• • EST A.I3LISJEWLD IN 1786. runusliEn US WH I Tf.; CO. a. •14.' , .6: . 11.] [.. ZING; TIMID OTILECT. IiTZLT DOOM TO mils pa p—. -$7,00 per nano Weekly, 'Jo advance).--..... ;CO .. Do. to Gob; at a minced rate , Ks, t 8 - 011 , i ADVICRTISISOI I=l UV 74 C PITTSBURGH PRESS • One Nur re, lie line. o r Nonpareil." leas) 'irk?' One bitiur eneb additional insernon• •• AZ: tie. one week . 1,7% Ito. two ----- 3" , three weeks•---- i Do. mob months.—.—••-• ` three monthe•• • • —•—• Po. lour months no. Mr months.— • •-- a twetie montbs••.; • • 1,1 : go Etanding Card ID linen or las,) annam• One Square. clinngenan plesstatt num) exclurive of too rsper—r ... For each additional .. "." ' in'n°4"' d the gear. aim for each additional nature inserludvu ly rams, half price. Advertisemente exceeding a vaisre,__and_ , n_eLio•ce fifteen alai, to be charged as a eq odic UUu u Publtsbers not eccountabie for /are tvu•uflivumvit , far thempublication. b and ey the amount dialled be charged the Announcing eundidates for°, to same of other aderrn_vem am enta. Advertisements not marked on mevi r py d till f fled number of ineeninns, anti be and payment Craned accord . : rti.r..lllb. The Pnulirfu. ur"on''' : all other adore conned rigidly to Mar regu lar Usements not pertaining to their regular ousi me, a. Ail a lo de t e' t tli ' s b eln r e ' riTs ' i r er n' eharitabla tn b atinations, Gib mp.it Mari. b e charge and abet ra ile meetins, and sack likm to be charged halfpri v ee, parable strictly lc advance. . Manistee to be chnthed 5.1 rents. Death notices O' rted without etherne t unlemaeenth. . panted by !lateral Invitation* or obituary notices. and when to accompanied to be: aid for. Revalue arrectuscrs, and ll others tending commu nications's., relairing notices designed to call atten tion to Fairs, Soirees, Cone ems, or any public enter tainfa rots, whore charges are maile for admittance— all notices of privet,' associations--every notice do teped to call ettenuon In private enterprises calcula d or intended to promote individual Internal, can on • ly be inserted with the understanding that the same Into be paid for. If intended In bottusertsd•in the • lo eat relator, the 1131TIC.Wiii be chargedat the rate of 7 - not feu than ID rents per line. • . Bishop et Fist boners to be charged triple price, Tavern License. Fende2 each. • Legal and Medicalcal ad r:, s vertisements to be charged at Poll pnres. Real rotate Agents' and Anctioneers' advertise ments not to tie ethrscd under yearly rates, best to be allowed discount of deny three and one third per cianL from the •RlOOl.l of bills. TTCaXLT TDI•WYiTLT T 1 DaILT 011 G rc.lhire Insonioni.• • •--• • • •$1 fa Do. additional inserlion• •• • I.ISVVINI.LNCITS IN NOZINST Fart. . - . One Dttattret DP nno •asenion• •- eta. Do. earl, additioael Drfettlao• • -.45 .` All tran•lent ad9rni.emenuw io he paid In advauee WOJITF: k CO. Gazette. `l. F. L'IIARI . R, rota tlrr al. PIDDLE, 101"(1111. last ES D. DA RR a. CO.. Cwroeiele. I O.,I'ER A. lIROTIIER, Dizpatetz. JO9. SNOWDEN, 'Mercury. .I,V.IPS W. UIDDLI, Atoettean. HUI KAIIVE, Getting Tett+ tom Prrnavisa, D.M. J. 1,49. CARDS. JOIIN A. rAlLlaitcaoN, ALDERMAN, Fr A Ward, Penn street, between (Pliant 11111 Wsltatt. All I.oAine. promptly Rt. enaoa to.outylt AIXIAND/LIL 117. WATSON, ATFORNF.V AT LAIC