BY IiAGNETIC TEUGRAI'II. IMPUELTICD TELZOISAPITED fOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE `ARDEST OF GEN. LOPEZ AT EAWAYSAEL S•vaasass, May 26. Great excitement - eras prodded here last night. by the *arrest of Ger.eral Lopez. The. Marahal the Diatrict made the arrest under !authority of It telegiaphth despatch from the Prodded of the U. Both Gen. Lopez and Ina Aid were arre4.ted, and taken before Judge N.chots of the U. S. District Cont. Then,' being no .evidenee against the parties they were dischar:ed. Vile crowd in front chili. Court room was immense, and the decision of the Court was received with much enthusiasm. General Lopez wes escorted to his lodgings by this moved, sr bete be made a speech, in sehictshe ezpirseed his determination to envy out his present projects at all hazards. The Gene's( is . a man 'of pleasing appearance, and very Tote He :made quite a favorable impression upon our chianti. He left 'accompa nied by his aid, at 7 o'clock this morning for bin• bile. RIVAL OF TILE CRE23CENT CITY. Now Yoza May 27. Th steamer Crattent City arrived to day, fp= Chsgr 'She bring. intelligence that Lieutenant. Bach and Browning, John. H. Peoples, W. W. .Cheso , and a seaman weri drowned on the 17th March while mina explonng expeditionto Trinidad Bey. he boat to which they attempted to make a landi g, was .vamped by a heavy surf. Five others arrowly escaped. • TIIF. CUBAN EXPEDITION. Cruzuairox, Ala? 2i. • The f Hewing is an extract of &letter, iaceived by the I bel, doted Cardenas, May ' 0. 1&50 "Gen t Lopez", accompanied by about 500 • men, landed nt this place from the steamer Creole, bolvfeen I and 7 o'clock on the 10th of May, Sum day. After a chart strtwle with the few troops .„', stationed here, may toot: possession of the town, . and then besieged the house of the Governor, where thee meta good resistance—they batty set fire to the house, and the Governor was famed either to give up or be burned to doult. The invaders kept umatmion of the town en. til,vesterday, when they tell about 8 o'clock, cons ?eying with them our Governor, end one or two officers beer the-money, of which they had robbed eid the public treasury. - They had a second action with the troops . beFore leaving, and several were killed on both aides. • Tins unfortunate transaction has caused a nom mentsty check in business. • We have not received any letters for the past few days, becsuee ' as soon as the invading band arrived, they took pcssoeeton of the rail road cam end engines, and, it an said, sent men up the cones try to tear rip the reify. The invaders did not molest the inhnbitante, al. though every oto took refuge on board of the . shipping in the harbor. We trust that by to mor row evening traIVIIIIIIy will be restored, and the heirloom of the town go on as nand. • We open our letter to advise yen of the safe re - • turn of our Governer, with the two o ficers caps lured by Lopez. Near Pitypteda they fell in with • fishing smack. and it is lentil Lopes 'agreed to pat then on board, on condition that the Governor would me his in fluence to save the lives of those left behind. Five of Lopez's gannem- sow in the atocka. cosans,ssiossz. Mr. Downes rosolotion ioquiring ea to whether the Sloo contract for carryiug the Malls between New York and New Orleans, and'°hearer and Charleemn, by mail steamers, hislailed to he formed, was taken OP. Mr. Downes =Allied it so az to direct a gene ral bigotry - Into the performance of contract. lot comyfeg the mad to Liverpool, and on the Ceara ale roam. The resolution, as molded, was adop. After the iettePtion of reports,' the NU to estab lish a branch met at New Yost, was taken np. Mr. Davis moved an amendment, providing for two essaying °Macre—one at Stoetnon,and another at Sactrameato City, In California. Ahoy some debate, the bill woo paPputed statil Wednesday next. Mr. Mason then addressed the Senate, in expo. 'Mon of the views of the minority, of the CJlMixtd% tee of Thirteen, and these of the Senate who see po dieted the wheme of compromise. Navin: am. eluded his remarks— Mr. Clay asked Mr. Meson whether be meant to be understoul to asy, that be tvoold be willing to take the Mii,ourt compromise lice to the Pa cific, trithont nny legislation by Congress in in. spec! to slavery on either aide of the lute. Mr. Mason replied, and said, that u for bimaelf be would. Mr. Cloy then uked whether all the Southern &num would be willing be abide by that line, with the condition -named. Mr. Moon said that the Senator from Ilentrie. ky might very kola obtain an &curer to his enqui ry, if he weold'hiniself Intimate his willir gnus to abide by that Mr. Cloy wad, that, for himself; he woad have no objections to the extension of the Miami line scrota, truth and New ?dek k o, butnot through , ldr.tdaron replied that the abolition of the slave -trade in the nutlet atColombla, came ander the general scope of the tesolation ageism any Art in terErricg, in any meaner, arith_the rtios and in !treats a/the slautiolder. • I • , . - .Mr. Can inquired of. Mr. Mason what was to be the advanuge of tanning the line of 38 deg. 30 min. to the Pitetfie, without any'provicon Pavia. ding or inhibiting eleven, either north or south of that line. ~~_ ~ t ~. Mr. Berrien said that the answer to the Mimi try was obvious—the line would cat off from Cali tonal' ai deg. of latnihe, in the whole of which slavery was inhibited, and which was believed to be adapted to slavery, and lesvirg that open to the people to determine tor themselves, the gneation of slavery thcrein. Mr. Mason resomed thecorisldemtion with Mr. Clay, and raid, that tithe gentleman would con sent to the running of the lifinaciort Hoe to the Pa cifit, and the conatqueat contraction at we bone• dance of California, there would be no difficulty In set thug the whale question. Mr.-, Clay said it. was usual for' negotiators to show credential.' He would now say,thit irthare was say indication of an entire-concurrence of southern Senator. in the measure proposed; with the modification tuggested by the Senator, be would hesitate lons before be ptonouneed a ref.. wiled his asscuL Lei the Senator bring forward his proposition to . tun the Missouri line, by way of amendment—let the ayes and nays be taken upon it, and then it could be seen how southern Senator. woolo vote upon the question. Mr. Mews said he had no design of indicating may proaosiiion, as he wit in the minority: Mr. Underwood then took the floor, and the Senate adjourned. gavot —The Speaker stated the business before thiellouse to be tin report of the Select Commit tee, of thb charges egrunst Mr. Horner, the Dust Keeper - Mr. Brown offered a resolution - that Mr. Bor. net, the sang boor Keeper, be, and be is hereby expelled: Mr., Chandler defended Mr. Hornee, and said that the charges have not been unstained. • Ma Brown repbed to Mr. Chandler in a few re- Mirk& lefe said it was too small a matter to en • gage their elnel2o3tl, and. on his motion, It was laid on the tabie—sves 95, nays 68. • After some enimportent bUllfllllll, the House went Into • Commitico of the Whore on the State of the liatoe, on the Caldinnia Message. • Mr. Hartnett advocated the admission of Califon., ale, and spore against the flusher extension of Tha Committee 'then rose, and the Home ad. jcautted- • NEWS ITEMS. Lou - ssernes, 2iay 27. Theriver has fallen 8 inches ia dm last 48 hours. There is feet 8 tnettes•in cartel. The Ilea mer Charles Hammond has beenaground In the canal all day. The reamer W. G. Campbell, sunk a few days has been raised. !The weather is warm. eIIiCINNATI MARKET. 031C/MUTT, May 77. . . Flouri-;lhe market is active. with sales of ISO° barrels at an 'ideation of 15 to 7:1 mats per barrel. Bales of atisadat $5,25, of good broods at 5 3 , 35 a Grain—Several lots of corn are in the market, but the vials* of dealers are at variance; 46 c offered for yellow, in bulk. Whiskey—Hots advanced to 72 34 rents per gallon. • Provisions—Lard is in demand.. wish rale. WO barrels at 6 1.2 c; for 1100 kens. 6 743 was rermed.— Bacon is firm with calm of 40 aids thou:denial 4 14 5 , 01par T'c itrilniclassesarei holddra show so disposition to tell. , • Cheers--` g ales at 1-1 eper J The river has fallen 71 lathe, since The weather is . Warm. .• • • ST. LOULS MAIL[My Sr:Locia, May 27. The yornarree market is active, hat 6 a ni prevent heavy operations. • • • • Grasn..Whesi has again advanced, Wes of 1566 bushels; at 110,a145 per tor.. Cora is didl—the re. to day amount to 15,000 bu. e3g es o f 5 .. 1 . tow at 60561 e, and •nl while' at blaGsc pee h o ,— ilas of Barley at 115 c. Flour—The mar Let is Sran, bat salmi rocelmato - Godd brands'of Cottony and lake are selling at 65,. 7536, and extra, country at N1,22ai6,50 per NA.— Sales of fair brands at the endls at . WOO per Provisions—Pork is unchauged—prase lard is very .care, with *ales of No. I at 6 143.61.4 ba bbis, and 6 1.2 in bogs. Bacon is active at improved rates—good .hold. r ders tell •3 1.2a346; abed sides, .1 I-1.514 3-4 i and clear do at Skl.r.sts,3o.per• cwt. Sales good plain trams at fr 3-.1, and choice at de. Sales 2060 lbs c anvassed hams, cite cured, at 61.2 u—choice do - are held at 51.°,19e per lb. ' • .PHILADELPHIA MARKET. , Pnir+nazrau, May 27. f7eatr7-Tbere la a 'moderate demand for Flom, .Mute' of !air and Food brands at $5,24 pay bbl, at which . ' holders are firm. Oren Meal is generally held at $3 per Onia—Ths mock or Wheat la nearly exhaust ed,- and receipts, cowhand exeeedmalv small . Fslasoffine be fair and prime 1012113'28a per Liu. jted Wbeat la reported al 12011Mte per be. R,o la acute, with sales st 61c"per be." Timm Ls • .IpfsiunotmieCaritArcrlairi' but the detail -ti . . . . limited in , aiLimintieenfilie icareity of Toads Ithandßg.. leant beld as 610. Clido Whilker -441 es ii bbl u 25e, and in hada at 24, lidell. - CottotP—•Tbe market is 1...4e/ S.l. of middlingOrleamt, and Uplands at VS.& Flour—A fair boincos is doing in flour at &tor doyaqoatationa. Gram—Very lade is doing in whet-115 Ms per bo. to refused for prime Geneses. The compatr iot isX. Proviiions--.Pork to unchanged, with a fair nada demand. Lard has improved. Whiskey There is a moderate demand at Ze per gallon. • New You, May 27, 1850. Flout—The market is steady. with a good home demand at.presions rale& Grain—Care fs scam and firm, with an up. ward tengeney. Provisionir—Pork is firm. Holders have put the market up, and buyers decline dealing. Choneries—Cafe is dull, and borers are await ing& Anther abatement of prices; Saws ate Our tiro, hot holders decline gelling at present nges. Hemp—Both foreign and domestic Hemp is scum NEW ORLEANS MARKET Lammas. May 27 . •By the People's Line - we have intelbpace from New Orleans to the 91st Instant, P.M. The Htberaia's newt has had no effect open the cotton asarket. and ales an very limited. Groceries—Sales 250 hisds degas at former rates, prices steady ; sales 100 Ws Manse* re belled, at 261 a per gallon. Cor?r its steady, with Wee of IWO bags prime Bin at 51 , 0131 a ler lb. Moat—Saks of choice Ohio brands at $825 per brl. Cin—gem ei Very dull; :ales 1000 each psi. low at 511 c. Bales of ordinary qvality Corn at 616. Bales 400 racks Ohio Oats at 510 per ho. Whiskey—Bales rectified at 2242220 per sail. Proviaionr—Seles 50 brie Mel. Pork at 110 25, mid 61'1500 do prime Pork at MSS 25 per brL— /Wei of clear eider at 510 ; keg Lard Is selling at .73710 per lb. • COMMIACIAL RECORD. prprsoullan BOARD OP TRADDI asn IMCC.CreS =WM COMMITTEE FOR MAY. LL. atallmetnt ' C. M.— •—L.WCLIC/1128. Osnce, Prrnatreen Gamma / Mondayetterning, May 49, 1859. The tether doting yesterday war very pleasure, butlsales generally were on a restricted see le, and no marred was manifested to QUOttliOr FLOUR—Very little floor Is ecadnglorertsrd at pet ent, and the market continues very firm 19e ha. no set. of Oble fitter to notice from first hanils, but may smote 6503,0dt as about the ruling area. From store sales have been to a fair extent, at a range of 165.141 to 1.5,25 bbl We wee sal. from City Mies of 900 bbl., to go to Louisville, at 65,25,•and 66 bbla at the rime fi gore, to go to Nashville. GRAIN—We note sal. at City MißrontEln theput few days, of 500 bu Wheat, at 1006100 e; of 103 bits Rye, at 61c, wsd of WO bee Oats at 000103. Sales of Oa aka prime Yellow Corn on the vitae, from manta Itllltost, at Offe ir tot, eke returned. WASIUSICITON. May 21 PROVISIONS—Tba market yestrirday wale ratter queu bat priees trenerally very firm. We wiles a tanker advenee in Western and City eared plain ba• nolt dem, with saks at la e p Ib. Hams In separate lets are had et To as lb. Bales6o tee inigar'eured tam. at el° V , G.. Bea, 10MI lbon nanny. eared made eat, at ter Bilouldess 40:Sides 5)a.• and Her.. at die ♦ lb. Lard is in moderate request, at 61/16/0 AIM/ Isiah and kg.. Bales of Dried Beef at 91120, aseerdmg so quality. BL TlT.E—Baloo of..lllbbl.s. at Ine ♦ bbl. Siala of fresh fa km at 191 a, 'and of ovlinary at 81021 e P 117. CHEESE—PoIes of rood In to IV It, az dab}, awl of Crown at als lb lb. GROCERIEB3agar and /dolmas are Tory Eno at Idly quoted rates. Resells sales of Nagar at 8115 ik lo small Ike, Sales of 514.1assee as ratoSOo2l for cypress and oak Ws. No ctsuge in other article. WEILSINY-Ihe regalia Inhaling:as for monied are 151053 t, some holding erste ori POTATOES—SaIa of Ile ba erode at dsc; sales of Na•sa^^^^tral7sc per b. AILILIES—Nta have no salsa of soda ash to re port— Moderate Wes of peatiash at Cc, of saluatas at big 51, and of potash as 4jallo per b nsa-No. I. Shad, fall ebb are selling at .111, an advance. Sales blaelteral at SIN No. 2, o SU; and of Herrin`, No.l, at 186 per Ohl. SOLE LEA.THElit—Sales of Daltimato &t + 3. and of Near York at 18019 e. koreign Iroak Market. Lregaroed; Mar 11. Preach Pig Iron ha. advanced rattling r modifies+. ed remains tangled Aerangements are be Mg made In Scotland and Stallordabirs torredacing the make. 'rho folioerivg are the present quotation. in I /verb ol : Merthyr bar, AA hoop, 17 1.6 a; &lush Pi g No I, LI 11.. Produce Wast—ltopensted t eta:air. Active ohipmerds leotard the sea board the pa. fall and winter, with tho drain of California emignmas— seem to have thinned out Prodoce so roneb from the large region of country of which St lends is the com mercial entire, tnat theres'aro now yen strong' indica• tions of a scarcity mere, which will have so be sops plied nem the lake shams and the worry of lb., Ohio We hate several time. term Olt noticed the 'recep tion of gam al Si Louts from Chicago Go Feld% Y let too bus of batter real were tended at that port from Wheeling, and a coeme of day. before, • Ciam anao boat an iced with a coulderable lot of potatoes,. hirp. ed originally from the late shore, ther-ega the tea" nal to this city.- The country benlerirs on the Miss earl and Upper olimloippi rivers, the St Luna Repaali len says, is very bare of Ounce; and in mentions the re ceipt of • letter of May 9 Is, by a aorominnou men b. ant of that city, from • hotel keeper at Independent which says For God's sake mud me 50 obi. tau... tome boron, MO' has Corn. for I urine you that Mess" *lop are net TA be bad here A farther and perhaps mach stronger eridenee thar the dralaba the cannily under view has been to large as lb create a ?RAMAT that unit have U mite good from other uctiom of the nut; is afforded by the an 0.00.1 scarcity of freights en the Upper Aliminuppl and Missouri riven, and Coo on We Illmola With refer can to tht. matter: the St Lean aspubhcan, of leds est, sots : Boats from •0 the upper river., came down now with yen. little freight The regtdir traders on the Muscats bring but little, and those from the Upper nitarieriPPl separative!) nothing. The Illinois boats too, are falling ag in the size of their cargoes, and every thing goes to show that there will be • speedy close of the orders business for the present semen, calms our neighbors of the lake* take it into their heads to send forward more floor and wheat. The to bocce and hemp bvsinesa of the Missouri will net pay More, and as there Is nothing rim to coins out of the, liver, • peat many of the boat. befogging to the trade, stir tom...molar quarten after the present nip,- already Owe or .it have gone to the docks.. The Up per Intomeippi packets are completely not of heart and it Is sealed beyond • doubt, Mal no beat poles. coragedlo freighting lead, can aeon her salt for the nest two month. in that trade. The lrenkult packets an doing hot hale in the way of fregb leg, land the limo may be said of every other line. The stung of predate is tbe cry trout every glummer; and bat low few tuts city remember to have ever seen receipts so hgbt . t season of the year. Five steamers arrived from the Uppallisalisippi day betne yesterday, two or three Ts slangy, several teem the Mio7 scan and Wl nen. and net one had half • cargo • When tiara la no meek suer.. theie . atur be nose fire; but Oro beg emendate dealers noi to soger them selves to bo nn Into a panic, tsy these rep set. n. sear city west of se. It may be well enough for persons Rouen to Calder as: however, over the Plsins, to lay In f ail gusuunes of Provision at the places from which they atom or in Ciusiona4 before taking steamers, bate ad of Cresting for supplies to St Louth and the town west of her on the Almond flyer. AU: this date In the spring, Nature pasties forward her .perattons rery systansaneally and rapidly.. She wit' went apply new potatoes ow, 11l a sob mune for door, and then pea.,!lean', banes, and elk. er anieles to make goal eitsog denelenele.. 1850 1115= 1850 ERIE &: MEADVILLE LINE. BOATS of this Lino wilt forge regularly, and do. user freights without Dandle tent. I C BIDWELL, Psushurgh„ /AWE COLLINS, do,. }Agents DIDWELL E BROTHR:, Rochester, may% Ur Jamiefurrier& S'lmfd Magnesia.- PREPARED ender the imoodia e care of the In tremor,' and established for si pward a of MIMI roam Thal elegant preparation i s recommended in all cases of bile, acidities, Indite mien, sod gravel, I as the most Info, en.Y.artil•effectruth form in which Magnesia may, and Malted - the only one in which It aught to be exhibited. prose thing all-the properties of the Magnesia novella genera .1 use, Wheel Imlng liable like it, to font, dangeror.a concretion. in the bowels, It effectually One. be.arthom without lethring . the tour of the stomach, as a oda, potato, end their ear bonates am known to den it prevents the food of in• 1 fant turning soon Mall ease. It net. rut & pleasing I aperient, and 1. peculiarly adapted to (males. Fir Hatephrey Davyte witted that this solution fermis isolable combination. ernh uric add salt. In cases of pat and gravel, therby counteracting their injurious tendency, when other alkalies, mad even Magnesla itself, ha d fail-d, Prom Elie Philip Crompton, Bart., Burgeon Cenerral to the Array in Ireland:— • "Dear Ste—Thee , can be no doubt that Magnesia may ho administered more Safely in the force or &con centrated solution than in subsume; for this, and many other reasons, I am of opinion that the PlOl4 Magnesia is a very valasibl e addition to our Malaria PHILIP ORArd ETON" , Sir James Clarke, 131 - A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and MessraGothrie and Herbert Maya./ Leiedon, throng. is, recommend Money's Plaid Magnesia, as being in• finitely more safe end come rain[ than the solid, and free ,thrthe the dewier attending the normumt use of salter pow.. yeleanle by the importer's d nromiet it or a l menu, - B • FMCS mayili Coe.. of Wood& Front sat .11.C.2. ATICORPORATING "The Aseptic., Finemen's J. lonia,. Company (gibe City of Pittsberith "Seams IL Tier. William - M. Edtm, Edward amis. wilitam Col:ingsseed Chula! Rent, David Campbell, Homy Hays, James T. Stmemen, ft. Biddle Roherm. Lydllam W . DalbubS.tady Cattelson,Tbamas Batevreli, Pollard wc oshd ete; william Eielsbaura, Or. Cam Blair. sod It lehtd Cowan,, Allegheny eannty, or three al thentibe, and they are banal statherired, after Maine me *eon's pnblie smiles in two daily newspapers, published Ln 1110 CRY of PittAlcibt arms Doak/ at Wilkin. foil , in the oily of TiltsburShr for the rubstriptien of the capital mach of mad Com pany, at seek Ume as they may dealenidat and P" acme to keep Open, from time to , time, basso Me hears of ted