p ot A BY MAGNETIC TELECRA°B. L.YICLsUUJ.I.IIBD ; *OR me. PITTSBUROH DAILY GAZETTE CONGRESSIONAL. WMIIIIOIOI, /lily 30 Sawn—Mr. Davis presented the crediMidals of Robt. C Winthrop, the appointed Seastor from Maasaebuietts, in place of Mr. Webster, norigned. Mr. Winthrop, after.being they qualified, look ha nest. Mr. Pearce; frotortho Select CommilMo on the Foote sad Benton disorder, In the Senate, made a report' which was ordered to he printed, Oa motion of Mr. Benton, tiro evidence taken In the caw was alto ordered - M.6e printed. Mr. Mason introduced • joint resolution, de. slung, no effect, that the annexation of Texas is tronriusive of the titleclainned by Team against the United Staten; iainO,i directing proceeding,' t o conotonuity with such declaration. The moie ties was ordered to i second reading. The Omnibus Bill was taken up at 2 o'clock.— The quatioe pending being on Mr. Brodbary's amendment submitted festerday. Winthrop rose, and said , be had received a letter this morning from the Giovemor of Massachnsetts, informing Mtn that he had been appointed Co supply tho ;vacancy in the Semite oo ruinned by the resignation of his distinguished fraud now In the oMee 'of the Secretary of State. Having desired to atropC the appointment, wad being called on to do , so without delay, be , bad thought fit to 'antounce, in presence ta° Dough. that his plate' Will be vacant from this day, and he reipkated the fact to be. announced to lire Grimmer of Matractooseue to Its natal --- with which in baking bin leave of the nesse, be had been so long asmelateo, le wished Ursa! la the briefest and simplest j terms that be should always cherish the highest nerd thr ill charapter, and be ezprared hut hearfeit wish.. to the SPealf• er, and each member; for their health and pros dt Mr. Winthrop then withdrew to, the Senate Chamber. , Mr. Harmonson, • member (row the Committee on Publid land., and Mr. blacken of the Commits la on Indian Attain. Were, by request or their colleagues, caused Irma service on these cons minas, to cam apace of ill health. . The vaesecia oetlif ions& in the Committees of forehto Maus, mull/tem:tints, by the resigns. two egmr. Winthrop and the death acids. King of Mrossauselts, wereadwed io be filled . Ile Speaker announced the bushman before the Mono to be the motion to reconsider the vote by vebib was retorted' to the Committee of the Wlsie ea the state of the Union, the bill attire - ever man • farm free of eat. jr. Evans, of Maryland, who was entitled to the flea, mid be would not make a speech, but wu a view of proceeding with the public business belts the House, and Pot having a desire to ride thedenunrogue hobby,he moved to' lay the me . Po to reconsider on the table, which was agreed to: L • the Mouse then sat bito Committee of the Wale on the caw of +ht Union. Ir. Bayley movedSo he aside the California Bt', whieh was agreed to—Yeas 95.—Naya Ai on hi■ motion, the bill to pay flevolaitonary air. 