The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 29, 1850, Image 3

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.aicr..atreu bIICLICCIItAPLIRD
=sown= or aeon sloes:soma or musray.
Want/Ratan. Apra 26 .
Mr. White moved the previous questloc. Sev
eral votes were taken, but no quorum voted.
ineffectual motions ware made in • call of the
'House, and to adjourn.
Finally, the de d far the previous question
*as seconded. ,
The gnostical w then taken, an relining the
resSlution to the mince of the Whole, on the
Mate of the Halos, d decided In the negative.
The amendment I Mr. Hail, that the govern•
merit should cot be iabte to claims for damages
or deterioration of v Ls, was adopted by a vets
of 91 to 45. Mr. Mc ,of Marylane, moved the
rammelderation of e vote. He said that these
vends now belonge m the United Status and
the whole expedlil was, so 5 ought to be, at
their expert, —and he intended it offer a prop*•
anion, that Mr. Grinnell be indemnified for ho
F.„ expense as it wes won kart coo that there were no
• Alps m the navy suitable for the eapedidoo.
• Mr. SUanton, of Tenneioce, dee Wed to soy, that
• the übjeit of Mr. McLane sot the porpoto of Mr
-t,Griooe I in making the offer.
Mr. fdeLone—..Constaly not.. lie bdieved
be oedema td the whole quesboe. He wised to
day. the motion to reconsider op Out tstde,which
was corrmd.
The Homo, at 5 o'clock, adjourned till Monday
Werniserroa,April 27.
The Ibilowleg Cluermetions by He Senate are
announced: •
George Little, Marshal for the S.ale of North
Witham Paine, Marshal for the State of Maine
Jos °coded, kati,4hal for th e 811140 of New
Charles Bryant, Manhal for the State of
ohusetts. •
Akron It. Petringell, Mariam) for the Sate of
George W. Jseksoe, Marshal for the Save of
Rhode Wand.
Jima Batt, Marshd for the State of Delaware.
• Theresa 11. Kent, Martha!! for the Sate of
°oaken A. Jones, Marshal for the State °COMA
Solomon Meredith, Marshal for the State of lo
• John W. Twitched, Marshal for the State cf
Luther Chose, Marshal for the State of Minn
Frederick T. Smith, Marshal Dr the Western
District of Louisiana. •
Stephen B. Sheiladay, Marshal for the State of
Alexander Matched, Martial for Mimeses
Wi.tiam M. Brown, Marshal for the State of
• Georgia.
la. P. Speed, Marshal - for the State of Karate,
ezcadcaa OF 14IILIC 110,110.
Ezell Road. for the IXttrict of Mich . gsa, and
Marcus 13Jad,for Sari. gield, Masa.
The Salted States ship of the lioe °bin, Capt.
'dribbling, is tokgrapbed from Sao Francisco,
Houtenln : Valparaiso, and lido de Janeiro. Sbn
will bo op in about three how,
Bairns, April f 27.
The brig Boston, from Bahia, has arrived, bringing
dans& to the 10th ult.,
The yello,v fever had been mg tog terribly—
sweeping off the seamen of the vessels in port, and
the algae., in wrest numbers. The Government re.
ports make the told mortality in the province 0,•
Just before the Boston left, a severe thunderstorm
ccemred, after which the disease began to abate.
Several vessels had arrived from Hayti, with
detest° the 6th oh. .Business was improving.
Tim blacks were:preparing to invade tit Do
mingo, in May next.
The Ohio 111331i13/ below
Parser Price, who came cp In a steamboat. re,
pinta that while the 9luo was at Rio, the Yellow
Fewer broke out on board, and offer teasing Rio,
the Fever will continued to rage far aboht three
weeks: There were about alcip cum, •Ixteen of
which were haat, consiatir • of flee CAMS, and
eleven of the crew.
• ' 1, 4 ... ,;.'.
: ..1 1
•, ..z ... ' .
• fil
The fothowlog are the nemee of the cilleers who
riletk—Lient. C. Aratkupog lierory Etd, junkiest?.
aboard; Burgeon E. G. Ball, Mitlahipolart Jas. B.
and Pewee Clerl4.l. C. Jameon.
The last American steamer Missile, sailed to.
'big, with 150 passengers. Sae went off in iiise
style, amidst shouts of applause (inmate cast mill
alludes of speetstora
Being the hut day arils week, sod tie Cam•
Isles news being folly due, the markets were
eauscqnently quid, and wry mite d, ing.
Yesterday's quotations of Floor, Grain, and
may be resumed.
Nlill, On , Aral '2.1
Cotton, resterdsy, adratured one.elgtitb, under
the A6106111'1; news. Sales to day amosuited to
%SOO bales, at 1.2t0 for good raiddliog.
OrpWow , Court Dale. .
PURSIJAIVT to an order of the Orphans' Comb bald _
at Pittsburgh, on the tat day of April, A. tete,
'mill be crpomd to public sale, on the rill day of April,
11E00, at three o'clock P. K , on the premise.. all Mat
certain lot of ground &mate in t h e sty of Pithstiarysh,
corkeselld as follow., to tric-11 ginning oinns
feet casmardly from (Gant n. Mono by the Sea of Ann
Sullivan'. lot, and parallel:with Grant at testy three IL
Pa a three feet nley common to pennn. owing 10.•
OP either alert, th ence by end alley and pantile! &It
Second all twenty aesen tee, to the line of William
Arthur.' lot. Mopes by the sail line , of Wm Amber..
hot, andpo.ll•l wish Grant greet forty Gore feet to
ILeT4Se along Secoad M. twenty &area
few ur yw I loco It begianme•
Means .(Sou—Our:headred deli. , to be paid upon
ddlkery of the deed, the berace in taro equal a
ments at sir end ten yeall ICS, petively from die d o te
oflilt, with filtered payable &mushy, and be in .
mond by bond and mortgage on Me premises. For
father panlculare apply to 0 E Appleton, Attorney
Is Law, Voanh street, or to the underbid - fled,
iOnaldian of Ann *hairs& Christian/ Wendt, minor..
era lloanbara wad a Morehead..
otheeriber respectfully Invitee public aLentian to
• extensive stock of Perfumery. Soaps, Shaving
Cwt.., Re, to whieh seven Silver and two Golden ,
Medal. bath. velthlo the law sin year,. been .warded
by the losiltatee of New York, Boston. and Phila.
' 441Rdar the letter bring the only Golden Medals ever
' awarded for perfattery either In Europe or in tide
itoirmaCs Unatruban SnaSlso CRUM, !Almond,
Ithoe, and Ambrosial ) universally ocknowledged to
to evertor to any Shaving Cream in thin country of
• ditamensivx nos fthevreo—Beriatifally transparent,
and possessing eighty pepp,eceenee and emollient
I papertar area s ethos Compound; Ambrosial St or
"lconansalmber t ' in '" sr yth e r li S o n o a u p ti, Rose, M el i nn,
~ fouset,l' p astang , o a ltie du Pxlarl , tha . alAn r s, P m at- .
; 'Tantrums
du b e,
Esequet de Car01:50,64.111am, Jr Jenny Lind. Mousse
; line Jockey Club. Ilsgmalla, C o Citronelle
i, mit, and many other vedette., to all anty dlforent
T=Wateu—Floritia Water, Era de Toilette,
..g. anvier Water. and • great variety of Co
„gnu and Lavender Waters
Alnns roe ens Sate—Genuthe Ileu , s Oil,
gamins* Oil, flandolthe, Eaa Lastrele, Ovine, Com
pound CM klarrow, Hair Oyer, braid and In powder,
.mad Philocerne. Rainiest, and Jenny Lied Pemaver.
• ' Onolcratorc Pavesaamins—llatearele Malt ' Roar
400 M Pale, Ceareoei Dernr th ee, Odontirm, Tooth
21,nta, and Tooth roerrisr.
Cosaimus—Vegentble Cosmetic Cream, Aroundise
ler chapped bands, Cold Cream of Rorm, Cream dr
1 forms, Lip Salve, Rarpberry Cream, Ae.
Depilatory Powders, for removing superfluous hair,
I Pesti Powder, Vinalgre de Ithege, aromatic Vinegar,
i Victoria Gale Composition, Preston Palm, besidei
0 to a mat variety of other ankles, too menthes to be
narnedin this advertisement.
Tbra mabasriber bores to sugintain the reputation
il wklob this establishment hat IRgutted, by disposing
A;grallist: `.'.1",..,".11'• p`:,/,7214•17i."Vbr,
,11 . , ~,,belerthle or mm 4 en vs reasonable norm, as any cc.
'd tabliskrocal in tha United emu.
SIICCCIECT to and (Gram Memo, of ebb Lobo. awry
LW Chesnut meet.
Si. Bi w t h, perferarry Is for sae by all the panel.
0 Dampen ,
in 11l =Meant. apt7diay
IRV mike Wow nit cu b .. As Ohio Rim. '
r Retreat, basin. andne repsin
1".......i g 13 ' M i e fecre c ts, adding muck mo ms former
v . ” * — r --- oe ' if for viators. Ica Ctinally Tem
liekotitgy:frp, hails, Confectionery, do , Sept .o
1'.16:,.t.a.: w lda. ts pertiealmiy i s to a large
_„/...,„,j0f ever blooming plants of all naiades,
et...`* — .......d La ireerthouseg also,tha thole., a kinds
....1...110.71....141mt5rfeal dahlias mid be ready
an delivuT th..., will corns:maga running (rem Ow
Tlie Sw" ---; ot t Gardena, the lei day otkley.
toot of PA: Ve c t.',,' 1b,,,,,, are now ranr „......
Urea Vial•ge:7..eft
r i.ipkt,--- ---
S p
an 3incsnYa Annns.
IOW( !LW.. • • .xx. x xnrat.•••r. I. 3110011t4D.
Tm OC. X grammos —The fallowing me the dates
of departure of the Ocean Pleurae., daring the month
of May
AYtnICS, from Boston, Wednesday, let MAY
esteems, horn New Vora, Wednesday. May Oh,
Cafun•, float Beaten. Wedamday, May I Sta.
• NI. Ls*, from New York. Wednesday, May 2ht.
Maraca Frmsatraan Gavel-Mr,
Monday morednii Apr 11.20,16.50.
The member on Satarday was clear and pleaaant
and •pp+orehing more swirly to rummer heat than any
Freaking d ay of the triton.
Hua.nrs. manifested a considerable degree of •etia
ity Ina may, and so far as quotations are con
cerned, we noticed • general amines. in almost ova.
ry branch of trade
FLOUR—FIoar continues to Come forward slowly,
mingles have been on a limited scale. From store,
sates summed some tO3 Lbla ic LH. From
first hands, the market is firm at 51,00 f brli with small
RI'S FLOUR eonditues in fair request at 81.75113,67
our !al, according to quality and quemtity.
FEED—Bran Is telllog readily at 1121 015 g p bo, an.
cording to weight; Shorts at 25c; Rye shalt. die, wad
Chat p Rya and Corn at 37{: p bu;froult City Mill..
CORN .ME&L—We quote regale limited sales
horn the mills and Irani start, at dbe
0110 :FAMES —F.cary thing under this heal eat On
a. gone hMI at last quotiona. dale. of N 0 Sag/ rla
lots of Gra IP tan hhila at 4105}, or fair to prime. t alt t
of 37 bele N 0 Molasses at 271 1 / 2 71e P gall. 8...
Sag mimetic at 40.911 c tr gall. Coffee continue, doll
and uccertnin, with sales of Hio, in small lat. . ,
11. Sale. of rite at 41636, f. lb. Sales of Lat u
tar at
ItAcON—Eales du est! Western and c ty cure I, al,
for shoaldersAc, sole. be, and toms at Gin f lb. Sales
Om smoke house to tots of SOO to 10,000 lb. at 41, 2f
Off for shoulders, stdeo and Loma Pates of sugar
'Clare4 barns and tics at 9c, an lof prime Lagged at be
P 6.
LA lll:t—Tkc market, if auk thing, Is dollar, bat pri
me toe unchanged. Salm, ts a madame event, at :4
06 fu Ws for No. I, and Glt6 for teen
OILY—We note sale. of No 1 Lard Clit at 53935 a;
and of No ddo sit 45e Q gall. Linseed reinains firm
at 101 e Casor Oil is aearee, and 10 demand at 54,53
♦ gall. Sales of Tanner'. Oil at SidDlei Y bbl.
SOAP &CAM:SLIM—SaIes of City and Cineinnoil
manufactured rosin soap, at 4041 e par lb. Cap man.
afaetiercd Star Candles are in fair request, at Man:,
of mould tallow at 10e, and of COMM. slipped et 94:
la Es
TAI.LOW—We hear of ty o sales to any large ex•
tout, but may continue our goomt lona, bt to (or cheap
and for beef tallow
Darning of the ,4 11 elle of the Neat."
We extract from the Cincinnati Commercial. of the
OM inst., the following paracolars of the burning of
)he steamer Belle of the West, • telegraphic accoont
of which so published a few clays since.
We are compelled On, morale; to elsromele a corm
awful and deptorable steamboat disaster, ant paratul
coo of We. '(i.e steamer Bello of the West, D. rt.
June., Master, bound four tits prat for St. Louts, with
upward. or two boadred passenerrs a d crew. woo
dneovered to be on fire at o , elock on Monday .ight
when tear Florence. Int, sixty her miles below tlttt
city. In a fewmoments afar Me fire war distorerud
the .met W. in on., vast
loon .diately on the disrovety of the far, she Cap
min ordered the boat to be put lu shore, and the pas•
wagers, the 1131 of suborn were staid as le• p, were
awake tied, e n d warred cf. their danger. Then
come • most bean reeding scone—mere than two han
dfed Souls strewed from their sleep. find themselves
otentooded the fiery element It is onpeossible toils -
smite the • rear presented Hotheads lookin. fa•
wires mothers for their children, aid children coin.
for their parents, all terrified beyond pre...eel/mud
the atonesanereasing and becoming each cm mem
nearr and more dangerous he boat wet eon
ar e to the shore and planks put out, but runty in
brie night jumped overboard on the WMO.:iiiide of
he hoot. sone f whom were doubtless drowned.
Morro of the ...niers, with great presen,e of nue.l,
moan and dressed them.lves, and seca•cd th eir ig
g ice and attempt d. Others endeavoring to save leer
n ee s,e, were 14st
tisny .1 the passen.. were farmers, web their
families, brand for Minoan. One pitmen,. who had
tome f out Missouri after his father aid mother, and
was returningith them, missed them on reaching
the note 'racy doubtless perished.
Tn. egact number of per lon by fins di...
miner ea readily Cape. lame. feels con
fident that not mote than twenty were lost in all
Prob them were lathy more. A minter tad
not tentsteted their names, conaequeutty it cannot be
ascertained from the hooks, seen if they a n recov
ered . .
Borrox. Aprll27, P. M
1h • fire originated in the hold. and It la • etyttary
as to d e mime. The boat lent horned to the water'.
edge. end toe hub sunk elms< to th o
h, If
e ahre. The book.
•ild meney were the este, whic nrithroon the
fire, may yet be laved.
the 15010 WM6 ,n.rej in the City Insuranc• office
of th a city, and the Preonlin L
.., on
irintie,zu the mnottrit of Se t Ota, wlude will profirddy
corer the loss.
At thts season of the year, lace the rock. of Pro•
vt•lhns have linen chirlif sent forward from the fate.
rot, al. ea is nastily considerable anxiety cratfested
ks use something leave to the amount held in the
print ire! markets,—and name m e reaction that has
tale., Osiers in the market far bat Pork and Lard, the
desire mr information is at Ids time irsercesee. We
a Imo, Mauna, elve it entrant statement et tbc stock
of any ante's, In the abreacts of rt ratified; relative to
the trade of Eastern clay; hat we aao present same
feet., tram whirh talerebly cornet ertansies.amy pe
male. blare than seven month. of the Calsraceresal
year have paled, and of court° the shipments daring
the fen editing five mouths will be comparatively itea
In mar to accrual the stock in the market, we take
the t eons ad receipts at this port, tram September
lot t.' ',member I•L et for laat two Yeere,liY which we
Can ap sralimate very nearly la the stock as the Wet
Sept ,;n each Yes , • •
Elcrrox, April 27, A. M
• / 16.19. 1615 tb.l2.
La td, 111. 9 6:7 1 5.61.5 4,316
g. 2,05 u 400 21 .111 4,012
Baron, hod. 521 lilt 421 t.Z114
. .
Darns, lies 01 18W 1 310
Porl,l:tls 2..1:2 1,110 20,E51 12 OW
Pon. lb, 212431 r; ~,a1 :.OW
Lteduettna the reccipts from ilLe eLp.l3 l . We get al
abut I what the stock was on the 1.101 Sept 111. nos
of cantle tract, as some probably . tcmained over a ter
Die I. and some was eemsume•l, and small loLset t
forward, of which we have no account we knew that
&eve al luta of old laid were ettipp d alter Ike let t f
Ott; but our figute• arc stdetently accurate for all
practtentic purposes At coroins to 00r statentteot
Inert rote, the stools on•l'm Ist of I. 4 eptclbtorn Walt
follow r, In the last two} a era •
109 1,40
Lard, hbla• • • • ........... —•• •• • • • 91V2 2010
Lsid. kirs 22119 42 733
{tarn.', hods 4.ltre 2,742
&tote, area 1.:102 1.230
Nur You, April fa.
Nzw Yoex April 27
.. . ,
Polk, Ch..— 1.31UU 12 751
Polk, la 21,20.1 5,2.0
It i, wen that theca was an excess to 14.10, of equal
to a 9.101 kegs of Lan!, and a defieienay of ['anon and
Pto I
lb- teeeipts and exports of the sane ;uncles at el •
you from Sept Ist to A pnl till, it the last two seasons,
sacra . follows:
1934•0. ,
1949 1:43 141811 154120.
4 . ,,j,1b1 g ..... 21,2,51 25,113 93t 07,3•37
Lard. kg. 323,199 17 09.110/ 137,445
flacon, bliels• •• • 3,10/ 3,271 2131r3 11,575
Basun. 1000. • • 2:1 2311 0,100 13,579
Pnek,,l•ll 40,915 445319 171.010 137,452
Pork, b • 7,634.415 42,940,165 e 23,976 991, 43
The yeantiiy of meet cured lea fast season was of
coots.. it•es ban in 1518 13; button/acing it to Lay/14000
*boat 19.0 same in each year, Me increase and tlo•
ems,. in the sleek of tbe,aevetal articles in .hit triad
ket, as notapaecd with the about.. held at dale /sec last
year, onatil be as bilows :
Increase Decrease
Bacon. halls 12,•12
Itaeon, tree 3:113
Pork I Igl D 1,724
Late!, bye 1.7.49
The a•toalgarments stork of meat it of coerce lam
than indlegted by the 9,099 figurer, g.t is known
there war a deficiency in the number o
heap rut le' ,
season. compare with the ruttiness of revione
year. Another fact to be natter d it. that del
reeeistt of halt meat, atA al.o of Lard, OM. cao•ed
by largely Inc:eased impose from Vie Waba.ll river
and St LAW., whleb. while thoy Memo. the etock
here, must re bore it elsewhere.
The following a'atert ant. made up in part from vete
clom ertimete.. and patty from 09f impn.t and export
tett., •howa the acct ir( L e rfd to be very light, cam..
pa•ed with that held at the cortaypnading period in the
lan Igo year.:
81091, as 1.1 Rept 1610 9,787,891 ,
Re •cipia fro n kept lrt t 4 April 17 Id 140
rroduct of Hogs packed la the city.
Kettle rendered 10.400.1930
G al 1110,10)
Ilea' . 18190 1g m
Dead bog. and soot meat
Reectred by wagons MO CO
1,800 0 0
Total 26.460,3111
Co,umed by lard od reanufactur•
Of P Seal two
Esp. - led from the tat Sept. to 17th
April 13.6197%1 91.050,77
Stock this date 11,3n5 bit
According to the above estimate. it is men the clock
en hand Is 85.478 tem whit, a ri,‘ ,36 kegs let. that
the amount held on the tot of Sept last. We estimated
the Lard made by butchers s• about equal to the smart
consumed by others than munutretarow. The small
stock accounted tor—Eirm by a delleiercy la the
praluet; as It is known that there was tint as much
end, n proportion to the timber of Lo s• packed,
a. In the soul. 1b59-41; and second, by the great in
crease in Me moons livid tis orinuilictutirm purpo.
ens. Pnr the latter we have ovinistrO Me consortia
uon of seven and a half months al Sentra) v., vita iv it.
0.10 seemingly large, we hoilt low, wlme
wo coroidie that the business (torn dill tone to the 1 ei
of Sr pwattier Will be comparatively. light, About ennui
to 20 WV kegs of the present climb it held by I to Lou.
• Balm/tat, April 25.
CC/FlTE—Then was • decidedly attlto rnovemeni
la the market to day, and upwards of WOO hogs Air
wore told, mostly si 9169 i Oro.. Theta aro no Kell
nal• Si lOw
Wall Paper Warebeinieo
TO 41,1 MARKET LePREfsT. between Third ma
NFourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. THO.fAB PAle
PIER mould respectfully call lib attention of his
friends awl customer., to Wm present extensive .0
general stock of merebandice. It mill be Noodle com
prise ewer d .scription of American and French WWI
Paper and Border tor Porten. Halls, Dining Booms,
Rent: hambers, coonting Booms,•
to., farming from 1M
rento Si • piece. Bo great • di,c.ity or prices
and outlines can hardly fail to suit the eitelmodences
end Wt. 131 porchavers who may favor with their
P...., the old established wand on Market ttreet
ltAr URP I iY &BURCHFIELD invite the attention of
11i bar. to their large .took of White Goad., .neh
ea Cambr er ea and Jaekonh_ ,t. Hanukah. and Mali
Irtnalins, Plirared Syria. hansline. Eabroidered ditm
Queen'. Leans, Book and Swiss alnallits, Barred
Jaekonets, Cambria Maine. and Stripe.. Vietort&
_fgrpheni Thread, Bahian, Jaekonet, and
EaSine Deertinavi Neorlawork, Collate,
&e. &a.
. .
C b a o T u"
Leanstarert, theyrube Ls pfet
WCs=Vitierees reMb Wee, reel per suer camber ,
land No 8, and for sales y
149 66.—There were 9 feet 6 triches water in a....
nel last testing, and ruing. •
Caleb Cope, MurdockARRIVED., Beaver.
Michigan, Dries, Beaver.
Viroqua, Galloway, Itinnengalicla City.
Fashion, Peebles, IBlssbeth.
A "nt'.9 FarEson, Brown',Me.
Billie, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Beaver, Gordoia, Wellsville.
Camden. Ilendnekson. McKeesport
Lake Erie, Clark. Beaver.
Fanner. Murdoch, Wellsville.
Louis McLane, Connel. WheitiPie.
Keystone State, Stone, Cincinnati.
Genesee, Moore, Loolsv.he,
Comport:on. Cinetnnott
Caledonia, Cincinnati.
COO! Cope, MaMork, Braver.
Ichigan, Cries,Cr aver. Viroqua, Galion sy, Monongahela CM ,
Camden nr.: MeKetssort
Fashion, Feeble., El.ratieth.
Daltle Jaeol,r, Browostrille.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
Deaver, Cordon, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver.
Former, Murdock,
Jilalf• Nelson, Moore, Wheellilst.
Buckeye State, Reno, Cincinnati.
IJersengcr No. S. Fisher, C 11.1111111.1..
Entorrsv, Cat, Zuterrille.
Consignee, lance), St Jovapha
WHEELING—Lon(' MeLame, 9 A..
Britt geport —Poo Cont.-4 •k. potatoes, bleak•
& Co; •y' do wheat. Satoh & Siorikir; I brl moo
loos., 3 do Aindelos, tl bao uo, 6U wogon I ock
(ea her. J & It Floyd; It ht.d tobacco, COOO &Thew;
1 do o , t, Wrn Illoghwo, 6 do do, 400 roan. twp,r, Rei
f olds & Shoe.
Portsmouth—Par LAM Ilrinam-55 empty IMO.
3 hf do, 0 W ;.ronti h co; 4 elm onsertz, 3 Mils tcrie•
woo, Ito .t.Yag., Clark & Thaw; I box Inds, Ogden
& re; tit' his broom corn, O'Connor & AM Ism F 7 t or b
iron, Coleman & lI.IImnrI9 birds tob, Gra It no; 40p*
p met.l. McCordy tr. Loomis
Hoover & Faxamn-14
flow, nonstrong & Crozet; 2 bble lard, ow '
Wlliecllog —Pus hams Ncupti—l bbl lard rni,
9 do dour J Oa;zett;Y roar carpet, F. IV Lual; 27 hog,
—Pro —4O lizs cheese, / It Can.
bold, 3 do do, Wick & Nlettondiets, 2 do do, I Dicker
& co; 3 kJ. rook.", Stewart & Sill; 9 hill. paper, it F
Sinderly, 5 ko do, Dirpatch; 1 Mid* ton, bbl butter,
Calif, Id
East side Diamond, Pittsburgh. opts
TEA z{noint sanoLkdo
lIECISEIN the tame I Ind of FaiuMo and RO.ll
ti•vored Teet . itoll are retailed in the bld eoultry
at 4. and Z. per It, can be obtained for
and 75c per
ipound rut Tim Tat alar.airi. earl glide of the Viatoond,
atsLargh, o at Mortis & Wine Store,
Federai Mauve Peas Cruet
Tear, Wc receive throe;!, our Er' glieh Agent, direct
from the Que, - .%4 Bonded W•rell3.Cll, Mar Ire,
Icing fur exportation. .pt.
l'a - rs,ruo it.
rimultE nothin• too, rc . rc•hing titan • cup cf
good It. Cut is newt daCultylO Obtali
14 . Ler ILO 4.110 r int pc net!w bit h lb re I.
g matt r deceptm.o practised. Tbr 50:4.1
Ay Una . era grwrally, rite weak and tta,,y, ..t.ll me
Green Ten with • few exception, • CAN lON Mitt
FACilitlitil art, r, tits fine Mee. on Is to ti, berg
compostricn of Vasa... 1.. as w:at'. ratinti •wt
Pratt, eurti Ira h oug , . to be eK,e,ird lit to oar
market as 'Tor, soca.'
