EASTERN AINFRTISEKENTS • 1110/119610WAN ZINC. --- TDB VI , Vie hiontaghe tompany surviy their agents was, floating and Flooring in Alcmene feekbom It tot oenees per mean foot. Corrogmsd in sheets nx7, Y 7 or. for martins polite buildings and depots.. phi Shesthing. 14040 brae', from at to= ounces lastis,Ppikes,Wire, Pager Molds, Perforated Zinc, Zinn Paint, to. . They WIITILIt their metal put t and free from any admixture of Iron, or any other substance, and re commend It for the manufatture of most articles In the bones fur:lilting bee, as it does: not rest, la nor affected by the action of water, and may he polished, painted, and japanned . opeeilleationk and o p ‘ ceple,,, models, plane, ther Informarion k. may be bad of eir warm— Seserw, New th Yeah; - ATEMON,RoIinta is Co. Demon; Noenun Tanywnte. Co, FnUadziptilm; W. b. IL htelita,Ballimere;: • Pram, Das ft erareenn New Orleans; F. MILLIROUS, ResidentAgeel , Liege all. 911anorer et, New York. 111101 C. siunnisaia Ala" I.IOATIIIMIL . Edward A. Godfrey. 16 Song Cariti - 1 st., mar Baltimore st,Boltiotore _ • agle Gal free A. Sons. N. Y.,) MPORTER of 5.1 , 0 e iindirgs,and Dealiel . in Leather, Lermine. kinds: English and french Eid Skins, ath Calf Skins, resent. Lather, Morocco, red, white, sea pink roaa.llni n Ca. Lastings, Vaneals, SILK GALLOONS AND IDBONS. Leest, Webb., Shoe Knives, 1111/ Blades Shne THREAD, Bleed Tack., Shoo Neils and Shoe PEGS, of all Oses• E. A. O. hIlliOR established the shove heathers In Baltimore is enabled to ship radii South or West with /1111310:41011/dcrpateb, et the lowest prices. fdaufactners, dealers, and all others, may rely upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the best silty. and on liberal so r ry u[l:7-Alenufeetnrcr of Lam, IthotTrees. Shoe Trees; Clams, Crimps, Boot Stretchers, tr.c. All order will be promptly executed. Low prices for colt. A catalogue coatelr.ing a complete list of every article in the trade will be forwarded to those who may deals it. EDW A.RD A. GODFRF.Y, 10 S. Calvert st. enarldnot near Baltimore et.. Baltimore. TFLF. ASSAPT TIC& COMPARY 12.6 Griermich street. Ana Fent. MBE proprietors beg to cell Om attention of con noineure In Tea, rod the heads of families to the choice and rare selection. of Teas imported by them, and hitherto unknown in thin country, which, by their fragrance and delicacy, combined with virgin purity and laterals, prostate an infasion of nurpantag risk. nen and flavor. The Ten offered an the . The .le 4 e o Blown, a Blatt Tea CO per lb. " bahon, f 151—••• •0 73 do • lest do•- , —••• • 0 ZO. do • O atta,a Green tea •• • 1-CO do o . do , 073 do " do Ott de ^ Ud•li Minute, a compchoicoad of the most rare and c h oice' Teas grown on the fertile. and gent al • soil of Assrm.---•-•-•—•—• 100 do With a slew to encourage the introducnon of these mamtilas Teas, it is the Intention of the proprietors to dinufb ale by lot, among the pLechners. • OnectitY of Teas equal to the First Year's Profits on the slats effected. Each purchaser will recemeeneltised to the peek age, a nambered certificate, entitling him to one cheer, In the thstribeno — a - Tor every fifty oath laid oat, and on the receipts 0100M2111.111l 111d1,060,1110 under. mentioned parcels of Tea, to the vain of ten per cent, or 52,000 WILL RE - GIVEN AWAY as Bonunes, neoraing to the renewing wale:— 5 prises of 10 the of Tea each at SI fF 1b,2511 lb or $5O 51 23 In do do do 500 el or 8300 do 1010 s do do do 300111 or 115e0 100 do 5103 .do do do ZCO Dor 5560 250 do 115 do do do • 250 Cs or 5250 Prises in all. Y.pddm 32,01X1 Those amen. who prefer lower priced Tau can receive their prima in proportion, or the,' will h' o r O4 . pure haled for cash, so a redaction aria per cent. aa-Country Mews wanted. AppLications to bead. dressed, post paid, to the Company , a Depot, aa - abovo, jrldam BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway, corner of !Inldes Limes His entename HOTEL has been leased by the subscriber, and has been completely