The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 14, 1850, Image 3

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    BY .MAGNE Ili; _TEL tat
AlLpuarrea> li TItLEO#A viz!)
' s Wsentwrron. Jane 13.
13 torsza..--11, menicolskou preeented irons chi
t etliefOido againtt the passage of the Comm.
Lisa Bill. --""
tdr.Bright could not undendsrld how Ohio could
differs° meek froni Indisea. Be had received a
Teter stating theta peed jury la that State, had
reported to the Court in favor of the bill
Mr.Vlsppnesente4 a strietof resolutions. adop
ted by knows meeting in St. Louis, in favor of
the Oomprontise.
Mr. Serape said the retolu:ions had not repro.
tented the sentiments ci a majority of the pew.
pie °fat. Louis. •
'After tome brief remarks by Mr. Atehieni, in
,which he said ha would not win for 'the admission
of California, the resolutions were laid on the sae
The Senate then took up the omnibus bill.
Mr. Webster ,poke fa'favor of each measure
presented, and said he would be glad to vote io
them connectedly or eeparately.
The debate was_ continued to great length, In
which Mesare. pekten, POOle,Saward, and others,
took part.
Mr. Seward, that If . the Texas question
wasomitted fecim the 101 l he would vote for It.
Bentoo wanted tho- admission of California
separated Iron the pending bill, and sold that Mr.
Clay had malntsiced that . CaliEunia should be imp-
Me. Correia he seas fUraver of Califonda eon
fog to, and ruld be thourbt the rpeedlcia way to
bring It to ums in curabilantion with other mu
Mr. Hannon epohe in favor of the title of Tex•
as to her boundary Item
Mt. .Clay read a letter from Mr. need. at fade'
Pendoneo, ,Mtiarturi, stating that an assertion hed
been mode by Mt. Benton" to the effeet that Cal a
hunt' was not fit to be admitted. Mr. Qa sa id
be could not vouch for the a uthority of the Mori
and ached sn'explanation from Mr. Benton.
Mr. Benton denied Mo. Ciay'arigbt to
thus before the Senate, mid Maim
.shodd bold him
rapoermblet as the author of that letter. '
borne eery angry. soca pealed between the Sen.
more. Order was reeered, loiterer, end the Sea
me adjourned.
lioese—The H 01164 went into Committee of the
Whole on the California'
.Tho aminadmein pending, was to extend thu Mis
axisi Compromise tine to the , racific, and lix the
boundaries or California accordinily.
Mr. Stevens' ateeedment. to/loch •be and Mr.
Thornploo had severally: offered, to that of Mr.
'taxaton, which declares that it phoned he uo objec
tion to stdatippioe into the Union of any Stzte which
ehotsid hereafter be faraied out of the territory
lying south of the parallel Of :Pi deg 30 min. and
Max the Constitution of Paid Stem may authorize
or eatablipti :Miran etaeory, therein, watt taken
ComoderaMe debate and personalities teemed be
tween Metsre. Winthrop and Tomato, utter which
the C.,xanduce rope, entl the Lionsu adjourned.
Addltioqal News by tile Canada.
Naw Yon; Jane 13.
The new Electoral Law emend' considerably
animated and warm debates in tbe,Chamber ; and
■ the debate on Wedamday two of the-men:t
hem had a personal rcbcotatre with pistols, with.
out, however, being followed by any betel result.
It le a remarkable Lai that one of the parties one
gaged In the duel is, a dtstingniehed member of
the Peace eociety. •
Very 111110 erode. is attached to the report about
the withdrawal of the Ruatian Envoy from tbe
Conti of St. Loam. To relation to this. affair, the
London Morniog C . :M.3;llde say., moreover, that
the Baron Brundow will withdraw, if the reply of
Lard Palmerston to Russia be not satutactory.
Rome was tranquil on the 2tet of ilfty, but the
people mem greatly enraged on learning that In
the alecation delivered b 7 the Boot., no promises
of monetary reforms had been made.
Waaitntorrix, June 13.
The reline/leg nominations hero been =armed
by the Senate. ' •
Benjamin Riddle, Cowell kr Chihuahua.
Daniel Riggs, Judge of the Dania Court of Ar
t:atria. :
Mauna:mos, JUDO 13.
Capt. Doperee pnb!hrhes a card to 'hie morning's
denytag the report of his being ex.
tented at Cardenas. .
Punrsztrnu, Joie 13. ,
Fionr—Tbe market is quiet. Standard brands
mo held at 53,35 per 1.1,1. •
Graln—But little wheat is °Scene. We quote
red at I17al20c; and prime: white at 1299130 e.
per ta. Cora to dull, • with - a further decline :
Southern Yellow is quoted at 640 per bu.
Whiskey is selliug at 2l'lc for hhda, and 26}
for bids, which Is a decline.
'Ficnar—Wa notice a better feelinu f n the mar
ket, with more 'squire. kind' /applies sic Loyally
held blab. §ales of 500 bbls vied Erma. at 0,50
per bbl. •
Whisker7.,Sedea at 21; G 22/.
Provisions sod Groceries aro without thange,
and in fair demand. -
The !lase has tallan four inches place . list re
Nov Tone, JUNE 13
.Floor—The mutat is firm; but without any ad.
vieuce. Tae ecqatry is pertly en specutatiou ' but
raorly for the cost and home trade. Adefeesfrom
the West have checked speculation. Sales at
5114455 58 Or obi common. end straight State
$5 5055 7555 04, for Michigan brands.
Grain—Wheat to held with firmness. but Wes
are limited. Prime UcTeSte to reported at 1494 e,
and 1500 for millieg. Southern White is quoted
at 142 c per be. The supply of CND is moderate,
and the market is lower, udder the fiirmgo news.
Sales at 02563 for boated, and 810 fat Western
Provisions—Path is firm, but sales are math.
ate at 1410 424510 '73 for_tders, and SA 65159 75
for prime. Beef commute. very doll. - Lard is
less firm, with eelea in brie at 8ff3711 for prime.
In cut Scats nothing crimportascr Is doing.
Tobacco—A for Imsbaless is doing, with sees
of Kentucky at 61514, aside( Bavaria at 345400
per lb.
Linseed Oil—Small sales at 69570 c.
Groceries—ln Coffey. Sugar, and Molasses.
trade. is 10 a muderate ex!tnt, and the market bat
an upward tendency. The ulna of the put three
days have been 1000 bags Bruit Coffee at 94 and
200 bags Sumatra at 10c; 700 bags Maracaibo at
biis 2 :: 75 of Java at lle; Laguyra at be; 150
Lags St. Dentine° et 71e.
Whlttey la dui at 213 e per gall.
hsw Saar, lane L 3
There are no commercial change% ro notice sin
mono. The stock market remains eteady.
XBE eleventh and twelfth sections of Act of the
General Agreeably of this Comenaw.una,,,,,,,uog
. Suppleenun to on Sot entitled an Act to crone a
finking Fond /1.114 to provide far the gradual and
vermin extinguishment of tbe debtor the Conzsmoo
',tete. and to authorize a bean," appeased the 15th
dry of bray S.D lilt, provides as renews, viet.
Berra, 11. That the-Governor is herehy eeWerized
to ergotisma loan far um elm of Three filillions
Mule flandred Toocrund Do lays, redeemable re
Attu yetis from the dote of the obreription thenaf,
at a rase of Intern not exceeding four per enemata
Per mama. payable in gold and silver, semi-annually,
aPtas lee first dove of February and Sagest of each
Tear. and exempt from every gpecies of taxation.
leoliceoltar proposals for raid loan will be received,
shall be published in at leott,Peo newspa per In th e
'Bathed Ifarrighere, ill _ ' aides et rtutharr.b,
Lancaster. and Philadelphia, and in the cities of New
Tort. Amnon, ams Baltimore, fora Period not lee.
eau aftermaths before the opening of said proposal',
on* by lour? elsewnere, If deemed necessary, son
topen t h e day arsigned fee thatparpose, In oath =dec.
he proposals shall be opened In tin presence tithe
Goveraor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and
Auditor Geoeral, and tart loan shall be awarded to
the 'Sabena bidder or bidders. If the amount of the
bid. shall exceed the tom tithe said loan tee same
ahall be dtanibuted pro rata amongst the hittlavt
de re, but if the Whets of said /0211 shall not then be
taken the Governer may renew notice, In the manner
efereeald,freal tune to time, till the whole amount of
sold Into shall he roadbed. No coadstional bide
strain* eOnatdetedi eat spot awarding Pear loam,
or any put Melee' eertilicates with toupees for the
tr.terem, shalt therefor by the Auditor
Sacrtatt 12 if the acid lean when be aubseribed, it
shall be and It In hereby anteptiwed for the payment
dad extinguishment of the fended debt of this Com•
snonerealt. now dee, or tf beton, dee, during the
year one thousand right hureirrd and Sky, and for the
palment oral, suns of e!ghty Are thousand one bun•
dna and four dollars sod eighty eight eentroise w
doatesdo creditors.,
In pgteltanee of the provisoes aforesaid, notice is
hereby given, that propose:t Wilt he received at the
omen of the Secretory of the Ceramonwealtit until
4 o'clock P. of Tuesday. the first day of October
next., a loan to the Commonweelth, for
the purposes' set forth in theosid act, of the sme of
three millions three be:erred thenand dollars, redeem
able It, thirty years from the date of the subscription
, 'thereof; at a rate of
,Laterert not exceeding firer per
tent per =nem, payable in raid and silver, wag
womoilly, epee the first day. of Mkbrnary and august
of each year, rad exempt Item every species of tax
ation : -
• Certificates of stook for the said loan, with coupons
—Seethe interest will be vaned in %helmet Mantle? Led
made entatferable by the owner, on the beaks of the
- itednor General's Dephrucent - .
potrporals will be regaired to Stale explictly
theatuteat offered, which shall not in any care he
lesithan one thousand dollars, the rate of interest not
exeellting &upper cen and the pretainm proposed.
Too Beim reserves the right to accept th e whole or
any part of the rani offered cetera the prepare!, stipa
late to the contrary,
Ilids for the loan meat he direct and explicit. No
; proposals will be received. ,
UpOn the liteetettee of tbe p.ropoNee. tee none).
most be tile 1010 the neteTre.eart, inch mariner
as shall &torte& by the Governor.
Certificates of cock will he butted-in inch anneants
as may he terprested by the lenilem:
Thu ampettels to be directed, under seal; to this
ethos, calmed, "Propoeols for Loan.. They will
Wt be Opened or disclosed taut the period for reeeiv
rag them has cleated; after which no attention in the
•:.• terms will be adorned..
A I. BUS4Lt . ...Secrttar7 of the. Committee
Eireretary•cCElt., liarthaperg;laze CIA; lerh.
TPIiUB.II/agrriiir&,. , &—JNqii; T rilirfor.
by • 12321 , • 3 KIPD & COel)
LCCO-31Iiiii . Gliiak - ii7:iii ., - aor rut, by
W 9114 - 119 besogil 9;
:maim min.( C. a azurt----..wr.w.
Orirtet, Primulas Gaztres,
Friday Inemi.r , Jam 11, lEW. f
• A general q netrars prevailed In the market Trrlell'
day, and catkin; tranwired 'bowing any material
abengs la qtie'atiees, The weather email' ea. warm
and dry, with but little prospeet of rain.
FLOUR—We hear of ea farther eheara ta the boar
market. Very little a coating forwent and rh either
frousfirm Unita or from atom have been Hem We
may eontinue oar quotations from Ent hand e, at 114,50
04,131, and from store at 111,73 ♦ bbl.
Rra Ftona—Bald In limited lots, at 13,7304 fe b hi,
far easman to choice brands.
Coea btrat,—Tbe market is fairly to voile dlwith reg_
tiler sales (roman:. et 51000 e, mid from City Mills for
ebeice qoalily. Me
GRAiN _ Th .,,,,,,hm vet urines steady etre!! piece.
Wo have heard of Or large operation. for several
days. lte following may be given as the present rut.
log deities fruit Lim hands :—Wheat, ILII; Rye, doe
Barley. %gm; Corn, 639380, and Onto at 40e 0
A lot of over Waste Corn wu received by river, bat
it west tom more.
ptlOCEßLEZ—Basittma Is limited; bat prices rens
., remain Brat, at one last quotations—sny, for N
s,,, z edisi in Mid., and el in bbis; Molasses, 33031 e,
la cypress and oak btla Eia Coff en continues pieuy
Am, at legit to, and Rice at Ik, to coca.
BACON—Business lc:eviler at format prices—say,
for Western and thy eared Shoulders, sc; Sides 6e,
nd Hama at ;le dr lb, la separate lota. Sugar cured
caurused hams, are In fall request by the tree, at Sfe
Sp m.'
LARD—LanII3 inpcUre , WU moderato wales of No
lln bills, at 61061, and In kgs at elo7e.
'llllTTER—gales of fresh Toll In bbls and bri atlOe
and of common keg nieflEle 9
CLIEESE—We note regal ar sales of goad comes El
6 . 0 42 6 }. and of Cream at 87z IP
FlSH—Sales of Siloton at SO; of No I Shad at 817,
No I. hintkarol at'Blls No 2 at Oil; No 3 at $4151.13.
Herring SSA cad Cod Gab at SSA p con.
CILACKMDLA Mirolat bast:less Is doing at the fol•
owing quoted rates: •
Water Cracker*, pm. bbl
Dotter do 4.60
Dyspeptic do o 3,73
Blot Broad, o
3,2 a
aaw Crackera,pOr 7
oda do o
FRUIT—The demand Is fah with sales of ratan.
-ot $303,23 I, box. Poboof Alsolnds, at 183220 IP
Re of Ground nuts, at 81,1301,37 r boa, of Peanaas,
sons; of Filberts, at 7ago; of Cream non, at 0107 e; of
Rants Ca:rants, at NOM and at English Walnuts-at 7
BSc; prances, S3Aligs,llolse r 7r,Leasou,S3,73
ON; Cocoa Nuts, OA, p 100..
flatrurems, Jana 10.
Cello—The recant blob prices which ham been ob
tained for Brevet in oar marker, have had the erect to
bring here a very largo amber (or this season of the
'cur, and cenacquenuy rimers In day rated mach low
.cr. -The s Series. reached 1130 head, of which (Si
were told to city butchers, 20 wars left ems unsold,
frosad Ton were deren to Phtladulphur Prices ranged
m OM to 4,15 on the hag; equal to 11363,23 net t and
avremingll33o groat.
Hogs—We quote from 84,73 to 83—dmer.
• Usllls:nova Markets '
Ilsausuals,Jane JO. •
floor—Salcs 400 bbl. 118, at 55,214:13,05,31. On
'Chance heilde.l ask 10,31*, bet GtqCTI. will not give
mole than 110,23. Satin 410 bbl. City Mills Flow, at
• Wheat—Sales Ni red at 1.111 c; prime would bring
118 c, If ht re. A sole of white a 1 143 o; two loads el
Penns When told at 1180100 e. Ms decline was
caused by a fall le the English mallet
• bales of Cora at LOOM for white, and Me for Tel.
We quite Oste at 40041 c.
Provo, ons—We 0010 Wes of MI hhds Shoulders or
00310; 51 hhds Sides at bilirea: and /OA 8. 1 nsw- 8
V lb.
Welakey--Sales of bbd. az 26e; and bbl' wi
.10011 sees.
kievraterr IS Baunercrec—lt has already . been
shown that the denelthey Jr this port In reeopts of
Wheat and Rear ' op to acre In this year, as compare
ed with last year to acme date, I. equal to some 2.4),0C0
able of Boar , told it Is now pretty evident that as much
flan will be tease (row this market weal, te sapply
places there tleteleut,. ern! Come from all places In
the West basic; airpt us above their own seam, We
were aware t h at dams; th e last two month, large de.
manda had been made by th e esouth and west on oar
lake town, In the went for breadstuff*, and the !slop•
meete tram the Latest* the Ohio river and tont Louts
tad been very large, but we had cot felt es thoegh toot
demand could reach down as fares oar own mad.;
In that however, we aredinppointed, for we have to
day not only cocoa telegraph rOlerantreaure (rem
shipper at Cleveland to his agent here, ordering back
• cargo of Bear be bad shipped to this market, but
some Moo hla of flour had been bought hero to day for
the Cincinnati market.
Tele-Crania communication. from Chicaao to Jane 1,
ay, door is in loran demand, at 60,30 fo bill at Alll
•kte 1110 A sr St Lora. VA, at DeaoLt SG and
•• 'The Wee they gay, and the avidity with which they
boy, would Indicate that they tad entirely exhausted
their home supply In the gnat •alley of me Ohio' and
•hdiseisuppi, that being the cam, some three millions of
. people will mak e abort work of the scanty evenly to
the country of the lakes, and the :apply here will And
a better mutat in the country It came from, than its
usual dannstlon, the East
Tie isselpfs di thisport last year from , 0n ' , Cat;
Flour. bbl.. Wheat, 0
Jana • •—•—•170,6:4 os;w4
/sly —• "417 .1a 1,c9/
4.4.4.--- • ..• •..- .. RISJ 203,1:4
This yens and on the. Wee, the crops In the anti -
west, am spasms of by residents them, as mtlenng al
most a total In, by seed and dformbL mod harvest mus
expos; be Into end verydefielent —Bat Adv.
I\TINEVEII and Its Remain.; with an account of a
VI 'mit to the Chaldean Chnsdans of Kardietan, and
we Yesidlt, or Devil Worerippera and an inquiry
into the manacts and melt or the antler, esterien•
Hy Jawio Henry Lays , d, Fad., D. C L. For ea eat
jet Cock Eliere, nor. Masker LT turd
- - •- -
r AHD OIL-10 hbla receiving from Ilte•See? Key
.l./ atone Snot, and for gala by J DALTELL,
je3 No to 'Water Street
(.I . o . lzil: y hu Liebe .t print In cull wrill
ü bLEV . f •
14 7
1/ Molly curet
A FARTHER supply of Blank Silks naffarrey col.
wed &Bra last received by cypress this morn
lap, at north east confer of Foes h and Masker au.
VA - Tit Pit .iIE,TE
.LY.k and Betters M. D. Lain. at very low priers. at
nonh east earnar of Fourth and Market sta. HS
WAZiriliK LACES—Extra aide medium and
narrow ramming Lae.* of best gnalay, lust reed
and for rate at Northeart corner of Foanh and Mar.
ket streets. Jrs MURPHY Pe BURCHFIELD
ULE- s Ctitriii POWDER—tit Puke hltionitt's best
5.5 pnality to &trivet Pis Fillip&lbia per skip Deli.
For elan by W & M WITCHES:ISF X.
Jes • Liberty moot.
COPAL vARNira-6 btioug, rri'' • fr; --- ”•i!. bY
onsiZ SO Wood et.
POT ABll-4a tons In cora and for tole to dose
co:alp:nem, by Jell J DALAELL
BACON-4 casks H 1 trued Homo,
1G do do Sboaldero, JIM melted
rod for aria by J O J A HUTCHISON .11. CO
b ° ll I o I'I N 7 C Tan
SCO bbl. Pitch;
•r 7 bblo Roga, la kora rut for
4.2 riv. TURI!ENTINE-30 M 1• In esolen ordey, for
1.7 is by
pe j l en IIRLUN k REITER.
L TI I. 7'E b,
ga b ll y hl & REITER
nOPAL vgmasu—s bbls reef! DM for isle by
Co&cil VARNL9II-9 lals reed and for saln bv
rifOBACO7-1T - arriDafereDiiiii - 8101.itienbanil
1 and ler We by. DROWN & KIRKPATIUCK
YuPA9,i, 6t estrETKirtieb;
761 v Chem.
bego..Polaloef, ree'g per Rid
welly Lloe,for seat low, bebbe consignment, try
GUM ARASlCZ>icked, for sale ty - ' --
• D OLL BUTTER—VI bbla bblla stare and for sa a by
Irtlio:l—sw.2ll. hog rosad,Jost teed, for Ws by
DLOO,IIB-103 tons Napalm Blooms now landing
I_llfrom steamer Hophrates, tor Nile by
Water Front mr,
Atlrtean Galaam — a7 - ! isisteria &Mohan's.
MITE highest premium pald for AmeriCan Gold,
Eastern ES . banrc. and Par Fonds. at the Ex.
Mange and. Booking House of A WILKINS & CO
ryncukrit VERNON—A newand IntiTieiu74
NoveLL2 roo. aoth, Jost reed and for see by
jo.i vied 'lnd for Oda
,r by ottll STUART & SILL
niiiad.iin4 voi
(INF, for 113,000, ens eine for 53,000, well moored by
city pmmriy. For partieolars toaaire of
jet ' Na 121) Wood street
BROOMS -1M doe in mom, and for wale by . --
W HITING -IGO brl to arrive, (or vale by , ISAIAH DICKEY &CO
New PublitemarTma
TRIIING'S Piahornet. 2 vols bf calf ilelotit. ftmp.
Taylor's Electrode. 2 vols. 1.204,
Intog!tt Works. complete. 12mo. cloth khf calf.
Dourralleo Latulsrape Galdenin4. hro.
Doltretilles Fruit Trees ofdaurica. 13uo.
Plairadel—•Croly. ova,
Chopman's American
. Drawing Book. 2 Nos, Co.
liovaeboll Words—Mete.. Nov Ito B.
Weslels Radisneruo Seder. 12mo.
David Copper Sold—vol 1. 12mo.
For sale by • JAMES D LOCKWOOD
r 4 104 Fourth ot
AGOOD Arabograny Kano Forte, 6 octaves,
A h annband•-- SKIDOO
dsome upright Flan°, with Rosewood
Fomite re, 6 octaves, and In good order • • • • lon 00
A plata 51 octave Piano... , -- 45 cm
A 10,06tave Pi LIIO. • • ...... •".• • 75 WI
A goodoctave Piano, with handsome (Mai.
ystare .. ...
For ssd,, by_ JOAN INEL,LOR
may rd el Wood or
ig he.
SOUPERCEDING the Wooden Films, and being In
combustible, thereby economises the WI, and pre •
vents lynillon, heretofore so much, objected to in all
saes Ileac. One table spoonful of the common
/atop oil will lam Nine llove,or any 11.1 b ., length
offline, liAtotiing to the ditinned eatutity °rod.
Received and fo iul
r sale by )OILY D MORGAN
utay47 DruSsiel
BACON—toxin Strulderli.“ o " o "" 4
10 rd L „ P rlV,c`f:iTln`;fi d
e,U . 2.. a i 7dsxk&ptla
2 hf p
o ps extio Roche Ile, dx eh;
2 d Coml. Duprey k Co. dark;
• 2 do Ro% dark;
2 do Yollavotain; 4 dtora, and (nr wee l
ton, Clot & Cos gouda. CodUrAc Oil, tor Ws
by bolt IaDD t9O
aresa—Tbern man 3 feet 71 . ytenna in channel last'
.veninir, by :metal Inazk, an2l
.V 1 21M 6 :41,V=111"
Atlantic, Varktion, Brownrrille.
Rltie, Jacobs, Brovrnsville.
Beaver, Gorda; Wellsville.
Camden. Herekson. - Meßeespon.
Voalthiogheny, Marsh,Teaver.
Wyernint, Neel, Pt Leonia
Washington. Martin, Leabville.
Milton. Davis. Lonisvilie.
Lady Byron, Smile, Portsmouth.
Reveille, Roes, Wellsville. -
Wm. Pen, Johnston, Whetßet
Michigan, Bees. Beaver.
Camden, ilendrintson, McKeesport.
Fashion, Peebles,Ellanheth.
Daltfe~Jacob Crovrosville.
- Issue, Pulnason. Brownsville.
Cleave!, Goidon.
Youghiogheny Marsh. Beaver
Clara Fisher, Louisville.
Cashier. McMillan, Bridgeporr
Cinderella, Hallett; Wheeling.
Wethiallle, Toong, thidgeport.
‘Voi. Perin, Johnston, Wheeling.
CINCIHHATI—Graern, 10 , sc.
LOUISVILLE—Navigator, 4 r. u.
BEAVER—Yourhlogheo7,3 r. x.
Portsmouth—Piz LaPr Braos-3 holes tools,
Whitmore m Wont; S dodo, ft Dunlop; It - sets wool,
Clark & Thaw; 700 aka mm, 0 B Miltenberger; 92 ate
bath, W Smith k co; 8 aka wool, 4do feathers, 4 bls
I do bras skins, CM Omni; 2 bblap WI, Lam.
bort &Stillman.
Whoo Cisogaggria-70 bbl. door, .14.
McCully; It eli• bacon, McGuire & Haile; 3 cuts do,
Hoes. Neale? & ?dogleg; W sky orool,Illogham; 4 bbly
copper., Roginion &lc; 43 egg ba canal Lerch &
coma Mils oil, 9111tenbetgo3 49 cks bacon, 29
W Marshall.
St. Lomt•—Pcx WTOIPSO —6l) pan d akin., 169 do
buffalo 100(5, A &mien; 91 bola oil, Fahneatook tr. co;
6 bliss, 9 to bacon, R Galway & co; 7 do do, Cummins
& 9mltbt 19 do do, J Osier 9 tea wool, 61 hid. bacon,
Leech & co,l by wool, I Mat. 30 bbl. peaches, Robt
Dal=3;9l boa medicine, 160 d hides, Elinshatol 35 too
lams; /Solite. & co.
Pa I. Q. Au tars-0 by wooll, LOOOh & ca. 7 este, 4
to bantr,P con & co; 4 do do. d ego do, McDevitt & bro.
5 eks, 4 redo, Holmes &,bren 31 bluts obontdens, 3 Ode r,
bblo refined sugar, Ilesselbon; VI Oda shoulders, H
Oran' & co; 71 bbd• tab. Matto & O'Connor; 5$ do do, J
Benny jr; 3Ns deer slaw, 1 bbl beeswax, Murphy,
%Prison & co.
Louts?!lle—Pie WAstuieron-3 hhde, bz tab, 41'
bbls whhkey,6 Ns fire, eruct do, liteghece; ecepl,
hf Scanh & co; 4 Dhsl • tob: lot ferelture, Leech
& co; 39 ssckttekarere,O hhds lob, H Wed& .; 5355
bloom's, Meeforten & co, B We, CCD alloi Marin; 6
Wu tot). Fotoyth &
FOR DRAWING ROOllll3-01,IR...Chamois, Pace,
and Phan D'eU Paper, receoßy reterted
() 7 %` r r a r'e&waP, ;Teo,, l
m 7 2IW
b — rfiNti nu. 28.137 inches, on hand
mad for sale by . A II ENGLISH & CO
ja7 79 Wood at
s tfitilT . F . 'd f tNig y bp DICINE9—.They are the
, Grabens Station, Ohio, May 23, 1840.
E.Sellete-1 think it right,lb r the benefit °tethers,
to state come facts to relation to your excellent Pa
ugly Medicines.
I have and your Vermin:de largely my owe
family. one vial frequently crooning large cloudlike
(say to 200 worms) from two children. I have
alto used your Liver rills Mid Cough Syrup In my
family, and they t aye, in every lento., produced
the effect desired.
As I am engaged in merchandising, I am able to
elate, that I have yet to hear of the lust tailor* where
year medicines have been used In any section of the
country. In conclusion, I may state that they are toe
mcdtelnes.of the day, and are desuned to have a very
extensive popularity.. Yours, respectfully
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No IS Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
cities and vicinity. je7
/for pale Cheap.
Moly new, from O a colt
. Phil.
deipbla built second hand Bulky, inVander. Et
quire at this office. lea
-- - .
Prieto Reduced-
T il er:tat% ancilit3gh e ll
Boa ' : t lk b e e rf.
Soda Mb, warranted superior to any other bread at
21 by the guava, of 5 tong or
or for a rrency or
approved Notes, at four months, or :I for len bean
fee (Allen] , btrect.
HERSBY, FLEIVIENC & Ctr, harmg arranged
give their entire attention to the role of domestic
Woolen wad Cotton Goode, now offer their large
mock of TatioN Trimmingc, Vesting', French and
GersoutClothe, Doeskin,.evseime rea, le. at first coat.
lei ItP,Wood
FISH -23 bele new No 3 Mackerel;
13 brio No 1 Macscret;
ft hf bris do;
33 brls No 1 IlerTing, for sale by
Ice 1111E1r, MATTLIKWB ar. CO
TnE outOonfling Bony of A.letbonyClry bo
tedcoblea by KILAbIEIR t ilAfild
Witt Wintb..C.N—ob cons, celebrated n brand, for
"VXTRACT MM.:WOOD-3D birk3Wml , s for ale
.124 lea 7 SuII.OIOIAICFR & CO
LIVEN DO pare Drosro,just reCeived,
ll tot sale by 8 E SELLERS
Jett 57 Wood et
Llfy briWaoTc , ,r bis Liv• ..1o
, DOT Asu—a cults prime, in atom, for sale Ey
LUkrti brm of rte best quality, laid reed. and
5.7 for sale at the Drug Storecomer or Sixth and
Wood street. Jes WICKERSHAM
HOLLAND Pica led Herring— lk g• Hal maenad,
a near article la this e; lin gala b 7
le3 255 Litany at
I :n r < H l„ E j eC ¢:t .L rl4 l3 a, cr. i:Pe ' J , y " — ,AEM:',';;" -
Sw 150 gallons for-gale
ie F i r o ' I K11:161* en
HIrIiPSKEI3-1.0 brls just reed, .d for br
FLOUT[ -50 Mtn tamely elmt, fin *ale by
lee Illigv. MATTHEWS I (nit
F lBll-20 Ws Nova SCOlla Herring;
15 brie Gibbed • do,
30 brle Baltimore do,
13 hie Wind;
30 MM. Shad, la More. and for We by
144 Liberty et
b“47z;ru7kTtigrArarcx .
lota 2 e4s;
73 ba Netkarma, just ree , l - iind for
At ths Sign of the Goldin .
.llarp, No. 10, Third •t
The Lord's Prayer, lbeautirally embetli•hed.)
Oar Faith tkert Fondly Plighting, Opera Llnda,) as
rang by had. Mammalanai.
Napolltaineom rang by Mad. Biseaceltmli.
I'm Queen of It Fairy Sand, do.
Nay BfatiCE, as sung by ?dad. Dornmeln.
Swiss Girt, as sung by bliss Urals.
Frolott,aa sing by MO. Iltseaeelanti.
Call me pet PaMoa
Piper of 'glands*.
Yes, ere we met! was a lows,
Old Seaton.
Wedding Waltz.
Sylph Waltzes.
Aligaippi Waltz-11 Rohboek.
Mono Rose Polka.
Prize Polka, ke., rte.' [Mil H. IiCLUISER.
Offers ferule the following freak goods, Jut received:
dye drams tilayma Figs;
• . 175 half boxeit do do,
1 5 0 0 0 canner boxes do;
0 egs Sun Relates;
20 half tees d*
150 boxes Palermo Oranges,
SW box. Sicily Lemons;
c awe Sicily Licence;
40 doesn Asserted Pickles; •
25 dorm Manna' , Sas ccs;
25 deran Setae Od;
225 'poxes Scaled Herring;
131 bole; Na I ficrrhar.
50 boxes faint. Putt . •
50 bus Yelkne, Whltc:6 Rad Rack Cutdr,
120 bags Whoa Drell) Sagan
60 brie Lascringlaentabed it powdered do;
15 bags Canary Send;
25 bag. Sicily Filbert.;
00 bags
is Nuts;
12tki bushels Pen Nuts;
barrels Pocens do;
Di bugs Soft Almond.;
boXe• Shelled des
All flavor, common Cuidlea 12Ie per lb, carefally
packed. warranted as good or any to the country.
No 187 liberty St r isit doors east of St. Clair et
tIoY e VIRTUR of a decree of the Mgt, Conrt
eery, the subseriber, as Trustee. will oder at pub'
lie sale at the Exchange, an :THURSDAY, the toth
city of Pittsburgh, to the State of Penoryliarda,
known as Lot Number 12, in Prides'Plan of Pitts•
Mar ion 4e county, beginning at the corner of
Maro Creel and the Farmer , * arid Machaniets Tor.
o n Aoki, meninx thence Wutwardly,and binding
on said road twenty.e4ht feet eight and a half ineh.
eft, thence aouthwardly one hundred and twenty feet
to a twenty-four loot alley, thence ea
111:y -eight fret eight and a half inches, thence
northwardly to the place of teenrillin. me
121 said Lot is entered a two story Frame
The terms or tale as prescribed by the decree are
ono-fourth cask on the day of eel* and the remainder
In equal inataiments et Mt, twelve, and eighteen
mona., to be secured at the optron of the purchaser.
JAS. MALCOLM, Tronee,r
No. 27 - Lexington sumer; Da time., Did.
0111 SON * CIO, Auctioneers.
Plats of the above described progeny may be Seen
at the *Vie of the Trustee,. and &her the first day,
j_lll3 :31.1r4
Mow - Publlatatlone.
T ECTURE3 on Art and l'oems, Washington Ans.
otn. tinted by it 11
nights in the Gold Beaton, and Seinton by the Way.
By fat:odor. T Johnson, edition, with nosontons
111c:stall/an. . .
The Elliott really, or the Triall of New York
Seamstresses. By Castles Ilerden, nutter of sqbe
ConyieVs Chiln,""Ardar Marna," ko &o.
The Poshay,wanslated and explamed.M A 'Alex
ander, Poore. ear In Princeton Theologies , / 9.01..7
Talbert and Vernon, reblabed by Baker t Scot.
ner, New York.
Toe above, together with a larre.assortment of 98
lint.. Bioko. for sale by A R ENGLISH es Co,
ARD-50 kegs said 93 Cris, to stare, for rale by
roar 4 .k W 11A RHAUfi II
'erLAßS.4ooVirir - 3
and for We by -b. lUx 11"Mfirtto!:uCT'
bTli Vinoteir, for sale by
01-20 burela Alum, for sale
Amsr.l J KIDD A CO
M. AC . f.'
!DO 10. tar s J le by
ARRE2I{ !semen U VF—Guo 1b..1n Wadden,
Ur tut yeaqvad, and for sale by J KIDD ICO
EaDttl— 4,1* PrincLpe, .ad uaif
Spanish agars, awned Onus r.
LLPOZTED 101 THIL nrnaasan.naur aura
Awacig tiros a Firtausi---Mra. Marmots,.
made Infortnatimi before the Mayer of Allegheny.
Yesterday, against Hetzel, a Garman, who kcept
a tavern . on the Monongahela what, for an no .
swill open her paean. She stated that he cam.
to her hunsvin company. with Mayor Barker and
kis police, when they arrested her hatband, acd
abused her with threats of violence and acand alone
epithets Mrs. H. la a very lady like sod high!,
esteemed woman. iletzel was required to cram
ban for 8500 for his appearance at Court.
Caesura Lcwasa—Mayor Fleming,of Allet
belay, has brought suit before Alderman Reynold,
against clue of the most prominent citizens of thw
platse, for the payment of license. orals family
carriage. The gentleman allegea that the tax it
=just and refuses to pay until it is !cited by •
legal Investigation. It is suppeaed that it will bt
brought qp to Conti
Tux irsrisats ate driving a brisk busineas at
Wilkie. 11.11. Their popularity is inereusiog.
Tux RAYMOND FAMILY perform again to night
lithe Theatre. They will appear in a new mord
cal fame called Love and Mymery, and alt. in
the Nervous Man, after which a grand ecmccri
will be given.
Accrosm—Yeeterday often:won, ono of the fa
mes la Wood's Rallies. Mill, at the mou h of Saw
Mill aua, exploded, mark:wetly lojtuingwoo of the
workmen, by the name of Wood, an Eases%
A tin looking young German ume before
Alderman McMaster, yesterday, to solicit advice.
in a serious dilemma. Ha had plighted his affec
tions ton young damsel, and war about to unit.
hie future destiny with hers, In marriage, when
her father interferred and peremptorily forbid thr
union. The girl was order age, and the ardent
lout mu at a leas to know iu what manner to
proceed. The magistrate recommended him to
run away with her to Wheeling and rat some ob.
score magistrate or minister to peers= the cere•
Rowan:mt.—Agentleman ittliO way .qtiletfy
passieg along Second street, in the neighborhood
of the Scotch EMI Market Place, on the night be.
fore last was knocked down by some rowdiei
who were standing ores rortier. Before he could
get up ego Io , his ass nilante had disappeared. The'
police should keep an eye upon the young rot - Odle*
who congregate in this nel,thborhoed to the event,
Stuturot. Oentanc.—Yosterday matting ; a
man who was driving a wagon at a furious rate_
past &mar?* saw, mill, in the Fifth Ward, ten
%wine another wagon which was standing at the
mill, and broke it to pieces. An old man to whom
it belonged, endeavored to prervent the accident
by catch* the other's horses by the bead. when
their brute of a driver Jumped out and struck hhi ,
a revere blow with the handle of his whip ammo
the eye, which will probably destroy its sight A
warrant has been issued for the snot of the ruf
An Orrtaw.—A negro was brought before Mar
or Barker yesterday morning, for aranulting a man
with • bowie knife, on Water street. Ho we.,
tined and bound over to keep the pence, bet ha.
been gene from the police office but n abort hitat,
however, before he win brought back (or kicking
• colored women on the Creel. The Mayor find
him $lO for km mooed offence. He should have
bean pot in confinement.
TA6MiLI rum Ca.asts.—"ithulom, will you please
to inform me of ibc number of inhabiuuns of the
"The population of this mansion ,"
Well, there 1 . 0 eight in the room orer head."
"Flow many?"
"Are they all adults.''
"Na? they are MI Smith, except two boarders.
"Staid.; black or white ninths, madam ?-
"I'd lava you to know, that I don't live in n
house with nigger, "
"I didn't allude to their color, I meant their cal.
"O F that's it, in U? Well, if von had been here
tint night, you'd have found out, for they wan cal.
ling the watch, as loud an they could scream."
"Madam, I merely winh to know bow many peo
ple you have in this house, and what they do lore
"Yes, yen, now I understand. Well, let me see,
there's the two 111ullinses—that's one."
"That makes two, madam."
"Well, if vou know hest, count 'em yourself."
"Ir is my business To inquire, madam.',
"Well, you had better attend to it, then, and not
bother arm." .
"Madam, lam out with the census and'—"
"Well, you act nut of . your tenses, !should think,
to come into my house asking such questions "
"liii in accordance with an act of Congress,
madam "
'Well, you tell Mr. Congress, or whatever het
ems is, h e nets very foolish. sending you round
mug ouch *huller, slily quesnons
The mon left.
Of Pittsburgh
C. G. HUSSEY, Pawl, •- --.A. W. MAII C 9. SW,
Office—No. 41 Water meet, in the wart haute of C.
MHOS COMPANY' Is new mow,' to insure all
kinds or risks, on houses, mannractnnes. goods
merchandise in core, and in-transioa versals. de
. . .
mi .
An ample guaranty for the ability d.
integrity ol
the Inatitacion, I• afforded In Ma character of we Di.
rectors, who aro all eit(gens of Pittsburgh, well and
favorably known trithe community for their prudence,
Intelligetee and Intrutrlty.
DISCLIOIa—C. G. Hassey, Wm. Ilagaley, Wm. Lan
later, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh I) Xing,. Edward
Haa;clurn, Z. Eingay, B. Ilarbavgh, Men
1139pr•v•maests in Dautletry.
DE.0.0. STEARNE, late of Boston, I.prepared to
manufaxiare and set Moat Tana iu whokt and p.m
ofseta, e4h , ..n enctlon or Atmospheric Socllon Plate...—
Tonna= roan to rtvx monTIS, where the nerve tt
Si - posed: Office and reudeneo next door to [La May
er'. offlee, row* street. Pinsburttb.
axmaro—J. D. ElTedden. P. H. Eaton. 101 l
!told Of Atte Foot and Ankle Cared.
Ma. Riate-.1 am desirous of snaking known to the
Pablie the great <Emu, of your PETROLEUM in my
own eau, which ores a severe scald of the foot and
ankle; open removing the storklug, the *kin peeled
off with It, and left uuthlng but the here surface. I
expected to he had op all winter from dike edema of
thls scald, but we ipplied the Petroleum freely, by
'canoe( a flannel cloth smarmed with It; at first, the
application we. painful, but in a very short time the
path abated. I had on path In one hear aftnewarla
In five days from the time of the applleadov I pfthe
Petroleum, I was able to g 2 to work. I take pleasure
In mating these Wu for the benefit of other sailors,
nod am destrou that they should La mode public. I
weeld also state, that I find immediate relief by the
use of the Petroleum, In huh., from which Ism a
frequent euffeter owning to my bailee. about the
engine. I world recommend it as the most prompt
and certain remedy for hems I have ever known.
(Signed./ J 13 COE, Engineer,
Sharpsbugh, Allegheny Co.
Pittsburgh, AprlL
tier sea by Reyser &McDowell, 110 Wood street
E Darr., 0 7 Wood U.; D H Corry, Allegheny env
D A Elliott, Allegbenyi Joseph Douglas, Allegheny;
Use by the proprietor, R. M. BIER,
RAI Canal Duln. fteminth et, Pit:thrash
prepared by
HEAD of all other preparadons; because it Is
lullomposed of the choicest herbs known to medical
s, se leading and principal herb being
Whiehhaakm it the parettimd best ever yet presented
tcrthe human family.
Purina your anal avocationi. Vets need have no
fear of exposure, es DEL S. D. ',DIVE'S stiegun
SARSAPARILLAis warranted to be purely vegg
table, and free from all da , geom. drag., midis the
beat Female and Family Medicine ever known.
Call upon one of our agents and get a pamphlet—
read the wonderf I coma performed by the uses(
Pelee St per bottle, or 6 bottles for RI.
Pot sato by J. Senoonmakcv lc Co., J. A. Jones,
W. Black. It. W. Means, J.Militer,..t. M.—Townsend,
J. NV, Jaokaon, Pittsburgh; D. A, F.lliott; Ake aqi
V. Crocker, Brownsville; NV. IL McClelland, Mau.
cheater; al.n4 by droggthu generally. Also, by the
praprlei era, h4OWE & CO.,
crtay2944WlTT 1 Con Agra 11,41, grief - egad, 0.
tsgglio i, 6 tensi, Cadge Ilrand
raecimg par swam, Wasturzon i nd rnr tale
by ray3l A 4 ZELI.. , _
'VRENCH COrail&LS—Absinthe, Aansrma, 4a , o n
r hon.! and for sale by ray3o A CULUEIS4:‘
.01/ mayo W 1 don curd
ACHANCE for Think Canvassirs to . twin a mid:
fortune 400 Agana %Valued in all parts alt.
Untlid Bette,.
Great Materlest Work, now ready, end for man by
Sabscripan only, a comPlete 111 story of the War
between the Veiled Billet and Zilezito, from the earn.
instatement or Me Ilematities to the Raufieation oldie
Treat or Vence, being a rangier stereo, of tea
splendid Military acbieyemenis awl Glorious
toried tithe American Armies under Generals Taylor
red Beam, and their gallant compatriots to arms.
Alin; tin OUTDO= the New Eldorado,. the Golden
Land of California, snarled lo this country by the
Treaty of Peace, illustrated with more thee. twenty
rortralla, and Battle Beene., and a steel likeness of
Umtata! Taylor. by John 0. Jenkle.a, author of Me
01 . 41° of . U 4 ‘. Wriahh" . 'fienertits of the Loot War!'
Re. .11 is brand la embalmed morocco, and contains
620 pagme.
A bee Map of Mexico, showing . the Ilattio Grounds,
the Gold Replete, de., isecomprones the Won.
The book will bed elivered to days Irma ton
threat aabacrixion, and precisely like the sample.
LoWert Prise, In &I, payable on delivery. For
&rater. partlealetts, apply, post r aid, to us.
Eigalgl.' it MILLER
174 erl ir T Akih4Gl, Y. Y .
&champ Brokers, :Jo. I/
Back of Plusburgh —Pax
Exchange Dank Par'
Borth. & Man. Back • Pat
3konlYnibultlplua. —par
Girard Bank
lank of Germantown. • part
Chester County.••par
o -Delaware re
• •par
Norlhu cc mberland••par
Ottunhia Bridge Co:- pet
Joylcauran Dank par
Fame.' Readigtt•pot
icarcers'Bk. Becks Ce. par
fanners Irk Lancaa'r• pa;
Lenontet Co. Bk par
Cancan:orßk..-- par;
O. Suter Dank-- ---go
.trownertilellk..._....p ac
Washtnato 8k... ••1
letlyabaraißk,—..... 1
:lambersburg • •..—. •
?Rancho-ono Co. Bk.-
Moktictown I
& SON%
Market street, near lta a
Slate B'E &11ranches•• 1
'SinnScrip .• ..... ••
lEackange Ilk. of VE• • 1
Fanoorsl3k.of Va--•
2 . wale Vality,--•-.°
. Virginia••••--•-
M.& //Aft., Wheellos
do 141orgoodooro•-• 1
N. W. Bent Vs--•
do Wellsbure•-•••• • 1
do l'efkerskork...-.
Bt.& 'keniteasoc•••• • 3
& tiforth'to
11.tero• Uk.—• ••• • 3
'Union Lk..,.-_-._...
!State BkorMissonziss—
North CoroMost.
Bk,ol Cape Fear••••• •
;Morel's uk.,Neaaem•
EaUtil Caro Was.
Cardin Bk ...... •• • .
lik.of Char!caton
Ewe• 0 j
Farmers' an,' 'Drovers'
Bank, Wasueslong• • 1
Urns:Airs •• •
York lik.• • ..• ........
West Branch Bt ßeim( Noses
Slh MBk. Porado• "
Scrip—Pont,. Countyl
" Alle Ter?' I
dare Ilk .•kor Branches I
Mos orPlessara
ltesbenstne•—••• • • •
Sc. Clainville•—•—• •
Ntatterr ••
New Lisbon.
Cineinnatt Banks "
Columbus dn.-
Cueleville— • • -••;
PIIM ROI •••••••••••••-••••-••••• •
Wooster 70,
Massillon .•—•••••••••••—•
Ceuta. ••.- ..... I
Norwalk 111
Cleveland --..» • I
Xenla--• " •
. .
iewuzemallll,-- of ticmeturr..—•
'Dk.of South Curo.tna• • SI
;Balt:more like.••• •• ••
,Balun'e & 0 Rlt Scrip •IQ
,Onnkerlend Bk.of Alla
' ghany-- ......... •• • I
Far. Bk. of hfitryland• • "
iFarmere' & Mechanics."
Bk. Frederick "
iFrederia Co.llk.—• U
1111Incre I•
iPuts_n in acb Bk —• •• • • I
Bk.o estmmste r • • • -
lik.of 8:. Cltur.--
- • .
113 k . of itrrer An hen.--
Altchigno Ins. Co••• • • 5
!Fla.& Alech's 13t 5
Wlsoonsla Territor
Ahr.&Firoln.Co.blilor , i 5'
!Bulk of England Notes
• --SI 70 V' Ism.
nold a. Spools Val w.
Napoleons —•—• • 3 eo
—• • • .1 150 2 25
'Eagle, old • ••• • 1000
Eagle, now •• 10 00
Doubloons, Spanlsh. 15 00
Do. Patriot.--• 1500
,Sovereigna ..... •• • 10,1
!Guineas •• ..... 000
IFfetieriekuPors...—•ll7 0
Ten Milers•
• •• -• 7 00
en Gullders •• • • • 390
Lorisd'ofs• •• • •• • • 100
Western Reverve• `•
Franklin/Pk Columba. "
Malaenthe "
Lake klele-•• • ..... • •• "
Seieta• • ••
Lancaster • ---10
nootrale ....... ••• •••50
Farm'. a'k Canton-vs-SO
Urbana • ......
ak of Kentoek-y . 1
atLouis ßk. vill K e•—••-
tiorhern entn'ke•
4.• 77- 1 / 4 --env Rent
New York • ---•pry
i n Ll iladelphia •• • prr
,Itimore .—.• •• • pro
loving celebrated brat
gem—Pres.:pa Piontatio:
Imported, aod but rarely m
Ndee bire ltny, extra media
t rea
L Norma
',EI Leon IYOro
Jam Sum
• Star
Ems Oration
Ea VielLa
Old ¢oek
Ale,, Etobineoah extra Carendb74Tobaceo,for sale
no retail by
Jet WM A bleCLUltti fr. CO
t:23 Liberty . street, the rob
.do genusaa Havana O
n Regattas, the beat Cigars
.et with le Pittsburgh.
• •
Tbir! sweet, opposite the Post Offtee.
.1:11STORY of Pendennia, by Tbaekeray—part
b1u0...1 and las 51V1C2,0., by Warhington
Thor Frew... By Raw... V O / /1.
Wor b. and for May.
11.• ll'or of Woman. Dy Dorn..
Dolton Ptlnkraeure—Nn It.
eo.. By Weorge Land.
Da • 1 Popporficli—No 13.
Dkunna.q. of 31cchanies—part 10. je3
NEW rtrgibiogrzoPs.
releaor—Nineeen, Agria, a;,a4 Syria, 19 mo.
Ermar.—Tiavolr in Siberia, 11 vole la
IlinTain—Via months in the Gold "dine., 12 mo.
ayior—Eldorado, 2 v 01.12
Deaalel—DroOßirt✓ fleempi Book, 12 mo.
Manany—Popular Deirrionr, 2 •vl. 19 mo.
Dietent—Dseld GapperGeld, vol I. 12-roo.
Homboldi—Arpeels at Nature. I 9 mo.
White—Univerral History, 12 mo.
Samar—Eng/ 7 AI Literature, 12 too.
Campbell—Lees of Me Laord flOaneollors, 7 vela. 6
nortend—Arietent World, II con.
Jai:tuna—Mom:my cf Gardening, IS co.
Dolt—The tostczntl management of ehildrrn. IS co.
800 oe I ler suld I eeporter, 104 Foonh
PROGREAS of the Nai.n— Pone, Evo.
Sir \Nodal,: Priers on tho Piciarrogne.. Sao.:
Shelley's Mris, Eve
Wood.' Prise.leal Treatme on Rail Roads. Eva
l'hiloaophy of Human Naairr. Elvo.
A Dictionary of Arctillectaxe—Stuan. Svc.
Arehiv-rtaral, cooplete in 3 vol.. Bvo.
A pLorisin• ai.,l Re ll,rtion.. poet Svc.
Casupbeil, Porncal Work. Sap.. Mor. Soo.
Tbounp,aa'a Seas. s. Soper Mar. ben
For +lle by jAncs n LOCKWOOD
134 Foonk st
Tu4rs it 3IEDIC &TED N'iltdrlf SOAP.
IF —The
of runny persons ts dtsGrared with
elleht etoptionr, al plrrtgtra, and when
One ta.scievelysv-disesse OS the stem, as It is in nicety
eine Snset Ott: of every h•ndroth tt is very easily re
moved. Jules Dowel's Nymph Paco Is expressly
adapted to distales of the akin, se it arts directly
spon the minute pores cloch cover its surface,
glean. is.g them from iropur.ttes. mid by its C.:law:tic
properties hesting and eradicating till cruphons, and
render,rz the Largest and snagnest akin soft, Isle, and
bin wing.
P.T.1411.1 , van have Itcun Ilts ttal4t or catag
u sty •'p e,ll asatc.sheo at beauttall
ecutlact tt by 1...1 Pit mph Scup. 111 tug t:t I, me
lttr.o rreve-pag the usLk, fore. or hands Irma clap.
ping, altepa( ail Irrt.uo, and /reeving a!) cutane
ous rrapltons. 11 possesses an exuaisite cerfutne, ut.El
entirely devoid or nil alkaline properties, sea:Jeri:lß
it Os only article ci - blett can be nerd with palely and
eotnfort In IP, clumsy. •
All rte., whose feces or neck. are diefirered with
Pimple., IdoLetres, is Interpret, de,theald make
of Joke !herr! Plymob Soso. tie the proprietor
positively assures them, that its ate will reader the
most dieeolored skin w hl e, the roveheet skin moan,
awl thermal Caseated alit healthy, pore, and bloom
Jules Hanel . . Nymph Soap la the only nruelit wluch
will efeetnally produce the &Woe id. eta m .o short
them-And the ore which is at me genie tone 01l
polocrial tied entirely hatutlegs I , i pared only by
JULES RAUL!" Perfumer nod Choloist,
IST Chestnut street, Phila.
For mtleorholesale sod recall by n Fahnestoek
A Co., and R. E. t•ellen, Pitlabotglu and John ear.
gent and J. Mtlehell, Allegheny oily,
TO 47, MARKET STREET. between Third and
LI Fianna streets, Pittsburgh, Ps- THOMAS PAL,
;HER weld respectfully call the attenticu of his
Mends and customers, to his retreat •zmnitlye and
general mock of rierch.dae. It will be (Gond to coat
prise every d of American and French Wad
Paper and Dander for Parlors. Halls, Dining Rooms,
Rod Chamisers i countina Rooms, etc., ringing from 121
cents to $2 a pieta. do greet o di crony of pricy
and qualiuu can hardly fail to salt the eireammances
and tastes of parshasen Who may favor with theta
patronage, the old estaMlalted stand on Market street,
arty 3to
_ _
tslll9 never rifling Fain Destroyer, end certain earn ' Greenwood Gardens.
j for Burns, Scald., Piles, Sore and luilamed Eyes, .
Gam Wooed., Hruiteli, Inflammatory Ilheurnatam 1 • •
~,,g, Sp r,,, , Rom N pp ,,,, ~ i now in tali operrnlnn, and supplied with ell ihr
[ OCICS a 11. ecason The . timer 110•10 SO /
Rheum, old and inveterate sores, And ell cutaneous d 66 • - . ••• 1 -
1•1113 0/ • 1041110.1111E110/ from a,a ea to the (linden—
aml mlllsmoustory dneatea.
NVELOPEDD BOXED OF 11113011 ,I,7l,:4,,,lTtht:4ir,u,"l,:is=t,bgl'throani,P,lten,m,l7,,-,
• SZE!
Sundays excepted. ho intoxicating drinks kept 011
Counterfeits of DALLEYS EXTRACTOR In the OM • the premises. in; 00. •
wassen Good the 1/110110.i. Shan them as you would ; Exchange Bank Block.
you r.fse a f v fl: , d B , L
d i.'
,u ol ,g i ni
of the
beingol' tio
, Iff .
p in . :
uponNEW b
y D HZ . : -therE FEW there.
ch.g o o
o f te e .rocko of
of A Zhu w i li t. a li n l k N sfr s wonted i c e d o at
larfein on certain of gelling the
Genuine, imi gam, ~,,,Io . •
moreover, near SO per cent on the average.
Carden to Dealer..
Gross Imre:Mon la practised upon Dealer., by un
scrupulous operators, who put opals counte rfeitmud CEIGIECERING'S BIANCO'.
in a coonterfos or thr old wrapper, melted with n few M I
braes of die genuine Ind ]oxen, and thin cit . .. it 1011 N II TIF.I.LOR, No. El WOOII street, has
for sale at a reduced price: Thla Get ..:suet teeny IS .reneived, and now open, for esamlestion nail
dealer.; but ,ho war d ing, innocent <swum, who Gle, a new stock of Piano Porta, from tho celebrated
uses the rpu-ioas ardale, pays the penalty! Suffering, ...Neter, 0( d i. hickories, Boston.
pain, unsig idly .cars and marks resulting from revere Teaehere and ureateurs are reopecifully Invited , .
b urn . , oun d. c „. „ ore . ; ~,,,,t ~A,,,, 1,,,,,, o f id, heel!, examine awry 601/11/Ifol Gl.OO/ P.M received north
are the m
connouenees. the Wm,. nriin
case In Point a. Ong Particular. ----
Of ono of the moat severely burnt on inlowd ak et
ers of the late and dine:inn lIA(fUE bTREET EX- NOTICE.
81.013101 . 1, in Now Von, will thertly Soputilirted. Mgt AVE C° been annoyed for some time by gangs of
Mind the NEW ENVELOPES, th e LARGE Ma- J.j.mischievous boy. inhfring rho shrobLe.y and
I end my AIITIIoRIZED AULNTS!! fruit, oceOpying the airings to the exclusion of mere
Dr Sce the New Clr“lars for IS5n. ptoGlsole gaiters, be. To prevent such
Bl om
Mark the ay labels on the new dress:—the Triangle, twincent visitors will be furnished -, Id, a at
Serpent, Lion, Son, Dove, and Eagle, and a Daliere the meant., for IS cents, which will be received In
writ.. riginiure
~ ...,.....,,,,,„.„.......c.,scannleill. Fatally ucl
ED-Avoid dm.. and fraud, and boy Holley , . Er• ate f or the treason will he ferniehed by the proprietor.
tractor ONLY, ur the new elms and I. soot scan. The Salem. will tie lurwhed with Ice Creams,
It HALLEY, 413 Broadway, New York. Fruits, and all the drllcames 01 the tenon.
floats I' eciPsiserre, AilegheityGencral and Whole. The garden steamer, Hope Na 2, leaves thp pat a
sale Agent. landing of the bqvamor of each hour attire day, and
Whl Tana., Anent, Pittsburgh. earning. PP
N. II -This names of Dealers who procure the Hal- ~ ~,, . p ort p i " . W 00...
ley Endre, now Pae, from either the ' , rootlet°, him. "
sell or from hit autheirlacil agents, well be published eraser of 0911.1 and terns epee., Fifth Ward"
lit the papers, as a guide to the public to steer clear of Dissolution.
."''''' ada a'ana rpm: cem Of Khop &Totten .16 dissolve) on the 3d
- -•--
ALLEOIIII4IM ph Ii an tiIitD R . O III A A D N . CIIMP/13,11: .I. o cL i tp . r K tr e l e a p e , t, , l , , v ., , t h a o , d i e n a g th p. o r cl . l .. 'm_ d J. th T n ol , i , e ,, r: . . ,,,
NTOTIcE in hereby given, that balks stir he opened the lete Wm. J. 3 ul - iiri . in the aa , of finny & Tutlerl,
ISI for suliteliption In the stock of the Allegheny and and farmed a top w ith t,ll Ltolncr, Thor i.
I...chest, r Pirate Road Comnany, by the Comm. Ka4Pi they `at.,
Hie aaa11 1444 of the concern
Pone. apostate,' In the act
ins y,
ender -I b, a Pnla.„ 4 er 1, ".0 & Ca- and wall Celtic an
.pony o a the ,-„,,a,„,,,, place, and woo,
red Nand% nqpinvi tile Iran arm, nod receive all debts •nd
nil pct.,. destrone of eubserieing are requested to demands owing to rho tame. _ inTiluileit_
attend, the Abe.. betiu, twenty five dells. ooh, and QUNDLLIV.SO.I tali No 11.-itai—
one dollar per Piste to Lo ppid at the time of cola 3hl Leis do;
aCribntr,, - 5 casks Bacon Snit.
Ip tha ally of Pittsburgh, at the office of Messrs. 2 casks Shouldets'
Bakeviell, liors h Co, earner of Second and Snood . ' a calks Home; i
treet.. ou Suturday the eth.Monday the lurk, Tuesday 1 cost O.SOrlCd lialtlN
Ito Ilth, Wednesday the 12th, and l'hurstlay the 12th 3212 Neppan.lllootuf•po arrive, far sale
of June, between the hours of UA. 111..11 4P. M. let ISAIAH DICKEY &CO
In the oily of Allegheny at Todd's tavern, corn" of Cr Litikl- Pr be. glue, goad Oath.. fee .nin be
Hens. and Ohio I..lnelis; and in the Borough of Man. 1,,,T Bv. sr...tairth
. aySO
°rtes.,, m the store of Townsend, Clue & Co, on Fri• i t --- u ol:",'"alp,= - ' - ' o l d „moo, prime, last ,00ioT„,Od
dill!. 14th, Saturdoy thelsth, and Monday P. Mil of
for sale by nisyM It E sEr.r.F.F.A
hem, between the hours of OA. al iind 4P. M. At - ~ ~.
the house of Cept John Hay, Ohlo Township, on Few ei-Ia l'aa'w - fia•bega Fria , . Eia C°'''' , i''' i "'' l'' •
day and Saturday, the lath and 12 th of Jan; between ""r l9 '
the hoetne4o A... and{ e. x. • TH ,,, , , u ,,,, ,E , vELL, • . u lrl , t o k o j•-.1
, low Se . e prune o ,ll.l w raii i 'il m( fa u rr I,' o l;ie
• • r.,,a dent of Board of Co mmlaslanera. - a - 19N itOtl,(:i,Air;.. -ifiriiiiitiTi7,;7(43,l l . -- .
___lP, , st copy.) hi prime order, for salt, ey Jour; WATTIe., CO
! E. '37T RA FAMILY - )03. I i , lrsi.V -1e1t..! L _
09 the onv •tense of flu , iti-6 • i - u casks .61.,i6 by i j
a h ere a 4, 44 9 ,91 1 .00an t, u_ . -... z 4. e.yrntLLs &nor.
of ere ntutrAt.kt.C.l). hit. 0.4;N bates ter A-' m ., '-' '
7.4' , cti lirt - Con•
Zli l l ' il ' o;i l,f ee; ll7 r . VZ . J:l l" N7. " . l l ' ,, ` ; ' ,7;. 1, -6 " (- `'' 7 ''''"" .l """ - • Lu 1 ' ' T 9
windy unhand by . aiL Mt a A
hi 11,...,1, enne core, ecli.tlocrey a Markel at, me 3 ,7 „
A (kern, mr, Third sire,
c j .11.121.1C,1- 1 .42 racks ...succored, and Our .16 n•
•g, Wileot,j,, druggist, nor North & Smithfield. A cuLtich PEON
John F Smith, store, comer 110. & Wylie. tOS Liberty at_ .
Tel (Mee, Foe rah —.
II C Kelly, 'twee, rain
e t, corner of Mse•etnl 1 e y . • F ki _ s to r:ll.l . 7 r t d V ,
tindersiLt t O".- a. c 4 .4 4
. 1)
r t s h :o . rt b. d , ;.: z L b n e u rv ,.. ,grjr ,
'M 0.., store, Peon street, Ninth Word,
the Odor waggons will call Pelee or thrice daily far sale by • meet) • • A CULBERTSON - •
foe orders, and the fleur,fre.delivered promptly, either T)01•Atill-lb ciasiie,.. et reed, end for se. lip
in barrel. or sacits-ssack Soar is preferable for family 1 -- trpori ' *coulee*. LITTLE &CO
0 " - " • ' ' '''''' ' ' ''' 4 " too
''' ' '' ,F . I ; t. Pl . " t h . ' .. 'a het Ateobol on hand, for stifisTy—
nceison. ran be allowed, an that drive. can have
. 13 .,. ogor jg a JOHN PARKE)) &CO
no permineinn to !nava gear without payment. , ~-6.asic_"6-ii,-,k. Arno ciaiiy Vor rii . .yr,rig — i -
We hope the yobbo will be pleased with this ani Is ~,,,e o“ ,d g o „ o l o t i t ,
.', a 11: SELLER ' S
rangement, as w 9 OW endeavor Ode thee. 'panne. ,
, Mini
' . Nvaasarra 4 roauE ra , , ~ 57 vygoapi
t=lF, All BOA T,P,
AllirdiNGENith T.
1850, i t i a.
Tire new nail light draught reamer YOUG MOORE
NV Nein mate ttip. between Pimlico/cif and
Gigsi st rue. Par days exec pte.l,l :rating (ila `grew at 1
A. 51, and Pittsbu rgh_ at 3 i. P. M.
The Yoartuogheay is bat 13 inches draugAt, and
eon be retied on 4.a rag-alas packet, tErougaout the
season. For freight or passa, apply on board, Or 10
Captain WILLIAM J. Kocraz. •
• .This splendid Penn ens+ built by the
1. ,ownrrs of the steamer lease Newton,
,„„5j ... ..t. nod oth--e s , for the Carcinnatt and
PlOrbortlrPacket trade, and "wall
leave every flVednesday, for Cincinnati, In place of
the New England, No. it.
For freight or psrattge apply on boiard,orm
— PlTTsittlllt(iil AND PAClinf. -
The splendid fast winning steamer
rel .. LOUIS filchANE, W. P. Conweil.
4.) Mainei, (baying undergone a Thor.•
ough repair.) will ran h.-tailor on a
regular pocket between Pintbomb
Witeelhip.; lenoing—Pittsburgh every 'Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, et 9 o'clock. For
inn+, cr passage apply on board. or to
land W. B. WiIF.F.LFR, Agent.
asoscoisoinEL.4 rtovvic
Only 1.7 111.. St.wiging.
Vi. Browntvfile and Cumnerhind to Baltimore and
• •
Phlladelphiv. •
FA. TO RCLTIYIOT.6.••-•-...• • • 00
no. PITILADIMPOII." - •-•-•;•••-•-• 12 CO
HE morning boat leaves the. *hart, *hart, above the
T '
bridge, daily, at 8 o'clock preeirety. Time to
Baltimore, 02 hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 hoar,
The evening boat leaver daily, (accept SUnday
eningge ate o'clock. Passenacre by leaning ou the
everting boat, will crass the ruoustalhv to stage. next
day, and thutt avoid atria travel.
ftecure your tickets at the OtEce, 111orumgahels
noose, or V,. Mules Howl. J. IdEtIICIhIEN, Axons
• The fast running steamer
p C a a cpkt.e t B .b Y t o w ng n w Pittsburgh, W reg e l e a l r
Tog, Bridgepon, and Sunfish, leaving Pittsburgh gem
Monday anernoon, tar Wellsville Steubenville, aed
Bridgeport, and every Thursday afternoon for Steel/ern
- Be, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Caption, and PonGsh.
Returning, leaven Bridge port and Sunfish every Tue.-
lay afternoon, and Sunfish every Friday afternoon.
For freight or passage, apply en board, or to
op) If WILKINS, Agent.
Tho fast running reamer
T Neel, meter. will leave (or the
above and nil Intermediate ports, on
dstardny. 10th Ina,, nt lb A 44.
For freight or pnaaage, 'duty on tion..rd.
The enurely nest and apleadid
ma a
s olemner 7 -
W. W. - Martin, master, and leave for
the above and all Intermediate landiaga on Saturday,
the 15th Inst., tad r. x. For freight amity to
ley 1p II 1111..TENUItttOSS, Art
The splendid steamer
.I.zr Capt. Cope, mill leave for the above
d ail intermediate ports on this
day, thellth rose, vt 4 F. M., positriely.
For freisht or passage apply on board. lel4
T,M Wetter and fast runnin sumer
logo D. Davis, master, lON leave for
theabove and all Intermediate porta
on Sae day the 15th Mot., re 4 P. M.
For freight or palace aooly on board, or to
1 , 14 0 D 411bTFNIIITIGER, Agt.
T s. The •Inendidsntu,
A. D. lob
and al l leave for
the above and all intermediate pone
on 1r
fie Elth inn, at R/ o'clock, A. M.
For fie ght or paxcage, apply on beard. lel2
. .
li za d ,. The splendid nteamer
••• ring, Master, qr.! leave for the above
me ralerinediate ports,: en Fri
day. the 14th Invt., at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or gaysage, efply on beeni. nr to
• /eI3W WHEELER, ingt
The fine new and staunch steamer
EaVm. Dean, master, will leave tar the
above ..I fittrrineoisle lantl:vga, an
M. dirt dm 14th Jane, at ID O'clock, A. M.
For freight or pturaga apply en board. Jcl4
11. c splendid strainer
Wilkins, master, Will leave for atone
and inte
A rmediate per., on afiY.
I<th inc. at to o'clock. A. 41.
Nor Weight or paasage apply, on board.
he magnificent ltgnt thought •ICIITIO.
er CINDEIIELLA., Captain Ilas'en,
will leave for Wheeling this morning
at IU o'clock, and skill continue her
James Near trips to this , point during loss Water, in place of the
For freight orrinssago. annly on hoard. 101 l
The rplendldJENNY steamer
Gatagher, master, trill leave for We
tovo and - all ialcianoeliata pore en
ars asy. 'be o.lth in,t • •t 4 Waled, P.M
Far taught or paleage, apply art board, or to
I 3
CAPITAL 1100,0,i10.
J Fbertxr, Jr., Peel , . I R. Jr., Pron.
Will intare extinct all or nekc,
strut be liberally &elected vle, pcocaptly
A borneettvitiou—nre&tekted by Directors who are
well kutteOl In 'the communttr, ant who are detutctu,
ed by prmnptc.ens nrd 116 P MI; LY to Inlinteln the clts
' tete, which they hukeauwerned, offorinp the beer
I protecuon to there wlto desire to be Intbreli.
Dtuerroas—lt. Miller, Jr., Geo. Meek, J. W. Homier,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wee. 13. llolmee, C. 'loosen, Ceo. 1,V..
Woe. Jackson, W. LI. Lyon, Jas. LauNneou, ?bee., ];,
LI , Ch, /ernes Ill'Auley, Alex. Motet, Thos . . Scott.
Olney, N 0.30 Water Street, (we:thous, o.f
& Co., up stitlPLlFluchurgh. ratair
J. VlDney, Jr.,
went for the Prwia. kJ" • "Jun-ant.: co. of P/ii/c.
() E friVatt 'r ra t i h rc e e ‘ tn`i ' t * Zi l italt! '" " "4"'"l".
Pamphlet?, with all nerealary Inlannation, and
Mont mime will ho famished.
. .
Husbands enn insnsure thou lives for the bruit si
bent wives and children; Creditors this liven of their
The whole profit• pi the Company are divided
among the holders of Life Policies.
The dividends of the past two years have been rich•
ty per min Leach year. assn
LOT—On Toe , day evening, Um 29111 instant, on
M th e bank the Canal, in Grant meet, or between
that and eahn .treet, email flaming Cared Gold
Watch, with alive r dial, and a abort sold chair. The
pe non Andina them will be mutably rewarded on
bnnifina them to Mr I 11. McFadden, Market rtes,
or to t h e office of Taut& & O'Connor, corner of Perin
and Wayne 'Meets. eny3o
To Let s— ~ —
j.jr Darlington's Rohr, a tzar Mori duelling, Matt
roof, Oftll bath man, garfirtarra brat air... App)y.
to irAdtr lIKNRY WOODS,Terth or Wrier stn
• Thu large commodious Dwelling House
-lend Lot, on which aro a, good Stable an<
Carriage Boast% being ithe ream s , a
and long the 'video of Airs Dom hla.
ger, altuated on Webster al, near Seceesh
street. For terms, apply to Al 0 LOVVREE
myna( eo Wylie st.
AHANDSOME STORE, ni Market atsuct, behren,
Third toad Fourth atm te at
at occupied by Alt
'rhos W hitt, as • Dry Good. Store. •
Alro--A 1.. well Suobed 80051 in the wand stoty,
aces door is Alr. Dada Marrattile Colleair. The room se
trail riotalrd, aud suitable for a musical dom or Academy,
or mold ba ccumieutly arnotged double utbera
Mee, Third e, E
To Let, •
A BRICK BOLDING. ^3 by 50 feet, three nenriee
bieti, 'nth Ergine, ac; located in Ibrotinghare
immeduttely ',elver the Ferry. Enetuire of •
t-ier - Panetta:eh Renudry
,To Lot.
rt E clii h n ' )To th rg:i . rre7 ru nri4 ‘ g V f . tom
Wnter to lint
Street, on rozoonabhs tenns. Possethion given imam
diately. Enquire of
fcl.lo.if F. LORENZ.
FOR RAZE—A Lot of Ground situate on Pour
street, beivrocn flay and Marbury Orem, adioinirg
die bongo and lot now occupied by Richard Edward.
having a front of 05 Got, and In depth Ida feet. will di
lied on fuvorabic lottin Title unexcOptionith le. En.
quire o2l.dif f C. O. LOOML% 4th at, noar Wood.
Sign tithe Golden Harp,
.101 Third at., hart door to WoodsroWs.
I. " :e E n tent a l b oUrcZh U ,lti r Men y " , l l F tn i, 2 ro°i'tTlye eltb
he hue opened his new and elegant estaßlishment for
the 'sale of Plato,, Macaroni, blest; lilmtest. Lo
suraisiers, cod every other article In hie
agency for Nunn; k. Clarke's eele•
bested grand and ignore Pianos, with and without
Colemen'o,tSulian Attachment. These Pianos bur
lately reeepres several linnOrtant IntarOvements, ran.
der Mg them exceedingly brilliant 01 tone, and extra•
ordinarily derable sad luting.
Also, T Gilbert A Co's (Soda! celebrated Pianos.
There Instruments have • wide mead re putatitmowd
me considered among We very best =untutored In
Boston, where they ate decided favorite..
JB. Denham, N. V., of We trot of Sedan - h. Dun
ham, has eppointed the subscriber sale agent for the
sale of his Pianos in
he The Ann of Stodart
ABonham is one of the o den and hest inthls country,
and their manufacture for fulness and brilliancy of
tone and beauty of workmanship an second to none.
The celebrated Concert Piano. of Saasadholf, of
Diemen and Hamburg, will always be kept l'or tale
by the subeeriber. It g re at ',pear, Wit they are
made nee of by all theat Plane ;doyen at their
C.P14 ,1 3 an 'he skintident.
The stabooraber begs leave to direct attention to the
!roomful tut of his baying special rents both In
Europe and this country, who earefally select ar.d
examine every Piano sent to him, which enables list
to give a written gurennee with every Piano sold by
him, pledgtng hit:cast( to retail ths money in ease the
Piano be proven Wand or ancient.
A mit assitly If We newest and mostpopolar Music
.11 COrtalsatly be tent for enlo—fornielied by the ben
publishing, houses of Poston, Plalladelphia, and Bold-
More: agency for Menem lachartenberg h Maly Ways
Yell, the cunt eitenslve importenilt(geoign made
in the, country.
Soto Agorov Ter Gerhardt'. Patent Melodeon and
r i c . l " , teta l V i liain, c as uniumPactumd and le perfrt a ed
I , l y e
its of reeds—the re ' sTrle ' c i l ' inc ' Tt h omen smg ts yrt lftv:a a tel
&Ito, Cellars, Pines. Clarinets, Violins, Bogies, dun
Sons, Tubas, and every description and variety of
heats lnittaments from the best makers. Strings for
Violin., Guitars, and Sups
irrlnstruetion books for every instrument. Selee
tlons mute made, music books bound, Pianos tuned
and repaired( Accordeons, Guitars, dm., re.
"paired on We most reasonable tertatt.
New Goods I I New Goods II
New Sprula and Surrazter Dry Gad, far lEal
L. nussira..r.,
Wacarmga sod Retell Dealer m Etririsb,
'French, and American DRY GOODS, Market
street, bemoan Third and Fourth, aign of the
Des Won, has jut commenced receiving
and opening one of the mom rink, splemlid,
and extensive Mockshf Spring and Siminter Dry Goods
ever alerted for sale In the Western country. All of
them Imported Goals are fresh opened, end received
per the leer stentnenl front Franey end England;
also Irish Linens, imported direct hewn Belfast, all
pas. bleached, end ararrantell the pore article; three
Linen; ore all imported by the substriber, and are all
pure dna yarn, warranted. Also, I ri sh Li n en Damsel
Titbit, Cloths, the very best manufacture. end Irish
Linen Goode of nll kinds, iroponed direct fietellellast
by the subscriber, and will be found the real kit ago-
brash. —
New style rich Turk Satins; all colors, splendid
good', black Task Satins, alt priers, etch goods;
bite' f gin., Sills, all colors, late importation;
Sid Gloves, all colors. the best Imported; plaid black
Armures, per last French steamer newstyle painted
Duregen, splendid goods. Also, a superb and Igoe
took nimble black Brussels Lace, for trimming tome.'
dresses, very lion goads; plain Unreges is nil colors,
extremely low, beautiful goods; :dank Silk Fringe, all
widths end prthes,...rT ahaip; French Laltins, new
Styles, per lot; Franell idenencr, plant black tiro De
ni,sh lucre, superb goods; binek figured Gro
De Ighlne Brocsde, rich goods; French and English
Cashmeres, new styles, beautiful geode; splendid
figured Swiss goods for ball dresser,• rich embroidered ,
Swims for evening dres to; Swlss Edtinsl and I
Inserting, the ben imporied;TattieS in all colors
and qualities, new style, plain and satin stripd black
Darters;all prices noted Lawns, new styles. from
Sto :Scents pro yard; Omega de La th s, a new arunte
for !Wiest themes. Also, o,
terse and superb stock of
neer style spring Rennet Ribbons; the vary best
ported, all new..
Canton crape Mimes, all colors, freih from the Cgs
tom House; Turk Satin Shawl., splendid goods, in ail
celom per lam steamer; beautiful changeable elan
silk S h unts, fresh importation mime embroidered
Comm , CmPs 5h.w1.4.14.6 goods green embroider
ed Conan Cape Shawls, splendid grods; Lapin's
Vienne made Fintirnleered TIMM, fine-st importation;
Pans punned Cashmere Shawl., prices and quail.
ties ; summer Cravatirmd Pears in great vs•
rielYi French worked Capes,Callars, and Cuffi, lags
A Largo Stock of
ro hales hohlexclice•hluslma, Wein 5 t - iii . ls - e"ente per
err, In Oc t , bleached Alusiins, from 4 to Ili Cc,.
IT. card. 11 C 1.00111.11 Linens imported direct from
tloli Lai; .11 bales Ticking, from a to 25 rents per pore.
eases blue horn 8 to IA cents per yard; be:
ride" a lull assortment of Summer Cloths. Also. Car
sorerea, Tweeds, Heunette, and Kentucky leans;
LO cane dart Celreo, fast cohered, front 3 to 121 cents
pe m r pain, .5 eases Dori e. Sons' Engliris Prin., best
psrie3; S bele, Russia mid Search Dtspersoestreme.
ly mar. Also, }leurekCeping Goods of all kinds, very
cheap, 2 boles Boma Crush, from CI to Dir cent" per
yard, bolds.* a large mot of Cheek and Shining
Strive. Also, Clinton Flannels, all colors and quail.
tits, al low prices; red, wkite, rued yellow Elout“ls,
very cheap; bleached and unbleached Drillings, lull
assortment; S eases blue Menisaack Calicoes, ex
mutely law: Week and unbleached Table Diaper., all
priers; lard's eye Diapers, all prices and qualities,
very cheap; colored Cambric', a felt assortment,
cheaper than ever, 3 bales Burlaps, frompS+ta2s tin
per turd. Aim a large Wicket Cortes Table Diaper.
Manners' Starling— A fhd assortment, very cheap.
P/0445111.9 PABABOLSI
The larger, gad moat splendid stock of Parasols
ever opened by any one • house in Plttsburgb, Is this
day received, Ltd see all of the newest French rill.,
far richness and beauty, eannot be surpruned.
As we there a large lot of them Parasols, they will be
sold cheaper than any other house in the city min W.
ford to Sell the same quality of goads.
The Ladles are respectfully Invited to examine these
Pentacle, as they will hod some of the richest and
newest styles ever imported from &Rope. Them
e•rasolo ore all of the richest and moat fashionable
colors, and ate worthy or the attention of the ladies.
All of the above goods will be sold cor at prices far
below any know in the city; and•in order tam,.
tine tact, the public will please call and price them
goods, end compare them with any ether bonne in the
city, and be convinced of the above amnion.
Tee oebscriberwoald here lay In hisnumcsous ens.
owners nod the rehire in general, that there are two
other bee hive stores to rearket:3et, pretending to
cape with the 11;g Leo He, iv which alarm the only
celebrated and far famed Dry G • establiahment in
Pittsburgh. The subscriber would therefore lay to all
pureriesers of Dry lioodr, either wholesale or retail,
bet the Dig Bee Hive, on blarketaireat, between Third
and Fourth, is 6.1 opening the largest, taint, cud
moot splendid mock or spring rind summer ELT Goods
ever oared for sole in Pittsburgh
BONNETED L11314.5ff.3.15
New Smes;ortre.l(l:—.Thelargekkited most
able stock of Ifortnets over opened in this city, Is Just
received at the den of th e Bee Diva on Market
atreot,lietween Third .and Fourth streets, where Dry
Goods of every description are selling cheaper then
any other house In the city. The pubile please
take notice that there ar e two other n ee bloc stores on
Market ttreet, who pretend in coapete with the Dig
Ilea Hire, hem - fro Thio and Fourth street., where
the pm:die will ar.aoLtaii tinics,the lugestand newest
Styles of Dry GOMIS, freth opened.
D'iiltlayse tate totter, that the core Is between
Trent and Fourth erects, sign of the BID BEE RIVE.
where Dry booms of every description are selling
CHT.IO4I{ than at any other hens, in the city.
spit-tbri • NVII,LIA.II L. RUSSELL.
risuElliKben curket pnee in nub, will be pen for
1. the clilleient grades or Wool, by
ir4 143 First se & 116 second st
Lll.lBlB—lai bra flour, teed...
and tor .Id by
r Jed • 8A W lIARBAUGiI
001,A/01—W cake Rona aupenor braiXiTre7r — rbd
0 for .ale by Jai 8d; W lIARUAUtiII
- Errtli—aThl kegs No I lard.
lb bilf, do for sale by
IOAT-50 bra No 1 &an, reed, and tor iiiiii,Th
rlAribillB —../: — Thialon Id Canal., filiilo r Thy
/...) (el BA. W HARRAUGH
12 LAX±F.F.ID 011.,--6 - runeon atare,lor sale by
1. -. jed • JOHN WATT &CO
1.,` vrrat rtt i ri t. CtilPhirarrsL'OVES-4 tor sale, to
iicto..., at 1317 Cath, by C II GRANT
111F.P.6.-1:511 L. prime new Cheese,
et the Dotter and Chemo Depot, and for info by
UTATOIai—I6O bushels for We by
LINBEEDOIL—IO LIN, a pare article, far sale by
PAI NT— ""I. .r B . VAN 'y r FIELkI
EAV. :BACHE aEL-79 bd. jam reed, Ed Salo by
; it CO
je3 llionn, Penn a -
S AL ri ' L ' ILL- `"`" ga L. 7 alp
Wnter & Frank au
atT3ll"on band, far naia
lt b
titvles, tuned 701 batting.. bunt, lot
.A. 16 ET ic3 ISAIAH DICKEY tr. co
r A n . 61'1..16E
sP i l iA7til DICKEY &CO
CCITTOPi BAITING for sale by
Draa:D4,* o,
at 4 for inediclual parpo.on. Sr •a!o bs quart or
wh'irrtld, by • BrORINS d HAWORTH
• 11 - -- r TS. abilia I{<lloi/IC %Vibe and BrandT WOO
Porlagal and Frmoo by ourrolres, ond we
irn!ranke theta pure. Jon
,rivia e fft 9.."1 t-illn:i, or
11 CCl4tdfot taktell J 5C1100 ,01 A. , - 1
• Wood u:,y. 1 - -
V IMr•l'Eto co
/A. Arrnmnimm.
Pm.; au. Vesvo4 'tnitriti Diseat,
• Grkydoti!/. Frtrart of Tallow Dock
wad, Haraaparilla.
eras. eocaninptiotii, acroittl", erysipelas, dectitatimut
R.Ut• e compittintr, 'meal atractjena, "doom, rie ,
dropsy,iaribraavpites, tieontrydietions or
the Madder and ..kidners, merearial•elsesses t toy.
mat _humor', tutda or blotd La thy head, react and
egoo,remale ectepliints, general de6iltty, &prep
ria, lots or appetite, headache, calla, costiveness ,
nssvel, might swente, otgaete affections,
palpitation of tAo Lean, tales, 144. I. an 01 4
cheat, eet, rte..
It L. infaMble in ill diiessee arising from m. We
nn re alms elite bt od . or Irregular egtihn of the silt.
tea. i
• I
In tLe Vegetable: lits.gdem, an Allay). Doing be
deposited plants and Serbs congenial la nor corstite•
lions, and odectett to be cote of diseafe; nod to the
vegetable hinzoorn Aces the reason of wan, as well a
the imainct of ani ids, lam for antidotes In pain.
The Sirup la n tHentifie eitepoond of the most RI
stable gleam in ...late, smugly Ace frjat deleterious
and enervating Toiliieral sabstanee. , sad as it expel
disease from the vyitenn, imparts vigor and vtoength:
An extraordinary ease of Scrofula. Erysipelas and Cr!
Meer", cored: by tko sobs nue of Dr. Griyaott's Com
posed Spiro, YenCMDoek and Sarsamirilia. •
i Itaroghtts,l7, 1949
„Da. Gruen—Sim 1 tender my sincere th e for
Itio great benefit I have derived from the use of your
valuable syrup. I ',bare been troubled very bad wit
a miefillnue are,
..ilith mode id appearame oo m
chit'. 1 did not pay , much IlltnitiOZl to It at first, nap.
posing it to be nothing but en eruption that appear
o persol'a far ; lineally listen to increase s man
spread to th , I.Woar' of the head. I applied to •
Musician, who ennoded me all to no purpose. I had
t u r p ie o d c w w
rythlng Mot could be trled.. I maw your
Dock nod Sarsaparilla, and; concluded
to me it, for I knew!, that Yellow Dock was one of the
'nom 'Mumble artittes In the ',world for the blood. I
boughtyour Syropi . mid front the ore of one bottle,
could see a great change in my .systext. I continued
tour. it until! wits a• well man. .1 now feel Ilke a
new person; my blmd is perfectly cleansed and free
from all lusperttits.! There is not n question but the
your newly diteovired eonstioutal Is far superior t
any samapmilla syrup ever .sold.
Thus certificate Id at your dispesal to publtsh if yen
like, and any me 'Outlay refer to me I shall be bap.
py to give than alp the infortantleis 1 can ahead my
cam, ac. 1 icustan yoir obedient smell;
- Gamma G. , Raman,
' 1131klarkm Erect.
The beat female tiedleineliewn. The ritract at
Yellow Dock and Sareaphrilla las remittal:l.'l,ml'.
and permanent dine for all Complaints lacident to
Wm mild, alterative propertfew render ltipeetdiarl*
applicable to the a ender and delicate corathetien e/
the female. It ismirlyelled It Its edema upon Inch
&scales as Intl= coneetnpuon, hammers, lon. cembeen, w lfregr.larnmeetmation. Meant
. enee Greta., and'aeneral ;yr : Duration elate ammo:
It legm edlaLelf eeduteratte that &evening nereme,
new.nd litoitsrdeto comenace th Lae female franto,;
and imparts an eneyetand buoyancy no eurpnehm an
they are grateful. Vet leave ;evidence on Lie 'athlete
induees no farewell , le reeemmend this medulne to
married peopq vie have net been hlemed with 011 3
Herman term, Or Fallinrerta's Womb . , of fro
years , eutudlng,enred by :De Onymtre Erne; of
Yellow Dock and Sarseparilla, after avlery other
imowtt remedy had bees tried without width
Weer-movers, Ohio, 'ch., 1840.
This senile' tits: my wife, egad • Wyears, has
been tattering • crier the above complaint for fire
all it that time confined to bar bed.
hive for form Team constantly employed - the best med.
loot talent that eaeld be preen-ed lotto. cocoon efts
country, without any benefit whatever. I have also
Yereharmd every instr umen t recommended for the
taro of such dbande all of which proved worthiees:
In the eyeing' of debt, I was Induced hy my Mende
Dr. (ippon,* months nk and Sorraparlila,
which was med foot After sbe bad used
If for about four Wiese it wee evident Wall that elm
wan improving, anti fitom this dean she improied rap
Idly, end gained dish and streonth, notih the disease.
Was entirely removed, Mulatto is now enjoyhm most
ekeelleot health. • WALMONFOLLT.
We being neighbor. of Wm.
ashen Monfort,
know that the above etatement, riekoese of
Mrs. Monfort., and Its to toe ram being effected by
thayeetOt Yellow Donk and Sarsaparilla. to be strictly
true. JANE EDDY.
• Groat Coro of Coasuroptlea.
lisautra4,Jmlaru7 21St/ .
Ikmtett—Daar Sir : The great benefit wbleh
-here densed.fromYoar Extract of Yellow /Men and
Sarsapenlln,lcdaces me, as as act °finance, to maker
the following statement:
.After wasting (or two yean freer general debility.
which finally terminated in consumpttots,l was glean
,op by my friends dud physicians as beyoed the aid of
med Mine. As a jest desert, I was Induced to try
your Extract, and having used bat two .bottleo, ao
cordnig to ) ons dirienion.,: I am entirely welL 1
oretad therefore earnestly resonated goer uncertal.
Ind Compound to to afflicted ,who desire a powerful,
pleasant and Info smelly. Gram/ally your friend,
None genuine mikes put rp in inept square battles,
eontathing gnarl; anti the name of the syrup blown
in the plash with the written anteater° o f& p. Ben
ne u on the =aide Wrapper.. Pam 81 per bottle, or
six bottles forSs ,
• -
It is sold b• J. D.iPark, corner or. Fourth and Wal
nut streets. Crneinitad, Ohio, General Agent for the
South and Westor whom allorderalunst be addresai
Canal h rho ; lir. ; 3V. Pa Jadson & Co, Water.
for; 01. Croeringl.; Abel Tanen,
Montrose; thrtm 51.,Touttutatr Ronald Roy, Walla
hero; L. Roderick:oolenarturri G Wilma, Jr- Pitts
burgh comer of Market amet and dna Ihrunend.
Kr TIM ataxa e 710.1 Rama oat more repel
sloe than a bad, pu trid brAuth; or dark, yellow easeas
ed teeth. If persocA have the It is Shutt own fault—
they can, for two Stallings, bay an article that will
make their breath freer and sweet as tea ark" Air •
It curet diseases:of the Gunis r oyinngy or ulcerated,
and for the Teeth kis unequalled, removing the tiller.
fastening the teeth: in the game, and clean themaa
white as the snow eiths frozen North.
Bach, reader, are the properties of Seneca Amber
Tooth Poste, and, without pelting It ourselves, herr
what one el car latest respectable and amnia, Det
dins, Zik E. Fleet, of Stew York; ray.:
. 1 - have both uted vsl &milked this beautifol and las
palpable article, lion. , Anther Tooth Pane,' a n
eon recommer.d it as possessing the qualiticselain.-
ea for ll." Itcabrj we can soy no more to .invir.o.b.
only shad( yoa try Als once you Will be well please J.
It is put up in le.eunifol Eitclish China Pols, for Ji
ecas. Bahl Ly the Agent, WILL. JACKSON. 210 User.
0' wets, Pittsburne.. aucettlikurT '
LIZ coot. eritzwas ore non...ratty sumo las
Um !elle mcg ere tte ectosl qeelsiseot a as. hauls 0
Josees Resteretwo. If. they dOsbt oar
word, they cannot Oen highly respectable Citi2ll2lll
who hare triad
Mr. Cleo. Lteckol,in Elm et, New York.! •
Ms, Metildelterves, blvrtle es, Itrooklya.;
Mr. Weil Tompktba, hi Kin; at, New Tort.
Mr. Thos. /octavo, itentoutsPittabs.glt
M. Ka Chtileo, halo. barber stetnaboot S. Amer ce. Asti more washultdred other., steteoboogh
sash.,.,, that it;taill force Ute4hbir to grow cm dm
heed et iseconop felling off, strengthen the mats„
rem:tortes senor owl tiondruX horn the roots, mat ins
light.veal, or gmy•helr ase &toe dart loot, 'and
tociweg dry, beret, or wiry ho t,aboin,soft, dean acct
bootultal, trellarerr
. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACJiSON, 240 Liberty st
Pittabergh. Pnce 571,30 Costs, end pat dollar.
auStatermT • 1
Qs, hum am &on Bout Bluzsoxii.—.4oDlE3'r lla
lon Cleseleall Boa{; comes ob. panty/ration, and a
the auto unto moque, softens, and plata. the 410
giving ti the texture and beauty of on Latins's.
Scour, Buz Enke* au Sum, dm woe tad only
healed, but Cured tly its ma, as as ICAZI moon 1 tiro-.
clonal(Newlort' gnaw, who ase it 4. inch ease.,
and find it unfailing—as Cu in
p.n., Buratto; Fascum or any °theca n dts.
ease. Thh reader( to enured 'that thio to no onlers
paded nostrum m.Ono trial will prows,. •I could no.. emote at least'BO venom cored of
Soon Hy., Soul Lau a= Boas Burin,—l ay. It,
and ma it, and theircader Is again mural would
cat cruelty sell it for the above...lass' knew, 41 be
W I date. Those who amhableto •
Cunso,Cucuh, ost Cur. Funtl, will dn tats
cure. Any ono rallietedwith any of ilicobosei 41'w:t
ilos diseases, will tlntl this all and area nao.(ll.lyra•
tile to Its nroportleglthan 1 Cam
Bat, nodes, the *toms am.flooded with; lid -otiono,
and be. oars you lob for ZONE - 2 , n C mucal
h id -by WSIII..I.IICIiBON, yin Liberty must,
?bey are not swim low frightfully injance. It to
to the akin! hew comae, how tough, bow set,.
low, yethirev, Rad unhealthy the akin ay
pears afterneingprepared chalk! So.
aides it Is 'tenons" ehnthoda3
large quantity aloud:
We have prepared a beautiful vegetable an laid
which we call JO:I'ES , SPANISH LILY WIIITk...
It iaperthetly indecent, being purified 0(.11 dela kni
row qualities; and It impute to the skth a eau:m.l,li eel.
thy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same ihno
acting es a cosmetic on the stin, tanking It poll and
mow". Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 21.0
any et. Pittsburgh.; Price 2.5 cents. anirthla.vT
Property taiAllagaaay City Mar Sal*•
sebsertbera after for seen number* ehottat
Lou, sartain 1p the Second Ward, frontier on •
=aground, elt easy term. limaireor
NV. OIL ROUINSON, Atry at Law, Sc Cali St
or elflaS7loBlNSCitt.on Mamm,.
CALlirtiliNi/L AU Viiia'rlaccdttiolliT. ,
PEARIS & LIitOcKWAV, Commission Merchant',
Sacramento Qin California. Liberal advances
made on consiromente, and all astir, bemuses
promptly mutated ; 10.
a. a.' r ura,t ' L. IMlCennet,
rrfame Critturiosi
3. 11M3.13.4.25021 SNWIELL,
t‘lllo STATE pone - wino:is - Ft foriaking Dena
kt t i. c h.lot r Agnr.r . taeuls oro af i zt&c.
PB. JOHN MAfrTIN nakettallyaanoceees to the
oitlaans of Phu;4urgh t that ha , hos permanent:lY
soand tomseti it hits city, far that pampa. , of
ticing_hlediclao atui§orgety,ia branch
.. Hill aka', , 41.1 KOVIIItI ARV, rifil Roaldettee
No 97 Irma at. aol derm..lm•Z
Rontaw mlcicNtaivr,
L A ]. TTORNEY AT LAW-00te on *oath Iddp'or
YoazO lintlanen:Cliern alley and flratt;q.
Thelßrownsville Tinter Cars Ettabllituitent,
CONTINUES to 14 open rrrePtion pf Wirer
bo r . ma t - Orporeernents mare been added We
the contr.:ln and areotamodattonorpattents.
go arir "Otn the mid. daring nix yens' expee,nte,
ep•Mos Or. Dees to give the tissurence to the public
tthat hit eanblt.lntient shall still continue to merit toe
valtoDege 0(11.6 who may piano therarehrus miler
11, deity intkreefurw between Piutburgh and
Brown •Vitre, :4,111100 . 111,6 IlfrOrd.l'Ca:ty acnes from the
pooh and Wert.
Is towels, twoketion sheet.% three tomfort% owl
linen lot Last: agrr, Ore 000.6117 In undergo the
Treat r—Sli Deittri per week, payable weekly. •
nun .dinwer.rrinir -'
Excusliclq cols, u,ont sovicpiao:.
:so. 74 l'ogitlialrrai Itst door intbe Da ttk.ut Pit 4
burgh. 1 ' • enr,1441
r.,..---...,0-0-72,111,nen SILL
Lahti 1,1 alum for vale by • ,
?Al* 11 I.IIC/CIX k. CO
Ilaecaivsgt and Verna
tl EESN-100 WAZieh to Croft '
• ' O TIJAar &mu.