We have co:ratient the Tea Truer. m
with t .e ecterametirn uf Gket..Na
un.l haTteg 1 ,, en teas. on 11..1 at nr!e u perm.
er twenty years. Irt rt wh.rh on Tea.)
we al.:ter our el." obe judgrat t tt. Bud wr
eanntler IMAM ai L,l und e bed eetne IT o :ten
obt.mnd by 'wawa thew, bat if er'huiro GOOLO •artera
at a maw nablclce, will °Liam custom. eely r
sre of our share. Oar price, tqua't , y conanlved.)
.1.101 always he as low as an. ether Tr• Dealcr. a
the Coiled elates
Our Prneas per Pound
4 OA..
rood War k lie •• • 0 alik,ad Green lea u4O
Tine Flan red du . • • • 0 Ca 3trong ditto•-- .....
Str Fl ong rough 13 snored strong and Cob Llis'd 15
.English ind,' . • ••• 0 Wi Very superior • •-- •• l W 11,4.1101 aromatic ITd U tra quality andlost
Very hest inaported• • I imported ••••r •• • I 23
Litie rane e aid {layered lhack Tea, :;
per Ili.; this Ta we receive direct Iron. the
Duel 6, dal). tree, It bell g tar c portahon
<lady the save Itind ihal is re taued ti) the Tea Lk a
ers in England, Itelavid, end Scotland, at :r n e
Tango who study economy will 44 weft to use. tin.
tihd of Tea.
The above Teu eve feud dlnel from the to.noa:
eheave, faun:lid moo Chin. Then who i.e:er
Panne Ten, we have son Own, on hand from
gunner pounds upwards A:go, Ccecoa
Chocolate, Loaf nod Crerlaed San.. d Sp.cet
ear tlnan. I , loallN S. 11A ‘S OR ril.
rroponor: of the 'Cc; flschet, east breveted.
4,1.40 w
ff MOS Ell 6 110511,
c ee h es . g s Dmass , , 34.1* ajt.rict sueet, near ltr. •
Pawnor', an/a• lak drank.
Bank of t.rticlogn --Par Orate lie .t Brn,. 1 hank ••• •••Par:SkicSar.t. • ..
klatch k. 315 n. Cook Par V Irglnia•
1.11-hoflllandelpha.-.pkrikkcltarave Irk. o r va..
Girard thank... •••••••Par . farroore Uk "1 1•• - • "
/tank ofGermaktown orr he o
Cheater Connor • • •par Ilk at V 1, 501 1 a . • • •
DCIVIWILIC Co.. • •par Jl. h. Al. Ith, Wheel:no
Alostgomery Zo.• par do fklorozotoant••--
" tiorthurobertand• •par h. W. Bank Va--.
C0LU1V4.1.1.4..1,t Cp.- • par do Wrlnhnrk. - • 1
Doylandwri Gag pro, do Parker.lairg•- "
Farn.dra' 11k. Rand ;•g•Pati on
Fuot Ruck. Co. parr. Int of 1 en.:ern.e• ••• 3
Faunas. trt Lane.' r•pallr , Ll.l klr ran. -•••-
Lll.ll.l{Gl Co. li. • • • •Pat:C lo . lol .' Gk. '
I..ancearer Uk.----- pa.: Un 'on Ilk.
U. t. 3 .inrcs !lank Irlialmort
litoweerloo •••• • • par Siam Dk of I
.1 North Corollas.
filetimbutgli Bk.— • • 1 ' 1 111k• of Cap.: Fear •• • • V
Chamberabori ..... • • " !Match'. k., Nc Leln V
EV.iIiVeIIAIIV• Co. Uk.- - ,thate Dank
Month Corollas •
51.ddlelose 1 Crnidse Uk ...... •• • • .7
i2arnsic ........ •• • •,• 14.t•1' Charlecon••• . 2
• •• • j knoaincror•lllll
Fame's' mad Drovers' BA. Of Geommown•-•
hank, \y .a • 110. 0 1 11.1abar2--
t .
Ilarronoinv 0 .31ereharna 1.1 a•-• -
. 1 1 3 1antatha.Meeria4Ltk
Lebanon par'Dk.o( eosin CSITO.Ift• • V
Pottsville -- •• . - .
wy e , .... . :Baltimore Irks • •••• •• •pai
York Ilk. Llairn2 l RR Vein, •11.1 bk.& Alla.
Rene( Nomis ... ... .• •
Mkhk, 11, 1 , 4 0 . UV. of ar•ryiand• •
g or rp_p r ri a p. l b County* IFarmere h Mechanic."
At gej o n . Y ' ' Pr n e%r i :;:to nc Li k k.—•
Orate Ilk . and Thanatos 1 Illarreratownl3. •• •
Mount Pleasant ..... • • " othntral
Srenbenarlle—••• . Ponpreo Ilk •••-• •-•
filiknana . Ink. Oft% enrol nner • • ~
Nen Lialron• • •.•-• " 1 n i.b 1g...
Gincinnat , Banks !. of elf. Cleo.- .—_
Columbus do• 0 of Rorer R 15440..--
entleville— • . .111cOlgan Ins. ........ I
rar.b.ldech'. Uk 5
nor,vro Wiscoosiss
Wormer- „.. 7p AI ar..2.1.3reht.C".311.10r'a 1
Manotton larnsaa.
o gzt
soivanihanita• •• •• • 11
Dank of Enniand
Norwalk ••• • • /•• ••• • 70 • •••--10 20♦ Lao.
Cleveland '901.14 Bpnel• Vole,
tNapoleons 3 00
2 15 0 2 20
Wvar a ro Retina.— ,E 2212, old ......IA CO
Fronk'' , D'k Colo/abet " nn p' •••• • 10 00
mar, a rp. " illoatdoona,Spantsh 1500
Lake 1:rk• • • • •• ••• • • " :D".1 1 1triot•"-- • 15 50
ecwu . ..... ail, • • ...... 4 133
10 111- . 00
1.....4.1 [ 1 . • •------ It• li lulr.eas so.
liam.een• —•••• IFrederiekad'ara--•s7 FO
Granailla• • ••• •• •• -• So [Teo Meters • •• 7 Ea
Faruers B'k Csann—lftt Ten Gadder. • • - 990
Urb • ••, • —• kJ Lasiarors• • •• • • 150
LL•kkekrksk7. Kash a•g..
Ilk of '<smack) , I , New York p
les3ailella • ••• •• • " IPsl'aftelplli• • • • lun
Nwhere Kentely• " Brawn •—• • Puk
WSW V `Oa —6,lv Banks.• aa tererrar Blue—
JOILNSTON k STOCKTON Lave ;.:Fit received for
sale volume Dame,' History or klugland, liar
pnr , u-w ed Don; cloth
Vol moot 8 olbens Common PlneoPeok. Cloth and
payei Linding.
Cwl,lo. boiler Day Pamphlets, No Y. Sub,ecl—
“l'ilclel Protos•. ,
lialopyla Naar Novel—Night and Mornlg. opl7
Narrative of the United Stows Errednion to h•
River Jordan und the. Dead Se.: By. W. F. he nen.
U. it Nava. Memoirs of ExtruordinnrY Por.i. ,
Ely Charles Ma:kay. Won't, in Frame
during the Eighteenth Century. Humboldt r A•prr ts
of Nomre. Dictionary or 1.000001 Quotation. lry
John T Watson. Loves of the 4q .of Enelantl.
Gum the Norman Conquest: Di Agnes Sttiehlsni.
s, ro p son ts Jain:nay &mind the World. Channtoles
'Memoirs The Mercy Sean Uy Gaol .ner Prinng LLD
For ade by J D 10 001),
apl9 No lot Fourth st
13 "'"—" :i1 " . • .. d br. ' , " : 1 .7 . E:g " o d rVu ' re ' d fines,
' o'rlortt "td
II sbo los' Racer& Il&PI,I I•I Iced • 54 for
xpl7 BROWN & 1(11141 . &TICK
I AOPTEE— y ILO Lag. Oren Gore • .r , r,• i i,, ,. 1 . 1 , 0 ,; 41,1'
607 .
