NIFAILMOUB , Glsalibi It nail TICIIMEIi IVRY OR-ENGLAND is any. , Pah- Jishlaa. lir limper lb Ruff, in it vols. cloth and paper: at to cents per voL Three vole received, and for salelby • R HOPKINP, Aimn."ldfries..Voartla at. Grail ALMOTICia TTY /PPLETON& CO, Now York.have canna, jJ. !publication. is forte, price twinaT Reacent• each, ARICTIONAIII blachlnes, Mechanic., En- Ogle Work. and Entineerictr, dcrianed for:gractienl Woritime,ldenend those inumded for the Engmeming Profeamen. Edited by Oliver Byrn, Thla Nock is notrge 870 tire, and will contain two tionssailpagew, onwards of six thin:send none, 11. WM present working drawings Ind descrip tions of the. moat Important machines in the 'United Suites. Indeloch4ent of the =snits of Alrelie. ia. ennitj; It will contain complete prantiultreansea Mechanics, Maeldnem Entine:Wart, and Enabler , ingt.with WI Mails useful in MOM then one thousand dollars w inner af folio fOIXIMM magazine. and other hooks. S ntbets received, and for nate by the aSenh, It HOPKINS. aPln • . 78 Abollo Bnildioss, Fourth et. So le Agin( jn.Wertent.renlvania, for the sale of t 011ikh.ERINCsiS t..M.EBRATE.I) Grand and. Square Plano Garter, S to inform his atenda and the musical . publitti that he has row Invoices, and wilt receree and' erposto for ale', during the Dtefetil month, the largest andmostderirable snick Of Pm= Fortes ever offered for sale In the west—among the number will be toned talL o=fy iY eltry t ed Rosewood Grand Pinto Forteei wish all the recent improvements in mechanism ant aryl., of exterior. Splendidly carved Rosewood 'seven octave Square Piano Fortes, finished in the Elizabeth= and Louis XIV. tyke With n large stork of all of the they styles Pi ano Porter. varying in vices from 5275 ter.trOn and *IOW, prepared by Dlr. Chietterlng for the present )ear.(11550.) Parcharers ireataanied that the prises of Ur. Chic k • cringe Fiance Lave be= and continue Lathe, tits tame as lathe ruansulactory In Easton, withoutcharg t tar traositortation; end will be delivered and we op perfect order, in any pun of the city, without charge. mr9 CPsial3: • • rINIP; undersigned Inca lawns to inform We. public 1. that he has declined businetta in favor of his bin, Orris, alto will eonneate the A Ltecton and Con, /11151i111 butirlite at the old stand, corner of Wood end Fifth atroeuu end for whose he would solicit • wain nem° unite liberal patronage betrvofore bestowed up on theist.... JOHN D. Delft?, April 9111, ISP. - P. N. 2./.11.V19. O3HOCU.SOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS,) AUCTIONEER AND COINISSION BERCEINT, muss or V7OOO .401, IriVVII MIMS Mt, Make Malec on liberal ten., of Foreigo &ell WDOOlegiC Merehandi., Beet Emete, Mott*. isrii and 'roper, Mpesperienee and close attention to bortnemb to merit a -continuance of the support and Ostronase so fiberally extended to the format. house. A 0991.1850. Notice to oar Patrons. RELIANCE' PORTABLE 1106 T LINE; /1111.1 e decease of the settee pa rmer, to Philadelphia. (the Into Jeinett M Davis,) produces to inteT7ll,4loll to the tarilnem--mrangentents bare Deenmade which involves the same itIiCICALS, preedely, which have dermal°. existed. The business is tosurned under the tame name and fine r y'. Al Dom d: Co, Philadelphia; Jana AFFscirit A Co.. Pinaburga. The contittaaitee of the patronage ot oar many friends is respeetfally 501 i... If a.' persons hove demands against tin concero, they are req.:arid to ...wet them forthwith. for puyetei.t. Pittsbergh, Aped M.A. 70115. M'FADEN, apl7 Servicing panucri_ 80UM . .. 11.1., 101abons, &c. 1 . 0 11. PALMER, No 105 Market rireet, is pectin. nay ell to tint •etT crest tnducements to buyers of. 1- dew Miihnery Goods, of every description lIG ridch tonsistg of every desirable riyie of Wain and Fancy Straw Bread, Gimp, French lame inn other !Dune.. Jenny lane, Culiforinta, Round rind Square To flats, far Misses and Reams. Boys' Mats, in areal variety Mcnhi Leghorn. Firmer Braid, China Pearls end Sultan Ilata. Rib holm Flowers' Bonnets, •Silks, and other Millinery rtrlieler, A., Ise arvtaAv 11roMairi Phillips Cti Co., LTAVE removed to Werehome No. 59 Water to .L.l. deli.. Wood nod Market, where will he key ter site, of teed manufacturing, a lull mvortmtet o lean, Sims, Spikeas, Castings, and Ike Blast P 15.1 warranted of the hest qs..`Ali. Or the. ls erit prices. NIA JOON 111.:FT, of the'llte Feat of Timmy A Best Laving 'purchased irstriert to the aria, will lute of the Warehouse, Andwill de vow Ms entire ettection to the business ; and endeavor to rendre sat. "faction to the Irictids of his Into fine, and all others w Ito may favor us with their patrono'.c. BROWN, PHILLIPS A CO, • i'lstm as Water St. venation.. 