'tam pensioners:was taken Up. ;he Stun prevents as from receiving the mdndtmf the Conmensionat pie teediegs. TIE FINERAL HONORS TO PRESIDENT TATLOR. . I PUIPIDII2III/, July 30. To dawn set apart for the Funeral Et nom of PresidetTaylor. The Occasion woo bf the most imposing de. arriptimoThe cottego was about twenty Inoue" long--oripling,when in an emended bog, about one thirst the route, Which was upwards of 60 moms; Ave miles to length. The Mtge began to more at II o'clock, A. bd. and dlebt reach Christ's cherch cool after 3 ol clecti-Pst-, thus taking upwards or four hours to go milts. route: The column was about an hour am half in uniting a given point. The Pe number in proccnion, when it start ad Wawa 10,000. Tais, number dwindled Sown Os than dna half before the route had been gooses, eo intense and oppressive was the beat. II it nut been for the extreme hot weath er,themould no doubt hove-been at least 20,000 In the pieuion. 4OLERA IN CINCINNATI I buscueum,' July 29 Derime 44 boursi ending a 6 o'clock, I'. M., to day, to were 12 interments Irom cholera, and :IS Imola, diseases; 30LEILA IN ANCINNATI. I . Cticutirtl.lo.lT 3 o. _ . The!cre, dulat .24 hoar• d r to day, Itatmenia (nun Cholera, and as from cat tRIVAL OF GAIWABALDL hew Imix, Jalp The ket ship Waterloo, from Liverpool, IT rived mathorod of Saud, Hook, lam the herci of the Homan Etepirkle, on noitbo,%Vitetion. He ism have &veal public ptiorkin this clip. thamamorr. July 29 . Flo*9le =Him fa gore, and drooping, with small tat 51,2254.:3 par bbl. why—Male. 1-8.121 1-4 persaL - - Prom are without dmp. Sovgamendly bold fur a funhcr advance of 1-4 e: • • I Glifales of 11M at 19 1.2, and firm. NEW YORK MARKEL. nuke IMPORT. • Now Your, icily fth. Floessy, with; no abippina taquiry, but a fair dsf for the n•st and borne trade, at 111,15711 rtt Ia in 'demand and beta above the vieeirboyczr. , We quote mixed Wes ern at use, t yellnw it 13443,3 a,... per trPah. Pe:Cur—The Weller In reek Is better and n kaarger„ 'at 610,37351.0,41 for mean, nod Ag. 31,0 for prime: trod la in Waited mined ow eller hat relief*. Orr. Coffee nod Sugar are steady, with =Weals" to tio) trader. To—Thera la a fair apeentaure Inquiry th the d, and a good city trifle dhmand. CINCINNATI MAN tcr. • Cistwoutti, July 3). FINe notice deeline hoot, with ra.es of aerate ear brl. vpsales . pats—ewes Orson brie Mess Perk at Eloper brl. t articles ars withoat WIL/ILIJSS *SALL O fl . ll STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. yglhaniScent ea•abGenment being . nar tom. rad tasty for tosinesatheptheneuir would reap, solicit A share of the public Pavane. Ne ey giving ,tile full attention to the baiter., a me house a e pleamet and comfertable rerun for Hems of;Pitithergh and _t ge the country .'. • Clettld•Attl will be in waiting, and every ex ernes to reader the eslahlishment earthy the cause and aspen of an kr tellieent community. 170 SPACIOUS HALLS, heed for Parties. Coodnetarm,! Balla, and pantie mantles, will be lee canines or week, or, as liberal terms as ay Ci Duchy: Th. and RESTAURANT. easel le style and beiseany Le the world, will be kept (undated withsViaes, Choice Lavers, Cordials, Patera, Alealtthe cool, light, relthaintles of the season. PeGamm, PIM, Soap, Oyster., and Cutts, serve the beet style. • ThINO end. ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the far, and may of access, will be constantly suppth all the Luxuries and Delicaries of the wit step: also,with such eastantials as the markets snort j ' • So be th e: day, week, or year. Dtnners or Serp individeals or panics, Welshed on short with idieix o ffamines els 1.1 e the City COM, . be O al with refreshments f all i ki r' eds at any hour ' . seepon (Jubilee x eeted With the IDO ad an etensLive ' Livery Erantien- lot I o'clock. Dres.kfostandTen at th e usual ba re for Indies le the lee Crease and Dining Sao 07 Satnneld street. K. It. VAN RENEASELAF.R. A. WILICINS & • EH AN t 3 E • B ROK E RS, •. Cartier kf Third lard Maria era. =ACTION/ AZ MOO 1.1..11L 1102'. Nuran movattirso sTbnie, U., at Pritit Ital St. Oct meet, lillV.X.tt4 DER a EONS, Fottambing Under , vtttettrenkry ankle" {or banal and No win* wi Inv% en Twonable tem. VlDUiteilfl'etiAtlif WORK& J os,4l M'art of the fifth Chatabers,Agi • wog, ~iortspeetfolly inform tho-old ea. "'"'" eisit be will tithe oro =owl I. ear, lass lastaus, In *P. its 1. , , Pt All all keen far Afoot... coritiltert, moots, n ar k" 'MAP, at. at Wryne bib " 40 " . Ills warthog= is No st fis as hi, bouggeo Fmk, Seeoalw. jy3l“l2in Clad: iNdfirdd-l4ad Plttalsarigla Telograpb leCof areselation of Donr d of Dlrtt tthe;Cierefattd, Werth end Pittsburgh. oeotepany,Te resting the iney Get ors to be pehluthed in the the ritabit'orth. grain bf tats y. I imbeds the fo Hearten TlCTelegrayls cessinences at e„d s io tonna Pittabargh, pausing . thrum m t ,.,t r ,. Fad. Sot Newton Palle Warren. Yereasteeen, - and la th e State of Ohio. and New Cod e and Koala the State of Pennsylvania, at 'ewe, yasin ere .flees locates" for the receipt ~,,,g trate of business. • Tie leriVh of this line la 149 utilea—Carao ptoepet mile, nuking •told eaTitat shock of fra.'hiett sinoant 510,U113 it be d by entrees o loise,tsnd the balance to bold 1 , 7 Cornell & goetontraetors.. The abirre puseent of Sob. • oestg clones: have been paid to Cornell & It . ' gipethich the Tresses." , boo their receipt- ;. JFYFESSON SALM, Secretary. 11 . DWELL di CO., , t OßDlise siguonsacrii. w; Pes: (dsitAs Par, Past qr..) ' ' irimstanently located at this place,. acer medial Wharf Dom, vre are . prepared to re ooPircrard promptly wall pea:man the ricer, *dad Beavererr Ohio Carsala DI Co, deloce 15.—)eld ' Fat.tto No 3 IlLick_oro4 , lo , tati gY~d; for ttb b 7 _ .4 retched „ nom ., & KIRK PATRIC K tll5-1 ;r om consin... &toile by ylm oma wroso COMM RCLII., RECORD. PITTIBU WOO BOARD OW •?BADE . - COMMITTER FOR JULY. ' as 1111X101.1.4•••IAll X COGpTI••••4DR. 11.C14 PITTEIBIIIIOIIAnSET , roa rue uric. vrmaa JOLT 3J. In reviewing the market for the *reek jut closed, we haws nothing of emend interest to nonce. Clarinets inlet, with no marked change m impulsions. The weather emganat the week has,been very arise Wed, and we hare he'd • nttmker of severe Shun. der aroma, and heavy aion darrnif that period. In ton.ee of the ulna, .600 rise In the char lad nielpared, bet op to the present writing, the. list or consequence: There Is cull, how . . ever, a setneiener of venter for the lightest steamer, flit toads of freight Sermon on the riv er, bossesencoMthum. yeti limited. ygif h 5 coal, dating the Lot steamer mouths, the demist! for Ashes Is quite Waited, and nosy little h., Wan doing to the way of sale.. The fellestialt m aybe given ets the amine) rates, with small sales: wart Ashok; Saltratas, StaLiet Potash, illgt4iet Soda Art, 3101, and Scattiness at italidle p b. APPLES—We notice the arrival daring We week of considerable gaantithe • of green Apples, which are dolt of silo. A lot of le lible loss sold an Monday, at ;ALE—We continue our quotations for Ale, ling, cioh Included. 