`MEET earsToai
o bele I .I .«e, rer 0,,d
CI sae by 1017 Alll.llll a , N(i K
%/I oLA.,4ES—YM bell N
111 finaletly 107 AIIINIS.I btb‘ifi CHIiZ
CO/PLC—WO boos Rio CI flee lu ndlui from Lb Ile
tube tVottoted (or tole low, in close coneler.-
11.14 by JAMES DAL? ELL,
vr 1 7 70 Waier tr.
Alll/ -k brio now landing from steamer Entt Yin ,
A good for gale by npl7 ISAIAH DICKEY aCO
VEA - TI(ELIS-11.acka Janda g total ceataer Font
Pry and (or sale by ISAIAH DICKEI &CO
Lot Wood or
to: P / 1 1.11NU SAND l'ASEK—n4.orted, (matte by
al apl7 J tiCHOONMAKER &CO
i lA3ita VIM EDS—S bap for solo by
l,_/ .4 , 17 J ban & CO_
E-4 1 ,1' — '"'L'""3 ( C:=Vatexel/ & co_
Ls VIRI rtITIMP2MINE-30 bbls 100 aria by
0 apt . / I ECHOONMAKER & CO
IN - Inuii- - -Yokie• iiiigigirar - o sale p
..I. null J OCetOONbIAKER & CO
Clila p D LOCIWOLiniOU . bris for plc by
NIA, ~,u lA,. No 3 tars, lo .oroto oy
canal, and lor salo by 1 & II FLOYD,
op 7 Round Chareb Ulilding
I)AGON —Nal pciasiTnicd to, Ion;
E r
r ifit rL a ( V r o p lii
13 apl7
toTesit— , l:l cask. pale, on band and lay aide by
Jl___ igl7 d I , & R , FLO yl7,_
I /11:17 , 7111 bide No 1 in non an
j ukiii4n , y
riltheisar—iu Los Itussol N. llobinon's Win;
in boa 1..P.0. 1 , . nag.
VI i n tanned brand. ' 3. luny, '
In •inre and for sale by .1k it it.Ovn
/ lAN II ASKED 1111.1113-3411 Cairravie4 I,
Kir rcil
-4.../ lar rale by WICK & rileCa'll.ll
icy44lLO CANDLE...--10 !axe. su. met 11.1;ald
ILL Cab 4 for sale by wick bIeANDLEbS
1.129}1.121,1 nit TOO ?ITTlslr2Oll DAILY IZAZZ,rI
A Ihretechrr has amanita the Fast Presby
terian Char-h, of..a rather eersso? U3Rlnt. The
plater, Rev. Ili. Ilhrron, in o brief and renab'e
addreas, at the came of ye , terday m6rmng'sr rvice
aanoucced lira intectian to res.g a his pa loyal
charge over the ways - gction, is older to promote
u lay of feeling and good seal among the members.
This gentleman has held his present charge for
nearly fatty years. A congregational meeting Lae
been rolled far to-morrow after.. at 2 o'clock.
1 3 t.ster Porren preached and Adm.:de:end the
rite or confirmati,m, enterday morning, ni St. An•
thou'. Church. In the evening, he preached at
Tricity Church.
TATLOU, a brother or the Poraiiient of the
Swan, was in the city, yesterday. 1k fitop
prd at .lie Monongahela House.
Ilaitook.—lldcarrr. Run had a crowded au•
dience at Wilkins flail ha Sstorday night,notwiths
standing Oa inoicartency of the weather. The
lecture won listened to with great interest. Thin
evening they eLnonence their regular .111ftes
Tau. curious to understand the peculiar principles
of :be Se.enco of Biology will hod char Eleasas.
I'. eldc r xpouentr.
NI too 11.1121.7 FANNING Il.z. read the 3 1 cfd" , ' ,
of Venice, on Saturday ovenirc, at Wilains Hal',
by t owing to :he a :core ina'erneiney of the weather
had actucely any thins of an antitrust. We heard
her ihiciezh the lest half of the play, but the bad
ness of the house was sorb a damper that it would
be Itardty lair to judge of her %bibbed from her
pvif.urnatre on that occasion. She will give
another reading tc•nterroweventng ; sail we hope
ate will have an audience 6011i:teat to draw farth
her puwers i—we shall then be Letter able to form
an estimate of her metal. She k o lady el' line
literary talents, sad has been a regular ccntribuicr
to the eastern magazines, and 41+0 to oar old racy
favorite the N. Y. Spied." We have seen a
manutei tpi play of her writlmt which also evim et
foie powers. We wish Moe R. tattler et:reeve in
her second reading.
Vir Mlrtz attention to the adverliaelue.t of
Mr. Chamtenio, m another column. The ltm
portanec of atinin'og a good and e zpaddious hu.
.inert bond, cannot too highly estimated by
young men in this busmen. community : they will
tied none b :tier caprike of imputing the nec essary
inottucton than Mr. C. tic hes made arnngc•
menu for day nod evening cianses, at his rooms in
Poo, Ofilon building, 11 , ens also o scparato
clog. for to whom a neat and elegant
and meding a one rf Coe most graceful or.
( Oral OF Q ''.lt s EONS
The Court o, (j.l3t ter Seratnue met 0.1 :3,turd
tot too purpow 0!,l tbusa...l
d laot the pf , Vtl.llrn
11.•1i.“1 . 4),'. 111 14 r. 31.1 l OW el , att, of ALL x•..•
Del FRAN 16.1.1%, , be 1.1.1..“1 upon Ore ree . 6lJ .f
the (1.111:1-I 5er,i'..344, Tac edoncl pnf.::ed I a
motion math tome. v.a:: Ith.“l au. e!. t).l, o
atvlot. M..Clctre the CI tlf rt... NI
he dife..ted let maim tic t oily. lax re aria
toe Judge %rota Very c'epcnt nod on! trootte.
I t thee...yr the rote. Ann Steven!, ntler•
turn rile .erg! the Attdrn.v
Genet al, NI, Itoradh. atated thee thet aae had
hveo t ocitnued twolernes ee tontson.ti jr!z• r d t . !
end though under the e rvittravtetattes ate
*ea not colt; ed 1., a tioul •cLarpt, he hoed the
Cju•t ts,u!.l tn:r rtrr tecnew taw, in h. r gn.
Icsantiy, 1.!e!.. Ilr we,
f d j4;or t• at 'ha wrl wan ery .
run dtt, L - 6,1 tt, elv.k to 14:t. :gcneni•
The 1../aatorth L;e4,l, Cll,l l
DC al trite; up. Mr. itt , l,l presetue.l:t
.11 . Al. z.necr. Aga c.! writ Mr. Fel. r
de' prreented a somnn,,,ne•, and e,Ued a an al
h,gg. g f woo, se• to prove I ha . LLr hunte sec. 0.a . •
neg. g.• g were ell e.l by P. 1,.
ilden . who 1,11401 Iv ;he ....trarv. After a say
•ong ,reech t't ow Mr. ALL:a 4...0 a abet. ono al te
o:v by Mr. Fe,terman, II e Conti refused iu trnvi
the !nept,.
The urp . I t.on of Titt•rrrot Sarver. an. tak. n u,.. Mr. Magill., cored r.rBn.. rend
Mr. Fetterman tar )hp reolo.llll4atiti. Arrcp putt
lanfaiga;ion. ibe Timm: war gra.l<d. . 1 I
Court nefouruct,.
VOGL McCLNn and Ansoostes soli Le on [Le
Occeh envy day 'murk for Mr purpose of
heating nsa..l sns
VIOLVIT TI were.:lcd
on 81eurday evecior, Ly tretnendour , !hunt!,
vertu. The lif Lt niLi veal
ttaulhr wei ,he -t L.J. • "f mixt
for the pat two dsrr'hibiCr, elver chhgly . WAIN,
and seta co drcbt Lring thee-zegetzt.on I,rward
vzry nkc. '
A m, named Stir dt sets irree.. d on trattnday.
by the Mayne. , pobee, as a lug live from Jutlie,
nom the town of Cumberland, Aldo lie It 4ilArt.7oll
With a retobtoy (r a .1”11/ of money. Tr e lattr
at abon was rece,vcd by te;earaph and the dean
guntil ma, [Aldan' a :nudgea tot artial!
in Ant any, by the.ctatzta tisge. The h:dhc3pb
When bdi defiance to room
Tee 000 Frbsoss. r,ftte.ctty stet a:alse
!mien lea promem which cane ctl or, Ftlapy,
at Wellartlla. Thai , Wpm ea ilia ,Mauler Far.
mar, secom;,arue.l bp lb.! ••ismes. au penman.,
sod suecta."
CCID.T. —A coal Goat aen gunk tart htteurtthy
morning in eonnto t o DC! Of t runittly into et I tet.,n
troth the steamboat FArmer.,,Tne accident hap
pened before dayltyht, and lb/ coal Lout hod no
tights. Fortunately the cress aseaped %tat their
Isrot Baasea has resumed his labors in Street
Prraiiiing, we understand the last three or four
Sundays. Ile sags al4OOl Mayor of Pittsburgh
whoa on the stand, bur, plain Joe Harker Ye...,
CIMIC to warn the people against the perils of IV
- Iti rTEN cr A INA. A lut:e boy in the Fads Ward
war daneereerly luren Ly 1. d,e uti :iaturday
voile° rhuual colorer the ordinance relutitu to
there anneal, rename at large.
I{l RC:LANAI, —Burglaries iTrear to be alarming.
ly oil the lion-ease, tit' /MO, 'Ohm eity nod s Knotty.
T.., or three are committed niiiiost every night
Folks should look well to the histeoings of the at
leis Id their bowel.
Pohicv homes , WWI very thttl on tiatintddy.
W e d o not know why Ito Itlad 11 11. 11..
It a not for want of offenders attnnim the
Gttr Yours—Tnerr. were eight delinquents
before the Mayor, yesterday morning. Tney were
dtapesed of in the usual manner.
Tun cn Saturday night, put a stop
to the eperatione (Sae telsgrat h
Great Joy4o:the World 1-11ealth and
11•Fortnes• lu Irleettelted I
I,r: N. U. HOWE'S
l'erun,..l by etentn, and rut up in till., lIT
rof the ..moVal and priinunt.rit Cur.
dl 4,114E1.11.5 (loin an impuir i.tnio of the Hood, or
baba of the ky•trin. .
Fr NI AI.V. COM ri.AIN/ US, LiverCotnplaints.Fe o•
NI. Cdr., l'impies or Pacules barn t.ltrom,
rr I:Yr.• rmorTelle,.Fcal.lll..nrl.,FhPumn
I . libs lie II lie. or JOIINIA, and ng idiaeam,
nz iin n an
is u••• of cu.y. 8r '
butt furibrr pnrtirulnn.tuu lit enr
el. u pnn.phlt.l.trncl
!, .1 lot MAI F.'S SHAKER 5 .1115.1 I'.llb.
I ni tbr •rry parclor,be In r:.r•
, .
r• ti • y 14 , c1 or. 11....0k., lis• thy
o ”Vnrl7 Othre g.
I`ri •. 211 pnr Lotiltc for
by our ',gr..: —J. AC1000,P111411r• &CO,
A. Jo,,eg, I) A. 1,11,01 t, Allrgbeny,
W 11. 111e01,11ar.d, Mln•lElll and by thligiriau g , nernl4. Also, by Slot
prortriors, 1110W1.: A li l l,
ap2l-d.t. 1 . 1, 1yT I Colic.. Clurionstl, 0.
improv•utezato Ia tieutistry.
STFIA lot , of Ramon, la prepated
than/slant." and ~nt lll.oca Test ti to u1.0,e and parts
lq,OnSuel.nn nr 1-.,.
ruora..r.nallnr.V.l/ 3134., Wl.r•c• Ow ',Tv . .
szpr...rd. Other and re.l.l.uhrr t.r cl no/ In 11, May
ne% oilier, Fourth •irrrt.l`....hur,l..
113-1. It k1`Fa.1.1...t. F II Esion. 1.19
.... • Ult. D. HUNT.
•dDecatur, Corner of Vourat
Marl. ri an nott..l e l sinte:ern
UT ILI. he rereived by sizetiabsrobert Sro Ilantta•
beery of Stoll busy to ow handfed thototand
blohttl4 g
ur ...oat at their vtarottott.odurtng the seminar.
ollowitt Ilt• to the bwbott the mils!. to be d
tetta.tcd by the colfsetoeo return at rho torte. lock.
rt EXICIGE E A gNOI,D & CO. hava opened an
We 1 . ..W0W aOs Flea, N, 74 Fouth awe next doot
llank of rittldatrelt, and ate preparxd to 1.,1111
nn rea.nal , le any Moine" In titer
that 11. y ha entmard no then,
'Fllcbankn, Com Bonk Br , I.cuald and .IJ.
Coilretions rna In in all the IiTIOCIpai Cutlet and
town - , in the Unor.llStat ,
Wel +NI prr 'do,. end et tneno Y .
They terpeetlithy a01t..11 a flare of the en.lorn of
Wm. Onto &Dm.`a B. IL Co.,lldrd at.l
/ l triwaretart, MmHg, lea
rrMIE Stockholders of the Ohio and Pearmylvatua
Rail Pond Cwroputy are heresy omitted to pay the
fifth Instalment of Five Dollop per shore. at the office
of the Company, as heretofore, on or bele., t.e :.nth
day or May nee.; and - the tretaaitiina f onalmon. of
Dive Dollars per imam eve!, on or tofere the ash day
of each et:were:ling month, mail d.c whole ore pnid.
Ile eider of the lioarroftliremom.
apl:.dtd W. LAUIDEII, Treunrer.
DIIOPOSALS will be received by the le/scriber
I for the delivery of Fity Thaussnd Barbels of
('O5!, ....M.'''. Gas [lemma.; tor coal to be NO,
rleap and thy. allowing eighty t °ands to bear&
'l'[.e weight to be determined by tte Collector'. rotain
at the weigh wales. WM. BINGHAM.
• Piasburrh, peril IA lora rpt7
rrilE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exating between
A. James Laughlin and James rusk, under the firm
at J. Stork & Co., was thmelsed by mutual consent.
en Slam& The liminess or the tans firm will be
artiled.up by Janice Laughlin at their fernierlace of
buries., Si. Clair Hrs... JAhlfill STEEPLE.
The Clit - e — o - peat awl Br •t Medicine Id the
..L/ CHERRY: for the cure of Cold., Cough, Con
tumplirrn, Bronchitis, Brent Complmum, and all Pul
monary Atfrenon, Liver Coovivlsintv, and Female
Fehrlity, and for Impurities or the Wood, Conn
Fever, Arita., Croup, Inloeon, Whoeying Cough,
Bc. Far tale in quantities, or by the single butts,
he Drug, Seed, and Per:ornery Warehouse ' comer of
eroth and Wont sm. Prier only 50e ret bottle
C 44 0•4 Standard 111.tary.
ITT 3 I . Ft ng. 'SIIISToRS OF ENGLAND as noor pot ,
ityllarper & Bre% In 0 vco. cloth and
paper. of 4vc cn Doer vol. Three rola received, and
tor tole by R HOPKINS,
apt: 70 Apollo Ilatildinaa Fourth at.
lort ioet
-1-IrE have 140 tons Ice for sale, to arrive. Dealers
V, sod flute! Krepers will find 0 toilets advantage
to evil en O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO.
Coast Hasty, Lsticrty at.
111111 i ItAYARD baying this day alkociated with
him ha min. I) E Raystd, will continue the Leather.
linte, nod Un Rim...,
his under the style of John
tom,' k Soo, In buildings, corner of Penn and
Wuhan street., so the Fifth Ward. They would In.
rite the attention of puteltuent to their well selected
tick of I:estern Leather now being received, "outlet
to, 51 New York end I.loldinore Bola Leather, and
Lciitlier and Morocco. of every descrtption, together
i cry 'eerie, of our own manufacture,
Snlugilier Colt, U_•pr..r. Kip., OW Chin..
Ilaniemi, (Indic, and Rand Leather, Scaling,
Lerc Leeibi.r, Ae. ke. Alto, Tanners , (Id and Coo
-7n to' Tiods •f the best quality. All of which will be
at the lowest pomiible run" for cash.
opt -Ctive
(r..trly the Phon Cotton Factory, 5111 wud.)
