.lo4e•TrentiOlon Greek Prom Composition.
011endortra ElMaentary Freneh Grammar. By PreG•
Greene of Brow( University.; I vol.•Unno. • . . • •
Reedier's Ilesenins'llebrow Gramnar, by Clamant
Gesennie Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic,' Tables. I
vol. (sheep.)
The Anglia/ mares Greek Coneordanea 1 41.(11U.
Anthen's Clasaical Series-. •
Webster; Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. vivo. -
do do unabridged. 'r vol.
Berne'. Notes and Questions on New Testament.
Whately'e Logic.
Mosheisale Ecclesiastical !Emory.' 3 - vole. - And
vols. (cheep.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1 voLiftmo. •
• Mornings among the Jesuits m Borns. 1•111.
md paper.)
Seen. where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol,;
loth and paper.) •
• Boguels Theological Lemma t vol Sytt(alollt
Alders Pronouncing Bible. •
Boyers French Dictionary.
Satan's hence. For sale by R HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo Beiblings, Fourth it
The -
TAME 4 DS"LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
e? No. 63 IVood street, has for mien new copies emu,
plete, (the fentainder of the edition) of this valuable
work ; devoted to the Preservation of Dftumlll2lS, and.
other authentic 14011414)1 relevng to the emir ca
ptors/ions, settlement and improvement of theist:nanny.
prtrund the heed of the' Ohio. By Neville B. Craig
ssq4 of Pittaborgh, in 3.v015, deo. •
- movlo • ' D:LOCICArciOD.
.1112..t4 LiirgliTY: A Bloom with ovum. elike'
- #l.l
.Liberty of other, Aeelent Norton.. By Sound
• .1), $9• Illustruid with twelve mgrevingeome,
celled at Sense. .11v01a.,8i0., miffed's with Ifp!.seint' •
Ilimal 21 Wort, .
Jest published arid for sale by . ;•••• • • ,
. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 119014441)
6410 Importer. nal Word st !
gIAYINV KFAIBLE. IN ITALY; anthensed ediilor:
reading of this book hes I:ptomaine with •.
mien higher opinhat of its 411)14 than we badfsmied
from inmates her other Vordings,dimlayso daisy
tone of thdlightilinited to more pare womanty,grains
feeling Um soy other production of the' feMWri, mind
with which amain 444111ea.N..444..4140/.
4lls a very agreeable and mailatde batik, 'Minute.
Fanny Kemble's best style—told,' spirhed end enter.;
tainint. We recommend - It to ourreadera an ate bet,
pabill2111)11 of the remon.n—Readiag Gas:.
11 contains the Journal of S travel itanaghtunpe
end insidenta in Italyyarat one. ale- p4ualuts
and most intereatingbadke thesonsion.v,Com.
. I: Vv " effy nharecie . Me
th' ie - We lure hoe
tide page to Colophon wi area
Mere r.
via fnctore of life in Hnalm reismitis ern/fleet')
reble.Knikarboakcy. • •
For sale • Jetdietioon,
novls •-. 844441. it !Meaner. ID Ward
- ...
• Rib • as andliPlowsra. .
- ,
QAI BOXES dOefieT Dadhell.RibdAdll . 4.
. _.
lotrx do. Floveth Of dirtheldiedt,g43T . , ‘ ~.....•.
t r..i. roe., MAW" dAY ill , m e 7
ILMOLET.9 • 40/111,
ilVionsage &relics
CXliTilthICW/ 1 7= li l icTrtzd keeeptanee•
Table in any pul of the Vann. eolJeeted on We meet
EXC.4ANGFIon Noe York, Philadelphia and Bad.
Blunt Louis eon
Nov thittinconstantly for mile.
BANN NM tn_ Note, on all solvent banks to the
-United Stews dise .—t itonied at the towns rates. All times
of FoielpnAnd American Gold areiSilserCiain boaght
and gold.
- Oden • Ne;b3 bterket sweet, between ,Rtt ;Led eat
Plusbtunb, Pa. ocas
&ILLS Cu Ediciand,lio.rand, tad Boatload bought
gay amonin
able 1 du Current Rowe of.F.rohoop.
Drone pay le anfport °flat Ord Countrior,
from %el tided, - at th e nth ot Seto th e Storting,
withaordodaetion or &mourn, try JOSHUA ROM
SON, Euopoanand Gleaorol Agent, opal dth I.ono
dear west of wood . . .aeu
Awl/ num ILLELX
---- sitassa a nana,___
in Inman
Inman wan Dtancsda Bills of Exchange. Car •
alas of Deposita, Hank Notes and Coin, comer of
34 and Woad aka% directly oppokta Bt. Charles Ho.
- - -
W" 11/111.11170111)11
ank la,
H Nolan
ruchsaul at the lewasa non, blamo SONS,
.1313' • 35 ?dacha um,:
BILEr . ea
"nk hdladalptilvd
CranstaatlyN. nellak SON&
sept 3 Market .
• 1101111111 dt, DANVOILTEW
Merchants, East aid. of the Diamond, Pittsburgh,
am new odenng at the TT lawn prices for cash,
Mantled Villskey, Gin a Domcsua Ready; Frentl Brand) Holland In. Tamale& Spisits, Lon
don Oin, Weis Whiskey. Rpm, Sc. Pad, Sberry,llla•
dein, Champsana, !Env Well, Malaga, Tenn
mire and Lisbon Wines . Wholesale t. Rnnu. 00,3
ritINTINO PAPER=Alanyi on hnid or nude to
order, tit. ivarioas sizes of Printing - I'llpm, ling
r;OPIng Paper; Crown, Bletti . nat, and bookie Crown
tftbirer7ZMlt'haeln:Re Cron Medium, and
. &o.
W P fdAnanALL, no 4 Wol;
Agent for Clinton Mills.
yowl Wen' & CO. baio nerioired their mock of
tl Groceries to the options:a side of Liberty sr.
OMAN IN AMERICA—Ifer worrand 'her re
ward. By Maria J Mclntosh. Author of "Chem:.
wonted to he" I sot weio.
Latter Day ,Pamphlets, No l:—Tao present time.
D) ThomasCarlysle.
Casuanas..-4111etnaln'Of LC. ond"Writfoga of Thos.
Milliners, LI A, L. Creleetioes on Unties's
Analogy, PalorsEvidenoesof Cluistianity, and Hill's
Lactase on Divinity, whh two Introductory Lectures
and Gnu' Addresses delivered la Atm: New College,
Ediaborgh, by Iltotow ,Chaboars, L,.L. D.
vol 12am. • •
Came—Llfb ofJohn Calvin, dompiled from =bee
tle smaresa,and particularly from his eOrMspondeuees.
My "Aquas II Dyer, 'rah portrait. I vol Item.
For sale by . • 8 HOPKINS..
api7, 78 Apollo lloildlags,Ftranh n
' Combs! Combat
aft GROSE yopor Polka; 10 do donry Lag
&LI 60 " wed Reddlor
/2 " buyer Engl4ib Ilona Bedding
• e " "Poe tOrdaks; _~..
600 " Wood
=to dos asVd Yam ivory; • •
• 00 Shell EldoCombs;
" 10 " syper largo Iltulakg
SY , y": 06 666 ' 0 RlOO Gomb6; roed 'and for sled, by
fad 0 YEAGER. Ate Market of
near nova .dl Bug nopinai
ILeAKE,NOTiCE—That McChMolk has Mds day
received mural ea.'s.. 0' the finest and. hem Doff
don liollitod, to which he would most respectfully
tall the aucattbn of hU customers sad the public lu
Eirearpet lA/
Vonars.73 Founh st.