'BACOPI—ViIe notice no change in the bacon mar bet during the past week, and sales have been of • Iflttend chuacter, at lust quotations—say, for best gaaluy .agar eared hulas, 100; and for common do, Se b, by the use. Sales horn store and from minim. hotter, of Shoulders, at 41e4f; Soler, flICIAll; and or plain llama af7Cll'le 10; rough cut emintry cured bacon is Wild a lower figure. - ' itßooslB—We cadre fair supplies to ztore, with Inge of 011 es to SAM V doz, asconitng to vC BUCKETS k TUBS—Prieea ore onettanyek with Try mbar sales lo cowls? Bade. it 52:2032:25♦ doe for bucket; end SYCPSTX for tubi. BUTVER—The season Is very dull for batty. Very Mks la wiling, and we can reyert no Wes of conic. qikenek BEANS—Wu hear of moderate sales of Deans, at 111081,13 P bus, for a (sir &Wee, and as high as 111,a far best quaky. consequence of the break to the Ohio Cans!, the arrivals of Cheese from the W. Reserve basil hero very limited. Sales have been confined to moderate lots, .1 &(6O is D. CRAWLERS—We give the following as the rashes: market pier foe the diCamat artte.es under this head Water Orsesers, per bbl - —8443 Saner " " Dyst Brepeptic do " Coo C Piload, Sugar Crackers, per lh Soda do " 74 CORN 1116aL—We notice a moderate demand and fa', supplies, with sales from atom and the mills, at Go tkMa bo. CORDAGE—We note no further change to prices.— The following are the blanufarturers' prices; Aisrullarope, by • —• Ile f D. do White Rope, by coil,— Ile " dt Col,* 12e Tarter' Rope, by c0i1,.---.—..r00 do -• ••llc Pecking Vann, fine,•---• • • Pe do common,--• • • do " SW MVOS. Manilla, 111,87.0dater1,75 P dos do •lir ' D. Scrap, SI,C-091,1583,00 p dos. do p roil,••••100 D. I,o[oll Manilla, 87k 7Se IP dn. Kymured Cordage In sold regularly at Isio Y 0: COTTON YARNS—The follow:tie a corrected tater thc 'meioses articles under this head : No. 2, eta per lb la o I.do o •—do " " -131 "" •---do " " • —ao —2l "12, " " --do No. SOO, eta per lb • • • •ltli Li 9 Carpel t Y Coverleam, —23 Twine, corros 3111111T1:76 Pluaburga m.o(aetared, No 1 at Be. end common o COPPEII—The regular ire as followst—Cliff Mine, sheet, .`"e; and old copper DRUGS, MEDICINES, the following corrected - list principal ankles under MI Os 12017 Alum, " 3/0 4 Asstatida, lbs• • •-•a1a123 Arrow Rom," ••• 4EOIO tutueforua, " •••-10011 Borax, refined— • ....UO2ll • MD= Poro .1,W01.,75 do Cop ...45031 Brimstone.. 13••• 4107 Camphor, ref; ••40045 Chloride lime, csa. - air • Cochineal': . .. 1,5001,73 Coma Tartar .... • 233 ..... .••110 Doe, bbls • •41/0120 Galls ••• • • Cans Amble, -- 7 .30070 01350 Trarteeloth, Wenn ••• shalom ! " • 15008 Mastic 1,.1 Ipecac 2,450415 /dap, powderehtmal•bn Lithatge 51361 DRIED FRUIT—The mot Pesch. are dull at 17,23 P Mts. DRIED BEEF—We nodce a firmer demand, with trek-Irby the tree. at 910101 e Y Ib. FLOUR—There has been no marked change in the Boni market during the week, aldwagh them bas been a falling Of, both in demand and' prices. Very little has comp foraftd• and: sales from fast bands, have been very limit ftM111,004.37. Some email lots of sapit for new 'Meat Mu have sold at higher prices. From 11010, prices have been very Lumen ed and in v.aer of a fattier tbettni, nine lot. are ofihred at low rhea Bales to the imam hotme irade have been con gaed to dray lead lon, aril 3:011,1101,SO Y bbl. Res Plocs—We hewer no sale • of.neeneenee.