* o. Threlitiatra*,, 'aerator CT -IXialldeM Legitli"- • flitllT Winston BOyY.I. Lai bean' leased try the •substriber, and . hoe bees , c ompletel y‘lMltted Lr the most elemui t manner. • Large additions ariv.etne tieing made, whfcB - Whenticatted, =kelt the mon titentree kticel Ne w ote. It IS the detelial. • nation of the proprietor, tome it equal, in - erery no. • speet, to any other Reuse In die . Uititadfauttes.--Ilehr.' cation I, thy mostd reliable end entre] in avail, • log In the fashionalde out, of Broadway, convenient mall the pantie both:arc:Place. ofenamonenr, and butinvis.. General. feci..io liberal patronage received font his western Meads, •oldle. at Camberland, and more recently at the Weddell House, Clearfild, Ohio, tiorespectfolly sedett &remand of theltrearoir age, for his new .estubllamaar at .New York, and begs to num., them that every effort on his part altsli he given to administer to their comfort and 01e0... dr 5. BANNUhI. New Beth, idareh,l6so.—imr33-2m 1 • 1850 J REED HOUSE, ilcso KEITH & 11A.1111£13. Proprhaors, ?abbe Squaw, .Eris, GENERAL. STAGE OFFlGF.—Eastern, Weatem and ;Sombern Stages, leave thla house dallz. Oar. Urges to and from Steam and Packet Boats, Grans. QM. W. Earrn,late of the .111 Hotel, Err, P.. W. Deem, tele ofkinsman Hotel, Ohm. ap2541 and wad UM. for Bale. AFLOU ING /d/LL, with font ran of states--one of the est locations for ballnew in the west—and • tart ism w ?Jill, on mt almost mom failing lareuu, , and Id acres of land, goal Dwelling Home, Tenant . Hmme, end other Improvements, sitaated seven miles from the Ohio River, Monroe enemy, Ohio. AI., near the above, a Denture' Parra, well Improved; eon. tiaingra .res. FOr tart., ttriqure of WILLIAM U. JOHNSTON, 00 17 112 Second at, Pittsburgh. Great Ant can Mechanical Work. D. Appleton a Cs, New York. here to entree of pub lication, to pane, pea twenty five cents ears, A DICTIONARY CE/ Machines, .h.forholues.Erulutoß'ettkotsdEss gmentog; dengsted for Practical Working . Mao, and those fractured for tils Engl. norrtng .Thurunon. =Min ST 011.113 mane. f fllllB WORK ls of large Oro. sue, and will contain Iwo nonslip ream, and upwards of ma remi ssan ruxgrnemea. It will amain working-draw. too and descriptums of the 1110511siportant machines to the Veiled. States. independent of the results of American ingenoity, it will contain comtletc practi cal Wean Les on hlectinics,illachinemEugine.work, and ' , Attention; onth all that Is enrol in more than one Moaned Watts worth of folio veining, tura. zines,nad other books. This area object of this publication is, to place be fore practical Men god students such an amount of neonates' and eclentilic knowledge, Ina condensed form, as shall enable them to work to the best advan tage, and us avoid those mistakes which they might otherwise commit. The amount of axial mformouon than brought together is almost beyond precedent in snob works. indeed, there is hanky any subject within its range ',hid, is not treated with such elear sees and precision, that even a man orate most ordi. dary capacity C.llot fail of enderstandhig ' it, and the lesoplog from it mach which it is important for him allow. The , phess ore, In short, determined, lanoline of cosi to snake the work as complete as enable. and It is hoped every one desirous to ohm the work will proem it as issued in numbers. and thus encourage the enterprise. The work will be Maned In semi-monthly numbers, etimineneing in January, 1830,and will promos with great seniority. The whole work will he published In 40 neither", soil Gents per number, end completed within the cur rent year,2l4o. A lit:entl discoant be etude to agents. Any one:nnolning Jhe publishers RuDtn advance, shall receive the - son through the post office free of 0Z4.11,C. Optnlemn of the Press. no oar tras - illtintente - re7re,iliaehardes. En. gimers, sod Aruearts, it will be a mine or wealthp— rowideace, (R. 1.) Journal. . "Young owe, awe paunch're with its knowledge.— We can with confidence recommend ocr readers to posses themachres or its numbers as fast on they ap pear..—Altittif... Artisan. "We arthealtanegly commend the work to these en. geged in or tatuested in mechanical or scientific par atadmum, as unlncretyworthy of their examination and' Y.) Budget. "It is truly a* great moon, end the publishers de serve the theaksiat Inventors, machinists. end menu. lecturers, and indeed artier pub li c generally."—N. Y. Independentn - "TO. Dictionary will be highly emeriti to practical Mechanics, and =table to all who wish to antrum - themselves with the progress of invention in the me chanie artati—Newlledlord Daily Alercury. "Young mechanics ought to keep petted up in the oretical as web as yracteal know/edge, and this ..wort( win show titanium bow they atand."—Rozbary Meas.! Advemser. . We take Limbo:find the work that score. and dredsof car intelligentmechales have desired to pow seas. ample are its descriptions, and as full ad minale its speelficanints, Mat gams to Ural any macharde might contract any maims it demnbes, en the crength ofitseeeraviors audinstinetioc."—N.Y. Commerelal Advertiser. 'All interested mechanics should avail them 'elves of its advantage.."—Sehoylkill, (Peon.,) Jae 'A mock of extensive practical etillry and great law penance and value to the rapidly increasing interests of the °antra, Sifa regard the work as eminently calculated to prelate tici cam of science and Me ritechanical arts, and Lodissmainate valuable Wort.. ttint en thesesubleem"—Fanner and kleasnic. "Practical men in all the varied walks of mischanie al and manufacturing indrentyl agn.temintiee will lad in Mrs wart a treamich at to their proet to possem."—Ttey D ailyhg. "We havearetally parasol the numbers, ad bar, • no heshation trt eayiug that It irtho best work for mee chains, todemonn, god scieetifie men, ever palate a., far it eontains urinate Ofonatiort on every branch of the mechanical arts and 'tune., expressed in style and language intelligible to ay reader of ordl ruirr eapachy."—tilorteesor, thlas.,) New.. We are sure we are doing the mochales of Nor wich and other pasts of Connecticut a service by bringing the wort to their ationion"-Norerleb, • (Cann) Cestieree:'...- "It blast suchaWork as every mechanic should • voicas."—Pretenants JournaL Wo conader It one of the mostumfal and impormnt publications of Menge. No mean* can adoni to be anthouth."—Newars, (N. JO Cmftin.felkl .1,11 - 101 the arias publications having for their oti. • • • Sect the eincidauon and 114,1111Cefflelit of the Mechani cal arts and seienea, none that we have seen, is so fall of promise et this."—lleffalo Com. Adv. "It la the ben and cheapest work ever ede.red to the • selenfifie end practical engineer and marinate. The plates are beautlfullfaccitted."—Washington.Globe. "This greet Dictionary Is ono of the meat cafe! -works eves published toe Teen, nod Me low price at ' which it is sold makes 'it acceptable to all."--Boeth Carolinia. ' - •fVfle regard ha one of Meant comprehensive and • valuable, as wellus cheapestworks ever published" ualthoero Advertiser. "(night to be taken by every one desiring to keep pace with.thet progress of an and science in every one of the labors of eivillsol Life,"—Bandont Courier. •flt Is designed after the ynneiple of bees Inn.iona. ry, only Mat it is morn devoted to the t rsterd and engiceenng profesaions, and shove t valuable es accorallaing for Amain& what it boudoir for England, it: describing exotica machinery ad worts of art."--Scientifie American “ltia published in numbers, aaa ate prier so mode. rate, looking at *belie contained ineedi number, MO ao . one who has the least interest iu such rancre, need be deterred from procuring and every onc. who does so, will find that he has in a coolensed form in aeon of lastrattion which would be obtained, If at all, only by the purchase of very many volames.”—N. Y.Coarter and Entlaircr. - • "The commeherinvertess with which the =bleat, are treated, the admirable manner to which they are illustrated, conspire to take this one of the most desi rable vrora."—Democratic Review. “ [his wart should be In the hands of every raechuale, art, on, and mannfecturer, especially those who have the last aspiration. to excel in their rerpcelive amen We bac ewefully examined it, with .view of TeeoMlLler.ding it to inventera To terra we would say In the strong Innen age of ms baba: "It ii good."— Daltimare lactitorsr/ nasal. • Natio lo the Preprtoto” of Netecepire throughout • -• • "th. Lraud ami ikinada. [(the foregoing adverdeeme_at Is inserted five tunes dying the year, and tee paper coating it sem to as, a copy of the work will be sent grads in payment. apareakertfr E•ALLISTZWS OINVIIILISIT, Containing no 111nrurv, nor other lifineral. 111111 E following tooth:um:lW was ninon by act brand Dr. Wanner )1,144 the antbor of tho glut medical wort albino:l "The anicrie. Prat.. 0. mal . edic and Fatally Physlel.." Lilan. been =Me emthainted with the ineredienm which .mpose McAllister's All-ilealing Ointment and'having prescribed a•-.• 1 tested it in thee ral ca., Is my private preen., I have -at helmet/on in saying or certifying that hies Vegetable Remedy,..contatiang old amend eubstance whatever, that its ingredients combined . they are, and .ed at directed by the Propnetor, are-not only hermless / but of great value, b Meg a truly ecientifie Remedy of great pawn: and! cheerfully recommend it as s compound which hat done mg. good, .d which Is adapted to the cure of • great variety of cafe. Though I have serer either recommended or engaged in the sale of secret regard for the truly honest, conscientlema, ha• made elieruter of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of his diem/very, oblige me to say thus ' teach regarding it. a D." New lark„April IPA& 131.1RAIS.—It is one of the best thingebt the world for Ruth. PlLES.—Thouthnds are yearl eared by 0 1st ' ment. It nerd bo th in giving re UeC Eor Tamen, Clears, and all kinds of Sores, ft has Neal. Mothond and Names knew its vela, In e.es of Swollen or Sore Wow, thezruld always apply ln tech easy, If used rm. to direction., it gmea relief Ina very few hours. Around the box are din:miens falser. filch/lister% Ointment for Scrofula, Layer Complaint, FryMPelaer Teter, Chita/no Scald Read, Sore Eyes, QMeeT Sore Throat, Broneloms, Nerto. dreams, Pain Die of the Spine, Read Ache, Deafhess% En,. ti c k , tiaras, Cons, all Dimwits of the Skin, Sore pkeplea, kn., Swelling of the Webs, itheamatiora. Piles, Cold Peet, Crimp, Swelled or tea Btsest, Tooth Ache, Agee in the Pate, fee. Tram the Reading Eagle. • There was never, perhaps, a Meath. bray& be. fort: the public, that hes In ao short a date wen web a mut.oa as hfeAllirethr or world ti3elee. Almost every person th at has made trial of I - speaks wermly in its praise. Otto hat been eared by ; lief the most painful rheumatism, .other of the piles, • third of • troublesome pant to aka elde, a (youth of • swellieg in tee limbs, Ac. If It does tier spve tome. dime relief, in every ea., it e. do 60 MUM beirig epplied eums'ardly. As nother evidence of the wooderfal heallmtm or pos a eemcd by this salve, we sabloin the fo eenificate, from a respectable citron of fifialderte - na township, or this colony: Idaideacthek, Berke March X, IS-N."l_ News. RUM. & Co: —I desire to inform Burl . was .tirely _eared of a severe pale in the back, by the ass of 01.111mees All.ll.llng Erase, which I you clued foam yen. enable with it for OMNI Yaer and at= W. enable to sleep. During that time I . pied • ■ remedies, which were presented for me by physicianeand other perso., wtthentreceivieg any relief, and as last made trial of ale Sabre, with are. sallfaverable beyond expects/um I ant now enure ly tole , Real the Pahl. and .11a7 at night I p . ttetfial • and tweet sleep.. I have also need the Salvo stn. far Moth ache end other complehas, with eimilar happy =NBA 'Year friend, Jena Ilotre.aca. A IeALLSTER, Sole Proprietor of toe ilbarel medicine. •. Principal Office, No Zfiliorth Third streel,Pialladele PRICE 515 CENTS PERIIOX. • ..Angara Prencentan.—Draito & Reiter, miner at .Liberty and Et, Clair ether, and la %Vilma. Jr., cor ner et Market street and the Diamond, also cManr of Poen/NM Staithaeldstreetm J. IL Camel, corner at. W• 111311 La Poo meets: FM Ward: andel/WO Iner Wetmore In f3mithicld street, id door front B.teonit. All•dieny City by IL P.Sebwarn and L Earnest. Hy j. U. Stith. Drama, pinningliam; D. Negley; Pan liberty; IL Row land, cKesport:l. Alexander. Pon t hion.plesta (Sip: N. H. Nitoralla CO, and Roireta,-Din,rnimil4 Oahu Deckles, Beam, PC . John NvAd ker, Jr., Elisabeth. r • tebnhodlY CIRKEN OIL CLOTH-449 yards -44 Omen IUI Vi po Wit, On nantli mot tar sato MUM.. =Si =NEE =am ENS MISCIJMMOUB. -Cheap Standard Jitter/. LITATEM ntsroair OF: ENGLAND ts now petv. Halm by Raper d[. Drury In. droll. cloth ItPA P.Per:at Senentiverrol, Three vols received, and_ for r set by apt', T 1 'AP PL.Z[VN 4i.C94t4.,CTOttit 5 i,*4 fit i l dl7o . ° , l :2cct3M l' :gine work. and I.lnriecinag,dc'etgned for Preetient Working hLes,end those Intended tor theEntincerins • Prefesoom Med by Mixer TVs work** or large fivo-site, mad veal contain twn thefts/Id pages,and opward•Or sir thonsand Slows born It preseht working . drawings most and,demrip• dens of the mo important'. d machine in the Unite S:ates. Independent of the remits of American In contain complete practical treatises op Mechanics Machintry.E.ortne Work, and Engineers I , ndi . wi r. th „r algt : V a s ti atre .v ilm ..., more then one thc d numtd books. Six umbers reeetved, fort j ial .' e by the agent, R HOPKINS. 1443 73 Apollo Balding. Fourth at. NEW STOOK OP PIANOS. ......s =, ,,, ......N . 4 1 ),,.. 1 ;i ... .: ~.., M, .. ,,, .. ., "‘-'-'. '; . *t, I : 4;1i...;' ' W . .I ' ' ' ' ' .: ' . ‹ . Z:f7i .•:: * V Yii . .."' ti:.,-7-=--,-I,l= ~...'W. , • Zea li 0 7 ?!:f---4 , •44.ii , .. L- , -- - zi tv . ...,......---.- .-.' CHICKERINGPS'PIANOS. John 11. Mellor, SI Wood Street, Pillabargh, Solo Agent In Western Pennsylvania, for the sole of CIIICKEREVWS CELEORATF.D Grand and Square Plano Fart... Baca to intone his meads and the monied public, that he hos now invoices, and will receive and export foe sale, daring the present month, the largest and most desirable stock of Piano Fortes ever offered for sate in the west—among the number will be found a fall glumly of Superbly carved Rosewood Grand Plano Forte., wah dl the recent improvements in mechantsdl and style of comelier. Splendidly carted Rosewood seven octaveEare Pomo Fortes, numbed lathe Elizabethan and Lode XI V. style. With a large, sunk of all the IratlOlrt styles of Pia no Tone* varying in prices from SZ73 to $lOO and 010(0, prepared by Me. Chkketing for the present year, llebod Yardmen are meted that the prim of Mr. Clock er-tugs Pianos have been, and continue to be, the sere. as at the tensiometer) , in lloston,withoeleberee for transportation; and will be delivered and set op In perfect order, ill soy part of the - city, without charge. mr9 A CIAH D. rrtm andersipted beg. leave to inform the public J 7. vin, h nn tr U ireent i at " t ' Atgo r ntal C S ig 2 =mien banners at the old stand, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, and for Idiom he would solicit a cantle taunt oldie liberal patronage heretofore bestowed mi ca Alehouse. JOlO4 11. DAVIS, April 9th, IBSO. P. M. DAVIN, (SUCHEFSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS,) AUCTIONED& AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, OM. Or WOOD SOD mica WDS•tr. WILL make sales, on liberal term', of Foreiga and DOWDDDO Merchandise, Real Eal.lo, besets, to end hopes, by experience and cline attention to business, to merit a continuance of the support and patroness se liberally extended to the fortnerhonse. April 94L. ISIO. Mottos to our Patrons RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. fltHe decease of the ceder partner, In Philadelphia, J. lthe late Jame. M Davis,) produce. no intemtnfinx to the business—arrangements have been made which laththee the same intereths precisely, which have heretofore existed. The haziness ts continued under the came name and arm, vtx-. Ult. Al DAVI, & Co., Philadelphia; Joan AlTanza b. Co- Pttuhurga. The continuance of die patronage or our many friends Is respectfully solicited. If pereons have demands against the concern, they ale requested to piesent them forthwith. for payment. Pittsburgh, Apnl 10,10. JOHN M'FADEN, Survivthg partite!, . --- 110121101.11. H. PALAILit, No IBA !Hertel stiett, is prep.- ed to offer Ten' treat laducements to Layers of STTTrrraaa& blillmery Goods, of every description. His mock yr consiata of every desirablestyle of Plain and Fancy Straw. Braid, Gimp, French Lice and other Bonnet.. Jenny Lind, Califonna, Round and Square To lists, for biasses and IrJante. Boys' Hats, In great vanety- Men's Leghorn, Straw, Brat& Chloe Peons end Sultan Hata. Rib bona. Flower., Bonneta, Silks, and other Millinery Aruclei,lto., ie. and -the Phillips la Co. AVE removed to Warehouse No. ILO Water st betweee Wood and bithket„ where will he kep for sale, of their manufacturing, a Mil Assortment Iron, Nails; Spike., Coatings, and Hot Blast Pipes warranted of the best quality, at tho lowest pares. Mr. JOHN BEST, of the lam fires or Taseey & Best having purchased an interest in the firm, twill take theme of the Warehouse, and will devote his entire .llttollo6 to the business, and eadeavor to render sat izfaction to the friend. of ha late Rim, and all others who map favor. vinthabeir patronage. BROWN, PHILLIPS & CO, htd Wamr st. vittshor. h. SiIACKLARTT i. WIIITir, No, rot, WOOD STREET, HAVE Is store and are recuvtug a large Stack of DRY ROODS, selected with great care for the Western Mae, wild to which they Invite the attention of city andwestern ssserchschs. Groat indueettems nflArcrt Oar b • asalinrklag /11.111.••• .501 liguil.PH 1 . 6. BD 1161161ELD are prepared to fa in rd.b their customers .od boyars generally with me very best mate of }be above goods, sad will do on at the old prices, notwithstanding the advance of cost. Some extra laeliosont Lions, vassranted Pure 6., lately tercised; al., a apply of Linen Table Cloths, Diapers, Crash, tsc.,tost reemsed. Bordered Towels on low as :Scents Per dozen, or. E} coot a piece, at unnh east corner of .Foords and Market sts. spin A FOILTDAM FOB 110 or .f.. 57— BRITANNIA SPORTING • PORTRAIT CLUB, afire., Orange rtrect, Plymoich, England. The managers beg to upwind there numerensostrons that We nest Distribution of Portraits ot Bann Ho•ses. writ comp, ith those entered for th e fortbromine Grand National Doctor li•req the number of chores to be limited en 5,00 d ouch class. Fast weather All second class ditto LI Fatly application for throw sithropristed shares ts necessary. A party suliurtb mg for more than one share hos the chance of asinine an equal number bonuses.. Those members who draw the rano. Portraits will be presented with we fol lowing stuns— Portrait of let class bonuses di ditto Winner, or H Se Finn Horse 1.954 , 0 Adana/ cond orse. •• • wpm • Mtn Third Horse 010 Divided amongst Stoner. •• • draw 3,000 Nou-Starters Ismoo ZOE There aro WO bonuses in each Mau, that being the number of horses entered for the race. The E... writ be conducted upon the Wu. Inciliml'Prtti.Ple• us those which characterised the late or. Ledger and other proceedings. Fall particulars of the result will be sent to absent members immediately after the de cision, that each may know his prAttion. Subsenbers registered and sent/ foiwarded en re ceipt of a remittance. Bills of Exchange, Drafts, Dank Notes, AA, ...red and made payobin to the Idmarthing Directors. W. JAMES tr. CO. Eire per at. commission to be reduced on the presentation of bonuses, orrianm bIEaCEANTs AltitsAZlNk: foe April, Contents:—New York and Erie Reimer; Commercial Skete hes with Pen and Penal The effect of Commerce in AN:4l , lring restrictions uponthe Trans. fer of Pro ..userrg. The Anatomy and Plillosophy of Bank ingt•The Production olDslt in New Toritilitankreptcy, Hacking, to; Currency—lnterest—Prodpetlon; Free Trsde vi Frothed. Tariffs, or Strietdree upon the re port cadre Secretary et Treasury of the United States for ISO, 'shame to Commerce, Extension of the Rue elan Empire to the East, he. to. DLACU WOOD, kw Mnrelt ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, tor April, at Holmes , idwrarT Depot, Third Street opposite the Post Office. APPLIK.TILICALS. lAAT vow prepared to famish Apple Trees, tram the well known. Nursery of Jacob N. Brava The trees will be delnered at the wharf at Panibutgh for should IthralrelL Persons wishing good shrilly trees s !ease their inlets soon at the Dreg, Eked, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sail, s:s. apll f 4 N wicKEtuakm 11. A. Pahnostook & Co., W IIOLERALE DRIJGGIVITS, center of First rand Wood streets, oder for .310,00 favorable terms: 100 bbl. Wblnor, 74.0 Itta Crab. Ammonia; GO do Alum; 20 do as.areende; WO do Dye Woodc an do Crude 14...4 do Lampblack; 500 do Liquorice Rook, DO do Ven. Red; WO do MO Moss; ft do Camphor, 150 do Red Precipitate.; 10 do Span. P ronto; 150 do calomel Amer.; 00 do 'Yellow Ochre; 25 do do 8004 10 do Primonone; WO do Bomber Leaves; 8 do Cloaca; D. 5 do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Chace. Flower.; 41D do Pomp. do; 14 eases Ref. Bona; 210 do - WMIII.O do; ID do Connie Reap; 218 do Pal Roeheele; 15 do Peanut Dloe;; 910 do Malaita Mixture; 10 do .Cald.slamontia; 500 du Posed Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Drama 670 . do 1411[1.171.1 . • do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arable sdo An. Vermilion; 100 do do Lio. Root, 60 ream* Road Paper; 100 do do /also; ' bog. Wetly Cork M.O do Ralph. LCayear24 03 bates Pottle Cork Ad iloc4. 750 a Ralph.. Morpha.; MO do-. Bat Tin; 1200 lbs Cap. Aloes; Dot do' Tamarinds . -WOO do Ra4lldem Potash; 125 do Qaleklsllver; • RICO do Pink Root; WO do 0,6-666 Pel 1500 do Turkey Ifintesr; 75 do Cocjoneal; 1200 do Closes Tatar, 23 do Hyd Potarth4; WO do Tartaric Avid; 6o do 14.aal LW do U=ll Yr do Granallla Lotion. feallevi PILTILOLXIIIII. OIL BOOS OIL. "There are more Mums In heaven and eatth Than are IiTC•67( of In philosophy.* TUE VIRTUES of alln remarkable remedy, and t h e et w o n ah t application for I r, to the proprietor, has Indneed Woos have horn ant In bottle, with Is beta an dieseline births benefit of the pablle. The PETROLEUM Is procured from a Well In Una comity, at a depth of four hundred feet, Is a pare arm deltermed article, without any chemical change, but lost as down from Notate. 6 rem Lehner ryg That it wands properdee reaching a umber of diseases, .is no longer a manes of unceruunty, There are many things M the arcane of nature, which, If knomn,might beef vast usefolneu to alleviating suffering, sad re menus the bloom of health and vigor to many a sa w., before theproprietor thought of putting hap la hamlet., It had t reputatioe for the cure of dis ease. The ...aunt and duly Increaung calls for It, and several remarkable cures It has performed, Ls a sere indicantn of its furore Popeltmll7 and wed. aProad Vallcation ha the tem or disease. We do not Isiah to make a long parade of certifi cates, as we me eonselous that the medicine contemn work lu any into the favor of Move who golfer and wish to he busied Miler we do not claim font a intivessa/ applinuse n vim disease, We willesiliw tinalT aari litalia• °amber of %row. Disuses it to enriveilM , • Ammall timm .2.7 ho ennmenned—all diseases of the morons therms, each as CHRONIC . nßwircarns., CONSUMPTION fin WI early star mana, led all diseases of ttlia ai r p ew ., u v iii COMPAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Inartatea. * them w e ,. en d ladoey., ;Panto IA We Beek or Side, e( NerteilaWlWaSeedgeWsd4ll:Ans,,„,, u ,p,.. 4 Go. t, Weer, S. Bum, &AWL Brumes, 01 Bores, &a., d e. a cues of debility in. tubing freratteameter WWI and nrtgraeted cams et !Zuni TOlil di4'h:w o and ' ALMT " I ' VE it i r i arch " unparting Vibe Mul victim the whole fnune r,,j,„7,1; blg obsugetionspoSsanittltdafilfo fancliaa% Wanda room diseoelana • bro counts ion t a d ' rivth locreased sad 'renewed energy ' 1,2 s'Ar orgus eft WeL-17.3 : propri•tor Inure, of race . 0 ,, MRS, that misted emu' other trano,hee,,t, get ander the arm 6f UM :PETROLEUtiI fora TM proof can bellivanta.adTPell on who deems ii. Ncluyenhine minvam th a MIIIMOses of the proptleter... L UMW Madniocar gervesth • EIEfoLERS, 57 WoodlV O ' , I4IS—RVSE. T APOWELL, p V ir 700 111 I: in,i4.7.ll4alinarent. mg teLtl , orm, TM LINE. ,Mg;L:1850 , Irks Paropyfvustal Cumb; & Ethada: 4tONNOTL, ATKINS B.,(10., Canal Basin, Marry areet.Pittsbarsh; A Pbi EC0,200 &01) Mutat strut, delphia. • men, • OTemecute & Co. 70 A Norte meet, Baltimore; E Meer., New York; ELuorT /c Daus, II Doane sweet, Boston; NuuLreet Guar, Maysville, Kentucky; Darr. & Co.,Colutatua street, latneinnazi; E. Wan, To n' Nanr & - C.0., St. Sksppers of .11ferdtangs. fromidtkidelpild, Batter Oar route being now in fir to forward Good au above OYU, d freightfres of any over 5030,000, and with the of Mute feel confident of r all business entrauted to' Lou& rs and Protium Lo and AMIN N. Tart, it Autort. ins order.Ve aro prepared at eery bear lva : We. charge r haring . putietes for foliourtep enemys stock reins entire satisfaction to It ears. Our boats are all ;twain. of capttrienee, and td ov strict sateatls taping Bonn." Captains Pennaylv.ia E Layton, Ht. Louis, Cowdt Col. Howard Ridley. Mary Dobeinall Sinn • Entnfrtme,, Karon Atlanta Brown Gen. Scott, Owe TelegraphNo IShielda Point Mill iloyllNnade • .. • nom, and commanded by entire line is condor • and tempera/us principles. Boats.; Captain. Iron City, Hag. Maryland Marshall Cincinnati, Sand , Roth Anna, Chi.= Wm Atkins, Penroad Import, bligitads Bosun, Alter Garlinda Riley Celia Ilawkias Bahmt tppe~Wlep .7tliveßl.ehtlosser - .America Perry . Menne hl'Coldan The Foe. Argoado Aurora 6.lWoorelL_ Look Sharp Derry Shippers will Sod it to th CPCON Ohio Bella Keainey iHunter 11Ingle Julia Ann J Lapon Telegraph NaWavls Nodb Qneen Wit,lo it advantage to give as a NOR, ATIOLNB Jr. CO., mrlc Canal Basin ueein., ehs M. W 011141.2 Transportation dainpaar. • Ea= 1850.ftia • D. LEECII & CXMB LIRE, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE En NEW YOUR, By Peltryloanics Camel and Boil Bead. frill: Boats and Cars of this Line have been put in compete order, nod wtth the addition of soma new ones to the Line, enables as to carry a large quantity of produce and roods. The entire afoot of the Line Ls owned and coats°• ed by the Proprietors. =EEO HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 South Third at, And at tho Tobacco Warehouse, Coot at, Phi adephla, Fa.; JOSEPH TAYLOR tr. SON, No 111 North Howard at, Datimote, hld OFFICE, No 7 Weil E. New fort{ D LEECH tr.. CO, Cana Basin Peon et, , tort 3 Pittsburgh. aka= 1850. mai UNION LINE, ON Till: PICNN'A AND OHIO CANALS. CLARE, PARKS A CO, Rocheater, Pa-, Propr's. JOHN A CAUGHEY. Agent, 080. nor Smithfield and Water sts, Pittsburgh. CILSAIBERLIN, CRAWFORD &CO, Ago., Cleveland, Chia. rums well known Line are prepaeed to transport T freight and Paasengers from PI rrsatrecii and CLEVELAND. to my point on the Cued and Lake.. The facilities of the Line we unsurpassed in number, gualsty cod cepaclty of BOMB, experieme of captains; md effinericy of Agents. One Boat leave? Pdtabergh Ned Cleveland dolly. ran- Nag in connection with a Line of Steam Boats be tween PITTSBURGH and BEAVER, and • Lute of East Clam Steam Mau, Propmlen and Vessels, on the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parka A Co, Rochester, Ps; F. N Parks & Co, Youngstown, Unto; 11,1'0 . 1 1 .71i,70artAt11., 0; I Brayton & Lhu, Rave.. 0; Kent, Grinnell Cw,Franklm, O. H A Miller, Cuyahoga Fall., 0, Ineeler, Lee A Co, Akron. fr, Chamberlin, Crawford Co, Clevelmd, 0, Hubbard A Co, Sandusky, 0; Peokbam & Scott, Toledo, 0; Williams A Co, Demo, Mich; A Co. Mdarankte, Alurfey A Patten, Racine, Wiz; (Marge A Gtbbs, Chicago, IU; Thomas Hata, Chicago, Ili. JOILt A CAUGHEY At, mer3n comer Water and Smithfield as 'aliaMi 1850. LAKIi LEIN MID NIIOIIIGAN LINE ort THE ERIE ELKTMVSION CANAL. CLARIE.PARKSiCO fkwheimr, Proprietors. fl RE Prep:fakirs of Mk old sod well known Lme 1. would inform the public that they two now In op eratton tot the preeept season: end have commenced reeetvier Freight nod Pithienkers, winch they are tally prepared to carry to all punt, on the Canal and LAKES ERIE AND ADC/CIGAR. At the lowest rate.. One o te f the Bout of the Li B ne Bi ll he contrarily at the lending, bera Monoxide . rela idge, to receive freight. JORN A. CAUGHBV. AVM. Office, cor Waist utd Bmitkleld Pittabargbg e== A W Conninabam, New Castle, Pa; ,Miteheluce & Co. Pulaski; - W C Malan, Sharon: & S noel, Sharsataint; Wtek. Achre & Co, firm:V:llM Wm Henry, flortstomm: IP,. Power, Conneauentla; John noun & Co, Etie,• John .7 IfoHiner to' Co. Mao, N map i iffiL 1850. gwm BIDCV.ELL C LIMEITEIgH, FORWARDIMi MERCHANTS, RocnEsrEs, EA, Mercer Num.) ID"Arrents for BIDWELL'S PrEESIBIRGH AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE. LINF:TO ERIE, WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACEETS, tossing and oiapping betveen Pitishorch and Rochester by.tcaw boots Metrics., Lake Erie, }kayo, Goods rermpted end promptly!leered ra t e en . the Canals end Lakes, • t the lowest 'Shippers will please direct good• ta .B.dwell's Line. 3. BIDWELL, Agent, mr2o Water et, Pittsburgh- Pittsburgh Portable Haat Lis., /850. : M/31a SOIL Tua TILLTSHISTATIOII OS ILSIGOT - TO SAD /.011 PITIDLIIRGII. PHILADELPHIA, HALTIMOILE, NEW 'CORE, BOSTON, &c. TOO:. Ilesimmes, 'Tours & (Memo., Philadelphia. Patsban.h. .THE "...Pen, the propnetora of this long establiahed Line ate usual at their old aasds, met/ring and forwarding Merchandise and Produce at low rums, and witti the prompums, talnty, and safety, peculiar to their systym and made or lOW, pontoon, where immediate rranslopmeot is avoided, with the consequent delays and probability of damage. Mercimdim and Prodgea @hipped castor west, arid Bill 'Of Lading forwarded free of charge for comm. Won. advancing, or song flaying uo interest di rectly cr ndectly in @mam that of the owners is solely c on tained when chipping Mel: goods. All communications to tho following agents prompt ly attended 10: SZOSSOITOIS e THOhLM3 BORDRIDOE, No tefb Markel street. Philadelpbta. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR. Corner Penn and Wyse streets, Pittabargh •OTTIO John McCullogh & Co, ca North n, Daly P..D.Durt &2.5 Do.e el, flinton, W. &J. T. Taproo Cc • OC , South st, New Yorki Jams Wheelwnght, 0001. medli 1850. itgaMi 1850. BtOWELL , S PITTSBOUGII & CLIP VELAND LINE Illy LINE, with onsurruzsed Staines, I. n o • T prepared to monsoon Freight to Cleveland, dr- Lake ports, Chin Canal, and Intermediate places, o the moot favorable terms, and with the greatest de 'patch. Stoppers aro referred to those who bare heretofo . patronized B. Line. Mend good. to "Ilidwall's Line. Moms —J C Adwell waters, Pittabingte lc Grolier, Rochester; L 0 Matthews, Cleveland; Rhodes & Green, do. CONSICINEES: A D ineobs. Younos.ine C it Co, Warren; A A N Clark, Newt. Falls; J Brayton & Co, Rammat Rent, Chennell c Co, Fran klin Mille Thomas Earl, do do; A II MN., Cu... Fa.; J W Kreptienin. Bon, Akron; Wheeler, Lee &Co, do; J D It J M W,l so a, do; 1 Hannan, Hamilton; Commim & Co, do; Wm Monteath & Co, Buralo; 111 Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; Higgins & Co, do; E Haskell & Co, Toledo; H N Strong, Detroig Murphy & .o, 7101 A. Elkin ßu s, Southport; Housman & Co, hllltretikio; I/Dickinson, Little Fort; Kuklsnd & Taylor, Sheboygan! Hole Ramsay & Co, Ching& Mamas Hale, do. • Pittsburgh, Hatch 10.1814. lIIINSPOSTATIUN LING, algal 1850. • EletsweenPlitabugh ma uteri% Itles. Tbe Canal being' now op ". en, we are ready to receive and forarardpromptly, prochme and merchandise east and west. • Freights &lusty. at reveal rates, charged by tampon. aible • lines. Produce and merchardisd will he recalled and for. wading or and west, without any charge for for. warding or edam:fog freight, enmmitslon or storage. 11111 s of lading forwarded, and WI directions faith. lolly attended to. Addresh or apply to, BINGHAM, Canal Dula, cot. Liberty and Waymrata Pittsburgh. • DiNGIIMd & DOCK, NOIS3, Markerst, between 4th & fah, khilia. • / JAB. WILSON, Alit,. • No IA North Howard at.. Voltlmore. JA£4.•I3IN6IIAbL No 10, Wean amt. New York. IiARNVEN. k CCPs Patinemager area EIA ladetellllll MAIM. abti r IANIIDEN & CO. eenunne to bring persons rem any part of E.ogland, Ireland. gem/end or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their blintryttnentahly and attention (011ie unwise:id coot. (01101 EralLS Wade not allow our pas:longest OS, be robhed by the swindling sumps that infest Me sea. pore as we take charge of them the MOMS= they re lgwt themselves, and see to their well being, and de- Wr tel them without any detention by the fleet ehipit.-- a say thin fearlessly, as we defy one of oar paw*. f .rs to show that they wen, doubled 18 Pyre by as in Liverpool, whilst demand. of others • • ore detained tooruhaantil they coold be 'sent itt soma etA craft, at ■ ch ^ p rate, which too frequently proved their coffin.. We Wend to perform oar contracts aonerably, cod What It may, and COI SC; u Ina the ease last mese% With ether orhoota,—arho either performed not all,er iirhret it suited that convenieno. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any annt ken , 41W .f.ltniyaile. at any of the provismal Hanka in k& land,=o=o. Ektotlaipi and Wale* JOBlllUr. Romersom ' • ElerOpeait Sul Ciatisral Aita; t tan , rsna c l one done Wow w grdl ALTPUTIthr-ewo s crude now m lad or oh by IeAL DICICIi. 00, • PPP ttl WSW ft, 1E2E051 MISCPLhANEOUS. LEES, - CA R Pet Bre 5.90. ArCLINT(YE . Spring Su lc or tun:ming% he., eor,prisi ,E.rirs Super Regal , • Engii.k odd Armin [Erre Superfine Im a Superfine Soperine Ingrain Carxets7 Eau, fine Fine Common, all wool, Conan and I Tap Ven Car. and TwilPd arp. 44, 4, and 2-4 plain C r. Ca List and Rs/ Carpets, 84 Panted Cotton Carpels. •. 84.74, 84, 54, 44 and # 011 Clotho; 8-4 5-4, 1-4, and # Huang; 18 mob paieril Oil Cloth. for darn Corm Tormentor Blue and Drab Clinks; Crimea Pluabi Coach 011 Cloths; Damask. for Llningt; ,Wateted Martina. ALSO, Buff Holland for NOShadec Transparent , t French ttansp. Venetian Blind.; - - • ¢2 llf A r TaX/slasus; Russia Crash; Scotch Diaper.; Brown Linen Napkinx German Oil Cloth Table Cover.; /11.11 9112 a OIL CLOSII3 from 0, the most approved Eng. lish and American manufacturers from 12 to 21 feet in width, which will be cat to fit rooms, hall , end vestibules denyalso or shape. , The undersigned having import ed direct from Eng land, his Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These Carpets, which era of the lifter end most elegent stylea and patterns, and of the most gorgeous cofers, will be sold as prices as low as iney eau be purchased for in any of the eastern tides. Haying the largest &torment of the richest Mad mot (shim - table URUPRELS. IMPERIAL THREE PLY and INORAIN CARPETS which far mottoes In quality and cheapness of priecomy attortment ever before brought to this city. H o alto invites Steamboat Men and Coach Mtonfanturers to his large and well selected twortmentorTßlNlMlNGS,and shertnlcles necastry their business. The auderslpted is also egent far tke only Stair Rod Manufactory to Philadelphia, and Is prepared to cell lower than can ho purchased elsewhere in this city, torl6 WM. hPiIIt.INTOCIC. A . • • • • A. MASON & CO. GO Market meet, between . Third and Fourth, are now receiving • largo an gora.= or Barna De Lains; Persian Cloths, an en• tire new article; Palletots; Crape De Laing, be; with a large usazaerd of Lawns and other Dress Goode, of the latest .tyle. and Inner (untenable colors. OFF pelme NM And Jain; CsitrAms-40 brs mookt, dip ped. and .perm; Casesit-4110bIs Cream and English wi n; Ceara--YO don Hemp and hlimilla; Csnstn-30 Maus; Cnovnis-11 barrel; Ciosns-50 Id Common and half Spanish; Fisse-23 tolsond bvlr ;al, IdookerelAnd Salmon; GI --50 bns assorted sines; Ilssts—lini Prime Venison; IWO ringer Cured; lontoo-100 !As N F and Nandi.; dos Morrison. Block sod Copying 21oLessns—.4.5 brl, N Orleans; 'l6 half brim Sugar House' Marrama-20 du assorted canisters Maccutom-30 lbs Italian; 'Ymusactud-60 lb. dc, Naus--201 , lugs usorad; Picamoi-6 Mrs jars assoned; Faunas-36 busbela Loaves; Yares-66 mama assorted: I . lloaol—lOu lba Bonita.; Roar-60 bra Rosin nod Cut Steel; Eirou-‘lll MM. N Orleans and Clatilock Tu—e6 packages Green arid Mark' Tosareo-20 be. I lb lump; Wuxi Douu-60 dr:upward Rini: For sale by . J D WILLIAMS k CO Mrl6 Corner of Filth and Wood stn. wmyrki - o. F URS!. r FUII i LFUIr sabserlbers a r d ll i paz and all 11= of shilip l 4 FL ' a 4 to G e ' 4i s fe d st aess:rn bl CORD & 00 "' ZINO earner FL and Wood Art, Ditliozwrios riff: Partnership heretofore existing between James Tassey and Jolla Best, in the Grocery . , Produce and Commtssion bustnoss, :was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 11th tom Er. John Wu having par• hued the enure Interest of James Tasway, m the firer, bunnees mil be settled by U., et Oscar old stand, N 0.33 Wood st. JA313111 TASSEY, felt= JOILN Da4T. Paper Slanging*. PRLtiO SELEX.IIOI.I.—WitI be received, by-East 13 canal shipments, a new and choice wsortment of Wall raper, of the latest French and Eastern •styles, in goid, chamois, oak, plain and high colors. • W. I'. !EASIER/tisk, tiara S. C. nil%) mrl3 b 3 Wood street itß. CO.P•llDershap heretofore cawing between 8. T st.linsitfield and Jotto hleOtll under the firm of S. B. itusaftebil & Co, Is ibis day dfosonred by anneal onse i. The burin.. of Um old ftmo will be seated by 8. , B. Bashfield, at the old stand, No.elo Bibelot street, Psusborah. 8 B J11.7811F1F1..D, Marsh 1, 1821. JOHN tdeILIILL a. o. DuSHFIFID arid GO - MOS-RICHARD will conueue the Who/cattle and &cad Dry Goods arid Grocery bounces, at the ONi sttoul, No. 220 Liberty at, ander um Wm or S. D. 81/Vn FIELD k CO. Noel. I, Inne —1%130n y tut Ye: Mos day MOCI6I.II4IWItt, kw% to w note- I. sale Crocery, Commission, and Ferwowntla b tot nes., my two tiorta, 4, N. dW.IL W ate sman. The asisteas in Moire orill be n ndemed anderthe Style of tn. S. Waterman tr. Bow, at the old stand, No. 31 We ar and eld Front greet. L. E. WATRIMLN. Pituantrga, March lot, li3d. • WI f .A . v. G . K. O 4tiN A E bo.wimsT.A . BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, the great remedy for ' CONSIIIIPTII33I And the ben medicine 'mown to man for Asthma of every wage, Liver Comp Uronehitio, Influenza, lionohL, Odds, ULeedino of Lao Longa atiorrotes of lireaLh, Puns and Weakno” In tka ntda Limon, An, and all other disown of the PULMONARY ORGANS. • • o . v ai n . very impart.= /Weise o ve r b ens • very titlvrerfal halluenee, is mai of • DISEASED LIVER. In this complaint at has undoubtedly proved more efficacious than any remedy hitherto employed, sod to cumernus instances when patients had endured long and severe ealferlng from the diseases, without meet ts lag She least benefit Gum vanen remedies, and when Mercury has been resorted ta in vain, the use of this Balsam has restated the Liver to a healthy action, and 'ln minty instances effected permenent cafes., after every well known remedy had faded to produce this desired effect. Reside, Its astonishing efficacy in the disease above mentioned, we also find it a very effeenstl remedy in Asthma, • complaint in winch it has been exmnsivesy used with derided anemia, even in eases of years' statuUng. With the increase of intelligence has grown up is knowledge of the elements of health, and • re gard far them, end commensurately with the stndes of science have wo acqatred she means of lure ming dis ease, nod averting Its ravages. Notwithstanding the prognya we have made, statistics slow that even now, one sixth of the whole population die annually of consumption. , One of the main Important dineoveries of the age, in emetiorsdag the eolidttlen of this large class of suf fering humanity, Is DIL wisnors BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. . _ . Wistar's Balsam of Ra Cherry is a fine Herbal Medicine, eomposed ehielly of Wild Cherry Hart and Ems, Oho latter imported express ] y for this purport ) the rare medicinal virtue. of which. me also combined by a new chemical proems, with the extract of Tar, al. reuderins the whole compound the most certain and eflicacious remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Still farther evidences of the remarkable rennin, properties of this inestimable preparation: Rossiouftutts, Melva co., 0., Aug. 21,1849. Mesas, Sandford I Park: Gentlemen, About six weeks ago I received the agency of Wistaria 11•1.161 of Wild Cherry, but with name releetance on my part. for the reason that I had been the agent of no many polls and other nostrum., which were cracked op to be sornedung wonderful, but whieh tuned out in the end to be of no 11.0011111 whatever, except so the man. ttsetarer. Sot I candidly admit that tins time I have been deceived, for the extrnerainary cuter effected by Wostat's Datum have convinced me that "good can come out of Nemeth!' Your agent left me one dos: on buttes, which are nil gone—having been the meant{ of coring several obstinate cases of Cansamptbri— end no mistake; for what I are and know I .m bound minilieve. One ease in panleulaft A loin in Winchester, Adams county, 0, es flog this place, was eared of Consumption when the doc tors ha given him up, or at least could do nothing for him, and it was the intention of his friends to convey him to your city, and place bun under tee care of soma eminent physician Diem. 21st a friend mid him of Wiat/i'll Salaam, and that he solid obtain It of me. Ile sent for it, and before the second bottle won gone he woe sound and well, and attending tibia every day business. As there are macro] itusuries.for the medi cine, it would he well to forward anadditional eapply without delay. Very respectfully, ad yours, LAIIDEDY NEWLAND. The Above, from L. Newland, Fog, a highly respftet able coontry ormrchant, commends hut( forcibly •to the en aftention of all three sr ko.have dorobtad the great merit of Wlmar's Wild Cherry Datum. Remember the original end only genuine Mear. Balsam of Wild Chem, was introdneed in the year IKM, and h. been well tested le ell complaints for orhick it i. recommended. For 17 year. it has proved more ellteaciem aa a remedy for Coughs, Colds, lade ens; Bronchltia, Asthma, and ConsumpUon in Its in ciplent eta es, than slather medicine. LOST VOW ' Re., RESTORED! • sw Re., Aug. la, tHil. Mr. R.W. Fowlet Having seen honey certificate. Int:dished la relation to Dr. Mattes Balsams of Wild Cherry, I aka this opportenity of ofering a word in favor, rebirth yea ere also at libeny to pedlar.. A fear month. sinee my wile' e longs became sot:quell sf famed with a sodden cold, that she lost her rose, and ! Nattered severely tram pants in the breast. Her slum. I Imo eausW.losr Wend. much alarm. Haring heard I year B6tim anongly recommended by them who meg 11, 1 maimed a bottle from your agent in this place. One took It seconding to tOreadons, and it pro duced a-wooderfel effect. Before ming ono - bottle she had completely recovered her role, =Maid ad, and her health err soon Odle Tem., Only, HENRY a,mtuoirniitr. To Duman aoh Mums in Nrountri—Thil eel. ebrated and urfaWtddretnedy for them:us of Consurep. don, /attune soy , Complaint, has by its n me. noi, been rapidly, noon en& pfelymorklng, It o way through the opposhm of quacks and counterfeiters, until, or ha tree m ine end Intrinsic emedleuee, Mut gained foe itself • most enviable popularity, and a nd Untied Mielf In the ore one of an intelligent and en. lightened pib from one end of the continent to the other. The testimony of thominiewho hoe , will to- Hewed and eared by thia • rideable article, will show that It man& tuuivalled—at the bead et all other me. dielnes,,for the rare of diseases for a wh it re neap. mended. The gerialee Dr. Wistari Balsam of Wad Chem, la now ferettby dely:ppointed Agents, and , i g . i! d eenrta n b . le deal in d r . t h in , e n t a In all large ate. motel per,litrulelDir Bottle. For Bold byJ.D. PARK, (suoceasor u•Sandford &Parra Foanh sad Walnut street., eineinneU, Obiti, Gauen! Aireat for tho Bomb and West, to whouLall orders Jaen be eddreeel L. Nucor, in atom A. lona; I. Kidd MLR. A. .Fahnemook d!..C10, Pittsburgh. • L. T. Russell, - Wiub. u ,9 DIV I VA 11.Welry Ci rh ' k t, 1, 1 1 itt B°. * d e er Ea e lfre.. o, 2)Dolitdersbars; iLldebritil - a CO. lorl an* .1. X. writht. Klltilatts; Eine , Cot &..k. hi g = " r Urgl tli, Pa " plefee r ial :"" teat it /41P- 1.1).-eatin. "' w V° 21 11.5 'kern . C4 6ri k k tt ,Jetteet Cion=t6sCrgh SLOJ.N I B COLUMN. Err-AL the *came*, adverdeed by W. B. &DAN 'ere sold by IL E. MLLES.% Mee meetoradJOEN P. SCOTT l' •lbrmi4A b7tIIN O. sum]. a v er,y.,- by. HENRY P. scliwanz ut . .2d. UMW. . . *he Bait Witt Chispett AREFIOI4BE, th street. '• • • aaettuatly reseiviax hi. CARPET OR. q..otHs, thPwi the fallowing,,Lt: et Carpets, • Tspesup . a g can Ikussek glrial,ag4 • • • 111 , 4101 WORLD. 111.160/12115 017ITIIENT MID 004DITIOR POWDICI3., • • Ileces ointoto peat saw. • Fro Per., Mninamtßolo • finnan Thorosigatten,SLOAN'S GI:MUM tatt And is rapidly stiperseding 'all other Ointments and Unitise= tam in use for Ma can of the rolloaring dis - WINS Extra armor potern Eta Rupert. do dillagm Tatted R Fine • ° h• Common Finns Wilton Common do Cbonil ftedlo Door Mats; Tu Sheep Skin Adelaid Mao, s.r.r.t..dP uL. .llocous Enthooted`Plami l* Table - Printed woolen Suborned Stood Innen and wostrud " Damask Star Linea; Donkey Red Chintzes; Chinon Bordering; Euirlith Oil Cloth Table cororsi Brown Lmenethath cloths Woolen Bran Stair Rod.; Stale Droggett Camel Binding.; Jute and Coco Maui &Helmand Steletonklus; S 4 and 4.4 Green Oil Cloth for Blindeu ['notebook Diaper; [Hawn; • Fresh amends, `ally 0(0 kinds, sprains, braise* cracked heels, nngbone, windbone, lei/APBs, vol evil, callus, wavins, mammy,aitfast, strew* lameness, sand creek, toendered eet, wretches or grew mange or home distemper. The Powder will remove allinflammstion and fever parity the blood. loosen the skin, cleanse the ender and strengthen every part of the boo, and has proved a sovereign remedy for the following diseases: Dlsternper, hide bound, loss of appetite. Mavens tram, yellow water, intiammation of the eyes, fatigue from hard egewlse; alms; thewmulem, (commonly led atilt evmplaintd width proves so feud to many vs& table horses In Ude country It is also • safe and etc • remedy for coughs and colds which generate mr essay fatal Menses. - W. B. SUDAN, Grend Depot, 40 Lake al, Chicago, Mt. • - . Extract from the "Galena North Western . Gazette?, Ey the use of Ploanl Ointment and Condition Pow der, I hare entirely cum! a Mauls on my hone atd otherwise ittowored his condition mom than 500 pe cent. en the cosi ef the medicine And a cow whien eras ao o.c hie as to be considered worthless hi , myselt and imighborawu restored to good health andsveneth by the are of less Mira half a package of the powder, uld is now doing better 11. any other cow I have. Wall Posy y 13,194EL WM. VINCENT. Thereby eenify that one of my children, when tta fed, fell into a huge the of live coals, And was burned severely from bead to feet. The best of medical old and attention was given to the child for far or five days without any relief--esehdarsectfivingi ed till his grown meld be beard al a great distance, at which endeal period one of my net recommen ded and presented to me a box of low t ointment. and in less than fifteen minutes alter the application 'Gino ointment to the aggravated writs of thechffering child, the pile ceased entirely, and he aced''y began to recover. My residence Is in Hell tocruslop, Ye/- million eonnty, and Sate of Indians. • THEODORE L. TAILOR. Chicago, August 97, 1946. _ ptil 13, 1943. Fourmile; north of Chicago (ini the Wed to indsotttitiet Cook minty, Mr. Eiloan—Dem Sir: Oros el my horses bad a huge bony tumor en hie breast 'Nine, immediately ander the cella, which lamed hint and rendered his services et very little value. I fanidelly applied several bottles of Dr. Taylor'. Nerve and Bone ,Liment, without the !mutt benefit. I then procured Wilder'. Celebrated Horse Ointment, and need that until I became folly sanslied that h would never relieve the animml. Ti sally I obtained a 'boo et your truly vainablit Outs. meet, and in less than GO day. from the brit as pima don the tumor entirely disappeared, end the horse 1•110 molt Tows, EDWARD Ante/TROPIC). • . . . if papal. opinion ts any criterion of the wentife aniele, we Invite the incredulous to read at lout a few of the many voluntary canniest. that appear in our eolentrue te.ecting the groat cluiety of remaekshie ewes elected by the rue of "Elloan's Celebrated Oink mein awl Condition Powders." Theme remedies no longer remain among those of doubt Pal •ally, they have panted from the tide of ex erineum. and nom stand higher tri reputation and. are becoming more extensively used than all other anl• ales alto. IchuL—ltilielt. City Num. • THE MIX tins Nar BEEN TOLD. Fox Rma, Jena 11,1814. Dear Elosteir: Flew wad by the bearer a new supply of your Horse Medicine. Ybo7 are the beet ankles of the kind that I have ever used, never hav ing been diaappolmed in their efect, as I have keen in the atte of others, even the mast eciebted Linimenta,ka, 'of the day. I Unvei ra l' mac Oin h thin tments. fea ture in them, vlc that they do all that Is promised, and upon a thorough trial one Is cm:trained to add. that al.f has Me been held.. Berpecifelly, M. DUDLEY. The arditasty ointment,-'cod liniment. Ills wall known are nacre and partLal in their operatio.— Oltdinent is mild yet thorough—it reaches and removes Me canwiheuee It gives real and permanent relief. For parity, noldnew, safety certainty, and thenoughness, bursa'. Ointment cane an d is rapidly surpereeding all other Ointments end nts now in A WE CANT GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. Dana's Guova,lll., Oes 24,11M5. Mr. Sloan—Sim I have tested the vitroe of your Ointment in the care of rattlesnake bites, sore throat, burns, and maul other Maims, and in every ease it has surpassed our expectations. As a faemly Oust. meet, I have never seen its equal, and for besets we gaol get along arnhout it Yours, de, MILES M. JOHNSON. Mr. Soan—Dear Sir. For • censidersble lees* of ime I was seriously afflicted with the 'hi:omega emu plaint, sad applied freely the Tll3lolls liniments, paint killers,b e.,wtthout obuining any relief. After...hick year •gs at at this place .ingueneed me to try your Ointment, and within two week. from the time I com menced using it, the pain erased. and I ormeffeetnally eared, and shall recommend all who are similarly af flicted with the dieting complaint, to procure your excellent ointment without dela • y OSCAR V. MOTT. Prei ß eWilre=s en, h/57.1 . , DS. Cr From the Hem. 11. V. S. Brooks, Agent of ths Illinois and Michigan Count Pact. Beat ,Comptany. . Cameo*, July 24, leg s ; Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Mr: For the last de years I bats rind oeettoion to um many hones. and have mod the gnat enniety of liniments and ointments In ali•A but have never found sal Wag equal Yom autl , meat for injuries on Motes. Within the last two months I kneemplied roar corameht townie Flt bones, for various Intone., and in ovary instance it has pro ved a soverelgisTremedy. A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY ilk Two miles tooth of Chicago, Sept. It, 1979. De Slosisr—flin ttn the sth instant my .on had s lin ger Muer entirely ofEb.y shone.. We maniediawly sp. plmil your tel Ointment, which relieved htm el pion in a few mieame, am.l prevented the finger from swelling the lout plancle, and l eand is Leafing tepidly. Ariel? yoairs, S. BROCKWAY. Mr.tioan—Dear Stn /Moat three years ago 1 ens severely injured in one of my lege by the falling of a Rle of wood which °etas/acted large running ulcers. ears every doctor In Galena tried to cure Mein but lewd in ram, mad from sympathy and Improper treat ment my other leg became as bad ro the one origlial ly amended. I deepened of ever being well nem— but in order that I night neglect no means whine my reach. I purchased of year agent in Galena some ur „your ointment, andyen °shindig It my mime so 1 gratitude better than I can express It, to find myself erely well before I had finished using the meond be Three fact/ make known that where agneted may believe and not delay sung an reliable in ointment he yours hes proved to be. Reery your gnitefil tea, lialena, Dee. 19, Mr- EVAN DAVIS. Before the following order, Meseta. Vaughn k Co. purehkeed • large supply °Nilsen's preparanonk J•caloa, bitch. Feb. 14, 1t149. . . . . . S. R. Hibbard—Dear Sin lam out of Sloan.. Condo- non Powder and Hone Ointment. The sale far ex. eecds my expectance. Uwe can manage to send me d dosen, Ointment, twill pay for them the first ems that you are here, and presume I shall be able to sell a large ouseety in the MUM or the year. It will be an object toy as well as to myself, to keep me eon. 111. . steady supplie d ou,• Very rwply yo u B. AUGHN & CO. MISSISSIPPI R Sr. Leers, Feb. e., taw. Dr. Sloan—Sir. Abend two years ago, while fluting on the, Idissinippi ri ver, in pawing over the rapids, ..gene plunged into the water, and by th e raft dashing walnut a rock, crushing my left leg and otherwise se riously nutmeg moan mash sbat I lost all senkibilitT. When consciousness retuned I friend myself in Si. Louis, surrounded by my weeping family. Good nurs ing end medical aid, enabled tee In about two months tolotible around with the assistance of a crutch. The wounds ooly partially heated, eaving wt. 11/..MIR sores at the knee, which far m a ny months diseharved blood sod matter of the most offensive character. My pains were inexpressible, at times my coloring was so great that death would have received a hearty wel. Come. Fortunately Mr. Willson, lone of my neighbors) advised mo to try your Ointment. I obtained a bar applied it accenting to direction—tbercores soon began to assume a healthy appe•rattee, and in Summon:lls I was endrOy clued, and enabled to do hard labor. Vossobedient servant, HIRAM W. THOMAS. We, the undersigned, neighbors Of H. W. Thomas, wets, acquainted with the came shave stated, and know. Sig the .eireanutences, most cheerfully confirm said Thomas , statement. REV. J. DOUGLASS, JAMES WILSON, , , '— ' • GOOD NEWS. emcee°, Jan. dth,18111: ' W. D. Sloan—Stir. One of my horses washoof homed and alw wounded to the aside. In which ha took cold, and because so crippled that he could scarcely travel. Dy the free •pplic anon of your •aluable ,oietment, his hoofs were soon softened and the &Ude permanently cured. I havealso used the Ointment in the case of Poll. Evil and on severe galls with equal succem. On a mashed finger that Ina very painful, it opera. ted like a chum. Years, &o, A. VAN ORDDI. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. allosn's 01131.018Tt and Condition Powder are ties knowledired by all who bate aced them to be the Lett remedy far horses and cattle that has been dlseovered. Fresh mound., gall., preins, bruins, ringbone, poll evil. and In Mort every outward dinrdet or IMery can be Cured by this wondertill remedy. The Powder la deeigned for Inward strains, distemper, hidebound, fatigue tram bard exercise, diseased eyes, ke.—Late Cdunty Chronicle. 'BATHER DO%TI o lie l i t ifi l l r lUJ :n I THOUGHT W mum, Cook Co. Peb. 13, 18t8. Mr. Ellean—lhlr . 1 have • the young bone that was taken with the Bantams last fall. 1 paid not about three dollars for medicine to cure Mtn, 'bet he gre• worse. 1 then tratitht a box of your ohnetent st year fee •when iCloesge lost, rather doubtingly, hat 1 othpektst l org d be7e i telll ' e, . d fl e alit f le z eNren li rthrttd id mj. herso's legs smooth and weu info.. days front the thee teamerliamed applying It ;Your obellepatbouly. Malt than fifteen years of mrivalled Mimes in the sum of averylwriety of external diseases and Warta, asap r, bruises, mu, burns, entanocurerup *lons, sore lips, sons breast; chapped hands, OW blefus, biles, deers, torn., pant in the back, eitles, other part. of the systern,sattlesnake films, to.; bears maple tasumeny that Sloan'. Ointment is pair the thing for tha hoar. Certlficateewlthout lumber have been received by the Proprietor from disinterested individa• gistlng details of ramarkabie carps by Its difik Grenville, Milemakle to. Wl*, Oct.l3,lßUt. Mr. Blems—Dees Sim flaunt') ray bout vitt, •kg andel attlehmioehlett cue embethenthe iwnn y two , ...sway, so mneb se that I considered my team rutma for Modem. Fortunately &Mead re. ~.meded the me of your Ointment. I want to Mik s y.yyte and yurehmed • box. It more removed Me letimustationoend la a firw days the weands healed The great benallt derived fiviai me--of you Orna ro r l,„',..==s,l4'nernegowith thipelaia. MesimeallY " O:EORGEiNtMEMOCIL rr IBA Poe ai;ve. FACT; Azg Us Deems a, comma mi tt s, a m . m a w. *num a and Coadttles Powders ere rapidly wens dine- all ember remedies for ill'Ametteee of horses 'a The bent, et the medicines epee= iletb Fri 1 1 11.04,1 1 164, igt , ft b• awe entree IN obit arp dimmer Wag , o f iExhi lelerry ret •IdryfrqpiLtbeir NINKIIW 4 d‘srIICIMIKIVVIr liZi7=! THE SUFFERING cira.D. POPULAR OPINION. TIM DIFFERENCE. ONLY 20 DAYS. FACTS FOR THE hSMPL2s. A Vnt3CONSIN "nTAMEk MEDICAL; RUMS a, 1.7 piediemea of the day. . , ifiunsn's Seines, Ohhii,Nfay 1849. E Salem: I think it r ight Myths. beneAtofolhen to state some facts in Watson 10 year (teams Firri/e ly Medicines. • . 1 Wye mud yi Vernillitelargeiykink)sysinsgu. 'Lly,one vial; fre„.tently answerlfer ellPOSlngl 4te quarisitiss (bay I to 001 Writs f 411. tat ohildtss. hairs also awl your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup sn my family, and they Mum in every lawn= produced the elect " ilts tam sneaked In merotisidlaing, I 'am able to ram that [Wye yet to hear of Me *here your medicines hue been media my aecuon of the country. lit concluton I mayatom they are the medicines el the day. aid am 11.• to 'blue a very. extensive populanty '• Your; res..eciful. tu. N. fmtmt Prepared and sold by R. • I. IISHS,Ne 67 Wood street, and wild by Draws • amorally in Ms two ei nes and vlcinity. mval JiffilediTEUßte — Db r iaViß COMPLAINT iria, original, only true, and getteine Liver Pi ll. Snort Comr, Ohio Sel tOlmty, Va.). !duet th,1919. $ Mr. R. E. Sella,. Dear Sir—l think It a duty T owe to you and LO the addle rum ly, to state thati have been tainted with the Liver mplaint far along ume, and so badly that an sheen formed and broke, which left me in • very law state. Daring heard of your ceebrated lover Pills being for sale by A R Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to ate by my phystelan, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to Ewe them • fur trial. I purchased one boa, and bond them to e put what they are recommended, THE REST LI. VER PILL EVER USED,' and after Weans font bores I and the inseam has entirely , ,lell me, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully your D s, CUMRAIT. West Liberty, March 211, ISO.. I emlify that I am personally ammainted with Or lam it.and El4ll bear testimony to the troth ot the bi , ve ,e ' nifscate. A R SHARP The .11111110 Liver Pills are prepared and sold by E 4 LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by draggists tithe we Macs. TO THE YUBLIC.—The ortgloal,only tree and gen. sine Liver Yips are prepared by RESellere, and Lave pe name stamped in black was upon the Ltd of each xlx, and his measure on the.ontside mapper—ail 'then are corm tertelts, or ease imitations. , 01 0 '`. - • -it E SEALERS, Proprietor CARMINATIVEII RAIIaSAM L'IRDII the Rev AtiA SHINN, • well Isamu mudpop. A eats: Clergyman °tate Proteetantidetbodisteharob The undermined hearty been afflicted datingthe Put i winter with • Ise.saa mite stomach, sometimes pro. doctor great pa in in the stomach for tenor twelve tools !without micron von,and after havitnng tried, varion remedies 'nth. affect wufarms,W with a bottle otlD , DJeynesC t more Rails.. This be used ac-- cordhrg to the diremons, and (mud Invariably that this [medicate eaasedthe pain to abate in three or roar rain. lam and in fifteen or twenty retnettmevery unary &candela was entirely quieted. The medicine mu af. terwardsosed whenever Indiestionsof the approach of Oelnweteperecived, andthe pm n was thereby prevent ed. lie continued to toe the medicine every evening! and sometimes tr,...he mamma, and in a few weeks health was farreauned, that the sufferer wu relies ed from a large =memo( oppressive pate. From en patience, therefore. -1 e can confidently recommend D D Jayne's Carminative balsam, as Kittatinny medic in kr amass. of the sumach and bowels. A 81111iND Allegheny city, pfat Farulalu rittlbarati at It apliyjN lilA OR 79 Fourth street, near We e- lad %ha at the Dreg Store of 11 SCHWARTZ. V. orel street, Al VV../ vALlmace Discovr.rittr - CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR. BWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYDOP OP WILD COBBS!. Tel IMMILT 3MMIMe can Cosaumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Broneltitis,lAr. sr Complaint, Bplmog Blood, Basally of Breath seln We Bide ond Breast, Pa/pdtation of Helot. Inlinenu, Crimp Broken Con- Whalen, Born Diseases Dotal. • ty, and all Diseases of the Throu, Breast sadLunrE the omelet! foretold and speedy curs ever known tor any of • the above discs* es, Is DR. BOA AVNE , II' Commomad Syrup of Wild Olkenryl This medicine is no longer among. those of doubtful It haspeased away from the dumsands daily launchei upon the tide of experiment, and nowatands higher m reputation. and is 4ecoming more extensive ly used than any other preparation of medicine eeer produced for the relict of entering man. • It has been introduced very generally *torah the Culled Stun. lug Earl., alot th em ace raw towns of Impotence but whet' contain some remarkable eel. demos of Its good <deem. For proof of the foregoing statements, and of the value and elks-es of this meta ein. the proprietor will insert a few of the many thou mmd testimonials winch have been presented to him by man of the first respeembility-,men who have higher Mews almond rosponothilli7 and jam* than to car. I illy to /natty bonsitos It will do another a favor, and Liostsolves no injustice. Buck testimony proves =M elanin:ly, that ita ntrprisingelEenee te established by Its inuinsie memo, and th e onestionable seniori ty of public opinion. The in =coos relief it af t ords, and the soothing infloence dictated through the alade frame by its use, eeedeea it • wool agreeable remedy for the maimed REMEMBER! .When men acting from eonstlentimm impulses, Total:daftly heir testimony to the troth of • thing, or partteular fact, suchtestiniony, being contrary to their coldly Inter.. and purposes, etserce• conviction of Its trothand eommends Itself Ina special manner to ardvers ' al crodenec.”—O'llogae's Moral Maxims. • READ THE HOME tA.Z. a IFICATES. &n it Sotrrorta Cc= or Perintonein ComselernMe— There never Ins a remedy that lino been as successful 'an despcnun eases of Consumption, as Dr. Baraynes Commend Symp of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the eymtru, and appears to heal the Meese on the lungs, errant g new and Mob blood; power possessed by no other sdicino. • Other. Co, April =14.,1919. Dr. Pa ayno—Dosar Pin I wail) , believe your Coln. potted Amp of Wild Cherry hae been the means of saving my life. I caught sevens cold, which grads. eily grew worse, attended with a severe cough, that resisted all the remedies which I had recourse to, still increasing until my ease exhibited all the ay - se motet. of rOhOOOSIT Consumption. Beery thing I tried emed .to have no egret, and my comptiont increased act rapi ly that friends as well as myself, gave up all hepes•of myrecovery. At this time I leas recommended to fry , your invaluable medicine: I ,bd so with the most hop. py remits. The first bottle had the effect to Aswan this cough, cawing me to expectorate freely; sad by Op , thee I had used eta beeelcs;l seatt catirelY wellead are BEM all halaty • roan ss I secs we. lusty WO, sad wrath be happy to ems say InforMationempacting my ease, that other &asters may derive the benefit for which lam so frezefeL For the truth at the Lbs. statement.'; refer you to Peter Rush, Grocer, West Chaster, Piz of wham I parchued tha medicine. GtespoWelly yours, Jam Meaux. Wonderful Cora of • ilittkotlist hfintster. Dr. lewayne—Dear Sin I feel a debt ofgratiuda dss us yes-4.d edam to the afflicted generally, to ores My humble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy nP °mud cherry. Santa thtee years de./ / was violently artackal with told and intietartmien of the which was aecompanied with a didreming i i.n 4 fsT, pain in the breast and heed, • very moulder. ble dlmiargo of offensive =n se from the lenge, pip, Welly upon change ot ,weamer, however elight. first I felt •o alms about ray coodstud, Oat W. pm, soon mayineed that I was rapidly going into conantop. I glow daily weaker, and et length was scum ly able to abet, ot speak above a whisper, loch wu theenceedum weakness orThugs. iyerinvhis timer liked-vied truisms prepatetiont and presenpuora, but Mend as rebel—grownig ell the time worm. Into here I was admad and persuaded by a dear friend In Wilmington to make PIM of your Syrup of Wild Cher. ry. I mast comes that previously I had berm praiu. died against patent medicines, sad lem against those rowing cm of the hands or empeees, but ender trending yam claims to thefemlne andpractice of mediate, and basing pro faith In tie saying of my &Ueda, I Cantonal perebssed of Dr. Shaw, one of yam agents,• few buttes, and commenced fume:. My di.. 11.11 e was at thse time of 10 or e 3 menthe' standing,non. sequently It wee deeply seared. I fond, however, considerable teller fin= the nse of the first four or five bottles. Dot bung a pablitt speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach with my theressing atre . r, and thereby mewed th ose vessels tkat had elm begun to kcal; la this way, doubtless, my due was greatly warded. • In eeesequ of *ding thes itOprodener I had to use m ence asa or fifteen bad. beton, Imes pea - redly restored I have no question, • much number ofiboulse would have made ens sound, d e ll the above inductance, The Syne allayed the (eve -tog habit, took sway the distreniug cough, pat a mo,, to the Mechamm of matter from time lungs, - ho g them end he menu system good health: have defer red offering this contemn until now, for the puree. of being perfcesor satisfied with the permanency or t h e: ewe, and now Mail feet pettedly well I offer with pleasure. . • Dahlia county, N.C. MM. P.Yottame. . , kaportrmr CMM--Boodf 'Baal There is buts e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that Is Dr. 801,1Plell, the lint ever offered to the public,' which , 41.• WA said unite States and name parts offuropc; end all pro parade,. ealle...by the name of Wild Cheesy y tmee Leon put out sineelhls, ander cover of some deeepuve circumstances, .4 order/elem.mtmeneV m their gale. By a little chatelaine, no parson need .mistake the genuine Nun tle. Wes Lech bottle of .the.seuturte la enveloped wit • beautiful steel °naming, with th e Rhone*. of Winn= Penn thereon; also; Dr. Birayna's glanaturet and ••• further security. the portrait of,Dr. Swayer, willlf added heriatter,,so as. to distinguish Ida prepare:l. 6 mm all Others. Now, if it was not for the great optative properties and known' virtues of Dr. ewe eta unweaned Bytor. of Wild Clem persona would not - be endeavoring to alive cermet.; to their .fietitioas now am" by steams the rialto of Wild Cherry. 'Recnawber, always bear In mind the stamp' of Dr. Swarm, .ad be not deceived. of Eighth and Deco eteetU4' Pleladolphist. • For :Me elbseesele retil by OODEN - A SNOW DEN, rot 2 4 . e s Wood iti; B TAIINFZTOOK Co, eon tat ale. Wood, and Gth and Wood saw Wet THORN ,53 Merket sty S - JONIO, 150.1.16 cm on JAS A. JONES, cot eland and Penn st; ,JOHN Alava: ELL, Allegbeer city, and by ail respeoudde dealers in medicine. octli Dire W. Ps belated , . Prosaism Plaster. DIL INLAND, Medical College bf FLU age', now au; to the villa his Wan Veg. eta;, Pre.= Fleeter, the qualitlca or which ,After lo and trled !Veriest.% hes been satisfactorily es tab !sod: ao all women Wombay be ahead - aria Frolapra Utera or Fallen he recommends his plater, guenditceing a sure and speedy cans in the hart specie( frownsro to thee weeks, f applied with CM rest—disetarding all the couns menu:tents andrpensla bandages so long M ass Tluo ha foals eon candela In stating, inumah as be has not ailed in ease out of armhandred end afty•thlee pa liens Also for lliaitunaterm aid Weak Breast or Back, at tended Ina pain,there a nothing reject this Nester ML oggeung relater effecting a COM For sale by comer Of Dawns! eat Mahan Mann Reiter," LLberry and ISL Chit ate JFederal at stat Diamond, alto, Ja g eo:: itaN !! DOM" sad Di"."411 hum bsa =gear OP COFFEE—An inleli; arldeb li to Coollo3g MO Mk OAI-100helpaiup,,,,dkr )i elielos. oeveray, be*. racuy. plemant and pal: atab Olio common coffee, and far ablator 00 0 small paper cooing only ten cent!, arid loyclifas u four pounds of OOdee. Idanufaidared b ~..., ~ : , , ,• .. JOHN 13.3fILLE Fluabart,p,a , ' Sold at bow temps by HA F . . !timer of Fuldoind Wood and Stath and Wood Emma, rinsiontb, , Lr at • CALIFORNIA RUBBER 0001:18.4ist received al Camp Blanket% SO officer mats; 42 pr. Pude . 18 pap, nen heed . M.g Boots; LI leitmcce B eim . I gallon teal% Tao Lilal at Me e =l= , 1 cambric do do. ne above goods for WO at the Cali fond. Oalfdlog Eatablialument, No Wood et ^ ,I a u rauthe ri ynAb-WrobAbt Inset Anvils, from the Temmt .A 3 seeerribei worksonuranteth will by cabstantly , on bud sad applied to bubo, by_ - oval - IND COCHRAN. II Virbad rICTUORS-171a pipes B=4l-01=1, filapuy, tr.e; . pi err ltlphhL &ma , bawd, saperiat ". • k•Miikritla q uitE " *awe W ill 1 NHL 75MUM th.suitVe Wocti. -Mk Awl ito emits Illaseting Powder, 'ireiper Ott-abatis', and paw maxi ea byaintl.foz salnary "- macirsorzta met Wag ilmt larp N.lool—utolgtargizi rime elEal :>LY3V~sY<.+;LWY~:rt .'.V:~'yt ~-L SPH , CIAL 21911,011 T TEILOEMI.III.. 1311.0201=1 .1 S , t f it ue t 7I be presented to each - and every Teacher the United SisteuVddinHd chamarapon that?. nppllcation u, A. H. F.aglildt..4- 0n.,797p0d, goal, Pittsburgh, Pdit -Zlral"PrithilSlETlCl Or, an Annlyinsat the lanhadgeat Imes and Set- The following notice re coped fresnittejicsr b oh Tribune of it= :LA "tratotal et Aarratectle, ET COAL DAVITS, L. L. D. ftc.., pp. 111.1--In thutwork the langsageoC Igen!, and' con,traction_of acutbem, are carefully analymeo. The atphabet,t =pissed of ten' figures—the words do: rived from .the alphabsit.hnd the Jewelry which the • figures are nonnemed,writh wachwtherdare clearly =slatted. • .tet "The analyslialiews tint -thein , lava lion. , dyed sad eiglar.eight aleatemULty , Eambinattiaiia Arithmetic, each corresponding to award or our case inon language; end that tilaia..COVltataaaaul an so connected together 0 - 10 be all' expressed by only sixty three diderent words... The wyIIUILIT protases to commlkhese words to memory, sod ithen read the results instead Opal. them, as now premised: "In another respect the systeM proposes. am ehangejumely,tiaCaradellina unroll fractions as csultellungs,having•ittrem rehulotito the mita., from which they mete donned. “We smarty heed say that theiltlle work evinced the ingenuity and skillet antlfsii, fort:hi. Profeuer .price , welling on this imeject ate./ustil.mleermed , 'We commend it to the attention of practical teachers, harming that they will Ind it crowded will new and From the Prtftesors at West Point. 4 Mllirairf AcavaxT ar. U. /3. Wits: POl ST• J.D. 17. .The Gtaanner of Arithetetie; by ?foreseer Davies, presents the subject in new light: 1r so analysts Arithmetic as to teipress the mind of the leanter with ' the heat principles of authematical . sMericein tecie right order and connection, and the new roles Tor the relating of lasses are of greet emetics' , value. ' - Signed, ', WAL C. Bartlett, Prof.ofNut R Ex; YEW A. K Church, Prof ol hlsthernmica D. (1. Mahan Prat of Knginecting.”. , A. & DAWES & Co. would respeetfally announie to teacher,, and to all interested In mathematical in crouton, that they mil poblishi en or before' theist of Ammo, itißt. the follosedupt work:— 'PHD LOOIC. AND UTILITY OFEATIIE3I/4195• Or, an Analyses or ae Principles of the Delenet—of the Notoreofthe ressonlag—and of the hest Methods of Imparting In.streetloh. • By Chas. Davies, L.l. Author of Complete System or Ilathemmles." • N. 11—A. S'.• Barnes & Co., are 'the publisher. of Davies' System of Mathemenet. • • • For !We in thLs city by - A. II,ENDLISH & Co.; No. Poatar4.New litehloplan .111eleeDeas GWINE to Ron all Night; Dolly Doy; Daley Janet; Go down to do Canon Field; - Nally wee a Led), &c. ALSO: Do Kind mew Loved flues at Home; F ' Row.thy boat lightly; Tree Love, by T. Hood; • Oar way maim mesemeloalt; A view medbya?oy, by *Covert; Jenny Gray, music byAlaller, • Joys that were erowtant,i Wedding blotch; Ged blesgthe hartly . mmtrielSchuyikiii Walts; Come iipt'a Departure, by W. C. Glover, Sounds tram lloute; Waltzes. - eleyermartssebe Co; Luz Row or Summer, _easy venation, by Derr. Unil° 4 Stole. roDiol Munn , Souvenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille ; Louisvillo Qoadndel &imam otitelyi• Decas, Trios, &. • A large meonweru of New Mode on hood. to which additions am made weekly. Patella by • MU& J. u.vv:T.r.oß, el Wood .r. NEW 12001(112.. PRE WAR Wall MIMIC% Ly R. S. Ripley; 2 I vols. - , Elements of Rhetoric; comprising an Analysis of the Lows of blond Evidence nod of Perstmstorn 'by • Richard Whately, 1). D. Essay oo Christian Begun: by }boast W. Noel, Id The *lvies, a Nina Fairy Yaks, from all Nruionte by Anthony Moll talbat with Q 4 illmetrations by Doyle. • • • Jost recd by JOIINDYON &STbCITON, Belk corner Tuard and Market street' Gll2l BooksT, Q ACHED SCENES AND CHARACTER-Si. by A T O Headley, with eleven original design by PAH:ay . Poems arid Prow Writings, by Didion! 11. Dana& 2 yolk, maslin Illuminated Gems of Sacred Pomp, with .is illastra JtionolPagralred on lose by John Partabi. J Jost soceived by OHNSTON A. STOCIPPON:. de2l corner Thin/ sod BM/km ma pityv e cLez i i . r d LLl:A L T r a.NlLar an a d P i r n a ,:r te s nl . View f tee Medical l'imemion and Abe Gamennaity; -by WOrtb. Lamas llooser, AL D. . Toe Wares of Michael Do - 111intaigne;'essipilaieig Ids Essays, Lanais, &a. By yin. Nineveh and its Remains. 'Males lliairk Ur: ari l Esq., D. C. L. _ Glimpse, of Spain; Or Notes lit= VanishedToss in IW. 'By S. • .•.• ...Latper i 'gravgr a il b risiloso , e4 , ty,siess edition; ills!. :011NSTON & STOCKTON, • . earner Marked snd Third streets 12=1 1 OCHWOODS 11.41.1STEATED. WOlOl5-11In minated Boots—Ltooks in trebly nursed bindnue, illuminated and Illustrared—Boons superbly bound In: ll i ng:ti l lal d r l. blestonerf, and Codib - dstitiori, In narration o Anea—Brblea and emus Books. bean bound in Velvarand Marne.. nsagnikeently or narnented and Slinnaisnued.. Rennie by- JAiIESD. LOCKWOOD, • de29 Bookindest Impose:di Wood st. EtM=M ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, • Is. Al Araiitceig Anaguf Ilintissg,for . liotidays.. JAMk2I D. LOCKWBOD,. Bookseller and importer, al Wood etreet, hesseccired a beeetifai collection of Illestrided Books, bonne in the most splendid man ner by the bens Laadon sad American binilers—etaang theca may be lamb Pearls of iunen • m Voctry; singaideently Wanda. ested. . • Lays ot the Western Wraith illarainstad in gold and colors. Wordslronh's Grerc7 d. ibbly Unmated Tba reacher mr4 by Owen /baby,. and bound. barre 4 • • . 'the Bong of Sonsl3 Windowed by Jona. Flowers and deo Kindred ThongkOs; illuminated by lone& Ueminos of Sbakbpdare; Ilbestrated. - • ‘. ettarbeteristles of Wometbilltudya ted. For sale by .141.11 b DLOCKW(X)D, , • 4013 G 3 Wood Weer- New Oecke. ,-- . • - • • 4 EDITITRN: Ills Elm Voyne, ..try Eietenten 'Yellville • anther of `Typee." “Oeloo,”&e. ' - - ittory of fans Alfred of Eng . land,ley le.cob Abbott( • • • mu Rue engraving... • - lilidonia the Sorceteme by NlTla.ll.Teinholet. ~.. 40IINSTON k. STOW:TON, • ._ • nov'n • earner Ttenkend Bluketstteets 'One of the lUhot Resunlabls Work: oftke WI:NEVER AND ITS REMAINS; with an *cement. of a visit to the Chaostean Christians of KnoilH tae, and' the Yestidti, or Devil-Worshipper.; and ad tlnmairy Into the Manners mad Ant of the Ancient As- Ito AooSo lien) Leyard, Esq.; D. C. L. With Inwoduetery Note by Soot C. Robinson, DAL, LL.D. Illortrated with IS plates and mans, • and 00 wood nets Suet.. Soo. e1etb,114,,10.• • • .The book has a Me amount of graphic, yield, pic turesque narriniie.n—Trtbue. "The work of Layard is the mist prominent contri bution mite study of antiquity, Mat Mu appeared for many years.”—Christ. log. • "Not arm creels in Interest the amount of Nineveh nod its Ruins, given byllr. Laymtle—Vi'ashingion Intelligence,: • • • • • "As we follow Me diggers with brechleis Internet in Melt exeumfons, - and suddenly fled oursenres be. ton a massive Spiro cured with minute deeursay,• now lifting 'its gocutie bead hoed-the dust of 3000 penny we are ready leery out with the astonished Mobs, tWallah; Mix wonderful, but it is tructin—ln. dependent. Forsaleby WEDS D. LOCKWOOD , • nmld CriVood ow. wok.. 116 swom - EN of tea Old and Now Tmturtent T Edited by E. B. Spropte, D. D. I vol. Imp. Bro., elegantly bound; 19' exgroutely Gobbed engravings; with desemptiona by celebrated Atomic. Clargynr., POEMS UV AMIILIA'aMrs. Welby, of Ky., )anew and enlarged edition; Uhunroted bygnservings front ocianal destmts by. Wier. 1 val. rout. Ono., elegant ly and and gilt Also—A vanoty of aplentlid Aron. ala and 43ift 800k.._ ' ". Sewell's First Book of the Dietary Of Bosom 1 vol. 18mto. THE 111ECRAIVIC`S ASSISTANT, adopted for the sae Hof Carpenters, ahipwrighta, Wheel Weights; Saw. yen, Lumbermen, Students and Artisans generally: being a thorough and practical Treatise - on Alentata bon aod the Sliding Hole. By. D. M. gaper, Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Cotonou:nom Oltendotfr• k3ententarg Preach Grammar. By Prof. Greene-of Browo Untrersity. I rel. teem. floodiger`a Gesenlas , Ifebtew Brat:roar, by Centott Gisetuttellebrew Le,x icon. Loomis' Trigonometry mid Logarithmic Tables.' 1 rel. (sheep.) Tim Bonham.% Greek Coneordtmee. 1 voLunus, had Anthert's Clingiest] t3eties. Webster's D.etionam revised ed. 1 .01- Syr. do do entabndged. I vet Co. • Barna% Notes and gammons on New Testument ' Mutely's Logic. hleabeintta Becksinalleal Ilistory. 3 vols. and 2 rods. (sheep.) Vutisca of Cicatioo. 1 vol. lento. "b ' :: : : . " Mortungvantong the Jesuits at Rome. 1. (cloth and paper.) seenes where die Tempter has Triumphed. .1 rash (cloth and paper.) ,Itegoes 'lllcelogiecti Leettnea: • T vet aro . (cloth.) Aldees Prohonueing Bible. - Bayer'. French Dictionary. y • • Miami Borneo. For solo by 11 110PKRiS, t nort3 . Apollo Buildings, Front, at glrb; tu," . . — Arp,rlv. Booty., Lettere, nod /minter through Gennany and Daly, with notes from all the Commentators, 11tograph teal and Ibbhographteal Notices, tr.e. Theory and Practice of. Teaching; or, the s. Motive and Methods of Good SchooLlCropilig, by David Plage, A. 111,Paincipal of the State Normal School, Albany, N. 1. -Ftratilt Fomater's Fah and Fiahing of the W. Sinter end Bluish Provineca of North Autenca, by Uglily Wet. Gerhart JOHNSTON A STMICTON,.; nave . earner Third and Market The 01d . .. Time. TAMS D.. lAXIKWINiD, Bookseller and Importer; No.6lo.Woodstreet, has for eaten leer cop:carom. plate, (the retnaltider of the edirom) of this voltiehls work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, and otherputhemle information itlrar.g to the ashy a. plorationthsculiment and improvement of the country aroandthelmad of the Ohio. By Neville 13.„Crallft E. ef,Pittudrggh,ln rola Bro. , novld . J. D. LOCK% 00D. oafAlti pcnvt:'Xilsriary; virm a viow ofe Llbetty of Othe r. r .„ §llClent Nottoos. 2 = 2 4 XlUmy Fsg. Blest wills tweire enmarings, eau edit!) tom K, Mao., B ro , aniforin with prescotVk FluttorteldWorka:' ~ publishcA wad forsale by_. • • ..IAAIDSI), LOCI:WOOD, B...ge , irrAna merle _ Intrter. rod Id - VA/0V KI --- ;WIL 6niatrintus. * P4N ssTles-reoiling of this book hae impressed us willtit 13 untkoHbut aro had femsb4 .111. h Itdieplayarfdeepat front of tone of tholght., united 30 w ore pare secretary omega, ferhog thin any other production of the female mind withwittelt are aegasinted..—Eve. Mirror: ' , Plr is awry agreroble and readable calming.: took; ce . Fanny Nembles Pest style—rold, apirited sad can .lVe recommend But mu readers maths best sAbliniukia of gm sonsoa."—Bead;lli ; Igcontams ads Journal of &Olivet &wee. Korope4 Indy; and 010 Or,the plea -tavern andmatainteresdrg,book2of Ciegation&-Coorated Colophon eraite dale wok, read from due lutp co Colophon with ,sinstnall haltrelit. rid ffibtdre of hie loam% Ispal.respoets eminently routable..—Kutplce(boasr. - For sale by_ lANDOPLOCKWOOD. rovl 3 - • ..Bookaellier Impiefter, Woodst •itaTits illbbtlll/1 Sad Inerw•va. • • 30 1:Mr 4 Tt i f:t ar t t 44.1 Wk etylos, lee ? as. . th !- 101Lf, 1 •-• ' Market L1KE.P...10.1)00 - 11,8 sow tl.nda Ft" - ftl i g r iof k ii waoko, bylaw ty t id,r. mai a6194C914 BROKEI4 -.TN; 'IIOLIMICS Wins; t Banker a ROSA Wl* 11.• .B*• l ‘,slln NOT743iiillANTß, —a - n CCEMACES,OOLD,BI2,3I2 t • AND BANE, NOES. COLLeTIi, I 7B.IM Note* Indjoesprotain urn ! sn art 111 Unionoadtaa "nab awn E . on N Stork, Mukalla& ibk damn; za. 9 , §4int Le vil-Bad Now Orloanoonsuonly for WO. - DANK .. Nous on all solvenr,banks *a United kkatea diseunond the lowest rate. An kiads of Forir and Amnon= Gold end Satyr Coin With; _. and Orton : No. blinsst Went bdtareen dd and day Pitubtryb, oct2s • )2081111/1 111.1011/11:101C. ani on ttle ir . n r , u lnae. of d Ezeb t anta, W Jltso,DroAspayshbs In my pan of tb• Old Col:rooks, Arno -EU to ..ElOOO, at Use run of $5 to nu Z. domino!, unborn deduction at &soma, by J WHOA ROB IN. . SON, Ektropean and O s man' Akan; °Zed tabu oul door weld of wood.' onllBo F — ctOAiren...RAne — _, .2"g [PM deafen , 13%=11 1 /P="°,12...4..,c.,.. tuleaus of Deposhe, Bank Noon and Coln, earner of &I and'Vf - eodoureu,crecaly opposite St. Charles 80. . . . .. tel. l mayll9dly ; • Zta tacky parabOulat the lowest Yetis, by _ 4419' 11°1 111 L Lt IDN3 ' meet' 131 1 XedIfylualurolon ma , . New York' iiontlYroi sits . by N. tIOLMM a SON: septa. . . 0 3 Wait et• 11SUELLINEOUS, 111011.1115 m. ntimpu.sn, -f ECTIFYING DISTILLERS, and . Tea end Wine llerehauts,,Ealit ado of the Datino..l, Pittsburgh, fr . Ijnir . Pere.FlCAT IttlberlCir towers prices for eatb, 6i:fatale& Whiaktv, - Gin and Domestic. Brandy; also, Freneh Brandy, Rolland Jamaica trimm, Lon dott Oin, Irish tVhiskay.Rura, &e. Posi,t , :herry. lio dens; Champagne, Claret, blnsr ale% Malaga, Tenn islie,and Lisbon Wines Wholesale & 6etul. eat 3 fUriTiNG,PAPEß—ittlwaya on hand or made to order, rho nariona aisea of Priatins Pape C r, Hod ra p ping Paper; Croton, Medium, and Mottle rown ea Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown. Medium, and unto Crown Post °Oen Paper, Pagoboard,tte• to. ' • WP MARSHA LL., 83 Wood at, _ atil , Agent for Clinton Mille • noiklos t • - - - rOIIN WATT kayo relieved their sunk of kk Groceries w the opposo side OtLibercy et. ips OMAN B l y N bt ' inlFl ß Eett a w fu 4 . A ' 1,7, etantereassuu,” oTo nem and s m be. , I .01 1•41amo. Latter Day Pamphlets, No I:—The present time. By TeoMlLS.Carlyste. Cataltaas.--Aternoirsi of LT@ sad Writings of Thoe. Chalorers,'D D., L. L. D. *elections on Boners Alielogy, Paler. Evidencesof Christitmity,andlliiPs Lecture on Divinity, with two ititrOdUClOry Lectures and four Addresses delivered in the New College, Fslinburgh, Thontu Chalmers, D. 1)., L. L. D. vol I amo. - • CALVIN ; god f lobe Calvin, compiled from Redrew. Inc sources, and panic ularly from ~s correspondences. Hy Thomas El Dyer, with portrait 1 rot Mao. Far sale by—' • @ HOPKINS, apt? 7,3 Apollo *Odin as, Fonnh at. • Dearneir Cured. From the New York Tribune: t'FILIEND, whose word la meat reliable, and whir .tt.' hire no possible interest in the matter, b utA one of gratitude, derma no to say, that Ise has been cured of myelamie deafness by the mot s e Compound ActegsilePhiladelphia mulieluer which is not for nag in. th is City, but which he thinks ought to Le, Tai the good of the atilleted. Ile boa &sister who has abler been cured by It. Ile urgently advises , all who RTC Suffering from deafness, to try thts remedy, with an auturancethat. unless the ease be emu:ordinary, the "grrialern:i4 p "'" 2 I IIgraTETMRP., feba 70 Font* as, Pittsburgh Combst Vombal ' .C)AGtiOSSOpef i tte l sd A T,lrerylste; 30 ' ased Fine 20 Shel Bid e Cot supra le& Itarale; ' • 1 r • 2130 grow asea Side Corars; reel and Ler wag by ,••• febS 0 Tr4OEll, 101 Market:it . BulVllolliaiSi Buff Bel. Wadi AKE. - .HOTICH—that W. Me :lame* bll4 this day T +teased Mast& etuaes of the finest ltal best Hoff ,Window Holland, mythical he groin] respeetfallt mall te aunt:lion of is etastomer. and the pablinin ntneraL ..jp.Catvet Ware Room.. Fotrttb S;4alltara. . AFt...Hit ta e GUITARS, ireq fiom celebrated anuanfactoty of C. F. Minim. and 'for le Irr.l long II:MELLO& 81. Woad at :Doak. Jzigt Itscatyed. ;. rite Complete NVorks of Jabs Bunyan; aol in 1 irot,/lbagusued; matlio aftand gat edges. Iduchell'aiSbbcal and Sabbath School Gcographyv neor arruM.T•ol,l2mo.' Town's Mud - psis and Fierier. • -Lade( loan Q:Adikang brWm. H. Scarad; 1 ord. Poems by Hrs. limns; 1 yol, lbw; - muslin:lift - South's Sennont-Sannons prtuched upon several Decal:Wm, br Behan South, .D.-1).; a near edislob., 4 TchSineluding P 0•0114100/ Duansurses.- -4311suur-4 vols. MA sheep. e....tru; Fpr sale by. R. SOSEINS, ' nuildia-as,Roarth st. EAGLE , FOIINDRIrv- Morn lamrofion - . • • a. nut rra/.IE. nadessigned, inceewers to Aithurn re son,fieg leave to infonethe citizens - of Pittsburgh• pablie generals'', drat therbase.• rebuilt the EA GLE...FOUNDRY-and are new, in foil operation, and Imre pan oC their patterns ready for me. market:— Matiorxt arbith are Cooking ;nose., Cool inn Wood Stove with %splendid airtight Coal Stoecorldch is nob' airrerceding 3n other eines the eon.= round nave, Also, mobcap pool Cooking Stove, woit plop tad fauteuil fampilies, with - a fell assortment .of eon• mon and mantel Grates - We would particularly' In ane the atteadoe of.' ptikons building to call' kt Qnr wwelsame , larfotn.purcbasem, and examinee aplmdid artielaof entat-.llcd Grates, ftelaiked In bee atyln—. entirelynew la thismarket. • rareloose, - No, ISt Liberty it, opposite Wood all arnr3.dtt NICHOLSON a. PAYPIR - pirrgnuncin LaiPonTsTiorzs. Ca•YEAbElt,' Importer and Wholesale Dealer in sLA, "-TANGY AND VARIETY GOODS! • Sitn of the Gilt Contb,'loB Market far ugh, F. PitZban " U M porc h tr= are respectful!) test% So WI aintegartdno the eaten essonment of gag lim, Anacncan,'Frencliand German Fancy Goods. • • All Foreign Seeds at this establishment are impart, .id direct by myself, and parclutient me yfrely on.gete nag goedi from first hands. I,l,sve the lernect assort.' Mtn of articles, M No variety line; ne the city of Filt#SelEvvedl . of„which tm. sold low for ceA or. city acceptances:: -12 m Stock consistsflApart, of_ • ' race Goodd, Reidery,'Glerves,'llibborm. - Pritlrats, Slims a4d PatentTrrods, Sewing Conon Tapes, Saspenders,Buttons, rina,:Neo d .c o d Cotl ' ery. • .. • .. Geld end Silver .01ciehas, Gold Jesrals7, all kinds of Brushes, Combs and Raton. -Perm saloaVaps, Ltestd - Vers; Pistols, Cleats, Silk ii. 'L. Csuon Parses, Spectacles.;Steel Pens, ?limit I.lozes, -C4 Xti "" s FTSRAlt d aTtilnacalb6s. - T 7pays ' oa Fancy Goods; tessther with largo =LS- Iy of Fmay and Stop!, DEW G00D5...: A. 1.. YAS; .is Wass a,sent for the celebrated Lan. caster Golub, • . . • novl7 ' ' T. I • • ' - 's3riat...ra.g.liiin nomedy. Tbs, ' REAT, AND ow( Lr; mRtIY for the eura orate Above diseases, is Abe Inirfosiumi Unix' „discovered bj.tho celebrrued Dr. Duch* of ' London) England, and introdanedinto the United States ander Usainuneditun superintendence of the inventor.. • Vie eartraordinary aateess of Ws stredielte, in 24 eve, of htetmanery ; disease*, warrants the Macrinin Agentist soliciting for treaustaxtrtte:warst possible ca. sea that nen be found in lhe eorantatAty.—eases that seek rilief in vain from &axe( the eorannee remedies of the • dayoutd. have been given up by The most aistingstudte,4 phyamanasa confirmed and tnettrable.. The Deegan- • 'ea Delta:ohm cared, and will earavata..."...... 4 7 . ,_ . ". - of eases.' - It la no quack nostrum, MU hit medicine, of known and established 4=l. F.veryla4r.in Um United States sheabi be. aapplfesC; with. Mich. a flartgartan. Balsam ofjdfeynot only ul~, .eao en= the consul:vitae tendencies of use e ha; to be used as a preventive ediebteist all. cues hu t nt eougla, spitting or blo4 .d..sad cheiVirritation nod mama of the longs, breehltisy. dtitcalty of breath:in beetle fever, eierfor, emati el4h."'agg:4l.d4llit" 1 7. "". of Efiglial and Arheti i Debt in large bottles, as DlP , ..bomat with WI Alp. for the restoration of health. I rampbreta,eontaktiag • ota , !. tan earlifievxes, and Other evidence, showing the an. equalled Meth, ONILIS great English Remedy. =alba obtanfeerof the Agent. gv.x.lir.tOr.". - at net .. bd , by .0 WoodNa comer o • 1111dWood arid Gth au. , 01(k kIAaiIIS!IAIPEI4.I4 COCPtIA SYll.UP—Trestat, I.4.,,lslorrette Was /T. Prrreeritte, March.V,lSti . Mr. LE:Selleri—lijuslice.ui yoithml your meths, syrup, I beg leave to state, for the be_as" community, them ,Wife , fa hes been eevOser thud nelleted ,wsiut a most dunnuing 'cough., J . petl. , chased, in Jmuitry.lart, theme of your SyruportuOts,',- ' tiered a cones of two menthe sanding.. About .111110, tenth Atte, the eongh,roturnell, and. Nas' ad tavern dad' the. tool,/ hardly mote, from' *pekoes, io the pee lett [Out for.den crottlebf your Cough Syrup, and 4 port of one bottle Cured the cough _lrma ;hooter t , journeymen who tut aeretty aMietatittito had,. to use his owe wade, "Staten etneughtoogh dandy to . date•ial•thu Penitit•ta rienbutith,t , if m eaudy sad.. been a.cl. .Ainqd en • Your.,,fintef , Ainrito tt.'Xitte- P.P afto ' , .. l '.olfkur s :I.Ettsio Wood' meet,. and; sold Id .pro tt:f., juristo scoettillf tst two • . „_ AlerslZOMP 4 3llr VIGNIMAII BLIND, '.. • : "AND Otsliqrffr WA4tEHIIOII. - i : , I 4 ii. tll ,2l.AVN would Sa u get k 01. 0 .0 oo'huul nt fL ' i L sad on t ilt o o was: aldi of th e aamond,.Alle :alien,. oily, a e senpleu, aiewt4 111 . C11 at V flitilUl thilld•OalitlYe: , IlitiAllAil:Utri ire nuniento qr.: Os in Una best style, wairnitetc` Nandi* any in dm United sutra.. 11.1. s Minds can Nsftnestieduntbl eat IS ' aid of a We*: driver flaslntijarebased tle ei mai tools, - a wood elate cabinet°. usplisineentelliantany Seeli landi-.1 ins prepared •to • ramie . ! sir 61tI•enuenters i ' ail arel!:tell She publia at large,Sleitb every dun; lerthele line , Agana y;.No a woad mrees,rimbonsi. Q . , .• • . • MOM- USTlsted.aa clap= piala ilosecreed 6 oat: Mack T the celebrated micarractary 'arridara arr Cld*. N.:N,Cd/avcciaytacc. braleeredecbld 0 4 c 0- POT RIO by - at Y. d I VY L rIcroL ,.. • smalamm. rettlar ° T ßY' P r, .11. rm substanees destralinis to the Taub, 'lt is &llama* the tote.efeuntint , . mg the gums, stun purifyin the breath.' "I' Mtklatitittli47 SVetid at' WATIMEiI IN.CTIEAPER THAN"- Sal l— int teed; ail imote•K tel jewelled pawn le- WiteEuea f 6 ourtrline eases; 'Well l can wlu low u thisve illreflu dollar.; add lueOrtsari 'if JEWELRY, stesfr.., ihrmieas and lent st7h*lldbe W t WAGON, Watchaskgr=rs ii Amu IWO 0 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers