_, ~,t, '' ".-- ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PUDOSIIED Dr H IT . E: 41. CO. (a. [war. 11103, TIMID 1111=7, NCIT DOOlll To TES icor osnez. DEN ra ---$7,00 per an 2,00 Wrekly, I dranee).--- •••• 2,00 " Da. Clubs, .t. rediteed 121311111 ADVICRTIBIAOf CEEM PITTSDERGR PRESS. Otte laqtr ie,(lolDiraof Nonpiralfor less) ....... Ao r ta One Se m re, each additional inaerlion• • • Oat Do. one week ...... ..... ••• • 1• 7 5 L., two vreeks• :uxo f•o. three .• ....... 4 - 06 P one w Ta• two nuintai•—•— • 71.3 . three .-- 9.1 , 0 L.. leer months -........__.. 10W nth toe(ve months. •• • •—•—•( • • 10,00 'Rending Cord (6 lines or le.tij per annem• 10,00 o . 6 qm...changeable at pleasure (per am num) exclusive of the paper 43,00 For eaelkadditional square, Losnned over one month anal toe each addonal square Intel ted ander the year ly Caine, half price. Advertisements ee“eding a roirere, and Colorer fifteen tines, to be charged as s maim and s he Publishers MA accountable for legal advertisement. beyond the amount charged fur their publieetion• Announcing candidate. o n *See, to be charged the lame U other adocitteemerne. • Advorthereent• 1101 matted on ibe copy for • opeci• hod 'umber of inoertions, toacondnued t il l forbid, vid payment calve! accord: The pnvileges of yearly adeortisers will be. confined ngtdiy to their regular boolnent, and all other adver• ti.mtnts not pertaining to their regular bariness, OP speed for, to be pold extra. All adverdoentento for chatitAble watltutlons, fire and weed. township and other public meetin t s. and ouch like, to be charred halfpriee, payable strictly tr Kluane, rtiaite notices to be charged to cents. Death notices grouted without charge,prdes. tallied by Amend invitations or ohha art notices, and when so noel/maenad to be; ald for. !tenter sdvertwers , and l others sending comm.,. nicationa, or gestating notices designed to cell au eo sins ton,, , noirres, Cone ens, or any poblia enter taimnents where charges tun wade for adraittane. to of private salons--every notice de redoaed to call attention to private enterprises coley's or attended to promote Individual Interest, c n on. ly be trawled will the understendma 'abet the same isvo te paid for. If heended to be inserted In the to. cal column, the gime will be charged at the rate oi not if MO 111111110 cent. per line. Bishop or Fist Notices to bo charged triple price, 'tavern License Petitions, /2 each. Legal and Medical advanismenta to he charged at fail prices. • Reel FAiste Agent.' and Atieiloneers , advertise ment. not to. be clamed under yearly nine, bat to be crowed dieeeont of littler three and one Mini per nub from the emcee* of bllle. Olt 11111-WIZZLY to 11111. T eleaa One Square, three itteenions•••— $1 50 Do. each additional Insertiemo. 37 • .. One SjDVIIIIIIII.II.III it 147.1311 . • arten,ll.o liner.) one 'neerilon ..... et,. eiteb additional inanition-45 tienslent &doer ivenients lo be paid In advance. WHITE k CO. Gazelle. • L. II /OWE% Po 'L fIOB'T AI PIDDLE, JoarnaL JA.Olli P. DARR k CO, Ctinoniele. FOSTER k 'BROTHER, Lkspatch. JOS. ONO%VDEN, bloom, JA W. BIDDI.V, American. 111,RAII KANE, Evening - Tribune. Pirrinctran, Dee. I.IBIU. CARDS. ALks.IANDRIEL Di. WATSON. A TTORNIEW AT LAW—Oilice,pri Footth sure 11 shoyo Wood . mrl9 DAVID C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, mid Commisrloner fu Penns, Irallia, el. Lento, Mo. Al! COMMILIACMIOIIII promptly MillWert.l. OCIM•ly T. IL Llaitd • J. P. Sterreu. 0/1.1136 t ITZIIRICTT, A Tr4F:llliVir:TXl`,`plgulzriT, bq John It Large Wm. C. Friend. LAIIO* &8111E1113, A TTORNEI9 AT LAW, Fount atreet, neat Orapt jyld if JAILES F . Kitnu, A TTORNEY AT LA W.-41fAce on Fonnb .tract, between tinnituSeld and Grant, Pimbargh. sptl2-1y --- ALZX&IVEIEFt FRANKLIN. A 7TURNEY LAW—Whet 04 Fourth .tree, 11 Pihuburgtt. ma ==l PATTON & BAICEMNIAL, ATTORIVEYB AT LAW—Mace in M. Hall , Orem ,t. nett the Cool lipase. tell jt -- 11 — EN r GLISII & Theological, Geuther, a and SendaSehnol Roolthellere and dealer la al kinder:of %Wrung, Mildew and Wrapprag Pa pct, Nit. Woad street. between Poona azd Dia mond alley. Pitadthroth, Pa. .pl 7 A TFORNCY and Counsellor at Law, and Commis. dormr firrthe State of Pennsylvania, St. Look Mo., Cato of Pittsburgh.) R.Mereneettaborh Forward, Ha. ton & Miller, WC Pi ondlesgs &M McClorc, John E. Parke mp , Bloußo & Semple, McCord & Ming. auirl4-1y 40.11. S. COSOL,I. W. a. woonurlvo- nara nacom. RAtIA LEY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Gro cers, No WI, Markel ss, Philadelphia. rits.lanrah Alkali Works. BENNETriIiKARY A CO, hlanutaituren e yoJ trah, 'Reaching Ponder., Mariana env Sulphuric Acid.. Warehouse No —,Water street, helm. Ferry. mitO ly — F - 1 - 1 &rick Elmo, Geer. Rehr, BRA UN tr. REITER, Wholraale a nd Retail Drug. gots, eons r of Llbeny arid St. Clan sumo, Pins bunch. Pa. .tr4 ....... Verner. fiIi.OROZ W. DIIIITII Ai . IpR6Wr.EL4, MALTSTER3 AND 110 P DEALF.RS, P.O meet, Pittsborgb. ant*, Dnanoono SPria&A.alo, Stool, and Iron Works. OLEMAN. HAMMON A CO, Idannfamaren of C Coach and Ellptio Spring., Hammered Axles, Pnring and Plough Steel, Iron, kn. Warehouse on Neer and Front streets, Pittobandr. Also, dealers in Conch Trimmings and Malleable alders. °exit ARMSTRONG & CROMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and Dealers Pro. dare, No It Market street, Pittsburgh. mrtt — .Yoko dailis. nRAIO dt. SKINNY.% Forwarding nod Com., ts.loo salerehants, 80 SI Market at. Pittsburgh. ark A. MeAhULTY t CO, Parorarchat and Cow . Carlton Marthargs, Canal Bawl, Pitubarib, Pa. tar.l C. GRAIT, Wliolesald Nrocer, Commission and C. Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 %V.. st., Pius burgh. In Hersey Andrew Fleming It. IL Fleming PLENUM CO, ac stl OIdbIIARION MERC HANTR—For tba sea of In mee.Wooleo, and Coon Coeds; also, dealers in kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, No In Wood st, .11th door from Firth, Pinsborah. intereneo—Dents. Wm. A. ! Co, Cankers. rat. S. S.M., total I. limn,. . . . ENGLISH & I:IF.NNCIT, (late FAtlisit, Gallagher F Co.l Wholesale Grocers, Convulsion sout war. wordier Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Mannfaetures, No. 37 Wood st., between itd and ad streets. eett J.U.Vs.:Vesta A. H. Csukc. DMICIUTOGLE £ OL•EK., FORWAIIDItin AND COMMISSION • MERCII. ANTS, 1.111 Dealers in Waldo,' plus, Mite' Lead, ke. No lOSSecond at sera - IH - 7111. H. JOHNSTON, ORWARDINO I COMMISSION MERCHANT, No lig Seuigd at, Pittsburgh. mal rt FAIRISH WCIIRAN. Constatwion and Forwarding VP Merchant. N 0.20 Wood erect. Pittsburgh. tar 17 LEACIVIC PACICORY._, 101" AMILTON STF:WART,manafaatarer of Hem ULf.birtings,Cheek., &ay gab.ea ant; of a talegberly, npvls.lllv. .WIRE, Isactenor to Murphy Loa.) er and COMIONsio• Merchant, (or the sale of /UMW:. Woolens, Liberty. OPOoffi. 6th at. (41.'7 oro. voLLo, Elalumoro. L. I. tIICE3OI4 =WM nZaZ, Phil tooranton, WOW 4. WA MM. L11441.11k BIICKNOR, Tob.co 0:161.112126 , 11 Mary c i Loh . Leu, 41 North Water 41,,k 14 North WhLooot, ortorroLt • L. MT. ICC P. MULL TIARDY. jor.;EptA Co, (tueersaora tq Mwmpi, / 0 "*. t Co.) Catironsina and Forvitudlcur ?der. Astnt, A. 0.1., m Pittsbargh Manufactured Goods, P meter _ •- L F.F. Wool U•{ter sod Contesduion Mereboot. . for dm saio or ineneen WoJleo Goods, Lin. cur Fi 16. spl7 - W. P. MAMMAL!. I.tenton, no $11.C.111. C. gni.) jAIPORTRII h. - Dealer in French and Ameriewt Pa. P" ll44 4inns aril Border.. Window Shades Fire noardOlop.—writrng, Printing and Wrap' pion Paper. e 7 Woad street. between Fourth .trees and Diamond aneyorest side, Pittsbargb, Pa. febl3 USN D mottuAN: Whole.ate bonged, and dial ,y in Dye Sta., Paints, Oil., Varombes, fte, No P o itt sburg Wood h. "reef, one door Booth of Diamond Alley . apt - _ TWIN D It VHS. Oarboneer, earner Pdt and Wood it street. Ptislongh. ." ---=- TAbllitt DO LZELL,llitolessle GoteeriCeattnission .1 af.re i cut, sod non!, In rye.% e and Pitubareb blutufeetu Poßt ur.h. ~,,,• LAW/ weary, ii. VISA IA II DICSIF.Y a Ca., WUlewd. time., 0 r ... I ...Izeon Marehanta. and dealer. In Prod.., Nw.ad Water. _and INFrnnl mans. Pinehaw.. now orriere D •- • • • •••••• 1 1 8 DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale Cretan and op y . Manta for Hazard Powder Co.. N. ZlWraid az, Pittaborzh debt MIT a 1,11,01.1.1.ZOSIF• INGVIPItTIf P. DI I.WORTII k Co, Wholesale • dere •n•I Commission Merchants, am kir the Hazard Powder Co. of N. 11%,P1e. V Wend n , Plltabursth. rem aMIN M. TOWNSEND, Druailet ale APOtbig i J iNo. di al•rket et, three doors above Tkisd burgh, will here ronstantly on awl • well selected ' 'torment of the best and freshest hledmines.which he will sell on the most reasonahle terms. Phyaelana s eeding ord er.. _ will be promutly attended to. and mp g., with articles they mow rely aeon as seeable. f[7" rav•irlan. Proserintions will be accurately anl ;mull p..c,ared Gam the beat materials, at any basest se day or meta. Also tor sale, a Mtge stack of Ccsd, and good 1.13 Perfa Car ?~,'- . , THE PITTSBURG -1, 11 BUSINESS CARDS. T B. CA N FIELD, Jlate of Warren, BMA) Commis. s , on and Fervrardlng Mena.., and siholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Bauer, Pot and Peet Ash, and iVestern Pr dace generally. Weser street, between Settlatfteld and Wood, Pittsburgh. spa • 'IOIINSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers. Printers, ty sod Paper MlLFlllaCtatell, No. 14 Market .beet, Pittsburgh. stet 'John Lloyd. 'Lollard Floyd. & K. FLOYD, Wboleaido Grocers, COlMili.l3ll • Aderehan”, and Dealer. In Frothier, Round Church trutleings Doming on Liberty, Wood and Sixth wares, t ittib oral, Fa. apt -- - ifOIIN WATT. (eueenaaor to Ewalt & geb • Wholowle Grocer and Cominiwinn Mereban !eater in Produce and Pinabargh Manufacturer, oin ryaf Liberty and Hand street.. Pittabureh Pa. jai.% I AMPS A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Suceetwor• to 4 Leiwie Iluteltinen A Co., Corrordwion tad Agents of the St. Louie Bloom Surer Refinery. NIo 12 water and 02 front sums, Pittsburgh. OliN 1), Wholesale and Retail dealer aln Music ;nd Musical Instrainents, ttelinol Soots, Niue; Slates, Steel Pena Quills, Pruners' Cards, and Union's) , general] ',Pio. SI Wood sseittsburgis (C/ Rant hooeht or taken in tracts als J No. tolekitY., Send r t . In the corner of Water and Smithfield "la 11104 - 11. SWE.ITZER, tittornel Ir• i. illle . lld 'P prom it lf4 L to C itlVtio n ns ° 7a. Wttif4tOn, Fayette end Green enmities, Pa. REFER Blakstak, Bell At Co., Mara icCaraben, } ,TO Entaburat.. n T. hinnrsh. 1.CI100" larKEL&Co7liiholesede Dra — a.l; I No a Wood street. Pitoburth. up! KIEK t J0141... , ..1.1r ones rata and ,01:12.1 dslon hie eatni, Dealers In Produce ad Pittsbu rgh mans. watered articles, ennui Bain, hear 7 h it. KENNEETIY, CHILDS to CO Planoiaotorers of very aopetior 4-4 Sheeting, Carpet Chain. Cotton Tonne and Hotting. _ nelo-1 LEWIS DALZEL!. A. Illannfaetniere of al arena Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nang or the hes quality. Warehoesti, 54 Water and Ind Front street man Wm. Miller, P 14144. C. W. Rieketson, Pittsburgh. VILLER RICKEPSON. Wholesale timers, and and corner avd burgh, PQ Iron, Nails, Co.= Yams, Qt. at eon• rtaztly an bond. ap4 John MOitl. James D. TPCOIL Walter C Rees A OSILLS A ROE, Whote• oe Grocer. and COIMi•- /N/ sten Merebauts, No 194 Liberty St, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH STEEL ~‘yoßKs AND-MU:C:O I!=MLESM JONES .11c quiao, 114/iNUFACTURERS of !meting and [dieter steel MI. plough steel, nett plough wing's, coma and clip e epnoga . hammered Iran axles, and dealer. in met teable eteungs,fire engine lamp+,n coach trimmings generally,corner of Ross and Front eta, PinxbureL, Vv. fetrra NIIOIOIES M: SON, No 31 Matter at. seer ad door . from corner of Fourth, dealers m Foreign and Domestic Dahl of Exchaugc, Certifieates of Depend, Dock Notes and S. peels. . . . hroae irrCedeled the Vaite ona made on all ;We pirmipal rides lgout d on op! 111.1CrfAIASTk:H, /4r...r—Office, Fourth n., .LN a %bird door above Su oilfield, rood, sido. Conveyrmeing of all kinds done lavas rue peatest eare 111ta itvlacenney. Mr es to Nee. I,4att el•mined,.te. ocaTly RuistaNcian, WELLS C 0. .& ANUFATUREIIS Or GREEN GLASS %VAR E, lky 0. I.7lllarket ree Prueb gb, Pa keepeart.toot on hood, on mate •to order olt kind. of Viols, Wales, 'e. Ponce übd AtiLetel Water flumes cf qbaltry. Par-betake ascetic!) paid to Priente Moolds. Lithographic liatablialsestent OF WhL SCIIIICHMANN, Third at, oppnaite the Post-Otriee, Pittsbarth.—hiaps, Landscapes, Big head., Sittrabills, Labels, Architectural and Machine Dramatis, Saltine. and V. 1.; Cards, he., matraved or dross on atone, and printed in roams, Gold, grease or Black, in the Mott approved style, and at the most reasenable priers pellttly J.O PVTTIGHICIN, makSTEAJM BOAT AtiliNT Or um .axor HOLY. t Elsa apt] I N. 37 Water .trcet - - SIFIAGILLIDTT & WIIITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, ISO. 100 WOOD STREET, HAVE in ' , tore, and will Lo rontlently teeetriog donne the sea s on, taw a nd wril .eleeted a.- surunent of St.ple and F.CI Dry GoodA. Winch they will sell for club or opptored credit. West.. Merchants are Invited 10 CZatlllile our toek. gage =II OBIN ON.LITTLE tr. CO. o. 19iLibm , y street R Pittrbaryd, Wholmole Graced, Praia. and CO(f,it.llo fa Mardian., anal defied in Pairboorig Iltianufac oda. •pi 7 Suit. 1.21.90 N. SOO, um., 1.4 L P. 6 . 1.011 , 10_, D (WERT MOORE, N% hoicatie Grocer, Reet.fr, e Dietiller, dealer ra Produce, Putetiairh Manatee. Week an all kinds or Foreign and Domestic Wince and Liquors, No. li I.lberviatreet. tin hand a e er y large mock of rape nor Mononeahel r welsher which unil he ixedd low far uh. mg! 1.0. 1.11M.5. I— L. K - EYNOLVIA t BIIFT. Forarordtng and Cootans Moo /le...bands, for toe Ad. gmetty Error Thar caters in Groceries, Pradoea. a - JO:thumb, Mon ate latorond ettlotide of Lune. The higlia.t price, in cath, paid at all timei for oanuy earn, Penn aha If•rm •PIS . lc , W.l I:rocer. Rsl.l;TEoorßlZiold);:ttillEcrelbant..,..lCocaler4 h01t.3 l'rolurn sad Pllteborch Nlanufactolcs, Libeny strce, Pitutmr•t , D °BERT A CUN AINU II AM. Wholssais tirocer [l. Dealer in ?mines ut. rossbargh Manufactures N 0.144 Merl , street. •pie QI NU lilt lIARTAInti & CO, Sheffield Iron nand kl St _el Wotko—blanufactutcra rf Am IL r.pnnx and Plough Steel. Alto—eptints, Axles. Vices, An eils,&a. May malt, tbn rutenuou et moral.. and ...nitro to that mutt benign putchaiing elec orbere. They von art their andoles to bet,ra to any wade in this country or imported. frbl4 snamusr/ MO. X. 4111,8. QIIACKLETT /r. wfurr, Mole - sale De.Mu in L ForeMa and I.l:muti/ Dry t.ooda Ido. 99 Wood cront, PI:o so Nigh. apl7 W HARBAUGIII, Wool Merl:Lama Ikaltm 0 in Floor and Picabaca generally, and Forwarding and Communion Iderchuite, No. ad Water mr.et, rdisborgh. t. 112.1.111. stressessts lon] 0 ELIA:AS i NICUL.I, Praline and General Coot 0 cuestas Merchants, Ne. 17 Liberty street, Ito.. buret *perm, Unwed and Irstot Otis. spl7 s_. r a CO . , Whor le G re. patios to Pastbergil Ett n d itatee m t: ' rer ahnd Merchant,, Predate, have recanted to tem new warehouse, (eld sand.) :to. 36, comer at Font accent. and Chaucer/ Lena aol7 L. B. Waterman• •frt N. IVaternran• •11,. D. Waterman L. S. WATED.MAIS i SONS, tirr 110LESALK GROCER.* Commission and For- SS warding *remnants; desk.= all kimd. of PM. dace & Pitubsirgh Nanufantored Artleler,• tn 4 Agent• for ale of Iliehinon4 and Lynchburg binnufamared 'Conoco • met WM. TINDLLY ATTOMMT AT LAW, Beaticro Pa WILL Win attend to collections and all ctn. WW urns entrusted to hint In Boner and Jinnatrone mamma, Pa. Refer to I.lr. IL Floyd, Liberty rt. W. W. Wallace, do Junes Marshall do nttabonib. 014 Kay k. Co., Wood rt. • I jnl IL B. BVIIIHVIELD & CO., WHOLESALE and Ketnil Dealers In (Dormer and Dry Goode, and Counsamon Orrehontn. No. 2 Liberty c, Soul/mob mrl2 JOLIN BIeIPADRIN i CO.. FORWARDING k COM AIIiSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Penn street, Plustrar:h Into Jim m. D - AVI 00., PRODUCE AND FLOUR. FACTORS, No. VW 511thet, aol 51 Commerce rt., l'hiladell At:thence* made, by either of the above, 01 eon.ian• Meets or Prod.,. to either Ilneve vorti - - .1 - 011131SCALLOWACIA. 41c , NON, FORWARDING & COMIRIDaION IdERCOANTS 'WOULD reopeedullY milers tat unnslgntnent of Iterriznargh Weight, in. • W[l.//1 as they are prepared tu receive any ..401.1 Line and Section Ilea lo running night and Joy, ILO lietght will net be &tuned, no they will unload ma , . r•Ooll at all boars. ieLitt Jul 'llarruburgh, Feb.9n, J. D. William • Ji D. WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLASALE & RETAIL. FA MI I X GROCERS, V Fo r warding and Comtorrylon ilerebanis, turd dealer. in Cos try traria. and Psurbargh Nana lac. turea, corner of Wood and Firth mew., ritttbargh. turZO Wu, H. WM. 11. WILLIAMS A. CO, i3ANKEHS AND EXCHANGE BROKLItS North East corner of Wood And Third mime., jaril Piny.... PA. W. R. WOODW..O. • In•L1,1 WAI. BAP ALEY k. CO. Wb0:e..115 Owe., IS and 10 %Vood Crew .pI7 03010 O. WIC', 1.41/10 wiCR . t bl'CANDLESPlstiee , 'Wors w 1. ir.l- D. Wiet,) I.Vtolnsole lingers Forwarding sod Coromiwian Newborns; dealers in tw o ,. C o h en y g rns. sod poi.ourgliltlsnufseturrs general ly, corner of Wood and Water &Ikea., f . .ltst•ole 11017 ALhflTCii NLTRKL r , Wlntlessla Drooerr, VV. Rectifying Drawl. ro, and Wine and LAdOr Mere. war. Alro—lmporters of Pods Ash and 11.racb. ira Powder, No. lilt Liberty Merl, (opposite P C tit treet syl7 - - UT W. WIL:aON, Watches, iswelrk, Myer Warr .o 4 Malay cove•, corner of Market awl Foorko streets. Is. and Clocks carefully repaired. Mat 109/13. SOH/1 U. Nl . trit. Wa.VLIUNG & c 3, Dealer. in Lennie,. Hiner, ke.,143 Liberty Meet . • . & R. litpCUlVEitinti. lArkiic•ale lirticr., • a•i•l.r. in Yr.:lore. Iron, Naii., Was, Itnd 'SM. bl.itibrtrille it:W.lllly, Liberty etrert ••Fti.ni, 4.-07 g i v ii, a Anil 11. - CO., W - lIOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. To r . wording and Coosnlotion Merchant., Dealt totltt Coontry Prodare sad Sitoteurgh Idonotictores, COP new of Wood and Toth streets, rittoVingt. ThOboret, Muth It, Ibid. EIYROYR & AIIIITELO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —eitmenearera— tr'Llteral advances made au coasigirments i4nl4-ace • _ AHEW WInN, Portrait d Mia 1.11. Pai TF niter. Rooms, L.S corner or Poet Offiee AVniey t aid and Fourth erne!, entrance on Fourth IL, wear Martel. dee6-dif - J. & J. T ,1001=011.010VIBIeroh•astr. NO. nt rkd Levee n4N Orleans. keep tonnantly on bald laraeawoructentof Ontadiesof the follow ing branni which they offer Inc tale wa wren. for J. Dorand & Ca, Border/a, Yin NadlorY, Erattd..l On rand & Co, La roe belle, .1 .1 liurana Cocoa:, A de fd ...- le:an, A 1. Bleyille, A de :Random. icon . &e: also, An e heir Gin, Borden. Red and AVlite Winer In casks and ewer, selected wolf etre by John Durand & Co; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet llargandy Port. frhr.ty • • WlGlMSAN—klanefaeturcr ofallkinda of tun. Jton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pll. The above work. being now in (ell and mincemeat op. cre, I am prepared to entire priers .with dispawb for ailkinds of machinery in ny 4w, taeh as vrillows, piekvra spreaders, rends, grinding mithinen, railways, drawing frames, speetlera, thrassils, looms,woolen cards, double or 'kelt, for merchant or counry work, mulea,jac ks, he.; slide and band lathes and urols in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or piens ma nn for gearing faetories or mills at reasonable charge. Rota To—Kennedy, Childs & Co, Blackshock, Dell A, Co, King, Pennock C0...1n5. A:Gray. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, 61 rmingham, [near Pittsburgh, I Pa. qber. No. 37 Nate: at.' der.. Market and Wood, Pittsburgh. . A WILL constantly keep on hand a coat sewn. . ;.". meet of Wan; clone own manufacture. and superiorq.lny. Wholesale and country Mau • r* chants are reepectfidly invited to call and for themselv., as we are determined to mil cheaper than h ..... chafers been altered to the 11:Pt/Hers sent by mallorecompanted by Me emelt or ood reference. will be promptly %trended to. min vr_ A. WIIITE & CO, would re spectfully inform AIL. the Nitrite that they have crested a shop oft Lacmk, between Federal aid Sandusky streets. They Are now making and am prepared to receive orders for every deseriptton of vehicles, Can Chariot's, Ile- roaches, Buggies, l'hstons, dm. &e., which from their long experience in the manufature of the above 'rock, and the facilitio• they have, they feeleonGdent they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable tend with these wanting articles in their line, Paying particular attention to the velecuon of mate. Tale, and having none bat competent workmen, they have no hesitation is warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. 11. Repairing done In the best uommer, and on the most reasonable term& IMMtf gE , A.II. MAIER. JAMES ATAISSUM SOAIPM & ATKINSON, Val set, mrrwmcm WWI, Amu Mann, Pirteasmom, "'NA/MINCE to imam/facture an kibdl of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Meek mouth Work. SMARI Bono built to order. ILIZEE= - . - Special anerilion given to swam boat work. /lave on hands a fine auhrwrteut cif Copper end klnus riottles, Tin W rue, dc. fee. Steamboat ContingStzses, Pernible Parses, various situ—• very convenient ar• Ude fur stestaboats, Cth(ornta emigrants, or rail road ,oistsianies. tlie would respectfully Invite swam boat men and ethers to coil and see Lint articles and prices before hureliastne el ...where W. lc J. GLENN, Beak Minder. AM; are still engaged in the above business, earner ,V of Wood and run/ streets, Pittsburgh, where we ear prepared do soy work iu our hue with des roatell. We attend to can coca perwinally, and WM. faction will be given la regard to ha ...SS and do• Blank Bulks ruled to any pattern and bound sob nooks to numbers orold books bound eon : lolly or aired. Nam put on books in letters. hose trehatp es have work to our brie are invited gilt to esti Prices low. oselersf PILL Uncials. Works amd Foundry. rirrstuntan, ta. fl TURN WRIGHT it Co, am prepared to build Como and Woolen hlutunery of every deunpuon, such Cardior, ?dietaries, Spluning Framer, En.eiters, Drawing triunes, Railway Heads, 1k lupus, Dressing Frames, Looms, Cant Grinders, /cc. I 'sought Iron Shafung turned; all time ore.. Iron, Ponies and all.s/Ms of be latest patterns, slide and hand Ladies, aM tools of all kinds. Casting. of every denripsiou I ( A na i i th , ed s m on kg to a d , Patterns s at a d , ? , e for beat- Pontoon.. Cant Iron Window hash anitaney Cu ines genrridly. Orders left at the Warehouse of 1. J'aliner k. Co., Liberty street, with have prompt auto. non. Itefer to Oliteltatoeir, ueu & Co., J. K. Moorehead & Cu., G. E. Warner, John Inno & Son. ratblstrett ,• G. C. It J. 0. Warner, Stent.rn , o ,, tan 01 • • • 11 . 1,1zub1 CX . I for 7 , . a l ame .. a f u e l n j • i t c at . ikon Pianos, with t of and vrathout Coleman'. celebrated slintion . Attartment. The above tomatoes. fit war. mined to be equal ro any mutes..ad ro thts [04.11- p 7, and wdl Le sold lower mbar t. arry brought (rare the . 4.1 t, F. BLUME, No ILI wood st, Yd door above Sch N.ll- Zalf Scrip will bo taken at par for • few of he above. aiaortten, 6.y2 F H Plltrrrt . For W aaais Is to emufyy that I have apy pointed Lielegatots, — Roagen & Co, Foto Agenm (Sr the sale of Jenning's Pateat lhapralegin Filter, for the cif ties of Pluaburet and Allegheny. JOHN fiIIISON, Agent, ror Walter hl Gibson, 349 tiroadvmy, N. Y. Get 10,1.319. We have been smite sue of Ma above ameles at the ofhee of the Novelly Works for three months, an trial, and feel perfectly soughed that it is • useful Mannikin, and we take pleakare is. recommending them as a pee articlelul to all who love pure water. Orders wall be tk.k y reeepred and promptly executed. .1,119 I.lViNlitaTtiN. fiIuGGEN t Co I?J L: Tr received sad tor stir, at No ILO greond street, solarise and soltnatid aseeturent ei Flood Lard and Caotpliene Lantos, whisk , snit he add at tan War- Uen costern once. tor cosh. The attention of /eat.. respectlolly solicited. sore TIIE AIt.T.OBLETICII IfE arientinn or the public as respeautany called to I the toll,iring certificates: M. 9 Perrin—Having test.l" a guatity of Gold weighed by your Arcometer find the It proves your instrument correct, recommend thei seri of it to thouoing to Caidornla, as tho heti atothial foe oh: wrong tic real value of Gold. Ifiespt . yours, J. IL Dt/MLIOn Name. Pittsburgh, March n, loth. Preasstimag, March 1, lOU. U. Rama—Dee/Bln Having etamined the 'Arco- mete,;," manefaeterod at pow rooms, I do not heehaw to commend it to the itse of that. gentlemen who are about removing to California in much of Geld. It gives a close approximation to the specific gravl 17 of men., and will certainly enable the etiveuniser to ucertain when him places le tield.llS Gold. _=aria Yours, re...it, ILFCLINT' ) ". • • INDIA RUSHES CLuTIIING—Jan received for the Califon. Shiseditton, a complete asaonment or Unto Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging (tom 1115.5. to 1111,50 for suit of euat, pants and hat. Foe We tithe In.. Rainier Depot, ee 6 Wootl aL demo J & II PHILLIPS =ID NE !subscriber offers for sale, Ike STEAM BRICK 1. WORKS, above Lawrenceville, composing • Steam F.ogine,l holler., G Mould Machine, exits:de of manufacionng WAD Pressed Bricks 100 of dry clay, as taken from the bank,l per pay; with three a.. al land on the Aliegberly river, on which are I silos and sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, tracks, shovels, spades, &e., every thing requisite to nose. ounce operations at an hours nosiest. ?nee, Including the paten. right to use said machine, B,,oon—.srmas at payment usage easy. Without she land, kdolgrO Fur particalars, address HENRY MERRITT, auggY.tdif No tle Monongahela Muse. Thomas Parameon A , MCIIINIS AND MANUFACTURER—Lathe, Tobacco, Flawun and large Beress of ail kinds; Brass Casilngs and Bram Works generally. Corner of Ferry and First streets. George RicharJ THE subscriber, having purchased the Factory of fames Patte rs on, Jr, located at the above xtand, would respectfully inform am Iriends and the public. that he Is prepared to fill any Deers in Ins hoe, on the moot reasonable terms and with dispatch, •hd will feel grata's' for their patronage. TIIO3IAS PARKINSON. Pittsburgh, Jau.l,lE3o. 'HAVING 'dirpnred of ILY eataldtall.eni io air. Thoona Parkinson. I mho the liberty to when for him the patronage of my (mends and the pubbc, feeling conGdent that arty limo. conferred will Le d.ly appreciated and promptly attended In. JAMES ?ATTE:II2ON, Jr. Pittsburgh, Jam 1, 1850.---Llanlrdlam T . • - HE partnership heretofore existing ander the Erns of A it C BRADLEY, ill dissolved by thn decease of Mr. C Bradley. The businers wall Le earned on by A Bradley, who will settle the barreess of the late firm• REMOVAL—A DEMILIT Imo removed bia Foundry Wan - house from he It Ereond alreebto . No lid Wood street, between Float and Second infeele,lo the w•re boom lately ...pied by 6 A Derr', where he urth keep ...Lordly on hand a genetal wortnient an Cast. lugs, Gratea,lslnet., Cooking Stoves, ilk, tyld Dlattottaalom. ismnai T HE co-pa nainrtnefEop heretofore cilslina Listionen tLe subscrier., In the come .of Constants, !Isa & r CU, is this day dissolved by mound C/11/./13 . Malta & Barnes will settle the honors. of ilir °enroll, lay which purpose they .re aailioncod '0 n.. tee lln 4, of the concern. lY 4111 &NIEL o:in VA BM:, Elin BNB Hi L1AH:41,4 •8. U. McVay . The uotiereigneil have this day sandaled the toce , vee in the name of 11CURE A. WA:it:S . 7lw the piton', of atatoraetattrie Fire rrrof Safe., Vail'. Door, he hr , at the Amid of itie late Grin of Conotatile, ttorke A Co, where they will he plemited to receive the patron nee of the ealtutorre of that 1101110 and their friend.. EDMUND Uinta; THOMAS HARNES. In retithar from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co., I with since°, plea.ure recommend blew& Burke & Berner to the confidence of my hicarls andkhe Feb, 0, 1841. NATIIANIEL COP:STADIA: leblJ-d:! _ HAS haat returned twin the Eaern Cities, and Fan receiving • large •anety of seasonable licaida, Which be respectfully invites the attention ofe h ants and pedlars. No b 4 Woud at. (chit Wrostottt and Cast Iraßattlerit THE subscriber* beg leave to Inform the pub to the they base obtained from the East all the late nod hionable designs (or Iron Railing, both for houses a. cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please rail and examine, and Judge for themselves. Rotting will be famished at the short. est notice, and in the best manner, at the corner or Groig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny oity. antegbaltf A. LAMONT & KNOX. - vcoriolt CUrellS, CASSIMEREd, KM'S, received on concirneneht, ar•d, lot ciao st , the mmodne ttttt '• mitehuvre " '• Firtoll74rt THIS beautiful utyle of HATS Is now pis "'"dtol Z alH rtl n t "- hY'fi hi i7l IC 91tr jo 301 iVO or PITTSBURGH, 'FRIDAY . MORNING, MAY 3, 3850: PROCLAMATION. TT NOW all men who are sick and &filleted with dm- K 1 ease ante bladder and kidney a. with rheum.,ic pains in back or limb?, stiffjoints, old soles, tanning 10... &a, Mitt they can be cored by takinv the Pe troleum! Voss angtalk shoal lm beteg • nostrum iss muchas you incase, bat this doea not make it so, for we proclaim to the face of an honest community, OM it has tinges which are not contained at any other remedy. The man who Is racked with pain and nut tenog from diseam, can for filly reuse gel rein( from arty of the ilia entaumopued above. Reader! It coots Ogilvie to maks a trial. This Petroleum ism adr tarn—re compond, pat up for the pomp. of imposing on the community; but n is a rmnsdy elaborated by the master hand of =arc, and babbles up from the bo y . cam of oar mother earth in its anginal purity, and of fer. to calming humanly a ready remedy, • certain and cheap cure. It has oared Piles after other medicines have failed to render any toilet It his cored Rheumatism of lore standing, and of the wont and most painful character. It hoe cured Cholera Morina by one or two doses; it has cured old eases of Diarrhea, in which every omen remedy has been of no avail. As • Irma remedy in b (s burns and scalds, it boner than any medical cam paved Of GIOIA:WM 11l we know of. It will ewe chi!. Minns or frosted fe t. In • few applications; undoubt ed testimony can furnished of the truth contalund in Ma above stmeme t by rolling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Dmin, 7th street; or either of the agents. Kayser A. McDowell, corner of Wood street and Virgin Ailey; R. F. Sellers, 57 Woad street, D. A. El liot &D. M. Carry, Allegheny city, a,. the agent. ianfil • . . A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP haa engaged with a young man of the name of S. P. Townsen and uses hi. name to pot up a Sarsaparilla, which they GDr. Townsend , . Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE. °situ!, eta. Thu Townsend is no du• ter and never won, but won formerly a deo:heron rail roads, canal., and the like. Vet he assumes Gs tide of Dr, Gar the purpose of gaining credit for what ha ix not. lie la tending out card* hngded "Tucks of Quacks," in which begat'..: have sold the use of my name far Si • tuck. I will glee S. P. Tuamotud 5100 if he will redo. one single Galway proof ofthis,— This Is In caution the pubile not to Le debelactiotnd earchaso none hot the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. /nub Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, having on It the Old Dr.% likeness, his family coat of arm., and hid °be nattily across the coat Mamas. OLD DOCTOR JACOBTOWNSEND, TOR ORIGINALDUMOVERER or ran , . : asYmxs TOWNSZND SAILI3APABILLIL. Old Dr. Townsend Is now shoot 70 years of age, and hvarittm.,..As.a.uNTlmtrtjtra- EIARSAPARILLA." HON( ;mot, he wax compelled to Its manufacture, by ortagb means it bas been kept oat of market, nod the sales V.ctibed to' those only who had proved au womb t nowt It. LW, 17ZIXWALL. WW.11,,, Ir nuunthetured on the largul seale, and is ourosi fur throokhout the length and btandrit of Ilse land. Molise young Townsend's, is Improves with age, and never °bulges, but for the better; brook. it Is prepared on .lentthe principlea by a 61.11ATTING-50 biles m nore. aid for oo.by z io _4990 STUART & SILL A LC .. 1 ., 1g110 L-12 brie in stare, and for CO jOO reed. for Roil, by splo I MUSS& CO pATE.NT BLACR—M ills for gas by ,!pw J KIDD i CO EilO SITZP,24 dos superior quality, for ode r by opal_ I KIDD Pc CO INDOWT:LAyS-60 bss US; 78 bxs Szlo, stare, and for toin STUART & BUJ, DAMN-5000 lOs shastklers; MOO lb. bs.r.s, city eared. Its More, azd ars= TUART.sk BILL BTert"" d" 2.filru "'4.TVAltriVitl" COTI ap L o IN YARN -IWO Ms anoM i lo s [ri t sobltt pE4RL casks J oat recd sad(w sea by DAB ELL 4 CO . rty ft POT ASII-5 cubs recelied, and far tabs by Et DAISELL -- • _ A eat —lsa rate Orogen Straw Witing Paper; ISO 'do Medium Straw o do Together with a largo tuitortomem or Printing 'Paper or `T" 7 ti"," irEt:-Icilies fl Sitecessore of ELLIOTT k ENuLISIV No 79 Wood street . • • • COD LIVER' 011.—an gallons white wornanod our; for side by • B VAIINESTOCI t CO, Comer of Fuld and Wood us. AuelbsaYk: PLASITAT4O - 9 ardA F 2115! wear!, for .ale by B A PAIINIRETOCH & CO 0 Fll.ll O -100 lbs new crop, for 7 ;tiln by A FAHNEST. GGuIIARA lIIC—CIO lbo arletly while; for ule br air2o EI A FAIINESIOJK.4 CO prNICROCir-900 11. soperlor qoality, pm osn Wad to tale by I KIDD &CO, OP$; No CO Wood stritoi. Pmerettit— • Pau superior PerirTliarer, maeraeturrd by Julius .1 Wood, Columba', 0.110, teethed ea eurisisonical, and for re ti e by • 'pm 114111.1 &(O D IA LOGUE OT - D - 011.1%—.A lew '-37-0171 work tor sale by JOHNSTON & •:;O p'es CrYoN, ap 19_ 13ook•ellen, corner of /darter and Th ird es. utits::urrs CON DEBT OF FEKU: eHEICOTTS CONQUEST OFMEXICO: A law oopies of cachet toe oboes by ispifij 'JOHNSTON & STOCK - TON fJoornal. , Kroojele. Ameliean, and Foxe, eopi9 .2..atw AtENe PAH e..70n hand. aud for sale at tee sweat briees. ty BRATIN &REITER. Oti r drilLittl.—Yesterdeif — oli%fLoon,' oa Web, brisvecit the Idouonsalsola and Woed grew. SIXTY .DOLLAP.S. Ito tinder Rill be libstally roviraraed by /caving It at Mu cdica. __a It .09 s ! YON 110Zilguli/dhT &CO g. Foot for sale by •K P VON( B ONNIIOII I, LIU for sale by b .Pl B yl , VON DONNHOIL9T ILIVEFLOUIL-17 tala pi, sue, In blore, for oak, ,hy .0 8 J & C) .19v1r. k FIDI-4 drama ler Ws ay • S DILWORTH & CO — l - 4171:117. a inEh IM — Ditrtbile —. J 24 DlLWowrti & CO iMSS==MM 1 , 1 b R e r , 111 ., 1 „, 1t 0n, 8 . L . : , it ,. e .1. 1 . 11 , : 0 i1f.L re g D oo lu d zito au ,! atl mpi . 7b , 1,A.A7:747i prim -ed laud other dress A" "--- t ," ;f4,711; gli;lg'ep l ;kr, Irll.Jr Sugar Mane do' " A ' •i Pet Nliitan. awl for nabs by . —.114 1 / 1 .Y11.2.-1111SKPATRILA • I 'prj amrii - a — NTe-issiriis a gootb•reader. Is. a g l air, at th'.a Vile! IL LUS.-4U br1.1;11 , 1111L/ t li k l i t,e;, ir f....1 4 ,1,, ws,er BULK MAT—SIDpas shotilderg , -. , . . sf:: pa . hams, for see by pl 5 LI Wilt, Wig. WII..! • a!N fr. , CO picKmo rouß-3 ea, •,, a very'superior &ada Ole day mraeivad, a,.." far sale by . . .. z ~..03 WICK .t. MaGANDLEB9 logic. ntAßLB74etaivicatvetCarkti for salert7 --"' ADIS WICK* IIIeCAND4I3 WIFF O A/CCAPiDLESS V IN ap hllAf, 6 . 77 . 1! foria!e