prilt.tsirED WHIT.E;4. Co. n • , uatoar. aArarra [ln 4 , 1NG111, TRIE D STREIT, arrr rooa TO , I i- TOZ POST OTPICZ Ir.iir rt. per gee, TreOre ••—••• ,00 • Weekly, ln • dranee).--- ••••• 2,00 be. 02 ".• at a reduee4 me • " - ICA9 el! OF ADVICEITIIIIIIOI I .AGREED UtON _ BS TI C P/TTBDULLOCI pumas. ; 0 o (101ines of Nanpar,ll or taw ne Ir men' Obc e.,„la re; each additlonal f tos one meek-- 1,73 two .100 , Om • three week!: --- 4.03 - one month•--.•..- MOO Ito. • tatti 7.00 ' Dr. three months... . ' Ib ths. tour months... . lOW air months—. idea ma. Melva months.... —l .. ism hianding Card (0 liner orleis,lvier annum- IMIX , One square. changeable •tpleasinre ( peran - ...lase:naive of the paper •ror rants, half price: each additional aqusre, Inserted bt r er" e arm for each additional minim Inserted andathe Advertisements erceedlng a mmarai and not Ov er fd lLe., be charged ita a enema and a half. . Poi ! !aides not ReC O .lOll,lO (0e lege advertimments hcv•nd the amount charged fOr Announcing candidates for odicq mbe <har3eii •". 1111010 as other advertisements. - Advertisements not 0901 . 1“01 the rop lar a 'peel. find number of Inserti on/51.11 0n . cootinne T d till forbid, and payment .mete! ate Ont ' • The pnvileges of vemly advertiser. arfll be. confined ri gidly to th eir regnl.businerg, luol 1111 nth , . after-' ntnenla flat pennloing 10 their legal,/ business, as agreed 3 / 4 ,10 paid emit. All advertisements for charitable institutions, fire t„,,totto„, ward. t o wnul p seal nif,rtpnyua 010=111K, and sech like, to be charged h al fPn , eiruimble atrictlj tr advaace. Marriage nOtiteff to be charged Sb vents. - Death notices intent/I without charge, nnletsaccom. panted by funeral inntation• or notices, and IV hen so sewn mined to he paid for. • 11,,,,,L.,..j.,,u5e55,and alt others vending comma. re-ye/ring notice. deigned W call au en bon to Fairs. Lauren, Content, or any pew,. I.l,vocuta miens charges are made for admititnc..... all notices or private eirsoeimio,,,_,,c7 natter dot O co gee] to l/ anent/on to private macron se s e•leals. and or nrtemled to promote individual interett, can on. lye In with the undetstanchng that the same is to lin pair. If Intended to be' inserted in the cal esimun, the PlOO wilt be charged at the rate of .MA*l , 3 than It/ cents per line. Bishop ar Fist Notices to be eliarguLtriple price, Tavern Lite ate Petitions, t !aril. • Poll p Legal . and . /Medical advertisements to be charged at uce Real Estate Agents' and Auctioneers' advertise ments not to be clamed under yearly rotes-bat tone allowed direount of ny three antl one third per cent. frourthe amount of bills. WCRILT, ea rat.wrosty 111 Ditty rinze. • One I...taste, three (amnions. • Do. each add/decal In etc:req.', 37 ativounsancl-rs rank. One Sime, 110 tiered ace Ussenion,---50 eta. : Do. each additioesil Insertion..-. 23 All transient advenisements o be paid in advaaem 1/.. h VIAI A T R E p k. FA CU p ..G . a t sette. ROE'T t. RIDDLE, Jounctt. JAMES I'. DARR & CO., Ceronledm. FOSTER & DROTIIER, Dispatch. J(Mt:titiol9llF-N, Idereaty.. • JAME'S American. lIIRASI /CAI:VI; EvetilnE Tribune. Prirntracrt, Dee. 1,1777. _CARDS. ~ ...TOXIN A. A .13ER!stAN, Finh Peon wont, between ji• o , llsra and Walnut L _ S . All tininess promptly at tended to. ,- mays SALIUICII DI, 41 L TTORNEY AT LAW—Otrace, on Fourth street • torla • DAVID 9:TUTTLE, •' A TTOUNEY AT LAW,..ud Commiti.ner f. JO_ Prilurylvania, Sol eeih Sio _ • All costamtcaucws promptly auseremd. octtl-ly John R. ' Wm.a_ ROO LA/IIG )2r. a: FRIEND, -- A TTORNESS LAIV, Fourtharca t, near Una& A jyi 04/ JAZI.ESP. K1K41.11, . A 77101iLNZY AT LAWllitbeeonFrourtb atreet, 1.1.. between lirrothgeld nod tiran4 Pittsburgh. aptllt-ly • • _ bji, PAVTI)!V A TAM N In'tt LAW—ibLea to Tilghman Nall, A at, orar the Codrt Itovre. • • lebt , JUSIN A TrOttNiN Counvellur at Law, and Commie alw,or bar the Stair of l'oooo vent St. 'Wait; Alo.t thaw Pittuhutah.) • • nterene.—Paluberg Iton. 'W. Forward, !lamp. ton & MOW:, M . Citedleur A McClure, John P...Parte, llmsello A rtemptc, Mellord A King. anit44l 14. t Nn 2+_t O S Philadelphla. 004 .Pbiarch ENNVIT, I11:11ItY AIX), Manufauturen of Soda Arb. Wet/citing-Powder% Mori etre arta Holub rie Auld,. Wire/oar. No Water atre , scbelow Ferry. ll.Vrai It vrrti,-.4 Br.", ueoree nErrErt, nIMLIts' and Retail Einx — c- ' 4tlrß ß . Pt comet at 1.14:nr and Et. Clair ureeta , • SOLOMON wiru t, nOSINIV.46I(iN d r, 11Orta_ea .. nd stle• " Miqu-esuf and nOLENtAri. ft CO, IdsAufleterers of Case!. told kniptie Spaces, .11soronered Axles, Poring end Illeagn. Steel. Iron tkr.- Warehouse on Water and Front street., Pittgatroll. Also, dealers In Trimmings and kiallealde amines. ' _ OOll2 John A. Crsit7. Fianna'. RAN: SKINNER. Forarardlne ond IMmatoelon (I *tem hams, No 26 Market st. Pitts Larch. rod* A. hIcA‘ULTV fr. CO, Formatdmg and Wm • Mission: Merchants, Canal Bann, PinalLatan, /I H. &VW, Wb nimmlo Grocer, Comml.mion sod .: Forwanyor ISlerolmol, No. 41 Wfter burgh. • an.l I kleTiey. •-—.Andcr el" Fleming FL Fleming lIICHNICIT, PLEIIING CO., nOMMISSION —Fat; flm We. of nO ki mmtie,Woolm and Cotton Goods; e.raters in M 1 &in& of Tailom • Trimmings, No It: Wood door from FIN,. PiU.Mtmch. • - Itefortmeo—Mmant. Wm. A. /MI& Co, Baniem. imat WK. R merman. ENGLISH & SENNETT, Cato Enalialt, Gamut,. Co.) Wheirsale Grit-era, Comndiston and Ear warding Merchants, anddetleri in Pintlnee and Pau- Yuma hinnufacturea, N 0.27 Wood it., between dd and 341sirecte. anti 11. 101ORWARDINO te COMMISSION MERCIIAN'T No 112 Second it, Pitwintrgh. ,mr2l • LEE, (wince...or SO biarplir Lee,) Wool jrk,,j,, en and Cmninindon Merchant, for the rain of Arterieanygoolens, Liberty, oopolinr dth at. (obi? • wx. nu* italtnnore... •- CCCCNOI. CDW41.731 Cll,ua , 4.p hil IL C. Wtioclirn, pl." 4 ••••.lITLI, • 113rEALD & Tobteeo CNlnraininit • cnouto,4l. North Water ot, &NI Non& Wharvos, • c0n344( , . . A. IL. RIMY. 101 - Altpr, JONES & .Co., leadewwws lo Atwood Jonea & Co.) Covandusod wl Forward!or Mu ehaata, den of h i phup.i.h.Mszturacturt4 anods, rrh, P.' • _e4017 _ . (ncrsennait anocid. nta..o -. • ' lIIPOR.TER.k. Denier in and All:win. Pa poo lionglogo sod Borden, Windrow Shadrn. Plre otrd Prints. &e. Alno—Wridng, Printing and IVoip tyg:rzognon.syr,O,V,4o.l, :12 . 141 i 1T i tLe r eAF , v . Street MORGAN, Wnolenaln Dragniecand dna 11 er In Die Stun, Paint', Oil.. Vatntabes. tr.c,, No PlnWOod soot!, one .door Soitl of Dimond Alloy sot obirei. T .sDALZELloles.ieGro;er,CoMirillston Aleteloo, and dnalnt Nada. e and Pittioorob Al . ll eo"oeres.,-ffin od water at, Ploshurett. not 111.0 l ntgrgr irtlIXY7 11, rtrAIA It Dicta a Go..,WholessJe Grrterr. Coin niuron aTerthents, and denier. In Preduce,Neand %lister. end -107 Front streets. Plush arch. - nose JOhn N. Dieter*. Joseph Vdsventt T 3 . DILWuRyn k co., Wholesale Grocers, and e • Agt/ITS for 'regard Powder Co., No. 93 Wood sr" TWIN Itt.—Tirafit4N-5-Drri,7at A"U'IL"." No. '45 14141 et, tiree ' doors &Lege rd Pitts. , burgh, will hare constantly warted a well selected sornaent of the best and freshest ededieluesorbleb at grill RH on the roost moot:able terms. „ PHdelnnn sendlr.g ordersorrill he prouottly attended 0, and rep PI en di. 'nicks they eau rely anon Op. Physielins Pr e • erlodensmill bet accent:ol.ns_ DuAr prepared trOsates Item r acy / warm' be . day or night • MK. ter sale, a large sti:et ofDklrlied good Pert! : • IL4 . log U. CAN FIELD, Date at WarrWobto,) Commis. te, ston and Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale dealer In Western Pe Cheese, Darter, Pot - and gi Water Per.-1 Ash, and Western Prodece ner,ny, etreet, 'between Sad tb aeld and Wood..Pittstiurgh. apt • _ _ ey and Phper lanutsetstrets, No. 41 Minket street, Pittsburgh. Jahn P./aril-77 Richard -y Floyd. k D.FLOVD, Wbelesele• Grocers. ContWiot -tl an •.- Merchants,' and Dealers in Proda' Mend • Chard - Itaildinnt, , fronting do Liberty, Wood nod 811th ontelsi e0:A . 4.10s Pr. - •.: jnisZAsliol.GL".ecr"ard" gat=litualliirbe.= dealer .n Prodoes a n d Pittsburgh Martalanteres: ear • ear of Liberty nod Ilund innate. Pittsburgh Ps. Ja3S .17:10. A. CAUfal 1.', - Agent for the rake Fob n o d 00 D'ilkenirt.r„.iii'ii7otoo.ritT/Villtet .r sod 'TAMPA - A. 11U-4311180:1; Go;:-E.tueeiSiors 7t . 6 so Lawlor Ustek4n Co.... Commission Iderelt.te, and Agent, ofr.,rbalSt. Louis Steam Surer Lb:Geary. bie 40 ersyr 0610f:front errant ,Pittaberg D J. "4.1,3`!"' • ty,:roril.r.tilFßAsa,wAttorney irk bury, office : 3d st Mtn es Hotel, Pntsborgh,. will also attend promptly to Gollections, la Wu/angina, rale* and Urcee'eocaties, Pt ' - • ' • ' • REPER TO . • •Eluknoet, Bell Co., CIMIT.IIk. Orrotherg, iPtttsbana: D. r. Morse . • )(asla and M'L°l<rale and iFfiljTcaler Nadal Pqh - r, Slates, Steel Peg., 1111117;;;;111.1E1I'baldt.% Illtatawry Tenerally,No. el Wood oi,rillsbart , Rap Wish% or taken in tindt. 1.104 • , • • 4 1 - - . . • ' 7 - tp./ 1.4 . , HED IN 17.86 . CAR •.' BUSINESS CARDS • GEORGE E. ARNOLD & Co. DEALERS X XCLlAlkair, COIN, BALNI/C BIOTIC% ece No. ;s1 Fourth wear neat door to the rank of Pitt , mm-ne t "VIER * INFS roma naltrui eh•rta, Dealer, In Produce aad Pi:41101,0 Mann, otneturedatttiotra,fanal Basin, near 7th at; • 'lna !- PENN RILL, pPrkillitrinii PA. Krx r iff ., l7l - 1. C , 1 4 1 . 11. 9 11.1 ICO.,1 CO., g,n r ti pe laf t u ...e i tnu.r(5.47,3 trot TaVnd.P4BS6!.E .__J a 7 4 " !L. tr. - . 4_ ,, ofiu,coci‘.v , k...ilLt:lP4.l". z trgi'. tsa li ts, at Mammies. Wines and S..gars7'..ons.4 IV and 474, earner of Liberty and Irwin rtmea, Pitto• r . tri ,,, f41i . i .. T . 1.1 Nabs, Cauca Yarns, tee. de., , , , ;:n- Joszarolll. , Joanna IROiIL Walter C. Roo. a A mILL4 A ROE, Nirnole.ele Grocers and Comm is al Slott Merchants, No 194 Liberty ' St, Piltsbu rah FT/TRURR-Oir EWSLThiroIiRSIO --- SFRINC . . II Nit'AXLE FACTORY. - tune rant , • • ~• ..: vr 00. 3011 n.• MANUFAOMfg of in 'i n i rin li g and blister steel - plough steel, steel plough wings, tonal and clip lie npnngs, hammered Iron axles, end dealers in mat reeile ealtuags,firt engine lamps, and coach trimtnino fr . "!../ 1 7.I'Omer of Ross and Front rt., Pludnup, FL.- kb - X: HOLUM 3 / 4 80N, No .1311arket et, fecund door Inon'esfroVire'oils;.xf fliTancidjertigsaLF.Titnpo-si, llaa Notes and Spool., • . • lif"olelekonn. made on all the principal eine. without :he United Staten. •pd Al.nittr an — tiffuen — Fonnlict. .LN a nth'd door above Smithfield, canth side. • C..mveyaneing of all kinds &we with the greats, eCrft and leg.] ttenaraes.. tg?Fent Conan. examined. , Ate. ACE tCTAC-CtkialTlin N A NUFATURELIS OP GREEN GLASSWARE, Ol.r 2,7,ltrlt„e,totrTet, Vltsbnyarp.iniliezeoin;ftr NOW., •o. Parte ' ritllttre ' ;al Water &W o es of perlorquality. Pirtlealar attention pald to Private Moulds. '"".. 1 9Y CA!lCltron- 141thoprraphlo Eatabllaltulaesst 4-1 F SCIIIICIthIA Pill, Third at, opposite the Posl/flee, Landstopes, ht.'s, hi...bills, Label, Ambit(' Clain! ond Idnehine Drss unngs, nosiness MA Viwilklg eke., k., elthlrovssi or tl. - son ott stone, and primed in <elan, Void, Ikons* ok Black, in the most approved at;!., and •t the most 'lratinsahlopn ees. oeinhly DOI!INI• ON, LITTLE Liberty street th, PithibUrpli Wholesale °Mears, hodnen ond hlnak ilie a CCU:I'OI34M Merchants, and dealers in Pl:labors), ' rea opl7 `,17. scamp% nos. urns- annum.. ROIIERT MOORE, nholesalo thweer, Eri,tYilll: Distiller, deals r Li Produce; rill2httult Ms sonic lora., an. all ktro/s of Voleign aod_Doniratio Wines : nod Liquors, No. 1.1 Liberty :street. Do hood a very large stock of superior old bloooltgabol • whiskey, Whitt, will be sold low for eau& i rdYI I: Ziiiitii ii.-------i.7l.7iiii.i.—• la hyNo!..aks & SIIEF. Porwording.aud deminiu; Idit-";:ino'tiflb"bh=1100":10*et UlF:gfio''lifarii"a. tolosaiod Chloride of Lime. _— '' . Ths highest price. in cash, pond at all Utica for `1070"41g1—.-ci-:-' w tiw•Penn one Irwin' au- 'ipls ZELL & do., Wholesale Gower", as. Coscirlarioo Atereharas, deal.. to PwWl.i^ ',.., POlawrgh Menefee:me, Liberty meet, Pi:esteem, re, rove —_. 19 OBE HT A. Co • . , 1 ,,_,..1,z1,4, roe e r ' Aar Dcal-r la Proce an- Pitlaburgh Manufacture, N. t ii Liberty street. aplq ,UEU, a • • n - a Skel %Ve il:a — Manufacturers of:AM. 11. nit Plottli Steel. Aket—Sprinee..A3li... VieOL 'racy invite thn att•ntian of merchant, and ocatitetre to Ourstork before pureburieg else.'here, They erurreut the:cuticle% to be to arle in ebb+ country or nnoorteil • equ a any tk.CIELYri T 1 .03. 6. 1.11 - ; QILtCKLETT 1:111TE_,„ Wtole,zln ..o D . __n_s! "4* D'T no.r end Prodarc gen.:snarly, stsul roma, • dsng and . .:osnusission Alercnana, No. ssZi Wasen Plus! tug!, an 7 r. aind7ina, rrnalloan laarican3 ELUEUS a, NlCoLY,Prodann and Get:feral Com 0 mission Merebaccs Litetty street. hr. bane,. Spetm,Linseed and I.nrd Oils. voix 60yMK o,lWhoetste'Gr, rormudina nod Camolminn htereham t Calms I'Mohwv. 31wdenetares and .IVetwrn Predi . ce, hove removed w Itelr new Wareham; (ald wadd I NO- i, Cam. afrront street and Chanter). Lane. ' ZIONNIN'a.I:II/LWOILT/1. TEA AND WINE BIEACIIANTS, ._,.l:ari sade Diamond; P:nlarsh. LS. IVatcrinan• •Eh 'W.efono.• Woman.. L. S. WATZaLIILIN i SONS, WIIOLi:SALE GROCERii i Raxamistioa and Far arif • amiable hfcrehaam; dealers in all ktado of Pm dare a. I'm...Ws Manolacured Articlen ...Aroma for ai la of Richmond .4 Lyhdibura diantoaciarcd lobar.o. • ' • WM. TR-DILLS, • . Ruder, Pa • IETT/Lt. also aimed La Collecdona and allulier T sass mli.ratted la him in Bader 1111:14 AMU:SODS Pa. Refer • J. R. Floyd, Liberty n. W. W. Wallate, do I - dly R J a m & es C o., rWlld ado Pilbuy!, I jaa7 S. D. But , Sela----.. •• • ...Geo.,. S.,ebyrd. • s. 11. nusizilELD C 0. .& 110LEt 4 ALF; awl Retail Den!etet tr , Grorart and Dry Good.. and Caranaimlon afer•hun N. 21 , 11. J ben,. it, INtt.bettgh .• JOEIN ocoltozzis C co.. roawagotac a COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Resit; Peen men, Sittebereb. thmil ;'.PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, R. re: Market, and GI Committee et., Pialtbielyhin Advent,' mate, by either of the above, ea esethen imeate of Predate to either Hauge. J. 1111: sun ......... —• • —• . D. WILLI&PIR f. C u ft ALE RETAIL FAMILYGROCERS. urdiug aad.Countri..lon Metehnnta, and ,a , try Ptudnee and Pmutuargb.Manatan• .01' Woad and Finn Greets, rinablugh. 1101.1 ••• deal orwa: er. an Cot tat< , entner lar.ll m. 11; .L B. lfeVq, n. w.n.ciamo a. co., BANKEFLi AND EXCHANGE HROKta9, NorJi thud corner of Wood •nd Third rimer% Jeri r . Prmmrsen. 'X XXUALIir, • . toms a7col. .. w. it. "1.310:1,116th • XtLrlf IS/10.41 . 1. 147/d. EIAGALEIr k. CO.. Wholexals Grocen. IS anti V. Wood Wee!, Fittrlgnx spl7 • JOICI 11,W10i, DAVID WC/MM.. VITJCK .11P4:ANDIXJ38, (suceeciors to I. t.l, D. TT ' Wiek) Wholosala Grocers, -Forwardig and Comuisiion , Notebook; dealer. In ifroo,,Natts, n Cotton Yarns. and Pittsburgh Manufactures general ly, comes of Wood and Water a trews, Pittsburgh. . ant? W . MIHRLTRZ Wholesale reened,. Iteretsfamg TC Distillery, and E, Wine andG Liti.ot Mere'oente. Alto—lmporters of coda Ash sad Bleach: ind Poteder,No.loo Liberty arm, (onto-Ate 8....131 trlt..))llarit k. • . apt, ,1A7,. WILSON, Wa:dbertoletreley,SllveiWai, ar..l Mditsiry Geade, comer of Market and Poona streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. N. ,A—Watches and Cloaks earelally welshe d . - • ant? ant, 11. secnns.. - 19[1"11L , YOUNfla. Co., Dotilets In Lauber, Hides, VT' dit 113 Liberty meet Jars:l) WM. WGVIVIISON. ROM in'contron. VAT it,:cUTCUMN. (iron." I V denlora In Produce. Iron. nn• Plnsbirrn tiltrafactorn g ene r all y, I, bonY .nroef• janl7 atBACBII. it ANTE 0. - GENEII/iL COMMISSION AIER isa E - PLibersl advances 11:1 ado on co ism:Onto. ltnin MATTHEw WILS.II , I, Portrait and DI Intalare Painter. Rams, earner of Peat Office Anal sad Fourth street, entrance on Fourth IL, near Market. 7:iiaaTfordo., Coen wataalom Blare kismar. 1 - 0. 31 Old Levee at, N Orleans, keep eons!. on IN hand a large assortment of Brandies of the fi llow. ing.branda, which they offer for sate as agents for J. Durand k Co. Bordeaux, etc Naelory, J. Eraud. -I Ho ned k. Co;Laroe helle, J Pomo Cognac, 21. tenon AL A . de DlOndoie, Jean Lona, dcd , k n Anchor 01ml:tonic= ca r end White W in c ask,and eases, selected with by John Ile rend .V.Zen besides Chat:maple Wino end Sweet Burgundy Port: IP. • ' tee Wfd,. CARR Into partrawstsm with ta in mybusindle, which will from akin dant be, carried on under the name of 4 John Parker Cs Co.* Muth 11et,1850. - JOHN PARKER. John . —William Cam JOUR PAIOLEEL IL 'CO.. 77uhrtlo Givicert,. Dealers in Prevlcee. Foreign • ' Winis ' Limn., Old Mosurnitakela • an d Rea?flad if I,W,r . tin. 5, Commercial Row, Llbeity .trees, Pittsburgh, P lATEILYAN rwtn. 30111. 11.100.. PALIZER. dt 'CO., Munnetra. 'tet !lunacy, Hanna .d °ANIMAS, EXCHANGE lIROXLMS, and Co dealers Inrag and.Domatle Eachanne, Ceruf.estes of Dego tn. ank Nota, and Apart—Non., went corner ocWood arid Tblrd 'arras. Current money rereived On -deo:Ht.—Hight Cheek• for sale, and collections Mule ca pearly all as principal points the United HOWL. • - The bigheel Fault= paid farForclga and aeries • Adrames mason emilgolosnis of Prod. *hip JA4 Lin. on Ilibtral terns. o oh IL le CLII*O 1 191 M. WOLVELGi 6 noo4ks AND .TEA DEALESS. No ZSG . LibOny atreet,itlore Mod,' Hays always on hand a largo assortment criChoie. Yea. and Ho Teas; also, foreign Frtlit. and 'Wholeaale Rena DeldClll saa , Plka on yo lovestitrzo, • maul sis - .Dtaahlna Shop. rr 11:10117 7JAN—Mantfaciarer ofall kinds °leak' IJ,. ton ar.d roackmery, Allegheny etty,.l*. 71 e shwa worts ' being 11101.1 la fall and eseeerstri oil eration, aniPreptued to grata ce attire will din lelt. for all bdnds of machinery in itylmeoneeb &sari flows: 'p l ekererrproulers;eards,grlndrag mmiLfaes,l'ail waist 'drawing frames, speeders, Threes Is, looms, • coolest eards,t . loablo or efugle, for merchant or comm . ! • work, maleroank oytee. elide and hand lathes and Molt In at:p are. All kinds of abetting souls LI order, or pi ans giv en for Keating &tunics or mills at reasonable ehame. Ruz. to—KermedyChilds & Co . Dlankay rot, Ball & Set., Ring, Pczuwek Glau. A. Orgy. • " MISCCLLANEOI a. aratarterarr, au.) fa. trelreattveye. as A- WESTERVELT & SON. TELL IZNOWN VENITIA.O iti.AND Mnirptatta, keep contour:l4 , oet be.,.1 et mute In rode, the beet a niele in their lient the... ntand. N , r in Sr. aaiotasnrtree abettor tio:Sra et kr et It el eieo to the Diamond M V re ea.non ataulteta cond ot•tle t t e o ord. r.d old alinda sieutlr apt° BENNETT /4 BROTHER, QIISWNSWARE SIANUFACTUREIiS, Illitalughavo. [rear Pleteldeerih,l Pa. °Ace, Na. (Voter st,• between 1112rka and Wood, Plash:iv/a • WILL constantly beep nn hind a trod aeivirt ?!L• crienheit Ware; of our own manufacture. and cupetiarqualtiy, Wholesale and coovity tiler chante air reopen:So:ly Invited to call and es mina for themselves. aspe are detormined to sell !heap., than has ever before been oCered tothe pub- frpOrders sent by ennibaseotnnettind by the cub Cl 04 . 41 tsreirnee. 0111 be pre,rthr it.nded 11. mM N.EiV COACII.P.IICTORY. 11/f a A. WRITE ilk CO, would reirlieulfully Inform .1n the public than they Mon erected a shop on Laeonk, between Federal tool Sandusky stmets. ey arc now makitot said am propired to receive o r far they <cony description of vehicle., Coaches Cliariotia, Ca. marines Buggies . , Phonons. An., which from thea lane experience in the mnnufactrre of the stone work, nail the fimilitins they heve,they feel ennfident Cloy are enabled to do work on Ito man reminnahle terina with Clone wontinguncles thstr line. P a yainu particular mono:ion to the celeettou of mate• li, mid Iniin< none hut competent workmen, they knot, no hecitnuon in warrantin< their work. We therefore act the attention rit the puhlte to Oa. mentor N.. 1.1. Repairing done in the Lett manner, and on the most reavotablo terms. muditf -,- II i•ld. B. SC./. MM. rfilliao:l. ... SOAIFEI ilt. 11, TZLINSOPE. • ma ITT., 11iNnts, Wow] •3D raccav• P1TT81,7.111, roiIAiTINUE to manufactory all lt kinds ' of COPPER, .