A eFlLti,..tgeurrlA.V.°
tale D7:._ 1.13 .J. IL MELLOR. ,woad or.
fruit Complete Wotka iohn Dohjraiijiwila, e.g,
7 '.1. tvol, illustrated; inisSzt gilt and ipitedses.
ldliebblPs Sibilant and Sabbath School Geography;
a new work; tool, lYob.•- ' •
Town's Analysis and Speller..
Isle of Jobtr.Q. Adman; by Wm. IL Seward; 1 vol,
rthnoi muslin,
Poems by Mira. Scours; 1 vol, 01 CS muslin:gilt.
South's Snrotons—Sermons preached noon several
occasions, by Robert South, D. D.; a new edition, 4
cols; int:lading Vaal:mous Discourses.
Sione.4 rota la .A sheep, extra; *No:
For We by • EL IMPKINS,
leb2l Apollo Bulldins,Fourth at.
ream OltartLioon ': . O. or—. ,bran. TIIS undotrOgnoliniceenon Arthaii k. rije bet
son, begleavato inform the citizens of Prttsbargh
and pubhe generally, that they have. rebuilt .the Ea-
GLEFOUNDRY and fire now In fall operation., and
hare. part of thelt patterns ready for the. market:—
amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal . and Wood
Stoves, with splendid ale-tight Coal Btove r artdek le
now eupereedlng In other elite. the .cosnaoli round
Store. Also, oc.boop coal Cooking stave, melt adap
ted fan:nal' families, with a assortment ;of em
it/en and mantel Grata We would. pardeularly in
vite the anernion of persons building call at our
vrateltoase before netrehasing; and examine stableld
article of entuntaelled Grate:, finished la ling PAS—
entirely mew la this market. • '
,dlI alet
. 4- r-
1 : 1•1 : r el:rlf.(44./01.1,5
K 1; YEATA c ihmr
y ari ti ttallaleitietler In
Stro . f t l . eth G 3 il a t m et . m.l4l7l , Plageet in t Pgsbitigh, pa.
!Ushered' to pareleaseGo:d4are respeetfTy v i i re ' v il in
to call and 0.1411161114 the CILIEO3IIO awantnent of S -
-fish, American, Mach and German Fancy Goode.
All Foreiwa Goods althea establivlunent are bnport
of direct by myself,. end mushasera may tely on get
ting geode lion : Sr.t bona. I have the lam - Masson,
meat of WeiderOa Me variety Ilne, to the city of
Pittsburgh—all of which Will be cold low fon' rook or
citzz . e f e 3 ptances, The Stool' corals% in pato"(
Hosiery, blues, Ribbon* .
Silk Crimea, Shoe and PatentThreads,Seeting
Con Tapes, SuPenderai Ihntons; PlasiNce.
Geld Ind SilveetiVatChes,Goldlooralty, ail trade of
Parnassian Gaps, Revolvers, Pfstals,Clocki, te
CettonTantes,Speetieles, Steel Pens, Waal* &Wes,
Carped bags and Basket . •
Flodtage an d.
Trimmig •
Trty l" ltet, Fancy Goods; together with it large vies
ty of Piney andple DAYGOODS.
C. - YEAGER i de a],, agent for the celetn:
cuter Coeeths.; • • . mrlg
print MAIM/II BLesturtilys
F ° ltitEelrget,§a - ,A - E - tw,grrv.Tigi,t
Deed O ff
London, England, andnaredoced into th e United
ander the immodute inperintendenco of Go linen .
The evraordinary meow of Au t 11:1C1/.1131.114, tha
ewe of Ilharmary &Wows, warrants the AIR na
Agent in witching Gar treatment Mt Went parable ca
ses Matelot bri found in Um commanity—insasinn k
relief in lain Cr= anyaf the etaimaa twoodtea o the
day, and hate been gnaw* by the I,ll olldiunimed
phyolonno as condoned and inetandile. Tin I -
on Rahn has eared, and wi4 our., the most deoWats
of ease. It is no gawk nostnua, beta otandard
lirdraw-n•twi of known and esathlishied oakum
Eton family nth* Caned Suites noold - be sap)
With Boohon's Ilstaantiatr Balsam of Life, art on to
minzgrwap coniiMpti” tendencies of the obta
bans he sled as a pwrventhe medicine in an easten't,
adds, unagits, spitting of blood, ln rho ride and
ethos; lunation. and aeronaut of goalungs, ineehins,
,cac kk hy o f brmin,ltectio four, night sweats, annel
idan indictment datalny, wean, Inntionan, whooping
no g At c l i ZToulea l at Porhott* tolt 6 11 ' Law
another tho restoration or ttenlth. . -
- •
Jtatophieta, containing .10W of English and - Azad-
Cap !triad ant, - and other evidence, Wafting the an
.trigkd merit* of this great Bastian Bernedy, may bo
obtained of inn Musts. grareinatnly.
. • For Ws by -B A £.6.IINESTOCK &
.comer o
at and Wood and Wood and M blna . jai/an-S
Mornthro Luzloj_
• • Frets-masa, March 27,"180.
Mr. R. E. Sellert—ln Justice to you and your ineem.
.ParaWo Cough Illytapi I beg leave to state, for the ben•
cat Qf the eemthenirg, that my wire hits boon severs!
,times adllated with a most dtstressing cough. pur•
(hosed, in Jsrigart Ism,' a bouts, of poor dyrsp, which
eared • eoega mos:1000W standing. AbottLene
month slueekthe cough returned, and nem '9 severe
the, e k e eowd•eerolr more,: (nu n weakness Wait
breast; I sent for one bottle of" your Cough 13yrup,'atul
.1t part or one bottle eared the tough I gave the other
to • Journeyman who tau aeverely dlieted, who hod,
to b ee to e own words, "eaten enonAh cough canth• to
eere all rtua,peapla m Plusburgh," It the ea.. 41 A. 4
been as good as represented. •
Yeses, respepeally, ALI= R. Karen.
Preparal and hold •07 R. E. BELLERS,47 Wood
street, and sold tr . r ;Druggists genet/L.llr In 010 two
chic. •
fatly Inform the pts tilikntspeet
. theta..
w keeps on hand at We den the
entitle o f the lliationd Ape
ghuny. city, a eompteur l '6 L
atent et Venttiou Minds; elale
nitinn abutters ,ase mad*l
dal. in the bat styie, 'seesawed
equal to any in the United State,
His Ulteds ten be removed with. .the aid of ''crew driver.
Huh* purehned. t stock,
Seel.* end weed ef the stabissetrt
: tablishment of Hanssaj,k
land, I &es psepared to feriiish
thee' old C tuthrrs lowan as
pablikatilligscidilrevz in th eir
NoloWerhi me
t, Pittsburgh.
, tat Yale try
btlq tea:sive, far b 7
011. t, to LiTlitkiii7..r,4t,
• .114001bcktig •Inge 47 .---r
• gator talOOki!hforsale i r k s . mcni4;
• / !OW-- t;r
1 1 , I • oil= pa• lb,: bats by •
oil i .414111.5 T CROZILR
1 1, RR` 9' . • • to gore • r ale by
klt• ARAISTRONti csozat
Aeti ' '
ills ree’d l»f S )fbrftaila tiy
VEO—ow toot o Y Wok pll. tuft
Wro EaIWO Potito.wi , ftrnme4 ttOte
',nor ta cretin:room I ke &nul
and to call and COMO. Went atm.
Bs°' Wood stmt.
I'kH Pfitti:
LIB it • .
e !
III•LIIM ate 11
41 " a 4" 7/VITIVICtiP 4I. . b 7
nt ,
ofild for pal.
'S & AVM ArtriAlYrn,
101 l
EVA - 06311
• "Opir A V2 ,
s All#Z 4 , 411101441.....,