The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 03, 1850, Image 1

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    _, ~,t, ''
H IT . E: 41. CO.
(a. [war.
11103, TIMID 1111=7, NCIT DOOlll To
TES icor osnez.
DEN ra ---$7,00 per an
Wrekly, I dranee).--- •••• 2,00 "
Da. Clubs, .t. rediteed
Otte laqtr ie,(lolDiraof Nonpiralfor less)
....... Ao r ta
One Se m re, each additional inaerlion• • • Oat
Do. one week ...... ..... ••• • 1• 7 5
L., two vreeks• :uxo
f•o. three .• ....... 4 - 06
one w
Ta• two nuintai•—•— • 71.3
. three .-- 9.1 , 0
L.. leer months -........__.. 10W
toe(ve months. •• • •—•—•( • • 10,00
'Rending Cord (6 lines or le.tij per annem• 10,00
o . 6 qm...changeable at pleasure (per am
num) exclusive of the paper 43,00
For eaelkadditional square, Losnned over one month
anal toe each addonal square Intel ted ander the year
ly Caine, half price.
Advertisements ee“eding a roirere, and Colorer
fifteen tines, to be charged as s maim and s he
Publishers MA accountable for legal advertisement.
beyond the amount charged fur their publieetion•
Announcing candidate. o n
*See, to be charged the
lame U other adocitteemerne.
Advorthereent• 1101 matted on ibe copy for • opeci•
hod 'umber of inoertions, toacondnued t il l forbid,
vid payment calve! accord: The pnvileges of yearly adeortisers will be. confined
ngtdiy to their regular boolnent, and all other adver•
ti.mtnts not pertaining to their regular bariness, OP
speed for, to be pold extra.
All adverdoentento for chatitAble watltutlons, fire
weed. township and other public meetin t
and ouch like, to be charred halfpriee, payable strictly
tr Kluane,
rtiaite notices to be charged to cents.
Death notices grouted without charge,prdes.
tallied by Amend invitations or ohha art notices, and
when so noel/maenad to be; ald for.
!tenter sdvertwers , and l others sending comm.,.
nicationa, or gestating notices designed to cell au eo
sins ton,, , noirres, Cone ens, or any poblia enter
taimnents where charges tun wade for adraittane.
of private salons--every notice de
redoaed to call attention to private enterprises coley's
or attended to promote Individual Interest, c n on.
ly be trawled will the understendma 'abet the same
isvo te paid for. If heended to be inserted In the to.
cal column, the gime will be charged at the rate oi
not if MO 111111110 cent. per line.
Bishop or Fist Notices to bo charged triple price,
'tavern License Petitions, /2 each.
Legal and Medical advanismenta to he charged at
fail prices.
Reel FAiste Agent.' and Atieiloneers , advertise
ment. not to. be clamed under yearly nine, bat to be
crowed dieeeont of littler three and one Mini per nub
from the emcee* of bllle.
Olt 11111-WIZZLY to 11111. T eleaa
One Square, three itteenions•••— $1 50
Do. each additional Insertiemo. 37
• ..
One SjDVIIIIIIII.II.III it 147.1311 .
• arten,ll.o liner.) one 'neerilon ..... et,.
eiteb additional inanition-45
tienslent &doer ivenients lo be paid In advance.
WHITE k CO. Gazelle.
• L. II /OWE% Po 'L
JA.Olli P. DARR k CO, Ctinoniele.
FOSTER k 'BROTHER, Lkspatch.
JOS. ONO%VDEN, bloom,
JA W. BIDDI.V, American.
111,RAII KANE, Evening - Tribune.
Pirrinctran, Dee. I.IBIU.
A TTORNIEW AT LAW—Oilice,pri Footth sure
11 shoyo Wood . mrl9
ATTORNEY AT LAW, mid Commisrloner fu
Penns, Irallia, el. Lento, Mo.
Al! COMMILIACMIOIIII promptly MillWert.l.
T. IL Llaitd • J. P. Sterreu.
0/1.1136 t ITZIIRICTT,
A Tr4F:llliVir:TXl`,`plgulzriT, bq
John It Large Wm. C. Friend.
LAIIO* &8111E1113,
A TTORNEI9 AT LAW, Fount atreet, neat Orapt
jyld if
JAILES F . Kitnu,
A TTORNEY AT LA W.-41fAce on Fonnb .tract, between tinnituSeld and Grant, Pimbargh.
A 7TURNEY LAW—Whet 04 Fourth .tree,
11 Pihuburgtt. ma
Orem ,t. nett the Cool lipase. tell
jt -- 11 — EN r GLISII & Theological, Geuther,
a and SendaSehnol Roolthellere and dealer
la al kinder:of %Wrung, Mildew and Wrapprag Pa
pct, Nit. Woad street. between Poona azd Dia
mond alley. Pitadthroth, Pa. .pl 7
A TFORNCY and Counsellor at Law, and Commis.
dormr firrthe State of Pennsylvania, St. Look
Mo., Cato of Pittsburgh.)
R.Mereneettaborh Forward, Ha.
ton & Miller, WC Pi ondlesgs &M McClorc, John E. Parke mp ,
Bloußo & Semple, McCord & Ming. auirl4-1y
40.11. S. COSOL,I.
W. a. woonurlvo- nara nacom.
RAtIA LEY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Gro
cers, No WI, Markel ss, Philadelphia.
rits.lanrah Alkali Works.
BENNETriIiKARY A CO, hlanutaituren e yoJ
trah, 'Reaching Ponder., Mariana env Sulphuric
Acid.. Warehouse No —,Water street, helm. Ferry.
mitO ly
— F - 1 - 1 &rick Elmo, Geer. Rehr,
BRA UN tr. REITER, Wholraale
a nd Retail Drug.
gots, eons r of Llbeny arid St. Clan sumo, Pins
bunch. Pa. .tr4
....... Verner.
P.O meet, Pittsborgb. ant*,
Dnanoono SPria&A.alo, Stool, and Iron
OLEMAN. HAMMON A CO, Idannfamaren of
Coach and Ellptio Spring., Hammered Axles,
Pnring and Plough Steel, Iron, kn. Warehouse on
Neer and Front streets, Pittobandr.
Also, dealers in Conch Trimmings and Malleable
alders. °exit
dare, No It Market street, Pittsburgh.
— .Yoko dailis.
nRAIO dt. SKINNY.% Forwarding nod Com., ts.loo
salerehants, 80 SI Market at. Pittsburgh. ark
A. MeAhULTY t CO, Parorarchat and Cow
. Carlton Marthargs, Canal Bawl, Pitubarib,
Pa. tar.l
C. GRAIT, Wliolesald Nrocer, Commission and
Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 %V.. st., Pius
In Hersey Andrew Fleming It. IL Fleming
ac stl
OIdbIIARION MERC HANTR—For tba sea of In
mee.Wooleo, and Coon Coeds; also, dealers in
kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, No In Wood st, .11th
door from Firth, Pinsborah.
intereneo—Dents. Wm. A. ! Co, Cankers.
rat. S. S.M., total I. limn,.
. . .
ENGLISH & I:IF.NNCIT, (late FAtlisit, Gallagher
F Co.l Wholesale Grocers, Convulsion sout war.
wordier Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts
burgh Mannfaetures, No. 37 Wood st., between itd and
ad streets. eett
J.U.Vs.:Vesta A. H. Csukc.
ANTS, 1.111 Dealers in Waldo,' plus, Mite'
Lead, ke. No lOSSecond at sera
- IH - 7111. H. JOHNSTON,
No lig Seuigd at, Pittsburgh. mal
rt FAIRISH WCIIRAN. Constatwion and Forwarding
VP Merchant. N 0.20 Wood erect. Pittsburgh. tar 17
101" AMILTON STF:WART,manafaatarer of Hem
ULf.birtings,Cheek., &ay gab.ea ant; of a
talegberly, npvls.lllv.
.WIRE, Isactenor to Murphy Loa.)
er and COMIONsio• Merchant, (or the sale of
/UMW:. Woolens, Liberty. OPOoffi. 6th at. (41.'7
oro. voLLo, Elalumoro.
L. I. tIICE3OI4 =WM nZaZ,
tooranton, WOW 4. WA MM.
L11441.11k BIICKNOR, 0:161.112126 , 11 Mary
c i Loh . Leu, 41 North Water 41,,k 14 North WhLooot,
TIARDY. jor.;EptA Co, (tueersaora tq Mwmpi,
/ 0 "*. t Co.) Catironsina and Forvitudlcur ?der.
Astnt, A. 0.1., m Pittsbargh Manufactured Goods,
P meter
L F.F. Wool U•{ter sod Contesduion Mereboot.
. for dm saio or ineneen WoJleo Goods, Lin.
cur Fi 16. spl7
I.tenton, no $11.C.111. C. gni.)
jAIPORTRII h. - Dealer in French and Ameriewt Pa.
P" ll44 4inns aril Border.. Window Shades Fire
noardOlop.—writrng, Printing and Wrap'
pion Paper. e 7 Woad street. between Fourth .trees
and Diamond aneyorest side, Pittsbargb, Pa.
USN D mottuAN: Whole.ate bonged, and dial
,y in Dye Sta., Paints, Oil., Varombes, fte, No
P o itt sburg Wood h. "reef, one door Booth of Diamond Alley
- _
TWIN D It VHS. Oarboneer, earner Pdt and Wood
it street. Ptislongh. ."
TAbllitt DO LZELL,llitolessle GoteeriCeattnission
.1 i cut, sod non!, In rye.% e and Pitubareb
blutufeetu Poßt ur.h.
~,,,• LAW/ weary, ii.
VISA IA II DICSIF.Y a Ca., WUlewd. time., 0 r ...
I ...Izeon Marehanta. and dealer. In Prod..,
_and INFrnnl mans. Pinehaw.. now
orriere D •- • • • •••••• 1 1
8 DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Cretan and
op y . Manta for Hazard Powder Co.. N. ZlWraid az,
MIT a 1,11,01.1.1.ZOSIF• INGVIPItTIf
P. DI I.WORTII k Co, Wholesale
• dere •n•I Commission Merchants, am
kir the Hazard Powder Co. of N. 11%,P1e. V Wend n ,
Plltabursth. rem
aMIN M. TOWNSEND, Druailet ale APOtbig
J iNo. di al•rket et, three doors above Tkisd
burgh, will here ronstantly on awl • well selected '
'torment of the best and freshest hledmines.which he
will sell on the most reasonahle terms. Phyaelana
s eeding ord er..
_ will be promutly attended to. and mp
g., with articles they mow rely aeon as seeable.
f[7" rav•irlan. Proserintions will be accurately anl
;mull p..c,ared Gam the beat materials, at any basest
se day or meta.
Also tor sale, a Mtge stack of Ccsd, and good
1.13 Perfa
?~,'- . ,
T B. CA N FIELD, Jlate of Warren, BMA) Commis.
s , on and Fervrardlng Mena.., and siholesale
dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Bauer, Pot and
Peet Ash, and iVestern Pr dace generally. Weser
street, between Settlatfteld and Wood, Pittsburgh.
'IOIINSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers. Printers,
ty sod Paper MlLFlllaCtatell, No. 14 Market .beet,
Pittsburgh. stet
'John Lloyd. 'Lollard Floyd.
& K. FLOYD, Wboleaido Grocers, COlMili.l3ll
• Aderehan”, and Dealer. In Frothier, Round
Church trutleings Doming on Liberty, Wood and
Sixth wares, t ittib oral, Fa. apt
-- -
ifOIIN WATT. (eueenaaor to Ewalt & geb
• Wholowle Grocer and Cominiwinn Mereban
!eater in Produce and Pinabargh Manufacturer, oin
ryaf Liberty and Hand street.. Pittabureh Pa. jai.%
I AMPS A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Suceetwor• to
4 Leiwie Iluteltinen A Co., Corrordwion
tad Agents of the St. Louie Bloom Surer Refinery.
