The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 04, 1850, Image 4

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-" • 11015SLICAN ZINC: . •
STUBS Vieille 94 =woe-Company autylf ilmlregmtill
1. 'with Boobag antPleoring in sheets Se feet, fma
it IU IM melees per sown fem. Corrugated In sheets
2r7, 97 ea. for roams mot-tle baildleas and depot..
Ship Erneethitta, 11 x4B Inches, from ne Ls oanees.
Neils. Eplkeite, IMaar Nolen, Perforated Zinc,
Zinn Punt,
They leurfeat their mail pare, and free from any
admixture of leen, or any other substattee,'and re
commend It for the manufacture of most attains in
the house famishing bee, as It does not. net, is DM
sleeted by the action of Inter, and may be polished,
painted, and Japanned.
flaterile 4 . model, ePeelleations, and ether
infommilon may be had or their. oxenti-- •
bretax Brsons, New Tmk;
- ATILCSOL Itott.M. & Co.. Boston; • •
Neraart TROT= &CO., Philadelphia;
W. tr. H. Me - BM, Ballinorei;
45.1•11 Z, DAT ft Branum, New Oriesron
F. MILLIIIOI3X, Berideat'A OM.
Liege, M>7l : ' 9 Hanover st., Near Yolk.
lihdevotrd A. Gionfrwys • -
le South Ca vert at., daltioore ßal:Fora ,-
LattE. Oodrrter &Sons. ' •
IMPORTER of Shoo Findings, and Dealer in Leather
Of ririoll.ll kinds: English and french Ind Skins;
rend, Calf Skins, Patent I,eather, Morocco red,
wblto, and plutvouts.llnionrhs , lambi% Fre:lealri
Rhots Rance. Awl 111.4.• Fl.v, 7IRREAD, Blood
Tacks, Shoe Nails and 61108 PEGS, of a/I sizes. • -
• E. A. G. to
catablined the above bashing In
Baltimore, .ls enabled to shtp goods Borah or West
with the curtest despatch, and t
all mop Tell
dealers, and anent, mop rely
span ebtaining every article In the,
trade, of the best
estalay, rodeo liberal term,. • • •.
Alnelachan of Latta, Dom Trees, Moe Trees,
ern," Boot Stretchent&e. All °mine wili
be promptly &WILMA LAW priers for cosh. • •
'• A eateampsw.coneaning a complete lin of every
ankle In t h e trade will be forwarded to those who
EDWARD A. GODFREY, 111 B. Canal st: •
I•3l2o:anm nest Baltimore at, Dahlman.
• •
. , ,
ntelldWay, of Mad.* Lame..
HIS eaten... , IItITEL has been leased by. the
bscriber, and bat been completely refitted in
most elegant manner. Large additions are now
beng anode, which. se hen completed, will make It the
most Wens:se Hotel in New York. Rothe deterred,
nation of the proprietor, to make It equal, in every TO.
vett, to coy ether lipase In the United States. Bela;
mom lathe men desirable and central in the eity,le.
tug in the lashionah!e oast of Broadway; convenient.
to all the stabile belld.s.g.. places of aro eminent, and
business. Grateful fin .he liberal patronage mecieed
from his western leinnde, while at. Onaberland, 1l&,
and soore recently al the Weddell (loose, Cleveland,
Ohio, he respectfully tot ielis a renewal of their patron..
age, for his new ertahlishment.'at.New. York, nod
begs to aware them that every effort on Ma plus.k.h•
be given toadminister to their comfort and Plamer , .
- A. S. BARNUM. .
New York, blareb,lM..—tated..3st - 7
• PORTUNL FOR 110 or .f. 3."
oßece,. George street, Pty.:loads, England. The.,
managets beg to acquaint theiroomerous patrons that
tie next Diatribution of" Portraits of Rare Rome. will
comprise those catered for the forthcomin Grand
National Derby Room the clamber o aba se. to .be
limited to SAO each Maas. Firstelass otemberl.ll:4;
• zeroed el...ditto:SS. Fatly application Mr Ste an,
e7Propriatedihares is necessary- A .party oubsc•ib,
tog f oe more than one sham bus the chastener paeans.
an equal number. immaree. Those member. Who drew;
the yanatm Portraits will be presented with the fat
lowin, redraft of Ist class 'tansies hi ditto ,
Vra113.031 rust Horse
• . , Third norm PAO LAO
Divided amortgOSstrteri...;- 6,000
• Non-Starters 4,000 .. • 3,1110.
There ern= bonuses In each elate, that; beiterthO,,
number of horses entered for the race. - The Dcatetur,
will be conducted 'upon Me game legitimate principles.,
as those whlch.charamerlute the late St. Ledger and.
• other prateedsoca Pall pardenlara of the
sent to absent calmbere immediately after Made-
Orion, Mat each may know hts pontoon. ,
Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded cite
euipt of arernittance.: Billsof Fschange, Lmsfu, Dent.
Notts,' An,: addrewed and made payable to . - the
hfaltogiatt Directors._ W. JANIEft.CO. •
Five per cent: commission to be teduced ea the,
lila): REED HOUSE, 1 1650
• ..
BAADER, Pr.:Trial:TlM,
and :Soadacre Stages, leave this hon. (}r
singes to and from Steam and Daato. linHl
M. W. Kann, late atilt American
6: W. Masan, tale otthe Khanna llama, Cade. .
apgS.dttat - '
OW Jame. Illarraro Plaid Elairn•als. • •
PREPARED ander the Inanedine care of the le:
venio wand established for upwards of flirt , Yee...
This elegant Federation is recommended toall
cases of late,.acidities, Indigestion. goat. and gravel.
We most_ sere, easy. son effectual form in which
Magnesia may, and indeed:the 00l r one In which it
ought to be exhibited. posse-smog all the properties of
the Maxnuin now in general af.c,withoin.bMitg liable
Ike it, to form dattemtas concretions inshe trwals4
It cfiectually, cures heartburn without. Jellying the
costs of the stomach, es soda, pots., and their car
bonates are boo TA to dotit prevents the food of in.
tante ranting war, Lull cares , n acts es a pitesing
aperient, and is p<Cllall4 ado pted to
Sir I lumphrey Davy testified that this sel elms fonas
soluble combinations • with brio and salts in eases of
gout and gravel. th erby counteracting Lb air halation
tendency, +then otter elts/les, and: tree Bleadimde
Itself, had faled. •
Pram Sir Philip Cm:nylon, Vert, emcee General
to the Army In
• "Dear Sor—Ther
roaybv !Ai
am of"*a tht chat roe 'Field
real/, telni'n to oar Mated*
Mt James Cletke, Sir cooper, Iltight, awl
Mean Guthri e and Iletba,mlSll.7e,ofLoadon.mtrozT
11 recommend Masters Vnel Magnesia, as being sle•
finitely more min tad a =era:dent men the eolol, toad
tree from the deeper :attending the =nem= um of
TITPAIgt="Z. gr"'
CO:. of Wood 8, kraut es.
. .
Tarl. cr. , Is Itereby grace, that on or *beet tee ESA
??.pill, the Itabseribe ra bad =led to them. at
"_ ellanurg. pa w tba following note% note
dra'on by 0. A. Ideittn. payable to oar order, dated
Ilth, at 4 months, for 8 01 ftli'• nate entam t y
3oltn 0. Morgan, setae date and time, for $ te, wet'
• note drawn by Jobe Watt dr. Co., In favor of John O.
Markel, and ve-eadersed by no, dated'Aeril Sidi, "at
foe? Menthe, Lot MIS. .The above notawere Deter
—received by us, and Ws le to cannon. an persons
otgalnot treeing for or buying the Fame, ete plryolettt
el thetelme been stepped, 1051 W lIARBAUOII
& svarasses GOODS.
VERY large and eloiee mock of Fresh Spring
Anod Summer Goole Am lust been opened st
Air cadet t Day's, lee 65 *mitt aver, north west
corner of the Diamond. • „
In calling . the attention of our eumenters and the
pebile to oils met, it affords us greet plasma to be
abto in say it embraces tillEer BARGAINS in Al
most every description of goods, arzs largeponion of
is seal platcbsset Ma recent crime:We
at coos
ut emiata*ClTll 9 l.. 0.0 assortment, tin* lance
and ampiergentleVin very superior, and affords to all
sash hums. either by ortmlesa , e er
e., el, a fine op
prumaty.of minim hod. loon and o. .
LADL& . ? DRIBS 000115
New style Foulard slits, very chelto; Tient:dein sod
Stared changeable mike. or almost. every style and
quallin sore plain and decree black ankm do ba
r est. end dames; barer, da la or, near and !tend
. rero style; near stile t Enehsb„ and Scotch
Awns, to rut nuietT,tuld at Tallow prieem plate,
rarer, end 1111111 sniped de hone ~of all. kinds and
7 trattiem linen larvae el co
shades and Lorm gong.
Super chameleon silk Maims; plain sand figured
Mace do; Plato anti mahreldered Thilet tine cash
mere do; super plain and embroidered white and
colored Grape hamee and net 11. aa4 •
A toe aiMrtment or mulls, namooks, toxemia,
Statues, boob, hither , rec.
Rough Ready, pearl' braid, Florence braid:and
apex Realithsnsorbmmem.
A gee Hoek ofeepet tor plain - sod fringed silk eat '
Boba Tare parasols of all rotor. and nontides.
CLCYTHR-45 cAssoteitias..
A large assorts:tem of super Frembi ErlEab and'
Magian cloths sod eassimeres of all dmitties and
rale., to widen Ave "meld borne the nuernioe of the
Oar alert eke.. and bleached nirvana, dahlias,
cheek 4 chstalna7s,dllllings, kt, laser, large, and as
We vary Llama price..
lase, a large lot, or tabh diekra end table eating.
brawn and bleached; ILassla so./ :Rauh diapers, crsah
,brken: nantina, cotton and wool n goods Carmen and
bay 0. weer, 'nth lib.r red. win:a, and yellow 9
stets. .doentado gingham*, silk and linen . build and
Oa.. of .11.k/1:14 , 4 50.10frand bonnet ribbon 4 arti
-fraal darrers, eca, to all andela are would reapeedall. ,
*trite We'suennon or arholeaale and retail easit
Layers. • ALM/OWE/ 1 DAY
$ • Ed Marker st.el Ist en, of the I -annum!
• ' fi r. APPLY.
neerjeorpored to tarnish Apple Trees, (ram the
J. mei know; Nursery of Jatob N. Brown. The'
tree. milt b$ dehrered at the wharf at Pllmborgh for.
11113 per bartered. ersons wishing good thrifty trees,
slumet lartes WI/ o rders. ori ot the Drug, Beek atut
Perfumery r a:choose, earner of Wood and Bath Ms.
apt' , • • - 8 N WICKEWILBII
uatiwri a, CO. bove removed to No
Waxer ot,Rd doer below moblonongedda Rome
PlWg4RDatkl:r. rl
: r — lcitattiva.L. • .
rouuun. CA.II.OTOLIL4 s CO. have ;emoted ret
3,_,r No 0: Waterbctreen Wood b; Market, 10 the
- loose formerly oecaplod ET it.lll:i7i t Jane.* k. CO: -
Stiair.Clc -9 . 5 het Wo - nbriebriee d sr.„.
)5 het tombs ,
tat *Clore t Tee.llld.r3e,..edi,ed
.. 04 1 ~d i d bp IMAM*. Rum:most
plantation. Sugar and atolasaaa
las Mai common, fair. Pc prime I.l.4th.snir.;
2-0 oak tql.• Name:kat do •
cYtrea bri' do
k 171 .
'''' ;.l7l 0 RANT h
41. Waits n'
hal bl,ll l4u I. . c ll 1 1 UZ ,24.7_
it alBl BEEr'ID to
3ti t.}.10 0 .&
xo teaD.Marrs -
te.convossed Beef rounds;
6 tea plain .1,,
nenj SELLERS 1616 !COLS
'I - W.& SCOTIA. beoFitton , awl
for tali, V 9, ij! . e ROICSON, !MEE& CO •
bna brown CI all coat;
CW_ CirriltZiOAP—lr4
b.. No I _ ,
• - bs. No Rode Soap'
/vat reverted and far al, tor •
1Y37 : , PdlL.Ltill & niczyrsort
itagets , Liiiiiiion and
ar. fiCarre. ,
. 14. calved sad Parade. & CO_
2. 41 g S. S. Taar&.;.en:Fa :2211.SP12,13iitfir f ar
ilt-SyWRLXViNDkat— so /tiCreetii7ii i ii k ate ny
P ile" Iln • Vo 6 c - InTan ,. 4
Zr. %menr•ud
lariseln ttrlPl • SFMKAS Zr.%1C031.7.3
a,I4.2IETAL-fe.4olcs fccv ga D ie s ey a, - -
litk BI
sem Mead Muth has• lux received . a neer ea
ent of PIANO YUBIC, among which . are
Molly, do you Love no, by S. C. roster.
Okr miry the Bed Bose Live Array, do. . - • .
Fred, wirs a Leily,.• t ..-'
Hoeft me, ': - ;-;-- , , ad.
Ceder, to Rae all Ni g ht,' '
,s ' _ I::
Llati), , ,,e4J.g;t4Gi* .: _ . .
' The Baia, i da - ' ' . . .
Oh, Touch the Card i tet ogee lain.
' . .