L. wax/amt.) Ir. A. moat..
Crete around Flout) Ileac
as Corn Meel;
eo Rye Flour,
Itrr, r.d - Shons;
Chopped (lain for horses and tow., for oak by
• W Le.TULY ILL; on.] [a. VISSISII , 4I, Jas
eann,Ltly oil band or mate to order' be
b.. 1 a twie in their lineol their old ,and, No. 13 SL eller n!.e, at No:S0 blarker street, vi coed story,
n~V1111.1“, ,11 the. thatrioud Venni. Shutter. made io
.l'~°id blinds neatly repaired. •010
WI Pen. eAROIOEKS & co. haw, removed to
•t. twtowen Wood & Ma,let, 111 the
, o , merly oeeop.ed tq Hardy, Jones k
1)1 , 111`0. AL' at.. ho rrertard by the Water Vnrks
L evrca.ttce. ILe 'Fr...noes LlLLce.until 'Foredo'',
.Icr co COO% c 11 terlbelt. P N, for furnlabing
.• ic 1.1 1,11 wpcs, c lotion, to act7--.135 pipes 6 inches
.'rtoc et tyr , cong eachllopotrodc branch
, h.r 6 meh op-; In pLpo 7 "who hove, U feet lane,
Icor ot,••• Lrh pounds. orb 11. e tonal en4D0,t6,66,
01 de. Our half to be deit rc,l before
"'h.' , LOY, ate balance on or beroro the 10th of
,epleruber. tottne and delivery at li . eubes•llle to
.66 a the e•re,vo contract.; for orhoeh,oceouty
a cm ,n Palmeri •L a+n dollar. in
L....h. 4, 1.0 de:tvery La the amount a pipe. ant the
env )e.r trout We eo=Plet , en or the eon.
Interest A.l.trete Steobansille Water
1)1/1.1POSALS A/I/ be rertlved at 1.. e ales of the
14i,unore Lod RettrusaCompe , y„ t Celli
ware Cui7,l.erlped et .1 Wheeling, Lp 1.0 LthlLLd•i t
h• v 2.1 Ley of Ma. next melitsave, for the graevadort
m•si.sol of 11, I , •rtien that linaJ, caundin.
irnm brklee I.n Mc north-weete:o turnpike, over
.1, I TO II pule! on the .00m (net
Creek, l.ot,e 010111, etul , ra•
• • n..,11,e
ta.uu u ,
el e t,rave Creek ut.4 Ise t tt) Lt
A ,irl-ty of nark w.. 1 re preaenlefl I* . the I:ne C.
wl,l tr Itglit and moderately be•• 1
K rae lievrrol star , tunnel, and • caustderable
amou..a of ',mire ... e r
Snreincltenno may tc nee al 11, anal.. .anti el.
alter and •Ir alp Is! 01 May rna4ina, and further
Inatotr.anon an.nanard Ito a e Elgteeer u7en th e
LT ,
~,, aa , •.tinnnal'a of Itatnf: er
,anany we nada, and ate Wank as Ire rryansleJ
larbst owe, aro., if en, abry aat eng•ged tan
and .alum ain I, coma eird
le ve ,, , tozio l,t entrwrveally pro,”ted
Ily 1 1 it•I.I• und Iltertors,
BENJAMIN 11. LATRCIDE, Chief Engin-cr.
11•11aspre, April 10. I,ttl a,
WWI; FL/LORI:I) CR.A.VE liflAWLS—Piatn aud
4,....ealtevtocroJ, at •tror ot
Era &
.vm roror r t,f Fourth & Alartot .to.
W•w Cood• I I New Goods t
Net: Sp;ltg and St mover Dry GC9th
:.• ... Weni.e,t.r. nod 11.411 Dealer 'ln Rrillsti,
•• French. and Am^iiran Dia GOIIDA. Martel
treei. or,vvern TIIIrd soil roan!, rico of the
H... Iles Illag las
at corns:menet..? receiving
a.,,10p...,ne ore, ~! 11, wort nth. splendid,
\ .". eriewnve ...rt. ol :pane aial ',miner Dr) riroda
..ver ..dercal Ica sale in the ‘l, rsiern conntr). All of
ihrs, Irni.ort,l r.on., aro f•ewls opened, and received
1., tn.. is.l v.. as s from I ;nitre and Enaland, on
iio high I Incas. iropor ed direct horn Midst. all
lanel lecetted, sini war rai , ed the pure .110, Lae.,
I.nie” • ore ull,isi:potiod I. the sol.seri,er, and are all
pure Lox s or., art M. Al.o,irislt Luca Duaa.k
, c:,,,,,,, ~,- ~•ry Les: manufacture; and kith
Incan 1i0..d0 of .•I kiod... untrorted direct from Ilelfut
I.) the(IILIOCIIL.t r. •,.d wirl Le found Inc real Eon ao
• . - - •
New lerich Turk Sabo, till color, rplcedid
• Tor.i s!atals, .11 rlett auod,
Our a :silks, h.* .porta , sol.. French '
thove.,ll <worn. the beat imported; plan! black
Acted., per lost ire ne li ...airier, new oil le pooled
Ilalear •. •plendulepode. Also, superb anJ
•to;Ir note black I.lru,kela Lace, fur mulcting ladies'
• nen good.; plain Darer,* in all colors,
eat". ncl.; low, beautiful
ears Murk Silk Fringe, all
la! lt t .. Nice, very elJr; Preneb Lawn., neer
pr lkkt
Pb aconite; plain black Urn I:hr
111,... h lu,tre. good.; blurt firurol Oro
[ln tieb good, French and titeli•h
i•ekbmere, new rt)lea, leatatful splendid
figure ,
curls. e net Inc ball dre•scai net embroidered
Sons. eveoing die. r., Swiss F.dring and
lee - film , he brat impneted, , Silk Tr sssss in all color.
re d giia t i i t er, new style,plain and win atnp'd black
Hamer., a I price.; untried Lawira, new idyl., !rota
M to :5 rent. per yard. I sssss e de Larne, • new lintel<
for lade. s . 41.0, a large and superb stock of
new a Iluune: Ribbons, the Very best ina
paned all new.
Caw. crop , Shawls, all ergot,. fresh Irma the Cus
co Muse; Turk Sarin Shawls splendid goods, In all
colors, per hi. staarnerr beautiful clasnacable dace
srlk Shawl, freak inwartation rehire enarroldared
elCanC.arbtr: ton erairCrape Sh• Shawls,
awles sup,
rboplerre a l. d ao
id ll
rfeadafamr broider
French made I. Inbraidered srh3hret, ant". Importation;
paerled Cashmere Shawls, all prices and gumb
o,. lad.c, Kummer Cravats and Scarf. In great ga
rter); Frerch 0a; Lire Curs, Coll•ts, and bada, a [lnv
a•sat tun",
• Lance Stott of
50 bob, unbleached Nittahi, from I. to 11l cents per
Yard; 13 eases bleached Mathes, from 4 to 11l cents
per yard II enact. Irish tot tient imported dire. from
oc,a; I bales rick Item Xto 25 cents per yard;
Y. a,. blue iron. tt to earls Per ter , :
Phi , a Cud •,•uttrnr. Mcotnler Cloth• Aloe, Coos
Atmeres, Tmerda, SAttnettr, and Kentucky Juan.;
;,o , 011,0 rk (sat colored, (turn to 2i cent ,
nee yard; 5 ca.. Day' tr. Sloe' PrintS, blot
tinpurted, 5 Intl , . Ruaata and Scotch Dower., extreme
-10 my 0,0, Dun ekreping Goods of
all k
cheap. 2 6..1 , a Russia Crash, from 0$ In I:3 cent. per
yard. be•olos large stock of Cheeks nd Shirting
Swot. /Oen, Canton Plattorie, all colors nod rlaslo
ttea. “l lore ;rim, nod yellow Flanuels,
, c , blt nelora and unbleached Drillins, fall
nt; 5 cows blue Ater clack Calicoes, ex•
ho t s lla and I.l4v:triad Table Nape'', all
pro , ' ' rye Mellor. all paces and qualiaas,
e ery
cheap cotored Caudal., full araurimerty,
ear afte r th.kri ever.:! hales tturlaps, from Pit In o p Ms
r , ) toll A VC, n large stock a Loll. T4blo NOM.
Mteolt . f.',l:irtiolf—A 6101 uesortment, eery cheap.
The largest and most splendid stock of l'arunie
ever opened by any one .boueo in Pittsburgh, le 00
day ree, ved, and ale all of the newest French steles,
, for richness end beauty, cannot be of passed.
s we hate 0 torte lot of the,. Parasols, they will be
sold ...wooer than coy 011.0 r 110030 in the city can al.
ford to seer the inter quality of geode.
The ore ;cert.:Polly invited to examine these
yar d : 13, az they will find Caine or 'ha riche. and
newt, In les ever imported from Europe These
scowls arc all al Ise richest and most fashionable
colos •• end are worthy of the ancetihn of the ladies.
At di the shove goods will be sold ox at prises for
below soy house it, the city; and in order to prove
tins the I, the public will Wrote call and price these
pools •rtil Compare thee...ebb any other honor in the
cts, wet ter eoreetuutd of the above assenion.