NIo 12 water and 02 front sums, Pittsburgh.
OliN 1), Wholesale and Retail dealer
aln Music ;nd Musical Instrainents, ttelinol Soots,
Niue; Slates, Steel Pena Quills, Pruners' Cards, and
Union's) , general] ',Pio. SI Wood sseittsburgis
(C/ Rant hooeht or taken in tracts als
J No. tolekitY.,
r t .
In the corner of Water and Smithfield "la 11104
- 11. SWE.ITZER, tittornel Ir•
illle . lld 'P prom it lf4 L to C itlVtio n ns ° 7a. Wttif4tOn, Fayette
end Green enmities, Pa.
Blakstak, Bell At Co.,
Mara icCaraben, } ,TO
n T. hinnrsh.
1.CI100" larKEL&Co7liiholesede Dra — a.l;
I No a Wood street. Pitoburth. up!
KIEK t J0141... , ..1.1r ones rata and ,01:12.1 dslon hie
eatni, Dealers In Produce ad Pittsbu rgh mans.
watered articles, ennui Bain, hear 7 h it.
KENNEETIY, CHILDS to CO Planoiaotorers of
very aopetior 4-4 Sheeting, Carpet Chain. Cotton
Tonne and Hotting. _ nelo-1
LEWIS DALZEL!. A. Illannfaetniere of al
arena Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nang or the hes
quality. Warehoesti, 54 Water and Ind Front street
Wm. Miller, P 14144. C. W. Rieketson, Pittsburgh.
VILLER RICKEPSON. Wholesale timers, and
burgh, PQ Iron, Nails, Co.= Yams, Qt. at eon•
rtaztly an bond. ap4
John MOitl. James D. TPCOIL Walter C Rees
A OSILLS A ROE, Whote• oe Grocer. and COIMi•-
/N/ sten Merebauts, No 194 Liberty St, Pittsburgh
~‘yoßKs AND-MU:C:O
JONES .11c quiao,
114/iNUFACTURERS of !meting and [dieter steel
MI. plough steel, nett plough wing's, coma and clip
e epnoga . hammered Iran axles, and dealer. in met
teable eteungs,fire engine lamp+,n coach trimmings
generally,corner of Ross and Front eta, PinxbureL,
Vv. fetrra
NIIOIOIES M: SON, No 31 Matter at. seer ad door
. from corner of Fourth, dealers m Foreign and
Domestic Dahl of Exchaugc, Certifieates of Depend,
Dock Notes and S. peels. . . .
hroae irrCedeled the Vaite ona made on all ;We pirmipal rides
lgout d on op!
111.1CrfAIASTk:H, /4r...r—Office, Fourth n.,
.LN a %bird door above Su oilfield, rood, sido.
Conveyrmeing of all kinds done lavas rue peatest
eare 111ta itvlacenney.
Mr es to Nee. I,4att el•mined,.te. ocaTly
RuistaNcian, WELLS C 0. .&
lky 0. I.7lllarket ree Prueb gb, Pa keepeart.toot
on hood, on mate •to order olt kind. of Viols,
Wales, 'e. Ponce übd AtiLetel Water flumes cf
Par-betake ascetic!) paid to Priente Moolds.
Lithographic liatablialsestent
OF WhL SCIIIICHMANN, Third at, oppnaite the
Post-Otriee, Pittsbarth.—hiaps, Landscapes, Big
head., Sittrabills, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Dramatis, Saltine. and V. 1.; Cards, he., matraved
or dross on atone, and printed in roams, Gold, grease
or Black, in the Mott approved style, and at the most
reasenable priers pellttly
Or um .axor HOLY. t Elsa
apt] I N. 37 Water .trcet
- -
HAVE in ' , tore, and will Lo rontlently teeetriog
donne the sea s on, taw a nd wril .eleeted a.-
surunent of St.ple and F.CI Dry GoodA. Winch they
will sell for club or opptored credit.
West.. Merchants are Invited 10 CZatlllile our
toek. gage
OBIN ON.LITTLE tr. CO. o. 19iLibm , y street
Pittrbaryd, Wholmole Graced, Praia. and
CO(f,it.llo fa Mardian., anal defied in Pairboorig
Iltianufac oda. •pi 7
Suit. 1.21.90 N. SOO, um., 1.4 L P. 6 . 1.011 , 10_,
D (WERT MOORE, N% hoicatie Grocer,, e
Dietiller, dealer ra Produce, Putetiairh Manatee.
Week an all kinds or Foreign and Domestic Wince
and Liquors, No. li I.lberviatreet. tin hand a e er y
large mock of rape nor Mononeahel r welsher
which unil he ixedd low far uh. mg!
1.0. 1.11M.5. I— L.
K -
EYNOLVIA t BIIFT. Forarordtng and Cootans
Moo /le...bands, for toe Ad. gmetty Error Thar
caters in Groceries, Pradoea. a - JO:thumb, Mon ate
latorond ettlotide of Lune.
The higlia.t price, in cath, paid at all timei for
oanuy earn, Penn aha If•rm •PIS
. lc , W.l I:rocer.
Rsl.l;TEoorßlZiold);:ttillEcrelbant..,..lCocaler4 h01t.3
l'rolurn sad
Pllteborch Nlanufactolcs, Libeny strce, Pitutmr•t ,
D °BERT A CUN AINU II AM. Wholssais tirocer
[l. Dealer in ?mines ut. rossbargh Manufactures
N 0.144 Merl , street. •pie
QI NU lilt lIARTAInti & CO, Sheffield Iron nand
kl St _el Wotko—blanufactutcra rf Am IL r.pnnx
and Plough Steel. Alto—eptints, Axles. Vices, An
eils,&a. May malt, tbn rutenuou et moral.. and
...nitro to that mutt benign putchaiing elec
orbere. They von art their andoles to bet,ra to any
wade in this country or imported. frbl4
snamusr/ MO. X. 4111,8.
QIIACKLETT /r. wfurr, Mole - sale De.Mu in
L ForeMa and I.l:muti/ Dry t.ooda Ido. 99 Wood
cront, PI:o so Nigh. apl7
W HARBAUGIII, Wool Merl:Lama Ikaltm
0 in Floor and Picabaca generally, and Forwarding
and Communion Iderchuite, No. ad Water,
t. 112.1.111. stressessts lon]
0 ELIA:AS i NICUL.I, Praline and General Coot
0 cuestas Merchants, Ne. 17 Liberty street, Ito..
buret *perm, Unwed and Irstot Otis. spl7
r a CO . , Whor le G re.
patios to Pastbergil Ett n d
itatee m t: ' rer ahnd Merchant,,
Predate, have recanted to tem new warehouse, (eld
sand.) :to. 36, comer at Font accent. and Chaucer/
Lena aol7
L. B. Waterman• •frt N. IVaternran• •11,. D. Waterman
tirr 110LESALK GROCER.* Commission and For-
SS warding *remnants; desk.= all kimd. of PM.
dace & Pitubsirgh Nanufantored Artleler,• tn 4 Agent•
for ale of Iliehinon4 and Lynchburg binnufamared
'Conoco • met
Beaticro Pa
WILL Win attend to collections and all ctn. WW
urns entrusted to hint In Boner and Jinnatrone
mamma, Pa. Refer to IL Floyd, Liberty rt.
W. W. Wallace, do
Junes Marshall do nttabonib.
014 Kay k. Co., Wood rt. • I jnl
WHOLESALE and Ketnil Dealers In (Dormer
and Dry Goode, and Counsamon Orrehontn.
No. 2 Liberty c, Soul/mob mrl2
Canal Basin, Penn street, Plustrar:h Into
Jim m. D - AVI 00.,
No. VW 511thet, aol 51 Commerce rt., l'hiladell
At:thence* made, by either of the above, 01 eon.ian•
Meets or Prod.,. to either Ilneve vorti
- - .1 - 011131SCALLOWACIA. 41c , NON,
'WOULD reopeedullY milers tat unnslgntnent of
Iterriznargh Weight, in. • W[l.//1
as they are prepared tu receive any ..401.1 Line
and Section Ilea lo running night and Joy, ILO lietght
will net be &tuned, no they will unload ma , . r•Ooll at
all boars. ieLitt Jul
'llarruburgh, Feb.9n,
J. D. William
V Fo r warding and Comtorrylon ilerebanis, turd
dealer. in Cos try traria. and Psurbargh Nana lac.
turea, corner of Wood and Firth mew., ritttbargh.
Wu, H.
North East corner of Wood And Third mime.,
jaril Piny.... PA.
W. R. WOODW..O. • In•L1,1
WAI. BAP ALEY k. CO. Wb0:e..115 Owe., IS
and 10 %Vood Crew .pI7
03010 O. WIC', 1.41/10
wiCR . t bl'CANDLESPlstiee , 'Wors w 1. ir.l- D.
Wiet,) I.Vtolnsole lingers Forwarding sod
Coromiwian Newborns; dealers in tw o ,.
C o h en y g rns. sod poi.ourgliltlsnufseturrs general
ly, corner of Wood and Water &Ikea., f . .ltst•ole
ALhflTCii NLTRKL r , Wlntlessla Drooerr,
VV. Rectifying Drawl. ro, and Wine and LAdOr
Mere. war. Alro—lmporters of Pods Ash and 11.racb.
ira Powder, No. lilt Liberty Merl, (opposite P C tit
treet syl7
- -
UT W. WIL:aON, Watches, iswelrk, Myer Warr
.o 4 Malay cove•, corner of Market awl
Foorko streets. Is. and
Clocks carefully repaired.
Mat 109/13. SOH/1 U. Nl . trit.
Wa.VLIUNG & c 3, Dealer. in Lennie,. Hiner,
ke.,143 Liberty Meet
• .
& R. litpCUlVEitinti. lArkiic•ale lirticr.,
• a•i•l.r. in Yr.:lore. Iron, Naii., Was, Itnd
'SM. bl.itibrtrille it:W.lllly, Liberty etrert
4.-07 g i
v ii, a Anil 11. - CO.,
W -
wording and Coosnlotion Merchant., Dealt totltt
Coontry Prodare sad Sitoteurgh Idonotictores, COP
new of Wood and Toth streets, rittoVingt.
ThOboret, Muth It, Ibid.
tr'Llteral advances made au coasigirments
i4nl4-ace • _
AHEW WInN, Portrait d Mia
1.11. Pai TF
niter. Rooms, L.S corner or Poet Offiee AVniey t aid
Fourth erne!, entrance on Fourth IL, wear Martel.
dee6-dif -
J. & J. T ,1001=011.010VIBIeroh•astr.
NO. nt rkd Levee n4N Orleans. keep tonnantly on
bald laraeawoructentof Ontadiesof the follow
ing branni which they offer Inc tale wa wren. for J.
Dorand & Ca, Border/a, Yin NadlorY, Erattd..l On
rand & Co, La roe belle, .1 .1 liurana Cocoa:, A de fd ...-
le:an, A 1. Bleyille, A de :Random. icon .
&e: also, An e heir Gin, Borden. Red and AVlite Winer
In casks and ewer, selected wolf etre by John Durand
& Co; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet llargandy
Port. frhr.ty •
• WlGlMSAN—klanefaeturcr ofallkinda of tun.
Jton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pll.
The above work. being now in (ell and mincemeat op.
cre, I am prepared to entire priers .with dispawb
for ailkinds of machinery in ny 4w, taeh as vrillows,
piekvra spreaders, rends, grinding mithinen, railways,
drawing frames, speetlera, thrassils, looms,woolen
cards, double or 'kelt, for merchant or counry work,
mulea,jac ks, he.; slide and band lathes and urols in gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or piens ma
nn for gearing faetories or mills at reasonable charge.
Rota To—Kennedy, Childs & Co, Blackshock, Dell
A, Co, King, Pennock C0...1n5. A:Gray.
61 rmingham, [near Pittsburgh, I Pa.
qber. No. 37 Nate: at.' der.. Market and
Wood, Pittsburgh.
. A WILL constantly keep on hand a coat sewn.
. ;.". meet of Wan; clone own manufacture. and
superiorq.lny. Wholesale and country Mau •
r* chants are reepectfidly invited to call and
for themselv., as we are determined to mil
cheaper than h ..... chafers been altered to the
11:Pt/Hers sent by mallorecompanted by Me emelt or
ood reference. will be promptly %trended to. min
vr_ A. WIIITE & CO, would re spectfully inform
AIL. the Nitrite that they have crested a shop oft
Lacmk, between Federal aid Sandusky streets. They
Are now making and am prepared to receive orders for
every deseriptton of vehicles, Can Chariot's, Ile-
roaches, Buggies, l'hstons, dm. &e., which from their
long experience in the manufature of the above 'rock,
and the facilitio• they have, they feeleonGdent they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable tend with
these wanting articles in their line,
Paying particular attention to the velecuon of mate.
Tale, and having none bat competent workmen, they
have no hesitation is warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
N. 11. Repairing done In the best uommer, and on the
most reasonable term& IMMtf
Val set, mrrwmcm WWI, Amu Mann, Pirteasmom,
"'NA/MINCE to imam/facture an kibdl of COPPER,
mouth Work.
SMARI Bono built to order.
- . -
Special anerilion given to swam boat work.
/lave on hands a fine auhrwrteut cif Copper end klnus
riottles, Tin W rue, dc. fee. Steamboat ContingStzses,
Pernible Parses, various situ—• very convenient ar•
Ude fur stestaboats, Cth(ornta emigrants, or rail road
tlie would respectfully Invite swam boat men and
ethers to coil and see Lint articles and prices before
hureliastne el ...where
W. lc J. GLENN, Beak Minder.
AM; are still engaged in the above business, earner
,V of Wood and run/ streets, Pittsburgh, where
we ear prepared do soy work iu our hue with des
roatell. We attend to can coca perwinally, and WM.
faction will be given la regard to ha ...SS and do•
Blank Bulks ruled to any pattern and bound sob
nooks to numbers orold books bound eon
: lolly or aired. Nam put on books in letters.
hose trehatp es
have work to our brie are invited gilt to esti
Prices low. oselersf
PILL Uncials. Works amd Foundry.
rirrstuntan, ta.
TURN WRIGHT it Co, am prepared to build Como
and Woolen hlutunery of every deunpuon, such
Cardior, ?dietaries, Spluning Framer, En.eiters,
Drawing triunes, Railway Heads, 1k lupus,
Dressing Frames, Looms, Cant Grinders, /cc. I 'sought
Iron Shafung turned; all time ore.. Iron, Ponies and
all.s/Ms of be latest patterns, slide and hand Ladies,
aM tools of all kinds. Casting. of every denripsiou
I ( A na i i th , ed s
m on kg to a d , Patterns s at a d , ? ,
e for beat-
Pontoon.. Cant Iron Window hash anitaney Cu
ines genrridly. Orders left at the Warehouse of 1.
J'aliner k. Co., Liberty street, with have prompt auto.
Itefer to Oliteltatoeir, ueu & Co., J. K. Moorehead &
Cu., G. E. Warner, John Inno & Son. ratblstrett ,• G.
C. It J. 0. Warner, Stent.rn , o ,, tan 01
• • •
11 . 1,1zub1 CX . I for 7 ,
. a l ame
.. a f u e l n j • i t c at .
ikon Pianos, with t of
and vrathout Coleman'. celebrated
slintion . Attartment. The above tomatoes. fit war.
mined to be equal ro any ro thts [04.11-
p 7, and wdl Le sold lower mbar
arry brought (rare the
. 4.1 t, F. BLUME, No ILI wood st,
Yd door above Sch
N.ll- Zalf Scrip will bo taken at par for • few of
he above. aiaortten, 6.y2 F H
Plltrrrt .
For W aaais
Is to emufyy that I have apy
pointed Lielegatots, — Roagen & Co,
Foto Agenm (Sr the sale of Jenning's
Pateat lhapralegin Filter, for the cif
ties of Pluaburet and Allegheny.
ror Walter hl Gibson, 349 tiroadvmy,
N. Y.
Get 10,1.319.
We have been smite sue of Ma above ameles at the
ofhee of the Novelly Works for three months, an trial,
and feel perfectly soughed that it is • useful Mannikin,
and we take pleakare is. recommending them as a pee
articlelul to all who love pure water. Orders wall be
tk.k y reeepred and promptly executed.
.1,119 I.lViNlitaTtiN. fiIuGGEN t Co
L: Tr received sad tor stir, at No ILO greond street,
solarise and soltnatid aseeturent ei Flood Lard
and Caotpliene Lantos, whisk , snit he add at tan War-
Uen costern once. tor cosh. The attention of /eat..
respectlolly solicited.
IfE arientinn or the public as respeautany called to
I the toll,iring certificates:
M. 9 Perrin—Having test.l" a guatity of Gold
weighed by your Arcometer find the It proves
your instrument correct, recommend thei seri of it
to thouoing to Caidornla, as tho heti atothial foe oh:
wrong tic real value of Gold. Ifiespt . yours,
J. IL Dt/MLIOn Name.
Pittsburgh, March n, loth.
Preasstimag, March 1, lOU.
U. Rama—Dee/Bln Having etamined the 'Arco-
mete,;," manefaeterod at pow rooms, I do not heehaw
to commend it to the itse of that. gentlemen who are
about removing to California in much of Geld.
It gives a close approximation to the specific gravl
17 of men., and will certainly enable the etiveuniser
to ucertain when him places le tield.llS Gold.
_=aria Yours,, ILFCLINT' ) ".
• •
INDIA RUSHES CLuTIIING—Jan received for the
Califon. Shiseditton, a complete asaonment or
Unto Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging (tom 1115.5. to
1111,50 for suit of euat, pants and hat. Foe We tithe
In.. Rainier Depot, ee 6 Wootl aL
NE !subscriber offers for sale, Ike STEAM BRICK
1. WORKS, above Lawrenceville, composing •
Steam F.ogine,l holler., G Mould Machine, exits:de of
manufacionng WAD Pressed Bricks 100 of dry clay,
as taken from the bank,l per pay; with three a.. al
land on the Aliegberly river, on which are I silos and
sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, tracks,
shovels, spades, &e., every thing requisite to nose.
ounce operations at an hours nosiest. ?nee, Including
the paten. right to use said machine, B,,oon—.srmas at
payment usage easy. Without she land, kdolgrO Fur
particalars, address HENRY MERRITT,
auggY.tdif No tle Monongahela Muse.
Thomas Parameon A ,
Tobacco, Flawun and large Beress of ail kinds;
Brass Casilngs and Bram Works generally. Corner
of Ferry and First streets.
George RicharJ
THE subscriber, having purchased the Factory of
fames Patte rs on, Jr, located at the above xtand,
would respectfully inform am Iriends and the public.
that he Is prepared to fill any Deers in Ins hoe, on the
moot reasonable terms and with dispatch, •hd will
feel grata's' for their patronage.
Pittsburgh, Jau.l,lE3o.
'HAVING 'dirpnred of ILY eataldtall.eni io air.
Thoona Parkinson. I mho the liberty to when
for him the patronage of my (mends and the pubbc,
feeling conGdent that arty limo. conferred will Le appreciated and promptly attended In.
Pittsburgh, Jam 1, 1850.---Llanlrdlam
T . • -
HE partnership heretofore existing ander the Erns
of A it C BRADLEY, ill dissolved by thn decease
of Mr. C Bradley. The businers wall Le earned on by
A Bradley, who will settle the barreess of the late
REMOVAL—A DEMILIT Imo removed bia Foundry
Wan - house from he It Ereond alreebto . No lid Wood
street, between Float and Second infeele,lo the w•re
boom lately ...pied by 6 A Derr', where he urth
keep ...Lordly on hand a genetal wortnient an Cast.
lugs, Gratea,lslnet., Cooking Stoves, ilk, tyld
T HE co-pa
nainrtnefEop heretofore cilslina Listionen tLe
subscrier., In the come .of Constants, !Isa &
CU, is this day dissolved by mound C/11/./13 .
Malta & Barnes will settle the honors. of ilir °enroll,
lay which purpose they .re aailioncod '0 n.. tee lln 4,
of the concern. lY 4111 &NIEL o:in VA BM:,
Elin BNB Hi
•8. U. McVay .
The uotiereigneil have this day sandaled the toce , vee
in the name of 11CURE A. WA:it:S . 7lw the piton',
of atatoraetattrie Fire rrrof Safe., Vail'. Door, he
hr , at the Amid of itie late Grin of Conotatile, ttorke
A Co, where they will he plemited to receive the patron
nee of the ealtutorre of that 1101110 and their friend..
In retithar from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co.,
I with since°, plea.ure recommend blew& Burke &
Berner to the confidence of my hicarls andkhe
leblJ-d:! _
HAS haat returned twin the Eaern Cities, and
receiving • large •anety of seasonable licaida,
Which be respectfully invites the attention ofe h
ants and pedlars. No b 4 Woud at. (chit
Wrostottt and Cast Iraßattlerit
THE subscriber* beg leave to Inform the pub to the
they base obtained from the East all the late nod
hionable designs (or Iron Railing, both for houses
a. cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please rail and examine, and Judge
for themselves. Rotting will be famished at the short.
est notice, and in the best manner, at the corner or
Groig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny oity.
antegbaltf A. LAMONT & KNOX.
- vcoriolt CUrellS, CASSIMEREd,
KM'S, received on concirneneht, ar•d, lot ciao st ,
the mmodne ttttt '• mitehuvre " '•
THIS beautiful utyle of HATS Is now pis
"'"dtol Z alH rtl n t "-
hY'fi hi i7l IC 91tr jo 301 iVO or
TT NOW all men who are sick and &filleted with dm-
K 1 ease ante bladder and kidney a. with rheum.,ic
pains in back or limb?, stiffjoints, old soles, tanning
10... &a, Mitt they can be cored by takinv the Pe
troleum! Voss angtalk shoal lm beteg • nostrum iss
muchas you incase, bat this doea not make it so, for
we proclaim to the face of an honest community, OM
it has tinges which are not contained at any other
remedy. The man who Is racked with pain and nut
tenog from diseam, can for filly reuse gel rein( from
arty of the ilia entaumopued above. Reader! It coots
Ogilvie to maks a trial. This Petroleum ism adr
tarn—re compond, pat up for the pomp. of imposing
on the community; but n is a rmnsdy elaborated by
the master hand of =arc, and babbles up from the bo y .
cam of oar mother earth in its anginal purity, and of
fer. to calming humanly a ready remedy, • certain
and cheap cure.
It has oared Piles after other medicines have failed
to render any toilet It his cored Rheumatism of lore
standing, and of the wont and most painful character.
It hoe cured Cholera Morina by one or two doses; it
has cured old eases of Diarrhea, in which every omen
remedy has been of no avail. As • Irma remedy in
b (s
burns and scalds, it boner than any medical cam
paved Of GIOIA:WM 11l we know of. It will ewe chi!.
Minns or frosted fe t. In • few applications; undoubt
ed testimony can furnished of the truth contalund
in Ma above stmeme t by rolling on Samuel M. Kier,
Canal Dmin, 7th street; or either of the agents.
Kayser A. McDowell, corner of Wood street and
Virgin Ailey; R. F. Sellers, 57 Woad street, D. A. El
liot &D. M. Carry, Allegheny city, a,. the agent.
. .
A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP haa engaged
with a young man of the name of S. P. Townsen and
uses hi. name to pot up a Sarsaparilla, which they
GDr. Townsend , . Sarsaparilla, denominating it
GENUINE. °situ!, eta. Thu Townsend is no du•
ter and never won, but won formerly a deo:heron rail
roads, canal., and the like. Vet he assumes Gs tide
of Dr, Gar the purpose of gaining credit for what ha ix
not. lie la tending out card* hngded "Tucks of
Quacks," in which begat'..: have sold the use of my
name far Si • tuck. I will glee S. P. Tuamotud 5100
if he will redo. one single Galway proof ofthis,—
This Is In caution the pubile not to Le debelactiotnd
earchaso none hot the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. /nub Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, having on It the
Old Dr.% likeness, his family coat of arm., and hid °be
nattily across the coat Mamas.
or ran , . : asYmxs
Old Dr. Townsend Is now shoot 70 years of age, and
EIARSAPARILLA." HON( ;mot, he wax compelled
to Its manufacture, by ortagb means it bas been
kept oat of market, nod the sales V.ctibed to'
those only who had proved au womb t nowt It.
LW, 17ZIXWALL. WW.11,,, Ir
nuunthetured on the largul seale, and is ourosi fur
throokhout the length and btandrit of Ilse land.
Molise young Townsend's, is Improves with
age, and never °bulges, but for the better; brook. it
Is prepared on .lentthe principlea by a 61.11<iiie tom
The highest knowledge of .I,cmlstry, gad at Welt
diseovette. of the Art, have all been brought Into re
quisition in the manufacture of
the Old Dr le dumps
ha. Thr forsaparilla root, it Is well known tit ruede
rod menreamoins medicinal properties, nud some race
pernes which orals:art or useless; and odors, which,
drowned In preparing tagur use, prodore fermenta
tion and sold, which I. inDoone IQ the owe. Owe,
die properties at limaparilla ore 4; !Thuile font
they mutely amt.:mate and are lost in ton
WU, a Way arc not prowl-red by • setenufte priltess,
truown only la those experienced in its manufature.
Moreover thew sadoile principles which Ellealn en
por, or as an exhalation, tinier hem, am the very es.
atonal tnedi“l proportion alba. W., winch Ow.
It Us resat The
is 6o , prepared; that all kw urn ptoperues of Re. star.
vaparillo root Ole Ant removed, every thing capable
of becoming acid or of fetsmentation, eakacmd and
rejected; then every particle nig:tied:eel virtue Is mew
red to a pore and coneentrated (biro; and it it it
rendered incapable of lining any of mi valuable an
healing properties. Prepared in this way, It is made
the .664 powerfulagent in the
Henze Use markt why we R hew conunendikan k on
everyside In iu Raw tip Pee,women and children.
We find it doing twenties, Az e faro of Consumption,
Dy•pepsta, and LiveiCamplalhx,p . Rheemantin,
Scrotal&aid Piles, Cask vvvvv t,
..e.166 6 4,0 Esq.
wins, Piosiplcs, and all a echne•M6l;6. ham
If:weans. • masyellewa elllcitcy In all comnialiis
analog Item Initrsmon, kWh 44:44r or th
from anemsal ettcalation,deteseamhama if blood to the
head, palpitation of the keen ; coal Lent awl cqld oandt
cold chilly and hot Peer body. It Las not
had its equal in coughs awl aoLts; CFI promote[ c•,,
expectoration, and gentle perspiration, rehiring akie.
tam of the lanes, Woad, and every oiler pew
Liss on Lathing is its excellence mom manifestly Seer
and ackmityledged than in all lands and meat of
It wont wonders an cams of soar altos or whim.,
robot of MO Womb, Obstructed, I:oppressed,. Pair,.
ful Mora., Dregt.rionty of the I:whores/ p.m.?. oat
Um Imo mid Ls comatoal ro Minot all forms ord. Kid
uer Dluenaes. Ur Cohorag khrr4scilooo, and regain-
Ong Um general aroma, tl moo tom: 0.4 Orrarth
the whole body, nod cures all Gamut of
and thus ft.tla‘tia refteyes a grout rotor of Mho
&woe, as Spinal Iratiopirm i 4r e tcaralgia, Sr. Viols
Danes, twrocrudigrLWeptlo Convelrema h.. It
too this, then. twa MatutstaXlCO ad-Euttfigyht Nom.?
Hal can OAT tlillwa he Said of Id. Plown- --
sandUintarior article Thu Tottog =W. Lg. oat to be COMPARED %VITO TILE OLD DlL•ii.
become of the Gould Faul t hat the one tri butaltable
of Detenoradou and NEVLR NPOILS, while the oil.
er DOER It sours, ferments, and blows the bottles
leas fragment{ the ter, acid listod ex
ploding and damumirg other good.? Mutt not Om hot.
nblo camp:oral he poised.. la It" rytters? Wise
pat .14 taw [plea. already th.ea.a.l 'Mat aei..l!
who , aall• L51.1.4l lb weal nil know,
drat taboo hod souls in Sall sraugtmhar wSat cumcbreW
it produce[!—flooleneo. Lourthutn, pcipot l pt, or the
Lean, liver complatts, diarrhccodloutar r y, ohl
corruption of the blood? What is Krt.:Alla bat no old
humor to we body? Whet produces .1 the humors
whit, bring on Esuptiotur of the nib. Stahl Head,
dolt LtricooLErystpelas,Whito dwellings, Vccer-dow,
mud all pleetalLana ititernalmai external? It w nom.
tog ender :rayon bat .a acid ottrdume, which tom,
anJ tho spoil. void. of Ile holy moot or los.
What causes labodurattom bgt a sour acid Mad, whirl
If belanup dm masa god el.ewis.t,
niarang and tolaming Ma wader an.: gritc,ta 145.0 rs
Span which It gem! do of nyryout Macaws, of
ray of Ma Mood, of deranged circulutons, end acarlt
ad the ailment. which adliet human salute.
NoW,/i 11 not hombre to make mud tall, and lolume-
I y trauma! 0te.0.1.
up kb F. Tow SEND!N
mod yet he would thin boo It understood that Old Je
eob Townsend's Genuinenstsapardlz, Is as
mutation of his intoner preparenetli
Heaven !mind that we should deal IA AZI crud ,
which wreath bear the most distant resemblanse to A.
Tourimend's •&reels! and which abonld bring down
upon the Old Dr. such a motthtath Wad nicest:inland.
and enthinations from agents who have sold, and pan
eh mans MPG , have aced A. P. Townsend's Fermeitung
We wt./. it .dersapp4, because it Is the absolute
truth, that S. P. Towumull'a bul ge and Old Dr. /even
Townsend'. Sarsaparilla are heacce , Tride apart, sbe
infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike In every par.
11CIIIAS, having not one single thing lo common.
It is to arrest frond. upon the unlartunme, to poet
balm Into wounded humanity, to kindle none iu the
dmpainng Went., te restore health and bloom and re
dos into the entsbe,l and broken and to banish haircut.
ty—Wet old OR. JACAHI TOWNSEND has Slithllll
and FOUND the opporthinity and means ad bung lit
within the reach, and to the knowledge of an via
need it, that they may leant and know, by Joyful as
penenee, im rasakerniter now,. to Hub:
For sale by J. a CO, Wholesale Agent for
Western Menus (vaster; J. nllllll, Wrntlugha.u. It,
J. SARGEANT, 4Jlell{{licay; Of. 1. CAnnt.L.L. Toth
ward. 0. W. 0 A HONER, Ili/ wad. / . 11181.111,
The Pennsylvania Conipany
Fos lassomall ex LIVIA arm GIASTIIIO A:nitrates.
.. - .
BE ant Life Inoarance Company , In the U. 5tr11.0.4.
I Incorporated March 11:1O12—eha ter perpetual
Capital 13500,0W—a1l paid in.
flown willionse4 the onilanigned IS receive applt.
cations for tantrums, on which polictes will he wourd.
aecOrdiug to them proposals and rate., which wilt or
made known to applicants at hia office, No. SG Wood
wlirtaAlt emu -
n - •,- _ _
Ba IS leave to Inform Mathieu& and e trimmers that
he is jest receiving hit new spring 'tack of &Mt,
emotion', as usual, atl the newest and roost (million.
able styles of Cloths, tMetitest - en fanny Veining. cut.
ton and linen Rammer staffs, nod every article seitelds
far gentlemen's west for spring midsummer. It being
impassible to describe the Minty, orealoy, or gonnoiy
of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who ore in wont
e< good, cheep, fashionable rod well made clothe*,
wds give him a call, as diem Is no stock this side 01
Me galenite:Ma that can compare with n.
Rail road contractore, country merchant*, and 111
who purchase largely, are panicularly invited to en.
Ranee the stock before purchasing, av panlcular In
tent= is paid to the wholesale bounce. In tit* e.r.t.tb•
Every uncle In the tailoring line made to order in
the moat Nakao:table and but manner, at the Biti/1104l
amino. stint,
Agent for Clams and Breosorry of Property to
UAVINO spent overly a year in the veriest lie.
ILL cord °lces, National Library, ise., define the
late visit to England, Investigating claims for persons
in tide country, and having scooted cadent and re.
tponsible Agent. In London and Alanehester, he I.
ric eaed to afford all overuse, information and ad
e to persons who seek to teen...their property m
that country.
J. L. keep. a list of the Dant of England Dividend
!looks, which may be neat:tuned for So tents, or G tut
encli letter of the Alphabet.
Reference. In Donor.
•• • .
C. H. F. ADAMS, Notary Pubbo,
HENRY IL MA t h 7 Ectqf
tortEl.3m JOHN W. RIDOLWAY,Ttp.
TIMI subscriber informs his friends and the public,
that Si his extensive estataishment, (capable of
employing from two 14 three handfed workmen, and
wheel he always keep. • large clamber of the beet
machinists engaged,) he it prepared to execute, in the
beat manner, and with treat despatch. ell orders tor
CHINERY, of every description. For the workman.
ship ind style of his Machines, he would refer to the
numerous manufacture. in the Western arid Southern
States no well as the Middle State., who are now op
erating them. Ile has recently made great 'mem...
manta, both is the style any plans of his Machinery,
which will la Dimwitted at reasonable prices by ap-
tord.grao Etridesbare.
MURPHY HU IB RZ " II;IE W L. D . , nr at . narlit east earner
of Fourth led Market su., have received on aw
s'rnfnnnt of Tweeds, Merino, Cassimeres, downer
colors, such as Olive,
Green, , and new., yles of boys' adaloreg
a variety of styles of Cotton Goods for Heys , Wear,
eltw, Fawned Limn slot Lien' Guiana= of solubl e
colors let bake' wear. split
LA WaEteY . s l o
oe N r
b a e I CO
w. have removed to No UN
the hloooesehelo How,
Principal Office, 11111 Nassau a, New York City:
7;L4 •
. .r..z. .
. .
- • - .
- .
. .
. . - 7 , , ~, ,, ,r , ,,,, -Tr.-<•0.03' ~ . . -9 ,,, c ,-, ... , .% ~.
- -
. , .
. ,-•
. 1 . . It • '
. •
! i k ..
. . ... . ..
• ----------Vim,
• .
. _ .
_. ..
.. -
Trenton Mutual Life Ininrance Compan
UTZ. OF P.IIIErY allrirCtro 25 Fri cart.
Capital, 8130.000.
JAMES DURNO k Co, Agents at Pittsburgh, I'
ISOMID us oisizeros, Ttierno, NSW nuke,
Janie. Hoe, Jr. Joseph C. Pmt.. Pees
no , jsenin Fish. G. A. Perdiess e, V. P.
John A. Weisel, Fli Moreis,Secrwary.
Jounthan Fisk, Tronsnrer.
COMEIII4II, of Inv York. llan. J•mes Campbell
Remise Wood David 11. MO,
John F. Slneki• Alexander Commie•
David Dudley Flail 1 W.l. P. Whoa. 1 . . M.
Joseph Hazic.
NV, 10,11 Zr
IN Etc_. Gov. Mune.. pail Vroact.
WL. Payload , ti :r an La e Wi'drick. la. P.
0 Wen. Ea 15 P. Soy. to m A. Newell, O. C.
Ex.Gor. 31. Dorkeeson. lion. P. K. Ilatelpon.
A. Werey Doane, Al. D. 1 %V W Gerhard, 111. 11
35. Warp u.qm , N. y :al Walnut it., Pair
Wo, fid , I Morgan. A!. D, 11. R. G e n , U. 11,
George NeCook, N. D, I
Allegheny a ty, Pt.,
Pittsburgh. Pa
The Are ts of W. Company, at PParborgia,•re a
thortted to take every first class risk on Life at
=MT,. Or IWENSV• Vire en C., from lir . •
rates °rpm:alum, as chat ged by other COsopioicr.
&M. ltuy cars of ass. taking a Polley of loaurau.
far One Thousand Dollars.
To ran for one year, pays only 49,E0.
do seven . . " Strptl
da 'frame, " . . 117,50
And in the same proportion for any samlup
4:014, which he the extent liken an any one Ice.
• TM. Company commenced operation. on the
Oetohne, IbJ9, 1.11.1 U. monthly bosintes op to the It
October. 1839, shot. a proxies.
any other I ife Company on record.
The knit dividend of profit. w II be declared to tb
asßersd on theist January. 1850.
Pamphlets containing the various tat!.. of Me.
and all the necer.m7 information on the importnn
aulJem of Life Assurance, will be furnished en eklil
cadtan to JAklbli DURNO A VO., Aaento.
deli Mienn
Fl ' 11 . 4111.4'AL Clg,
SURANCE COMPANY will lone Policies o
losses:lee spinet Lon or Da... by ell. ago
Dwellit gi and Fu rotors, Fiore., Goode, Re , ke., a.
• ps e l 104 io JAMES DU RN 0412 . 0 . , 1 tzt 0.
rime Dthi./.Wepy. 31DTUAL SAFETY INSV•
RANCE 0031 ort Lthis . In of dm
Fitehant , , Third street. Phlladelphirli • •
Pl. ITS.V.ll.—thaildings, Alerebandiso end other
property. in Town nnd Country, lothred against loth
or damage by fire, at the lowest stir of tithe:dam.
Malta. Instr.:tea—They also Insure Vessels, Car
, goer. and Freights, foreign or rondo, he, ander open sir
ntheial gorier., as the soared rosy desire.
Jr s Tpanarontsymn.—They lOW !atom rar:reht
s l at u rth,..thsty! orra t / by Ragas, Rad Road Cary Lanal
S card Softly, Nets and lakes, on the
metr46eral terms:
rirwCTOßK.—Joserds IL Seal. Erinthi; A Sender,
payis, Retied Barton, John II Penrose.
may, Deo lJ /other, Ftlararil Dadleigion. Isaac
It Davis. War Fry wolf, Job. Pleorhn Dr IC 31 Matted,
Jae C Hand, riuldrng, 4/ineer,
Menu Sloan. 110:11 Craig, Uenrge erril,, pen e 4
Itleltiram. Chad. Kelly, J Cl Joltatha, Wm
S Thomas. John Sellers. Wm Eyre, Jr.
High Craig, Jthn T Logan.
, WILLIAM MARTIN, President.
_,,tl dose, S. N limpet°. See',
(titerof the Compuly. No. CI Water street,
befiladeff P. 4. 314f1g•1Y4,410••
Lit. and Daslib Insurance.
MHE Malanl late and Hearth Insurance Company
1 of Proledelphia, Incorporated by the Legialatute
Pennsylvenia, Slari b, Lete. Charier perpetual.
Cppitsb 4111aL0W. Rases Lauren Tiro. any Praiser,
Pati , ll Ceirrk.T. 41 1 . , pct nano than
oust rams of 4ffa Insgraaco, uttie fullowins COM
pathOn Remo (if , he nit o(30 in
kering for 11111 for lite, must PIT fl the Girard 6434.--
11anarytyaiiirt, 13 00, Potts !Daniel, 111404 Equitable,
114,61; New 6401.14 1.01 11 VeiVi Al.
biou,lll,4e; Lire lad Ilealtrt i
Digacruaa —damsel D. Orrink, Caul. D. Hall. W
P. WOW, Robert P King, treaties P. Mita, Si. W.
Baldwin, SI, H. Hoare, M. D. Chas. O. B Campbell,
Lewis Coppe re r, Rudman 11 rrrrr , P.. 11 Butler, Edwin
It. Cope. P sident—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi•
dent—Belt. P. Kier, Pecremry—Francis Bias. k Larne.
Applications will Da received, and every innorznallail
giyert irj 641514 FAIINETOCE, Ago
9;2.1. Cnainmrcial Korona. earner of
oc6C.,lty 11roatilioi r ni i4 VIC I . l:La burgh
WIRE AND DIALLIAN vkivplL44,cif•
1 11 1 111.1 INSURANCE CO. al North America will
may.. picturosai and limited Insurance on pro
perry in th.s coy and vicinity,. sad ''a shipment. Ly
Cputil. pryers, (.pp.ce. 1, 0 1 Li bey. Tea trrOilertlee al
daa Ca.pany Vh , f• and l'urnisli Se avail.
able final (Or the .more laderumlylf all o..suoi Va.
dol., an be prmeerod by Inssrance
10710 11'51. P. JI /SKI. Agent, 44 Water at.
lllACAtirti MARTI:LANCE; ht Pittsburgh.
The Silting Garden 'learnt !ashram Co.,
I , : SURES Dinh. and Female. again. We Expense
fn tug Egli OeCtsinned by , Sielleo . us' AcelJent,by
Of ot# LI 10 gr per week,
amonefatawohllng Ine sick allowanen,sr; We
explolSS4hg Ws Agent
_ ttsurtE,
A 0...e0n egatnat Sickness, or Accident
swegb wllt,;etup 4a y ftsn tn. onUnerr bywatrss, as
follower, Tao:
For one year, by pailng M,sJ, .co near. U # week.
For two " 5,2, " I
For three " 7Jr3, "
For Ivor " " 10,23, " "
Ot, far a pcboal al lour yr a, the anal of $14,70 paid
osnts•lly„ •CCUI, S. per week while sKit.
livery oeces../y intonuattun o be alroraed on the
aubject of InlEaraa-e erneralty, by
JAAIk:S 1.11:10:0 d CO, Arms, •
de17.16m Odeon 110.1.1 i,.
it r• sag 2 41,rin •
T• iFFICt: at (b• lwiap,,say ai Lion!.
1 America, has been reetavrd to Nulll kraal st
east of Wor d.
The slew tther, .Rent for the ahoy. old and re•pth
addl. Company, arid Ivire Yoh.. on thrthhils and
their content.. and on thipsaenth al dlereharidthe by
Strom 113 1 / 1 1 41.1k4 other vethila.
— 75 - piatirkt: KEL VT, - ---
Nl A .nts,t e i
4 02 , ,; e4 t ., 2, 1* r , ; , 11 . F. L E L st ;7:
. I ‘
rest Stool Fano, off all star.; nod Wee/m..lw and tiboe
Rasps, saws, oon hood and for aid, rottled blo
glee Stool Worts," tfltara street, Etna Ward, or at the
udire in the Iron Store of BOLLNIANS &
SUN, No 1, foot of Wood Wert, Ptttobdrigto
mr.mdlin e .
We, it undersigned, used, with entire set.
Mention, ib Gyp Steel and Files made by Samuel
McNeill . . at his Eagleineel Works, In .b. slip, take
pi In recommending them at equal in quality is
any ever used by sm, of roman mutufaettire.
Pittsbuigt, March
trfiwubset rrrrr of lion and fbak, Pittsburgh. Pe.
KNAPP & Turtyy.
Iron Fonaders and Machinists, Pitteburgh. Pa.
Manufacturers ofutprisgs, .gles, Spring Steel and
Rivets, Pilisberyb. Pt
k. ?AHED,
Engine DeLders and Machine Card Manuinetn•
hrs., Pinshusgb. Pa.
BM. Founder, Pitubargh,
Manefueiniers of Iron and Nails, Pitisboqih. Pa.
Locomotive Engine and Ship null der. Pittsburg's, Pa.
Marble Nlanufantarer, Mitchum and Engine Dui/d
-otal en Piimourgb. Pt
amLoosoar risso
• _
mlitill THE aubecrther Imo thel received a
new and beautiful Instrument .Wed
- Meodeon Piano," (trundle (artery al
Moreh I White, thilelallllli. Ii has
the elegance of exterior of a P 161.0 Forth, end I. now
strand of . tone at once •wcet Ind powerful lit
great advantage, however, con t i ttt in the repidile of
no euenenition, which enabler the performer to esc
row upon It th e mom brilliant plenomorre. A tiered,
er, It may i.e celled the best reed lowa:trent ever de
vuurral. Call and examine.
lIKNII,V 1:1.1:11K11, at Woodoell'•,
Pule Adent tar Month A Whin , . ruenutheture
P 1d—A1..,, .etrerni new •,,.t eery fine tilelortertho.
mail (Journal, Chnthicin. oed_Netoa'v ectin I
Soden] anti A u Elute Furniture,
&I, Tulsa de,Prnsmcsos.
Mak Re•Pettelly . lnta;ms the
public that be has com
pleted his eating stock a
FURNITURE. the largest and molt varied essertMent
ever ...Geed in sole in this clty, eninprlting sevens!
sells of Itamwouo, Maorioarm and Mate W• 1.31.12
carted, ornamental .and plain, mitaLle for Peelers, ,
Drawing toil Ited I/meat, all of which will he sold et
the lowest puce..
Person, desiring Furnnure of toy description, no
rpectlully Jostled to call end el amine hie sloes, which
enibraees every description, 'ruin the cheap., .ad
[lleums% to the most elegant and costly, of which the
following comprises • pail'
fete :twst Teta • Tem Dianne;
Converialtun Chairs; Eirebetrilan Char.;
Ile:ration do Louis XIV de
Viten.i.i do Millet Fatigue,
Waal Nolo, Toilet Tables.
Lowe XIV Commodore; Dun of Vurli ' bi Conti;
10 Sorsa with ritual and llonicloth min e,
ear theses, du do do,
41.1 Joe Mahogany Parlor Chaim;
In • Rosewood da Jai;
It t' Ufa With. do hi,
4 Platiuga,47 Iturto,
J.Jo Pia..
AI AlarLla Top Comm Tabses;
IS, Mahogany Beds...ids,
IV do Wardrobes;
Itl 111'k Walnut
.CberrY do.
CA Very tarp aseortment of Common Moira • nd one.
et Furl
ututet too le,ltous la mention.
tla• Steam 80.. fornithed oil 1114 Shortest pollee.
Ad order, promptiy ottetvleo to.
P. --Cabin • Alan. can be supplied with all sorts
or Melogony, Walnut, and Pence,, at considembiy
reduced mien. fend
PlErTiitiOalhOTV i r laitlACOC
pith: Second &salon of this Institution, under the
eate of Mr. and Mrs. Doenuatt, for the prevent
academie year, will commencen th is day, Monday.
February loth, In the nine build ings, No. frd Liberty
Arrangements have been Made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any
hi the West, for obtaining • thorough English, Clawil
ear, and Ornamental education. A full coulee of PM-
Warbles: and Chemical Leetarea will he delivered
during the winter, illuotmted by a arapptus. The du
penmen. of Vocal and Inatruiantal Maine, Madera
Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be motet
Mennen competent Professor. tly Cl.O. •Iteutiall
to the moral and intellection inaymeemeet amen pc.
pile, Me Prinipala hope to runt a continuant of ee
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyaL Foe
terms, see eireelat sr apply to the Principal,.
While Stdonsle, all Wool
Y Red
owAd do do
Blown do do
Block Sandell.
Steel inbred do '
Stun Cowin:tern
Super Bidet Brno/ Cloak,
Soper Provo Jo
B wer ir. do
Super 'fiddled do
Soper Bide* boa
Super Drab Cuhmereo.
Anper Blown do
Califßlack do
ornia Blankets.
Sloe do
Grain Bagging.
At the Manufacturers' B
5 1311 8 11 A PV4V 4ST
tilaugDsil* '
• PlT::adakfastaryinicti.
Hotta le•satrabining.
Clerk u s ,and Stripeaptvorp
ltangoods. •,/
Tallora , tioadaf ,
Ltd Padding, rarer do;
Vgait Padding, nuekrun,
Haman 14notit, filljr;•'s •
Drab Pcrge, blngt ep.
and wersind;.
Mork Rod Mita Tope;
Block Twist, Drab r:
Sumo.); 4pe . 0.100;
do lA*. brva4,
superior article;
41!Black P e Figured ye sti gs;
atin do
brow noilaud Fa* Bilks
gmhgwo, No tVi
_ t ip u o v A...
EfP. & S. 1ML.4 1 14 1 fit C 13., /Myr Mooned to No
tet Wood serest. oppolv tlia el Curler Nosy
They ltaye alto es4angd iee PIS. 9d Fh<rf- PIP. Ind,.
by business sem b. reryiee eta swig iiip pm , ..
style of ”Posdey &Nauss!,
Mimeactnrers of Cast Steel and Hammered Shelf•
elm. spades, Hoes Hay and Manure Fork.. Solid BOX
Vireo, Goo Barrels ifte.Sind enLargedtltelr works,
they can mpOly Melt friends at the shortest rolled
and lowest pricer dia market arlll afford All mil-
Mee mode of Ma hest moteHald 1:14 r .tr:
‘l , :e't,ttPae ilWriciet till
I FL ' Utistnt d else .
where are.l
By PAM , Pennant MU, PLCltif Una. ronnerting
with Livingston, Fargo & Cn's Great Eastern end
Wesmin Kspiery. fa t e Irtofitsity , artlYna&M titi
sorpissrd Medan fir forwarding 'sloth!. packages
CI Goods, Bayer Ware. Jewelry, UANK BILLS,
SPECIF, , to the Lake. and from thence to any
Of toe duel et. or Ortr from Erie- Fardeslaratten•
don will be paid to C LLECTINO ACCOU uTS,aod
math,. purchases for those who with to economim
their time, and save the expense of personal attention
to bost6ess at a distance. Trusty and tom . petem
messengers , wtil for.y..ratFaglit ,
Paishitrzo every Voltl4 mmma, lurid WI ,
,her lARTUN, Agent.
Monongahela Iloami.
Messrs. Hill k Corry. Prilsbargh;
Wm. Id Wallace, or firm Wallace Lyon & Co, Pius;
Josird, Ring, Esq Ann or King, Peenock & Co, do;
H. U. Parks. Esq., Reaves;
Gen C. SI. Reed. J. D Williams, Esq, 11. Cadsill,
E. Er.bbiti, and C. klegparien, Ene, Pa, •
N. %oek.
i 1 i 0 B 0 0 T S. ilio
riquE tuttattrattev Id how manufacturing a beattufu
nLINIAIEII BOOT, of rood intonnals at.d work
manstvp, at the very mar pace of 114 LSO •
No 6 Market at. teemitl porn Water at
rime underaigned having eureheaed'of G. A. Bay
ard, the mew. Saw Nil on the Allegheny River.
abnve thy Athena!, ate nnw pi pared to 111 all bill. of
lamb, of any rite and length, from 60 ft. glownwarda
Boat thbl , ng. Dark Plank. tin nwales. /oak emu:lino,
Trimmers, Boardr, ,so the 4bof wet notice Lath.
•000 voen by It Wistantan, claw., o {water and
Idberty meet, or If hinmenn, in 9 10 - berly meet,
and at the oihee of the ono.
AVVanD• it . ..r.Taratin.t.r..l 7 .,
Corner of Wood and Fifia ' Sirroth
P ARTICULAR GentIemen ean '' relr ge aid tiftg t, th ß e ' rr ' llaTe "'i nelf
Cape (root ear
of th e of the azarrarwarotO and
amanita:mar, of th e LaIITI MUM, WO' the 14311137
Calanty Merchants, pardhuin• by lir bolestilt, of
mrcs4 - 4.1y hornzd and appOr 'Qv klytieltj
tati say with nonialentip 4.lit, rem& 417•1411
tad rat., It "Pt nol sutler In • entatlarinan nth any
butt. la I'Lllndelphts. 'Tab'7
thank. for 'solo by A. U. NisAllah.. Clio
No TV Wood
'Chestnut Collec, moLor of "T
60 Great Teaotlor,
rte. orcaL Conon...ion." le.
Tree tire.. Commission, or the Christian Chord,
Cvastilated and Charged to Convey the /Repel to the
World By the If,. / Harr., LI. it author of u rtlasts.
mon," “ThatirratTsather s Jae ,arith to introductory
&way, hi iler. WYltom feWilltatva, LL 44 t
.._:Y!:40 , VIE. Vii•nril of 41. NO. BY Walt=
The Mercy Sean Meltable Se a[`
tod by the Lord's
Prayer. By Dertheer spring. D Paster of the
Dock Presbyter'. Cauteh, City or Nem York.
The extent of tee Moueetleut W tin relotAgg to Gal
mid the Veireme. fly ThqsAtta W. itraye, D. U,
yi of atormil Driller, Lembo. '
111. Primeetsi or tee abartsubulon and Primitive
Combo. of the Unman lining. A contribution to
Theeinmeal Science. Dy Rev. Jobe Barrie, D. D.,
Presteeut ml CLeatool College.
elturell In Earnest. ily John Atwell James,
author on ••Ihnt Cherub Alernbert• niunde," ke'.
Ile Elements I'o4ue•l Emma, Dr Franeia
Via, las!, D. D., Presldeal a( Wawa and P
macular of Moral rtatosapby.
Nepal.. an Chsiatiamty , as Tine Libeny, as els
.60,1 ~, the We, Preeems. and 1.:/irly Duclld.a of
the Urea, Re l eemer. Urr r , Magspn, aatilos of
.peaserla lax fLP I , eaple," "14 nag Orators of drae:l•
ea a &P.
abet.. end Ramblea • By J T. Handley.
Proverbs (or 100 People; or Ill.trallons of Practi
cal ficontriess, Drava from 11,A Book of Wlsdoaa
E.L. by/el eon. eptt
tFatt havlng the Alien ey for sells
ing the Printing Paper of a king establAlted and
rltensite IWI , 11l this •teinity, bo at all noses
well supplied artth the diterent oleos of Paper, of ro
pen.; db.tlt7i Which we lager at the lowest regale,
•O Call or galalty wfll ba anafsetared to girder ill
gOrt notice. ALL ENGLlall t Cstl,
(Successors of Alliou Jr. &pd../
No 79 Wood street
TIE Pannerehtp beretobare ertehlegbetereee Man
h Enghett, in the Book and Paper litteinesa, was
atevelred on the 11th tn., by enamel commit The
basin.% will be continued et the old erne, No. 7V
Wool Meet, ender the be of .3. IL antoh t Co
by touoto the bums, Of the rennet parthershlLetal
be mile& 83/lULL ELLIOTT,
1830. 1830.
Urn are now cermet:lv oar reptlar sop:dieted Doe
taesuc rod Foreign DIiLV WOOS, wltteh we
ate prepared to :tall at the lowest market pewee to
cut buyers and prompt basloess :nen
We would ask we alleillginw Car snd Weider:.
Merchant. to our rt• oh, believing we can offer many
111.111COSISMS to purchase from os.
rebel Dry :loads Jobbers, 09 W at
. . . .
orner of the Diamond and
ALMA:friss/Tit PA P ' re . ;ma dto dirt , . at id. d `d
im otaiket prier, , a choice assortment of Stilts, arta"
beat qualitiss and mres. styies. Den blank glossy
tiro da Rhine, of a celebrated manatactmer, misstat
ed not to cut in monitor. Black Depends died Silks,
very Rich Ord Silks and Rods Da Comma, in
chotea calms; Chameleon, OM do Rhiues;&mln da
Chutes, and Tare Hanna.
ALEXANDER & DAY, SS Martel at,
coal Northwest corner of boa Diamond,
,Elemanila! Ilaikiraial
A Eu.laTiiiitiP,raobeT:cePtiZZgh Beady,
nt Bonnets, now open at Um north eau e ' onag i" F • u l arth
and Market sueets,l4
Also—Pane Plower. and Bonnet Caps, of new and
RD agkhs
A A. IitASON IX)., Marks Ea, between Ail and
j'i s sae, have AL rood, arid — now ispeinug, 20
caws Bonnets, among which are no Llgd, 1 earl,
Florence and cwt. Pedal Braid, L English Lk..
stables, liugush Strews, Finnish and R dy, anda go- twat sanely of all qualities and pnces
morning—Cl:dna Feud. CobArg, Flame. druid,
Drab and White.) Fluted Braid, sad other style.
of Fang Hormel. Al.—
Fthiviiit. AND OAPS, in great ♦atleu, ale ut et
ecedulgly low pares.
CAI. Pearl ILonnew a. bw as rilwnt mlre
10ddIAR. a Slatted of a Physical Descsipsion of the
Universe. 14 falszanderVon flatabeldt.
Medial. of the irfo of J. P.
lieurindy; now elflik..
Memoirs of lbe Idfn and Writings of Thomas Chat.
lusts 11.11. Ily Mn Ilan lo law, Kay. Williadt !fauna
L. I. U. 3,01..
Swab. of Minnesota, the Nave England ot the
Watt, with incidents of travel in that Tetritari during
,hp summer of bag , in two pant. Br E. S. S gatour,
wait • wag.
Paley's. Principles of Moral and Political PhiloactiLly
1 vni Wino.
'the Yu ry Booll,lllmotrated with tale on wood. By
ri p•r lie American Bing raptly, la rola 'Mao, 7.1 near.
ei volume.
the Whole and hie et.ptnts, or the %Thalmann's Ad
ratan, end We Whale's Illegtaphy, By IL T.
cloonVe rt. With engravings,
lotlbutit,ltis Vayege, beingtbe Mane boy . eon.
ooston. and re
of the eon el a itantiesn.
la the merchant R.ll/lte. try Hennas Melville, authoe
of -Typee." ''Onano,n kn.
The Modern kinush stluterch,ot Lives at Alen Dis
tinguished Is ;he recent History ofEngimaLlor their
Teleute. Tine; or Achievements. 11, W. C. Taves,
1.. 1.. D. Also, AtrtlLS. Book, unhand and for sale by
A. 11. ISII k CO,
Succestorsol MIDST, ft hL%IJLIEIII.
11113.7 U. Wood st
Youird•rt Dassault!
160 KEGS IN Font's }ITU Hide; •
doat keg. co do do,
40 do {bailey .Mill, r 6 Siam
NM do F, FF, ho, Illasire;
taw Ladin's nd,d), awd nimitzm
000 oo do do Mining saw,
310 do do do N Y Mat;
uto do do
10111 and 0 kegs do do-enearr ,
do Am Rifle;
1U eases eannisr do do;
do Psalm Shootitg:
10 do do Wet d es `"
is tads Safety rose —ln Magnsine and to ay
yes , all of which te offered to the trade on the most
far• table soona Uedotorabls as 011 hates of Wa de) .
TOO quanty and variety of the Canalising Fond., la
worthy the adamant of opottsmen.
J. O. 111DINK
JANE!• .
AKIES D. LOCKW OO D, &lonelier lied =Dokter,
104 Four& street, a re w doors tan Or WOO ;114
Otte 01 Wood etreetK,
Ethistabaret Ileduoatlostal Comae
gum SCIMITIFIC SECTION.—The Messrs gam.
1 ben bore employed the Ant Professore In Scot
/Inds In Gm preparatlem of these wk. They en
now trend to the &heels of the United Staten, ander
tbs American revision of D 61. Reese, M. D, h. L. it,
Jan Itspartriumident of Poblie Schools, ho the City and
gown of New York.
I, gathers' Treason of Knowledron
ll} Clark'a Drawing and Penpeetivm
LIE - Clasaben , Elements of Natural Phllasophy;
IV. Reid 1 Bain'. Chemistry and Eleetrieny.
V. Hatition's Vegetable and Animal Physiology;
VE gthiabars' Elements of Xeologr, with plater,
Wt. al...Element of Geology, illustrated.
It Is well known that tha ongmal publishers of these
Wade like Messrs Chambers, of Edinburgh) ore able
to commend the bet Islam in the prepantion of their
books, and that It its their pnence to deal tholifallY
I Wl ty lap 1ifi11p. „ 1114,11.4 ;. nll not
. ts:l y tpo u in e t s t i t . e
g" a ti l' rmilb 9mPtrtnd by Radia ei
nt in escry wAI ca
pable a olmoptlep ;a their respt etre undena Ir !VD,
wand who hart .i eji l d n a4i7 . bes 4 t4w i c i t t lt . :Lic t o o t thlupt.h,epon...e
w?plit 1.41 0-o.leXvelii: ‘ ll P th r4 l l. .1 . 1
a Mather of the younger elates, might torn ' oh o ari m l o •
enhattible food of lionnespeol and inalnetion. TO
nth.. they would coutitalettleb Venue he IL fen.
til Or tOloofooot okidroit, and
{(lsm II Mint ter
jvrirdliVriiiitnliP Di . trk• d
..1 ; r Zu men.sert kiCo ''"'
mr9o No 79 Wog in
4 PDT szolxsui Torriumm. --
gement Va l ' Morel Ina
ME. aa. aaLLEaa.4 a.. .posat aR the
Gough Sully and Liver Ms you trent ath. La
ariOS Of aka VolsafoOt. ,
1 hare need all your Piggy . Ifidicius to family,
Vely 4 =P7e,U ` :,it ' ut . l f,l '47 r"" aaod `,;,111,7,
to etpul them. Send toe 0 doiof la I Vensiihige, and
IP aoa crick gitthrg Sale and ' Amino,' .
T. T.damson
e . ael ora3f.]
Malay permit =diem. may le had
of thee
proprictor,l E MILLERS, 07 Wood 14.4On:dem
_lenity in the two cities and anthill , tow
IIcHESibUD BLAMMONISA • new colleen.; 0(
Church Made. Edited by George lictugalay, An
tr of Sand Choir, Juvenile9lo.i.,,- 4., 40.!
Sabbath School Gem nf Muse am! Poetry, deeigyd
exprenly fay the Ballads Sehooh by J. 4 4. Cron
Anew Treatise on Astroronnyi sad the Die of he
Globes, In two puts. Containing Antroomoma and
other definition., motions and perdue. o fthe Mennen
and planet: ircee lawn and Theory of Gramwron,
Reinetlon,Tw ht, and Parnilan,C4g,aestbms, Pe
riods, Distances, henomen;, ,Ad Mignitudes of the
Heavenly Bodies . ceersing lb. Solar System, ils ,
X tg% ' Si V oll li n (Illo n tr o ss *f I ti ' la m rterbT l e l' T, '"
able variety of Examples, ea ; designed for We C V
of High Schools and • euenuel. fly Innen Reknit..
M. It, Praetor of Mathematics and Astronomy la
tha Central
School, of Salomon
Itealr and Port, or Incidents of a Crete, to the Coned
States Primus, Congress, to California, With Sketchy;
of Rio Janeiro, Trepans., Una, lionolali. mus San
Presence. By Rev. Walter Colton, U.
N; author
of Ship and Shore, Ash tirditM usti a
i . ,
N 0.97 Weald swolt.
Int IsTiffetelillirlil 'l - tlOWlCarPitaiiiiidia
ALEXANDEIt A DAY, corner ef the Dimond and
Meth. , men OR. sow selling off, et reduced
5..% ihe:t tug of ", Whiter Goo d ., consisting of
tr.,7_l3i - .1,1:22'... - 001.,clol.,&szLtz^gItl:
mu, and a fall assortment of keen Cotton Goode
Conlident that better barmoA eu non be had use.
when, we myna the ut.entnnof toner._
71 Mend ioreet.
Groat Lemmata RochstglAstalrWokk.
Appleton re Co , Nave York, knee In courser of pate
!Mallon, In part., mks twenty lien coots ash,
("0" Slochissr, hfmliantes, Zvi*. Work Ma Ba
gmenEng; dengned s.,_Zracteal Workong
Moe, arr. inten ded for Ms Env
netflog Arfranurn
to= es warn trogns.
Mims WORK Is aflame "mu meo nod will coots In
stro somisam rasp, and semis& of my coon
s,. mt.croomcom. It will present worklerdraw.
Inds and dosorlpuons of the most Important maollineri
us this UsWed States. Independent of the results of
Amerman Ingenuity, It will contain complete: preen
eat IMMO es no Rechuics, Machinery, Engine-work,
and Foginactlng; with thatkosefil in more than
one thoosand dollars worth of folio 'cal.*, wig.
sines,and other hooka. •
The 'great object of this pat/Hannan is, to plied be
fore prudent men end students sack rot eumunt of
theoretical and scientific, knawlcdae,ln n coodeosed
form, as shall tumble teem to work to the best adsate
tz, , and lo
wise n s . alrt:d chum ost o rts . h , e; whd t tl i i
i ttLzooghl
the. brought together ts alums; beyond precedeat In
melt works. Indeed, there Is hardly nny Ital•icet
ants range which is ust created with sock clear.
neon and merman, %but even a man of the mon onli.
Gam et mash wkieh 1[ I. imperwot for
him to know. • •
The publisher, are, in oboe,, determined, regardless
(cost, Mistake the work no complete us possible; and
It u hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will
procure It as Issued in numbers. and thus encourage
the anterplise t
The musk sull be Issued in remi.moothly Bambara,
ormosancing la Jamey, 18.10, nod wW progress with
great regalarity.
The whole work will be pahlisbed In CO numbers,
st zi tent. pernumberotod eomplema within the cur.
rent year, item. A liberal discount will be made to
Any one remitted` the publishers 310 in advance,
shall receive the work Ltunagb, the post OM. free of
°platens et tits Press.
.To oar animas hienulacturen t rdechadies. Es.
petters, and *Means, it will be a =ea of weshit.^—
Providence, fa I-) Journal.
Young s men, arm yourselves with its knowledge.—
We canlts confidence recommend our 'Rath/4 to
po.sess thems
elyee of its mambos* na fast is Iry sY
pear."—Anseriesu Artisan.
..Mta unlicsimungly commend the wort to those an.
gaged 114 co interested in IRCeb.iClli or amentifie par
si:VS, as eminently worthy of their CIII.OIiIIIIIOII and
study.^-71roy, IN. V. 4 Budget.
.1i I. truly a great 'wore. and the publishers de
serve the thanks of limmitars, stelae:as and Mane
factures, and indeed of the pab:ie generally."—N. V.
°This Dictionary will be highly enrol to practlesl
Merkel:demoted salvable to all who wok to neonate'
themselves with the progress of invention in the me
chanic nrta.”--New Bedierd Daily Mercury.
"Young mechanics ought to keep posted op in the
oretical as well as poet cal knowledge, end this
work will show them mist bow they atand."—llanhiory
Mast.) .11.1.C.Itlei.
. .
tate it lobe jUlt the work that stores and,kno
died, of oar Intelligent meehanies have desired to pos
se". So ample ate ass descriptions, and so tall and
minute Ila speelficanotut, that tt seems to es that any
Inechanie might contract any machine It diatribes, on.
ho s rentrth of tutengravinal and instmetio: a."—N. Y.
Commercial Advartmea
initiated to nutehazdes should avail them
selves of its advantageo."—Schuyikill, (Pc00.,) Jour
"A work of ostensive practical milriy and greatim
portenee and value to the tepidly increasing interests
of the ementry. We regard the Wen no eminency
ea/calmed to pimento the ease, of science and the
meet:Latent tote, and to dlrsentinaue valuable income
Lion on Miesemtdeels.”—Farmer and tifechanle.
i•Pewitical men in ell the varied watts of meetani.
cal and menufecturing Indueten engineering tee" wril
And in this work • trease re - w hich it will ea tothair
pro et to pot
Daily Whig.
, We haws carefully peruses the nonetern, and have
tto head& ion in sayien that tele the best wort for me.
charries, tradesmen, mid scientific men, ever peblieh.
ed, for it centainsminute informariess on every branch
of the mechanical arts and mimesis, espressed in a
style and lanneere Intelligible to any evader of anti-
MUT capeeny.”--eilemeasker,(lllasa,) News..,
"We are sore we are doing the meekarla of Nor.
with andiother pans of Commerical a service by
Unionist rim wort to their suction."—Norwich,
(Conn.) Condor.
sit blest each* work as every mechanic should
possess..—Frecomeni Retreat
Wo ootiaider none orate wont useful and important
publications of the age. No mechanic can afford lobe
wilhoullt.”—Newats, IN.J.JOommeretal °merles.
• iJI ail tha varies* publications having for racirote.
Oust the elueidatioe and advancement of the utechturi.
cal ens and embraces, none that we have seen, ie Sa
nta of procaine es this .—Beffeilo Coe. • '
••. . . .
all la the ben and cheapen work a•eeon-eted to the
.alenfille and pnedeal engineer and mechanic. The
plat • are ben:46llly ezecated."—Warhington Globe.
“Thts gnat Dictionary le one of the most awful
wtak. aver pabllshadfor years, nod dm low price at
which 1111.014 nat. it acceptable to all."—Stinth
viWo regard has one of Me mast comrearesire ' end
linable, as well ae ehespeat works area PubWilted.'
Baltimore Advertiser.
"(WOO to be tataa by every one desiring, to keep
pace with the promsu of an and science int:very one
of the labors of elvilised tife, , Alondout Courier.
-It is designed ober the principle of Ures Ennio.
only that it is more devoted to the mechanical end
engineerinng. yyrofasioos, and above all, it WI 'email.,
an accompli.hlog fur America what lire has done' for
England, vie describing American machinery. hod
worse oat s 4 —Eleentille American. • I
alt is published In numbers, sad at a price so male.
cute, looting at what is contained In enki number, that
he one who has Me leant imerest in each SOWlers,
need he donned from procuring lb and cam one who
lees so, will find that be hit in a condense 4 form an
amoont of lostruction which would be obtained,if at
all, only by the purchase of very many volumes. "-.N. -.N.
V. Courier and /Malabar.
nibs comprehensiveness with which the subjects
aro mired, the admirable manner in which they are
111 as Mated, emulate to make thin one of the moot des/.
ebts worts ”—l)ettioerade Review.
hio mat -
'hie met rholirrCeitriieliOr . reof every meehanie,
maaq and manefeentrer, especially those who have
the least arpirations to excel la their temerity., torsi
nesse.. We view ,
recommending it to testators. To them we world
my is lb. tieing language Mtn. Bible. "It ia good."—
Daltimor • • •
Noe. to
tn. Pariaollld . Noarprinnn thrargitnat
lA. Unued &fans and Canada.
U ibe foregoing adverUsernset Is inserted fire lintels
daring me year, and tee paper lwetaloa It sent to pi,
• copy of Ilea work will be sent gratis in payment
Jame Roca' , rad.
M °F.l 2 aMNUaNjaA GUliq „
u ' Zr: o V c a tl=l b ytlW Y ‘
of a Moravian lauelouargi by
mo. col., muslin.
Modero !Aerator. mad Literary Men, befog a 1 , 46.
oud Gallery of Literary Portrait.. by Grow
repruded cadre from Me Loudon edition, ono large
mo rol, moilta
I.lyrue , a thellonaly of Machines, ke, No G.
Ulric Zwingle, ma Swim Reformer, by Bei D Wiia
vol oto, meallo. •
/meados far the Your, or Principles i 4
Anecdote. strated
b Foot., compiled by flee D 1 col 100 ma.
Wammas to rattb, aoggested by lb. Inmarf or oe•
mailable eciipube characters. By Robert Manioc; I
•olio mgmaalll .Foraale by.
apt It
No 79 koala Haildines, Frth mom.
ow Deigns.
• •
Curios,. Ilkotth of i Pbricol iescriptias of dot Usi
woe by llonabobil; O yds, C otb sod Paper.~
antbso of Aboostoto, the N. Eorbotuf of the West,by
r. 8 Stroooroofth poop I rot, Cloth mil Pow.
,Lib mai Con,ppulastes of Robot Southey, No O. , .
' Tfalhoolioo pogoo &out tike Book of Las Akt7.417. 0
llmJnof Lib nal Wnti pdTh. Cbakoors,DD i bt
Rio W ?mos, D sola r 4.h. For Ale
No 77 ApoDo Do:Dhor, Youth ot.
VOL. XVII. NO. 228.
Worm flax az men wan ay= luau
Si/rotate or BIWASIi itlimunallsa, Obstinate Oats.
• neoas Erannotiii, Pimples es Panuleeets the Yee.,
Blotelica,litiles,L Climate Sara Eyes, RieS
• or Teller, Scald
, dbusd, Enlargement mad Ada 01
thaßonca anddarau,Subbbra Ulcers; t=iti .
Bytaintsed, *magas or. - Lumbsge,— ay
mitiot Moo= 11114.014. m. of Tilsremy,
00. or P.M, EXPOOtto Or lokprouneo in Life;
Also—Caroni° Conebtasional Disorders, rte.
This medicine has acquired a very upended taß
established repatallon seltereser it ku been used,
based =Mils itin'tia Own media, which 1u oaparior
efficacy has elosisassaina The unfortunate IfiCail
of heredinur ileum, with swollen glands, contrasted
sinew, and bones half easines, has been restored to
Vela. 'aind vigor. The sesofidons porky, eaverOd
obi ;Jeers, loathsome le himself and Idealtendaula
has boon made whole. liandseds of pampas, elm
`ad imaged hopelessly for yeua insider eataneeme
and glandular disorder., cloak YOteozoliuo, mad
many other complalous sprisolog from es dozongsatent
of the secretive - mg.. and the Mendel:hag hate bean
rconed as is veto seam the rack of disease, and now,
with reyeltoruoi coostiodirl, gladly lQdif7 to 110
Tbe allont:on of the reader Is rolled to the fo ol
asur•ithing con, elibeted by thanes of Sands. Sans
.ea ass certify t hat I isions'iielored woman who'
hat po_ 'Meted for the last aye years irith Retort*
and all the remedies 1 Med /10 on effect in arresting
theprogram of the °Omelette; an'the •ontrarn, dos
constantly crew worse; nod alter expending between
ICtl . and gen with physician., besides, using other
popular mai:idles w it cot euecessitill the disease hod
xstl.laore or her nosersaadn
hemmed en vanotta pars of her body, and had anau •
commentied its ravages in the root Of her month
. 1e title dreadful alteatlon.-WeUt the proopect of
death Owing her In the face, / stmed her ease to Dr
Illasosssayi the noel for Bands , 'Smaparldia in New.
Sera, N.C., by whom I was ,deiced loans That erne*
:Veto t y w n e ' s ' =it ' ,llr - Z r la r 7ftl tt b f t.e° whom
tie. she was restored to perfect health, end We in the
space ed three weeks, and erasable tappet in two
metdm from the time she
witness or the urn of %him statement, I have
hereamo atoned my name 'this Iteeday of September,
lei?. zanJorrEa. 3. JP.,
ohlopth &Neese River, Craven so. N .C.
SORt: Tußofer.
The following loan extract from minter received
front Mrs. Ceram wile had been attlicted several years
with Scrofelesp Meets; Dychtpsta, ho., and recently
an.attection of the WO. and chest:— '
XhILITILIIVE.. Va., Dec. 13, ISt&
uhlenrs. A. D. & I.l..Stuoi-..lgeran, I game... 4
your Sarsaparilla, - my aulferlogs were almost
out expremiou; my throat wu completely -
weekshad a greagfal cents, and there were froguendy
toacther that I sold not smear above a wide
14r; and berides, the telaiMlZlltioll from my Uwest ex
tended to my head, so that my bearing wasters match
impaired. After taking the Sarsepantla ashen time,
my health mat improrad.and my throw wall;
I ems. free f-oru cough and tightness of the chest..
ever I was and can bear yaile diriltielly._ Illy throat
au been welt about three months, the ogre of which
has been effected entirely by_ the use of you Sarsa
parilla. Your friend, • lARIISA It. BCVAN.
The following tomato/OW to the vaiue of the Santa. learn the Itee Lather 'WOOL Aged lGye.a,
Courtegatlonal Marilee, Surging at Womin.
o tYousrit s flfesa,idarehm,
tritium. Sands: Gentlemen—From what I have ex
perienced, and teem the informatitar I have ruefully
received lam a oneutair of persons of high reapects•
briny who laic cud your Bar libPlines s I have ant
the lean dooht bat that it is tt me/invaluable mediate,
and shame bummer certificate. you hays tartly.'
of its efFency an fully .31.13111,74./py experienee, and
although WI rep nano, and onitry arc very atlualire,
and stand in no peed al my humbleeforta to Increase
them, I wont all whoby Miura to be
came neqaalated wisn the ufseicyL and pewit of your
a:atrial/lc arisheine. . • • • •••• •
II ant, ne r senn m , atre -
ll y and Yew res .• p
entfi il yYon.. •
Prepared and eedd, norb.oleaaie and send!. by A. ILA
D. SAN MI, Drangiro and Cbennata, 100 Faits= street,
corner of William, New York. Sold ale° by Drug
vat, generally usunglssu the Untied States and Cur.
ad.. Price St per butte, is.x bottles for
Fan safe by L. WILCOX, Jr., li. A. PAIINP,STOCS
CO., and ha/WARD FENDER I CH, Pillabargh.
he SI warrol Soda-F.on,-, raw)* noonn.T
ovErt Taitrru rEEI)-2Uu bushel prune
a r moveneed, and a bu Tirootliy in core, and for
sale lby af , 'M ' ' It'DALZELI. fa CO
LAUu—NO 1 Lard In • Imp and half Lea, in m,
and bar asie Ly
d';6— bales Codan Osnet;, amiable
~/ for gnun and lord boa., Latyanlins swam boat
Art selects, &d, iaat =mud, and /be sale by
ti LEE,
I+o Liberty stmt.
iffp U 2 Lace io Mak Onsvy barlaps received
i ll ril a il i VO L O ' L b y
A ant, basso on . bred:and I:;; ' sat:by - U LEE
11 , 24_zba . I F O m s wool Irina and searing li n a „ e
TTNISON HA:Lt: F L - ) visa Venoron C
11 _
iams . ,_forelo
. i.; ORIS—A 0 Lu iLcitcdio Sore, sad i Val t o s i u4
110 7 1,V00d n.
111;Elli.R. RUCKS:Ib-50 don in store . :kerlir
4 1>ATTING-50 biles m nore. aid for
z io
A LC .. 1 ., 1g110 L-12 brie in stare, and
jOO reed. for Roil, by splo I MUSS& CO
pATE.NT BLACR—M ills for gas by
,!pw J KIDD i CO
EilO SITZP,24 dos superior quality, for ode
r by opal_ I KIDD Pc CO
INDOWT:LAyS-60 bss US;
78 bxs Szlo, stare, and for
DAMN-5000 lOs shastklers;
MOO lb. bs.r.s, city eared. Its More, azd
ars= BILL
BTert"" d"
2.filru "'4.TVAltriVitl"
COTI ap L o IN YARN -IWO Ms anoM i lo s [ri t sobltt
pE4RL casks J oat recd sad(w sea by
. rty ft
POT ASII-5 cubs recelied, and far tabs by
-- • _
A eat —lsa rate Orogen Straw Witing Paper;
ISO 'do Medium Straw o do
Together with a largo tuitortomem or Printing 'Paper
or `T" 7 ti"," irEt:-Icilies fl
Sitecessore of ELLIOTT k ENuLISIV
No 79 Wood street . •
• •
COD LIVER' 011.—an gallons white wornanod
our; for side by • B VAIINESTOCI t CO,
Comer of Fuld and Wood us.
AuelbsaYk: PLASITAT4O - 9 ardA F 2115! wear!,
for .ale by B A PAIINIRETOCH & CO
0 Fll.ll O -100 lbs new crop, for 7 ;tiln by
GGuIIARA lIIC—CIO lbo arletly while; for ule br
prNICROCir-900 11. soperlor qoality, pm osn Wad
to tale by I KIDD &CO,
No CO Wood stritoi.
Pmerettit— • Pau superior PerirTliarer,
maeraeturrd by Julius .1 Wood, Columba', 0.110,
teethed ea eurisisonical, and for re ti e by •
'pm 114111.1 &(O
D IA LOGUE OT - D - 011.1%—.A lew '-37-0171
work tor sale by JOHNSTON & •:;O p'es CrYoN,
ap 19_ 13ook•ellen, corner of /darter and Th ird es.
utits::urrs CON DEBT OF FEKU:
A law oopies of cachet toe oboes
by ispifij 'JOHNSTON & STOCK - TON
fJoornal. , Kroojele. Ameliean, and Foxe, eopi9
.2..atw AtENe PAH
e..70n hand. aud for sale at tee sweat briees. ty
r drilLittl.—Yesterdeif — oli%fLoon,' oa
Web, brisvecit the Idouonsalsola
and Woed grew. SIXTY .DOLLAP.S. Ito tinder
Rill be libstally roviraraed by /caving It at Mu cdica.
__a It
.09 s ! YON 110Zilguli/dhT &CO
g. Foot for sale by
I, LIU for sale by
ILIVEFLOUIL-17 tala pi, sue, In blore, for oak, ,hy
.0 8 J & C)
.19v1r. k
FIDI-4 drama ler Ws ay •
— l - 4171:117. a inEh IM — Ditrtbile —.
J 24 DlLWowrti & CO
1 , 1 b R e r , 111 ., 1 „, 1t 0n, 8 . L . : , it ,. e .1. 1 . 11 , : 0 i1f.L re
g D oo lu d zito au ,! atl mpi . 7b ,
1,A.A7:747i prim
-ed laud other dress
A" "--- t ," ;f4,711; gli;lg'ep l ;kr,
Irll.Jr Sugar Mane do' "
A ' •i
Pet Nliitan. awl for nabs by .
—.114 1 / 1 .Y11.2.-1111SKPATRILA
• I 'prj amrii - a — NTe-issiriis a gootb•reader. Is.
a g l air, at th'.a Vile!
IL LUS.-4U br1.1;11 , 1111L/ t li k l i t,e;, ir f....1 4 ,1,,
BULK MAT—SIDpas shotilderg , -. , .
. sf:: pa . hams, for see by
pl 5 LI Wilt, Wig. WII..! • a!N fr. , CO
picKmo rouß-3 ea, •,, a very'superior &ada
Ole day mraeivad, a,.." far sale by . . .. z
~..03 WICK .t. MaGANDLEB9
ntAßLB74etaivicatvetCarkti for salert7 --"'
V IN ap hllAf, 6 . 77 . 1! foria!e