The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 31, 1850, Image 3

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    p ot
WMIIIIOIOI, /lily 30
Sawn—Mr. Davis presented the crediMidals of
Robt. C Winthrop, the appointed Seastor from
Maasaebuietts, in place of Mr. Webster, norigned.
Mr. Winthrop, after.being they qualified, look ha
Mr. Pearce; frotortho Select CommilMo on the
Foote sad Benton disorder, In the Senate, made a
report' which was ordered to he printed, Oa
motion of Mr. Benton, tiro evidence taken In the
caw was alto ordered - M.6e printed.
Mr. Mason introduced • joint resolution, de.
slung, no effect, that the annexation of Texas is
tronriusive of the titleclainned by Team against
the United Staten; iainO,i directing proceeding,' t o
conotonuity with such declaration. The moie
ties was ordered to i second reading.
The Omnibus Bill was taken up at 2 o'clock.—
The quatioe pending being on Mr. Brodbary's
amendment submitted festerday.
Winthrop rose, and said , be had
received a letter this morning from the Giovemor
of Massachnsetts, informing Mtn that he had been
appointed Co supply tho ;vacancy in the Semite oo
ruinned by the resignation of his distinguished
fraud now In the oMee 'of the Secretary of State.
Having desired to atropC the appointment, wad
being called on to do , so without delay, be , bad
thought fit to 'antounce, in presence ta°
Dough. that his plate' Will be vacant from this
day, and he reipkated the fact to be. announced
to lire Grimmer of Matractooseue to Its natal
--- with which
in baking bin leave of the nesse,
be had been so long asmelateo, le wished Ursa!
la the briefest and simplest j terms that be should
always cherish the highest nerd thr ill charapter,
and be ezprared hut hearfeit wish.. to the SPealf•
er, and each member; for their health and pros
Mr. Winthrop then withdrew to, the Senate
Chamber. ,
Mr. Harmonson, • member (row the Committee
on Publid land., and Mr. blacken of the Commits
la on Indian Attain. Were, by request or their
colleagues, caused Irma service on these cons
minas, to cam apace of ill health. .
The vaesecia oetlif ions& in the Committees
of forehto Maus, mull/tem:tints, by the resigns.
two egmr. Winthrop and the death acids. King of
Mrossauselts, wereadwed io be filled .
Ile Speaker announced the bushman before the
Mono to be the motion to reconsider the vote by
vebib was retorted' to the Committee of the
Wlsie ea the state of the Union, the bill attire
- ever man • farm free of eat.
jr. Evans, of Maryland, who was entitled to
the flea, mid be would not make a speech, but
wu a view of proceeding with the public business
belts the House, and Pot having a desire to ride
thedenunrogue hobby,he moved to' lay the me
. Po to reconsider on the table, which was agreed
to: L •
the Mouse then sat bito Committee of the
Wale on the caw of +ht Union.
Ir. Bayley movedSo he aside the California
Bt', whieh was agreed to—Yeas 95.—Naya
Ai on hi■ motion, the bill to pay flevolaitonary
air. 'tam pensioners:was taken Up.
;he Stun prevents as from receiving the
mdndtmf the Conmensionat pie teediegs.
. I
To dawn set apart for the Funeral Et nom of
The Occasion woo bf the most imposing de.
arriptimoThe cottego was about twenty Inoue"
long--oripling,when in an emended bog, about
one thirst the route, Which was upwards of 60
moms; Ave miles to length.
The Mtge began to more at II o'clock, A. bd.
and dlebt reach Christ's cherch cool after 3 ol
clecti-Pst-, thus taking upwards or four hours
to go milts. route: The column was about an
hour am half in uniting a given point.
The Pe number in proccnion, when it start
ad Wawa 10,000. Tais, number dwindled
Sown Os than dna half before the route had
been gooses, eo intense and oppressive was the
beat. II it nut been for the extreme hot weath
er,themould no doubt hove-been at least 20,000
In the pieuion.
I buscueum,' July 29
Derime 44 boursi ending a 6 o'clock, I'. M.,
to day, to were 12 interments Irom cholera, and
:IS Imola, diseases;
I . Cticutirtl.lo.lT 3 o.
_ .
The!cre, dulat .24 hoar• d r
to day, Itatmenia (nun Cholera, and as from cat
hew Imix, Jalp
The ket ship Waterloo, from Liverpool, IT
rived mathorod of Saud, Hook, lam
the herci of the Homan Etepirkle,
on noitbo,%Vitetion. He ism have &veal
public ptiorkin this clip.
thamamorr. July 29
. Flo*9le =Him fa gore, and drooping, with
small tat 51,2254.:3 par bbl.
why—Male. 1-8.121 1-4 persaL - -
Prom are without dmp.
Sovgamendly bold fur a funhcr advance of
1-4 e: • • I
Glifales of 11M at 19 1.2, and firm.
nuke IMPORT.
• Now Your, icily fth.
Floessy, with; no abippina taquiry, but a
fair dsf for the n•st and borne trade, at 111,15711
rtt Ia in 'demand and beta above the
vieeirboyczr. , We quote mixed Wes ern at
use, t yellnw it 13443,3 a,... per trPah.
Pe:Cur—The Weller In reek Is better and
n kaarger„ 'at 610,37351.0,41 for mean, nod
Ag. 31,0 for prime: trod la in Waited mined
ow eller hat relief*.
Orr. Coffee
nod Sugar are steady, with
=Weals" to tio) trader.
To—Thera la a fair apeentaure Inquiry th
the d, and a good city trifle dhmand.
• Cistwoutti, July 3).
FINe notice deeline hoot, with of
aerate ear brl.
vpsales .
pats—ewes Orson brie Mess Perk at Eloper
brl. t articles ars withoat
yglhaniScent ea•abGenment being
. nar tom.
rad tasty for tosinesatheptheneuir would
reap, solicit A share of the public Pavane.
Ne ey giving ,tile full attention to the baiter.,
a me house a
e pleamet and comfertable rerun
for Hems of;Pitithergh and
ge the country
• Clettld•Attl will be in waiting, and every ex
ernes to reader the eslahlishment earthy the
cause and aspen of an kr tellieent community.
170 SPACIOUS HALLS, heed for Parties.
Coodnetarm,! Balla, and pantie mantles, will
be lee canines or week, or, as liberal terms as
ay Ci Duchy:
Th. and RESTAURANT. easel le style and
beiseany Le the world, will be kept (undated
withsViaes, Choice Lavers, Cordials, Patera,
Alealtthe cool, light, relthaintles of the season.
PeGamm, PIM, Soap, Oyster., and Cutts,
serve the beet style. •
ThINO end. ICE CREAM SALOON, being on
the far, and may of access, will be constantly
suppth all the Luxuries and Delicaries of the
also,with such eastantials as the markets
snort j '
• So be th e: day, week, or year. Dtnners or
Serp individeals or panics, Welshed on short
with idieix
o ffamines els 1.1 e the City COM,
. be O al with refreshments f all i ki r' eds at any hour
' . seepon (Jubilee x
eeted With the IDO ad an etensLive '
Livery Erantien-
lot I o'clock. Dres.kfostandTen at th e usual
re for Indies le the lee Crease and Dining
Sao 07 Satnneld street.
• EH AN t 3 E • B ROK E RS,
•. Cartier kf Third lard Maria era.
=ACTION/ AZ MOO 1.1..11L 1102'.
Nuran movattirso sTbnie,
U., at Pritit Ital St. Oct meet,
lillV.X.tt4 DER a EONS, Fottambing Under
, vtttettrenkry ankle" {or banal and
No win* wi Inv% en Twonable tem.
VlDUiteilfl'etiAtlif WORK&
J os,4l M'art of the fifth Chatabers,Agi
• wog, ~iortspeetfolly inform tho-old ea.
"'"'" eisit be will tithe oro
ear, lass lastaus, In *P. its
1. , , Pt All all keen far Afoot...
coritiltert, moots, n ar k" 'MAP, at. at
Wryne bib " 40 " . Ills warthog= is No st
fis as hi, bouggeo Fmk, Seeoalw. jy3l“l2in
Clad: iNdfirdd-l4ad Plttalsarigla
leCof areselation of Donr d
of Dlrtt
tthe;Cierefattd, Werth end Pittsburgh.
oeotepany,Te resting the iney
Get ors to be pehluthed in the
the ritabit'orth. grain bf
tats y. I imbeds the fo Hearten
TlCTelegrayls cessinences at e„d s io
tonna Pittabargh, pausing . thrum m t ,.,t r ,.
Fad. Sot Newton Palle Warren. Yereasteeen,
- and la th e State of Ohio. and New
Cod e and
Koala the State of Pennsylvania, at 'ewe,
yasin ere .flees locates" for the receipt ~,,,g
trate of business. •
Tie leriVh of this line la 149 utilea—Carao
ptoepet mile, nuking •told eaTitat shock of
fra.'hiett sinoant 510,U113 it be d by entrees
o loise,tsnd the balance to bold 1 , 7 Cornell &
goetontraetors.. The abirre puseent of Sob.
• oestg clones: have been paid to Cornell &
. ' gipethich the Tresses." , boo their receipt-
;. JFYFESSON SALM, Secretary.
11 . DWELL di CO., ,
t OßDlise siguonsacrii.
w; Pes: (dsitAs Par, Past qr..) ' '
irimstanently located at this place,. acer
medial Wharf Dom, vre are . prepared to re
ooPircrard promptly wall pea:man the ricer,
*dad Beavererr Ohio Carsala DI Co,
deloce 15.—)eld '
Fat.tto No 3 IlLick_oro4 ,
, tati gY~d; for ttb b 7
.4 retched „ nom ., & KIRK PATRIC K
tll5-1 ;r om consin... &toile by
ylm oma wroso
. -
as 1111X101.1.4•••IAll X COGpTI••••4DR. 11.C14
roa rue uric. vrmaa JOLT 3J.
In reviewing the market for the *reek jut closed, we
haws nothing of emend interest to nonce. Clarinets
inlet, with no marked change m
The weather emganat the week has,been very
arise Wed, and we hare he'd • nttmker of severe Shun.
der aroma, and heavy aion darrnif that period. In of the ulna, .600 rise In the char lad
nielpared, bet op to the present writing, the.
list or consequence: There Is cull, how
. .
ever, a setneiener of venter for the lightest steamer,
flit toads of freight Sermon on the riv
er, bossesencoMthum. yeti limited.
ygif h 5 coal, dating the Lot steamer mouths,
the demist! for Ashes Is quite Waited, and nosy little
h., Wan doing to the way of sale.. The fellestialt
m aybe given ets the amine) rates, with small sales:
wart Ashok; Saltratas, StaLiet Potash, illgt4iet Soda
Art, 3101, and Scattiness at italidle p b.
APPLES—We notice the arrival daring We week
of considerable gaantithe • of green Apples, which are
dolt of silo. A lot of le lible loss sold an Monday, at
;ALE—We continue our quotations for Ale, ling,
cioh Included.
'BACOPI—ViIe notice no change in the bacon mar
bet during the past week, and sales have been of •
Iflttend chuacter, at lust quotations—say, for best
gaaluy .agar eared hulas, 100; and for common do, Se
b, by the use. Sales horn store and from minim.
hotter, of Shoulders, at 41e4f; Soler, flICIAll; and or
plain llama af7Cll'le 10; rough cut emintry cured
bacon is Wild a lower figure. - '
itßooslB—We cadre fair supplies to ztore, with
Inge of 011 es to SAM V doz, asconitng to
BUCKETS k TUBS—Prieea ore onettanyek with
Try mbar sales lo cowls? Bade. it 52:2032:25♦ doe for
bucket; end SYCPSTX for tubi.
