The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 28, 1850, Image 3

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S•vaasass, May 26.
Great excitement - eras prodded here last night.
by the *arrest of Ger.eral Lopez. The. Marahal
the Diatrict made the arrest under !authority of It
telegiaphth despatch from the Prodded of the U.
Both Gen. Lopez and Ina Aid were arre4.ted, and
taken before Judge N.chots of the U. S. District
Then,' being no .evidenee against the parties
they were dischar:ed. Vile crowd in front chili.
Court room was immense, and the decision of the
Court was received with much enthusiasm.
General Lopez wes escorted to his lodgings by
this moved, sr bete be made a speech, in sehictshe
ezpirseed his determination to envy out his present
projects at all hazards.
The Gene's( is . a man 'of pleasing appearance,
and very Tote He :made quite a favorable
impression upon our chianti. He left 'accompa
nied by his aid, at 7 o'clock this morning for bin•
Now Yoza May 27.
Th steamer Crattent City arrived to day, fp=
Chsgr 'She bring. intelligence that Lieutenant.
Bach and Browning, John. H. Peoples, W. W.
.Cheso , and a seaman weri drowned on the 17th
March while mina explonng expeditionto Trinidad
Bey. he boat to which they attempted to make
a landi g, was .vamped by a heavy surf. Five
others arrowly escaped. •
Cruzuairox, Ala? 2i.
The f Hewing is an extract of &letter, iaceived
by the I bel, doted Cardenas, May ' 0. 1&50
"Gen t Lopez", accompanied by about 500
• men, landed nt this place from the steamer Creole,
bolvfeen I and 7 o'clock on the 10th of May, Sum
day. After a chart strtwle with the few troops
.„', stationed here, may toot: possession of the town,
. and then besieged the house of the Governor, where
thee meta good resistance—they batty set fire to
the house, and the Governor was famed either to
give up or be burned to doult.
The invaders kept umatmion of the town en.
til,vesterday, when they tell about 8 o'clock, cons
?eying with them our Governor, end one or two
officers beer the-money, of which they had
robbed eid
the public treasury. -
They had a second action with the troops . beFore
leaving, and several were killed on both aides.
• Tins unfortunate transaction has caused a nom
mentsty check in business. •
We have not received any letters for the past
few days, becsuee '
as soon as the invading band
arrived, they took pcssoeeton of the rail road cam
end engines, and, it an said, sent men up the cones
try to tear rip the reify.
The invaders did not molest the inhnbitante, al.
though every oto took refuge on board of the
. shipping in the harbor. We trust that by to mor
row evening traIVIIIIIIy will be restored, and the
heirloom of the town go on as nand.
• We open our letter to advise yen of the safe re
- • turn of our Governer, with the two o ficers caps
lured by Lopez.
Near Pitypteda they fell in with • fishing smack.
and it is lentil Lopes 'agreed to pat then on board,
on condition that the Governor would me his in
fluence to save the lives of those left behind.
Five of Lopez's gannem- sow in the atocka.
Mr. Downes rosolotion ioquiring ea to whether
the Sloo contract for carryiug the Malls between
New York and New Orleans, and'°hearer and
Charleemn, by mail steamers, hislailed to he
formed, was taken OP.
Mr. Downes =Allied it so az to direct a gene
ral bigotry - Into the performance of contract. lot
comyfeg the mad to Liverpool, and on the Ceara
ale roam. The resolution, as molded, was adop.
After the iettePtion of reports,' the NU to estab
lish a branch met at New Yost, was taken np.
Mr. Davis moved an amendment, providing for
two essaying °Macre—one at Stoetnon,and another
at Sactrameato City, In California.
Ahoy some debate, the bill woo paPputed statil
Wednesday next.
Mr. Mason then addressed the Senate, in expo.
'Mon of the views of the minority, of the CJlMixtd%
tee of Thirteen, and these of the Senate who see
po dieted the wheme of compromise. Navin: am.
eluded his remarks—
Mr. Clay asked Mr. Meson whether be meant
to be understoul to asy, that be tvoold be willing
to take the Mii,ourt compromise lice to the Pa
cific, trithont nny legislation by Congress in in.
spec! to slavery on either aide of the lute.
Mr. Mason replied, and said, that u for bimaelf
be would.
Mr. Cloy then uked whether all the Southern
&num would be willing be abide by that line,
with the condition -named.
Mr. Moon said that the Senator from Ilentrie.
ky might very kola obtain an &curer to his enqui
ry, if he weold'hiniself Intimate his willir gnus to
abide by that
Mr. Cloy wad, that, for himself; he woad have
no objections to the extension of the Miami
line scrota, truth and New ?dek k o, butnot through
ldr.tdaron replied that the abolition of the slave
-trade in the nutlet atColombla, came ander the
general scope of the tesolation ageism any Art in
terErricg, in any meaner, arith_the rtios and in
!treats a/the slautiolder. • I •
, .
- .Mr. Can inquired of. Mr. Mason what was to
be the advanuge of tanning the line of 38 deg. 30
min. to the Pitetfie, without any'provicon Pavia.
ding or inhibiting eleven, either north or south of
that line.
~ t
Mr. Berrien said that the answer to the Mimi
try was obvious—the line would cat off from Cali
tonal' ai deg. of latnihe, in the whole of which
slavery was inhibited, and which was believed to
be adapted to slavery, and lesvirg that open to the
people to determine tor themselves, the gneation
of slavery thcrein.
Mr. Mason resomed thecorisldemtion with Mr.
Clay, and raid, that tithe gentleman would con
sent to the running of the lifinaciort Hoe to the Pa
cifit, and the conatqueat contraction at we bone•
dance of California, there would be no difficulty
In set thug the whale question.
Mr.-, Clay said it. was usual for' negotiators to
show credential.' He would now say,thit irthare
was say indication of an entire-concurrence of
southern Senator. in the measure proposed; with
the modification tuggested by the Senator, be
would hesitate lons before be ptonouneed a ref..
wiled his asscuL Lei the Senator bring forward
his proposition to . tun the Missouri line, by way
of amendment—let the ayes and nays be taken
upon it, and then it could be seen how southern
Senator. woolo vote upon the question.
Mr. Mews said he had no design of indicating
may proaosiiion, as he wit in the minority:
Mr. Underwood then took the floor, and the
Senate adjourned.
gavot —The Speaker stated the business before
thiellouse to be tin report of the Select Commit
tee, of thb charges egrunst Mr. Horner, the Dust
Keeper -
Mr. Brown offered a resolution - that Mr. Bor.
net, the sang boor Keeper, be, and be is hereby
Mr., Chandler defended Mr. Hornee, and said
that the charges have not been unstained.
• Ma Brown repbed to Mr. Chandler in a few re-
lefe said it was too small a matter to en •
gage their elnel2o3tl, and. on his motion, It was
laid on the tabie—sves 95, nays 68. •
After some enimportent bUllfllllll, the House
went Into • Commitico of the Whore on the State
of the liatoe, on the Caldinnia Message. •
Mr. Hartnett advocated the admission of Califon.,
ale, and spore against the flusher extension of
Tha Committee 'then rose, and the Home ad.
Lou - ssernes, 2iay 27.
Theriver has fallen 8 inches ia dm last 48 hours.
There is feet 8 tnettes•in cartel.
The Ilea mer Charles Hammond has beenaground
In the canal all day.
The reamer W. G. Campbell, sunk a few days
has been raised.
!The weather is warm.
031C/MUTT, May 77.
. .
Flouri-;lhe market is active. with sales of ISO°
barrels at an 'ideation of 15 to 7:1 mats per barrel.
Bales of atisadat $5,25, of good broods at 5 3 , 35 a
Grain—Several lots of corn are in the market,
but the vials* of dealers are at variance; 46 c
offered for yellow, in bulk.
Whiskey—Hots advanced to 72 34 rents per
gallon. •
Provisions—Lard is in demand.. wish rale. WO
barrels at 6 1.2 c; for 1100 kens. 6 743 was rermed.—
Bacon is firm with calm of 40 aids thou:denial 4
14 5 , 01par T'c itrilniclassesarei holddra
show so disposition to tell. , •
Cheers--` g ales at 1-1 eper J
The river has fallen 71 lathe, since
The weather is . Warm.
Sr:Locia, May 27.
The yornarree market is active, hat 6 a ni
prevent heavy operations. • • • •
Grasn..Whesi has again advanced, Wes of 1566
bushels; at 110,a145 per tor.. Cora is didl—the re.
to day amount to 15,000 bu. e3g es o f 5 .. 1 .
at 60561 e, and •nl while' at blaGsc pee h o ,—
ilas of Barley at 115 c.
Flour—The mar Let is Sran, bat salmi rocelmato
- Godd brands'of Cottony and lake are selling at 65,.
7536, and extra, country at N1,22ai6,50 per NA.—
Sales of fair brands at the endls at . WOO per
Provisions—Pork is unchauged—prase lard is
very .care, with *ales of No. I at 6 143.61.4 ba
bbis, and 6 1.2 in bogs.
Bacon is active at improved rates—good .hold.
r ders tell •3 1.2a346; abed sides, .1 I-1.514 3-4 i and
clear do at Skl.r.sts,3o.per• cwt. Sales good plain
trams at fr 3-.1, and choice at de. Sales 2060 lbs
c anvassed hams, cite cured, at 61.2 u—choice do
- are held at 51.°,19e per lb. ' •
Pnir+nazrau, May 27.
f7eatr7-Tbere la a 'moderate demand for Flom,
.Mute' of !air and Food brands at $5,24 pay bbl,
at which . ' holders are firm.
Oren Meal is generally held at $3 per
Onia—Ths mock or Wheat la nearly exhaust
ed,- and receipts, cowhand exeeedmalv small .
Fslasoffine be fair and prime 1012113'28a per Liu.
jted Wbeat la reported al 12011Mte per be. R,o
la acute, with sales st 61c"per be." Timm Ls •
.IpfsiunotmieCaritArcrlairi' but the detail -ti
. . . .
limited in ,
aiLimintieenfilie icareity of Toads
Ithandßg.. leant beld as 610. Clido
Whilker -441 es ii bbl u 25e, and in hada at
24, lidell. -
CottotP—•Tbe market is 1...4e/ S.l. of
middlingOrleamt, and Uplands at VS.&
Flour—A fair boincos is doing in flour at &tor
Gram—Very lade is doing in whet-115 Ms per
bo. to refused for prime Geneses. The compatr
iot isX.
Proviiions--.Pork to unchanged, with a fair
nada demand. Lard has improved.
Whiskey There is a moderate demand at Ze
per gallon.
New You, May 27, 1850.
Flout—The market is steady. with a good home
demand at.presions rale&
Grain—Care fs scam and firm, with an up.
ward tengeney.
Provisionir—Pork is firm. Holders have put
the market up, and buyers decline dealing.
Choneries—Cafe is dull, and borers are await
ing& Anther abatement of prices; Saws ate Our
tiro, hot holders decline gelling at present nges.
Hemp—Both foreign and domestic Hemp is
Lammas. May 27 .
•By the People's Line - we have intelbpace from
New Orleans to the 91st Instant, P.M.
The Htberaia's newt has had no effect open the
cotton asarket. and ales an very limited.
Groceries—Sales 250 hisds degas at former
rates, prices steady ; sales 100 Ws Manse* re
belled, at 261 a per gallon. Cor?r its steady, with
Wee of IWO bags prime Bin at 51 , 0131 a ler lb.
Moat—Saks of choice Ohio brands at $825
per brl.
Cin—gem ei Very dull; :ales 1000 each psi.
low at 511 c. Bales of ordinary qvality Corn at
616. Bales 400 racks Ohio Oats at 510 per ho.
Whiskey—Bales rectified at 2242220 per sail.
Proviaionr—Seles 50 brie Mel. Pork at 110 25,
mid 61'1500 do prime Pork at MSS 25 per brL—
/Wei of clear eider at 510 ; keg Lard Is selling at
.73710 per lb. •
prprsoullan BOARD OP TRADDI
asn IMCC.CreS =WM
LL. atallmetnt ' C. M.— •—L.WCLIC/1128.
Osnce, Prrnatreen Gamma /
Mondayetterning, May 49, 1859.
The tether doting yesterday war very pleasure,
butlsales generally were on a restricted see le, and no
marred was manifested to QUOttliOr
FLOUR—Very little floor Is ecadnglorertsrd at pet
ent, and the market continues very firm 19e ha. no
set. of Oble fitter to notice from first hanils, but may
smote 6503,0dt as about the ruling area. From store
sales have been to a fair extent, at a range of 165.141
to 1.5,25 bbl We wee sal. from City Mies of 900
bbl., to go to Louisville, at 65,25,•and 66 bbla at the
rime fi gore, to go to Nashville.
GRAIN—We note sal. at City MißrontEln theput
few days, of 500 bu Wheat, at 1006100 e; of 103 bits
Rye, at 61c, wsd of WO bee Oats at 000103. Sales of
Oa aka prime Yellow Corn on the vitae, from manta
Itllltost, at Offe ir tot, eke returned.
PROVISIONS—Tba market yestrirday wale ratter
queu bat priees trenerally very firm. We wiles a
tanker advenee in Western and City eared plain ba•
nolt dem, with saks at la e p Ib. Hams In separate
lets are had et To as lb. Bales6o tee inigar'eured tam.
at el° V , G.. Bea, 10MI lbon nanny. eared made eat,
at ter Bilouldess 40:Sides 5)a.• and Her.. at die ♦ lb.
Lard is in moderate request, at 61/16/0 AIM/ Isiah
and kg.. Bales of Dried Beef at 91120, aseerdmg so
BL TlT.E—Baloo of..lllbbl.s. at Ine ♦ bbl. Siala of
fresh fa km at 191 a, 'and of ovlinary at 81021 e P 117.
CHEESE—PoIes of rood In to IV It, az dab}, awl of
Crown at als lb lb.
GROCERIEB3agar and /dolmas are Tory Eno
at Idly quoted rates. Resells sales of Nagar at 8115
ik lo small Ike, Sales of 514.1assee as ratoSOo2l for
cypress and oak Ws. No ctsuge in other article.
WEILSINY-Ihe regalia Inhaling:as for monied
are 151053 t, some holding erste ori
POTATOES—SaIa of Ile ba erode at dsc; sales of
Na•sa^^^^tral7sc per b.
AILILIES—Nta have no salsa of soda ash to re port—
Moderate Wes of peatiash at Cc, of saluatas at big
51, and of potash as 4jallo per b
nsa-No. I. Shad, fall ebb are selling at .111, an
advance. Sales blaelteral at SIN No. 2, o SU;
and of Herrin`, No.l, at 186 per Ohl.
SOLE LEA.THElit—Sales of Daltimato &t + 3. and of
Near York at 18019 e.
koreign Iroak Market.
Lregaroed; Mar 11.
Preach Pig Iron ha. advanced rattling r modifies+.
ed remains tangled Aerangements are be Mg made In
Scotland and Stallordabirs torredacing the make. 'rho
folioerivg are the present quotation. in I /verb ol :
Merthyr bar, AA hoop, 17 1.6 a; &lush Pi g No I, LI
Produce Wast—ltopensted t eta:air.
Active ohipmerds leotard the sea board the pa. fall
and winter, with tho drain of California emignmas—
seem to have thinned out Prodoce so roneb from the
large region of country of which St lends is the com
mercial entire, tnat theres'aro now yen strong' indica•
of a scarcity mere, which will have so be sops
plied nem the lake shams and the worry of lb., Ohio
We hate several time. term Olt noticed the 'recep
tion of gam al Si Louts from Chicago Go Feld% Y let
too bus of batter real were tended at that port from
Wheeling, and a coeme of day. before, • Ciam anao
boat an iced with a coulderable lot of potatoes,. hirp.
ed originally from the late shore, ther-ega the tea"
nal to this city.- The country benlerirs on the Miss earl
and Upper olimloippi rivers, the St Luna Repaali len
says, is very bare of Ounce; and in mentions the re
ceipt of • letter of May 9 Is, by a aorominnou men b.
ant of that city, from • hotel keeper at Independent
which says For God's sake mud me 50 obi. tau...
tome boron, MO' has Corn. for I urine you that Mess"
*lop are net TA be bad here
A farther and perhaps mach stronger eridenee thar
the dralaba the cannily under view has been to large
as lb create a ?RAMAT that unit have U mite good
from other uctiom of the nut; is afforded by the an
0.00.1 scarcity of freights en the Upper Aliminuppl and
Missouri riven, and Coo on We Illmola With refer
can to tht. matter: the St Lean aspubhcan, of leds
est, sots :
Boats from •0 the upper river., came down now
with yen. little freight The regtdir traders on the
Muscats bring but little, and those from the Upper
nitarieriPPl separative!) nothing. The Illinois boats
too, are falling ag in the size of their cargoes, and
every thing goes to show that there will be • speedy
close of the orders business for the present semen,
calms our neighbors of the lake* take it into their
heads to send forward more floor and wheat. The to
bocce and hemp bvsinesa of the Missouri will net pay
More, and as there Is nothing rim to coins out of the,
liver, • peat many of the boat. befogging to the trade,
stir tom...molar quarten after the present nip,-
already Owe or .it have gone to the docks.. The Up
per Intomeippi packets are completely not of heart
and it Is sealed beyond • doubt, Mal no beat poles.
coragedlo freighting lead, can aeon her salt for the
nest two month. in that trade. The lrenkult packets
an doing hot hale in the way of fregb leg, land the
limo may be said of every other line. The stung
of predate is tbe cry trout every glummer; and bat
tuts city remember to have ever seen receipts so
hgbt . t season of the year. Five steamers arrived
from the Uppallisalisippi day betne yesterday, two
or three Ts slangy, several teem the Mio7 scan and Wl
nen. and net one had half • cargo •
When tiara la no meek suer.. theie . atur be nose
fire; but Oro beg emendate dealers noi to soger them
selves to bo nn Into a panic, tsy these rep set. n.
city west of se.
It may be well enough for persons Rouen to Calder
as: however, over the Plsins, to lay In f ail gusuunes
of Provision at the places from which they atom or in
Ciusiona4 before taking steamers, bate ad of Cresting
for supplies to St Louth and the town west of her on
the Almond flyer.
AU: this date In the spring, Nature pasties forward
her .perattons rery systansaneally and rapidly.. She
wit' went apply new potatoes ow, 11l a sob
mune for door, and then pea.,!lean', banes, and elk.
er anieles to make goal eitsog denelenele..
1850 1115= 1850
BOATS of this Lino wilt forge regularly, and do.
user freights without Dandle tent.
I C BIDWELL, Psushurgh„
/AWE COLLINS, do,. }Agents
Ur Jamiefurrier& S'lmfd Magnesia.-
PREPARED ender the imoodia e care of the In
tremor,' and established for si pward a of MIMI roam
Thal elegant preparation i s recommended in all
cases of bile, acidities, Indite mien, sod gravel, I
as the most Info, en.Y.artil•effectruth form in which
Magnesia may, and Malted - the only one in which It
aught to be exhibited. prose thing all-the properties of
the Magnesia novella genera .1 use, Wheel Imlng liable
like it, to font, dangeror.a concretion. in the bowels,
It effectually One. be.arthom without lethring . the
tour of the stomach, as a oda, potato, end their ear
bonates am known to den it prevents the food of in• 1
fant turning soon Mall ease. It net. rut & pleasing I
aperient, and 1. peculiarly adapted to (males.
Fir Hatephrey Davyte witted that this solution fermis
isolable combination. ernh uric add salt. In cases of
pat and gravel, therby counteracting their injurious
tendency, when other alkalies, mad even Magnesla
itself, ha d fail-d,
Prom Elie Philip Crompton, Bart., Burgeon Cenerral
to the Array in Ireland:—
• "Dear Ste—Thee , can be no doubt that Magnesia
may ho administered more Safely in the force or &con
centrated solution than in subsume; for this, and
many other reasons, I am of opinion that the PlOl4
Magnesia is a very valasibl e addition to our Malaria
Sir James Clarke, 131 - A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and
MessraGothrie and Herbert Maya./ Leiedon, throng.
is, recommend Money's Plaid Magnesia, as being in•
finitely more safe end come rain[ than the solid, and
free ,thrthe the dewier attending the normumt use of
salter pow..
yeleanle by the importer's d nromiet it or a l menu,
- B • FMCS
mayili Coe.. of Wood& Front sat
ATICORPORATING "The Aseptic., Finemen's
J. lonia,. Company (gibe City of Pittsberith
"Seams IL Tier. William - M. Edtm, Edward
amis. wilitam Col:ingsseed Chula! Rent, David
Campbell, Homy Hays, James T. Stmemen, ft. Biddle
Roherm. Lydllam W . DalbubS.tady Cattelson,Tbamas
Batevreli, Pollard wc oshd ete; william Eielsbaura,
Or. Cam Blair. sod It lehtd Cowan,, Allegheny eannty,
or three al thentibe, and they are banal statherired,
after Maine me *eon's pnblie smiles in two daily
newspapers, published Ln 1110 CRY of PittAlcibt
arms Doak/ at Wilkin. foil , in the oily of TiltsburShr
for the rubstriptien of the capital mach of mad Com
pany, at seek Ume as they may dealenidat and P"
acme to keep Open, from time to , time, basso Me
hears of ted <O.lOCk ill the (mamma, and foot o'clock
fn me afternoon, at mall, at Maa t, two Mamma shuts
Mistook shall have been taken: ,
The Commissioners aboven anted. . 111 meet fa
Wahine HMls*. Thetadar. the 6th day of Jane neut.
alp O'clock, a. w, at which Mae KM place the books
silt be opened forth. porous of receiving
17 /1.. 1 b A
7h t T copiLli Mat of laid company, nalhottt ,
" 113 h 1/4Wg)rl's
Nair You, Mu 17
scsax :von.
Rnrin—There isersl feel° inches wince to chan
nel list main and &Mar
Michigan, Brie., Beaver.
Fashion, 'Peebles, Ellmbeth.
Atlantic, Parttson, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownevitle.
Beaver, Gordon, Welloille.
Camden. klendnekson. McErt.Part
Lake Erie. Clark. Beaver..
- -
Jas Nelson, Moore. Wheeling.
Hindoo,Campbell, Il3h Louis.
Cincinnati, kestints,
&Thrusts, Calbosm, NasheiLle.
Michi Brine, Beaver.
Camden,Hendnektiev, McKeesport.
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Baltic, Jacob., Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordon. Wellewlie.
Lake Erie, Clark, Deaver.
Loads McLane, Cancel, Wheeling.
Reigate ewe, Stone, Cincinnati.
Shenandoah, Bowman, St Loots. •
NAB HVILLE—Fort Pis, 4 P. 3E.
Foe Lonnoniza—The eplenthd new lIIDU NSVirltso,
will leave as above thin day--offering a fine opportu
nity to abloom, or to tweeters who may be icing in
that &notion.
Fot Nammix—The favorite regular Naahville
Packet Fart Pitt, Capt. Miller, will leave thia dap, as
per advertioemeaL
IMPORT/1 HT 8.1178.14
Wheeling—Paz Lat. bleLatta-2.00 empty kgs,
Smarmyll a bosh 4 bbla,aaap, eks qasensware,
Bins ham; Itats hams, 6 bgs apples, 10 kgsbouer, Da
-1 or & Fars,* 8 bbl. vinegar. Lambert & Shiptoo; ri
1I Is lob Leech &co; 6 eke Itarbaugh, 9 blscat•
, K 111 Lynd.
Beaver—Pas /Memo sn—ls be cheese, Hashanah;
2 el, mds, Menden &co; tt9 do theme, 3 sets rap, J
H Canfield; 3 et. pot ash, Stewart & 9l bass reed,
J Donaldson; I* bas Cheese, Ft Mita; do do, Dag
slop & co; IS do do, W R MoCeteheon; r erts seep,
Jas Hindman.
Pot C It Tsszen-Urnirm's Imo-3200 ho shorts, 3
hp barer, Canfield; e 3 eh rap, Reynolds & Rime; 37
bEls white fish,9 ht bbls do, sh wool, be glassware, J
C /30wetl.
Eltuadsh —PulViztaniss-76hlad• nib, Bingham;
8 !eke wool. 4 bze mil, 6.6. bran 8 et. lama, Bell le
Liggett; 41 !tilde ton, A Roe; 310 do. O'Connor & At.
kills; IS do do, Clark A Thaw; 41 do do, 1 had g ware,
Leech & co.
Los:B..11/0—Pa Jaentason-71 hhdr shooldera,
O'Connor & A.M.; 4 line., A K Lewis, 40 bbl. hem.,
Monitor* Atkins; 41 bed weeds, too [Moine; 87 Um.
Is mewl, Bade?, Brown A co; 3h do, P.MeGarr.
PER blthroP-30 bolo boas' hair. Clark & Thaw; 11
beach screws, 104 m hobs, 10 Mlle brash 1.114,15 sham
do, 33 sets table leas, W J Way; 40 she corn, Shriek &
AloCandleo; 952 sks corn, 300 spl:t brooms, M dumber..
ger; IP his bosom a ora, b 0 bbl. whiney, O'Connor &
Olsotesamtl—Pas KIIIIVSIETAST-100 bbl a whis.
key, R bloom; 10 Oda shoulders Brown & Kirkpo
rich; 2 bbls alcohol, W H Wrolhn 3 ho. dry roods, I
Hartwell; 13 boo sarsaparilla, J A Jones; em bbls hams,
12 htds do, Fallen - & Meals; 05 00Zes Candles, SOO do
• soap, 50 ta hams. Graf b. cs; 1 IMO tob, 2 bbls whiskey,
bis mass, Clark & Thaw.
"Waba an Mate—Pa HAIL Cottreata— 73 empty
hh . e r ti W Stash; 9 rot/. leather, 9 Ithle hams, ht d.
becon.elble ham W Meehan", YO hbds bacon, Sellers
Alt Nlce'slo hl. lard, °Tomer & Atilt/13;90 as erred,
Leech & ea.
6t4Lithals Floroos-2 rhea mem, 4 bbl. brie.
Ilea, Leech ac ea; 61 eke becon.illenny Jr; so me
Canon & 61cliel0ht, 2 bbl. scrap Inert, Lynn & Short;
lot old Iran, Card Campbell; 6 hie hemp, Brown & Kirk.
pelnek; hbd rob, Clark & Thaw; 1 bells (on, do deer
bbl betwera2, !they, Matthews & cc, 3 bse mils,
3.k. rags. DT Morgyn.
Nashville—Pas Fxrthestio—rast Iron mbar!, 8..
ter & Forsyth; IM tons pig iron, Monter & Firming; to
As (wile r Lae eh &Me Alpin; 49 k 1ard,24.36 blooms,
Dickey keo. . -
J. H.—nzia;ou,
10 - 0. SI Wood event, has Jest received • new a.
sonment of KANO MUSIC, among which ate
the following:— •
do you Love me, by & C. Edam.
Ob, may the Red Hose Live Alway, do.
U ell) was a Lady, do. ncle Ned. o.
Glwine to Ron .11.Ni/hi, a do.
Dolly Day,
Soldiens Wed.fing, by Glover;
The Robin, do.
Oh, Touch the Cord yet ante nun
Sweet Memoirs of Thee.
silver Moon.
Lament of the Irish Emigrant.
A New Medley Song.
Thou ham Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thais
The Conscript's Departure, by Glover.
Ito Kind to the Loved Onel at Honda
'Tie Homo whore e'ev.the Hsan LL
Vankee Maid.
I,o* Raeli‘l Car. by Lover.
Po you ever Mink Male.
S. amber Gentle Lady.
Josnnie Grey :
Elfin, Cellanus, Wedding, Wressh, mid Daisy
Mune lor, Maiden. Bella Welts, Concert, Ladles'
Bou~enir, GILT. Elvin, W ILA6ee , Evergreen, Sere
oar, ?Wire, and Lin, penng,
rrIHE Works et Ltenanl Woods, D. J
iimulters .
Young Lady's Friend. Airs Farrar.
Citristiun Manual. Lobar,
The Gospel its own Advocate. G. Oriden.L. L. D
rostautons Works of Chatmera
Fatally Prayers and Commentary. norm*.
Atetvitra Sermons:
UMW's Sennone.
Conningham's Samosa For sale be
ma SS TM Foantt al
YOST [(waived at the Win of WaGalden Ham—
an The Unigaretut Watts, tempoved and dedicated
to AD* David P. Put, by Pnifewor Slohboek.
Sella Veit. Polka, composed sad dedleated to
Miss Ma IT 7.0 Palk. by PIVAIHSOf Robbunt
111 y Droddet Gam. 'Twine to Ran all Nialo. Anne.
line Baker Roy Sommer Brawl,. Away Hoven
don(S. Dolly Day. Oh, Lemuel. Sommer Longings.
Soiree'VollA Dotty /ones.
Also, AnWore Maebree, by Wetzel.
Oh, Think not Lew I Loon Ow, (Alpine Mono.)
Ovt Chalabood'a Home, [A nog by 141.. KW,
er / Oble!..besl. by O. P.N.5... ((Wale by
IL Slaben Aldo, • areal variety of Near Sonya,
Polkas, Waltzes, Se. for sale by KLCRES
may l 101 Tbird
A N Hiateriem and Critical View albs Sperololly.
it Philosophy of Europe In the Itircentery. Dy J.
D. Morell, A. N.
Lettin of the Rev. Bonsai Itutherfard, Profesoor of
Divirdry in the University of St. Andrew.. an& •
Meta of his life by Rey. A. A. /Maar, author of Me.
molts of R. M. McCiwyne.
The Theological Works of the lam Rev. Daniel
Itsryne, O.A Edited by the ROT. Saul Prey. Second
Rasaalas. Primo of Abyssinia.. BY Dr Johnhion.
hew edition
Loony no Christian Baptient. Dy B. W. Noel. M. A.
The Contributions of Q. Q. By Jane Taylor.
la, Dated from original dentin., by Howland.
he Philosophy of Unbelief in Morale and
haveYerable in the Paith nod Characters of Men.
By I. N. Hotter.
The Mirrnicig of JOT bang • sequel to the Night of
Weep/ K• )3y din Rev. 11. Boner Kelso.
That teldea Psalm; belay a ?sachem], Behemoth.
tai, and PaorKatical Egpselmh of Psalm X VI., by ,
Rey. T. Dale, M. A.
Idgiacd Valley; or Vining 'Keen. In the Life
of • Delos ed Sister, by Soften, with • preface by Rey.
Wm. Jay.
The Comomdment with Pronalm; by the AoPier of
otbe Last De yof the %Peet:. Illusaced by Howland.
Memoirs of do Life of, the Rev. John Williame,
Minim:my to Pot Tomb..
Mernows of the :.ife and Writing, of DT Chalmers,
by his an to law, 1... r. Hann in three vols. Vol I.
AlAla, a large =basement of a,
New S. S. Union Pub
For sale by . A H &CO
novel 79 Woo. , sl
Ewe ol'of • of du Diessond, Pittsburgh
TTRY our 40e Tea .pleat Tea bought e l sewhe re .
ry oour eOe Tea st 7.5 e Ten bought el
ar 750 Tee 'p agai ales n t m Tea bought at wharesewhere..
The very best Iliac* Tea imported, we are *alai
at 75 cents per pound.
The very bertglreen Ten imported, we aro gelling
at el per pound.'
We are decided', repaired to polbut,irieletta efwbieb
we respectfully gelled Comparison, as the best method
of Proving who sell, the hat nod ebeanaet Teas.
..„[ earn Prapnetore of tho Tea Market,
VERY large and choice stock of Fresh Spring
eL and Summer Goode has last been opened at
Abe:ander Dar', Noes Market street, north west
corner of the Diamond.
L. calling the attention of oar eamomers and the
nubile to this meek, it arorda or great plessure to be
able to say it embraces GREAT - BARGAINS to al
itt mm t currya t descrition argo n& eite naive aas a !age portion of
w as suction males
in th o eastern ales. Our aruarOaaat. l lath of fumy:
and ample goods, is vary maperior, and afords to all'
cash bar ere, either by wholesale or retail, a Sae
ports nity of saltier both lane and norm.
New etre Foulard silks, very cheap; rich plain and
figtrie I changeable silks. of almost every style and
quaiirv; super plain and Clamed black eilkm do. ba
rrier and Ussees; berme de lan., new bind head
men,' ,style; new styles reach, English, and &etch
lawns, to great imrieq., and an very lo price, plain,
figured, arid .aria striped de lain. of w
all kinds and
qualities; liven Instr. of all shades and colors: ging
ham% e klutzes, prints,
Super chameleon rale shawls; plain and figured
black do; plain and embroidered Thri et do; hoe cash
mere do; per plain and embroidered white led
colored CI egmdoi b.tcro and net dot.
A One Insoortmeto of moils, nomooko, jacoosu,
Borloses, to wk., bishop.
O loom.. -.t
-.- -
Rough & Brody, pcuti brold...Flareoeo braid and
super Logligh straw
PA bo
RA nnet..
A Ina stank ar superior vain and (ringed silk and
g a d r ,T. r , rif all colon and gaoling.
A lame as;onsseut a super Freneb, En;llsh and
Baleen cloths-nod easeloteres of all goalides and
prices, to w hich WO W 0214 tastes the attention of the
- -
Our stock of brawn and blenched muslin, ticking.,
ch eche, chez:brays, drillings, &c, is very large, and
the very lowest ynces.
Also, large large tot of table dinpers and table cloths,
- brown and bleached; Russia and Seotch diapers ; crusts
thus. nankin*, canon and wool o goods for men and
boys , wear, Insla linens. rod, White, and yellow flat,
domestic gingh a m . , silk and linen het& and
gloves of all kinds, hosierymid bonnet ribbons, ani
final Rowers, he, to all which we would respectfully'
invite the attention of vriirOesale and retail cash
buyers. ALEXANDER k DAY,
. Iney2o fin Marked st—N W cor. of the Diamond.
_(iaccessers to Hussey, Hume K Co.)
-ninERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, sod dealers
D fa ForeWt and Domestic &chamois, Certificates
of Deposite. Bent Notes, and Specie—North 11.41 t
comer of Wood and Third streets. Current money
received so depositin—Sight Checks for sale, and
collections made on =ally a the principal points
the United States.
The Wiliest premium paid for Foreign and American
&draftees muds on consignments of Produce, ship
o.od on liberal terms. artf3
wisely Utet Mum Wade( eery .useg end math
I.lllolPied Teas Diat antaaadla tha Ole Gnaw, gapes
ithutist. pet pawl ossiobtalna 4 for 71e per lb of
*urn MOMS a tifi,WORTU
IiOCAL HAMM. • A tepOttor the Street. Committee was mad gal.
- alive toaevemi petitioned - it grafts end pninla if Of
ILITOITED 1121 TUI PTITMOTtea DAILY WO= streets, and containing resolutions authorising the
_ Street Commissioner to advertise Kr iroooes4 for
GzanD COACT= TO moor.--Our renders will
bear in mind the Concert of Mt. Henry Metter, from Roberts to Demilarb eireet, and t han 8 :f c a ii:y an d d o:l P : i be al a S pp;r7ate a d '' ior Mi t7ter . E gra sa d e ing dl
to come off el Wilkins Hall, to night. It will be, Crawford street . s•
no doubt, the most brilliant one which ire hare The report was accented, end the resolatioos I
bad fur a long time; both as maw& the andien" were
.then taken up, when they were adopted on
and the performance Besides the talented con. -Another report of the Street CopkinitteP w"
hird rending.
doctor. IhedeterredifPolaular vocalist Mies a
Kraft, read, containing a revolution author-fog the
is enewjeee d , w h ose new e w oo ; would secure Street Comma:stoner of the 2nd district to cause
full house. Mona. Linzan. a vialincelest of high
t.Geegre mined " etre
es ", from
es WI" Wehetel street,
o be ° mon practieabl'
reputation; and Messrs. 'Marabout, Vogel, and Mr. Wilson presented a petition !main number
other.; will also assist. of citizen. for granting Mr. Singerly petinimion to
construct a vault under Third Street, to, Which the
KILICUTIOV CO3CERT.—iI will be seen by their Street Coeimittee to the last mentioned report had
advertisement in another column thntthe Kilmiate "Pwlvd wivervelY•
rrow evening ,i, ( L e p th oh j et , tee the 'P et. ' of th e ' tired Gehm te lUee
Family will give a concert on to na
at Wilkins Hell. Their performances are irpoken The resohnickn contained therein was then taken.'
of with great admiration by the preen in other mac. up andan amendment Was wade nod "fl.tetti. Unlit
a clame he o rovided the same be done
They perform to night at vein Hall, Allegheny. woho added. • g
ex peens to e city.
. _ .
' The resolunon woo then passed on third read
A motion was made that the petition of Mr.
Singerly be referred to n Select Committee of two
from the Select and three from the Common Coun
On motion the petition of the Relief Fire Com
pp,ily be referred to Committee on Engines and
Hose,with instructions to confer with the Firemen's
TllO ordinance from Common ocencil reWire
to the drawing of warrants on the Treasury, and
conetenfigning the same, was referred to the Com•
mitten on Ordinances.
The Committee on Allegheny Wharf reported
au ordinance, which W. passed, fixing the - toll
on round and hewed -logs of 50 cents per 1,000
ree, tanning measure; to remain three dope, and
20 cents per 111 for each additional day they re.
Al ordinance was passed, authorizing an ex
change of property between the city, and Kramer
de Rehm, for the purpose of straightening the hoe
at the basin lot.
Adjourned till 71 &clods' this evening.
In Common Cannel!, there was no business of
Intermit utmecied, bestees that brought up in Se
lect Connell. It adjourned till 11 &clock thill even.
, ,
llllvexinuax.—bir.Spencer, whose lectures upon
this science excited wa much attention In this oh,
some time ago, ha returned, and announces
lecture for this evening, at Philo Hall. This lac.
tore will be Gee.
New Snank—Holmes, at the Literary Depot,
Third street,opposite the Post Office, bee received
David Copperdeld, put 13; Art Union Joenstel
for Nay; Edinburgh Remote for April; The Em
pire City, or New York by Night or Day, by GM
Lippud ; and War of Woman, or Rivalry an Love,
oy Alexander Duna.
Talents—Kr. A. A. Addams appests to night
as Virginias.
Now Colmoarters.--Countarfeit fifty dollar
notes oa time Bank of Sculuckf are in circuit.
A Bianca of a new secret society =lied the In
dependent Order of fled Mtn his been established
In tbts nay.
Mons ESIL63.—Tao Hungarian °inner., Col.
Charles Salt!, and Captain R. Hdsrortz, oldie First
Yager Batmliou, ansved in this city„on Friday es
eningand took odgings at Major Fickerann's
the Diamond.
DUD Boni Foturo.—An inquest has been held
by Cosner Atkins upon the body of a man which
has been discovered in the Ohio river, lodged at
the foot of Long lelund, about ten miles below the
city. It appeared to have been dead a beg time,
as the drab wan very much decompueed, and par
Bally eaten away by birds. The .clothing Is also
worn away, nothing remaining but parts of his
shirts and a pour of coarse boots and rockier.
The Coroner's Jury returned a verdict according
to the fact.
A GmmaaL !tow occurred in ■ tavern on Mon
street; in tbahl,fdi Ward, on Sunday Mgt& No
body was much hurt, but a number of law mils
have grown out of IL
Cumin's cr Rea my.—Two men were arrested . gi b s:rag rams,. of the Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh,
yesterday by °dicer Rapp of the Mayor's Pollee l Inveriarinese "l 'Vl V l.lrattlVlTrie;tar
on suave= of basic's:oleo a quantity of valuable I I " 7 ' 7 ' dk '"c s
jearelry from Mrs. Fender, in the Filth Ward, on
Sunday ; and alio a anm of money from another
person. Atter a lengthy examination before the
Mayor, they were discharged, no positive evi
dence appearing to implicate them,
Crry Pouca.—Only four culprns were brought
in the bar, bet,. the Meyer, yesterday morning.
&indef . -night was more orderly than usual.
Dorian the day • large number of tavern keen•
en were toed for selling liquor o;os Sunday, to mi.
nose, vagrautronni. 6r.
AStaTI.T wren • l'hant.,--Phllip Schwab, a
tavern keeper in the Filth Ward, lodged complaint b penned fo oast
yererday, beGare Alderman Parkin/on, against a ! at the Tate and Aflame.sisc Conse
maykadkwieT • _
man called Peter Pratt, for violently insanities
To .4 Art. Afaso... area WT. Vora. or A LA
him on Sunday n'ght with a pistol, in cc nsequence a . e Ki r ,. 0, the sevens AVard
of his retails! to supply War with liquor. A was , ;of ftmearan, to bee.) , eerootesended on the Con•en
non, eal:a4 Weasel on the deb of Jane nes., as a e.•
rani we. used for Prati's arrest.didste ier rite MA. of Coanty Cornmissio,e
afelAdaretena SIAN 4 . 170 rEni3
Daosuom.—A hula eon of Mr.. Johnson, about ! ir
flee year. of age, *hie playing rm the Federal, ,d—rTct...,,C,4rote,B=,."; i the Mu PPoro
aired Canal Bridge, vnurq ercang, eiee ,d re ,, • Wens Ciellt.oll Mll)taalrleir
ally fall Over into the water and was drowned. ! O roar Joy to theWerad iLDralth wad
The body waa taken oat and medical assume." 11•Pplues• to DriskYls..ll
called. bet life was ertioet. - I Dr. B. D. 110WE'S
Doutoo BAlSULT.—Yeaterday mornieg, some [o4l3arve.j
reamps Woke open the drawer of the Clerk's dealt,' Prevanel by steam, win put up lo QUART ROT
-IaTE...A,(or the removal and permannt man et all
the Mayor's Odk and stole $2 70 la each. diseases arising. nom im impure aura o f tog blood, or
I le, left 112 note hehlad• The de * h a d r ut- later
stepped out to the door at Ips time. anther a fala,liot, ramp'. or Possmea on the ace Chronic
hold $O7. Yore Ees. IWIS 11•17IIII or Triter...hold Head, Meat".
'tuns, r•sna 413 Ibe none. of /emu, and all disease..
Unping tojuescioco use of tfe arp, te.
ALT:lzmir POWCI- - A.. 0 . 60 00 . 7 t. 11 trP., For explicit ace funbet panic Ware. call open one
10 Y' akka Y , hd "" L l Fla ' ala a• h." be 7 0 r,17:117;731. fltilMti n l;lVlT:6l " =l l lV
drunk and causing • dated:lanes in the street on 11.1 A Is rot the very male., to cure von
Sunday creates, as people were going to church.
Several hoodred people bad gathered round her. toe Tory 41 per boo e, or 6 bottle. for PA
A number of otter Common awn were d:•.
posed of. P Creeker, Moen trek; W A.
Moelelleod, Motu
and by draggtrts gcneralty. Also, by Um
Crmuvr STOII.. —Thu merchants of Market plopectors, HOWE k Co
soft irlksirlyT I Colleen Cincinnati. 0 .
Philadelphia, have resolved to clone their cores at
- -
fire o'clock to am afternoon mail the fifteenth - • A•
•e , * Kt F • tl no
day of /Winter'. Would a not be<roil tf the me, mibhid,m4,
clams of Pittsburgh mere to adopt a similar rule. Pub!to Wel* of newt
Five o'clock to perhaps somewhat too early, but TIIE rteprietors will offer (or sale at Auction, en
let eta stoma Marcel air or seven. lithe rule IVeduledlay aril anneal, the Seth end Zeth day
generally adapted and adhered to, nobody Will be 1',,A; • !..r. ° .1.' i t P t :LT:ll, th .
We loser. The weariness of body and mind coo- ..arsesud the Depot of tun Clereltut ad Putsbar&lt
serpent upon a long days busineop, dentin eat :L'',,rl ° ";:'," p ',,t,`;:f::',': n : r. : h t c lll7 l : 3 ."',..
and relaxmion. The clerks will labor ail e bet. The tt arts liberal, and be atilouneed ern
tee (or 11.—.10n77.1.
it. manang of the sale-wnly onefoutta of the per
ch. money will trquired In heed. Title Letts.
pinnate, and Sego( all liens or encumbrances.
JOHN F NORt:RTSUN, t Proprietors.
P AI DAVIS, Auedeneer.
Pittsburgh, Alai '••1 e _:0 mars:
Preeeedlnp to Clay Cm:tuella.
The fleeter morally meeting of Council. watt
held last welt.
le Select Council, Prea!dent is the chair.
A 1 .., the mut nies'of Int meeting were rt ad and,
Mr. Kinkead presented a bill from the odlce
of the Daily Ameneaa, for 8175 110. Referred to
committee on claims and accounts.
Mr. Edgar presented ■ petition for grading and
paving ofEtginhaueet. Referred to committee on
Mr. Lsreos presented a petition from the school
directors of the different Wards, requestitg the
use or • certain lot belorigtag to the eity, f..r the
purpose of erecting a building far a colored free
school. Referred to the water cow:co:tee in con
runvion with the committee on city property.
Mr. Kelly presented • petition for grading and
Wavbingtoo street, between Wylie and
Franklin. Referred to street committee.
Mr. Morrow presented a memorial from the
members of the Rebel Fins Commute preying for
the ereetlon of an engine house, which was laid
over informally for the present.
A renolatiori is Cam. Council readibtee times
and passed, authorising Samuel Mc Kern, m erect
• flame building for his meal and 41e works in Me
Fills Ward, mas laid over.
• The resignation arC, A. Beck, no board roses
surer for the Sixth Word, am read and a resolu
tion panted In Cont. Council., kir both Council, to
meet at nine o'clock In Com. Council chamber,
for the election of a person to till the Tanner, was
A letter frpm Mr. Cummins. relative to the
open's's of a mum between Beans! and Webster
streets, was read and referred lo street committee.
A reeoluttion mu read directing the committee
on fire engines to report en ordinance to prevent
Ore computlea (mm ninnies their engines upon
the pavement., In Cow. Conned referred to coals
mires on engines and hope, and in Select Council,
April 29, read twice nod laid over. Concurred
with action etC,m. Council.
A pennon for the continuation of the gas pipes
along lot, Rod, and 3rd streets, from the!, prevent
termination at Ferry street. In Com. Council tee
(erred to committee en gait lighting. Concurred.
A resolution passed in Common Council was
read,that where.. the Gas Company had re - lewd
merited the gas pipes oat the leading &ranee.—
Penn street. Qenter and Senasylvanis—a Com.
mittee of three front the Common and two (font
the Select Canoed, be appointed to [Noire iota
the expediency of deposing of the public, stock, in
the Company, and of estahlishing new works.
On motion, concurred. Messrs. Morrow and
Jones were appointed for Select Council.
Oa motion, the Council adjouracd to the chants
her of the Common Council' for the election of •
Board Measurer (or the Sixth Ward, fn joint Bal.
Ju. T. Shannon and Robt. Walker were nom
OP [Potion, the nominations closed
The roll bung called by the Clerk., Ju. T. She c•
coo WOO feud to have received 29 voice. Itobt
Walker I I true*.
Mr. Shannon was then declared duly elected.
', The Select Council then returned to their own
Reports being now fa order, Mr. Lorenz, Chair
-61.11 of the Finance COMMinCe, presented • res
port mating that as the tax of 3 mille for gredlng
and pawing did not meet the approbation o(Coon.
elle, 'hop recommended the establishing of a tax
o(2 mills.
On motion, the report eras accepted.
The ordinance for the eatibliihuttit of a Sinking
Food was then read.
The wood readied. of the ordinance, by ita tii mITILA FAMILY FLOOR.
tie, wu moved and carried. -,.....' CR the cone,Lience of the citizens, the proprietor.
Mr. MoffOltenolred the. amendment of the an ' ' j 1 edam ?inshore, City hints hove placed bodes for
dinastce, by alfattliff oat 2 mills and inserting 24 the reception of otders at the followina 0 , .. 1
OWL J a R Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood W.I.
Ilayward,ohoo store, cor Liber /Market sta.
The-7w and sways baled called, be motion 1 / 1 1 ~,,,..„71 td „ r . c i . 7
was kit by the following 001 n• ye.. 7 , allY o 1 . L Wilcox, Jr., draggla, bee Founli k Smithlirld.
T4O third reeding of the ordinance, by its tide,' John F Pordth MOM, .ILI ilio & µrya.,
wu then mnited andlost. The Siam sou was ' - TeleFrsph tonne, Foarth met. _
m. , Kelly, aracr, Falb at, career of Market alley.
therefore old over. at tam store, Penn street, Ninth
o rWd.
Mr. Kelly* 01 the Sixth W , Ed . 7iipd "' °W. To d ' floor waggons will evil twice r tan. dolly,
vote, on condition of befog allowed to offer an p,,. r aod the flour,ke delivered promptly, either
amendment of 21 milts, tomcod of 2 mills. • in barrels or uelt•—tack goer lei/referable for
The qwealloo on Mr. Kelly's amendment was 13.—wilion charge for cartage it 1. plain that uo
taken, when it was adopted. .eounts can he allowed, .11 that delvers can ha.
.berrierrotwilon to leave 11001 . without payment.. . • •
The question, Oa a motion for the thild reading Nth, hope the patina wilt be pleased UPC thia
ma foal Penne, aria atm itiken;sed the illation ileitemesm, uwe dell este.mor to deed/liele.
coded. 1 sum 3 , 11 1 441Til ;191u4
CONGRESS—Tnomta M. Howe will ba a candi
date before tho Aube:amok. and Whig Convention,
for nomination for Centrum mayleAtortoT
CONGREgg—Non. Ilsasum Duna will be urged
by ht. Imam, for F noratnation as a candidate for
Congreas in the approaclang gratipaaspric and Wbig
Convention. wayrinikvrten
PROIII=7II.O A170117 , 111—F10C1 3 C Ftaseata, /g. 9.
Will be a candidate for nomination before the Anti
masonic and Whig Convention, for ?Mllelilting
Attorney (or Allegheny Connty. maredidikvetcs
gr Editor—Clem, announce that WHIM' 'Relent.
Last, tip ll be a eandidala for Prosecuting At
torney. toCort the 4011nonsonlo and Whig Convention.
ennyZidavencti - MANY WHIGS
Mr. Editor—Plena Renee.° tba name of Jawaa
FilTr. Fag ,of Snowden town.lnp, as a candidata Tor
Assemble, before Me aneroa ng
L. • ckl Antimasonle and
Whig CourenOn. Mr Fare man of abintr and
intre,ty. and wm.l4 make a member on whom the
people come danced. SNOWDEN
AntraztAr—WO., are elution:ad to •nnatrnza Jamas
F. 1100, EN., ma a atadidate for Ageambly, subjcet
a taa deo talon alai, Anti masonic and:Walt Cantrell
tau. mayleAkyrteS
COCNIT COLII.10:1111, Eammums Bosh., of North
Fayette township, will be acandidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Whig
and Anti Mayanie Nominating Cnovention
mayt.wteaS MANY FRIENDS.
I Gams:. Ana. will be perported (or nomination,
In the A name/tn. and Whir Conventien, rat the
office of County Centrotaeioner. salyl6:dittates
Tom Fad., of italdrrtn toornonipontl be
nopporird for Commissioner, in the And Monazite and
Whig eativentlan.hy NUMEROUS FRIENDS
N. P Pussow. of Birmingham. borough. will be
supported fue County Cetamissieenr, at the Whig and
Attu afasantr Consenuon. by MANY FRIENDS
• 111108111(MIS•N gfsc.
rin 31..lagne my.] mots
with Root:lts sue Pwoting to abects 3a7 feet, from
It to t ounce. pet .4sare toot Cowman:v . l to aheeta
a 7 as, far tooftortysolto Ittuldlitss sad depot..
Vitto nestling. II a WI inches, from II to a 3 caner.
ptnl atitikaa, Wtto, Sag. haforated Zinc,
r un
2 net, ke.
'IL ey warrant their [coal pure. and rm e from any
'diet/tare of Iron, or any oldie 'onetime', and re.
cemented it for the mannfaelato of most enieles in
the home forniehing line, a. It does not reel, is not
affected 11 tr.: WWI of altar, and may tee polished,
panned, and ) ip•nr ed.
elemples, plans, llyiecificatiens, and *dim
Information may to bad of Mem agentr—
hllChat. M hriumio,Timis Yen'4l
&TUFO°, ROUX. & CO., llomon,
W. & 11. Melittimßannuom;
Sr. as, DAY & New' Orleans;
F. lIIILLIROUX, Resident'Agent,
Liege, May I. Hanover so, Nem York.
tiOld and X a X...bottle.
NI t: laglact premium paid fur Atomic. (told,
Etmara Exthimgc. .d For Fando, at the Ex.
Mamie and thinking !loam cf A WILKINS CO
!eat 1G
A FEW saturant the mock of Om bank warned at
aa. Ma Exchange office of • WILE/ Ntil all()
Coal Palmeri Wasted.
NIPLOYIIIF:NT will be given to montyaddltional
r, Coal Mieers, at the Coal Works on the dandy
and LICIITer Canal. Appl i t Immediately to
coayl6 J C !DWELL, Water street.
4000 N.E."%%'gf.'"1r.12.7: 1 4.".,1',"..'11h:
the manufacturer , ' pmts. Alt the Belt. told at our
establishment will be warranted to be equal to leather,
jost received, for sale by JH PHILLIPS
Att. for Boston Bening Co
_ -
Sti . IIIIIPENTINE-11)brls ui pnoke
reel, 4.211 by It -r:
tbayitt tVorml .•.
6 V IAiSZtV6 KAU I cst boo O. Jou ary u
, 46 Reem .
k: 4 Almond Cream,
lot reed .4 rot . ate by . •R. SE LIMP
. .
amid . •
CCODLIVER 011:=2 cue. RdytoViptie — liFfte, juyt
reed, for sale by =yid RFt HELLER:4
REtail CIIEKSE-39 bttojustreedived onons
C meld, and for yea by HARDY, JONES a. po
um 18
•rohanta , and Manufacturer.' Dank.
_ Ytrracuetoul blay 7, Ida.
ri7HIF. hierhantal •1472.1unufactoyere Bank I.
1 day declared it thildend or R i ot “nt,ro he
earttal stock, out of the profit, for ilit-latt .to mlt
- -
73Alt,EY, BROWN th CO. have hcciloved to No 120
.13 Water et, d deer below the hthavahattela !leave
XIIE firma of Mortisons,lJtch IL Co, at Brookville,
Jcllcrson County, Pa, and Lbeb,Mortisons A Co,
esbany County, bare leen dissolved by mutant
conmnt. Perrota Indebted to mad firms trill make
payment to Litets & Co., and Mala, against the noon
may be presented to. Limb ft Co, for aentement.
_ .
M. 7 MI. I.9so.—mayS:dlm
—lO lona 13.000-. Patent atrc
rroof Faint, or artificial Catalan received: Tale
above paint we have bad in um feefive years, and
we can confidently recommend it to the pablic;for
' , a l um_ as a perfect fire and water proof ;islet,
and toe
tand the action of the atmosphere antacid
giving. Foe sale by , J k 11 PIIILW P 8
mayilt 7 k 9 Wood at
Cavaii Vlrazum .T. Eotnnz.
Ibis splendid boat was built by the
owners of the snerdner fume Newton,
' and others, for ibe Cit e , land
Yirtsbursh eneket tratte, uld will
letVe every Wednesday, for Cinei ,,, ,s , i - i r, pi,,,,, „ r
the New FArlsod, N0..1. .
. For freight or p”sage apply on hoard. orto
parsituaoa AND WHEl.l!ii - 1 EACICEL'
The splendrd fast tanning steamer
t LOUIS M E, W . eLAN S. Cantrell,
raimaster, (having undergone st
as thor
ough repair,) will 111.11 hareaft r •
regular pee a hetvreen Pitt burgh
en d wheeling, tearing Pitubrirgh every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday moniings, at 0 o'clock. For
freighter onsgago apply.
W. board. or in
bait IL WItF.ELEILAgent.
BA MUa, iia t.
Only 73 011 e• etaglnge•
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
Pen To RAL1D1011g.......• • • -. MO CO
no. 12 M
MBE mornin. noet leaves the - wharf, ilbove the
I bridge deify, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time to
Beltimore,'2l hours; time to Philadelphia, to hours.
The c•<1111.g bout leaves daily, (except Bnrulay OT.
esiops,) at o'clock. Pusengers by leauir.g on the
evening boat, will cross the mounters in stages next
Au, end thus avoid night travel.
Secure your fiches at the- °Mee, Monongahela
House, or ua. Chutes Howl.
oette-ly .1. MEBRIMEN, Agent
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
And) Ball Road Oars,
(EXCLIIIIIILT Vol P••litli1118,) -
Via the New Central Roil Road and Peon's Canal.
Time—CAM:tura Paro-11110 through.
238 miles Rail Road, sod 150 mile. Canal.
N Om lel lint. the new Central Roll Road Compm
ny commenced rimming two Potty "raDits toar
anon cons from Jackrtown to Philadelphia, learnt
there immediately after the arrieni of the Peet,et
Boats Iron, the West. By this arrangement pa...en
gem will go through without detention.
A Packet Boat will leave every morning at 6 o'•
clock, and every everting at 9 o'clock.
This route, for Safety, Speed, and Comfen, Is not
equalled by any now in use mi Ma Eastern Cum
for parasite or la form
s inlon ape to
sitsu, kfo nealiela Remo,
1.35 D LE MI fr. CD (lanai Buis
pc fast running steamer
Cape B. Yoatig.wlll run a. a rewalar
packet between Pittsburgh. Wheel
ing, Bridgeport, and Sonfiab, keying Pitrabergb every
Monday atteraoon, for Wellsville, Stef,lappitllo. and
Wbeellag, Bridgeport, Calialtsi,and Sunfish
Relarnlar, leaves thidgepon renheb every Vacs
day afternoon; and 0.15.111 every Friday afternoon.
/for freight or pelage, apply on board, or to
.00 D WILKINS, Merit.
trUlt NAllBl7nSt, -.- - . '
Akioflrr f matter, tlei 771 ii-rateTr PIT,
and all intermedlaze ports an Teerday,
the 0801 but, at 10 &creek, 4.04.
_Fi.norpfsnge, o PplUlLOPard.
FOR - 1.1:11118FILLE.
agEatla The Owe new and hAVIGATO sumß, ach steamer Wm.
Wen-Dean, waster. will lea. kw the
War and intermediate perm on this
dam. the erth May, at 4 o'clock, P. N.
For frriabt or passage apply an board. wyt.'9
in a tti Tr e aptendld and faM ranningneamer
John D. Davis, manor, rill leave for
the above arid all intermediate porta
ibis oay the ibth lost, at 4 P. NI.
For height a/ passage apply on board. or to
U 1•123 0 Et 1110.TENBERGER, Agt.
. . . ..
Tim splendid packet Steamer
Cam Hotrhison, leaves lortbe above
and all Interrnediaio ports on this
dec, the dist Inn.. at 10 o'clock, A. Id.
For (nicht or possase, apply on board. niayll
mi . The epleadid steamer ..
Cotes, Master, will leave for above
and intermedinte pens . this day,
the elth of I , lss, et Id A. N.
Fee freight or sosssito.Pl7 on board: urn
o h The splendid &teenier
ret i' dli j d ... r. lr er l ib i le n eve for the
ho eßoer,
and all inierecediate parte no
Scarily), 'he Paib Wes, at V o'clock, Y.hi
or height or passage, apply on boned. or he
ALDF.II3IAN, Flab Ward, Peon weer, between
O'Hara and Walnut. All burmen promptly at
tended to. warp
1. Pamir, jr.!,7lSeey. I IL ISILLLry Jr,Paval
Will Imam agninst all kinds of nskA,
LL km t o wiu
. libmaJly Wasted and primer/11y
A home instil:anon—mama.' by Directors who are
wellknown in the caterandiy, mi who see deicrasin
ed by prompt.. mid liberality to maintain the char
mt. which they have aro:ma m annoy the best
promotion to time who OCSLIT t:0 be Inured.
Ikanctons—a. Miller, Jr., Goo. Dank, J. W. Beller,
N..liolmrs, Jr., Wm. lielrnes, C. Damen, Geo. W.
Janson. Wm. IL Lyon, Jas. Lrepthyou.,
oi l . Y.
Limb, James hies..llitnick. Th.. Sott.
cltio. 317 Wetenalrect. (Warchonao of Spoor
flo.. Jukdls
. .
1:111, - . never Oiling rain Destro)... and er nada care
for Horn., sk-aidPam Boa) sod Saddened Eyes,'
ts. Wounds mel ee .. Inflareatatory lit.comounp,
Swelangs, Soso NVPldd.B.dod [Scan, Pa l
Rheum. old and 3 oteteta. wt., and all cutaneous
and abdiadnatory
Coepterfrea e(PALITY'h EXTRACroizte the nu
treaty. deed the maraca bawl Om 42iou ibeele
peace!: By beyitg toe erue , e in the NEW DEtFat'S
you retold the danger of being impostel epee by court.
tettesta are eentee of gettleg the lietteme, Lel gain,
itemsorer, bear SO per Cent an Ito average.
Caution to D
Gross mopes:boa is practised ope fest n Desires by sins
terumtfoue operators, who pinup the counter stuff
u • col:uterint of tbs. old wrapper, mixed with a few
boxes of the genuine in each dawn, and thus MT , ' It
for sale at a reduced pore! This ruin ease tr. alms ,
dotter., but the, luowent consumer. who
gaps the NIP feat ardele. pays the pewits! evirester t ,
P.m. Dm; htty am. tad rearX• resulting ;rem wpm
Gomm, wounds or swots, bud often low of We I.lf,
am the conerqdenew.
C••• la Pain{ & 1 nnParticulars
(if ono of We 6104 severely burst and muted suffer.
erg at the late and disastrous ItALIVE VITREXT FT:
I'I.OSIUN, In blew Yesit. tail' shortly be inblithtd.
FS, and my A IITiIuRIZEO AGIENTii!!!
vors.e the hew Circulars for Men.
blark the symbol. on the new drerst—tbe Triangle,
Serpent, Lion, Sun, Done, tad Engle, nod U. Dalley's
wriven signature
(]:'Avoid danger and fraud, and boy Dalley's Ex
tractor UNIT, in the New mum and lA.. meant.
IL pALLiav, ali Broadway, New Yore.
Nom B zawattrz, A.legbeny,Geuentl and Whelp.
mitt Ayer,
Wit Turin, Agent, Pittsburgh.
N. U--The names of Dealers who posture the Dai
ley Salve, new size, from either the proonetor him
self, or from his aut horised agents, will be published
m the papers, as a g uide to tho public to steer clear of
fraud. znaztetdeow3mi
A NEW remedy lately discovered in the Vegetable
Kidgdorn—a aura and permanent are Tor all
Rhelmiwic, mat as
Indsramatery, Chronic, Stole and Mercurial
Rheumatism, Goat, Lumbago,
Epinal Affections, ke.
This medicine has long been sought for. It has been
said that Rheumatism could not be eared; bat there is
• remedy designed by nature for thee:two:every dis
ease that the humen system is subject to. At lest a re
medy has been found that Caret Rheumatism of the
worst form—one of the most Saleable vegetable pm
ductions of she cant —the greatest and mostimportant
d_tecovery of the age, and a wonderful blondes to the
neaten (truly. It cures without sickening or debilita
ting, and renews strength and vigor to the whole sys
tem. It has cured, dunng the past torte months, over
LOG cases that were considered ineurable.••
Certificates of the eunalve properties of this medi•
eine C. be seen by caldog on the Agents.
None genuine unless pat up. with an engraved label
upon the outside wrapper, argued by the proprietor, B.
TURNER, Buffalo, N. V.
Bold by
From Pia'Lurch td Coinetins and Cleo , land,
H. through. the nth anSporilaLiscanniies rf(Wiwi-
Tbi r dand • L . k ' F ' Carroll, ... , turZ, Taararale., Catkort.,
Bind Cep by
Nb igp Mainc mg i ggg g,'o. Illmakorguot, Lichutgr, and Franllue.
rent giveinafg ' I LI.. 01 alt, neialx a , a . Deaver Canal
MEDICAL .iNti-stinifirgio*lW wiry " ``'' ,l ‘ t.l • *'
r•mtr direct toualeiltion to ne, above as well a.
No. 611, DIAMOND ALLEY • . the adjuintiai counties of Wayne, Dolores, Knox, and
few doom b ow Weed moat, : Dentwate.
wants market From th is section of Ohio, the trm -0 with Pittsbargh
DA.having been I . has been. to a great client cut off In consequence of
mratarlyednoved to the medical ! high ones of lran•poruition, winch are now re ,
prvfoincia, and Peen for some du.rurltt, aud Cod per cent.
in general procure, now couples or this lute will leave daily and eon thremik
his attention to toe treatment of company have
than Formic and delicate Inc , be-cacti 11,011 ttoo ino on control I, nun to. rate
plaint. for which his oritonatott , a t detain .V.,114ce of their chance, and thus set urea
hnd experience erydllerlY tikalPY. to the middle portions eillano in ordering the goads
im. teyeers assiduously devoted by BIDWELL'S )ANDY AND BEAVER Ll ' ilk; an
toned, d tr...nt of those comPlaintsLdarm iattHai equal ilactrat In this stivsseux.-. Agents:
time Le has had morn preenre and has eared more pa. J. C. BIDWELL, Eittsburgle,
tents th an can ever fall to the lot of any private rim- /1/DW ELL d co., (ilasgow.l,,,
thioner) am ply qualifies him to oiler war ores of
epeedy,peenent, end natisfactary core ti ! , all &filleted
with delicate die...mead all dl war mend Net o
Dr. Brown wont d inform those, afaleted with nevem
diseases which have become chronic by mac or ag
gravated by the est of any of the common nostrum• Of
the day, Nat Neu complaints can be radically and then
ought) cur.; he having given his careful attention to
the treatment oleo case., and suceeeded hundredsof instances In coring per.ns of indamutanon of the
neck of the
Nose ease ' s
tudred disease. which often
result from those eases when, olden have consigned
them to tippet.. despair. Ile per - neat arty invitee such
as have been long and unsuscessfully treated by others
to coasalt him, when eye satisfaction will bar ren
them, and their easel treat. In a earefel,thorough and
Intelligent anner, pointedy, a long erpenene,
study,mtd investlgoon,wkich his Impossible forthete
mmaged In general practleAl of me&etos to dire to
one clam dmes..
Djllernia or Floptara—Dr.Brown also NHL.
some attained watt Herniate call, as ha haa paid paws,
alai attention to des disease.
CANCERS also cured. •
Skin dimes.; al. II ',Palsy, cu e speedily sued
Charge gow.
NU.--Petients of either sax Using at a Nation, by
stating their disease in writing, giving all the oymp.
taw, can obtain medicines with directions for age, by
addreming T. BBOYFNs M. D., postpaid, end end=,-
R fee.
Odle' No. U Diamond alle7,opposito tbd 'Waverly
. ,
IU roto.—Dr.Brown'snreedy disonoorad nano
do fc:Mft =ad= Is a speedy end canna remedy toe
that tadefal freebie. It never
az4 Private Condtdar Room; No. 63 Dine
Mond olisliPineborgb, Pa. The Danube always at
Ilona •••• •
iTIG NA u Dig,k44,4
, z TO LET,
That latge COPM0(1110211Dwelling Noose
• ,and Lot, on which arc a good Statte and
EA— , Carriage Hoerr, bring the Prupeny e(
and lons the tandems,or Alm lane hie:
so...situated on Webster stomas Bretton
street. For terms, apply to hf LOWRZE,T
myttatf ES Wylie st.
AHIINDSOME FPI3BE., en Marlon a nse t. terrors
'rtiira and fourth dmay. at m.:ra .4.11Pi1l by Mr.
Therm Whitc,•• • Pry Goode Store.
Aloo—a boar orell &inland ROOM in tb• mowed Pairb
sett door Ca Mr. MP. Mcreantile Where. Ms' mom t.
w 11 okinkil, and asimble for • earoical Nikon or Acting,
orcocld bia corminicntly arranged at double oft., •
E D. O.4=AM,
apAir OM., Third at, ewer Mt Poet Oillrei
b 0 feet, three storing
high, with Engine, kei loented in Itizminghen.,
imincdtalely belolf,tgamAT47o,6lso24
mr2 . 3-tr Pittsbengh Foundry
r • 43 LET—the More on !Bartels; neM doorto First,
1 will be rented-low to a good leniant, and poi:mea
nen riven immediately. For terms apply to
mriArlif WALTER BRYANT. 103 Liberty 11.
,To Let.
MILE large three story Brick Wareham., on Water,
1. below Ferry street, rename from Womr to First
street, on reasonable teems. Posseulon given intone.
&lately. Enquire of
fablatf F. LORENZ.
V FOR BALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn
street, between Bay and blarbury erects, adloining
the house arid lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
(eel,having a front of 25 and in de pth 130 feet, will be
sold on resalable terms. Title unateeptionable. En.
quire of C. O. L 0012119,411 et, neat Wood.
sign of Ike Golden MnA
101 TIIIrd at., aaZl door to liVoodsarall.a.
rrilE subscriber oaddressedroly Inform tha
:cps of Plttidnargh, , Allegheny, and vicinity, that
he has opened his new and elegant ratablisbutent the
the sole of Pllfo.l, 111xtansons, Music, lilac= Is.
rratagarr, and every other article in his line
PlANOS—:toldageney for Norms & Clarke's tele.
betted green and /genre Pianos, with and without
Co.ernan's .Eolian Attachment. These Pianos bare
lately riteei.e“ several important Ittintltetoentl, ren
aming, them exceedingly totillianrof tote, and calm.
ordinarily darable gad lasting.
&leo, T Gilbert & Co's (Bustop) cciebraltd Pima
There inatramente hate a wild spread reputation, and
•e eamiderkd among the very best manufactured in
Beaton, where they are decided illiorites.
J D. Dunham, N. Y ,of the km of Stadart & Dun
ham, has appointed the rubmriber role agent for the
sale of his Pianos in Pittsburgh. Ile been of Modem
& Dunham la one of the a deat aid best in thiveountry.
and Metz manufacture for Cornea and kinky:my of
tone and beauty of workmanship, art ritoeild to none.
The cylebrutso Concert piaros of Sassadualf. of
El , then and ila.bidg, Will always be kept for sale
.bythe aubseriber. It will sores to say, that they are
made um of by all Madinat Piano players at their
Concerts on •be Continent.
The eubseribcr begs leave to direct attention to the
important fact of hit having special seem, both in
Europe and this country, who carefully select anti
examine every Piano sera to him. which enablei him
to glee a written ottelantee with even Piano sold by
Pledgthr him:fir to wind the money in eeoc the
Piny' e provedibulty s ordeilclent
A ith supply of the newest and most poplar Mu tie
enliconstently be kept for role —fargthed bythe beet
pob 'eking hones of Boston, Phil. &dna. Nato
matt agency for Messrs Pthufenh&rg &tole, New
York, the most estenaik.eboponctser foreign music
in this cent; 7,
for elaborate Patent Melodeon and
kleipdme !".ems, es connufactnred and protected by
uek & White, eh:thinned, with. siagbe.and double
seta of reeds—the best reed instrements yet invented.
Also, Goiters, Fldtcs, chimaera, Violins, Bogle; Boa
Horn Tubs', and ever deserlielon awl Variety of
bra.. immanent' troth he bat makers. String. (or
Violins, Gallus, and H the.
(17 . 1netturbon book. for - every Instrument Selec
tions of merle made. lonic books bound, Planos toned
and repaired; Violuse, Aceordeans, Coltary &e, re.
paired on the molt rethenable term.
Bow Goodall 11401lgoamiiif
Nay Sp.". sad Eusturen Dry .Goody jo, MO:
ihnizien L. nvesELL,
o ' ,
4., ... Vietermaan and Retail Dealer in Britian,
• Freon, and American DRY GOODS. Market
}MCI. between Third and , ocrith, side la the
Cis BraRM.. bas lag commenced receiving
and cussing one of the mom rich. splendid,
and ertertive stocks of Spiny . nd :inner Dry Goods
thnear OtCfed fin sale to the W<Alerll oratory. Ali Of
ese Imported Goods are fresh opened, and received
per the int mammoth from France and Eeelond; as
also Irish Linens, Impaled direct Dom Belfast. ell
V... !reached en warrarted the pare article; these
Emcee are oil imported by the sabecrilmr, and are an
pare Rex yarn, we:ratted. Also:lrish Linen Darririk
Table Cloths, the very best manfacture,• rod Idris
Linen finds of alikinds, Imported direct from Delfrist
by the nbscrilmr, and wril he fond the real Erin•go
, .
New slyle nth Turk Santa, nil anion, splendid"
goods; black Took Satins, all pnees,• nets goods;
Mork glare CCU, ell enter., late importation; French
Kid Gans, all coking, th e brat noportr.4 V I
alk black
Armorer, per last French new style pinned
Banger, spffenald goods Also, a superb and. large
dstint of black linnwela Lace, for ineamiek tidiest
reama, very 11411 goad.; plain Bawer, in all colors.
extremely low. beautiful goads; 'idaek.Lsilk Fringe, all
widths and oilers, very cheap; French Lawns, new 1 .
styles, per last 'Smack reamer. plain lyack kilo De
Rhine, ties lustre, aspect) goods; black figured Oro
De Kline Unmade, nee panda; French and b:nalish
Cashmeres, new styles, beautiful goals; splea • •
figured barns goodsfor balls/ressea - nch coiliivldered
nwus Molls /or evening dies ea' •Cansa Edgirig and
Daerung. the beef treportesk . tlilk'Tmace• to all colon
and qualities. new aty le, plain and satin strip'il black
Dainties, all prices; printed lawns,- new styles. from
tl to /5 Cfl24 pc, yardy Damao delving, a new article
for ladies' dresses. Alm a lame and saperb goat or
news style opting Bonnet Ribbons, the vary best tam
pered; all new.,
. . .
Camon cape MalOa, all colors, ibmh - from Cgs.
'km House; 'Pork Sarin Shaw:in splhndid qopits, to all
schwa, per lam Meitner; btatinitd ehaibic shwa
Sham'hi, fresh Inmortatiot; ; Whitg e are migoldan•d
aidOn Crapfiblb awl% soitetb geiMh9 green embroider.
ed Camels Crawl L' w;., spiendni goods; Lapin'.
French made hiahroidereo Thibct, finest impormtion;
Paris painted Casbnicre Shawls, ad prices and quali
tie.; ladies' summer Cravats add Scarfs tit great va
riety; French worked Capes, Collars, and C¢Th alas-;e
A 'Arne Stock of
60 bales unbleached.hlurltne, hoer 5m 10 emirs per
Yard; LI eases Moulted blushes, from 4 to lb toot.
per yard. It eases Icier Linens imported direct from
Behest; ll bale. rickety, Irma S to 03 cents per yard;
eons blot Dell, loom l to lel tents per yard; be
sides a full assortment of Summer Cloths. Also. Cas
eres, Tscreds, Screens, and lientaiky Jeans;
EA ease. dark Cahoot fast colored. from 3 to t 2 rents
per yard; 5 eases Hoyt k Sans' itngliad Prima, beet
Imported, 3 bales Emma and Scotch Diapers. extreme.
ly •os.. Also, Housekeepng Goods of all kinds, very
ch 2 b ledlitissia Crash, from 66 to 12i cents per
pool,betides Canton lare stock of Cheek and Sbiruseg
Stripa. /Gra, Floduels, all colors and gush
;tee, at km bleached made, and lot
very cheap; and unbleached Drilliapt,
assortment; 6 eases blue blersimsok Cslloooi, ex
tremely laver black and unbleached Table Ihaperhall
tale.; Bird'. eye Rapers, all prices and quellues,
very cheep; colored Cambric* a full assortment,
cheaper than ever, 3 bales Mullis, from Irg to 03 cu
per yard. A le a
, a large sleek of Louon Table Diaper,.
Manner,' SlurtlaS—A full aimortment. very Cheap.
The largest and most splendid tock of Parasols
ever opened by any out house in "Pittsbargb, Is this
day received, and are all of the Reveal French styles,
winch, for welificas and beauty, canton be surpssied.
As we have a larg — rli lot of these Parasols, they . will to
sold cheaper than any e th er house to the city cast if.
ford to Wham mane quality of goods.
The I.adiessmo rescuitily inntedko examine th ese
Portals. so they will pe find some of the richest and
neves; styles over Imported from Europe These
Parasols are all of the richest and most fashionable
colors, and are worthy of the annuli° of the ladies.
All of the above goods will be sold aff as prices the
below any limmo iu the city, mid in order to prove
this Met, the public mil please call and price these
goods, and compare ahem with any other house in the
city, and be consinevil of the above &amnion*
The subscriber ash lk here say to his numerous ens-
MM.'S and the public In general, that farm eilf two
other bee hire'stem. in market street, emending to
fete with the 14 Beelßee, which V alone the only
eetrbmted and far famed Dry Good/ establishment In
Pittsburgh. The substrnber would therefare say to alt
parceasers of Dry Gaels, either wholesale or retail,
t the Big Bee Hors, on Market antel,hetweenThlrd
and Fourth.. now opening the larger,• richest, and
most splendid stock oflspring and maw: Drpr Goods
ever oared for sale in Pillaharet , • .
Now t3TILIS TaltlEts6—Th , kJ gest dad Mast fa3bion•
able sleet of Bonnets over opened to thin elev. - UP:at
received at the sign of the Bir Bee Wye, on Market
Strew, between Third and Fourth streets. where Dry
Goons of every description are nctiiog cheaper than
any other house to the city. The petite will please
take notice that there are two ether bee MIAs stores on
Market street, who pretend to compete with ,the Big
Bee ,e between Third and Fourth streew,Where
the pubhe will bud, at all dews, the !argent and newest
styles of Dry Goods, fresh opened.
1D...M0w tato uotice, that the store Is between
Third and Fourth streets, elgo of the BIG BIM MOB,
whore Dry Geode Of every description are selhng
course than at any other house In the city.
1850 Em
C Holmes, Spear'. fildls, Onto; II& A Voy,
Withanaspon, 0- George Kernel., Eaton, ; Ciaino
& Hoffman. do; Moons, firstborn Co. New Lab., 0
After & Nichols., Hanover, 0.; /linnets & Booty, Mt
nem& O.; eptaker & Frown d&; Jo.eph Pool k Co,
do ,• Hull to 8e,., Oueloallillo,o4 V Beget, do;
C H Hurethal &Co, Malvern,o ; R C Gray, Wayne.
burg, 0.; E Reroolda, do; Isaac Teller Magnolia 0;
liarkOullir.C.o. Alognolla.0.; \limitedness, dni
AI Farluni tc Co ,Pcindyvillo,o; P P Latter, do; Fain.
toingb ti incinbaoan. tooliaar. 0; %Cord &Adam'.
do; J norm. Namillod, 0: Caravan. & Zo, do.;
'John Hvbin ron, Canal Policia, ' 0; Fenig fr. Torrey,
Canal Dover 0; A. Itedbary,' Roscoe, On L K.W.r
rter. Newark:o • Fitch& Hale, Colombo., Ca L 0 M...
Mew., Clavaand;lX; Rhodes & ll,eeo. dro mqa
G ROCEILIKytc-73 02b6s clos llroorims,Pomeoors exua
Stene Candles
10 boa Chocolate, Not
.' 5 boa Cocoa Es Croons, Raters'
. 20 boo W R b.beeso
20 boa Knolls!! Miry Chewo
t 0 Arlo No 3 Alaeko.el
20 its+ tat, Nos laod2do
brbo No 1 Hondo;
22 DK. & 6(6111 No I 5155
20ns Not tlalman
20 Ins Sealed Ilorncg
tc. sapetioritie
Oxs superliner FlO2l -
20 boa Peaty and 01 Sta.2sl
10 hi chests exit Ctolno+Tea
, p 0 do Y 11, !sp. OP
oo caddy las do do
• • ItO dos patent.Zio: WaAboonts
• la WI. puma Ode .Nl7.
For sal* bp • PP WILUAIa #.1X1 , 1!
IwIU 8c,019 rtritt stin ,
lima 1 Vegcalt Rinedels, to rept:spin:ma
Itsts Gloysolthi:'N2tsoot . or Yell..toollt
Ceara consuipTpo d i'a li c i ro i t i ll, P e i rri l pets, rhei . taitimo,
complitfAsoinalts;fections, Orem. tiy
• 1, tH1i. 147, 1 71; 4 " itr m s y ti . Ue , LoofifilZTlaCectiona of
rapt humors, rah of bio/oi. ini7lre ‘ tinir s rye; r ai
NOV , female complaints, d.lopea
ls las of apatite, beadschO, colds, costlioness,
Mod, night mews, cholie, suganie afearent,
. Lionof the:Lean, bile's„ palm In the aide;
:1 is Infallible •in all, Creates tabling ham an int.
pure state o•t!e blood. or Irreitder sedan of the mat
In the Vegetable Engdem, u Albvvise Peirg be
deposited plots and beers: eatutenint to oar recant.
lit,,, and iadaeted to be ante or dileise; and to th
vegetab:e kingdom does tin moment et men, es well a
the instinct of sal lb, tern for antidotes to pain.
The Sytep is a reientific compoerslof the most sal
viable plants in nature, entirely free from dele•,e{iooa
and ertemeting mineral enhances, and as b expel
disease from the synemi imparts vigor and mnonpls
etormsponding degme.
An extraordinary cam of Scrofula, Dueled/sad
ems, eared by the role on of Dr. Guysoul Cm -
pound Bytup, Yellow Deck and Sarsomarilta.
. licoooms. N0v..37, 1311 e
Da. GaTIOST--sln I tender my sincere thanks fa
the great benefit I have derived from the we of poor
valuable ontp I hove been troubled 'my bad with
• semfolooo sere, which made its appeara nee romp
chin. I did not pay roach attention to at at firm, imp
posing it to be nothing bat an eruption that oppears
on plane fee a it finally began to increase, until It
spread nti tim ark part of the head. I angled to a
phyaician. who attended me all to LO Napo.. I had
tried every thing that could be tried. I saw your Pyr
op of Yellow Dank and Ssreapaillou concleded
to me it, for thaw that Yellow Dock ...I one of Na
moat , doable articles in the world for the blood. I
boughtyour Syrup , and front
the PM of one bottle, I
could me a great Cilantro suy eollolalea
te. tiSa it Octal / as
Rea moo. I Slew feel lite.
rem person; my blood is perfectly. o[lll.oo and tree (root ISSpetilleS. There is not lequestioa bus dia
you nowty discovered compoond is for evertor t
any torsaparillo syrup ever cold
This certificate mat your disposal to pubbah II you
Ilke,and acv one Icier to tie I shall be hop
py to give th ou all the infoonatioi coo about my
caso,to. 1 remain your obedient wrroat,
Gnu.. G. /0111601 i.
113 Market e.t.a,
• •
Tire bait lLmenle Medicine blow , Tte Extract of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ls a r.,ju vo ,, peen t p .
and permanent .care car alt reen,w o ybad, w
Its mild, alterative otoyetnes render It peculiarly
applicable tocthe slender Rroi Stile ated oft
the female. It is ondvalfed la. he effects upon melt
direares as inelpient enneumpuon, amooo,o, ho.
ante,anes, irregular metrudatnrs. mean*
none, ES and general . prostrat en dike yetom.
It edlately counteracts that diettestlng 1.111)131..
one and Wound, so common, to the female (mac,
and Impute on energy atvlbuoyancy as Interning
Army are grateful. We hare evidence on Ile which
induces es sworgly
this medicate no
marri e d teqle who have not been blessed with olF!
Plohavios DUE, er Falling of the Womb, of the.
• year.% winding, Wired by D Gaysotths k.xtrac: of
Ifoilew Dock and Sarsaparill r.
a, =let VICI7 akint
known remedy had been toed Without relict. •
Wawa:moron, Ohio, Feb., 11.1%.,
This certifies that my wife, aged 1.1 yen's, hos
been Fagoting orde r the above complaint for has
yews-nearly ell of that thno confined to her bed. I
have for four years constantly employed theliest and
teal talent rim could ho popery/ In this section of the
wantry, without any benefit Whatever: I have ids*
parehased every 1;W - omen% tetommonded far Aida
core - Minch diseaseia all of which proved word:dos.
14 tbo spring of Mit, I was induced by my Winds
to toy Dr. Onynott's Fallow Dock and Sansapanda,
Which was dud for font IXIOIII/111. Ater she had used
at (or abwt tone weeks it ws evident to all %%mesh.;
MLA morniiiving, and from tilt: time she improvcd tap
tiny, and grained flesh and crrength, anti% the discs.
was entirely remand, and ale if now enjoying most
excellent health.- WAY. IttidaysinT.
We being neighbors of Wm. and Jul: Monfort,
know that the Wove statement, to to the siuknow of
hyr.. Menlo,,. and n. me - tre cure being <gruel by
hinasoiSs Yellow Dock and 9arwp srlils, to he arrant,
tree. J niP,
(Grant Cols of COOsetnspiltolac:
IlAnniacis*Janniu7lhigth '
Mr. Benton—Des, Sir 'fee great bereft% which
have Sensed from ,00r Emmet of l'enowelhocb and
fear•apanlia, ir duces me, as an off estice, to man
the following statement:
Atter srasuftg for two years frorniencral del:Snit
which finally terminated in cantina puma. I 'Wu* nAvert•
up by my fnends and phyi.cians, au beyond .ho of
medicine. da a inn resort, 4,hital'unineed
your Extract, and bring t o but two.bPulcs,ae
cordnig to your directions, I entirely wen. I r,
would therefore commie reronnohnd yournacqoal•
led Comport:id to the athicted. who .defire o paw. -lot,
'plonsant ono safe remedy. Grate:any .von ,
None genuine oniers.patep In arse
emanating a titian, and the name of the ci top blown
in no C 0.,, with me written ,ignefero of a.. -
nett on toe olusi.P.l wrapper. Yncn St pet bottle, or
six bath s fared
Park, corner or Pottrat and Wal
nut Weal., Cant frzati, Rade, (ienetel Agent (at the
Soulh and ' Vert, to wtioirt an orders Past n..eddr
Carter & Bre P. Judaea &•Co4 - .llrate...
fordrOlin & C!ereona,Crillttg , , MAI Tarte%
ILltemese: tilydm Alta, Tottetnett; Ytei*Tt Roy; Wen..
Dam' L. gnarlier, Catleateurri Jr. Ihttrr•
bent, cotter of Starlet street at td the Diamond- ,
apt3tCkerlytir •
Kr- /VW.= OV.A. TEA axes:. is •poi elitne rep it
MITO .b 24, I:4l4l,lntallt,
.or dare, yellow op. as
so lean.. Irma= hove therii.ii is Emu. own iota.;
It corn di warns of the Goma , spongy or • ofeirmal,
andfor thalami:liras onevailedi rental.; Me tarn,.
fastening thannethrin the grzna, , :and elect Mesa as
- wane as Memos-0' esaptix. lima.
Such, reader, are thoproperuca of foneh's Amber
Tooth Paste, end, witenot praanun trootnelyea, her t
what one of Oar moat ran...table nod se:canna JJm
Lista, lA. F. Faeld, of New Yorh, nays:
hove both used and analized this neonatal and tut
pahlanio amnia (Jones' Amber Tooth all
can recommend as posserainy an Mc nes chat.-
ed for Header,. we eau say no ma to canvas: e,
only that 11 you try this once you writ be well ideas. a
It is pat op to healthful Chinn Pats, for a
rents. Cold by the Attout, JACKS I._ls, :to Liber
ty street. huatatre h. . • auctbn.totT
the fi- to - tlowtn7a e re " The :AUK' qu ' ' cl 7 o.l4. =la " :
Jotursit Coral Uwe Rettorauyo.. If they roast oar
word, th e cannot thohe tryttly respect:Ll4o oltittori
who bare moo it
Mr... Mo. Moray,, 41 Elm at, New York. '
Mrs. Matilda Stems, Myrtle ar, Brooklyn.
Wra.'lnsmstme, Sims at, new York.
Mr. Tkos. Jackson, Monitors near Pinata:o
fl. E. Cullen, latenarbor S. Amen..
And more Wnn a hundred others . mate, unmet ii
mast sullen, um rt grid foyer the haw to grow on Lha
;mad' or face, stop it Mamie on, mrslngthers Ma it 'is,
retnonag marl and danstrun from • Inc roots, mai ing
tight, rco, or gray hair. assume k Am dam look, sad.
[coping my, Lased or wiry Darr scf9selem And
[WW . II! a eery, re* Ears sone.
Seht ay Me Agent, in 31. JAWS:SON, 210 Ltherty:nti
fitubsargA Ynss nano, And mac dollar.
f;r Exerrioss A-ND alsd - LostaksaatteL az • Oa
aka Carousal Noy eta aa alrec rotspireauu, s oil a
.be saint wee zabh.fic.ii. sobers, aml aintlene the gin
prom it the tesu rand bunny at
a 4 CSILLVT, SAL, Barlarallf LSOSILS,44IS - 111COlf oply
acid etl, bat aorta by , its ,se, as' at least seven I a)es•
cis.. to Yew Veit Imo who ;tie irin such was,
sod aad a anfazor.g—ss eiso in
Ibbtrisis,l3l.4lCara FLUZIAL, Or arty . other 5.4113!
ease. The reader assLued tact LAU LS not dies,
puded apeman. as ohs mot will prove. I could ens ,
a:Lerma at least ell POLL.. Carta of
&ma flaao,aLoll L -us Abe boas BLED.— uy it,
and nee it, sr the raider as lige= assured 1 mould
not cruelly salt it for .he above anew!. to 'ba
all haste. So • 1.) are lisstoto
Claamt, Ctu al" oa edam. Fumy, mil An this .
more. Any etc %Zia adv..ll any of Rs above. _a stan
dar diwatles ' Imo -ad id! teel even more (a Mara.
ble. at as preprruealitan I mate. .
But, reader, dto Mores axe deeded with .ant diens,
and be .-tare.yon let tom JU.SEd'S ItaJtse C mama!
neap. 'Bead by W Yd. JACK.IOI‘ 210 Liberty street,
Pttatburatt • aet,14 . a...
131Ntii131iklON I'ItEPARED GNALE.'
They an mascara now frichnuily injurious It is
to tie skin: how coarse; how rough, how sal;
low, yetiee, and onerPMY the skin ep.
pears afteraung prepared chalk! Us.
salo it is inionoutit ...inn • -
large gaudily of Lead:
We have prepared a Outran] scramble art tele{
which we call JONES' SPANL3II LILY
It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deb - aril
ons qualibeN ono it imparts w the akin a inuaral,,aalt.
thy, alabaster, clear; Lying white; at the sai= dem
aeon ma cosmetic .= the skin, making it use and
smooth. Sold by the agent, W gl. JACESuN, 20 Lib
My st, Pittsburgh. Vitae Yi centa.• - ang7.l4—ef
Tut: subscribers oder for sale a member ° 'chola
1.013,61/11•14 in UM Setelaq IVArg, (Wades Old
Common ground, on easy tarmi„, Ingstra of ,
W. ty/i. ItOItINbUN, Atty Law,EtC:sir tt
or of .TASEOBINSON, on thaprunise
wirinidassti k
- '
BY t rma of a Mcept anger two hands of Man.
Wha U. 11 , Clurc, Pfceldchaof the Court of Com
mon Ineas,ln and, for the halt:lel Willie( of Pam.
d i t ' a L CrVat . l7i ' v r e; h y 1 end ?o r r U sitgUiwict; ca r d
klamail floats and Will•ana Kerr, i50.c,,5,,,,,005am
Judgelt of the cam. Courts, in ind for .be C•.aetyo(
Allegnany, slated the It.h day of :Slay, its the year of
our 1,4 ril c -ono thohumal bight ltur.dred and aaa
nie biticted;for holoing Coat, Of t.4ci sfenairler,
arid Cenral Jail lie leery at lb. Cuurt ,I.IFC, motto
City of Pittsbargh, on (Ito Third Monday in J.G_Lleiy
at ID o'clock, A. AI. '
Public nonce to Ism'Abrgiann to all Justices of We
Peace, Cormier, and Coamtiles of she Coons, of Alin.
tinny, that. they be then and litre. uur planet
persons, swills their schli,fecorda,lcaldialaa'' , ...'" .
Amu. and other Illikidr..ceri, to di 1.h.0 rgll
which to their feenceure epos In Casa bah 41M% ear
SO by done—and also Moe: that win. onnroul. too
primness that Ow/ .re or may be . azthe•Jall at and
County of Allegheny, to be then cud :were, to pfease.44ll
againat them ea shall Dolan
bison iminel my tame ar Plailmrgh, this 7th 4sty of
May; In Me jpr of our Lord, Id: tonal of the Cosa-
Miblyreelth. LIT NM. FAKtgli CUR CPS, Sterol.
J'.-7,11A1LR18014 WIG4L,
Omar=grATE a‘mlbllSSllki Eft lot t Alas Epp,
,a,,elplovsledgoa•nas,or• •
, Lrcet, Vann.
bY/../e/ILN MARTIN respecually announces to the
erase. or riasburgli, that . has re resseermy
{MA earTfor eurfoeClA enc.
Nteattente and Sur:cry, in ail it. vaunts
es. flit:afire is on Fourth arreet, No lw Eeseleeee
No 07. u. on. ger eamenloll
NEM 0.1.0 Tit STUILM.
JD. DTUART & CO, of Plldadelpitts, ann open
. ant at of Aped. an entire sew (toe& of .
CLOIII3. unsibriErcEs, VEt IINGS;
And TA ILO ILS , TRIMLIIPitaS, aestton Pnce., 14, 7
low tut oat& &Slip. US Wood st, nest to Idelisona
Asationtllosuo. aut.O&t,ofT
• s 8011JOILT Blatt
ATTORNEVer LAW-Office on watt; sldo of
Yount st
ton ; basnycen Morn al.ey and Grua u
sracriaboz, cot's, B A NK B r oTAl4aa
No-14 Fourth woo, bCsi !loot to the itoM of PiCan
if .lll 4 l. V9l;l:3lViar . re ;E rai au; b .
JAZI A klUkjliziCts &co •