.. 1110 1!EtittPORBINGI.AiNki...-21, iktso. . . Amiesizei sib wiwau. ibrrevery ... bea m...b. : l re I r. lan t 7 bil l e i trba bud ely,.. *m LdttaU 11,1.1101 y be eb b arged eta oder se eel; • D. Aautsa Is Arm. 4st _lila piper at semal 01.1.0.. us Bow. . Roset, nasatlpills; tad *ass. sad la waked:cod • meth, • siMFripilarts BaranionzAbsartptio,ssmiadmth.a.. nags far did paper received awl for wasisd tree or ta-cmaix.: Orarrre.—Ativersiorwenta *mulabler=w ai , far tins paper, will be received tad • ted *Mee. . ..• • Cr rsdawaliartd -7 Fraitni draws —,ldvertittc dams sad wibeedpdema to da . Nona Monte. and Dolled Btedssabutte, Pldladdpida, reedrrd aPS Wr • Warded from did wive. CoarcascuaLwc•—eubserlpilona cer from kab Med paper, win be received and forward , tit Oda • ,Aattataionio and Whig Nosiiilastions. ros man man =maim. TSION . 4IIII X. 1101i1r12. asc to basjOl, TEIZIT 11127 allmrtak 'IIIARBA'S.PIIIIINT. IARIES CAROTHERS, o ••IgNIBLY, 31010/IN ROBERTSON, Ptstnis. -T. J. RIGHAM, Lows Claaf. O. WALKER. Riastm.A. 'JOHN IPCLOSIZEY, ReiSama Jiff& Ikurirdaa. • _ saeamuo noon C. rupizaul, pi&btu s k. illiraCOMZ POTLE. NOM Agate. • Am?" wu. rimer, L..", I. cult. D re CODIMNEY. Oki. splits /Orr FADE FOE LOCAL MATTER! %Iteacurato suvvAl, TM reader will learn from Ma lemer of .9ooim" dir t aomi caer - turn 4nilfying"Wes. Osr h . that slug Haase of. ReptOrmormiiroo. roloM3- ad as cara mairpopeit sasemugyth . riwoniaar it[ efisiaetiee - ertequin , iiieteLieeJethe 4 ftwestary of the Trawl. Afterqating pawed the onolueloa, itnedmidered it, and threw , it an, es If islomed dam attifounded cusitteioni ionniga• lid by ware weprieedpted danoveptte, The Hotta, is this set paid lb' highest ponnitda:r hir. Itatedith, sad *iodic:ad tam frceOUl blume be , fare Ihe 'rho!' cematsv His sminitie . charicter is proof opting do tealqrrwl! ,avy orpolitical mother lunar of mime* ie, . 0 0 noble "' l ' d iambi 'ha President in relation to New Merieo. - 2beitonem old soldier, with that &nate wow of ;jutice and honor wine' h has marked every public act of MON has resolved that Tem 'Minot be permuted to take rIISONIIOI2 ofa ny p ort k oa . a New Maxim; nnlil Cougresser theSepremeVetutgives 'it to het., end that the feeble Populatlett of the New afwelests Waiteryalnllbeptoteeted by the ittma of She tains, The gibed& country will ihank me President for ilris :table detenribsiiion. We are glad So see Os Home stotaininst =di Peen' *tit in thtnease. - .4n:solution of torten offered by Mr. Sandman, alines*, wan rejected; and the ?mai dent left to pursue Ma wise unmolested. ..Tom Gond tannuterial lexhsalttera to be held tree Loodsro, lgnl. Our readers hare been informed; foot time to lime, that a Grand Industrial Exhibition is to be be din London, is the year 1851, at whin contrib. mars from every part of the world are to be admit- " : r tad, oder amain zestricsions. On of the roles adopted for admission of objects intended to be ex . bibbed, by the Royal Commissioners, is, that they aball Ant be submitted to, and approved by • wo od eathrony at commission of the oniony from which they shall be brought, and that no other will be recognized as a central authority, except sun se shall have been so certified by the Government of the century inwhich oats. Mr: Bulwer, the British Minister, having notified Mr. Clayton of this rule, , that geutlectun, le' order that Amnion Minty and lute might be enabled to appear lathe plice allotted to then in the cchibi - Woo, wed Nationst &dinar, which is Or*, iscorptitated by Ccagressi and Is habit*. ally engaged tor. - marten partaking, to the arts and - sciences, triads Initiative in amoitoting such central authority: . ' The communication of Mr. Claythallsong ben Said beer& the Janne; a select committee was - raised to take it into tonsideredion, - which resulted yo thefollosrl a 6 uniutimoto action, , Rooted, That the hunitute will take action On] the subject submitted to it by the Lepartment of • Easel, That the Institute do now proceed to Coostitote a mazoninee suitable to be recognized by the Goonameed to hold Correencennee With she British Cononenceers, and tonsure the moon tea of American prodoonis at the proposed In dustrial exhibited in London. - Itodved,-That a committee of 'not lees than einteen be eppointal, to constitute a central COM WOOS on the Indotriel Exhibition,d to carter pond with societies and local come= through rat the Caned Sales. Roolved, That the President of this lamina be a member of the central committee. Resolved; That the Corresponding' Secretary nommunicate to the Secretary of a copy of she foregoing resolution, together with the names of the =nal conunntee. The (Wowing are the names of the members of the central nominee appointed in accordance with the fonwoing SOO:IMO= =are Fillmore, Vice President of the U. il, and ex oficio Chsticellor of the Exigent" of the Smithsonian lestitutice. . Colonel NUR Force, President of the National In. • elknts. ' H. James A Pearce,. U S Senate, member of Inc Board of Repeals of the Smithsonian In. ntution. Non. Levi Woodboryld N I. Ansciate Junco of Court of the Supreme in U ti Ocomodere Lewis Warnmum, U 5 N, M N I, 'Chief din Bu ean of Ordnance end Hydrogw. Prof. Joey& Rot , Vice Presideati of the N I, Secretor of the inn Institution. Prof. tilf. R. Jobsoce, Corresponding Secretary of the Nat West Institute. Prof. Aktirsder D. Beebe, Si N I, member of the Board of Regents dale Smithsonian lostitinin, c=sinvendent of the Cout Survey: Choirs Wilkes, if S N. M N I, late • Contrundo 5 S Explosive Expedition. Hon. William Pi'. Senn, M N I,Mayor of Wash. int= lion. JeScrson Davie, U 9 Senate, member of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian inn. aim. Lieutenant Mathew P. Maury, IT S N, Vice Prot dent at the National Institnut, and Superintendent stale Nation., Obserratory. James Gweeotwb, Ear., by N I. Charles F. Stanbory, Esq., Recording finn a n of the National Inotme. _ Cot. J J Abort, hi N Chief of the Topographical Barren CAlLJouepb G. Toners, Vin President N I, Chief Engineer U S A. Thomas Enr-nk, Esq., Commissioner of Patents. NNiam Ruby, EN. ? Treasurer National • Leonid D. Gele, M Ll, MN I, &saner of P at- ' enter Joseph G Kennedy, M N Superintendent of . Rua C Seetnan;F•q., N • Thelst Fiteeedino having been conimuniand to the Secrouy of State, were appnrred, and "Ka. municated to Mr. Bulerer, the central authority required has thus hen duly eimatined. Oo the 13th of June this central committee for the MOM Sates met in the room of the ;retinal Janne, and wee called to order by'Pror. W. IL Johnson, re whose motion Col. Peto Force bras called to the chair, and Chan F. Simsbury dunes Secretary of the mating. ma temporary organization having been au n t. ed, the ecernittee proceeded to orpnise pole. IsenUyby the appointment of the Hoe. Millard Fill more, Vies President of the Milted States, cat,. masa, and Prof. Walter R. Johnum Secretary. • A full disunion was then lied as the object foe which the Committee was constituted, linen Ex tent/lee Cotentin, onnisiing of Ave persons, was appointed to take all - neeeseary nips to awry out the views of the general Committee geielemen constitute the Eocene. Con:nines Pen Force; Prof Natter ft . Lehedoe, Prof. Joseph Reny, J. C. G., Remedy, ."Sp., Chip. Chula ' The Cowed Ardierfry for ; the United Slates is thn now prey** its beeineee, and es the time of ettellring artloleibtliciilis"t is limited to the period Pestesleno I ‘ , *ad the le a march .mcp, 13 20titiOiSt Oa the _ Part if Insajt.Cti, ,? . forward objects fur the s i .s ..F.ri.ble. Several or the In. nit of the Gaited States' C:Yea!ready fine r. -orair desire to aid ie pro. axt i as , t h a df , .e Nomad Jruegi gen . oar nedenincfa lbw iititio of all Pam of ,Ib* accary la s give charaen , and leteresontheAtariOth\t , ?a"d• • - `Venn that !IP , --i' -era of Pilliburgh, the Ehaiagtrain of - .&&... 1 1 . , '. 1 11.Per4.4**f1tad " Chtaka.. whiob.Wla rya m oat ninufi• Oonveotick: , - " ""'"81Ons, CM:lade:TS: nr Oi t liendals desirous is. to nolo 1 0 4,itiordi air to receividrifortetticre, ere nswintsd!O theirinteneaudeetions to J. C. G. may, Esti. nary 4.. Ai • Emotive ‘VoiMilisse% 7...77-',7 , -,Y; r-: -,.. ..:',.i.M ar ..e.:.-•. ,-, ! i- , ..: ii;r•f",‘,''':-. , 4 - - - '...''. - 'l''-, i . j;'" • t.'..-1 - I,j'., .:'..-":.j..'.....,., - 2 . 1.: ~ ~,;, ... ~.„.,.. . . ... . . ~ . • • • • TwanatanikNetir liesteri.; . 4wnistiendinto Pot oteseitraktruntua • '.. _There is a meat intense lease or anxiety in I PiW i w.t.stsimwroar. the Northern States, that Texas shall eel be Pere 1 Wan canon duce IS, 15:03. witted to ` take PoWeitaidon of el& jiCATICTI Ot New:aneutteff Iggssotera on the Compromise withuot the authority of a law or jedleial D u' P re b ehire Purreerke, bat Long toe.. etgasolly rebored —, Oar Fo r or the general.governmeeL A bar of i b ::::::ebreure ffd an d the michietridn of , Tozoi; big lovonito- sign. itelaltleas—Admlrebl e condition to look with kayoing...