Sweet hienatits of ee. '• .. r, ..
Lament orate Irish Entlgrant.: : ,
:- A New Medley Hong•
, Thou but Wo the Spirit that Loved Theo .
• The ConeeriPPaDeparture,by Maur. • •
Ile Med to the Lewd Ones at Hosne. -
ITis Home where e'er the Newt te. .
Low Beath Car, by Lover. . .. '
- Do Imt ever think of me.
/dumber Gentle Lady.. ' ,.
7eoonb Orgy- -
F.lfirt; Cellarius, , lyedding; PAM*, ind • 001.7
Batchelor, Malice, Belli Wei*, Concert, Ladies ,
Souvenir, Cony, F.lsira, Lily, Alice, Evellgreen, Hag.
age. Mire. and Liar Polkas. : - _ mav2l
.TEAS t MIDAS 11. THIABI el • :' ' •
WEeider as kite the list Of paten, weeny nothirii
abont Jlendrede of Chew, Impute*, Large
Cspital, - Bought for Cash, &e. In feethwe will mat
humbog la any tanner or form, we simply athe
public TO compare our. Tess 'soh wit at they purchase'
elsewhere; tot. Is the best method we know to ascer
tain wire sells the best end cheapen Tete In Pitt*.
. . . Goad and
t e
strong Tea
rs-te at 4 and
71 be cen
doo ts per lb.. •
The best Tea lit:Parted into the U.Btates, 11l .
tow prleedoisMaked, or inferior Tees ore do net
keep. •• . •. - MORRIS & HAWORTH .. • .
.' - • . • .Proprietere oldie Tea Make, , "
()veal Awmairmes direhiiiiiiiiiirWriikr -
D.'Appleten & Co; New York, lave trimmest/Dreier:,
• Ileadon, In puts, pt.*. IROIOSOITO cent. cash,
. . . .
Of itu n hi nc ., ju0 n ,,,..., ,Hrurine IVerk,erruf SaL
,:gtneettnir &used for . . .Pmetteal • Trading -
.1; Hes. - and dors :timecard for idirogs.
.... arertig .Prefeittors. .. • ' • •
MEDI NVORS. is of large eve. ate, and will contain
A. rum vseassireauess, and upwards of six anon-
cturn uthurrunow. ,
It will present werking•draw
lags and deseripeent of the nose important suntan°
Athe Hotted CsateM , independeei of the resells of
A n , t entor tumidly, it will cordate complete plead
eat bread es on Mechudes, Machinery.,
andUnitneertnu with all that is andel In. mine than
Dee ctimesand dollars teach of folio volumes, mums.
sines, end ether book. '-' : ' - . .. - •
• The . mien object of this pehlleatum Is, to place be.
fore: prattles] men and stades,* sub an amount of
theoretical and seicadke knowledge, la a condensed
form, es shill amble them to work to . the best ulna
Ire' " 4' 49=l 4 'l e :e s 'i.u'k t e .:fe r iVa l th f " '4 l;
thus brong t together is almost . beyond p recedent to
such .wayka • Indeed. them la hardly - .ay subject
ithin as range which It not treated • loth such clear
ness and precision. that even a team of the most ord.
- sly capacity cannot. fail of anderstanding it, end
thus learning Awn •II maeth which it In important for
She , publisher. wraith aheti, detenained,reurthas
of cost tomato the work as complete as pothlblmand
it is hoped as era decienue te obtain the work will
P 0... II as bated in amebae. ondihne cecina - age
. I The week wilt be Belied In sem lownthly ember's,
eammeceing in January, mis, sal oral progress with
• • The whole Irak will:he pddh bin in 40 numbers,
at Clients per uamber,and c ony hued with* the ear
. rent year, MO. - A liberal diurnal will he made to
. , . Any ons remitting the pablialters SID* minutes,:
shall recelie , the work through the post MEM et free o
. . ..... •
' - o.platiOac4 Salami Prison .
no sir numerics blumfetteters ‘ • Mechuies. En-
Ureters, tad Anima, It will be a mum of wealth:
ro -
Provide ace, (IL IldeUrnel•
"Young men, min yonraelietwlthltalmoveledge , " -
fWe can with confide ace. recommend our readers to I
possess th oonselym o f Its bombers no fast so they ap
pear.a.-Amedean Anima • - •• -
blYe oakesitatingty commend the work to those ea,
gned in or WOKS. d in mechanical cc eclat:the par
mute, as eminently worthy ..of ( eimm...tio. and
MadY."-TroY, CNA • V..) Data. • '
1 0 11 is lady a grant wort, and kite publishers de ,
sure the Wake o f • Ismentors. resethiniaa end nada'
theorems. and indeed of the public genereb7 , "--N- Y.
ihdependent.-. ..,. . , -
..This Dictator y will he highly useful to praelleal
thechanies, end valeable all who wish to acquittal
themselves with ~ the progress to
of inoenuen. in the tne
&sale art s " -f few Bedford Daily Mercury
. Young met Maths might to keep posted op la the
as well as pram est knowledre, and this
work will shot t th em Amber they stardid-Rozhary
;Ritual &dyer o'er. -
.. ..,oldia tate it *he }TAW, wort that seems and hun
dreds of cur Intelligent mechanic., have desimd to pole
sese. .Po maple, are its descriptions, era so ca land
mlnele ,its •(..1 lowans, that It seems to es that ILO)
...h... .WO I COMM. act amid ae it describes, on
the ..rength of is engravings and *iota...a u -N. Y.
Cenunermal a Areruser. . • •
All inters axed to mechanics should mail them
wive, of ate adveraagea—Schaylkill, Wenn,/ Jost`
' ...A work. °fatten:du practicel atiliti ... 1 lilbal bd -
Pomace . id value to the esphily n e e so
of the cce, atty., NV* regard the wort eminently
dalculetee. to proinste the cause of science and the
mechanic .al ens, and to disseminate valuable info ma-
Uon on tacit siddeets...-Fume f and Ural...
I•Pese tied mien in all the vatted walks of occhani.
' Sul.en. d mundseturing indultyi ingineerint, Ac., will
ono m . this work a treasons which it will to to their
I Pl;f.nwiti=l....=°Tußsneltrehleherk.ned have
I,2.b.i.jtimicith sa n 'Plba:AbC
o wrases, Os presses
ail to sad lardreage intelligible to any
_tender of oldi
e= y tapacity.r—silosotater,(tdma.d
•We are sure we ate deice the uteobenleit of Nee-
Wink and other pane of Conneeneat a rcrvice by
Winging the :Wert tAO • their atteution.",-No,rwieb,
• • is such awe* tes every mechanic hoed
noneas.:.—FneausiiJounu.l., • •
r con.Pder hone of the mast meat and important
publications of the ego Na toechenle canal - ant to Ma
without lb"—Netvars, J4pomatercial Courier.
.0f all the canons publications tamer far their oh
j iettb o en:sidemen and advancement of the tereliant
cad arts and sciences, none. that we Love wen, is so
tall of . promise as this.”-12 saki Com.;dile.•
• "Isis the beet end ettespe !toroth ever °Jarred to the
sefetthfie sod practical sag meet and mechanic. The
mat.* are beannfetly exert ated."—Waddraten Glob ,
• "This. greet Dictionary is one of the most. emfa
vi rods tees published for :years, and the low price at
shish nis mid Sahel n acceptable
:regard (tail= of A it most comptehessiee and
**amble as well as Unapt Al, works ever pcitlished .
. ..,-Bablesitte Admit. n
paneto - be taloa by every one desiring to tete
with the progress of sa t and science In inert one
%tithe tabors Of destined lifts,"—)tondoci
,• "It is designed after the principle of Urea theidas •
tyfonly, that is es more devoted to Me mechesical and
, engineering Lutfc wi sietts, and above 41; ~ valuable
!as seenteptis ' for Atacama whir-Ufa hes done for
thcrand, vine bing Amen - can mar_b Way and
worneefse t.w. , 43e imam AXISEIiCI.II.
"ltie published in moaners, and al a Pnec an mode
;rte, looking at whet la contained in each number. that
:no one whia has the least )rimiest le sack fd.".",!,
I need ben, deterred from emerging ina, and every one woo
!does -sill And that he has in coadensed lam an
amount ad w ientraction welch would be Obtal.d. if at
all, only . by the purchase of very many volootes.'!-,N.
IY. Gonna and Elmer= f
"The comprehensiveness with which the subjetta
are trestekthe admirable manner In whisk.they are
Illustrated, eo Ire to make thia eta of the most dad
. rade arena"— nubs Review. - •
"rids were shade bete the hmdsof ormit rocoh.tict
arbeast, and maasfaturrer, espeeistly those who have
the least aspitadoes to ascot in their reoperate* bag.
nesse.. Wo hard earefeily eliminated it, with &view of
'recouartendime it to inventors, To *cm we would
say in the strong lam iege of as Ditties "it is good"—
Dahlman , lllveritors' Journal . • .
Nofiasrd tAtTroprsder cfN, Immo. througiewl
We (articled advertleenteat is inserted five times
dartag the year, and the paper e °nuking It seat to ea,
e copra the work will be eers aria W psymeet.
a:VALLI/IT/WV/I OIEVIELEIAT, Mend*, car other Mineral.
borefthe great
medical work entitled ..Am criean Practice o.
Medicine and Family Physician" , .-. " • •
• ...flaring heen made acilasiut ca with the ingredients
.eentOosei Oinunent
and having prescribed vitt tesuid It in erect.' eases it •
my privateprec:lee, I have het finnan In saying or
reVt i te g t ts=t7Z r, fiU l c i s!cr '
conablned as they are, and • aseu • as directed by the
TnTrieme, an not only Iterate a., but of great value
being a truly aelentihe Remedy or good ponen and I
theerfully - recommend if east CI impound Which has
done mach goo 4 and "stile% it adapted to the core of
, a trader) at elms. neigh 1 hare never either
monmmeaded or t o in gni Mlle of secret medi..
cities, regard for the trate. brinest, conscientious, hu
mane clammier of the PrOpr.4l.o f of Ode Ointment,
and the value of Ms discovery, w i t .
intilt7frOgii 2141,1840. "
• .
BURNS-it Lone of tho lest things to this world
2/3.-71iousands annycoaly oared by this OW
:tem., It never fails in giving .
• Tor Tronsts,'Ulcen, and MI Yin& or Sons, It • hot
. no
If Manna, and Names knew Its value In cases of
Swollen at Sore Urns; they world always apply ft.
Innab craws, If and according la dlrootions, it gives
cellar Ws very Am learn .
Mond the box amla,. dlreetion nalai iad McAlli n ster's,
Ointment ilor Scrofu Wu Co mp nt. Ec
Tester. Ciulblain, Sc al d Ileadopon Eyes, elaln as, cy,
Sore Throat, Droodrates t None, II Adocuons, Palos,
Disease of t h e Spin, licarkAtlat ~/Lsthan, Deane"
$u Oahe, Bann, Co rn s, all Dim nos of the akin, Sore
tips, Pilupleiyfte., Bwrlllog o f the Limbs,ores,
Ithoonratio,Files,Cald Feet, Crottp, Swelled nitro.
ken Elnan, Tooth Ann./4'4lh t the Face, Sc.. l
• '
• Prom the - Readina Hale . • • •
There woe DCVO, perhaps. a Medicine brought be.
forntbe pobbe, Was boo tit as ahon a time lIMLI veeh a
repatalion 71Icallirace's • All•licaling or World
Almost ever, intson that has made trial of it
spra •warrolrin its praine. ' One has been cored by
Dor thou.:on piiinfalrbeumatiwn, another of thentien. -
a third of a ironblesottO pan in the WO, a berth of t
a weißnain the limbs, ac.' If . It doe& net goo name
diem relief, is every caws, It can do ire Iniary, being
applied outwardly. - • •
did anather CVidatellOf 1 . 30 IVOlldenut nesting pow.
or poewsood by thla salvo, we subloin the folloomg6 .
cenitems. f ro m a respeatabldeltiron of
unntaluti" county:.
,In this coty:. • ' • • ..
• • Idablencreek, Iktka to., March 2:1, I EVIT.
'Wears. Blinn It Cm-4 dolts to Inform yen that I
was entirely carol of a macre pain intim bach,Dy the
vac of Mcd.Ulner ' s ddl•lleand galyei which I 1.-
.I.M from yea. Isintfored *Mit for anent Cf. Pear.,
nod at flightless anable'to sleep. During that time I
tried vahoos remedies, width were prescerThed,hrr met
l' lt h at=t i t 'U r
P t:l=7 ' 2 ' h tfTe,l - h
salt favorable beyond tatio.n. lam no! ,
• ly froa from the pato, and :cloy at night a- Pe•
ands weetaleop. .11. haws alio ated th e Salve Woes for
. tooth ache andothet cosuplalinsi with limn " b ' PP ' l
roma* •' Ices Ifulainnuca.
• • • _,JaMEIS '
• rtnnator of toe above medicine,
• Moot* Oface, bIlion& Third street,Philadel
and PER 17oz
• v &1112175 1» PrnsWri.r&—Braula & Reiter. corner o.
Lately' and Br. coil, meets; and L. Wilcox.r., ear.
nor eta:ifs:kw Meet Ind me Diamond, alscieo&.. of
• Fourth and atolthfosid
J. career or
• Waborit and Penn seeett, Fifth Ward; ad sold ist the
'• Bookstore In Santhfield ntreet,nd deorfrom Seco 434.
In Angrily City by B. P.P4Wrans and J. Pa meet..
• .07 0,404 iihnoincinon: D. N szley,
• East Merit IL Rowland, hictioenporur.n.e.. - md.
, 00 . - m 00000 . 0 0 0 ,t0 am N. IL Doom. & and
Xt.:Bogen, kfrowentilai John Barkley Bow ,V pay
Witllter,Jr.Eßacihefh.• • ••••' ••.• • iehllei ' cully
cuars—ax , yards 44
CT r vdt, *squad, and for 'tale h.l
14$ - • -, 001/ Rana (jars
•itene►te Water Power to
favorable !arum
Valuable and
Ise ea
now prepased to lease the Wales.. Power at dm
Orand Rapids, to an amount nffleletd to propel fon
b abated pain of mill Mona The lomaloo la hexed
upon a rock foundation, and the Posses our ewe
be strolled-on Watt aides of the river.. The
limn - of the White Ever, as well as the Wsioeolt, eau
be readily fandebed this wet
o t
1 iron ore, and coal, mitre peantat abisedsnel, ezd
superior quality, can be easily procured through the
Marne emintry. -
Taises—One Mated dollars per animal for a pow•
er sufficient to propel a single run of medium' sled
rail cones, fora period of Elmo year. with the
right of repels's , on dm expired°. of the lease, at a
fairvaittationof the powe r e mployed.: The site ere,.
mill or manufactory ineded, without farther charge
. Eno the Company. .131' ordeTIV R Th . raw,
• • President of Me W. N. Co.
,Etiona la., May 9, 1850 . : my3l:d3m
0 —The skin of many persons is disdained vnth
elight eruptions, as pimples. morhem, are., and whoa ,
this is merely e drums of the th a n , as it is In ntuay
Mine case oatf every
it ie vet 7 eestly re.
proved. lleuel's Nymph Soap is cyanid?
adapted to diseases of the skin, au it acts directly
tow the urinate QOM , which cover its Unarm.,
elermrieg them from Impurities. and. by its Delsamie
properties heating and, ersdicatleg all eruptions. and
rendering the dawn end roughest Agin soft, fair, and
Penang who have been in •the bahlt of using oral-
nary rosy. mill be astonished at the besstifal - idect
produced by tha Nymph PoaN in battening a delicate
bkNict, preventing the nest, Um, othaeds am f chap.
pin*, allaying elf irritation, and lemma all eartne•
eruptions; It pommises oundslor, Perdiree,ond
catirelp devoid of all elkaline pmunien, rendenng
It the only article which can be afd with safety and
comfort in the napery.. • , •
. 'All' those tartrosa fades or necke ire di, gored with
floo7:',Vglieost,eiri4,%7l:aial,', e a p g e r
poeitively. assure,• them. that its
will tender the
moss dignilored skin vr hire, the rouelfeat skin galgelll,
and the most gauged skin healthy, pore, and bloarrr
Juice Motets Nymph Seen Si the only ertiele which.
mill effectually produce the above dicta In so short
a time, and the DJ, one width feat the mum time all
powertel and entirely hermits. Prepared only by
JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chemin,
120 Chestnut street, Phila. •
For rale wholesale and retail by II A. Fehoeitock
g. Co.. sod IL E.•Sollers. Pittsburgh; and John Sat.
ead J. Mitehell. Allegheny ea . ,. Pn.. r • {egg
bECOND HAND Pl&151011.
A GOOD Mabinotry *.
A heAd onlM
ootoii upright 'Pion*, with 1/0•41.01
Fuiniture, 6 octaves, and
ia good order • 100-01)
A plain ilkoeutve •—• ... .45 00
A good 6 octave Piano 7,5
A. good Di °clime Piano, jouidsorao tatix•
n ' to
?" . . ''
'--• JOHN It ntEvzia
frl Wood sl
et sale by
may, Ird
- -
, • Lights
QUPERCEDING 'the Wooden Floats,and being In
eorntetstitd4aCiribY ee01101:04eS the dll,, sad pre.
vents .Artiliort, heretofore so ntneh-obiente In in all .
ether Seats. - .One table spoonful of the :seamen
lamp nit will last Nine Mors; or any farther length
of tiese,ateettinc to the additional quantity of ol •
• Recessed and for sale by JOHN D MOROAN
rosys7, ,
visr iscsnria, thq Pluebure ls Fuca/ Gto•
ItVcery tad Tea llirotettonoe:
..-:a cans rteshtlysteri,todntut
. r,' •
&- do. Pickled , do, qtjatt; ;
5 do do - dor. KPLut
The o ove ,Fi t ot Opnera PTO pnrootsea, and put np
1a i taglklyconeeotnued soop, unload Itt tent:West.
11 witled cans. and will keep cutelt longer Ulan thaw
Formate; wholesale andretsit. bT -
• WM A. NoCLlJlit(3 /1. Co,
01 Lit:rattyst
p=oor !Merles= Mechanical Work.
• .
APPLETON IS CO., New Tont, bare In e Darn
• kJ. of pabbeanon, la sansirice twenty See cents
eaa, a DICTION Ant if Marblnea, Net battles. En.
.give Work and Enrincering; aniseed for Practical
Vrorkirg Nen and those lonvilrd tor the Engineering
Profcssion. Edited by Oliver Bane.- . • r
This work is of lane ken rise, and will 'contain two.
tbarand pans,ond wrath of Ida thousand 'Dadra.
won. It wilt present working drawingt and destdrkt
don, of the wort hapcnnt Essehinsts in ha Hulled
Shea. Independent at the — rennts of .aanerinatl
cooky. it win osnutio earsplets. prattled treads*, en
Menhantertlaebitten. Engine Work, artlEasloecr.
Hirt sottohat is 'neat In Mara then ono thousand
do inn of folio voltitrea.inartaloos; and other
books. Six nombers rectived, nod foetal., by the
agent, • It HOPKINS.
.13 • 73.An0110 Buildings. -Ponta at
'''"'c'^---a-'7ll•Ggiiii. v. -t-10--- - - tzti
- .•::-4:t
- .7- -, ,r- , ~• l i. ' 4, :27- .
0; \ ".7.-li•t.:'' .. IYi
'-' • ' - ‘: .
John 11. Mellor, SI Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
Sole Agent in Wencro Ponorylvanlo, We tie sale of
Grand and Squats PIS]. Forte.,
TP. A . 1 .1 3 . try 54 : trwtrget and
for sale it me west—sxnuig , the Siir.bOT sail be found
a full supply of ,
Super aly
_tamed Rottentrood Grand Plano Fortes,
with all the recent latprovernerna mechanism and
style of exterior _ r p.p m nit o idz , o r g e lyi:r u n= a Lzi=
With a large Mock of oil the volerne styles of Pia ,
no Fortes, varying In prices tam /PCS to SPA and
SIMO, preparcd by Mr. CbJekering (or Ike pronlit.
rurc,emv. lossraartd that the prk‘s of Mr. Clinet•
errors Piano; have been, sad sodi caoiloce to be, the
same as at the et.otaetnry in Gaston, arititoat charge.
for transportsalon;and ire delivered and set op in
perfect order, to sty riot of the city, ...altos% skusge.
tarp •
A 081130.
fr 11g . 11laeTf int.:ft?! haul Leave to inform Mat pabllo
1 th at hr bap doelhiad batineas fIIVOr af Bon,
Y. Id. Darla, who ariik contralto the Auction and Cam
minion WM.*, at the e:d stand, corner.of Wood and
Psflh streets, and far .be he amnia wallah a condo
nacee of the Liberal patroaata horemfora haatatrad a/•
on the hems. JOLLN D. DAVIS,
April 9dt,
P. 31.
p nvie.
tsuccr.soa TO JOON D. DAVID) '
COMM OP 11,0011. A. TT= STUMM
W it.l,citie wile., on liberal term of Weer. o , i
1 ,...
Dom do bleteltandini, Real Ettate, tweet,,
tee, and h e by experteasee and close anettuou to
hematite, to merit a contirmattee of the mown and
patronage liberally extended - to Rollo:mar boon.
April Sah, Eta
Wartte• to Tar Patrons.
Mille cieriese of Oseactive partner, in Pldladelphle,
-Lithe late home* M Dasim prodaccs oo intorroPlioo
to the hosinesss—arreogeractsts have bocomsde which
Involves the Stat . Intww prevent). Which hos*
heretofore existed. The Onsiness is connoted ender.
the same name and 6 rat, Inr.—
- • • lats. hi Dams*, Co., Philadelphia;
Jens APPanzab. Co.. l'inahlog.
The continuance of the patronage el oar many
friends is reapectfally *Welled. If any pawns hare
demand. against connote, theY Inc requested to
resent item fonharldt, for payment, :
Pittsburgh, Apnl it, '61:6 JOHN IiPPADEN, • Porrising inner.
D . A. Vakerestook & 130.,
WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, corner of Era and
Wood wefts, offer for sale, on favorable tenor
- 100 bblo Whiting, 600 lbs Cabs Ammonia;
00 do Alum; ' 000 do Aoratettda:
300 do Bye W 0031 m COO do Crude Tartan
45 do Lampblack; 3 • 600 do Idquenice Boon
- 00 do Yen. Hod; • , 'OOO do SUM Mum
8' do Camphor;' - • Ablrf-do Red Preelpititm
10 do Span. 8001801 150. MG Calomel Amer.;
20 do fellow Ochre; '0 do do Eng;
• 10. do Irrintstoce; 200 do Butler tresoraN
• 8 do Cloves; 320 do Rhubarb Root;
3 do. Mut ',Direly; lts do Persap.. do;
14 canes Ref. Rorer; 203 do Gelatt. do;
ZS do eisille Soap;'' 200'. do MO Rocheelo;
15 do' Prouian Mro do Beldam Mixture;
10 do Cali, Alauctia; 600 do Powl Rtsbarb;
33 do Chrome Omen; GU do do
• 6- do do Yellow; 100 do l do .6. Arac
sdo . Vermilion;, 100 do deo. Lis bi .
'6O mu r; 1 m Sand Paper;
do do. • ..Talap;
fts bugs Sicily Bonham MO do •do ACCayesins;
• 0 !safe. Bottle Bakst- Wo do Satoh Zinc; •
75 oz Sall& Morphia; MO ,do Bar Tin.
1200 lb. Carlo Aloes . SW do Taxourads;
12 , X1 do Ph-rthront iotash; lbO do Quick Silvan
smo Mr Pink Boot; " Moo do zlhange Pack
1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do • Gook 3 oeltii .-
01130 do Cream Tartar ; - Es do llyd Penults;
603 do Tartaric Acid; GO do Maw; .
• 100 do Uoo Utar -- 25 do thaavile Lotion.
IMMILOI.XI2ir 01 Y ., C/E Mt. •
'em are mote Moulin heaven and earth
"s Than are dreempt of In pialosoplty.o. •
ruis VIRTUES of dos ;remarkable remedy, dud
the constant applicatlom tor it, to the proptimor,
has [Gamed hem to have it pat up to bottles watt la
-1 bets and direedona for the benefit of dm piddle. •
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well In dai
county, at a depth of four hundred feel, ie a paragon.
&Maimed article, without any chemical change; hot
just u flows from NateresUreatLabratortll ..Thoth
domains properties ranching number of disease., La
no longer a muter of uncertatory. There Ore many
things in the amens Of natarewhicb,if known,migitt
be of vest wattles-ea in alleviating suffering, and re
'toeing the bloom of health and vigor to many a auf
fent. Lang Ler= the proprietor 1500081 putting
is up in bottles, It had a reputation for the care of di.-
ease: The constant rind droll . int:ream( calls for it,
and several rernarkabler cores it ha. performed, Is a
spre indieltiOß of
poptILLII37 sod wide
Spread oppileadan in the sure of disease—
We do not wish to make a long parade of ecrllll
- no we aro donations that the medicine coo moil
Its way into the four of those who saes and
wish To bo• healed. Whilst vro do not ergot for Ica
universal opplicanonln every disease we tothesita
tingly say, that Ina number of Chroele ' Ore= it is
annulled. Amoog theta may be onteneratml—all
&sestet of the Macau-haves such as CHRONIC
rattitivajokri ir s tas i g i ktle 11)14,r,r11,117:: Veg
Plodder andEldricya, Piles in tho ' Back or Elide,
Nervous Theesser2jMorelste,Palsy,/tbettmatio Pal*
G e , r t, Erysipelas, Toner, Illourorets, Bann, Spada,
Braise", Old Sons, 1144 kn. to Pau of debility re
selling ROM expestire,oe long and prortaers 100 of
o 00 10,
' agcnerd TO a 0
=parting Irma and maergylo the whole frause.ramoy.
obstntellarur, opening the aluggishfuctiouterhieh
sums distraao ILO a' brolten *authorise, Land giving
ben:paled and' renewed energy -ter oil the =mom ol ,
lak3 -3 Tho' proprietor 'know of several urea of
.PlLEPothat roasted every- other moment, gel well
under the use of We poraubEutd for a short rhea 1
Ike proof earkba OM to UT Petite% who denies e it.
Tune genano witbut the ligneous of the propritor.
6L ER, Canal Ilitabh near Seventh at.
AA* bj a E. SELLERS, 6lVio*4
• tower Woad eVand Ifirgin , :alley; who are his
, .
CIAUFOR.NIit RODER GOODS—lad ineekrad, ,
1,./ 33 eixop Blankets; tID °Meer now; 13 priPants,
18 pasts net Hand AtiranS ilools; 12488.. gam' 3
w .te., Tants; • and 13 gallons each; DO canteens,
galton,each; -1 doh odes
earnbne The-above pods (or tea at We
Copia Dating Eatablkbrooni, Nos Wood it
.1850. 'MEM' 'lB5O
137, 2 :Itizug ItZ" "PthalYs hthl dr
C BIDWELL, Phobtugh,
185 b atam
Frans Pittsburgh- Columbus and ClewLa.d,
throvgk the rum and fop:dour rounder Gahm.
Carrot Star Turearorcar, Cos/aeon,
Merefidgens, Licking, and Franklin;
The completion of the Bandy and Beaver Canal
opens op to one city through this great natural central
route a ditect commanicatam to the above as well as
the adjoining 0011.111itl of Wayne, Yolmea, Kr' 30X, and
prams section of Ohio, the trade with Fittsbargh
has been, ta %great o extent eat off, in consequence of,
the high rates of trousponstion, which are now re-,
dated IS, 20. and 60 per cent • •
Dods Of ihis line will leave daily, and ran through
without transhipment. The Canal company have
bestowed mean this Rae an interest In the unprece-
dented advantages of their charter, end th ee secured
to the middle portions of Ohio In ordering. their Roods
coat interest La this advanurse. Agents:
• J. C. RIDWF.LL, Pittsburgh;
`BIDWELL& 00., Glanwir.
0 Holmes, OpenesMills, Ohio; •I I A A Gal,
Wilhavasport,O.: George Ramble, Eaton, 0 ; Cathie
& Hamm. do; Hanna, rab= *CA Ness Llsboo, 0;
Arles &Nicholas, Ilannver. 0.; 11Bhets A Boort,
net... 04 Speaker & Foster. do; Joseph Pool & Co.
do.; Oneida O.; 11 V Bever, do;
c uorashal &Co, fdalrern, O.; It K Cray, Waynes•
burg, O.; E Reynolds, do ; 0
E Bark:loll& Co. Ns anolia,o.; Wmilerk ness, doh.
I,PFatiand & Co ,Bandyvalle,o; P P Lsffer, do; Fo
base, A Btolphansh. Bolivar, O.; Willard & Shtscr,
'o ; J Borman, blasslllon, O.; Cummins & Co.o do ;
John Robinson, Canal Fallon, O.; Fortig & Torrey,
Canal Dover 0 ; A Medburt, Roscoe, 0. L K War.
nes, Nessaer:o ,• Filth A Ilnle. Columbus, 0; L 0 Bat
thrms,Cleveland, O.: Rhodes & Wean, do. unta
eivrasueun TaleitiPOßTATlton LlpS.
1111Ma1850 •-•
Via Pasuarivania Caisa k Ran Roads.
O'CONNOR, ATRINL. & Co., Canal Basin, Wort) ,
street. PlOsborgh:
A,TRINR, O'CONNOR k.C0..,249/t 30 Malta Orect,
O'CoRROZSR Co l 111 North street, Baltimore;
E Blom . New ork;
IDxsorr is Cava, II Doane ',treat, Boston;
Ifitamox Our, !days - Title, Kenteely;
Box, a Co., Columbia sneer, Cincinnaut
E. Wan. Lewisville;
Baur. Hirmtv.a. Co., St.lenal.
Ta SkTpers pJ lirerehandate and Predate to end
limes Jaskidelphia,Duktneore, N. Fork, itßsam.
Our route being now in Ann order. we are prepared
to forward goods as above .at wry lmears ?nee, We
Gran nit freight/malty charge baring policies cot
over 1M39,000, and with the following exteesive stock
of Boats feel confident of giving cadre satisfaction to
all bestirs. entrusted to cot care. Our boats are all,
am, lOW commanded by <eosins of experience, and
oarentire hue is conducted on wrier sobbeih knpiuf
and temperance principles.
Boats., Captain. nests.' Corsi.
Iron City, Rape Pennsylvania F. Lawn.,
Marylend, Marshall tn. Loots, Cowden
fneefonati, Sands Col. lloward Ridley
Ruth Anna, Ch 1141114 Man Deborah Sims
Wm Atkins, Penrose/ Enterprise, Sequin
Import, bna.e. Juniata Brown
Bovine Alto n
Oen. Sea, (lore
Galindo Riley . TelegraptiNo IShield•
Cella • Anwhins Point Mill BoYfilvinnde
ullvellrancliGouar ItalunifiClippetßiley
Americo Perry Ohlo Belle Keen."
bletmetd M'Colgan Hunter Rlonle
The Fox Dl'Lluade Jelin Ann J Layton
Mime- APLeweil Telegraph No2davis
Leda Situp Berry North Queen Wilde'
Skippers will find It to their advantsee to kiVIS us I
wilt • • Canal Basin Liberty at, Pinsbargn.
Illiestars Traasportnlion Company,
illigg= 1850.
n. Lingcm & C 0 ,13 LINE,
Dvrwa - EN rirrsuußrat. puitemaxiliA,
By rcenryloonio Canal and Bad Bead.
THE Bouts and Cars of old. Line have been poi In
compete order, nod with the Ideation of severs
new ones to the Line, enables as to carry a large
Quantity of rained and good.
The entire stock of the Line is owned and contra
cd by the Proprietor.
HARRIS fe LECCII, No 13 Knuth Third at,
And at she Tobacco Warehocee, Feel St,
Phi sdrphio.
No 18 North Onward st. Ilauroote, Md.;
OFFICE, No 7 West at, New York;
LEED CJI & CO, Cana Datil, Penn st,
Wan Pittsburgh.
ailisza 1850.. bait.
rmxim,...12,ZEL121.110 CANAL&
Mee COT SelairellVerna . _
IIWS reel! known Line are prepa-ed to transport
freight end Passengers from PITTSISURriII Ana
ifF.I.ANIL tonal point on the Canal end Late.
The facilities of the Line are inserpence to netaber,
avalirf and capacity of Bows, experience of captains:
and.siency of Agents.
°cellos,. loaves Pfusbarghandelevehmt deity. rem
nine in connection with a Line of Swazi hosts be
virrstaißun OriAVELL ned n ,
Pint Naos S.= Mau. Propellers and Veerell
ha Leke.
Clerk. Parks A Co. Rochester, Pa;
N Parks A Co, Youngstown, Ohio;
M 13 Thylur, Warren. 01
A & N Clark, Newuon F slls, 0,
1 Braroo & Co, Rosanna 0;
Kent, thinorll & Co, Yrankho, 0;
II A Make, Cuyahoga Eels, 0;
Wheeler, Leo & Akron. 0;
Chamberlin, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, 0;
Hubbard A Co, Pandasky,.ll;
Peek hem & Peon, Inledo,,O;
O Witham A Co,Deriod, Mich;
Wiliiamr A Co. hlllwankle, Wir,
Metro & Dutton. Rseine. 'Ms;
George A (Abb., Chicago, 111;
Thomas 1132 e, Chleago,
comet Water and houthneld sts
Mg= 1850. batti
iaffac. liaise AND 111111jUIGAII LINT,
'CLAVOMYARNS A Co, Steamer, 1'1.00 , m
I nG ould trfeeres"thoefptllloolL•jgeyweaUn!'n'orierr cm;
enni .w on too the present season; end have committee d
removing Freight and Passengers, whialL,thes ars
udy prepared to 0ar!! to tll Fa w 0n the
ereal i}nd
At thilow.,a vats. One of the Boats or the Una
go he constantly Cl the lending, below Monongahela
Dridge, to receive freight.
.10/IN A. C.4llollEV,Atetde
051 e, tor Water and
SIGN E Puttlitft M eld Cs, Mahan*
W Conningharn. New Castle, Pa; •
Miteheltree k Co, Polukii "
W C Malta, Sharon:
A'S Una, Seernsborg; •
Wink. Atbre & Co, Greenville;
Woo Power, Conneaotville;
Job. Hearn & Co, Gale;
John / Hollister & Co, Ualitle,N V.
Plittabsreh Portable But Llano,
EOM /850:Meat
20 /MD Plant • '
Psalms Holl/e/bola jIT & (Memnon,
Philsdetplata. Pittsburgh. .
uIE Canal being now open, the propnetom of this
fatty established Line me as meal at 'their old
stands., receiving and 10111•11Telltig Mr,chandise and
.Predate az low /al., and with the promptness, err-
Minty, and safety, peculiar to their system and made
of transportation, where intermediate transhipment is
avoided, with the rot:eminent delays and probating
of damage.'
...Merchandise and Fri:dace shipped east or west,and
Bin 6 o( Lading forwarded free of chair: for commis
sion. advancing, or storage. Having' no interest di
roots or indirectly in steamboats, that of the owner
is solely consulted when shipping their goods. '
All rommmdcalloos to the following agents aroma ,
ly auendod to:
NO 278 Mat het street.•lladelphia.
Comer Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh
John UteCullogh & Co, G 9 Nonh 114110 i; P. ILLlttri
& Co. US Donna et, Roston, W. & J.T. Taw ou & Cc •
e) South at, New York; James Wheelartight, Cuseln
^•,, rao23
• - •
REM 1859..
Between Pitespairlgh tea &aura Cities.
The Canal bopg now -
~,pea, we are ready 10 1,001 1 10
and forward prounaly, produce and nierchaodize east
and west.
Pulsate always at lowest rates, charged by teepee
able lincs. •
Produce and therchardivi will be received and for
warded cut and west, arithent any charge for for
wardinger ad:toting freight, oothatirtion or storage.
Bills of lading forwarded, and all directions faith
fully attended to. •
Address or apply to. WM, BINGHAM,
Canal Buie, con. Liberty and Wayne etc Pittsburgh.
No 183, Merkel at,
AS. betwe
& oth, Phi Pa.
J, Apt,
No lag, North Howard et. Baltimore.
mid 6 No 10, West sreet, New York
- Pasuager am' Rinalttarke• 0m...
ANILDV4 CO. continue to Ming persons
from any part of E land, {eland. Pentland of
Wales, open the most terms, with Melt
tustal pa - net/ably end attention to the wants and tom,
fart of emigrants We do not allow oar passengers to
be robbed by the witiedlins scamps that Infest the sew
p.m, as we lake charge of them the moment they re.•
port themselves, and we to their well being, and de.
sMtsh them without any deten tion by the firstehipa—
We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of one Semen
, gcr. to show that they more detained tilbtm, by es in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • ere detained
Montt.; uMil they •conld be sent In some 04 waft, tea
eh^ p rate, which too fro/ Wady proem: their coffins.
, intend to perform mit - contracts msnorahly, cost
Whet it may,- tmd not net as was the esse last season,
with ether oldeers,—who either performed not all, or
wLen It salted their convenience.
, .
Drafts drawn at Pittabsintt for any nose hoax SI be
LIM, payable at any of the prorl acid Banks In Ire
land, England, geotland Led Wales.
-17 hf pipes Brandy.
5 2 p st esi N l4p 11s.tid
bpi' rilskeyi for We by .
7 Kft - EHOHSE, •
ar Strest.
pat #e foUovrig, viv
Velvet Pile Guru, a
; r at i Vil Y .ls "
e~itl9oy 43
- Wcp.rao , :mtis • •
Spring SI. A of
Triouloff ao,Pro-Pfla o
Faun Soper Sorel
7, 31
Engllan end emetic
Extra Superfine 102
4 Superfine
Extra. super patintChetalle
tto 1
Rl:peda gn nt do do mum
Tufted RIK.;
PuSas /diva. C 4 1 04
Extra fine I
Cadman, tlt aol, "„ •
4-1,; and e rfal Van Cal..
4-4,1 and! Twlli'd Carp.
4-4, 4,1. d VA plain Car.
ll4t and Rag Carpets, •
8.4 Printed Cotton Carpet.
Ittra Wilton
Common do
ce...ple poor bltlit
Tatted ' •
rd e e e lii2 k in
Ettr. r . knb15 0.....,
Eraboattd Pluto
" Tolle
Printed woolen • ,
Esaboosed Stand
tante and ofostaid r Damask Star Linen;
Turkey'Red Chimaes;
. .
ChM= Bonlarirgg • _
English 911 Cloth. Table 1
Brown Lanen email? elmha
" .
Diana Stale Rods;
G Star ut Ri g . Dra dmi ll:
/ate and Coto Matn
Alleant and Skeleton MM.:
14 and 4-1 Green Oil Cloth
ao for Blinds . •
Ilactebaek ' Diapen
.1.6 C
Oil Cloth
6.4,34, 44, wit M.U..3G
18 Inch plueral Oil Path.
Crnason Pius]
Coach Oil Cie
Damasks for 4 . 1i ., 3 1 i ng.;
Waterniltio '
prelleh 4.1 "
Venetian Br •s;
Bunting for nags;
74 and 1141 Table Liam::
Raisin Crathi
Scotch InaperN
Brown Linen Evoking
Orman Oil Cloth Tabl
istnSneer Ott. Owl= (Font the Most approved Eng
lish and American insonfactnrers.from 10 to 04 feet
widthoshich will :be. cat to YE rooms, balls, and
vestibules of any sloe or shape.
The node:signed harioi imported direct from,Eog
land, his Velvet Pile snot Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets, which are of tNe lived end moot elegant
styles and mamma, and 'of that:Ml. gollitoll=
wlli be sold at pries, as low as they eon be pa
for In any of the eastern cities.
.aving the largest assortment al thorichest and
roes fashionable . BRUSSELS. IMPERIAL THREE
PLY and. INURAIN CARPETS 'stack far surpasses
in quality and chumps , rs of price any assortment ever
before Wallahs to this city. He Rio mites Steamboat
Men and Coach Menem avers to his large and'arell
selected astommertetTßlAMlNGS,mtdotherarr ieles
necetrary in their boldness. .
The undersigned Is also tont for tha only Stair Rod
ganufacnry In Philadelphia, and is prepared to sell
lOW= than can be purchased elsewhere to this city.
Dross .tie -
A A. I , IABON tr. CO, GO Market street, between
Thlrd and Foortb, are now reeetsingalarge as.
sotutont or Itarege Da Llama Version Cloths, wren•
the new artists; PalletoN CramsDe.Lains,oo,• with
•lu sortment of Learns and other Dress Goods,
thetast styles ad most fashionable colas.
app •
CONFEL:6O - hn6a Dr me Rte sad Java
Csanxna-.4 0 bxa mould,'dipped, and aperm;
Comma-160 bait Cream and . Etio Bab Dairy;
Crane-4O dos Hemp and Mandl%
C.0.5.-U. MAU%
bancl; - -
Closet-60 dI Common and balfBpanisb;
Fian-25 b rla and ball' brla Maelentlaud Salmon;
13t.sam..-60 bee tenoned sixes;
Ilans-10t0 Primo Venison;
WW tingat Cared; - •
Inman-100 [4.8 F and Manilla;
161-16 dox flanisons Dna and Copying; '
bola N Orleant•
'l6 b al( bria Boot; Holm;
Bunton-21) dos smarted emulsion;
lilsecauoto-60 lb. Italian;
.Vaaasest.-0 0 lba .do
Nato-200 toga anortW
Picataa-.6 dos Jars mooned;
Paseo.- bnahela knives;
Parma-60 reams assorted;
Patter-tO6 ma Bordeaux;
Soso-LO bxo Basin and Coot Steal;
Soami-t0 blida N Orleans and Catgut
Tas-61) packages Green and Blank;
6, & 1 lb bours;
Ware Bosana-6O do:patent Zint•
For *ale by J WII.LeaMS &CO
lurid Corner of Filth and Wood aIL.
FI/115: FURS! PURS!—The subscribers Will paT
, or Coon, Mink. Mask Rat, Gray and fled hos
kinds of shipping Furs, tins sighing *uteri':
bIeCOED I'oo,
corner Fifth and Wood sta.
— Paper flanging*.
cerima SELECLION.—WiII be received, by fast
1.71 canal shipments, IL nem
Frenchho auornment or
Wall Paper, of the West and Eastern Mks,
gold, chamois, not, plain mid lush colors.
B.C. I,)
lin Wood strcet
Tlll.lf:Trie.r”ll6'9",NlPT,'Tgf hetseen Bot
S. U. thtt ' llek ft. ‘ ‘..., i t " e this Pot i atraoi•cd by fur
eons, The ULLIMMI of the old to *ln be settsod bY
y. U Bust:field, in the old stood, No. Uhl fly street,
tlittborgh. U U BU6V.FIELD,
Alma 1, 1...30. JOLIN
S. It ItUdfiFIF.LD and . GEORGE RICUARD wiqq
continue the Wbelegato mad Retail Dr' Gaols sad
Grocery bast.", at the al/ stnad, N. 0. 6 .0 Libett7 al.,
writs tar of •S. U. SUSIIIFCLIXt CO.
Mat.. 1, I.W —(tttt2
RAVE duo day oweoctatedprob me, to too What
I. sale Grocery, Comotin ion, ..wd For warding bun.
oces, ray two :our, H. N. sod El. Waterman. Viet
."4"=d conducted emcee the nyle of
e lVn be rod the old vane , No .21 W.
;o a' r . "Zwl From tweet. L. 13. WA TE.I4IANL .
iquenorgh,.lls.rehl_ c_4l33R
AZGAC/titiii—Au.ou‘4 o
I *Nu orlaintn64loßl .
Awl the beat ote4rteine known •
to man (or Asthma of ovary gag t, Liver
Complaints, Wallet/tie, Influenza, Co nab., Col%
/ 1 . 44 . S of thtt Ltntaa. Shortness of Meath,.
Pates and Weal" est in the 6148 '
((re at, Me. a nd all other 1.
dmeaues of the
A net lotp?rtant dimese leer which Ittimßaisant
dd e'veryco;;;Eiriri.l.7e - e„ - is that of a ;
this complaint it has, smiloribmdryproved mare
cation. th an any remedy hunch., employed, .d to
JP.X70113 in•sasseres when patients had endured long .
ad severe miderieg I rorn the diseases, onthott semis.
ing the least Leticia from various remedies, and when
Mercury has been resorted to in vine, the use of this
Wince his vectored the Lhrer tea healthy action, and
in many imtanem effected permanent mum, after
every well bums remedy had failed to prodeee this
nestled elect
Besides its arloniehing 'Cleary La the disease above
mentioned, we sire find h a sere edemaat remedy in
aitlirna, a complmut in which Uhl s been extensively
teed with decided there., even In new of years.
st.dine With the increase f intelligence has grown
op e knowledge of the of health, and a
coed era
for them, and eominensartmly with thestridee of
Kimea have we manned the aeries of arresting dis
ease, snd averting ravages. etatheithstandlog
. 00C
progress we h, statistics mew even
sow, one six th ave
of the made
whole popalatitio die a that nneally
or consumption.
One of the most important discoveries of the eja,
anielioniting the caudal. of large elms W . .
ferule baniardly, a
Wiser% Balsam of NeChemy Is a finellerbal
Medicine, composed chicly of Wild Chem Bath and
the gerionart lemaral Doss, (the latter impoitod express.
ly tor this parposs,) the rare medicinal . einem of
which are also combowid by • new chemical process,
with the extract of Ti.,hus rendering the whole
compoorol the most cer tain and cffie.loas =wady
ever discovered for
PO further evidences of the remarkable enmities
properties of this inestimable prepsrallow
Busainavuza. Brown co., 0., A 14.11,1849.
Messrs. Sandford & Parka blentlemen. , Aboataik
weeks ago I received the agency of Wistarte Balsam
of Wild Cherry, but with some reluctance on ray part.
for the sermon that I Idol been the regent of ea twiny
gs and ether Eastman, which were cracked up to
Beb something wonderfol, bet which turned rat in the
end to be of en account whatever, except to the roan.
uacturer. But I candidly adroit Mat this time I have
been deceived, tortes extraordinary corm effected by
Wismes IMlsamhave convinced me that "good can
mime out of
en re Veer agent left me one doz
en bottles, wince are all gone--having been rho mates
of curing several
tea what
case. of Contureptter.
and no mistake; lor what Ism, and know / am bound
to believe. Moe ease In panieulart A Twain gentle.
man In IV . lnchester, Adams coo ety, 0, 10 miles fres n
this place, was cured of Consumption when tbe dor
bee given him up, or at least could do nothing for
unt it was Wilma mien of his friends to convey
It Y.., place lamender cam of mourn
ftst physician Mere. Bet a friend told him of
tee'. Balsam, and that be could obtain it of ins.
Be sent for it, the second ,l o.dt" woo 0"
he was sound end well, and attending to his every day'
Devine.. As Were tun several tin/dries far the meth.
cioe, it would be well to forward as additional Ileypty
withvnt delay. • 'fen/
L ME ll tr E a s tp ri T s. llll w il LAN .
The above, from L. Newlaud, Esq., ablighly respect.
able wintry morchard, commends WOK foreibly.W
the candid attention of all Mike who-have doabted
the great merit of Winer% Wild Cheery Blizar&.
• . -
Remember the original and only genuine ,
,Wlstar l a
Balsam of Wild Cherry, was uttroduud 4n-the you
ISM and has been well tested to all ea:viands for
which It Is recommended. - For 11 yearalt has proved
morn <thermions as a remedy for Coughs, Colds,lnflu
enut, Bronchitis, ?whirl* , and Cormonglionin Ito in .
ripest stages, Man any mbar medlcine - .
• . blur al u saap, Atm. 10,1819.
hlr. R. W. Fowles. Ha Wag seen, mast certificates
Published in relation to - Dr. Winn?. thaßßlsl. or Wild
Cherry, 1 take this covert. hy of efterion • word in
It. favor, Which you are ale oat liberty to publish. A
few mamba mime my wifeiwbutgabeeame so mush af- -
(erred with a - sudden cold, that Walesa her voice, and
suffered severely hem puns in the breast. , .ller Mum.
don caused her friend. mach 'Mane. Raving heard
your Balsam ineumly — feCOMMOtadi by thou who
used let I purchased &Londe 'from lour •agent in this
place, line took It accordlng direcdorm, stud it PM'
Sneed a wonderful edict. .Ileforn using one bottle she
bad completely recoveredher voice, the pains subsid
ed, and her health - sr waoon MB, rwestablished.
To Danaourrs aym DIAL= 111 Manistee.—Thi eel,.
eb ruled and torah , ble rem rdy for Secure of Consamp.
don, Astimm and Liver by !Mumma-
filet be.. MARV' sure and wifely working its way •
through the or,,osition of gouts and counterfeiter.,
until, oy lIS WA valve and muincie excellence,' it ku
soloed for 'l if e most enviable poUlaritYs an d eWob
totted Itself et the confidence of an Intelligent and en
-7114:;at1i,0, from n :rend of
d % e o o= t ir u t i tt c e .
listed and eared oy Ls valuable alai*. will show
Mat it steads unrivalled—at th e bend of all 'pact me.
diclues, tor the rue of diseues foe s wh sins recom
mended. The genuine DY.W Mute Bah
of !Wild
bi now for Slits by duly appointed Agents, and
ail respectable dealers In n .leines, in all large sales
and important towns tbrombent the United Bales.
per.lionia Sir
Meas lesßott for Se.
&Ad J. a FARR, Mt erto Sandford& FORA
and Walnut street h Cincinnati, Oilier Geod..
Agent for the Booth and, Weal, to whom ID orders,
matt be addreupd. -
L. Wilcox, Jr; James it. Joneg I. Eldd Co B. A.
Fahratausek & Co, Fitub ugh. L. T. Ruse% Wash.
lepton; W. It. Lturnber tom:Franklin; 1.. .1). Dewier
Briloritownt 11. Welty, 4,lreensbargh; S.Kounts,Bomer
set; Scott & Gilmww,B edford; Reed &. gen, Bander
dolt tars. Orr, Hof tidal taboret Itildebran l& CO. Indi.
Wrighd 111 hattertin Evans hi; CO, DMA.
'ill.; h.. Wilma A. Son, Waynesburgb; APBarland
Ciy Calleorter, - -Meadville; Barton & Co, Er* J.
IdagoEkblereer ;Jimoes, Itchy &C,NDetle,r &Smith,
Beaver; J. D. 8011311tett(e4Wetehtti KU &U. B. 4.10113,
CandOrapOt% P. Croaks.v. Jr. Brown.llla. '
to .la+laflarr
V Just iced, anis...lce of (all Jewelled paten
'ft( Watcher, IS care a foss cues, which t can sell as
10a , as WM and Alit Ty Ave dollar., and warranted to
keep good urna.
Also—A apleadidn moment of JEWELRY. can.
prism Ua r
IS 04 4 ;: 1 4raTI L I k e it %IV 4 1 r
dfa si Putera4 rtga
D medicine. oldie dm./ .
Graham elation, Ohio, sue sy, teen •
• • IL E. Bellas-4 Mink it riglat, for the benefit oTothers,
to Mate somefacts In !elation to you eieeLau
mily Medi inn. , •
I have used your Vemifage largely .
o laymen
fetally• one vial frequently extielling large miaraides
(ray to 200 worms) from two children. I k n e e . ;
else used y cdayLiyer Pills and Gatigh Strati la my
family, and they • aye, in every insimee, Dtodaeed
the erect. desired.
As I am eataged in met andi ing,l am table to
state, that I have yet to bear of the fast failure - aft ,
your medietne s been used in any section of the
country. In conchal., I laity atale that they scene
metheinu of the
";ul"clay ane destin have a vest
"Y., dated at
Prepared and sold by R. S. mu - Am, N 073 Wool
street, and .old by I/ruggists generally in the two
- cities and vicinity.
q.. 5701 ,Luta FAMILY • 01Slalt7initlo—"Tne7 are
Medicines of the day:, _
a:mum& 2.1,21011,01110, fday
IL R. Sellers: I think it right for tho benefit ofothers
testate some fare in relation a Test excellent Pea&
it Medicines. -
earn r •
s 4 a =
I have med. y. 4r ,Vernailege largerc MY
py, one
ylinSfte.oently ...ring for expellingt; .ge
quantitis• (say do Z 341 warms foam two ebilasa 1
bars also seed' your Liver Pilli and Cough 07509
my family, and they hive In every Instance produced
the elect deeired. '
t4i.d. tam sag e
ye merchandising, am able to
state that I turce yet Wheal . el the first TulareTularem
Yana medicines bare been used la te y seen on of the
country. le
I may sui that they are Me
Medicine , 41the day, .nd are
r is e destd m bave a vert
extensive pierdenty Yours, e dully, •
tv.ll.l 4[ Oretri.L •
[Prepared and sold by R. 1.14.8,N0 S 7 Wood
street, and told by Drumm y.euerally in the two ci
tfstatad vicinity. h
(.1 " cia 7 ig ' i r nli, Cr! sr l i me, aVdElgt-ifine Pi rl. "
BUOYS ima,.Ohio county, V. /
.• '' • ' Lit
blotch gdth, PAIL , ,
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Mink it a duty I e.
te you nnd to the public genera y, we
to state tha biota
been efficted. with the ' Liver o. , mplaint - fee t a long
time, and so badly that an &bees, formed andlaroke,
which loam in a very low Mate. Raving heard of
you celebrated Liver Pilla being for sale . by A F.
S ta b y ar tp jialinelWaryeuDY,V.Tintlit, l d e;o'nmatineddloWmiXthel.
a fair sn. a purchased one box and forma them to
Jr Prit t F, l lZ
; ,,, i3su m az .:h . ,,,,,, ths
r ig jdt;
I find the disease bus e otirely• left arc, and I am now
'petfeetty well. Respectfally yours,
[ West Liberty;filarch 412,1134.,
I • I certify Mat I am pennually acquainted with Mr
[ Cialetatt ,and can bear, testimony -to the truth Ahe
[ 'Mitre :trace:el. • A R SMART •
The renuineLiver Ply. ore prepared end sold by
It q LLERS, No 157 ygood street, and by druggists [
I in the vro clues.
aLunly nine andgen.
TO TIIE ÜBLIC.—The migin
Moe Lima Pills are prepared by R siad
I id. name stamped in black wax upon the lid of each
bol, and his imostaria on the
. ounilde wrapper-4W '
others are counterfeits, or base lesaatlens. , . • ,
1 4'1 10 el ritg,:latVatioilErte=g ek=gret
i; The andentszed to been allicteddiating shrewd
loon with a disease cab. stomach, someumes pro.
''dams, great:min la the rewash for ten or Melee hems
ssithOultsterial r . 04,444 • seer bleali triad .nations
'nth edict. wa. faradic& with a boats
'La Di. mauve Balsam Thisbe Mad Fut.
rcirding to the direet.ons, and f o und mamba ly Matadi
medicine eausedtha pain to abase instate or four min
utes, nod do Shots or twenty mine
medicin e, •uneen
esraatlon seas mainly quieted. The medicine Imam-
Wriiird.2.4 ',Minaret indleatiomo ther eby alch Of
Imnwereeerceire and the pain was prevent.
ad: Ile continued to use the medleine every evening
and arinetimes to she morrung, and in a few week.'
health waste far restored, that the sallerer wee Tolley
id (rota little arnountof oppressive pain. From ex .
tarienceitherefore.-a:cf....1 corifidLlttruecerameninolii
Ibr=siaefiliesinm.acla and gowela. t A
Allegheny city:l72l
For sale In Pittsburgh .it 'PEKIN TEA STOR
72 Fourth street, near Wo a. and also at theDaag
Store ern 1 4 STM ARTS. Ve .etal asset. Allegheal
----------VA.LtIA..U-L-----Ir. 11115GOVICM.11 I
coasolurrvas DI
Or YOl7ll GUARD.
DR. tIWAY s i t
inal a Lim. anger on ' - •
Commotion, Coughs, Colds, Aetna, Bronchitis, Li,
'ITSCOLIF,:itt 1"12,-Benkfaeitg7p=.1'
the Ilea., IMittenn, Croup, Broken Coe.'
sillatien, Sore Throat, Nervous Dcbdi.
rhea ell Diseases of the Throat.
/matt and Loam the most at
fecual and loc.) can
ever known tor any ef
In above Men
Conpewad II yirwp in 'Wild Cnerryl
Thls medieirn is no longer moons those of doubtfal
Minty. It has pissed away from the tho umnis daily ,
launched 'menthe thie ot experiment, end no w
Wear So repu ta tion, and Is eccomin MOTS
ly used than any other prepared° , .r medicine nesT
produced for the relied et rasing men.
It bra been tsuodueed very genteelly through the
Called Sitars SOO Xnula,emi them are few towns of •
lerminsneo bat wt. contra some Seraizk lib reg le olog I.
donee of its good elec.. For proof' of tile le •
Matements, and of the Vella and <teeny of thus Toed.
eine, the proPtietor will Mart *few of the many . thou.
serW testa...le which have been premnad token by
ante of the Mat respectabdlty—men who have .higher
etem fo rts , respoestMlity and Justice, than to ecr•
Ur tO became 'twill do another a fat., and ,
theatre's, no 10.19.5ee. Such tension, proves COn
• alishiliellithill its summing catellenee is established
1 by Its humus ments, and the sinivaistiOnalds author'.
ty of peblic epsilon. Tbo insthetancens relief it al"
fora, and the nothing influenee diflused through the
whole frame by its use, renders it a most amerablo ,
remedy for the eda mEDIBNDERI ..
....grZliaaLlatr., aeons from conscientious unpulas,
I = moat feel, arantheenseso"..lnifi of a %Meg, or
, sworidg inters. and purposes, coerces tOilaterien - or
ha tta .sail ciarsof rids noel( in a special inner es
~.. r . 0 .n..-o•llogatis Moral M. 0..
Brat Axone C allao r Palatolisla Consasairailr
There never was • remedy that has bees as s ure
in desperate ease of Conumption, as Dr. Senrynes
Comported Syrup of mraa Cherry, It strengthen+ the
noun. 00.4 noes. to heel the liken Oa the tunes,
afraid if new and rob blood; power poitessed by no
other aduma •
Cirmmut Co., April d3th, IS%
Dr. 9s sync—De. Sit: I verily believe your Ca.
pound 15.9 of Wild Cherry he. been the teems of
saving wry We. dengat a severe cold,whielt gradu
lly grew worm, Mania with a serve cough, Wet
resisted ell the remedies which I had Wear. te, still
t. e r.mdes emit cry t o n rldinted all the symptoms of
Palmetary Consure Leery thing lured seemed
le have Co ed.., end my c omplauillnereased so rapid.
ly that friends as well as myself, gave up all hopee of
my recovery. At this nate I was recommended to try
you invaluable medal.: 1 did eri with the most hap
py ratans. The lest bottle had the edict to loan the
cant.. ceasing Cl to cope ettirsto freely; sad by the
Me I bed mea six bottles!, was entirely well, and am
now as
a Man as I ever wan in My ISM, 'a
would be happy us glee tun informed= respecting my
cue, that other fluters may dense the benefit for
Whining so 'grateful. For the truth of the above
rel e nt ,
I refer you
Pet.. Ruth, Of0C111) Wast
Choster,P of whom 1 pereltssadthe medicine.
• yews, Jam Mogan. '
. .. . .
Troarfiz Cori? , of ratt.xlid Axistio.
Dr. Etwayne--Dear Sir .
.1 feel a debt of grellulde dee
t . 7 ........ a . dm to the agnete4 generally, to oar
gly Suable testimony in Win of your Composed Sy.
nth of Wild Cherry some three years since 1 wan
a agaally attached ori.lecOld:illialleirfLidija of the
=Oil' the breast and head, a very tionsiderl.
tile MaUttgoof °demise mucus from the lungseanpe
nriell;V:rl,l:tesita eel etTrldtion, h= wtte owever sb
soon convinced Mt I was Mimi going Into ementrup
up., 1 ta lk y weaker, and et length was swam
ly able about, Or spent above °whisper, seek
~......mceding weakness of my Mg. Daring thle
time Ind tone torrious prey...sons and prescriptions,
but fond no reueLgroeneg all the time 'MRS. dam
bore 1 wies adored and , persuaded by a dear Mendip
linintingten to sake Val °typos Syrup of Wild C..r..
I moot anal.
Mannwns y Ai had bssa ~,,i,
diced Mahon patena_ an lam Wall against
those coming out of the bends of empeties,
boutbt under-
Mending year +lslas to the profemen LII4 etice cif
mead., and laving implicit fsith In thesaytuy, of my
friends,' forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, a few baales, and commenced lain. My die.
sue was at alias time of tin or Ith months , stauding,eoe.
semieutly It wan deeply seated. I
bi nd, end howe ve r howe,
eonstderable rebel from the iiro of the
bottles. But brag is pablin neater, 1 frequently at.
tempted to preen with my increasing etrculth, end
Ir . t k ;la
inurpztro..l.ll7i r i ‘ s t •zr I s ante
r e ado,t::
. gr i
hadretrded. le ...ane° of scent thus impmdents i
I aso use armee or Meta bottles before I weepen
reedy restored 1 have no question, a much email .
t he of.beiltho would have mode me sound, bu.
the non ladlteretle.. The BYreP alloyed the fee, ! i
ab habil, took ...the distresses cough, put ago; 1
ersedigewo*srefs s m yrtru i s gt•l 'm 6 b 411 4 11= 1 At,'
red offering this comfiest. until now, for the moo.
of beteg pate. r satisfied with the permanency ol the
etre, and now that I feel pufeetly well I oder it will, I
pleasant. . an. J. P. JOIDAIL 1
Dahill. null. N. a. , , 1
Ow Cannon-3=D Rea! ,
There is butes a gemoincepteparauof Wild Cherry,
end that Is Dr..817,11Q),,, the first tree anted to the 1
talga ahli: :7.7.117," , 1: ,rgl'a prat I t:11 i p th g
eansions Mateo by the lame of Wdd Cherry bane
been put ant Mee this, under cover of some deeeptme I
cistmatances, .4 order tomes outman totheir M..
By a little ithroarron, e
e. r Lter t ra .le nced mutate the
eirgrtlemfd wil l allot steel nentrt.4 E' vtilr. 4 . ,
bonnets of Wiliam Pan therecinf also, Dr.'5....,,,,7i
denatured and .afutilier smutty, the portrait of Pr.
Bonne will added berealthr,se as to distldmials
Pg7.l=4". iNTI ° Z.I , 3 II" :: ,`,I, '.`l';,':::,7llr.
try• 'l=lnd Byrup o i •Wild Cherry, pence+
eire u titio n us ot noso anTany st:rileg c tfict tinr i g el d in
Tar. , lauserniar , ewer a be t in mind the hanto
!Dr. EMT; nd be not iSeesired.
Principal fate, corner of Eighth and Raze .tenets,
Philadelphia • ~.....
For sale wilt...ate end retail by truDEN to SNOW
DEN, car
Co, cot gat are Wood, cod 6th end Wood *to; °
A nblesket sit t 5 JONES, len Litany se SAS
A JUNES, ern
and Penn stm JOHN MITCH
All,, dry, mil by all respectable dealers •
esedieln. 00,4
310 SPRATDI PATIC.I3I . . SODA . A 513.
Pries Reduced: ..
Ta:241.°111 3 ,1AL•4 1 L1,` 1 .' Pl=k,V,
coda Alb, warranted superior to any other 31.0 t
3 by us quantity ors tons Or ariselaS for inurePoy or
,papa Notts, al foot manias, .21 fora less quart
Liberty mai.
-I.3°4lDS' AT
U.F.IS.SY, FLEMING te CU, barn arranged to
giver their entire attention to the .ale of dooteetle
Woolen and Colton - Goody not% afar "Air , largo
abet of Tenons , Trlonlainp, ,Yea usa, e 4, 1
GaMap Cloths, AltealtinaV s tr F otaf irici a &T.
It9WOode d
BLEAORLNI3 POWDER-19 multi Jae Masprill &
Boas' brand superior antele, for late by
bold R R M syrctimasEr.
CASKS .A.7cn tied
4.7 Bleaching Powder, ezrived per chip Otenbridge,
and Mr . " g At " bY ea raNti t glEVniKE
N.H.-Thos will reedy*, Wins We .erinter, large
1 urea: mod, an elegant plain Relearned a oat. Piano .
0 from um celebrated manufactory of Nines &
CtatkjNs Y., of superior tone, nd irerymmterate price.
Fat sale by ' H. LEBER. ,
dell? • • • at I. W. Woodyellk.
V for removing Tartar, Scurry,Alsater, and ail
'substances destructive to the Teeth: It us delirious to
thetute,eleaotin6 the metah,learmg and nareagern -
Th=li=faill"bur 1
o dic ai li s u is; r
v 44
IL.Lardner's Railway Econazin a tre4ll.o on the
stew art of trusses, lis emus:nest, phtltPaele,
sedrelselens, commercial, fnnels], and social, with
attlenoritlea of tha ytaetie al results of the' rinwsys
in bpr,rosion In the Paned EliagLons,in the Continent.
and in &suede., DT Sionysies Lardner, D. C: L. &e.
The Moony. of the CoofcesionnL By John Healy
fleekhnf, D. D., Bishop orate Nieces , . of Vermont.
'.-New Edluon of leilmarN.Gibbon's Pa
ell. alga Fall of tbe.ftnnnnEmpite 0 , • 1
Lai:aWs • Last —ltte Past, Present, Rad Fatima
sf the Beeptipa. ui isThhonm De Lasnartin&
Carlyle's Litter Psi' Pamphlets. No V i. pMblem,
No 2of Leiter net NOreh—The Dalto •- -
O. P. B. James' , near North n.
—The Old oak Chest.
The share works ISCCITtd this day, awl for 'sale by
d' ''----------.
~.000D BOONS 4 °9. 13-WAlLlig."' -
3,idurson.-Arnenem, Farmer'sEnoTeloptedLs, deo
lbhcmou-Tmes and Shrubs, eve' ' .
' Htown-Trees of America, Soo ..
7,a ...,-Americrui Froltabaltarist,l2mo
• y-L Geld,. Is the Orchard, IRmo . ,
9 .--Fmnily Kitchen G ad..., 1 1 . 9
Mlum-lbe American htee Keeßorrltur
ldrown-TbaAmericen Petard' Ym 4 l-. 9 ~
thosh.ll--The Farmer rad EntigtatiPs-lland Boos
~ 4,Uen-Tbe American Farm Hood, = 99 ' '
Dowi 9 4-Fruit {ad FM& Tidos Of Arnerie.o 2 . 9
, Yo an Horse, See '
.11ennet- , The,Poultry Yard Limo • • t —..,
For sale by JAMES D LOCE.Vw..
eleellalitelli Jackal:tea of Salclata said An tee 1
jrIiONDUCTED by , prof, B.B,lliromi, Prof. B. Biih:
no, lr mil James A.D.., New / 19,99 .- O°D.
rarctient. This damned is limed eve/ two months,
in numbers of Vdt pages eahlt. mating two ootato
ioatenee a yea;etch with many illourraiebs. It it
devoted to Oneloal'ealeteso n Science and tne'Arts.
COndented Reale.. of Alnanete or rdirOolra 'mid -
Dizeoveriectrom Fortran Perieei , cals,-Notiee of New
Public..., and .a General Halleon of recent Reitm•
tific.Ot orbs. The first 'mit I , camel. 40 volume sohe.
lust of setae* is a general Index Cu the 49 volumes
preceding. , Bobscnoden, id a year, in ~d,„,,,,,,. •
.. ~-. ,AR LUCKAINIGH, /met for Proprietors,
jell, , _Oft Feartb at. .
Good Boo!. for Summar
Drown—Turkish Evening Linertanamers,
Taylor—Eldorado, nols,1"ano• . . •
c,,,,,,,,5.,.Eur0pe5in Life and Mantas*: vols,linno.
Dicti,.....lmsany and Doss,9 vols,llsco. . .
Mackay—kopular Delusions, vols,
Marrel—Preva Gleanings,l2lno.
C. G. CI —Norman Lome, Mao. -
.Faaw—Englisla Lileraturalatoo. .
Prior--Goldsontb's Miscellaneous Viosks,4 vol.,
Ma o—R:osab, Limo.
7Lylor-+viexa Arcot, Lbw.
..D.nrchbolGt--Coltabs, v015.,12=1.
For *ale by ' AB D LOCKWOOD
' ' 104 Foutth
faille; -Ati AND COXI7CMMON
L PLA L C FG E: COOK-i-ConfalningMMEß the Cl decision O s of the
Sopreme Court of the Caned Stater and of the. Nt. ,
reactive qtate Collis ,on Dill: of Exclionge t Creek.
and Promissory Notes -defining their requisites and
'properties, and Invaidgadrig their relations to, and
ffeetsupon, st tinier .Ihe whole arranged in on order
ra m e , g a v:uz s an e [ l n: . Tfierr i Tg . , a L ne . t . aniattile ff i r or ui:. ,
Law. lust received an for sale by ' ,__,
Jelfi . .Boultall. Market a. Third iiii .. .l
- ' --- 7iii=o sow& I LlTsriiiiiiir 1
Dfirrtr-rerrumer, its Use and t ent .. noir,
• stall' s -.Flillosopity of Nature.' tante.
Chao's-Aphorism and Keacetions. 12010. - ,
Sttar.L.F.niltsli Literetert. tgato. : - ' • '
Davis=-Legendre. lawn. . '
, .Dryant-What 1 an in California.'
- Sr. Plena-Peal and Virginia. 2 TOI.I. nolo.
Alcoli-Lattersto Toancrrom. 12420.
Iturnap-Iteetnede n(llum. Natate. • iftaia. •
1 - Vericoar-hdadent French Litenttare.
Newell... Alumna Magnetic:li'
, ilstaboldt-vaspeets ei Nature. •
, Broderip-ZuOlogiul fteratano22. •
t . F 2 1 , 212 hy . JAhIEB D I.OCHNVOOD
ie9 104 'Panful Si
Totter'. New lathlopiama 11.1•Jorilea.
et WINE In Ran all Mahn Dolly Day;
Doley Jonet,• Go dawn to de Cotton Reid;
- Dolly au a - . t
De Rind tritl;et Loved Ones at Horse;
Row th y [Mat Lghtly; Tnte Love, by T. llood;
Our warneross tbe sea. data
, A new medley snug, by 13. Covert; ,
Jenny Gmy, .
Jays that were crowning, Wedding March;
• God blow the hardy motion. Walt 4
Conseript , s Departure, by W. C. Glover;
Sounds trout Home; Walmes, Steyermarkische Co;
Lost Roos of Summer, easy variations by Item
United States Polka; Ladies , Souvenir Polka;
Corn Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille;
Deanne% of Italy; Duette, Trion, An.
Alarge assortment of New Music on hand. to which
additions WO made weekly. For sale by -
[ febtS , - ;4.11. BIEJAAJIL 81 Wood st,
THE Widt IVITI MEXICO, by . R. D. Ei,rdeyi
Dements of.Rheterrie; emfiptising . 01
the Laws of Nand Eildence and 01 Persuasion: /.. , 1
Diehard Whaley, D. D, • , .
Essay on Christmn Elaptisor, by Dapdst W. No.el,bl
- me orirric.,* Navel
Fsily. Toles, from ail Nation"; byle. AnthonY st. , aort
Wm: with 21 illostrations by Doy
Jag ree'dby .1011.isrtizi & nocrros,
dole _ earner Tolrd sod Martel weal'
wad Ziegsint Booksi:
Ilea vrhb cloven original design, Ly Daring.
['nada and Cross riunga by Rtehanl IL Ibuti; 2
'• • •
12 andruttil Gents of Sacred Pontri °nth ..tns.t.
dons tograired °natant, by John Sartain. •
Jtutireceired by JOHNSTON k STOCICCON,
corner Third and Markt, sta.
Ut e ri ittll D iati P e Al al " tio ." : ' ; L ir te ll O r f l. h ‘' e
111 Pfoiessloo end s-s the Cerflm s onity;by Worth.'
inolon Howie., hi. D. '
Tun Win.. of. Michael Do Monnilynr, comprising
his Fatty* Ledte , n,ite.
Gawp...Sof Spain; oriiotes of wi'L'afinlidied Toffr
in 1817 ii
Topper , . Prorerbeal Philosophy, nes edition; Moo
[Wed, /oat received by
nov2l. -corner Marker and Third .tfsetr.
--- 7. - th•ap Standard Ittstarr.
TTZ.VMS•S 1111-11.111 r ESin.npin now pnb-I
II Manor It, irper 3. Itro't, in tiepin eloth Inml
1/11(4 at t. , per vol. Toren volt reeeiveo; tuel
ior by It IluPlitN,
.pEr • • 73 ApolloyulleusttYeol.tti
RE a DI9I . j r 1 5 i.t.14 , 11t ysueetzliernmenhlell!ille
'halm of glorilireti bl ratilaztel,by /aeobittibotti
with fine cur:mutat,
Stdonia tLe 50. C ,..% by W. Mei:l ol d- _-
JOHNS - Mit tirliCKTijoh.
tower Third and ilaTket streets
.Out died firaar •• e or oft 4 dee'
'MINE:TED AND ITA REMAIN% with en beton.
1:a of a visit to the Chandre. Christie. of tiaras.
.and the Teridle, or Decil•Wonhlpitervind en
Inquiry thus the Manners and Aro of the Allele. A.,
Os Austen , Henry Loyard, Erq.. V: O. I.:
With Introductory Note by fro. E. Robinson, D. D.,
Illonntted with Id elutes and mans, and 91)
'wood .213. avrelativo.clistb,ll4,9•
"The book hese rare amoneitor graphic, chid, ple,
taresque porrilive ”—Trthuno,' 1
"The wink of Layard IF the meat prominent Conur
bation to the study of.andynny, that has appeared The
03.7.yean."—Oluist Inq.
Not °nee:ool6ln lutetwot the account of Nineveh
+tad its Rohs, given by,tdr.Layarthu—iyashlngton
, !ets fdlow the diggers slith breathletw I:merest
In their ucevatlons, can suddenly find ourselves be ,
fore *massive Attire farmed wtt
. .nute !weenier , :
novr lifting. he gigantic :head l o o t th uet of SUUJ
yearsose 00110 y tilltCryalit With toted astonished
Aralivaiallah, it is vrouderfol, but it is trees-1a, de
r tetchy JAhIE3 D. LACKWOOD, -
nett . Ga Wood st
. _ . .
11111 F , WOICFM of' the Old' and New Testament.
&Med by E. B. Nprague, D. D.. 1 vol. line. EIVIIy
elegantly bound; 19 expotaltely brdsbed engravings;
wait desermtlons by celebrated Arnenean Clergymen.
POEMS 115' AMELIA , (Mrs. Welny, of Ky,„) a now
and enlarged idntorn ithatrated by engraving , . from
original designs by \Vier. 1 vol. square Erre , eleant.
iy bumf and gill. Aims—A variety of aplendid mum;
als =AGM Books. . "1
Clalld's Firm Book or the History of Roma
~ ; TUE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the
OW of Carpenters, Nhipwrill4t,.‘ ,Vb°r'"'"oll' 6en -Saw.
Urn k g j arre n ATl ‘ ln practical ' "L.,,
lion and the Mining Bale. By D. Raper, A.M. —
Ilowe's!Preadso on Greek Prose Compositon:
011endord's Elementary French (hammer. By Prot.
Greene, of Brown University. • 1 vol. lerno, • -
Floethger'a Gesenins , I lebrew Grammar, by Conant.
Gramma' Hebrew Lexicon. ,
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithimio Tables. 1
The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol.(inito•
/Stares Classical Series. '
Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. Iso o.
do . do ... rtnabndged. I vol. ito.
13arne's Notes-and Questions on Neur.Testronent.
Whalelrs i 4 Sid• '
Mosbenn's "Ecclesiastical ilistory. 2
-soli. and 2
vole: (sheep.)'
Vestiges of Creation. 1 vel. lerao.
- Mornings among the Jeartim *Litwin. • t 'tot (cloth
. and paper.) .
Scones woeretho Tempter .has Triumphed. 1 vol. ,
{cloth art 4 papor.) - . •
Bogue'. Theological Lectures. Leo). Bvojeloth.)
Alder's Pronouncing Bible
BoYer's Frbnch INetionary.
Smart's Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS,.
notta - Apollo Bindings, Poarth,st
VF.W work;
XI Montaigne, edited by 11. Huila, comprising Ids
Essays„Letters, and Journey through Gennerry arid .
Italy, erids notes from all the Commentatarhlitogroph.
teal and Bibliographical Notice.,,Ae.
- Thorny and Practice of Tezehlnti or, the Motives
and Methods of Good School-Keeping, , by David
Plage, A.M. Polacipal of the State PlorMaL Soknxll,
Albany, N. Y. •
D ank Forester'. Fis and Visiting of Ebel/. State.
and 044,1 Provinces h
of North , Amenes, brllertry•
nord corner Third end Market
Tis• Olden Times -
TAMES D. LOt11.W0t.)1), look tier and ImPoiter,
t) Pro. 01 Wood street, his for Baleares. copic. core
pinto, Om remainder of the adition,) of thus vahtabll,
work, devoted to the Pre,tervation of Docutnenottoa d
othir authentic imormanon talottng to the veil) ""
ploratiossoottlement and Improvement of ettart , r ,
'around the head of rho Ohio. By. Bovine !It
Esq., of Fidatturhtt, Ito Avols. avt
view of the
• -
LIBERTY; a tuw.yontA
Ali Liberty of other Ancient A ellov!••• v.
.v.. ng h a meef
Elliott, Erg. - Illustrated with twelve cop_
Gated at ROM Rome. 2 vole, Soo, uniform "0t0 5 .." .
Historical Worts: • • • '
;unpublished end for sale by_
J 1.11101): L0C1CW07 .. E 4 ,.17g . WW:2
• liTtn N o l .- Ta b t... 4H-P- 7 , 1 FA- - sNY
or CONSOLATION. boo . k . us
'‘./1" reading:
thol aatioitbanwV.hed funne
tench higher aria . , writ , ng • d. , p rui deeper r
por"th lt 'r
lied Immure pee womanly Mate 'of
tone of - moug • to.. ...„,,,daetion of the fkkeleinied
feeling than anl owe' minor
with 7.ltiekt wG an
a gt .ateariableboolti
oearstyle—bold tiptrifg land'ente
PY "tco; -recommend it to out teadeciaa the. best
vit etmtwiss the !owned in . • treve ter rAtopm,
and residence iottaly; tool is one of the Seasamesi
and nmst • westizy Lanes of the eetfortiN , llottr....l
'1 • I
E lelcieay eitVnMtetiVtie boot We have ion! It ace
fid,,,Lge to
with • to
Winn. A vi.
. - ,„ . aare of life In Roma In all respeou eminent',
;,„I...—Knieketbocket, • '
- For tele by • .J'AblF.B LOCIt WOOD,
novIS llookseller fp Importer, 6,1 Wor k, o
lilltboias alma Viorrere.
301 130XEB hlopetier Emmett. /fabbous, A 1.30
do. Floteors, of all the tweet and feast fashion
able Mica, reed thla day ad
• POW dt
6101.111616 •
. •
.. • •
couranoNs,—Drattu Notes end - Attestelites
payablein yap parrot - tho Union,ettheetea molds cunt
'[amoebic tense.
I E.11"-tANGEan NOW Trott, Pitiladolphia' and Gel.
tams .. tro t Cinetanau Loalseille, Bust Leath sod
orlosos, consuniuy footsie. •
DAMP:OT s=o.—Notes on all eolgent benks In the
United 2We' discounted at tholostetotates. Atlllade
of Forelln and Amenean Gold and Pilger Coin bought
Oooce No. 65 Market street, between Si ...
Pittsburgh, Pa. I •• i Gets
• $08.151016 NIXOUANOIds .
rnolgtfigrtmd' gltSereVEtz4.6.*4
Peg.bie Ina n 7 Patt .1 . the Old Os=
frenn-.66 to - 61COry at the. tare 4.51.0 _ th e Parrtuai:
without &deed= or 31X , 111/6. ROHM.
SON, Dimmest and General Adept, omot, one
door men of wood. oettEto
Aux" smorm u li im i x ~,. na i r rwoia smut
VAIIKERSu - A.tilt EXCHANGE: LlPOieas; deafen
In Foreign. andlnnnerlo, Dills a r..n.g., tUr
ti. caws or Depanhe, Bann Nom. and C 0.,, corner of
24 and Wood wenn, 4unetl7 want!: EL Cbules
-swans TIIIIDS
ffi r
Q.. , ~ .
, .........!...i,i0 7,il
„.,„,,,„1i....5t.,,..,,,,,, Lik . ,
:..,••_•• ~„ N.
& SONS, •
, . .
epl3 . . akin stmt. .
tivorotig ol to caw tesw-liyhi Ciiiii w - 71
Cionslantly for We by . ... 14. HOLD= & EONS. ,
h I . 4 tAT, I
.111011.8. 14 &I !lON ormn,
1") FCTIFYINODISTILLEO, r i nd Tea end nice
Rll,eksole, fast side at do Diamond, Plosbargh,
owe , td,rgirCslot the ry loso4rt priers far eash,
Iteaufied WhiskanGln and - posaestie tkanate
Breath lirvidTO:lollancl Illn, Jamaica ,Swrits,
don On, Irish 'W,hiskry. Ham, tee: ren,Llherr
delra4 Champagne, Claret, - Mose Matoge, Tetse
talGa and Llsbod . Wines. Wholesaled. Retail. r 0,3
PAPER—Algrag on ittald Or male to
order, tag varlet. eleg 'Priniinr Paper, Rog
mgplng Paper; Crown, Medium, and Mew el.#ll
niter enrage Wapping Yager; Crown, Medium. nog
NetlnCrown Post eiSee rapper,. Itgatebontd,Se.Ao.
117* P MAIRSIiALL.S S Wood tt,.
190717 = Agent for Clinton DU,
',1"6, / ! 4 .'4 7 i ,. 1, 7 1,, CO. 1!to T!too!ed. a the nook of
onto Oppointo .M l 01. .
p l y N 36x .!AlM l. Er m lCl— w lin . r . wo. u r o k i ri t t el b,eL r .%,
ikaianterelaros,. no seem and to be." vol Moo.
• Lauer Day Pourable:a, rib H—Thet 01214t1111 .
Carlysle.. • • ' ' •
Casuotas.—ltleoroirs or 1..5t0 and
on or Mica.
iChalmers, L. D. ' *elections on Butler's
,Antlegy,Palefs tividendesoiebrlatienDY.odd / 1 ".
'Untrue on Divinity, with two Introdanlory Lectures
41 four dAdre.e. &limed tho Now C. 8.0
,FAblblinli, by Thomas Chalgiers, D. 1), L.
Tot • : •
C.cvm=Life of /oho Calvin:compiled float &when.
'tic son recis,toti particularly (moats correspondences.
lirTlromu U Dyer, with portrait. 1 velnuto.
FoHulO by . • .11 UOPKINS.
• opi7 --.• •78 Apollol3nildismpouna
°cabal 'Coistlasl
20 ..%I`fa i fa , d t 10, 00 de !err
17: burr kllStiore Iteddlnr,
et :ComLt;
1000 dos and
' 10, toper !atm , Dank; .
700 gross sail Side Comb.; reed and for Welly
• febs • . • • YXA.GEA, Ile Markel .1
Banff Ilollaridt Ilia lloWadY
TAKE NCiTICE-Thsi W: McClintock has lids day.
received several epos or tho finest and best Bat
Windom liollsad, which he would utostrespeetellY.
call the ettentioa of hls easterners sod tha pablte
Carpit ll
Wareocens;7 s Fannb et — • 'jLilt
. Guitar&
Noe 7 Sae sconi of C. F. lost roe/ from the,
colobidle mandlHanho, and for
sale byl lan9 • • .1; H. MELLOR, et IN cod or.:
Books Jost. haartivad.
ITLIF. Complete Works
, e John Deny.; vols,Svo,
1. 1 in 1 vol, illustrated; ittlin gilt and gilt edge.
Mitchell's Biblical and golhatit School Oce6raphr
• 11,C17 work; 1 vol,lZno ,
Town'. Analyes and
Life of Job, Q. Adams PT .
Wm. 11. Seward; 1 vot
Mom; 1/111[11Il
Poems bY Mrs. Ilemansi 1 vol, lbto; mntlin
'South's Seritionraterls preached upon several
oceasn' es, by Robert SoPtti. D. U.; 1,, near edidoc, - .1
•ols; ineludlog Posthummts llbeeorses. I.
Same--1 :4 !beep', extra; Eve. •
For solo by 11.110PKINS,
kb.ja /3.lldlias.Forirth
note locnotsort Psys - d; •
T`TxteT i tte4T,*=.riutnhn:=ll.l h° t;
and public geurvally, thatihey have rebuilt the me.-
°Lb, FOUNDS:YAW wallow in, ft II oPeratimiti and
have, part 01 their instants reedy for the marketi—
Aft.dgst which art, Cooking Stores, Coal nod and
Stores, with a splentUd str.oebt Cool Stave, wldeh b
now mereeding In other elder. the 'common , rodnd
Stave. Also, a cheap cold Cooking Store, well adap
ted for small: with a fell assortment' of cern
orarehome before purchahing, „Vs
uncle of enammelleil Grates, finished to Eno
entirely new
Warehouse; N 0.121 berry at, opposite Wood at.
auctSidtl • NICOOLSON ft
; PiT1.3131111113177
4 to
of the Gel Cottlb, 1100 Market at., Pinsbuisrb,'Pa.
trrty Merchants. Pedlars; am! others v sidn •
.11 as burst, to puteussq Goods, are respectfully i ' av,ite ' d
to call and ermatne the extensive asseruneni of Idig
lish, American, French and German Fancy (:awl}}.
All ForeigaGoods at this establishment are imyort
ed direct by myself, and purellasera may rely an get
ting goods from Last hand. 1 have the largest oaten
meat of artieleson the yariety line, to the. sill' of
co y of which will lot told low for eashor
city acceptances. The Stock consista, le pan, of'
Lace Good., llorlery,Oloves, Ribbon,. - • ,
Silk Cravats, Shostand Patent Threads, dewitridilds
Spool Cotton,,Tapes,Saspandera,llettells , Fids.N et
dles bad Cutlery, .
Gold tad Silver Watches, crow rewity...ilitu:i. of
Unishea, Carobs and Rams. - •
Caps, ItZVOltterr, ri(1013. Clack., St e
Cotton Panes, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Unto "Hem,
Carpet Sags and Oakes. it
1311111111 g% n 111114516 and Trimmutge
Toys aud Fancy Goals; tve her with a large
C. YEAtiEllyr oho 'gent for Um oolobromd
eager Combo. • mml7
'• • driest litssillsh
VOA" Cotagits,coldic Amiens and Col3llmapttont flu
'CHEAT AND ONLY ItrsTa•ny t ee th e cvmol e.,
aboie diseases, is the fIUNUAIUAN BALSAM OF
•LIFB, discovered by dia celebrated Dr• I boo, of
.Loudon, England and intro.! aced bao th e United Statu
ander the Immediate superintendence atilt, inventor. i•
The extroordtoary success ofthis 'metilcirse be the
care of ralt6ol3Ory diseases, war - rims Aisertican
Agent In soliciting for treatment the worst possible:
sea diatom bis Gonad in the eorannunity—casas this seek tr„
relief In vain front say of the commonremelt tb e
7 5
day,.and bare been-given up by the most disc Wak ed
physacmas confirmul Sod incurable. '• The ont.
an Balsant ha* eared, and will cam the mast eciptuits
of eases. It is no speak nostrum, but a standartt Etta-
Bah medicine, of known and established elbcacy.. . • I
. • bl'iery family in the United States should be staPplisd
with Dothan's R.tetlillll Balsam of . Life; not Only 10
counteract the eonsuniptive - tendencies of the olinne,
'be': to be pod as • preventivemedieinet is all eases of
colds > coast., spitting of bleed, j Psis in *side and
chest,. ambition and. serums of the lungs, - bnechnis,
daricalry Of bloating, hectic fever, night SWelitS,lleinael,
alien .h ilgirgrel p astinsta, influenan,wrscssping
fi g old In large biniles, Per hoods, with -tali dine.
Uons for the rOIO2IWOLI of health. .. L. • • • J.'.
Pamphlets, containing a lama fbaglish asdlitm n
eon etractues, and other evidence, showing tho
equalled merits of this great English Itemedy, q, be
'ohm:odder the Agentsieltniloes l 7; •
For sale by, B A IearsESTOUK Is Cs., MU a
tat and Wood and Wood and tab its: -
cQ alTKOWirralrfir.. a—.
117: N ozatAo Lusts
p rjori ifirehl l 74 s 9 7 .
pareole'Cough Bypte, l beg ka".
efit of the community, that my ws I
fe eta Sava
times allilated with a most dturessieg 1 One.
chased, In Raltlark 1041, a bolas orT. , F s!'.Or . which
allied a conga °Nerd months' *Lauding. About one
mouth ulace, the cough retaraed• aod aoLsgere e
that Alba could h e mbaralt=l Z.1=1 44 a l
breast; I sent for one
a ps4t of one boulientedthe cough. Jar, ma tar
to a Journeyman who was .erruy acme ed, *h.
to . 0 h i s own , ..eaten enoagp cough cathly to ,
Cori all the peotae Lio ratsbargh,e IF 4us candy had
beet! as good as rtpren oted .• • t.
y our ., mireaully, M : 7l.3ra B. Kassa_
oared and gad. by Ft., E.:13k.1L FAL% cad
43 ,,,t sag by - Draggbila generally ta Iw4
".......oldlltD PEDITIAN DL , Di
~ Asa.... — ApcaltHaklr WAPERHOSI. • [ _ „
' ~... j'''
'3'. „...,_
hally inform the pblic., that hs
tem, on head at his mead writhe
a te l of the Almaa, Mk,
latterly eny k a complalq atuall•
of Verunstilithols;also Ye-,
Motion Shutters are made to or-;
der in the best aryl., warranted
emeal Co any lathe United Avails.
' HaWinds can be remoied with.
oat the old of a sere* driyer..
Haring purchased th ft meet,
Wolf, mid wood of the C4binet e.,
Iliblialment off: aisaasy it. Dl,Ciel
lkmli I am papered td, famish
their old enatetnera ad wail as
the plislic At I lilt with every thing In twain : .
agengi NO 10 dod "" x3 ' 2.". 1 1 ,5,„ BROWN.
ymc itriEs p qi
: . ..i.. 1.17
'I ts, to aanve,
.. 217
CitortitiE LLSIE-4 enstit, to arrive,, fot solo by
Vi 7 }el7 • MOO & CO
I hlottkllllSEFX-10,000 ms sa6ar ellTsiudsh
. cat of Aakelte, for saheb, •
! .e.n1M1341
.00 has all ' slecferr Irak
:W ILP L i r tta ,. I , L . SI3 7 aW 11.1114.1ia U 6 1 .1
SllLltshbh-7* eaxeo resW , r eal;hlT
h / lell AI4hISTRONG CltisZ . St_
bee so sump for
jell A Ftel.4 ONO 4.
Er". -
KICK 1. Uci . AN'Jll`x
TV3f REOhlVED—atel 1... t a a Inch :1 pq
t 7 flow, for ..Engine perposes,.eartantol
equal to leather ht every rejr et. The fi'ke tie.? •
moms an Invited hell a chauhrle..." .
ladle Rubber Depot,ktos.7 Word drt 1 ti IIIIF9
LA4.-61.13thi 1109Viltarithliodittrittbj
W.t.r& r.b,4
MISV/LLS LIME—Ube , in otpre
..ta lett .ARNISTItt2M . } it
rit'ATot...-4100 b received t or • n
3 Jett ' • ' ~t ot 8
It W iunitAup
~ U T
auLp and,V . (OrißvtdittrAt=i