BUTVER—The season Is very dull for batty. Very
Mks la wiling, and we can reyert no Wes of conic.
BEANS—Wu hear of moderate sales of Deans, at
111081,13 P bus, for a (sir &Wee, and as high as
111,a far best quaky.
consequence of the break to the Ohio
Cans!, the arrivals of Cheese from the W. Reserve
basil hero very limited. Sales have been confined to
moderate lots, .1 &(6O is D.
CRAWLERS—We give the following as the rashes:
market pier foe the diCamat under this head
Water Orsesers, per bbl - —8443
Saner " "
Dyst Brepeptic do "
Coo C
Sugar Crackers, per lh
Soda do " 74
CORN 1116aL—We notice a moderate demand and
fa', supplies, with sales from atom and the mills, at Go
tkMa bo.
CORDAGE—We note no further change to prices.—
The following are the blanufarturers' prices;
Aisrullarope, by • —• Ile f D.
White Rope, by coil,— Ile "
dt Col,* 12e
Tarter' Rope, by c0i1,.---.—..r00
do -• ••llc
Pecking Vann, fine,•---• • • Pe
do common,--• • • do "
Manilla, 111,87.0dater1,75 P dos
•lir '
Scrap, SI,C-091,1583,00 p dos.
do p roil,••••100 D.
Manilla, 87k 7Se IP dn.
Kymured Cordage In sold regularly at Isio Y 0:
COTTON YARNS—The follow:tie a corrected
tater thc 'meioses articles under this head :
No. 2, eta per lb la
o •—do
" " -131
"" •---do
" " • —ao
"12, " " --do
No. SOO, eta per lb • • • •ltli
t Y
Coverleam, —23
corros 3111111T1:76
Pluaburga m.o(aetared,
No 1 at Be. end common o
COPPEII—The regular
ire as followst—Cliff Mine,
sheet, .`"e; and old copper
the following corrected - list
principal ankles under MI
Os 12017
Alum, " 3/0 4
Asstatida, lbs• • •-•a1a123
Arrow Rom," ••• 4EOIO
tutueforua, " •••-10011
Borax, refined— • ....UO2ll •
MD= Poro .1,W01.,75
do Cop ...45031
Brimstone.. 13••• 4107
Camphor, ref; ••40045
Chloride lime, csa. - air •
Cochineal': . .. 1,5001,73
Coma Tartar .... • 233
..... .••110
Doe, bbls • •41/0120
Galls ••• • •
Cans Amble, -- 7 .30070
Trarteeloth, Wenn
••• shalom ! " • 15008
Mastic 1,.1
Ipecac 2,450415
/dap, powderehtmal•bn
Lithatge 51361
Pesch. are dull at 17,23 P Mts.
DRIED BEEF—We nodce a firmer demand, with
trek-Irby the tree. at 910101 e Y Ib.
FLOUR—There has been no marked change in the
Boni market during the week, aldwagh them bas been
a falling Of, both in demand and' prices. Very little
has comp foraftd• and: sales from fast bands, have
been very limit ftM111,004.37. Some email lots of
sapit for new 'Meat Mu have sold at higher prices.
From 11010, prices have been very Lumen ed and in
v.aer of a fattier tbettni, nine lot. are ofihred at low
rhea Bales to the imam hotme irade have been con
gaed to dray lead lon, aril 3:011,1101,SO Y bbl.
Res Plocs—We hewer no sale • of.neeneenee.—
We may glom nominal), so 63,6703.75
FISII—We nodes a Moderato demand, hot prices
are generally the lama it given in oat alt weekly
report—nar, (or 00511000,510 P bbl. Shad, Nu
No 1 Mackerel, IPA°, ;No 2, 110,50311, .d
No 3at 14100,Z. bbl. Seel of Barring at 85/10, lot
0000100110 0011111•0111 y. Cot s o h, 44.25 Y 0100.
FEATHERS—We cordinic our quotattone m 310
3/ for good western. , •
FRUIT—The amend is falt with sal. of raisins
at CI 2103, WO fr lox Pales et!tilmonds, at 16023 e
lb; of Ground nun. at alatolp Y bum of Peacana,
none; of Silbert., 70net of Cease nuts, at 0007 c; of
Zalll4 Curran!!, st9o2g, and of English Walnuts at 7
ggpre; Oranges, 15,3, Figs, p th; Lemons, 45
. 00
05351; Cocoa NaVAO,23 Y tar.
FRElGHTS—Thefellowlng are the Canal rate. far
ea, p.m% cut, whin are either loooola
HOMO A Reuter 41'
Ike salted,. bbl•-•11te
Bristles ft Hair. • • -• • ex
Cheetua -•i.... ...... 750
Conan —• —Aloe Pork, ibis ltd.
Ibrogs TelSeilieines••• 75e ito rs , 200
- Mau Seeds 17.10
Dyed Petit.----•••••2c St Ms, Deer te Buffalo 710
P.oar— ..... ••: Tobacco, Ohio go.
Pura A Pet:rte.—. Do Ky •--•• •We
Feathers •••••---•••le Sec
Purnitore••• • ....... ••lb Wool ' 670
filasswou•--•—•-• d Whiakey,bble•—•—• •1500
Flakuod —• • Sheep Pena.- boo
lludware 7 illemp, Rope*. Binghtg Ono
Rua Falesevn—O wing the fair stage of weer
and the scantly of (trig., the che rgea
point:rust eantauaniv low (or the seam. Th.
nominal rates are, to Gowiitti, 20325; Louisville, 21;
and St Louis, Mere ly
GROCERIEB-5 0 1.r ankfolaseta rontinue very
Oren, with an advancing insney. Sales of Satar
have been confined to lleallehs. b y the ...,0
01 for fair to plum, and 10 for Inman. Stier: of N 0
Siolassaa at 73D7fn to Oily 4r, and 97077 m the
0000101, in oTTraoi and no, bl Coffey remains ea
tioaary at 101, 1010110 for Rtoc„ o rs 11
m 430480; of Loaf Sugar at ea, and of Mee at di
00e ig d.
GROIN—We nonce, daring 0... h,
coutderable quantities of new op %Vnaal to thin
motel About IMO ha were lans ;ono , t h e . 1 , 000 ,
Reveille yesterday morning, for, City hhh,„
wheat wan bought oat of the marl 0......., when
delivered on the wharf, Ithe Phaiseh ,s the pnnrnt
rating rate for prime new wheat...
ward alowly,:and way be quoted this market at
CU 0 b. Oats are declining, .. 4 a now be quoted
from firsi bands, at 210.11 e ♦ bo, invite are light
We bear of no sales or corn to any ton., bat map
quota at 650 IP b. Nothing doing
GLOM—Wo notion no snnogn w rindow Class
sales of city brands, aby 10,1133,75; y I 2 n $4,15
04,50 noL
Country brands an sold at lower pr.,, d may be
gaoled an follows:
- by 10 ••••—• .62,7510 by 15 • ....
IC by 19 .
10 by 10 3 5
10 by II 10 by 17
N aI L S-71 in " ow ingls °' of pncei
the yariong attmnlr. ander tbs. head :
Igo:a—Plat bar
Round and oquass
Hand •••••• ..... •.• .. • ... ••••••• 04 a
a 1100 P ... . ..... 0/7
" Sheet
Nana--10 to 20 penny ifykoh
. 8 to V penny .........
g to 7 peen! 4A,
6 Panay
4 Pc."7
" 3 1.5 4
Rrissa—Cat, 3t044 3/ taca - 4,1:41
Cat, 5 ta lack ,50
" e 1,3 7 lael sp)
/EATEER—We !lava an changes 15 nauti u ,
sitiou articles ander rills bad. Italttatora
0141, ard N Y at c3015c it
LARD—Tbk market Is &And tale. late be e
ha, al km* skibblk and kegs from 11101"6.
vs&D—Tber, 4 s reply demand In the mars
Oa for bar,
LIAD Pm—Tha priient nuva orvices of Lad'
4 f , tool, accerding to she.
Iburptsba—Stlea labia by Oa sluistoubt je
wigs cu.
W D R O W N vreelved far mile by
Wong Lua —l*re load's telling at IY, and No I al
f'. 9 l keg. ;.
LIME-salaa of Loulayslio LW= are effected at I AZ
• bbl.
LouEEt—The following list of prices has been
adapted, by • number of oar dealers, to take effect al ,
ler the first of July, lost:— •
I ineb Cemnion Board, per 1000 feel, 111 CO
I do do do do 1900
I J do do Plank, (0 MI do 19 Co
2 do do do do do 2100
1 do Clear Dowd, en do 1100
14 do do Plank, AP MI do 01W
11 do do do do do 44 Ort
Pine Jout, (B 111) do 11 00
II do do do lelo
fi Scantling do 1000
'PM do do II OM
Shingles per Id (Wane) 173
OlLS—Sales or 605 gallons Linseed Oil, at f ale on
'lime. Sales of No. I Lard at asolso, of NoV, al 420
000. Winter bleached spans, 11,30; de enbleacked
11,43; Fall do, 543301,40 4 , gall. Tanners' o'.l-stray
be quoted at 510017 p bbL _
POWDER—Hazard and Dupont Mae Powder clay
be quoted In large quantities, 114,73; and by single beg,
53,3723 50 6. keg. Hoek Powder at 113,125 to 22,3 0
or urge and small emanate.
PIO METAL—The only tale reported dating the
DLOOll.2.—We have beard of no sales erbium.
put week was 350 tons Allegheny, mixed lot, al 1333,
6 664
ItAtvlow of to.
o, 13 eu per lb —22
" 14 " "• —SS
" 13 " "••---31
17 "
IS "
" "•—•11,
" •://,
lam," " 0
Bas,Pfiling.----• —du
Ilatung,No 3-13,19,11
—We notice a firmness In
Penn Mills, with sales of
Nanatook, at :le IS iced
standard prises for copper
cake sod ingots, 1902 W,
al Lee is b
Dll gruers--W., eh.
of price• of *me of th .
is bend
Ll.goortee root
ball••• •IbCP•24)
Lac DY.-•• ...... 2-6'4U
Magmesia Carb• • -211/U0
NoAlder Umbro••••14:110
011 Vrtr:ol,• —• • • 40 S
" Caster,scure, lg 2.5
Cush. 4.000144 M
" Cloves ••-.22002,10
• o -41•Neatew -,, 0,00e,110
" • replio.1•••-2,4002 . 0 70
Opium, T0rkey,501 , 05,0
QaWoe ---••4,10044.0
ItOoLastr, ront• • • •00100
Spla----• • • • 10 5
Senna - leo9
Tonnele Add 14050
Vlistot Mae 11012
eo.oevood, 11 , 1 s • • 7
Made 4 • - 410 2
Logwood, clopped, 021
Art 11 bare of Arlie&
Loithir ......... •• •
Lood -
LAN 44 Lard Oil • • • • • • 4C.
BAGS—The moat range la 31e it 5, for geed clean
RO.,lN—Bales at 33,50 ♦ brl
FlDOT—Sales at CAI:01A fp bag.'
SALT—Pales in a regular way at SIX f btbl, which
❑ the mgrawly malt Halted pricy afloat.
STARCH—SaIes at 8107 c, (or common to test.
SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of rosin coop at
041 c; of Star Curdles at P2De7c; crmabl tallow, 10ct
and common dipped at Sc p 11:4
SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes m bbl. at 4E050
♦ gall, ea h— charge.
is caused by an advance in the cast.
SPlCE3—Csusta,3ol/31c; Cloves, 30e,and Nat
mega, ahrar No.l it... 0011,30 Ir m.
TAR—Nos Carolina it quoted at 61,0001,^3 f bbl
VINEGIA —The regular rates far inCd.C.k. Vine
g., from sto , are 91010 c ♦ gall.