* So' comp/mite bill of o r . • Sciaii.,..Thei were Ulm .As -important private meeting of Senators woe Preekllete4 Aga. O r i lb f w ift a l t o- e "._ 1 6cla :bald 1111 indip!nitrelative to the Compromise MIL President tiatike Would teethe POwerorths Sue-k wastalleeded by neatly all supposed to be Cs. receubja to lie . passage of th at manure. The ion lntaet . hush ) baler .defleuro of the °mulled, Point • Which chiefly dittoed aeration was the area bad: ?Any* not valleiently 14,Po:elated I time whoutba vote could be taken; br it eat the heruiratile chancier, and entire freed= from held to be particulatly deAnble that the subject seClkleld bits, of I Geo. Taylor. Amon these ahould be disposed of ou or before Thursday nem, paean:swan the editor of the New York. Tamne, when It had been agreed to adjourn over to t h e who ku appealed to be wet' Pmled l 7 hie die following Monday. But it wee fatted that mit all;_e're "le .. compromiser nod his Ware fer New could not be done, and it was admitted that it Iliiiia;1 1 " the . Preideltr aplau thradd prevail. In would be mkt' to auempt to Lice an earlier his paper of last Wednesday, however,' he shows decisional the question than the cod of next week. that hat doitbit belle Eden attddenlyreaolved. At it is altogether probable then that the berth of Jo the choke of a long 'article connantieg on the pal- ly will And the Senate sell in labor with the off. icy or:dos Prialdtint, In tegiud to 'New Maximo. spring of a wren months! guatian. Upon 44e. and expressiaggintat aiprehention fir Maluku of wag the hat of Senators, Mr. Clay camel° the that tertimey,and double of, the adtukbaration, condition' that the bill would pose by four motor the; klbwiog postscript is appended. ity,Mitty two to twenty eight. Mr. Clay. before A r eetscimpt—bastortitat t be came to this estimate, espies/ad the position but Alms the above , wee In type , we received.lwe of every Senator whose position 'has been auntie. evening, tbelisportast in t elligence (Ma Tex. doub t fu l , that It is robabl as Neighbors tau returned from New Meal- p y as accurate and , rA wi th • very , desrat hli right w, wisgiog MAMA a calculation of the chances that we shill the useful intelligence that he hat been unable to have before bayou and nave are actually before organize the courtly of Santa Pe, by MAMA us he up) of the inteeerence of the U.S. military there, and that CoUifunms, in, pursuance r(,[ - eJbr an Ins from Iffothisigeorr,loeirieid o eaUfar a MO vinntersjaapsopte of Nflr AftdoWtO *we &A/I. TA Eh - as, Aby (now pas) and loan a Stan Corturrarzon ! And there is no doubter the ready obedience of the New Mexican totidi call. This is ellogether the most Important and pall. tying news we' have received for a lacy Tres, though we long, impuieatly, and be a ti d , confidently, expected put such %deices, we can. not yet reconelk them. with the drift of Oen.Tay. lot's newSpeelal ,hlesiage above quoted from— but we are very ready to waive that. lithe Ad wheat' ration is at last fairly, fogy, openlynomnali ted to the ledependenee of New'hlexlao and the maintenance of her tenitarial Integrity, we are with tt keut and soul.' Mteh precious time had been lost, bet by trahlaten, energy and determi nation all may be, repined.' There *ill of course be anew CA 'oa the President kw information, and We bale for an answer very different In tone and bearieg Gam that of Monday. , t When Boom', look out for hurricanes fit Coo. Vent! All we have yet bad are nothing to them, If what OS. Monroe is reported to have done is avowed and. jastifed by the President, tho edit. yoroe between like and the last remnant of the, Slavery Propaganda will .beeropkte. We wait with intereschat ao beget with (ear, the dove!. opmestsoftheenmilegmenth. The sky brightens! Resolce friends of freedom! and press onward! . , Unman Swan o.llo6llTrum rx Etutorm—A Lon• dim marrespondentiof the .fourtuil of Commerce, in speaking of Americansecurities, sap, it is vary difficult to obtain the regular- bueiness prices, no there is no regular 1 4Mrd. of brokers at which 11 4 , Y are dealt in.. Althobghoccasionally rfithlt in s iy . e. membe r s of th:a Loddon' Stock Eschenge, yet it is rare that the traniactions are effected actually Within the building. , Price currents are merely nominal priries; and it rarely bappeas that more than a on stock - - is in v 'sis at a time . 'When a loan is effected. it taken . ' lead and ketr It, tothe ex clusion of all oth for many months. 44 peen FS the price of United Stelae 6 per ciao were quoted at p 33, the English erased to bef;then the French ILA' Dutch came aAd bought largely in the aggre• gate; though, as raises' Dutch were concerned, the order,, though many, teem small, my for 1,000 or RAM at a timer The latter purchate'empon bonds of 1.,21261. each almost eacittlively, whir bus been the calm*. of the increased demand for Lis description of stock. The correspodent adds: i "Bonds of 1,000 '.mecktureialeible the moment the letters 'arc opined which contain them, but beads of 2,000 and 2,000 sad 0,000 are a dead letter, and can only be saki by special negotiation. Even certificates are most ealeable in amounts of 1,000 each. - While the dieturtnuwes on Me continent corium:a, mid therefore the largest purchasers are from them; it would be wise of remitters to send no other bonds than of, 1,600 each. .1a Arnett rdarn them is finis or no inquiry for Ueltea Sates bonds, and An Paris nose at all, sad yet the London Market isitusuoned by marsh= Mese chtts, and it there bonds are sent from Loa. doe to eldest of these cities, the chances arc sea to tee domghey come back nesokl. . The main- cause of this i 3 that the orders to United Same[ beads come directly from wiles arboiinteed to became permanent holders, even thou& the price in Landon may be at 120 per In .France; Veiled Sams bonds am bought Gar nicety, while the - steady investing Germans, who bay • tittle d every Mae, bare /men, and left! be, the best castanets for there bonds. Should the city of Paris again become the thee• tre of bloW..d, rainy or her entrees will Ay to Amelia, with Mesit bonds in their pockets, anti it will not be newish* if some. tithe cocoons are nerpreserned moll long over Mite, the bottler, pre ferring to tee them its a sort of savage bank, from which they tin dinar their itccumolations at • coo ment'a noticn,though without a compound is Alleeway City Bonds 111 . 0 ruble Incteaeing ia wale* la the eatd.. Seem WO quoted la Philedel p►le, to late does, at YO:. Menem of MOO has bees mainlined by tto latioduw /.oftdildi in aid of &a fend of dm Aloe I. can COILIIillie„n The Whig. Party WUlBsrt.ln Me Pre. Ideal. • WHIG MEETING AT SALEM, MASS. The Whigs Of Selena bad en enthusiastic meet. ing lasi Thuisulay night, for the purpose of expres sing their firm and undiminished confidence in the wildcm and patribtiam of Pnasident Tayboe, as en. hibitedin the manner in winch he has discharged do duties to wlaieb ha, was called by the rotas of the American People. The meeting am crowded and the response gWen to the sentiments advanced in the speeches and resolutions woo whale welled and hearty. The following are a part of the reso. Imions Whirh met the nnanimous approval of the meeting: Res°lva, That the People of Maseachusetts have =Used, with constant malefaction and profound ap. prltval, the course of,President TAYLOR in the high oDesto which them electoral gull - reges contributed to elevate him; and have observed with admira tion that as ormasideiations of humanity wen pees. eat !odd. mind" IR me hour of tattle, so he hes preserved a serene and impeaurable good will to. wards all parties and all sections of hie country men in the midst of the factious, sectional, and un scrupulous extrensitles of violence with which his administration of The Government, and the Gov ernment itself, have Gear, Hasolra, That th 4 Whig party is determined. with entire unanirmty, TO SUSTAIN TUE PRESIDENT, and j demands of its representa tive. a Gun and earnest support of his Adminis tration. Remhed, nal his condo zt. of our foutiga reho i ts uc ia,Ltii his declared policy to refinance to the of American Industry, internal latproVe• menu, and all the great fate:awe of the *enemy, have fulfilled the expectations of his eupportera. Rad are justly eppretiated by' he people. In Ms annual menage to Cengreel at the opening of Ita prexantemaioe, be declared to that body that he looked to its"ertedoni and patriotism far the adope thin of a system which may place near Lawn, at hat, On a rare 44 permanent Coulee, end, by due encouragement of manufactures; give a new and inommted ationdus to agriculture, and pro. mote the development of mu vast matinees end the eXtellskin of out oontoleree." , The People also look to Coggrese for the same end, and, In aceordanna with the recommendation of the Prey ' ideal, demand the pimage.'withoutfunher delay, of an adequate Tavel, to arrest the ruins of oar dotnestie manalamuree, to secure the industrial pursuits mid Internal ;resource. of the contary the protection they need, end • Otis lay the ally are and lades Gatuidathee (or the commerce and new. brathm, which it is imong_the first deities 'el a Government embracilig the continent, overspread. leg a hamispbete, wad commanding the shores of the two great oceans: of the globe, to cherish and maintain. Emir ea. That the oeople of allptthies demand