The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 16, 1850, Image 4

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Glsalibi It nail
Jishlaa. lir limper lb Ruff, in it vols. cloth and
paper: at to cents per voL Three vole received, and
for salelby • R HOPKINP,
Aimn."ldfries..Voartla at.
TTY /PPLETON& CO, Now York.have canna,
jJ. !publication. is forte, price twinaT Reacent•
each, ARICTIONAIII blachlnes, Mechanic., En-
Ogle Work. and Entineerictr, dcrianed for:gractienl
Woritime,ldenend those inumded for the Engmeming
Profeamen. Edited by Oliver Byrn,
Thla Nock is notrge 870 tire, and will contain two
tionssailpagew, onwards of six thin:send
none, 11. WM present working drawings Ind descrip
tions of the. moat Important machines in the 'United
Suites. Indeloch4ent of the =snits of Alrelie. ia.
ennitj; It will contain complete prantiultreansea
Mechanics, Maeldnem Entine:Wart, and Enabler ,
ingt.with WI Mails useful in MOM then one thousand
dollars w
inner af folio fOIXIMM magazine. and other
hooks. S ntbets received, and for nate by the
aSenh, It HOPKINS.
aPln • . 78 Abollo Bnildioss, Fourth et.
So le Agin( jn.Wertent.renlvania, for the sale of
t 011ikh.ERINCsiS t..M.EBRATE.I)
Grand and. Square Plano Garter,
S to inform his atenda and the musical . publitti
that he has row Invoices, and wilt receree and'
erposto for ale', during the Dtefetil month, the largest
andmostderirable snick Of Pm= Fortes ever offered
for sale In the west—among the number will be toned
talL o=fy iY eltry t ed Rosewood Grand
Pinto Forteei
wish all the recent improvements in mechanism ant
aryl., of exterior.
Splendidly carved Rosewood 'seven octave Square
Piano Fortes, finished in the Elizabeth= and Louis
XIV. tyke
With n large stork of all of the they styles Pi
ano Porter. varying in vices from 5275 ter.trOn and
*IOW, prepared by Dlr. Chietterlng for the present
Parcharers ireataanied that the prises of Ur. Chic k •
cringe Fiance Lave be= and continue Lathe, tits
tame as lathe ruansulactory In Easton, withoutcharg t
tar traositortation; end will be delivered and we op
perfect order, in any pun of the city, without charge.
CPsial3: •
rINIP; undersigned Inca lawns to inform We. public
1. that he has declined businetta in favor of his bin,
Orris, alto will eonneate the A Ltecton and Con,
/11151i111 butirlite at the old stand, corner of Wood end
Fifth atroeuu end for whose he would solicit • wain
nem° unite liberal patronage betrvofore bestowed up
on theist.... JOHN D. Delft?,
April 9111, ISP.
P. N. 2./.11.V19.
muss or V7OOO .401, IriVVII MIMS
Mt, Make Malec on liberal ten., of Foreigo &ell
WDOOlegiC Merehandi., Beet Emete, Mott*.
isrii and 'roper, Mpesperienee and close attention to
bortnemb to merit a -continuance of the support and
Ostronase so fiberally extended to the format. house.
A 0991.1850.
Notice to oar Patrons.
/1111.1 e decease of the settee pa rmer, to Philadelphia.
(the Into Jeinett M Davis,) produces to inteT7ll,4loll
to the tarilnem--mrangentents bare Deenmade which
involves the same itIiCICALS, preedely, which have
dermal°. existed. The business is tosurned under
the tame name and fine r y'.
Al Dom d: Co, Philadelphia;
Jana AFFscirit A Co.. Pinaburga.
The contittaaitee of the patronage ot oar many
friends is respeetfally 501 i... If a.' persons hove
demands against tin concero, they are req.:arid to
...wet them forthwith. for puyetei.t.
Pittsbergh, Aped M.A. 70115. M'FADEN,
apl7 Servicing panucri_
80UM . .. 11.1., 101abons, &c.
1 . 0 11. PALMER, No 105 Market rireet, is pectin.
nay ell to tint •etT crest tnducements to buyers of.
1- dew Miihnery Goods, of every description lIG
ridch tonsistg of every desirable riyie of Wain and
Fancy Straw Bread, Gimp, French lame inn other
!Dune.. Jenny lane, Culiforinta, Round rind Square
To flats, far Misses and Reams.
Boys' Mats, in areal variety Mcnhi Leghorn.
Firmer Braid, China Pearls end Sultan Ilata. Rib
holm Flowers' Bonnets, •Silks, and other Millinery
rtrlieler, A., Ise arvtaAv
11roMairi Phillips Cti Co.,
LTAVE removed to Werehome No. 59 Water to
.L.l. deli.. Wood nod Market, where will he key
ter site, of teed manufacturing, a lull mvortmtet o
lean, Sims, Spikeas, Castings, and Ike Blast P 15.1
warranted of the hest qs..`Ali. Or the. ls erit prices.
NIA JOON 111.:FT, of the'llte Feat of Timmy A Best
Laving 'purchased irstriert to the aria, will lute
of the Warehouse, Andwill de vow Ms entire
ettection to the business ; and endeavor to rendre sat.
"faction to the Irictids of his Into fine, and all others
w Ito may favor us with their patrono'.c.
• i'lstm as Water St. venation..
1511Attli,LIGT,C act wityric,
No. tat. AV 00D STREET,
AVE in emu viii are receiving n large Sock of
Pitt 1.100 ; relected with grant rare 'for the
tregern tradeiond whizh they invite the attention
of city and weitgrn merchants. Gwent
tiered to CAA buyer.. [eV
lIFIELD are prepared to Mr
.I„U, doh their curtomers and buyers generally with
too very best make of the utiore.gwels, and wilt do so
at the old prices, notwithstanding the advance acerb
Some allot Gee insert Linctxwarranted pure ffax,
lately received ; also, a supply of Linen
Table Clothe,
Diapers, Craah,.te n just teeetred.
Cornered Towels an low as :Scents per dozen, or
ek cants a piece; m north east corner of Fourth and
Market ata. epic
A-11451TTUPLIE11`011. £lO or--XL.
, olnua, George street, Plymouth, England. The
managers beg tn ncemnint ...Lek numerous 'pawns that
e next Distribution of Portra:La et liar liars«, will
comprise those entered fur the 43:111..111g Gran]
Malone! Derby Beer the number of shares to be
limited S,ODO. each clam First nines member !J
second elm« ditto L 5. Fatly applienhon forth e un. D;
approrriated shores is rtecessery• it party subthrtb
his for more than one chassises the choose of gaining
Uequal number bonuses. Those membersorhe draw
the venous Portraits still be ptesented with the fol
lowing mum—
Portrait of let class booties 51 ditto
Matter, or First Home .1.10.1X0 .£401:10 •
" Second Boric— - 10,50 I,buo
Third Horne ••• PAM Span
Divided amongst Stumm •• • 6103 3,000
" Non-Starters Q)00 .50110
There are Rs bonuses in each class, thatbeing the
Slumber of-borsea entered for the lace. The Drawing
' said be conducted upon the same lcsitimate principles
as those whieh characterised the late St. Ledger and
ether proceedings. Fall pasiculara of the molt will
Le rent to absent members immediately after the de
rision, that each may know his potation.
Sabreribelo. registered and tress fomented, on re
ipt of a renuttmice. Blithe( Exchange, Drafts,Dauk
Nate., its, addresocd and made payable to the
Managing Director, W. J NIES CO.
Roe per cent comniissbm to I...relatedon th e
presention of bonu•cs nute-•ho
Ilutlfitel="V . 7yT;l".."ViZe%
Dommereial Sketches with Pcner..l Pencil; Thieffat
of C 0121110,00 in Aboh 'theg rettrictente apse:tete Tmus
ter of Pro; Tka Ancolay and Plalosophy of Mak
ing; Tits Production ot Stan, sem Vow liankruPtei.
ska 6 ~ed Cerreney—litterest—Proloction , Yrce
Trade we Protective Turas, or Strierares upon tto to
port of CM &MM . ) . 0 i Tnn.ry of the United' Suttee
for ISO, «dams to Commerce Samna:on of the Ros
man Empire le the East, de....fZe.
BLACKWO9D, for Marsh INtO.
,or April, at Holmes ,
Literary Depot. Third Street opposite the Post OE«.
--a " TAM APPLY. Tal.lBloSii
row pared to furnsh Ale Twer, from the
well imowe pre Nursery. of i Jaco p b p lltowo. TLr
tree* will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for
St! per hondrviL Persons wishing good thrifty trees
should leave their orders won at the Drug, eced, and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth Ma.
B. A. Fahneptoeli
WllOl.. MALE DRUBBISTB • earner of nut mod
a Wood Mean, offer foe ada,oo inyorobloll
100 bbls Whiting; 603 Ms Cub. Ammonia;
00 do Alam; 000 do Assaftettdo;
300 do Dye Woodm KB do Crud* Tartor;
la do
4O L.mpblae k; WO d. Luorice R
do Tem Red; WO do o B iq le b Moss;
• do Camphor; Mdo A Red Preelpi oot;
ID do Opt. Brow.; 1311 do Calomel Amu; •
20 do Yellow °rase; 25 do do Dag.;
ID do oziramoue; ABdo Backer Leaves;
8 do Cloves; 010 do Rhubarb Root;
3 do -Cham.Flowerm 400 do Sanaa. do;
14 ea., Ref, Boras; 8041 do Gentian doi
33 do Casale Soap; 200 do Sal Roeheele;
13 do Bresnan Blom WO do Doidlas Mixture;
10 do Colt. MagauJoi 3:3/ do Booed Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Green; 430 do do Blip. Elm;
sdo do . 1 - allow; 100 do do 13.ArelAc
Ao Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lig. Root
CO roams Bond Paper; RIO do do Jolly;
• 35843 Wady Samoa; :CM do doAf.CaYetatoi
0.5 bales Book. Corks; BM do SalpB. ZIOG
750 s Ralph. Ilforphom 3 00 do 8.,./.14i
fIW lEt Cape Aloes; • 200 do Tamunn , •
1200 do U b P 01.14150 do quick ally" ,
2:00 do Pink Root; 50 do o,a4e reel;
130 do Turkey limber, 73 do Coda:mat;
IWO do Cmara Tenor; Wdo llyd Nimbi
54 do Tartaric, Acid; fa do More;
bt d UvadAvelaT Ursi; o 5 do Granville Lotion.
fe. o
rzystoCztrit, OA nocii. Olt..
• • -.
Than are dirampt of In philosophy v
118 VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy , and
the comtmt application for It, to the prefrietor,
ban lanced hint to have it pin OD to LLitlicii with la
bels and directions for the benefit of the public'
PETROLEUM is procured from a well In this
county, at a depth of toot hmdred feet, is op.,s
dulterated article, without my chemical" clue ga .tatt
last as flows from isfuturets Great Labial/it-El That it
contains properties reachieg • somber of tissues, is
to longer a matter of entecruunly,• There are man
thinks to the annum of mtare,wbieh,if known, migh t
be of volt 116efininies tip alleviating sulkring, ono
mring the bloom of health and vigor to many a sof
t,. 1,,,,,,,..h e f 0 re tho proprietor thought in putting
i t e i s males, it tad a rephtationfer the cute of dis
ease. The moonset and doily ineremennnalls for it,
nn.' amend remarkable curer it Itaaperfonned, Is n
earn indication of its future popularity and wok
amend application in the tare of decease.
Wedo not-wish to male o loot ponds of certifi
cates, as we ore conscious that the medicine can soon
work-its way into the favor of those who stiffer and
wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim far it a
universal application in every d,oeam, ere unhesita
tionlymy, that in a number of Chronic Diseases it is
movallett. -Among these may be enumerated—all
diseases of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
nulyNcEpylS, CONSUNIYTION (in its early ste,)
Asthma, aud all diseases of the air passages, -LIVER
COhIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA,. Diorama. Diseases of
the Madder and Kidneys, Pains in she Back or Side,
NeneattEisensesiNeuralgia,Palsy, Rheumatic Pains,
Gee, E ffs ipslas, Totter, Rmcworms, Borns, Scalds,
Beau in Old Sores, he., 00. In eases of debility te
"Odor, (mo expotiorc, or leen and protracted eases ot
disco-in, this cme will bring velieL -It 'wit I act m
s rimers' TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such cues,
mporting tone and energy to the whole frame, remor
fng opening the eluggish (auctions, which
cause disease and a broken constitution, nod giving
[stemmed and renewed energy to all the organs of
Dre The prepteetor knows of mverel cores
ILlZ,thutresistedevery othSr treatment, get-well
The Use me of th l yrracm.,Evm • for it Short time.
The proof earl, be Ewen to my rot.on who desires it.
Minn, without the alp:mare or the proprietor.
Sold by Me yinkpnetor, •
N. KIER. Cum aste. nest &Mewl, to.
Ayes, R. E. SCUP/03,57 Wood ag'
d—,KtIVSP.R &
SkiLiei \WW an I end Virgittialley; tyke mace
regularly appointedAgents'
abtAL 1 1, "OPEN.
Firnstgall 7111111POILTiliGn LIDS.
V' Pontisylvant.C•aaL. & liall Road..
O'CONNOR, ATKINS tr. Co., Canal . Rubs, Liberty
treet; PivsharFtr:
. ATKIN P, O'CONNOR to CO, 219 is •AF arket street,
(PCONNoa k CO.. TO Math Erect, Ehltimorei
E Bums. New York:
Ettrotr it G 0130,11 Doane street, Easton;
114...11., Gear, Mayrwille, Nentocky,
HALL a Co., Columbia street, Cineinnau;
K waaa. Louisville;
Usage, 115x01 & Co., EL Louis.
To Slaplorsd Aftramassim e and Produts to and
front Philadelphia, Baltimore, N. York, it Bohm.
Our route being now in fine order. we am preparmi
to forward goods as above at my towns priers. lye
ie.,' oil freight/rot ofas7 charge having policies for
over elEin,wo, and with the following extensive stock
of Boats feel conSdentof goring entire ratisraction to
all business entrusted to our care. Our boats are all
• . Ulna of experxnec, ond
d on mist sobtouk ketrng
new, and commanded by
our entire line is rownie4
unit umperanea princielca.
Per nsiieinia latlyton,
SL Louts, Cowden
Col. Romani Ridley
MaryDeberah Sims
I:Alen/um, I , i , ny ion
Iron City Haw
11 sryl.nd, Starstall
Ciatinnat, Sands
Roth Anna, Chatham
Fm Atkins, l`e.nrand.
Junintn 11town
Gin. Stott, Gory
TolegtophNo IBhietJe
Point .!,I!!.llloy:tySuntle
Import, Bl'Quaglo
Boston, Alter •
Gsrlind¢ Riley
Minter Ringlo
Loki. Aral
America - - Peril -
Mermald M'Colgin
The Fnx
.Loot ShbiT galr o hee n 'Tifatle
Shipperearill Gad it to their adventere to givo us
tone Canal Basin Lit/unlit, PittaluTe._
ummtioßE to NEW Vtiftli,
By Poet ylvanis coon/ nod Bail Byrd.
da o w i s t l i i L l ' he . ll:llto d a b o e t i s cope s l
new one o s
to the Leue, UMW. Us to carry a lugs
quantity of pro d uce end goode.
The entire trod of the Line ti oloried and e081.14,-
by the Proprietors.
116111/11; S. LEECH, No 13 South Third o,
Aml at Wu 0M.;.;..c0 Warehouse, Doak ry
erlepttio, Pa.;
. . .. . - .
No U 4 North flowarkl at, Datitnore. lILI ;
, ' OFFICE. No 7 Weal ...I, New York;
' I) LEECH d. CO, Cann Bann. l'enn at,
mll3 tiusborch.
MitEn 1850. •
CLARK, PARKS it CO, Rocliestel, Pa , Plope&
06.1 car Pinithfield and Water ats Pittrbatith.
Clllll% 111L - 11LIN, CRAWFORD& CO, Ants,
Cleveland, Ohio.
I (Ills ell known
n / an i f t io re m pfr i p r igd u ltzliitg , ei n ct ,
CLEVPJ.AND. to any point on the Canal and Lake*.
'The fullitica therLine are unrarpaased namber,
quality tunl'orpanity of Boats, experience of captains,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat leaves Pittsburnh and Clerelitad dallc,ran
ninw an connection with - o
Line of Steam Boats be
tawit PliTSßUßtill Asa RRAVER, and a Lane of•
First Clara eIcSIII I.lcaut, Propellers and Vt6llels, en
the Lakes.
Clark. Parka A. Co. Itothe.ter,
E N Parks lc Co, Voattnnoten, Ohio;
IlTaylor, 'Warren. Ck
A & N Clark. Newton Falls. Oi
I Brayton it Co, Rancho.. 01
Kent, Grinnell in Co Franklin. 0;
II A Stiller, Cuyahoga Falls, 01
'Wheeler. Lee & tin. Akrsn, 0;
Chamberlin, CI avrford it Co. Clerrlunt, 0;
Flablmitile Co, AanJoilry, If
Peckham it Peon. Toledo, 0;
0 Williams it Co, Detroit, Mich;
l 4 dliams it Co. Milweekio. Wort
' , heck fa Dutton, Racine, WI.,
George A Cab.. Chicago. Ill;
Thomas Hale. Chicano, 111.
nir3o comer Water and Smithfield all
CLARKE, PARKS k. CO, neeherter, Peoprielow.
rr nE Proprietors of thin old .d well known Line
would inform the public that they Ire now in op.
....On for the percent mason; and have rommeneed
receiving Freight and Passengers, which they ore
fully prepared to carry to all potaw or; the Canal and
At de lowest rates. One of the Boats of the Line
will ho conatontly at the lauding, below 3lonongaleela
Bridge, to receive freight.
°dice, roe Water and Smithfield stn, fittaborgh.
Cunningham, New Caul,. Pa; •
Alitcheltrce A Co, Pular kt;
W C Milan, Shama;
&. S Hall, Sharp ahang;
Wick. Artier A-Co, Greenville;
Wee Henry, 31 analown;
Power,Wot Comma:grille;
• John Hearn In Co, Erie;
John J Hollister A. Co. Buffalo. N Y. mCI
agi fc :- 1850.
(Denver Point)
rAcaErs; towing and .Sipping Letv,cli Patshargh
cod Rochester by steins, boats 3linklgno, Lake &k,
blot Beaver.
L-7 . Goods receirted and promptly debvered to ntl
rise. on site Canals and Lakes, at the lowest rate,
Shippers will please direct goods to a Dtawel Pa Lion."
J. C. DIDWELIk Agent,
mr2o %Teter st,Pittalrergh.
Pittsburgh Portable Bost Limo,
eitaM 1850 :Mft1-9),
TOO TEM ToaItsroTTATION or rtitatir
TO AND not
Thomas %enamor, ITaroran &Comma,
Philudelphia • • Pittsburgh.
RE Canal being now open, the proprietors of thisT
long established Line are al usual at their old
mends, receiving and forwardine Merchandise me
Produce at low rates, and web the preuiPtneki nor.
minty, and sakty,-pccuilar to their option, trot mode
of trarkporutien, where Intermediate tranehirrnent to
eroded; with the ronerqMOO delayand probabditY
or dem .ge.
Merchandise and Produce Alpped week meet, and
Rill. of Lading forwarded free of charge for commie-
Ana. advancin^, or storage. Haring no Interest di
rectly or indire ft elly in etc.mhalb, that Of the owners
is Alley tallll.oted when elnppinr, their goods.
All en
lot tO the fallowing agents prompt
lyattended le:
• THOMAS 130111111IDGE, •
No 27S Market greot t Platidelptzit.
Corner Penn end Wayne streets, Ihnotargb.
John McCullogh & Co, 43 North ot, Italy P.B. Burt
& Co. 'M 'Doane et, Boston, W. Zs 3. T. Taman & Co •
te South et, New York; James Wheelwright, Cluelry
natl. rnets
1850. 1850
f[ollls LLNE, with tunturparted Meddles, I. ' nnw
prepared to transport Freight to Clevelanl, the
Lake ports, Ohio Canal, and intermtdinte place., on
the most favorable terms, and with the greatest de
Shipper. are retorted to thom who have heretofore
palroutied th,r lane. Send good. to "Rid wet l'Pt Line."
AiVITS—J C lildwell J water et, roltbmtMi
Bldwell A !troths., Rae/eater;
1.0 Matthew., Cleveland;
Ithale a A Croon. do.
A Diaciaba. YoutigrtOwlin '
, C Leffingwell t Co, Warren;
A N Mirk. Newton Falls;'
Brayton & co, Raveann;
Kent, GIVIII4VII 4. CO, Frunklin Mill.;
Thomas EarL do do;
A II Miller, Cuyahoga Coln;
W Stephen. A Son, Akron;
Wheeler, Lee 1k Co, do;
M dam,
J Harman E , hinsaillon, do;
Cummins A Co, do;
Wm Monteath in ilo, Buffalo;
11J tithtnt tr. Co, Sanduely;
It Higgins A Co,. do;
brllaskell A Co, Toledo; •
11 N Strong, Detroit;
• Murphy A Dutton, Racine,
Ball A. Milne, Southport: .
Doorman A. Co s .:llama& te,
Pl/ Inekintton, Little
Kirkland tc 'Furor, Shobsygan;
Dole, Dararrr tc Co, Chicago,
Thom Male do. •
Fatally nth: March dd. two.
&BMA S's°. l l aglar
IletweeuPlVrburgh rnd astern Cltac e.
• •
The Canal beir:g now open, ore are ready Le' teem,'
and forward promptly, pralutte and mrrellandi:do cast
Ratak,. always at lowan rates, charged bylegpoa
• •
• I'teduee and reerehardive "mil! he receive.] and for.
urged emu and :rem maildent any ehmkge for log'.
IW2 , d•og or odkgr.eimg freight, cominimmion - or mtoregm
Bilk of login; forwanka, ood 'eirektieit.
fully otietuled to.
!Weimer/ or apply tn. WM. NINCifIAM,
Caual Roils , ear. Liberty and %Yaps.. at, lijitmborgh.
No beiceren 4th k. Silt, Mika
}AS. WILM3ON, Agt,
No 14, North Howard at.. Ilaltimore.
JAS. 1J1NG11,431
nitig Wein steel. b l ew Volt
dc Cos
. anna paundttoutc• . Otago.
gibtrANIIDIII.b. GO. continue to bring pending
n'm 00 1 Pda.of F.rgl.d, Ireland. Scotland or
Wles, upon them os, ahead wens, with their
aatarPlinaillolltY and attention to the wens, .d corn
&notenneigrams We do not allow ougpassengers to
,be robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the WI.
ports, as we tato charge of them the 19011.11{ the y re
port thcmvlves, and see to Weir well bring, and de
spatch them with any detennan by the gra ships.—
We say tuts fearlessly, . we defy one of one pa:sen
sors to chow that they ,wore detained 48 hie-s by us in
lAy.rp.l, whilst thousands of others s are detained
months, until ahoy could It erns in some trail, at a
eh: !alai w, Welt frognondl P 19.4 Men coyote
We Mena to perform our rmtvoes . 410 110Mbly, cost
what it may, and. not net. was the ono last season,
with ether ,orteens—who either performed sot all, or
wheait nnitoA anue onnyenienee,
Dans drawn it Pittsbargh for any .am from .C 1 to
£l.O .:payable at any of the_yroriacal pa:Agin i
hhagUnd, Scotland and Wales.„
r..lOdllU/.. - ROBIRSON,
nropeaa std Arpm,
bad iftb stroel- arm dmm____id.hlte
a{Cl9:l .0 DICKEI
apl4 112 Water st. '
UK street.
° &ll.P '"g rT O Y lL: r7 Ctl i gi ki LS:
in part de follinrina s
civet Pile Carpets,
ean Bnissals
Terialagly 7,
No 75, Fa
VT, Spring St. !k, of
rioming.44.c., ' ••• ,
.; Eno. sliper koyal
. English and AlUnit
Extra Superfine tm
SUP.f.. ingrain. C, ugans,
F.xtra has
Fine n •
Centraon, all wool,
4-4,1 and 4 Tap Von Car.
4-4, 4 nod 1 Toiled Carp.
I-S, 1, 4 and 2-4 plain Car.
I.iti and Bag Carpets,
8-4.Prir.ted Conan Carpets.:
Superfine do do Saks;
Tolled Ran , :
irmra Wilton
Common do ''
Chenille Door Moir;
Shoop Skin
84,74. 64,44; 44 .41
Oil Clot.;
6.4, 5-4, 44, and I Moller
18 inch patent Oil Cloth.,
for mart;
Extra printed pant, covers
Table . 0
Printed aroolen ".
Emboesed Stead • " ,
Linenand westaida -
Dameek Star Linen;
Turkey Red Chintzes;
Chase Pordering;
English Oil Cloth Table
Drown Linen crumb cloths
!hem Suer Rodni
Stair Druggetti, • - :. '.. -. ,
Carpet Battling's; .
Sine and Coeo Mats;
lAliesuit andlikeletonitlets;
Stand 4.4 Green Oil Cloth
for Blinds;
Iluckebauk Diaper,
Sumo Ott Crest.' front the most apart:teed Eng.
tub and AlneliCall mannfactuters Irons 12 to _feel
in width, which .will be mat
o dt looms, halls,and .
vestieelea atm rize or shape: '''' -.- ' - .
The underaigned having Imported &Met from Itillv
land, hie Voters Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets; which' are • of the Irma and moos
styles and pauerns, and of the mat gorgeous colors,
mill be sold at prices colossus they can be pirehased
for in any of the cement cities. • -
Cozen nrecenroa
Blue nod Drab Cloths;
Crunson Plash;
Coneh OA Cloths;
Damasks for Linings;
Watered Morena,.
Buff Holland for WSbridea;
Preach tramp.
