!'•/ • 21,18TEME I EST , _ 4 , e , , . U 0 lIED BY • ' • WHIT;E. CD arTl a WilLthurt --- aarrs "Tv' : 4, - • , Tog Ton ••• --: • ____ . . Day pa . r..........—............-27,08 pa Piaui. Tri-W00reg.4—,....................- ..": Week'', 'lO sproate.). Z.." .. 00... 1-,, i ,,,, Do. . o Cabs, at a reilawd DMZ.: 4 , *,,,,, liti CS Or A Tuning ~, ACIRRED Pore . • -- ' • BY To is PITT/ n ensalk ,: One Sass te,Oolines of emPstall M htelO.' , ._ , • OM I Ilienkat••••••*--- - n,.. ~ Ono boar re, each additional hientlba•l'• RIO Do. mu week --•••••• '' 1,70 - Do. Moe weeks—••••••••*••••-t• AO, .t, I Do. throe weeks* •tr. .. tt .......... . Do. one .11011th......-••-•••••?". r _-_, (Do. lob 11110ia11............."•••^ ...' I De. ' *hies Montag.-- —••••-- kW Do. lour months • .... -••••••••••1000 i • ~ D o. .- *when inorths•••"*l.-- • • 19 • Olt Plandleg Card to Imes or Lerk) pet mum. 00117, One Square.ehangeable statement (pet art.' .., null cultism, of the paper.......• ••• - • ISO - For each additioaal square, Insetted ow, one melt sad far each additional square Wetted ender lbw War* Advertisement* earn:Ring • Altitte,‘...l triremes It (Men 'toes, to be chorea3as • scam awl atm _ T-% rablishers rot accountable int Irtal adveltieedem. beyond the aromas charged far Askant:Amapa Announcing candidates for Wilco, le be Skingti tie nate aa ether wriertoentents. i ." Adveniwtnents mot loathed on the /*yr c. • wtt led timber of 111V.Slia1311, will be egadreetttal talk and paratentegatmi meted: ' t ' .._ .—. The pnvilegn olyearlyadvertitelo tato.. 00 __.Oettatti staidly to their rapier boatman, •n• a1t.... 01 bn: 6 . 10 " timmests not pens/aim so their MP•tttr !mime.. Ito agreed for, to be pald end. - • - All advertisements Or timetables In lire . n et ward, township and orbarpablie and melt las, to be charged halfpritim.ptyabla efric y tr advance. • . . *I artiste nate. to be elditattd akeents. , + - 'm a th pp t ip., to a mte witheetettarge,emicassecom• panted by funeral to or obhsary nelgam.mitd when ao secommuned to Impala cm. ~ .. Kerala, ad, and ~.11 ?then ?maim !W.I. Plead..., or mouton notice. detugned tweoll anew t 10111,2 Fain, ere chute or ati t t paitim =UP L 1111111.01218, where chutes ate made for adminanor-' all notices 01 private assoclatlom-etWor s a le signed t r eat atomdon to private enterprises ealeanw led or atended to promote Individast Inadmitoest eta Is be Inwrted will. Ote andeMtanding An ta. lase 1.1... b. Paid for: If Introded to tie tomfird In the to. cal colemo, the same will be chatted at the rasa not lan inn than 10 cents per Ilne. _ Dishes or is Notices to be charged Fripla illee t tannin I.lcesso PetilionAlr: . --Leg r:e al ?La Meth i? bectarged at Real rAtale Agent , . and p e . a l y Aliosers Overtire teems not to tws glossed mule* teles.be, Mite, allowed dlmosat of thing Maw and ante IldtdirmtitOrd. from the IT of DUI?, •, , ' W MIT ea vm•tinewitor DI WU PUICIA. W) Oa. NCSLIC, th ree trotenions---•••••••St SO .- .- Do. • emit additional Inseodom, •..7' ' ~. tatvaltmemeisms m Irmo Two. . , , .. - 0.. 8‘...,11 0 woo eno resestlon•--.10 Ms. Do. oath addalonat insenlan••••Z 1. All utast= advertisements le b. petite sdranot. L W VETE lb CO. asset= I. HARPER. Pon. . • , - iudrr tn. RIDDLE, lestraid. : • , • JAMES P. BARR t CO, Calmat" eta. a FOSTER de BROTHER, etc., Pt JOS. SNOW DEN, Menu,. • Pr - JAMFS W. UIDDLO, American.. 1119/114 RAINS.. Evening MI6 erte. Prpniammat Der. 1. 1 13 41 0, ' .- i CARDS. Jong A: PAUKINISOW A I.DKRAIAN, Vat ward, Fenn emu st ,L 1 &Hata . .. n(l,W'Dna. Art bialritas promptly at- AL — EX/1311 1 W 111: WATITTIIIt * ATTORNRY 21:rt../L.W-:o2ce,'cra-Fourtlt elreet above mut DA.111113 O. TOTTLZ,. , - ATWILNEY AT lAN". mad Consolamkeit rennsylrealaSi. Loain, Ala All cortiatagications pro!vtly John IL targe .... • .. C. psis a , ,tAinas, r.irstmay, TTORNSNS AT9iNVi F.aiituai.;! ll .!r as - ):: L., • AITORP(ST tAVV4-01Bia.aa .Taaaa 'abut, between Small Sold and lilnuat;Patabargb. Layamtn Patten, . PATTI), a. okluravaLL, A ITO &NETS LT LAW—Offici la TilshatO Nei, A Orion R, near tht_Cortrt. Lkro.w. . . JOAN .11ALASIL115.. • A TTORNRY Coadoellot at Law, sokorrusik. A oloaer for the !how of Pr.."*ProllAlr AlL,llaso of rittaborgh.) . • • . Referenees—Plusborgl floe. TIP, Tbrwardlillark k IWCondleu fireClaro. Joho Parke, Biuellak Semple, McCord Jr. Kier. m 111417.. COMA'S. - DA041.1.E14 WOODWARD IVO, Wholewler Orw ews, No 41 Market I, . 6te. - • • wp4 Pltastrarch Alkali .Warlda• "raENNE,TT, SISLEY S. CO, Maastadantre a Dada XS- ,pula Bkarhiar Salaams dradada aal SIVA. acids. Warebajose ;10 —• Wxsor street.befow. rry. vareSlT ==MM MIRA - Vti Jr: REtTE . R, Wliolasala arel Retail Mai , ..13 , glob., comet al Marti mat 15t.Cliar evict. Kai. Dulb, SOtollolll' scnorzu, noml ngsloN 1158CRAITT,Sto0 1110 et., No 110 Second stmt. marYdly --Duquesse Spring. Azle, att." •ad Irate . , 110LEMAIN.HAftkarf b.. CO; Matiafacwww of. Coach Ilagnacred &SIM spring and Plants Steel, iron, kn. Warehraw on Water .1%.1 From straw, Pitt-bargit. Also, dealers in Conch Trititating int Jitennabla ; . • P: acrid John A. Craig, • - • W. 15. =neer: RMO & SKlNNF.l4ForeriuiSag tad Coaptisdn.. C Marchants, No Wr Market a. Pittsbargiti shs A.llcrifsULTY & CO, Forwarding aril Cow . NJ. rotation P.ltarnmals,' Canal Jima, rictsbunt, TrirfiliANT,WholenaloGroce. Carnasiesala ana V,. Forwarding ALsrabani.plo...4l . Wwicr P iwa - Ira klers—;Arietrani Flown R.IC. Manting lIICUSILIN xnaeorita . & c 4.3 • OMB( IRSION ItIFACRIAIFTS--For the side of Do- mestie.Wonlen, aadCotion Goods; al* dealers in al kinds of Tailors , Trimmings . , No 1.0 Med. in, lm door Pont Fig& • liefertnee=-Idegigs.'Wrii.A., urn 6Coma:llhr. e 4 l ' A t 'CV MMO , Orgirilli 01616111.1611 and For warding Mordants, tad dealers in ?ranee sod Plus- Wm& Itansfacoans, NwiT d Wooded., 14 .ntwees en . ~vria..a;-.loussr.row. - MNORWARDINO It COMMISSION Itanacitarer .No Ite Second litalnenumh. . • cull I.SEnlweco... to Slushy kLee,l Wool put. or and CIMICOCWOR idsechnch Ca the wan a Azaleas Woolens, Mercy, moduli SA nu Min --- era. taws, Daluzeors. ICCIII,OI. 13901.11.096,1139 I. C. 1eC1911109. 101114 91929914 il1:11.LD IIUCKNOR, 'rerun° Cosensdnskat ennstn,4l pall Weida, 1$ 9:016 . 7)99‘ . *St WK. C. SONO. "(TARDY, JONES Os., Ineeecards to Sword, JILL Jams k Co.) Comscasaaa and Poncardlnx Mex. chlaas; deem; la Pttlabarsh Mansticiared Goods, . • 1117.• RIAEUITIALL, ' • (sec :moo To sawn'. c. w.f l_ • •-• • hiPORTER 1. Dealer In French and /MOUS. h• I Pe MA:eons and:Dorders, - Window Shades. Fire ts: Soon Pri g ac. Ateb—Wrienn. Itinnolt and N 0.87 WOodatreet,batamen FOUTUlarect. :112=0 1 A aLLoyorFst•Lip,rdulbenbr Pa•. URN-D:NLOKUJI.44, WI/Wealth , Unitogio, and &al io .44 146131:41:..7.. ne ; dooC gleiinfl=l:o24; 121.0 A Cfflllll toter, •• ...Ova, mid dealer In ?Wave sad Fir llanuttitcres...Ntrii Water By Pitiatire. uuan bar .. • • • ' JS It, asun Dic4rce CO,Wbolianniinnern,_Com . 93120011/441vAuftw do , ind nlins Pronace,Tios. TS • 9 l..nnn Prost amts. Tindal*. notilz mops SDILWOZWL Wh — eae Oreeao, and Aprote toe Slasahl region . Co., No. SO W id ood et, loaves. . , ..• • afll_r . - rinirtirifo — OrrigiMia2 ej no. 45 MArkaill‘dece deed abuts lin'd at wish, will taw osassafts oa lmod a well &O wed we sotuacos of me less Jima Waw klasetworaieb will sell oo sle .oI reassaahle sena a nilyalelsse eessaloß sodoll. win ha Posasaly auoded%o. sot .up. olea with Make Way my*, ooea as mans. ltallidoce Twerildosa will be SectildAY Ind a iVripsred hale* De.e.a..60, 4 oat heat of ,Ishio tor Wa, &blip whisk esl,,,A ta d too d - • I ,lna• ' •Waz.un, Comat and rimy/feedlt nierepaak. J A w mo u g. ',warn inVeineen4trearre tetwese, ant ro c ,. Avy, een ‘94.4971 rratlUe• Ito uNti y. w as ., suety between Santyfient awl wood, P1ebt.0.•.., 4.1 , it. thy% Oton o, 8 411 417, Want Aliicaants, and Diale/ 11 rn , dli% tpana March Snadlnial iratible OM. WWI", Wgx 4 ISlnk sunset% n110;1111, ea. ; alnlinPAVAlTLlneetisor Enna a g.b Wholnala mar and Cimannislan Kink, divan' In Prongs aMPituiburgb Ilanullaninny enn an of Unity and liana mans, raubergh Fa. lin ell'lVietkid.CadlVeigg'tjatiertid—Vsa = Ede "g : O! na,mor Wad.. and etatithisld al& tee d 6/AM OS A. UtrIVMSON, k C6.—Steccourci I Lewis Patellae & Co., Commission - Merre&anto, sr& ¢s of OW 8c Lot& Biemst Befit gat?!, , 1884$ Trcialam399 Crow stresur,YlB.sbacric eL . PC{ram It -ER 00, .whok .. 3 . II No ti Wood weet. Pittsburgh. - Mum my at Late, oak* 34 vt.i 41, oxalate at. Ciarteg Itotal, - Panama% will am salmi pampa/ te Callaationsta Muldticao, Farm Insetiock, ChaTtil 4 •EkrotWo. nunatik D. T, Demur tr AlUtlei IL lIISLLOR. Wssiessia itruSl dealer 10. Icalladdo4 Misdeal Instruments,' Saba:Casco, mar, Sloss, trinel_Pens, 411,0_115, Primers" Cards; slid Isedonary genendly,No. el Wood ssOltistisssk -Or 11. W 60140“ Or tan U dL. . 4llOll ' •-••- •' .''::*j - suirtss . :oA,RD&.':; • GEO:ilart:G.A 0L..0 CO:: iliiii4l3l4l .300INIC ar i mr , a , joienik* . riiyot4l. o t t;44; Dot of Tu. Rica toWini normal./ oo d uLtivetf,‘Deratirer bi rragissil Plvitnargh awn. ---, ••;e4tstilikstson.kr.t.b st: • 10 - 14•0 88.8 78B 0 1311. PA. iIcENNREDY. ClllLl4Bl n Ilaziatartaters o zen yB_oool' 4. B 8 Colpet Chola. Mum 8 la3o.lr Vrog•PlAltindlol., ••••• Ct. IAII.I.EII4IIICINSTSOLIAoIosaIe Grocerg r ong guy Ag. o ragg of Antodlos Lusa and &gars, Nos. IPS toili.corocr of LANNI ftglrolti Areas, Pius. tame,ltoth - !gars CO=Niramg, ar. AO. con- Lazily on mg. • opl Jobt — TOTNIO. Jamog.ll. Walt. C. Roo. NM11.9 iOF..Virbgaltle Rovers and Commas; • . g l agg4t7o 1K Whip et, Pittsburgh tiTllB.lllttill CORK ei4B — ciptan • • , AND par. 4; FAcTitY.• . guAil*11:111 . 1, ; MI I. 1171111.. JOinel. 4ll 1 1 0, & .41(1TPACTURP.118 flu tr. 4 ,bll !nor steel, P . 1 0 0 1 4 111 . 1 PAP 0116 conch LA Liu hammered 0011 Reef,' gig dealer. ,„-ma as, 1.., 41 0ae loran of Los:sad - MALL. Ponbi. 110141103♦ SON, No SS Slayton. seeorOl door 44. from obnor of Folmb, dealore.pomir. avd Aostiolo Um of Exchange, Conlloo,o( Dcpony BaoklOotes and Spout. , . 117Coligalons made 04 halt the. Aookool circa , Ittombeittlut - Uhltad Spurs. ^ api • t Aummax-04 roan. so Oltd door above Sultbilohl,oot i Mao. • ,Cograi s tis at all kinds dem too mom iroao 1 &mum _ Tow to Roots exam , ined. ka. oe a 047 77 — TEXICial ME W 'lll7 WIG. 41cf.7m. .11 ANOVA:TURF:AS OF ORFsEri awl W ARE, o.llarket Plrublogit, kop consuou• 17 oil hand., , wel mt. to Onto !Wk AI of Foils. prior q W.; uae. Porta end klinond %Voter/30m 07 lity. Pattioalar OW:Eft pold to Prieto Moak. ----- LlZPogruplate • stablia . kausg OVA=IIIIN.N -Zr d a iFr i al Mids. Sloovrbilhh Label*, Alrelliummre edlechine Desugss, Ilasictess and Milh+d 01 d.ritect.d. or &Ilya cui dant, and pdated In colon, Go rag, in Blasi? the matt approsed style, and at must Dooms ont,prna Ir. C 0.." o. 10S Labengued 'Ur Pittsburgh - Wholusule Grocers, Pfau, mut Cotmel...o kfurtiittusi apd 6ealers m. Pialumu UanthD area. 2 . s • ' ' IIIO3VIVIIiIOII. Taal Tartu Yin. R itoSlXts. ticrqstre. MOORE,•I6II.mou Dracut, Rem*, .116 Dating; dada In Produce, Pituburgh blauuu. lorti6•4! kinds or Farina sod Dooliatila Fy n sad /1441uns, Neat Litursi stet Du hand a. Llt h irg d r ,n ec t k i of . staart um er ib V ...b. umagainta war! my IF I-45C.DS IT A. i fft*.e=e l 4 : !' r; attateemiHet ( Paden. .iltitbatate,afaanfa In eta, paid ai ail time. foi _OPmetry Tse... Comae roan and !twin ma tetra • osairr, a/4am, a % C• 1110 Unmet.; -Comentiodoe itemintals,dcaters Proaues.wad Dlansfar...urs, LlDeny sued:, rittaburet., aplB 11. A. CIIIIIIIINGUAIE. lIOLCSALE 0110CF.31, Prodase, Forarardint, Ty and Comoluten Merchant. and Dealer is Pins batik Manaheunes, Ro99.Lltiem street, Ptus bursa, Jyt INGER. HASITISANdt CO., alhaffteld Iron and Suet WorkossMasisfsetareis of Aim . 13. Poring sad Mash Steed. idsoi-Sprlnts, date.. Vises, iiihl s kit. ;They invite this attention of rostehaom and CODAY1611:11 'Lltl their stork Imions psuclaciag aLsc whets. My walnut aelraztieles to be mina to toy made In this solouT or imported. rebid • C. sa•c..set Vim. a. wai-rdt— yomuuc Dry Goody 80 . w. K'aoa wort. Plusbwith. gyl7 n Q _ Vool Irerelhan ers ' i is'7l at doll Pee generally, and Formrardi sae Coatatimulon Mgr., buns, No. - a 9 Water street, PutdmirglC. 4.217 F. CYLLIMS, 1.1171201“.., .. - JOIQ JUUTIAZID. ELLER B & IeUL'S Prods. and G:ne so I Corn !sisal. Merchants. No 17 LlberO storet,Plos. totra h. Spensi,Ltsiseed.d Lard Oils. .11,17 • _F voN coNNOutsc..t. co. • sers,riorovard non Commission hlsrehmits, lihosien In PinsWO Masta'asiores and {Pattern Prostate; have mammal. iSsis Rem manienase, fold .manda too. 36, comer of Fran( west and Chummy Loon. aol7 110111111J11 m usworuru. TEA' AND WINE' MERCHANTS, haft oda Diamond, Pita b. aet.9 EAW.l.man 4 R , N 7 Viilerman—W,B.Walriaan. 1 g.. s. WAT/111111 . 1131 • SOllll. _ . .. -wvtlint, atrgt' .. , , , ..i.-,-.ll'`-`"'df ~11. 4 .',.. dice k Plusbargia Idasufectared Arad.; ant Agent., fay pia of .alcbmond. ind Pyackbatir klanolaccued _Tobacco. . 4 . - cut FAf TLIIDLIN, ATTOILMT LAW& Pala; Pa WU also illmind I colleetions and sitcautr trad u....mosea OW In Du* tad Am ami seestiodrri-.11.-ftra tjum .j.t ' - - . dameladan.lll de - NdabireL , dly . lEar k. Cd...l)ed si. j ‘j a . • A. 11.. 01711O0ELD & CO.. VinIOLIZALS and *Con in Gronortes and My Mods, W Commission Merekants. N 0.20 Pin& • win ions 11161,0ini CO., 'ForivARDING a Ixtgrasiox meacluarrs, Cunt &LAN Ana PlUsberrh. —77 . ivies a. Di . co., PROD CE AND Plug FACTORS, No. 221 , Mortko, gat 164 Coi t erno a . Philadeighic. Adrintos nod., 61 oillnetbs shorn, co consign• items of Predate to either . , !. kn.vitlitms------ 1 .----Jobn Wt. .. -..- 'J. Dv:WILLI/1w ik, CO.. CLESALE lc IRKTADAput.y pawns . d rannurdlng asd Comdtan . Ketcham, did in Con.tgyeedadd.nplud,.rib tp...r.e. tured.xeedetot wood and Fintreets,nuamedd. __ . _ Visa lraViDlaets----"-1.-1. B. mow .• we. U. NitiLup dr ; c o., 13ANKEFIS AND =MUM BROKE.IIB, Nana East csmscr of Wood izigg MAR, cnsoura, A. Ii...IMHKOWLI 9 , VOL IMUALEY k 0r0t ... n ,. t o and SO Wood setter. Fitubak, .pl 7 WICK & WCANbLESSAnt toy &j. D. •Cvmoisiro t oldetrharAr, wDWen leirerEFlZVag .Conot Ironic end ?maims Ilk rmer ", ir,ooroor of Wood Lad Wolof streinu i riiik. orq7 WM:litrailn: MBES, We le 4reux, • Rcrufring tre r . i . t . vgLlia—at i rtet• of tod• 13• I i -1 irtreeta!licsbagi. l4n 7 "u e r' \ °" ur l':;;dVilatWW."4,"Joyelirfidr 11 , 10a4n . sisegt., Ciotti cruetally rectl i ria. r-- "- i spli . WY .7170,11. " W artong. 1 4, VMS. YoUNG & Co, &talon itt mi t IY &I...ll:Liberty weer - . t : any g, sex; latescsbox. . l I V 14. t Algtricacott, wt. L.,' Puabirttn;lldibeters yeittirally, tsnj I"4*4::d L I __:_jaul7 • MINLOMIL t AN OSNEJLAL COMMISSION MEMOS% 11714.1111 whm:oft amlm emilvit s. Ws. WILSON, rental% .ad Z 7.; Ws. ressze. Wow, enser Yost OMea, peon me *m me Foszthist, mat Mt amass. •soloolos • ors LL $ I CU Loupe st,rt (Mum; heap on rPilbkortd sluice anormeat of Brandlu of litada L orbeh they oftor for ago u 1. ir 00, _ _ Llorduss,l9:: Mut* sf co bolio,JlDorano, tgatle%si Ilf,,u4Aotoeggralrivilalutwo, to outs tad ureo,ontoctrel Indicate by/ohni: IV,PaiProldro CUmparrao IV/so out thred y Port-- Eloorimwriiitan V- FLOE takes MIL CAR& stito partaaratt ma la saybeaktesa, &bleb &11l from tkla amnia? es coact tkaa Was anon Parker & Week tat, t JOHN ?ARM, , t , ..•.WitUsca CA ..'""PsJOLIN PAILIELLIZ & CO., _ ITheleseli Cigars, Deakr_Liotri aF?rd fiail lu f , d ifr^l eo la r yTi vhiag. No.6,Camiereia Now,Libertxstrebto, arm • rli" , &If ANHPACTURE'R OF CAST ErTEEL, and No. I ' In nod No. I American Maur Steel. Also-Best Iraglltatut ralMax. Kamm sturna W . 1. *UV Steel nles, of all 112 GP; and Ulan ketuith and mu • - IPALISZIIIo HANNA di Com *asps, star son bud aod for dale, either at 1,10• E a . ~ ~..,...., , co , els Steal IS oaf," Vitus attest, birth ard, or at the 'lllsaiceuerds GP .....D.1,.. 0 .'",1 ...., i .I ) ee In the loin Store of UOLI,MANS a BARRI- IaiIIANKESS, EXCHANGE ......, •-"' ''' IV, No 4.1001 of Wood mut, Pittsburgh. . , 401 to Portineria Desontlo Exchange, Sertgtea , mai.di . of •Deposite, runt Notes, and Specie -f OM' W. , , VernatAr .Wood and Third streets. Conan...moue 01111.01/1. AIL teacloth ott__ ,dePtuile• - 11 6 .„ hl Lb. , ...k. fr A , •'...„,% , ,.", We, the imam .. .4=d, haring used, with entire eat. !erclice/loOs.u ts SA moat., ......P.'''''',- r ---- friction, the Cant Steel and Pdea made by Satonel akte Vaned Staten. ' 4 Ami arcKelof. at hit Eagle Steel Works, in this city, take Tag Wiest preadana Paid Kir Forellfli AA ,Arare in recommending them sue andel In natality to v ever used by s, of foreign manufacture. ,AdellakessXUAd dOINGSAPOUG H. a 110 ":A hIP thi!lugh, March 13,18 t \ ead Eart, , td . rats .1,0.6. , t. :411,7 1 1131 . 1 .1 E N N1 kr Ni b t a t Z 0 1,.. "AL a„,11 etantal • KNAPP F.N. ~,.% '' ' 'TOE; A's 'IIVOLTIRO As CO., . Iron Founders and bfachiniste, Pi lahrimh, Pa. 1.4.00E1L5-•-AND - TEA. DEALERS, OOLEKAN, HAMA& la IN), taming*, Azle., 8 Stulood ...' ..,,, .illS Ktitl LadifireG ui r dese Troa, ° - , , Alum Patshorth,fit. AISTS-liria, vii band 4 lame pliattlitinit Of CbCgeo ' . p i wid , A uf,, ° N. ol "'" th. . end . Ph* X .G I Al '' , nIG X 4 "di' and I to lailderit a add Machine C Card blenufe-elo --c, -... balearde aupgKetall... heelers suppl ma r e rers,Pinaboralt. Pa. ' • A FULTON, I Stan Pounder, Final/alb, I. - • ' SAPP,IANDSAY A CO, daemon Of Iron nod Nails. Plitshoralt. Pa. JOSEPH TONLINBLIN, & e gotism andahlp Bolidet,Plubargh, Pa. W.W WALLACE, .11Pattofaciaxer: Machine and Enghse Build ice Or. Phaborna. Po. ' ....... • OM • me 1 11.1 &bop. "suinVAN—lasntfaiurrefarallklntle of ar ear =mg 'monis esonkhlty&l4 . ig= "WU bale nen, 111 Itilea""l.4 Onollll lo WM. with diva& Int all or nuokihm rooN as willows, =4, Vii.rneerearrionrormsoLlnes, ralrwayr, ~.4.6% Inlookerpokressilo, loans, woolen enerelint or mow, work, e1101ik1en0,1en4 — ... 4 4 3 Mod lases EA bolero gen. oral . lennill•filllanak modem ord.., or piano giv• en kfill•morma:sable obs_gs. Una 10-141241MYLCUtls ^A.Bllo.lloat jll ,4 0 ,7 11 410witegogiyer,shiltsb , • Sill GB PITT t...e, •e, :,.—:: 0; !_ . :,,,,...1,...:71: . MORNING, AUGUST 1 , • )50. nScFJA ANgOF. LL ELEDE/Iltsilestrecelyed msg. nillcent7octitge Pomo...bleb neaten. • &wend nee and highly *overlent iIP. psorsinents. ..LThe exmclor ar tb, mostglegant sad costly desetipunnotnd Is annie ln the Ilacceen aryl, The intetior contains two le SM -104 belt t., taanlag the Baas Winos to can ;mei and 1b... the Treble salrge—nroduemg at once 4 tone rleh. Itll , and clear. - The striate, moreover, are to arranged as to terra a .nansisung string eche...." breaks, thus causing no Inconveniences like 'that _which attends the ell method orstrinetny. • , N. IL This bang the Ent Piano or the kind user b root ht to Pittabrogh,tbe Profemeta and /mincer!. of tha city we- remencitelle Invited to esti and examine It, at tee a gn of the Golden 11.41,101 Third , S. ariertnetag, ' - • -A. WESTERVELT &. S 011.• illgrjELL KNOWNTENITIAN dtLINDIjAtERS. Y V keep constantly on hand or make to order' the best aniele In their line, at their old re ead P 10.13 Clair amen also,atrio:66 Alarketstmet.oreorwl Mary, marmite in the Diamond. Venidan Moneta made to order, and old blind• neatly repaired .410 -: BENNETT 4 BROTHEI 2 . 3. ~ . • QUEEN/MAAR SIAN 13FACTUREAS, _ _ ' Illszolagnasel, Name Plttekimigh - .) Pee . fiyrts. Na 37 W4ur M.' Lemown :2 1 fierka• and • Wood. P sus*? si... • • ~ • . . . , iIpWILL eonatantly keep on bend t good &MOM meet in Warm of oar own mansfeetnre, and itipariorquality. Wholeule and el:murk Mar• dame are respecifolly t Tithed to call index. amine for theame/eet, ea *a are determined to ea etreapar tkan Izza sear eatn been offered to the pnb• lie: 13:70rde re cent Ly in 'IL aecomnalled by the end, Or ood referenee. amllleniromotk, amended ro. own XISIW COACII PAOTORIF, ' _ • ALLltielrilar. ~f A. WHITE& CO., woold feaPeetihtly . MG= .1.11.. the public tha t they have erected a atom ed Laeook, between Federal Led Pandesky areas. 'limy are now making .and are - prepared to reeoire order. for *very deseripttori of velitelea,Coaehen Caulege, Itk• roaches, Buggies, Motow n dre... fa., Zhieh from their loos experience in the rommfactore of the above work, tad the ferinden they kayo, they feel confident they aro enabled to - do wort on the non reasonable tee, with 'thew witothoratticles la their tide. - Paying peaces, attention to the selection of mea -1 - dela, Led having note bat competent en:abate, the, have no healtattod in warreatuag - theft work. We therefotaaak the antentam of thri mobile to thin matter. N. D. !tapering done in the best manner, and on the MOM reasonable ter=e, . . . • Jeketf S - • SWAIM _ ti*boov aalmt3n WOOD 41.1131bIsatirt, PErßoVatilf, (N,ONTINUE to monetarism all kinds of COPPER, la TIN AND BUILT IRON WARE. Also, Black . =urn Work. ' • . Steam Boats'beilt to order. §oceial attention poen to steam boat work. • ' Hareem hands aWto asnortmant of Copper end Min Bettles,Tin Ware, &a to. fineamboatCookrog BUM*, Portable Forges, rations moos—a very convenient ar- Cele for steamboats, California 'emigrants, or rail road ce ri ,l l " ni .i rc e ltd reopeeWß7 ennw Mon boot men and *thereto call and see our ankles and priers before parelisisina el nowhere.o:l7 , • w. di J. (muss, newr.ut.a.r..l WEere still engaged in the above business, corner of _Wood arkti'lkird streets, Pittsburgh, where • are preparal to do any wort lo ourline 'nth droe. patch. 11'o attend to oat work peraotratly, and 11111. action will be eV* in regard bolts neatneu sad do rabMty.- thank Boots.raled to say panern and bound. sob. Boot* in - narebara or otd books boand'eare , Ily or repaired. Name, pat on books hi gilt tellers bole that hatro work la oar tau are looted to col t . viers r . wr2us • Plinloaning Worki and Foundry. MIN WRIGHT& Ca, pan prepth d to bail Como It Kind Woolen Jilitettbsery of every dmeripinan,sueb aCarding Machine", Booming Punes, Speeders, poring Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers,tipoolers, plisiryt Frames, Loans, Card Grinder*, an. W e .and tamed; all alms of Cut Iron, Polite. and =ls LLe latest pattern*, slide wid band LFtbest Is of all kinds. Castings tif every desetipii,n rantnl on abort notice. Paull. sande to order for Nil canny, Iron ItailiroOko.' diem" Pipe Yoe heat btd toxic., Cast Iron Uindoor Saab and limey Car lairdnßrolly. Cirdem Warehouse left at the Wehouse of J. uen. Co, Liberty street, will kayo yonant attar Rea to IRaeketoek, Bell & C04.7./r-hloorelsead & Co, E.ll. Warner, John Irwin It Ig,ana, Paushargh I U. a C. . Warner, Steubenville.; __Will PIA2gOB2 frilEitiscriber offers tog sale a large and splendid ataltateat of rosewood and mahogany grant non .4towitti and vrithant Coleman's ealebramd Lotion enchant-at. The above mstrumentaarewar• tuned toe equal to any mmaractaral an thls 'mon. try,and tll be sOld lower Mar any brought (rant ths East. ' • F. BLUME, No lit mood .t. sad door above 3tl .. .... .. . PLA-4ty Scrip will be taken a: par for a km of he a b ove sentiment. ears P. G. . yi ~,,, tor Ilpdrmein Water. THIS la to certify that I hare ap; cii.ovgeLin;s67Vt`iln,:.B.f.g.'7l.l.`;l: 4 41 Patent Diaprthrm Illter; for the eg nexof Pluaborgh end Allegheny. JOIL'i GIBSON, Agent, for Walter M Gibaoo.349Sroulmsy. N. Ifi . 0et.10,018. We have Dan aging one of Ma above articles at the Mace of the Neelty Worts fat three myths, on WM. and feel perfecly mangled that it is a useful temention. " we ltan Oconee in recommending them.. an hl article to at who Love pare water. Ceder. will be thankful* salved and promptly executed. octlO . : LIVINGSTON. SOOGV.II ft Co Mersa Shriek Werke tor eau. T. msbunber °fors for sok, STEAM CL 'WORKS, above Lsarencertlle, comprigunz !Um galice.,l Raters, NlAthine, eapable of maksiactunneSl,lo3 Pressed. abets low of dry Oily, as skeet Irma the bank) Per der: wall three aere• of lane on thel2iliegheily river, on which are a SU. and shels, maeblim and clay sheds. wheelbtreowa r traertc, shovels, spades, /Le., every unrig retaisice - to ems. acme operettas& at an hears-none.. Price, Waterline the mama right to rise sold machine, W7,00a-sonsta of PeTteellt Made any Without the (sad. For perimeters, address HENRY MERY.I77, 11InlpiM000natieba /loose. Wrought And Cut Iron subsetil.t. bag leave to inform the public That bey have obtained from the East all he late and gable &algae for Iron Railing, loth for home!, and maseteries. Perim.wishing. to procure hand. some pattecas piecao call sad ebonize, and lodge roe themselves. Railing.will be tarnished at the *tart est 'notiee, and la the best manner, at the comer dl Cra4 tad Rebecca streets, Allegheny elti. saslP-dle - LASSO". INO2. Jona LroNo. NO. 0 STATE STREET, -ROSTON, Agent for Clams and Remaly of PrtPeal, to Zurta.i. RAvrso cock nearly year to the viola.. SP cord Offices, National !ornery, he. 4.61 , 11 hi. late VOA to England, lavertigatiop claim. for pent... in this country, and having secured efficient and rr. spounble Arum In Loudon and 341neherter, he is preparcdro afford all neccesary information arid ad vice to parsons who teak to recover then Probe./ ie that country. J. t. keep. a list of the Ranh of England Dividend Doak), winch may ha ermined fordo cents, or uni for each letter of the Alphabet. Rafareacea re Boston: C. O. P. ADAMS. Notary Publle; M JAFA WELDZap lIPNRY K. MAX'. two; .101 IN IY. 0100P.WAY.P.O. 111,C01231 CO, 4 (Stecemors to ?Mord & Wog) rashiossablis Ilatt•rls, Oft Corner of Woo! cod Fifth &recta EATIGGLAR auentkm paid to Our Remit 'nada Gentlemen can rely upon rotting their flats and freen and astahllahment of Mc um 11.71311L111 and womoisstnui, of tho Lan& ern" and at Um Lamm • Canary Ilderehmits, parehasing by wholesale, are respectfully Invited todall sod examMe car Stock; as WO MO 081 With confslenus that as regards OM= and rata, it mill not safer In u comparison mutt any ems, in Philadelphia. • fettir - wukatoza DY DEGS lettett to Inform his friends and customers that • pi he Le jam teething his new sprtag stock of Goofs, comprising, a wool, aalll the newest and mom fatitlon ='.:ll,Ll:l•Cloths',`lll.77.f.e.tArerivilia%. rot pollution's wear tot opting and summer. It being : ofto disetibe the txsoty, quality, or quantity of the stock, the proprietor hem. all who are to want ?f lothe. sint4ol e dn ' Ta f" co h res 1 44:e n ?e n ' otoe m k " Stl: aide o~ the Alleghenies that can compare with it. The ready mode department is nary extensive, adv.: led to WI c o. . • Rail road contractors, Cotrityy lambent*, and all who arch basely, ore panteularly Invited to ea. , sodas the stock before purchating, at puttee's, Wettest is paid to the wholetale baileeu in Wit mud, lishotess. Every article In the tailoring line made to order In the mom resblnththle and hest Wanner, el Use .hotle.l allies. meta MEM -T"E partnership heretofore existing under the arm of -A & C BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease or filr.o Bradley. The baldness will be married on by A [Wadley, Who will settle the basiness of the late ann. - lIKUOVAI , —A DIU.DIAT has removed his Foundry Warehouse from No lig Second street, to No ID Wood owl, between First and Second meets, to the ware keep lately emeapied by 0 A Derry, where he will oratarttly on hand a ganef.' Immo:lento( Cam. loge, Orates, those., Cooking Stoles, 10. {eta ==l A l t . oraold Speotactod,espposed to have nein d In Wood meet, In front of Wont' & il/061101010. , TM fledge ivlll be Paraded on .tttna ni UP 011114,,NalliWood MN& INSURANCE ' INSURANCRiI• • mfib LIREA.VVA.RE'RIUTiIIitt.t PlAP'E'nl' INSTI- L RANCH LIIMPANY.—Ogica North Room of the Exeltanffe,Third onset: Philadelphia • .f msTosustancia—Uoildingo,hlercbandlso and other ptoprty; In Town and Country, Moored against lou or thong. by Cue: at the lowest MILO of premium. , [damns Istsrmanta.—They also lamro Valises. Car. gm. and Freights, foreign or constwiso,underopen or special policies, as the aasared may des.. Inunn Taanssmerattax—They also insure orcreb audios transported by Wagons., Rail Road Cars. Canal Coats and &cam Boats, on illf.111: and late, on the must at.] terms. • • • • • DIRWTORS—Joseph H. Beal, Cdomod A. Bauder, John.o Dusts, Robert.Banon, Johe.R nome,Sannt. el FAlrrarda Deo 0 'Alper, Edward Durllosion. Isaac. R Dart., 1) 6 Jo h n Nowlin. Dr It IHlluston, Ju C Rand,. Thhophilus Psuhllor* 11 Jones- Dr o o oo , IlaarT Sloan.. 1109 h .Cralg, Oraige &mill, Rammer Aleltraln, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Woo Rey, Dr I Thomas. Jahn Boilers, WRErre, DIRECTORS AT PITTBLIUROII—D T Warren, 11 .6 k Craig. Joh n T lama. • 'IVILLIAIIt MARTIN iTeildenl. • Rmusio S. NiSIIIILD, Re?: • nr,olleo of RH, Company* No, 49 Water Moor, 13.4;54( . p,A;' MADEIRA, Mi; Istfat Riad - Health Istunatanoas • • • 11R Humid Lilo and Health lasoranee COmPany of Philadelphls., Incorporated brtho Lexielatare o PC1131571.11111. Nutty 1849, Charier perpetaaL Capital, 3109,000. Bares moms Mutt ear Pmetarl. Sulu COIX.C‘T,. and fell PP _psi cent. lower than the - usual rates of Life insurance, aa the following tom, parlson will show:. Thu, a person of in ego of= 'b owing for !lOU (or life. mintpay in,tlto Cdrard 0.417 Peonsyleania;643.l, Peon A g ainst ;lll.9%.Equitable, WM; New F.ngland,ll4A New YorlaLife, Idath bloh,112,411; Life and ilealth,PhtladelphlNlllof. , ;. . Doisersta-43arnuelD. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert P. Ring, Charles P. Hayes AL W. Baldwin, M. Reeve, AL D. 'Chas. O. 10. dampbell, Lewis Cooper, Iv Rodman Ba wler, E. IL Batter, Edwin R.Copo. Presldent—Smoual D. Orrick; Vico Pees!. dam—Born. P. Ring; Beerstary—Pneneis Bleekboma. applleationawillbe meet's-4.d every Information given by BAHL. FAHNFZTOCK, Am, °tee, COanieltia/ Rooms, corner - of 'oetyr.dly - Woodard Thad its, Patsbargh FIDE AND BIAILINIO INSURANCE. , MUD INSUItANCCIE: of lanth .Auseflea - will amber permanent and limited low.= onyx. pity In this cit toil vicinity, and nblinnents by Co/111,110mi, Taker, cad by Sea. :The oropeftleaof thi l ' a C i e nn "r re ' amp% lr ar "d oily m il trgh attire to be pewee te el by in - myIS WM. P. JONES, A nt. Watt, et • Plea alakillatleto Inistrialetto.. • 11111 E OPP/CE of the Insaiarree Compury of North j America, bu helm removed toy No. 141 Front st east of Wood. • : • The saburtber, %Kent tor the *bore old and emu. siblo Compeer, mill lento Pollute on [Wilding" and W contenu, and on shipments of ilnychandien by Steam Ltous and older yowl. aW NV. P. PiNP.P. PITTSBURGH 'URALS INSTITUTH TITE Sleond Session of this Instatlon, ender tho Cara of Mr. and Mn. Goatees, for the_ present anaittatie year, wilt commence on this day, Monday,. February 18th, la the some hoildinp,No. 44 Liberty street • • • . • . • Arrondetnents hems been made by which they will bauble to furni.di young ladies fetelitieaeynal to any 111 the Weal, for obtatting •thorough gnalish, Classf. cal, and Orcamental education. -A fall coarse of !ambled: and Chemical Lecture. will bo delivered during the sinter, Mounded by apparatus,. The de• partments of Vocal and Instromental Mimic Modern Lancuages, Drawing and Faulting, will rub ' be ander Me ears of a competent Professor. DI elite Inelitloll to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their po. the Prineipalahopo to merit a contlnstallon of the Metal patronage may have hithertoenjoyed. For' tams, me eircoUst or apply to Cho Principal. fobtEl-dtt ' odeta acid Antilles Furniture. JA 31163 WOCIOWN,LL, 63, Tem Br., Prrnowasir. J.. w. Reaper:fally inform. theZ i public that he has cont plated his slams stook of FURNITURE. thtlargest and nammantiodattortmeot ever offend for auto in .hie City. comprming mortal rens of flostsroop, Manooaref, and Data Wacorr, calved. ammonial and plain, ...bid for Parlors, Drawing and lkd Rootass all of wMch will les sold at Alm lowest price.. Palen% desiring rornitia re n 4 any deacripuon, swede!! invited to eallandexandee last mark, which embrace* every demriptions from the entopciit add plairmat 40 the neat elexant Lad costly, of which the following comps...et a parr Tete a Tem Rallis; Toth The Moans; • CointersaUein Chairs; Elisalsothisit Passim Rotarian do Laois XIV do Evasslon do Itaact Kulqae; trhat Nets; Toilet Tables; basil NI , : Commodore; Doke of York Coach; Carlota. with Plush and Ilatreioth comma 40 Diva., do '- do ddi 40.100 Mahogany Parlor Chaim, lY “ Rosewood do do; • It " 1111 M'alast do do; 40 Cane *eat S 4 1114honny 11,1014 do Piano tenols 40 Marble Top Cr arse Tauter; ho do do Ws.. :in...* 00 Mahogany Elmwood.: 1* do WardsabeC In \Vanua do, vary . A miry largo lirmstam o ot of Roraima Osaka and oth er Fanuturc tro tedious 10 caientstin. pp- Steam Boats furnished an the shortest mike. All orders promptly attended to. • P. C.--Caldnet linters eat lie sdpgilled with II sorts of Mohave.... Walt:atom! Vatoress, at considerobly redriced p4iiies• fent., HERSEY, FLEIkIINCr & CO. 11AVA: Vole BALA. PROM THE %1 AN VEACTUREUS, AND AT EAST ERN 51ANUPACTUREdd . PRICES: Wbite Flannels, all Wow. Blue Mills; Red do do Sloe Dralion Vettew do do Fancy Counnadee; all are !bourn do do oferod at factory peaces • ' Slott Satinets. Home League :Thlrbag. Steel ouged Jo . Moe do . Cheeks and Stripes, very Drab an b SVI goods. Block Carshnera. .. Tutor.' Goods Taney do Red Parbltng, 'leper doc•• Fancy Tweeds best Padding, pueblo., Soper Filar a !hood Cloth. TailoreCase ou, heavy Alai. Super Urn.; do BrownL114C1:•, ddieisS doper Green do Drat/Serge, black do, • 1: Soper T.kl.ed do and wonted, Soper Black Destine Block and 00 bad Tape; Soper Drab Cashmeres. Slack 'Pohl, gbab de; Soper 11,00 a do Linen Cheek 4 sod'lNlils; doper Rine 0 do Siosn'en Cord Sod Conon; Cabforrus Enotkedi. do Linen Thread, a Scarlet do gupellor snide; Mee do 6 ,1d . 1i c k ilt:x. l. d V e r O u n o g• ; Drab do Grain Ragging. Brown Holland deg Silk.: Sumo &rills; iillttlalol, Cravats Ae.,lte 01 We Mould . ..L. Me fll . V. areloue, No 137 Wood • Pinsborgb . rn rdl • • rtero-pertnerehip barmier , existing between the Xebreribern, it the at ea Conrrahlk Ilatke I, thix der easel,cd by rnataxi consent. Briars Berke k Barn,. writ rattle the basintaa of the concern, tar width parpone they are authorized io are U. nem, of Unseen. rah ti ATIIANIEL CONS rAtILF, EDMUND BURRS, TiftiNAS BARNES. The andewegned Dere this day associated the oevelres le the name of BURKE & 11ARKFS, for the yarrow of atanalartaring Fits PM( Bake, Vaal , Doom kc. ae, et the .t.ad of .be late firm of Conotable, Burke *Cat, where they will be pleesrd tareeetee the patrol. age of the etietaatesa of that haute and their friend. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS 1/ARNES. In retiring from an Ln of Conotable, Bute ft Co., with Bottum pleasure recommend Meru*. Burke & Barnes lb 010 Confidence of toy ltfes.d. and the public. Feb. 0,1019. NATHANIEL CONBTABLE. .febl3-d:f Os AILISOTIII9O2 In vitc Ate het returned from the Eagle. Clue. and AA. reeeivinkaa barge ranetY age...able Clues, and Work he req....Hy Invites the attention of mere h uns and bedtarr_ No 14 Wood st. (atilt WAEL PAPER—W. P. Mans. ta conatantly TT etelrinT, 'fraut the largeat manuf Now Work turd Philadelphot, and also act Forlearench agenelea, the retell tad most approved style, of Pa ger 111141n15, together with Bores., litre Board Prints, alai Tester Tops. Err sale at /33 Wood at, be tween Fourth it and U 42513114 kacecnot to S. C. MIL): • T '7ll437ii.eanatir, and lot side by the barrel or single co at the Irnri, Seed, uld Perfumery Werchnole, corner of Sloth toed Wood,streete. N WICICERS/19b1. 14.18 - - - - - 11neprattk , Patekt Bekta A.h. 464 iiltteiNN of the above eelebra•ed brand and high tea direct from the tnanufacturervi 1W out. now On the way Irmo New Orient., a n d no. paNed bore thl. week ; and 311 will .b. , HY via !halt/mare per Wirt Juniata, Chesapeake, Damns. to., and Alb a% whirli will be told on artmal, at the lowest muter pile. fur oath or approved hill, W k hi hIITCHELTREE. u y Nn lat Wham, in and an oilliftwAL 'movie. POLISHPownii P.ltint:f m ac m iring4ogir o azy e r:ow offer T . 'lLetiVnill:Lhllleltireriallon, of fear of eontracti e P o o il l , " bi those who bare tested it, pronounce ft for wort. , to any other in the market. The egittutner need have so apprehensions of soiling_ engine. as its yam. position Prevent. a dual from seising when tieing op piled, which roust be done when the Clove is rend The roantity required to so little Ve produce • beat, tiful lustre. A sawing of over filly per cent Is Insured to the C1111.111:1Cle. A coatint applied to Stover, Pipes, when laid away for the memo., In sere per. 'emotive uganist rust. After having tried it once, Id It in accesrible) no person will use coy tot thy Mayers Mnoci..cturing Company's Premtrun Chemi cal Stove Polhill. For aide by 8 N WICKERRIIASI, tape Carpel of Sigh, and Wood strreic zattniattio • A LL persons lassinti number* pot on their houses , , in conforrn.ty to resolution of Councils, will please tall. at the Booms of the Maud of Trade; second story, comer of Weed and Third sts, end pay far the same. SAMUEL IVAIINESTOtIif Pitteterrit , April 4 .lOtA, 101 b"AtINII6TOCK'iI DIIILUUTOII.Y. Q PAHNESTOCIIf brae leave to announce to the pattona of kla New Directory of the cities or Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and boroughs of Nan chenter,: Dlrmlngbam, 40., that the work Is now neatly toady far the press, and will be put in dm hands of the printer tome where between the 20th and .Idtlf lostanb The ellianetl.lferiefallY , and all who feel an Interest inihe pforlacuonof a einaplew and perfect Ihrectory, pattleubtrly those who have not' been celled on, will (ready Oblige the publisher, by unerudnlng that their tattoo sravocallorm and Mazes of banisters, te , are ended for publication MUG Directory. All cards to be Inserted, west be banded In forth. with, or at the latest, by the datat above named. maylk . - • lISLODICOM ManCIS. sr,. waived. LW now epentng, one elegant Rem. ytaltlf 4 VVlZTG P itViglYtlfilt Lee eader-Inaltoneent, of Gne wee, and very :rapids utie44.406; so one arm 4 Getty& Melodeon, - 11111LEBER , Bldsile Mars, ' .10111040404 t, A , , ..,- •• ? i . .. ---- •••.- ~, . , - 1,, , i . .. , ‘ . r. t . _;.,--. .. ''' . ik,...i :.,_..:. ....., 1 r..,.:.1!t ir .:,.,..i.: -; ' ' 4- F . . . 4 E" . pat. :) ' c ..4,-, ' _ . t.....: . .. i p,,•••-je • 7 1.7 ','77'-'l''''' • • • .., RE= !AND SALES NY Xla Piro*ldeas' air tbi ltalte&fitlases. TN pars:genet o(itw I,ZAOHARY TAYLOR, Pee-, g ideal of the Littited,States orAtneries, do her- 4 T deciare and 'mate- known, that isehtin s'al be held at thenndenatentwoned (And DMus in the Stem of !me.] unit, la um periods hereinafter designated, to wit—. At the . Lard Ofilee at SAULT f3TE. MARIE, lot the "Lake Ssperior District: , enntotenetng on Men. day, the sixteenth day et September next, for the pouf of public Ind s within the following named township', sic+. North of thtdase line, and were of the ph'neipal • Township forty five, and fraotional township. forty SIX and Pony sever of range two. Toonvhips forty hen and foray yin, and fractional township forts seven, of range three Township"forty sin, and fractional township forty seven. of range four. Townstans forty six and frrty seven, and tract/ova/ townships Any and fifty one, of roman rive. Fractsonarsownshipa forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, atty, end fifty one, of range six. Townships - forty eight andiorty nine, and fractional iown,hippftly arrange seven. • Fraetfonal roamshins thirty nine on "non bland," and forty .on glint Illaud, n and unman!, forty Lae, of name eight. Frartionnl townships thirty nine and forty on "floe and 'Oardshr! , ltlands: •nd forty Woo en the main land, and trwrialups fatty foot and forty Gee, strange Mac • • . Fractional ltivinthlas thirty nine and forty on "tier. denanrul.lqa iw.l.lmids. and tonnthillpa forty three, forty four, and forty bee of ranee ten. • Fractionallownithipa thiny eight on "Little (leaver" Island,thitty nine on "Little /Seaver , and "Trout" Islands, and forty on .Whiskeyn lelmd, and town .l4l forty three,', forty four, and forty rare, of range Fractional trnimithip thirty eight on "(doll Island, rd. witxtillt . forty Mo. and Creational townthips forty tame., forty four and forty tire, Of range twelve. Fractional.lownehlo ferry, on the main land,i of range , Fraetional townships thirty nine and forty on the Mato land, or range ore. • Fractional townships thirty i&ght, thirty nine, forty, and foments, on the main land of tango eighteen. • Fractional township, thirty Tax on , Stantacto and "Poverty!" Islandil,thtnyr mean ancialing 'dt,immer" or, , b er d ordle .u ma ' inTiinTlird " g y wftTa t ep's u f ‘ o ir rl y y two, ant forty three, a' range nineteen. Fractional newnehipg thirty six on "Ft Mattin'ae end "Girlie islands. tinny on t on Islet of"Llitle Snorter. frland,thiny eight on the mom land, thirty tune &cloning the Island in mations twenty seven and twenty eight) and forty, and township forty three 00th. wwn land, of range twenty. Fractional toarnahlps thirty eight, thirty nice, end forty 011 the strain land, of range twenty par. 11.1' Tilt rahlt FLA.CKeorantenelng on Monday, the thirtieth day of *September nem, for. the ding sal of the public lands within the following named town. Wits end fractional townships, to wit:— North of the &us hat, and teed o f eke principil zuridiun. Fractions! townrhips thirty Gee cid thirty sir on the wain !trt Orange twenty four: Fractions! teornehips thir y throe, thirty four. and thirty Girt, 641 toonlitip iturty six, of range twority !rye. Fractional townships thirty two and thlrty three an the main land, and townships thirty four and early fir t , of rage twenty six Emotional townships thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty fear, and thirty arson the main land nod townships forty Mx, forty seven, and forty elght,of rangy twenty seven. Fractional townships thirty two, thirty th ree, and WPM 6.117.4, and township. thirty 01110, forty six, forty seven, •od forty eight, of of twenty eight. Fractional townships tituty serea, thinly 4;4, gti thirty (arty Cots,ieip forty orte,forty two, for three, (arty tarty fire, forty sit, Forty Sew., an forty eight, arrange twenty nine. ' Fractional bownetdps thirty nine, township tone, fractional township (any one, townships tarty two, forty three, forty four. forty fire, forty v.:, forty seven, and forty eight, and the fractions of sections thirty five and thirty nix. at the napes of fate hatbor, of te wo. /01:11 fifty ntne,o( !arra thirty. Yract. own township) thirty nine, forty, and lorry one, townships forty fwo,leorty them., forty four, forty fire, forty rig, ni=cen, sad filly tiabt, and trac tional settle. BeVfrand eiehteen,on "Traverse^ totted, let township City fear, of range thirty one. Al` Tue. ttAillE .1.1.40 E, cocci:fencing on Monday, the fourteenth day of (Wtober rest, for tee disposal of the petite londs situated within the undermentioned townobt end Irsefinne to wit:— North of the la to line, awl. eon of tAa rine; a/ wridien. Prsetianal thwr,ship roomy one, and township.. forty isro, forty three, lofty (oar, foil, tiro, and (tfty, of tango thuty two. Fractional townships faly i.ll illy two, 0( range thirty three. Fraction.' township, flay rail fitly two of range thirty (oar Taranto' , fifty. of range 'any one. Fractional township for., eigand townshipa forty nine oral fifty, of range forty two. Township forty wyen, (rational townraip forty eight, ad iownlaips . lobby tiny Ind 4117, of range ferry rane. Toon:Alps fort, seven, (My alibi, Cony nine, and fifty, of range nopy loot. lownsint • Cony seven, Cony eight, and forty nine. and fescue.] tosrostOp fifty, of range fnny Col, Fractional towns/nes Catty nine ILIA fifty, of tange Com sia: . Fravvonal townships forty I'g and forty seven, io vreato forty eight, and ftsotional towns:tip Cony ono,. esnee brv; neyen. Praei!mist a,veviiii.r inn etre", fora Muhl, tiM forty cant, of tong• forty cuib.- Fiactlonal tovntaiiip forty airx*of range forty time. At the land nallee aTlONli,emonteomng on Mon• day, the vateenth of Sepmmher next, (or the dummy' of Oin public isn.L within the undermentioned free lianal own-hip. vir . Nu tit, e Arse hut, and Irert of Ike frinnipat Sections ore sod tarp ; tnii esti kolricotion 61 aims. tond .Cti011• •tle ten, twelvc, hirteen, fan porn, I went, ur, twenty ere, azi4 thin, six.... notenxisiP =ars ,. ntrige weveak. • Land. opproptime4 by law Pir the ass or whoruls, ititury, ur other purposes, will be aarladeir from the ale. The oTnnii of the *limo mened land. will he commenced on the days apeolnie ntio d, and proceed in the order in which they are advertised, with eon, vendee, dispatch , own the whole shall have been of. feted, and th e sale, than cloe , d Hot no Kale shall he tort open longer than two amnia, andno private tn's) , Cl OCT of the lards will he adnotted anul alter he expiration of two week. . . Caeca under my hand, et the city of Wsehtngton, this thirteenth day of Jane, Anne Domini one thoutand eight hendted end 611 y. By the I•nsidenh Z. TAYLOR. J litreteec eta, • Cotradra,onet ante (Intend land Mee, ::YOTICE TO i'llE-MIPPIOPI CLAIMANTS. IN.,' Person entuleC to the right of pr.-emption to any of the lands wittan th e tntrottops and fractonal toornittp. above enumerated, 1. required to .teldish the same to the eaurfeenon of I. Register and Ito reirm of the proper Lent Otter, and mate payment there , . •• noon aepreouoabta thee seeing this notice, and heft, the dt7 appointed for the commencement of the petite sale of the lands embrseinq . the tract claimed, otherwise nth etatm obi be fortetted. BUTURFIELD. Commissiceer. I=l Deramett.'• Anarlean Penile, Dook. r .r tlE nig''l7-ri hoo a a rum k tlo no t ' he F lrreo l General Management of fhtmertic 'h edKerooi owls :with nu. maims original description. and Finnan 'Dent Lilo. tly John C. ltenneu, NI. D. Tu. work will Leman to a greater amount of oriental and other Wonsan., both greenest and awful, in regard to Fowl Iltesding, Man contained to all other merman works together It will to illostra•ed with nearly Fifty Portraits of the onlll eboteri of of America ad Foreign Fowl., porno forty of which are from life, from drawinga takenelpecielly foe One work, of the mat importantimported. breeds nod elt , e/11l of them from fowl. very' recently The publishers have ,pared no apeman, bring 001 1111. work In &superior manner, bath in regard to Ina engrains., the menu of the wont, and the general gagman of every part of the book. And It la belies. ell that the work will be found to contain more wan. nal Information on Breeding and Managing Domestic Fowls, than any work lased In this Connie,. Poo sale by SAS D LOCK WOOD. MKS • Dookaller and Importer, WS Fourth at. 101 K DOLDTS COSMOS—Comm; a fitment of • Phyneed Detenylloo of the 4fIITCIB6. Ity W. ilatoboldt. Translated by Owe. 1 vol., to lust received for ,ate by J D LOCKWOOD jock bookseller I Intranet. la Fourth a• RS, Na ❑ Wood won. IL:1101.12111 & W. 11 ,1 0 , 11 0 'J3 , A n t ( E 0 ROC IA pkg. Y. H. bop. They and i:unpowder Tony boo Tobacco; lOU bus Rio Cod.; klio boll. N 0 Molgs.ea; bbd. N Sager, ZO bole. ...Led nixe. ' bd. Id. R. RlVoind; Oss clutter do; 13 bee do do: Ikeiska Zanle Currants; 13 bales K. %Valente; 13 do. Brasil Nuts; 15 do Filberts; 'II do Pea data; do boa *belled Almonds; LIP bra Hook Candy; ewes Liquor'," lu Ptinelyee • enters; M Half Spar.leh; ( 3 bar; Clove.; 9 cans Nutmegs; \ 3 eeroons ( 23 ease. Lemon ti ' yra9; 0 c.a. Pepper tlaucei IU ewe, Tomato Catsup; ()mond Braces of all kinds. au barrels powdered and Loaf Suter; bona Madder 10 brls.Whlting; Window Gleam 40 hos Pipes; 400 bus 'oar; its) hi. Cso.Pes; 3000 Rs Codfish; ;i0 brie Tanners' Oil; 20 hes Chocolate; GU don Lied Cords; cU coils Manila Rope; Ni las Spiced Chocolate; 101.2 s Pepper! 0 beg. Alpine; :VD hut Goring; 40 ;iris Vinegao ail bales Candlewick; 40 his Starch; 10 tres Rice; 10 bris Chick; 300 drums big.; As well is a genera/ itssOrtsrmal.iof Pittsburgh blasulactu rod articles. and. ----- GRne""ll3 - 111 k sa h eirs Rio CstiTco 71 hf eh's I' Dyson, various grades au do Gunpowder and hop 30 do Pouching 0 do OulonN 51 caddy hos 1 11 Imp &G I' I 0) hxs I's, 3'., and PCs Tobacco. 35 caddy boo Barrow's Ps do :Whores Starch 5o brig & hf bris Saleratus Indigo, bladder, Align, Ginger, Pepper, Alispi)Or Gammas, and lampllllelt In tags, far .ale by C 11 GRANT 04 Water at A PRYSICIAPPB TESTIIIION Y. .1 DAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL THEM." eLeeenuao, V. March 8,1850. UR. E. E. SELLEfI*—.I have dimesed of all the LTA Cough Beettp and Liver Ma you mot Me t anti lB del of the Vertalfuge. I have tired all your Family Medlaloes ut my Gooey, and have also prescribed them in my practice' 1 am very each pleased wilt them,and hare found nothing to equal them. Bend me e doe of year Vomiting% and 10 atm each of the Liver Pills and Cough Syrup. Respectfully yoneai - • [F.ntraet of Letter.] - T. T./ex./mom 'Chose nighty popelar medic Mem may be had of the proprietor. R E SELLER-4;W Wood et, and Druggists generally lathe two elder and vicinity. a pe raTrif eaperior quality, imitable to soapmakingilust received and roe sale by JOAN hie PADEN A.OO lee IMO Canal Male. PIMA GICILUMS PatINES. ON p E on ev i. k . (. l , 72 l. lla .r e h at Clerialin Pratt, jest let as WM. A fieeCLUIV° ar "1.14 by 030.,0.10 Liberty at. UOAR CORSO HAMS— lu Cute meowed pet ovum pall Columbia, 04 Maki formate by WIES UUTOW:0:1 DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS FORDILGSSEO. URPOVSPURCI/FIELD invite r the attention of the. ladies to their ..xtensive esoortnicetui White Goods for Dreams, Uocartinu I Scotch and SA ter Mulls; " Figured Swint der, Patiroldersd du; - Vicroda Lawns; Low Priced Purred Jeckocut for m niue enuer ', drerses; fine rod finished do; end a large rimt blualluet with entered embroidery; Suirolleli. Lawns, Demurs", ac., nt DOI th east corner of Fourth sad Market sower. ieut Cheap Lawns CHIPIIY k 'BURCHFIELD have received a lure, DI supply of Dress Luarne, very ebeap, sty,. ey,e brown at ldiet light du, In great variety, tor th,e Also,eraleeldered andprinted Alus:las andJuck no, 0( neat and newest stylesand Entreat pried ti 41: , and north east corner of Fourth and Market in SALE OF DRY GOODS At the one Priee to of A. A. MASON & CO, W ILL commence on Stnudoy, June 3d, Wholesale Rooms. will, en tbis OLC•ViCV, Ibrc, Open (or Rno , L Titan, end all at their driers.v , . Hock will be altered to toad purchasurs. at diTC(.III.! of fromfromYU to PO par rent. less than usual pri Lk tee. THEIR STOOK 1/1 , SILK'S Comprise over (sur hundred pieces, and will be wild at an 1171C1C11.0 dus. room. Their winortment of96nnle,floreaes.Tistuan, Gren adine. Poniard • Lawon, itinnfOw. Catolfet d Drew Gneils generally, toil be eleoeii ant imennoilliely, at about onn tell ttiO Usual ' , ten. II caeca Fort, Colored Lawn, will be piloted of 2 do ' Baregea, e. I do gleeful de Leiner, 10. r Superior English and 7smelin. Calicoes, Ile. 3L dopen IJaon Ilandterthirfs, U& 7c. A lance lot or Vlrrogitt Collars, some as low an sc. Together.wita CCIIIP10: , .: V. 1.. DNOC,IC and White Goods, Rlbl.ne, Basicity and Cloud!, SPttreG, kn., tho. Making In all ona of the man exterstva assortments In the country, umiak, will be a asked down to mush Lawn pmes than at any of their Previous Annual grills Store will be Oared span Thor, lay and Fri lay. May taltb and Met. for purr,,: ^' Rr.nr• Irg and marking down stork. No VA131471n:1 to PRI- M mylli • A A bIAbON A. CS, FZEZEMEEEM Mvpf,,7l:'l s l;',l,l.",`;.DL.V„Wgr"lnseVy'r74: and r(aeks, lan7s , and aniltlreria wen, thomort dooltablo alladaa. Thep invite at'ontion to their largo ar . anarneut of Irrer.la and Boa. WF.AI7, of rhfrrent nit• rectal,. OW all of whicis rrri . / rrrld ' P.II3I4LBOLSI PATIASAIL 81 M U m i s t g l y Y ota i rov n e C a l' Xl L ia n o l :l ' a v fiNi 'itin* ihet un- Fly almost any qoality and color wanted, and at the lowert esiah pricer.' - Patent Samar (Al Mott, Cover. WMCCLINTOCK hot ieceirred this day, at Ins , cpßei Warehouse, No ;5 Foortil ,iaStai; 01, Oioilt 43(1c1-tog of rely huildiotou patterns and colarr, to which we Invite the attention or purchasers. _1,13 uneui rr. BUCIIVIELV mu now odenzln ,nod Aat drawly reddLeed.prires Lntrus ham r, cents an; 4-1 lista Mauls (rem Weems up; Peruse , (r Pan; Plan lPnek Brrage for Idle; Donner Itrlddons for Cc Patlasd4 Ladles are Insa,ed to roll Dad sant:nine our Clank of Areas goods before purchlasirn; , drresh.,•— 11 ... :fshraiteorner P.__liniut;•',l 11.41 , 1 n' , l. - Atleant filut.• • DECEIVED !Ws du), u Iresh ussonros•d f Alleaur AV Of Wits Nit% at 1110 Carpet Wale rOnm of 11rel-trll'uCll IEI3 • 'l5 Fourth In iLfußkiii* IfUTICIIFIELD have a Wye coca of RI Pantyand Staple bey Grads, t elarg 05 of pearly rilluted once*, •Irt:— Buts° do. tainee, • large .eortracnt of tanaufnl P lralrii; ; .l.einet and etWiS3 111 . 451i:9, A splrndid ...sent of Block and Vance 511.; Itgrages, LAMM and Do taints, rem. kith el,eap, Beautiful Foulard gilts, at tentt per yard; Ileau;al Callao., from tlk cents, and aperarda; A Imtn sleek of thown and illeachod hicalinst Gin per putt:and onwards, Bonnet. and Parasol", al greatly reduce.] Cloths, exsaltneresond Vest see, Or the tie, 1 otialny, Yonsarkably low. Tegetber with a latgo stock or Tick inga. Apron add SlalrUngThatchw n!I ; 'Brown anti IgearLed Sheeting,. and Whin nu; Irish togeiLer with all other artiortudn our line, at north twat corner of Fourth tad Markel _ have tuns te.cal end 111 ne w style Fenian!. Sl:ks, very cheap, neh, and gguted nbangestb,o silk. ' ol .'meal every vyle and quality; su per plain and figurrd • Nark silt., do Lounges and tine.; barern de loins, new and hand sel. styles; new all., Trer.eh, English, sad :nose! ],alyas, In great variety, and al Vert' lair oncost; plain, ggireul, and W s un otriprd de tai.. of all kind. and qua lunar hewn lucre, of ail shades and colors; gingham:it, ehintses. priori!, be., at not.h east corner of Fourth and Market street.. !et, AFAirrlt Tut .TopY.l7 a Black stis and lane; col ored rtil2l, 'ion ramrod oy cave,. Virg ntorn tog, at north cast corner tq rourih and Nlartrt er.o. •"- - ' • MttltP nV k fllttretillrf , p r r c ze e a ; ;rest 1n earner klyearl.l aril Market pm. tak B Llleg Sag IrAtill-'23—Extra we're mn4lunu nal near lrimmink I.see• of beat treal,ty.lurt reel and for salt of Northern coerce of Vourtk +ad Mar ket mrcela. jes biorxity ItURtIIrFIELD 111 - 0•77 -. •71 - riiiiii74)ieganst. Ai/A.ons. UHPIII' h BURC11111:1,1a nava iecevied an ad. M 11.11110 azd Calmed Ciqnp da; and Mbhanacf all colurs and pnata. yValot.)44l - 01T; p,or clop*. jitst retelve4 trrnA o , e tar Ivry. n. inr sak Id c ternoaa, NON. 7 & 9 Wood mt. , t lIEMEBMIE lUrtTßl`llli 4 BUtICLWILLD etle,:en AL of (hope want., g 0,44 tOT Ml arum[ to their very all ugortmear,):..t received, suell d. Blurt Bombazine., ' • 11,?m! . 41!ne fintsl....tlpare4a, Wart Moo" dc Mourning Wiodi do Prinird foulard, Raman', Tames, Sicilian Lunt..., Alnaxiire, Plaic Slant ard Printed Limn., Black Tinicon.cred do, Sonnet Ribbons, Snarl do, Vels. tr. 4,21 - 3317C1a - bItATJN(r-i yrs in;retc,a•sorrill 1,1 torn.", • loft man demralde article lot *coml., rocia r reed, and now opening by A A M•rON =AM FS Mark, s; frilißET 'SHAW trj-Sspet - 7 - • Wan erdomd Tat Tel Slinvelyenmprisiny Crimson, Branyr i Bina, Bmr. Wren. and Corn rolorril, Ynri receiving per espn,,, and this day opening by • A A di ASOS &Cm mayli la Marto 20 MBES' Blom pint, eire;n,rore" Colored llaregas, meld pet fawn., er d mire opening by mayl7 A, A NI ASAP , : s r 4:llack Dreas A A.IIAFON &CU ere Ca ant cpening 10p ex A. 59 inch ULeek.Gre. de Chem Saki II pea do; 10 pee 14 mob do; 0 ref I.llorh do; 5.14 pieees 95 Oleg do. _ 0,e710 fft==M=M I U dolLodics' Lintu Cuallate 11.111 s, nu pr,cra; doz Geou. , da do tin • . . . . . ZS dot do - do do eolored Lorree; Rerrierd ddsday by A A RIAeIIN &CO rnorld • •tr 2 Market tr. I IA &I irai r ti , atiLWiliffu pr. ehxrrgrai,ir kl Loot res. or tha dime leer price of Wie per mdr d. maylo • A A Id AerrN h Co Irish and Drown Linen. 200 pee SA end sin pee 1.4 Moon Linens; ISOee Gray% Illittlay's, and Ale:lndere superior. Irish Linton, now opening by troolU A A MASON it CO Prost. Arrival or Pry — llooda. UrE aro now ttccivintr large addatioas bout alock oklbrlng aldtilinMer Cr, (load*, and are pro bated to odor 6.3 eleellant usaortm..nt at our %mid low price. for cub, or approved credit . The laltentlon at western dealers ot perneolurlp rtr Queried In our goode, as we feel coubdrat n( heirs s able to over uvusoal intNenitentio to Make WU With aa. Call and examine at any ot allAcHurrr ..21L • 103 DVoo.t mien- C. YEAGER, 1013 Market Street, (near Ll`.,erty,) al l lllllllllaN, ENGLISH, AND FANCY (JO 0 I) A• Alum ~AI: CA, CiI.AIVES, TARE/LDS, CRIIII3, 1111170 N A, e I I.IA. PANAMA+, ac. Alvo, Sigtll3l and ' , sunray Vri•fintVrt BLACK :INILLVANCY SILK cAA V als: 1 , CLIMM, DAND.II..•Ma, mad LINEN HAKFA. • sena.) ari a:n=ou al VANS, .41 every Variety of tritutrapga. a 31 1 1 77 , PTTWIMf MIRO , 9 CAMF:t; plain and 46 mod Oarega hata., ed odor*, lost reed; and 'riling at very law rust A A It AlrON k CO 0 CASES (art enlotra hum's reeclre.l and now optiting, selling al thy vatic]. low price 01 rta prr yard ruarlrJ A A AIA,ON A. Cu 01:4011A111d: CABEIi 1551 eOlOted ti.glistns, reed, and selling J al 1/ cents per 3ar4 A A St %SON A. CO marrl aYllsrkrl Si VEATIIERS-30 bags uoir titutkl,!o! 'O l O I.V jols IPAIAII DICKrA A CO I I IPlbEht.l-11 sackftun earolThir sai c N.Jr !els ISAIAS! HICKFY A. CO B AL,CI-10 custawn.. 30 0.1!• Shoolderti 6 owl. Vide.: 4 nwilln Imo FLEA, now land i ng. Inn y tile by Uinta II WC / - • & WIIAt.EI.III.-1400 gals Wear led — Spc..ll 0 • I,:lalgalA un L1ca,1.1%1 do 290 galc to fa ll; t•actird rill, gala N. W. co. Whale ill, In Care and for rale I, MILLE!" tc. field & 17.1.I.tbarW •l. • TAP4NEKS' 011,-990 gale brown fiern h.; ad bet do; tri brio cowmen Oil, in wire or eide by jetel 14.11. LEK h 1110:1717 , 04 ' 9211174t0fF6-49 61 OA conolgnment or IF* 4, Jere MILLER. O. Illek .TOON Fc - ciu it —ILO brie S Floor, for pale ; y 1111 EV, AIATTIIEWS & CO _lOlB 77& 79 Merirt pt Visnlari — Ten• • REoll.l9Ellat the rittsbatgb rendir Grocery and Tea Warcheave:— tif etas rename Fonrtee ChnlesTeas in 9 as once. do Chan Powchang Text in 9on papi.re, •. 6 da do do do 7es do; The: above celebrated Black retu are received direct from the importers, and will be 'wild NA low fel they ern be purchased in the clot, welt the addition of frelibtoeheleeale or tooth W6l A McCLI/11.11h CO Jel2 _WAS Litorty et ___. VANS—A splendid ...tuned!, 01 my 0,1 import oilcan, comptislos . every vansty, for sib: by Jel9 C V KAMM. Clilafis—augt.teit styles Isnav comb., 73 gram do reddlng do; Nigro. do able do;' . 10 dross Sivinese pocketeombs.lor role by jelP ' bIOoLDrB nsPrAtra OP rtATOREI—Trono . Istott by Ms ebbino. b Vol.. tfto. ' W For eolo by . LOCKOOD GOVERNMENIAL PILOPOS/LLS FOR at LOAN. lIP eleventh and twelfth ti,,tional Of (Ito Art Of the T General Aasenthly el thit ConvannwPrallb, entitled "A !Implement to an. Act cntnled tut Act to rar , ute n. cinkirq rued analto prcrile far .the.Graalaal n exn.q..khtnent the atebt.of tbo Conttnoa (cont.!, and to onthoriv, n loin;' alai . ..reveal the 153 dav a' 7tley A. II 1K:11, provtalle aaa 111111 71 II That th , tiov,rnnr in imre`, nall,n.ieed Ir n , coatat, n lone in: 190 of Thiee 'three Ilanatteal Toottsund c.nn rnlceacol.te. an dotty ya,ra (mm 010 date of the ..aerertputon tllerr.of at a r of inerr , t not ~ct.rdit,g Nyt. ptr perat , pa,•ntale itt gold nod ailver, xettai..enqtalliy, tartan tor fare t lair pf Frt , rwzry .a . A• . 07.1 n,ith prat . , 0,11: exemptlrmo rr.ry •., in!. Nntire, th'll,ll,ovtl‘ (Or P . Litt Tom, to - cernvrat. shaa I I, pt..;l I,Sral i111,1e:1:at ot.e atr.vr.yor...t an Or ugh'' /I arra.ho re VII tlo ~ i • ta•`ar reh. neal und In tte Ne, Vora:, ao,al Vk al , a,ir, 4. , a 1...•.,1 , ,n1, than OLT, ano:alo Fenn the orentnr,f gal.l preenAn:a. and by I,t, rlaa•alva^re, dlti,rxd 01111 Vp , n omr . ..rna . d 404(1141 putpo94. .ortt potter, pl - epo.ll. slml! 1311 opener, in tht• Pe • .'eav^ ^f Gorr:lv., the tSater , tatry of the 0. - onatcr,wa,nal!.,ntad An iner Con, 0 , 1,::1:111 r 1 000 01:1!1 ,wart...... 1 to tLe e.r htt.!,!cr, II f..a.ant of the tt.e., , n11 Of IL. Old In .Itan r.l 1-1 n,nat7,o alrra. bet ai the whole. rota! :001 4100'! not 11 - n I, taken 11, Governor tenets. Low., in 11,1, rn afrreQa.(l,l,9l tin, 1,. 1.190, tan-Llar, 1.0 la, an ‘l . l ill Pe eul,a.ata - the I. 00 ronillton, •Itall con.a.alearA: nn . lupo•.9 1n.a.0. nr any part the, ref, eervtirote, watt unapt,: R for Interest, .hall be isencal thare,or lay the A u-li•or UT.terat. . . Set non If the *aid !nen Alas;enhxty4: , c.l,ll dhoti be an! ❑ in lon r.l•y appminnond nnyttont and c.t. inttni , -Inmant of the (oath, tint, ni t!m COVI• monteral..S, now .14c, of to Gavot*, doe, Buri n- yaat floe titontnna eight tnnutlre.l and tntl, en 2 r the canard or thc ..um n , a thenuand one I•uu dud ant fvur at.:l tiFt.ty right du,: nu donne4nacrednora In mundane,' or thu prevtelona Wares, never is hereby givon, hot to re-rived m the attire at the ttecretrtry of the Cenunantvc•lth Until t cieltin: Tnenray. the fiest nay of ()Pusher hrzt, clin, tonne ler a lore te the rout rannntealth. foe the per torts avt rotth nt the onitl act. ~t ths , urn of three Winans three hare:tut mourned Oat", tease, tile In th:rty yearn from the dam of the rahunrmunn theronf, at a tote or intntest no: f•lrendit, fear Per a cent Imr nnual, pnyalle In veld and Wee, neanl avails npan the first days ht . February and Ant 12• I of east, year, and eimapt tram evert tine. , or !tint. Cettihocint er eteet f..r the raid !o, n. eoith entionos for alit thrive, will tic hawed In Pie turner Ind oth.lo trnitrirrolith by the evinerr on nod Ledo of rho olettitiir Ilapartment. Tile anipo. oil 'will reethired,tn that- col - di - tidy the outheta matro n which eholl no: tit ony cote tie /ere ilino ere amok:mil &Wars, the Mt . f.11.11,C. nbt teat chit tbo preminyt roomed. reeerveo the tratit to twerp! the whole or any yam otlm Tom oared unlarsd,. prorate!, stipe lath to the rotatory. Bids (nettle hoop mast be dime, and explicit. No condoien,lpropethle ortit theeived. Upon thi se,ietitaitee of the propoon!e tho othory mach hr. paid two the 010th 'Pr.a.ury, son :norther as !hall be dirt-: , q by the trace:bur. . Copia:thin cocci will lio ivror.l in such amount. as may lm reoncored the icititers. T o e prnyehite Co be dimmed, ander rent, to thug l ace, endorred, "Prnoothir lArm" 'they lartil tom be opened or ditctiithd civ il Ore p 0,0: far i ethic. mg them Ilan rlnreed; ither rthich no altnottion in the IMIIS wilt in reinittent. . . A I. ttl;Soti.LL t E , otort tory of t:tt. Sr ereto ry'o ('t^..% Iforosourg, acne eth, !Fat !ILLATIVE TO an r.3OOOSMIZITT OF TUC CONSTITUTION. lIESULVYID by the ltennte and flocs, of (tepee-mat, Isere efthe Commonwealth of Vcera, lean, lat 4etternl toonahly met, That the Covalent,t, of this Caetmon wealth to amended It the woad reel:on , f the af-h ortmlet, to that it Ithall read ita follows The t.dget of the Supreme Court, of the enteral Coot.. df Come • tem, and or omi, other cour-• cf ite-nrd 'aa are or gull estabilabot law, bo elected by the nuelined slecton of Ito Cementau• Supin the manner tolinering, to Al: The I odgos'o/ Ile Supreme Court, by the vtalmed electors of the Gnentarat wealth allatge; lb. rreme.cti ludgi. of the imenl Court, oft:O4MM P loot, and of oath nth, r Courts of Iletord a_t am or thallho cambia ed by Law, and allother Jade. required to he learned to the law, 1 - 1 the t,ualitieJ electors of the respeetnre dein...err whtch the{ are to preside or set as Juasess abed the ItOrtalt Judge, of thy is Conayona fleas by 11.. tittettbetl der., 3 the MC, TEPF,[I.. - ly The Judaea of the Suptcym Court alrall ludo the, oral for the. ttfra el; Otero year-, if I- ey &hail eo , g Mims thrmsrlero 11111, (sable,. to the allotment here tatter pro tided for, subset., tent to the lint electiood the bresolsot Judges of the several Coati. of Cmovsta n'zLch other ~.arts .f Accord as are cr .hall bee-gab:plod hy and all other -laden required to he learned in the 1.,., rfuil hold Iltetr sta.-e• ftr the term of ,ut yeers, if Ihryt ettall long behave thetneelse,•weitt the Acserellts Judges of the I' , l l . of ,:comma, rhme +halt hold their 0f,., ftr tte tern of nee yea's, II they thhll to long !mime thenteehe, ill MI ....fs.hota stall be comminitooml by the lirseerum, 1.4 fur att• rearteohle cause whtch shall no be Ice-tot; getnatd. fyr intynatloneue,lll . e Gorr-mar remote any of them cat the teddeet, of two Omaha( ear braneh of Om Lnglotattor Tee crst .hali ,the •,. ate at the Loom.: eleetirn of thot Coramouteenhi, nme otter sh s Padof shm nettereul, and the et.ebuts....ets GI ad Cie ~, Al',' may totlen stt retl-e thall 41,11 , u I;i• 1,100 .111, of flee-stoner inthmemg, en the term, ~ f the os. chmam net. To.. r. 0.00. ot, tem 1,. e.rend Jot,. of the nyprcoe • ,11.1. ISt.> a. f Co •s. Sloe Ite there etass.oan for • c •• anti sot Itm year, et_ ft, etertte y.,e, s ot ar Jud o . thr brut I. he me-. 4.1 he 41 by the sand m ope -16e e'er , el ae cnovemlcet, nod Lro eon mewed by them It , the One:mot, shot Cot totosutuets may be 14,1,1 to atetrdaars Cote M. Tl. .Irot, sel, tommomotou entl farst calory Mali be Chief lulu, fury ho term, non Mu-rafter eat, :tdec ohm. “ , 114lClatohl f oa l Graz s tiers /half 11] con be the ,-Lief J c toe, and :ft,. or 'ono- somanolotte stoat, ribirs 'o the mate lay, the Jodie. hstbUt. Ural .all So de by int *llth that/ ha the Chief to,t.or. At.y t . 41..10 pc eiro by death, reatttatiou, eherta Ite, to say the boa cobs.. slat' he 00 , 41, ap ptusamme by I.h• Ciote,:oar," tttbau 04 fin! Mon cloy ui DressalterlllTeltAlor, throe. rbre ce brlsort. The ludyee ot Ye Surreal- -tart unu .3- Pre,. cum rf tor :foe tett...se att ad.cuatr c-raa r a .11411.4 I 1,1 43..•., ihrrr. 1 I. 0r134.:. any ottiscr nth, st , orb, F (1..1[• 1,..• et •:ltyprt, CI the hound Sea:ea, or aoy alree I two f tio, tdea The- Jo 'g the Sala, duet, Meer •CgellttlOtt: iCt cls, ow s.tall orslbits this struroar math; am: /Its othttr um, their fc.:11.1:7 CCI• 01 - 1•• • Omit the sear or eohuty for wltsch they evesresprrotely oleo, .1 SC V.MONT, Rep a „ .4,1 k tr of .ht exalt. . . / . .a...00 Cr...moon, .. floor.: dog. Ja.;.usr, t 2, 3 1, 1E:1. Si ' 1. s.oottel IC. rtar..a. CMcf cltrk of 1 . ..... 6...c1e of .Prounlytata,tlohcrcby,tvolliy 11,0 I, lorap.mg rco/11,..0n, (Nto 10 on ha trout. Mt of lb. pro s:O2 ...too .1 cotolcd /tftrordution rafati,c co Ito acric.lcottec of Om l'on. iluctoo,' , —it burg the came rt. clu:on oh/ed../ a f:ced , b. c Fury n 1 n 1 the ot.olOors •cr.ted to ....,..!t Iloilo a i. la.: I.l.o.lcluov—atied hd.cog been Ltd,. coos Jetted rod ecs coutd, sra. ch. clot atdrec.l to by a ut,,,inoty uNdoc toodolo.to oketed to ottcl roma; in 1.1,. Smolt of Prow, 1,/,11, al 11/ ta torceollcco-c,os /I art,' stip.. by their ct fri g ice a oa the uoat ~....t.g of /1. - 10.1,261 p, a. 10110 at/. . 0.. 'I ho. IA tog to ficor arta. poi:as oftho roodulitua MT*, ff. ./.104. Ugmke. J. Purley firvvle,,," Wilton A fl. Jousllcaud J. C,coodc:tbarra Thcon. 8 Fronou, 71. in, U. Pony-Ih, Obaclc. F. - alloy, ftofirol M. Fr•ot, floury Falcon. /dm W Got/tort', , G/tool, AVll:tton I1..1•11, baconll,g, Tonothi 110., lucl.oo V. Jou, Jo•rith Kuordolocaer, Goof-go V. Lac/roc/or, Matta/di .11oCa.ho, Cop . /tat:fit, Malunt, Ikurnon 31/0/Mia Ile ry A. Moblottborg, With -co F Packe r, MSc., Mc. 1 S/clo.c, 1 1 .1.; II S I cacy, Coorod Sht coo r, 1 to , corl C. Merolla Don/c I tt , lion, Farris 11.8 trotgor, Juhh II Walker, and Vdltotal/ BT.'S: Spook,— Yca. O. rho,r colic g kraisal the parr, of too rca)loono *ire, Choc.. Dame, Aut,eslus Ditorn and A'sctralof Kin— Nap :I. , (I,olllcl from Ihr Journal.) SAM% W. rEntst,N. Clod. ...--. lo T. IleTtia 1.10 Itoret•coratrocci, 1 . 1 1 .1.1,1/Im, Marco 14, 1 d.,.. 1, wati... Jack, %Auer Cleo'. of tb. lido. of Room. Ftati•cs of Ittc Dolly:oda, do hero,/ co.r . loy that thr i.ro. lu c l. ".cdtdiott, .No. in on toe Serrate lily, and No 211 to he`owe Iptcutal of the porstsit tossiou.) catiCed •Clfcau lultuo rcl sin, tu thc otnend.noot of Occ C0U•ii.,.., ,, --j, boloc ll,a mom recoluou , which *a, opal, 'obi a maj,rity of the otetachroc Cock,' Is each tiunao of lho LW 100.4 cur.-400r krb, loco .1./ly conc.:rood mod ditouttud, eta qua day ogoCTO I . Ly 1 /tropic/1y of lbe et.. lobe, ecru-a, tiod •./ccor to the Hato< of Repret.etaltc/a of Fenosi I. auix, Of Itc itotaut lowan ac 0/11 altpcor 07 /hue c 0..., (Oyu 01. r af t 110.1 iootoge of Iht I c50101,..c. /... t 01,,•., r 0— Thoor •t.e.. In Lot, of the rossco. of the rtsult, too, vcr... Jobt, A eica 4 .100 A !loc., WI . li, . EWE a IL bort 11.aldoi a, 114.11 J flout, Cra, B. Mk, .1 itroutill, Black, lulu S. Boom IV/Ilialn Brioche, Daniel IL 13 D-over, J 0... R. IN 'dm, John IN,T.It. I loctry Ott/rola lAu N. i '0t.,14,1/ tot, Pale./co 1.1/ idlontl, WO own U. cc.,,,d, wicm.., 2, fad.. tint, Join.td I. Pcs.coca Tito,. PI2(ICAD, Wi11..,, Dunn, W,ll - unc•Ecjtcy, Jolt., C. Evans, W.I ion Idotoo, .A.I Soo./ Idtorrtg Alc( omit. 6 Foddlter, Jones Fit/veto, 1!.1.11-sita I'. Fortner, aloloodor CiAbooty, Th000t• C. Oro., .1....0, F. o.lllln Juiefth OnPoy, Jscoob 8. ItalclamO, lloorget 11. 111.1, LON rI Rata lobo Ild/ufirga Wi114..1 Fleroph.ll, Jib, 1 1040;11r/try Hurled Lewis Iles ford. 11 achntscso J. Jack/moo, 111 Ch Cos IcreoJohn W Kallttoc,M. Clcolo• Y.. Kttolf.cad, llobrrt 61111., Mori./ 1 1 Laird. Morcla Lerch, Jon dono 13 Lolao'n.coLconx/11, Juno* J. Loots. Ifoory 1.11 Ca I,aca It. 1.1 . Cf cdu:k. Joh, I , M/Cull ,eh: M. waderC. 31 'Co f , John 111'Lau.1.1to. J.latt M'lotto., Saccorl Mara Jolts 11 Alo•k, Mielteel 51c) en, Julm Miller, Jo, ph C. Mcdl,,A, uhf D. Morn-, William T. Muricla Fcellel . Moo, 33 Icrard IV iele!ecoo, Jamb Piicsly, Cboolt, f cask,s, lobs. 11 Frielerr, Jecuiplc /I 1'oore1). James C. 'Reid, lt.lot S. Ithry, Loup. Rotates. Fooaciel Ilubintoo, Jell, .11. 'L.A... cord cuntt W 0c06.14, Thom.. C Scuo:ler, 1, illidto Shy Mica itiolor4 Sc•oftson 111, 012,1,, 0,1111,,. 12,,,,,h, AV Dun A. Froi . h. Dowd It Solpor Wllliont II , 00dcr, 7 hutoas C..Sttol, 11 , 11,1 Sic,vot tl. Chmtle. Sicaccrla 111. In C. Toll.. Andortor Wade. Iltdort C. Waltoor, Thontoto Woloco, 61d/..y D. Wolf, Iloalt A Witlicadc Ddocal 7.../ bey. sod John S. 131 , 1'alconot Splakot—Y.... S 7. . Milt. v4l, ng rano. of the molotitn vrcre, h".. a..t law? M. Var.,- 1‘.)• Ettrart from ill. Sn.ern I=l =MEM I ••• 1,:11 the nbo, and rarcoir; trn, i nl ro a a.. cli,tl Ije (let,. A, • ••tnt• 1 C;11,1 Itt•Auliola rcl , narndmrsa uC ~tatit.d.,• • Ilia Ilse samt retrum • ,r 1 Ilia 111 Ott.. • In tratimrtly Ithe•lac(' hava . / / ha,tl. thr or Ihr tmt, •. 015,, ot 1 .how of lnut, amt. th,e....? ;I.t ,Tultoti rod lilt, EMES=lian V.X.I - 1141. frotl7ll.lL 101..011_ , L t. -- (20R pll, iel , rt Cl Cl,.' r•uto prop:le:on r ‘lt.i Mdk On , ell I•oito lot the tecopl:on rronmre Or u. e. f•11:(1 11. c Idnom .- 3 44 reel d. roi Iti and WOO.: streets. 111 IN) ard, Aldo: sore, cor.t.d.ctly 4313110 std A Ikln. ye/km.141,1.m,, 1. 4.lit as, Tr:. diuttrtdt, cot rourth John F. mote, corner Ins I e , U,yur.. Tele.driph VoLor, Pootat rrna.••• ; • II 0 Kelly. grocer. Nab ill,torge:nr3taractud:cy. Gr.., l'enu st•ect.Ntatli Thr vr,,,401,, egll,l•Ayie, 4r Or, ttnit; mroll,ll, and 11.dtIonr,&r.dcliverod fddtodtilr..lll`ot Snt.elf nr ri r—ec.olt tloarie prefarlloolor tamliy c.e—witt•out.chargo for Callgtc ptain 0.14 ”.1 coount. can Id, allcoOrcd, add thnt (001 1/llt VC o pernt•ion Ico , c. tour ...1:1:01.ti.}1 , :en:. We bop* Om poWin urdl pled, tetth tldd nr rnnstement, ai weidtallcudecoor to do diem jatice. Wir.M & Notv • • by, up. oat , 20 Yrs/ Sump at lIT Fc.11..; bozos O ' 'X. de from purP r lemon laice; Vos I,moo fSn_q_'?r oo „ tc,clied *KlaaQn hto- VOL. XVII. NO. , 309; PILOCLAMIAVOII. hliflV all tuns who into sick:rind nfaitted with dir IV cone off*, bladder and kidneys...o.h rheumatic. wins in hack or limb., klif iniatry old toms, hen c ei ricrts,&e.lll:o they ant be cured - by akar,' troleiind may talk about latticing A own= al rich It, you hferwl, hot fits Born Cot mate lt so, for' pruchth - d W :he fade GrAillbortt{: cominuitity,Mat • It has strives Whieh are not contained :in any nano remedy. The 111.11 t Who In tasked with yule And Sub frit:Citron, ttotthl, ran for Lily rent,, eel relief anyci the Ws ecru, alavh.l Reader!' it Cosa serf hide artiste atrial' This keuolehm is no mix ture—no cmciand, hut ep for therdohost of Imposlng the community; but, In n remedy elaborated by themoans bond ot nature. and rabbles op from rho bo.. fors 01D,If moiler earth in tts.oritriluil parity, and of rers to cutter/nit butnrosi y ready' remedy, a certain sad cheap cute. • ' It Imo cured Pike tact.' other medicines late° railed rerder uny relict. it has dureleHtealnalisat Of keg heading, aid 'at tlta WOMI and matt patella character it h. cured Cholera Mothas by hoe or two aonesi it bas cored old case, ninrth every ea, trilvhich eve other remedy hoe been of no aritil. Ae 5 kcal remedy In and ' , cable, it la bocci than bay betties! com port.' re cintrrinnt that tee knew pr. II kill cam °MI , lmn• or hawed fret, to It kw nehlteationat . Onennht rd rtn l,c thrniabod arta truth abOtSked 01 the 'Move atatentent by calllitst Oh bean/HM.loer, Cana! liaa.,:lrth were or eitheCoptho emend. Komcr R :McDowell. 'corner or Wood street end Vire. A hey; It. le. 57 Whoa street, TS A. El ant I, NI, Carry, Allegheny city, are the agects. ielett Urnle , AND IttheiritD I The most intspnitraht Dilm:overo on Ito.' condi—Sure lt-rmerly for, this PllO5l 11 12 • 11 P. IIitOWNS Ceierit3ted' Emerge!, d i nteri. nnn Itnnindy ter thy 'Pitt it,,has already, proved be the only *me core over Presented terthe nuldtc. thelll,envery of tats valuable medicine, end the large numory of ex: relay coot, with which Dr, It eon, box treivnil, on one has ISO ail to be entirely eared. Uneilt toe rerrty_hrnlinq Mims extant, niter n 1011613 Sala VC.", of ezpirtioninslthey, has We offen lea the patient where they eoromeneed,.or worse: hut' otter a few thy, will decide titan nano by effecting n perfect cure.' • CTirZT , T , . I VT.;. not orno Yin. Ishired or piment to pro, my nioilloino. ('introduce It upon its Ilyamerits. by It, effect I Uncoil it shall Wand or full. u prefer dint loodwoino discus's, thaVILM, to the value do low drill Vis, I re.it dui nark. with von. 4111. DiP : Lloyd Rohl wholesolo and ictull by 12 li SELLEII9 _luso% tr, wo,•i 11141110 Al. AND Soll.CilOtili orIPM .• ~..-A) XNo. 41, DIA.IIOIIID ALLEY, a ... 4! . ., , Larre .,d lioerabj or, Wood ..4 , a!r1!.•-• .. 1 4 1 tV .Dltf.6E/0 WWI 11.1•Ing been • v,... ,... .. r r eeady eductded 47 lholtred!ertl . fitC44ll'll din 6c"sTtil and • Lre ' e s tru: llti , rYiyi(ll, \ his• attention to .111 s treatment of - ir,,,p4 -. 5 ,- ; ;;;. the7c poste old dellestO :coal- V\ O L L-Up , v punts ((q 0, hls opportatuue a .. ..c., - .1 , add expeneuto I , t , eitlintly quality 1 . , 1:71 , 7 1 him. 14 rents araideourl7 devoted: 1, Cad/ lc treatme.nt (Althorn comphaints4daruartoluall : l'Aur he has had nitre emetic., and ha; cared tiara pa,: lent, thud' t an.eyer fall to the Itt of any private Inv C., gunner) amply qualiilcs Ida to offer assurances 01, speedy, permanent, and ratlsraciory cure to all afllletod trona.with dchenta dittasts,autl'all &scares among tharsl Or. tirown 'venial:Morse Viotti nibteted Wi t h ptmt. direasen winch have l,reurtm :throttle by time 01 greaated by the ale Of nny of die coMmort nostrams of lac day, that their complaint. so he radically andther2 marbly cored, hs having given htx earclol attention to the treatment oSsoch caeca, and succeeded in handreda ai immecm in taring poreon. Of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kit:dyed dittmaes which often themfrom there casts uncle Otherp have consigned them to hopeless timpair. lie partieisharly mattes each v. Pnve'bTen Wit :Ltd eureceoleicllY trentral,by others to teacuphien, 'when every sallefdttion will be RIVET them, acd their canes treated in a coiefal,tlouron gh and intelligent manner, truMed-out bpi long experience, study, and invealleauon,whieh it is latuderdile for there engaged in general practice of medteitis to (LTG to one close of damns.. D'llernia of Anyitetra.,Dr. ftrowb also Invites per with Ifemt to call,. he has PM4 pates; mixl eo.mvm Id cANctutS 'Aro eared. , . . St In di.o o U t,Palgy, stn., ipoodity ;arid Charges rely 14w. N. B.—Yntienl• of olthecsay...llYing al adlstanee, by canny their disenke in writing giving all th e spay romr, rna ot.fain medicines venhdlrecoors for nee, by ad.:mooing T. 111(01VN, IL IL, past paid,and =dos; Ing n frn. , UMea No. CS:. Ditmor.dansy,oppOdtaths Waverly Itttortoonsta..-Dr. rtrovon's newly rtlifeovered rent t .ty for Ilboaotot,, Inn , r,;,erly and certain remedy (Cr toot routt'ot wane. It uric, fade. . . Ulu oral Prtva.letin- Roomy rio. (, Di z rittfllnrgh, rei. Trio Poctor IA always Dn.. it. 1040 • Vilvtlelfil ATOILIf filfictrltalr/1521. TILL AMERICAN R ILE U la TIC. ItA LS Aril!! A DIENV tamedy.letrly discovered. in the Vegetable li."toodom—a sure stud mrmanent care lot all Rheumanc Complatrlr, such us Indtuaramory, Clitenitt. Acute end Mercurial. Enteurearitm, (hoot. Lumbago, ghat ATections, TM. 17, , t1c.ne has long hero sought for. It has Leen sod that Rheusbahttu couhl not be cured; hut there is a remectitlesarntut Ly Leung for Me much: every Ills. rare Mat the. Inlinah system le subtrat to. At :sat re tard,. ha. been fauna that cures Itheumat.in of the worst fetal—nue pf the most valuable vegetable prt.- Cautions of the earth—they,relstaat DiO6t iniportant C....every of the as', amt.* vsnattorfhl Fleecing In the human family. It cams mit:loot etetening or slebillta eat:, and rreemocesrevath ocd vigor to the Whole eye ono It lies carml.dunng She peat three mouths, ever Soh cases that wore eon...literati incurable. llerabettter of the earntiro properties of this medi cine cal be scan by calling cn the Agents. None geninne unless put up with an engraved label ,011 O[l,lJ, tartipsw,'ilistied by the proprietor; F. 11.5RNER, ItuSxio, t. V. :bad by H. SAIY.SER, , . _ toner Thud •nd Menet rt. Pintolerelt. See. eso Ly G. S. 111P31/Lti, 1 Nl2i, et, TO THI Ad OVAL AND r castemcr6rirs or ia.s.tasuals wEano rant aN tr.rtars "fart.' Tax lump 05 moue 0 71111011101,V1L. Scrofpla or Eitigni Loll, Rbearnatieln, Obitinate nem,. Eropunos, Pimples or Pristules no the Face, Blotches, Biltx, Chrome Sore Eyes, Ring Worm FhitaregmentimdPaln of the Bones and Jonah., titubburn. Ulcers, syphillto Spornons, Sciatica nr Lornhago—and deases a flying from', ern o.e{ df Allireety, /lel. ote.Vor Dropsy, Ezpoium or Itauttitieuce so Life; Alio—Chronic ConvillationaliElaordare,drd Tluomedicine Mil araluired n Very lerended and arKlabluliedleptlollol,l ,N6erCirer , 11.•baal been u , cd, nti bored erelt °gala own merits, Which itiantrtlOT Thoor.fordonale drib of On reditarliWiteitueiwiptaixollan glands, contracted iiincvs, rind bend' trait carious, has both *stole,/ to tenith hod vigor, The semfolaus patient, corm/ with alert,. Inothhema to kin/self nod his attendants. hat been Made Natio'e. hundreds ct ; persona, who hed pro:ivied bagel:sale . for years cinder cutaneous and ethitilater di.rderx, ollronic! rbentaatisnoralid molly num, aprlneina from a derangement of AccretiVel 010.3 Witt Cho circulation. have been rats.. 4 as it were from the rack of disease. nod now; with regeoeralial ennttllptivkl, gladly Ittotry to Om ctileacy of Mos lociitimal.le paration. 'irk/Lail IS STItANGEII lIAN FICTION." • .The inientioe qtLe reader Is eallal to the fol/owiref asinelehing eureimter. mil by the use Sandi' Baran "Thte is :et sierilrethnt I have • celortsd womanatho In been entitled for the inst. bee pearssibh Scrofula, and all the remedies I riled had no- erdet In amain,' the kogress of the complaint; on the fenel:try., eta constantly prep Worse; coil after earendlng between 870 and tea nvan yhymetnes, other , .ropular remedies without nieces% till the 4e.,.. e ...,1;,4 eaten .away the eta-niece:or her nose.onade its opt 'peat - anus ell Item oir her tidily, mid finallle . ' cernmene,l sir ramie es In - the root of her mouth "In tilts- dreadful tjtaation. with the prospeec,o dente /nil-Medic( in the. face, I elated her eaceter-Dr Livnsway,itias agent far Slants' Fliesatinnlla bell!, N. al ; I.y wboto I will advised use that aTtinlo and In iny durpente and :Int oirey ne:glitiori,to wham '- her none h ot,7a, alter acing Mere.trdws, hell bel lies she , al.nie...:olad pertantnenttnAlind,bou lathe pate of tbree eteeta and m-en a ble trlaiork iwo toe CIR i ' l . oll] the lion ;be oneanantsnd Intint ins ••to wan,ss nt tin truth hit hone temente , MbXed'my name ' i 7 l , ttith day of senteMbdr ; 1947. . "month elfin ars lirrce.C.osran e... 0 C. lrilfrOAT, . • . The following is an egtfatt. from a letter receive:lL. from Mrs. Berne, tout hod teem:urn:MA several yenta.. with Scrofulmia Ulcer}, I)p.pcprlu, Ae, and reoaoCY , ut edlection of the throat and -"L . "Banstmeen, y.,DeO.I3,IpME "'Beane. Ari B. D. eatins--Deforc I commented', sod:trines wan, fittest' peat exprcralom my Wrens , tae enMpletely odeerated, 1 hod a ri,gagroi end Mere even frequently weeks together tat , I could ret cpcnk above a wide- Pen and beetles, the fidicanteinn item toy threat efeL tendedmy, , tend, an Mat iv/ tearing wtoverY much. nopoi t ed, it et taklne the ha enryaeulaa chart time, my tehith vow dog roved. and my throat it now well; 1 am ; r oe iron , conga and,tiehmers of the eters aa .can, rind cun imar tio,lc Maur ctly. My Mcnat, ha. t ern reel! vets thice biontl.s, the cure of which be. beenetfurred entirely by the twe of year Salsa pa nue. Viler 11,0U/SA IC. 11,0U/SA D LToe fnhowlr.ri tectinioniai to tbewa.nc of the Soren'. Anna... tr.-to the Bev Il.ottket M.ltiuhttettn,l7Gl'dfnt Cenerrgatanial hliviater„ eLaiding at WoLorn. :limit., MO 'et 50,1940. ohlewec. Santis; tientlemen—lNOto 'shall bare sir tett...ter nee from the int:moon. I bore tremolo , reettree hem ts number of pervons of high reepeetew Min). who have "used your Sarsaparilla, I ba not thc diatdit bat th us ilia a mowt.valanblo medicine and that the trutterome cortilleatet you have tenoned' of he edit Ivey ere fully. ig:mined :by ~,gporigogo, and sip; alloy and wilily are eery extensive, aril stand to fie need at my thinbte efforts to meccas. them,/ wat.0.1.11 who are Sellictoth by disease to.L.bo, entry acquailitOd with:the <Mersey and power of year weldable mod dice. Li L - .1 run, gend6lacrt, gratefolfy and eery rerpettfally . your, LUTLfEIt Prepared :tad aold, wholesale and (mall, by A.B, D. SANaht, Inas:gird! and Chertowa, ItoFeltran tuner, corner of.l.V4llldm, ties. Voce. Sold alto by Drug sirnts general:l otrourrhunt the United States and Cwt. ado, Puce 51-per bottle. ate hottlenfotiti..: F o s e ons by L. R'UUe: lt O.A. FAIINFZTOCIC et),,, awl 1:1/WARI) PENDLatell. ritibburgh:l AU. ad, by Vt. B.)ibill'll.l3llderitft. ' 1,144414.1044E/ IZ=2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers