HEM DMllatifirapilliVriAlWiq -" • 11015SLICAN ZINC: . • STUBS Vieille 94 =woe-Company autylf ilmlregmtill 1. 'with Boobag antPleoring in sheets Se feet, fma it IU IM melees per sown fem. Corrugated In sheets 2r7, 97 ea. for roams mot-tle baildleas and depot.. Ship Erneethitta, 11 x4B Inches, from ne Ls oanees. Neils. Eplkeite, IMaar Nolen, Perforated Zinc, Zinn Punt, They leurfeat their mail pare, and free from any admixture of leen, or any other substattee,'and re commend It for the manufacture of most attains in the house famishing bee, as It does not. net, is DM sleeted by the action of Inter, and may be polished, painted, and Japanned. flaterile 4 . model, ePeelleations, and ether infommilon may be had or their. oxenti-- • bretax Brsons, New Tmk; - ATILCSOL Itott.M. & Co.. Boston; • • Neraart TROT= &CO., Philadelphia; W. tr. H. Me - BM, Ballinorei; 45.1•11 Z, DAT ft Branum, New Oriesron F. MILLIIIOI3X, Berideat'A OM. Liege, M>7l : ' 9 Hanover st., Near Yolk. BUM SINDISOS AND LJDATIDGM. - lihdevotrd A. Gionfrwys • - le South Ca vert at., daltioore ßal:Fora ,- LattE. Oodrrter &Sons. ' • IMPORTER of Shoo Findings, and Dealer in Leather Of ririoll.ll kinds: English and french Ind Skins; rend, Calf Skins, Patent I,eather, Morocco red, wblto, and plutvouts.llnionrhs , lambi% Fre:lealri SILK GALLOONS AND ROWIONB, Locate. Webby, Rhots Rance. Awl 111.4.• Fl.v, 7IRREAD, Blood Tacks, Shoe Nails and 61108 PEGS, of a/I sizes. • - • E. A. G. to catablined the above bashing In Baltimore, .ls enabled to shtp goods Borah or West with the curtest despatch, and t all mop Tell dealers, and anent, mop rely span ebtaining every article In the, trade, of the best estalay, rodeo liberal term,. • • •. Alnelachan of Latta, Dom Trees, Moe Trees, ern," Boot Stretchent&e. All °mine wili be promptly &WILMA LAW priers for cosh. • • '• A eateampsw.coneaning a complete lin of every ankle In t h e trade will be forwarded to those who EDWARD A. GODFREY, 111 B. Canal st: • I•3l2o:anm nest Baltimore at, Dahlman. BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, • • . , , ntelldWay, of Mad.* Lame.. HIS eaten... , IItITEL has been leased by. the bscriber, and bat been completely refitted in most elegant manner. Large additions are now beng anode, which. se hen completed, will make It the most Wens:se Hotel in New York. Rothe deterred, nation of the proprietor, to make It equal, in every TO. vett, to coy ether lipase In the United States. Bela; mom lathe men desirable and central in the eity,le. tug in the lashionah!e oast of Broadway; convenient. to all the stabile belld.s.g.. places of aro eminent, and business. Grateful fin .he liberal patronage mecieed from his western leinnde, while at. Onaberland, 1l&, and soore recently al the Weddell (loose, Cleveland, Ohio, he respectfully tot ielis a renewal of their patron.. age, for his new ertahlishment.'at.New. York, nod begs to aware them that every effort on Ma plus.k.h• be given toadminister to their comfort and Plamer , . - A. S. BARNUM. . New York, blareb,lM..—tated..3st - 7 • PORTUNL FOR 110 or .f. 3." BRITANNIA '• SPORTING PORTRAIT CLOD, oßece,. George street, Pty.:loads, England. The., managets beg to acquaint theiroomerous patrons that tie next Diatribution of" Portraits of Rare Rome. will comprise those catered for the forthcomin Grand National Derby Room the clamber o aba se. to .be limited to SAO each Maas. Firstelass otemberl.ll:4; • zeroed el...ditto:SS. Fatly application Mr Ste an, e7Propriatedihares is necessary- A .party oubsc•ib, tog f oe more than one sham bus the chastener paeans. an equal number. immaree. Those member. Who drew; the yanatm Portraits will be presented with the fat lowin, redraft of Ist class 'tansies hi ditto , Vra113.031 rust Horse • . , Third norm PAO LAO Divided amortgOSstrteri...;- 6,000 • Non-Starters 4,000 .. • 3,1110. There ern= bonuses In each elate, that; beiterthO,, number of horses entered for the race. - The Dcatetur, will be conducted 'upon Me game legitimate principles., as those whlch.charamerlute the late St. Ledger and. • other prateedsoca Pall pardenlara of the to sent to absent calmbere immediately after Made- Orion, Mat each may know hts pontoon. , Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded cite euipt of arernittance.: Billsof Fschange, Lmsfu, Dent. Notts,' An,: addrewed and made payable to . - the hfaltogiatt Directors._ W. JANIEft.CO. • • Five per cent: commission to be teduced ea the, lila): REED HOUSE, 1 1650 • .. BAADER, Pr.:Trial:TlM, .GSNERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eutern. Westme. and :Soadacre Stages, leave this hon. (}r singes to and from Steam and Daato. linHl M. W. Kann, late atilt American 6: W. Masan, tale otthe Khanna llama, Cade. . apgS.dttat - ' OW Jame. Illarraro Plaid Elairn•als. • • PREPARED ander the Inanedine care of the le: venio wand established for upwards of flirt , Yee... This elegant Federation is recommended toall cases of late,.acidities, Indigestion. goat. and gravel. We most_ sere, easy. son effectual form in which Magnesia may, and indeed:the 00l r one In which it ought to be exhibited. posse-smog all the properties of the Maxnuin now in general af.c,withoin.bMitg liable Ike it, to form dattemtas concretions inshe trwals4 It cfiectually, cures heartburn without. Jellying the costs of the stomach, es soda, pots., and their car bonates are boo TA to dotit prevents the food of in. tante ranting war, Lull cares , n acts es a pitesing aperient, and is p coast., spitting of bleed, j Psis in *side and chest,. ambition and. serums of the lungs, - bnechnis, daricalry Of bloating, hectic fever, night SWelitS,lleinael, alien .h ilgirgrel p astinsta, influenan,wrscssping o fi g old In large biniles, Per hoods, with -tali dine. Uons for the rOIO2IWOLI of health. .. L. • • • J.'. Pamphlets, containing a lama fbaglish asdlitm n eon etractues, and other evidence, showing tho aa equalled merits of this great English Itemedy, q, be 'ohm:odder the Agentsieltniloes l 7; • For sale by, B A IearsESTOUK Is Cs., MU a tat and Wood and Wood and tab its: - cQ alTKOWirralrfir.. ISTii.art a—. 117: N ozatAo Lusts p rjori ifirehl l 74 s 9 7 . pareole'Cough Bypte, l beg ka". efit of the community, that my ws I fe eta Sava times allilated with a most dturessieg 1 One. chased, In Raltlark 1041, a bolas orT. , F s!'.Or . which allied a conga °Nerd months' *Lauding. About one mouth ulace, the cough retaraed• aod aoLsgere e that Alba could h e mbaralt=l Z.1=1 44 a l breast; I sent for one a ps4t of one boulientedthe cough. Jar, ma tar to a Journeyman who was .erruy acme ed, *h. to . 0 h i s own , ..eaten enoagp cough cathly to , Cori all the peotae Lio ratsbargh,e IF 4us candy had beet! as good as rtpren oted .• • t. y our ., mireaully, M : 7l.3ra B. Kassa_ oared and gad. by Ft., E.:13k.1L FAL% cad 43 ,,,t sag by - Draggbila generally ta Iw4 ".......oldlltD PEDITIAN DL , Di ~ Asa.... — ApcaltHaklr WAPERHOSI. • [ _ „ ' ~... j''' '3'. „...,_ hally inform the pblic., that hs tem, on head at his mead writhe a te l of the Almaa, Mk, latterly eny k a complalq atuall• 'notion of Verunstilithols;also Ye-, Motion Shutters are made to or-; der in the best aryl., warranted emeal Co any lathe United Avails. ' HaWinds can be remoied with. oat the old of a sere* driyer.. Haring purchased th ft meet, Wolf, mid wood of the C4binet e., Iliblialment off: aisaasy it. Dl,Ciel lkmli I am papered td, famish ; their old enatetnera ad wail as the plislic At I lilt with every thing In twain : . agengi NO 10 dod "" x3 ' 2.". 1 1 ,5,„ BROWN. ymc itriEs p qi : . ..i.. 1.17 'I ts, to aanve, J VlOl `- .. 217 CitortitiE LLSIE-4 enstit, to arrive,, fot solo by Vi 7 }el7 • MOO & CO jna I hlottkllllSEFX-10,000 ms sa6ar ellTsiudsh . cat of Aakelte, for saheb, • ! .e.n1M1341 .00 has all ' slecferr Irak :W ILP L i r tta ,. I , L . SI3 7 aW 11.1114.1ia U 6 1 .1 SllLltshbh-7* eaxeo resW , r eal;hlT h / lell AI4hISTRONG CltisZ . St_ bee so sump for jell A Ftel.4 ONO 4. Er". - KICK 1. Uci . AN'Jll`x TV3f REOhlVED—atel 1... t a a Inch :1 pq t 7 flow, for ..Engine perposes,.eartantol equal to leather ht every rejr et. The fi'ke tie.? • moms an Invited hell a chauhrle..." . ladle Rubber Depot,ktos.7 Word drt I.li 1 ti IIIIF9 LA4.-61.13thi 1109Viltarithliodittrittbj W.t.r& r.b,4 • • MISV/LLS LIME—Ube , in otpre ..ta lett .ARNISTItt2M . } it se. rit'ATot...-4100 b received t or • n Jett ARAf9TRO NOE 3 Jett ' • ' ~t ot 8 It W iunitAup ~ U T auLp and,V . (OrißvtdittrAt=i 1121