refined in e moo elegant manner. large additions are now, being made which. when completed, will make it the most extensive Hotel In New York. It is the determi nation of the proprietor, to make at equal, in every re spect, to any other House !e the United Suites. Its lo• croon is the most dedrablennd central in the city, bro tug in the fultionab!e part Of Broadway, convenient to all the public balding?, places or smumment, and business. Grateful fox me ltherarpatronage received from his western friends, while at' Cumberland, Md., and more recently a the Wedidell.liouse, Cleveland, (thin , he respeetfolly widlelle a renewal of their patron. rage, fire, his new establishment, _al New 'York, and begs to 015010 them that emir . effort on his pert shall be given to administer to their comfort' and pleasure. A. B. BARNUM. New Tork, blarch,lENL—i'mx3S4m A FOICTIIFRI FOIL 110 . or • S.O. ' TORITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, Jpe Ole., George three, Plymouth, Mislead. rho ge.acera beg to acquaint their namervos patrons that the nest Menhaden of Pottralts or Rare Horses, wilt wemprise 'those entered for the forthcoming Grand National Derby Rate; the number of shares to be limited to 0,000 each elan. Perineum member LUC second Cll. ditto Redly appliemion for the nin. appropriated ahareisis metier= y. A party sabscri • log for more than one shun has the chancre( gaining equal camber bonuses. Those members who draw the Tartans Portraits presented with the fol. lowing sac Ponraitef Ist class bonuses Sid ditto Winner, or Fun Horn 500,c00 510,000 Seeded llorso.• • • 10,0th0 ACC° .” Third Ilona 5.1300 4,000 Divided Menge Starters.••- olXte 3,000 • " Non-Sutlers 4000 3,000 There are 000 b.:maestri each chi-13011i being* , number of berths entered for the roc. The Drawing will be conducted upon the same legitimate principlees as those which characterised the late St. Ledger and abet Pr.“dinr.. Full particulars of the result will be sett to absent member immediately alterthe de. distort, that each may know h. Pedalo.- Subsetibens regisured and scrap forwarded on re , ceiptof reel:dram.. Balsa Facii.se,Drafts,Dank Notes, e, oddrested and mode. payable to the Zdanagi sec Directors. - JAMES &G O. Fire tier cent. commission to be reduced on ths pre sentation of bemuse. mrl6-1m assoi REED HOUSE, (1630 =EMU & Proprietor*, Psalm . Square, Erie, Pa. GENTRAL mat OPFlCE..—Eastent Wertern, end . .r.orthern Stars, learn Mis hoe., &Ir. Cap . lieges to and from Steam and Packet Poeta, Gratis. W. 'Keno, late oftbe American Motel, Erie, Pa. G. W. ELMS. tale *elks Ittrrmau Hotel, Ohio. apriant Lana and 21.111• for Salo. FLOURISU MILL, with four 7. of Morten—one A of the beat locations far business in the wet—and a fiat note Save Mill, on an almost never falling stream, and 12 acres of Land, good Dwelling Mouth, Tenant Moan, and other improvements, situated seven mike from tbo Ohio Rile; 'Monroe County, Oblo, Also, near the above, a beautifal Fano, well improved, con taining r. in acre. For toms, M., o 000bo of WILLIIOI IL JOHNSTON, 112 Second at. Pitieburaii. Ole Jamas Ilimerare Wined 21.aisisi.. DREPABED under the Immedfise care of the In scalar, and established for upwards °Minty Tests. This eleven preparation be recommended to all came of bins, acidities, buligestion, gorn, end gravel, Nth most este, easy, and effectual form le widen Alegu e estis may, and Indeed the only one in which It ought to be exhibited. possessing ell the propentes of the Magnesia now in general ase,without being liable Ike it, to farm dmegeraus concretions in the trowels, it effectually cares heartburn without !Altering the coats of the stomach, as eoduommas, and their oar. bonsuo are known to do; It emends the food of in• feats turning sour; In all cases it ants as a pleasing aperient, nod le peculiarly adapted to feroalea Sir Humphrey Davy testified that thLs solution forms soluble combinations with uric said salts In eases of Feat and gravel, %herby counteracting their Wanesa mockery, when otter ditalles, ana an es, itself, ha d, fulled. From Sir Philip Ctheapten,,Barh, Surgeon Cknerel to the Atropin Ireland:— , "Deer Sir—Them can be en dealt: that ;Jeannie mey be administered more safely in the form of s can cel:anted:iota:lon than in aobstance; for tots, end runny other reasons, 1 en of ODiAIOII that the Field Mentes:44s a very trainable aadinon to oar lantana ideate. PBILIP CRAhIPTON.. Sir James Clirke,_Sle A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and Messrs. Huddle and HeibCfl breve, °oed co, strong. Dr. recommend Murray's Fled Mega.* es being in• finitely more safe and convenient than the sold, and lose from the danger anending the constant use of sods or pot.us. For sale by the Imparter'. andr=t i re Stem; B A FAUN & Car. of Wood& Front sal. `NOT CII — I7O - 5 - T. "OVINE Is bereby green, that ou or about the P.M .L 1 of April, the subscriber. had mailed to them, at tre ellsbero, Va., ma following note., virc—A note I drown - by G. A. Dian., poyable to ow order, dated April 4 ocontha, for $173 04 a note drawn ty John .atrirgan, arum date and doze, for $lll 17, and • noa droves by John Watt to Co., date d favor ot John 8. Marken, and re.endonted by as, April Mira tour months, tot 131.75. Tho above nate. were never rrceived by as, and this is to caution an persons sisiatt - trailin; for or buying the swat, as payment oi Meru hoo boon olopped. 0 W 11.48.8AL0L1 • isfil.V.llll lIPLEIMO & lavnatuu. GOODII. A VERY large end choice stock of Fresh Spring 21 end Sommer Gaels hoe lust been opened at Alexander tr. DO'S, No El Market street, north west cornet of the Diamond. In ...nag Da attention of wor east/ en and the aid& to a thls Mock, It affirrds ea greet pleasure to be able to say it embraces GREAT-BARGAINS In al most every description of goods, as a forge portion of at was purchased at the recent extensive auatioa sales m the eastern Mae. Oar assernment, totia of fancy and Maple goods, la very super end affords to all cash bar ers, either by wholesale or retail, a dna op- . porumity of &Wei both lane and nurse. . LADIES' DRESS GOODS Near style Foulmd ts, re ty cheap; rio k plea and 'cored changeable silk. of almost even . sole and combo; per plain end figured block silks; do. be rages. and lisnes; Lange detains new and hood. 'erne 'style; aew aty le 1 tench, Emilia, and /ketch": awns, to great gariety, and of very low rodeos; plain, R gated, and mum striped de lain. of all kinds qaalities; 11000 lustre* of all abodes and colon; ging. hams, chlntrel,Pfifil SHAWLS. • Serer chameleon silk shawls; PIMn and figured black dm plain and embroidered Tint et do; floe cub- I nitre. do; caper plain and embroidered whit. and colored cope bare& and net do. to.; WHITE GOODS. A Eire assortment of malls, nansooks, jammers, Sedum, boa*, olabap. BONNETS. Bougie A Rculy, pearl braid, Florence btald;rord wiper all& slums bonne/li. A fine stock of impeller plot,, and fringed alit and Balla Tare parasols at all anion and oriallile. CLOT.SIS CASSIMEREZ. 4 . A large 11.3.0110R11l of. gaper Freneh. Enblidn end Belgian cloths cod eassimeres of all wanner , and macs, to win& we would invite. the IIOULIOI2 of the OCOOCAZIOO.. Our stock pf brown and bleached muslin., tieklMfor chambrayr, dtillings, to, IS very largn,and at thecae ry lowest pelecs. Also, a largo lot of table !lispers and table cloths, 6towa and bia•clinel; Rassirand Rebut, diaper., crash nanktna, canon and wool • a good. for men adburs' wea ntis, r, lath borne. ron.end yollow•11 an. (loth MO, ride and lines ultra and glaTel otall Aloes, haslet,' end bonnet ribbon., artb hotel dowers, Re, to all 'shish .41 waslit respectfully Invite the Attention of wholesale and retell cash buyer.ALLMANDEI I . t DAY_, • pd Mark et st..N W ear. or the Diamond: APPLA: TEAMS& reviled to famish Apple Trees, frem the 0011 1:1101 , . Nursery of Jacob trees will be delivered at the wharf et Pittsburgh for 812 per healed. Persons wishing goad thrifty Dees lame their orders ..00ti et the thug, need, and Perfumery Warehoux, comet or Weed and Math sta. 8 II WICKEDJIMAhI . ' " . - I MISCELUNEOUS. i • .1. H. INIELLOIL, T0„81 Wood exec, bat itstrecelved a new st et of PIANO IFUSIC, among which are the folio Id —. • 1 ol ,do yea Love me, by e. C. Foam , . 01, may the Red Bose Live AlwaY. do. "met was a LadY, do. • lie elged, do. Ow eto TWO oil Night, do. do. Th3 flol l er lD 4cif . edding, by Glover. Th gllobbs, ..,,:,., ' do. Oh, roach the tara_rt OE= wan. Sweet Memoirs of Theo. • Miter MOM L.nxot of the Irish Emigrant. . A New Medley Sone. • , . •_ Thos hut Ay...lathe spidc qua LP? ea Thee. . ' The Conteriptbs Depialiagy by tittiver. . . De gird to the Laved Ones it.llorn. .. . ?it Home where toe the Mean Is: . The Tana. , Maid. . , Low ilesit'd Co,, by LOTOL Do s , on CTOT of me. Shaper Gentlethink Lady. ' Tommie GM , Ohb , Collitiitin, Wedding. Wreath, and Daisy Waltzes. 1 • . . Batchelor, Malden, Etna Weitz, Concert Ladies' So ovehir, catty, nein, Lily,Alice,Evorgreen, Sara o a. Adler, an d. LIM Polkas. nanyll4 TZAR t TRAM I I TRAHI tI WI/enter not Into the list of puffers, wit my nothing I boat lirmdeede of Chests, Importer, Large Capital, Bought for Oath, dc. in tan, we will not /nimbus to any trimmer or form, we Simply invite the public to coMpare oar Teas with what they purchase elsewhere; this is the best method we know to aster. tato arms sells the best tad cheapest . Teas in nets. tenth. We are now selling G.l and Mreng Tea at its and SO cents per lb. A prole article; —..—... vd do do The but Tea Imported into the U. States, 111 Loa priced, damaged, or inferior Teas we not keep. MORRIS & HAWORTH Proprietors of the Tea Market, Fast side oft:emend Ore. Amerman D. Appleton & Co , New York, have In course of Pd. litation, in pans, tines twenty five cents each, A DICTIONARY Cir Machines, Meehan., Levee Prod, and Est gaucertng; dengue: for Freeneaf ilrorang Men, and thaw warded far Ms Logs. wanyang PrOastson. - lennas ey Orton maga frlilfi WORK is crimp era. sae, ma eenteir, TWO Illonatar ream, and upwards of stx tem. _lanll tlirelltartent. It will mount working-draw. lees and deserfinume elate most important resehines in the United Ina. Independent of the molts of American ingerceity, It will contain complete. premi en tread on blechasies, Machinery, sod Digineeting; worth all that is awful in mote toss one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, =lega -1 el... Fetid other boots. [ The great object or ads publication la, to plaee be fore practical men and students such an amount of theoretical and Balalaika knowledge, in a .ndensed form, ea Mall enable them to wort to the best adv.. tage, end to avoid those mistakes which they might atheneum commit. The stunt of.cfni infortnauen thus brought Meader is almost beyond precedent In mach works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject wale ns range which is not treated was net clear ness md precision, that even a man of the most ord. nary capacity cannot fall of understanding it, and Thus learning from n much which it Is important for him to know. The publishers are, in short, determined, regardless It cost, to e very r as complete as pontible; and It is hoped one desire. to obtain the work will procure It as issued in molten. tad thus encourage the eaterprise. The weak will be Issued in semi-monthly numbers, earronencing in Jemmy, DOD, and will progress with Igreat regalentY. The whole work will be publiehed aID unbars, al TS cents nernumber,md completed within Me ear , rent year,ll3so. A liberal discount will be made to Wets. Any oneeserditing the pubbabers in advance, shall receive the wort through the post officio free of Opinions of the Peas.. "To our id Manufacteren, Mechanics, eineete, arid Artisans, it will be a dm, of wentlat.a— Provideace, IR-14 Journel. "Young men, arm yearselves with its knowledge.— We eon with eanfidence recommend era readers to possess themselves of he =Men as fast as they ap peara.-Amenem Artisan. "Wd unhesitatingly commend the wink to those en gaged In or Miterened mechanical or mlenttfie par mim, es eminently worthy of their examination and studyer—Troy, (N. T..)fluilget. "It se teal) • great wort, and the publiahers de. mtte the than. of Invention, mech.., and mann leatrieere. and indeed of the pub. generolly.e—ti. Y. Codependent. "Th.s Dictionary will be highly useful to practical mechanics, mad voluble to all who wish to *minium thee:adv. with the progress of invention to the me d.. ana"—New Bedford Daily Mereno. "Youg mechanics ought to keep posted op in the unreal ea es pract cal knowledge, end this wort will sheathe= rust how they maad."—Roxbory (Mass) Advertiser. "We tate it to be lent the weak haveores and hun dred. of one Intelligent roccharhedesired to pos ses. Ho ample are its demnptions and 20 MI end minute its specifications, that it amino tae that any mechanie might contract any mach.,* it describes. on thesrengthofitsevgn nege surd tostructionaw—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. "All interested in romharhes should avell them- I salves of its advantages."—Sebuyitill, (Penst.,) Jour. rod.. "A work of extensive practical Imlay and great tn. penance and floe to the rapidly inereastag interests of the Country. We regard the wort as eminently ealeelatalW promote the cense of mien. and the mechanical arts, nod odWeminaterateabb Inform.• Don on theseeutaec"—Panner sad Mechanic. "Practical seen I ts. n all the vaned waits of mechaal cal and mumfactuting industry, engineering. kn., will Ind in slue watt a masons wkieh is will no to their poseemet--Tioy Daily Whig. "We ha..irefully pureed the numbers, and Dave no hmitooon in saying that it is the but wort for me ebonite, tradevnienoted scientific men, ever publish ed, for it ems...mite intormatlentntevery branch of the mechanical arts and *emcee, expressed in a style and la..ge intelligible to any render of oldi e/try e•peeity.”—linnleaCar,(Plaaa.,) News. "We are sure we are doting the mechanics of Nor wich and other pans of Connecticut a service by Mind. the wort to their attention "—Nonitieb, (Conn It:caner. pomm"lt isjest met a work es emery meciamle should o"—Preennuhe We consider it one of the most useful and important publumions of the age. No meebante can anod tote without itn—Newate, (N. J)Cammercial Cotner. •Oi all the var.a pi:hiked°ns hating for their ob- ject the Maddenon end eilveneennent of the enchant cal arts and scieoces, none that we have seem a so fall of prom.. War—Buffalo Corn.:Adv. "Ills the best and cheapen work ever Mimed to the setenfLES rd practical engineer and onetime.. The plat- a ore beautifully executed.r—WashingtonClohe. "This great Dictionary is one of the moat useful works ever pettish. for years, rind the low price sr which u is sold makes It acceptable to MO—South Carolinian. "We regard Du one of the anon comp...Me and valeible, as wells cheapen wort • ever published" —Dalumate Advertiser. "Ought to be taken by every one denting to keep pacanst the proemsa of set and science to every one of the labors of civilised life,"—liondont Condor. "It is designed after the prinelple of Ure , s ry, only that it is more deemed tette =chaste.' and memeering profemions, sad above Ole t • valuable ae bra g for Anterien whs . Urn bas done for Ragland, describing Amerman =ether, and worts ofert."--Selenttfie emetic.. "Ills published in numbers, add at *price so made rate, Rioting at what is contained in es ch number, that no oat who his the lean Interest in met matters, aced be damned froMprocanngiq mid everyone who does @mann rind that he h ad In a condensed term en =out of lestrection which would be obtained, if at W, only by the purchase of veo many volemes."—N. Y. Conner and gotqatrer. .The comeretensmeneas with which ass madams are treated, the admirable manner in which they are Illustrated, conspire to mete this one of the most desi rable wo Ora "—Dement. Renew, "this week should bele the handset everyechanic, artisan, and mannactarer,