%_.l TIN AND SHEET IRON WAItE. Also, Black mail)/ Work. Stenm Bolts built to order. Special attention raven to manna boat work. Ham on lintuls a fine natormitentof Copper and Brims Reifies, Tut %Pun, dm. he. Stoat:Ethan: Gooktng Stoves, Portable Forges. various aides —a very conecoitint art bolo for incarationts,Califorrda emigrauts, or rail road compcnien. Wn would revecirfo me ntriuto toil man and othenCto call and sec ou r s articles and pricca berm.. purchstaina el rewliere. imly W. C.. 5. OLF.PIZI, flank aiiii.;:. mini irf.,,,,mo,,,,Tind,ibr!tliesbove.busineets, corm. et stir bi, Pittaburgit, niter . we are prepared to do any work in our line with des much. We attend to our work personally, and rowsfiction will bo given. in regard to its neatness and da mbility. Wank Book. ruled to' any patternend brood sub! nanitally. Ilookt in IlUmbers or old books bound earn fatly or repaired. Nantes pat books in gilt letter, Timm that- kayo work is our li on no me hail,' to call . Prtycadow. - • - w) tf - Pitt. LII - - r Aohnalir Wort. wad li;;;3ittry. rttltar•oll, TOIIN wnicitTa. Co., are prepared to bead Conon uld Woolen blaebizery of erers de-le:option, Tech ao Cardlog Fpineing Fruotea, Speeder., Drawing Frame,, Railway heads, Wear es, Dresminty rratsteo, Loco., Cord urinary, !ie. tc - rnasbt loon illin.ftia; named; an saes of Coro Iron. Pail:es/tad Haven/ addle late. Pa.:et. abate loud Latal and tools of all kind.. Cavitaga of °wry ..ermine, farnsthed °nation nonce. Patterns mode to r nder for lierattir i iron Haider, Le. Venni Pipe ror heal ing Footed... Cato Iron '4Vaa.lon. Soon ood fanny, Ca.- lingo geln , h tar. Orlen lei ea the Warchnu:d yeltter CC., Liberty street, will have pmrsptall,,, Refer w 111 rcksioct, Belt k Cn., J. b,. Moorehead rt CO., 0. 11 War fret, John Irvin ,2 Sono. I" , ttrbowl, r C. a J. 11. w tryter, trreobe erliie. 1,11:2 i, 1P2.117135t 13.1/1,5,c,r,dba.5e.147,:5.....0d-LrzoTil,,ei , t , t . :jfels , , ,..n a;d 7 :, , q L], , :i , nd Oda nalltn., , rill, ea,! trtMotat ColrsomMt re ., 7 ;, 0rt; ' ,1 h:r.:2l, A ita:4(...c.t. 'MC at•ore otcrument. are war routed to I. milted. any mat.ufactored to ' try, and mll be acid tower thee ~,,, b,,,, ~b, G reta the Eau. I'. 111.11J1F., Nu 112 door 46,4 3 wnoirt, :6 i N. 1 1 .--Qtyßertp +Oll be taken t z d. Flu I'ol • - he above awe(' =en' rny 2 i. k., i: of .Vllge - e, for II yetrwrat Watii. Tgis. to rrrt.l) <4l; I hat, vo poratmlLiclocooo. Royce, 1.!Co. 0 , Sole AgcOur .1:., the A.l, a. leanitg'. Potom Dio9ralfem 1' Oer, for me cif tics of Par:Margit Up. Allegte.,y 4 , JOHN Cllio.llN, Agert; ~ ..?".i.'• , let Walter NI (ithscoa, :149 Broadway . ' 9 ,t' . N.Y: 1F419. , We hare Geer, ostegj ode of the .bore art.!. at Be office o( the Novelty It'ork B for three month., ~ 4144 tad (vet perfectly santo:Ad that it is ll mogul tot onttnn, had we rarest+. 3a rroommeodiog theta a • a 4.e fat article to all who hoof per. water. Onlege till be thahktaily re:craved and proreptla eireated. Mali, . . 1.4 iotiriSll.l. HoCGCN ACo Stott. Brio l lL l / ork• for Sole.: TBE etthaeriber orfemfol sale, tt, tOPEd.II tittlCti WORKS atm. Loo•reureedle. cewarrttmg R Ste., )),tine, 3 (tottery, 6 Atoold 31.41ne. capur.le ct marau v ectitfmg WACO Preirecd Proekt toot of sfri ,;.... i tm totem' from the tango ret day: with three trial r 3; land ott the .al.glteny tisor, oct rohlot-aro 4 allot and Mcdo, machine and clay street, firhe,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,j,.., al,orclz, speak", AC., arty the e ! r , 5 ,,,,,, :::. ~, inento craeradorts at to ho"r"n one, Pore. teet,,,l. lava ,,,; , r41311.> aft rmtd moratoc, 447,tm0..-tewm• or par et made easy. Without l . : 01 Itln4 da..2m. For pllnit , 33.x5, adder.* BC:lilt' 'it VJSIIITT, :-.. augl7-ritt Nano M ~ no,.!.:Leln )1.... --. _- ,-- 71 - Pirttight. and Cfint troll 11.911.1 tag. Tilt volrectMors hog icave to term, the pato. that lheydzaAa °Molt,: (arm the Coat all IL. I,'. ~,,,, fashicomole designs for fron Boiling, troth for 1..,,,t, an 4 feirmlteles Personawishing to prorate heat , some Patton..well pleat. eel! and eat too., and ,nice for th - outerves. Raclin- 'Ai.: le fordehed at t.t. , lodt. eat noticc,..zd In the 4 - ctt manner, ra . the c 0.., re Craig and Betrcoms avec...Cloche:ly etly arto..,.dtf ... _A. l',,OtrYliT to KNrot ------------ JCitilS" I.Ti/A4, --- 100. 9 STATI: ,l'ltEnr. BOSTON, Aerne fat Claws end actrure, of".l to Erf,,eircra. yr AVIY9I3 'gent neerly a yeAr on the Vin oat. Be ll rortl.f.nfficre, 19•itenal Idtwaty, A e , dor,. to. Late vita to Bogland, invest:go.. marma for fer,orte 11 t M. ctm9l , Y, and ht., e e. .red cffictent a;01 rt• 500n...141c Agenteln L.:F. and I<lttoi7.•:•-r,' hr. I. preparrd 17 akford all necessary informetion col ad A/ce to yentas who ReCk to recover tail" tannWrty to that [outcry;. J. L. teeps a Pet of the Bank of Ettylood Dia.,:end Books., wtoth may be czamitted tar eel cents, or to for each letter Cl the Alphae,ct. Itorcreaccs In Ilarettrn: C. If. P. AI/All5, Notary Public: JASIrot: Vetl.l.l, Coq; 111 1 .718 Y K. NAY, fl.: 301114 W. BIDGEWAY, FA!, co., to Oreord & Mtg.) fa Ps.•llllonsablai natter's. CM.' of WWI and Nth &re,' IDARTICULATt age - alien paid to our Gandersen can rely opt, getliths their lista n s/1 Caps Iron oar asusalLthasent of the e era Eltilt4l.4 MllO WoassuissaLy, or the rata: arrtics, that; at the unvms rain. Country Mete/rants, purchasing by winnowing, aria respectfully innnd to call and r sanunc war More; We eau say wish couLdence that •a revirds augur, and mew. it will not sneer In a cordpurlson with toy taw in Philadelphia. febl7 L Bees leave to W Ie IL form hlAis N friends and mistime. hat he is just receiving his stew spring mock of Goods, comprising, os naval, all the newest and most fashion able styles of Cloths, Caesoneres, fancy Veatings, cot ton arul linen swains: staffs, and *eery article. •unabl• for gentlemen's cedar for spring and rammer. It tieing sruposethloLo describe the beauty, quality, CT quantity of the stock, the proprietor hope, all who are in Trani of good, cheap, f”ltionshle, and well made clothes, win give him a call, as their to no stock ad. aide of the Alleghenies that eon compare with IL The ready made dFpartracut Is senses's:mare, Ad2r. led to ell tames. Rail road Contractors, country merchants and all who porthole largely, are perlierilleil invited to ex amine t)is stock before purchasine, as particular at tention is paid to the sehole.lo business in this betake lishment Ever . ); ankle in the tailoring line made to order in the mot &shit:maid° and best manner, at the shorten nod co fur,/ trim partnership heretofore ex hereSrYorc isting ender the firm of A to C BRADLEY, is dissolved by the decease of Me. C lirscilleY• The business alt he curried 00 by A Bradley, who will settle the business of the lato FIa:M . OVA L—A Itsuohrr hoe removed hia Foundry Worchooto from No Mt Scoondatrect, to•No 12 Weal street. between First and Second Great, to Or bare hoot° lately °et:opted byc A Henry, where he wil keep oonitantly on hand a general aavortmeatof Ca. fie, Grotto, Stole,. G -.... ••• - • Attention crib. ppuublieu reyycetratry eallsi • the following certificates: fr. rt. filarraa—llarleg tested qaultity of iinid wwighod by your Areemeter, I bad the regal: prosier your inetrsonent correct: and mecca:no:ld :be roe of ft se: thous paior to California, as the ger:method for ob taining the coal value of Gold. licey. yocirs J. D. DUNLEM Gobi naattr. Pittabtrgb i March I? • . Itiat:Eagns-Dearlidrt i t rnmll s., Rosa 7,1P49. y e ttlelt:,^ Manufactured at your r ingexamined- th oom, do not "Area bainan to v.ontraend It to the ono( that. gentfemon who art .stout removing to California in searcher Gold: It ~Rttvea n elan approximation to the .pertlar areal ty ofmetabb and vrtli certainly enable the adv.:alarm lo anortain when his placer la{letting hold.t Vain. rennet J U 111‘ , 11.11.Triri: NA' SAIIIVEL dieILELVV tigiftOF(l,c;l 7 4lfhl,. •nd NJ. I Casty g el Fde~ of ti n s " inlil S ae " k ' s ' ; l i;i7tgi ' ne " Rasps, ulna's on bond and tor son, viten r ut ins -Ea. en Steal %Yorks," (Moro street s :Fifth Ws rd, or at Ow o4ra in rho lean Ettore of 130LIJNInNEt & GARIN. NON, No /,;foot or Wood street, Pittsburgh. art:-dlin CULAR WC, thoundersig Clß nod, havtug used, want entire rat. litlietim, the Cast Steel and Plea made by Samuel McCabe", at hie Eagle-Steel Works, in tint city, .t fricassee in reenmmending theme. equal in quality to ton cote risen by os, or foreign anmufaarsze. Pittsburgh, March M, ISIO. • G do JR SIMENBERG ER & CO, . Muntfacturers of Iron and Naito, l'instarreh, KNAPP ILN. Iron Founders and Machinists, Pittrburgh. Pa. P.OLESIAN. lIAILyIAN & CO,' EGmnit.ltmllM . SP:lngt, I:Ulm:tort/lc Steel and -. Meets, Puntritrah, l's, Engine Builders and Machi F an l UFAnIuIKIc u rers,Pianhureb. Pa. A FULTIJN, Bra. Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa. GUFF, Lls, NDSAI' C Manufacturer. of Iron and Nail Pittab arab. p.. • JOSEPH TOMLINSON, LOCOMOti3O Engine andEldp Ituilderrritts , nrch, ' W NV W ALLA - CM • Marble blanstArta rat, Machue 0rn..,d.Pitgi,,a41...,tut,dd,.., n*.l o A • zthrT, I'AIR of Gold epcmcloimppo.r4 io ha, to,n m I dropped in Wood - ei, n from of tlalfeforefl & Penes Wofebouse. Tim 6oderwitl ke ' , larded on rotarning ROM to the owner, No. VG Wood erreet. 4,30 PITT ITRGH, THORSDA INSURANCE. 1158 UIIAZIC,n riptlE DELAWARE MUTIJAL SAFETY INKY g. RA gs C,Thi NE COPA I PI--01fice Philadelphia North Room of th. Cm:hanrd ISstreet Flag—Da , Hangs, Merchandise a n d attic P ro cry, lit Town and natilitryl insured against lo• r d.l. amage by fun, at the lowest tam of Pmfolo., ;11 Inso.n...—They else ion. Vessels, Car. goes Ala Freights, fowlan or coaStwise, underarma or special policies , so the assured may demze. i", 1111 TIUMPOITATIOI4-11117 also issue, Mooch .andise transported by Wago. Rail Read Coln, Canal Goma and Steam Doers, on lima and lakes,. on the most liberal tents. D IRECTORS.Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Reader, John C Davis, Robert Marton, John R Penrese,Sarou eC l Filmords, Geo fi Leggier, Edward Darlington: Isaac Davis, IPm Pelmet], John Newlin. Dr R M Huston, Jan fl /land, Theaptillos Paeldlng, H Jam , . n.. 1.4 Henry Sloan, thigh Craig, George Scull!, spencer , aleilrale, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wm Huy, Di S Thomas. John Sellers. WM Eyre, Jr. U t .11111ECTORS A T Lo PIga n. TTSBIURGIi—D T Morgan, ah Crmg, John VILLIAM MARTIN, Prultlont. Emmen S. Naulmn, Sec.)]. MY' Office Of the Company, No. 41 Water "rest, Piusborge. ritual-If P. A. MADEIRA, AV. ----- MG. mad Health lialuransts. ;MRS Mound Life and dearth iliwrulee Company I. of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania,. March, WIS. Charter perpetual. Capital, 8100DG. Ram townTWA aro Pawner. raRl/1 C.ll,fT, and Cull 00 per cent. lower than the moat rates of Life Insurance, as the following corm pation will whew: Thug, a person of rho age of Op in. gog for *lOO for life. must pay In Om Girard SA26.— Pennsylvania, s 2 n, PC. Naomi, 80.26; Equitable, fr,ol; New England, 62,1 h New York Life, Al bino, IMAM Life and !becalm, Philadelphia, IDOL Diesdrcwetamaci D. D. Hull. W. P. Boone, Robert P Ring P. Ramis N. W. traldwiiii, N.M. Reeve, D. U. Chas. 0. Et danipbell, Levria Cooper, E. Rodman Kirke', K Mitotic., Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Prtaig deni--Roto. P. King, Cemetery—Francis Black borne. kpaheutious wilting received nod every inlormation given By SAltile K t iIiNFATOCK, Act, Office Commereial Rom., corner of act:D.4ly R and Third Ms, Plittbitrith REDD AND ELILIZINIC INSIUDANOIig pilli INSURANCE: MO. al North An:series will A. tatmte tmrinaerni end limited insurance on pro perly t oily mid 'eternity, and by Canal, Rivers, Laken, and by SGIII T h eprop ene . ol Pi• ffompany are well itivegmd, and famish adaeall. lib:c. fund for the ample indannity of all persons who ' damn, to big protected by of mile Wrd. P. , JONIiS, Agent, 44 Nest, It. Fire and Marino /nanirallogr. TH.ll4)F„Fl,cl,l,V..urn rcmored w No. IlloFca r 'ffil b CRIlt of Wo.d. - The subacnber, bee.* for The above old and reopen. sible Company, avid la , ne Po•betea on Buddyly• aryl, their content!, and en 04n:teats at Nerebandma Irt Steam Paola and miter vessels. tv pr 3 W. P. JON Cal: 21.t.ft iNSTITOTIC TictlL:kocturdnee...x.aioali„.of ti G t u lLsti 3 luAo r n. e anger the academie year, Will commence on ilia day , th bl P e re nd74, t February IMIt in the Name buiLjingr, No: 62 Liberty 111.11.; Arrangementa have been made by arldiat !bey will be able to furuish young ladies (acclaim equal to my Ir. th e Wert, for obtaining a thorough English, Clam cal i and Ornamental edocation. A fun coarse of Pki. lambic*: gad Chemical Leeterea will he delivered durtna the reinter, illuntrated by apparatus. The de panneou.of Vocal mad Instruraertial Mime, 111.deril Drawim and Pawling, ill each be ender clic Lan care ore competent Pmfertor. try Mem attention in the moral and intellectual isaprclremeni of their pa. pita the Principal. hope to meet a eiemieriation of the a al febio.dpatronage they Mira hitherto For t o me circular ar apply to the PriPrincipals Modern and Sitlgoe FOrailgre idLIILIES WOODIMIIMI4o , Pmverrisze. Ei ' Respetfully . ulo;rt We rahhe riot he bps cent• bit, opting stock or FURNITURE. the u rge o and mow varied veaortmeat ever oricre-.1 air sale iti this city, comptioing several liellil G.' NincWoov, iionoooar, and Boors IroLori, el,(11. ',rowing and ploin, autosh. for Parlors, ' , rowing and Lled Beams, all of Which will he sold ot be low,. ctica-c. l l eevons cesirtog Furnstore of toy devertroton, ere op.:dually maned to call aodconvooe Ltestoca, who. ewhtacca ovary descr:ptlen, from the cheaPcst and plo,co to If taco elegant and toady, of witch the loilowito eoropriwa o part Tc:e a re:c Ooram, Tete • Teta INvonti Gotzve“atton Samna, Cheaborhiwn C 0.,,.; Bee, ption de Louts X.l y do x:essioo do Budel EtUque, Hasa Nota Toilet of Low. XI V . GotamaJoce: Duke of Volt'. Coach, ICJ! Pitch and 'lair-dulls covera, SO 11,00,.t. do do do, at, dam ilai3OpObY Paris, Ch 0.... lit .. P0...0,0 Abe do: . II .. NI IVoinel tio Ow: tdu o Cone sew do, i o hialtegany Hoek.. do, 2 •• 1, A.. Moti;., 50 Moth. Top Csnue Ta lays, 00 Co do IVad, Stoods Oltillaboosny Bedstead, 11 do ll'ordretio, la Ole %Volta:. del . ' o Cherry ia. [ A very largo aosortmeol of CoMAOrt Chid. and otie er Para - Nero U. I , olof. N nuotait. En, Strain Booty tarnished on tie ohonsat coats AN coders promPlif etWnaed Or - P. o —Cabinet Nocers eon he oupplied with allowaa or blohecs,,, srolti al. and Vcocers, at coriadesab. rtdaricil encaa lel,. . .. HERSEY. FLI4, I 3IING & CO. iliylr. Felli SALE, FOO3l TIP! &I ANU VA iITIIR Ea.., AND AT EAST. I.IIN ,I ANI; rot:TUBUAI! , PIIICEIO WIN' ii.n.,cts, all Wow III: t „,, 1,4,4, Ile, au .In 'Law. Droono; 1 allow do do ronry ',Dude.;Co ei/ ISlo Nrowl ,!,, do *acted trlttnlT prideo , Ri•et Bowe League Shlrune. I Suet mord do Dra b Jo du cheeks and 'Attires, very heavy goods. !rack CAsomera. 1 Tatters' floods. 'Fancy do 11,1 Peddinv, ocbcr do, Val,ev l'orreda. best Pardira. Ihsckraw, r-4 Btaelt Broad Chill. Tostoro'Coaslas,Leavy do odp r 010... it tia Mown Linens. 44 1 / 1 , 111 . 3 ~ ,p r rir.,,, lOrah !terra, Mock dn, • I O .per I' a ,P,..1 oo / oral worsted; Sur,. Black Dos PON. rail otkl 'White Tape; Ostler Ural, Cashmere. /Pack Twiat, Drob the Super Ittowa ,to totien Checks and Dtliia; copse 11.01 do Staler, a cord Sol Cotton; Ca'afortaa Bionic.. do Linde Thread, • S. crier lll,r do sunerlar work; do olllt'ilearcil Vesitags; Drab do Mark Naito to U.N. Uniletoi• Brow* llolland Beg Silks; Irwin> I mi..; thatobs, Coat... it0..,A0. At the Maduraeturers' , ayalsonea, Nu hi Wood i Pittsheryb mrOS DlaseintJen. TIIE roepartnerosdp rierrtodoreeylsong begsreru lb. littii•efiiief., in the tam. of Constable, Bellcore. Co, . titt. day dioaclved by blatant coney', blorra. 11.10, A Littrue s will rem. the batons. 01 An ronrera p i O l .lhice P.N. , e they are authartred to uso lie name or Bud concern. N Sall ANIEL CAPNSTABLE, • vrnitINDIIOIIK E , THOMAS BARNES. ige.. , 4 gra thisday athoelated themselves in thin name of LIUCICI: 4, OA FMCS. for Oro parpoiie thaniiinctriAtig Fire ring Sacs. Vaal , hoots, AO. 4r., at the .tuna of .be late firth 4 Constable, Hutto IteJ • whore they will be pleated to total. the patron- age of the easterners of that heath and their itieluJi. KOMUNIU HORKE, THOMAS 1.1411N5.M. In feliriZr from the Gnu or Conlonlde, Clarke & coo I with rinerre oLcornre recommend /demo Berke & Wolter to rho confider of my hired, andrhe yobbo. Feh.O, Inre. NATIIAf7/El. CONSTA MX. fettl:l-O Os ARUVTII2IOI7----- -LTA S lest returned from the EasteniCities, and 1 ° rersuring a largo variety of seasonable Goods, to which he reepeutfully loons •ttertion of :perch mitts eclidpcldltwo. Jtso 54 Woed el._ febl I AITALL. YAPESE—W. P. atomism. is constantly vy receiving, from the l•rgest uptpergelor.• New Verb and Philadnlplud, and also Irma French agencies, the newest end most approved styles of Ps per Iforgiers, together 'anal Border., tire Board (riots, and Tester Tops. For saw! et 85 Wood at, be tween Fourth st and Diamond alley, Ismer... to S. , FALIte Frit—a seamier, 1 and to •10/7 by he barrel or single posed at the Drug, Seed. end Perfumery Warehouse. tenter of Sixth rind Wood streets. d N arid allaspratts• Patent. Nod.. Aml4. .464 t.i.",i72„"1,,t, f rom a b o ve t the m el aZL d tu " e" a nd ens. now on toe way from New Orleans, and en. peered horn this week t me 314 wilt shortly arrive vie Baltimore per mblps Jniata, Chempeake, Demm e., ano Allosa, which wlll he sold onarrival, at the loweat'market Nice -for rash or unproved bills. • • W &h[ AIITC/lELTREE, --- W. • Nn Liberty it - niciAC — Ftakl V E.VOL IfiEt fiIUE Phionta Manutactoring Company now offer to the pubtle their neigh= Chemical Am. Pollsh; -and without ezaggerstlon, or fear of contradtetiou,ny those who have tested It, pronoun. it for superior to any inkier loco the market. The consumer nee. have no MTrehenrinna of toiling carp...eon, poittion marmot a dun from arming when being ap ithed, w ht. must be done when the Otove la rod 'llia quantity required is so little to produce bets. lUttee. A saving of over fifty per rent is intoned in the eonminera. A coating applied to °inv., Pipets A., when laid away for th avie,, is a sure pre. xenon!. matron rush After having tried 11 once,. 11l It is aeremodo nO eons VIII use nny lintthe Flan ito Nanrcuentatag Company. Premium cheml• gal Blove Poligh. For mle by N NVICEF:II.IIA Corner of PIM and Wno,l sterol*. uscn.tso aims k: ALL persons Bimini number. pet on [heir honor., in contort:my to a resolution of Connell., will please sill at the Roes. of the hoard of Trade; lorwaned story, Omer of Wood and Third •ts. and pay ii7e same. SAMUEL VAIINI.STtoCIg Pittoto,,,b. April WARM. ma/ liirtkerto •Crd. Q FAIINESTOCK begs gt leave to announce to the 1- 4 P.m.!. of foe r'fr.,.• DircrioTy 0r we of oto.Plueliorgla . fted Allegheny, and Wronging of M.. flirenlnghant, &A., that the work Is now ne•rly rradY for hr prose and will be put to the hande of the printer 'owe where between the =lli .d Instant. 'fha <idunsm....or...a all who feel an interest in the inclitlCLlOn of a easnolete and perfect Drtectory, panicatasly those Win tllll , , 1101 been tailed on. Will greatly oldige the pnbllsher, by eseertaleing that their T 0110,14 egotistic.. and ohsecs of birtlnees, ,art Sated for publication in the Directory. All dards to be Inserted, most he handed In forth. wit h , or tulle latest, by the data above named. LOOIC,OI PIANOS. JUFTreccieed,end ann olmning,o. elegant Rose. wood 5 octave Melodeon rill.. from Ute eel°- . mod manufactory or. 51urch anclonau. Is a superior mstraguent, o(500 tone..and very raped 01111.011111.11 j a a one Om 4 octavo Melodeon, 11 KLEMM% Movie Store, 101 Tlarl Mks. •• MISCELLANEOUS. ITHME..— 70 b.rit W H Chierel rred for ..le by Jelo • K mecaNDL,s •••• S‘A je Ltt:ATICS—ILI tor&or ICF& I bIeCANDLFFS brtiNo I Ilerrisq, • lobby, do do;, For COO by I JOHN bIeFAHFN &.00 ifF• 9 Sr& Corti! Dario, Peon rt. I /HUMlab: nßiek-4111.410 Uslytnat Ho - 11;re - I I Fire Flick, for rob by .• /ora JOHN McF•A DEN & Co WINDOW GLAIrb IS-oel4ra 0210: 170 bss 1021$' 2 lab 1412 la, 10214: Are.ived bad (Sr sale by .I.IIVIES DALZELL Jan riIiVE.OM-31 oz. pei . Cnia‘ jaw JANES I)ALZELL SALBIZA7II9-74 bzr El More, for traro by STIrA HT & BILL PM's.. .1 pirry — iiii ItEt4 of the Copostl moot or wo woo, orn inaaranne Company, for utlo by Jet?Otd.ll. If If MN° VIYORIEISI--60-Firaio Mackerel; SO bale No I }Teraina; :10 brit 'former). ON tee Street 12 oast. Mem. Frouldere sod Bider tare No I Larrl, to Imre. Sir role by JOHN WATT & S CUAR I. 11 101.AbbES-Or hlids prime N r r bus., 150 Ithd.' do hlelosres; For sole by lielol hiefaHrLD & NOE BACUN - gc e . a2 . siey ‘ a o morted Jell 20 maitirgar Cured Cann, to; Palely" • MHO Ller/ tcllOE DRODYS-620 doy.orsorteirricseripoons (ornate by 11 jolt/ treD/LtS&21011 5- IA - R 7E - tANTiffiliP o - ft:LI& bile'frinn - eier trill (S bell N 13 Tarn ersonal For solo by _ Ifjelg) illrOlLLEitc 110/4 S O/I:P=4i) bog *Citivllin.o to store, lot Pole by jell> MeCIILLS & HOE ROPIN-.lStair biro A No I extra Pill inTD.Osin of reer zaperior nimbly, suitable :or coop making,jort ' ived n 0 5.! for sale by JOHN hIeFADEN &CO ' jell., 113 Canal Drain, Peer, st 862 - 811-11) Cuks abirt -- rTerir .7.t1,;!, bbo ! c ir n.i i c s supenot , for glare mating, all of wilicti ' wiU be told low for cash by 1010 IOIIN ItteFADFN__& CO it EPINED&HO SS IIS- , t 4 4 .i5 r, -- i - L ---- " -- ..„. everjggilll: l l:l. ess f , 80 Lrls Igo, 67 &SS 11. Soy.; ' 43 Fri, C. do; ID lino C. polyeiJed Soinnot, - IV Irv. do 2.5 brls L. crashed do; 40 belt Levering's ee'd do; 13 brit do parlddo; tO WI. son erushod do; last received, and for sale by lea? ! atlLLEfil & ninitgmrg glificO r it-ti-1-471 ro • n 31111- Ce1rsiii • bi. Jell I 1 . 01141.: s acriNNim QTINDRJEd--fi-iiiik7Dritarbbittugai-Cated Dasui a." Ilt brie No 3 31aelremi 6 brit Gibbed Herring; 5 eaiks Polub; I I brilleound Cando; • I 6rl do Pepper; ? bd. do Ginger , 141 05 11 , 1plleA 19 cois Alkpace, • 10 keg. Perperi ito h h tliC7::ll ' e b d ' and Pulverized eagles, 10 hi eh Ira an • 10 do emir Green Teo; .X* O! / 4 0 ;I : r t P e t to i' l ! if : e s r 'C V: nesa :. dal to wore sod tos fe te .. by I D WlLLlmtis &co rep goy hoot A Fun oa. . _. . 1.14 1 / 1 0 11 :11S--110 dobeorn Frowns (or sole by, P r`n / 'MICK & Meelibiat-Ft.63 i V rl . llll-1 vo rob _ Cmer; tell 411,0 psckol di, foe sale by ~.„- -i i,--w,,„i — __6 7. 4, : p! ' Y ir t &IFC . IIG , DIpo ‘...../ tilt r !' WICK -.1..117C714111.5648 F ll l /; , :1-tod0 trio superfinh . •rd earn. for sato by ___! c it , I2?I7TICONO & CRDZ_GF. 8A,7,7' - '"'" 'tr . :" A 111. IINIZ I N : r - & " 1 1 3164 1- 1 1 ZER CyrREAM TARTAR-10111 , 1 - sTsil rre r. , .. - W - • -- ' - ' . J VIDD G. co ;..- • • go lead at QO4 P-.'. - 4) lrs - s NO I CireltrAM in core. for role by k.. 7 jell Na W HARD/HIGH FOJI.r.CIIIIItC/ISN-143 'worn-al Marble roper. far rt s ely n ed. ltd . flrr "d irel l .; , I ! `'. l ' PI/ ;l i n% Pnt d l "! 1017 113 Dion! sr c05;14:1f-ISO t:kr. rot sole by a. ir 6 it'iNT ' t 1 Water et _ ,11 1.11 &FL& I.ll..ittni4l 8-4 phi. for - are I.t - -- tell ' WWII /r. - McCANCI.T;SS p • O t TA. ;I IIZ- , cis It r port Pr.o ! th reo l d - fr irCe by WI li ,t. J!c1:41P111/.1....`.11 8 - 4.4.4,,..,,-... role ikons Safersto, ! - f , bp .:: e, foe cOr I, Jell j MIN & 11etn44111.&14.4 g ka . 6- I i 467 i i -t 1 ,- ;;;;e11 - 7•; - .7 - . ! - '---.7-- 1 , 1.9 So Ismetial awlConnevolrr, 19 do Poseborg end Chili.; S 0o rztti.bse Oolong!: 40 eadles Vlt 11 soPowder 0.5 ~”1. 11..5 01 the obese aro stuneo, and all will 1.... I.'S . 2f i+w. - 1 !: ... ..•*11.. 61 . 1 ,v , p , f. t: .!ix , ..,... T AU t. 11.1 'r ' l a 1 , 1: ii,:l'.'ll roIPP,,,Y Dir II GRANT 4 7_, limo; 15r....-„Greond End dote uti , e,. low n . 0 laer, Indto, flhae to top, for fin I.y JetC 11 I'l II •vr ( )N , F , ,..1<c00k.i Liar 4 Wow, 1V1Ete1,1,...;M1-7---- C II ',MAST 11 oktii r PUBLICATION,. Flll2-417,11.4nt Geo:Booby ant Fliuto•y, man Frtiava—Travelv in Nihau. V tots lento. Ilinon—Tlo Ameriran Bird Fancier. 4-7 he; A .neneen rouit, Yard, i drna. t.e:aiatti—Trn Poultry tki.o . 4, 11,0 Mliael note-he r—lchirto - n. Artytn e , nn4 Byr i a. ay—Pqrinl Yr Deloying t vole, Itfruo. TA , • ll 3l.—Allorvou Fran tlolturoit Knetip—Cbe4inal Tehollogy, SI volt, litrie. roarer-Ihr a., Dailinerrn— , Beroun a l s of Banyan" and hilariiibt n. I.geneit—reniev e l i and na ani,ftloyftaind, tole npuvra-1.4 ettap.rior. ivo , Illratriwil. ley.-Diiineiste Bettina altos, tharrivider—Alcoholte Woo. For aide by /AMIN t, tificgt.VllD lON igroivwillve Lorne... Eltranettailna•olcotet PortiToy Oh Fouitui Dolt and Fowl Breeden' I:aide A. Wing a Beale! an Doze,:!, ar. Mng. an lionera/ Manaoemerit of eowls, with memo, o nginalVlcacripuons and Pomona (num ldto. UT John B. Bennett, Al. 1). this work wit/ be hood to common greater anonym of use fu l, original and tabor 111 , 0 , 17.1i410, both recd.! and Br regard to Fowl Breeding, than is colualand in al, other riendait works toevilinr It will he Illitatravil Wit:it . Fifty Foriraw the mein CPOitt, rotten of American nnd fordo" , Fowls,. poet, forty of hieti ore front lift, from Crowing. rripoelatil AWe wo eeryk, of ,he moor Important im ported. •aa/cy.pai them from fowls •e recently - The publisitept have quell no es pen., to bring out thi. work hi • viperior manors, both 40 rvoted to the longravinge, the , norm of the wore, and the general elecutioo °revery port (gibe book. And It ,a hoist ' ed Dist the work will he found to contain more prveli. es! orionsationjoit Dreediric and hianac.vic Dorneiric Fowls, vain any work (towed In this country. .t or aalobyi JAS D LOCK WODD, ltookooller and Itoportor,l9 !card. oL . NEW IiCIOKSI NEW 800K.9.1 diTQ.I.Aps, LITERARY D2POT TM. Opkoolot the Foal ()dice ORVEL,I,I imolai or, thot pt to the Offing. • N Nautical Tale. m ili m e .'f b c., o m us p o i n e jl e. aft4 Ono Phantoms. ti Aleguide Advonrities Africk dude/ (der of two yea throtiol, 'that country. Dy Mojor W. Cornwell,. liarito Luella Living Aga. No Xl9. Dodo y for July, price al y 0 per year. Groh, co do f do Sartain do . do. 01INSTON*21TOCKTON have Nat opened far aale the !aren't aponntent of Paper, Ilia nit Hank and t4tauanery everloliated for onto In this eny, Inrethei pont a taiga ealleduan al near and 'Wl:labia Works In every departn,nt at Ltterat are All puldleadon. fat rah, at eaateto priced Cowitry locrehntas ouPP,a.d with entry Wilk lathis lint; on We watt reatoaable. term. yr wa Yhyol el L vo 11untbWJt Just r eraycl eIHAI,F4 told ECM W O ll4/ /imp. /Slack and Golegualdcr Tea., 115 bus Tabooed: too bag Ulu Co.der; ate Ml brit N Alttoem; 75 As N as; 2311 hose., cod me. Window OW.; 40 bz. Pipes; 100 bts "loop, bts Caild'es; ;law los.lodl/sh; .11) brig TAnneol'Odl beool 0.0. 01.01114 oopro 3n be. s piced Cocolate; th bag. Pepper; 3 bap .31.1113 ti .ABl bus Iferrindil Ili tabs Viorgarg ti woos Csadleslock; sub:. 81.1.sels, I to 000.418 c, • 111 brie Chalk; :AU drums Figs; ' As wo F i gs; a ;gon.ral nltioufartured ornelee lT "erluE3-3::tlLNß(liallugore 7,2 Mote. V Ilysan, nation. grade. 3u do Ountwavder and Imp ;7n do Ponrhong' do Oolong • lad caddy b.. l'' II Imp &0 P 61 hao lb, by, and lb'. Tobscao 35 cs;idy bat Butowblf•bi do 2u boxes starch 130 lir!. k hf bris Saleratas Al' ila k to m6"r g e'. r fer ' ai ' t ‘th tq"c' ' P 4.0'11 s w.tor t lIA PHYR—IfIAPPS TERTIBIORITt. RAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL Va., March R. IMO. Alt R. E. RELIII/11, of all the OA Cough Syrup nd Loser Pill. you acne me, and le doa of the VecmSfage. I have axed ally' or 0000117 hledicine.lll my family, and balsa also pre Abed them In say practiee, 1 very much pleated, vvith them, and have found nothing toequal them. Sen me 6 do: of your Vcronthg c le dog each 0? the Liver YON ond Cough Syr p e, aud . . ; Rmper y rs ill you, lExtracl of Lela ./ T. T,Jarm of That, highly popular medicine. snap be hod the proprietor, It ESELLF.H.q., Wood et,Ood Druggists ;1101111/laly 10$ 1110 cities and vicinity, apt ? O Ub, s 51 IL Rs 'enis; lIV bas CiLli , Gt do; 15 .I.); r in n'"' 13 do Brazil Arun; IS do rdbcts; fur do Poo Nulik :a b 9. libelled Almonds; 29 bk., Rock Cndy; cosus Llirsonce; IV ht Principec& Regabil L5 lll O 10051 1101 Spanish; 31/2s Closes; 2 COM* Mcg.: 3 ccroons Indigo; V 5 cases Lemon syrup; 2 3 cue. Popper chice; Ili cities Tomato Casup; (hoped Spices or all knit*. 40 barons powdered and Lou' :sugar; 0 khan liltaddsr; la bola %Vbitiorn nosortatent of Plush.lo Indigo, Atailder ritnmer. s and L JULY DRY GOODS, 81,c ! • WitiTh; GOODS von. mcussics. . . j LR.Ptiy t HUHFIIFIELD inert. the euentronof .111 th e tithes to their ortenrive artsornrsent el White Good, 1".• Preform notteittlor of s..coqb and frets. Mulls; Figstnd Bens, 'de, lOotbreldored do; • few Prie Vit flan toria ged .Is.o Liw o.kra; nnt for morning. donuts; finstoll ft ni•hed do; nod n largo nastittatert of Snit. Slo,lr wi rio. with colored embroidery; rotated Jitetunet,i Lame, hemp', he., at notth tali COMOT Or Fourth nod stoner,. 1021 ' Cheap Lawns. NlVro Z l y no.P ßL ß ZT.: 2 , ` Tit h ;7l.l7fk7i ir n e , d a 1 .714 7 i brown at Wen light do, In rim) variety, for Hip, mje A len,etithiaidered and printed Muslin, andinehrinet, Of ne wert style.. and lowestmen fa:quality, and non), east comer of Fourth and nark, eta THE GREAT BEUi•ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS At the One.Prtee Store of • A. A. MASON & CO WILL commence on 'Monday, 'Jane 3d, IPSO. sg •Tbear =mews estanbsidoeut, with all Biel Whole.. Moms. will, on this I. throw open for Rum Tama, sod all of them etteasise stoek will hr anted to retailporcheaers.ts a dircouni of from 10 to 30 per rent. than excel pneem TIBBS MOCK Or SILKS Comprise 01, (.or hundred 'pieces, and will be said at as Memento dim tOO/13, rir fo ul ard of Shewls,B .Ticscea,Greri ellinet Foulard Law., Medi.. decor:els, Cambria., and Brew floods generally, Willie era. II bajliriatey, at about one half the steal roles , cases raw Colored Lasc. will be offered at Fe. V do Ranges, Ifr I do Mt..) de Lain., 0e Reperior Erighsh sod American Ca/Mmes.' lOtelle. 3ts.l dozen !Joan Ilandkerehlefc, Cl 70. large 101 of Wrreabc CON., IMMO a. low as Ms. Together with a crimplete varlets of Domestic sod White Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery and Glover, Bonnets, ike., Malaria' In all one of the mostutersore .Imm:bents la the country, welch will be pi arked down to much town peers than at any of their previous Anneal Sal.. (Erne Stare will ha clnard upon Thursday and Friay, nay atith and 31.1, for the purpnto or artaug lrg and martins down stook. NO 1/001,1100 a P.. tnyUl. A A MASON A. CO • FUENCri I.IIIP/tY k BUItC/IFIRLDLINENS. have received a sop JYL s. ply of 3 1 and 4-4 French Linens for men's coots and mots, sacks, bop , sail children's Wear, of the most desirable shades. 'they snob. amendon to their large assortment of ltlen4 sod Bons' SuPsI4IER IVV,AR, of diderant ma •inia. sad PJULABOLI t PARASOLS! I►,t LW/IV& BilltCllF/ELD have received arothet In supply of litle, and aro enabled to Buy. ply almost any. qua .41, c olor warned, and at the lower! elt!tlprieer. lets —ratans staTigrefeaki-co-VerF IAT IeIeCLVAiTOCK has received Ws day. at tux • Canxt Warehovae,Fourth Oil Cloth Covering of very IMMO/Me patients and colon, to which we incite We attention of purchasers.. M. 1 ; crrit'aYtl47 Pr. ndt: tt, 4.4 lirht Chung fronteMleauta /lenges (or IttJe; haw truck limbo for 1010; Donne; ItEbboba for 64 pot (nut Ludt:ion be fore to all Z'aumtro our mock of dreg. goods before Mark et elaulthere— North erat corner of Fourth and Market els. 're.l3_ A vestal m ats. ItscErvED,b,. d.l,a fresh alum rtateat el'Alleohl or Urals blab, at the Carpet WAS, rum of W AIeCLINTOCIZ jel3 71 Fourth'. 17' JRlgPin LaTIiCIIFIELIJ bane a lime met of ..ta Fancy llAd_ Stople arylCacao, tolzitts atr at really reduced imam, olv— 'laicize tie /Aim. a Iwo.' cuitymocin of beautitol I.lll<inee •• e • Ma IN /tenet:: and Swirl kfoilios; A splendid erwinment of Week and Fancy Saks; ilanieten Lew. rod Pa Lames, romerkishll cheap; Deannfal Foulard Nita at Mk re,ita per rod; Besstant Cornrows, Dont Si eenta, and Onwordst I srae stock of known and Biomass-I Mae/lm, Ole per yarn and upwards, Bonnets 'tat Pirratots,O greatly reddeed pricer. Cloikr,Cuttnaeres, and Vert ergo, cid tbatrest qttallty, rostarkutdyhlow. Tdsei:„er wok a large no:, of licking,. Armen and Sprung Catrckt, ail widttia ; Brown end 11 , elehed Sheet:not and On , rl no; lrinft Ltnens,' together win, another. •rtieter in our lint, at north east corner of Fourth and Market n telt) ll llliYll l " d haver tarts eeled J.S new rifle Foulard !ear, very nal, is, tn, and stangerskld..fivs...l wow. , every end qualtis; roped {Lunee awned Mork ants; do hateyes lisle., lister si dr loins, neat and hn some lister, new at, le Fennell, Enelob, and Scotch Lamm, great sanely, and at sere low pricer, tartan, Szured,•nd POI. striped de liking of ad kind. and duo alert linen lenses of a'? 'heater end retort, sireLsess, rote:lea mint, Sre„ a. inch tencorner 'et Ill~c~ !, nerd S - ,Or„'strtyeeeis r d es-,pts M; ;;w , tSte,:-Tr7;. tnorn• 'lns.l•• itcrai coot noir, or Poenk end M•rkel . 31tIRPHY tcDIIPM , FIFLD ‘4l l lll-1111 t. kildliTSlS'lslrliTrr ' , genius iretmes and Sense lathe* at very in', prises. at newt, east e ., stra . -s I.3 L ,ter 's os t i a -13‘g hh6d t• te t qtrioy, d iTsTre n' c ' ' . s sad for rale' at IV:outwear enreer of Poona end Mao Lor [lll,ll jeS - InUftelL'S lionmeil anti Demme: ltilittsoMa s ty, 41.2,1,/..11.1,-Liplipl.;ll7l.ltolvEol,,DoLsz eizedaz::; ‘Tiljte Maj/7 ‘ . 1.2)1 11-44, yd. 4-1 Floor Oil Cloth, fmeiess: from the foolery, and ter sale at the 'Were roast. Nos. 7 & p Cl - . 0 Ar, stino...-iAn nun., NAV° so Inene the ettestAnn or shore broottny swat. for Al.terente persons, to Wen vet): tall st.soflmel4l,JYA/ receterd, ouch as Mork lierthaller• 1 1 / 4 •0 , 0113e Sauk Mb..., 11:1104 WY. de ....ines t bletatedos Wash . Prioted Poslerelr, ilone ge l .. s lantern, Altaternbon. phis Nash Sod I'mleal Lawn.. !Coot, Lottonottlrred do; liftmen letbltetn. branch, Voile be. amyl? Inanteat eIIATIN4—VI/ pas Cerhenrret.,..n o m oo l eolon, atast de. to stOtle entele for mouton cool 4, ',oh!, and now opecieg toy A A MASON Is CO sonyin 04 Market st ri•11111r.T ell: l l% , .l,s—Sopeettor 7 t cabaret] start J Shawn, rtanybrint CresteennOtange, Pa:Libor.. OrriA . 4 . 1 Core colored, lust seressinz 1,1. oral Me 4•7 opestr.s. by 'A ;A MASONS. etti ej imay IY Glllartrr oho II ;470 , ~; & t4 : . n 44 . slr Porn ohelot by • tuyl7 A A NIAAON • ti on A Qiaiia Dress bilks. A. NT.At.43:4 bCO err nag ens tinning 10p et • 27 tech llama (Ito en /Oleo Silk; 10 pc.:3line I. do; lope. theh olo; p4n 34 inch do; and 4 Nets. bi tee!, do. •- L Ws; 4UO dos Ludo.... Linen Cambric Ildkfe, all ;nice.; lOU dos Gems' do do do n 5 let do 40 Jo cabled borders; Received Rats day by .d. bi A OOP: hCO Ott at. - tj I. M usttes ' , at the C ' s . tr L erne ' lovv ' pliefor go r yard. muylU 14TAt.ON & CO Irish and Drown IGnettu.' 010 yes 3-4 end iOO pea .4 Brown Linens.; 150 pas Li Gray!. Rattily..., and Alexander's Impeller Irtsli nens, nose opening by may in Fresh Arrival fDry are now reenviur luxe alien°uf to oor Mock' V V of :Soong and Sumner Rey Goods, and eta pra pared tn afar an excellent tuisannient at our usual law price. tor w ester n aproved credit. ' • • TOe attention*: dealers Is pwfootady re. quested in our goal., as We reel centident of being able to offer unusual indaegments to make a bill veldt us. Call and exambn al nay rate . RUACELMT &WHITE, etiag6 Mt Wood street. C. YE AG ER, zos nark•s s ttttt , /allow .Liborty ; ) 10/0 C 14144101 A.NIERICAN, 11-114.• AND GEIMAN FANCY 00 DS; SOSIERV., HISUONS, LACES, SLoWES, TJIREADS RUMMY, /1 1 / I 'I'ONS, RES EAL:44EOLS, d.c. Alto. Maths and 'Fancy Veratingo, BLACK ZtPiIrFANCY PILE CRAVATS, PONGEE, RAN ANNA. and LINEN lIDEFO3. a genera! as sortment atFANS, and every Variety of Mma s m.l , -• _1112!1 lkaitliAl Dk; L4II s. plain and figured llarege de Luna, 2330/ ea nnlne,,i avt received, awl Jelling al ye:, to race, maya3 A A AIAmON Jr CO - - • CASES fen colored wvor received and now rrc eprniog,wdiltg at Ina Cilrelll6 low price nl 8 eu per peel Fncrld/ A A MASON it CO 3 ,f CAS II Fr e n f u t c a p I p o e Tj ti ',Eta ‘4ll. r;tlThr,fl.4yl::,:el,l„ng may= ^, F IWELIERS—bIi bass nos! on nut!. f ., or oo le by DIUXLI te CO G th,„ ' , '4" - '° -k °°"l=ll;'l,ll2"Ey & co cask, Mem: U 90 esssa Nhoulderl; co.k. Pples, 4 coats ...aced, now landing, for:tale hl jolt . IOAIA Ii D' Ch . A. 1.11 BEIIIO4I Wir.A.LE n'O alsunhteach'd do n calsrall; fall; - 1.7:1;4 IA .it c ,i.o tr , •ll Whale ell, in store and for tole bi a nn &ale/U.7440N rein , in& 171 Libert y Fr&Nri UMW Lrar.7ll iU ,Is 15 bile common 0.1,10 for tole I.y ielB . crilll.lsEH. IticKETl4O74 SIV111"-E2-40 Mon Aati71176A,A74e4. RILEY. 31.J - 1'71;:\ FS 77. t 79 Mort et et Chu latztea I 3 ECEIFEG at the Grocery ugh Family Groce and ib 'Fen Worchoute..-- 6 preatm gen utne Fence. ChnlanTear in 9 of paper. 5 do uhttlan Fowchong Teo. hr aex papers; do do do do 7az do, dThe above celelmeed Clock Tr.. are received irect from the importer., oral will . h. wld of low a. Otyr. be Parchn.ed in the east, with the addition id freight, sr boleaale ur matt, by WM A MeCLURG le CO 1.12 trdsi Liberty ot ae srceodin a.tortmeOC, or tn7cnrt impels on, goruprisieit every ninet f ID y, ivy nth' 1, 1 1 C I'EAGRFL Iu uLS--3ii _ 73 g , r m 0..4 lateit ,t . n ry ice ,t,:urneco,ritot;tt, INJ cuss do lode do, 10 gram.Sturneme pocketenniba,for noir hy Ael9 C YEAGER i Ttllt , LlirS ASPECTS OF NAT ---7---- RF 11 tad by bin Sabine'. 2 rola. 1212 . U r " LOCAgar r'_ GOVERNMENTAL. • ISILOPOBILLS FOIL A LOAN. T ilt: eleventh Sri twelfth acetic,. Of the get of General Assembly of this Commoatevelli, entitled Supplement to an Act entitled an' Act to erotic a Sinking v'ond and to preirlde Ira. the gradual and certain eitingoishment of the debt of die Common. weskit and to authorize a long. .M... 1 the IM day u of Hoy A. IPSO, as Swon II That the tkiverza provides ri. hereh .olktiva,y Millions to acanthi:. a loan teethe P.M of Three Millions Throe Hundred Thousand redeemable in thirtf years (ma the date of the itabse tisane thereof, per nee or lama goldeding annum. payable in g and silver, Semi. an/wally, aeon the float days of Pcbmary and August of each AreoliV,Vatlfempllo.ftamorseNT haerleactiVveo'il, shall be published la r ot least nue nompaocr in die Borough of Harrisburg, In the clue. of Pittsburgh, Lancaster. and Philadelphia, and in e6cifes of New York, Boston, and Baltimore, for a period not loch than three month. biretta the operdtig of said par sods, and by tenet elsewhere If decreed nereesarY, and upon the dn. nattiliLtdrer'lLE purpose, In Milt notice, the proposal* shall be opened in the prisenets of the Governor. the. Secretary of the Commonwealth,and geudti teed o g r ile a crriger u st rd We rflitilebaninno.7dan'tdo'falbT, bids shall eeed the ma of Abe said lean the same shall be distributed pro muamongn the highest bid ders, but if the whole of geld loon lbair not then be taken the Governor may renew notice, to the manner aforesaid, horn time to tune, till the whole ohman. of said leen 'shall be sabacrtbed. Ni conditional bids .tali be, considered; and ape, awarding, such loan; or any part thereof, ceniScrima with coupon. for the intereat, shall be issued therefor ,by the Audi.or Geeerlt. • Samos If tbe said loan dal be subscribed. it Wien be end it is hereby appropriated for the payment and irishateat of th r e footled 4ebt ., due Com• ;nen ah'entnnacia'dderglif un'tirbedcan'7iffVel ' f ' o g t , I te e Paintent of the sum of eighty fire thousand one hon. dreg foto., doltars and eighty tight cents, due to dementia creditors. , • In pewit:ince of the pro...him aforesaid, notice is hereby ,flgiven that propowNs wilt he ireeeiVed at the Gee of e eeretary of the CoraimmWealth noel 4 o'clock P. Id. of Taesday, the fast day efUctolier next, stipulating fora loan to the Conamonstreahh. for the purposes set forth in the said aet, of the aura of ' three Widens three hundred thousand dollars, redeem •ble in thirty years from the due of the Wmeriptio thereof. at a rate of hiterest. not exceeding four per e,eno.tuxifyr,,.a.nr7d alive,, seen r and Augus seli year, and exempt tenet ,every species of In ' Certificates et stock for the said testi, tt *Moons for the interest will be tossed in th e lanai manner and made usnsferable by the owner, on the books of Ik, Auditor Gummi'. Depart/neut. Pate proposal, will be rciptired W Math mplietly the amount offered, which shall not in any ease be• less Mau one thousand debate. the rahtornmerest net, exceeding (ear per tent, and the premtitin procmed. Toe ante reserve, the eight Co accept the wbolenr ate t p o a hoc o th n e tayofee4 aoeethe clopoialt mica Bids tar the loan meat be direct Ctd explicit. No • conditional proposals urn! be seseived. , • , LINO the•eceopthnee of the popasila tte menet , moat be pile Into th e Pude TrustnT s in sue Munn as shall directed by the Governor. . CernScates of stock will ba Issued In inch:amount. as may be tequested by the !coders_ Teeposals to to directed, under, seal, to this oftt e pedorsed, "Proposals the Loen" They t his not bit opened or dim:Imo:I anti) the pensd fee reeetv tng them bar elapsed; oiler which cc alleratian in the terms will be adriittel. • Bro AleA le 111 , 133 EL L) Secretary of the Cortn.h. retarrn islhalnewhot Y Office, Lu m neburg, Jane etb, IE3O, -------------------- RESOLUTION , coven[ ye MI AllafttalLert or me coFarrt6lo.