1511Attli,LIGT,C act wityric, No. tat. AV 00D STREET, AVE in emu viii are receiving n large Sock of II Pitt 1.100 ; relected with grant rare 'for the tregern tradeiond whizh they invite the attention of city and weitgrn merchants. Gwent tiered to CAA buyer.. [eV o URPIIY & BURC etniu lIFIELD are prepared to Mr .I„U, doh their curtomers and buyers generally with too very best make of the utiore.gwels, and wilt do so at the old prices, notwithstanding the advance acerb Some allot Gee insert Linctxwarranted pure ffax, lately received ; also, a supply of Linen Table Clothe, Diapers, Craah,.te n just teeetred. Cornered Towels an low as :Scents per dozen, or ek cants a piece; m north east corner of Fourth and Market ata. epic _ A-11451TTUPLIE11`011. £lO or--XL. fIIIITANNIA e,PUIITING voIITILMT CUM, , olnua, George street, Plymouth, England. The managers beg tn ncemnint ...Lek numerous 'pawns that e next Distribution of Portra:La et liar liars«, will comprise those entered fur the 43:111..111g Gran] Malone! Derby Beer the number of shares to be limited S,ODO. each clam First nines member !J second elm« ditto L 5. Fatly applienhon forth e un. D; approrriated shores is rtecessery• it party subthrtb n his for more than one chassises the choose of gaining Uequal number bonuses. Those membersorhe draw the venous Portraits still be ptesented with the fol lowing mum— Portrait of let class booties 51 ditto Matter, or First Home .1.10.1X0 .£401:10 • " Second Boric— - 10,50 I,buo Third Horne ••• PAM Span Divided amongst Stumm •• • 6103 3,000 " Non-Starters Q)00 .50110 There are Rs bonuses in each class, thatbeing the Slumber of-borsea entered for the lace. The Drawing ' said be conducted upon the same lcsitimate principles as those whieh characterised the late St. Ledger and ether proceedings. Fall pasiculara of the molt will Le rent to absent members immediately after the de rision, that each may know his potation. Sabreribelo. registered and tress fomented, on re ipt of a renuttmice. Blithe( Exchange, Drafts,Dauk Nate., its, addresocd and made payable to the Managing Director, W. J NIES CO. Roe per cent comniissbm to I...relatedon th e ta presention of bonu•cs nute-•ho Ilutlfitel="V . 7yT;l".."ViZe% Dommereial Sketches with Pcner..l Pencil; Thieffat of C 0121110,00 in Aboh 'theg rettrictente apse:tete Tmus ter of Pro; Tka Ancolay and Plalosophy of Mak ing; Tits Production ot Stan, sem Vow liankruPtei. ska 6 ~ed Cerreney—litterest—Proloction , Yrce Trade we Protective Turas, or Strierares upon tto to port of CM &MM . ) . 0 i Tnn.ry of the United' Suttee for ISO, «dams to Commerce Samna:on of the Ros man Empire le the East, de....fZe. BLACKWO9D, for Marsh INtO. ,or April, at Holmes , Literary Depot. Third Street opposite the Post OE«. --a " TAM APPLY. Tal.lBloSii row pared to furnsh Ale Twer, from the well imowe pre Nursery. of i Jaco p b p lltowo. TLr tree* will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for St! per hondrviL Persons wishing good thrifty trees should leave their orders won at the Drug, eced, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth Ma. - 8 ti WICKERSHAM. B. A. Fahneptoeli WllOl.. MALE DRUBBISTB • earner of nut mod a Wood Mean, offer foe ada,oo inyorobloll 100 bbls Whiting; 603 Ms Cub. Ammonia; 00 do Alam; 000 do Assaftettdo; 300 do Dye Woodm KB do Crud* Tartor; la do 4O L.mpblae k; WO d. Luorice R do Tem Red; WO do o B iq le b Moss; • do Camphor; Mdo A Red Preelpi oot; ln.i ID do Opt. Brow.; 1311 do Calomel Amu; • 20 do Yellow °rase; 25 do do Dag.; ID do oziramoue; ABdo Backer Leaves; 8 do Cloves; 010 do Rhubarb Root; 3 do -Cham.Flowerm 400 do Sanaa. do; 14 ea., Ref, Boras; 8041 do Gentian doi 33 do Casale Soap; 200 do Sal Roeheele; 13 do Bresnan Blom WO do Doidlas Mixture; 10 do Colt. MagauJoi 3:3/ do Booed Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 430 do do Blip. Elm; sdo do . 1 - allow; 100 do do 13.ArelAc Ao Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lig. Root CO roams Bond Paper; RIO do do Jolly; • 35843 Wady Samoa; :CM do doAf.CaYetatoi 0.5 bales Book. Corks; BM do SalpB. ZIOG 750 s Ralph. Ilforphom 3 00 do 8.,./.14i fIW lEt Cape Aloes; • 200 do Tamunn , • 1200 do U b P 01.14150 do quick ally" , 2:00 do Pink Root; 50 do o,a4e reel; 130 do Turkey limber, 73 do Coda:mat; IWO do Cmara Tenor; Wdo llyd Nimbi 54 do Tartaric, Acid; fa do More; kw bt d UvadAvelaT Ursi; o 5 do Granville Lotion. fe. o S- rzystoCztrit, OA nocii. Olt.. =Mtl=e= • • -. Than are dirampt of In philosophy v 118 VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy , and the comtmt application for It, to the prefrietor, ban lanced hint to have it pin OD to LLitlicii with la bels and directions for the benefit of the public' 74e'74e' PETROLEUM is procured from a well In this county, at a depth of toot hmdred feet, is op.,s ' dulterated article, without my chemical" clue ga .tatt last as flows from isfuturets Great Labial/it-El That it contains properties reachieg • somber of tissues, is to longer a matter of entecruunly,• There are man thinks to the annum of mtare,wbieh,if known, migh t be of volt 116efininies tip alleviating sulkring, ono rr mring the bloom of health and vigor to many a sof t,. 