The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 13, 1850, Image 1

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    • • EST A.I3LISJEWLD IN 1786.
runusliEn US
WH I Tf.; CO.
a. •14.' , .6: . 11.] [..
mils pa p—. -$7,00 per nano
Weekly, 'Jo advance).--..... ;CO ..
Do. to Gob; at a minced rate ,
Ks, t 8 - 011 , i ADVICRTISISOI
One Nur re, lie line. o r Nonpareil." leas)
One bitiur eneb additional insernon• •• AZ:
tie. one week . 1,7%
Ito. two ----- 3" ,
three weeks•----
i Do. mob months.—.—••-•
` three monthe•• • • —•—•
Po. lour months
no. Mr months.— • •--
twetie montbs••.; • • 1,1
: go
Etanding Card ID linen or las,) annam•
One Square. clinngenan plesstatt
num) exclurive of too rsper—r ...
For each additional .. "." ' in'n°4"' d the gear.
aim for each additional nature inserludvu
ly rams, half price.
Advertisemente exceeding a vaisre,__and_
, n_eLio•ce
fifteen alai, to be charged as a eq odic UUu u
Publtsbers not eccountabie for /are tvu•uflivumvit ,
far thempublication.
b and ey the amount dialled be charged the
Announcing eundidates for°, to
same of other aderrn_vem am enta.
Advertisements not marked on mevi r
py d till f
fled number of ineeninns, anti be
and payment Craned accord . :
The Pnulirfu. ur"on''' : all other adore
rigidly to Mar regu lar
Usements not pertaining to their regular ousi me, a.
Ail a lo de t e' t tli ' s b eln r e ' riTs ' i r er n' eharitabla tn b atinations, Gib Mari.
b e
charge and abet ra ile meetins,
and sack likm to be charged halfpri v ee, parable strictly
lc advance.
Manistee to be chnthed 5.1 rents.
Death notices O' rted without etherne t unlemaeenth.
. panted by !lateral Invitation* or obituary notices. and
when to accompanied to be: aid for.
Revalue arrectuscrs, and ll others tending commu
nications's., relairing notices designed to call atten
tion to Fairs, Soirees, Cone ems, or any public enter
tainfa rots, whore charges are maile for admittance—
all notices of privet,' associations--every notice do
teped to call ettenuon In private enterprises calcula
d or intended to promote individual Internal, can on
• ly be inserted with the understanding that the same
Into be paid for. If intended In bottusertsd•in the
• lo
eat relator, the 1131TIC.Wiii be chargedat the rate of
7 - not feu than ID rents per line. • .
Bishop et Fist boners to be charged triple price,
Tavern License. Fende2 each.
• Legal and Medicalcal ad r:, s vertisements to be charged at
Poll pnres.
Real rotate Agents' and Anctioneers' advertise
ments not to tie ethrscd under yearly rates, best to be
allowed discount of deny three and one third per cianL
from the •RlOOl.l of bills.
011 G rc.lhire Insonioni.• • •--• • • •$1 fa
Do. additional inserlion• ••
. - .
One Dttattret DP nno •asenion• •- eta.
Do. earl, additioael Drfettlao• • -.45 .`
All tran•lent ad9rni.emenuw io he paid In advauee
WOJITF: k CO. Gazette.
`l. F.
L'IIARI . R, rota
tlrr al. PIDDLE, 101"(1111.
last ES D. DA RR a. CO.. Cwroeiele.
I O.,I'ER A. lIROTIIER, Dizpatetz.
JO9. SNOWDEN, 'Mercury.
.I,V.IPS W. UIDDLI, Atoettean.
HUI KAIIVE, Getting Tett+ tom
Prrnavisa, D.M. J. 1,49.
JOIIN A. rAlLlaitcaoN,
ALDERMAN, Fr A Ward, Penn street, between
(Pliant 11111 Wsltatt. All I.oAine. promptly Rt.
enaoa to.outylt
ATFORNF.V AT LAIC <e, ors Fourth wool
above Wood. mrl4
ATTORNOY AT LAW, and Como - 11, for
Penn sylrirnia, St. lAtilf, Mo.
All communication., promptly answered.
T. 0. Baird J. P. Sterrett.
AWORN EYS and C4lll n•ellon et Law—Fourth et,
between bininguld and Crank, rataturgb, Ps.
John K Large Wm C. Fnend.
Liv, ,0„„h rce t, near (:
JAMES Y. icuren,
A TTORNEV.AT.LAW—OfIire on rourtb street,
between *nitSteld and Grar.t, rtifilturgb.
A TTORNETS AT LAW—Office la Tildhanui Itall,
Grant %Lilco the than lloare. lebd
A 1 .17 ENG LIS Theolntel!. Llostc,
.41aL and :tondo). delool Booksellers and &elec.
In al' •filndo of Stf odor; Window and Pa
per, No. 19 Weed street. between Fourth and Pia.
Wend alley. Pitoharrh, Pa. .ell
ATTDNEYuId Counsellor al Law, and Control.
s lT hiner for the Slate of Pennsylvania, $L Louis;
Me., Cale of Pinaldtry.h.)
References—Pittsburgh: lion. W. Forward, Hawn;
tan & Miller, M'Candleas k 7deClore, John IL Parke,
& Stemple, McCord & autla-ly
Ins aa navvy. lOST F. IMY I" 111,
1117,11. •••—•—la•txli .4-4,1[11.
. •
'p AIIALF:Y, WOOPW. ARO CO. Whuletule Grp.
JP ten, No :11 ntnazi npl
Trittaburgh Alkali Works.
MiENNEIT, BERRY A CO, hi anafacturerc of Snda
Ash. Bleachltl Powder., Mutistle any eulphwic
Acids. Warchoaiei No —, bclow Ferry.
Urnon. Urorre Reiter.
BRAUN & 111:I TER, Wholnsale nnd Retnil Drug-
Du eninci Llberry and St Clair smarm, Piltn.
rst . . Pa. an!
'SOLOMON scntricn,
nomm . isslox MERCIIAN - r o Stoek end 8i11411.00
er, No 110 teerond ot , ret. Inslo-aly
Thaquesta• Sprpag, Azle, 19t.41, and lroTs
k CO, Mannfacturer. of
Coach 'nit died.. Spring.. Hammered Axles,
Poring and Plough Steel. Iron. ace. Ware Loam, an
Water and Front Metres. Pitt.bwrgh.
AMC, dealer* la Comet Trimmingg and Illalleable
asthma. . .tl2
dace, No 21:Market street, Pittsburgh.
— John A -- .Srait. W. S. Skinner.
CRAIG A SKINSF.R. Forwarding and Congo ninon
Merebants,'No 20 Market IL Fiuebargh• RH-
CA. A : Ik!cAZ:i is]erL. pLll" .. /r.. ,
Cll. GRANT, Whe:c sale Grocer, COM 061110 n Ea
. Forasnling Merchnut, Na 41.,Wwr
Iler•ey Andrew Fleming--..••R. 6. plem,ns
alcOAlitt IdtAION AtERCIIANTS—cor ihe sale of Do.
mestic.Woolr n, nod Cotton Goods; Oen, de ale rs
kinds df Talon' Trimming', Nola Wood at, Ith
door from Y,fdt, Pitt.borgh.
Reference—Alma.. WA. A. ICU A Co,Cankerd.
cold. a. snatdsa, MOM . l: atsstrr.
ENGLISH k lIV.NNF.TT, Plato English, Gs.Sather
4. C..) Whoteinle I toners, Commission and For
warding 7lGretta , l., and elc.2.lrra in Pro Ingo and Pitts-
Imago 'Manufactures, N 0.27 Wood et, between 2d and
3d streets. nett
k No 111 Seen.' at, Intodoirgb. wz2l
1 7 ,011. GE COCHRAN. Commission and Forwarding
blenchant. No. nt, Wood 'wont. Pittsburgh. any!?
( - i . neersT.Wri7o iitoeTW - 0711 - frijsi.
JuL. en and Cantintesto% Merchant, for the Rale' of
Anted,. Woolew, Littetty.oenosito sth at. fehl7
- ark. it gags, Baltimore..
I. EVell:fol,--. 411, .. zrza.t.n,
• a. limn a. WAIINIII .
ITU D 7111C5NOR,TaLanco ' Conunission Mar
outts 41 North Water It, it. IO North Whams,
sit. Rroma.
TIMMY JONFN & Co., &seaman to Alwnal;
.11. Jones& Co.leAsonission and Fomenter Mee
-4"14., &Vest. In Pittsburgh Aiszturaetared Geode,
Pinsbarth P
krMaboa Tn SAISCUL
I/MORTEN. O. Dealer in French sad American Pa-
Pe! Csogings sod !leviers Window Shades. fire
Alse—Writlng, Printing and Wrap
flint P.M. , , N 0.57 Wend vireo.. between Fourth street
and thatner.d Whey - west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. febtl
leatio Dressed, and den
er in Dye Sian, Pati4 ' l , dt. Varnicbcs, Re, No
as Wood s•teet, one deer bomb or Diamond Alley
PitLvinrigh. ao4
Aterebant, and dcatio In P."
t 1."i4, and Pittsbur4
ji,,,,yecinter. Nob' Water ri.Pbitsch. sod
ttttt n,r,a`• • aonarritcxTl - 117
IHC"" Ca.,Wbotetatr. Ornern:Crn•
mi.. ,
rin Pralu . e.e 'No+ GO
Water and I o77enn ir..,.
c.ra7d9.lidjorvi•---•••—•• • ----1••••,,Z1hT,,,,,,nh
DILWORT:I Jr. Wlinte.ale Grocer., and
. Arno. for Hazard Poo
Co, No. z 7 Wood at.,
Phr.banab. .
• der-Y
No. 45 Market rt , thects
burgh, will have c nus ta iltiV MI harp a •••41.,14,,
averment of the !reissued freshest Mcdttuttes.seht'eh
will sell an thereasenahle terms.
oubsrs, wi ll be grometly agetvleur,,,
Silted with articles they elsv rely emus and avp.
rhTfitl l ol% Prescriettnos ,
Duette pr,parest fresh tha best clatettals,tutu 7 l,;,,, - ,1
. to day et night.
`Also for sale, a last. Stock of (teat and Root
wan , tetb
T f of Warren, Pilot) Cama,,,
~ lion and Forivardint Merchant. and orholtlal•
r. dearer in Western Ite.erve Cli.e.e, L auer, pot and
` Perri Ash, and Wanton, Prodeee generaily. Water
Stole; botween Sinithfield and Wood, PAW:untie.
JOHNSTON h sroci:roN, Tionk.ellerr, Printer..
' 0. and Paper Alanufacinrers, No.ll Market anent,
PittaLargh. apl
John Nord. Richard Floyd.
J. k 11..11A)VD, Wholcsile Grocers, Commisstan
Dterehenta, and Deniers in Prods.e. Round-
Church tralldiere, fronting on Liberty, Nowt en d
Birth streets, rittsioorp, re. Apr
T - -•-
WIN WAST. reeeasor to Ewalt Scb but
Vernoletale .eer and Centmitstan Merchant
dealer In Produce el Pluthorgh Manareetorer, eor
,.(Littetty and Iland etreetr, Pltraburßb Pa. 7e:20
. .
~7/1..0.1.7 6 1 1K 1 , Agent far the Idtke Erin
Mattison Liss la Bearer and the Later , --Oiaa
an th e earner . of Water and Smithfield su, Jane
TAMES A. iturc,insoN, co. 7 Bace e sso b r.
OP Lewis liotehisod Co, Cdooradocon ants;
Ind Agents of the Ft. Lows Stesm Boyar Mane,.
No 4$ 'goer and 02 front Meets. Pittoburgli.
ou s NELLOR, I.ltholeaale and Retail dealer
In Stogie and dineleal frumuntent., School Roan.
pr, Slams, Steel Penn, Quills, Printer.' Card., and
Sri neon ry dene.rally,No. SI Wood •L,Pittsburgh.
in-A tna borscht or token in trade. aenlS
B. swErrzEa, Attorney Law, mare ail sty
opNwite St Churle• Hotel, p it sburgh, will oleo
auind promptly to Collecthona, to Washlngton,Fayetts
and Green counties, P.
__ ..
Mar ketoa, Bell & C 0.,.
Church . Carothers, } .
D T Morro. orTldly
T — FCCOOO , ISIAKER & CO, Wholesale Dreagota
. . No al Wood street. Pittsbnoth. apt
17 IL& & JONES. Forwarding and Commission hie;
A crisr.ts, Dealers in Produce said Pittsburgh mann
nisolu'reilitstieles, curial D•sin, near 7th it. nr ,4
- Nat
KENNEEIIII', CHILDS & CO, Planurnetnrers of
very I . uperlor 4.1 Sheeting, Carpet Mini& Cotton
Twins: rual Batting. jet& y
LE'''DALZELT. & DO, Manufacturers or al
est. Dar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and N.ll. of the lies
gnality. Wazehoeso, 54 Water and Bid Front street
Wm MlUrr, Viola& O. W. Riekemon, Pittsburgh.
1 if ILLEII & nicKErsoli. Wholesale Grocers, and
Importers of Brandies. Wines and Sega., Nos.
172 and 1 .4, earner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts
burgh, Po. Iron, Nail., Cotton Yarns, &n. &a , ran
stoutly on hand. apt
John Al%ill. hours D. M'6lll. Walter C. R..
AriuUl I.Lti & ROE, Whole.. Grocer. atur Connis•
/NA u blarch.ts, No I% Liberty 8, Pittsbo rgh
IMSlSltafi — slM — WolintifilriiPßlNO
mud longs, JOHN N. QOl9l.
,MANUFACTURERS ef spring and blister steel,
LLLLLL plough mad, steel plough wings, conch and clip
spnngs ‘ lllol2lGred iron axles, and dealers in mat
estungs,ftre engine lamps,and eolith trimmings
renerar.enrner alto" and Front sm., Piustinrgb,
itoLMES &SON, No 53 klarket et. wound door
. from corner of Fourth, deniers in Foreign and
Gooier iie Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit,
flank Notes and Specie.
R7 .- Coicletiona Moan On all the principal
brovehoot the United States.
I.IIIO4OIASTEIt, ALtoixuan—tiffiee, Fourth st.i
. third doer above Smithfield, *oath side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greaten
care and Rios! accuracy.
Tires to new Estate examined, Re. 0ct.30.1y
4 Co.,
N°, - ,l:L'oro'van"TnaPitVto"Orgde'rPalfltli7OPs ' o r' ?
Itottles, e. Porter and Mineral AVater Bottles of su
perior quality. •
Pavticultr attention pall to Private Meal&
two Wit
lattbagraphte Idatabllalama vat
OF .t, opposite the
Pest-Ofrice, Patztourgh.—Maps, Landsespea,
heads Shutrbilla Labels, Architectural and Machine
Dragrinre, iteeiness and Visiting . Cards, de., enuraved
or dealer, on stone, and printed in eaters, Gold, Bronze
or Black, in the most approved style, and at the moat
reasanable price. 0..15:19
1: S
Ornrx Amos. Wm. B. Ileums & Duo.,
- opt: No. 37 W., street.
HAVE in store, and will be constantly rreelving
during the tenon, • tart e and well eelecied as•
sorunent of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which they
will sell fin cask Of approved,retin
RUBIN ON, LITTLE 6. CO..' o. ISM latterly street
Ilatsbursh Wholesale Grocers, Produce and
Clllloil4lllll Merchants, and dealers In Pittsbarch
Manarse urea apt.
111.31 ff. .G.IN. .0. LITT.. 411, Z. .51.03.
rboucnr MOORE, Mi golcankliCiroen.•
lb Duallier„dealettn Produce, Pinabnith Mariann
tart, en all kind,. 01 Foreign and Dolneglie
I.! ri Li w atial; •4 0 c . et. ont f h in d tlan w dzii . u k e e 7
whieli win unlit I 0 lon . i ash. snyl
L O. Irt!lotIm. L. L. OM.
tLYNOLUS k STIF. Forwarding and Commit.
Won Merchants, for the Allrgueny River Trade.
eaters in rneeriea, Ptirsburgb, hlumfae ,
urea, bird Chloride of Lime.
•hlgt.e.t prier, in cash, paid at all times Tot
°wry raga. Corne• Prnn and 11 . 7•10 via. Lpli
Dont' DAtz - F.LL Co.&Wholesale Grocers,
1 - 1 h Coulnaunaon Merchants, dealers ... Produce and
Piitainingh Manufactures, Liberty street, Plusher-40,
011ERT A. CUNNINGIIAIit, Wholesale Grocer,
It Dealer in Produce an. Pittsburgh hl.efactures.
No. 144 Libery street. apts
OINHER. HARTMAN ACU., Sheffield Iron and
Srsel Works—Manufactiscra of Awn. B. SM. , '
and Plant. titeeL Also—Springs, Axles, Vices, An
sits,Re. Ile) invite the attention of merchants and
consumers to their, stock_ before purchasing else
whew. They "warrant their articles to be corm to any
made In +hr. country nr un parted. Enbla
c. wiricanser rooa
SIIACKLIYIT & WHITE. Wholesale Hasler. In
Foreign and pd
Dry Good[, Ho. Pr Wood
street, P/usoaprh.• 0017
S& WIIAILHAUGH, Wool Mernir — anta. — FlCalera
in flour and Produce generally, nod Forwarding
and CovorniSsion Mereharas, No. 53 Water street,
Pats'rrgh. arty
c,7•lo..narri, NT - tractor, ram. moo., wrarrtaan.
Q a. NiCur...l, Produoe and (Fen, al Com
1.0 raitat,... Mew.* n.r., N.. 7 I.oserty [tree,
5,1 los•
opr.tin, , 1 sr.! 1.4-.1 OH. •r,7
QF VON LION I,lt,llryf O. CO, Wlmbes. le Gro•
cer, Forwaiilingend Commission Merchants,
Dealer. in Pittsburgh itlanumeturea and Western
Produce, bare removed to them new wareboose, told
baud,) No. corder of Flout street and Chancery
Lane. .017
I;aat onderDni t mond, Plitstman.
L. 6. Waterman • • IL N. 7•Vate rman • • W. 11. Waterman.
OLESA GROCERS, Commission and Por-
TY wording Merchant.; dealer!. in all kind. of Pro
duce tr, Pitmburgh Manufactured A miele.,• unit Agent.
for tale of Richmond and Lynchburg Manufactured
Tobacco. ant
• Butler, Pa
WILL also attend to collections and all other beak
mess entrusted to him In Bader and Armstrong
eonoties,Pa. Roles to
J. & Iloyd, Liberty al.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Slarsholl do / Plusbarg i tt . .
kdly Ray Co., Wood .t_ n 7
S. Il..l3ashfield•-• George Richard.
11. B. 110511111/CLO &
Mir DOLE/ALE' .d Retail Dealeni in Gnanone•
and Dry Gonda, and Coronaisalon Nerehanta,
No. 210 Lineny sr, ri.bargh. . 111(1/
Jg.ILA JiarADE3 i CO..
Canal liatin,'Penn street, Pittsburrh. inre
No. tre7 Market, and d 4 Commerce et., Philadelphia.
Adrancea made, by either of the above,. conricn•
meets of Prodnee to either HOUFE.
— 4CillesjtlALLOWlEks. 6 lON,
Hint=MlMl, Fa.,
'WOULD respectfully solicit the consignment of
TV liarrishargh Ireight, from Western Merchants,
as they are prepared to teceisio any amount. Line
and Henson trams running night and day, the freight
will not be detained, as they will unload such boats at
all hours. febl64tm
_llarrisbargh, Feb.iM, 1850.
J. 0. WILLIAM'S C 0. ,&
IVlllPoir.vrgasBt;ll W i t "Z o rA m l m l i. F4lll l 4l; m o4o ,,, C , E . RB g
dealen in country_ Prndnee and' Plusbaratt Newsree
ls res, corner of iVood and Fifth streets, Psusburda.
We,. 11, Wittlagns--• • • • -•1.0. McVay.
_ &
North gidteroner of WOod and Third Wools,
Joni NMI - MAL PA.
W. It. 11•11101M5•110, .Mt 01.6413.
Ur& DAOALEY k CO, Wbolenale 11.150CCIS, IR
T, and VI Wend once,, Flttnhotdd. npl7
M D. MlCE navto tatagotiors.
TE PA TICK & M'CANDLESS,Pioceerror• to &J. D.
TY Wlck,) WholcAnle Grocers, Forwarding and
Cornmtgoi. Merchants; dealers In Iron, Nail', olaim,
Cotton Ferro, and Pittrbnigh Manufactures general
ly, corner of Wood and Water • tree; r. tuts ant h.
ap . l7 _
. litoetaying Diattilerg, and Wino and litquar
Merc.tanii. Alt.—importers of Pada Mit and 131eace
ins Powder, N0..11K1 Libetty Weer, topoo•ite Firth
.21,14 Fittittarah. apt 7
. .
• • and altlttary Goody, corner of blarkel nod
Patna strret•,Pat•anlgh, •N. El..—WaLehe• and
Cloaks c•refally repaired. ' apl7
WY reara , a. irOccrta
WDi. VOTING la Co. Dealer. i Lo.the., Hide.,
Tv dc., 143 Liberty creat
it.yl'igrtiviril — Wevretieny.
11, m.ctrrennuor, Wbole•ale Gocery,
V • dealers in Produce, Iron, NAlla, •nd
Pntsbarte Nanufaxtur• generally, Liberty Greet.—
PilGtugh. •
.„ Janl7
1171101.E9AL1 , AND RtlfrAlf. GROCERiI Fer.
V V warding ••• Commityien Men:lmmo, Deafen an
Country Produce .nd I.lll.bargh Mancf•cturra, ear•
net of and Greets, Pilutargtl.
Pittsburgh, March IL', ICAO'
llTLlbeval advance. made on candrumenta
ATTIIIPAV WlLSnti, Portratt end Miniature
Palmer. Ruoou. corner 01 P.& Oleo Ahoy and
Fourth titre., entrance on /*mirth at, nuts Market
0013.1111111506 n • ea ban tio.
int trandA arturb n t . rey "' o ne n rfnr sale as agent. for J.
nTtrtnd;en. DMdeaux. at. aglarl,
ntna Lattiohalte, J J Durant,, cop.., A do M
tot. A I, BlavUle, A de Menden , ' Je. Lout.. Ake
At; also, Attehar Dordoanz Ard and Mite Winos
in <asks end tuts, aelreted with r aro by John Durand
/MN beside. Champagne wine and Sweet lintrundy
Port. futs7-11y•
DAIMER, HAN:id,k. CO hove rsoloved their
L ICzehane 011Cice aortLwest turner of Wood
and Tnlni suects. ' op=
lIIAVE taken WM. CARE Into pannenbto with
e in my Du:mesa, which will from tins dice ha
earn m ed on under the name of "John Parker & Po." •
March lat, Ibso. JOHN PARKER.
-.. • .Nel Mara Carr.
Insionle Grooms. Dealer iu Prodaa., Foreign
Winn, Liquara, Old II fonongahrin
and Rectified Whisky.
No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty steel,
mrlo Plitatcreh, P
(Soccessont to Hussey, Ilanna & Co.)
in Foreign and Domestic FAchange, Ccruficatcs
of Deposiw. Dank Notes, and Specw—Nonh west
earner of Wood and Third streets Current money
received on drporite.—Sight Cheeks for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the prlnctptl points
the United Stales.
Advances made on consigementi of Produce. ship
cad gnat. on Ohara! term•. apn
No 250 Librrty strew, eon Wiwi,
Have always on hand a lane ossost.m.nt of choir ,
uroeeria• and Fine Team; also. Foreign Fruits and
Nuts. Wholesale and Entail. Dnolr is supplied on the
Invest terms maul
Penn Maebine 'km!,
Mir WlGHTMAN—Manafacturer Mall kinda error
11.1.• ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa
The abate° works being now in full aria successful op
eration, I am prepased to excestc octets with dispatch
for all kinds of mad:artery in ay bug smeh
pickers„spreaders, Cards. anneter 731.11. Lines, runways,
drawing frames, speeders, throrsilt, looms, woolen
cards, double 07 single, for merchanter country work,
malea,lacks, be.; slide and bond lathe:and tooln in gen
eral. All kinds of abetting made to orner, or plans :le
en fon gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Anon ro—Xemelly, Childs & Ellnekstock, Aell
& Co, Ring, Pennock & Co, Jas. A. Gray.
filrratagbass, (near Plttabargh,l Pa.
I. :37 Water 5t.,7 batmen atria and
Waal, Patsburgh.
41? WILL constantly keep on hand a Food assort.
mem of Wan; of our own manniaeture, and
aupeiorqolity. - Wholesale mid country Mer
chant. are respectfully . ineitedio call end ex.
amin• (Cr itetrisclees, aa we are determinealo pall
cheaper than ban ever before been offered to Ma pub
11:TOrden sant by mall, accompanied by the cash or
ood rafetenee, will ba promptly attended ie. mei
- .
Air A. AVIIITEk CO„ would respectfully inform
1.T.L., the public Mat Os , have erected n Shopint
Laeock, between Federal and Sandusky streets. They
are now making and am prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Conches, Chariot', Bo-
Tenches, Ybctons, &c, the,, which Iron their
longexpemenee in the manufacture of the above work,
and the facilitiei they nave,tbcy feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the mast reasonable tenns with
these wanting artieles in their line.
Paymg partmulur attention to the telertion of mate
rials, and having none bat competent sverktuen. they
have no husitazion sentranttng their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to the matter.
N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
Most reason p able. lefln. ,nsettl
sem, arrws - coon AND Mae.. Prrrearma,
raOINTINUF.L, manufacture all kinds of, COP IT.R.
Steam Doom Nall to order.
Specral summon morn to boar work.
Hove on hand, a fine amorunem of Copper IMO Bras.
Xertles,Tin Warearte. dre.Steamboat Cookrby Sinner,
Portable Forges, •arlom nizes—a very corieernenr or.
'bele for steamboat., California crammer', or rail road
WeWe would map...folly inane steam boat mon and
o..hers to roll and see our artist. and priers beton
pr rehasint el semberc 10:17
W. H. J. ()LYNN, Hook Hinders.
r 1 Wool sod
we are prepared to do any work to nor
wuth ues
patt C. We attead to our work personalty, end un.-
faction will he given in regonl to its neatness and do
lin la Hooks ruled to any pattern and
ho und sob-
Wane sl!.y. Books to norottent or old book:. und rore•
redly or reported. Names put on books In gilt letters
7 11011,1 that hone work to our Ito, are I:word to call
kriees tow. snyUlti
ilsahlse 'Works and ➢Ysndry
FOHN 'RIGUT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton
r r and Whalen Machinery Diem., do-emotion. such
Is Carding Machines, Sposoing Frames, Spender,
Drawing triunes, Railway Iletols. Warps., epoolen,
I /muting Frames. LOOMS, Card Grinder, hr. Wimight
I on Shafting named; all Macs of Cast Iron. Pang, and
'lmagers °[a le Went patMrits, .lido and hand Lather,
and tools Mall kinds- Cunngs of every de.cripttun
furniabeil ou short notice. Patmrns made to order. for
71:11.1 Geannis, Iron Railing ; he. Stearn Pipe for bent.
trK Faelonm, Cast Iran a 4 indow end Limey Cgs
tmg. generally. Orders loft et the Wan-room of J.
Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will Lave prompt atten
Refar to Ellr.katoek, llell & Co, J. K. Moorehead &
Co.. 6. E. W.. her, John Irwin & Sons, Patet:lth ; 6.
C. &J. H War..r, htteobenvllle. anth
'FRE mitmeribe r offers for &ale a large and splendid
asaorunent o.'ranwood and Mahogany grand Ar-
non Pianos, with and withmat fnlemust, relet.rated
Mahan Atturhruen t. The above .I...trument, ate war
ranted to be equal o any manufactured .rhte roan
"try. and writhe solo lower than any nrottaht from the
East. r. BLUSIE, No 112 •111.3.1 •I
door 111,.r :•th
N II —City Sem tAlten at par for • n
c ••.rtroc” . 12,9 F. II
9111 or; ter nydrors4 W...•.
TUTS la torennfy then I Imo,: nn,
poi Lampoon, Rotten & Co,
Sole Agents for the sale of Jennines
.Potent Downing= Filter, for One eij
Uef of Illtatonro stud Alter:lnc ny.
JOHN C4I4bUN. Agora,'
for Mater 1,1 tintraon.,3ll Causal Way
Oel- 141,
We have been using one of the above snicks at Ws
Mace of the Novelty W.srks for three months, of teal,
d feel per them fectly sattsfosd that it is useful to
dwe take pleasure in recommending ere as u s e
fat article to all who love pure water. Orders will be
thankfully received and inrmptly executed.
onto LI VI NowroN. ROGGEN & Ce
Stamm Brie k Work+ for Sale.
'TIRE ashen:Ober niters for sale, Me STEAM BRICK
1 WORMS, above Lavvre-neemile, comprising a
Steam Enema, 2 Boilers, 6 Mott..d Al rapol , le of
manulketunes .20,000 Pressrd II nets loot of dry cloy,
as taken from the bank,l per day with titre° ne sal
land on the Allegheny non which are 4 t.
abed., machine and clay she ver,
ds. wherllivronvs, trunk,
shovels, spades, On., every Minarr 10 com
mence operations at an hears name. Price. includina
the patent Tight to use said machine, 67,°‘
payment made easy. Withent the land,ltir " o
particular+. address lIENRY hIERRITT,
augg7-dtr Noll 4 Monongahela Bons,
Wrought sod Cast trots latollinp.
LItE aubseritiers beg leave to inform the public that
they have obtained from the ' , Ain all the late and
eashle designs for Iron Ruling, both for houses
too cemetenes Persons waslUse to procure band
patterns will please call and examine, and judge
for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short
est notice, and in the best menner, at the earner et
Craig and Rebecca suss., Allegheny
atig29-dtf LAMONT it KNOX.
J(11131 LYONS.
Agent for Chase anti Recovery of Property are
"[TAKINGspent nearly a year in the various Si,
.11U. cord (Mee& National ',bran, rte., dering his
lotaVidt to England, inTeetignting Hann. for
in tinecOuntr), and having secure , ' effiricill end re
sponstble Agents itt London site Manchester, he is
prepared to afford all necessar Informant.; and ritt
•tre to person, who reek to recover their properly in
that country.
J. L. keeps :Ist of the East (o England Dividend
Rost 1, which may lie examined (or VJ Cent., or tO for
each letter of the
References in flosufrc
It. F. ADAMS, Notary Public;
(Rneecrants to APCord & King) GIL
Pashlommbl• I ttttt Yu,
• Corm, of Wood and Fifth Nfre4s.
P' A.IPTICRLAR attention paid to one Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Data and
Gaps from out eatablishment of the lan and
WtatilaaßlUP, of the 11Tart Mt., Lad al the 1401X/61 ,
Gauntry Merchants, poenhanitig by urliolmale, aro
respectfully Muffed to call and eramine our Stock; as
we can anywith confidence that regard.
and rams, it will not suflai Ina comparison withany
once In Philadelphia.
DEOS leave to Inform his friends and custom , . that
1.3 he Is lust memvlng his new spring stock of (Mods,
mprising, as noun!, all th e newest Mid most fashion
able sty lea of Cloths, Casenneres. funny Vesting , . cot
ton and linen summer stuffs, and every article •eitshla
for gentlemen's wear for oprlng and seminar. It being
inapoemble to describe the beauty, quality, fir quantity
of the stork, the proprietor hopes all who ore in wont
of good, cheap, fashionable, .1d well mode clothes,
wilt •
give Min CI call, nr them is no stock this side pi
the Alleghenies that can compare with It.
The reedy mode department Is very extensive, adap
ted so all foams.
Roil road rontractors, country fuerchan., and ell
who purchase largely; are portieslarly invited to el.
amino the stork before purchasing, as parueuler et
minion is paid to the wholesale business in this estab
Every in the tailoring Doe mode to order In
the moat fashionable and Lest Planner, at the shortest
T -
OE rt
panership heretofore existing ender iho Lon
of A tk C URA OLEY, in dissolved by the decease
of Mr. C Bradley. The boon.o will be earned on by
A Wadley, who will settle the bounces of the law
REMOVAL—A Duni.. has removed bid Fin:intim
Watchoase from No
no gegond meet, lord° 19 Wood
trees, between Eliot and Second streets, to the ware.
house lately to:monied by G A Berry. where be Will
keep conottntly on bond a generalacsortmentof Cast
ings, Georg, Moves. Cooking Stoves, Ae. jy1:1
T i. ,, f , l e a4 , tr i zt4n i n og oft ,, h r ea c ul w lte c ly respectfully called to
Ids. S. EAM,1 1 1•IIIIC tested a qaar.tlty of Gold
-weighed by your Areommer, I find the It o f
your Instrument correct; and recommend the nee of It
to then going to California. as tho
method fat oh.
tainmg the real •slue nf Gold. Reso,yours,
DUNLEVY, Gold Beater.
Fltubarish, March 9,104 v.
Prrymmter, March '7, 1549.
Mc Emsr—Dear Sir: laving examined the "A reo
mete 7," manufactured at your rooms, I do net Intrude
to commend it to the use of those rentlemen who ars
about removing to Californl• In search of Geld.
. • .
It Ores a clew approximation an the specide past
ty of mends, and will certainly enidde the adventunst
to ascertain when Id. placetyieldini Gold.
ttwlfYuan,fuser. - J. H—M.CLINTOCIL
Trenton 111'310111 Life Invaranen.Comptioy.
RAT= er raven., ernrc. 25 on tree.
Capital, $120,000.
JAMES DURNO & Co., Agents at Pitubmlh, P.
hoses Mr, Jr.
Itenianon Fish, I Jost ph 0. Pons, Presq.
G. Pordicaps, V. P.
John A. Wend, Eli Morris, Sehrsthrl.
Comwroller o( Nem York. llon. lame• Campbell.
. •
. .
George Wood. David 11..
John F. Meetie . Alexander Cumming.
Iht•id Dudley Field. IW.J. P. White, P. M.
Joseph Ilerie.
Ilia ESE. Gov. Huller.l Fx-Gov. Vtoorn.
W. L. Nylon, U. S. Sen. I•alicla. N. C.
G Wal I, U. S. Soo, Wm. A. Nowell, M.. C.
Ex. Gov. M. HloYenion '
Hon. S. R. Hamilton.
A. S.drey Donne, D. IW. W. Derhod, D
tWoren at. N.Y.Walnut et.. PriiPa.
Wm Mi.: blergan./.1. D., 11. R. Belt, D.,
(Soiree IdeCook, M. D., I Allegheny oty, Ps...
Pithiburgh. Pa I
The Age• to of due Company. at Pittsburgh. aro an.
tharia rt to tako carry first class reek on Life at a
ne SWEVR-FIVE rza horn the meal
1.1. of premium, Recharged by other Companies.
A man 3nyearo of ace, Inking • Policy of Insurance
for One Thousand Dollars.
To run for one prat, pays only !NHL
do lireven
fenme, tt 1117,a1l
And to the same proport.n for any suniTup to
W. 1.. Which to the extent lekcn on any one bre.
Thai Co any commenced operations on the lay
(*tabor, Pat., and Its monthly bustinevt up to the Ist
October, 1 , 2.49, rbowe a progress zeczentro that of
". '& ° e 6 fit ' al t ilic ' itt e' enTl P orpr o o n fit r e " wrlbe declared to rho
Routed on the lay January, IK,O.
Pamphlets coati:Lam, the Yorweas tables of moo,
nd oil the noccaoory information on the inn/oft:wit
abject of life Assurance. will be fornishod on oppl,•
aLion to JAMS DUH.I4O !lc CO., Agent.,
dell Odeon
SURANCE COMPANY will issue Policies of
In. again. Loss of DAD.. by_ Flan, upon
Darallinga and Fornitora, Good., &a , Ai . , on
apie .011 Lo JAMES DURNO & CO., Age. u, el? Odeon Iluildings.
RANCE COMPANT.-OX., North Room of the
Ezehenee, Third street. Philedelproa.
Fite loscaeoce.--Huildioge, Mew h andlsommlother
property. to Town and Country, to rod axes!net low
or tun,et., by firs. et Mr lower. tato of premium.
. .
. .. .. . . .
hi scuts Insegs sot —They al. msore Vessels. Car.
Roes and French., foreicn orcoo.two.o.unJer open or
speetal pollens, es the •ssured rosy drum
Int-avio Taanaroeranan.—TLrV mercb•
smolt, matte..led by Waren, Roll Bond Curn, Canal
RuaU and Strom Bow., un rues and lake, on the
moot liberal tegnas
IJIREC..ffIIt,-. 11. Real. Edutand A. Souder,
John ,7 Dar Hobe , . Burt ,
n. John Nam,
el Edward.. Gen I, I,tper, Edward Dartin ' lanar.
llavia, Wrn Ealwe:l. John rir .4.. itm Ilaaton,
J E' Mod. Theilptolua Y . :laid..., II Jones Moots,
Ilerry Sloan. IWO Craig, Eirorgr,Nerrill,Spenrer
Chark, J G John•on, Win liar,
Thomas. john SeVera. Wall,:yre, Jr.
DIRF.CTOBS 4T rrrr.inuizoli—D T Mori.
MO, Crug. Joh,n-r • • '
_ .
Raluvin S. N BOLO. Si,'y
17 - 016 t, of the Comipany. No. 4V. Water cn,t
DttlAurril. I,azoM-D I'. A. MADEIRA, Av.
Life and Ilealth Insaraue•.
MITI: Mutant I.lfo and lictoth Icaoran, Con:lna/0 ,
c, lor.lrp•cctc4l by the Lepetature.
of Penn.):v•ma. M•rrb, peryetcul.
Carnal.,11, rcr. bow. 7111,1• KI Palma,
rah, Colacc.,. Ind full perr
ent. lower than tbe
tb‘ual mire of I.lfc tact:raw,. ca the folloertna, eon.
partaon anti chow: Thu, a person of 'no ageof:ln In-
sunna for COO for 114, 0.113, pay In the Gin.' 8275-
1 enPena Moan!, 61,,5; Equitable,
1 , ,t11, New Enria”.l. Slim; New York lace:.*2-26: Al-
Mon. and 11na 11a, I . l.ladelptaa. 61.01.
• . -
na .
Mit _.Samuel D. Dr nut. Ullrs 1) 1611, W.
F. Foul, Robert ['bark, P. Dupes, M. W.
Mahlon, M. Al Refs, D , Cbao. U. Campbell,
I.ewlu Coyne, I. Rodman Ugrllt... V. D. Clutter, Edwin
R. liTe. Vreu,dent— Samuel 0 Ornek, Vser Mee,.
dent—Rola. Y lung; Secretary —Francl. Markham..
appl le6/10 Ile will kr recta rrd and every letx.rutuou
Riven by SAM. lINFCSTIRCK. Art,
Office. t'ornittere,nl lton+.,s, coiner of
0er17,119 tA nod .enl TL.r7l Its, Pntsborgb
rpm: IN:WRANCE CO nt Nor America will
I make p,1111.1,11 and maned Inearetnee on pro-
pert}' in Ills I,n . and elein::y. rand VII ' , hip.... by
Canal, anUt , y properaem of
th,. Compauy ate we!! inverts J. And ft,ral.L, an avail
ble f.. J for the ample indemnity ut all persona who
desire to be t.y in.nranee.
tn)la WM. P. :ONE: , Agent, 44 Water at.
The Spring Carden ileallh Irignranee Co.,
llNigittillis Males arid Fenzel. agar.; the Kapetwe
and Losii oricaaloned by tltekne. . Aceiden4 by
an immediate allowance of front RI to Oh per 'reek,
for one, to, there, or four yearn.
The unified of ellecting this in•ortince, and the
manner of awarding the sick allowance, will bc,folly
explainedj. the Agent.
A pervo,4 can Incore neansi Sletne. nr Accident
which vrid) detain non from his °Film., business, as
follow!, viz:
For non year, by paying t1.3,,k1, and receive Kli wed..
rot 11re " 7115, " " 5
FOr 11113/ " ICUS, " "
Or. for n pervol nf foor rcara. "am of 614,40 pan]
at nuallv. wnl "ern, 4° for vre,, wlnle "Irk
Evzn rt er e .altiormatwo ha, taturoed on the
aul,cet of In.rurearc wencraily. by
JAAIni DURNO & CO. A;enis,
del7-dOm Odeon Budding&
TIIE OFFICE at 1n4131,2°,4 C.linponv of Non I:
I Ammo, n, Lax ' , con removed to No 141 Front at
eot ol %Vox. '
The sulAcr,ber, agent for ;Le above old and respon.
Ode Company. will , stue Pollee, on Buildings and
;heir oonienut, and on shipments of Merchandise Lf
Stear4 Boats and other vcascls.
The Penney' V 1141211 Company
Fee inetto•ace 1.1 v. a. wri mu A ',min..
1 - 1111 F, Eire Lire Instirance Company in the It. State..
Incorporated March 10,1(3l_—chapter perpetual.
Capital rent In.
}Rains patlielfiscd the undcridgned m recce., appli
cations for Isurance. on which policies will lie tweed,
according:o their prnpiwal• and rates, wliteli will he
made - known to applicants at las office, Yo. •-'0 Weusd
Street. srtl GEO COCHRAN.
llg Second Session of this Institudon, under dm
./. ea. of hlr. and Mrs. Ciosnoms, for the present
seadeone year, will commence ma Obi day, hlonday,
February tall, in the same buildings, No. Cr: Liberty
Arrangements have been made by which they will
be•Ille to furnish young ladies facilitecs equal to any
in the West, for amusing a thorough FAglish, Clamor
cal, and OrnAtllEillli education. A full maim of Phi
isopbic•: and Chemical hacturm will he delivered
during the winter, Illustrated byappellate., The de
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Mune, Modern
Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under
the care of it competent Professor. Uy clam SIICIIIiOn
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
lls, the Principals hope to merit o continuation of the
iberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, Ree timelier or apply to the Principal..
reeve von sALe,
White, all Wool. Igloo Drll6;
I,cd ao do Moo !halms;
YcHow Jo du rano' , Coltonadea; all are
Steel mtaed do
Blank Colianuera , Tudor.' Good,.
Fancy Jo lied Paddina, nuPel du:
Fancy Tweed* Von Puddina, Ilurtrorn,
Soper Mack Broad Cloth. l rallers . C..d.vaar., heavy do,
Super Drown do Drown Llnena, Silinden
Soper Green do Drab Snrge, block do, a i
Super Twilled du and wormed;
Super Blank Dne S.kina flack and Whde Tape; .
Super Drab Cashmere,. Dlark Twirl. Drub dn.
Super Drown do Noes Cheek, end Drill,'
Soper Blank do Sluarl'n 0 cord Spll Caton;
Conforms Clank eta. In Linen 11 , •
Scarlet do superior antelr:
- ..... ...
. .
Rhin do ~ t ill rt o ured Veciam
Dn) do Black Lein do
Grain INggt nr. Brown lloi land Net Silltn
Brown (Nth.; Manna, enornw. an.. &a.
At On Idanctruntore rs' % archon., No IV wood 0
l'iinds rgh Oran
qinr: ett-periner•hip heretofore existing between the
subicrilierg, in the nein* of Constable, Bodge it
CO, 1. thts day disnolvell by mutual consent. Messrs.
Burke A. Bornes .111 settle the bus/nesse( the concern,
tor which purpose they ere gothertged to oar the 'twee
The undersigned hove this day riqsoetated themselves
in the hate- or & ItAlt.iiFlS for the porpore
of inanto.,turthe Fire Freer Safe, Vault Dents.
ke at the .tend o( .he late hrin of Con•totola, Burke
Itt:o, otter.. they will he pleoliad to receive Ilia! patron
age of the co, tamers of Ihnt house alai their trleed..
EDMUND 111.(11(F.,
In rtfirtnK from the firm 0f Conotable, Burtrfi.T. en.,
I firttl. +menu. plen•ore reennunnod Meseta Burke
Dar,. tn confidence army fitefitho and the NMI...
fet313..10 .
HAS jest re turn. from the EasternCates, and to
reecivina a large vhrICIY of seusonahle tTheds, to
which he respovtinity invites the asonnon ofmore h
ant. and ((ostlers. No 84 Wood at. feldt
WALL PAPER—W. P. MARCIIALL 1.1 constantly
IF receiving, from the largest tuanufactort.
New York and Philadelphia, .d alto from Etonch
attend., the newest and mom approved styles of Pl.
per Ilat.gtises, torrther Itordera, hire Board
Prost., nod Tester 'root. . Nor sale at fu Wood at, be
tween Poor. at and Diamond alley, (successor t
o p.
C. Hilly a
riria.kl.l , lC -
PAINT—) be. Ja. fija - i.CT steamer,
IVA and for sale by the barrel or single pound RI the
Drag, Bred, and Perrot:tell' WarallPasas re.. Of
Sloth and Wood streets. S N WICKERSHAM.
BlusprsitS,Patsht. Soda Ash.
464 h %re , I m e
i brand .
1.11! now on 41e r ve 'e ay from New be
Orleao " s7an ". ll e bb .
:erred here tins weet ; and 314 will shortly arrive
VII Baltimore per ships lonisla. (lb.peaks, Damns.
rus. sod Alb., whisk will be sold on arrival, •t Ihe
lowest musket 'nice (or rash or upproved
• • 4 No VW Liberty 64
Piro and Marla. lnonfince
L. AtU3UTii Nov
KNOW all men who are sick and afflicted with dis
bass of the bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic
pain/ frt back hobs, stiTroints, old sores, running
\, ! o h a " m 'l a e y y trj . lC ' erou c t a l v u e r d be7l; "‘ a kth rinr h u e nt r as e.
one as you please, but this does not make It so, for
ore p !aim in the f.e of an bon.; community, that
It h nuts which aro not contained in any other
rem eg The man who I. racked with pain and suf.
term f 03 disease, can for fifty cents, get relief from
any of the ills ennumerated above. Deader! it costs
very eto mrthe •thal. This Petroleum la no mix
tere—oryorompood, pot up for the pun.. of imporing
on the e monity; but it is a remedy elaborated by
the raaa r hand of nature, and bubbles op ham the bo
som of ode mother earth In Its original purity, and of
fer. to coffering harriani7 a ready remedy, a certain
and cheap core.
It has eared Piles altar other medicine, have failed
to render any relief. It hat cured Rhauxuatirrn of long
standing, .d of the worst oedema painful eharacter.
It h. eared Cholera Modem by one or two doses; It
has eared old cases of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy has been of no snail 'Asa local remedy In
barn, and scald., it is better than any medical tom
pound or ointment that we know of. care chit.
hieing or heated feet, In a few application.; Undoubt
ed thalmony can be funalshul of the truth contained
In the above ...anneal by calling on Samuel M. Kier,
Canal Beam, rift street: or either of the agents.
Keyser & McDowell, tremor of Wood meet and
Virgin Alley; R. P, Seller., Pr Wood arrest, D. A. El
liot & D Curry, ADOgiony city, are the agents.
Stacescso, V. March
MR. R. E SELLERS —I have dwelled of oil the
Cough Syrup and Liver Pills you ecnt me, and
IS dos of the Vermlfuge.
I have used all your Family Medletnee m my family,
and have alao plesorlbed them in my practice{ I am
very touch pleated with them, and have found nothing
to equal them. Send me 8 dn. of your Vetmlfuge,
I() do. each of tiv••Tu.. Ville and Cough syr.p. lod
Respectfully poor.,
(Extract of Letter.] T. T. Jaciaorh
Thom lushly poeuler medicines mop he had of the
proprtetor. R NELLERA, ar Wood at, and DrvAglati
eiserelly in the two cities and vlelnlty. ape
The meat hap.. tent Discovery ea R.
eordt—listre Remedy, for the Piles!
DR. D. P. DROWN'Scelebrated Extensa! Aroma.
ean Remedy for the riles, has already proved
itself to he the only sure cure ever presented to the
patine. Silica the discovery of dila valuable medicine,
awl the large number of extreme cases wtth which
DT. Broom has trestml, no one has tailed to be entirely
cured. Unlike rim many 40,1 U o.p.t, altar
months and rennet experimentalismo, bas Da Mae
left the patienthere they comented, Or worm;
hat; otter a few Ja w ys will decide the m ease by effe etiog
a perfect ruts.
FannowLnlocs, I shall not enter Into a labored ayry
Bement to prove my rnedlrlne. I introduce It upon its
own enema, by Its effect I Intend It shall stand or fall.
If you prefer that loatavorne dleortse, the RILVD, to the
yoke .1 a fow dollars, I rest We eau with you.
lloio .rreenyllslar N. Y.
Aoki wholes a le and retail by RV. IrEiLLRCS
nog el Wood .t.
COHIRCH. CAROTHERS tr. CO. have removed to
ki No Or Wenr vt, between Wood tr. Martel, In the
boo, fortnetly °erupted by Hardy, /one. t Co.
LilßE . Pitilrld , PittNt—io MO. Males Potent
Proof Paint, or arofieral received. The
above .41,, we have had in use for five years, and
ore ran eoulticitow mem:amend Co the p•bite;for
and s
use. ao o oerl'eet drh and eraser proof paint,
and to stood the ammo of the atmosphere orithaui
eivlng. For 'ale by J & 11 pIin,LIPS
SA2II U JCL t.ichat."VV --
ANUF nc - ru R OF CAST STEEL, and No. I
ITI and No. American Blister Steel. Alao--Best
cam ire! Files, of ell Seem and Illackernith and Shoe
II oil, Smog on band and Mr Kale. etther at his
e s.cet Wort," O'llnra street. Fifth Ward, or at the
the Iron :More of UULI.MASS & GARRI
No I,loot of Wood sm., Ptltsborgb.
We, Ow undersigned, havingd, with entire sat
isfaction, the caw Steel and Elea made by Samael
bleKelvy, at bi• Eagle Steel Works, in this city, take
pleat's, in recommending them as equal in quality to
any ever used by u,s, of foreign manufacture.
SitWburgh, March 13, I•efiso.
. .
li & J II sitOENBERGER & CO,
Manufactures. of Iron and Nails, Pittsburxh, Pa.
Iron Founders and P.l.lnists, Purborelt, Pa.
Manufacturers of Spates, Axles, Spong Steel and
Piisburph, Ca.
llngine Dodders nod Machine Card hlaufacua.
rens, Ptuatiorgh, P.
rasa Founder. Piitunirgh, Ca.
Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, Pstatiorph.
Locomotive Engine and Ship Ituililer.rittabureh,
Maeda Manufacturer, Machine and Engine Build
randi er. Pusiburah,
ut: Plum to : filanefactuning Company now offer T to
the pota their Premium Chemical Stove Polish:
and without eaaggertnion, or fear of contradiction, by
theft-sego havo mated it, pronoooco it far ttot , .ftot
any other in the market, The consumer need have no
apprehensions of oiling c.o.s. Ire, Sit com
position prevents a dust I arising when being up
pled, which most he done when the Stove is cold
The peuluty required Is so little to produce • beau
Vol lustre. • saving of oser fifty pet cent ts mutated
to the consume.. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipes
Se., w h en laid away for the summer, is a sure pre
ventative span , " rust. After baring tried it once,
Ilf aceesedde) no person will ass any but the
Pbsenis Slanctseturing Company's Premium Chemi
cal :Novo Polish. For sale by
Corner of Man. and Wood street".
11,17•11.9 DOTTLZ
YOI SRI anon!, SOD rE114.1[1.: COIR 07 ALL VaIIAXI
AJIIZIAP rum AA AIMS FrATZ of Tul 11.1.011
ox oasts OF Mt Ylp
Serofule or King , . Evil , Rheumathint, Obstinate Cola
mobs Eruptions, Pimples or Pustule. on Hirs Face,
Matches, Ildes, Chronic Sore Eye., Ring Won],
or Tenet, Scald Head, Enlargement and Prtin of
the Hones and Joint., Stubborn Ulcers; Syphiltie
Bye:tritons, Solution or Lumbago,—and diseases
arising from an inindleions use of Mercury, Aei
the. or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life;
Also—Chronle Constitutional Disorders, /cc.
Thus medicine has acquired • very extended and
estribltshed reputation wherever it bas been lased,
based entinily on its own merit., which It. superior
effieacy bas alone sualained. 'rho unfortunate ffictlin
of hereditary:diffistise, with swollen glands, contracted
sinew, and bones half eariou. has horn restored to
health ' and vigor. Tbe scroful ,
ous patient, covered
with steers, loathsome to himself and hi. attendants
Leen made whole. Hundreds r f persons, who
had groaned hopelessly for year. under cut.neous
and glandular dffiordem, chrome rheumatism, and
mffity other complaints springing from a derangement
of the rcereb. ergsns and the eireulation, have been
rffised a ti were from the rack of dirmose, and now,
with regenerated ratistuutroti, gladly testify to the
efficacy of this inestimahle prepannion
- .
Ile our noon of the render .1 called to the following
..slang core, elected by the US< of Striae SRI.-
"Thi IS 10 COllO that I tome • oalowd woolan who
boo bona afflicted for the lasi five years with Scrofula,
and all the remedies I used had no emit in arresting
the progress of the complaint; on the rontrary, she
eminently grew mom; and after expending between
Sfii and See with physicians, bender using other
popular remains without niece., till the Macaw, had
erten away the eattilage or her nose, made Its app.
peurance onvarious parte of her body, mid bud final',
eninnieneeerim ravages in the root of her mouth
In this dreadful anomie:, with the prospect o
death manna her to the face, I stated her ease to Dr
bisossrey, the agent for Bands` Sarraparilla In New.
bent, N C., by whore I was advised to use that article;
and to rey am - prise and that or my neighbors, to whom
her rate was known, alter using four and a half but
tier she war restored to perfect health, and that In the
pare of three week., see was able to wor k in two,
weekr (Imo the time she commenced Latina It.
"In witnera of the truth of this atatement, I have
hereunto allixed my name, this lath da7 of:September,
11347. MeCOTTER, J. P.,
"Mouth of Nouse River, Craven co. N C.
The following nncornet (ram a letter received
from Mrs. Ilea., acne bad been afflicted reVerel year.
voith Seri:%ll.c Ulcers, Dyspeprie, rce...cand rceanlly
an cilecdon of the thr.t and cheat:—
clicatilanail, V.., Dec. 13, IRO.
"Ideates. A. R. A D SA.a—Reore I commrneed
using you , bewapertlla, nay sufferinga were ale:tool
piot entire...ln; my throat urea rompletelyvtleerrited,
I had a dreadful cough, and there were frequently
week. together that d could trot nicht above a whiz
per, and bmides, the Ingainutation (mm my threat ex
tended to my Lend, so Wet my hearing was very much
unpaired. Alter Luang We Rersapantla • abort dme,
my health was improved, and my throat Is now well;
We a. free f-om rough add tlghtne.o of the enrol na
ever 1 ma., and eon Ater quite dloilnetly.. Itly throat
ha. been well about three months, the earn of which
h o s been effected entirely by the use of your Perm
penile. Your friend. LOUISA R, DEVAN"
The following testimonial to the one try the Darya-
Carina m from the Rev Lather Wright, aged 70 year*,
Congregenonal fifinlomr, molding al Wohum.
"Worn., Alan, March On, 1846.
"Mumma Sande: Gentlemen—FrOnt what I have el ,
perleneed, twit rnmna the inforMation I hove recently
reeetved from • number of patron. of dish milieu.,
but who have hoed your Sarsaparilla, I have not
We lent doubt bat that It to • moot valuable medicine,
and that the SILIO.OOI enrilficates you have received
of Ito elfieney are folly eactained by experience, and
although its reputation and aunty are very eXtenolve,
end otand in no need of my humble effort, to Mat.ue
them,l want all who are etllieted by dummy* to be
come acquainted with We efficacy and power of your
valnahle medicine.
"I sun, gentlemen, gratendly and very respeetrHlT
rkepued end sold, wholesale md reall. uy A. U. &
D. RANLY4 Druggiew and Chemins, WOldin street,
earner of lYdli.m, New York. Rohl also by Map
genendly thvorighatt the United !Stows sad Cans
ado. ?nee SI per bottle; rly bottles for MS.
Toe .ale In 1. WHANYX, Jr. If. A. rAtiriaMocit
OA, end ED'VA PD PEN DERICII, ratsburgh. Al
to, by DYYS. Warns DZid&Watei. VlP2Crd4o44lWit
Under the Bun of Pittsburgh :
WlLLWturopened about the thd of May,. Fundy
OrtitetT and Tea Shirr, Lin the Philadelphia
7brsithseribets have fitted UP a core at No. 2541
Liberty street, in a style rope
r to any alike kind in
Pauburgh, where they will Uwe,. have a large ea.
aorlinent of fine Groceries, and superior' Tess. to
wbleb they euPertfully Invite the attention of the pub.
Of every article, theywill endeavor to :keep the
best of its kind, and confidently recommend their
TM. so sot to ..7.1,16., to =Mall. to the ci
Their assortment will comprise.!-Green . n d mock
Tow of all kinds, from 3 cents to SIX per pond.
Cot:recent every grade.
Lovering'• Sager', Loaf, Coughed and Pulvetired:
Steam Syrup, Sugar Haase and N.o.lHoltusew Choc
aloe., Foreign Potts and Nuts, Spices, Pickle.,
Ketchups. Essences, Sugar Cored Hams and Beef,
Irish°flail kinds, Sperm, Lard and Whole (tilt,
Mould, s perm and Wax Candles, together with many
rarities which eoeld not heretofore be had in Sins-
Oureh,and which time would fall to enumeretc.
. . .
113. tw0 cificttGoods delivered free of chugo in every pert of
Deale . ll,;uppllctl on m , o4t ren.oneble te rm
WM. A hIeCLURG k C. 0.,
No. 23d Liberty Creel. shove Wool
A. waren.; as.] lA. ‘LITECYELT, to
T keep Constantly on hand or make' to order the
hest artiste In their lion,at their old wand, No. 111 St.
Clair weep also at No . Alarket arreet, second story,
entrance in the Diamond. Venitian Shutters made to
order, and old blinds neatly repaired. apto
To Southern and W Illerohantg,
ebMriiier Testentiolly invites public attention to
bintriennia, +toe Of Perfumery, Soaps, Shoving
Creams he., to which seven Silver and two Golden
Medals have, within the last six yeses, been awarded
by the Institutes of New York, Boston, end Phila
delphia, the inter being the only Golden Medals ever
ewardeS for rerfamtery either. in EilrOpc or in this
Boosab's Ustalvatiarn Swam. Can., ;Almond,
Rose, universally acknowledged to
be superior to any Shaving Cream in this century or
Otsismaar roe Stiarrno—lleantifully trauptrent,
and possessing highly Parton seems and - entaillient
properties; Simonet:eon Conspound; Ambrosial Shav
ing Tablet; Military Shoving Soap.
etortscrins Tatum Smarm—Almond, Rose, blillcileum,
Botmeet, Pistachio, Musk, Patehanly, Omnibus, Floes
'premsparent, Wye WindsPf, anti
Eantocla /Oa VII
Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium:, Jenny Lind, Mousse
line, Joetey Club, Magnolia, Clemente, Citronelle
Rust, and many other annum, is all sixty different
Toter YVenuts—Floride: Water, Eon de Toilette,
Orange Flower iVatee and a great variety of Co.
Mules and Lavender Waters
Fancotattolial Coo TON Holit—Gentilne Rear's Oil,
Antique Oil, Bandoline, Eau Lustrale, Oleme, Com
pound ; Marrow, Ilair Dyes, lipid and. in ier,
and Philocome, mtd Jenny Lind Pomade.,
Ontartataln Potenitititanit—ltalonslin Elixir, Rom
Tooth PaAiL, Charcoal Dentufice, OttOntine, Tooth
Poste, and Tooth Powder.
• - .
Call3ll..—Vrget‘ble. Cosmetic Cream, Amandive
for chayeod hoods, Cold Cream of 110.100, Cream do
Perim,. Lip Salvo, Hugh. rry Cream, he. •
Deptlatory Powdery, (or removing sonerfloone hair,
Pearl Powder, Vinaig to do Rouge, Aromatic. Vinegar,
Victoria flair , Compottuau t Preston Colts, braid.,
a great variety of other articles, too nu:amens to be
homed in this ad vernremen4
The tabsonbbr bora to common the reputation
which this establishment has acquired, by disposing
of nothing but first raw articles, .std will be happy to
furnish those +telt to patronize him either
mholemile er tretssoll as revionahle term, as any es
tablishment to ha }]hied Bate.
Successes to anti former Director of the Labin awry
of ItODE.NII Houst.EL,
114 Chesnut sire,
Air. Darin'. Perfumery to for sale Ly all the prinri•
pal Drumm. M the country t nli.dly
missotarnitur (IF PAILTIMILISHIP.
ertiE Partnership heretofore existing between lame
j„ Wml W. Wallace, and Itenry Allkary,
in the east iron boalema, under the name-of Marshall,
Wallace 6 Co, was dissolved by menial cement, on
the lot in Janfei Alaryboll and Henry Alliettry
44.'4 st„,
I . nn cal.. Ighlfmt Or Win. W. Wa:
Mee m anvil firm.
The bumneia la future 'al!
Al be connoted in all itt
ihtenbers, under the name
Geary, wha will wilt the
wheel all pennon, in
' .r.'"99'
alms branch. by the so
ed lo of Marshall S. Met
•ad and Liberty meets.
HENRY are.6l,A RY
VIT HOLES!, LE 01141 P•
TV oder um
pn) pkg. Y H. Imp. Block;
nd Gunpowder Team
I 3 I a.
mo Tobacco;
um bogs R co;len
da/ N 0 Molluscs;
In MM. N 0 Sag.;
MO boxes amazed .ixes
130 4 NQ 11 IS.AI weet.
I.:Wbag M. R. Rs ems;
. ftt hr. cluster do;
I 5 casks Ziiiite Currants;
• 15 bales V. Wa - nuis;
IS do Ilrasil anus
15 do MM..; - S
do Pea Ilias;
bzs shelled Almondr i c
•20 las Rock Candy; ••••
S eases Ideloonoe;
I Id Pr.solpee 4 Regalia
1060 Al g 11alf Sriardsh; •
3 big Cloves;
2 e. 4 Nutmegs; ,-••
3 eeroo. Indigo;
Waldo's Maas;
4D bas Yipeta,
WO boa 0. p;
100 bia Candler.
000 lb* Codfish
00 brts Tannosi' Oil;
40 b. Chocolate;
50 dal Dad Cords,•
PO cods Manilla Row;
30 boo !Spiced Chocolate;
10 bags Pepper, ,
bags Aleptce;
AV boo Ito
10 brig Vsnagar;
30 baks Castlltonck;
40 bis Starch;
10 Ines Rice;
to brls Chalk;
100 drams Figs;
As wall tut a general
.110nsfactured arttcles.
23 cases Lemon Syrup.
20 eases Pepper Sauce;
10 casco Tomato Pateup;
Ground Spices of 0.11 loads.
10 barrels powdered and
Loaf Sugar;
2 hbls Madder;
10 brls WhlUug
ussorisitUat of Pittsburgh
Eau Aide of e/ Dinviond, Plailwrgh.
R 1 our 40e Tea against 4Ve'rea bought elmw here.
A r Try oar 50e Tea against WM Tea bought elm where.
ry oar :So Ton agatrat l
imoa bought tlscomere.
The rem beat Week Ten rted, we vac telling
at 73 tents per pound.
The very beat Green Tea b
at SI
We are decide)) , p ppove , l to puffing, iratend atria - eh
we retpeetfally %Mica Cereparhou, oa th < bent teethed
of Proving who sena the beat and obearcat Term.
Propnetors of the Ten Marker.
capoitedove are otelling
10E11 ICE I
60 TONS ICE, to tortve In one lot. for sale cheap
male Canal Bu i e, Liberty et.
• 00000 d and-White Wadding.
100 "MA' superior-omin,', inet recerrnd from
manumenner, on consignment, and for tats at
eastern Nice, at On toanntnetarern' narchourn
aprk IV Wood n.
L.ARMINU TOOLS—A complete assortment of the
beat quality of Cast Steel Grass and Corn Scythes,
warranted; Cut Steel 3,3,& 1 prong Forks, warrantht;
Cut Steel MY
10 dot do Gureuek Hoes, solid;
SO do: common do do, for sale law, at the
Dug and Seed Store of S WICKERStiAId
Carol /ilrth • ‘vso'l •••
GROCERIES -1 :7(1 1 ttl.Nnttfin
71 hf eh'. Y Ilyson, various grades
30 do Ganpowdet mai Imp
33 do Poachong
do Ocitong
&I caddy boo 11 II Imp A. O P
at P. 6's, and Is'. 'Tabasco
3.3 caddy bre Barrow's S's do
00 boxes Starch
SO bets & hf Inla Salerno:a
Indigo, Plodder, Alain, Ginger, l'erp , r, Allspice,
Nutmegs, and Limp Block to keg., for role to
amyl& 91 Water..
P • • • • • •• •
PRECISELY the same kind of Stamm and Potion
flavored Teas that are retailed in the old eoustry
at 4s and Asper Shun be °blames! for 50e and ?Snort'
pound at Tux Taa Mattainh.east side of the Diamond,
Pittsburgh, or at Mown itd Haworth's Wine Store,
Federal Street, Allegheny.; The above- Pops Cn,a
Tass, erereceive through our English Agent., direct
from the queen's Vended Warehouses, duty free,
being forespnruidon.
NIST opened, at the Pittsburgh Fondly Grocer' ,
and Tea Warchoase, the follo wing assortment of
Green and Black Teas:—
Young Hyson; Oolong;
Fine Young do; Fine Oolong; '
Extra fine do ao; Extra fine do;
Inmensl; thchong;
Gunpowder. Ch at oulac Ponehong;
Ningyong do:
it is unnecessary to puff the above Teas; they speak
for then...elven. All we ask to a fair trial, and wa are
confident they wtll please troth to quality and price.
Wht A 111•CLURG a CO
notylk gra Liberty st
EIMDICAL AVID 8171.1.010AMO5iet011,
Ow doors hr. ow Wood crest, to
wards market
DR& /11114 WM, haying been
regularly educated to the medical
professoon,and been for some lima
in general practice, now confines
his aninuoil to the treatment of
those private and delicate corn.
plaint. for which his °prom:kin
and experience peculiarly flaunty
him. 14 years nsidunusiy devoted
Is randy /4, treatment of there complaintadduringat nen &
tint, he Ina - bad more practice and has cured more pa.
tents than can ever fan to the lot of 'any prteute pra
titioner) amply online. him to oder is.soreness of
Speedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure to 01 .Wit ted
with deb.. Manses, and all disease. arising there
Dr. Drown wotld inform those afflicted with prorate
diseases which han become chronic by
time or &g
-ranted by the en of any of the common neurtrutes of
the day, that their complaints can be radically
: ms
mighty cured, he having given 41s careful num... to
the treatment °lnch cues, and Ent creded r hundred.
of instance. in curing parsons of indanunetton of th e
meet of the bladder, and kindred diseases which onen
revolt from those cases where others he consigned
them to hopeless despair. lie particularly incites suet
as have been long and unnecessfelly treated by others
to consult him, when every aatiefaction wall he given
them, and their eases treated in a carefuLthotrungh and
intelligent mumer,pointed out by stony experience,
study, and invastianneiherhish Ilia Linnossi We for those
engaged -in genial practice of medic.. to gin to
one elan of &nano
•.••• .. • • -
Il3.llernia or Ruptura.—Dr. Brown also bleb. par
/tAfflicted with Hernia to calla ha has paid part*,
las attention to this &Besse.,
CANCRRS also eared.
Bundluuew, also II 5,1 4, 1.7, at., alwodilY
Charges verilots.
N. Patients of either sex living at a distance, by
stating their disease in sensing, giving all the symp..•
torn, ears obtain medicine, with direcooes for use, by
addreuing T. BROWN, M. 11., post paid, sad enroles.
in gljor No. Si Diamond alley,oppeaita the %secs]]
isnnitaraw.—Dt.Bmwn , a newly dlsecriered "slue
tm.Pt iz nbu t.t t
atizt . te TedAud . certalti rem" for
tk= Gmealting Rooms, No. 41Dia.
mend alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doelieste always at
wino au, no pay. Don 8,1310,
DRY 000DS, &&_
Dow:seta and Bonnet Ribbons.
& BURCIIFIELD have received an ed
M &Leonid supply of above goods,lncluding vation
styles or chino. Tear]. &inane, and GUM Donne , .
White nti Colored Gimp 4o; and nil/bonsai nil solo
and prieb. mayl7
I • 01.‘1.1,11j,ip1.).1,1
M& BURCHFIELD invite the attention
My of those owing goals for hlosirnins purposes,
to Mani very hill assortment,Billt received, sixth as
Black Bombazines,
Bombazine finish Alsace.,'
Black Meuse de Wines,
Manning Wash Silks
• do Primed Poniards.
ilarazes, Times, Sicilian,Lemree, Aibawnes, Plain
Black ard Printed Lawns, Black Embroidered do;
Bonnet Ribbons, Roarf do, Veils, &e. may/7
SUNdII ft COATING-2) pee Cu bruerets, monad
rulers, most desirable ankle for mummer coals,
reed, end now opening by A A MASON &CO
maynt62 Market at
611111 P 6' J' - 311AW1..2-9uperlor Mei eolar — athibet
eem m p e riu . l o u r s n mx , tl, , O m ten ,m ge, Pmt, Blue,
end tl„s lin ' y e' opening l by edj j A A MASON 70" '
62 Merkel
nyemny by ennyi7 c A A ?JASON A
.. ....
Block Dr as
A A. MASON ACO ar:doo ..46nylknpelli. `lo pe
d n ..
A. 27 m itich j Illack Gro do Rhino Silk; 10 n f.e
do( I 0
d : tr look do; 6 poll 34 Loch do; and ' iTieriso l.
LIII.I Illevadkoreletoflo.
403 don Lndiee Linen Cavnbrie lidkil, all rics;
130 don Ele ma' do do • do
33 don do 40 do colored borders;
Received th:a ‘l4l 3 7 A A MASON A. CO
way in - 62 Market et.
OtTres E-r ati t h! fri e r lttetae - f pti ea o P fl . 2l: " }Z; Id
mayto A A REASON te CO
Irish and Brown Linens.
OA yes 3.4 end 206 yes 4-I Brown Linens;
NO yes Gray's Bartley o, end Alexander's superior
Irish Lin , uow opening by
1:13n,10 A A MASON & CO
Fresh Arrival of Dry Good.
ITTE are now receiving large addittiortu loose stock
V V o bpluag and Summer Dry Goods, and axe pre.
I , ared t o toter an excellent assortment at our canal
low prices int cash, or approved credit.
The attention of western dealers is partlealcaly tes
queened to our goods, as we feel c0n64111 of being
able to oder unusual inducements to mats a bill with
'Vs. Call aid e.VaMina at any rate.
811ACKLETT & writTE,
mart 101 Wood sicced.
k", received, mud now Felling at the very , low pm
of IV{ eente per reed, be
It/f IMRE:3E3,-100 nee .Pserix" Printed
In (latent., latent atylea; 2 .5 pcs di:Lair-leper yard
nine pee rich Printed Illiellna, all ipialitlnny jell piece
fut colored blunlina at Fe per ynpi, novir!apeennY by
nay A mnaort a. CO
10 S Market Street, (near Lilbstijr,,y
.rornms a.srp out., - - -
. .
, PE-NDEBS, ac. 1.0.
Satin 0.13 d Fancy VestAngs.
BANDANNA, and LINEN 4 iI4KF3, relleral .3-
!011MCIII of ottnmmings
'I,IRESH riool/3—We are now recovering a very
large and bee assortment of Spring and Sammar
Goode. n lord° portion of which have been purchased
AI a great reduction from the prices brought by the
acme desenpuons of goods in the early part of the
season, so that in almost every bled of goods we selU
be enabled to oder Great Bargains to Cash Drayer,
whom we would respectfally Invite at No es
Market st, north west corner Q i Cif Plywood.
rnayl3 EIANDER & DAY
lug ,llttrlilY to IllittiniFlELD are now receiving
IVA their second supply oft:cods for thin Spring, and
offer their blends and boyem generally a largo and
choice awortment to select from.
Da• Dealers me invited to look in at the wholerale
rooms of W Murphy, up wain, where fresh sup
p has alt. been received, and several kinds of
eon .14 el You , . prices than unual. myl3
A . A.
Vh A o s icrh, k gh e i?:4;lll e
queues, Dr.lohinct,.ke., nil et reduced prices. myl3
FAST colored !Awns nod MUtiil at the low price
of Idle, will be opened by A A MASON A CO
Dar gains to S'ocilArd & India Wash 9111 gs
Ni u .7Vn i n ' t• Foulard Yilaa, a ue low palter of
3:lc per yaid; Wan, gupur doSat Ingber pnees ,{Vasa
or u.,at maids, at reduced prices; and a large as
sortment of ttliallGl9lts CRtINAUINES, and Ladles'
Ihem Goods generally of newest styles, at north east
corner of Fourth and Market soi. mayls
Bosom Mims..
10 1 .1 , 'F"LtaHnud'kilT,V . L.,D,1,`Ion.°;.°,‘Tet,`,:.".rar
sot ply of 0.100 fine Irish Linens. warranted pure flax,
to which :hey_ inede the nitration of dealerr.inisierA
Fancy t;•salsaiarca.
- UltrllY &111 , 14:11FIELD kali just apetal an
I V I . ..urlffmnl of Farhl"Cassimerst, oularted for
thattbar west. Also, super French Broad
elm-s; thilin and Fancy Vestings; Linen, Cambric,
and SAY Politer Handkerchiefs; Fancy Cravats;
trceehed and Unbleached C0U.014 Hosiery; Kid and
Lisle Gloves; Ellk, Conon, & Marine Unnembutst all
at low prices for quality. may2s
Q CASES plant and figured Barego detains, USW,
ed colon, tow rccetsed, and selling nt yeti low
two , o may2:ll A A MASON A. CO'
c) CASES fan colored 6anuttp received and now
A. , opeuing, method at tau eel:erne low.arria of Beta
per 5 . 91 roar 4 A A MASON a. CO
3CASKS foal colored illation., reed, aud selling
Cl 12 rent.. per yard. A A 11101S(101 & CO
n ind p r
-7 tae tame gh
41•VOrt4i . fcui dn. are said in tae Old Country Cl 800
Ithillnirs pet : powul eon be obtained for 75c per lb of
A PAIR of Rohl Speetnelos LOST,
,sppored to bave leo;
Ll:dropped In O'opl street, in front of IlOteerell t.
Penes Woreoanse. Soder will be reworded on
returning rhafr. to An owner, No. fRI Wood street.
8. . .NS-14 barrels forj.;l,3ll7,ooactut & CO
teeyP.7 21 Wood street
( 41 1 1 1Tit .= 25171;euTicilitorfitiiitiliitiufire - for
lx rooy 2 I FWD & CO
-- littAlt—rlt Mule N I.lBegitz, prime ['eighty, to Hort,
0 end for mole by JOHN PARKER & CO
rtlayl4 G Com relay row. Liberty itt
MT; ItitErßial ITN!'
LOtFm B A 6 A" -- " l ''' `151;t°,114 &
Wid• Burlap. for Wool tin&to.
& BURCHFIELD have rectoved a 1.111.
ply of above goods, veltieb they offer love rebate
emu ricif retail .
Z 4
BL?CKT-4f' line, I Tu:: r
eanlo.. t; r Etg A h
molt Cor Wood & Sixth rt.
k IS HALLS—An aosortment of Oufartui ore., for
cola by ' rony23 J A II PHILLIPS
112INcik:ft OTALLS—I gtos. assorted lazes, for .alo
L. by mai= I H PHILLIPS
A CASKS SODA ASII, eAostly glass :Asyken',
AIL Maypratta' brand, and high teal arrivtrig by
anal, (or 'tale by W & M MITCIIELTREE
mayte LAberty sue,
Modern and Antique Furniture.
62, Thum Si, Prrramon.
J. w. W.
•" Respectfally intonate the
•• gjE
• '"', public l that he hat cam.
peted Lie eprlng stock of
FURNITURE. the largest and tape: varied aseortment
ever uttered for tale in title city, cornprieime wiveral
Nil. of Rotewoon, Marnmarte, and Manx \,
cerued, ornatimnial and plain, saitabla for Parlor,
Drawing and Red Rec.., ail 01 which will be cold at
the lowest prices.
Pereons deeiring Paraiba.. of any detcription, toe
spectfully invited to cell and examine his Wain, which
embrace, every desenntion, from the cheapest and
plainest to the rnieet elee,ant and costly, of which the
following comprieee pen:
Ten I Tete Pones Tete a Tete Divans,
4 . ..oversewn: Chairs; Flivbethien Criatm
Reception no Louis XIV do
Extenrion do Bullet Ellipae;
What Neu Toilet Tableau
Louie XIV Commadnre, Duke of York', Conch;
to Sofas with Plumb and flair-cloth covers,
50 Divan., do do do;
40 don Mahogany Parlor Chain;
IS " FLiniewood do do;
IY " Brk Walnut do do;
40 " Come Sec do;
4 '• blohogany Rocking do;
Piano Stoote;
SU Marble Top Centro Tabula;
20 do do Wontt Stands;
2 , 4 rdahognay liedateads;
19 do ',Wardrobes;
Okambwrise Yilusaatlona.a Cantos.
. bare have employed the fins Professors In Scot
land, In the preparation of then walks: They are
113- sun= Llctuts furnished un the shortest notice. no* etircied to th e Schools of the Celled State., odd. ,
All orders pro
. . - - ...- . -
mptly emended co. .:
.. . .. . the' '
A Cherry do.
A very large assortment of Common Chairs and oth
er Furniture too tedious to mention.
I. tl —l'aliinci Makers can be supplied with all sorts
of Mallopiay, Walnut, and Venceto, at eonsiderably
reduced poem febts
A NEW remedy lately dimoodsed in the Vegetable
Kinrdnm_w F tete and permanent earn for 111
itm tonsils Complaints, inch at
InflatomAtiszy, Chronic.. Oman and MereanAl
Kbemnansto, lima, Lumbago,
Spinal Affections, Ac.
This medicine has lone boon senigy for. It has been
sand that Minima:ism could not be cured; but there in
a rommly designed by Ramie far tee mune:coot) dia.
emir, that the human system is subject b. Al lest a re.
tardy he.. been found that cures Elhemuntism of the
worm form—one of the most 'minable vegetable pro
iOnx of the earth—the greatest atulinostlmportant
discovery el thc age, and a wonderful bleasiug to the
humus (only. It cores without sickening or
tilyy, and renews Mrs:loth end vigor to.the whole ss
tem. hem cared, during the putt three months, ov y er that were considered incurable. •
Caruficates al the curative properties of this wed , '
eine ran be seep by calling an the Agents.
None genuine unless put pp with an engraved label
upon the ontside wrapper, signed by the prop - len., R
l'U RN ER, LI aid°, N. Y.
Bald by 11. OIVITSER,
tomer TbArd and Markerst:s 7 l;.;;;;ch.
Sold abw by O. F. 111031/os,
I\o IW Main Ciztelanul,
Mi . . 14a PAPEII at 10 cettir a piece
moyl7 Wall Papt,Stamt.4
Aln p:0r,707.b.:`;'..".", - ,..b01'uT , r ,, f .7Johgreil',°oCis
pleats al ROOM. of the Board ofTradei
recond story, corner of Wood and an pay
for the same. SARIUka. PARNICKTOC,I(
Pitt.harne , Arrn CO. t,sr. Mal
Tpg.0,10:111" CAS.IIMERF-9, & SAigj
EA Errs, received on consignment, end for ooli
the em are
oulamorces whouse, by 4
TIM WoTke Or Leonard Woods, II D.
TlgigVPAT ' AinFurar..
T G h lt e Gosp e l f a w n
G. Griffon. L. 4 D
:Posthorn.. Works of Chalmers.
pemltr Prayers and Commentary. Manton.
Melva ti Sermons.
Orillan's Sermons.
Ponninghson% Sermons. For&Fr y
IC4 Po rib st
Mao • .
mir received at the sign Of the Geldeo Ham—
The Margaretta iValia, manned and dedicated
to Mrd David E Put, by &enemy Robbock.
Balla Velum Polka,inagned add dedicated to
Min Mary Jona Part, Profeaser Rehbeek.
My Brodder Gona. , °wino to Run all Night. hog,
S Baker. &ay Sommer Breath. Away Down
Soot.; Dolly Day. .ob,Ledindl. Stronger Longings.
SoltecTolka. , Dolor JonosJ Macbree; by Watson.
Oh, ink trot Lon Stn rtr
Love thee, (Alpine 110.
Oar Childhood's Home as song by Min Kraft.
My Monet I Obey, wain!, by C. P. Shun, mom try
R. Sieber. Also, a` great variety of New Roam
P etttW 'l"n' for
sole by
100 Third dt
AN Blztoricul .d Critical View of the Spiculatlee
Philosophy of flame in th e'lnth century. By J.
D.fila rill, A. ttL
Letters of the . Bev. Samuel Ritherlbrd, Professor of
Divinity b the Unlverdty of rel. Andrew., wiih a
sketch of his life by Rev. A. A.lRanar, author of hie
molts dr R. hi. eleCheyne.
7h. Theological Works. of the late Rev. Daniel
Bey ne,.D. D. Edited by the Rev. Saul Frey. Second
New ßamble, Prince of Abyssinia. By Dr Johnston.
edition. .
- • • • • •. .
Pntay_on Ch Baptier. By 11. W. Noel, M. A.
The Contributions of Q. Q. By Jane Taylor.
Imtrated from
n ori y ginal designs. by Howland.
Tbe Tbilmo Unbelief in Manes and eilon
as discoverable h in of
the Faith and Characters R
of Men. ,
B L lteri. H. Hooker. •
"...D' of Joy, being a sequel to IhANight of
West ng. By the Rev. 11. 800 Kelso.
The Golden Psalm. being a Practice, Expenmen
taL and Prophetical' Exp.:minor/Of Psalm XVI., by
Res. T. Dais, N. A.
The Lighted Valley; or Closing Bermes In the Life
Hof • Th01...2 Sister, by Dollen, with f
gre ate by Res.
Wen. Jay. t
The Commandmen Week , "romi; kvy the Author of
"the Last Day of the lllustrated by Howland.
Memoirs of the Life of the Rey. John Williams,
Missionary to Yolynesin
Memel:sof the Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers,
by his on In law, Da Hanna, In three yes. Vol I.
tilsoi • large astortment of New S. S. Union Pub,
Tor see by r A II ENGLISH & CO
• gm Wood el •
SP.fiIINESTOCK begs leave to mu:Mance to the
. patron of his New Memos) , of the sines of
Pinebergh and Allegheny, and borough* of blur.
ehestel., Birmingham, ho., that the work Is eels
neailll road! for •the press, and will hn pot in the
band"( abs pruner some where between the 20th
and 30th instant
The attire.n generelly..d all who feel. Interm
!a the production o who mplete and perfect Directory,
paint:lllaq those ave not been called on, veil
greatly obit.o the publisher, by ascertaining that their
Ca 11061 aVOCatiONS and Dianna of brulnees, ke, ara
noted for publication in the Directory.
All Mud. to be timerted., team be handed la forth.
with, or at the Wert, by the date above named.
TUST received, and now opening, one elegant Rose
it/ woad 5 octave Melodeon Plano, from the Me
t rated manufactory of Mulch S Whim, Cuminnam
TM. la ‘a mitred. Irutrumenti of fine tone, and very
rapid immenationi a go, one fine 4 octave Melodeon,
at : /I FaIatIBEIVB Mock :nom,
mayl7 101 Third aren't
• • • - • • • .
ASYSTEM of Ancient and Mediaeval Geography.
For the ILL of schools arid colleges. By Cherie.
Anthep, L. I. D. Professor of Greek and Latin langu
age. to Colombia College, New York.
Thatllistory of England, loom the Inviuten of letivs
emelt, to the abdication of James IL, Irred. Dy David
Hume, Eat.; • new edition, wi th the author'. law cor
rections and improvements; v to which i. prefixed a
short account of his life, written by himself. 6 vols.
A Reboot Dictionary or Greek- and Roman Alitidoi
ties, abridged Nom the larger dictionary. thy ON to.
81111thj I. tv D; with torrections and imprevenields
by Charles Anthem, L.
fditmolr• °Lite WC end Writing. of the Rev. Thos.
Chalidera, AD.; by his nen in law, the Rev. William
Manna, L. L. D. In three volumes. Vol V
Whim Jacket; Or Life In a Man of War, By Der.
man Melville, anther of •Typee 0m.," °Mardi° and
'lle, Works of Iljrs. Sherwood: being the only tan
ning, edition evoi published in the United SLlans. In
matzoh volumes.
/Wry Toler, Iran RR nationt. 13y Anthony R
hilonteltbs, with twenty four blurt:orlon. by R. Roy Ir.
Walton Harvey, and other taloa Ily Mira SceAe
The National System of Book Keeping, adapted la
all Pala of the Vaned States. By John Fleming, ac
Also, a' large aasortmant or American S. S. Union
Books, on hand, and far sale by
Succenets to ELLIOTT n lINGLIS}I
utaill 79llfood street.
rifle Pura/eats Osslaii — tirilitliiiilllo — aisd
PraeUttal Algelealtutre.
MRY Stephens, F. R. E., of Edinburgh, the
ich./sod Imhofof the "Book of the Perm,'
ano Professor Norton, of Yale College, New Havre,
are preparing for the press a book under the above,
title_ .11 will embrace every seldom of Intpurtance,
connected with Aglictdture In all its various branches,
both Theoretical and Practical. '•Scienee, N m
m it Des, op to the present time, been m 61.10 enllable
to prdetice, by experiment, will bo treated In Its 'ela
tion to every operation as ft occurs In the evenof
the seasons.” The work will be arranged under four
dotlnet bends, represettUng the seasons, beginning
with Winter and ends g 'nth Autumn.
/AMES le memwooms
myl 13calkeller and lenneirter. 10/Fourth et,
WWI ru iii.tuntrxua a.
- • •
199 Diviner's IVorks, the Author's Edition—
the Neighbors; a aof Every Day Life. A
new and revised edition, with an introduction written
expressly :for this edition by bliss Bremer. Iftroo,
Unifrivre with Doug's, Cooper's, and BettgewieVir,
and iiiiirtrated with Portrait and view of the author's
Homer's Iliad; %canalised by William Cowper.
Editedi by Robin Bonthey L. L. 1)., with urns, by M.
A. h.ot
with t wel ve
e v :d c i nr
d r ed av lK m o edition,
i c o n
. 1 &Le
ty from
moulubyfobil.osam.ari royal tiro,cloth. Also,.a cheaper
Goldsmith , * Works, inelialing a *atisY of Pleeee
now .fint collected, by, James Pros, Complete in
vote. Itmo, elegantly pointed, uniform ier'atylo with
ItTlo/I, Cooper, ac.
Tow Elliakopeare Calendar; or, Wit and Wisdom for
*very Day to Um year. 'Edited by W. C. Rid:tools
In a: very neat *clam, 72rno, cloth, 3:1 cents, (loth
gilt, 63
For axle by JAMES I/ LOCKWOOD,
myli Bookseller and Imparter, Int Foonh at.
IHAQUEST OP . CANADA By We .ninnot of
silochalay a," in :Tots, clone, for side by
I. "l 4l7Xlegtle liA . krltedlrriee 'L
ET:4 " o;7 °'
shoe el Social Choke, Jaeanile rke,
Sabbath School Gems of Musicale! roetri, designed
expressly ter the Sabbath School; by J. la A. Crrek
A pew Treatise on Astronomy) end the Ilse of he
Globes, to two part. Containing Astronomic& and
other definitions; motions anil peeitions °Ube enn,moon
and Planets; Keplee's law. end Theory of Gravitation,
Refraelion,Twilight, and Farrell., Coma:miens, Pe
rqmnees,-phenomena, and Megnitedes of the
Heavenly Bonies composing the.Bolar System, &c.;
Alegi an extensive collection of the most used Prob
lems on the Uss of the Globes. Illustrated by • suit
able variety of Examples, &o.; designed for the Use
or High Schools and ACICCmIe.. By James Mclntire,
M. D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy In
the Central High School, of Baltimore.
Deck and Port, or Incidents of a Cruise in the United
Steles Frigate Conies. to California.; with Sketches
of Rio Janeiro,' Valparaiso, Lima, Honolulu. surd San
Francisco. By . Rev. Walter Colton, U. 8.:N.; enthor
of Ship and Shore, Ac. For sale by
• Successor. to fiLLlar ENGLISH,
N 0.97 Wood street.
- 31 CW
HE Union Mole Dicuonery.—The UMW.. Book
Ballad.—Macdonald; or the Great Mistake:
• Story of Real - I.lf.—Eimsgrove; or tho &many
School Boys Gentrasted.—The Bar of Iron; or the
Dauer of llussamthed Afilictioa--Stories of Scheel
Boys.—Krithogo, tbo Sims Chief =The Life of
Luther; with wets! 'stir... to its earlier perimG,
ernktbe opening scenes of the Reformation,' by Barnes
Somunary of Biblical Antiquities,
for Schools and Families.
. .
nib Naked by Asseriesst S. S Urtio& FOr sa& by
Baseman to ELLIOT? & ENGLISH,
otti :9 Wood street.
POLITICAL cohisTelcU'lluNa.
TAME . % D LOCKWOOD bu 1a pre.e, soil will
V 1.4114 shortly—Dl bilownsban the Dime Origin
of Goverurnent,• translated trap the Preach, by K. 11.
Salter, 111. D.,llbWou. Beton/ edition, 1 volt Ilmo.
.o:American HvGioo7;Fri:ei7R;« ,— , N. De I; L. D 0
lath Papetintendant of Public Scheols,./n the City and
Keenly of New York.
I. Chirabera!Treantry of Knowledge;
Clark's Drawing and PemPecurul
111. Ch.M.,. Elements or Natural Philtleophy;
IV. Reid a. Rain's Chemistry and ElemnullYi
V. Dentition'. Vegetable and Animal Phynology;
V. Chambers` Elementa( Zoolcojy, with plates;
I VII. Page'. limn. of Omilognillestreted.
It is well known that the miginalpublithere of these
workslthe Meson. Chambers, of Edinburgh) are able
to command the ben talents le the preparation of their
booths,' and that It is their practice to dell faithfully
with the nubile. This auras will not diettppoust the
reasonable ccpcmatione that excited. They am
mentory works; prepared by authors In every way ca
pable of doing justice 10 th elr felpeelthe e th ie rtsk
and who have evidently been:mei) upon (him the r
eeeener time arid Labor to adapt them to their purpose.
We recommend them to teachers and parent. with
codfidenee. The first named volume, in the band. of
a teacher of the younger clones, might furnish an In.
ezhemilble fond of anmeement and inekruction. To
ember. they would constitute a rich flatmate to a fam
ily :of intelligent children, and impart a thirst for
knowledge —lVermont Chronicle.
Published by A. SS. Dunes Co,' New York; sod
for hale by AALENCiLISIIA
•mrdl No CO Wood et
r :ATTER DAY PAMPHLETS, edited by Thenuna
1/ Carlyle. No. IV: The Now Dow - rung Sheet.
Keeelved, and for tale by
til AM BOONS* 211ZIN 1300101
Taw" gram, oypoeite the goat 6iGee.
TaZZIE LEIGH, • Doceertle Tale; by Cho:teal/lA.
I.4en• Price 6 ems.
Boston Shaltspeve, No D.
Morning Call,.No. 7
Blderaoo; or adventures In the Path of Empire—A
Voye4o cegomia by Bayard Taylor.
Littell's Edema. Age, No Mg. •
Dictionary of Hee hooks, Nab
Hunt , . MercbanW 61.4p5wm, ler bel: M.
Bic/cortor for hiareir;AOril, Mg t