the floramtinto admissOn of California to the Union, with her preeelth oustiltstlon, itnemburassed sod midi:hued by tat...Ort with any other measure, whatever;.they. ere jostly indignant that • :State outpace of the enterprising, enereatio and pant lOtte wen of every member of our Conkidersel, fa itshbemy and growth a glorkm mooonteat of the sOirit and autos of oul people, whose constitution • ie a noble offering to the cattle of freedom mid humanity, and which brings such a contribution to the wealth, greatom sod power of the Union, after hiving became:o4lnd warmly welcomed by the Plevideat, has thr moths, been knocking to nu ea the anon of Congtmlo.. The Pim " Di ' mum marriews mots Si OPMD Potawd, Thu It bee now become the dory of all good Mauna and :tree pablett, who approve of the conrs of President Taylor, to whatever mulles they may hantefore have belonged, to ral• ferthwith to th e menu of the incorruptible tow e striu, the plalk sepubninta, and the hottest mas r oralioat fear and witbeet reproach, who hat brought to the chair of Waattlagton the spirit of the . Father of his Country. Let the Porte; rise In their might. - Let them meet nt their . primary asamildies, end reecho through the laud their pledges to him who toms falters led liver ruin to the boor of dango v end path of ?sty, sod who gloriously upholdiag the Moon sod the Feu, DMZ, the flows sod the Pasco of the memo. Dammam rot Bruecrox.—Ths Steubenville CO.) Herald, reports a hist to court, fa WhichJohu gnus moarsied two thousand dollars damages ream John ftw all, utatelmat,6o reinter tip Mr Ms seduction of llatianithae_ Ottalle. eat Mates • yams of nun Michael ,Iceevat of: Eaton, Okla, haaracomund 81.600 damages emit Dr. Wm. R. Wtastos, lot the ',Moan of his daughtat.wilto arm the Doctor's patient onsecoaut ottani het. K. big mad tame butalisrmodi busecoom Wm . coas!suag by comat of the Jak But iu not the prospect of a riontinuanrir at the debate for another fortnight dismal and Only imagine the intonation of man who will in. shit upon gabbling at this period In the azionon, and when the mercury manila at ninety four in the shade ! The procredingenr the Secede this atlernoon, Piave how reitaosatde and well founded rias this "elpectstion of protracted twaddling. Jeffersou champion of the innuine uncompromi sing slavery eatenainnista, as he la tee moat big oted' and disagreeable of that faction, reoirwed the amendment for repealing the Mexican Imre adverse to slavery, and auyotheril that might be found cztlting in the territorice opposed to the claims of the South.. And though the pound cov ered- by the - motion bceu thoroughly gore over repeatedly before, the debate raised on it consumed the whole day, end when the Senate adjourned, promised to occupy at least soother. This noose has been engaged to day In undoing a most discreditable pinion ofyeascrilay's pre. 1 ceedhage, Owtootion of Mr. Sweet:or, of Ohio, a resolution which'ecems to have attracted "- body'. attention, was paned, for raising a select tomminee of five members, with, inanuctlons to Investigate a charge against the &ennui of the Treattu% of having "osed and appropriated" a large MIS of money, take, from a ample. accu mulated unapt the act of 1795, from balances of appropnations DM applied tp ihp specific purposes 'named en the occuiPils of meting thew. This seemed to hays Slipped through without. adios or remark, and when a appeared in the regular repau of yesterday's business, its offen sive tem' excited general disgust and indigoa bon, and a motion to reconsider was made imme diately allertbe meeting of the Howe. Tbe re coili4'efelios prsvailed by a vote of three to ear, and thS retn&ela.r of COP dol 7E" Ind up in the endeavorto giro ttia inquiry somo whet form and direetion, all of *blob failed, and when lb. !loose adjourned, the di:cession dropped, probably new Or tO be renewed. Is it is to be hoped for the edlclSCrg of tbejilouse it never will be. The re mulra of Mr. Mang, of ps, l ppd Mr. Ashcans,. of Massachusena, and other greet man, stowod that this business of bringlog random nod irresponsible chutes is ale noose against high poblui lona. tionaries, has been earned to the est; 'urge of toleration, and that that OW bap bean played out , and will riot soon be tried again. Mt. Mend tla'a pritMa and Official abiractar 1,1 felt sad isitooykdied lobe proof &salmi all Such USattila as this of Sweeffiet, Sod go Ideate only viadicatea its own dignity and self respect in re vetoing its nasty *Rd inconsiderate action. We are happily relieved UlOOl all appn - hensions of a rapture wok erns, on account of the Cab. business. The whole etch. prisoneo, about whom there hu been any discussion, have been released, and in giving them their liberty, Ile Ceban 'nth°. hall hart takes a came obviously dictated by hurasaity and a wand polizp, Now that the Whole matter is settled, we may admit, what la a Cameos, involving the lives of many of our coontrytaen in the tends of an exasperated one. my, it was praline' and patriotic to bald as a se senelfpoint, namely, that the capture of these man by the Bpi:marts was a pet(ectly rustillable act of self defence, though es ultimate thermal of I them was a matter la which lieu <Ma goVcra moot bad light to Interfere as it has done. Bat ffuouglutut the whole of this dlatatbance, the Gsreign policy of the nailed • Utatet as now administered, hes shone faith with resplendent incite—fratacas and vigor In matotain int the twil -1 " I "4"i"..ftheffognunment,have been united with a data SMlalltiol3 to protect with own ciff acne In whatever situation placed, which bay com manded the respect and deferent:re of an Incensed foreign Power, and has proved a• effectual a st. eta loan Alaalla/la to the 4.4VL1 extremity as the Bs. rim Rowans. of a greyest of ancient republiu. Without panegyric it may be sod lbw to ilra. Taylor end Mr. Clayton belongs the bonne of mains one power known, feared, rod admired abroad, la lime of peaer,and car pulse and good filth unwillingly, though gratefully .knowledged. " , Perms bath bar vicioriea, a. well ae war," and this, assuredly, O own of them. Jumws. Wnwinn ton, Jane 19.. U... Clay • Appeal In lhehaly ay {h., cm. yrands•-11•1•y• In both lioul• and "Unto—atop Eleslto—Dllu Lynch alma air. Clay. la the phraseology of change alley, the ne Muket is decidedly. tight. The proceedings m Congress are nothing more than whet has been described by me folly and completely often before. They consist of babble, drivel , twaddle. I have listened to it enttl my ear is weary, and my bean sick. In troth no insufferable are the Ran'us and annoyance which the doses of stale rhetoric that every visit., to either bonne Ia now obliged to swallow, that Igo near either of thorn limb the la ment reductutensoMd slay no foster when I do so than to keep • connected outline of the pylons and—l cannot ny; doings—but of the Refill, and motion. To day Mr. Clay made es impressive appeal to his trends In the Senate, sad, tor that matter, to the oppocents of his measure as well, is behalf of his bill. lie mad he had beim compclledto aban don the hope of intmedale action, and he nuked with deep regret the disposition to embarrass the progress of the bill with nomeroue llmendmentr, of which them were no leas dim Ice pi/adios while he was speaking. Bat he trotted test the dual vacation would be takes/ on Thorsday week itextAnd that • radon wordd be Mad. to get through with all propositions to amend by to morrow night in °Martha( the smalltime four days of Legislation might b• devoted to those someeleg tip of aria. manta which several Senators had •000nnecd It ea their Intentioa to MAO. Unexpectedly distan as, this day of proposed action 1. , I very much doubt whether Mr. Clay's {Ait will be gratified by adhering to the understanding which met with PO &rent thud/Yuma the chamber, and distee I as it IN It is alto% certain that the action of the So nata wilt cot be Relicipatcd by that of the Come, the In that body the obstacles to proems to any particular course alley/dation am mare Demerols than ever fa the Senate. The half of this weep. for exmoVe, has beau waxed in trifling, some 01 It much wane than silly and hamlets. It u pen featly reasonable to presume that the rest of it will go in the tame way. Next week we will have several special orders, which will sullice to can. tome nearly If not quite the whole of It. Ooe of . these Is the Gelphln allowance, which Isom down for next Tuesday, and will certainly require •ser est days of discussion. Another lathe Lbws con tested election cue, which la one of the most In. Uinta and &Resit Mai has azimut for mecy yeas. This, also,Will bear herd Upon the time uses. The President talks calmly sod cheerfully about the mate of publio affairs. HIS assures northern members, and la no doubt equally explicit with acerthemers when they ehooso to converse with him upon the 'taiga, that Texas Is not going to del pwraemion at New Mexico nolem decided by Casuals or rho Supreme ponti to lie entitled to It. Heals, moreover, that royeral additional computes of troops aro to be lent to the — tarritory the the protectlOn, of the inhabitants agathst the Indians. ThisrAill be good news for the onfortu- Aaletrairldikicens, who hard &len the mosratt sleeted people since annexation, that the . ann ever thou upon. A Imp compromise cake toieleen sant to Mr. Carla tho gdstititation of the +czarina triends or. his projeet.the hose ilds, broom awl booked passengers in tLe ornsibts. There will be some acnesemest over theeuning ark- One of the Mumma of the federal metropolLe this present wiitMy M hales Anne fdrook,• iy forty of some imputation., aft: Cmy - wvia . irtbant at the semi weekly open concert of the marine baud atthe capital this iiiteigliir.Mlet did the veteran and venerable statesmen appear in better health, and more endeared to the mph, than at. this time. Arran's IN T►zu.—Advice here bees rocs wed from Galveston to the 7th teat.. ' • The Branham Star says that icier since 100 have !ha muftis for the .crepte been so 'booty . In Texas u at present. However. it re said,the sugar and corn crops on Oyster Creek and the Lower-Brazos are said to be eery prong' In epite of the cold and wet weather. The Trinity river, it Is stated, has fallaa so low that • large =lout of government atoms. whieb were is be scot op it, has now to be dapped ter the Brazos Lieut. Mechlin arrived in San Antonio on the 20th attain= El Paso del Nana, haying made the triple twenty six days. The road la In Xne ohs dltion. Major Neighbors encountered sten" op. pcnition to the minion to Banta Fe. The Southwestern American sari that it Is cent puled that 2,000 ulnae haze bane addeid to the uricoltural force of Wenhington costal 10 - the last twelve months. • The San Antonia Ledgei,.of May 23.1.!a1iya . We learn by espres• trod Faris Pau, or am Pin that a tight occurred won the Indians is Ike country above the Lama Station. A party of 1., S. Drsgoons was seat out to pursuit of this Indians,. under the command of Capt. Aterthant,. who la the attack was shot through the jaw, and badly wounded, though not dangerously. laterpapers hien Tease give an acoountof a fight in Tixn between Capt. Ford's Rutile and • Party of Cartaitche Indiana. and of the Indians went killed, arca nounsled, and ono Pap co prisoner. The light °enured ow the 24th nib five miles trot. Corpus Christi, this Indians, number, the rangers 20. Capt. F. orderid a charge. The Indiana fought deapennily,resieting every loch of ground. The rangers win pm there 1.0 flight, bat not without the karat ono man killed and another wouided. though altgbtly: Wm. G.llesple, the Individual killed, 11 • cousin of the gaud Gillespie who tell at the storming. cd Monterey. The ladle. prisoner Wiles that • large force of bullies, numbering 650 had lett their &menthe mune time his party did for the pombee of meting • campaign upon the Setnementearral• ai . derf es thii moon. Major Neighbors lOW relined wilt ant tiol able to 21121 his companion. Itnatmaa Dmosoa Cawa—A fin/nab& yapai i on a petition for divorce win made la taw 001. aauicat LegisLiturooo Saluda,. The Om:Wm et►acc► S. aetalled by the ahatrialin of lb► cam mince was as follow►: The petitioner was monied at the ago or 24.-- She cote ■ respemoble and totethoont.Tolll4 dy, but OWITg to mme peculiar citenatslonces, bee mica became otleotad, bat not to aboJtats Moans ay, hot she was to • distramod state , and la ttds condition come to New Hoven 012 a visit to bat. sister. At thin lime she bpeame acgualated VIM ,hir tinabged who is a petered mac, WWWilh the *Ph' clot a calmed amain, who .Was anP 10 7 0 4.11 her In Washing. Her husband bad cave, mope., ant the match nor had .be; bet one evening the was limited to the hoose of her wuh woman, aid there found a company aseemblad, and ahe was Informed .be bad been published, and that thole mutant had come to Rae her mimed. Bb• cons sealed, and the cerement , was performed by • eolomd clergyman. Her husband than carried her to New York.aug placed her among esimencet that van very din. gret Ode to bet. Hp went toSalifttrula game conatha ago, hut ha. moonily calcined. She has tecevered from net hallucination, and icoki upon her husband with disgust and horror. lie had received bet now tree of her application for dleoroo,but del not age, pear in oppontien. The Cotton Factory belonging to Abe -Mobile :t 'oar:tiring company - is rapidly progresaing, The eepitai stoph is 5100400. The buildings are drog eodtrindolitottet *pit gra to Its oscapt. ed by 176 . 100m5 t-i , i 4 carding truichinee, and AGM spindle, The motive power consistent two en elm. 01 T.l home power leech. The Mill wilt em= ploy Mt operatives, and ',make *bola 6,000 yards orwide sheeting per day. Dsayn ream Brress - mton.=-.A. colored min, mined David Banon, lately tsisitlinit near iletuni. ter, in 'toward Lhatriet, AIJ., died on thlk Ist tom— .opet_St!ln.:.;,:i4,l•COlt- sinoiint of plestil havitig seenwtgated abut throat from 'Deere cold,. he sal his wlfe..,oooltaistl fio?: in him, and that somebody. bad. utriek ed" him.' A raveshy 'Taiwan - teller. in Belli mare, eonfirming the idea, OD OM Rat allossed to nee bim, and he ; taking no nourishment, thtaily 4iria Lady Franklin pais etypeadil alauett Om last Zeta Dent 41. bet lcinono, in twine out,tm espedttion a bout to tad from Aberdeen in smelt of her Ica huttond The 13wort Post mentions iv proof ofbe t pro. gross of phooogrgptiy, that a lopy boy oot omit Tolls Andrei , Japkron. &Ira , . Mr, Parlington's Awn is of °pinta) that ihit first families of Bonon would not. raid Maw dud Eve Wen theycould ascertain h i athadiai of arictiah —St. lams Rirtills. The "first farnilict." would Asia more gratifica Jon in iraeing !be podivro of altior Feogle't 99 oe.-Kusilatua4Cr OWn.—Ltortax,p44L FOUR Or 'Ent-4 ?dm Arrlmr, orEati3O, Ohio, rrAnntly prrseoied bar a,i4cmisttrif htsba44 with 4 I.llle re.ponsitAlines • , •laNaliate Arrtler,-vould nixoas mace?" n . triortaA. r. -- IT "Sa, „ sind a pornpuous per eorwe, who meet undertook in bully an editor, “do you kn e ow that lake your paper 7" • • "''re no doubt you Joke u, replied The Mau Of the quill, "for heyerol of my. itiepi • ehteihribpr. have deed cotophtiningtatelY about their happui heo. mg.rtuleu in the ihortunlh' The Lyman indl la Woonsocket, Man., ham .lopped operattoos With rho-exception of tbe OrillID; and dressioy departments, watch will taaa few weeks, (inclose out the sleek. Tim mdl grid nin be forted till bong nines will Own upon the trianolarcuriag fp:steel. • The southern pipets ..y that Plealdeal Taylor has recently purchased the spleadid /year planta tion of expt. Fallenoo, collar from New Or. 4, .e.. .a the left bank of the river—pries $17,000. The Geo.& weans. It i. WO, to ababdaq 40u tort pita:cation, tear Hodney, spa commutate hla force on hie new purahase. Santa Anna is still at Canhagena,and seams dia. pobt J to remain there. The Beaton war, ill MilllKl46. aPPLYIIi to bays taken a strong awl .lately ram. LOGAN, WILSON & Co., VD WOOD DT.I4BOVE Hare JIM UCcilts/ liqire additions to their seam STUCK Olt unDWABE, CIMBRIA Imported by late packet. from &tape, and lb woleh Mee mould eiperleilly the attention of p PIC harem, believing their eery even. 41411 stock; and law priers min giro ening satisfaanan. mayittlittelyT Escovaeuic noun ursTaTuTzoso CITIZENS• INSURANCE COMPANY, or Pi tt sb ogrflar e. O. HUSSEY, W. MARRB,Szer. Uffire—No. 41 Water street, Input reanketre of C. fi RANT. - Tlll9 COMPANY Is now prepared to Mean all kinds of risk., on honed, manafaatonee, goods merchandise In store, and atielui vessels, kn. ' An ample goarany for the ability and latearity or the Institution, le afforded In the character of Die renters, who are silleidiens of Piusbargh, well 404 ravorably known tb;thoennuntially for thelrpmdenno,' krorllisetica, and linearity. Dnistrost —C. G. Haney, Nm. Bagalvy, War . lenr liner, Jr., Waller Brynnt, Bash D. &man Instelion, Z. limey, 8. Ilarbsagh, S. M. Bier. ap.lo,n aropeervetateraeo lus DR. G. 0. STP.ARNS, late or Boston, 11plipare414 manutnetu re and set Butes T INTO in whole and pens o! set., upon Siteuon or Annotpherle Ruction Plautiae- Tooter ant COI.CLI to nfl XIMILTIN,Mbete OA one IS 'snored. Mace and ran donee nest door to the Map ore office, Fourth street, Pitttbantb. WFadden.Y. H. Eaton. A 1... tr,riPiatre. wont aritmrtc.—The folly*lnktrOlN tt agent, show. Ch. demand which this Ittedicitut relied otictoror It was intradaseit— yaryebor t Dia. , W/Mboas, NV. ing Co, N. Y, J. Kidd a Co —Yost travel* agent left with ummer, u yaatally of Dr APLatnee Pllle sad Worril Speak, to sell on eotnasission. The Worts Orman Is also told, sod I shoull be plod to ;metre wore, le 0 sell. wen readtly, (od has • vary Watery WWI. Battening worms. if yea can forward we acme, or send too on order to call on your sip= In moraith 14 9. Reynolds,)! dank it will meal with a rapid sale. W H ♦INSWOJITH [l2 - Fat oda by J. KIDD & CO, No SOWood rum ,e 11.1114,8 genic/ or able Vont and Ankle Cottede Ma. Ate—l am denim.. of making known to the public lba gnat efficuyof your PETROLEUM In far own eagle, wbleb was a eaters scald of the foot and angle; upon factoving the stacking, the akin peeled off with it, and left nothiot but the bum infraeri. -1 mrpectad to be laid up all Namur from the elects of Win scald, but ere applied the Petroleum ,haily, by tat an• of a Alumni gloth maturated with it; at Int, Ma application waktatintbi, but in o Vert short gate the pain abated. I had no polo in nos hoar afimirarda Sc .firo days .from It, time of Um applionikmofiks 'Pacoima, I was able to go to work. f take plaamal guying Mese facts for the benedi of oilier antkuerg and eat desirous 'Mat they should be swede plbEen- I would also stab, that I And Immeaste :leaf by the use of the Petroleum, la burns, from Tablas: 1 atirn frequent endow owning to toy badness *Yost dor engine. 1 would recommend it nettle mom prompt teed 1. in remedy for burns I Mee amn known. , : (Signed.) COAT' sneer, 61 " 11 hugh. Ansithor co. Pittsbarghdlitil.lSM t• by germ I . McDowell, 140 Wood areal; E Bcllen, 57 Wood et; D M Cony, ,1111eition oSy U A Mon, allegbeay; Joseph bootless, Alloskaoy; also by We propriolot, E. M. PIER, 11,31 aFY7Cacsl,lll:4a. Sonya In, anta ' , BMW,` _ : Reid& Cprulinu r di. laza* . and Deutlir. bah.** ' tiazitherwooD -Gating's: , Tuck - mufti le Bowed the height of its`besuly— Weitoe de Co's., living horses will'. remain a few days,,,,ffording line nhausenienL Snnwberries are now flyer and derved up fresh from the vines. Ice craws end mhereefresbasents in sbundince. • The •tetmerfidPel.sfete. the , Pitt street finding at Me begistning of each hour, from 9 o'clock A. Ml. until 10 P. M. for 5 cents. , Tickets of culminiact to the gardens 15 emits, rsuleemoble. for the some amount to XralMWCPcnr - lie..turmin•ion ebildten when sosompented by their perents—also to selectlisr. tin. Season tickets furnished by apply Mir to the popranot. Chimed tni_Smsday. J. bIeKAIN. 016 e• of Ohio aged Fotlatl• X. S. Co, Third et• • 1 . 1117110011ia1, Jove 15,1830. • Tut Stockholders of the Ohio aW Seataylmia Sall Seed CoOtpany are hereby notified to pay the Ntth fastaliteat afire dollars per shire, et the office of the Company, as hetatofore, oo or before the soft day ef i fene tem, and the remaitang initaktrats of SS per share, on or before the Slth day of &scheme *seats atouthi mail the whole are paid. jrkihdif' Whf LA RIMSR, Jr., 'Strutter. , 0011. DART, rrivcilliiek Diaslllng Room, in Se;onta Ward, lin Contra unman of Blininavilla Road. Raid • ow Enquire of JOUN WATT . 00 OFFER & TEAS-143 begs Rio co,ireo 75 r chows amnartc li Tise• (loot received' and for sale by JOHN'WoATT & CO' BACON -0 peeks Neer e4des, '9 crave item; 9 cube Sbouldera, received per inceptor Ines Newton, tad for sole, by - JoellAblES ill*Clllsollt &CO, iIapOTABFI-i;lslka of very line quality Gir for sale by J IiCHOONNAKERACO • ley( BACON PAp6R=A few vcssaii heavy and closii, VP suit as is lilted In Cincinnati let paoYlnp tams r Isfl . • J SICIWONMAICER ACO HARIJW,ARY? PAPER, fr om Ado 40 wMrlt of 'oasioss quilfOos, for sale Dy• •;, • • jell IiCiIOONMAICER &CO 41.11 NA RY.SIMID—IO bib for We by • Joi _ J sl o_cAto es aco CAATUR 01L--3 bal. for sale low by ja9l J SCROONMARERA CO VIMUR-111 , 1;bea extra and anyarfine Floar; • at balm calta Roe Floor for Gala by L S WATERMAN & SONS /aft 3' Watar at & em Flynt al - --• J p uACON—Ullt :flea hog rou nd, soiolout, Just Utio' from smokO !moue, for solo by • 1 L. WA' E26IAN i 60NES CILA IO4 SS-414 l_ll • .2.1 •teoned window Riau Mt Ile by 1.8 WATERMAN I SONS ROOMS— titooen,, to MM==l ffl=!VlZEr=l OW good common Suit"; S. 13 WATER/JAN —• BACON—Y 7 B 21: D • MI his Ham% for ale br jel4 • B WATER MAN &SONS • eflOatla OffsQS Or lineelaid fiellata. . • wgo Thorn ' amusing, Jana Van at tilo'elook, el thole-nit. • me, Center of Wood and Fla moats, be sold b Older of • Administrator; of Thome • Wilma, hate 9(nboth township, Unmated. M • ' . Twoeenti rend nuts *Mounting tonality doh; lan promos, payable in In Apra pee penalty,' Ise ill Kin out oflm)blo 111 , Inning a front arta feet, on' FOollti stroat, b ooten Wind sod Smithfield lateens, sag Mendin g nob Ind feet 'to Third .net, illet the property of Joe ph Minn dettesetl. - • • Sale poeittra.l Terms Inate—par fonds. /514 P tiljfittllO,ltheneatet,..- , asi . EIRSOLVTIOSt- '' SILLITin TO auttatillon of T Ter C . ClPTlTintort. 10111=LVED j the Senate d flouts of Renuetati, 4 .„„,.....,..Sonsasweolth of f minim. is Onssla Assembly Sitst, That the •Conaitut oe of the. Cewasotte wenn be ennead ni the inead entail t f the GAS article, ai that it Omit Mid as GAM.. 'I he Judges cf the Somme Guano( the rim Mil Court. of Comm 0 Ma, and of such other Cowls of Retard mere or dell be Milelleheal be In,- act b. Minn la the qualified elector. of the Comm ankh, is tbe wales• frilloinat,te evill The /Min of lo Somme Mutt, hy the qmlifird sleds. of the Camona, wealth at Mgr, the ?madam 4adcat of the most Cente ofCciwom tins,' nod o inch °tin lloirtiof Botord as an to Mall le Mailldbut by lax, acid all other J nee required ' te be beamed ialthe -No, I y ,be qualified Manors of the t'!" - r! . ( ...__ ,t/ 6 " . ., U.. , Illekb Oin an to rosin or %a ee ' -assns: sus MI'S maim Jades of lb. Couris of Comm fine try CM gadded .elmore of the mann reepettintly. TM Jodie. Oil ir Isprenst Ceara Mil bold 'their ale; e '.der the teen of Dm yearn If leey Mall o b g khan tlemehes well, meject to the allocamt Manner p* .Hod Co. Memo= so the fiat elreliael no r.aa..l Hodge. of the went Como of Comm Plets, aid o' nth Mgt Coma elf Kenn as are gestalt be mablehed 4 No and ell mho J w e Seqoirsid he Ni Mean is On leo, tall hold dm dim r Co ,!. t Was of In 'nun, if nry ahall to len been , Ns. sntlt Its' A 150.,. Jody. of the ' Comte of Cowen .;In• nall hold toff edam fa i'm tee of In mare, if My MI! se elseg behave thmeettee sink ott of Mem shall to emeseimemet by the tieteram, 'but Go any reasatoble now, which Mall ace be enkint roans far isepemimme, the Ciontrar MU remove tray of Ilina on the dams of 4 NUN of Mb bribeh pins- Maintain .. 114 iint .rniin shall hike 'plem all Me: Venal Maim of Ode Cominmealla my air T 116:allop nos of etas - niMoint, and Oat- eimatnices - of .n 1 :de Jades Mho **Cho Vi. I. tiro shall enive ni MIMI • ow] 1.1 Utitatse,Stllovrtst, Ides to ins. oMe.,is• Judged shall aseename. The perms who nall ibex •,' Nand J odps.ef OM Saptemollesest dell MU tbeirenten MIA.* Vbs Alt *out far these yearn tans hem mob am Jur ail. ;Mi. an for melee yam, on en for 4f= Jere, to In,. Of sash te• be n o . n NI by M. ehaSearerm moo *Oa the MOM= ea nomend, eat the ye. Ma entitled Ognen, Is the Onmer, dust tie minothweat Ivey be hued is , itoodmor . Omen Tie Nair whom ecamialoa will Mt-aspire MU be. CM( June. drain, Ileum, on theriadke nele Jadgesinno tamale:Nei elua int repire nail Ca Ilts be Oa ClatfJance, aod if two se mare sztessitsious An tune ao Me mat eley, the Anew heating Ono ensu ri n g de by lotwhin din he the Chief Jaen, day minon Milano; by deadiontemano, m o baud., ta iny of PIJII 11614 COirit, Moll be ma Map pieta,* by tip" Chronor, he casein. Ull the Cm AIM Oily Of Iformkr Memento Newel amen oNelim TM Jades. of the Selene Court 999 de INnalreas ef Li Ns merend Onto of Comma Phroanatiested thaw, rase... fn thinemir. Ss tutryasts escpcsakst. to N Lug bY lawn which that/ alt be diminished dung thee en Mumma' Instant but they doll anise or, (mar requisites Moan, ear hen my eel. offal of profit caner MisOoolatommen s el We the ronismsst *Me 0111.1 Cluny sr wry sibs, Mew of Oa, Unite. TM /atm of to Segni. Clie't• dreier their maionues io Mae Mil nide -.able this Comm oweilth; sad the cam 4nelt,dariti their maw. me* is office, Moll none Mane diuretic/ Manny fat 046 they wen mpealoty Mend. J. 5 ' hleCilLitOti T, ap...lite of tho Hem of ileprewntative, V. BEST, Spence of the Mete. • Raul; CUU v *** Uarrobarg, January en.,4,1 W. Puna% Clivf CliCk of 84,1 CA. WWI of tro. et'.l.?Vh.aaaa" I ..,t 4 007 **1 " %tin ••Revalatios Mel. la an araudaaval of Us Calalkov," 7 4 bens %a tuna resolidivo vkb wuvre . . to by a s.•• CPa a ' I " .I=l7 el and t or h I nail ir it , are a c i l w taTrily o of tz . 1 , 11: pnwat era*, aa will appear Wu uka glvra av laal pug, Ibiatialation,aa wa, Thaw voting hoPori. puova of wen, 11. Jam Briults. J.. liraialay • Wiliam A. CUM., Javan.. J. Ilaivia gluon, Thum 8 ' roma, Slum R. rocarb, Chula Pia//ey, Ramat 11. Prick. limy Falluit 4a. W. qvaruri,WidaavJlaalell. bra Hop. Tierollv f irs Jo'tl•. T. Jour. Jurpli Kakr.ebr . Gum. V; b4uVou,l4atvell Mellish% Salm ta Idaho!, Suomi. Nullity Ham A. Illulalulug, F. Pular, Willjam 11. Rader, Doid Ovum Cm./ Mow Raberte.lunatt, Damil Vila.. Paula IL alrellvt a Jain , Wallerouid Wally. But elpealisr—ya. Thaw aultrip staiut to. puma or t W rualuias Dot., Ai/vulva Dims, god • Nays 4. (aim% AGM the NAM% W. PEARSON. Clark. • la nit 11OCIM w ReNlMWtrilres,/ 11.rriabuy. !Welk 11.1140. • 1, Jielt, othi th. thouth Ritro.,' statatian Pisti.ylvasta, debit by wiII:FINS the foto,' IstiErotoluilos, (Ito 10 ist Seaccimlllsoisi IfeattMi ; the How Jciorsal or dm precut utWoo,) tralitiod WM. Islatif • bib. a t. prewar Caudiotios.”— brims tts nam rem:Miou which was syymeil to by • majority i of Me toosclaus oluird a tub 1t.... of It. hat Leeds. lass-oft. haring Ina day emattorod sod Motatticti i wa Mit lay armada) by a majority of dm sumbus Modal i ask ocatiny is a.door. of Ilcremostalitts of Ifostory4l nada, it sia runt autos. as 441 cppou Sy MOM tan,. Oft it tM Soal pony ath. rodattU, folio Mat— Thom malt c is fay. of UM sumoof thoruslatiott Uwe, lot. Arta, John A ll'oms, Woliate lioltor.Ustiort NM J. Bony Clair &MIS. J.n.IW Mot, Jolts it. Boort% Wllnam BMUS, Duiel 0. Bus., Jr.. 8., Thula, Jot= Cutts, llnttyChatch, Jtkin ft. Cosysg,' 11/1/mltr Crillud j Ilmjaiosi 0. Darid, Miksch' J. MIkt."1":„ Th— uwt:rkw`utZ, .‘";:.0"%' fostlwr, Jam!. Stamm, asiojamls F.Wiatt, Imam Othbooty, Thum 4.. Gnu, Jostph Gilltacitimph 0415 y, jsitob naldeaus, (Mow U. OM/ bor.t_ll•ic Jobs Ilullogs, Wi ll iam J. Ilemphill, ist4 d ri m i ll ' a Pi h " J ' e h i 1 w - 7311° 'gating; liobert Rims. itaritaci Isiir:l l ,lmmia Laub', Jonathan o.lclett, A ram Iclioutd, Jame. J. Lucia; ling LW., Joao IL ISITILCuIt, Jobe 1111Tollar.b. Alumalor C. !'Card!, John 'lll.Loutilia, John 111'Leao, N o Mars, Joho Mock Michael Meyers, Jollifts Jotocli t Mediu Jobs D , Muth , Torias,Stoklol 6jootto, Ottani itiellome:Jaroti Moly, Chapin . 0.0M4 John B racket, Jaorph C row.% Junta C. Rut, Jig. B. ranl/soh Ludo Rohrls f towel Johs B. Huhu. 0104 W. Thom* O. &culler. 57a4,./. Snafu*, Blif/r., ISt/lima Babb, wthiam - 4.. Smith, Lhotial Al Baum. Williast N.. Buda Thum C. EMU, Dnid Strwmd, Chstim Mockup, WM C. Tram. Amisaw Wade. Rohn! C. Wilier, Thomas AV•Moo, Sidney B. Walls, lliram A Wink/Ea. Cull ibei;siod John O. ItPC•lsmot, Sulam —Yea fit • Timm ear *fish. t ihs_ paws of Me umilatios A 0gu4141 Ii CorarOlavid .1" cot, - ood Jame. M. Perim - N u r. (Ca it Ott 601 a lb. Journal.) WILLIAM JACK, Cloth. 8.11.1 . 411V1/ Om. TIM AI arch 5 H.'.o A. W. BENEDICT, Osp. Be', or C4menswesltis Secart.r's bb certify that the abort tad romoing to rtrne a I camel toy, of the original resolution, of U. Ootaral An. Nimbly, entitled "Ileoolittioo rolativ• to an asolitoinizat of ho Constititiloo,” at lb. atm mood.. on Ale in dal, offies In testiotary whereof 1 have !tomato rat mp o. 1 head, sad caned to be al/tad the inol of lA. Sam , Mi.; al natality, iltio allatoti day of Jona, Moo Domini oss itiontand moat hotaltadond Arty. L. L. RUSEELl.,Carratat7 tif Canaitiernaidtit 141:dlosi3mbt M=l.l REtr. JOHN DAVIS, from Deland, will reach in th • 'lldst Presbyterian ettimh, (Hay Dr &Mao's) to manor" •winittit, et Eistf pli7l 7 dillock. Twenty Dollars Reward. CI OLD WATCH stoles ea the desk of &esti Phil. va bre C0.,90 Matti Greet, rude by AL y. Tow mLondete GUS Gold Anchor Lever, Gehl DWI sad oon ,13 keit Jewelled The alms rewst4will W given the OW sad "web, or Tea Maws tot • • DROWN, PHILLIJIS er. 00 -A7.tizeru#2,.."l,7l'°}llfr:tll_ and wrco l be Monday the &heel LICILLIgi ‘ t t , F t c y of etreet, mi t eAm of Jolt nun, al ID ddleet, A. 14m which applietrus are re diddled to attend. JOHN it BELL, lettadt Putt a: Zooid of Directors.. ARD-31 hr. Nq 1 Leal; II • do; For see br TVALL PAPER-,Plaln sad PlEsuvl Elwin W U Paper, Ihr sale by W MARSHALL . i~f fb Wad u 70.1 W bIACIEILE4, 7 Go . brio No 3 Ned fin• .&. 1~ lap • JAb= ALLIELL) _ . mpty ardetp, fin , t . aisuniv bat- boat anditge Fil? rm-DALZSLL p R1N7,140 PAPER-I.om. Us book paper 10z1H; /0 do do co 11‘2% sO do do do =ru g ' 1 ICO do news ormd' SI • - - - ''. "103'do• ...-&,*-sa --'• 127 ' Ebi t : .;, .:,•: .... 60.00 ...do .' do 18z4•4 . • i :. . .. 120 do , .do . do 29:13, • , . 10 do Bloc Envelope, 21r1S; • . .. . .10.doLlfoLkno do . SOisk ' . SO do Alsailla do SOVH; .15 do do do . 214* ") do asoont4 ir ti gra pa pasi in slots, for Ws by JOHN H 11 Wood st. BACON -40 thd. prime 8111 n and litlpuldta, in tans, ma far tale by _1.22 • BROWN it JORKPNIVICE i l/ . 1:70 Yep No rar i p p il i sA m Llreu—no. BHOWNb r i olkir i ft Df ,: -, A.00t4-40001be • COIC lb* SWOP: . 1000 Ms tor gale low; to Wore cousin. OHM ANEW, MATTHEWS 44 CO T OAF SUOMI-Ai° hf La...double :dad lone low cafred ( or er4e.d" uucb *IttrALTI leg! Act St Lolls Vtoom Sulu Ittins_A CLARIFIED SOLiAR-100 brio an • me. forsolo by jell ALMES A HUTCHISON It CO D 4(i-75 gra x c Rice teat foi mtle, by •. jati; ' JAMES A nuTemsom &'co MINERAL KS LNERAL WATER CORKS - 7 balii ehors, Inc AV/ Jam o'4l and fat sato . by Fas OIL WINTERGREEN—I can, warrantee nine, ..„Ofar sale clr _..Q E BELLER23 BABBAFRAB-1 cans mail Astaire bf E SELLERS SLOANS COMPLETE FARRIER —4 dot Jest m beiyedlor mills by R E SELLERS • g ll. S .r. TOWNSEND'S LUISAPADI pn y oUse Anlnkrrie gias for We *rot 1l to trod . 11 .44 x z aums. AROMATIC VINEGAR (o ule AV DROP. BARRY'S talcorrunotie. or Meditated 1 Compeer, [sr the Hair, In large bottles at fa eta; fos tele by . nen)...BE sELLERs . ALERATUB-6 tons smitioe in lib lan4 cadre; b on toomigozotat tor Sale by . jeY2 RA FAICSIESTOCF k CO extrafilor ;Tie vl , ler II A PAUXESTOOK nOD LIVEILDIL-400 irdo snits. warranted Osso. y_ .... 11t solo byzjeul B A PASSLIESTUCK CO:, . MI B ESTON'STEXTBAC273-109 dos Loaron,dfssil, JL and Validly for ado by • • ; Artt • B A FAHNFBTOCIL & CO L DUBS= STONR—P casks tarsals by J e rpA_Flylk. co GOODS WOE DEESSICIL MURPIIY R BU R CHFIELD invite tie. &bonbon of tke ladles 42 their extensive etworSaint of Whim Goode for Drones, coattails( of • • . Scotch and Swiss Mlle; • • Signed Swiss do; • • . Embroidered d 0; Yldorfayawcel ta. Priced Barred Jai:tout for =mast dresser. Sae net ledsbsd do; and a luxe stasonsent ot Swim Hugh,,with oolong embroidery; printed Jacketing Lawns, Bemires, ke., at swab east corms of Swink and Masker sauna - THE Cluittlan'a Lin, at panelist's* to * akar at- OIiIIIONSOI /11 Oaf WWII WA* Odd` By the 1111101. of *The Way fdat .k o • - • Belt Calamine Iheanuaarded, or hints to •' Teeth leaving cahoot, Bytom Taylor, unbar or "bimetal History of Eataulienn,•ke. The se sot Pmesisid wridars of John Kai Ir teed by the Cotatutums °reveries Chetah of neodand. The nattrliMi Clichulan,er the Plan Alan* Bum* autelted to Diseare both (had and Evil. By Wur. Sylerd, B. A. • • Latent Chaim:thy. and the • Doctrines et the af word Tf1C.1.00111.111t4 .By /eau Taylor, mine of Pio mud Despoiled o he • • Memorials of the Inundation of ifetboilsm the Ensure awed vocalising , blograpldeal nodule of ita early preacher* • TaeoLald the - Panatle, suns Idatory, from the Oa r• alas oretalar ertnclatedty Rev. Sand Victuteder.„ ♦ Bytlem or Moral PAllecophy, or Quinlan Matte. designed for demesne intwactun.litenty innoo•ofi ad. WB Lem, . inouPloS of itbetptie, designed Br' the tae of abeam By W 8 Limey AD. la and, for ordeal • Jai A /I ENOL1$11• CO .711 Woad sL ri , as HORTICULTURIST, and jittunal of Rural -J. -an sti 0 Rant Tole. Edited la J. Downing. ulnas of . .Landst ape Gardena! vOnline tor Cal -1 tarielteride nee.? "POO' and Frail TTOO Of. Amarb iokall persona alive to Oa improvement of Walt Ofthofilf. Of cowry ,eau-.40 oGitOOJIO PrOthoOl ORIO , fOWfa Orate toll--m oaneryarana nd eantereint gudemen, Ito Jonrnal, giving tea' Idlest dlseoteeles endtroprovernsou. oxperuitenn". and ao. I "Man= lattordonare:endthoo nutlet" altoow. ledge • connected Inca It, vitt be fount tovitlasblisi lu exteaded end reliable torrospoodenea present' rbtr ellorierma of be mat Intel Omit cultivators In Amides; sod die lastroollso and streeablanne row the i t id tee eattor,_ mat* It aleitia 4 , 7 cono t a . ail WOO: Hornestroral Journal: Of Earopsq - dor "Demesne Sorbrabnand Amore to Correspondent, tarnish eopione Ms to MO nosier. In pritdocal caveats{ mobs nanterosi and boaantil iIIMOUIOODS—PIOtO resues, Goanhonma, On Elva ea of firer Frei ta, Shrubs .4 Pi coronae AO render tala one of On cheapest end ti voluble 'works an ember "Ida of atimtne. , , ton e PHI Yobbos of dm Hoinietabotta becans moored ott- Oates ot - Ja1r,1450. all or either of tit 644 v tame* eon be 'applied. Tonto—Three Dollars per ,rear ; palmetto to 6o made la advance, sad inner" to be pos.:pad— , For sate by LartlES 0 LOCKWOOD jat 141 Raab st - S'Oa. eats. . .- . . . A ' NEAT To -o B ica7 Orrrllim Moor, 1:44 NMI II; ii, atoutd to toe ouot deroolklo part of Nok on,. For paracialars,cagolni 461 No 115 hoz suit:. :. _ 1e ,, ,;1 14 * . , oilarrr I 41 Wsour et too for rale by I TIERRIHGH—;p kY tris Mo I kussate by lett C 011," . _ AO TARTAR-4001L Jut recNclas e4a Isf • .; [MD CY) Woad at 10 DOZ Dr Rooms. irtalwarl ealccd cad foLtabt Y ) 1110 ti It CD 0 Air a. .p. mas!adhs tiarfaras . l pyt_by 01% BPIXE LAVENDER—La lb, reced for We by l.aJ KIDD & Of) Anal 011 1 2 ‘lOl4 gerielbe for sale by lett JUDD t =Rh ORANOEI3—T6o Irma loaded in PCii; delphla fDt d team to strive thfa day. for We by WM A blaCl.l.llto a CO ffi Libeny at PROPS—Underwood•silato WTO CAT lionotootured Spur Mtnliberty do; • emsoaxitts do; Carlow dot do; For We by WU A MeCLIJRO it CO __._ • FUSS wokucs AT GELICIONSVOOD r Ou Aiday Erg, Jour 21, a: 81 &clod; P R ZA 4 ll7l4TDValterotisipTii2e" . ;llVero: 4 Mutiuseee, nets; children &compshied by their parents hal(ptierC • • • . The p eeing p No 2, telVe l the Pits t. ing ma the W of,esteh hour. F u parti c ul arssee JettOnlts/ CCM= Til.aut".tdOtr44:" of Flo c tleh l e , l4ers 'ln i t le h JA .agrecahly re Charter, Arirr h aday ' ohe 7 1SW or Jaly, at 11 o'elwa,'A. at the Company , / Oleo, No lot Citeat mu at, Philadelpb la, for perpose of aleoting tdrte Directory to serve It, the ensuing, 71ST, and to 110111r1 such other nearness Si way bee roupla bolero the mewing. By order of the pt widow., • jeNt.dtd W MaKKE„fettelary.' • - Lemma on the History of Barba. 11, the Rev. Henry/Dant, A. M. A Faintly expeoltion of the PenUsteveli, By Her. HMI Blom, A hi. The - Ante Of the ApOwles, - with wow ellAllY en. plairatoryi devasned for Sabbath PeboolTeachertand Panay larinedion. Dy Henry J Ripley, Professor in Newton Theological Inotautat. No Cress, •No Crown; -a Discourse Wowing the Nature and Diaelpt ee of the Holy Chou triadic.— By William Penn.. On hand and ler sale by A H ENOUSH - 4 CO, No.:0 Wood guest TVL Lunn.* Railway Itenerar - n. teethe*, the //Aim art of trneport lla allaaavvaava i and relation, commercial, kneel, and soda I..with an expoeition arils pramiest maim of the railways in operation IA the Coon Kingdom. In the courn e i, tad io AllVeflta. By Dienyttin Lardnar,•D. GL. in. The Hinny of the Con eselenaL Sty John Henry !tontine, A it, Didion tithe Dionne of Pennant Ratner'. New !Nina or blihnaree Gibbon'. De. sine end Pall craw Romeo Empire 6 val.. layentroor Lan —lb. Pest. Present, and Fame et the Itepahlio., By Alphanve De Luanne*. Carlyle@ {altos hay Pamphlets. No VI. Bolden, “Pothainorde No 2 or Lever!, oil* Noveli—The Dalton. O.P. P. B. James' new Novelt—Tbe Old Oat Chen. The above works received thi s day, end for eel.. by join . • JOHNSTON*. BTOCITON Poorest. America., Minnick, and Pool, copy MACILKI2O.. HEDWG—leabtleNot Unto:fel 29 Ws Nog do; AO tole No I Ilerringi Fory JOHN troPAIDEN it CO ieyo nil Cant Basin, Pen et FIILE ISMre Brick, the ask by le • JOHN IdeVADEN lt CO. Cfl i TE--7 , 9 boo W C i ti v r e s T me 4 ll for stras V o IATU&-.-14 at.kaipe sal e bs wi X/ tact' JaiD -r- WINDOW 13148.4—V01 bre ROO • WO bre Int% bre 9x12 13bn ICON; Received ami for rale b y LINES DALZEU • CHIF , bxs per Union L(nr, for inji;by v Di uKrAL us-7e ens us woha rt StlkkES orate Capital b , Met.ottlai Welt. r to Innuanca Company, fat WO by ;- - II I) MC unoluEs i en.. ,1 it? Ims Tnner% tea Wes; 10 each Duca Mallon and Slam bola No 1 Lard In MOTO. far oat. by • Him wore sco rot.J. J: YTSRs oasts ins professional sonless to IM ellitans of Moieties.. toolslalom. . Mica sad rseldssre, for the poseur, it Hosailata, in Alallohisatu, umisslistalp above aite . l.l 8 Yonne tiosplialt Wet:G/OrEit PATENT DIES ':FOR. CUTTING SCREWS.. THESE DIES having been adopted and WWII APP.TOd in oli *hottl , in 'Sew rork and pt,,.,teipni a , are now offered to manufacturers, machinists, ship sunitut,Wc., arittrthe utmost Ceil- A d .t.oll, as the most perfeetraticla in SO.( or =Mt. - TAeie superioniy over any .other Dies, heretofore Wed, - cooks in •;alreir cutting a scar, ',abet., ~...,sQ u A g R tWeadyby 01 , 11 , 35i.ng overige iron to be cut, which require. no .needging or Prftious pre* rafish, n. the diet out the thread our of the solid 'iron, w amid raistriEt ism the neon; b 16 4 Itreaacidonbilty, rap id i ty,and, perfection of work.' and in their .iriiplkity Mut hunt, iinbMit: ant an of order. ==2 rILLADLLPBI.I, 17,1819. : hi. to <lenity , itat w• Pargh" . — a 'MI P. [WA of gee,. his weal Jan fat Oat. Ta r b°l.4. 11 .4 C (421i00,61 Bin it• =Pa - Pa Sa rMufti bolu. Otb.lll , roa are aaviai • atad ante 'tor the w .n a • • • P DLOSBI9 & Olt Pau.sans. /A P k;mt P w owe eclat an La 110148 establishment for the ag el ves mipyik k for ta—e. Do wa ° " 1 . 1 . 1 .17 Impost ratans:mai -them ft( the beg tabus as vs have La all to'kets iwiy they bates Kt far wari.--sanumnia t teas 75 park riot. shis;at Shalt NW other* atm to me. -- wain, Kum ,Z Pena Wads. abs, w earWY that wo two p0r0w,,04 nbetlkbti to tea, oad adopted in oat bestow, P W Cisme Ps; teat Satolir Cu?,a which.% WWI aow.v. a Na, aka dolma! am wort, a= we eau.. u yW im'd.w.tity and preeilika4U mush as wanoWY: labor, wy dies know, ko vuo • . , man% TASKED. t. ! Piraa.ol4/11u,Stit month, With •OswIto& Naar Yana, Avg. Ib, 191p] • • Basins adopted P: W. Oates' aPateasittesh hesss,,. tinx bolts, are (aim pleasure in asytni, tut it mop. ash samara oar expectations, and have Ito bash,. •tion Ia valet ft as oat opinion, that ft fax *legs any other p:sa so present ass fat cattle f bOtt. '• .1 • reccoa 'We base P. W. Game "Patent Dic's.br caning' ecrenre, and the ;zonate, or olds theist la so very considerable, that Ire loot upon tkem ble so•• eanantisiuneni having anyl quality of . MeCOßfelleg, c(IDEri CO, Careaaa, Kay 10,1849. . . 011OLUICI Onncr.,, Wasamerro: . I hare paraktorl of flegvilla. for the Starr% Las mitt mar to all Ohs stosui. sad arma. groan,Wbalt tone, need dam. - 2 cams American fill. . cue* Gamma 0 cue* &An Taradul. for sale by 2.10 . c vcacun westkpiarog, ,nov,sx. Chet tool Muir; 'diet Ferenthatneterialarrapitin oesaral, 1n the namedlate . nnelhity of thexeost 1. ist,tortant pahlla Jrusthationa,.: the best and most faehrottable - Mace. of - !meioses, and the attnellTe pablli equates of timely. - Intba latinntantreetolettee liglthand reetiletints; two, prlneoal objects ahead Lai In thil ettlargehter and iboraugb rprtrra. MPS arible Howe, not eleetdtd, pc' apt, by any estahliabtaant la Areterlia. •To atraagare, there Gxrn. Ine•panttlan' IsprealiatlY'delnible: The_ seb seri ber' returns thank r to 'hit Maid. Bed the panne for U10'1104:721 patronage they hire extended to hire and wenn :host that be will endeavor - to moth it eonuneinee of thnlr levees. - 17E1148$ ' latnotty . • ‘., ICALW BOOS*: lIIBINI 800/Fil t . AT It OLMI34O.I.ITBRARY DEPOT • Ts= thiszr, opposite the Pest Others. N ORVEL lissaievr, 'or, the Esthete its the (Atop, .. . , . . y . The Tito...and end Ons Plantouts. B McKim/es Adventures in , Arries. duvlot a I C.r.r two lout thronsh. *at country. By Najaf W. Cornwattsoe LdltslPs Living:Age. No 63a' Godes, for Joly, pnerrltt 6 Operyese... , .t... Nattsln. do" ' . do. . . ^ - -.'• - ' JOl6- - - - .awarlisfar of Saline. aii,d42.1.!. drIONDUCTED Prof B. Silliman, Prof D, SIM; MIN Jr . and Jamas U. Dam Shrw liamem.Coo mellow. This Journal is Insed Emery two toonMS, In numbers of 1M pates mob, snaking two ammo 7/012.03C, a year, nub with =AMY illosuations. Jt to devoted to orient ankles an , belestee rod the Atm. Comtlensed Venison, or Mamma of Wallin and Discoveries from Porters Pettodlesls , Natter at New Publications, sad a . Genets! Balletbs of reseal, ,the It W arts.- Tke first sortmccontsins SOTeltmes,the law of whioli ism teenral index 10 the alt volousas preesslint. Subscription, $3 • year. to adeanee. . D LUCIEWOOD.Met tor Proprietors; =:1 • . 'IDLY Won, dtado of LinufWeroonl. entoo. r 'Lowlier. of all indult= aott quallti d o,.. Stott ilways on hind, acid for Wa . o 1 ea lowoil mmgatt.l7 prima. Wholesale and Bouil. at Na 88 k 31150 Maas. 9q..Pintaam.rtit4. Whele.ale )11.stfo.iory of TRUMPS. CAI. PST 'BAGS, ka,' Waretoom comma own {Co Troika, of quallnd, at low, prices. • ~ N. fl.—A onlatyLe.fate,Net for entftwo Barn, idleAteo4 • BOOMS 1 1100k11.t mac Life and Coripspoadenee oflboxisis D. D. late Professor of Modern" History of,tbri ilniverslty of Oxford: % By Artaar:P.Bllngenr s 151. First•Antericats adluoo. • , .• • The Goldasi 'Grave; a Choice dada , eve wean& what la e. bailweed. - Ptdedeed. di.ired. t. watch IN added, a gaida to %ha Peattem. .J 4 darner do abaWeltreri Wet% Sod Ike. r 011011trIkithi ratesgar „o(4lebiew /a Nev The Rceonia ot. aCcarditatem 'Ley Raw -Chad Vasa& by yell/ stvusak_h - -"41 U ENGLISH & No It Wood situ bias prima N oSuirefi eaulads . aßrolaases; 0 , 41)1 IicOILLS & ROE BACON - 1 Z ch 7 •rao k ed Shoulders. ' • re twee " do Mee; 29 coOwelt eersd Fiume. for sale by - kr , - • hlefilLL.4 k. ROE 13 11l 401)S11-100dar pouted dcretiptione ferule by oGILLS dr. ROE AB & T4NNE.31.11 , 01L-10 be& TaimetiOil; 93 brio NeTar,Der mai jelq Mc(IILL9 & 808 OAP-450 bi. Not Cincinnati in wore, for n1;17 pir .IsIO ' - _ Melt ROE R OS Ails brio A Nbi eztro Ito r sin of 11444711 att'ithrMigniTßDSlilleir Übe . 2611 Canal Satin. Penn at .. ABU-10" sinks soap maker* , Ash; also, agenda superior, for 'dull, making, all of whieh will be soli low for sash by -WO ' JOHN. hieFADEN & jrll.ll/E.olL—nonleann Saner - fine; I,_p Marseille. do Om ond hf pion: Florence do in flasks, for .ale Loy WAt A nrectuao t CO horsy at 11 "`"" P '"`ggli;11,Verf°11,t11-0, jell/ Libelly littpeL PITCH &TAR-100 brit N C Tar; • & Ile Ells Pile& ea egiusipmen• (WY] . SELLERS & •iICOLEV 110INIA 1 1 / 1 1418-1600 pfE nia aired, buM llama for aate by idELLERsa Nicola 19 . t 3 s 'go H ai " " EP—lll . 30 tesEoaos & do, 20 too D.Macro, do; lot convosued tkof round& teo plolo do LOD] & NICOLE -111 A SCOTIA. HERRING—IS Gds In Corriand .for &ea by IWO) ROBISON, LITTLK CO COPPEjew rlo . i s Aiwa for We ' RAS,A 4 /80N,Lam, I, co In.state. far sale Iry WRON. Ltrnai & CO .CIANVASSED ,HAMS—d enkyin nom for g.le by {, ply . ROBISON, LITT. E On. e'dor, prime ankle. tor tabs by /.19 • RAWSON, LI TTLE 4•CO ILLOW CokCHlto—Oo Wl.lhow MI/mho-16 war -10. superior to Roy brought Into this Market,' oro YEAGER Solt ' 303 Market It. Fffvallrgr4, o- ,4:vat,,TrArPon. J„,„ C YEAGER _ 001"0-ZO open Gtudotyln fanefetoabo, 73stosa do " toddlat do. 67groso ' do side . 44444 Slimooopookoteembolot.aleby SUSPENDERS—g ti tG E /Graft. Z. 30 dim 110 Na IA. 100 d o.Ftercel44o, Assorted; WIG yEAGER _ BIDWEL: .4 CO., PCI ! RWAR DING' 1 11118011 - AATIII, (Setftie.e Parry Post Onra florins tpenttatsetulr located as Oda place, a new 111141 substantial - Wharf Boat, we ant Pee Pared so se stelae and forward promptly to nit Watson the fiver, and Beady and Beaver or Ohio Cunt& • B Co.& filgt•mw. June 15 1860 • AMERICAN HOUBE,' , IFSO Roularß LOWQv,, Praprialloje s Putt.' Nuz.s. Ifn7ldd4v.zur g h , p i . C ENERAI. STAGE OPPICE—Toro Della Was N.. 1 of Steve (or the &stand West; alto Ike liiedfor4 hoses kel)oifto Pea .111/17NT. THE house tow oecepletl by,hieler W Wide.. Abilersoo street, Allegheee City, will 4 slots, &stance of the Head Street Bib be It bee eleven ; tootle, bob house wash house, °artiste hone. &table. Rem, taper annum. Abo, 1"ol solo or rest Pew la the middle aisle of St. Autreuos Caereh, Pittsburgh. j.113:4114. F LOVII--160 NIA H trar . ,kru a r r ihti ve jet. -77 t 79 Diaries a =MM DECEIVED at th e Putabursh Mama, Greta/ and Alo Tea Warehouse:- 6 beanie Rana. Fano. Chularereaa in 9 es peperi• 6 do chalan Potreboott net °_,„,,a l RPM 6 do do do _ - ea 6 6: The &Warr c eleb rued Meek 'Du are facetted dines Dom the Importers, god Inn be sold 'as lota at there call beparebued *a east, telttrdia addiliedi freight, wholesale or ruall b q A ar __ • at:L.I7EOA CD laW 950 Libutp u • • TO 1111.1DIOLL fl A PHYSICIAN wi t h Me t wlhkaa ten— -•-• AM. business, lute Met view etre,. k rar t y: • •• 1 7 Salutsehhe w es., th e g ist . oetieht.. yip /shit. c m ice b ar than the mu. hi . r a wd at the yew Far Amite: Wahiawa, .haeheu aph, Orioll:en.' tta1e,..4.305:01., btb Hating, je b a .% Ida - ' Brawl pm. 12-47 brit m foroho br mum*. HILL •:$4 laym ic - br./. I ,lo,l o4l4_Ml rru re. p t foi Mle tEE2B-C bzx puns In atom for JYT 1.14 STU•AT k BILL nonIECIPATHIC • $1.2 • WM • BUCLURO CO REMIg MMi= PATZIMUI AY R, 147: lies ander the sopervisierl of Al. Departlitlll, I ' i:4lV! rtf l arn f insv di r At, ano found to be 11V17-411Ciellt nod,esaelle , • • TALCUTr., Hot • ;, Br tzaii ti/xi aito.Docita j , Wasamoron.HrPf, tf, Ode f Coluildertoi. Gatos , Patton* Inunerainua; far au thorwenn ou petal bb a • alnablelober, lave, er waborby of the Honorable Setratary ofmtb. Nary, porobased of the toloronTrOf Pstanee,JEW EL gcordle, and lap , the Htht tomato and us. mid iesproreautol for the U. 1. Naum. '1 •,'; •JfKeEPH LOOLTH,HbIer of Hnr.u. In maw* iV0. intro & &Anton. Itennessen No lett Cor 6Wwerstece, N. lit. Non wow!' & tintnw, Sanytilllis-otriy; 'et: .Yotk; - I; • Nogg to Dalnanter..Plarolx," Donnas &Co, New Irons ismsrosd ek Elsossont Work. ; Jinni . Van Caner, Itntwunt:' Non Incord,Now York; r .- Allsar Works,' • den, Pewit & Mornay, dot West Point FWeadn;'` I • Monis Jenks, SI & BrVAdObino. Plllladolphist •A ` - Walwortn & Mason. bosmtrawl New Vat; Lowell hlaohbut shop Lownli t ,., , • .."•••.t !AG • - B,ll* Not 01 n225ri,10 did t pita fr to elk. pti.llB3Bo Not Ido In -.do-t , itterlB - Bnso , llWo Nod do , 8-..d0 • 41, Plow, 6140 er .sden oddicired. to P...W.rrtonsWeldnoSs (dr Hutson. New Yolk. YP . Mantwit l.el. Mine dnishirn and 11 .11.8sorrOttr & berinn'artlears it Dir. and TWor.wfittne itlinott wanninto ,ISt twist tindar . LAMUSEIMENTS ; I :-THE/ TREI Lqui.e tad . ..C & rlrr4R arekt.2 . l4t . " 4 `""'' k.k.ut ?biro w sd Gallery (G tolorell petsons)...' . D4r• open at 71; Cantle; silt via .; 112. BENEFIT OF AUL. . Ontfpndxy,./nzeKsillbspretsawd*i ngt o of 1118 Beyer n mow. .0u10.4.1 NUT'"? To ConeladeWili > ,F.. WEDDING. .‘ Cal ..Tailor 0 1. . . • :-....1116 ./4 .ttiebots 'Neagh Babial'of Seastd..' PITTSBURGH 'IIIIIIIIT k' LECTORS ROOK, , . _ 4i*OLT.O , ..SIALIar—: I / 9 IIIITU ST. OPEN- 10 P. M. Admission to Mu= apl Lactate Lt00t0,24 ems; Itasinrid osaut.l2/ centioltn ,WAIIIIIIITOILERI , I4 - 311M1011; 137. - s - '2lll)*Woad , llll.mreillosbev.‘lllll m . IHJ6T eplerral4 roablohment i 4 .w offered for a Arm. It 14 min-ably - arranged for Cone4r% tr448411biii.446, a!: Per torest r . , JOLLN A Frczelmosa ioopplfa •rnss:dif , Woortst., - . r. 4.lll'4Sit 6 U caettkl bunto; itoDlllth anhleach l / 4 1 do-- '10°61.14411; • Me 64 4 bleached - fain% Winite Cel t be 'pie and 1‘;1 aaie b 4"" ll ' VV. 4 P . 0. t • • Likely affe, ; • • 172 174 Likely IotNNIMIVOIL—oon aids ,brown In - castor 0 ails common Oil, in store +l9 . DOLLEAt,BIertIITI9Ot INtiL,F,IS-40 Kos cons gamma !orals bp-. • jelB.. WILLER - & npriblElLl4.o drama list reed for We by_ •••• • N. MILLER & RlciaLTSOfr. . a /b. :v= ' IU - * **r& Le axon 49 Oa s i s - •' 9* boxes Lerma @yrspotosasfroat faro upbuos Josrreesayel ; las4fot sale by__ ' s iel.9 ; . MILDER k.IIICIET9OI4 - 1-tr 48 " 1 4.4 N° w is i i anz ikunatv w.toze Front 11:13, 0 , nip now on nod, or w . ntB ISAMU DICKt.Y CO' " zi9ENG-2 .4.1 , jets- • • ISAIAH 1/1111( EV /170,f BAO O X -48 cute *() .arks filloablerr d,nowlandina.toal r.s:tir it,_tleu!reggy .pUhlitOlAr PC1131462 4 ,e,70n;5; a iay7clTi>la Physical seaptionaf the Mayen." - tip Alas Teanifaleil trytntiltvalr,l.loui Yost racevreat Wr eala by . . .1) L4111$W001) . ' • ' , ete noaivetler t lamartor. Int ',can]; it? mireourrti • ASPECTS OF NATURF*Traar', A, lased by MO Sabine. 1 vole, Mao. For elite By - telt, -J D 142CE1900/1 BLEACHINO POWDERS-41T mils asd Temp tut 6r role by • , • • •• • t 11.6....PAIIYIESTOCK tt: : Car Find k..Wecot n. • - ------ 1011PIETON t STOCKTON hevejustopesedfaiiere, op the largest sofortatetsul/Peper;tll en Irltealtoi end" Stelistiety ever aired ter tide tbia elm: together with a large oolleeties apaaw.d valaahtelVerteih every depart:solver Literature ; AIJ pub bestbsie ...Jew motet* Meek. - Omar/ .eltham• titteetebit with every .. .stela la City Esti on the meet reesonehhe , ,C.,110104 1 UST reemmo of the Teo Molgret, to Me. IDleo.oo, 4 113 elpeoptftm moldy cht.toeocTedt.--ild 3Pet , ! It ; 8. do eoperfine Nino Tone u , s do old ?zonal, Pekoe ' %ambers 73 do' 3 • do . ANo I Ganpateder Uft "do And along mdro left or oaroyeelleal 6leck erd Green Teas, at Koenig per lb; - : jel7 . ItORRIBt 111.19014T11 BAD-YOOO Galefun id siore io IKOLASSES-4P brix Ht. /want sua ILL lust., for *Ho by jet& - JANFS A - HUTCHISON a Cu• ICOSPITOID SUGARS-07D clitsbad, paw - date& sad small loaf, in note and for gala by JAMES 41. lILITCIIISONt int Aat 8t Unix Steam Bazar Raboory; Burlaps far //wets. ASUPPLY .1:1777(k. __ Car Pownh k Etwkat .. • - • 11EPAY1k BURCH F I MX bani tneeived► largo anyty Diu* Lawns, r 03..07 wont_ &pa: !, nawn at3rlol light do. in mac varialy, tar lota in..' lao,tmlooldeted and printed Muslim and.fackoas, el neat and netwelt Myles and lenrcsi Nice for puthAi uld tanalt ease corder of Fannis and Marina ID UN DRI dos 6 cordspeed camas; . • ra Wes dos 3 da _ go; , 7,600 t 000 Perenssiaa 0.4 g .Wgron Amy Tapes; . a* growl Ornabb do; Received per steamers Casuals and SE MM. s 10r. 1 6 L 7 C VRAGV,4,- - ' MI6 '1 • /1.4.1116 87,ftstst . .s • ra 177 C 1 C,20-E7'AL—Z beadles meld Air tire by J-/ - .M17 T 0W.711 brls, to arrive, lariats-6v. 'J Napa* co A9l 011.-40 bt J. to ruins for Ws ii-77:17',!. tif.iNt DeL.Fdr.—. 3,e...44!%?!..1;ifirD1V I lit4t-100 HiesETSOri •SyzitrzYsFirlyanbrigiCt!, /IS bay Swab* • • • . yo byy Yl•CUrtylk Tesw girl treenty igyl for yule by rifii) -- 11qtrriliCia&r,-T: !,Tr i n% etni.•bub!:. .... bss No I. Srop;" Jsn d and lot re. by • • •• n°°,!' MILLEN L'arect-rsbrri !,,ty SALM ,D 011-1411b.kns plate ltataPiN - 21 biki• as :v.l e eira Zd b er '' satt a ; r " k Llak Leutio: l ,„„ • mita.ratiisilexurEHON-1' O UOAR HoIIaRICOLA.3I33-0 !iris baliligyeand irt you rino.4 seater rale , ' ,!" I LL I tP4E44 , 4.ItICICILTI3OX.; , winsou. • " •• NURPlilt BUlteltflELD have Yeeeivel a vilge• IYI ply 0144 .44 44 Ranch Libya. for 10 all eitrati.•. and reeky 1 101..1.04e boy. , ead ebildreles veer of the most desirable alto, <, • Invite altathriOo to their leit4Cirt","'"4" Man'. and-Dore SUMMER. WIIAR of digit/eat eta- ' iceal2l,_e_eLl wUI ant 4 . Pl• ultts4lll IgUESlt;ellei X 11011,2141. 16 3 bk.d. b 4 . 11,444 .'nut,' Plaigi3loa dagtri• *0 oak brig Plante:Goa Its cyiptes bili de'. • Mo d la Wit.. for gale by, ' - MILLER max ersun • 170at114 Liberty or DVIDE — D 7- 9 .-- DO 1418—deitea LA:marine* D Loai;•, 4 % • , 4 cafes do • do; 144 Nos 67 &la LE duaari 166r4 C. , , ':6ebr4C.pdredae.tSWv la brta • do do; . WI. om4hed, . do; f 40 bll.l.,overlog's orq do; ' , bAle do pw'd do; •- „ • soli embed da,, • Jost reeLved, and tor pale ba • • y.sit - ledit.L.Re ♦ RICKET9O/1 •;;; plut utilThteribri—Varideted uu ie eyes o r Cenral,. aod.Plablio Rooms, bevy wile, elide day received, sad for lade Ly IV I' 111ARSHALL .• • • -_, "APErY Fun .4,-/417 GOOD POORIII Fil PARKIXIAL • Johnson—American Panneri. E l cyclap.4.4 ' Emerson—Tree* and Kankba, pro Brown—Tram. of America. awl - • Thomas—Ahlraicnn lieu Cultwriat, . *. flay—A GoWle I. the Orchard, Wm ' 1 Bliss—Famity KltaberiGArdairliti OW. blisor—The American lie. Corm, limo , . Boma—TM Amen... naluy Itnio hitrahall—,The Farmer tat kplgran t s ribba a . aof ; . Jabeb--Tby. Asa:lean Rod MOS, "bah. Da v Onir - FM l, * 4 dirk 'F:ri' Anks,iqsl6l4W'r Itotoat—Thd Moo. , D.,rtet—Tb• Porloy Iran], For fordo by D LOCK WOOD 161 P,,,ez oh as a urwol-4 Amos, revdorsuza• srtie7 J 44110* CO • Iq • • • -- IN MIS as
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