— We may glom nominal), so 63,6703.75 FISII—We nodes a Moderato demand, hot prices are generally the lama it given in oat alt weekly report—nar, (or 00511000,510 P bbl. Shad, Nu No 1 Mackerel, IPA°, ;No 2, 110,50311, .d No 3at 14100,Z. bbl. Seel of Barring at 85/10, lot 0000100110 0011111•0111 y. Cot s o h, 44.25 Y 0100. FEATHERS—We cordinic our quotattone m 310 3/ for good western. , • FRUIT—The amend is falt with sal. of raisins at CI 2103, WO fr lox Pales et!tilmonds, at 16023 e lb; of Ground nun. at alatolp Y bum of Peacana, none; of Silbert., 70net of Cease nuts, at 0007 c; of Zalll4 Curran!!, st9o2g, and of English Walnuts at 7 ggpre; Oranges, 15,3, Figs, p th; Lemons, 45 . 00 05351; Cocoa NaVAO,23 Y tar. FRElGHTS—Thefellowlng are the Canal rate. far ea, p.m% cut, whin are either loooola HOMO A Reuter 41' f, Ike salted,. bbl•-•11te Beeswax' Bristles ft Hair. • • -• • ex Cheetua -•i.... ...... 750 Conan —• —Aloe Pork, ibis ltd. Ibrogs TelSeilieines••• 75e ito rs , 200 - Mau Seeds 17.10 Dyed Petit.----•••••2c St Ms, Deer te Buffalo 710 P.oar— ..... ••: Tobacco, Ohio go. Pura A Pet:rte.—. Do Ky •--•• •We Feathers •••••---•••le Sec Purnitore••• • ....... ••lb Wool ' 670 filasswou•--•—•-• d Whiakey,bble•—•—• •1500 Flakuod —• • Sheep Pena.- boo lludware 7 illemp, Rope*. Binghtg Ono Rua Falesevn—O wing the fair stage of weer and the scantly of (trig., the che rgea from thin point:rust eantauaniv low (or the seam. Th. nominal rates are, to Gowiitti, 20325; Louisville, 21; and St Louis, Mere ly GROCERIEB-5 0 1.r ankfolaseta rontinue very Oren, with an advancing insney. Sales of Satar have been confined to lleallehs. b y the ...,0 01 for fair to plum, and 10 for Inman. Stier: of N 0 Siolassaa at 73D7fn to Oily 4r, and 97077 m the 0000101, in oTTraoi and no, bl Coffey remains ea tioaary at 101, 1010110 for Rtoc„ o rs 11 m 430480; of Loaf Sugar at ea, and of Mee at di 00e ig d. GROIN—We nonce, daring 0... h, coutderable quantities of new op %Vnaal to thin motel About IMO ha were lans ;ono , t h e . 1 , 000 , Reveille yesterday morning, for, City hhh,„ wheat wan bought oat of the marl 0......., when delivered on the wharf, Ithe Phaiseh ,s the pnnrnt rating rate for prime new wheat... ward alowly,:and way be quoted this market at CU 0 b. Oats are declining, .. 4 a now be quoted from firsi bands, at 210.11 e ♦ bo, invite are light We bear of no sales or corn to any ton., bat map quota at 650 IP b. Nothing doing GLOM—Wo notion no snnogn w rindow Class sales of city brands, aby 10,1133,75; y I 2 n $4,15 04,50 noL Country brands an sold at lower pr.,, d may be gaoled an follows: - by 10 ••••—• .62,7510 by 15 • .... IC by 19 . 10 by 10 3 5 10 by II 10 by 17 N aI L S-71 in " ow ingls °' of pncei the yariong attmnlr. ander tbs. head : Igo:a—Plat bar Round and oquass Hand •••••• ..... •.• .. • ... ••••••• 04 a a 1100 P ... . ..... 0/7 " Sheet Nana--10 to 20 penny ifykoh . 8 to V penny ......... g to 7 peen! 4A, 6 Panay 4 Pc."7 " 3 1.5 4 Rrissa—Cat, 3t044 3/ taca - 4,1:41 Cat, 5 ta lack ,50 " e 1,3 7 lael sp) /EATEER—We !lava an changes 15 nauti u , sitiou articles ander rills bad. Italttatora 0141, ard N Y at c3015c it LARD—Tbk market Is &And tale. late be e ha, al km* skibblk and kegs from 11101"6. vs&D—Tber, 4 s reply demand In the mars Oa for bar, LIAD Pm—Tha priient nuva orvices of Lad' 4 f , tool, accerding to she. Iburptsba—Stlea labia by Oa sluistoubt je wigs cu. W D R O W N vreelved far mile by & lIRIPALTRIOX Wong Lua —l*re load's telling at IY, and No I al f'. 9 l keg. ;. LIME-salaa of Loulayslio LW= are effected at I AZ • bbl. LouEEt—The following list of prices has been adapted, by • number of oar dealers, to take effect al , ler the first of July, lost:— • I ineb Cemnion Board, per 1000 feel, 111 CO I do do do do 1900 I J do do Plank, (0 MI do 19 Co 2 do do do do do 2100 1 do Clear Dowd, en do 1100 14 do do Plank, AP MI do 01W 11 do do do do do 44 Ort Pine Jout, (B 111) do 11 00 II do do do lelo fi Scantling do 1000 'PM do do II OM Shingles per Id (Wane) 173 OlLS—Sales or 605 gallons Linseed Oil, at f ale on 'lime. Sales of No. I Lard at asolso, of NoV, al 420 000. Winter bleached spans, 11,30; de enbleacked 11,43; Fall do, 543301,40 4 , gall. Tanners' o'.l-stray be quoted at 510017 p bbL _ POWDER—Hazard and Dupont Mae Powder clay be quoted In large quantities, 114,73; and by single beg, 53,3723 50 6. keg. Hoek Powder at 113,125 to 22,3 0 or urge and small emanate. PIO METAL—The only tale reported dating the DLOOll.2.—We have beard of no sales erbium. put week was 350 tons Allegheny, mixed lot, al 1333, 6 664 ItAtvlow of to. o, 13 eu per lb —22 " 14 " "• —SS " 13 " "••---31 13 17 " IS " " "•—•11, " •://, I)IMMU lam," " 0 Bas,Pfiling.----• —du Ilatung,No 3-13,19,11 —We notice a firmness In Penn Mills, with sales of Nanatook, at :le IS iced standard prises for copper cake sod ingots, 1902 W, al Lee is b Dll gruers--W., eh. of price• of *me of th . is bend Ll.goortee root ball••• •IbCP•24) Lac DY.-•• ...... 2-6'4U Magmesia Carb• • -211/U0 NoAlder Umbro••••14:110 1117rrh,Torkey•••••200ta 011 Vrtr:ol,• —• • • 40 S " Caster,scure, lg 2.5 Cush. 4.000144 M " Cloves ••-.22002,10 • o -41•Neatew -,, 0,00e,110 " • replio.1•••-2,4002 . 0 70 Opium, T0rkey,501 , 05,0 QaWoe ---••4,10044.0 ItOoLastr, ront• • • •00100 Asnonse- Spla----• • • • 10 5 Senna - leo9 Tonnele Add 14050 Vlistot Mae 11012 eo.oevood, 11 , 1 s • • 7 Made 4 • - 410 2 Logwood, clopped, 021 Art 11 bare of Arlie& Loithir ......... •• • Lood - LAN 44 Lard Oil • • • • • • 4C. BAGS—The moat range la 31e it 5, for geed clean mixed. RO.,lN—Bales at 33,50 ♦ brl FlDOT—Sales at CAI:01A fp bag.' SALT—Pales in a regular way at SIX f btbl, which ❑ the mgrawly malt Halted pricy afloat. STARCH—SaIes at 8107 c, (or common to test. SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of rosin coop at 041 c; of Star Curdles at P2De7c; crmabl tallow, 10ct and common dipped at Sc p 11:4 SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIes m bbl. at 4E050 ♦ gall, ea h—bbla.at:tn charge. is caused by an advance in the cast. SPlCE3—Csusta,3ol/31c; Cloves, 30e,and Nat mega, ahrar No.l it... 0011,30 Ir m. TAR—Nos Carolina it quoted at 61,0001,^3 f bbl VINEGIA —The regular rates far inCd.C.k. Vine g., from sto , are 91010 c ♦ gall. WIIIBICP. —We notice fair supplies in the market bat rates hair been confined to moderato tales, to reg olutrede co tom, et 11Orte, for rectified. WOOL— e Wool season is now nearly over, with as occasion I sale at Is range, for the 'miens grades of fawn Id to ftc P ti Storks, awl Markey Market. Prresramon, July 30, 13f0. The follow g is a cornet list of prices of stock. 111 the sal Ich have weaselled during the pest Ml= rat IN- Of. Ask ne. fed. ea' Dank or Pluabargh—Capital, 111,8X4014.0 Maiden& (May and Nov.) 4ip eent.• • SSD 101 LW Erehange 11.0—Capita1,111,Cu5dX40 (May and Nowd •ct.---- blerchanui , and Manufacturers` Ran t- Capital, 66111102; Dtaidend, (May and Nov) 41 cent--.. 60 61 42 Piltsonrlth Gas Ca.—Dividend, (J.. and July) tP cent-- -_.----.•— . 4 50 . 50 50 3 i L lo . ll:e x nA ji a rl . dge Hand ' Street " " N. Liberties " " --- Western Insurance Co—• — Pl2O & Pennsylvania Railroad, &ad wild . di . / -- Pennsylvanin Railresil• Pitisburgit City loan--.—.-- 100 03 On Allegheny County loan GM 03 OS Allegheny City loan • • 100 On 201 PittslOg & Boston Copper nif 20 Wu 101 North Asnelican " " 10 23 21 Pittsburgh& Isle Gaya] a paid 30 Ohio Tian Rock 13 13 lron Ctiy Mining ConiPanY•s. ..... •• • • 2 23 Adveretire Mining Co., 6.103,2'0 P dare Pittsburgh. Cincinnati & Louisville Tel egraph Co—CAJAL/02,000; Dividend, April, 1130,2 i cent; shares, 1130 50 Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph 2300,00 u; Dividend„ 30a "share &Tian ' nary. April, nod October, lAA.. VW • • • • • • SALES OF STOCKS—The following Alen have transpired daring the pain week:-12 ohs Pittsburgh Gas Co„ at 1130 P Aare; and 10 do Putaburgh. Cionln• nsii, and Louisville Telegraph Co, at SW 0 share. 4 As Merchant. and Manufacturers' Dank, at 5 3 1 30 fio sham Ne ontioe the organization of a new Copper Mining Company, called the "Adventure Mining Company.' The stock of this Company 'milk , fogad quoted in the the above list. • The "Ohio Trap Rock," and the '•lron City Man. (mg Company," which have been recently crammed will ahole tome is the above list. AL11.08.211, July 29, ISM REEVE —The offering. at We yard on dladdnY ore nor so large as the Week maraca but price. ere Without eking,, and mcmcd according to quality . too $4 to Sd ♦ eat, net. nIIEHP—SaIes to la fair ext.% were effected at 510 50 ear 6. ll•hnr.ar, July ..11 Cole—The orreringl at the acatax on Monday reach d (G 5 head or licavea, or which 400 were sohl to coy butchers-and GS arm, ku over aitsohl. Prioer nw- ml from 112;5 to 113,374 on Um boot, equol to $3,, , D71P 0 &CO net, and age teem. 61,124 gross. liogs—We quota at 55,2305,50. Pll.l-4011.1.1”(1.4., /Or to There were offered at the yard during the week, IWO hernia Beef Cat.. of which WO were driven to New fora. ,70 Cows sal Cal lea, Del Hogs, and 1100 ElheeP and Lambe Reel Canto are rather lower, yea a fair demand— s.., at !SLOW; fP 10. On. Caw. k ralyr•—ent.. at IP44.BKtrl for feroli Covag SDI to 514 for Springers, and la for Dry Cows Dog. are In good demand at SS I cwt. Ett,eep k Lanabs—All .Sid V 81,:408.5eacb, accord. ing ho quality. Burhan Catty Witarr.—Wo were in(orm•lyc