• 113 ESOGVED -by the Senate tad Rattly of Rerresents• iv twee of the Cetlnagairelllth of Peat:owl's.% (I=o. .ably met, That the Constituti. of this wealth be eenteded us the ..E.goe , 4 cation e f the la article, DO that ol shall real osa killdeer Tbe Jad/ra of the fk•pre me Go..rt, et the sksei-al Court. of Comm.. las, antof such other CJEtr. of &word as en ar shall be attabli shed by Ive, 610 le electil by the euali;rtreleetera of the Commute- Wealth, in the ttuawr folio with, tit , wit: The Judgenof the Scprna• Coati, by Ow notated electors of this Comma. wealth at the of tPresdent Juelges. of the revere! Courts el Comm. Pte., tad ech ether Untrts urn...l. are or shall be est.lishea by .aw, tad all otherJedgel teco.iwra j lob. leveed to the law, ly the quell 't , ,l'lie4ton'df the respect,. die:Hite oerrethiet Pm sari io pee el. craft e• Jostles; and the Assogiate.E4. of the Deterta of Common Pleas ty raw ukaLled electors of th e manes ...lively . Tne %dr. ot 'the PaprimiCaort than had 'their office Tr the sena of fifteen years, if Vey th an ro.lo g Ixlsavt thennelves well,' (eutject to the all...tett hcrenatter 'idea for , subs... to the filet elective.) the pion.... Judges oethe several Courts of Gamma . Eraad <en. 6 " C ..' 014, °r 4 ke a, 'CN ,Last limillol ot , h : i 4 by law, mod en Other ikdd reiaired to be learned In the taw, shalt hail thetf oSree for the tenm of tea years, //they 'hall so long Lave themse'ne well; the Associate Judges of the Coen of DConna. Pita, *WI bold their 07e. C. Gi term of Co. yeas, if they shall to long behave :theassehea, well; el of whom aka be commiseionel by the (braver, Ito for lay reasocable entewywhich shall.t be sebiciaita. x ,....,1, to, imp,44,4 4 0f, the Cioverunr shall ret.p. key of them ea the address of two 'kith et each krthris 4r the Legittature The Goat elective ..had tike pa. al the -6,,,ti e i t:etion or 0,. C0:...4:rm.1.6 wet after tht ado, inn of Mir arecodderab toolthe turacissiros of ell the let.. 41'14:: may be th an La elk. 'hall capers on the first Sday of December following, when the toner of the taw Jot,. shall romance. The per.. Who shall thee to al fain Julges of the eptet. Come hall bold tk,s4 ogle. al fain 4., Chne ef them far three y.ra, ca.. rot ale sears, ens .for sae pars: co* 44' infra )4.... an i doe fax b C cm years, 11.4 term et' ea:. ws be decided by lot by the e, Joda,,,, es •aceafter the eection as coasesskat, and s w ant certified byhem to tha litnener, that the catemnaiona;! co metbe issued to accordance Mervin. Tb• Jeer when heiou will first tap shall ke Chief Jusherqrjrn; his term, ant therneter nob Judge who. escomissi an 1.11 Goal expire shall in tarn be the Chief Jastic e , .4 if tlO pr . mirr: r ag e shall espirt an the sam• day, the Judtcs !whirr; them gall tiecidi by lot 'thick shall be the Ghia( C.d.. Any recicore, kmptserting bid.), tesigeathei,,. therwhe re aZrof thc skid coerce, dull be Wed, by err pointment by th. Governor, to continue I the first Ales. e...r of December sttectediaa the tont general eentioen The i Joey. of the Supremo Greer asul the Pretif eels of ;tie sacral Meru of Comm sale. shallott stated times. mei. fir their emir. en ad,uste c , nspen•ation. tote axed by laic n Lithely/I ect be doseitiD bed Juin; their oantwoMke in . Ore; but they shell 'acct.., Duo, p,eve ,ite e CY nal r, nor hot,/ any 006,, uCtet of prolt end. ii, isromatcorwerjth, or otader the R' Inc o;the'Unitc.l Stta , ea. of my other Ewe o{ - this kthicel, • The Jit , ges of the Supreme ii - ort-t. daring their rcettoconee in peke, atoll reifde within Ilds Canattorwealth; end tit other Jothes,datlng their contosts ewe on till., shall ' , side wiihi 1 th e eistrict or coutnrg n : . which they were respietnely Aerie! . i • J.B bIoCALMONTs ' , Speakeraf the litersof Kern...thee V. BEST, t Speaker of the &nett IMES • I. Femrel IV. fcare l ‘o Chief 'file'li!"'Cf Ilkeatc, of i•Z. ~!it t'hde*Vhel'abJ rofleat " 1 ' ll ' l ••Re.elotOn relative te ametament of theCousliautk.4,” being Me nu. reeetolka •bseharea ameed to by a ci of - the member,. ,bead to mon House. el' Cm list Legialoture - alter hark; hum eueeidered md cowed, torch." der ;mined to by a nmjuriey of the 111.111".. flreled ervig the Senate cf Pconeilmoi,, at im pneeesit memo, sfat sria smear by these bike garee on Ma duel panoire of therctoiction,as kilo h,-- I hate toting an hem. ot the paueseaf the remlution were, H. John. Brooks. J. Porter lire L., t Ilium A:1 math, Janatheu J. teraniasham, Themes le Feineo, T kson, Fonyth, Charles Funky, A1,.,.n 31. Frick, Ilenry John W. Cummy, W I Moen Hagen ; lona ;se, • imetby Ives, Je.,so t nT. Jon. Jcsepls licalmeacher. Georg,Lawman, alai,ull.lliCeMlia, Sequoia Me.hnor, lkxjtmlo bluttAaa, /Icory A, Illuldmolierg, Willino F. Paelteg, William R. Sadler , Dared Sankey, Pelt; Savory - jean* Sh•earr,ltubert C. anirrett,DaMeltitio Farris D. rarefies, John 01 Walker, and Valetihne Seat. lirentlmr Yeas 10.. Thom volii; .pint the rasa,. of the reagutime wet+, Gooran Caruso, Ao :mkt, Drum, and Aksmaler IKiet. Nay t s (Entrant from the Jw.rnal.l $ • : SAMSL W. V£ARSON. dlerk. • issue i . Hoven or Revanztarryngs„ •rtiebtter. March It 18.10. • 1, Willi. Jaelr ; Chief Clerk uf Me Howe of: 'emotive, of Pentnylrapia, do hereby unify that Me ( Reiar arklotiany No 10 co the Senate Lk, and Na SI 1 en Me lloituJosroal of ,that present mulch) entitled Seim !wipe I slatiu to Me amendment of the COOgi,lololl..,•it bola, the eame resolution which emu twined to by • aujerity of the member. elated iamb Room af the but tore-oer having been duly coo.flared and diectuwil. no the. my .treed t, by a majority of-the members eketsi Iq, d amain; to Me /loose of Represualativra of From, saafa, Its prs,ant Moira ae will sneer by Makin:ars giveu on the 4.4llp:wage of Me resolutiao, as kilo el, Thou vegan ia fever of the pump of the revolotion were; John Aeker ; Jaho Animal, Wiliamßr Robert Daddwita, Ds.vid J. lieut. Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Week, Jobs hl: Bowen, William Brindle, Maid 11, 11. Lower, Jeri. 0. Surd., John Catinia, 110nry Chervil, Joh. N. Coal thou, Sclecolor Cridland, Acojalaba U. David ; Yfillate...l. Doh. b ‘ i v ri: , , , ka i is , : I' Di Le Donn Ewing Alegi T sier 5 Feether ; J:noes Flowers, B ' enjaniii Pi Vernier, kaacder Otbkney, Thomas E. Cimer, Jeseph rs• Go Je.eph Cute", Jeento 9. Haldetiowo, Damp II • Ifs., Leifer, Hart, Joh. Hastier, William J. Hemphill, John Ilcd,c, Henry Iltiplet, I.ewießerford. a•hfngtonJ, lake,,, re mho.. Jams. 'John 'W Charter 11, Kinkead, Robert A 1,,., Harris-a I' Linen. bl.rit Leech. JCWltnetn D. I,eal, a own [sward, James J. Lewil, Hew) Link, Jansen. slll,Clintock,Job, hlTiasl,ll, Aftlaader C. APCurdy. John I.l'Lukhha, John OPLeoo, , Samuel Mare, John II afreg, Michael Illelers, John Miller, h C. 111010, John D. Morrie, Witham T. Alorime., eehml Moo), ward Inicklencu,Jecoh finely, Cheek.. ("Neill, John 11 Packer, Jeseph C geive - 1. Juou C. Held, Joh, S., lthey, Lewie Roberts. gunnel Job, D. Iltithei-' , ord. Ghwol XV. Strada, Thomas C &coulter, William: Wapner, Richard CorsonEli SUfer, William Smith, %Villiers A. Smith, Daniel Sii Stay., H Ponder homu Steel, David Bfirinaed, Cherie. StockWerl, Ed. tofuC. Tarsal, Atnirew Wade. Robert C. Walter, Thomas as:alma altdiey B. Welk, Dimes A Williaite 1 Daniel Le tea, JohoS. Spain e 7, Thoev omen,,treiv , t Mc ;image of the remlutien were, Augusta, H. Corny% David Reene.arid „heroes 31. portsl— 3. (Eatrael fine, die !manila.) WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. ZUMMI A. W. lILSEDI6; Dep. eery ofe:mcem4ealt6 Accirronn'a 0;non. ?Annoy Loon.. or I 1 do eertily that Ay. olooro Ind foreystioss Is roorret rosy of the origiasl resolution of o n o Citrons) A. ssmhly, minted Resslotion rotation ton amendment of the Conan stliou,” as the ern e rev:lsms o n Ale In thy class to teetitoonywhoreof I hare hereunto sot Toy hAnd..od touted to kr nth' s est the sell of No Stem tory'. OfAse, lionisbory, this fifteenth lot of Ann, Adams one thousatd.o4ht .ndrra 44. A. L. RCS:ELL, Secretary of the Corm:mortal}, jelhdlinnnshl ITILA PA- 1 114ifeL0 CR. ; Olt the ronv.,..tence of the mozens;the prcOleters t• of the Mishnah City ALIN have placed b gels fot use , eorpllon of enders at the following plocet— I tr. ITFtoyd, eerier of Sixth and %Too , etreets. hl Hayward;shoe store, cor.tiliertg lc target sts. A nesnen, store, Third street nhnL F., druggist, car Fourth &Fnitilliold. F youth, more, corner Blau Wylie, telegraph Vice, Fourth Steve II C Kelly , greevr,Pifth al, eernerot Mare'et sling ht urns, store, Fenn street, Nitals Want. I The dour waggnos will call twice or ices e stun) for orders, and the goar , ho.delivered promp , 4 idrr in barrels or sacks—each gour is Freiman, sixe—wilhOnt charge for ranucc ft is plainf that Lc • am:mants can be allowed, min that drivers moo hove uo permission to /eliVe floor without payraen'i We hope the peddle ran! he pleased lan sa gement, as we shall endeavor to 6/2thria 1 cred WlLltt.agrni k. , rlys_.ll,l.; emFr".• . 20 begs narssparilla Soda: 1.1 has do , do: M boxes Lecnor t - ]wt .---al al yrstp, mode from pure lemPa Nita; il . a l s; facetted aad for sole by MILLER 4 RICIUMBON , L , i PROCLAMATION. 7-- I K.0vki.... , k.,, who nen ACK A. 4 in:tried with ease pt tat bladder and kidneys, with ,with r , t r i m ot r... • itipvk or lntv, sal/joints, old sere', he' todetwor'VXl;tik7'aVnbitrtl"tsdlit K t !lnL'. h e ' ..d, es lir ?lease, bat this does not make It so, 17fitninhe's'wtle(r:re*r" h on o" me 'l n " 1, n an ' y 'r. I I remedy. Ihe man who is n ti a m t ' mi t with in ' I 'and ' Icong /Mai diceue, can fintall k y cents, of t ' mile. l'ln . any of the Ills ennumerated:above, Reader ! id to vorylittle to Make atrial. 