Vence. Blinds; -• 1
Bunt for FletPl
74 ma G-4 Table Linen;
Ruseie Crneh;
Scotch Diapers:
Brown Lined Napkins:
Geneve Od Cdnit Table
Having. the itllfett tment of the richest and
iLY and t:GRAM CARPETS whlehthr surpluses
n quality and cheapness of price,my aulonmelll tear
before. brought to dun city. Ile also invite. StentuboLt
Men and Coach Manufacturers to his largo and well
intell7.ll their businei.
The tindeetsi,ned os also agent fnr the Nyair Hod
hinnufsetory rhiladelpbls, and is prepered" to sell
lower than eau be purchased elsewhere in this city.
grans Guts Woe
A. MASON & CO., td Minkel ntscel, between
lA. Third nod FOnith, are now seeehrinxaliuge at.
soru sent of Renege De Writ; Persi. Ciotti., an en
tire new article; Fallen-Is; Crape De JAI., ite; with
a largertirsoliment at Law,u and other Dress Goods,
uf die jarett styli, old most fashionable color.
COFFS,—%I bap pro m tin' uto Javai
C-a:ob.-40 boa mould, dipped, and 'perm;
Cindsn-1513b.:1 Cream and English Laity;
Conos—dlU do: Hemp and &Janina;
Csasti.-40 Mall?;
Cnovics-5 barter;
((;Gnat—LO 1,1. Common and half Spanirld
Fau—S.s brlatutilbinfbris Mackerel and Salmon;
(11-sas—Ab bar asiorted Woes;
Ilaus--IXOU Crime Veal:chi
USW Savo Cured;
Isntoo—lbh lbs S F and Manilla;
Isa--i 6 Jar:irons flank and Copping;
Miniustr —23 bile N Orleans'
ban' brls Roger ' Hausa;
Must:am—SO dos Wertrd enlister-h .
MrorstioXl-s:tlh3 1411E111;
11.3a.“11.1.1—fillIti , do
Naos—hint keg! assorted;
Picts.a-5 dot tars nriar,ed;
I,x do hushed* balers;
Itto --1/0 tennis nr4Ofted;
Ilinams--11:11bot burden.;
Soar-50 bib Rodin and Cast Steel;
tin.a—lo hhda N One., and Clarified;
T.—COpanks:en Green and Blade; -
Tosaccu—htt tor PA Irmo;
-Warn Dootos—Oidnx patent Zien;
For saba by J D WItiLIAMS CO
twin Corner of Filth and Woo.l
v3sl FIT in.+! FURS!—TIe subserrhors rnY
17 for Coon, Miak, Mask Ilea, Gray and Rod kox,
sad uil kinds shippiog kura, highest ...tern
prices aIcCOR.I3 CO,
lebYo corner Fthb •nd %Vocal sts
DishoLtrripri• •
v...crilliplien.ture exists/1g botratrs.7llolrs
T Tassey and John Rest, in the Gmeenc.Pralace
1..41 Ca..l::ian uamacat, was dtssolved by : mutual
nussat, Rd the 11th Mot. Mn. Jobs Best barna; pur•
clAstd the-entire ino.tost of Jmoes Tas,ey, on Use
brat, the tratide will be retilddly Ottn. at that,' .w
told. No. 241Voad at. JAMES TAtisSEr,
fet.:73 .
Paper Hangings. .
PIING SF.LF,CrICIS.—Witt be rocei*ed, b 9 gut
runai rhipments uesv and choice tatortatent of
Wad paper, of the :swot French and 1-:octets stylts,
in ro:d,r betnoit, oak, tad Alex rotor..
tti. ItIASS/LALL, (tdte S. C. WSJ
mild I Woad ore.
evaung between S
L ll
U . lllndo CA and John 51c1.11 under Itor firm of
S. II IlarLbebi, JS o'd Nand, No.22ol.ibertyntreet,
Marsh I, G:1.1. Jr..llN MeGILL.
rontinue eta Wboterula aid New( Dry Goods nEd
(tracery boeineen, pi the old could, No. StO Liberty at,
under we Lila of R.II. UUSIIIIELD
blurb I. 1.(741—(01ot2
E oust , e• =to tai astoelawaiwun =e, to MC .In/tie
1 ante Geo,tery, Ountraislion, and Forwarding hurl
netr, my two Sonr,lt. N. mid W. Lt. Waterman. Th
• name= in =true will be conducted under the attico
the obl cand, No 31 Wa
tor anti en Front street. 4 S. WA FEKSIAN.
r.r.bcrgh, Morel let, l;.21.
C/11)4101X—About , the ONLY ORIttIiNAL
WILD (DIRRRY die areal remedy for
And the beet medietart tnonto
to nan for Addica of nyeay ateFe, Liver '
Complain., Bronchitis, lellisinta, Lane., Cala.
Bleedleg of the Lauda, Slertneaa of Irraatb,
ralna Wnaknesa in tie Side
Drew+, kg, and all other
dam., o/ the
_ .
A very important dims. aver whi. 13340 no.
ens a very powerful iluence. is 11.01 of is
in this complaint it lean eadoubtedly paved..
CrlC.lol2a than any remedy hitherto
e employed, and in
merous instances when patients bad dured long
an d
severe saltedng from the disceser, without rec. ,
leg the least benefit from various remedies, and when
ldercurydias been resorted to in vain, the use of this
Italmin fists restored the Liver to a healthy Wham and
in many L.ranem effected permanent mares, after
very well known remedy had failed I/Sprain. this
desired edgier.
Beside. its astonishing efficacy in the disease eow
mentioned, we al. Sod it a very effect.' remedy in
Asthma, a compinint In which it has been extennively
tired with decided success, even in cams of year '
standing With the increase of intelligcnce hang
e no
up n Estowlitdge of the elem.. of health, and a e
gard for diem, itiLl with the strides of
CCICIICC Lave we acquired Me Insets orarnestimg dis
ease, and avenlng revagen. i‘olarithstanding the
progress we have made, statistit s shgew•that even
,one sixth of the whole population die tannins,
of cnsumption.
all ' ell ' egti th n ' g ' tfe t' ca i Tgallt=l:l i g7
fence humanity, ia
Wistorls Benin of \® oo Cherry is aline !lethal
Afed g i4e, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bath and
the Ine (the laner Inverted erpreser
ly tor this purpom,) the rare medicinal urines of
which are also combined by a now chemical process,
with the eatrut of Ter, thus renderin4 the whole
compound the most carotin and stimulus remedy
aver discovered for
Still further evidetwes of dot remarkable curative
ptoperties of this i tieltilD able preparation:
Sereumnexa Dream en., 0., Aug. 21. Inla.
Messrs. Sandford A Pratt Gentlemen, Aboat six
weeks ago. Treceived the agency of Wlstat's 13alsain
of Wird Cherry, but with some reluctance on my pan.
for Ore mu. that I had been the agent of ao many
die and other =strums, which were crack= op to
be soma:one wonderful, but which tamed oat IN the
end 113 be of ea account whatever, except to the man.
Immure, Ilat 1 candidly admit that time I have
=eh deceived, far de earmordirtary cures effected by
Wistaria Sahara have convinced me that "good can
come out of Natatetb." Your afoot left me one doz
es e lanties, which areal gone—batten been the means
of caring several addinate eases.= Cobsomption—
andno mistake; tor wbnt I see and know I am bound
is lichens. One case In partieulan A young gentle•
men in IFineheitm. Adams comity, 04..10 mares fro •
thiAtt,", , ,v7fhl."` d a r ,t c :,%lT,Pgl7`.nnotr, d %;
tom, and It was the hued= al hie friends to convey
him to your city, and place hue under the care of some
Went physicians there. But a friend told him of
Wiour's Balsa= and that he could obtain it of me.
Ile sent fee it, and before the second bottle was gone
he woe Dead and well, and rdendingto his every day
trpoinew. Mete arc seve rat 'Raines for the mei*
MIA, it would be well to forward . additional supply
without delay. TMreapectfallY,
The above, from L. Newland, EstbstaldghlY respect
aide e ntry merchant, commends itself forcibly to
the c id attention =ell those who have doubted
cogrrest, zit of Wistar'e HAG/leery Deism.
the original arid only genaine Wintery
Calsamdt Wild Cherry, as Introduced ia th e year
16,73, and has been we lt testedln all complatats for
vet= hlt is recommended. For 17 years it has proved
more effteac LOLLS NA a remedy Gllleghs, Colds, Inn a
eara, Ltronchitis, Althma, and Coasumption in rain.
druid stages, than any older medici rte.
r Nut Sm..* Aug. 10, 11118.
Mt. S. W. Fowls:. During seen many certificates
published in relation to fir. Wurters Salaam of Wild
Cherry, 1 take thin opportunity of offering a word in
its favor, =rich yes ere also at libery,bJ pablisi.. A
fow months miner my wife's Dings became ILO Much af
'Meted with a audden'enid, that she lost her none, and I
sadered artverely from pains inthe GIVII.St. 'Sendai.
I ant este= her famine mach alarm. Ruing /meal
I yorteilt,liant strongly recommended, by those who
used it, purchased a =We 1,0111 your agent in this,
place. ,She twit It =cording to directions, and it pro.
doted n won:Maniac= Before using one bottle site
had completely recovered her coke, the pains aubsl.l
- And ber health was teen rally reertablished.
loam, only, lIENDY G: URIGUTBIAN.
Danuutun AND prja.lNS to BININCINkTiII rd.
ebrated and iniallible remedy for die care of Consump.
tine, Azduca and Liver Complaint, has by Its own me
rits, been rapidly, sure and safely wotking its in.,
through the opposition of quacks and coanterfeiters,
until, by Its true value and intrinsic excellence, n had
gained for Iteelf a most enviable popelarlty, and
fished =elf in the confute= of =intelligent anden
lightened public, from one cedar thus continent to the
case Tire testimony of thousands who bare bees re
lieved arid eared by ibis estimable article will Opal
thartt mends unrivalled—at the bead-01 ail other me
dicine. for tbe cater of diseases tot WU. It is ream
trudederL The genuine. Or. %Vistula lialsam of Wild
Cherry so now for sale by ditly, =pooped agents, end
all stable dealers in eneMelues, in all largos
aid all important towns throngheat th is United
Oman It =Ocala 11112 potties for 6i .
Sold by J. D. PARK, tracer:mot to Sandard &Pared
Four. and Walnut street. Cintlaug, Ginos Gem. ,
Agent for the South and Weal, to wham all orders
most be addressed.
to Wilcox, Jr; dant. A. Jones; J. l(ldd A Co; IL A.
Fabneateek A Co, Plitsbargli. I. T. Hassell, Wash
ingumlNV- IL lemberton, Ftanklin; L It Deceit,
Uniontown; il. Welly, G reensburght S. Koomm,Soreeti
set; Erect! at Gilmore, ltedfotd; Dud & Son. ilmtine.7
don; Mrs. Orr , .11ollidaystottgrkliblebnin I A Co, hub.
=at J. If.L Wright, Estiniuraifivans. ,Co, .
4.. Wilson & Son, ‘vern4..b.rtt4 M 1 4 . 1.0 *-
co, N. Callender, Meadville; Barron A Co, Er:c; J.
niagofk r a Mercer; James, Kelly n. Co, !tater. DSOS*, , c Sammerten,Warree . F.L.A.AS- Jones.
traMortgi i . tVkft, x;errew6vot:-
tg- AL the Stedteines advertised b 7 R.B. SLOAN
ere said by • •
R. R. SELLERS. Wood an=l,axid JOHN P. scan L '
trim Hess and Cheapest. tiaras Mediate*
IN TR& 110BLD.
Ham earned a mom name. For Parity, Mildness, Salo
sy,asni Tbanrctrinza, SLOAN'S OINT3IENT
And is rapidly enparseding all other Ointment. and
Linisomne now in usa for Ilan ease of the fallowing d is
- •
Fresh wounds, of all kinds, sprains, bruises,
cracked heels, mistime, onndbone, orinittlts, pot
vil, eau, amino; sweeney, fistula, CILIA, •trtlM-$
lameness, sand crack, blundered feet, scratches es
pen. marce Or horse distemper.
The Powder will remove all anflionmation and fever
purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water
and strengthen every pan of the body; and hasproved
a sovereign remedy for the following diseases:,
Distemper, hide bound, loss ' of appetite, !sc..",
strain, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue
from hard exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly mil
led stiTeomplaint,) which proves so fatal to many vats
noble horses in Misc.:rumor. sit is also "We sad cer
rain warily for coughs and colds whichte so
many fatal tbseaseu W. B. SLgene ra OAN, .
Gmr.d Depot, 40 Lake st, Chicago, Illinois.
Extract from the "Galena North Western Gazette),
By tho use ordinates Ointment d Com!hien ow-
der, I have entirely cured a fistula an on ray horse P gad
otherwise 11111319VCd his condition mere than NA pe
cent on the cost ef the medicine And a cow wince
was so feeble as to betconsieertd worthless by myth!!
and neighbors.ano restored to good health and atremrtb
by the ase rifless than half a package of the powder,
and is now doing better than any other raw l have.
Small Poe, Ably 13,1535 mi. VINCENT.
heraby certify
.thal ono of my children, when na
ked, fell into a large fire of live coals, and was Lamed
severely fmm hand to feet. The best of medical old
and attention was given to the ehlid for four or five
days without any rehef—eaehdayls sufferings increas
ed till his groans could be heard at a great distance, at
which anneal period one of my neighbors remor:lea
ded and presented to me a boa of Sloanle Ointment.
and in lota than fifteen minutes after the applicator.
of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering
child, the pain coated entirely, and he speedily he an
to recover. My residence IS la Melt township, Ver•
million wanly, and Donee( Indiana.
Chicago, August 13,1645. '
April VI, 1540. Fotir niiles north of Chicago foe th.
rood to fildwavkie,) Cook county, Illinois.
114.9loan—Dear Sir One of toy heroes had a large
bony motor on his bre.. bone, immediately muter the
collar i which lamed biro and rendered Ms services of
' OP& l'a tl ;lo v r% l TlC rv il e r' entirm 'P L P o in trin d e:Zwil l ho b ts o f t .‘Tie .
least benefit. I men procured W i ld er's Celebrated
Horse Otnuneut, and used that l became fully
satisfied Mat It would net;; relieve the animal. Fi
nally I obi
leas boo ot your truly valuable Ontb
moot, and in leas than 00 days from lb . hmt applica
tion the tumor entirely disappeared. and the berm moo
wIL Your., EDWAIW A8A19T11.0111.7.
upping. opinion a any ititerion of the worth of an
ankle, we Invite the incredulous to read at least • few
of the many voluntary eertifientes that appear in' oat
ooleonna respecting the ureatatiety of remarkabls
cures effected by the ore of s.; l s oarda Celebrated Ohm
went am.l.Condition Powders."
These Memedia no longer remain nmong.thoss vt
doubrfal Utility, they Lane parsed from the tide rof es
nerintent and now eland higher i In Imputation and am
r 4 .rot t tne 7.— e fflitgt; ' fileCe th . " 'Mat ant,
Foi aITIIS, Jane
Dear Eloan--Eir. Flame send by the bearer a en.
envoy of year Horde ikledidne.s. They are the beef
uuelea of the kind that I have ever aped, never hav•
Icy been diurpointed In their elect, en I have bean le
abe use of others, even the molt celebrated Ointments
Ltniments,it,c., of the day. 1 like very mach th, fea.
tare in them, via: that they do all that LB promised,rclar has th a T i rt , te n trttti s me is =careened to rid, the,
1/eereictfiZ, DEDLET
The ordinary ointments and liniments it is wet
known are Fever, sad partial lit their operation.—
i lgloan's Ointment is mild yet thorough—a reaches and
teMOVee the Cause, hence it pro real .1 permanent
relief. Fog purity, mildness, saitty, certainty, d
thoroughness, Stood ss Ointment excels, and is rapidly
surperceding all other Ointments and LlellaelitS now
In too.
MOM • GIRO., in, Om SI, Into.
Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue a Yew
Ointment In the ears of notlematelnset., sore throat,
barns, and many other ninth., anti in every ease it
haw rpassod oar espeetiona.. At a Manly thin.
meat, II have never seen ta
its equal, and for bouts are
can't get along anthoat It.
?loam, he, Sid.f Id. JOHNSON.
F.SCELI.lifrt 011.171!FNT.
• .
kir. Stn.—Dear Fin For a considembie length of
irn e I was seriously aglimed with the rheumatic emu.
praint, end applied freely the various batmen., pedal
kittens, b^.., without obtaining tiny relief. After which
your gigs It at lids place influenced me to try your
Ointment, and within two weeks trout tie time I cons.
menced lasing it, the pain ceased, and 1 wascifeentally
cured, and mall recommend aft who arc similarly at.
gutted with the thatresping maipplaiut, to KOCIIIP lon,
excellent ointment wftboat delay.
Retply yours, OSCAR F. 110TP.
Princeville, Peons, co, May t, Pits.
trr From the Him. 11. V. S. Ilreinla Agent et the
prima and Mining. thitial Packet trot Company.
Sincsors, Jane St, I S/,a•
TM W. B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the last .71 yours 1
have had occuirrn In arc many horse - a - and have used
the great variety of liniments and ointments in aser,
bat have never loud any thing equal to your oint
ment for inharies on horse*. Within the last two
nosorts J have applied yonreireinent to mom takers.,
for various Vilitost, cud In <very Instaneo it has ono
red a rovertign remedy.
Two miles south or Chicago, Sept. 11,15 IS.
D. Sloan—Sin On the RA instant my son bed a fisk.
her bitter entirely 44'14 a horse. We immediately-an
plied your celebrated ointment, retirtlt relieved tont a
pain in a few minutes. and prevented We gager letttn
swelling the to. particle, and the vrvand k healutc
apidly. Resply yours, S. IiItOLVIVA F.
Mr.Sloars—Dear tur: About three peals ago 1 wal
severely injured in one of My lets by he r•rolly or •
pile of wood whirl. °cc...tied large' running ulcer..
Nearly every doctor in Guleaa tried te cure them; but
tried in vain, until from sympathy and improper treat
ment my other log beewne as had as tho one engine:-
ly wounded. I despured of ever being well again—
bat in order that I eight neglect no moans within my
mach, I purchased of your agent is Galena some
gum ointment, and es minmize of my sorpnve on I
ratitode betr the n I ran i
express it, to lad myself
entirely well before I had finished using the second to z
'new fasts I make known that others afllleted piny
believe and act dole y stains on valuable en antismog
as yours has proved tole. Liesp`y ycnr grateful fed,
Galena, ILL, Dee. 19, ISIS. IVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order, Memo, Vaughn A. Co.
purchased • large eupply of Slaan'a.proporaOone.
Mob. rob. yt, Cult
S. E. Ilibbard—Dear Pin. I am out of Sloan , ' comb.
lion Powder and Horse Ointment. The tale tar er
ect-de my expectation. If you can fintlage la scud me
4 demo Ointment, I will pay for them the firm bent
that you are here, and presume I shall be able to sell
• large quantity In the cootie of the year. It will be
an object Co you, aa well a. to myself, to keep me con
stantly supphai. Very reep'yB.s ye .
V ar!,
Sr. Loris, Feb. `44 1347.
Dr. Sloan—Sun About two years ago, while ratting
on the Mississippi river, In rousing over the rapids, 1
was plunged into the water, and oy the raft dashing
agetet a rook, crashing my left leg and otherwise se
noway iinanog me, so matt drat I loft all siencibtlity•
Wow consmeasnew returned I found meet( in ht.
t s pate, earrounded by my weeping family. Goal nor.,
aid, r ha ailed . ine . or . ab o ri
at.t.7 The
wounds only partially heated, leaving large running
sores at the knee, which (or many tuordlw disebsirged
blood and matter of We moot orflouive character. My
pains were inerpreseint. at times my milleirl3F was
so great that death woold have received a hearty loci
come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (One Of my neighbors)
aslvired Me to your 45.111171ci1L obtained boa
applied it according to ilireetion—the sores soon begao
to assume a healthy uppraimwe and In three months
I weeendryly cared, and enable% to do hard labor.
Venni obedient set vita t
11114:114 W.TuomAs.
We, the anderslgned,n c e , irchbarre %111. noose,
wpm acquainted de II re above ted,..d
ir lb.:eireeMl.lll3leta, tout el:re:6l4 confirm said
Thomas' statement. KEY. J. DOIIGIASSi
W. IL Slo.—Sir. One of homes lovas hoof hound
earl aLio wounded In
tliu stifle, in whioh he took cold,
and berm" no C 614441 bet he could senr"elyd'vel.
1/ ) . a pplicadon of your vilushle ouiltuent, his
hoofs we," WWI milcited and the aide pencluinnUy
cared. I have also used the Ointment in ihe.bliii.dl
Poll• Evil and on %ever' galls with c.d.! swim's.
On a mashed finger that was Very painful, it opera
tea like a chum Vanns;ac - , A. VAN UIWEN.
Haanls Ointment and Condition Powder lee so.
knoatledFed by alt 'dollars aired thorn to ba the I est
remedy for horses and cattle that has been illsdoyered.
Fresh wounds, galls, moving, ruises, ringbolts, poll
evil and in short every °inward disorder or Nary can
be cured by this wonderful remedy. The Boarder Is
designed for Inward stratus . , distemper, bide bound,
fatigue from bard esereist, diseased eyes, hr.—Lake
Conniy Chronicle.
\Viumars, Cook CO. Pch.13,1848.
Mr. blorm—Sin I Jtave • Lim young bone than was
token with the scratehes Int MIL 1 paid out about
three dollars for medicine to eureltuth Mahe grew
Warta. 1 then bought a hog of your ointment ut ythir
office when in Chicago hub tither doubtingly, but I
thought I ..,mid try IL Judge of my surprise and my
.0.. n of th, beneficial qualities, wheel found my
bones legs smooth and well in Mar days from the lima
I commenced applying it. Your obedient.
E. F.
Afore than fifteen yearn unrivalled success In the
rare of every variety of external diseases and injuries
suehaa sprains, bytt,ses, rota, horns, cutaneous crae
llous, tore lips, adre blunt", chapped hands chill-
W.A.., tiller, talon, earns, pains in theliaek, rides, or
other parts of the aystem, rattlesnake bites, he, hem
ample testimony that Sloanla Ointment lapin the thing
for the hour. Certificates without number have been
received by the Proprietor from disinterested individu
als, giving details of remarkable cotes by ileum.
Gram Ile, Ililerankie en. Wis., Oct. Id, MM.
Tie. Sloan—Dear bit. Recently my horsn ran uway
with • log chain attached, which cut and otherwise
injured Mean seriously,. so much en Oat I emendated
my tram ruined for bounces. Fortunately a friend ra
commended the now of your emu:tent. I went to Mil
wankic and parcha.d a Wt. It soon removed the
Tflame:talon, and in a few days the wounds healed
he great benefit derived hum the useof your (I nb •
met, anew! horses, Induced me to acquaint you wilt
the feet, believing us publicity would benefit you and
the milli. Respectfidly yours,
IT IS A rosrrive PAM •
And Ms become a common saying, that Moan's
()loupes{ and Condition Powder arc madly saperso
di all other rernedke fault diseasex of bmses and
cattle. The beauty of tbeAnedicines cassias in then
mutt, rind safety, to it they may be lased over so
artantatany danaer.of taking cold, or arty ones
otpay seminal from their fragment me, and Maar POI
ff U0.t.11011011111 an followed. 11/IM/IT,
F 1.4
Malone, uLthe day . .
- ,nr - Ir4a - • ultra, Oldrti *l' Pt., SRL
R. E. Sellers: I think it right Omani benefit of others
to stem some facts in relation to rem emelt= Fara'.
1 hare mad 1. at Vero:Mtge largely in my own r•
ily, one ria.‘frc,Lernly answer:l3g for enyellinfl ge
geantitio stray 1 tOROG) worm. from two ehildren I
ham else used your Liver Pill. and ehingh Syrup an
my 4.09. amlthey have in every instance produced
me elect desired.
/as I am aliened in merchandising, I am able to
state dog I tome yet to hour et the
s onlure where
your medicines bevel been necal in my en of the
country. Its conclusion, I may Waal that they arc ths
modicums et the day, and are destined to bare very
ctitensive pspulanty • Yours. resaccUelly,
• Prepared and sold by R. 1 , 118,N0 57 Wood
street, and sold by Deeggot serieminf In the two et,
ties end vicinity.
hear CURE trine, LIVERWYOUPLAINT, by ha
kX original, only and genaine Liver Pill.
Snorer liana, Ohio county, Vol
' • March Veth,
I,ld E. r. R. Seller= Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to the public veers ly, to state that I have
been altiated with the Liver Complaint for a lout
.pine, and so badly that an abeess formed and broke,
which left me in a very low state. having beard of
your celebrated Liver rills being for see by A R
Shrrp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. &Smith, I onc luded to give them
akar trial. I perchased one box, and found them to
what they ara reeuratnended, TEE BEST LI.
VI..R PILL EVER USED, and alter taking four boxes
hnd the disease bas entire loft me, and I net now
perfectly weft. - Be yea%
AVe 'Liberty, Minch •
I certify that I sin pe natty acquainted - aril Mr
C.ohnit .1, and eon bear te many to the troth at the
fluter A R SRA P
Tue f enema Liver Pills are prepared and so by
E 4 LLERS, Nor Wood street, end by dro
into: tbo cider.
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and ca
nine Liver Pills are prepared by RESellers_omd one
Ins name stamped in blank ma upon the lid of rack
box, and his signaler., on the outside wnapper--all
others are COW,. delta, al bun thlitiltloll.
split R E SELLERS, Proprietor
V RUM the Ree.AnA tSILINN, a well known and pop
I.` alas Clete - ratan otthotoolortantMeWodi.ttharch
—, Tee ondersigned haring been a.filie led dues{ the Pest
••,,,te r with a d u ealla Oithe guested:4 sometime. pro
due. n, erestpy in in the sumach for tenor twelve hours
without:Mem • on,and after basins tried varion
remedies with ellect was tarnished with a bottle
of Dr //Jayne's , : C. mune Balsam: Thisbe used ac
cording to the direct ens, and found invariably thatthis
medicine eanetlthe pain to abate in three or fear min.
ices, and in fifteen or twenty minutesevery uneasy
notation was entirely quieted. The medieine wean.
lerwardeused whenever indicationsol the approach ol
palnaVele pe reai•ed, and the pun was thereby prevent.
ed. Ile continued to ass the medicine every evening
and ...Menaea tr.• he morning, and in a few week,
health was no mire limed, that the suillerer Win relie•
ad (rota a large antenna( oppresain pain. Fros
parieuee,therefore.go en contilehtly recommendm e
D Jaynes Carminative manor,. u a eafiatary inedie in
rot diseases of the MOmlte I, and bowels. A Bil l 7
Allegheny city. y3l
For sal. In Pittsburgh at .i • PE,XI N . I
72 Fourth etre., near lase t and alto at the ruir
Pune o(H P SCHWARTZ. Ve . tal street, Atte al
vaLtmuLr. DI tO --- ter.ll.ifl
ril 011t411111111 31701
Gouvumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchia., Lir •
er complaint, Spatula .I.llood, Dildealty of Breath
ing, Pain in the Bide and Breast, inapitstion
Los lieut. Influenza, Croup, Broken Con
satearak_Som Threat, Nervous Debili
ty, mud all Diseases of the Throat,
Breast and Lange: the most et
(actual and speedy cure
• , everknow lor an, of
Me above .-
ea, is
Oosapowad Syrup of IA Ild Oherryl
Tbis medicine is no longer mating Moro of doubtfal
many. lt tsupassed away from the thpesands daily
lounchod upon the tide el experiment, mid now stands
hither in is/morning more extensive
ly used thou coy
other preparation of medicine ever
produced for tha rebel of soliering Man.
• lt has been latrodoced Very generally through the
United States and Europe, and there tee few Wenn of
importance but what eettlaSll some rentitztabLa
derma of Its goad elects. For proof ef the foregoing
statertents,smd of the value and eifeacy of this wadi
saad,PL*Ki'isir s'orAP:g.nbeek4mesettiTt:ll:lllthmob7.
men of the fast respectability —men who boon higher
views of meal responsibility end justice, thattle err.
[gyve huts, because Bail do another a favor, and
thetraelVell no bojestiee. Bach teatiman7 pumas
etusively, that its corpriting e.teellenee establiiihed
by its Terrineie merit[. and 7170 nsystestionable authori
ty. of patin oilier. Thi. Instutimeous relief it il
lords, and the abo ug influence diffused throll the
whale frame til Its we, renders Its most agre able
lernedylor the Mkieted.
o.Then teen, tutting from conscientious any
tolootafily bear testimony to the troth of a Au
partteetlar feet, seek testimony, being contrary,
woLtly illtefesta and CC [pose!, coerces eumet
its troth, end eistralaeuda Rae!! tonspecial moor o radence.o—ollegun's Moral Nalital
Erns. Atoolatita (.'oar 01 Patitelwal CONWW.ri
There never rota remedy that boa been suer
in &operate cola of Connie:NOW, as Dr. Pm
Comound Syrap of Wild Cherry, ltstrengMet
synen, and opposes to heal the ulcers on the
errata g new and rich blood, power possessed
ether sampan.
Crane Co., - -It.
Dr. So syns—Dear Bin I verily belie. your Coss
pound trrup of W il d Cherry has been the me- its 01
easing my life. I naught • severe cold, which radu.
ally grow worse agended with • amtero colt; that
reutstrdell the ;coedit , which I had recourse 31111
inereeeing anti' my ease exhibited ell the of
Pulmonary Conamptiom Every thing I • coed
to Imre no eget., andmyeomplaintinermised ao
ly th at trierds se wall as myself, gave up all ho of
my recovery. At this time I was rceemmende to try
fold Invaluable medicine: I did so wi th the tn. here.
py resulM. It • first bottle had the effect to too . the
timecatmint rep to exPeetorath 'e l l nod tn.
ame I had wed sin boulchl woe entire, well, nut
ae . a . L ea n, a man aa I ever was la my ti and
would be happy to give any information reap. .goy
C.C. that ulna zuberers may derive the ben for
If beat lam so gratafaL Foe the troth of the a
ststement. !refer 700 to Peter Rash, Grocer, Wed I
of whoa, I d thepurchase medicine
kbeeperiay Poem, Janes Pan sat
Wonderful Outs histitedirl
Dr. Swayne‘-Dear Bin I feel a debt or f /retina. dee
no you—and a dory to the Meted gerally, to ont
my humble lestimeay In favor of your Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Same three years since I was
violontly attacked with coloompanled d and ialol:6olLtion ostressif t
Lungs, which was hc with a di
cough, polo in the bream and head, at very epestoe,..,
bit Maass:re of offensive sue. km the lungs, espe
firtit'ir !elfin calltragst7tVrtirridifZM IX p t . ty l
goon convinced that goirtg Loth CO.BILM ,
on. I grew dolly Weaker, and as length was scathe.
If able to Ira* about, or speak above a whisper, such
was th e er.i.del wre a.. .of ml Dming this
time Ihed tried mums preparmiens and preccriptions
but found no rettea-growing all the time aroma Joel
ho. I Its advs..ed nod by a dear friend in
Wilutingin re Claret crypt. Syrup of WIN che,
ry. I
ceroes t preatinaly I hp,l been mi..
theed agetnut patent medlelnes, and I ern sull against
those corning and of the hands of expert., but tmder..
standing poor elsim• to the prefevelen
the g and a me
of my
o f
medico., mid having fai th In my
friends, forthwith punthasedMaw, one of your
egeuts, • few burden, and commeneedlts use. My dia.
ease was at
we time of MI or 23 menthe' standing, con.
aquently It wee deeply mated. I found, however,
coneidemble relief from the nee of the first four or five
bottles. But bong yobo !meeker, frequently St 1.
tempted to preach with to y increasing a/Teeth, and'
thereby rumored those vessels dust on e y beg,.
to in this Wan doubtless, my was greatly
retarded. In ousgsquance of aatiud thin itaprudetul
I bad to usetivadve or
no bottles before I wasp,.
reedy regtored he. no question, a much' small
number of.bottlos Weald S y rathde me sound, bu
000 above indtscretura Therup allayed the fee.
tall habit, took way the distreesing cough, put •01
to oho Mecham.. of ranger film the longs, ond gar
them end th e enure eysteM good health . I have dcfm
sett ofFesing gibs ect4!ente with' now, for the
of being pda.,41. , , Bandied with the permanency ot tbe
0000, and now ‘1.41 feel perfectly well I oder with
En. I. P. pu..
Dublin county, Pl. ' '
haporaang Couture—Rao& Realf!
, Them j" hot t+ o genuine p_repamtion of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. Rwaysols. 140 firifivet . Offered to the.
public, Which was been sold largely throughout the
United Motes sod some ports of I.:orornd and nil pre-'
pantions eon, by . the name of Wtld Cherry have
bone put not My., this, under toner of come deceptive
irco Instances, as order tome currency to their sales.
Bylittle olisamototi, no pertou need mistake the
genuine from Bt. false. Each bottle of the genuine is
envedoped wit a beautiftil steel engraving, with the
likeness of William Penn Merton; alm, Dr. Swaynn'a
aigNIIIIC: and • • further security, the portrait of D.
Ida pre? 110,.'0 ni1 ="1,7 „, ,71 wd'alltt
the great elmitive properties and known sinus." of Dr.
Surnyne , s uomwoond Syrup of Atfild Cherry, ponces
would not be ande•vonne to give curreney to their
.ficatious nos. amen by steidum the nude of Wild
Cherry. Iterusauber, always bear to mind the aurae
of Or. Surnbme •nd be not dem:Med.
Principal Oilioe, 000000 of Lighth and floor stecera,
Poe 0410 whomsole and retail by (MEN SNOW
DEN, roe ud get Wood slOl 'II A FAD:4EBI'OCE
Co, doe lot au' Wood, sofd eth and Wood stsl..
TIIORN,D3 Mwaket S .101‘ . 1, ES, WO Liberty MLIAS
A JONES, cot 'land and Penn tit. JOIIN b al e rs H
ELL, Alleehaw end br all respeepple dee in
medicine. *op
Dr. W. P. Inland'. Premium P/alller.
DR. W. P. INLAND, of the hledical Collegd,blThil
oaelphlr, now otters to the politic hie Indian Veg.
euthle Premium Plaster, the qualities b of . which, after
P aster, sna Merle of R . len tal.hahed . ' To ill wappikn %Throb, he recommends his
pl goaranteelat surd atid rule the
short space of front two to thee weeks, at' applied with
a nd and rem—diseardlog all the COVIIIICsalli•LNILIC11111
sail expensive bondage& no bug twe. This he reels
soneele one. atadmr; inasmush an be has not failed
in ono cap ON; of three hondrednad Any-three pa.
Also tor Itheamattem and Weak Dmast ar Pack, at
tended with pals, Metals nodded to excel thin Platter
in odarchog retiefor effecting a eormt For sale by L .
AV dens. eorner M Diamond and Market at
lima* tlteiter, a Liberty and M. Clair ats -
Dr J hlargsni Federal at and Diamond, Alla
gheny eity
Jacques t, Denman and Diamond Dimming
ham. le3
Tas XTRACT OF COFFF.F.--ihn sitiele.whiel is ra
t pi t tly manias Into use as • wholesome, nourishing
~,,,,r,wietoasbevestake, being maro toomiat and plkl
stable than common Lotrea, and hot e apes, as small
paper- costing oaly_ted and will gp fv• hp,
ponndsoCConcti. Alanufseuired
JOIIN auLuk i rithia.ntl4 . P.
sold - at wholesale by A. EMIL ESTOCK & Co,
eoener,of First and Weal and sad wood streets,
Pittsburgh. arta
riAttITOBNIA GOODS—Jam recetved,
IL/ tid Camp blankets; 22 °Meer conic 'lg pri rants;
12 pain nett lined Idtalor goats; 12 Isthmall flags; 3
ycr ,Tha}a, , 6 tied 12 yallotot each; 21 eantecti%l
gallon inch; V do: %attain dloney Melts; do ad
cambric do do. The above etude for tale at t h e Cali
fornia Malting Establishment, No 5 Woal al.
toOh2l J&llnimues
." i rk - niff.k..WODOAAI IMP 1 016, rime tb.P.Ruip—er
ooanc,ijo appite worts, womotedi 1.111 be conswaly
band and .d
— '—Otani ke•
1: 4 114k6R3-4 ; h plerrirlUend jib; "!'
A elks N E Item;
400 bide Whiokeyi for We by
W AI Aurelia:ram
4 - LEA C 111NGTOIVDRII , Cosie — Jiiekl4pretia.
JJ Sorie. brand, s reperier ankle t for ralIRLe by
Wa m mac:it TREF.
asispralt , a Sada Asa, anit
le7Rteeeain6Powdet,eiaedpernbip . Ozdabridgc,
and now eammg on by curet, (or *ale by f " •
• N:Ll..Thar will tteeSsylatiut
the Winter, large
'applies vie Nowt/Semi, • •-zn.ap
SPIIIIOIAIa 210 . 110.14 TO TROAClllfailit.
•SOR Pak/LES DAVIE 9 has Jost pre
pared a new arithmetical work, a copy of which
will be. presented to.rh and rem:VT/weber in the
United MMus. without charge, upon. Meir aoPricatimi
to A. IL E og lish h Co., TO Wood street, Tittatngli,
(post gold) 'The work fa ended -
Or, An Analysis of the
of Noe Lee,,,airnbece of figures and
The following notice is copied from the New York
Tribune of Jan.gOd, 11051—
"Commis or Arommenc, la Coos. Dmws, L. 1.. D.
((two., pp. 140.)—1n this work the la:mange of figures,
and ...unction • or numbers are carefolly anatmoid.
The alphabet, composed or ten figures—the amnia tie
r:toed tams the elphabet, and the laws by which the
figures •19 ecnneeted.withiesek ether,tern clearly
"The aualysla shows that there ere but four bun.
deed and eighty eight elementary combiriminns in
Arlihmetio,cach correrPendiMe In • word
MOO language; and t h at' them Comotis ore no
connected - together as to bd •II expressed try onlY
Amy three diderent words. The tryst., proposes to
commit these words to memory, and Mew read the
resells instead of spelling them, as now
' "In another tespest dm system propows no import
ant change, oneuely.. to consider and treater! fractlei,
es entire thinga, Wein. • given reittliolllo the unit ONO,
from which they wore derived.
"We scarcely need say that the Wirework evinces
the ingenuity and skilful artalyeis, fur ouch nr
Davies' wriong on this subject are justly celebrated.
Wo commend a to the •OCOIIOO of la:W.O IC•elltil.
believing dint they will find It crowded with new and
From the .Preessors at Faint. -
"MILITOZT Annear or U. S.Mlorr Porte, Jon. V.
'The licuercar of Arithmetic, by Morass. Davies,
presents the subject io anew light It soanalyzes
Arithmetic as to Myers. the mind of the learner with
the first principles of mathematical science in to&
tight order and connection, and Lion now rolc• for the
wadies of Lams are of great practical:value.
I , W.ll. C.l:lertlett, prof. of Nat k. Ex. ThiL
A. R. Church; Prof of Mathematics.
D. 11. Mahe, Prof. at Engineering.. -
A.S. BARNES &Co. would' respeelfally Annboneo
to tucker., and to all interested ha .ithemaucaLitt.
kimetion, that they will publish, on or before the tat
nit Asgost, IST, the following work:—
Or, an Analyses of the Principles of the - Science—ref
the Nal.° of tho reasoniog—.d of the beat tilethoili
of broparnag Instruction. By Chou.iJavies:L.L.l).
Author of "A Complete System no Mathematics."-,.
N. IL—A.. S. Barnes & Co., are the publishers of
;Dales' System of hlnthematlca.
For sale In this city by A. li. RNGLIStI & Co., No.
IP Wood street. fetwi
F eeeee , s• New lithloplast Melodies.
/ - 1 WINE to R. all Night; Dolly Day;
Dolor Jones; (io down O Lie Co.ri Field;
Telly was a Lad), he. . •
Ile Kind tot. Loved Ones at Home;
Pew thy boat lightly; True Love, by T.llond;
Our way acres. Oa sea, Mira;
A new m usi cg, by IL Covert;
Jenny Gray, by . hialler;
Joys that were crowning, Wedding March;
Clod bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Walt r;
Conscript's Departure, by W. C. (Bowen
Swede room name; Waimea. riseyermarkosche Co;
Last Raw of hummer, eary ma'am.. by Item -
United States Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polka: -
Coro Cracker Quadrille; Lonimlle Quadrille;
Beauties of Italy; Duetts, Tries, hc.
A-large asmrunent of New Manic on hand. to which
addltious mom:Ade weekly. For sale by
Ich.s J. II.AIRLLOII, tip Wood at.
Elements of Ilhotoriei cornprlalog an Analysis or
the Laws 01 Moral F.rldenou and al Percausiou; by
Malian! Whately, D. D.
Essay an Christian Baptism; by Daptict W. Noel. hl
The Ogilviu, a Nord.
Fairy' ales, from all Nairoma by Anthony R. Mon
WWI; illurtrations by Doyle.
Just recd by JOIINS FON S.
&JD earner Trani and Market Stir, a
Atilow.and ü Gllft — Liookst
. ActO SerilitM ANL Cll - AIACTFItji by .1 T
9 ir'l 7 ` 7 °`. ? .u tq ''v'
ioent .a r7II,I,,.,tI,TILDfZs
vial, muslin
Illumiarded Gems of Sacred l'oety, with sic
tiozs macraved on steel by John Sartain.
Just received b J
de= corner Third and Tlarkei ctx
PIIYSICIAN Aria Pall liNl . ; or • Practical Vicar
ticfenl of the mat.' dutioo,ralationa and /merest. of tint
PICZCDIIIOII and the Doinntiatity;
ington lionect, M.
The Norte of Michael De Mantaiatic; comg rising
kla Encaye, Lettes, ice. By Wnt. Barlett.
Nineveh mod ktamainit. By Austen licary L.Y.
ard, D. B. L.
Gint.c. .
By of Spain: or Note . of an linfiniched.tunr
in IA:
Topper. Provcrbod Philosopby,licar editionj.
Bawd. rccearcd
corner Nlarket and TK,gd Azreeto
1840.501 L _
mated Books—tlooLs 111 richly carved bundunc,
illuminated and illustrmeti—iiioolan superbly boned in
Velvet, Sulk. Moronen.and Coin, mi n ., in Imitation
of the Middle Ars—Bibles aivl Prayer Boobs, ltmin-
Scully bound in Velvetand Motor., anenifirently or
namented and iLluminaleiL For Ude by
Bookseller 11.• Importer. Wood uut.
Chrirtinaa and Saw Tear Approaching,
Ja Muivatikral Antigua Dinilioq,j
T'AMEN. th LOCKWOOD, lk oh uellerand lint/turn,
vy al Wood 4Ftel, hat TaroVll d a betel - Al collection
of illustrated Books, bound iE ho most splendid non.
ner by Plebes% London Mit bindef•—amoug
may be found, • • •
---•- •
Pearls of Amen: v Pastry se linilvelAY
Lays of the illet t ern World, ullanninalud in gold and
Worlswortli's ,resod tiehlylilastratiaL
The Ca-ocher dla.ualed by Owen Jones, and
bound • corned ;rood.
The Song of Songs; illuminated b Jones.
Flowers and their Kiodted Tbought,;illuminate.ll.y
Heroine" of Shakspearm illtuntated.
Mrs. Jamcson's Chataelonanes at Woolen; Unmans.
Par ant, by JAMES I) LOqIC Wll< , ll,
deU fia Wiled sissy,
llii — o - Ses:
IiENBIJRNI I Its rnst'Voyags,fry [Innen:11,1011611
tabor of '"L} pee," "teem' , Ad.
Ilisn.ty of King Alfred of kd'syland, by Je , •ol. Abbe
with hoe eneramys.
84duans the Sorceress; by Wm:Meinhoti.
' •
earner Third end Merketstreets
• Ow o/'tha
Pine BostirrhaMs )Ports Litc,,lgc,."
of a visit to the Chanclann Christians of Kiddie.
tan, and the Yesidth, or Dcsit.Wunthippers and an
Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient A,
syn.. Ds, Austen Henry Layerd, Eeq, D. C. L.
With Introductory Note by rral. E. Robinson, D. D.,
LL.D. Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, and int
,wood cuts. 2 vol s. Emo. Moth, *lx
"The hoot has a rare amount of graphic, sir id, p
Internee na r rati v e "—Trth.e.
"'The work a( Layerti Is the then prominent contri
bution to the study of andsnity,lll. has appeared for
many yeer."--Christ. Inq.
• "Not one excels in interest the ...ant Ninierh
tad fu . Rniu , gigen by Mr. LeyanL"—W.hiugum
"As we follow the dipt - gers with breathless interest
in their canteen.. and soddenly End ourselves be•
lore a rewire figure reread with minute accuracy,
now Meg its mune head Iron the does of Man
lean, we are ready to cry out with the aunnislied
Arabs, `Wallah, ills wonderful, bat it la true' tt—lt
'k g ' s !IL L b .
000111 C 1 'Wood et
NE WQ311 , 41 of the Old and New Testament
Edited by K B. Sprague, O. D. 1 vol. Imp. bro.,
Legantly bound; its eaquisitrly finished engravings;
ith desenptiona by celebrated !kinetic. Clergymen.
POEMS BY AMELIA,IbIrs. Welby, of Ey.j a new
nd enlarged edition; Muir:tied . by engravings from
, riginal designs by Wier. 1 vol. square Cow, elegant
y bound and gill :'AlsoA variety of splerslillAnno
a and Gill Meta
4HEA.VMIANigs Asnavw, adapted - rev the
use sit Connate., Ships:lights, Wheeiwtights, Saw
yers, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally:
being a thorough and pnuttlecl Treotise on Mensara
lion and the 811,014 Rule. By D. Zit. Soper, A. AI. -
Boise's Treatise ou Greek Prose Composition. -
Elementary French Gnantauenty Prof_
Greene ! of Brown University-. t vol. Innis
Gesenitis. Ilebrew Grammar, by Conant.
Gesciuttaglebrew Lexicon.
LOomis"rrigonometry and Lognrillamie Tablee.
.I.(siteep.) •
Thu Engllehman's Greek Coneordene. I vol.(m,
Anthon'e Chastest Aerie..
Webster's Dentniuf, revise,' ed. I vol. son. • . •
do Ws unabridged. I eel. 41n.
Harm's Notes and Quenon. on New Teetontent.•
IYhately". Lope.
Ids.Wlo(eim'ssheep.) Ecclesiastical Himoty, 3 vols. and , .
Vestige. of Creation. I vol. these. •
foretop among the Jesuits at Romer. I sal. (cloth
and paper.)
Scene. where the Templer kir Triomphe& t vol.
(Cloth and pp pee)
Bogue'. ineologieal Lectures. 1 'sorer.. (cloth.)
Ableti Fronourtelag . llible. • •
Boyet's French Dictionary.
Smart's Iterate. For sale by. R HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo. Oultding., Ftiouir at
VlScirlitiillVATlB'l9tßail7P.D • .—The sirdiaiTs
Montaigne, edited by 11. itailitt, miniprirlog go.
Burnie, Letters, end !Mane! %Moog!, Germany Rod
Italy, with note. from alltite Commentators, lliograph.
•Mal and Bibliographical Notices, At.
Theory and Practice of 'reaching; or, the Motives
and; Methods of Good SellooliScy,^if,g, Ily David
Flap, A. I,L, riinctioal of WA State •hourtisl School,
Albany, N.Y. • .• ,
Frank Forester's felt and Fishing of the V. States
and British Pruritic. of North Amenen,. lry limey
tined comer Third nod Marked us
The Oldest Time. -
TAMES D. LOCAPt 0011, Rootsd 1n,00.1 I,nrort, r,
tyNo. 113 Wood street, has for uglo ntoo c upooe oma .
whet authentic tatonnation relntlin to the early ex.
settlehtent and
atoned the. heed of Ita Ohio. L:y Ncvillc Li Crog.
Eaq., of Pittsburgh, in 2 volt Ova
I w tan yin., of the
J'ln Liberty 6( otLer Ancient Dothan,. Lty Sotnithl
Elliott, Leg. Illustrated with twelve cor s ravtagy,,a , ..
natal at Rome 2 volt., Pro., uniform with Pre set, a
Illstoneal Watts
Jan published and for tale by
JAMES'!)LOCKW(XII), , ItordoeIIer and
gayth"lnipaiter, tat Woods
114ANNV - kisMalTIN I FAL V; nathoriiedabann.
',li. _. . .
e reading of this hook has impressed ea with a
mach higher opinion of lie author Weave a had fonseed
from pemanig her other writino. displaya &deep.
nine of thoughi, united go more s pure womanly cruet ni
feeling than any either prodietion of the kinetic mind
with which we, are acqueineed.”—}ive. Mirror.
a very agreeable and readable book, written In
Fanny ICembicip,Peet syte7bold, eplriied end enter
taining. We recommend ielo'ouereadcea as the lice
publication of the sepond , nlieu e ineg ep,g_. • 2
.. lt tantalite the deemed of a travel through Europe.
and craidenee in Italy, and to 071115 of the plesanumat
and most latereadng books of the seacoao—tioar. and
4'M CbtlilClCriSile knack. We Wire read it• from
title page to Oolophoo with unabated ni
ter... vi
cid picture of lire In Roma pat all respeete =mean;
rescaltle-^—Knitterbeeker. .•
lane role by b '
t it , M 1) LopKwooD,
310 5 lkMbe A • - , oriclied Wood si
•liti S..livpwrtt
FicTivellty .
301,BIT:frIttBrtP, rolt" IGbLp s
to " : il/11 , :
able cyles, 'Yana day . -
tel.vkci 1.1
ED DEED-160*1bl. vulgar owl] rouodsjul
oatifignektifin '
Bankirrs, .W.selast.lag.6,ll3.4‘k•r4,
AND 136 1 , KN01W.
COLLECTIONS.—Draftu. Notes. and .den eel
rayab:ain AtriP.A.f th.ottinookonlieeted on amt.
favofable ten.. : •
' • Fat: - :EcnA New York; Phibuielpllia irta
tininrc: Jsc,Cuuinnati, Louisvilln, Vault ;.outs: and
New comnantlifar•olo.k
. K taa e.S.—No ken on all-solvent butk• in ihn
the lowest rates. All kiddy
of Alliarl tip Goblin!! Silver Coln bought
•114 .1,41. • •
ffit,N, Alio - ket tunct,,b!Eirten }l, and lib,
hush vi rth. • ocC3
ICXOI.IA • 0 . •
MOLLS en Ere.and.lreland, atal Scotland Wright
- rn.atmat the Comminutes Of Exchartra,
Alsn, , eraft, r,vab le In inty part or the Old C,ountnes,
J.'. Li to 1;4:00, at the rata Ot PS to the t Sterling,
without ,Ice.ur:on Cr discount,' hy'JOSIIRA ROBIN
d SON, Eur,,l3. nral General- Agent, titlice sth st onsi
oor orr•n vf . oetEer
jury 4.... a c -: I I l.wealykiell3l
U. Lunen. eg. DATUM,
In lge ar ,, lDome.:l4 MIN of Exetanse. Cer
talent,l' of ore /le,site, Boa Nei. end Colnjeorard
3.1 and iVeetl,:reete, ,rectly oraelle St: Carle. Ile.'
tel. . Inar'Sall . -
w. , •
' F..'unacky, •
Bank Now;
Inrcha i.CL: thy lovret. rates, by
rel.ll' 33 Atorket gnat.
'MILLS OP EI.Z.CIIkNOE.L.Sught ebeets on
Nov York,
• l'hiladelphi.i.sst •
Coanutnity by N. 11014.11.5 i it SONS.
sent.: =ll,larkst q.
JOIIN Nrl:47 V CO. huie removed their pock of
t: rn,c go the oppoNto ido of Übooy 4...
VV wurd. Muria .1 Mclntosh, author of .Channa
Coantorchatin," •"fo acorn and la be.* 1 rot Itmo.
Laver Pay Puraohleim p.o li—The preseut nate.
R ' . 'Mon. Curlyele.
CliaLaromi.-21crooirr oilafe. and %Whinge of That.
Cliaimere, If It, L. L. I) Preleetiona on
Analogy, !Wry , Evidence. of Chriatianlty, and 11111'.
I.eaturo will two liatmilactory Lento et
nod four Addressee delivered In pe Neye,Cpll
Mama, Cliolinersi.l.l. !art,.
1 vat tm?,
Ca.vm—Life oflolin Catalri, comp.leilfrom anthen.
Po ' , mot-4, atiaparticularly from Lis eorraoPoddotine.
fly Timm. 11 11;er, with portrait. I
not 12mo.
For sale LY 110PliThar,
mall • 'LS Apollo lleilfdinsa, Fourth M. •
• Pt winpn eured-
Prom ticali•ric Tribune,
A 1 7 r,11 , 3ND, tilowetti Is most reliable, awl who
nitcrcel in the mutter, but ono of
grthitedc,eceithe tia to nay, that he has been eared of
tete:crate dentin:its, lei the use of latteurpn'serlMPOand
lirountic l ie, Plaodelphlst medicine, which Is not
ter note in thin city, which he thinks ought to be,
for the recd
athicleil. Ile Nut In amt.' who bar
elm here cum/ by it. Ile orgently advises all who
toe se g from deafness, to Ire this nnsed7, with sti
in,ithanite MM. Cole,. the case be estraorduary, tho
e s ve Metro willltheye ithundantfy mceetstal.
• .
her stile at Tilt: Plllilfa_TEAtbTOßS,
fay. 70 Fourth attilittabergh
Combat tombs!
Oft. (.1105$ ~aper Polka;oo, do very bye;
Itvading; ,
id " tort , K.n.iiila (lord Redding;
n l'okai Combs;
:dai Woad
tow, doz naa',l Finn Ivory;
, FLO Soda Camila;
aorta litge Inactlo;
... , anvosi :1.4'1151de Comber; reed itrid for sale by
IF.A6bll{, ICH Market 1,1
I.2ratr II 01l andl. Bata idoilandl
NOTICE-'ll.nt IF. hleCllrenek ban this day
f re,ivdd ..1.111.3-C1 of the horst mud beet bluff
'Nelore 11S ooJ, to which be would meet mepeetfully
colt the ratcobou rt big. ere:ion/err mid the pubbe lu
EL" iS Fourth at. jen3l
% PIFW vPrf fale GUETAII.4. Jazt recd from the
brat,1133.01r...ry of C. F. filartin. .4 for
i,nc • .1 11. If Fa.LOR. el ‘Vd.d.t.
lOIIE Convolute Wort. of Julio Bunyan; P. vols., Svo t
to vol, 11:,estrated; [attain gilt and rift edges.
Mocltcll%.l;lllllculau4Sibitath School tioftmphy;
itcyr work; I TOl,
.f.,vvn'a Analyttif mod ffpnlkr.
4fe of Jolt Q Ad Horn ; by Wm. H. Seward; 1 vol,
P.:tott; rant Ito
l'oettta by Mts. 11-cons; 1 vol t Itvuo; muslin; „gra.
Snob'. Scrtrolls—P , rotonv reunited upon several'
neca..11,.. by Bolter. South D. D.; a uatvit cdttiort,4
v nP; st:elothou Voottaunotor.thf course, •
tiloon —4 trot., In eltcep, el - tra;
Pot •nle lty It. HOPKINS; '
14,1 Apoil#Dolldittr.Fotirilt
ender,irne.3, rnerer•nri to A rlkara 1 N iehol
n, h. knee .In toms the cravens of Pittsburgh
arid public 'er-I , llllly. dun tttoy linen rebuilt ehe Erie
IltitlNDltY end ore narvt in fall opetatiou t and
have pert of tliii_parierits ready for the rnarket—
A ininiert which roe t ooktn4 Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stunt, with a splendid aireuebt Cent Stove, which is
note ropereeding in other eines the common forma
Moen alto, n cheep tonl Cooking Stove, voll slope
tcA for •4/ail lamtheQ, with a full assortment of hoot
roon and mantel 1391., We would ponleolarly
thranrnlinn of rPll,lllil building In rail at CM,
I,ctor, pnfe:ra.inn'anil elnutina asplendid
nro. - 1.• orrn:ounl:::lc,llicala,, [wished lii style:-
imw in %Ws ntarkrt
co lt arrhonse 3 Pio. int Liberty et, opposite Wood at
ang:4 4 alll .
(1 YEAGER. Imparter and %Vimlcsale Dealer la
Sit it of the Gilt Cola!, IRS Markel st.,Pittsburgb, Jhu
. I.Ye.iteen fiterchauti. Pedlars, and others TISIW/i
ntt , 17.21•01 to pttrt,4.,..•(;nals, are respectfully invited
b. ldl end examine dic extensive assoruneut of Eng
hilt, &medical', French and German Fancy Goods.
All Forelga Goods et this eslatilisliment are Impel-f
a direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get
tisiggnedrfrons Scat hands. I have thelargesteusorw
w el arthritis, In the variety Doc in the — c ity of
Pablieratt—all of which. will be told low for cash or
city neeeptances. The Stock conoisas, In part, et
I.a tlards,ltivieryiGkeres, Ribbons.
Sit: Cravats Shoallad Pulent Tbtead4s, tkorirg Ra s
Spool,Cottr., tatcs, Sznlcr.slcrs, !Salons, Pins, Nem
ewe and Callers. . ' •
Gold and Silver Watches, Got Jewelry, all kuidsof
13r..Jt6b, Comic and Razors. • • • • ,
Permission Caps, /levolems, Pistole, Clocks, Silk Jr.
Colton Verru, Spectacles,' Steel rents, Music Duxes,
C otton
nags and Baskets. -
landings, Findings Ilia Trimmings. • _ ,
Tors st.nd.Pancy_Goalx; together with a large vane.
ty at Fancy aml tliapie DRY GOODS: . 4.
C.: E R Li also agent for the celebrated Lae.
easter Combs. • navl.7
Great .11Cata11stkiiemeay.. -
TOR Criusiha dolds, Adhere and Consumption! The
GREAT AND ONLY'RF.AINDY fbg the cure of the
Li”we discescs,la the 111/NGARIAN ITALSAiII'OE
LIFT, ilistovcied by the -nelebtated Dr. 'lndian, et !
'And., England, and introdueed into the United State.
ander the intaiedbote superintendenee of the ineentm. • I
The extraordinary sauces. ;of" this racdiclee, io i
corn of Polmor.ary diseases, mantas: the 4broereeeol
Agent in tortciting for moll:tent the wxret possible 'to;
se s their. be found In the toramnnity—cohea thot eget,:
relief in vain from any, of the conarson tam dace of the I
day, cad have been green op by rho moat dieting - niched;
ph yeirouts coaftonial and - incurable. The .lltingerb•
en Italian, has eered, end lei II Care, the gat dcaperete
of cares. It is no quack tiostron4 hug Sag
La'. medicine, of known and establishedefficacy.
F..vr ry for.nly In tho United Pratt. should be supplied'
with /Lichen's Ibuogation Babeant.of Life, Dory to;
tiounterocitlie uthrogoalire tiodeneiee of OUMllliej,
"to be Ygd 0 tnedfclac in cases on
colde, or hobs, I:rutting or,blood; P.r s in the aide end:
Client, irritation anal sroeneaa of the longs, brOchirie,'
dilfien l W irs;;Lressling,liitealc fever, bight meet., eater. -
anon and general debility, metig:a. inilnentrogrhooping
cough rind croup.
Sold eta large boolUs, at per bottle, • fen dine
dons for tln temoraiion of health. , -
Pamphlets, containing a more of "English and Arlie ft•l
elm et:l4mile% and otbor cotilmtrs, showing pm!
somalml merits of :Ili , a feet English lierrisijg,
me of the Agent, gretailonste —
For gale by It A FA CO., en,nier
at and Wood ,indWooil,oqi . r4th sta. itt9dOviti
. . .
44E. 5TAX1...4 1 ? VsnZ 'WEST
' Fait Sole dale ' whe F r . : v °k u V d t
l t: o hls er of
, 11 . 11 the r m e si sot d ' e m o colo n
• tholatast soul most approve:l' orde r
a fr,sr,aftS.
- ' long of the shortest [same ag • Cy :Y.
ten.nriable terms. ' mti
.• . -
A lvo, tbn cbeho l'inatan volt or tont - Blind Tthuspao
rencp nOI r. 4 .:e.irCiirttifts of all the digh.tent 644..4
poliatni, 'n hannanl
tole low 'breath. Old.Venj.
non Mind. painted:met. and - repaired, or taten ta kart
payment for new. 11 AI WhhoITER.VELTI roa'Pr•
N. II —All arr.. done with tli 140; meterill
overkmonotoip, and anrteplsd to pinto the num tat 4
i then, • t05t0.417
AlloiLogyolly,./Is7.10,101!L '•
Notuirto Lau Is: ; • ' . •
• • ProluanM , J, MAIURID.ISI7:
Mr. R. 11. Sellors—lo Tom
Coggl , " ll itoP, beg Isere 10-ulalei bas the bon.
ofcGt .l, eimormei.ty, ilrut my Wite has been several
otPjetN rvitu a moa Maul:trine cough. 1 pur!
in January k bottle of yourlry rap, es•LIMI
curml errono of two Mondial Tramline. About mid
1,11,, Mr cour,h !Moroni; mid was to revrni
thin Thi• ror h.aty More:limn weaker.% In ere — .
bI Trot Mr out Louie of your Cavil, ririgp,
a pun of 111113 bout, co we! Ilio euoiiik !gave via auras
10 J. 111 1 .111111111111 Who reveroly ot:lssed, who hair,
m .In "Orion rough cutioy to
o ito p0i.1 , :0 Olu.burgb,W If Me candy hod
. goor ImireTenwil.. • '
_ • leer, respectfully,. Mame°
s elicit:and aalit oy tir Wood
slier]; soillby g,....1;y , to the...*
cities del4
1:1• tV •
1.-&. Weld trees:4.
le inform the, putilio, Mal lie.
opt als standee WO.
:St Frdt. 4)( Ito 11..ppti, Alla
rttl. city, a complete sawn
nt of Wahl.. Muds; alto Vo
na Shutters aro made lo al
: In the best style, yryspitritol
tat tu iwy in the United States.
Muds cut tie retrieved 'ana
-1 the thl of a serest , driver.
whip, purchased th e levee,
Os, and wood °flat eabineree-
Irliehmeot of Ramsay& lit'ClaS.
A, I am 1 , 4 lon.*
M t as Wet „ .3.
e Wing La thet[line.
J. A. IItiowly:.
T r.'k'l eleyout,
r)ptemtiented maniihtetory of. Nunes &
mu, et superior Sine, and YeTY tYtelaratatalee.
k:IIER, h
Vo f,.' l ;'' at 1.117. W &L oudssetta .
Y V rocremoviiis Twtoti etitYTl alt
R,t,,,„„", to the Teeth. it is tleltemis to
dog the atom& heidingithdstrengtheit
ine in the g l eetteartiyme' Ate brwae r _
Far balt,,Liplc.iglc and retail, byy
dr_T Ati Shiit.h3Tia - ; eifSViirid at
Fl. Jon ~TTTTI, no invoke of fin! kterelled paient
er \V oo l,ro:11 e rent fine na•enr, *filch 1 tan ten at
a r ny nod thirty five dotter, at 4 warrante4 fin
A Ao--A viendfil ne.tertment at I fAVIELRY,
prune; the ta rianrand7amn stylmtad WIT plums.
WlLSONOVetelausiretiamt Jearelet;.'•'
dell 00111 GT blade; aud FoutbiAtisii.
Cont SK so Mwerity, we WSW. AHmeral.
Laidamra teMiMapialvmea green be the cele•
l En.. Wooster Hesah. the eathorof LW. pew
1 :31
le,tors.o.ardkx:i.tEeill=erieerl.enu p...u“ ..
Ltiring been r - 7 - IJe &tauened wiih Ma lancatente .
Lich commie, hleAlitstera Al-Ilealin Otatmear
havow prescribed end to
Alibis crawl alpaca, .
y prirate practice, I have no Itesi•Mon to gam; oi • a"
untying tiat MlO • Vete table , Remedy, cowei.„ • .
a mineral sabetance whoever; Mat its kgredienti ..'
ennOtried as they' are, and wedatt dimmed by the .
pricier, are set only harmless, bat of Peat velee l
einra trey eeleatifie Rawly el great power aaj
heerfaily recommend it as a compound which hai
was reach goal, and which is adapted to the ewe of •
great variety of eases. _Theagh I hare never either .;
earametried or engaged is the sale of secret Medi
tate, regard for the trate honest, tononientioe• 0..
eve 'character of the Premdeter of His Cdnariesd.. .
d the vela. of his discovery. oblige ma to ..y thee .
self reiarding it. ' W. IrEACH,.p.H.o
New 1 ark, April 253, 1941 t. : ... . ,
. .
PILE .—Thousands are .yearty cared by this OW-
ut. It never fails inalving relief.
For rumetsilJleers, and all kinds of Sorer, It has
11l firdoorsi and Nunes knew Its
off , d
Ivaco or Sort Drew, they wooldalways asply
!Bach cases, If used aeconhog lo directions, It gt yes
lisf in a ea. , / fosibnuto• - --
around 1110'box we directions forasieg Ille Allister's
inuneut or Strafes. User Complaint, Erysipelas, i
Tater Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore' Ryes, -Qoincy,
etoro Throw, Swine/Ines, Nano. Allecuons, Paine,
iase of the Spine, Head Ache, digtons, Deafness
ache, llama, Conti, alI Disowns Of the Skin, SOW; . r '
*ps, Pimples. ha, Swelling, of the Limbs; Sores • • ,
henotratirso, Yana, Cold Feet, Croup:Swelled °enrol
n.Brcest, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Pace, an. , '
~ • •
!. —...r
From the Bending Eagle
There era griever, perhaps, • Medicine brought be. '
~ male public, that hula so &hart a time won sub a `'
. potation. as Meallister's Albfleilitar or' World -
aloe. Alma.' every person that ban made trial of It
~ ice warmly In Its prune:: One has been cored by
it of the most palatal rkcomatima, another of thepiles, ~
A third eta troublesome pain-in the
sides fear& Of a •
~,,,,nin t 1.., the limbs, fie. If it does mot Slns home. -1
Mate relief, in every ease, it can do tio injury, being
oppliedeumardll... . l
.., •
de another evidence ot the Wooderfaf healing . pow.
possessed by this ailve,,we sobioin-tbe following
rtificair„froto a respectable eitiseu of. htaidenereek
world?, in this comity! •. • ... ~ I . . l.
• ltdeldenereekr Berk, co., Itleteh 300E47: -:
hleina: Bluer M Co:....lduire on Inform yea that I
rentirely mired of a severer pain is the beek,by the
of MeAllister's Albllceliog Solve, 'Ellett I Por•
used from you. I suffered with it for ahem Se yea%
ad of night was enable to sleep.. Dodos Siat:triconl - ..(
led venom remedies, which were prescribed for me.:
Sy physicians and other personsonchoot reeeiving any .
fnbekandat Is st made vial of this Solve ' with. a co.
It faveroble.heyend expeetouon. I sen now eoure• A
free from the pain, and enjoy at night n peace.'
d sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve nines foe.
i tooth ache and other complain% with smiler. happy—
sults: • Tear friend, , , Joni Ifessonasen. ....
, • , Sole Proprietor of toe shove medicine.
th l i .rincipal Office, No 21 North Thirdxtreet,PhlLadel.
emm, cot IN sou—Brun &Reiter, comer of
[ A : t
'bet* and Et. Pair streets; and L. Wilcox, Jr., e a r.
er of, Market street sad the Diamond, sloe center of -
1 ou rt hland Smithfield streets. J. FL Cossol; comer ,of
et ..
sle.a Penn MiTetS, klitb Word; .4 ~,I4 at the
I ,
okstoro in Smithfield sine, ad door from Second.
t In Alleghtny City by If. P. Settwarts and 7,8.mM.
tukr.sy4. O. Smith, I/maim, Birmingham: D. Neste),
Liberty; N. Rowlond, Maxcepotn J. Alexander
Son. Itionon_eshele City; N. B. Bowman k. Co., and
..L.Regem, urownsville; John Ltatitley; Bearer, Pa;
elm Walker. Jr.. Elisabeth. , febtleodt y
4 REMOVED to a new three nary brie[
I Smithfield eat,: onw from
--- With sweet. Teeth Inserted from ono
an entire 'et, on the ruction prinelplO, with a bean.
Ed representation of the Mural gom—ientortng the
shape of the taco. . • .
r.'D extracted with RNe ere mo
'Decayed Teeth permanently sewed by plimnearte.
Wenung the tooth eche, Which Is much better than to.
ring 11, though lt should be done in five minute.,
even Matfienly.ospStly .
- -
j LUNGS.—Tha aopreepiestiod nawa which hi
!•ttenited the nne of the
ill •• • GINSENG PANACEA , •
alt the vorion. forms which imitation of the limp as."
moms has induced the proprietor again to call atm:
ticin n thle•
iThe • ehimgable welcher which muki oar ton udl
winter menthe, I. Ways& (=Uhl source of .., ,
Ilese,lf neglected, an bat the Fenno» Of that fell
r eStroyar,
iThe question, Mat, how shall we nip the destroyer=
Ihe beta how shall we, get clear of our wag= a=
olds, is of vital importancs to toe public -- •• • '
will beloand to the Glom= Panacea - . In proof of QM
have Irma woe to time rob:lohed the eerilSeatim of
eiezeita of our best known clueing, who have exped
ient ed its curative powers. Thee, with a man of tee
-urceay from ell era of the counna,_—from
'Ministers of the Gospel, Re., together with =pion eel
ices frant 11.-.7 . 7: .
'are have embodied in pamphlet fona,lnd IPO kat,
gratis of any of our watt ahrousboat the cowry. ' •
'have-been used is this eetta~ OF DOMES
ithreugheat the-Untied Stain and eafillda, and as elm
tinge =r ms. to point olt
n when =ten aottonnf dlreetteni, e4g
'fore the =Ks had become fa y
,dlatingemmul,t. by
*ref failed to '
EFFECT A PERFEar max., •
Why, Met, mei the afflicted hesitate Silly met - te
.1= =enable =cum= rattan op by ativ mesa tuemq
, salmi , Mr the assumed name of SOD% le atindad phy
=an, sod ed into notoriety by =AW= =
:soos equally =know! Whilst a medne of
.lato be had, whose vouchers ate at home j- wig*
ikora,—many of whom It hat - -----
. In order that thin invaluable medicine may be plum*
within the reach of the poor as well Me rich, am kayo
pat Ile ' -
virrir exams;
half the usual ward . conk mWtOinsa. lin
for sale by oar nuns in neatly ovary toornaad
over the wart, who am prepata to -OTC all iarallia
doll IT -WPM 'T. 261..T6R, Proprielo A .
• . Broe.hray, .M=lll/11214 Otti4.:
In relation to that Unrivalled family gave,. •
rll/NTIMONY of a respectable
the following, addressed to my, Agent,'A hs,„7o,e
-ry weather, Cincinnati: • .
sfe 194 g.
Sirs it.oenao of duty compels to give m
IM.M i s Pam Ex traetor. - Dew to quell
ery itaelnletta 11.1 re, ie ehjaet sedate,
motives—but realising min good hoot the "King of
Pain Ktilam' l -1 am
to tender you this mall.
L.... Jr family, in rayptatesice, and
with all the IsPY multlderful edema that could
td AnW h oeL. 11.J, 8
B RO od,lliel, D.
Dr.l, i . e mentor partner of -.Brodie
I Lori,
Draggis • • -•: • .
"The followin a ~timoalat comes from- a ammo fa'l
osin:lr to many ails. traveling on our Westma wa
ters. Mr Dhow, the wetland favorably known pro.
•PtiensT of the Patkeraburg Hotel, is husband to the
MO Whose letter I annex :• • • •
- ' Pmtmnmatrms,'Va-, Alan 13, Jeer.'
To Ildral. Dailey, Chemist. - ge.—Siri 'llama for
merly bee; long alSeted with violent Intiammatory
'lllieumatiam, winds appeared no firmly seated u•to
defy all orditary appliances to allay the severe pale
wending it, 1 you Induced to try your Magical Pain,
and U having elected, 'almost as if by ma- ,
his, ar. harnediabc relief and also: appearances
an vett", IWO perfeat coot,i I am induced for the bow ,
Aunt mama who may be afflict., with paimeautml
Pla kind of indasatuation, • to wenn to yea,. darlariaa
that In my 'o&tiOrt, founded on actual ezporienee
your Mama, Pain Litractor Isthe moat vataable dis
eatery a c me present age fbr the immediate CittlettiOng
of bodilpyraih. It it an almost Immediate and • oar
' feet cure for Dams andiscalda, toil ail against itr
Having many sequalotaataa small by that: vhdua
at my haeband'i hotel in thlayaca, I have" sappen , t.
by year showing them these kW met, Wooly pond*"
be of bencalboAtt ta Ilia turd yootself.• • •.
eg.,tcrtsitt the hops thai Nn. Clime edlpardentln.
•Pit.hlicillf lglaeo her letter. - as well on the seem of
bnicajdig a. Oita being the surest wale of briaging.ill
to the notice of her friends.-11. Dawn.] • ' •
Esti:44i letter," data '
• • Ilatanes-r, Ky. Nal, MSS
Mr. 11. Dailey; "I ham tried you, Pais WI/net/srlw
a caae of felox,„ an my own family, whieli Al reliCata
stied g....TrA ry non riese.e , bade, your* se
vire wany,, ;bon..
Cr. Hues and Scalds, Piles, Sue Nipoles Brokers
Breen, Emotions, Sores, Cuts, Weevils, and .all In
flammation, yielda readily to Die wonderful properties
of this unrivalled family noise. Hat, in the same pro-
Porting that yea will receive benefit from the genuine,
you Imbued by the deleteriess effects' of the
counterfeit salves. .
_ ,
CAUTION—IIe stir tend apply Oar the Inventor,
H. Dares, 411 Brae ,New York, or ID his nor.
thorned news. JOHN D BIORGAN,
Denerul DepUS
Usury P. fichwuria, Allegheny, Agent; l. aloht
Wheeling, V.; James W lohastott. Mnlaville; Ky.,
Y. Menyvreather, Cincinnati, O, GOel&ral repot
ji—ln the semen Darns cod Scallion ciliate&
the pain N a few taicaloell7ii_ileac C• 111. bag
' CURB FOR NVUlL''dK777'
cocoon or atirrrettall.lllll•VeZ2. . • •
"If N order to afford ytl icoutblia the pr,hke,
1. as well teuiermetealogeinst freed alai 1114 e.
xttiod ~, • proprietor. base male
ceeezterior arrePPer or table of 'their Wes-
This new tabll, white is a steel encreeing of
e a tesintialte design and workmanship, has bees -
iutrodee.l at et r 7 Peet expense, tad u(,oeW
Lain si sa in tirstnident. -- The design is sow,
and sae ineesition elabarate. Several
portrait are most pioraineet, but me word "Venter 7"
eaS printed in white lettere on 11 lea red finely co 9=4 be claimed—
l'rid evert; Itne "i6 ,lliiimer k sai n na thio th = th * -
v/ hole of ibis en. id ties it ligraTing saitch is eagle ilp .
ai it die tieldraiMA iheithicen nada upon Com side on
entstnily Printed on Kith sides el
• Our ehoidd in all *nue •lie observed. -•A
e lb.
el upon meh dozen is atio printed ha 'red upon Dot!
*Wok - end stionld Le
h a s In the same manlier.
Tb# preparriUM , has now ambest of mina !
ewe trial. &n 1 4 Goad:tatty recommended e a *safe
end etrocaustrnmilisine foe expelling worms from ates
4alient, Ihe anesempled }UNA., that attend.'
t 4 administralion In every cam *Lire giaPalicnt was
4+44 . 414441 with worm,, erntinily renders it woe
thy IX attention of phyuciana •
The . proprietor has made it a point to aseertalitha
rank of nil, one in inch owe... came within bin
k nos: 4 =4W ot4erratims -and be tavartebly heat
it la Is the most saltilary elects -notnefreque.M.
IL4ea. ricanlYo ty..filiazy preperations mos
_ for Welleia had been presionsly resorted Mr
47. Preset:meet *downy*. This (tot la as•
tested hy the es nileates and • statements Of .handends
ofcespentaisla persona In deferent parts ...of the eels
eperalion, and may be adnuninered with perfect eadia
_l7 10 Bo titeatilelleate infant. • .
The only genuine is prepated by- •
t Wendt --
ISYRFL . .-4 , rr u h . z;in , a4e . o:
gr. LI: Mato s Paqiii-sime Its ine winter 67
s was anlieteti tier. a. seve netted &animates aWshi •
soil Leering of your .avalaatile t!oegh Synth I
chased a hot& area &T. Trimble, of Bridyewatoe
and after taking a pinion or it two or throe ens* Se' -
on going to bM, Me found immediate relitit. sent.:
severe: frier.ds have beta relieved le WM* Wee&
•lto, refine Minified that is a 'orsie and.vateoldo
aie b ree, and smuld recommendi times who &sr
Le aniieted with revere Ceesho lard Velda -F
• inareli 29,4943. , W. caongN__
.„ •
prepared and sold by E. ITELLELS,G7insioe g
and sold hy dragglino gencrialy, fa Plenharryk *