WIIIBICP. —We notice fair supplies in the market
bat rates hair been confined to moderato tales, to reg
olutrede co tom, et 11Orte, for rectified.
WOOL— e Wool season is now nearly over, with
as occasion I sale at Is range, for the 'miens grades
of fawn Id to ftc P ti
Storks, awl Markey Market.
Prresramon, July 30, 13f0.
The follow g is a cornet list of prices of stock.
111 the sal Ich have weaselled during the pest
rat IN- Of. Ask
ne. fed. ea'
Dank or Pluabargh—Capital, 111,8X4014.0
Maiden& (May and Nov.) 4ip eent.• • SSD 101 LW
Erehange 11.0—Capita1,111,Cu5dX40
(May and Nowd •ct.----
blerchanui , and Manufacturers` Ran t-
Capital, 66111102; Dtaidend, (May and
Nov) 41 cent--.. 60 61 42
Piltsonrlth Gas Ca.—Dividend, (J.. and
July) tP cent-- -_.----.•—
. 4 50
. 50 50 3 i
L lo . ll:e x nA ji a rl . dge
Hand ' Street " "
N. Liberties " " ---
Western Insurance Co—• —
Pl2O & Pennsylvania Railroad, &ad wild
. di . /
Pennsylvanin Railresil•
Pitisburgit City loan--.—.-- 100 03 On
Allegheny County loan GM 03 OS
Allegheny City loan • • 100 On 201
PittslOg & Boston Copper nif 20 Wu 101
North Asnelican " " 10 23 21
Pittsburgh& Isle Gaya] a paid 30
Ohio Tian Rock 13 13
lron Ctiy Mining ConiPanY•s. ..... •• • • 2 23
Adveretire Mining Co., 6.103,2'0 P dare
Pittsburgh. Cincinnati & Louisville Tel
egraph Co—CAJAL/02,000; Dividend,
April, 1130,2 i cent; shares, 1130 50
Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph
2300,00 u; Dividend„ 30a "share &Tian
' nary. April, nod October, lAA.. VW • • • • • •
SALES OF STOCKS—The following Alen have
transpired daring the pain week:-12 ohs Pittsburgh
Gas Co„ at 1130 P Aare; and 10 do Putaburgh. Cionln•
nsii, and Louisville Telegraph Co, at SW 0 share.
4 As Merchant. and Manufacturers' Dank, at 5 3 1 30
fio sham
Ne ontioe the organization of a new Copper Mining
Company, called the "Adventure Mining Company.'
The stock of this Company 'milk , fogad quoted in the
the above list. •
The "Ohio Trap Rock," and the '•lron City Man.
(mg Company," which have been recently crammed
will ahole tome is the above list.
AL11.08.211, July 29, ISM
REEVE —The offering. at We yard on dladdnY
ore nor so large as the Week maraca but price.
ere Without eking,, and mcmcd according to quality .
too $4 to Sd ♦ eat, net.
nIIEHP—SaIes to la fair ext.% were effected at 510
50 ear 6.
ll•, July ..11
Cole—The orreringl at the acatax on Monday reach
d (G 5 head or licavea, or which 400 were sohl to coy
butchers-and GS arm, ku over aitsohl. Prioer nw-
ml from 112;5 to 113,374 on Um boot, equol to $3,, , D71P
0 &CO net, and age teem. 61,124 gross.
liogs—We quota at 55,2305,50.
Pll.l-4011.1.1”(1.4., /Or to
There were offered at the yard during the week, IWO
hernia Beef Cat.. of which WO were driven to New
fora. ,70 Cows sal Cal lea, Del Hogs, and 1100 ElheeP
and Lambe
Reel Canto are rather lower, yea a fair demand—
s.., at !SLOW; fP 10. On.
Caw. k ralyr•—ent.. at IP44.BKtrl for feroli Covag
SDI to 514 for Springers, and la for Dry Cows
Dog. are In good demand at SS I cwt.
Ett,eep k Lanabs—All .Sid V 81,:408.5eacb, accord.
ing ho quality.
Burhan Catty Witarr.—Wo were in(orm•lyc<tet.
day, by Nash Wilmarth t Nob or the Pittsburgh
City Mills, that they had just bought ► lot of whey r
from Mr. Wood, of flatfslo township, Butler county,
Pa, which weighed 04 pound• to the bestial metwore.
Who can compete with old Butler <ono y for raising
Rim—There Isere 3 fest 0 inches in channel, by
mend mart, at evening a dint. tad rising.
Michigan, Brie, Beaver.
Petition, Peebles, nirabeth.
AtJanne Perlman, Irrownsaille.
Baltic, Jacobs, Liroornsinlle.
Camden, Ilendrichon. McKeesport.
Youghiogheny, Chaffee, Waal/goer.
Lake Enc. Clark. Itemiser.
Skipper, Carmel], Wheeling.
lonian. Liston, Wheeling.
Genesee, Moore, SI Loots,
Michlgiso,'Brice, Beaver. ,
Camden, liendnekron, McKeesport '
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Belee. Jambs, Brownville.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Itrownrrille.
Youghiogheny. Chaffee. Oleriegow.
Lake Erie. Clerk. Beaver.
Emprees, Cor, Crechrcul.'
Cashier, McMillan, Wheeling.
DEAVER—Youbleghany, 3 r.
CINCINNATI—CmdereIIa, 10 A. at.
CINCINNATI—Wm Pend, 10 A. m
WIIEMING—IonIan, 10 A.De.
WHEELING—Pas Itaccat.tx —ll beds tob, Leech
& co; 133 mks, feibbir, Yl bcs wheal, Wllmonk & No-
Wo; I cooking slvvet; and VC passengers.
CINCINNATI—Pea ilaastax-431 bbl. wkiskey, R
Moore, 43 aka feathers, Bingham' bbl. barna, Taada
k O'CounoGY Las perfumerp,G W Rahn; a bag clean,
Gricc:ll3 sky wool, Wm Calker: lu bbl. whmkty,
Ogdeo a Foowad, la mks clutere, a tett wool, Jewell
k emu:loga cooper. Ball ar. Ligami; eh ball buffalo
robes, Ikalea; 1 b.g wool, Clark k. Thaw; I ptp, Bab
era romph.
.120 62 Market street, Pidedfurild.
AA. MASON to CO, are now papaws! ti offer to
• the public their good • damaged by the lots fire,
among which may be bond:
Calicoes slightly dismayed st tic; furniture do S to
8 cents; limos do, good styles, fj,to ID cents; Moon do
Lames 410, 2to lee: Chashmeres do ID to Into Satin
sniped do Itl; 4.1 French pnow do 12; raper Curtain
Chita r, bell price' Gissbams do 'Steamboat Counter.
pan, to 1 do no extra; Moisten's de Landes m to ion.
Together with our Many large stork of New and
Perko Goods ut a great redueLon Soot farmer prays
I.] AM/ is A 1.1 lIA td, No. t7IS& 17n Comm nireet
AA New York; offer for sale Me following smelt, vim
33,010 ft Crumb Veneers from II e fn 3ie per It;
4.400 n Ifourds and 'Plank, well Grascinea:
IS . Jklififitisded Veneers born tk ter 210 per ft;
7:di ft tinperior Monied MahosenYi
An Mid ft Renowned Veneers, from 2 to de DA? It;
Also, Whim [laity of all thieknem. The mlosnieges
we pOinell in importing and snsiing enable us te sell
as low es the Lammr. Ordets.piontpOg filled sod
sarefo parked. tyll:llre_
Dominica Dry Goods at Ifolfrrls•.
%A 1 M. 1.. RUSSELL, Sign or the Um Bea Owe, on
Musket street, between Third and Pourth, will
continue selling those Itaninged Dry (tomb, nn IVed •
nesday,July MI, and will conunue from day loder until
all tne damaged goods are sold. These goods ate
elightly deranged by water, and will be altered to cash
purchasers at leas than half the original cost.
Our numerous customers and toe public in general
will please cell won and see•re barge/es. 7bagood.
were damaged by water out., nod many of than. will
be found almost perfect. Oteem of them we will sell
at almost any prier. Please remember the rore,
No gd Itlatket street, between Ti• ird end Fourth, sign
of the Big Bee Illre, when no cash mummer will be
mot away without being perfectly satisfied.
All our rooms will be opened for retail trade on this
occasion. Dy3,lltelL. RUSSELL.
Soldlare and Wldo4;,
TE undenigned, late Agent for paying United
States Penalties, at Pittsburgh, will attend to the
prosecution of Soldiers and Widows' Claims In, Pen
sions and thimly Lands.
An ofEcial connection with the United States , Gov
ernment has made me familiar with the rates and
(sr.., as well as the decisions, of the Pentane Depart.
meet at Wuhlngton City.
Mang widow., end hem of Reve'atioaary Soldiers
have dames that may yet ;be obtained by proper ap
plication. 1 11. GUTHRIE,
Office of Wm. OIL Robinson, Esq., opposite the
glamors °Mee, Fourth Suset.Piustoatett.
July PR UDR firtetdr.wisoi
lbs atom and for sale by
Jill) pro S !LIA RT k SILL
T l, '''•ltr`ol,fga
ICCO les los sale iow, aloe eels Ka
t ---- IosTEV.N WALL. PAPER II lower Wee% sod
Q 14 14 19.e112 p n o to any oundsciamd In thl.
ure. ai)W W
WIM It u m.
MOT= roa ray rirrlanzaa D U LY eszertr
Fourria.—A. tele greptiM despatch was received
yesterday by Alderman Parkimon, annoancir y
that the Aide girl who was supposed to have been
pinier] away by a woman named Reynolds, had
been Wird by the tMeer who went on to Phila•
delphia to ascertain the truth of the etat-pents of
the leiter. We understand that instead of having
been let. in the care °fatly one, the poor little Uttar
was found wandering about the greets, arS'Oerr
fifthly taken In char& by a Alva. Sidvermi
minda ef the parents are ihnaralieved.from a load
of anxiety. Oar readers will -recollier that the
pastieulare of this cue were siien in the GA 2 O.
of Monday.
ablotunza.—Ccroocr Arthur* informs us ti at
while he was down at Chanters Creek, on Mon
day, holding an inquest on the bodies of the den
billed by being buried under an embankment, he
endeavored to nod some clue which might lead to
the arrest of the murdemm of the German, Shot
Gm, who was brutally beaten to death last week,
on the rail road, but in Ta.n. There Is every
probability that their crime will escape detection.
for the pretreat at least, but " murder will out:
and sooner or later they will be discovered.
Tut Ileum Palma :The Muceum is now Inc
only place of amusement in the coy, and it le
nightly crowded by Gishionable audiences, who
are delighted with the performances of the lier.
02 Family. These charming children seem to be
nightly incroming in popularity, and are reaping,
an they well deceive, a golden. harvest. They
appear said!! to night in two pleasing Vaude•
Niel, and a concert.
Peluso Ccturrarur Mcunr.—A man was
untested and examined on Monday by the Mayor
of Allegheny, oa a charge of passing a counterfeit
ten dollar note. As it appeared that be did not
know that it war bad, he was discharged.
Timm Houts.—A tavern keeper of the Sec
ond Ward, Allegheny, named Showerikwu taken l
bean the Mayor on Monday, and fined film dol.'
etill'' n 4 R ,,,,
Lars for allowing disorderly conduct la bin home.
Tag Jan.—One person, eglyonssamailti --
to jail, yesterday. Feiner arrestsbeing made
at the present tiene then for several yeara . pait—
We regret testy, however, that this is not caused
by aoy.diculoutiou of crime amongst no.
Sinn to airc novas ov Rivet.—The young
lad,George Willotwortio orwe conticted of lar
ceny at the lag term of the Criminal Court, and
adjudge& to be • fit 'object for the Hume cu
Refuge, was placed in that inetimlion tag week.
