BY .MAGNE Ili; _TEL tat AlLpuarrea> li TItLEO#A viz!) iOrt TileC PITTSI3tIituH DAiLY.G&ZETTE cosanzsazosAL. ' s Wsentwrron. Jane 13. 13 torsza..--11, menicolskou preeented irons chi t etliefOido againtt the passage of the Comm. Lisa Bill. --"" tdr.Bright could not undendsrld how Ohio could differs° meek froni Indisea. Be had received a Teter stating theta peed jury la that State, had reported to the Court in favor of the bill Mr.Vlsppnesente4 a strietof resolutions. adop ted by knows meeting in St. Louis, in favor of the Oomprontise. Mr. Serape said the retolu:ions had not repro. tented the sentiments ci a majority of the pew. pie °fat. Louis. • 'After tome brief remarks by Mr. Atehieni, in ,which he said ha would not win for 'the admission of California, the resolutions were laid on the sae The Senate then took up the omnibus bill. Mr. Webster ,poke fa'favor of each measure presented, and said he would be glad to vote io them connectedly or eeparately. The debate was_ continued to great length, In which Mesare. pekten, POOle,Saward, and others, took part. Mr. Seward, that If . the Texas question wasomitted fecim the 101 l he would vote for It. Bentoo wanted tho- admission of California separated Iron the pending bill, and sold that Mr. Clay had malntsiced that . CaliEunia should be imp- Me. Correia he seas fUraver of Califonda eon fog to, and ruld be thourbt the rpeedlcia way to bring It to ums in curabilantion with other mu sores. • Mr. Hannon epohe in favor of the title of Tex• as to her boundary Item Mt. .Clay read a letter from Mr. need. at fade' Pendoneo, ,Mtiarturi, stating that an assertion hed been mode by Mt. Benton" to the effeet that Cal a hunt' was not fit to be admitted. Mr. Qa sa id be could not vouch for the a uthority of the Mori and ached sn'explanation from Mr. Benton. Mr. Benton denied Mo. Ciay'arigbt to thus before the Senate, mid Maim .shodd bold him rapoermblet as the author of that letter. ' borne eery angry. soca pealed between the Sen. more. Order was reeered, loiterer, end the Sea me adjourned. lioese—The H 01164 went into Committee of the Whole on the California' .Tho aminadmein pending, was to extend thu Mis axisi Compromise tine to the , racific, and lix the boundaries or California accordinily. Mr. Stevens' ateeedment. to/loch •be and Mr. Thornploo had severally: offered, to that of Mr. 'taxaton, which declares that it phoned he uo objec tion to stdatippioe into the Union of any Stzte which ehotsid hereafter be faraied out of the territory lying south of the parallel Of :Pi deg 30 min. and Max the Constitution of Paid Stem may authorize or eatablipti :Miran etaeory, therein, watt taken up. ComoderaMe debate and personalities teemed be tween Metsre. Winthrop and Tomato, utter which the C.,xanduce rope, entl the Lionsu adjourned. Addltioqal News by tile Canada. Naw Yon; Jane 13. FRANCE. The new Electoral Law emend' considerably animated and warm debates in tbe,Chamber ; and ■ the debate on Wedamday two of the-men:t hem had a personal rcbcotatre with pistols, with. out, however, being followed by any betel result. It le a remarkable Lai that one of the parties one gaged In the duel is, a dtstingniehed member of the Peace eociety. • Very 111110 erode. is attached to the report about the withdrawal of the Ruatian Envoy from tbe Conti of St. Loam. To relation to this. affair, the London Morniog C . :M.3;llde say., moreover, that the Baron Brundow will withdraw, if the reply of Lard Palmerston to Russia be not satutactory. Rome was tranquil on the 2tet of ilfty, but the people mem greatly enraged on learning that In the alecation delivered b 7 the Boot., no promises of monetary reforms had been made. SENATE CONFIRMATIONS. Waaitntorrix, June 13. The reline/leg nominations hero been =armed by the Senate. ' • Benjamin Riddle, Cowell kr Chihuahua. Daniel Riggs, Judge of the Dania Court of Ar t:atria. : Mauna:mos, JUDO 13. Capt. Doperee pnb!hrhes a card to 'hie morning's denytag the report of his being ex. tented at Cardenas. . PHILADELPHIA DLI.AKET • Punrsztrnu, Joie 13. , Fionr—Tbe market is quiet. Standard brands mo held at 53,35 per 1.1,1. • Graln—But little wheat is °Scene. We quote red at I17al20c; and prime: white at 1299130 e. per ta. Cora to dull, • with - a further decline : Southern Yellow is quoted at 640 per bu. Whiskey is selliug at 2l'lc for hhda, and 26} • for bids, which Is a decline. CINCINNATI idARKET. CMCDIRATI,JI3O6 73. 'Ficnar—Wa notice a better feelinu f n the mar ket, with more 'squire. kind' /applies sic Loyally held blab. §ales of 500 bbls vied Erma. at 0,50 per bbl. • Whisker7.,Sedea at 21; G 22/. Provisions sod Groceries aro without thange, and in fair demand. - The !lase has tallan four inches place . list re port. NEW YORK MARKET. Nov Tone, JUNE 13 .Floor—The mutat is firm; but without any ad. vieuce. Tae ecqatry is pertly en specutatiou ' but raorly for the cost and home trade. Adefeesfrom the West have checked speculation. Sales at 5114455 58 Or obi common. end straight State $5 5055 7555 04, for Michigan brands. Grain—Wheat to held with firmness. but Wes are limited. Prime UcTeSte to reported at 1494 e, and 1500 for millieg. Southern White is quoted at 142 c per be. The supply of CND is moderate, and the market is lower, udder the fiirmgo news. Sales at 02563 for boated, and 810 fat Western volved. Provisions—Path is firm, but sales are math. ate at 1410 424510 '73 for_tders, and SA 65159 75 for prime. Beef commute. very doll. - Lard is less firm, with eelea in brie at 8ff3711 for prime. In cut Scats nothing crimportascr Is doing. Tobacco—A for Imsbaless is doing, with sees of Kentucky at 61514, aside( Bavaria at 345400 per lb. Linseed Oil—Small sales at 69570 c. Groceries—ln Coffey. Sugar, and Molasses. trade. is 10 a muderate ex!tnt, and the market bat an upward tendency. The ulna of the put three days have been 1000 bags Bruit Coffee at 94 and 200 bags Sumatra at 10c; 700 bags Maracaibo at biis 2 :: 75 of Java at lle; Laguyra at be; 150 Lags St. Dentine° et 71e. Whlttey la dui at 213 e per gall. hsw Saar, lane L 3 LVTAIIIO 2.S.POtT. There are no commercial change% ro notice sin mono. The stock market remains eteady. • PALOPOsALO BOA A LOAN. XBE eleventh and twelfth sections of Act of the General Agreeably of this Comenaw.una,,,,,,,uog . Suppleenun to on Sot entitled an Act to crone a finking Fond /1.114 to provide far the gradual and vermin extinguishment of tbe debtor the Conzsmoo ',tete. and to authorize a bean," appeased the 15th dry of bray S.D lilt, provides as renews, viet. Berra, 11. That the-Governor is herehy eeWerized to ergotisma loan far um elm of Three filillions Mule flandred Toocrund Do lays, redeemable re Attu yetis from the dote of the obreription thenaf, at a rase of Intern not exceeding four per enemata Per mama. payable in gold and silver, semi-annually, aPtas lee first dove of February and Sagest of each Tear. and exempt from every gpecies of taxation. leoliceoltar proposals for raid loan will be received, shall be published in at leott,Peo newspa per In th e 'Bathed Ifarrighere, ill _ ' aides et rtutharr.b, Lancaster. and Philadelphia, and in the cities of New Tort. Amnon, ams Baltimore, fora Period not lee. eau aftermaths before the opening of said proposal', on* by lour? elsewnere, If deemed necessary, son topen t h e day arsigned fee thatparpose, In oath =dec. he proposals shall be opened In tin presence tithe Goveraor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and Auditor Geoeral, and tart loan shall be awarded to the 'Sabena bidder or bidders. If the amount of the bid. shall exceed the tom tithe said loan tee same ahall be dtanibuted pro rata amongst the hittlavt de re, but if the Whets of said /0211 shall not then be taken the Governer may renew notice, In the manner efereeald,freal tune to time, till the whole amount of sold Into shall he roadbed. No coadstional bide strain* eOnatdetedi eat spot awarding Pear loam, or any put Melee' eertilicates with toupees for the tr.terem, shalt therefor by the Auditor General. Sacrtatt 12 if the acid lean when be aubseribed, it shall be and It In hereby anteptiwed for the payment dad extinguishment of the fended debt of this Com• snonerealt. now dee, or tf beton, dee, during the year one thousand right hureirrd and Sky, and for the palment oral, suns of e!ghty Are thousand one bun• dna and four dollars sod eighty eight eentroise w doatesdo creditors., In pgteltanee of the provisoes aforesaid, notice is hereby given, that propose:t Wilt he received at the omen of the Secretory of the Ceramonwealtit until 4 o'clock P. of Tuesday. the first day of October next., a loan to the Commonweelth, for the purposes' set forth in theosid act, of the sme of three millions three be:erred thenand dollars, redeem able It, thirty years from the date of the subscription , 'thereof; at a rate of ,Laterert not exceeding firer per tent per =nem, payable in raid and silver, wag womoilly, epee the first day. of Mkbrnary and august of each year, rad exempt Item every species of tax ation : - • Certificates of stook for the said loan, with coupons —Seethe interest will be vaned in %helmet Mantle? Led made entatferable by the owner, on the beaks of the - itednor General's Dephrucent - . potrporals will be regaired to Stale explictly theatuteat offered, which shall not in any care he lesithan one thousand dollars, the rate of interest not exeellting &upper cen and the pretainm proposed. Too Beim reserves the right to accept th e whole or any part of the rani offered cetera the prepare!, stipa late to the contrary, Ilids for the loan meat he direct and explicit. No ; proposals will be received. , UpOn the liteetettee of tbe p.ropoNee. tee none). most be tile 1010 the neteTre.eart, inch mariner as shall &torte& by the Governor. Certificates of cock will he butted-in inch anneants as may he terprested by the lenilem: Thu ampettels to be directed, under seal; to this ethos, calmed, "Propoeols for Loan.. They will Wt be Opened or disclosed taut the period for reeeiv rag them has cleated; after which no attention in the •:.• terms will be adorned.. A I. BUS4Lt . ...Secrttar7 of the. Committee Eireretary•cCElt., liarthaperg;laze CIA; lerh. TPIiUB.II/agrriiir&,. , &—JNqii; T rilirfor. by • 12321 , • 3 KIPD & COel) LCCO-31Iiiii . Gliiak - ii7:iii ., - aor rut, by WM n JOHNSTON W 9114 - 119 besogil 9; COMMERCIAL RECORD. FITTIBURUILBUAILt, OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOB JUNE :maim min.( C. a azurt----..wr.w. Orirtet, Primulas Gaztres, Friday Inemi.r , Jam 11, lEW. f • A general q netrars prevailed In the market Trrlell' day, and catkin; tranwired 'bowing any material abengs la qtie'atiees, The weather email' ea. warm and dry, with but little prospeet of rain. FLOUR—We hear of ea farther eheara ta the boar market. Very little a coating forwent and rh either frousfirm Unita or from atom have been Hem We may eontinue oar quotations from Ent hand e, at 114,50 04,131, and from store at 111,73 ♦ bbl. Rra Ftona—Bald In limited lots, at 13,7304 fe b hi, far easman to choice brands. Coea btrat,—Tbe market is fairly to voile dlwith reg_ tiler sales (roman:. et 51000 e, mid from City Mills for ebeice qoalily. Me GRAiN _ Th .,,,,,,hm vet urines steady etre!! piece. Wo have heard of Or large operation. for several days. lte following may be given as the present rut. log deities fruit Lim hands :—Wheat, ILII; Rye, doe Barley. %gm; Corn, 639380, and Onto at 40e 0 A lot of over Waste Corn wu received by river, bat it west tom more. ptlOCEßLEZ—Basittma Is limited; bat prices rens ., remain Brat, at one last quotations—sny, for N s,,, z edisi in Mid., and el in bbis; Molasses, 33031 e, la cypress and oak btla Eia Coff en continues pieuy Am, at legit to, and Rice at Ik, to coca. BACON—Business lc:eviler at format prices—say, for Western and thy eared Shoulders, sc; Sides 6e, nd Hama at ;le dr lb, la separate lota. Sugar cured caurused hams, are In fall request by the tree, at Sfe Sp m.' LARD—LanII3 inpcUre , WU moderato wales of No lln bills, at 61061, and In kgs at elo7e. 'llllTTER—gales of fresh Toll In bbls and bri atlOe and of common keg nieflEle 9 CLIEESE—We note regal ar sales of goad comes El 6 . 0 42 6 }. and of Cream at 87z IP FlSH—Sales of Siloton at SO; of No I Shad at 817, No I. hintkarol at'Blls No 2 at Oil; No 3 at $4151.13. Herring SSA cad Cod Gab at SSA p con. CILACKMDLA Mirolat bast:less Is doing at the fol• owing quoted rates: • Water Cracker*, pm. bbl Dotter do 4.60 Dyspeptic do o 3,73 Blot Broad, o 3,2 a aaw Crackera,pOr 7 oda do o FRUIT—The demand Is fah with sales of ratan. -ot $303,23 I, box. Poboof Alsolnds, at 183220 IP Re of Ground nuts, at 81,1301,37 r boa, of Peanaas, sons; of Filberts, at 7ago; of Cream non, at 0107 e; of Rants Ca:rants, at NOM and at English Walnuts-at 7 BSc; prances, S3Aligs,llolse r 7r,Leasou,S3,73 ON; Cocoa Nuts, OA, p 100.. ==M flatrurems, Jana 10. Cello—The recant blob prices which ham been ob tained for Brevet in oar marker, have had the erect to bring here a very largo amber (or this season of the 'cur, and cenacquenuy rimers In day rated mach low .cr. -The s Series. reached 1130 head, of which (Si were told to city butchers, 20 wars left ems unsold, frosad Ton were deren to Phtladulphur Prices ranged m OM to 4,15 on the hag; equal to 11363,23 net t and avremingll33o groat. Hogs—We quote from 84,73 to 83—dmer. • Usllls:nova Markets ' Ilsausuals,Jane JO. • floor—Salcs 400 bbl. 118, at 55,214:13,05,31. On 'Chance heilde.l ask 10,31*, bet GtqCTI. will not give mole than 110,23. Satin 410 bbl. City Mills Flow, at 16010 • Wheat—Sales Ni red at 1.111 c; prime would bring 118 c, If ht re. A sole of white a 1 143 o; two loads el Penns When told at 1180100 e. Ms decline was caused by a fall le the English mallet • bales of Cora at LOOM for white, and Me for Tel. low. We quite Oste at 40041 c. Provo, ons—We 0010 Wes of MI hhds Shoulders or 00310; 51 hhds Sides at bilirea: and /OA 8. 1 nsw- 8 V lb. Welakey--Sales of bbd. az 26e; and bbl' wi .10011 sees. kievraterr IS Baunercrec—lt has already . been shown that the denelthey Jr this port In reeopts of Wheat and Rear ' op to acre In this year, as compare ed with last year to acme date, I. equal to some 2.4),0C0 able of Boar , told it Is now pretty evident that as much flan will be tease (row this market weal, te sapply places there tleteleut,. ern! Come from all places In the West basic; airpt us above their own seam, We were aware t h at dams; th e last two month, large de. manda had been made by th e esouth and west on oar lake town, In the went for breadstuff*, and the !slop• meete tram the Latest* the Ohio river and tont Louts tad been very large, but we had cot felt es thoegh toot demand could reach down as fares oar own mad.; In that however, we aredinppointed, for we have to day not only cocoa telegraph rOlerantreaure (rem shipper at Cleveland to his agent here, ordering back • cargo of Bear be bad shipped to this market, but some Moo hla of flour had been bought hero to day for the Cincinnati market. Tele-Crania communication. from Chicaao to Jane 1, ay, door is in loran demand, at 60,30 fo bill at Alll •kte 1110 A sr St Lora. VA, at DeaoLt SG and CMS. •• 'The Wee they gay, and the avidity with which they boy, would Indicate that they tad entirely exhausted their home supply In the gnat •alley of me Ohio' and •hdiseisuppi, that being the cam, some three millions of . people will mak e abort work of the scanty evenly to the country of the lakes, and the :apply here will And a better mutat in the country It came from, than its usual dannstlon, the East Tie isselpfs di thisport last year from , 0n ' , Cat; Flour. bbl.. Wheat, 0 Jana • •—•—•170,6:4 os;w4 /sly —• "417 .1a 1,c9/ 4.4.4.--- • ..• •..- .. RISJ 203,1:4 This yens and on the. Wee, the crops In the anti - west, am spasms of by residents them, as mtlenng al most a total In, by seed and dformbL mod harvest mus expos; be Into end verydefielent —Bat Adv. I\TINEVEII and Its Remain.; with an account of a VI 'mit to the Chaldean Chnsdans of Kardietan, and we Yesidlt, or Devil Worerippera and an inquiry into the manacts and melt or the antler, esterien• Hy Jawio Henry Lays , d, Fad., D. C L. For ea eat JOHNSTON i I , TOL:KTUN•I 4 jet Cock Eliere, nor. Masker LT turd - - •- - r AHD OIL-10 hbla receiving from Ilte•See? Key .l./ atone Snot, and for gala by J DALTELL, je3 No to 'Water Street (.I . o . lzil: y hu Liebe .t print In cull wrill ü bLEV . f • 14 7 1/ Molly curet A FARTHER supply of Blank Silks naffarrey col. A wed &Bra last received by cypress this morn lap, at north east confer of Foes h and Masker au. Jai ' _ DIURPHY BURCHFIELD VA - Tit Pit .iIE,TE .LY.k and Betters M. D. Lain. at very low priers. at nonh east earnar of Fourth and Market sta. HS WAZiriliK LACES—Extra aide medium and narrow ramming Lae.* of best gnalay, lust reed and for rate at Northeart corner of Foanh and Mar. ket streets. Jrs MURPHY Pe BURCHFIELD ULE- s Ctitriii POWDER—tit Puke hltionitt's best 5.5 pnality to &trivet Pis Fillip&lbia per skip Deli. For elan by W & M WITCHES:ISF X. Jes • Liberty moot. COPAL vARNira-6 btioug, rri'' • fr; --- ”•i!. bY 1 KIDD k CO onsiZ SO Wood et. POT ABll-4a tons In cora and for tole to dose co:alp:nem, by Jell J DALAELL BACON-4 casks H 1 trued Homo, 1G do do Sboaldero, JIM melted rod for aria by J O J A HUTCHISON .11. CO TAR' PITCH, AND b ° ll I o I'I N 7 C Tan SCO bbl. Pitch; •r 7 bblo Roga, la kora rut for Isla br lee JAS A HUTCHISON &CO 4.2 riv. TURI!ENTINE-30 M 1• In esolen ordey, for 1.7 is by pe j l en IIRLUN k REITER. L TI I. 7'E b, I, tot ga b ll y hl & REITER nOPAL vgmasu—s bbls reef! DM for isle by je4l BRAUN t. REITER Co&cil VARNL9II-9 lals reed and for saln bv WI - BRAUN & REITER rifOBACO7-1T - arriDafereDiiiii - 8101.itienbanil 1 and ler We by. DROWN & KIRKPATIUCK YuPA9,i, 6t estrETKirtieb; 761 v Chem. bego..Polaloef, ree'g per Rid welly Lloe,for seat low, bebbe consignment, try JADES DALZELL GUM ARASlCZ>icked, for sale ty - ' -- lel.l SCUOONMAKER & CO • D OLL BUTTER—VI bbla bblla stare and for sa a by Is. 3r STUART.& SILL Irtlio:l—sw.2ll. hog rosad,Jost teed, for Ws by id STUART & SILL DLOO,IIB-103 tons Napalm Blooms now landing I_llfrom steamer Hophrates, tor Nile by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO Water Front mr, Atlrtean Galaam — a7 - ! isisteria &Mohan's. MITE highest premium pald for AmeriCan Gold, Eastern ES . banrc. and Par Fonds. at the Ex. Mange and. Booking House of A WILKINS & CO m.yla ryncukrit VERNON—A newand IntiTieiu74 NoveLL2 roo. aoth, Jost reed and for see by ot73t JOHNSTON & STOCKTON jo.i vied 'lnd for Oda ,r by ottll STUART & SILL niiiad.iin4 voi (INF, for 113,000, ens eine for 53,000, well moored by city pmmriy. For partieolars toaaire of IRA HERSE, jet ' Na 121) Wood street BROOMS -1M doe in mom, and for wale by . -- je3 STUART &FILL W HITING -IGO brl to arrive, (or vale by , ISAIAH DICKEY &CO Jet New PublitemarTma TRIIING'S Piahornet. 2 vols bf calf ilelotit. ftmp. Taylor's Electrode. 2 vols. 1.204, Intog!tt Works. complete. 12mo. cloth khf calf. Dourralleo Latulsrape Galdenin4. hro. Doltretilles Fruit Trees ofdaurica. 13uo. Plairadel—•Croly. ova, Chopman's American . Drawing Book. 2 Nos, Co. liovaeboll Words—Mete.. Nov Ito B. Weslels Radisneruo Seder. 12mo. David Copper Sold—vol 1. 12mo. For sale by • JAMES D LOCKWOOD r 4 104 Fourth ot IECO1!D lIAND PILSOS. AGOOD Arabograny Kano Forte, 6 octaves, A h annband•-- SKIDOO dsome upright Flan°, with Rosewood Fomite re, 6 octaves, and In good order • • • • lon 00 A plata 51 octave Piano... , -- 45 cm A 10,06tave Pi LIIO. • • ...... •".• • 75 WI in A goodoctave Piano, with handsome (Mai. ystare .. ... For ssd,, by_ JOAN INEL,LOR may rd el Wood or ig he. SOUPERCEDING the Wooden Films, and being In combustible, thereby economises the WI, and pre • vents lynillon, heretofore so much, objected to in all saes Ileac. One table spoonful of the common /atop oil will lam Nine llove,or any 11.1 b ., length offline, liAtotiing to the ditinned eatutity °rod. Received and fo iul r sale by )OILY D MORGAN utay47 DruSsiel BACON—toxin Strulderli.“ o " o "" 4 sad by Pk W lIASIFIAUGH OZl==l 10 rd L „ P rlV,c`f:iTln`;fi d e,U . 2.. a i 7dsxk&ptla 2 hf p o ps extio Roche Ile, dx eh; 2 d Coml. Duprey k Co. dark; • 2 do Ro% dark; 2 do Yollavotain; 4 dtora, and (nr wee l notr2l JOHN PARKER k CO ton, Clot & Cos gouda. CodUrAc Oil, tor Ws by bolt IaDD t9O PORT OF Pi 'BURGH. aresa—Tbern man 3 feet 71 . ytenna in channel last' .veninir, by :metal Inazk, an2l ARRIVE , .V 1 21M 6 :41,V=111" Atlantic, Varktion, Brownrrille. Rltie, Jacobs, Brovrnsville. Beaver, Gorda; Wellsville. Camden. Herekson. - Meßeespon. Voalthiogheny, Marsh,Teaver. Wyernint, Neel, Pt Leonia Washington. Martin, Leabville. Milton. Davis. Lonisvilie. Lady Byron, Smile, Portsmouth. Reveille, Roes, Wellsville. - Wm. Pen, Johnston, Whetßet DEPARTED. Michigan, Bees. Beaver. Camden, ilendrintson, McKeesport. Fashion, Peebles,Ellanheth. Daltfe~Jacob Crovrosville. - Issue, Pulnason. Brownsville. Cleave!, Goidon. Youghiogheny Marsh. Beaver Clara Fisher, Louisville. Cashier. McMillan, Bridgeporr Cinderella, Hallett; Wheeling. Wethiallle, Toong, thidgeport. ‘Voi. Perin, Johnston, Wheeling. itOATS LELV/NO THIS PAY. CINCIHHATI—Graern, 10 , sc. LOUISVILLE—Navigator, 4 r. u. BEAVER—Yourhlogheo7,3 r. x. IDIPORTB BY RIVER. Portsmouth—Piz LaPr Braos-3 holes tools, Whitmore m Wont; S dodo, ft Dunlop; It - sets wool, Clark & Thaw; 700 aka mm, 0 B Miltenberger; 92 ate bath, W Smith k co; 8 aka wool, 4do feathers, 4 bls I do bras skins, CM Omni; 2 bblap WI, Lam. bort &Stillman. Whoo Cisogaggria-70 bbl. door, .14. McCully; It eli• bacon, McGuire & Haile; 3 cuts do, Hoes. Neale? & ?dogleg; W sky orool,Illogham; 4 bbly copper., Roginion &lc; 43 egg ba canal Lerch & coma Mils oil, 9111tenbetgo3 49 cks bacon, 29 W Marshall. St. Lomt•—Pcx WTOIPSO —6l) pan d akin., 169 do buffalo 100(5, A &mien; 91 bola oil, Fahneatook tr. co; 6 bliss, 9 to bacon, R Galway & co; 7 do do, Cummins & 9mltbt 19 do do, J Osier 9 tea wool, 61 hid. bacon, Leech & co,l by wool, I Mat. 30 bbl. peaches, Robt Dal=3;9l boa medicine, 160 d hides, Elinshatol 35 too lams; /Solite. & co. Pa I. Q. Au tars-0 by wooll, LOOOh & ca. 7 este, 4 to bantr,P con & co; 4 do do. d ego do, McDevitt & bro. 5 eks, 4 redo, Holmes &,bren 31 bluts obontdens, 3 Ode r, bblo refined sugar, Ilesselbon; VI Oda shoulders, H Oran' & co; 71 bbd• tab. Matto & O'Connor; 5$ do do, J Benny jr; 3Ns deer slaw, 1 bbl beeswax, Murphy, %Prison & co. Louts?!lle—Pie WAstuieron-3 hhde, bz tab, 41' bbls whhkey,6 Ns fire, eruct do, liteghece; ecepl, hf Scanh & co; 4 Dhsl • tob: lot ferelture, Leech & co; 39 ssckttekarere,O hhds lob, H Wed& .; 5355 bloom's, Meeforten & co, B We, CCD alloi Marin; 6 Wu tot). Fotoyth & FOR DRAWING ROOllll3-01,IR...Chamois, Pace, and Phan D'eU Paper, receoßy reterted ler W P MARSHALL enerq () 7 %` r r a r'e&waP, ;Teo,, l oodatv m 7 2IW b — rfiNti nu. 28.137 inches, on hand mad for sale by . A II ENGLISH & CO ja7 79 Wood at s tfitilT . F . 'd f tNig y bp DICINE9—.They are the , Grabens Station, Ohio, May 23, 1840. E.Sellete-1 think it right,lb r the benefit °tethers, to state come facts to relation to your excellent Pa ugly Medicines. I have and your Vermin:de largely my owe family. one vial frequently crooning large cloudlike (say to 200 worms) from two children. I have alto used your Liver rills Mid Cough Syrup In my family, and they t aye, in every lento., produced the effect desired. As I am engaged in merchandising, I am able to elate, that I have yet to hear of the lust tailor* where year medicines have been used In any section of the country. In conclusion, I may state that they are toe mcdtelnes.of the day, and are desuned to have a very extensive popularity.. Yours, respectfully W II riAELL. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No IS Wood street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two cities and vicinity. je7 /for pale Cheap. Moly new, from O a colt . Phil. deipbla built second hand Bulky, inVander. Et quire at this office. lea -- - . Prieto Reduced- T il er:tat% ancilit3gh e ll Boa ' : t lk b e e rf. Soda Mb, warranted superior to any other bread at 21 by the guava, of 5 tong or or for a rrency or approved Notes, at four months, or :I for len bean :MT. W MrICIWI.TREE, fee (Allen] , btrect. TAILORS' GOODS, AT COST. HERSBY, FLEIVIENC & Ctr, harmg arranged give their entire attention to the role of domestic Woolen wad Cotton Goode, now offer their large mock of TatioN Trimmingc, Vesting', French and GersoutClothe, Doeskin,.evseime rea, le. at first coat. =WEI FLEMING &CO lei ItP,Wood FISH -23 bele new No 3 Mackerel; 13 brio No 1 Macscret; ft hf bris do; 33 brls No 1 IlerTing, for sale by Ice 1111E1r, MATTLIKWB ar. CO - TnE outOonfling Bony of A.letbonyClry bo tedcoblea by KILAbIEIR t ilAfild loyoo.deer&mol Witt Wintb..C.N—ob cons, celebrated n brand, for 0010 Je3 J SCOOONMAKER CO "VXTRACT MM.:WOOD-3D birk3Wml , s for ale .124 lea 7 SuII.OIOIAICFR & CO LIVEN DO pare Drosro,just reCeived, ll tot sale by 8 E SELLERS Jett 57 Wood et Llfy briWaoTc , ,r bis Liv• ..1o kr_ , DOT Asu—a cults prime, in atom, for sale Ey C STUART & SILL LUkrti brm of rte best quality, laid reed. and 5.7 for sale at the Drug Storecomer or Sixth and Wood street. Jes WICKERSHAM HOLLAND Pica led Herring— lk g• Hal maenad, a near article la this e; lin gala b 7 WMA bIeCLURO &CO le3 255 Litany at I :n r < H l„ E j eC ¢:t .L rl4 l3 a, cr. i:Pe ' J , y " — ,AEM:',';;" - .-o,Vood Sw 150 gallons for-gale ie F i r o ' I K11:161* en HIrIiPSKEI3-1.0 brls just reed, .d for br KIDD & CO FLOUT[ -50 Mtn tamely elmt, fin *ale by lee Illigv. MATTHEWS I (nit F lBll-20 Ws Nova SCOlla Herring; 15 brie Gibbed • do, 30 brle Baltimore do, 13 hie Wind; 30 MM. Shad, la More. and for We by BROWN 44 KIRKPATRICY 144 Liberty et b“47z;ru7kTtigrArarcx . lota 2 e4s; 73 ba Netkarma, just ree , l - iind for TSO BROWN k KIRKPATRICK Entw-mvszc. At ths Sign of the Goldin . .llarp, No. 10, Third •t IiSS JUST RECk.IVED The Lord's Prayer, lbeautirally embetli•hed.) Oar Faith tkert Fondly Plighting, Opera Llnda,) as rang by had. Mammalanai. Napolltaineom rang by Mad. Biseaceltmli. I'm Queen of It Fairy Sand, do. Nay BfatiCE, as sung by ?dad. Dornmeln. Swiss Girt, as sung by bliss Urals. Frolott,aa sing by MO. Iltseaeelanti. Call me pet PaMoa Piper of 'glands*. Yes, ere we met! was a lows, Old Seaton. Wedding Waltz. Sylph Waltzes. Aligaippi Waltz-11 Rohboek. • Mono Rose Polka. Prize Polka, ke., rte.' [Mil H. IiCLUISER. BENJAININ noWN, 19110LEBALE FRUITER k CONFECTIONER, cc= Offers ferule the following freak goods, Jut received: dye drams tilayma Figs; R;txtil; • . 175 half boxeit do do, 1 5 0 0 0 canner boxes do; 0 egs Sun Relates; 20 half tees d* 150 boxes Palermo Oranges, SW box. Sicily Lemons; c awe Sicily Licence; 40 doesn Asserted Pickles; • 25 dorm Manna' , Sas ccs; 25 deran Setae Od; 225 'poxes Scaled Herring; 131 bole; Na I ficrrhar. 50 boxes faint. Putt . • 50 bus Yelkne, Whltc:6 Rad Rack Cutdr, 120 bags Whoa Drell) Sagan 60 brie Lascringlaentabed it powdered do; 15 bags Canary Send; 25 bag. Sicily Filbert.; 00 bags is Nuts; 12tki bushels Pen Nuts; barrels Pocens do; Di bugs Soft Almond.; boXe• Shelled des All flavor, common Cuidlea 12Ie per lb, carefally packed. warranted as good or any to the country. No 187 liberty St r isit doors east of St. Clair et tIoY e VIRTUR of a decree of the Mgt, Conrt eery, the subseriber, as Trustee. will oder at pub' lie sale at the Exchange, an :THURSDAY, the toth day rif fam—ALL THAT PIECE Oft PARCEL OF GROUND AND IMPROVEMENTS, alluded in dm city of Pittsburgh, to the State of Penoryliarda, known as Lot Number 12, in Prides'Plan of Pitts• Mar ion 4e county, beginning at the corner of Maro Creel and the Farmer , * arid Machaniets Tor. o n Aoki, meninx thence Wutwardly,and binding on said road twenty.e4ht feet eight and a half ineh. eft, thence aouthwardly one hundred and twenty feet to a twenty-four loot alley, thence ea twenty. 111:y -eight fret eight and a half inches, thence northwardly to the place of teenrillin. me 121 said Lot is entered a two story Frame Outing. The terms or tale as prescribed by the decree are ono-fourth cask on the day of eel* and the remainder In equal inataiments et Mt, twelve, and eighteen mona., to be secured at the optron of the purchaser. JAS. MALCOLM, Tronee,r No. 27 - Lexington sumer; Da time., Did. 0111 SON * CIO, Auctioneers. Plats of the above described progeny may be Seen at the *Vie of the Trustee,. and &her the first day, Amer. j_lll3 :31.1r4 Mow - Publlatatlone. T ECTURE3 on Art and l'oems, Washington Ans. otn. tinted by it 11 nights in the Gold Beaton, and Seinton by the Way. By fat:odor. T Johnson, edition, with nosontons 111c:stall/an. . . The Elliott really, or the Triall of New York Seamstresses. By Castles Ilerden, nutter of sqbe ConyieVs Chiln,""Ardar Marna," ko &o. The Poshay,wanslated and explamed.M A 'Alex ander, Poore. ear In Princeton Theologies , / 9.01..7 Talbert and Vernon, reblabed by Baker t Scot. ner, New York. Toe above, together with a larre.assortment of 98 lint.. Bioko. for sale by A R ENGLISH es Co, esynO ARD-50 kegs said 93 Cris, to stare, for rale by roar 4 .k W 11A RHAUfi II 'erLAßS.4ooVirir - 3 and for We by -b. lUx 11"Mfirtto!:uCT' bTli Vinoteir, for sale by WM II JOHNSTON L 01-20 burela Alum, for sale by Amsr.l J KIDD A CO M. AC . f.' zA !DO 10. tar s J le by KIDD /1. CO ARRE2I{ !semen U VF—Guo 1b..1n Wadden, Ur tut yeaqvad, and for sale by J KIDD ICO snayti EaDttl— 4,1* PrincLpe, .ad uaif Spanish agars, awned Onus r. MOPMoOILLS k Mir • ;LOCAL MMM2, LLPOZTED 101 THIL nrnaasan.naur aura Awacig tiros a Firtausi---Mra. Marmots,. made Infortnatimi before the Mayer of Allegheny. Yesterday, against Hetzel, a Garman, who kcept a tavern . on the Monongahela what, for an no . swill open her paean. She stated that he cam. to her hunsvin company. with Mayor Barker and kis police, when they arrested her hatband, acd abused her with threats of violence and acand alone epithets Mrs. H. la a very lady like sod high!, esteemed woman. iletzel was required to cram ban for 8500 for his appearance at Court. Caesura Lcwasa—Mayor Fleming,of Allet belay, has brought suit before Alderman Reynold, against clue of the most prominent citizens of thw platse, for the payment of license. orals family carriage. The gentleman allegea that the tax it =just and refuses to pay until it is !cited by • legal Investigation. It is suppeaed that it will bt brought qp to Conti Tux irsrisats ate driving a brisk busineas at Wilkie. 11.11. Their popularity is inereusiog. • Tux RAYMOND FAMILY perform again to night lithe Theatre. They will appear in a new mord cal fame called Love and Mymery, and alt. in the Nervous Man, after which a grand ecmccri will be given. Accrosm—Yeeterday often:won, ono of the fa mes la Wood's Rallies. Mill, at the mou h of Saw Mill aua, exploded, mark:wetly lojtuingwoo of the workmen, by the name of Wood, an Eases% Puddler. A tin looking young German ume before Alderman McMaster, yesterday, to solicit advice. in a serious dilemma. Ha had plighted his affec tions ton young damsel, and war about to unit. hie future destiny with hers, In marriage, when her father interferred and peremptorily forbid thr union. The girl was order age, and the ardent lout mu at a leas to know iu what manner to proceed. The magistrate recommended him to run away with her to Wheeling and rat some ob. score magistrate or minister to peers= the cere• many. Rowan:mt.—Agentleman ittliO way .qtiletfy passieg along Second street, in the neighborhood of the Scotch EMI Market Place, on the night be. fore last was knocked down by some rowdiei who were standing ores rortier. Before he could get up ego Io , his ass nilante had disappeared. The' police should keep an eye upon the young rot - Odle* who congregate in this nel,thborhoed to the event, Stuturot. Oentanc.—Yosterday matting ; a man who was driving a wagon at a furious rate_ past &mar?* saw, mill, in the Fifth Ward, ten %wine another wagon which was standing at the mill, and broke it to pieces. An old man to whom it belonged, endeavored to prervent the accident by catch* the other's horses by the bead. when their brute of a driver Jumped out and struck hhi , a revere blow with the handle of his whip ammo the eye, which will probably destroy its sight A warrant has been issued for the snot of the ruf fian. An Orrtaw.—A negro was brought before Mar or Barker yesterday morning, for aranulting a man with • bowie knife, on Water street. Ho we., tined and bound over to keep the pence, bet ha. been gene from the police office but n abort hitat, however, before he win brought back (or kicking • colored women on the Creel. The Mayor find him $lO for km mooed offence. He should have bean pot in confinement. TA6MiLI rum Ca.asts.—"ithulom, will you please to inform me of ibc number of inhabiuuns of the house?" "Sir?" "The population of this mansion ," Well, there 1 . 0 eight in the room orer head." "Flow many?" "Eight." "Are they all adults.'' "Na? they are MI Smith, except two boarders. "Staid.; black or white ninths, madam ?- "I'd lava you to know, that I don't live in n house with nigger, " "I didn't allude to their color, I meant their cal. "O F that's it, in U? Well, if von had been here tint night, you'd have found out, for they wan cal. ling the watch, as loud an they could scream." "Madam, I merely winh to know bow many peo ple you have in this house, and what they do lore living." "Yes, yen, now I understand. Well, let me see, there's the two 111ullinses—that's one." "That makes two, madam." "Well, if vou know hest, count 'em yourself." "Ir is my business To inquire, madam.', "Well, you had better attend to it, then, and not bother arm." . "Madam, lam out with the census and'—" "Well, you act nut of . your tenses, !should think, to come into my house asking such questions " "liii in accordance with an act of Congress, madam " 'Well, you tell Mr. Congress, or whatever het ems is, h e nets very foolish. sending you round mug ouch *huller, slily quesnons The mon left. =IICOLIELILGIC lIONIF. INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh C. G. HUSSEY, Pawl, •- --.A. W. MAII C 9. SW, Office—No. 41 Water meet, in the wart haute of C. ()RANT. • • MHOS COMPANY' Is new mow,' to insure all kinds or risks, on houses, mannractnnes. goods merchandise in core, and in-transioa versals. de . . . mi . An ample guaranty for the ability d. integrity ol the Inatitacion, I• afforded In Ma character of we Di. rectors, who aro all eit(gens of Pittsburgh, well and favorably known trithe community for their prudence, Intelligetee and Intrutrlty. DISCLIOIa—C. G. Hassey, Wm. Ilagaley, Wm. Lan later, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh I) Xing,. Edward Haa;clurn, Z. Eingay, B. Ilarbavgh, Men •a3M-it 1139pr•v•maests in Dautletry. DE.0.0. STEARNE, late of Boston, I.prepared to manufaxiare and set Moat Tana iu whokt and p.m ofseta, e4h , ..n enctlon or Atmospheric Socllon Plate...— Tonna= roan to rtvx monTIS, where the nerve tt Si - posed: Office and reudeneo next door to [La May er'. offlee, row* street. Pinsburttb. axmaro—J. D. ElTedden. P. H. Eaton. 101 l !told Of Atte Foot and Ankle Cared. Ma. Riate-.1 am desirous of snaking known to the Pablie the great