'This 'Petrolcam is no at l ar 717:4; °T r :n * ll ' 4l l T nt " ft it' P rcry " eialli % P ied I the master hand or nattiro, mod bubbles no from the h t o atone Mother , tend 111 Us original Slimy, and i tem Mle /Cing bunttally•agnady remedy, a et rut and cheap enre. ' •.' ' it has cored•Plievi aft er oder medicines have Milt to render any teller it hns Oared ahettataliarti or lot standing, and orate wont mid !nest painnal °harem It has mired iablera hrortatm by one or twdo dose.; has cured old eases of Diarrhea, in achich every mho remedy has been of no avail.' As ; local remedy I •khrtm and scalds, it Is bet:wiling any medical eon pounder eitstmentlhat we know at Still cure chi Weans or frosked met, in a few applications: oedoabl ed testimony can be Ca tolsbed of die mutt contain; to the nbevo inatente.t by calling ea Samuel M. Kiel Canal Basin, Di, tureen or either of the agents. • Keyser. ta. klcDowell„•conter of ,Wood . eledct a. Virgin Alley; E. dit. Sellers,l7 Wood Wreck Lk El A. m&D. M. Meal C t orry, Allegheny city, are the agent,. • ' • Ile mo . at hasp 15.9,1: 110 AND RICAD I ensimat Dlacovarr oral—Sure Itenitedy for }LoPlies 1 DBROIVISM celebrated }:eternal Amen 1.1 can itself to be Remedy for the Piles, ha, already morel Ihn only rare nem ever presented and I Shice tlie ry cove or this valuable med to icine I e large number or extreme casts with whirl Dr. Blown hag treated, no one bas failed to breathed) cared. Untiltdi,the many healing balms aslant, aft. Months arid feats of eXpolitnantifiziag, awl too "glen I.n the, patient where they commenced. Or worse, bat: aver a revrOays will decade the ease by erecting peelers 7, LOW Cm - Mosso! shall not trier Into a taloned er. Rumen to prove Ohmd I introduce It upon Its Own me th & by It I intend It shall stand er Myr. prefer that loathsome disease, the Pitts, to the value ore few dollars, I rest the ems with yeah DR. D P DROWN, Lloyd street, liefalo. N. Y. Sold wholesale and retail by If Ti SELLERS my 4 Wmad at. di tiVag - ftin - MM7L - T1.92117 . THE AMERICAN RD EU MA T IC lIA LS AMC A NE,W remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable hlngdorn—a sore and pennant= ears for all Rheumatic Complaints, tech as • ' Inflammatory, Chronim• Soule and Mercurial . Itheitinstian, Gaut, Lumbago, • Spinal Aliections,Ati. •• • This medieine long been sought for. It has been said that Rheumatism weld na tes cured; but there is a remedy designed by nature. for them:me o: every dis ease liar the human girt= Is subject to. At last re medy bag been Mond s hot cores Rheumatism. of the worst fotra--one of the most valuable vegetable pro. denims of the caiti,,the greatest and most iMpertant dtmorery of the age, and a wonderful blemiag to the human rurally, It,eures without sickening or detains atm, and renews resength and Tiger to Inc whale sys tem. It has caredi derma the put Seep months, over eaces Oat mete cormittered incurable. Carafteutes of amoureuse properties of this! clue can be men by eallingon thin Agents. None genuine unless put up with nn engraved label anon the outside ariappey, signed by the proprietor, R TURNER, Buffalo: N. Y. , Sold by • i. D. fiIitTVRER. Bold silo cornea . I' • hinil and Eirokei st. Pittsourgh, by i G. P. T 110.1.148, fal.7-.lhveftm4 NaltS , Main at; Cincinnati. 0 jtilkiTifit, At. AIM ttUROICAIe OknrieAGMs No. 611, DLAbIOND ALLEN, a ~.. f ie. doora he ow Wood . treat, ter warde market •• 4. . .. ~i..a. .... wig, ~.,thE b.,,... •#YC, .., ~ ~„.r,,......, to this medical i' , V-410 Profession, and been Car mime Limo • A . r it general prectice, now canbace M14,"4,- , • 4-, 7-,-\ lf::up'.%'%-t,r°,A=lo`,.°-' 'as b , ..,,f. pjarnts for which . his nOperrenine• • 1 . l!'r'ni.l.l7l;no%47lVATilgel;'lotiel/. 11..4 ek ireatMenliaTthom coplairnadormg.lll.2 teem he has had more practice andleh, hoe aired mole pas teem than cemover Fall to th em aryl of voty *Nate Orae t Unmet') amply qulaTles 1, , t ot to offer muntretten of apeedk perrnorient, and satL rectory GUM tO 611 th eme Lr , ol llelt6 diseases, and ea &mute Inman* there- Ur-Wawa Weald idiom those atElieted with private diseases which haves become Owenin by time or ag gravated by the nee Of any of the common nostrum* CT the day, that their coo:plums can No radically and Ito r: oughly cured; he havihketven Ma careful attention to the treatment ors. It owl, and sueceeded nt hundred* orinstances in cutlet yersomt of inflammation of the neck of the birk,r/c,„ai .1 kindred diseases which often th result from Lure metemete "the, `other., hero consigned [ em to hopriets despair. Ile particularly terttcs smelt :share been long and atmuccearfally treated byothen to ennruit hate, when every ronsfuct.on will he mace them. and :heiresses treated in a careful,thorongh and l ige t y :' ,Vij 1 ::::',°,,,r,:E g `'J' o lu, 1, l'ii . . , ;po k TZl!l=f4l,7,', .ored in ernetal erarllca of menteme to grab to one class of 4We...tit to- i . rnt: lat Rtarint —DI. Drown a... invitee pc , Fab ailbeiml wall Nerd. to cello,. helms pald pane; aloe attenuum to nos di.exne. CANCER:: al. cured. • Sinn dttealeatalso t a %rale'', one., spottily eared Charm, eery low, N. B. -PlWeir &of oither die 2 11.2 nat a Al trauma, by stating 1144 6. 7 ease Int writing giving all the .yep_ mina, oaa obtain tuesisinea with Pireetions for use , by sp)dritteingeT. DROWN, 51. D., post paid, and enAka, foe aPea. • .. . • 615 ea No. 45 14.toMed alloymposius Oa Wtvoily Haase. . • Floroorsoust.-174 PinotPs nearly disoovored. MI.- iy forllhooreta‘m is:tweedy aod certain remedy liar ciat : palefol trouble. 14 nevir . fallo. COLO,. azd Private Coacillima• Rem.. N 0.45 Dja• mend alloy, Piusborp,Pn. l'ao•lloolorio olotoY• It • are. rf7 No ours us, 11k7, WOO TUN IIIreOVAL amuse MY at me...a= same noon •on stairs or mut SMOCitirat . Scrofula or Ring's Evit,•ltheumatism, Obstinate Co ' nrous EmptionN or Pomo tea on the Pa n e, Blotches, Irilea . Chronic bone Eye% HMS Wong or Totter, Beald' Bred, Ealgtgenteut led Fain of the Bone. and Joints', Stubborn Illrert, BYttbißfa Symptoms, Sciatica 'or Lumbego,—aud Macaws. analog from an inimßeiout nee of Mercury Ae,- Litea or Dropsy, Expissero ar Imprudence t o Life; Alpo—Chronic Costa unless! Disordem, rfire. This medicine has seentred ri very, extended and established reputation wherever it has nests used,' based entirely on its own meritai which superior' efficacy has alone seaward. 1 11. e unfortunate vletim of hereditari'disearo, with swollen glands, eontrse tut ainews and lanes half thrives, his beta maimed to ' health and vigor. The hcrofulees patient, catered with ulcers, loathsome te'lervielf on his attendimix. has 'been snide whole..; Headrests at persons, who Sod gratned hopeleanY for yews! ender sum , glandular dtsorders chronic, rhmatism, and gummy other complaints springing front ,derangement of therseeretive organs and•me eireelatlon, have been nuagd as it were nom thd rock of 'disease, and now, with' regenerated constitittion, gladly testify to the • efficacy of thus inestimable preperation. "TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION" The elletittOn of thareader ia milted to the following ester:hitting cure, effected by Om use of Sands , Sarsa parilla • -• • This lam certiftthat Ilave a colored woman who • hat been 'flirted for the last five year. with Scrofula, and all the remedies I awl bail na tifirct to 'unesting, Ma progress of the complaiut; on the ontmry, she • eanahindy grew war.; rod after expending hetweea 570 and:6,l wick plusltsaus, besidesusing other Mader remedies. without incise...till dine as. had oaten away the mailings or her nose, made in ars. Preface on the parts Oilier lady and sall V eoesme, e d its re , neee in the Mt Of b eet oa th ht this dremlfel sitoriunt, with the prospect death moms her irt Mcface, I 'hued hereest to Or Disoewe. L. meent for Sando Sarsaparilla In New berme C, by Wee., I ems' advised to use that ample alto to my surptlite and thtit of guy unghbors,to whose her epee was /mown, after .ositig four earl a halt :tea she was remitted to perfect health. and that In the wepace of three wee/eats was a bla tv Wore in two from the Ilene Ms conuneneed taking IL "hi witerfor at the truth:of MU. mat:nom. I hate !eremite aritseriray seam, thislath Maio(September, 1E47, JOSEPH hIeCOTTFA 4 . P. ` • .Mouth of Neese: River, Garen so. N.C. -SOE ROT. ' • The fallowing Is an R co nt ent fiv A e! a letter received from Mrs. Dem, woo had horn isfEictedceaeraf yes with berofelosa Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Ac., yd mccatlY an eduction of the threat end chest . 11attestatas, Vs Dee. “Slesna. A. Dr& n an o —l ie f , e I Ciellnifilietd acing your Sttriapazilie, were shawl f eat expression; my ltrolit nompictelylacer a ied, hid dreaded elf.l..end. there were .requently weeks together Mat •ould nal epees aboves whit- Per, and besides, We .'llaincentioa from my throat ex tended IA 'hly teed, ri that tcylleanei; was very mu c h impaired. Alter manse me Burtspan.laa Plant time, tay health was ingaosid, and my throat terow wel4 Rill as free Nen conch nun lightne.a ofl,Leef . ever I wan, cell COO peer cone has been well allot three months, the mete o r e .0,,g ph The asa, year friend , r o o n l i y o b t y oL oL ll , l ll : ;c o s s ..h e o oß. f a r • parrila,is Irctu the Rev Luther Wt . :gbh aged y ears, '(1005 gauonal Afiister, rx:dire et Woburn'. •W oticah , hfa,filarch, IA "Mecca. Send Gent: Melt—Pram what I h av e eX• penceecd, and from the information him Tete/Illy received fr om a narrater of persons of high respect's. bility whs. have used your Sarsaparilla, hate not the feast doubt but that it is a mon valuable Medici., and that the numerous cerd [matte Van'have - received of its ;Pettey am fatly nurtained.Ly experispee, and although its reputation and aunty are very ttonfive, and .and inn a need of toy humble slams to mere.* . them, I tweet el/Who are afflicted by 'dime,: to ht .-come aces:anted with the sTrcacy and power of your rtilliithle medicine. , ' . l am, getidemen, gratefelly and very rerpectfisfy years. I.UTDER WRIGHT", Prepered and geld, wholesale and mind. by A. B. As D. SANDS. Drer,gists ar.4 Chemists, ill, Fulton street, Cameral Willhan, New Vora: Soft! 11,43 61 Drug gists general/ y thro eghoct the Vnittd States and Can adm Pruner per twale; cia toirzleo for SO. • For sale by WI LW Jr., If.a.FAILNI:nSTOCIC A CO.; and EDWARD FENDERICH, PrtLbutyh. AM to, by Dr. &BUM& (aplia•vikwl Otrict. ~. ~ a MEMZEI MEDICAL. ".. R. 14.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers