The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 20, 1850, Image 4

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• 1110/119610WAN ZINC. ---
TDB VI , Vie hiontaghe tompany surviy their agents
was, floating and Flooring in Alcmene feekbom
It tot oenees per mean foot. Corrogmsd in sheets
nx7, Y 7 or. for martins polite buildings and depots..
phi Shesthing. 14040 brae', from at to= ounces
lastis,Ppikes,Wire, Pager Molds, Perforated Zinc,
Zinn Paint, to. .
They WIITILIt their metal put t and free from any
admixture of Iron, or any other substance, and re
commend It for the manufatture of most articles In
the bones fur:lilting bee, as it does: not rest, la nor
affected by the action of water, and may he polished,
painted, and japanned .
opeeilleationk and o
p ‘ ceple,,, models, plane, ther
k. may be bad of eir warm—
Seserw, New th Yeah; -
ATEMON,RoIinta is Co. Demon;
Noenun Tanywnte. Co, FnUadziptilm;
W. b. IL htelita,Ballimere;: •
Pram, Das ft erareenn New Orleans;
F. MILLIROUS, ResidentAgeel ,
Liege all. 911anorer et, New York.
111101 C. siunnisaia Ala" I.IOATIIIMIL .
Edward A. Godfrey.
16 Song Cariti - 1 st., mar Baltimore st,Boltiotore
_ • agle Gal free A. Sons. N. Y.,)
MPORTER of 5.1 , 0 e iindirgs,and Dealiel . in Leather,
Lermine. kinds: English and french Eid Skins,
ath Calf Skins, resent. Lather, Morocco, red,
white, sea pink roaa.llni n Ca. Lastings, Vaneals,
Shoe Knives, 1111/ Blades Shne THREAD, Bleed
Tack., Shoo Neils and Shoe PEGS, of all Oses•
E. A. O. hIlliOR established the shove heathers In
Baltimore is enabled to ship radii South or West
with /1111310:41011/dcrpateb, et the lowest prices.
fdaufactners, dealers, and all others, may rely
upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the best
silty. and on liberal so r ry
u[l:7-Alenufeetnrcr of Lam, IthotTrees. Shoe Trees;
Clams, Crimps, Boot Stretchers, tr.c. All order will
be promptly executed. Low prices for colt.
A catalogue a complete list of every
article in the trade will be forwarded to those who
may deals it.
EDW A.RD A. GODFRF.Y, 10 S. Calvert st.
enarldnot near Baltimore et.. Baltimore.
12.6 Griermich street. Ana Fent.
MBE proprietors beg to cell Om attention of con
noineure In Tea, rod the heads of families to the
choice and rare selection. of Teas imported by them,
and hitherto unknown in thin country, which, by their
fragrance and delicacy, combined with virgin purity
and laterals, prostate an infasion of nurpantag risk.
nen and flavor.
The Ten offered an the .
The .le 4 e o Blown, a Blatt Tea CO per lb.
" bahon, f 151—••• •0 73 do •
lest do•- , —••• • 0 ZO. do
• O atta,a Green tea •• • 1-CO do
o . do , 073 do
" do Ott de
^ Ud•li Minute, a compchoicoad of the
most rare and c h oice' Teas
grown on the fertile. and gent al
• soil of Assrm.---•-•-•—•—• 100 do
With a slew to encourage the introducnon of these
mamtilas Teas, it is the Intention of the proprietors
to dinufb ale by lot, among the pLechners. • OnectitY
of Teas equal to the First Year's Profits on the slats
Each purchaser will recemeeneltised to the peek
age, a nambered certificate, entitling him to one
cheer, In the thstribeno — a - Tor every fifty oath laid oat,
and on the receipts 0100M2111.111l 111d1,060,1110 under.
mentioned parcels of Tea, to the vain of ten per cent,
or 52,000 WILL RE - GIVEN AWAY as Bonunes,
neoraing to the renewing wale:—
5 prises of 10 the of Tea each at SI fF 1b,2511 lb or $5O
51 23 In do do do 500 el
or 8300
do 1010 s do do do 300111 or 115e0
100 do 5103 .do do do ZCO Dor 5560
250 do 115 do do do • 250 Cs or 5250
Prises in all. Y.pddm 32,01X1
Those amen. who prefer lower priced Tau can
receive their prima in proportion, or the,' will h' o r O4 .
pure haled for cash, so a redaction aria per cent.
aa-Country Mews wanted. AppLications to bead.
dressed, post paid, to the Company , a Depot, aa - abovo,
Broadway, corner of !Inldes Limes
His entename HOTEL has been leased by the
subscriber, and has been completely refined in
e moo elegant manner. large additions are now,
being made which. when completed, will make it the
most extensive Hotel In New York. It is the determi
nation of the proprietor, to make at equal, in every re
spect, to any other House !e the United Suites. Its lo•
croon is the most dedrablennd central in the city, bro
tug in the fultionab!e part Of Broadway, convenient
to all the public balding?, places or smumment, and
business. Grateful fox me ltherarpatronage received
from his western friends, while at' Cumberland, Md.,
and more recently a the Wedidell.liouse, Cleveland,
, he respeetfolly widlelle a renewal of their patron.
rage, fire, his new establishment,
_al New 'York, and
begs to 015010 them that emir . effort on his pert shall
be given to administer to their comfort' and pleasure.
New Tork, blarch,lENL—i'mx3S4m
A FOICTIIFRI FOIL 110 . or • S.O. '
Jpe Ole., George three, Plymouth, Mislead. rho
ge.acera beg to acquaint their namervos patrons that
the nest Menhaden of Pottralts or Rare Horses, wilt
wemprise 'those entered for the forthcoming Grand
National Derby Rate; the number of shares to be
limited to 0,000 each elan. Perineum member LUC
second Cll. ditto Redly appliemion for the nin.
appropriated ahareisis metier= y. A party sabscri •
log for more than one shun has the chancre( gaining
equal camber bonuses. Those members who draw
Tartans Portraits presented with the fol.
lowing sac
Ponraitef Ist class bonuses Sid ditto
Winner, or Fun Horn 500,c00 510,000
Seeded llorso.• • • 10,0th0 ACC°
Third Ilona 5.1300 4,000
Divided Menge Starters.••- olXte 3,000
• " Non-Sutlers 4000 3,000
There are 000 b.:maestri each chi-13011i being* ,
number of berths entered for the roc. The Drawing
will be conducted upon the same legitimate principlees
as those which characterised the late St. Ledger and
abet Pr.“dinr.. Full particulars of the result will
be sett to absent member immediately alterthe de.
distort, that each may know h. Pedalo.-
Subsetibens regisured and scrap forwarded on re
, ceiptof reel:dram.. Balsa,Drafts,Dank
Notes, e, oddrested and mode. payable to the
Zdanagi sec
Directors. - JAMES &G O.
Fire tier cent. commission to be reduced on ths
pre sentation of bemuse. mrl6-1m
assoi REED HOUSE, (1630
=EMU & Proprietor*,
Psalm . Square, Erie, Pa.
GENTRAL mat OPFlCE..—Eastent Wertern,
end . .r.orthern Stars, learn Mis hoe., &Ir. Cap
. lieges to and from Steam and Packet Poeta, Gratis.
W. 'Keno, late oftbe American Motel, Erie, Pa.
G. W. ELMS. tale *elks Ittrrmau Hotel, Ohio.
Lana and 21.111• for Salo.
FLOURISU MILL, with four 7. of Morten—one
A of the beat locations far business in the wet—and
a fiat note Save Mill, on an almost never falling stream,
and 12 acres of Land, good Dwelling Mouth, Tenant
Moan, and other improvements, situated seven mike
from tbo Ohio Rile; 'Monroe County, Oblo, Also,
near the above, a beautifal Fano, well improved, con
taining r. in acre. For toms, M., o 000bo of
112 Second at. Pitieburaii.
Ole Jamas Ilimerare Wined 21.aisisi..
DREPABED under the Immedfise care of the In
scalar, and established for upwards °Minty Tests.
This eleven preparation be recommended to all
came of bins, acidities, buligestion, gorn, end gravel,
Nth most este, easy, and effectual form le widen
Alegu e
estis may, and Indeed the only one in which It
ought to be exhibited. possessing ell the propentes of
the Magnesia now in general ase,without being liable
Ike it, to farm dmegeraus concretions in the trowels,
it effectually cares heartburn without !Altering the
coats of the stomach, as eoduommas, and their oar.
bonsuo are known to do; It emends the food of in•
feats turning sour; In all cases it ants as a pleasing
aperient, nod le peculiarly adapted to feroalea
Sir Humphrey Davy testified that thLs solution forms
soluble combinations with uric said salts In eases of
Feat and gravel, %herby counteracting their Wanesa
mockery, when otter ditalles, ana an
itself, ha d, fulled.
From Sir Philip Ctheapten,,Barh, Surgeon Cknerel
to the Atropin Ireland:—
, "Deer Sir—Them can be en dealt: that ;Jeannie
mey be administered more safely in the form of s can
cel:anted:iota:lon than in aobstance; for tots, end
runny other reasons, 1 en of ODiAIOII that the Field
Mentes:44s a very trainable aadinon to oar lantana
Sir James Clirke,_Sle A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Messrs. Huddle and HeibCfl breve, °oed co, strong.
recommend Murray's Fled Mega.* es being in•
finitely more safe and convenient than the sold, and
lose from the danger anending the constant use of
sods or
For sale by the Imparter'. andr=t i re Stem;
Car. of Wood& Front sal.
`NOT CII — I7O - 5 - T.
"OVINE Is bereby green, that ou or about the P.M
.L 1 of April, the subscriber. had mailed to them, at
tre ellsbero, Va., ma following note., virc—A note I
drown - by G. A. Dian., poyable to ow order, dated
April 4 ocontha, for $173 04 a note drawn ty
John .atrirgan, arum date and doze, for $lll 17, and •
noa droves by John Watt to Co., date d favor ot John 8.
Marken, and re.endonted by as, April Mira
tour months, tot 131.75. Tho above nate. were never
rrceived by as, and this is to caution an persons
sisiatt - trailin; for or buying the swat, as payment
oi Meru hoo boon olopped. 0 W 11.48.8AL0L1
isfil.V.llll lIPLEIMO & lavnatuu. GOODII.
A VERY large end choice stock of Fresh Spring
21 end Sommer Gaels hoe lust been opened at
Alexander tr. DO'S, No El Market street, north west
cornet of the Diamond.
In ...nag Da attention of wor east/ en and the
aid& to
a thls Mock, It affirrds ea greet pleasure to be
able to say it embraces GREAT-BARGAINS In al
most every description of goods, as a forge portion of
at was purchased at the recent extensive auatioa sales
m the eastern Mae. Oar assernment, totia of fancy
and Maple goods, la very super end affords to all
cash bar ers, either by wholesale or retail, a dna op- .
porumity of &Wei both lane and nurse.
Near style Foulmd ts, re ty cheap; rio
k plea and
'cored changeable silk. of almost even . sole and
combo; per plain end figured block silks; do. be
rages. and lisnes; Lange detains new and hood.
'erne 'style; aew aty le 1 tench, Emilia, and /ketch":
awns, to great gariety, and of very low rodeos; plain,
R gated, and mum striped de lain. of all kinds
qaalities; 11000 lustre* of all abodes and colon; ging.
hams, chlntrel,Pfifil SHAWLS.
Serer chameleon silk shawls; PIMn and figured
black dm plain and embroidered Tint et do; floe cub- I
nitre. do; caper plain and embroidered whit. and
colored cope bare& and net do. to.;
A Eire assortment of malls, nansooks, jammers,
Sedum, boa*, olabap.
Bougie A Rculy, pearl braid, Florence btald;rord
wiper all& slums bonne/li.
A fine stock of impeller plot,, and fringed alit and
Balla Tare parasols at all anion and oriallile.
A large 11.3.0110R11l of. gaper Freneh. Enblidn end
Belgian cloths cod eassimeres of all wanner , and
macs, to win& we would invite. the IIOULIOI2 of the
Our stock pf brown and bleached muslin., tieklMfor
chambrayr, dtillings, to, IS very largn,and at
thecae ry lowest pelecs.
Also, a largo lot of table !lispers and table cloths,
6towa and bia•clinel; Rassirand Rebut, diaper., crash
nanktna, canon and wool • a good. for men adburs' wea
ntis, r, lath borne. ron.end yollow•11 an.
(loth MO, ride and lines ultra and
glaTel otall Aloes, haslet,' end bonnet ribbon., artb
hotel dowers, Re, to all 'shish .41 waslit respectfully
Invite the Attention of wholesale and retell cash
buyer.ALLMANDEI I . t DAY_, •
pd Mark et st..N W ear. or the Diamond:
reviled to famish Apple Trees, frem the
0011 1:1101 , . Nursery of Jacob
trees will be delivered at the wharf et Pittsburgh for
812 per healed. Persons wishing goad thrifty Dees
lame their orders ..00ti et the thug, need, and
Perfumery Warehoux, comet or Weed and Math sta.
' "
i • .1. H. INIELLOIL,
T0„81 Wood exec, bat itstrecelved a new st
et of PIANO IFUSIC, among which are
the folio
Id —. • 1
ol ,do yea Love me, by e. C. Foam , .
01, may the Red Bose Live AlwaY. do.
"met was a LadY, do. •
lie elged, do.
Ow eto TWO oil Night, do.
Th3 flol l er lD 4cif . edding, by Glover.
Th gllobbs, ..,,:,., ' do.
Oh, roach the tara_rt OE= wan.
Sweet Memoirs of Theo. •
Miter MOM
L.nxot of the Irish Emigrant. .
A New Medley Sone. • , . •_
Thos hut Ay...lathe spidc qua LP? ea Thee.
. '
The Conteriptbs Depialiagy by tittiver. . .
De gird to the Laved Ones it.llorn. .. .
?it Home where toe the Mean Is:
The Tana. , Maid. . ,
Low ilesit'd Co,, by LOTOL
Do s , on CTOT of me.
Shaper Gentlethink
Lady. '
Tommie GM ,
Ohb , Collitiitin, Wedding. Wreath, and Daisy
Waltzes. 1 • . .
Batchelor, Malden, Etna Weitz, Concert Ladies'
So ovehir, catty, nein, Lily,Alice,Evorgreen, Sara
o a. Adler, an d. LIM Polkas. nanyll4
WI/enter not Into the list of puffers, wit my nothing
I boat lirmdeede of Chests, Importer, Large
Capital, Bought for Oath, dc. in tan, we will not
/nimbus to any trimmer or form, we Simply invite the
public to coMpare oar Teas with what they purchase
elsewhere; this is the best method we know to aster.
tato arms sells the best tad cheapest . Teas in nets.
tenth. We are now selling
G.l and Mreng Tea at its and SO cents per lb.
A prole article; —..—... vd do do
The but Tea Imported into the U. States, 111
Loa priced, damaged, or inferior Teas we not
Proprietors of the Tea Market,
Fast side oft:emend
Ore. Amerman
D. Appleton & Co , New York, have In course of Pd.
litation, in pans, tines twenty five cents each,
Cir Machines, Meehan., Levee Prod, and Est
gaucertng; dengue: for Freeneaf ilrorang
Men, and thaw warded far Ms Logs.
wanyang PrOastson.
- lennas ey Orton maga
frlilfi WORK is crimp era. sae, ma eenteir,
TWO Illonatar ream, and upwards of stx tem.
_lanll tlirelltartent. It will mount working-draw.
lees and deserfinume elate most important resehines
in the United Ina. Independent of the molts of
American ingerceity, It will contain complete. premi
en tread on blechasies, Machinery,
sod Digineeting; worth all that is awful in mote toss
one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, =lega
-1 el... Fetid other boots.
[ The great object or ads publication la, to plaee be
fore practical men and students such an amount of
theoretical and Balalaika knowledge, in a .ndensed
form, ea Mall enable them to wort to the best adv..
tage, end to avoid those mistakes which they might
atheneum commit. The stunt of.cfni infortnauen
thus brought Meader is almost beyond precedent In
mach works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject
wale ns range which is not treated was net clear
ness md precision, that even a man of the most ord.
nary capacity cannot fall of understanding it, and
Thus learning from n much which it Is important for
him to know.
The publishers are, in short, determined, regardless
cost, to e very r as complete as pontible; and
It is hoped one desire. to obtain the work will
procure It as issued in molten. tad thus encourage
the eaterprise.
The weak will be Issued in semi-monthly numbers,
earronencing in Jemmy, DOD, and will progress with
Igreat regalentY.
The whole work will be publiehed aID unbars,
al TS cents nernumber,md completed within Me ear
, rent year,ll3so. A liberal discount will be made to
Any oneeserditing the pubbabers in advance,
shall receive the wort through the post officio free of
Opinions of the Peas..
"To our
id Manufacteren, Mechanics,
eineete, arid Artisans, it will be a dm, of wentlat.a—
Provideace, IR-14 Journel.
"Young men, arm yearselves with its knowledge.—
We eon with eanfidence recommend era readers to
possess themselves of he =Men as fast as they ap
peara.-Amenem Artisan.
"Wd unhesitatingly commend the wink to those en
gaged In or Miterened mechanical or mlenttfie par
mim, es eminently worthy of their examination and
studyer—Troy, (N. T..)fluilget.
"It se teal) • great wort, and the publiahers de.
mtte the than. of Invention, mech.., and mann
leatrieere. and indeed of the pub. generolly.e—ti. Y.
"Th.s Dictionary will be highly useful to practical
mechanics, mad voluble to all who wish to *minium
thee:adv. with the progress of invention to the me
d.. ana"—New Bedford Daily Mereno.
"Youg mechanics ought to keep posted
op in the
unreal ea es pract cal knowledge, end this
wort will sheathe= rust how they maad."—Roxbory
(Mass) Advertiser.
"We tate it to be lent the weak
haveores and hun
dred. of one Intelligent roccharhedesired to pos
ses. Ho ample are its demnptions and 20 MI end
minute its specifications, that it amino tae that any
mechanie might contract any mach.,* it describes. on
thesrengthofitsevgn nege surd tostructionaw—N. Y.
Commercial Advertiser.
"All interested in romharhes should avell them- I
salves of its advantages."—Sebuyitill, (Penst.,) Jour.
"A work of extensive practical Imlay and great tn.
penance and floe to the rapidly inereastag interests
of the Country. We regard the wort as eminently
ealeelatalW promote the cense of mien. and the
mechanical arts, nod odWeminaterateabb Inform.•
Don on theseeutaec"—Panner sad Mechanic.
"Practical seen I ts. n all the vaned waits of mechaal
cal and mumfactuting industry, engineering. kn., will
Ind in slue watt a masons wkieh is will no to their
poseemet--Tioy Daily Whig.
"We ha..irefully pureed the numbers, and Dave
no hmitooon in saying that it is the but wort for me
ebonite, tradevnienoted scientific men, ever publish
ed, for it ems...mite intormatlentntevery branch
of the mechanical arts and *emcee, expressed in a
style and intelligible to any render of oldi
e/try e•peeity.”—linnleaCar,(Plaaa.,) News.
"We are sure we are doting the mechanics of Nor
wich and other pans of Connecticut a service by
Mind. the wort to their attention "—Nonitieb,
(Conn It:caner.
pomm"lt isjest met a work es emery meciamle should
We consider it one of the most useful and important
publumions of the age. No meebante can anod tote
without itn—Newate, (N. J)Cammercial Cotner.
•Oi all the var.a pi:hiked°ns hating for their ob-
ject the Maddenon end eilveneennent of the enchant
cal arts and scieoces, none that we have seem a so
fall of prom.. War—Buffalo Corn.:Adv.
"Ills the best and cheapen work ever Mimed to the
setenfLES rd practical engineer and onetime.. The
plat- a ore beautifully executed.r—WashingtonClohe.
"This great Dictionary is one of the moat useful
works ever pettish. for years, rind the low price sr
which u is sold makes It acceptable to MO—South
"We regard Du one of the anon comp...Me and
valeible, as wells cheapen wort • ever published"
—Dalumate Advertiser.
"Ought to be taken by every one denting to keep
pacanst the proemsa of set and science to every one
of the labors of civilised life,"—liondont Condor.
"It is designed after the prinelple of Ure , s
ry, only that it is more deemed tette =chaste.' and
memeering profemions, sad above Ole t • valuable
ae bra g for Anterien whs . Urn bas done for
Ragland, describing Amerman =ether, and
worts ofert."--Selenttfie emetic..
"Ills published in numbers, add at *price so made
rate, Rioting at what is contained in es ch number, that
no oat who his the lean Interest in met matters,
aced be damned froMprocanngiq mid everyone who
does @mann rind that he h ad In a condensed term en
=out of lestrection which would be obtained, if at
W, only by the purchase of veo many volemes."—N.
Y. Conner and gotqatrer.
.The comeretensmeneas with which ass madams
are treated, the admirable manner in which they are
Illustrated, conspire to mete this one of the most desi
rable wo Ora "—Dement. Renew,
"this week should bele the handset everyechanic,
artisan, and mannactarer, <Spatially those w ho have
the least aspirations to excel in their rmp.tive busi
nesses. We hare escrefelly examined l e with anew of
recommending it to Inventors. To them we would
say in the strong Menages of the Mbic "It is good."—
Baltimore Inventors'imimaL
Noma to Os Prrrubrra qf Nriaspoprra throughout
W Vivra 516 LP and Canada.
If Me, foregoing advertisement 4inserted fore times
daring the year, and the paper teaming it sent to as,
a copy of the work an
be sent grads In payment.
Cuenining es literrury, saw ocher Muses!.
THE following testhnonial was given by the cele.
.L tamed Dr. Wapner Beach, the author of the neat
medical wort entitled ..The American Practice o.
bledicios and Family Physician..
'•Having heed made acquainted with the Ingtethents
which tampon McAllister' All-Ilealing Otratent
and having prescribed etd tested it in several canal,
my privets practice, I ham hesitation in saying or
certifying Wu it Is a Vegetable Rented), oentaletne
no mmerel substance sentever, that Ss ingredients
combined u they are, and used as directed by the
Proprietor, am not only harmless, bet of great tater,
betel a only scientific Remedy of great power: null
cheerfully recommend it sur a compound which be.
dna much good, =I which is adspted to the eare of
a great vanes? of ruts. Though I have neves either
recommended or mond In an sale of secret medi
eines, regard for the trot? !melt, conscientious, be.
lane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige me to sly thus
much reitYorerate i April t.
18116. W. DEACII, D. D..
Naw k, 22d,
BURNS—It Is one of rho best things in the world
for Darn. •
PlLDS.—Tbouttnds tie yearly eared by this Clint.
'• It newer fells Le Wine relief.
For Toners, Ricers, and all kinds of Bons, It has
no Neal. •
If Mottior4and Nurses •anew its vein in case/ of
Swollen or Sore Brent, they would always empty IL
In such caws, if used according to direction, it gives
relief in a very few boors.
Arend the bog are directions for sting MeAllister's
Ointment tor Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Tenn, Chilblain, Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat, Bronclums, Nervous Affections, Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Ilead Ache, Mann, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Dams, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Bore
lan, Pimple*. dz.., Swelling of the Limbs, Bores,
IRheumatism. Piles, Cold Poet, Creep, Swelled or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ape in the Face, to.
Pram lb. Reading Eagle.
Thera was novel, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public, that has In so short • time won etch a
reputation ar IdeAllister'a All4realine or World
Balsa Almost every person that has made trial of It
speaks warmly In Its praise. Ono has been cured by
It of the meet painful rheumatism, another of the Mite
a tird of a trooblesOnie pain In the side, • foorils Of
swe h lling In the limbs, de ., If it doe. not give Imme
diate relief, in every ease; it ein do no injury; being
implied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wonde [fat beating pow.
er possessed , by this salve. we subjoin she following
certilieme, from a respectable titian of Maldenc reek
township, in this collet):
Maldencreck, Delta en., March .10.1847.
Mews. Bluer a, Cot—l desire to inform you Stet I .
was entirely cared of ...vent polo In the beak, by the
use of hleAlllsten's AIF/leoling 831,0 which I par.
chased from you. I suffered with It far :beet SO years,
and at night was unable to sleep. Daring that time I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed tot me
by phydeiens end other persona,tvabont receiving nay
relief, and at lest made trial of ads Salve, with a re
sell favorable beyond expentatten. lam new enttre•
ly free from the pate, and enjoy at night a peaceful
Nil sired sleep. / have alto used the naive sleet for
/moth sake and other complaints, with -may bappy
regalia Yost friend, mu? liounmison. •
lama; He ALLISTER,
Bete,Proprietor of the above medicine.
Principal Oboe No North Third etract,Philadel
phla .
Lamers In Prrrsataett.-I.lraan & earner Of
Liberty end St. Clair streetg and L. Wilooa. Jr, cor
ner of Market street and the Diamond, also corner of
Fourth and antitidield sneers; 1.11.
rnet or
Walnut and Peon streets. FM Ward; a nal id
Bookstore in Smithdold etreet, 34 door hom Beetled.
In Allegheny City by H. &Warts son J.Sargeat.
Dy J. O. Eadtb, Druntot, D . Neatest,
rnoillbeny; H. Rowland, MeXcesporn J. Alciandar
It Ban, Mononesbels Wry; N. 11. Bowman & CO, a s
J. T. Sage ea, Ilirownsvillet John DarkleYirldwntr
Jobs feblleodly
v it.V.SiN OIL. 0L.0111...n0n lento Ord Graila .09
Sit kind, as 4 for sale .Ity
Valmetble and a:tennis , ' Water Power ire
4 lat ea ravoralsto tericres•
ruder prepared to lease the Water rower at the
Grundlispida, to an amount suffteient to propel (oar
handred . pairs of mill stone. The location Is based
upon rock foundatinn, and the pnseerean cense
nlently be implied on both aides ord, TilrCr. T h .
vain ef Me White Inver, ss emit as the Wabash, earl
be readily famished at Ws pemt. While timber
Iron' otoond coal, mth e trreateat abundance, add o
'apart r quality, no be ca4ly procured through the
same eountr.
Taalso—One hundred dollumper anmns for a pow.
er anigelem to plopel a single run of medium acted
lan atones, for a period of fifteenyears. with the
right of renewal on the expiration of the lease, se IR
furl taUen of the power employed. The site the
mill o manarnotory Includedoritboetftothot chaße
from C,ompetrr. By order of the Dimmers.
• President of the W. N. Co.
Votisarsr, ta.,lsf at O. 114:0 tornit.thm
IP The skin of many_ perm. is duLgured with
slight emotion°, as pimples, morptiew, /sc., and whoa
this timerely a disease of the skin, as it it in nicery
oiniaCkses out of every bendred, it is very easily Iss
!cored. Jules Nymph ftsr! is .V ssl T
adapted to diseases of the as it acts ectly
upon the initiate pores which cover is surface,
cleansing them from impurities, and by Its bstsnmic
properties besting and eradicating all eruptions, and
rendering the daring and meghest skin soft, fair, and
b l'etfi° who have been in the habit of using o
nary iesp, will be astonished at the beautiful elect
pm:tired by the Nymph Soap, in Imparting delicate
bloom, preventing the neck, face, or hands from chap.
ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all centric.
l ' slrTsey ste;og :1711 ItTar mite "
l propertmsormadering
it the only article which can be used with safety and
comfort In the nursery.
All sham whose faces or necks are disfigured with
pimples, blotches, tan. morphow, Sic, should make
trial of Jules Hanoi'. Nymph Soap, es the Proprietor
positively assures them. that 10 use will tender the
most discolored skin while, the roughest skin smooth,
and the most (itemised skin healthy, pure, and bloom-
Jales Il.el pro duce S Is the only article which
will effectually pro the above effects In so short
a time, and the clay one which Is at the seine n o
powattal .d entirely !mulles. Ptepared only by
•. JULES HAUEL, Perfumer and Chemist,
FM Chestnut street, Fhlls.
For sale wholesaleand retail by a A- FnlmeEnet
& Co, and R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; end John Ser.
gent and J. Mitchell, Alleshony thy, Va. lea.]
AGOOD Mahogany Piano FC7IS, Clarrtij
second hand•--• —••••• . , ..... • • 01000
1. bondman upright Piano, with Ilotewpod
' Furniture, 0 octave., and in good order •• • • 100 00
A plain 51, octave Piano 45 00 -
A good 0 octave Piano ........ • 75 00
A good 51 octave Piano, with hondatoodo farm.
tare 75 CO
For tale by . JOHN IJELLOR
way ID SI Wood et
A.tallo Slight I.lght.
SDPERCEDINO the Wooden Floats, and being lo•
combustible, thereby economises the oil, and pre.
vents ignition, heretofore to much objected to itt all
ember goats. Ono table spoonful of the common
hump oil will last Nine Doors, or any feather length
Receivedorig g al e additional qtantity of ml.
and foby JOHN D MORGAN
mare Druggist
TEST RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Family PI,
d eery and Tea Warehouses *u.
5 eases Fresh Oynnen, In tin tans; • •
5 do Pickled do, in istjaveu •
do do do, In pint do.
The above Froth Oysters ere parboiled, and pet op
m a lushly concentrated romp, enclosed in bermetical
ly scaled cans. and will keep much longer than those
pot up in the ordinary way.
For eels, wholeude and retail, by
Val A AteCTAIRO k Co,
2.50 Libto7
Or•at AM11210•11 noonazdeal W ork.
N & co, New :York, have in coarse
D Aofinabl
each' DlCP=ttil nark
1gkf1,1 ` .1.7 , 1.11 74 . 7 P. '•-
gino work, and &wintering; &signed for Preened'
Working ?demand those intended for the Engineeringkin .
Profusion. Edited by Oliver Byron
This work is of large Eva size, and will eon/diatom
thousand pages, and upsranis of sin deemed Blame.
tier. It will present working drawings and desert'.
tic. of the most impulsed machines in the United
Blame. Independent of the 'melts of American to
genniry, It will contain complete practical treatises as
Mechanics,glach Mary. Engine Work, and !Seethe...
! for with all that is useful to more then one thousand
dollars worth of folio volume*, magerines vied other
books. Big numbers received, ard for -Wile by the
agent, It HOPKINS,
ttbld 75 Apollb Buildings, Fourth rt.
John S. Mellor, S 1 Wood Street, Pittsburg
Bole Agent in Weriern Penurylvenle, for the sal.
Grand and Square, Memo 'Fortes,
M will receive to boom tas sired.ends m.d the meeker enti,tle
B ,
at he ha. now invehes, and w receive end
expose for sale, device the preterit womb, tbe I
and most desirable stork of Piano Fortes ever Otr-red
for we In lee west--amang the needier will be toned
a full supMy of
Superbly mimed Rosewood Grand Plane Forma,
with ail she recent improvement. in =tokenism end
style of exterior.
Splendidly rimed Rosewood seven ottave sae
Pain Fortes, finished lathe Illisabethaii o u/a
XIV. styles
With a large stock of all the various styles of Pia
no Fortes. varying in prices from $2ll to RIM and
$15.0, prepared by Mr. Chlckering lot the preterit
feet, (IMO.) •
PUGIN/re re are assured that the prim of Mr. Chick.
minas Pianos hear been, and will eontince to be. the
same neat the manufactory in Boma, without ehorre
for transportation; and will be delivered and act up in
perfect order, in any part of the cap, without charge.
MDRnodessigned bef Imre to inform the public,
1. thk, has destined business in Dims *fhb eon,
P. U. Davis, who will cocain. Me auction
mon liminess at the old stand, comer of Wood and
Fifth stream and for whom be would solicit a coohn
name ofthe liberal patronage horstofoto estowed up
on Mehra.. JOID: D. DAVIS,
P. 31. DAVIS.
111711.1. make aalci,en bberal terms, of Foreign and
Tv Domestic M.CblaliO, Real ElOntt, etocks,
he., and Popes, by experience and aloes attention to
[rosiness, to merit a continuance of. the support and
patronage so liberally extended to the formerhouse.
April 9M,16.10.
Roth.. to our Patrons.
Wile license of the satin planner, to piaudelp6l3.,
:the late Jlamla B Davis,) produces tio interruption
to the buiness—armingemenia have been made which
Involves the same interests preetsellt *Mich hem
heretofore tinted.. The buttons Is centupled under
the tame name and firm, Ms:—
Jaw. DI & Philadelphlm
Joue haTanct b. Co., riZtbliSgA.
Tbe continuance of the paVonage of oar mime
friends I s reshoetfully solicited. If ny patron have
the e,nan m
fo It the . ,
nnforpaymen t, eern, nee are requested to
pi meet rthwith
Pittstmrgh, Apnl MO. JOHN hITA DEN,
apl74f Surri , qg pant e,
13. A. Yahoo(Hoek eh Co.,
WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, corner of First and
Wood streets, offer for sale,on favorable terms:
bbla Whiting; WO Iha Carb. AMMOIllaj
03 do Ale.; 500 do Ansafeetida;
300 do Dye , Woods; 000 do Cmile Tartan
25 do Lamthblaek; 600 do Lthaorice Root;
20 do ven. Red; 200 do Inth Non;
0 do Camphor; 151 do Red Precipitate;
10 do Sean. Drown; 150 do Calomel Amer.,
20 do Yellow Ochre; 2 5 do do Earth
10 do Brimstone; WO do nachos Leaves;
8 do Clare.; GO do Rhabarb Root;
3 do Cbant.Flerwerm 400 do Barium. der,
14 cues Ref. Doran; 000 do Coo.. dot
22 do Cunle Soap; 200 do Sal Rocheele;
15 do Prussian GO do Dildlits slizatre;
10 do Cale. Magnesia; 600 do Pewid Rherilb;
15 do Chrome Green; 650 do do. Mee. Eke;
6do do Yellow; 160 do do tr. Arable
5 a Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lie. Root
CO reams Band Paper; 100 do do lathe;
ID bags Bictly Sumac; 250 do do AlCayeanc;
25 bales Dottie Corks; 200 do Belph. Zinc;
75. Sol* Morphia; 3(4) do Dar Ti.;
102° lbs Cape Atom, mo do Tamarinds;
WM do 131411t1V10 Potash; 150 do Quick Sliver;
=0 do Ptak Root; lthe do Orange Peek
1603 do Turkey Umber; GS do Cochineal;
1200 do Cream Tartar 20 do Hd Pothobi:
do Tartaric Aold t Go do M ica;
100 do Ure Urrij 25 do Grimvllle Lotion.
tonere are mare dunes In heaver( and earth
Th. are &camel a( in philosophy. °
mugs VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and
the constant application for It, to the Proprietor,
has induced Mai to have it put up in bottles with la
bels and direetione for the henebt of the public.
The PETROLEUM la b ond from a well in thth
county, at a depth of fa. ed feet, is a part ana.
dolterated article, without any cheroleol change, but
Just as Row. from Nature's Great Lahrafory” MIMI{
contains properties reaching a umber of discues, is
no longer • 101atter UlteetillOty. Them are many
things in the arrant of natollbsvideh,if koown, might
be of vast used.. in alleviating sugaring, and re
miring the bloom of health and rigor to many a suf
ferer. Long before the propnetor thought of putting
It op in battle., it had a resolution for the cure of dm ,
ease. The
r e
ar k and daily thereutne mills Mr it,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, Is a
sure indication of Its future
and wide
opread application in the (owe of domes ,
We do not wish to make a long Mood , of O°T"•
rates as we are conscious that the medicine can soon
work ' Its way into the favor of those who sager and
wish to be boded- Whilst we do not °lake for it •
adverse,alication In eve,' disease, we anhesite.
tingly say that in a number of Chronic Diseases it Is
anrivalled. Among these may be enumerated—all
diseases of the 01070011 tissues, out has CHRONIC
(in its early stem)
Asthma, and all direews of the air nemeses, LIV Kit
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPBIA, Diatheen. Diseases of
the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains in the Rack or Bide,
IgCll,oll•DiUttlel, Nearrilts, Palsy, Rheumatic Palos,
Goat, Eryalpelas, Tetter, egworem, Darns, Scalds,
Drumsaging , Old Bored, Re., Re. ln GU. of debility rer.
foom espmere,Or long and protracted eases of
dthease.shis medicine will bring relief. It will s
u s,
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such ces,
moaning to
and energy talkie whole frame, ream,
Ins obstructions, opening the
cuse disease end • broilers caulked., and siring
introased and renewed enemy to all the trusts of
Wei The proprietor knows of _several cures of
PILES,: that resisted erem other treatment, get well
lathier th e use of th e PETROLEUM for a abort than.
The proof Min be given to any permit who dooms it.
Tiene genuine without the slgnature of the proprietor.
15. M. MLR, Canal Dasi pen,
Arta by R EBEL.U.:III3. 67 Wood sk
and—UMBER 6 111 , DOWELL,
comer Woad at. and Virgin alley; who are his
suirs-011 • oolvilmth aPPainted Agents
ag e. m p plantar, 10 °leer coats; 12 Drs Nati
1 pairs nett lined 61wing BOMA' Is6unas Vag.' 2
mast Tanks,_ 6 and 12 I !gss:lomai 60 Lames.,
gallon satia 1 dos Bsekslua Money Balls; 160 sated
spaniel do da , 71to above goods too sate al du Can
&Oda C 6 u5t6WE180 6 146"5 !i" wend 'L
•0911 J k Mutes •
1950 . igMiMi 1850
ID OATS of ed. orill leave zolpdatly, odd' de-
MO 'lvor frefcbtx withoot transhipment.
J C I.3IDWULL, Pasb&r,O,
COLLINF, do, 1..d6C0t0
From Pitt slotret to Columbus and Chow/and,
through the rich and porde-tie arrailies or Cohan
?liana, Carroll, Stark, Tuscarateas,Loshorion,
Muelingutrt, Liutiug. and FronLiin.
'The completion of DT, sandy and Delver Canal
opens rip to our city thmegh ILIa greet auroral centre:
mote i direct compron,o,,,, i e w e ll
adjoining! connate or W ay:lc, Hohnes, Knox, and
Delaware, .
• •
Prom this section of filitri '.vte with Pittsburgh_
has 4ml, to • great rot ed. to consequence of
therhlith rates of I:_ii‘purt.. or, vrtiteh are nim•re•
dor cal°, Rhand &I per ce.o
13.sats of dila line will :0100 daily ; and ran &Smug!".
without trunshlpment. • The Canal coesnerty have
bestowed upon this Ime an interest in the unprece
dented advantages of their charter, and thus mewed
to Om middle portion. of Ohio in ordering their scoots
equal Waren in this ailvanmln. Agents:
J. C. 13IDWELL, Pittsburgh;
11111wELL & CO., Olasgaw.
- -
R C Rolodex, Spear'. Mill., Ohl N"H & A Guy,
WilhamvpoA,Od George Kemble, Elkton, 0;
& Heldman, do; Hanna, Graham Co, Near Lisbon, 0;
Amy& Nicholas, 11.0,00,04 & Decry,
ocean. O.; Speaker A Porter. do.; Joseph Pool A Co,
do.; Hull A Due., Oneida Mille, 04 11 V Dever, do.;
0 D HarnLel /c Co, Malvern, 0 I: Gray, Wain..
burg, O.; E Reynold., do; Irate Teller, Magnolia O.;
E Harkdollik Co, alo gnollo,O.; Wrtillarksa, do; J
. NPFICAod & , BrmilY 011.'0; P Lod., d ne o; Faeb. ,
haagb & £teiaboo b. dohvar, 0; Willard A Shrlyer,
de; J J Henan, O.; Cummins A Co, do;
John Robinson, Coital Pollan, O.; Fcrtig & .Torrey,
Canal Dover, O.; A filedbary, Roscoe, 04 L K War.
ner, Nevrart,O.; Pitch & Hole. Colocilma,o; 1. 0 Mat.
t'leves, Cleveland, O.: Rhodes & Green. do. may 9
MI AD 1450 znazz
VIA jpsnnsylvaola Canals &Ball Roads.
O'CONNOR, ATMS & Co., Cartel Resin, Ltberry
street, Pittsburgh;
V O'CONOR & Co, %Ea WO Market street,
Phlladeida. •
Coma= & Co ' street, BRlttmon;
F. Mon, Newt ark;
Etuorr A Germ, It Doane street, Bolcom
ityMON GIZAT, Maysville, Kentucky;
_Hsu. & Co., Columbia street, etecinnau;
Wan. L.or.lavillei
BALM, flower it CO, St. Loofa
To Shippers of elferthttarnso and Product Is and
from Theirnielptitt, Baltemare, N. York, t Eastern.
One route being now in fine order, we ere prepared
to forward goods et above at cry ineestpnca. We
bow e all freight/his canny charge having policies for
over KG30,000, and with We following extensive stock
of oats feel confident of giving entire vatitfactien to
all badness entmeed to cur care. Our boats ere all
new, and commanded by captains of experienhe, end
:our entire line is row/acted on soh" mated Lisping
and tnnpaenrs P pies.
C d a7i c tlin. ," Beim' Cepteins
boo City, !Glean 'Pennsylvania E Layton,
Maryland,' Matsball sot. Louis, Cowden
Cinclonati, Bonds Cot. Howard Ridley
Ruth Anna, Charlie Mary Deborah Sims
Wm Atli.% reamed Enterpcse, Enron
Import, bl'Qualla Juniata Dwain
Ruston, Alter Gen. Scott,. Gore
Telerrnybple IS.
cei.. Hawkins Point Mill Boy:aqua:So
aniveßranabßosaer BaltodeCtipporthicy
America Perry , Ohio Belle Kearney
Mermaid Al'Coligan Banter Riegle
The Fox brq.ade Jolia Ann J Layton
Aurora OPPosrell Telegraph NoWsala
LooTh — Sharp Berri NOlltl, Queen Wible
Shippers min find it to Weir advantsaa to give na a
mrl6 Canal Basin Liberty on, Pittnbdrha•
— NAT extern Transport...iron Oarapasky..
By Pennallocolia Coval and Rwl Boad.
TBolan and Caro of this Line have been pat I
j. compete order, and with the addition of sayer
ncw ones to the Line, enables no to eller a tart.
quantity Of produce and goods.
The enure stock of the Lice owned and centre
ad,Ly tae.Propricora
A [IRIS rt. LIILI:11, No 13 Solidi Third id,
/lad at the Toro...ea Waretouee, Doak 01,
Phi adephio, Pa.;
No 11 Nonb Howard 014 iratimore. lip
OFFICE. No 7 tioisre, Nor 1 - 4/73:
D LEECH & CO, Cam 13.1 n POOO
3 l'inaborrh.
Mls= 1850.
CLARK, PARKS U. 'oeltattes, Pa., PIPPI' I .
JOWI • - tuGney, Meat,
°Mee ear Spinning, r , ..1 "Vulti rittrlntrun.
eIIAttIBEIUAN,C.S.aWI - 01111ACA. Arty
C 1.,. c'r ,al, Onto.
t r il le!tuTVett!l n lZ:tp ' ; ', 7.; ' : ', l27i r . s' rl , ll4ll " .f. l
CLEVEY.AN D. to any ;01,n rp tan Canal and Lakes.
Th, arthe Lent. rer. urp, tin number,
quality and earatay el llaav, c.perleuee otspytalsta t
and caeca, e: Aral
One Dont Iliare• Inunnuren tald erten.] daily. rot
rant In coatteetio:t -ttn 'ts of Strata Ilea. la
tureen PIITr3RURG/I h.sAI 1,1 ESL and a Luta
rtrat elan Swum Bopp, l'ennclieta Pad Vasaalat
tire Lakes.
Clark, Parks A. Co,,
N Parka A Co, Votmasteum,
In 13 Taztor, Warm , - 0;
A A. N l,lnrk, NC.0.1 Ealls, 0;
I Gras too A Co, Ravenna, 0;
Emu, Grinnell I Co, Franklin, 0;
II A Millar, Cayishoga Eons, 0 ;
Wheeler, Loa Cc Co. Akron. Ca
Chnborlin, Cr C, avreerd ACo,
o t Cleveland, CI;
Ilabbard A Ca, Sanilash7, Oi
Scab= tr. Scott ; 'Colcdood;
0 Williams A Co, person; Mich;;
Williams IV Co, hillsravkie, Win;
Morley A Gestton, name, Wis; .
George A Gibbs, Chicagoan; "
Thorau ILvde, Ghicago,lll.
JOllti n CAUGIIF.Y, Agent,
rgp corner Water and Southfield As
MEM 1850.
LAME SCRIM AND mrientoAs Llatz,
CLARKE, PARKS & CO, Rochendr; Proprietors.
IT HE Prep!.lot°. of thiv old and *lll known Lino
J. would inform th e public that they aro now in op
eration for the present ...on: and have commenced
receiving Freight and Pavvengera, which the are
fully prepared 10 carry to all_posido on the Canal and
Ar the lowan mien. One of the Boats of tbe Line
Trill cooriandy of the landing . , below Monongahela
Bridge, to receive freight.
Chlice, car Water and SmithlSeld ata, Pinabacel.
W Cunningham, New Culls, Pa;
Mitehniirvo &Co, Pulaski;
W C Malan, Favor.
J & B ltud, Shan/seem
Wick. Achre k Co, CirecneinAi
Win Henry, Cu`eie , ereA,
Av e , peerccnnesotrilitii
Jahr. licher A Co, Eric;
Jobe 1/nllister k. rio. Borah, NV. tat
pgtoborgb Portable Boat LIE.,
sTati 1850.:=JAVY,
Y01.71M 12.1,314311111.1102 ow 31010
TO AND 700 U
Tneatas Boasumos., j iiTaaraz & O'Couhrin.
Plulsdelphia. j Pttuiburch.
MEGA:aI being now open, the proprietors of this
long cstabllibed Line are no usual at their old
wands, receivlrg and forwarding Merchandise and
Produce at low rate., and with the promptness, cer
tainty, and safety, comelier en their system and mode
of trunsportattun, where iniennediste tminduPinent
avoided, with the eonscguatit delaila and probability
of dam tire.
Merchandise end Preduce shipped tutor west, and
DIII. Lading forwarded free of - charge for commis
glen. advancing, or storage. •ilaring no interest dl•
Bey or indirectly in steamboats, that of the owners
is solely consulted when shipping their goods.
All communications to tha fallowing ngetaa Prompt
ly attended to:
• • -•• •
. . .
No T 9 Markel street, Philadelphia.
Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh
John Meet:ale/kb & Ca, GO North 21, llet; P.U.earl
& Co. 25 Drama et, Ratan, W.&l. T. Tap on &et
be, :butt et, Near York; /tonal AT kaoloregl C lll ci
aliaMa 1850.:.x;_=
ll:Waialeale P il l ta:argil alitairaa e tics.
Tin Canal !icing now "yen, we are ready to frame
and forward promptly, Nature and merchanilize cast
nail Arent.
Frain'. &sway. At lowest rates, el:milted byicapon
table herr , .
Produce and mrichazdise will be reeeived and for
warded cast and treat, witheot any charge for for
warding or advancing freight, conteilsrion or ammo.
11111. of lading torlyardcd, and all di:cations faith
Address ur apply in, WM. 11INCIIA11,
Canal Bailin, con Liberty and Wayne Cl.. 1 ittaburgh.
111 N 011A11 &1113 CK,
No 163, ?darke st, between 4th &fah.
No tel. North Coward at.. lialtnnorm
JAS. 111N011Ahl,
aortal In, Wrist erect, New Von&
Ctre •
Damemagiar arta 11 tttnnee 001. e.
ge k IIANKDEN di. Cr). cr.MVIIIT 11 bring persona
front any part of Fa.e.tita. I rhttni ficothmd or
tl^ teat libLrai lent., with their
rtglarranClunlity end r.‘telitia& lo *Ws slid cone
fart of aurnigrant. Ode do not altar/ Our passengers to
be robbed by astabsigt samtpa that infest the sea
ports, 11/1 wet •ke cher, e et them themoment they Te.
poll thernaelven, ,o their Ml,ll being, and de
apateh them 'without a, Gcoalicla by the first ships.—
We say thin feuriany, .v_ defy_ nue of oar passen
gers to show that thel• wore detained td Fan's by oe in
Liverpool, whilst Mouses& of alien s ore dentinal
Months, until they mild be tent in corn. 'OA 9rllft, at &
e b; p rate, which too frequently preveL their engine.
we intend to perform oar contrast. mnitrablyi emit
what it may, and not act to woo UM 00-10 tut reason,
tuna ether oflicers,--whe either performed not all, Or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at nut:emelt for any pan from: ta
f2rTif,Wl y ard l , e Bc . o t tl:n i d ° . ` g VlT ' ... `"`" ' 1 " `"re*
JOSIIUL nomomori,
... . . _
European a ud Gene tall Arent,
r•U, Vifth ereet. on* dm, Imbn• Wept!
I:l4Vai—/ 1 ' 2721iii2n1222--Otol — '27Difii2Tiii
, . 2 pipe.. Ifulland Ulu;
li elli• N B Rum;
. ICE Dl* WblalEopy for sale ty
------- •
No 75. Fourth Street.
TV' fiPCIAIVTO^7 is nosy etntsmatlyeeeeiving Ala
Ppm' st. It of CARPI , 7I . VIL CLOTH,
Triattalgs, Ste, ea•prisine in peat Ihe (mowing, wit
• .Extra SOPUT Royal Velvet Pile Car3ets, o , -
• •
q " gßatt . nr. ' ALrieTartaPc6lrteels t
• Extra Superfine Imgerial y:y
4 Buparfind "
' P"
it "n"
7, , cotton Tufted 11.1];.;
superfine ;grab Corn,'
Extra am
Extra Wilton
Common do
Chenille Door Moto;
N,l and TO Vert Car.
44,4 and carp.
44, h 1 an/ 24 plain Car.
Utr and Il•a Carpets,
Printed Cotton Carpets.
Sheep Skin
8-4,7-4. 64, S 4, 44 and 1
011 Cloths;
...; I
64,54, 44, and I
19 use 4 putout Oil lll Clo ogl ths
:... s
for tairs.
Extra printed piano covets
Embossed Piano
Printed woolen " •
Emboesad Stand
Linen and woslind "
Damask Star Linen;
Turkey Red Chimes;
Igor Table
Cowrie English ,
Brown Lm n crumb cloths
looenam Stai Soda;
Stair Den ett;
Carpel Billings;
Jute and no Mats;
Al icant an 'Skeleton Mang;
54 and 4-1 Green Oil Cloth
for Blinds . '
Coics Trannaos.
coino abd Drab Cloths;
saroa Plash;
Coaeb Ott Cloths
Dsmash• for Linings;
Watered hioreins.
Beff llollend for InhadeN
French %Tramp. n
Handal; for Flagg •
7-4 and a
i ki Table Linen;
Rsise,C sb;
Brown Linen Napkins;
Gelman Oil Clol Table
ao th ,
e most approved Eng-1
=tater. front Id to PA feet
cut to fit room% balls, and
-Imparted direct from Erin.
hpeatryetalrETS. , There
te lateot and most elegant
,(the most gonteano colors,
w all they can he phrehesed
Sm, On, Cterna fro.
[Leh and American trisinufa
In width, which will ba c
sestib ales of any MID or ahi
The undersigned having
land, his Velvet rile and Ta
Carpet.,which are of the
nyie• sod liaterns, and of
wilt ba sold at mines &sloe
for In may ofd,, eastern ea
- 'llwing_ the largest assoitment of the richest and
PLY and INGRAIN CA RPETG which far norpathes
in gangly and thicapacth of price,any neer
liciare.brought to this city. Ile alio invites Sicembnat
Men and Coach Meenthetoren to M. large lad well
ticketed assortment of TRIMMINGS,and other articles
neccarary in their haziness.
Tbeanderligned is also agent for the only Stair Rod
lilanufethory in Philadelphia and Is prepared to sell
lower th an eon be parchased'elrearlicre in ttis city.
rarld WM. bIiCLINTOC.
AA. MASON A CO, street, So Markel between
. Thin/ and Founts, are now recci•ing s large as.
sortsient of Mires° De Leine; Persian Clotbso all
tiro new article; Pallebits; Eie
a large smarrment of Lawns and other Dress seeds,
of toe latest styles and most fashionable colors.
(SOFFEEti tos — i.Wme Rio am.;
J ------
t,/Clatstd.sos-ICI ban mould, slipped, sod sperm;
Cams-ISObis Cream and English Dalai
- Ca sio -20 dos [Temp and Ittrusalla;
Cauca-30 Maus;
CtoSas-4 hasn't
cin,as-to CO Common and half Sp Shish:
Ftso-Z brio and b al/ brls Aloe licrel.and Salmoo;
Gbass-50 bit assorted strein
ipso-121/0 Point. Venison;
loco Sagas Cored;
irronari-INllbs S F and Manilla;
1.-16 do. Black and Copying;
blobuiass -CZ bola N Orleans.
•13 halt Oslo .9rigar ' Rouse;
blerramo-20 do: snorted can
blaousom-50 itis Italian;
t Vsossarisa--60 tbs do
Nuts-200 kegs monad;
' flcsurs-5 dasjara soisormd;
Pitscass-30 boatels trabirem
Parrs--CO reams assorted; '
Pamirs-100 lbs Borden.;
Sose-60 boa Rosin and Cc.s Steel;
Scosa-10 bbd. N Otle,n• and Claxifiedi
Trit-00 packages Green and Blatt;
Tone:co-20 bar 12/ J, & 1 lb tomb;
Wain Dossne-de dOZ pilltent Ze ••
For sale by J D WILLIAMS k. co
mria COTTIGT of FAO and Wood st
UMW! FMB! FUltni—The subscribers will pay
for Coon •Je Mask Bat, Orly and Had Vox,
had all kind; aishippir.g Furs, the higbarb •astera
fnbEa hIcCOHII W. CO.
comer Fifth and Wood a _ n. •
THE Partnenhip heretofore existing between Juncos
Tassel , and John B est, In Coi titecery„ Broditec
and Commission business, was dlsrOtred N mantel
consent, on the 14th inst. hlr. John Beet haring pur
chased the enure interest of James Tasncy, toe
firm, the bitn .. will be laded by laL-tiut their old
amid, No. SS Wood. JAMS:L.; T ttSzYS,
fele= JOIIN
, aper flanging.
PIUNO SELECt au sUccirod, by first
0 canal shipment., • new and choice anrorunent of
Wall Pap..., of the latest ' , moult and Rortrn
to gold, charoois,rook, plain and high color. •
• W. P. MARSHALL, Ra ms te 10. Hill,l
terl3- Wood street
MOB Cii-purtnersLip bcretafore emming Lfitturen S.
Husticuld land Joun under thn firm of
S D. Dumfieid 3. Co., it thts day rit.soire4 by =soul
cons, Too Inisioem of Mc old firm Will be sewed by
S.S. Bushtield, at the oid stand, Noi ii..NLitro ty
Pittsburgh. S 1111.511.1111.. D.
!Sochi, INS. JOHNNIetiILL.
continue the Wholesale natal Retell Dry boo& lezd
Of eees7 thasineas, at the old steed, No. Tell. ',then, L
.dtt the Cm of B. IL I.IthiIIFILLD oh CO.
March L I.<4.—lmaLe
4 etA .
Vll, Rue nay assoctmedpitint inc, is ten Whole- t
.1. sale tirocary, Cdreculeeiort, and Forwarding ball-
email, my two 'Done, It. N. and W.B. Witten:nen The
• ussunis In have wilt be conducted enter the style of i
L". S. Waterman k Bons, at the ofd nand, No 31 We-'
ter and eS Front street L. S. IVATERMAN. I
Pittsburgh, Watch Lt, LSO.. I
WILD C1.1111.11Y, the greet remedy for
And this beat medicine known
to man for Asthma of every cleft, Liver
Complain., Bronchitis, Induces, Conan', Colds,
131ccdit r &o . f a tti n, e i l&T , s - s , ,4 ,, h , ory;:is e a:f .i rt . reatn,
limns., fcc., and nil other
disc.. of Me
A very imprint= disease over whitob thlellalsam ex
ell, a Very powerful infhtenim, It that Of a
In this complaint it tene.undoubmalyproved more
efheaoioes than any remedy bitheno employed, and in
mune mar Matinees when pita.ti had endured long
and severe wafering from the diacesegrrithad rattle
ing the least benefit from nation remedies, end when
Mercer,' as been reported to in vete, the net of this
Balsam has restored the Liven to Uncanny setatn,m 3 d
La MBy instances tweeted permanent cures after
GYM' weti known rmucidy hail felled to produce this
desired effeet.
Scalded Its estenishin,c &ECU] In the d[ one above
mentioned, we else hod it a very eLftstual remedy in
Asthma, a complaint Inwittch It hen been eMenairetry
seed with decided succeed, even in cases of years ,
standing. With the Increase of iutelligence hoe grown
up a kdge of the elements Of health, and a
fo them , nad commeneurately with Me modes of
science bate we acquired the means of doming diG i
cue, end averting its ravages. Notwithetanding the
progress we have made, maned. snow that even
now, one sloth of the whole population die emmally
of common..
One athe most Important discoverles of ten ere,in
ameliorating the condition of Wadable Mass of eel
, taring bumenity.ll
Wistar's Balsam of Cherry is a fine Bernal
Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and
the genuine Icelend Most, (the lenerimported express
ly tor this paipose,l the rase medicinal virtues of
which ere 111.3.e0Mbleed by a new chemical proem,
with the extract if Tar, thus rendering the whole
compound the most certain and cifineetou remedy
aver discovered far
Still ranker evidences of the remarkable eared -
properties of this inestimable preparation:
Rctarrusrisse, Broonsms, 0., Aug. 21,154 Q..
. . . .
Messrs. Idemdforil es Park: Gentlemen, Moat six.
weeks ago I received the agency of N Vigor's Balsam
of Wild Cherry, bet with Rome relnetance no. mY P.M
for tee mum . : that I had been Mc agent of no many
pills sod other nostrums, which were croaked cp to
be something wonderful, bat which turned oat In the
end to bo of no account,
whmover, zeept to me nom
tincture, Cut I mmdadly admit that this time I bare
been deceived, forme extraordinary cures erected by
Wooer's Daimon have convinced e n that "good can
come out of Nuuctino Your agent left mo one doz
en bottles, ',rhino eta allgoue—having been the means
of caring several obstinate eases of Consumption—
and no mistake; for whet I sae and know I nag boand
to believe. One case in particular: A youg gentle
, man in Winchester, Adams county, 0., IU mites from
this place, was cued of Consumption when the
f o e do.
tore has given him up, or sale ast could do nothing
him, and It Wes the Intention of 'Ms friends to convey
him to your city, and place him under the care of come
eminent physician there. Bet a friend told him of
Wirier'. Balsam, and dal be coaid obtain it of me.
he sent for it, and before the eccond bottle isms gone
o was sound and well, and attending labia everyday
business. As there are several Oratories for toe medi
cine, it would be well to forward an additional supply
without delay. Very respectfully, yours,
The above . , from I...Newland, EN., a highly reopen.
able country merchant, eammende itself formlny to
the candid attention of ell those wto base doubted
the great merit of Wistar's Wild Cherry Dalitim.
Remember the original and only genuine Wistm's
Belem, of Wild Clien - y, was narodoccd in th e year
end has beta well tenet in all cornplanth for
which It is moortanotoled. pot I 7 years it has proved
more efficactom so k remedy for Coughs, Cold s,lnfl a
cale, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption in its
clpmut.mges, than any other medicine.
Nato Bowman, Ans. 10, ISIS.
Mr.Felet Rue men many certificates
publtshed in rel w nuon to Dr. ad
Wistarla Balsam of Wild
cberry, I take this opportunity of °Kenna nword in
its her., which you are alto at liberty to publish. A
few month. since my wife'. lungs become so leech al
lotted with A.M.'s:" cold, that one 101 l her voice, nud
eel:limed Severely from pains iu the bonsai. lice stuaw
ban caused her friends amen alarm. liming hem!
your Ilalsam strongly recommended by those who
need it, purellased a battle from your by
in this
place. the toot It according to directions, cad it pro
duced a wonderful effect. Before ming one bottle she
had completely reemered her voice, the peine subsid
ed, and her health was soon rally re-established.
To Dscaotsre Lem DieJAMI tv MUnCinte—Thl Cel
ebrated and Infallible remedy for the cure otConnumr.
non, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by Ito awn me
fits, been rapidly, aura and safely amines Ito way
through the oppoaltionild quacks and counterfeiters,
mall, by as Wm value and intAnsie a:stiletto, it has
gained for itself mom enviable popularity. and estab
lished Itself la the confidence of an intelligent and en
he lamed public, from one cad of lie Celle.. le the
other. The testiraany or thou/tends who have been re•
Keyed and cored ay dos valuable article, will show
that it stands unrivalled—at the head of all other me.
dteities, for the care of diseases for which its. recoup.
mended. he genuine Dr. Wienat's Balsam of Wild
Cherry is now for rale by duly appointed Agents, and
all respectable deem in medicines, la
and all Important towns throughout the United Elates.
Pala it per.Doute I t7li Bottles far id.
Sold by J. D. PARK, (emcees., tallandfowl &Pared
Fourth and Walnut street., Cincinnati, Ohio, General
Agent for the Booth and West, to whom all orders
must be addressed.
L. Wilcox, Jr, J.... A. Jones; J. Kidd ri. Co; IL A.
Pabnestock Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Rowell, Wash.
Drew W. 11. LarnbeMon, Franklin,• L. Bowie,
UnLoniowni 11. Welty, lGrecosburgb; 14.Kounts,Somet•
set; Beall tr. GIIMOre, Bedford; Reed to Sort, Homing.
don; Mrs. 017, Holildsyeburg; Iliblebran Its Co, Ind',
ms; J. K. Wright, Kittanning; Kama a. Co,Brook
ville,• A. Wilson le Son, Waystesburght M'Fatlmd A
o, N. Callender Meadville; Burma 2t Co, Pre; J.
MagollirkMercer:James, Kelly ICCo,fitutler. &Smith,
Beaver; J. D. TamMcrlOn,Warrert; F.L&11,13.y,m,
medicines of the day..
Graham dtstion,.oltio, May qS, 1E47.
R think it tight, for the benefnef others,
to wale none (nets ra rebuion to year excellent Fa
mily Medicnes.
I have need your Verrnifogo largely in 'my awn'
an „ fly , One vial treenently candling large quantities
tray IXO to .J.lO .tvol ins) from two children. I ha,e
slats used your Liver Pills and Mesh Syrup In my
Cuddy, and they t eve, in every 10.11tUICC, produced
the end. dea+red.
As T not engaged in
of I am able to
state, that 1 have yet to hoar base
the East failure where
year ntedietnei have been awed in any section orthe
country. In conclusion, I may 'state that they are the
medic+ hea of the nay, and are destined to have a nary
CLICIISIVII popularity. Yount, rWe g. fillg i k eLL.
Prepared end sold by R. R. SELLERS, Nola Want
Erect, nod sold by Druggiits generally.. In the two
tides and •iernily. je?
ST.I.LtOt.n melltiOlNk.Z.— ,- Tney ate as
Medicines ot thc day: ,
(I rtsx. , s &ninon, Ohio, May P 5,1549.
R. E. Sellers I think It richt for the benefit defiers
to state some fees in relation to year excellent Fami
ly Medicines.
I have used y. sr Vermin - tee lorgmy In my oviM son
ily, ono vi fre amity answering. for expellee .ge
lacy eto IMO) worms 'from two childrst 1
have also • red your Liver Nils and lamb Syrup en
my family end they have in every Instance produced
the effect desired. '
Al I am engeged in merehandialeg, I am able to
state that 1 nave yet te bear of the first failure where
poor medicatechave been used in my aection of the
countrY. iii conch:mon, I they state that they are Si.
medicines of the day, end are destined In bare Avery
extensive pspulanty Yount. rat .ecdttlib
.IL nwr..x.
Prepared sad sold by R. • •F.l I. 11S,No 57 Wood
street, and told by Dingus. .s generally in the two el
ties aud vicinity. mr3l
755 - I.IV - Eit - COMP LAftWliffie
%.k original, only min, arid gentiles! Liver PIA.
Smarr Can., Ohio comity, Va./
March 21th, 7519. S
Mr. IL E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to the pabli e genera ly, to atom that 1 have
been aleimed with the Liver Complaint for a long
tne, end so badly that an aliceM formed and broke,
which lett me la a very low state.' Having' treard of
your celebrated Liver Pilla being .f or sibs by A It
Sharp, In West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. E. Smith, 1 concluded to gave them
a fair trial. I purchased one box, and .found them to
lion what they are recommended, THE REST LI.
VER. 511.1.. EVER USED, and after taking four boxes
1 find the disease has entirely left me, and 1 am now
perfectly well ReSpeetfully your.,
IVest Liberty, Mara 25,1.549.
I certify . that I am personally acquainted with Mr
Cohan .t ,andean bear testimony to the troth of the
Cieve ecitificate. A R. SHAE'
Tel genuine Liver Pins are prepared end sold by
R E 3. LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by dmggists
in the WO
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gem.
nine Liverillis are prepared by Ron e Hers, and have
b. name staritped In black wax up the lid of each
Lox, and his' signatore on the outside wrapper—all
others ore colmterfeim, or base imitation.
R F. SELLERS,Proprietor
Fig - -; Alf WA canrustrrivia BALSARI
ip RUM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop
Y ular Clergyman Di the Protestant Methodist Chant
The understened benne been &Meted during thee ut
minter with* disease cothe stomach, sometimes pro
duct., great pain in the etentacji for tentor twelve hours
ithoutintermi ann,and after haying tried various
iv:lndics with affect was furnished with a, bottle
of Dr D J syne4C mauve Balsam: Thisbe &sad ac
cording to the direct.ens,and found invariably thatthis.
medicine tensed the panto abate in three or font min.
emu, sod in fifteen or twenty minutesevery uneasy
sensation wan entirely quieted. The medicine was of.
tcrwardsused whenever indioxionsof the approach of
pninwerepcteeivedothulthe pain was thereby prerreet.
ed. Ile eve:anent to two the medicine every evening
and "menthe in•tic. 'monocle, and in a few weeks
health waste farrestored,tbat the tenderer was Teller
en from a beige amen r.i of oppressive pain. From ex
erience,thereforeo e can confidently recommend D
D Jaynes Carminative Salaam, as a salutary niediein
for disseses'of Huston:met end bowels. A SILINNII
For sale in Pittehureh at 11 mitiah
7hF“rth street, near Wei and also .at theDrae
Store t, SCHWARTZ. Ye eLel street. Altegnory
CONSll2l.l"rivEs, BE OIV
NE YO 7.722 rrezzi.
ono atm. ILIMCCOI sox
Consumption, Coughs; Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liv
er Complaint, erelong Blood, Ditllculty of Breath
ing, Vale in the Bide and Breast, ralpitationot
the Ilemuintleensa, Croup, Broken Con-
Mt union, Sore Throst,Nerroos , MULL..
ty, and all Dlooloo3 of the Throat,
Bremnand speedym et,
• formal mid d care
ever known for any of
u• vetabo CI.O.
COunkoand. Ogrwp of Wald Oboorryl
This merle Inc in no longer among thole of doobtfal
Ithassanted loamy from the thousands daily
launched Open the tide of experiment, and now eland:.
higher u repatmion.endislecoming more 0=00.110, 1
ly card then “y other preparntion of mediebta over
['Minced for the rebel of suffering man.
It hes breo Introduced very generally through th
- e
United Suites and Earrpc, end there are few toWnl• of
importance ben...hat eontion some remarkable evi
dence of tts good elects. For proof of tho foregoing
smunnents, end of the value, and efficacy of this meth-
I t ig v e . et b a „r law
p o f the,,t..tftfltmhott.ty
men of tf
the Ern resee ' etability—men who hove higher
Mews of taro; responsibility and justice, in. to rev
fify to fams, because it wit( do another a favor, end
themselves no tele:aka. hitch testimony proves COR
clusively,that its turpnfing cscellonee, is establiohed
by its intraste merits, and Me unquestionable authori
ty of tablie opinion. ,The instantaneous relief it tif
fords, and the soothing influence difhtsed through Me
w hole 'f ra tmobrint use, renders it a most agreeable
remedy for the alllicted.
"When men, acting from conscientious napalms,
voluntarily heel testimony to the truth of a thulg, oc
poroccOat fact,ColCh4Colanecy being contrary. to their
worldly iniereats and purport s , coerces convictioa of
Its truth .and commends itself in a cpecial manner to
univmaal meeettee.n..-o'llogen'a blond Maxima
Stmt. Aborda Cols or roxisossar Comearrno.—
Thcre otter woo R medy that has been as saceciothl •
in Corp... Cases o re f
Consumption as Dr. SWayne's
Conmound Syrup or Wild Cherry. It Mmegthen• the
system, and
appears to heal the ulcers on the tongs,
eatsg Imes and rich bloods po
wer porsossed dby no
ther siticinc. •
Coverrea Co.. April:M.6,PM. •
Dr. Saapte—Der.r Sit I verily believe your Com
pound S i rup of Wild Cherry has been the means of
saving my !tie. [caught a sevens cold, which grade
ally Fro* worse, attended with a revere cough, that
resisted all the remedies which I had recourse to, still
increasing until lay ease exhibited all the symptoOll of
to Consumption. Every thing I tried seemed
to have no effect, and my };
pia so rapid
ly that friends as well as myself, gave op
all hopes of
my recovery. At this moo I was recesuradded to tel
yam' invaluable tuedicine: I did so with thorn oat hap.
rult.. The first bottle had the effect to loOsen the
cough, canting me to to freely; and by the
nom I had ascii six bottles I wu entirely well,...ated am
now na hearty a ILIA RS ever was in My me, and
would be happy to give any infOnnatiOnadapeetingerty
Case, Illta other annerers may derive the bangle for
which I,am so grateful. Inc the truth of the above
statement, I refer you to Peter Rosh., Groat', Weal
Chester, PA, of whom I purehesed the medicine.
Relpelegully yours, Jim Bleasult,
Weriderful Cure of a Methwiiel Mirstatim
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: I feel a debt of gratitade dee I
yon—and a dory to tbe afilletcd generally, to offer
' rop y berVIIIT:Ing-r. tPoorm'entiglyoeurer? sfreury7l
- attacked with cold and ingmrunation of the
Loot,o which was accompanied with a digressing
ttintit;,ttomol.tat, a v i eg l. conshi . era.
Glatt upon change ot Waither, however slighL At 1
foot I felt st o alararaboutpy condition, but was pretty
soon convinced that lons rapidly going into dump.
non. I pew daily vecalthr, and at length Ins marce-
ly able to walk about, or :peak above a whisper each '
war the eueed , ng :tearless of my lungs. Intritig t w o
ti I hail tried various pleparations and preseripmes,
b ase utfound no rend-1064in all thethne worm- Just
I*as adm..ed and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmsngton to make trial tryout Syrip of Wild Cher
ry. I most COM,. that ieremoasly I had bcOu mein.
diced inainst patent nie. Mines, and I am still against
those coming owl of Me hands of cm : perks, but under
standing your elairos to the prefeasion and practice of
medicine, and bossing implicit falth in Moseying of my
frier.da, I forthwith y Puree
of Dr. Shaw, ono of your
agents, • few la..dlers, and commenced its me. illy dis
ease togs ths. OEM of 20 or 14 months' standing, con.
con sid e ra ble was deeply seated. I forind,
conble relmf from the CM of the first forum five
bottler. Dut being a. public speeker; I 'frequently at.
tempied to predh with •my ineressing strength, and
thereby natural those vessels Mat bad alresi.y began
to heel; In tido way, doubtless, ray cure woo greatly.
reto,d,a_ nee of acting Mrs impmrlentl ,
I had un twelve or fifteen bootee .before I was pra
fectly r to
estored I have no question, a widen:tali
number of.botU.a would have made me soma, be.
the above inthecreuen. The 117 ,0 1 ollsTed the faro •
hab di s ch arg ereay the dittresslog cough, put alt,
to the of molter !COM the longs, and ”p .
them and the mate rietcat good health. I
.11000 auto,
red carrion this cernacate until now, for the rumen
of being perfcc...r satisfid with the pernumeney 0 1 ttu,
cum, and now Mat I feel perfectly well I offer
pleasura ' Oil. J. P. JortaZ
Dublin cOlnuty, N. C.
Important Ccusum—•Sead!
There ig bats , a genuine pie
of Wild Merry,
and that is Dr. Ifiwartis, the Gest erer odered to the
pablie which was been said largely throughttax the
United ' Staten aod some parts of - Earopei and el' pre.
parmlons males ,by the name of Wild Cherry have
been put oat Lime this, under COVET Of some deceptive
circumstances, .a order to pro currency to their sales.
By a Hale obseevetten, no person need mistake the
genuine from tle false. 'Each* bottle or the genuine Is
enveloped wit a beautiful sicel engraving, with the
likeness of thilusarn Peen
therOoO; also, Dr. Swaynets
signature: stud ts further security, the D„
Swayne will added hereafter so as to dutingaish
preparaLiab 'torn all other'. k no wn wino mu not fOr
the great sanative properties and . of Dr.
Swaynes thm.sound Byrne of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be ondeavorlng to •give ' eurreacy to their
"fictitious nest stne by steeling the name of Wild
Cherry. Remembeays bear In mind the name
of Dr. Swayne
tad beta deceived.
Crineipal 011sse,corser of Eighth and Rae* steeets,
Par sale win...male ard retell Ity OGDEN te SNOW
DEN, nor Out Won•I as; It A FAIINESTOCIP ft
Co, err let ate Wood, nod Gth end Wood stst Whl
TIIOftN, 53 h t st: et JON len Utterly st; /AS
LNP-9, or
stand and Conn olA; 501114 Jaren-
Alieghen: city, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. oettd_
me-- Bale et:map.
N g handsome baggy, entirely new, from a eel.
OCrated r O .I.IfICIOICT at the east. Also,
detplua built second land *dilly, in good order. Ea
-quire th, office. , r Jed
41uertrakTV5Pe1ee Redsse PLTMST
.ITMIE ..intscnipitts win sell Merman's best
nil high tea blase and Setae Makers
Pod. Ash, warranted superior to any ether brand
11 by th, quantity of 5 toes or upwaros for currency°
opposed Notts, at four months, or 11 for a less caul
Ley. W t 111 hIITDIIE be LTakIb,
• Lirty
F.SSVX, FLJOIINO & CO„having arranged t
gllra their C-111. atfentlon to the ohs of domestic
Woolen and Cotton Go
de, now offer their large
plea or Tailor. , Tfirnenlegs, Vesting French uld
Gamma Cie ihs, Doeskins, taulma & Emu:mt..
le4 IX...Wood it
LEACHING POWDER-40 casks Yu Muslim
Bton.' brand, a superior artiele, for sale by _
Nuspren , s Soda Ash, airio easls
Bleaching Powder, salved per sblp Osenbridge,
end now conarng on by canal, for sale by
N.ll.—Tbey will rendre, Mains the winter, tarp
.atmiier Via hem. arks ns. sew
A . N VlLS—*rought Iron Anyllt, from • e ewer
encerillee work*, warrenutd; will be .00= 0 /
on bend arid *applied to order, by •
oThYt COCHRAN. al *ded
- 13rithaltai PAY.I6/A—N ram eel 37 - 1 - 0 - “ , e. trek
end for sell by Ait MUS ; c 9
PLACE BOOK—Containing the &chianti."( the
the Coned :Antes. and of the .ro-
BagnletiT:SCleuriCo4(Fts ou Bilis of Exeh . amps.. Cheeks,
and PfattasoiT Noterdefitung their requisites And
properties, and intettigatiort tech relanona anti
effects opon,parties Iha 1001 e arrentped m ostler
mon copvenient for reference, and imitable for im
mediate application. Dy. Wth. Coonsclioe at
end for sale by
received /OeFINSTON a STOCKTON •
kte'• Bookssilers,lor. MarketALTldld
t re •
Mostt—Perfoniery Use and Manufacture- =O.
Stall.— Philosophy of Natere.
Chileyr—Aphormo• tuld Reaecta=
Straw—En} fish Ltheroture:: Ltda. •
D.,4--Lraeodre. 12ato_.
B. , t—SVllat I saw in Cabford
, .
T , ottLe—Paol and Vtraltia. 2 val. I.Dno.
Aleolt—lettcr,to Young men. 122 '
Barmy—Reelimde of Human Nature. 12020. •
Vericoar—Medern Prtnel• Literature. •
Smellio—pbuesopb, • 1 •
Nownhato—ltontan Matrzetisio. •
flumboldt—A.peet• Nature.
[lf tab. by , lirotEn.D lAJCWIV %AVIA
jag IN Fourth .1
nnomsoa cuARLE.4 DAVIES has luatlr°_, , ,
Ipared anew arithmetical work, a copy of o rb
wlll be presented to each and every Teacher in the
United -Vltates. without charge upon their aPP llool ' ty
W A. IL English & ce..,*nciAmd Amt,;
(poet pal dd i atelroi , lc . izp.r/r, .1
Or„ An Analysis of the Ler4ol: T oof ligortniatid
L... cam of Numbera.
The followini notice to "pied frees the New York
Tribune of Jan. 2-111,1&4.;
arsissossa or Astrrarric. Cns:S.D.Svnoe,L.L.D.
(IPrno., pp.144.)—1n this woik theta nguage or gum,
and comrades of et:mixer% arn carefully amilyed.
The alphabet, composed of tfll figures—Me words de
rived from the. alplishet, and the law. by which. the
figures are . connected .wiat eseh,other,ore clearly
ha analysts shows that there 'aro hut foes bon.
dred end eighty eight elementary combined:ens in
Arithmetic, each corresponding to a word of ottr coin.
moo :language; and that these combinations lap so
connected together as to: be all •ortiressed• by only
sixty three diderent words. The system proposes to
commit thesearords to memory, end then read the
results Instead of spelling them, as now practised.
"In Mninher. respect tho system:proposes an Import.
'am choosy namely: to cc asides end treat ell freedom
sae:aim tUngs, having gime Inflaters to the unit ores;
from which limy were derived. .: . •
"We scarcely need say that thillnle omit evinces
the ingenuity and skint ainlysia, for which Prolemor
Davi& writing on this mtniect me Justly celebrated.
We commend it to the attention - of practical teachers,
believing that they wilt
find ormirded with new mad
valuable saggestlonao - • •
Flom tha Prifeator: Wir4 Pabst.
"hTturaar Amur= or U.S. Wise Porta,
"Tbe.Cirtunm as of Arithrossle,hy /Wesson Davies,
pretend the subject itra new light: It so analyzes
Arithmetic as to Impress the mind of the learner with
the fast principles of mathematical' science to tacit
right order and connection, and the new tales for the ,
rending of Prates are orgreat practical *Wee. '
' Signed, W. 11. C. nettled, Prof. of Pint& Ex. Phil. •
• A. F. Church; Prof at Mathematics.
D.ll. hishesvPtot. or . Engineering."
A.S. BARNES &Co. would respectfully announce,
to teachers, and to all interested In mathematical In.
swollen, that they lull publish, It or before the Ist
"I r f IvTz n arAgs r al " VATO r P • mavE 3 TA • ricsi
Or, an Analyses of the Principles of the Seience—ot
IDs Munro °Me ressoning—ankdofthebest dlethods
• of Imputing Instraction. :By Chu. Davies, L.L. D.,
Author of “A Complete System of Mathematics..
N. 5.—A. 43. Barnes & rte the pabllsheta ' of
Males' System Of hfashemndes. • •• .. '
For sale In this dry by A . H. ENGL.'S' & No.
79 Wood street. • feb
•• — ••a — torts Sew liathlopsass
GWINK to Ran ell Night; Dolly Day;
Dine} Joao_ Go down Couon Field
Nally was o. Lod), ten.
Ile Kind to the Loved Ones at Rome;
Roar thy boat lightly; Tree Love, by T. Mod;
'Our "lay across the eta, doetn
A new medley aging, by 11. Covert;
Jenny Gray, made by Nailer;
Joy. that mere crowning, Wedding March;
God blase the hardy naertneLSellay Waltr,
Constript , . Del/RW.I4 by W., C. Glover,
Sounds team Maw; Wansos,'Steyetmarkische Co
Last Komi of Hummer,nasy variations 'by Item
United States Polka; Lodi& Souvenir Polka;
Corn Crackers umbilici Louisville Qaadzille;
liessifes of Italy; Deem, Trios, ae.
A largo ossortaent of New Mask
additions aro made weeklyy. For sale DT
febVi J. lila:LT..o'J, el Woba st.
T nmtw BuuKst
IL t
WAR WWII MEXICO, by E. RlpLeyi 2
m vols..
Element' of Rhatoncli, comprising on Annlytds et.
dm Law. of Moral Evidence end of renonicteni bT
Richard Wbetely, R D.
Essay on Christian Baptiann by Baptist W. Noel,M;
The Ogilsiea, a Novel.
Fairy Tales, from all Nationla by A 100. Y R. Una!
talba; -with 21 illastradons by Doyle. "
dein e arn reel by JQl er T.L IN STrd UN it STOCKTON,
and Market spews
Now aad Kliegs= OM Davits:
Headley, watt eleven original derigns by Dale:.
Poems and Prose Wriunas bylLlehard EL Dane;_
illithainated Gems
s eal acred
Jo hnelvdisid Maeda
lions engraved on tea, by hn Sartain.
Jam received try i.IOINSTON'd STOCKTON,
deld ! corner Third and Market sa
- puoY•littlie aa l faV l d ' lti P e A s, T rel ' etio T tis or an L d intje ' si i s o V ltlas c*
Medical Profession and She CernmmdlN by
ingunt Hooker, M. Dr
Tne Warts of Michael Do Mouto no; comprising
bls Essays, fly Wm. liarleu.
Nineveh and Its Iteenains. lip Austen Henry Lay.
ard, Era, D. C. L.
Damps. of Spain; 'or Notes of on Unfinished - Togo
In MI?. D)'S. T. Wallis. • •
Tapper' Proverbial Philosopby, new edition; I.llrn.
waled. Juin received by
JOCINSPON a'sTocsros, -
corner Market and Third 5500050.
. • asp d Hlstary.
•ME'S 111r , TORV OIqINGLAND Is cow pnb
-11. lishing hr./lapel . mßsn's, in IS vols.• cloth and
paper. at 4u cents per voL Three volt received, and
tor sate by a HOPKINS,
apl7 79dpolloßWldlaraPcart hav
New nooks. •
ED BURN 3 Ms Flvdt Voyage, by Herman
author of .Typre..” dOmao,” an.
• History or King Alfred of England,by Jacob Abbdrt
whit fine engrimors.
ISidoma the Soreere j f
Nt l le s Wa k
nov2l hamarTh and alren
"flits Of the Mart Remarkable WorLl:of the
of a visit to the Clumdman Christiana of Knells.
ton, and the TeviAls, or Dettil.lfforshipporsi andlan
Ingoiry Into the Lammers and Arts of the Ancteut
orlon,. By Austen Renry La and Esq., D. D
With Introductory 'Note by Pmt. E. Robussou, DAL,
LL.D. illustrated with 0 plates and traps, and SO
wood ems. 2 vela. nsAnloch,
"The book has a taro amount of grand:de, vivid, Pia
mresque narrativo."--Tnbune..
"The work of LaYard is the most prominent contri
bution to the study of antiquity, that boo appcaretifoi
many years."—Chtist. lag. ,• •
"Not one elects in interest the account of Nineveh
and its Rains, given by Mr. Layead,—Washington
Intelligencer. . .•
“ils we follow the diners with breathless intsMst
In their excavations, Ana suddenly find ourselves-he ,
fore a samara figure carved with minute] accent
now lifting Its 'atomic head front the .dum of MOO
years, wo are ready ts olio= with the astonished
Arabs , Wallab„Dis wonderful, but It La utteP"-rln
depondonL •
For sale by • `
told ' ' MI Woodsy
• o f
TOE WOMEN tam Old and 'New Testament
Edited by E. ft Spragao, D. p.. 1 Imp. gra !
iVe . a . i en b y o ti nd n ' s 4 . e . " lrb u' ra n igfrie ' iram d
POEmS uN P AlilHurti, (Mts. Welby, of Kr.,) a new
and enlarged edition; illastrated by engravings from
l ' yVe l d " an 'i r gIC I lo— ". ;11:Torsp 8 I ' etti ' dZat 0, 1 1 i.
al. and Gift Hooka.
Sowell's ChikiVirst Book of ma History of Rama.
1 vol. 16mo. ,
THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT,' adapted faith*,
am of Cavemen, Shipwrights, Wbeelwrigtion 151sw
yera I.ombermen, Students., and Artisans geaerallyi
being • thorough and pruned Treause on Mansura.
tloo and the Sliding Role. By D. 51. Expo!, A.liLi
noise's Treatise on Greek row Composition. ;
Oliendoift's Elementary French Grammar. By Prot
Greene. of Brown University. 1 vol. 18mo.
oediger's Gesenias , Hebrew Grammar, by Conalit
Cosmos' Hebrew Latino. I •
Loomis' Trigonotnetry and Logarithmic Tablet.. 1
act (shoep.) . ,
iatuxuta% Greek Concordance. 1 soli
Tb. p;llcits-
Anthon'tißlasaleal Bermes.
Webster's Dictionary, reviied ed. 1 vol. 8v0..;
do do! • unabridged. I vol. Co. ;
Dune's Notes and Questions on New Testament.
Whately's Logic.
• Mosheim's Ecelesiutical Llbttery. 3 vol.. 44 2
vols. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Breeden. loot. lenth.• • ;
Mornings among the Jesuits et Roma. 1 voL
and paper.).
Scenes where the Templet has Triumphed. t voL
(cloth end paper.). .
'ats'erticologie al Lecture. 1 vol. eve. (cloilt.)
Alder% Pronouncing, Bible.
- Boyer's French Dictonary. '
Bereft's Borneo, For sale by . R 110PKIN2 . ,
novt3 • Apollo Buildings, Fourth st
VP.W - Liticiks - 70 - 01 r aize:irk.D.—Tne wow
11 Montaigne, edited by 11. Ileslat, comprising Ids
hsnoYs, Letters, and Journey through Germany and
Italy, with notes from all the Ccentagmators,Liograph.
lent nod BibLiogroqnhical Notices Sc.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Minim
and Methods of Good School-Keeping; - by David
Flogs, A. M. Pah:mind of the BMus Normal Bthool,
'Albany, N. Y.
Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the B. ilea. ,
cod British Provinces of North Amenen, by Henry
Wet. Herbert. ; JOHNSTON & tr,TOCIiTON,
nave ' earner Third end Merkel eta
TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
o No. 03 Wood street, has for safari femeopies com
plete, tthe rematuder of the edition,) of this valuable
work, devoted to the Preiervation of Documents, and
other authentic felon:imam mineng to the early ea
alanation it, vela GUM. tod impreVe MUM of the Moo ry
round the head of tire 0100. r Ey Neville 13. prelt
Eset,elf Finsourg,h, la 2 vole Mo. • l) •
nevi() ; • J. Ja.LocKwoo._
with a view:of tho
o Liberty of ether Ancient Mations, ItY Doto=nvi
Aloe, Esq. Illestrasmi wi th twelve oagoravings,exte
touted at Roma. .2 vols., See, anllonn with Emmett's
Ilisuri.l Works.
Jest published and for sale IT .
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and.
Impower.C 3 WenPoSet
Ithono. 75 eta: MRS. FANNY EFOiLUL.I2B YEAR
:The reading of this book has Impressed cirwlik L
each higher o , ieion of ha author than we had Pirated ,
from pernstng ' r other weeny.. ltdisplays &deeper
tone of thought.,lthited le More pure womanly 0.0,g
feeling than my other roducdon of the' female mita
with which we are sequainted p .c—Eve. blister: •-• " :
It la a very wreable sod readable bookimiittralii
Fanny Kembleu; nest style—bold, apir44 i 1434 enter
Milling.- We fecal:amend 1110 DUI rest to Leg, b est
publiaation of the season.”—lteruliely Des.
°ft eOctotestie Journal or u I+nvel diTeigt
and residence in Italy; and to we of the 'pleasantest
and most intettltillg books of the gestaciLyi...cgg L ggg
A very ohnroatenntio book. Wo Woo . remit; from
title pogo to Colophon with onobatod totereloi A
picture of LPN la ROM. lo W reopeou otoloontly
ronaabk."-6diakorboaker• • • • .. -
For soloby , TAKESD LOCKWCiOD,'
oort3 j. Bookseller t ImPortokOZ Wood a
ni BOXES:Sepotler &Innen Ribbons, Atanb er,„
001 do. Flom% of all Ilse latest land 1104
"IP `O ks i"4' 4 234 " EA ,
" • • Mattes at
sP 3 • '
rqBAED EMEY-10,000 lbs enrall suan ,
4J mit p( ENO% fat lab a ' -
.:1 4 1 5*144114.41N
a.. 1101.5.7E5 a eopBl.. t
BlMk.4llt 11C ESA'S ilrok•rs
/12 , 13911ALW fa !
and Aeepsaftee•
pajable la any ran of fhe I.7alea,eolleausa oa the mon
favorable terms. .
EXC-lANGE on New:Vork t - Phlladelphia sad pit.
titnoret Bann Loots and
New Orlcansi constantly (octal.
DANK NO F.8.-Mores on all solvent bans in tae
United .3tame.s discounted at the lowest rum kb uu
of Foreign .4 AIDUIPILII. Gala aad. Bllver COLA bmk t
Office No. ISS alastst street, betweatt ntl sad dW
Plmblugh. Pa. °cal
mous on 'England, Ireland, Ind Semland teMght
JCII am means at the
lane= Rates of Itzekangev.
Also, Drafts parable In eel pan of the Old Xestatnee,
hem sill to SIDO3, et the 00100 t SS to the Starthyr,
sr Mont deduction or dAeoaM, by YOSIIIIA
SON, European and Gemmel Agent, Mace 61.111. 000
door wen of roost octlftr
"j44 . .= . la2Alifilin £ ELAIIIL r"2 "U .
parmeasz AND FACILANGE DllOnar %dub=
fa Foreign and Daccesdo Dins orlDettuiga Cer.
mei or Ikposztejtank Noes .2d Coin, am.* a
2d and Woad =at; ,Dreptlympod&
mar Male.
; - • - rodlHo '
wzoirr e fel7l l [PS , .
e . i Ruriele)Lattot:g
impt3 ' • . Mar street:
ISILL -6 7. 09 . 43 M9laralig:FiSraWa.
turxt lem:x j ,„
", • I I 110 . I!'t eoNs.
aimuust niewomu,
Merchants . , Eastalda Drina DuurosirPittsbrirsh,
ere new oasrittg at llhef TO II lowers prices for cash,
Itseuiled Slybitkev. Gin and Domestic thandmatto, -
Proreh Brandy, Holland Gin. harbor k,piritarlAnt
don Gin, huh Whtskry, Bum, ae. PIMI, Zbinfi MI •
deira,ChainpsgneClatet,__Zilaaratell Malaga, Tenn.'
rein and litsbon Wlnea.Wholass • *A urn
toRINTINo pmarat-41wais en nr =alai*
order, the various sites of hitt -Paper, Dad
, taPPinit Paper; Crown, Medium, and dad Crown
sizes idtrato,Wrappior Piper; Croarri,diediont, and
Doable Crown Post Gaon r.pert; Puteboanl,
, , 111 . MARSHALL, 85 Wood at,
° ,,, Y. , , . Asent for Clinton Walla . .
TORN WATT A CO. have motored their week of
LP Groceries UP the opposite ride or lilbereT,oh
11 ty
F(IiIi.N 'APIPHICA—IIer tiori' and
lud. DI Marie; Helotasb,lllllllof of .Charms
oarderehant*o !quit.= and to be." I vol Irmo.
Lauer Day Pamphlets,. No I:—.Tho presont time.
'Fbootaa.Catlysteti • •
Coauma—blemointorLde and Writing. of iltw
'Chalmette, D.. L. L. D. Pretentious on SllllOl 4 .
; ArlalOgyjnileraEvidettees of Chrletlanity, and Hill's
Lett= CM Divinity, with two Introdnotery Lotion.
and 'Mont tA4drestoe delivered in lie New College,
• Edtabargh,' by "Moque Chalantrtak D. D, L. L. D.
1 vol Irmo.
Cairtri,Llto 'c . f.i.:Ma . Calvin; compllrom dation.
do sonteer,and Particularly front hm cottespondenees.
hty Thom. H Dyer, with portrait. eel Mao.
For 0010 by ;: DOPKINP.
:ap47 ~ :4112.p0rt0 Halbitags, Fourth W.
Dean:Limo Cut.d
From the Naw Tarwie
FRIENID,',whOott word is most reliable,andwho
hosampossiblo luta= lo the matter, but ens of
gratitudeolesirea us to say,. that he ha* been cured of
inveterate deolimis,by the risco( "Soma's Comimaad
Aeoustio 011.” in Philadelphia medicine,. which a not
for gala in Ibis city, but which Ito things ought to be,
for the seal of the Meted. Ile has a sister who has
• also beer, eared by it. Ile urgently advises all who
are scraping from deafness, to toy this remedy, with an
atsaranee toot. unless the ease be extraordinary, the
ebeedmeot wilt ifol.
!7 7 T11.11731 1 1 Y DrTITCTORE,
fsba f , : 70 Fourth at, Pittsburgh
. . Combo!' Cambia •
• •
20 thOSS 'Polka; 10 do do oery MO;
GO nsa d Redding;
id super Patglian Honi. Redding;
.0 Pocket Contbs;
',Woad ..
lOW don sesid.Finc Ivory;
"0I oil Side:Combs; '
t)o pare Butfoler,
• Vow ...MP , " Combo; eco'd and for ado by
fe . YE A Mattel et
Muff flatland{ Moir .
NoTicS—That W. McClintock ban
received lineal ease, of the lineal and beau But
Window tiolland, townie: be would mac mermen:illy
cell the =Wadi. of bl eosin:now sad the Public In
~,4 1;Tainfrilt Weic Rooms, In Points' it. ` Jes3l
A Y,TT.Y.7 fi neufa l a l A%...Vgl I'
talt h sanS J. h. IhiPameait, 81 moO. ' ll it
Book* Just Iteasivect.
C,ompleco work , of John Donlao'B vol,, Soo,
J, int vol, iltostratedi marlin gilt and rat edgeo. •
Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbalh School Ocography;
. .
new:wark;l v01,12m0.
yawn's Analysts mod SPellol ,
Lire, of John Q. Adams by W. IL Seward; 1 sal,
12=o; rodslin
Poems by Mrs. Romans; 1 vol,lZsto; mosiln; bilk
lienstonel--Bermaris Intached
_upon several
Sternal.. by Robert Soutb, It D 4 a wit ealaaa,
yobs; including Posthumous Discourse.
Saule--4 vols. in b; sheep, extra; Bvo. -
For solo by . R 110PRTNS,
fetal . Apollo DriUdings. Fourth at.
ALCADIAOM • C. W. a. PArr . A
and public gonerldly, that they have . .. rebuilt the VI
OL& FOUNDRY and are new in foil eporattoo, and
have parrot', %belt patterns ready for um market:—
Automat which are Cooklnk Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a splendid air-light Cool SW., which Is
now supereeding In cuter cities the common roma
Stave. Also, • cheap coal Cooking Stave, slop. , -
ted for suiall wilt, a full usortnent *reran
calm and mantel Crates We would particularly in- . '
vitalize attention' of personsbuildlog to call at our '
wureltonse he forepurchulair, and coocloo a olgetalld
article of enararrieUed Grates, delsbed In Sao scybp—
aalirely new in tblemirket. • '
Warehouse, No. 181 Liberryatourpoldie Wood • cli
• suatticAtf - - NICHOLSON b PAYNE.
7riiminvacitt veiroareTioas.. -
CTEAGEII. Impostor. and Wholesale Busier Itr
b', We r ters the • G liegt, '"' " Pell i rrt et ait I= lsh ' l :l '
Pittsburg/ to
t o Goods, ars respectfully% nos
to call and earning he =matzo assonzatro of Log- .
Uah .I,merlcan,Frencti gad Gamma Palmy Goods.
ForalgreGoodo at this ostablbthenent olCkupert•
ed sect by Myself; and parclumera mey tot) on get.
dog g o ods from fast tuna.. I have the how. , assort.
meat of uncles, la • the variet
la We elbp of .
Pittaborgh,oo Of orlll h o sold low for cash or
_The StOV.% 13t1, la part, of ; •
Lace 00 0th,, Hosiery, Gloats, Ribbon. ,• • '
Crarats i Shoo sad PateutThroads,Ses•lrlzhit,
f k r .t.n l c iiC a ggy a . Pm _ . : s ' 4 ' "a'm
_ jkwau '
Pine, Nar
, Gold and Silver w niches, Gold Jowelrgollhads of
Brushes, Combs and Razors. •-•
pereassion Caps,Thrralsers; Phaols, 811 k &
Conon Po rte., Spectacles, SUsel Pass, :Susie 1300oa,
C V/ B TPrati ß urs k altTriMitd : tlia •
POys m ala Panay Goodg MOS. , tea a lartusari&
ty or Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS..
C; YEAUER •la also
: agora, for the ealebratod Ina.
caster Combs. ,• • nooL7
Great. Vatgllsh llestaely.
FOll. ConsWWI, Asthma.. Cowlings:4ml The
GREaT D OPUX EMMY ibr the curate the
LIFE; discovered by the. celebrated Dv Buchan,' of
Loudon, and Intredneed Into this Untied States
ander the immediate operlinenderme of the linemen •
The extraordinary neer-snot *hi Medicine, in
mire isf Pulutormey disease., vintreflins theistmetican
agtin4 in soliciting for treannent the worst possible nos.
scathes can be found in this eentmenitY. , sesise. Lk. Wok
relief in •mi. Sam anT of the eons= remedies of the
day, Wei base been given 'Thy the mast dirlingdshwl
physienuts as eonfir med. end The Banger*.
en Selma has eared,.odwdi onn,he mon dmaws.
of mums. It Is no quack nostrum, bet t anud.rd FAR^ ,
fishm e ediel ne,atall of blown and established
Ery f Litho United Sam. shaskl be lied
With Beelike's y
Hungarian •Plalearti of Life, neteely to
consumptive tendeaeles utak elimaso,
busts be riled as s prevemlve Is all eases al
wilds, coughs, Spitting ,of blood, pain lo the side and •
chest, initnuon and soreness •of the lugs; broehitis
diEentry of breading, beetle fever, night serum, macs.
a ough non anilltenerul debi li ty, ants., indueras, whoopiog
Sold in limp ottles, at St per sows croup. r Wrath wills fell dime.
forthe reiteration of health.' •
° Pll4lilletlf, COiltlattOg 411:awe( English and Amor!.
tan certificates, and other evidence, showing the ic h ,
squalled morns of great English Remedy, may be
obiansed of the AgentagrstA)/ A
a'ov earner
.Pb vale ay 11 A F
.t 11:11 Wood and Woodland Oth stn. • • lakotese:,
Eli itthlY ROY —Tatars
Norrurie LiOn Irl •
• • . • , Frmatriirn Muds 27, my;
nolsre—Ta Jest:lce to you and your Incom
parable Cough SyroP, beg 1.1.010.t.tet OW the ben
<fit of the
co that ray wife has been ta-screl
times unlieted villa a most distressing ertagla par-
J,„, e sry last, a bottle Of your Sy ra n i, which
cured a cease of two, nnntlite otanding. About one
month since, tbei touts
returned, tod'wo. so aevcn
that she
sent(d kindly move, from weakness in the
I r ono bottle of year Cough Syrup, end
• part of one bottle cared Rao cough I gave Mother
too lo,meYcdn who witaseerennyelfileteit,Whe bait,
gso his ownwerds,...eaten encash eongh candy to
mire oil the people so' fluslntrilt,s if the candy had
tools to g0.d... MolllBolll.i.
• y an, respectfully,'Aare. D. Kum,
nnarsd d 'end veld Ll' IL It 'SELLERS, 61 w«,a
ek and sol by Druggists generally In the two.
i e enetpleln Roseercelo (mt. Flue!.
Xtrona ra it' .6 e 4 l2b ted zninefactorl of Nunn , ' 16
Cleek,N.ll',oilLyeA,r,utrhaneverym.,.. 4 sret e : .,
Ter sale by ' •
t I •. as Wootre
• VT for teetttue,g Tatter, SCUM. Cukert-P d. "
: et:beetle. deetroetive to aka Tesih. It le deltetosts w
the taut., °teeming the math, heating Old fireligthe , r
ing_the gam, utd puttying Me breath.
• k r or tele, utsksale,,sed retell, by
dap' , , . • , 'RE SELLERS, 07 Woed et
in.wroltics 1 tv•qUPLATED, TtiON --. 0168 1-,
VV ' Just Kochi. an 'armee a faU Jeweled Pew d"'''' -'' ' '
ves Watches . i 8 torch goo oast% orOlolu I coo tell u • - ' •
tow az Wa i f and ain't Sr
,doUarion . d tosrottood to ,
kc fetZ a7leildld inottmeot Of JEWEILUT. 0 00 k'. _. • .
prisingttu various sad !cut Kyles, =Cotonou. -- -: .
W MI, A r ilhOrit WatOluoWS -
' aos .-. ---..nriesolis4 ogoovi_ ;'-
.... • - .. i
. .... ,
. •
. .
•, ' .
-t.,..,-.4......;,..,x..2.F.-:••••:..,....:',.....:•,..4.' - ... ... -----....., ~ •
, . .
• .
.• .
ittUtVIQ aroldalrespedF
ant the public, that bo
a band at hat stand coi thy
is of the laasond,
city, a asaspleat 11.1.11011.
Vsalasuslainds;•l4o Vs-•
Sbuttels ar•-•tudo - , to or. •
`the best style, warruded •
'• say lathe {tolled Scum
ode ELM be removed trth-
Old of • scam &mt_
plaubssed the stack;
a Wood of the, cabiott .
Janie( Rummy& DIVIaI.•
am proarcd to•
ald,commmms; ma well u
Ty Wog in that Bus. • •