Ile made an attempt to etcape,on the nal
larltrismcg.—A gentleman residing in Tunnel
Street, ate six oranges, yesterday. Lie was i mwe.
diately attacked by a violent ebolere toothily, lint
the remedies which he at once, took, saved his
Mr. Cl(3111. ro Diato.—The names of the
twe unfortunate men Who were crushed under ■
bank, it the Chartier'a rail rood, on Thursday,
and on sabcrati bodies Coroner Arthur, held an tn•
quest, were John Ce Meld and James Clatk. The
poor fellows had applied for situation. on the very
day of Mel" death, and had been at work hut o
abort time when the bank fell.
New Fume—We rt for our readers to the card
of Messrs. Wilotarth Ac Noble, of the City Milk.
It Will be seen by it, that they are now ready to
furnish their GI stomen with the beat old our. from
new crop Wheat.
%Yam:taloa Stan;.—Workmen were engaged
on Monday and Tuesday in cleaning out the Rea
eersoir, and yesterday a perfect torrent of water,
from the basin, was pouring down Washington
atreet, where the long Bight of amps, leading io
the top of the bill, is situated. The water sore
undermined the props, and the ste i n fell down.—
As the hill is very steep at this place, the citizens
living near will he subjected to a great deal of in.
conNznienCe, omit the damage is repaired.
Ituratroa.—A woman or bad character, named
httnev, visited almost all the principal storm
on SortLft:ld Greet yesterday, representing that
her hi.slinftd bad died, early in the morning, of the
cholera, trod that the was endeavoring ,o raise
money to bury hum She acted het part to well,
that, although some relerred her to the overseen
of the poor, the majority gave her money, and we
have no doubt that she collected a considerable
Eau:cm—Dor readers will recollect that at th
meeting of citizens. held to pay the last sad 'rib
ate of respect to the memory of General Taylor
• commute was appointed or the, purpose or se
lectlrg au orator to deliver a ettlOgy on the char
Omer end public services of the mighty deed.
Wha his the committee done? Who to to L.
the Oretorl Vilma end where will the euiogy
Crc! Pima Houma—We learn that one hundred
and two perilous are now supported in the city
poor house. This is a very large number when
It is considered that this is the summer season.
Csesn hisamer.—Ws W.... over a dozen
largo market boats, laden with vegetablea, grain
nod bait, in the Grant street basin of the Canal
yesterday afternoon. Few or car reader. have
any idea of the Immensennantity of marketing
brought by these boats to the Pittsburgh and Alle
gheny markets.
LUNATIC Asn.unt.—The necemity of having
• Lunatic A•ylum In Ptitaburgb, was pointed 'out
Inc week. In a very melancholy, though * exceed•
ingly forcible manner, by the murder of a mother,
by her insane son. We are, therefore, rejoiced
to learn that en Asylum Is now In process of erec
tion on the " City Farm." It will have a front of
one hundred and twenty five feet, and he twenty
two feet in depth. Mr. J. W. Kerr is, we believe,
the architect.
ONO before maturity, we lea females emaciated,
jy and the Meanies. of complexion, and brightness
of the eye, departen. Though not thirty in years,
Wey have less of youth than they overt to posse. .1
fifty. Why Is anti! Depreerton of spirits. -long nor,
and general debility long continued, without seeking
mauls in an enervated eonstitutior and a Min of
midrib ean only be MticerMil, and the shattered can•
siltation roomed. by some mod and denim medicine.
whose tame and lkilCletiVe properties are peculiarly
suited to slender and delicate constitutions.
Cinctromo. May 7 1850
Dr. 8. D. Hewe—Dear Plr—Cor nearly two years
my wife has been gradually declining without my
doeme—the aymptoms, however, were general de,
billy'', weakness, trccaoional memo pants, and ie
regalariure of the system. Our handy
a• phyeicp hysicia n finally told Inc Cat them was no hope the ap.
['ro w ubles warm weather would be anfavotable I
no pemaaded her to try DrDowel. Shaker
Ramer villa, Waco against her will) and a change
was area perceptible, and by the eon mo ont
three months, tieing all bottles, her health was re
stored, her etrength and flesh regained, and rho now
eryoys mend and robust health. No pecuniary cum
si eratton eon ever repay the obligation I am under to
you for restoring my wile to hreldi, a nd I ruoyt cheer.
iully recommend dou
o r tru
sial i MAYN ARly valuable Me D dicine,
Roth et, between Plum and Western Row
Do mar and enquire/. Dr. A U. DOWE'S tiIIAKER
SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. This m .the
only Pareapaella t h at arts nn the Lie.) KRUM) 0, Sod
lihrod, at Vie mom tame, and hence no singular ell
cacy andsucce , •
For vale by J. A. Jones, J. Schoutimaker A. Co,
V. Illnek. It. W. Means, J. M. Towmend, J. 51
W. Jackson, Pluaburgla !dhoti, Allegheny city;
W. K. SlcCleliond,Menehreter,• P. emetic', Worms.
stile Vend by DR. hi. D. HOWF. A. CO., Crepe:tors,
Inlet Alkwl YE I Collette Hall, Cincinnati. 0.
tt F ; k n U r. T ,. l' . — m t. ,
o w n 11 r r :v i v s a c te n o , trt;e, th
nn .1 i . b n e v a , u ,, tltcs
while at the wino time It Is said that in no other coon
uy Is it lust at tto }nn i s Stan
Noss thla is true
to a cattalo extent, Lo t t
the loos is caused by ne
glect, %Ye way to all. do not neglect yourpersonal
appearance. Lot lead the following, and Yee nerd not
lark tool look I. These articles are sctentific pre
p.-anon, and hare St attained a blob pottal•rtlY•
/onto Hain Itwartavirva
the most doughnut and efficient airflow tor the
ever inventoo. It will prevent the In Imo &I of the
bat, owl tnincin new flair where it has been lost by
sickness or mbar sautes. Beware of imitations
. .
Jur. Iluotb's KAU thorns o• VZ..11 . • .no Nvorn
Near, for removing um, sunburn, pimple, blotchy*
and enkrr eruptions of rho rkmi the wow perlectron•
.moms of Seamy sorry known. Porch.. nothing
ourroning to he Nymph Soup, 1110.• It h. my name
JO• • I
LP tAC.'S PRIMA 01C1 PolVllll, for In.
porting to thy muni bilious complexiod • radiant
whlthness. in nothing 'bond • person be more cam
fal than the ose of • powder for the skin, as many of
those old are very injurious My Chinese Powder is
compounded Ina scieniida manner, and contains no
incredient which can poollily indict an injury.
JnLlr 11•0[1..11 Dantuvoss . Inmost, for renthiring
supethluons hole. What is more unsightly Man hair
open the face Of tn. 01 a lady. trtlelBl.ll
remove it In • short time, without tho use ninny Any
Jvua HAVEN VIOVANL■ Lignin lists D. will
mstimtsneouely Impart to red, while, or gray hair, a.
beautifully black, b tow., or auburn color. It will
color the hair in a shatter time, and mom eflectually
than toy ot her Dye, being at th e same time indellilde.
Jinn 11•00..., Stories Cast..—lt is 'Sally a piens
tare to shave with this cream. Them Is none of the
smarting sensation nasally esperien.d in the use of
mostßoapn On the contrary, Weaves the skin smooth
and soft as an Infant's, end not liable to become
Jet= Banat% llctotTootePsets—Nento the hair,
we think the Teeth weft intended as the grealestomas
mat to me human fare; bet when neglected, nothing
use as te?Ttlr i tsp nir gto na tt?e 'i ta k e i re ' jp% arrypsorl sa T°":1
the same time keeping the gum• new and healthy,
Alec on hand, • complete assortment of Frank,
Blush, and American Ferneries . , and Fancy snide.
JULES 11AUEtu'Pertstmer and Cheselst,
120 Chestnut Meet%
For "ale wholesale and retail, by 13. A.. Fahnestook
4 Co, and IL TA &Ilan, Pinsberghi sad John rev
Wits 0 1 11 1 1 J11 11 14C31 11 ;44 11 S1133 11 PY Cat Par 1710-19.,*
6 21162226 street, near 21.2 6
Biala 11 . k &Branches:. I
Sateharip .
Exchange 60. Va, • I
•Farinerelli.of Va • •• ilk. dine
Ilk. of'•11" Wheeling g
do • hiorgantiarn•-• 1
do •• Welliburg•••-• • I
do - Parkenburg•-•••
Tenn ***** .
Shied &menace'. •-• •
F 22.6 16.2.1012 lig—. ••_.
Pluden , ••• • 3
Union .•
211ascarl .
Stale IA ofMI/4°66 I
, -North Carolina.
Bk. of Cape Fear— •• • 2
hlcreh'a Nceriata•
State Bank•••• ..... -- 2
Sough Carolina.
Nit haste Brokers, No.Bl
Bank offinsbongh •
Exaanne Bank • •••-•-r1:11
Merck. tr, blan.l3ank •Pro
Uks.c.l ehiladelphis•
I:mud teal pare
Rant orGeratantown •cot
" Chester . County• • •pss
rr Delaware Co, • •par
" MOllwrnery . ..74.• .par
Tilmbhairiage - Par
ea or
Fonerllk-Nnokl Cocpor
t.'ststners . /PnioettorrPar
Lancaster Co. Nk.• • - par
&uesie Bk.. Tor
IL ela tes ' k ---30
..irownsatlle ..... p
Waslonetnn 8k... —...4
Chsecnntrobark• •-•—• • "
iosynehanno Co.llk.
Middletown -
Bk. CamdfC
of Charleston-- • •
;ommercial Ilk---
Bk. of Gnome-town—. 2
Bk.ol Ihmkarg •••...•
Merchants Bk-- 2
Planters &Meeks . . Bk. 2
Bk. of Booth Varoatta • • 2
Balumore •• •• •pa
llalun'e&O Illtderip •In
!Cumberland Bk. of Ails.
Farmers' and Liro'vers ,
Bank, Waymonbusg , f
tiarnsbont "
Honesdale--- ••••••• I
Lebanon par
Pottsville -••••-• "
Pork Bk. • • f
West Branch Bk I
Relief Notes f
ts fit Ilk. Pam do• "
..3crip—Pitub. I: County' I
Alleuheny, 1
Pune nk. and Branches I
Moons Pleasant ..... • • • "
Stenbens .....
Clalmattla•-- • "
mamma tg
New Llatron• .
Clneinnati Bank.
Wombats do.
rrnelev ills —• • •-•-•
Zanesville •
Putnam • "
Wooster • --- - 7O
Slassillom •
fanduskf • • ..... • • • • 70 :
Gamma .....
Western Reservs•— "
Fru:All:lM Colattbas "
Lake Brig •• • • •• ......
&iota • • •• - "
gharty ..... •• • I
Far. Irk. of Blarylond• •
Farmer.' & Mechanics
Ilk: Predeflek••••••••
'Hagerstown Ilk ..... ••
Mineral Bk.---- I
Bk.of Westminster ••• • r.
Ilk. of St. CLan••• 11 ••••--
Bk.of River Raison--
Nlichigan In.. Co-- • • 3
Far.&Mitek's Ilk .5
.All schrentllanki
Dank of England Notes
old Or. Spools Value
Napoleona.-...... 3 60
Donate 1130 2 20
Fagle,old• ••--• 10 40
Cagle, new •••• • lb 00
Doabloono,Bpamso. II 00
Do.Patrioi— • 1050
504ereigna 4 6.7
Guineas •—• I 00
Ten Thslen • •• • • 7FO
Ten Gatiders • ••• • 500
Loais4 , nts• •• • • • • • {5O
New York —• rt.
Pba 04 elphla • • • 0 , 70
D•Jinme —••• • 0 , 0 ,
••lf. Interior IPke•—
Craniilie ..... •• •• ••
Farm'r.l3l Canton—GO
Urbana • ..... —•—•6o
Ct of9Centecky 1
Bl.0111.011isville• • •• •••
Norhern ftk. li.enttnr• "
lorNo 17 , ele—Cas. Bulk
Dr. OTlFirott • EXtraet of Yellow Dock
and Sareaparldla.
PT ap in the lar g est-sized bottle, - contains um. •
of the pure Honduras Sarsaparilla than any other
preparation extant which is chemicolly combined
with the Extract ofTellow - Dock..thic Extract of Wild
Cherry, and the Datum of Fir, thee making the reme
dy more thoroughly efficient than any other Stemple
ride before the pablie, At the same time it is peeled,
ly free front all mineral rolsonsoarthelt cannot be said
of any other of the Sarum, ilia compounds. The in.
valid they'd boosts of Nutmeg! 11 op?, irop/ st
nine. Knuth, lodate, Sulphur, Armide,thad multi
other mineral and metallic poisons enter into and
form the active basis of molt of the Suraparlda and
Peng,u of the day. Guyana', Compound Extract
of Ygiltur Dora and Sarsaparilla does not contain a ;
rthnieles of wise Gthetauces, as any one can easily ,
aseettsin by applying the oeuessare q.t.+
The poisons may meationally remove Meuse, hat
they to vitiate the blood, sod an completely mum
nate the whole oyetem with their baneful effect, that
the firm cold, or the teat atlas of disease, proetutee
the patient'. strength, and subleels him or her to the
m n at dFFriillapng torture, and renders another urer
almost mprissible oild ;tapeless.. Let all poisonoon
Sareaparilla preparetons Mon, affil use Guyana's
Improve , / Extra. of Yellow Dark and Wigwam',
which is thoroaehlv elltuelou, perfectly harmless,
and purely vegemble. dII brads of disuse yields to
its mall indoeme.
Scrofula; Cancerous Tumor, Cutaneous Erman,
Elysipetu, Dile, Postelea, or Pimples ou the Pare,
Moats Fora Eyes, Teter, Scald Head, Rheuma
tism, Enlargement or learns in It e Dana) or Joints,
old and stubborn Ulcers] Feyer. Sores, Dire•se,
Swelling of the Gland, Dlotehes, Syphithic St - rap-
Annie, Lumbar. Mom, Ityrimp.ta, /undies., Co..
hyenas, Salt Rheum, Affeceiona of the Kidney. and
di. arising from an iejudielms ore of ltlereu.
sty, Minister's Sore Taman Wenknesa of the Cher,
Pulmonary Affection. and all other ti-sun teeth
ing teemed, Consamption. Liver Complaint, Female
Premalmities and enrepliehos. !net and Nemo,.
Headache, General Debility, Low Spirit, Len of
Appetite, Night Sweats, Pam. in the Side and
Shoulder, Exporare or Imprudence in Life, Chron
ic Constitutions' Disorder., end sa a Spring and Pall
Further of the Mood, and General Tonic Err the
System, it Is unrivalled.
A east of Omitted lAval. of Ararren pears otoodme.
The lob mg an attract ol a letter doted Mar. h
d 7, 1050, from F. it Perkin., M. D., • highly enema.
I'M physician of Marietta. Ohio.
Jinn Pau—Deal Sir I have under my we a
young woman who, tor oilmen years, has been soh
'<floe from Ulcerated Limbs, and whose cue Ms
been pronomeed hopeless by three of ow bent plv
«lel... I took her into oty_lamily, and have used
GuysouNeYellow Dock and Sanaparitla reedy, end
am confident that the bellow Deck and Sarrapuilla
will easel. remand we. :She is better to general
health than she hue ever been before, and maths •
mite or two white= faithue or pain. A yeti ago she
used crotches. I will report the case in due time.
Very resperneully, S. D. PERKINS.
It has been remarked, by raiment mee, that in the
varied catalogue of di -moss in "mien man is lint It,
there e• searee.J7 one or Ruch lmpmand of wite't
interest Serothlo, whether tee look to the obscurely
of Its mime, tin ineidthes pure., the number and
variety of organathat it steels, or it, remarkable in
curability and extenaive fatality.
Scrofula has battled the 081 of the m eminent
phyatetans In lath mantry and in Forme E nt
t there is
artheot e for this rheum to Dr Guyott's Extract of
Yebove Dock and Narraparilla," which n proving it.
sella perfect matte to the most Severe uses of
An extraordinary ease of Scrofula eared by the
sole um of Dotter tiatrotils Compound Srup. It
will be men by this rusticate that this man t a n been
under the treatment of eeveral ce'ebrated rhyoleiam,
for the past eight years, without deriving any benefit
and has been effectually cored by the use of a few
bottle of Dr. Guyana'. Compound Syrup.
New loan, June 7, Ite IS.
Ds. Gerson—Dearffir,—Owing to you&debt which
kmoney cannot pay. I am Induced to make • public am
knowledgment elitist benefit I have detived vote your
invaluable Strap. I wag sorely aillieted with a tern
ble Scrofulous disease, hereditary in our family,
which commenced on my neek,'.and, mannouing to
spread. soon reached my ears, running into my head,
and extending all over ray face, neck, and lower ex
tramitier. I became adi/gusting silent to look upon.
Al times my distress wan en great that Iwas unable to
sleep or lie down; and the disease extrodieg info my
ears seriously sheeted top hearing..ffir Doc Wee one
cenamous sere, from Which a dircharktuthf matter
and water kept continually ooringoal. People avoid.
ed rue, supposing Iliad the small par, or soma other
Infectious disease, and I was consequently obliged to
relinquish my busmen. Notwahstenffing I had the
best medical advice. end tried different plane of treat
ment, the dime.e condoned memo, eitore,until I gave
op in derpair, Fortautely I fell in with a psnenaer
on the steamboat, while travelling for ray health, who
informed me that his son was alone time in am bad •
condition tel I was, and that by ruing your Syrup he
was speedily eared. I immediately procured mete
tlele,comeneneed using 0, and now after having used
lees th an six loolilea ‘ l am well an d able to attend to
my basking. I send 100 this stateme at as rat act of
intim, only hopirg th at It mar induce the Meted to
make are& the right medicine, and thereby save them
mach suffeting and reponse.
remain your obedient servant,
Core of an aggraraird ram of E.rysipeloo.
The mem petturmed by "Di. Guysott's Extract of
Yellow Dose mid Sarsaparilla are thaueg. The pa
tient'. general health moan." to Improve leer dis
ease la rved. Core a are not chronicled until time
has ft Ily tes emo ted that there cm be no relapse, or return
"the Remo.
KOnwsi, (Herkimer ro
/11 F. Bunion & CO., Gents, It is wok great pleDwyre
that I writeyou about the very happy edema of year
Yellow Dock nod Saraaparilla upon my son, who has
long been rottenna under that deendfal,loathrOme
ease. Eryeipelas, with which he was attacked In 'hit,
and wa. foceetreral months attended by same of oar
best mule ars, woo tried their .1,111 perseveringly tor
fore months, without any benefictal effects ernstever.
Ile become reduced te a perfect skeleton lie bad al.
cora from has hip to his knee, which were continually
dirchargeng disgustingly odeneive m s eler. ktedical
and elargleal .111 was batted. Physicians said that
his cam was hopeless—there could be notheng done
Mart.% tbone terrible gangrenthis nmgh.
bora and myrelf thaught has dlsrolubon near at hand.
One of my neighbors, who bad railed n child of scrof
ula with your invaluable med.., vet.. me to,
make trial of it, and more from the restlesi' desire to
do ...thing while life lasted. then from may hope ci
gottlnj relief,' pr... three hoed. of you, "t ellen
Dock .d Barsaparilla." and t usine it
and to my astonishment, he commenced improving
he had used the third Nude, and before) he had Used a
half der bottler lam could walk nub Ile used in ell
twelv . e
bonier, ant lay October tu if - he was pcirreLty
tartl, every •r•llye nine di . reo Do eleept ihe neap.
It removed. and he rrmat. in purist health up in the
preoant Lime. llis recovery. under the Llcsrlnt 0(
11011,1. entirely owing to the use oi rove Yellow Duck
and Sarsaparilla, and I moure rot that I feel myself
ender great obligations to you. and It is vrith great Joy
that Warm you of what your :sarsaparilla has dono
for my lon. Respectfully,
• ci'None genuine Vhler, put up In large, bottles,
cannoning a goon. and the unsocial Inc Syrup blown
to the glee., wills the written signature of S. F. Lk nr
ten, on the mutate wrapper. I'll. 81 per brittle—or
8 batten for SS.
It is iold by J. D. Pell:. North corner ef
Fourth anddour steeds, entrance on Walnut it.,
- Comma., Woo, to whom all orders must ba addres ,
Curter & Um, b;rte; W. P. /duty= & Co., Watt.
ford; Win g. Clemona, Cruseingattle;" Abel Tutu'
Montrose; Hiram Ala, Towanda; Hobert Roy, Web
barb; L. Rodent Y. ballot:store; L. Pitirox. Jr, Pit
burgh, corner of Market Suter sad tits Dbabond.
At Holmes' Litrrory Depot, Third street, oppont
the Post Offirt.
L ONDON Art Jour . uul for J uan.
Linott eau Na J_LL
llolecilla Boller Mac utlau for July.
Illocksvootl for Jour.
The Vale of Cedars; or the Martyr. By Brae.
Aged., author of Fricciclup.l'
lloctou ebakspeate, No le.
Pictorial richt Book, No a.
David Coppergeld, No 11.
Noted Itactlngigorche Frigate thee Olring.
ITOL3I—Ite tao in More and (or sale by
PO BUTTER in gtora end for loofa b
y heVl II JOI
senni3lt obl. for . eby
ill Water & Front etr.
I_,ACoN Or caw rectl per
ou consignment, for sale by
ILO-13-7tasta T Tc ,re for sloe by
a Olt
L1:31-10 bd. for sale by
110EARIA.-1.2 cask, Jon reeelvell_,”o lot mile by
OTASII-10 a u. Pouuth,AGn, art/el7, for saki
HAIRY SALT-2 8 bap dap Bdt for oury or table
Mum% last nctived fpr Ws by
711 0 . Wb A McClAntli &CO
ISSO. Zia ,
The new sad light dracgbt .tamer YOUGLIIOGIIE
MV, Ilsrl:.pee, mutter, will make daily nips between
Pittsburgh and Glmigow. (Sundays ezeeptedd leaving
Glasgow at 7 A. AI . and Pittsbuggb at al, P.M.
Tho• Youghiogheny W bat l 2 inch es draught, tatii
can he relied on as • regular packet, throughout the
season. Pot freight or !mange spray en board, cr to
4 . .
leug • inDwELL A, CO., Glasgow.
• •
Ca • min Waranns J. KOUSTZ.
Tat splendid boat wan built by the
it owners of the mower lance Newton,
and others (or the Cincinnati and
• • • .-• Pittedirgh 'Parket trade, and will
leave every Widoesday, for Cincinnati, in place of
the New Engl
Far freight r manage apply on board , or to
me -
AU r
(01OAIIICLA 11017 TIC.
~ ...._
Only 1 , 3 Mlles Staging.
lila Brownsville and Cumberland W Dahlman and
FAIII 70 ill 77111077—•-77.•
uo. Poibatisminta•-•-- 10 CO
TIIE mornin boat leave. the wharf, &twee the
bridge ' dai l y, at Ci o'clock precisely. 'fime to
Baltireore,W. hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 hoars
'rho evenicg beet leaves daily, (except Semlay ev
enings,' at o'clock. Passengers by sewing on the
evening haat, will crow the MOW Mies In stages next
day, and thus avoid night travel.
&ewe your tickets at the °Mee, Alonongahela
Clouse, or 9t Charles Hotel.
ortl4-19 .1.14M11111 - F.N. Avert
The fast running warner
jrgiCape D. If sung,Yrill run as a meatier
packet between Pittsburgh. IVireel•
ntn.UridgePort, and Sunfish, leaving Plusburgb every
Monday afternoon, tar Wellsville, Steubenville. and
Bridgeport, and every Thursday afternoon for Stentery
Title, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Caption, and Baehr&
Returning, leaves Bridgeport and rtonftsh wary Tues.
day afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
apIS • D WILKINS, Agent.
- The solitmlio fact tanning kleamer
I LOUIS AIcLAPIE, W. B. Crowell,
7d -.
rogalar pitic r .
itet be ru
tw n een rust arlih
and Wheeling, Icaving Untributgli every Blot da
-, y,
Wednesday and Finday mornings, at 9 o'clock. For
freight ci passage apply on boent, or to
lana. W. IL WHEELER, Agent.'
The light draught steamer
m ai PERU.
Ttennet, master, trill leave fur tha
above and all manure:Be porta ea
thla duo, the a t Jot., 11l I p otoloe 6 - , A, nr.
Far Rai& a kliliSlO.o apply en luoart/, to
It zr3
The magnificent light diamb: Pt..-
( , •Cr ClNDERELLl ,:h C o gt .. nif ‘ l i l l a i te .
• 11 . e.
mediatee o p n a r r e a on ths• day, July 33, at
Itt °clack A Al.
sue fraightatPtttu'X'• anolv on hoard.
n :TMI
___63'" •• -.
,r, cEozER, Am.
The splendid new steamer
A 914,
F. Boyd, m, yrill leave for the
above and all intermediate port% op
this day, lit In., at ID o'clock A Al.
ormejyl, iv 47
The splendid steamer
• Rountz master, Will leave for toe
above and all Intermediate pons on
thisday, the Valls inst., et 4 P. :IL
For freight or passage apply on holril, or to
rti The hoe new he ti ilroo,ht stem"
Itlnelean, menet., onti !cave (hi the
hove and on intrrmcdiato pans on
this day, the 2.5 th iota, et In o'clock, A. AI
1525 A lIAL , TRONV. CROASER. ens.
The fine light draught steamer,
Will rename her regular trip, to
Meeting th is day, leaning finnintralt
every Monday, Wednerday,ttpd, fro
day, at 10 unlock A. 1 , 1,
For ileigiat aypty on board. or to
tont A rat 8 T RON &CR ZER, Arts.
MAFI:i kw:a ti •
above and all medico port
every Tor silty. Thursday, nett Smardur. -
For freight or paseage, apply co hoard. jy2l
The srlranid & fast ;unman etramcr
W. . CCII , MTI I, &tout ',honing under.
goad I Lorourh repair. orllr run hen:-
Tatter so a redrdar recant Isywreen Ptos burgh and
hursday, Ironton rittrborgh oven . Monday and
Thursday morning*, at en rank.
For Ireight mono apply on bored. or In
/121 W.D. WHEELER, Agt.
1550, a,
Two Ball y Lines Elmo Pocket Beats,
And Rail Road Oar.,
(EXdI.I7.IVILy FOR rasniaar....)
Vt. the Central RMI Road end Petiole Canal.
240 miles Hall Road, and 140 miles Canal.
Turtc-54 Lows- Pare-110 through.
The Portage Roil Road is passed in day hell.
1 - 134 en nfier this dam,lloth June,) rho Central Rail
kJ Rood will ton TWO DOLT roams mass:luau CARS
from tiumMadun In Phiranelpttla. The mars on the
stove road and the Almahen) . PO -loge Hull Rood
taro ell now, and of the very beat description to the
country, and watt the increared epees. on the mom,
b‘l ri r e " eie ` t 's iju ' av g . o w th itrio g e h r w o i o th veW P rit ‘ O ' ro b in aat
Clerk, and every evetung nt L. o'clock,
For 4afety, E.pord, and Comfort, this route is do
eided!y the most proloraldo cow Ito use to the Factor°
Cities. Foe pain or information apply to'
tV BUTCII, Monongahela Loose;
en to D LEECH as CO, Canal Beam.
P.&-0n IScpteniber, the Cenral ROI Bred
will be open tO lidaysburg, when passenger. 'via
go through in 43 hours. 101 l
iai ffiL 1850.
!Braver Poicid
• PACKF:PSJ tossing and alupping between l'insburgb
and Rochester by eleam boats Michigan, Lake line,
and Beaver.
irr Goods teeelpted .11 promptly delivered to ell
laces on the Canals and Lake., at the loweet Inter.
ittPPera will plewe direr goratsto
J. C. 11111WELl., .
Wnter st, Ptitaboreh.
CAPITAL 1100,000,
J. Finfitk, Jr Pnel. R. Miunt, Jr., Prean
Imre y
nig-lost ail kinds of risk.,
ALL losses will be liberally adnisted and promptly
A home mcnutiou—maneged by Directors who ere
well known in the community , and who Mt determin
ed by promptness and libera':ty in maintain the t her
enter which they have assumed ed edertne the bent
promotion to those who
Jr.,sine tit be nuren.
D.C.O.—R. Miller, Cro. Wank, J. W. Butler,
N. !Mimes, Jr., NVm. It. llolmee, C. Ilimmo, boo. W.
Jackson, Wm. H. Lyon, Jas. Inciptccuti, The.. K.
Limn, Jame s fil'Auley, Alex. Nlmick. Thos. ;Mom
terms, No. CU IVuter street, (warehouse of Ppung
A Cm,., up stairs,)Pittsburgh. titi thy
J. Finney, Jr.,
Agent for rh, Penna. IM fusulant7 Co,' Pk Ihr.
O F C: ' tL ' e l „ th tr e ce l ,7:t ere u l ;l7. "'"'
l'emptOct, Lter.sary aud
Wllll, 11,1,111:11
Ituni.godA can tte,irn livrß for tie benefit of
brir ive, mod children, nic:.;lors tile live. of tot
/ha whola refill (t he Company arc 4..ded
atoug tee holders of I,(e
The dtvldenes of lila past two years tare been alkit•
re• t. each year. p--25
neve Improved Pianos.
11. KtEISEIi. has Just received a mtg•
nifieem7 octave thane. w Web Ceuta:Ds
ieveral Imo and birth important too:
pierements. The exterior s of tha
most ele,, en: and cosily dese•Toon, se , : made in
the ROCCOCO The inieriar ,o 4.4 u MT
am. bridges, entrsing the Class stn, a s tn ens es, r a.,,,
abase the rreble stall nnee tel:e
rich, full Ind clesr. The rtnnga, moreover, are to
arroexed tole,re remit:sing String when one
breaks, thus eaesine no toronvenierrues hte that
which toieeds the oil toothed of stroigior. . •
bung :he hest Nunn of the kind over
two:act to nusburgh,the ProlOsso,ll ans AMA:Ewe of
the coy arere:Tee:rally lauded to call nod Crandot
It at Ve S:gn (1011teo Ilse. ter •I hrol et p. 15
ler na, ay
ID ITN 11111W,,MATIIIEW:5 & C 4/
NEW MACkfiREL-00 Ms No 1 )us: ernved for
nilo by tjylol JOHN WATT k CO
utft firttlti-48 or eke prtroc Kez lurk y nor knit, by
1' iylV Rif EY, NI TI Wei
PIG /ULTAL-171 ton, suitable for ro
F ISII—SU Er4a new Whira Fat;
brie Lake Trout;
brpg Lnice Shad;
YS brl. Nal Herrinc'
10 bf totio.No 2 do., Jon reed and for anTe by
or:• on lamb arm for pale by
LETTERS of Adunnistrallon on the estate of John
A. Thaele, late of the Borough of hteKeese art
Allegheny County, Po.. have bun granted to the sub
scTiber. residing in said borough. 811 peno. Indebt
ed to said Wale are requested to make immediate
payment, mad soy poems having Claim, 11101.41111 the
same are evaluated to pmsent them, properly bathe.
heated, for settlement . JANE Adoei.
FIRON the lAbsc•lber, all the Mb lath alight,
Brindle Cow, bald bee, boles boxed . through
Ups of boats, NW. or eight years -old, middle e ke.
Any Inforatatiat that will teed to the move:riot eebt
Cow *ll.l be techired at No ei Weed street, Rae a
rettantable reward (hen W Axorisag_
P. W. GATES' -
THESE DIES having been adopted end highly
and Philadelphia, are nnw offered to manufacturers
fidence, es the most perfect article:re me or cutting
Their superiority over any other Dies hereto.
Scam, whether V or sgt ten threadi by nerd parting
or pyrio. prrparalion, as the dies cut the thread o
in their greater durability, rapidity;, and Pctiecliou
to get out of order.
Patransuuts, Aug.
Thus Is to certify that we hue parehasal from P.
W. Gatos the right of •ite We peseta Dies for cut
ting bolts. In oar oplnion,lM. ince era much supe
rior to any others we an untainted with tot the
Napalm of cutting bolts. ,
PISILADVISIIIi, /rg. In. 1048.
Raving. had P %V Gun' Patent Dien m use in onr
eicalstiatment for the lut nine months. for vatting
alts, wir can in every raiment recommend them in
thy hicheat terms, as we have trod all others away,
they being ea far auperior—conaids ring them In per
Call. cheaper then soy robots row in 111.1 e.
Thu Is to Certify that we have purchased tbertelt
to me, and adopted in oar bonne., P W Gate. , Pa
tent Screw Cutter, which Ire highly approve of. We
an do math mote wo rt , and we believe It will stu
pors In durability and preeislon„ as roan h al cconOmy
Of labor, any diva known to us
51GRR1S, TASKER k hlOlllll9.
Pnltanitenik, oth montit,Mll day, !EU.
Naw You, Avg. ID, lE.D.
Having adopted P. %V. Oates' "Patent Dine for Cut
ting bolls, we take pinwale in aaylnif, then it more
titan •nswere Oar eipeetallors, h ere no bevita.
non in molar it as our opinion, that It far excels any
other plan in present nao for conies bblla. -
We hay. I'. AV. Gates'"Patent Dias" for canting
screws, and the economy of using them Is so very
considerable, that we leak upon them as tt dipensa•
We to every establishment having nay quantity of
straws to Cal.
Cameo°, ditty 11, 1840.
Onaaavea Ona WASIIINGSON, EVpa. 7 43.
St!have f mt,
atrebeled of W. It. Scoville:, for the United
t..v, lac right to use in 01 the anent]. and oven-
Valuable Properly fog , sal..
AGREEABLY to the last will and testament of
the laic William 'nese, deceased. The sub
scriber offers for sate, on very accommodating terms,
either whole or a pert of the property belonging
tattle estate of Mg said Wm. Tease,-situate an the
'meet side of Hand street, adjoining the Allegheny
Itridre, consul ing of 3 throe story houses,Mso co them
hearty new, pleasantly situated end in good order.
Also, lour or five lotsof ground adjoining Ow abovo—
sold entire or divided, as may suit the Purchasers.
aloe, sdvcral lots In the lurougla of Lawrenceville.
A. the object of the sale Is to invert the proceeds
For the benefit of the family o the deceased, the greater
portion of the perchers:l money can be retained for
:Orro years.
This proFertv presents a favorable: opportunity foe
any ono wanting a comfortable home on easy tutus.
To LET—One of the above Apure.. *ill be rooted to
a good tenant ate Vend low Me.;
For fortt!or lotomaiion,.pply to -
it WRA ,Aciityr Executor,
or to itJOttia Urtizglvt. Liberty at.
A LONG ROOM over MI Connolly's Thy Goode
tore. The room is well finished and raosialsed
Indigos fittings. Entrance on filarial SM..
ANEAT Two Rory Dwelling Howie, on Perm at,
Whiswil in the Most dwirablegut of the city.
For par:ice:are, enquire at No lIS P a event.
PULL 1114 NT,
%4WD Brick Dwelling Booz,, in Dr.venth Ward, on
I Denim Avenge Of nitierrollle Raid. Rent :ow.
That large etnomooiou. rowelling House
n o, zo . t , l , l i .. vo l i fo er . h . nttare ..gottal Stable and
IP and lose the I:aid:I:el 01111 ro " YO "'
7 14 4
e, 'gustation Weimer at, near
Croat. For toms, apply to
agyalif LOWREE
SS Wylie st.
T. L., •
A. IT,lclranahcls;
immettlately below thgFerry. Enqvure of
Pinshurgh Foundry_
;To L•t, '
THE huge three story Brick IVarehonve, on Water
belay Ferry .'reef, running froraltiater to Fitt
rtreet, on rrrrtonelle tonne. Poems-Von given inint•
dieter. Fannin of
febta•tf -Lt`ll7., N STRI,VP
FUR PALE.—A Lot of Ground situate-on Penn
street, between Hay and Marburystreets, adjoinin
Um house and lot naw occupied by Richard Edward.,
having a front of 2.5 feet, and in depttelso feet, ••
sold on favorable terms. Title unezcs.ptiomtb e. En•
quire of C. CLLQUM.I.SrM st, near Wood.
Froporty fa /I.ll•chsn7 Cllty ror gale.
TIE aubscnber• on. for Wet • n'amber b thou
Lots, &inane In the Stand Ward,frondn. on
Common ground, on easy terms. Ing•in. 01
W. OM. ROBINSON, Any at L•m, et 0 els in
cf JAR ROBINSON, on thentenn..
To Sontharsa and Western' Merabant.
Ro tussEs enEmrom PERO:IMMIX. The
nacc fiber respectfully bathes public attention to
hi. exten.ive 010. of Perfumery,!Poaps, eheviog
Creaths,, to winch seven Sifter pnd two Golden
Medals have, within the last six years, been awarded
by the laminar. of New York, Goatee, lad Phila
delphia, the latter bring the only Golden Medals !V..,
awarded for perfumery either 111 Enreps or In this
lloussn's Gutman. Snnsons Camas, (Almond,
Rose, and nrobrostal,) universally asknowledged to
be imperial' to ray Shaving Cream In Pius country or
Oi-unissm rut Siinvirm—Beautirally traurparent
and pu.m ,
oing !Sepal neeous nod emollient
properties; Saponareons Compound; Ambrosial Shav
ing Tablet; Military Shelving Soap. '
nem:merle Tom. Soses—Almond, Rose, Mills-ileum
Bouquet, Pistachio, Patehoulyillmaibus, Float.
inn, Tumspuent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Circassian.
14Psrerrs roe rue Iluentlenter—Roze, Jaunin,
Direquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Mousse.
line, Jockey Club, Megnolia, Clemente, Citronelle
Rossi, and many other varieties, in all sixty different
Tonne 1 0,- —Florida Water, Ran de Toilette,
Orange Flower Winer, and gull variety of Co
lege. and Lavender Waters '
Putesarrioni ruirltusertulne Dear's Oil,
Antique Oil, Caudotine, Eau Lustride, Glenne, Coil),
pound Or. Marrow, Ilair Dyes, liquid and iaspowder,
end Pliilocome, and Jenny-; Pomades.
Ch ar
coal Elixir, Rose
Tooth Paste, Charcoal Denuffice, - ' , Ddonline, Tooth
Posen, and Tooth Powder.
Coenzyme—Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amandine
for chapped bands Cold Cream °Moses, Cream do
. Lly Salve, Raspberry Creascri Ake.
Depilatory , Powdnrs, for removinglauperecona halr i
Pearl Powder, Vinalgra de Ringo, Aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria Unit Composition, Preside Salta, besides
a Meal variety of other etudes, too numerous to be
namcdin this adanniacinent.
Tic subscriber-bores to maintain the reputation
which this establishment has acquired, by &spasm&
cif nothing but fast rate articles, and will be happy to
foraish those who may wish to patronise him. either
wholesale or smelly tin as reasonabid mama es any es
labliriiMent in the United Buttes. 1
.SUCCMOT to end former Director pf the Labsnoters
114 Ctiesnot street.
Mr. Boxin's Perfumery Is for sale by all the prlnci
pal Druzgata In thacoantry.
'A ILLS, Wrer cr. 11.c.e1,s llo.Kr eed Lou,
Ltice.smproledtvelbug I. , um the tem*, Belghteel Be
et r co.,and ifardeu &melds sew larer.,..djemio, teed 101.
O. large three story Flouring hied, irith four parr of fi
feet brirro.acrl rat th e =chit ery f,r,
6. F. K thr Driest ecru hand, etc: A. cant' tout
Loyd and trlajoad at the sarli. " 3
Aba, Witty Faetary with lOC° Spindle, far Spinning
cotton yarns.
lso, tut of ground upon which is erected a lugs sad
subitulttal well buil: Man,ien goo* and brick,
two starter high, wi.h Belch Kitchen, Wash Ilutae”d DaWe
lion., Petals Tee., Shrubbery, .g.e: t a very des rah!.
oantsy rusdanca. Alau, atonal twenty lot, with 1.10 , 03(•
Driek, Frame. &c . erected thartonint greener and bess
sirs a d beautifully stinted, Ab50,..,10 building lots
of various Biles.
Also 2.1, water lota, isaimproted, and sottable for rlts
Nleaufactords, ke., with than quired Water power .
timer). The above Mills, Water Power, L'as, dwell of
lloues..od Lot. art situated upon the father Beaver
sleet, where the fall is twealy fret of the whale volume
of the riser. Adatosei le, with a fall el.o of about :At feet,
ta about one milt above, wad Fallsbot U.t flew ltrighten
ort donate , : hal..r. The Uhio twit Tama. Relates] le
uutinuotito of dm Penna. Railroad (rpm Phila. to Pitts
burgh) p,s a through It to the laksb sod the Coo Welt,
through the great N lad tauter of the . U.S.. wbsell onto
benwake Deaver Fells the li..hrster fat Ftoustog Mills,
caual It Ulan to the Lola, dlau, pee es t.aeens of lt
AL. , a tract 01 =Acres of Lend nierlookiug the Palle at
Gesso, ad omit, the !owes end of in dew of the
Chat] E'r:t usa CI , 't eltimd,sto4 also of the rail road. Th.
:stage Road Wens Pittebuigh to Clzetland Fawn thrusts it.—
Mora 1100 MO classed end meet . fence, soy lase!, soil ea
table LA. blredcwas .d Gardena. Ecilneh and well water
eat, sod a sum of coal under. Will bu odd to whole or lo
qu , rasises t .1;1 purcha.ecs Also, a tract of 4.50 ecru al
kw...led by the r 00l of the eanalto she east. by Ad
*curdle on the north,lty Crints onco the a trth, and awed
., wed *crow 11411 Uhia and Pease Roll Rood, about 35t
cleared. These,. co, ie land elute:Well lurk two dory
done Lou., also a Wee gory stotedwellisig . house, Sod
o.berluildings. Thelarged part of the tract es keel sad
rich, and for beauty of location, fertility of soil, and premise
of speed, and great burrs. in rel.. It unsurpassed inves
ted, Pe , osyletosa his well supplied yids beam?, eoaf aod
salter eil.nt spriings of pare wo,er,end is mll clap:. to
La.ming, gardenteg,or lor Fled° residence., and wok be
soilwhole or iv quaotilits b saia purchasers.
With the usequalled water pow, r just adore and below it,
.1 its nor, ailed geographiralpacitons, it most income cts
I ralue more rap dly perhaps than any other pis. of lend in
ow West.
Mao, :ill I to of ground educe in Now Brighton, east of
Mc timing path at the a ult and bounded by Il i Dominion the
bridge, dam and look allot canal, abom and port Walt
the Itailrinid.
dlf Mis proptrty mbrautifally .lidded, in • [Maltby comp
trg, ahoundrog wi th coal, timber, building at ke.,
mad but time to Own mid • haif mi WW from Ma Ohio tint,
ail. Trona Pittibmg Tto mud • hwit pun It.
antes timmon imiti on milli the Ohio man - Lob Ers a.
Cris sod Ossetic dt ant do Uh o and fcbtot. U. Road, now
boalcomo 10 completinn sod 0000:000L'imugh mod, of
it, bring it within bour cc Ifs, that of rAtemrl l,
audpam to and through it Mt gnat Bond of faszeogers,l.' -
duccmd mewhandErs flogs tbs. East kid Wag.
As • rtoutput rnanufartura&methasirs psrar*ii •
for row try I,:dt ittrel 6r 1:11141.t Parra7;ph.,
We prof able inward:it <f mAlley, me pram
array Inderearna.
Taw or de will he m muddle an) addall: o4 ' 9.
claws. For father panthr. tapirs..
to •••‘
dt, proprietor, or Wm. ilerado,
N. P & O. Fla rERMA N.
Al , amey. al L. l .r r al.i.ltriale ri.grar,
le I , :a aei No. 1,17 P.rairSlrea,
TA.1.1E.4 WILSON Warm his Mend. and t'm put,ll
• that he bee remand Lie Ilat.and Cap Eatabhsh
meet from. Eagtheeld meet, to Ms old mud on M
tonne or Wood W. , nta Diamtnd Alleyj (see
ttoty)prer r.triela & ranbange °Gleam,
unn“. b.a.,eit Diamond Alley—wham may be foond
a large and otthionabla a.mortment of Oita and Caps
attMetsd prvss, wh al e
Ham a. d. nranr•ala mad
14,119-d& .
Cheap D . ask e ttria.
kil t e.YLit a g ti o l f tt e l tre l ..tyle, at re View rice
of 121 cu. Aka, ptatyoriety pr Uglu L.r.
/0 ccrAl 44 11 4 4 *; • •
fdl:'' ' f:,o . ''''' -' ' ''''
approved is till the. principal shops in'New York
-, machinists, 'ship smiths, &0., with tho MUM co
fore haed, consista in their crating a rtr,rtrr
• over tbg ton to he gut, which require no emolging
at of the solid iron, without raising 0 to the least;
of wort:, and in their sithplicity, and hula liabality
ries under tbe anpervisionOr tlas DeParXXI.; P. W.
Gates... Patent kits. tor es tdra screws on Eels!, they
baying been tried In moat the lirie arsenals, and
found to be very effieletit and excellent
A. TALCAYrT; Col.Ordinanza. j
Drat. ov,Vastoi awl,. noels, •
WasioNarus, Sept. t.. 5,
Considering Oil& Patented Improvement IS cut- •
line ItieWEl ottusual to tei a • alaaLla orse,lttave, by
authority of the }prostate Secretary of ote..NooY •
Drachma of : th e Attorneys addle Patentee, IVJR. ,
Ettevllle and.Satruct Meurer, the nold Wanks
and WM laid traproventent . fos the U. B. Nov'
JUSEP.II SMITH, Chiefof Bureau
In am also by •
DuSalo Works. Rußea;
. Reused: Ashlar, Rochester,.
Roulett & Co, Gloucester. N. Yr
Haywood*. PAyder, Schuylkill County;
Dlrbeek. hew York;
Hogg & Delmaator.°Pbornix,.N. Yr
11. K. Dothan & Co, Neu , York;
Denmesd d: Co , Monument Works, Dalt;
Vim Coral, Rochester; •
Mott & Ayres, No York;
&Roar Works I do; •
Pine & Manly, do;
Wan Point Fonndry;
Norris., Oro, Philadelphia;
Alaska, Breedesbargn,Pa;
Walworth* Mason, Poston and Naw Yolk
Lc6rell Machine Akan; Yawn
Atneotkess Co, Ithtnehester, N II;
Lyman & Bon bar, PoUth Boston,
and onmeroeut others.
No I' &chine, N. sets dies it. taps fr i r to 7 in.ari. B=3
No a do 3 do ito 1 i price [DO
No 3 : do 4...- , dO. Ito 1, Price • 5130
* m
Al :orde Chicao, Ci.
B. It on,rs
E. Vert, D. Maras II le Co Piol. a•
dein la, and H. 11. se.ino & hens, Chicago, for Die.
and Taps, Wil hor Without , machines (or using them,
will meet with prompt attention.
Cardona°, May 3.1120., , • I e-liddm
D •
R. J. 1. ftliTill§ofteri an professional services
to the citizens of Wencher.. an vicinity.
Office and residence, for , the present, at Rosedale,
is filsnefieste4 unstedisoly .hove the U.S. Maine
Hospital. • I iclnitlfito
PR. JOHN MARTIN rCepecnully intr.onnces tba
citizen., of Pittsbrgh, Una he has permsuccUS
itted himself hi th in city, for Pm purpose of prac
tiring Medicine zed Buggery, in oil it s Valrioll, his itch•
no. Ills office is on Fourth street, No ltrl. !testae-nits
Igo tilt ram, at. ill rlE.,,CtictiT
Cladlcal atarl Suolgteal If wilco.
rp GREEN S M. forniert of ensladelhia, and
T• Into of New Liahon, Ohi o , tatrit plot so p re in an.
pouncing that Ile hat 'located Mow elf fte tonne:n.4lll
Phtsbirgh, ler the pap* , of yowtialeg the venoms
branches of Medteine and Fergery. calla promrdy
attended to at all hoar, of the day and night. Office
and retidenee No 140 Third street, between Fr.iteheld
and Grant.
liaratlaeas—P. Stoma, Rm. Film - OLn F. Kay,
Bookseller and . Stanonrs, too. stsceni It. Kennedy,
APatkaasY and Broknlss, Penn I,l9:Sisr
kannnals anti kem inisuat —.IONLIPr Its
In Chu:Seal Soap causes a trod persynanon, sod •
the std.. Um... 46 e5, Pollens, and 'ultras tha skin
tt the tutors and heauy of an infant's-
Scum, 5at.7 Rostra non Soon, are soon nn i only
healed, but cured by Its au, as at least seven llnyst.
clans in New York know; who usa it in sorb rues,
gad find ttonfsilinit,as also In
Poems, Buiretirs, Parecbss, or any other st a die
me. The reader Is Muted that this is nor Oen
puffed noslrumi as one trial writ prays • I could ma
merate at least SD persons curet of
Ilisn,Sess Leal ssn Serb: Bas..— J 7 It,
and Ott in and the reader , is sysin esseteel I ...cold
not cruelly nil It (Qt the abate emcee 1 knout. be
Ell I state. Those Who &rehab!, 1.,
Gluten, MUM% to eSsras, Arm, Will En trui
cure. Any one alilieledwrth any tithe chose Luna.
disuses, will find tali all end even more chose,_
tile In Its propertie sith an , I Wait.
Da, reader, Ike stores are hooded with Inn aliens,
and be MO you ask for JONES'S Mien Cu einleal
Soap. Sold by W ht. JACKSON, 410 Liberty street,
Sittsburah augh:d.h.sT
Irl s
e ines *Pa nu manna to not ntaTeriejTat
ffiT6 th. a bad, patztl breath, ox dark, yauyr 411,C.
ed teeth. Hyatt,. havetheta it Le their awn funk—
they can, for two shilltnia, buy an smite that
taato their breath pats and tweet le At Spiej dly •
It Mum Mecums of the Gates, spongy or ale ermadi
and for the Teeth it Is unequalled, rumoring the tartar.
(Wetting the teeth In the gums. end clean them au
white es the same of Mr frozen Ncezh.
Sheb a reader, are the properties re Jan.'. Amber
Tooth ratio, and, without praising It cromelves, hear
whet one et our at respectable end scientific, Dot ••
ti . E Field, of Near Yost, nye:
4 have • • th used end analtamlthhbeanufufartd ire
palpable article, (Jones' Maher Tomb Oseteo an
can me • •• •• end it W poisoning allthequalittee Clain
ed for IL" Render, We Can Sly no Rom to coneine it
only that yes try this once you wilt be well pleas , 1.
It is pc •up in bet:mire English China Pot., Mr ri
Sol by the Agent WM. JACKSON, MI-Me e
rr street. • Milburn h AUUSVISAsT
laa F qolo V! . , rr . al L 7T r
!.,C " l:ili '" q "Lrg b .'1 1 .r.7.11."."
z0.0...nu0 112.: tItZ1011a: U •11. II they doubt our
:Initit, "Tlick th m I bl Y - 0 4P. 3 . 1 4. c ilMm• I
Mn. Geo. acted!. Elio st, Net York.
Mn.s Me lila Bowies, Myrtle av, Prod:l) , n.
Mr. Wm., onipki4s, irt King st,Nevr York.
Mr.Thoi,l,JacksoM Montour: Island, near Pinsbal gl
It E. care, late barber steamboat S. America.
more re
than a hundred others state, though I hi
must suMee, that it tilt force the,hair to gross on am
head or Nee, stop It totting off; strengthen the re its,
removing stet! and dandruff froth the roots, insl. mg
light, red_, or gray halt assume a hoe dark look, and
keeping dry, harsh or airy hair moist, salt, elect act
heauttful, a very, very long time. :
Sold by the Agent, Wld. JAiIiSOP , I, NO Liberty at
Pittsburgh. Pneenyk, CO smote, seal one dollar.
They are not swam hOt7.lrighlfully injurious tt la
to the skill! how comae, how rough, how sal,
Tat., and usthealthy.the chin ap,
pears ant - ruing preparedeltalkl tie
aides it Is iMunous, containing a
largo quantity of Lead
We have preared beautiful lee , etable arttalol
which we call J ONES' SPANISH 141.? NVIRTE.
It le perfectly innoccet, being malted of all Me mil
out qnalluesistod itiroparts to the aktn a natural, ent-
Rly, alabaster, elesr,trving while; at the same Rea
acung as a C.:settle oruthe stlni =shine It sell and
-scaled. Sold by the Ageht, WhL ACKSON, 11l Lib
arty at, Prttsbmgh. Pncelei cent. .4 1 % ,11, '
MB'S never failing PainDestroer, and certain arm
for Beim, &midi', flies, Mani and Inflamed 'Eyes,
Cuts. Wounds, Drums; Inflammatory Hnnumatiand,
Swellings, SpritlurrSord irples, Broken Breast, Salt
Sheila, old and 111VCieititO KIM, and oil cutaneous
and Inflammatory diseases.
--• • .
:CounterfeitiorDALLPlPS EXTRACTOR In lbeoLo
womr.rn good the minket Bttan theca won:d
! py boyiog the ttno,to in the PEW DRES:i
you ovoid the danger et being Ihro.el hobo by eon.
teffeits on C 111 4 ,11 Of getting the linuaine r .l cam,
ISLOTC.O'ret, PIM 5U pet cent oil tlic flir,rag :
Caution to' II
Oro. imposition is punned apex Dealers, by an.
enrolees operator!, who put up. the counterfeit stud
o a conterfeit of the old wrapper, mixed with a few
axes One genuine liter:Loh Coten, and nee offer it
or sale at n tedeccd price! This Lin Cliches many
roar.;; , ht . tha madimt, innocent consumer. win
ea the routines Jimmie, pays hho:pen eq . ! errirM.C ,
eln unignity teen and ma rk!tokulting from revere
•urns, wounds or torte, and often lon of Cite itself,
re no tounquencee.
Cage In Point a Interesting Particulate
Of one Of the moat revered' burnt end Mimeo safer.
Pn at We late and dinetren 11AGLE bTEEET
LOSION, ih New York. wel thinly be pubic Ind.
1110 - See the New Cirtulare for'INZ.
Mark the Walpole on the new drese—the Triangle,
Serpent, Lion, San, Doreoind EkgtheOnd D. DaSeY'a
lErAvind danger and brand, and buy teller. Ex
tractor One, to the ea* cane and Lana
It. HALLEY, 411 Broadway, New Verb.
Henn P &Logger; ikilegheny.Oencral mad Mamie
rale Agent. • ,
We Tunan,Agent, Pittsbargh.
- N. 11 the 111200, of Donets who procure the NO
id h ;Ir:, ; „, : , ;::., , . „ ,,,.. , ,;‘,a
rapt., an Ts 11. 10' • ••
Dr. J. Masonla Sot Boyar, I._ ,
Flastate• &rad illood Yurlfler. •
(SAS been extensively 12 4t(i by the
IA Doctor lit nit extemsore plb P cecall eenfp
Jently necreumntled the rubles Mrthe Lure at all
tmputitiea of the blood end ueuntal dr:Libre, threma•
tern, dyarepsm, coughs, eold4 broortouv, dropsy,
nervous or icenetal debLlty, female emnpla/Mns mer
canal discuses, ulcers !Orel , or enapnonn. end dlr.
ease of the skin, route , romplainte, an short
for all imparitles of the boed. ll in when, vegetable.
sad may betaken °eget any eifeirermusee• was per
eer safety Prepared by rIANIIJEL KELLNIEE Eel
lore, Did. For sale, wholesale and retalb by
;Jm..7 57 Wood st; PaLsbutylb
+,4-4 11,1 e. art.
DEAR'S & BROCKWAY, Coinmisaion Ileaboota,
Sacramento City, oantornlo. Liberal terraces
wade on coralgnmen., MI 1 01 oger-bY b , mincro
promptly anenoed
. 10CZCV..1
1-,a7. "‘/LTIMIMOR
'lllall3:eityraMT i
J. LIAR Lig 803 tS,E. WRILL,
fvuo STATE. ClAilllllSitiOtifift hit taking Ike
,Akinat Anknoteledrinenta of Ikeda, kn.
ogee—Fourth Went, abase SreitLftchi.
F 141 )
o it..-1 , 4:k hares,. an:e
. •-- - - -
Q . 1.:NDR1E4. , -.36 bey No I Lapli
1 Viol do; ~
4 .- 7 .
• . 9 and do; . .
• 9 axis Dream; i.
1 WI Tallow; : ,
• 3 Ws-Honey;
. , 1 Orme Wax;
. , • 3 Wit Flararel; •
.• : 3a max Feather.; ' • .
. • la bars Girmorl
To arrive, for ISAIAH DICKEY &CO
~ •irll • Water & Front au
tiNSECIA 0110-109 n polo,r wela
_.._. ' . ..,..,Lar Wood NV
N i l 6l.A"l'4. lll2. r a ' l l t r'.1,°1 :1 ".4'; 1
jai ' 1 . • P 4 3 ilbirry_ at-
QUOAR 1101grartit&POPS26i1T,1 la,oni - ,mlTi'
0 for tale by 110'931 IS 4 DILWORTH lc 411,
GUBlAitAble-414V rn p alli s stAtz ex
peit ; COT Flza and Wop
VaLIAX-1:14111k4s Otago by ,
je'A . •
011001010114, '
I • )
W 4-16 bag biTrTaTaii - ii.:'4 , 40 1 tWiZie.
r i voi ' RILKY, 3LATLIIEW9 & i.t.