1,,,,,,,..h e f 0 re tho proprietor thought in putting i t e i s males, it tad a rephtationfer the cute of dis ease. The moonset and doily ineremennnalls for it, nn.' amend remarkable curer it Itaaperfonned, Is n earn indication of its future popularity and wok amend application in the tare of decease. Wedo not-wish to male o loot ponds of certifi cates, as we ore conscious that the medicine can soon work-its way into the favor of those who stiffer and wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim far it a universal application in every d,oeam, ere unhesita tionlymy, that in a number of Chronic Diseases it is movallett. -Among these may be enumerated—all diseases of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC nulyNcEpylS, CONSUNIYTION (in its early ste,) Asthma, aud all diseases of the air passages, -LIVER COhIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA,. Diorama. Diseases of the Madder and Kidneys, Pains in she Back or Side, NeneattEisensesiNeuralgia,Palsy, Rheumatic Pains, Gee, E ffs ipslas, Totter, Rmcworms, Borns, Scalds, Beau in Old Sores, he., 00. In eases of debility te "Odor, (mo expotiorc, or leen and protracted eases ot disco-in, this cme will bring velieL -It 'wit I act m s rimers' TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such cues, mporting tone and energy to the whole frame, remor fng opening the eluggish (auctions, which cause disease and a broken constitution, nod giving [stemmed and renewed energy to all the organs of Dre The prepteetor knows of mverel cores ILlZ,thutresistedevery othSr treatment, get-well The Use me of th l yrracm.,Evm • for it Short time. The proof earl, be Ewen to my rot.on who desires it. Minn, without the alp:mare or the proprietor. Sold by Me yinkpnetor, • iv N. KIER. Cum aste. nest &Mewl, to. Ayes, R. E. SCUP/03,57 Wood ag' d—,KtIVSP.R & SkiLiei \WW an I end Virgittialley; tyke mace regularly appointedAgents' TRANSPORTATION abtAL 1 1, "OPEN. Firnstgall 7111111POILTiliGn LIDS. 111Witiaik:1850 V' Pontisylvant.C•aaL. & liall Road.. TILOTICITOZO, O'CONNOR, ATKINS tr. Co., Canal . Rubs, Liberty treet; PivsharFtr: . ATKIN P, O'CONNOR to CO, 219 is •AF arket street, Philadelphia. Aot!rtt, (PCONNoa k CO.. TO Math Erect, Ehltimorei E Bums. New York: Ettrotr it G 0130,11 Doane street, Easton; 114...11., Gear, Mayrwille, Nentocky, HALL a Co., Columbia street, Cineinnau; K waaa. Louisville; Usage, 115x01 & Co., EL Louis. To Slaplorsd Aftramassim e and Produts to and front Philadelphia, Baltimore, N. York, it Bohm. Our route being now in fine order. we am preparmi to forward goods as above at my towns priers. lye ie.,' oil freight/rot ofas7 charge having policies for over elEin,wo, and with the following extensive stock of Boats feel conSdentof goring entire ratisraction to all business entrusted to our care. Our boats are all • . Ulna of experxnec, ond d on mist sobtouk ketrng new, and commanded by our entire line is rownie4 unit umperanea princielca. Per nsiieinia latlyton, SL Louts, Cowden Col. Romani Ridley MaryDeberah Sims I:Alen/um, I , i , ny ion Iron City Haw 11 sryl.nd, Starstall Ciatinnat, Sands Roth Anna, Chatham Fm Atkins, l`e.nrand. Junintn 11town Gin. Stott, Gory TolegtophNo IBhietJe Point .!,I!!.llloy:tySuntle Import, Bl'Quaglo Boston, Alter • Gsrlind¢ Riley Celia Ilalvn~eClipp:d4lep oliveßnulchGoser YeiFney Minter Ringlo Loki. Aral _.l.l.ayton America - - Peril - Mermald M'Colgin The Fnx UMW .Loot ShbiT galr o hee n 'Tifatle Shipperearill Gad it to their adventere to givo us eat, OCONNOR, ATKINS CO, tone Canal Basin Lit/unlit, PittaluTe._ 180, D. LEECH lb CO.B LINE, RgTWEEN PITTSBCRGII, PHILADEummt, ummtioßE to NEW Vtiftli, By Poet ylvanis coon/ nod Bail Byrd. da o w i s t l i i L l ' he . ll:llto d a b o e t i s cope s l new one o s to the Leue, UMW. Us to carry a lugs quantity of pro d uce end goode. The entire trod of the Line ti oloried and e081.14,- by the Proprietors. • 116111/11; S. LEECH, No 13 South Third o, Aml at Wu 0M.;.;..c0 Warehouse, Doak ry erlepttio, Pa.; JOSEPH SON, . . .. . - . No U 4 North flowarkl at, Datitnore. lILI ; , ' OFFICE. No 7 Weal ...I, New York; ' I) LEECH d. CO, Cann Bann. l'enn at, mll3 tiusborch. • MitEn 1850. • UNION LINE, ON TIIN. PENN'A AND OEIIO CANALS. CLARK, PARKS it CO, Rocliestel, Pa , Plope& JOHN A CAUGII Anent. 06.1 car Pinithfield and Water ats Pittrbatith. Clllll% 111L - 11LIN, CRAWFORD& CO, Ants, Cleveland, Ohio. I (Ills ell known n / an i f t io re m pfr i p r igd u ltzliitg , ei n ct , CLEVPJ.AND. to any point on the Canal and Lake*. 'The fullitica therLine are unrarpaased namber, quality tunl'orpanity of Boats, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburnh and Clerelitad dallc,ran ninw an connection with - o Line of Steam Boats be tawit PliTSßUßtill Asa RRAVER, and a Lane of• First Clara eIcSIII I.lcaut, Propellers and Vt6llels, en the Lakes. CONSIGNF.RS: Clark. Parka A. Co. Itothe.ter, E N Parks lc Co, Voattnnoten, Ohio; IlTaylor, 'Warren. Ck A & N Clark. Newton Falls. Oi I Brayton it Co, Rancho.. 01 Kent, Grinnell in Co Franklin. 0; II A Stiller, Cuyahoga Falls, 01 'Wheeler. Lee & tin. Akrsn, 0; Chamberlin, CI avrford it Co. Clerrlunt, 0; Flablmitile Co, AanJoilry, If Peckham it Peon. Toledo, 0; 0 Williams it Co, Detroit, Mich; l 4 dliams it Co. Milweekio. Wort ' , heck fa Dutton, Racine, WI., George A Cab.. Chicago. Ill; Thomas Hale. Chicano, 111. JOHN n CAUGIIEV, Anent, nir3o comer Water and Smithfield all LAKE' ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE, ON VOl ERIE, EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKS k. CO, neeherter, Peoprielow. rr nE Proprietors of thin old .d well known Line would inform the public that they Ire now in op. ....On for the percent mason; and have rommeneed receiving Freight and Passengers, which they ore fully prepared to carry to all potaw or; the Canal and LAKES ERIE AND hIICHICe AN. At de lowest rates. One of the Boats of the Line will ho conatontly at the lauding, below 3lonongaleela Bridge, to receive freight. JOILN A. CAIRIII EY.Agent, °dice, roe Water and Smithfield stn, fittaborgh. CONSIGNEES: Cunningham, New Caul,. Pa; • Alitcheltrce A Co, Pular kt; W C Milan, Shama; &. S Hall, Sharp ahang; Wick. Artier A-Co, Greenville; Wee Henry, 31 analown; Power,Wot Comma:grille; • John Hearn In Co, Erie; John J Hollister A. Co. Buffalo. N Y. mCI agi fc :- 1850. & GROTTIER, FORWARDING IREJELCHANTS, ROCIIPZ (Denver Point) ET - Agents for BIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND. C'.EVELAND LINE; ERIE AND AnanviLlA , LINE TO ERIE, WARREN AND NLW CASTLB rAcaErs; towing and .Sipping Letv,cli Patshargh cod Rochester by steins, boats 3linklgno, Lake &k, blot Beaver. L-7 . Goods receirted and promptly debvered to ntl rise. on site Canals and Lakes, at the lowest rate, Shippers will please direct goods to a Dtawel Pa Lion." J. C. DIDWELIk Agent, mr2o %Teter st,Pittalrergh. Pittsburgh Portable Bost Limo, eitaM 1850 :Mft1-9), TOO TEM ToaItsroTTATION or rtitatir TO AND not CSBURGIL PHILADELPHIA, - BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, BOSTON, O.e. Thomas %enamor, ITaroran &Comma, Philudelphia • • Pittsburgh. RE Canal being now open, the proprietors of thisT long established Line are al usual at their old mends, receiving and forwardine Merchandise me Produce at low rates, and web the preuiPtneki nor. minty, and sakty,-pccuilar to their option, trot mode of trarkporutien, where Intermediate tranehirrnent to eroded; with the ronerqMOO delayand probabditY or dem .ge. Merchandise and Produce Alpped week meet, and Rill. of Lading forwarded free of charge for commie- Ana. advancin^, or storage. Haring no Interest di rectly or indire ft elly in etc.mhalb, that Of the owners is Alley tallll.oted when elnppinr, their goods. All en lot tO the fallowing agents prompt lyattended le: TROMETOM • THOMAS 130111111IDGE, • No 27S Market greot t Platidelptzit. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR. Corner Penn end Wayne streets, Ihnotargb. latiNT/O John McCullogh & Co, 43 North ot, Italy P.B. Burt & Co. 'M 'Doane et, Boston, W. Zs 3. T. Taman & Co • te South et, New York; James Wheelwright, Cluelry natl. rnets 1850. 1850 • BIDWELL'S PITTSIIIIROII & CLEVELAND LINE. f[ollls LLNE, with tunturparted Meddles, I. ' nnw prepared to transport Freight to Clevelanl, the Lake ports, Ohio Canal, and intermtdinte place., on the most favorable terms, and with the greatest de spatch. Shipper. are retorted to thom who have heretofore palroutied th,r lane. Send good. to "Rid wet l'Pt Line." AiVITS—J C lildwell J water et, roltbmtMi Bldwell A !troths., Rae/eater; 1.0 Matthew., Cleveland; Ithale a A Croon. do. CONSIGNEE:Si A Diaciaba. YoutigrtOwlin ' , C Leffingwell t Co, Warren; A N Mirk. Newton Falls;' Brayton & co, Raveann; Kent, GIVIII4VII 4. CO, Frunklin Mill.; Thomas EarL do do; A II Miller, Cuyahoga Coln; W Stephen. A Son, Akron; Wheeler, Lee 1k Co, do; M dam, J Harman E , hinsaillon, do; Cummins A Co, do; Wm Monteath in ilo, Buffalo; 11J tithtnt tr. Co, Sanduely; It Higgins A Co,. do; brllaskell A Co, Toledo; • 11 N Strong, Detroit; • Murphy A Dutton, Racine, Ball A. Milne, Southport: . Doorman A. Co s .:llama& te, Pl/ Inekintton, Little Kirkland tc 'Furor, Shobsygan; Dole, Dararrr tc Co, Chicago, Thom Male do. • Fatally nth: March dd. two. GINGHAM'S TRANSPORTATION LINK, &BMA S's°. l l aglar IletweeuPlVrburgh rnd astern Cltac e. • • The Canal beir:g now open, ore are ready Le' teem,' and forward promptly, pralutte and mrrellandi:do cast • Ratak,. always at lowan rates, charged bylegpoa aibla • • • • I'teduee and reerehardive "mil! he receive.] and for. urged emu and :rem maildent any ehmkge for log'. IW2 , d•og or odkgr.eimg freight, cominimmion - or mtoregm Bilk of login; forwanka, ood 'eirektieit. fully otietuled to. !Weimer/ or apply tn. WM. NINCifIAM, Caual Roils , ear. Liberty and %Yaps.. at, lijitmborgh. &DOCK, No beiceren 4th k. Silt, Mika }AS. WILM3ON, Agt, No 14, North Howard at.. Ilaltimore. JAS. 1J1NG11,431 nitig Wein steel. b l ew Volt dc Cos Paaavagar . anna paundttoutc• . Otago. gibtrANIIDIII.b. GO. continue to bring pending n'm 00 1 Pda.of F.rgl.d, Ireland. Scotland or Wles, upon them os, ahead wens, with their aatarPlinaillolltY and attention to the wens, .d corn ¬enneigrams We do not allow ougpassengers to ,be robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the WI. ports, as we tato charge of them the 19011.11{ the y re port thcmvlves, and see to Weir well bring, and de spatch them with any detennan by the gra ships.— We say tuts fearlessly, . we defy one of one pa:sen sors to chow that they ,wore detained 48 hie-s by us in lAy.rp.l, whilst thousands of others s are detained months, until ahoy could It erns in some trail, at a eh: !alai w, Welt frognondl P 19.4 Men coyote We Mena to perform our rmtvoes . 410 110Mbly, cost what it may, and. not net. was the ono last season, with ether ,orteens—who either performed sot all, or wheait nnitoA anue onnyenienee, Dans drawn it Pittsbargh for any .am from .C 1 to £l.O .:payable at any of the_yroriacal pa:Agin i hhagUnd, Scotland and Wales.„ r..lOdllU/.. - ROBIRSON, nropeaa std Arpm, bad iftb stroel- arm dmm____id.hlte SQeurPETltk:-,-tm a{Cl9:l .0 DICKEI apl4 112 Water st. ' MISCI~`LIANEOIIB. MUM ARE140148E,,, UK street. ° &ll.P '"g rT O Y lL: r7 Ctl i gi ki LS: in part de follinrina s civet Pile Carpets, Tapeshi' ean Bnissals Terialagly 7, No 75, Fa UT- 2.VOLINTOr4C VT, Spring St. !k, of rioming.44.c., ' ••• , .; Eno. sliper koyal . English and AlUnit Extra Superfine tm Sapertina SUP.f.. ingrain. C, ugans, F.xtra has Fine n • Centraon, all wool, Cotton 4-4,1 and 4 Tap Von Car. 4-4, 4 nod 1 Toiled Carp. I-S, 1, 4 and 2-4 plain Car. I.iti and Bag Carpets, 8-4.Prir.ted Conan Carpets.: El!!MIMI Damn Superfine do do Saks; Tolled Ran , : Fine Common irmra Wilton Common do '' Chenille Door Moir; Shoop Skin rldelaid 84,74. 64,44; 44 .41 Oil Clot.; 6.4, 5-4, 44, and I Moller 18 inch patent Oil Cloth., for mart; Extra printed pant, covers table Embossed Table . 0 Printed aroolen ". Emboesed Stead • " , Linenand westaida - Dameek Star Linen; Turkey Red Chintzes; Chase Pordering; English Oil Cloth Table Coven; Drown Linen crumb cloths Woolen !hem Suer Rodni Stair Druggetti, • - :. '.. -. , Carpet Battling's; . Sine and Coeo Mats; lAliesuit andlikeletonitlets; Stand 4.4 Green Oil Cloth for Blinds; Iluckebauk Diaper, Sumo Ott Crest.' front the most apart:teed Eng. tub and AlneliCall mannfactuters Irons 12 to _feel in width, which .will be mat o dt looms, halls,and . vestieelea atm rize or shape: '''' -.- ' - . The underaigned having Imported &Met from Itillv land, hie Voters Pile and Tapestry CARPETS. These Carpets; which' are • of the Irma and moos elegant styles and pauerns, and of the mat gorgeous colors, mill be sold at prices colossus they can be pirehased for in any of the cement cities. • - Cozen nrecenroa Blue nod Drab Cloths; Crunson Plash; Coneh OA Cloths; Damasks for Linings; Watered Morena,. Buff Holland for WSbridea; Tr-atop:trent Preach tramp. Vence. Blinds; -• 1 Bunt for FletPl 74 ma G-4 Table Linen; Ruseie Crneh; Scotch Diapers: Brown Lined Napkins: Geneve Od Cdnit Table Covers; sumo, Having. the itllfett tment of the richest and moot s uableM CISIJOSELS. IMPERIAL THREE iLY and t:GRAM CARPETS whlehthr surpluses n quality and cheapness of price,my aulonmelll tear before. brought to dun city. Ile also invite. StentuboLt Men and Coach Manufacturers to his largo and well ..e.,etraIS6OII.I4.IOITRIPILMINGSAIId other &WC'. intell7.ll their businei. The tindeetsi,ned os also agent fnr the Nyair Hod hinnufsetory rhiladelpbls, and is prepered" to sell lower than eau be purchased elsewhere in this city. IWO grans Guts Woe A. MASON & CO., td Minkel ntscel, between lA. Third nod FOnith, are now seeehrinxaliuge at. soru sent of Renege De Writ; Persi. Ciotti., an en tire new article; Fallen-Is; Crape De JAI., ite; with a largertirsoliment at Law,u and other Dress Goods, uf die jarett styli, old most fashionable color. aid COFFS,—%I bap pro m tin' uto Javai C-a:ob.-40 boa mould, dipped, and 'perm; Cindsn-1513b.:1 Cream and English Laity; Conos—dlU do: Hemp and &Janina; Csasti.-40 Mall?; Cnovics-5 barter; ((;Gnat—LO 1,1. Common and half Spanirld Fau—S.s brlatutilbinfbris Mackerel and Salmon; (11-sas—Ab bar asiorted Woes; Ilaus--IXOU Crime Veal:chi USW Savo Cured; Isntoo—lbh lbs S F and Manilla; Isa--i 6 Jar:irons flank and Copping; Miniustr —23 bile N Orleans' ban' brls Roger ' Hausa; Must:am—SO dos Wertrd enlister-h . MrorstioXl-s:tlh3 1411E111; 11.3a.“11.1.1—fillIti , do Naos—hint keg! assorted; Picts.a-5 dot tars nriar,ed; I,x do hushed* balers; Itto --1/0 tennis nr4Ofted; Ilinams--11:11bot burden.; Soar-50 bib Rodin and Cast Steel; tin.a—lo hhda N One., and Clarified; T.—COpanks:en Green and Blade; - Tosaccu—htt tor PA Irmo; -Warn Dootos—Oidnx patent Zien; For saba by J D WItiLIAMS CO cis twin Corner of Filth and Woo.l ViniNTIGP. v3sl FIT in.+! FURS!—TIe subserrhors rnY 17 for Coon, Miak, Mask Ilea, Gray and Rod kox, sad uil kinds shippiog kura, highest ...tern prices aIcCOR.I3 CO, lebYo corner Fthb •nd %Vocal sts DishoLtrripri• • v...crilliplien.ture exists/1g botratrs.7llolrs T Tassey and John Rest, in the Gmeenc.Pralace 1..41 Ca..l::ian uamacat, was dtssolved by : mutual nussat, Rd the 11th Mot. Mn. Jobs Best barna; pur• clAstd the-entire ino.tost of Jmoes Tas,ey, on Use brat, the tratide will be retilddly Ottn. at that,' .w told. No. 241Voad at. JAMES TAtisSEr, fet.:73 . Paper Hangings. . PIING SF.LF,CrICIS.—Witt be rocei*ed, b 9 gut runai rhipments uesv and choice tatortatent of Wad paper, of the :swot French and 1-:octets stylts, in ro:d,r betnoit, oak, tad Alex rotor.. tti. ItIASS/LALL, (tdte S. C. WSJ mild I Woad ore. evaung between S L ll U . lllndo CA and John 51c1.11 under Itor firm of S. II IlarLbebi, JS o'd Nand, No.22ol.ibertyntreet, S U MISSFIELD, Marsh I, G:1.1. Jr..llN MeGILL. S. B. Lit,:(WIELD nod GEORGE SUCHARD Will rontinue eta Wboterula aid New( Dry Goods nEd (tracery boeineen, pi the old could, No. StO Liberty at, under we Lila of R.II. UUSIIIIELD blurb I. 1.(741—(01ot2 E oust , e• =to tai astoelawaiwun =e, to MC .In/tie 1 ante Geo,tery, Ountraislion, and Forwarding hurl netr, my two Sonr,lt. N. mid W. Lt. Waterman. Th • name= in =true will be conducted under the attico the obl cand, No 31 Wa tor anti en Front street. 4 S. WA FEKSIAN. r.r.bcrgh, Morel let, l;.21. C/11)4101X—About , the ONLY ORIttIiNAL 11. AND IitSJBINE WISTAR'3 lIALSAIII BF WILD (DIRRRY die areal remedy for CoNSVPIPTIOR' And the beet medietart tnonto to nan for Addica of nyeay ateFe, Liver ' Complain., Bronchitis, lellisinta, Lane., Cala. Bleedleg of the Lauda, Slertneaa of Irraatb, ralna Wnaknesa in tie Side Drew+, kg, and all other dam., o/ the _ . FULldOliAlbY OUCANS. A very important dims. aver whi. 13340 no. ens a very powerful iluence. is 11.01 of is LlelklASED LAVEIt. in this complaint it lean eadoubtedly paved.. CrlC.lol2a than any remedy hitherto e employed, and in merous instances when patients bad dured long an d severe saltedng from the disceser, without rec. , leg the least benefit from various remedies, and when ldercurydias been resorted to in vain, the use of this Italmin fists restored the Liver to a healthy Wham and in many L.ranem effected permanent mares, after very well known remedy had failed I/Sprain. this desired edgier. Beside. its astonishing efficacy in the disease eow mentioned, we al. Sod it a very effect.' remedy in Asthma, a compinint In which it has been extennively tired with decided success, even in cams of year ' standing With the increase of intelligcnce hang e no up n Estowlitdge of the elem.. of health, and a e gard for diem, itiLl with the strides of CCICIICC Lave we acquired Me Insets orarnestimg dis ease, and avenlng revagen. i‘olarithstanding the progress we have made, statistit s shgew•that even ,one sixth of the whole population die tannins, of cnsumption. all ' ell ' egti th n ' g ' tfe t' ca i Tgallt=l:l i g7 fence humanity, ia DB- WISTAIPS DAUM It OF WILD CILEB,RY. Wistorls Benin of \® oo Cherry is aline !lethal Afed g i4e, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bath and the Ine (the laner Inverted erpreser ly tor this purpom,) the rare medicinal urines of which are also combined by a now chemical process, with the eatrut of Ter, thus renderin4 the whole compound the most carotin and stimulus remedy aver discovered for CON6USIFTION OF THU LIM Still further evidetwes of dot remarkable curative ptoperties of this i tieltilD able preparation: Sereumnexa Dream en., 0., Aug. 21. Inla. Messrs. Sandford A Pratt Gentlemen, Aboat six weeks ago. Treceived the agency of Wlstat's 13alsain of Wird Cherry, but with some reluctance on my pan. for Ore mu. that I had been the agent of ao many die and other =strums, which were crack= op to be soma:one wonderful, but which tamed oat IN the end 113 be of ea account whatever, except to the man. Immure, Ilat 1 candidly admit that time I have =eh deceived, far de earmordirtary cures effected by Wistaria Sahara have convinced me that "good can come out of Natatetb." Your afoot left me one doz es e lanties, which areal gone—batten been the means of caring several addinate eases.= Cobsomption— andno mistake; tor wbnt I see and know I am bound is lichens. One case In partieulan A young gentle• men in IFineheitm. Adams comity, 04..10 mares fro • thiAtt,", , ,v7fhl."` d a r ,t c :,%lT,Pgl7`.nnotr, d %; tom, and It was the hued= al hie friends to convey him to your city, and place hue under the care of some Went physicians there. But a friend told him of Wiour's Balsa= and that he could obtain it of me. Ile sent fee it, and before the second bottle was gone he woe Dead and well, and rdendingto his every day trpoinew. Mete arc seve rat 'Raines for the mei* MIA, it would be well to forward . additional supply without delay. TMreapectfallY, LAUDEAT IvELVLAIVIL The above, from L. Newland, EstbstaldghlY respect aide e ntry merchant, commends itself forcibly to the c id attention =ell those who have doubted cogrrest, zit of Wistar'e HAG/leery Deism. , the original arid only genaine Wintery Calsamdt Wild Cherry, as Introduced ia th e year 16,73, and has been we lt testedln all complatats for vet= hlt is recommended. For 17 years it has proved more effteac LOLLS NA a remedy Gllleghs, Colds, Inn a eara, Ltronchitis, Althma, and Coasumption in rain. druid stages, than any older medici rte. LOST YOWL:, tec.,'IIESTORED! r Nut Sm..* Aug. 10, 11118. Mt. S. W. Fowls:. During seen many certificates published in relation to fir. Wurters Salaam of Wild Cherry, 1 take thin opportunity of offering a word in its favor, =rich yes ere also at libery,bJ pablisi.. A fow months miner my wife's Dings became ILO Much af 'Meted with a audden'enid, that she lost her none, and I sadered artverely from pains inthe GIVII.St. 'Sendai. I ant este= her famine mach alarm. Ruing /meal I yorteilt,liant strongly recommended, by those who used it, purchased a =We 1,0111 your agent in this, place. ,She twit It =cording to directions, and it pro. doted n won:Maniac= Before using one bottle site had completely recovered her coke, the pains aubsl.l - And ber health was teen rally reertablished. loam, only, lIENDY G: URIGUTBIAN. Danuutun AND prja.lNS to BININCINkTiII rd. ebrated and iniallible remedy for die care of Consump. tine, Azduca and Liver Complaint, has by Its own me rits, been rapidly, sure and safely wotking its in., through the opposition of quacks and coanterfeiters, until, by Its true value and intrinsic excellence, n had gained for Iteelf a most enviable popelarlty, and fished =elf in the confute= of =intelligent anden lightened public, from one cedar thus continent to the case Tire testimony of thousands who bare bees re lieved arid eared by ibis estimable article will Opal thartt mends unrivalled—at the bead-01 ail other me dicine. for tbe cater of diseases tot WU. It is ream trudederL The genuine. Or. %Vistula lialsam of Wild Cherry so now for sale by ditly, =pooped agents, end all stable dealers in eneMelues, in all largos aid all important towns throngheat th is United Oman It =Ocala 11112 potties for 6i . Sold by J. D. PARK, tracer:mot to Sandard &Pared Four. and Walnut street. Cintlaug, Ginos Gem. , Agent for the South and Weal, to wham all orders most be addressed. to Wilcox, Jr; dant. A. Jones; J. l(ldd A Co; IL A. Fabneateek A Co, Plitsbargli. I. T. Hassell, Wash ingumlNV- IL lemberton, Ftanklin; L It Deceit, Uniontown; il. Welly, G reensburght S. Koomm,Soreeti set; Erect! at Gilmore, ltedfotd; Dud & Son. ilmtine.7 don; Mrs. Orr , .11ollidaystottgrkliblebnin I A Co, hub. =at J. If.L Wright, Estiniuraifivans. ,Co, . 4.. Wilson & Son, ‘vern4..b.rtt4 M 1 4 . 1.0 *- co, N. Callender, Meadville; Barron A Co, Er:c; J. niagofk r a Mercer; James, Kelly n. Co, !tater. DSOS*, , c Sammerten,Warree . F.L.A.AS- Jones. traMortgi i . tVkft, x;errew6vot:- SLOAN'S COLUMN. tg- AL the Stedteines advertised b 7 R.B. SLOAN ere said by • • R. R. SELLERS. Wood an=l,axid JOHN P. scan L ' VIMI`ih P 237/OHN O. SMITH. Allegheny Gay, lIIMIRY NCIIWARTZ X. CURRY. trim Hess and Cheapest. tiaras Mediate* IN TR& 110BLD. SLOAN'S OINTMENDERT ANMCONDITIOS POW, Ham earned a mom name. For Parity, Mildness, Salo sy,asni Tbanrctrinza, SLOAN'S OINT3IENT xteS And is rapidly enparseding all other Ointment. and Linisomne now in usa for Ilan ease of the fallowing d is - • Fresh wounds, of all kinds, sprains, bruises, cracked heels, mistime, onndbone, orinittlts, pot vil, eau, amino; sweeney, fistula, CILIA, •trtlM-$ lameness, sand crack, blundered feet, scratches es pen. marce Or horse distemper. The Powder will remove all anflionmation and fever purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water and strengthen every pan of the body; and hasproved a sovereign remedy for the following diseases:, Distemper, hide bound, loss ' of appetite, !sc..", strain, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly mil led stiTeomplaint,) which proves so fatal to many vats noble horses in Misc.:rumor. sit is also "We sad cer rain warily for coughs and colds whichte so many fatal tbseaseu W. B. SLgene ra OAN, . Gmr.d Depot, 40 Lake st, Chicago, Illinois. GEEZZA Extract from the "Galena North Western Gazette), By tho use ordinates Ointment d Com!hien ow- der, I have entirely cured a fistula an on ray horse P gad otherwise 11111319VCd his condition mere than NA pe cent on the cost ef the medicine And a cow wince was so feeble as to betconsieertd worthless by myth!! and neighbors.ano restored to good health and atremrtb by the ase rifless than half a package of the powder, and is now doing better than any other raw l have. Small Poe, Ably 13,1535 mi. VINCENT. TIIE SUFFERING CHILD. heraby certify .thal ono of my children, when na ked, fell into a large fire of live coals, and was Lamed severely fmm hand to feet. The best of medical old and attention was given to the ehlid for four or five days without any rehef—eaehdayls sufferings increas ed till his groans could be heard at a great distance, at which anneal period one of my neighbors remor:lea ded and presented to me a boa of Sloanle Ointment. . and in lota than fifteen minutes after the applicator. of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain coated entirely, and he speedily he an to recover. My residence IS la Melt township, Ver• million wanly, and Donee( Indiana. THEODORE L. TAYLOR. - Chicago, August 13,1645. ' April VI, 1540. Fotir niiles north of Chicago foe th. rood to fildwavkie,) Cook county, Illinois. 114.9loan—Dear Sir One of toy heroes had a large bony motor on his bre.. bone, immediately muter the collar i which lamed biro and rendered Ms services of ' OP& l'a tl ;lo v r% l TlC rv il e r' entirm 'P L P o in trin d e:Zwil l ho b ts o f t .‘Tie . least benefit. I men procured W i ld er's Celebrated Horse Otnuneut, and used that l became fully satisfied Mat It would net;; relieve the animal. Fi nally I obi leas boo ot your truly valuable Ontb moot, and in leas than 00 days from lb . hmt applica tion the tumor entirely disappeared. and the berm moo wIL Your., EDWAIW A8A19T11.0111.7. POPULAR OPINION. upping. opinion a any ititerion of the worth of an ankle, we Invite the incredulous to read at least • few of the many voluntary eertifientes that appear in' oat ooleonna respecting the ureatatiety of remarkabls cures effected by the ore of s.; l s oarda Celebrated Ohm went am.l.Condition Powders." These Memedia no longer remain nmong.thoss vt doubrfal Utility, they Lane parsed from the tide rof es nerintent and now eland higher i In Imputation and am r 4 .rot t tne 7.— e fflitgt; ' fileCe th . " 'Mat ant, TILE ILALF 11.1t8 NOT BEEN TOLD. Foi aITIIS, Jane Dear Eloan--Eir. Flame send by the bearer a en. envoy of year Horde ikledidne.s. They are the beef uuelea of the kind that I have ever aped, never hav• Icy been diurpointed In their elect, en I have bean le abe use of others, even the molt celebrated Ointments Ltniments,it,c., of the day. 1 like very mach th, fea. tare in them, via: that they do all that LB promised,rclar has th a T i rt , te n trttti s me is =careened to rid, the, 1/eereictfiZ, DEDLET TICE DIFFERIttiey. The ordinary ointments and liniments it is wet known are Fever, sad partial lit their operation.— i lgloan's Ointment is mild yet thorough—a reaches and teMOVee the Cause, hence it pro real .1 permanent relief. Fog purity, mildness, saitty, certainty, d thoroughness, Stood ss Ointment excels, and is rapidly surperceding all other Ointments and LlellaelitS now In too. WE CAN'T Gur ALONG WITHOUT IT. MOM • GIRO., in, Om SI, Into. Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue a Yew Ointment In the ears of notlematelnset., sore throat, barns, and many other ninth., anti in every ease it haw rpassod oar espeetiona.. At a Manly thin. meat, II have never seen ta its equal, and for bouts are can't get along anthoat It. ?loam, he, Sid.f Id. JOHNSON. F.SCELI.lifrt 011.171!FNT. • . kir. Stn.—Dear Fin For a considembie length of irn e I was seriously aglimed with the rheumatic emu. praint, end applied freely the various batmen., pedal kittens, b^.., without obtaining tiny relief. After which your gigs It at lids place influenced me to try your Ointment, and within two weeks trout tie time I cons. menced lasing it, the pain ceased, and 1 wascifeentally cured, and mall recommend aft who arc similarly at. gutted with the thatresping maipplaiut, to KOCIIIP lon, excellent ointment wftboat delay. Retply yours, OSCAR F. 110TP. Princeville, Peons, co, May t, Pits. trr From the Him. 11. V. S. Ilreinla Agent et the prima and Mining. thitial Packet trot Company. Sincsors, Jane St, I S/,a• TM W. B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the last .71 yours 1 have had occuirrn In arc many horse - a - and have used the great variety of liniments and ointments in aser, bat have never loud any thing equal to your oint ment for inharies on horse*. Within the last two nosorts J have applied yonreireinent to mom takers., for various Vilitost, cud In