ASTERN ADVERTISEIIE 11101111ILLIIAS ZINC. rri HE Vieille Montagne Cots any sone , / th eir Wks - 27 With Riming eniFlooring iu sheets 217fee48em 11 to 22 ooncea per Kam foot. Correffaind in &beets 2.x7, 17 ea, for roofing pat baildillgo and, depots Bhp Sheathing, 14 Sp kelt" from lila 23 'cameos. Nails, Bekaa - Wire, low Molds, Perforated Zinc, • _ They sesdeant their Metal Pare , and free from any o f Imo, or say other substance, and re , conronend It for the manufacture of most Metes in tt , th e t acit c orr osning tene t to it does not rust, Is net affected by the action of mace, and may Le polished, punted, and japanned. idompk., model, plena, •Pecificanons, and other information may be had of their stems.— • 11PCssat SUOMI, New York; Roiattss tr. Co., Boston; • Nara. Tama k• CO, Philadelphia; W.& 11. MeEnr,liattimoret: - .• eftsmt, DoT& Ellansynt. New kilo., 17. MILLIIIOI/X, Resident' Agent, ..y o lige, May I. - • • 2 Ilemovcr et, New took. . Ay • •NHONI NINDLIGN AND PENTIUM. . . Fraud A. tleicifiliy.; 16 SoidA C nia, Baltimore a.,l3ahimolv, • le F. Godfrey & Sons, . IMPORTF.R of Moe Findlogs,and Dealerth Leather, of vad kinds:atkinds:English and French Vad Skins, Melt Calf Skins, Patent Leather, Morocco, red, white, and pink roans,linlngs,&e. Laminas, Francais, SILK GALLOONS AND RIBBONS, Laeets.Webbs, Shoe Noises. Awl Blades Shoe THREAD, Bitted Tacks, Shoe Nails and Shoe PEGS, of all etre.. E. A. G. having established the above business In Baltimore, la enabled to ship roods South or West with Mo utmost despatth,•sol at the lowest prices. ManuLletnrers, dealers, and all others, may rely upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the best quality, and on liberal terms. 67"Mitensfseturer of Lests,BootTrees, Shoe Trees, Clamp., Crimps, Root Stretchers,&e. All orders will promptly excelled. Low prices for cash. A catalogue containing a complete list of revery etc in the trade pill be forwarded to those who may dram it. EDWARD A. GODFREY, 168. COI•Cit IDAYM , 6I6I near 13111.1DIOrD 1,1-,11/IDAOo. BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORE, Broadway, of lialdent Lame. 1118 extenstve IItITEL has been Mared by the setmeriber, and has been completely refined in most elegant manner- Luxe l additions O. DOW bei e ng Made, which, when completed, will make It the *OM erteaarre Hotel in New York. It le the detenni. 'melba of the proprietor, to make It eette.4 to every re spect, to any other House ln the United tiWel. city, 10. cauon la the mondellrable and central in the city, bee mg in the fashionab!e part of Broadway, convenient all the public bolldmg.. places of amenement, and business. Grateful fot theilbere patronage received t- Rbm hie western (deeds, wine at Cumberland, Ma, and more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland, Ohio, he reapertfally aellelta a renewal of their pave... age, her ha new establishment, al New York, and begs to assure them th at every edart on his pan shall be giren to adetnalater to tbeir comfort and pleasure. A. 8. BAlLitlid. Neer York. Marel,lllso.—(mrS7ro A WOILTUNI6 POH. £lO or la. MIoRITANNI.L. SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, agSret, George street, Plymouth, England. The minims beg to Leptiaint their 110 tneraril patrons the, tha test DistobStlen of Portraits of Race florae., will mantis* those entered for the forthcoming Grand Piatioual Derby Mare; the number Or shares Ity be limited to 3,9110 each'elass. First class member SIP, second class ditto 1.11. Early application for the on appropriated shares is necessary. A party sabsan.h. 'tog for mere than one share has the chance of gaining ...goal number bonuses. Those members who draw the, samosa Portraits will be presented with the fat. ,owing seam— Portrait of Ist class bonwes ditto *inner, or First Horse ..f.cotal littooo " Seeond Dom. —• MOM 11,003 • • • • • • Third Horse •—• b,OOO 4,066 Divided amongst Starters • • CIAX) 3,000 Non-Starters 6,106 3,a0 Therese 4W bonuses in eaeh class, that being the nsnber e( horses entered for the race. The Drawing will be conducted upon the same legitimate principles as those which characterised the late St ledger and other proceedings. Full particulars of the result will be sent to absent members Immediately after the de cision, that each that know his position. Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded on re 'nem of a remitivica Dills of Fschange,Dralls,Dank Notes, an., addressed and roads payable to the Managing Directors. IV. JAMM & Five per cent cornrahrsion to be reduced on the presentation of bonuses. ntrili-nna ii"] REED HOUSE, RIM REIM" t BARBER, PropriOars, Psalm Square, Erie, Po. , GENERAL STAGE OFFICE-1 Weetern and :Southern Stages, leave this heave. daily. Oases to and (rem Steam and Parfet Boats, Gratis. , Kann, late of the American Hotel, Ette,,Pa. O. W. Wm., Isle or the KiIIIIIII. note, Ohio. sPls.dilm Ste James ittarrara Plaid artargualsss i.REPARED ender the Mame-lice care of the Ifn vector, and established for upwards of thirty years. This elegantpreparation is recommended to all easel of bile, acidities, nithgention, gout, and gravel, as the 190111 safe, easy, .Id - effectual form in which Magnesia may, and indeed the only one in which it Ought to be exhibited, posseasing all the properties of the Magnesia canto general use, without betas liable like It, to form dangerous ennercuons in the bowels, It etketeally cares heartburn without Injuring the coats of the stomach, es nods, pours, and their car bonates are known to do; it prevents the food of in fants turning NMI in all eases it acts 111 a pleasing atmrionb and is peenliarly than ado sad. emals. Sir Humphrey Davy testified solution forms soluble combinations tenth uric arid Fehr in cues of gout and gravel, therhy counteraency their trJunou• tendencyi when other alkalies, and even Msg... itself, had felled. - Prom Sir Philip Crampton, Hut., Surgeon General" to the Army in Ireland:— "Dear Sir—There can be an doubt that Magnesia may be administered more safely in the form of *con centrated solution than in substawie; for this, and many other reasons, I em of opinirn that the Plaid lAms ,... cla lnc rely valuabl , e n tit . V . .. nor blotvia • . , 'Sir James Clarke, Sir Cooper, Dr. Bright, and Maser* Guthrie and lierbert Mayo, of London . , throng. ly recommend Murray's Fluid Magnese,” ueleg in -smtely more sate and conventent than the sethd, and free from the danger artenthng the constant use of soda or potato, For sale by the importer's and proprietor's agents, BA FAIINLISTOCK tr. Cu learn Cor. of Wood& Fraht eta . 123331=3 - - . I'OTICE In hereby given, that on or about the 13th of April, in., rabgeribers had matted to th-m. at ellehurg, Vs.. ter. Mi.owli.• i.uaa, v !MU drawn by O. A. (Canal, peyalte to oar order, ltd April 1111, at 4 month., for 5173 Gth a bate drawn I y John U. Morgan, same date sad time, for 6111 17, and note draw. by Joan Watt*. Co., In favor ofJohn Mattel], and re-endorsed by a., dated Aped oth, at row months, for 8173. The above notes were never reteived by as, and this Is to caution all pent.. .Faint trading for or baying the same, as paent 01 th em ha. been stopped. 85 IV HA/WAUG ym H _may29 PRIM( SPRING & SUMBIOCEL GOODS. VlittlY large and choice nook Fre*h Spring ZS. and Setamer Geol. has wet been opened at Alexander & Day'. No 8S Market Excel, nor* weal corner of the Ihanto ed. In calling the attention of our easterner. and the public to this stock, tt affords us seest pleasure ler be able to say It embraces GREAT IlfirtGAINS to ab most every desenpuort of goods, an a large portion of u was purchued at the them:teeth:wive neuron sales m the eastern eines. Our assortment, Loth of fancy and staple goods, is very superior, and &Cords 41 all cub buyers, either by wholesale az retail, a gee or pottanity of .itinir both tame nnd prirze. LADIES' DRESS GOODS - New aye, Foulard silks, very cheep; richplain and figured changeable oaks , of almost every style and rove, a nd plan and flawed black new do. and Uwe.; enrage de !I'm, new and band ram e style; new atyle Fnnch, fattish, end Scotch -Mir.. an great variety, and at nosy IV pricer; plods , , awed. and satin stnped de loins or all kinds a nd qualities: linen lustre. of all Wades and colors; glad bum, chintsea, prints, Mo. SHAWLS. Super chameleon silk deaw/a ; plain and figured black do; plain and embroidered Mutat do; ewe case ma do; taper plans and ma case mate re/dared wane and oolorcd coped and net dn. Me.; WHITE: GOODS. A fine ar.rtment of man, nansooks, WOW'S, Hertel., nooks, bistine. lawns. kr- BONN= .2g; t itate w at r ta n rl e tru . d, Florence breld:and PARASOLS. A floe ewe' of enpertor glare and fringed Cie end Satire Tule pareenl. arall rehire and qualities. CLOTHS it CASSINIERE6.I A lane attotttoom of gaper French, English and Iglaa cloths and eassimeree of all qualatee and prices, to wake we Weald Inv.a the attention of the getotetoo. DONIESTICS. Oar stack of brown and bleached mutlins, check; charribrzys, drilling., &.c, I. very lugs, and sr the very lower!, prices. Also, a large lot of table diopera and table cloths, brown and broached; Rama and Scotch diaper", crash linen. canting, cotton and wool •ri goods for taco and boys' wear, Omit linen., red, white, and yellow tan r nolo, domestic gingham; silk and linen hdkfs and gloves of all kind., heatory and bonnet ribbon, gni. hoisl Sower, Soo, Mall arbleh we *mold respectfully invite the utionUon. of wholesale and mina. cub boyar. . ALEXANDER Ss DAll, may SO F 4 Market ar..N W eor. of the Diamond. re074 , 104:7 7 ! I I A now prepared to famidi Apple Tree He Wel M l kerma Nursery of Jacob N. Brow. (rem The trees will be dehrered at the wharf at Patsburgh for OW per hurdled. Persons wishing good thrifty trees Phould leave their ortlers =eon at tbe Drug, Bend, and erfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Simi sta. apt! SN WICKERSHAM WAYNE IRON WORKS WAREHOUSE. DAILEY, BROWN k CO. tome removed to No VAR Water et, eel doer below the Monongahela Bowe ==3 PALMER, HANNA & CO. have removed their Exchange Mc, W north Vein corner of Wood acid Third steam. . arr2l • 17.79C711 - 15 VA - 1. (V IVECTI. CAROTHERS Ir. CO. have removed to 11..) No 97 Water et,letween Wood /r.Mattet, hi the koeme formerly occupied by Hardy, /ones & Co. ann. STAlldi=2:Thiorriatit's ex titaret — V --- bzi Strobe do; 90 boa DM erg & Tee. do; ust received and Or tato by MOLLER & RICKECSON Plantation and lilolaalea 135 bbdc common, fair, tr. prime P 1.1611013 trams; 2so oak Orb , ril[l.llod Molasser; 70 ewes ban do do, In more for NEM by MILLER & Ribitgrsort j ai & 174 I,tbort• . itlo Col 7 l —, NE—Odu tityi - to - diate b - r C II GRANT iai 4.l.Water st Rlf - 4 - iniTut sale by Jan C H GRANT I-R lull RRINU9-10 brie No Clo .'gale by t lel ~C II GRANT lIA.IIIII &11E1E1F-1 0 Las Duffield's 9 Cured /Iomo; ' 5 les Mallet, lkotan & Ila nk tno do 30 too Eaton , / E Blotft'• do, 40 tea D. Moot'. do; S Ns cartooned Deefononda; a t“ plain do For sale by Dotal SELLERS & NICOLS VilTiit9 IT.--arittHEß-01117-15bili in note and ON for solo by De tut RODISON, LITTLE &CO Ciliii.Litinut; elie —l 6 c - 7 ---71---- a. br,m'rn Clatilmotbe; ; be by• No I do; boa NO 1 Henn Saar; Jost 'strived and for gale by 1017 ' MILLER A RICKETSOH 12:tia by Roybry . Llve.noreN nom se)Ted okrid, (or Yale b 7. 2 -, - 4Doz P7Tornocniry sarsap.yilta, forsble b 1 JUDD k racNiforailiTT jell J KIDD& "pryCII Sat/S—Tek WY C Tar, • 9O Ma Pitch, on ennalantarot and axle by Ran NELLEUS NI:3OLS : ;Numb., • -==MFILABOTTS NO. Ri Wood street, hm, last rceeived a Deer as vestment of PIANO MUSIC, among which are the fenced/iv— Molly, do yon Love me, by S. C. Forte, Ok, may the Red Rose Live Aiwa'', do. Nelly was • Lady, do. Unele Ned, do. Garble lo Rim all Night., do. Dolly Day. • do. Soldier's Wedding, by Oloviee. Oh t Toyett tbe Cord_ yet once &pi. Sweet Memoirs orTbee. FS= Lament of the Irish Exelsratt. A New Medley ffinig. Thou but ;Y•SUiludeitsrDplrit that Loved rhea The Cause/114's Departure, by Glover. Itelliad taste Laved Om. At Rpm limbo webers ePeelheillein is. The YeAthe Med.' ••• • • . Low Baetcl Car, try Übist: Ikry oo 'met think' of at, • . , Hlasaber Gentle • Grey.. Ellin, Cella:is% Wedding, wreath, sad Daisy Batchelor, Medea Bella WeltdConeert, Ladies' Source+, Bally, Elvin, Llly, Alice, Everveen, San oga. Adieu. and Utz, Polkas. mart WEenter not In the !Leta putenawealy nothing to about Hundreds of Chests, Importer., Large Capital, Bought for Cab, 00. In fact, we will not , humbug in any matter or form, wo simply invite the ablie to compare oar Tete with VIM they purchase elsewhere; nos le the best method we know to ewer. lain sato sells the beat and cheapest Teal In Poll. anis We ere now 'selling Good and strong Tea at 40 and 50 caw per lb. A prime 75 do do in. best Tea Imported Into the U. States, In Low prated, damaged or interim Tea we do not keep. MORRIS ik HAWORTH Nonnative of the Tea Market, Je3 Pau side of Dtantond. Gress Weik. B. Appleton to Co , New York, have In coarse apubi [tendon, in pasta, pnce twenty five cents can, A DIOTIONAILY . . Qf literAiner, .21ferkonte.r. 6nga.o IT'ork,and gsneersng; ekrignrd for Pruett:al Wirrhang Men, and those intended for the Eng. miring /Woman MYR. ti 011111 BTX.MIL . . _ . 711118 WORK is of large Pro. nze, and will contain K. two THOUSAND PA OVA, and upwards of gm THOU SAND 11.1.U0T0ATIONS. It will inerrant working-draw ings and descriptions of the mat Important mechlnea. In the Vetted Smith. Independent of the results of Americus Ingenuity, it will contain complete practi cal treaties ao fifeehaalcs, Machinery,, and Engmeering; wi th all that is useful to more than one 'Leonid dollars worth of folio volumes, maga- Ones, and other tenths. The great object of this publlcatton is, to place be- fore practical men and students such an amount of theoretical and acientiao knowledge, In • condensed form, as shall enable them to work to the ben ally an. tageand to avoid th ose mistakes which they might ethe ' rwise commit. The amount of useful Infartannon than bnntglit together la almost beyond precedent! In such works. Indeed, there le hardly any enbieet within its range which is not treated with tech clear and prectsion, that even • man ern, most ordi. nary • capacity cannot fall of understanding it, and Wicker:dug from it mach which it is important for him to know. The publishers are,ln don., determined, regardless of coal, to make the work as complete as possible; and It is hoped every oar desirous to obtain the work will procure It as leaned in numbers. and thee encourage the enterprise. The work will be leaned In semimonthly numbers, nominee 0 January, 1830,and will progress with great regalarny. The whole work will be published in <0 numbers, stCanaper number,mid completed within the one. rent year, 1550. A. liberal disco= will be made to sgeau• . . Any committing the publishers 1110 to advance, shall receive the week through the post Office free of expo.. °slaloms of fru Press. trro oar namerons Manufacturers, Mechanics, En gineers, and Minims, it will be a mine of ' , WM."— Nwitideace, (Li.) Journal. , .Irozag arm yonntelves with its knowledge.— We ran with confidence recommend ow readers to Konen themselves of lie madam as fast as they ap pear."—Arnertean Artisan. "We unhesitatiegly commend the work to those en gaged in or torment:4io anchardeal or scientific par son, no anomaly worthy of their examination and Budget. I t is only a groat wore and the publishers de serve the thank. of teventois, machining, and mum favorers. and indeed of the public generally."--N. Y. lo .4l.:Dla do tocary will be highly useful to yntetleal mechanics, and voluble to all who wish uo acumen:it themselves with t h e props" of invention In the me chanic ans."--Piew Bedtord Dailyhiereaw. .`Young mechanics ought to keep posted ap In this as swell as met cal knowledge, and this work an!' near them int bow they stand."—Rokbary thins.) Advertiser. . . "%Vetoing it to be last the work that scores and hun dreds allow Intelligent wee hanks have dadred to pol ies.. Se ample are Its destriptions, and so fall and minute Its sittecifiennota, that it wean to as that any mechanic might contract any machine lt describes, on the ',enlist. ofttswtgravinga and inarnetiorts.^—N. V. Corweerual Adveritter. "All interested in meditates should avail them selves of it. adeantanten”—Seheylktll, (Penn.,) dont noth "A work of manatee practical ntility and great g Interests im- po rt.. and tora increamo of this country value . We re gard id th ly e work as eminently calculated to promote the cause of science and M. mechanical arti, and to &stemmata valuable informs non on these subJeela."—Farmer and Mechanic. "Practical men in all the varied walks of meebaAl cal and manufacturing tantrum enginecrinf Re will And In this week • treater. whieti It will be to , tbeir Pro. 4 t to pothesan—Troy Dolly Whig. We bare carefully peruser! the numbers, and bane no hesitation In saying that it is the beat work for me. chante!, tradesmen, mad scientific men, ever publish ed, for it contains minute Information on ever, - branch or themechanical arts and sciences, espressed in a style and language Intelligible to any reader of ordi nary eapseiry."--thloveaner, (Mass.,' Newt. "We are tore we are doing the mechanics of Nor wish and other parts of Corutectlect • service by bunging the wort to their aucralcia."—Nortvich, (Conn' Ovaries "It is teat such. work so every mechanic should posuew..—Freconwt's foamed. We consider It one of the most useful and Important pnblications of the age. No meehenic can afford to be mithouth.''—Neware, Commercial Coarter. "of all the ruinous public:Minna having for them lent the elucidation and advancement Cl the mcchanl eal and wieneea, none that we have wen, is so roll of palmist 04 v.m.v —Retrain Com tAdv. ..1 , ts ow la it and etc.', s atom cdered to the wienfifc and practical eirgmeer and mechanic. The plates art beautifully cocetited.'—p:iulungton Globe. v.This great Dictum...! Mone of the most useful mark. eye', published for y.irs, and the low price at which nu wild mates It acceptable to aLL.—South Carolinian. "%VG recant has one of the most comprehensive and savable, as well ao cheapen worts ever pnbilsted." Baltimore Advent... . . "Oogin to be triton by every one desiring to Seep ofadds the program e'en and selence in every one die labors of eivtlized life,"—Randout Cormier. "It is designed oiler dos principle of LTre's Ericson. or, only that it is more devoted to the menhanteol and engineering professions, and above all, I .0 valuable sa actomplishing (Jr America mho: lire has done for England, via : describing Amer.. machinery sod worts of at t.'--scientific American. “Itis published in numbers, and at . price so mode• are, looklng at what containedin emh ember, that no one who hie the least intertest in meh matters, peed be deterted from procuring it; and every ontrwho doe. so, will find that he has to a condensed term an amount of Instnetion which would be obtained, if at all, only by the purchve of very many wolannes."—N. I'. Courier and kir.gotter. • "TM comprebeionveneas with which the enhject• are totted, the admirable coamer in which they are illmtrated, conspire to make this one oft be mon deal rabbi worts.”—Dentoeratie Review. "Ibis work shook: be in the hands of .very mechanic, &Man, and nahoufactsrer, especially dime who hare the least amiratkins to meal in their cons bust acmes. We ham catefolly mammal it, with VIEW' of recommending It to Inventors. To them we would my 10 the smog language of tbi Ilibiet "It is goal"— Baltimore Inventors' immal. Maim Io 11! . .. e ProprTor qf Net:Taper! thou hen/ (di* Ult State and If the foregoing advertisement is inserted Lvo times during dm year, and Its. paper ceasing it sent to us, • copy of tba work will be sent gratis in payment .16rd/sesta' lIVALLL/STICIVS OINTIEM NT, Containing no Mercury, nor other Mineral. MIMI following testimonial was amen by the cele- I hinted Dr. Wooster Beach, the author of the great medical work entitled "The American Pratdca o. Medicine and Family Phyeiciann 'Miming been made mnitainted with the Intredlents which comm. IdeAllister's All-Ileafing Ointment and having prescribed gni tested It in several cases Is my private pramlee, I have i.o hesitation In saying or centrying that it is n Vegetable Remedy, contenting no mineral mbstante whatever, that ks ingredients conk:deed as they nee, and used as directed by the Proprietor, am not only harmless, but of great value being a truly scientific Remedy of great paver I and cheerfully recommend it as a compound which bat dote meek godd, and erhich Is adapted to the care of a great Timely of eases. Though I hare germ either recommended or engaged In the sale of secret medi cines, regard for the tralv honest, conmiernions, hu mane character or the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of his discovery, oblige me to say thus mach regarding It. W. REACH, D. D.^ New It ork, April SW, 1B4& BURNS —lt Is out of the but things in the world • Burro. ••• • . PlLES.—Thotuands are yearly eared by this Oint ment It never falls in giving relief. For Tourers, Ulcers, and all hinds of Sores, It hss no equal- If blenberef and Narks knew it. wake In eases of Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always artply it In such eases, If used according to directions, n give. relief in a very few hour. Around the boa are direcuons for ruing ItteAnkteris Ointment for fkrofala, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Totter Ch il blain, Scald Head, Sore Eye., Quincy, Sore Throat, Bronektes, Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Anthema, Deafness, Ear Ache, Barns, Corns, all Discuses of the Skin, Sore Lip. Pimple*. Sc., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, fiber:put:sm. Files, Cold Feet, Creep, Swelled or Bro ter Breut, Tooth Aehe, Ague in Ike Face, de. From the Reading Bogle, There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brooght be fore the public, that has in so abort a time won seek • reputation at MeAllister's Ail-Healing or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of It speaks warmly in its praise. One has bees cured by it of the most painful rheumatism, another of the piles, a third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourth of a swelling in the limbs, he. If It Clots not give Dune. Mate relief, in °rely case, Mean do no Infer), being applied outwardly. Al another evidence of the wonderful beating pow. er possessed by this Nye,e subioln the followlng certifieets from a respectable citizen of Matdencreck township, in this county: Maidenereek, Berk. no, March 0, Moms. fUtutv Co:-1 desire to inform y ou that I was entirely eared of a severe pain in the back, by the me of McAllister's All-Healing Salve, which I par chased from you. I suffered with lifer about 20 year., and at night was tumble to sleep. During that time I tried venous remedies, which were proscribed for me by phymciansandotherpenons,vthool,ooO•i°3.q miler, and at last made trial of this Salve, with a in sult favorable beyond expectation. I em now enure. D free from the pain, and enjoy at Mght a peaceful and sweet sleep. I base also used the Salve ounce for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy results. Your Mead, Jo. Ifoummol. J MeALLISTER Sole ProprietoArMESf t ooe above medii , ne. Principal Oiles, No M North Thirdsovect,Philadel- PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. _ Adm. m Pmaattwo.-0. A. Fahnestock A CO,. comer of Wood and Firm ata ; Wm. Jackson, No. 210 Libeny latent: L. Wilcox. Jr., corner of Warhol I Ernst and the Diamond, also corner of Fourth arid ttodthkeld streets; I. 111. Cum!, corner of Walnut and Peon streets, Fifth Wed, and sold at the Bookatore in Smithteld stmmt.lll door from Second. In Allegheny City by 11. P. Schwan:and J. Dottglars By 1. 6. Bad*, Manua, Ihrmingbamt D. Begley, Ent Lawny; 11. Roorland, Melteespont 1. Alexander & Boa, Monongahela City; N. D. Boorman & Co., and Roos, er Uromnorillm John Itatkly, Heaver, PO; Jobs W, Elisabeth; Boatmght A Erwin, Rocked:tor febileodly Imp no m . • " Et C. ease for psi. iftiq ' • • 1111 ROBAKU I,IISeinANIOUS. Valuable and extensive WaterpOlear tD • let on favorable terns. rrtHE WABASH NAVIGATION COUPANR 1, now prepared to lease the Water Power at the Grand Rapids, to an amount saki= to propel four handrail pairs of mill atone. ' The I cotloc Is based upon a rock forindation. stud Ale power eau eon... ruendy be *rolled an both well of the river. The grain of the White Wear i es well on the Wabash, eon ba readily famished ro at this. peon. While timber, in ore, and coal, m the greatest abundance, and of stfPerfar awity, can be easily procured through the wane country. Taos—Ono hundred dollars per annum for • pow er zsußeieau Ufpropel • aingle run of medium sired mill mines, f ora period of Sheen years. with the right of renewal on the expiration of the lesirei - vra fair valuation of the power ria,ployed_ The site artily mill or manufectary included, Withoat further quire from the Company. By order of the Director. ARNISR T. ELLIS, -* • Presldenlar He VI YUL.E9 HAVELS MEDICATED NYMPILPUAP. —The skin of many pederti is divEgured oittlr slight eruptions, as pimples, morpheme, tic., and when this is merely • disease el the skin, silt Is In sleety nine cues out: of every bandied, it as very emidir re moved. Jules Hanel'. Nymph Poop Isxpressly adapted to discues of the slim, as it acts e directly upon the minute pores which COVC} I. outface, cleansing them from impurities. and by us beisamie properties healing andcraditatin,oli eruption, and rende6ng the darkest and roughesildan •Oil, fair, and blaming. . Pecanns who have been In the habit of using ordi nary damp, will be astraushed at the beautifal d ßeet produced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate bloom, preventing the neck, face, or bands from chap PINS, obeying all (relation, nod removing all entane• ens eruptions. It possesses an egmaisite oerfnme, and Is entirely devoid of alt alkaline properties, rendering It the only article which can be used with Weil end comfort in the nursery. . ' All those whose faces or necks are disfigured with pimple., blotches, tan. morphew, Ac., should make idol of Jules tin s e l 's Nymph, Soap, as the proprietor positively assures them, that. lt. use will render the th Mest discolored skin while, e rougkSt skin smooth, and the most Miscued skin healthy, pore, and bloom ing. Jul. Hanel's Nymph Sup Ls the only article which 1 . will effectually produce the ve egrets in so short • time, and the o sly one whi ch sat the time time all powerful and entirely heresies% Prepared only by JULES HALIEL, Pe timer and Chemist, 105 Chestnut street, Phila. For sate wholesale and rend by B. A-S.ll.sinch A. Co., and R. R. ;idlers, Pitniburgh; and John Sar gent and I Mitchell, Allegheny' city, Pa. ie9 • siacoan ELAIID, PIANO/. A GOOD Illahognny Pomo Fine., o *Moves, seseind hand--- • WOO 00 A handsome upright Plano, With Rosewood Furniture, a octaves, and m Ovid order • •• • 100 00 A plain r 4 octave Piano 45 le A good a octave Piano -- 75 CO A good OS octave Piano, w ra th hencman, (mot- ..... M • 75 W JOHN If ELLOR . I 81 Wood dt For sale by may 4,1 Mothlio•lllght Light. QUPERCRDING tb4Woode t nlFloau, and being in k) combustible, thereby