Tit ante/ iber would bete say to has noon rang ass
tot, und the yule in general. ;lint them are two
; ee the
stores in market street, pn tending to
ee t o rib the lb!! 11, 11l which which ie alone the only
celeine.ed net fur lamed Dry (foods establishenert bt
Putt .1 ill The subscriber senuld therefore say to it
rich rsers of lire Coeds, either wholesale or retell
that the Rig fide Hdr
live, on Maet street, lielWeen Third
and Fourth. Is now opening the largest, richest, and
inert splendid neck of •trig and suinales Dry Goods
ever o dined for We. in Pidehureh
!VIEW Siti.a• roe tent—The lumen and more faid110111•
able stock of Bonnet* eyes !Waned In this eity, Is inn
received et the *leder the Dig lice Mee, on Market
sure s t, between Third and Fourth enema, where DIT
(foods of every &scrip - don are selling cheaper than
nny other house In the city. The punic will please
take netts that their ere two other bee hive store. on
Market Weer, 0410 pretend In elm ' , eve with are Dig
Dec Ildre, between Tided and Fourth sareete, where
the piddle will find. • I nil times. the largest and newel
et) les of Dry Good, fresh opened.
rlssau uabee.. that tee wore is between
Third std Fourth street., sign mettle RIG DEE HIVE,
where Gonda of every deeceiption am selling
mt.,. than et any other house in Ina city.
apbteldin WILLI Ahl DU99FI L
Q Au:luaus-L=3 b. 61 twits reahl and fin
cOf by opt 7 I ii CANFIKI.D
13,,c0N-10 ca.ks aceorted now landing
and rot tale by •pl 7 C G GRANT.
101 , 1 , J.E--11/ bni pnmelt.o bar mie by
Ire S or . ill — e B4
Vt:171 1 :11 1 ;Or t &o th lil f"
PATENT EILACK-200 lbsjastie — f i littl a formsli
etpl2 Nom Wood
4 and for We 1.11 ,
PA Rip, fittEEN:—Ce
Fi.Ax :whip OW-20 la:. ree'a tor uy
opt 7 All4all F. BEI Nat
ale to cri,lettsi
slnßeol,torsals by apl7 btelYlLLlAtaltAli
"ENCOURAGED by the 'Wend patronage extended
w all regular and well conducted Laws, the own
ers of the following fine sweaters have arranged Wow
Into a Line between Patshorsh mei Lovisville.
One of We boats will poduvely, leave hasbnosh on
every •fillotaray. WlDersDxy. and Foos, Etssuna,
at 0 o'clock—full or obi fell.
. . _
The firer boat of the Lane Will start on Monday
Febrvary -
Steamer Genesee • -• • • -Captain T. Moore.
Z. Taylor-•••• - • • a M. Luna a,
liambarg 0 J Xlincf
" Farmer " I:amanita.
•• •
Fairraaant e W. Mew
For freight or pnesege •pply to
Ceti!! 6F.0. MILT4NLIFMGER. Agt.
Wn.z.u.m J. Korrinz.
This splendid boat wee built by tbe
oaracra of the steamer Isaac Marton,
and when, for the Cincinnati and
Pittsburgh Packet trade,and will
leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, In place or
the New England, N 0.2.
For freight or passage allply on tosnrd, or to
The aplendid fan running steamer
l'iato LOUIS McLANE, W. S. Conwell,
master, (having undergone a that.
°ugh repair,) will ran hereafter as •
regular packet between Pittsbnrqb
and IVhceling," leaving Pineburgh every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 0 o'clock. For
(retell en passage apply on board, or to
rand W.ll. WHEELER, Agent.
Only 7.3 Ink 11•• Bgagilmg•
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and
TO RaTirOlP-......•..--....•300 00
sm. Purcanti.nna• • 12 CO
T i bfid ' g ' 7llfy, b la '! ahova
Beltimoro:T.l hours; time to Philuierpi t li t. nr 40 boors. ' to
The evening boat learnt daily, (except Fawley ay.
cningaj,at &o'clock. Paesengers by leaning on the
evening !mat, will cross the mountains in stages anal
don and that avoid night travel.
Secure your tickets at the Oiler, Monongahele
/louse, or St. Clierles Hotel.
octiCly J. AIF2iKIMEN, Agent
Illeatia, 1850. aad=i
Two Daily Lion Expreu Packet Pools,
And hall fold Cars,
(Excconxvxxy vox IP•ssEnoxxso
Via the New Central Rail Road and Nowa Canal.
Time-60 hoar , Febar-80 through.
238 mile. Rail Road, and 180 mile* Canal.
ChN the la but. the new Central Roll Road Compa•
lJ ny commenced winning Two DOILY rum sass.
Um roan from Jackstown to Philadelphia, leaving
there immediately thee the arrival of the Packet
Roots Intro the l% eat. toy thin arrangement psewo•
ger. will go through washout detention.
A Packet Rom will leave every morning at 0 oh.
clock, and every eoening of II o'clock.
Thistont!, for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, is not
equalled by any now in use to the Eastern
For paws,. or intormation 1 4PP'i to
MI SC Pall, !Monongahela House;
ins LEECII & CO, Canal Rosin
' 17117. 1
C. master, will leave for the above
and all intennediato pone, n till ,
day. Mr VC, inst., at 4 o'clock. P M
For Ita 1,1 or passage, apply on hoard, or to
apt: 11' II WHIIKLES, Agt
The splendid steatites
vi.T'J'JP•si Johnston master, Is ill lave for tbe
above and all imermediala 'arts on
Jar. April 271 b. al 2 P. Al.
For height or passage, apply on board, es to
st.l7 W II WIIEELEIL Agent
salt. The splendi d 'learner
Srnab, envier, will leave ler above
and all inihnnesbute ports this day,
17th inn •l 4 o'al . brk, , parlacely.
For (night cr pnrsure app, on Ward
. 1947 GEO It 11111,TENIIF:51c FR. aeen.
Thr LI3C n - cor .;;;;, stearnek
%Via Can, okoster. o. Ica+, lor the
t , ovr and Internkodiato port, ou dos
dor. at. 113111 April. at I o'clock. I'. Al.
For frolcht ur pacrore apply on flood. era
The rpientlid 'warner
(ralla,gher. =tarter. wit' leave for the
above nod oil ir.terinethate pane on
this ds , Ae ...11, ot 4 o'rturit. I` NI.
•Frror freight Par " g° ' "tr on .
The rptendiJ_pactel . strorner
Capt. llokahlson, Inas. (or Ilisllsaes
ond nil aaeratedsoto ports on ILO
dal . . the VO, Apr I. stlo o'clock, A. M.
For frroan or passage. apply on hosrd. af24
The opkoditl riaam<
Capt. Cone. wll, leave for the al.ovs
tol a:I intermediate ports on this
day, the 21,Thin,t., at 4 P.M., Pna:nvely.
For 11,4E1 , 1 az ... p2 . ‘aele apply on board. ap..!5
s al 1 la, splti.dal 3n...du,
:I.le - v. ala.ter, .111 Icav , fur r b ,ve
od , in elmedme pone on th.s day,
the YS•h of A vs., at 10 A • NI
For nrtsht ur wow. apply on hoard. •p:'.
. .
Tho splesulld 1.10661er FIsRT PITT,
ausattr..svdl ;thee for above
and oLllintertnedia.e po re on Jay day,
the fish hut., at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or paasage, apply on board.
CAPITAL 1110000.
J. FIXIII7, Jr., Seal. I FL klatars, Jr., Crast
ki ill Insure against .11 klad. of ti.ks,
A home Institution—maanged by Directors who or,
well known in the community, and who aro determin
ed by promptness rind liberality to maintain Os char
acter which they boon assumed as oferinr the burl
protection to those who strider to be Insured.
. . .
Datecrnst-11. Miller, Jr., Geo. Cinch, .I.*. Butler,
N. Helmet, Jr., Wm. B. Coletes, C. Ihmsest, Geo. W.
/nekton, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, That. K.
Urn, Jame. APAuley, Mex. Minnick, Thos. Seotb
Ormim, No. thi Water street, Ornraboote of Spang
& Co.. Mt mnltt.,) Pittsburgh. tatolly
or Pits4burib.
C. C 11113:SFN, EYED', A. W. MARKS'S... ,
oAlee—No. 41 {Valee otteet, In the wart bouve of C
011 ANT.
I'llll4 COMPAN Y Is now prilpated to incuto all
kind. of risks, houses, macufacicries. goads
mcrehandtie in store, .4 in Ira nitin year., red
An ample guaranty for,wo .d ititegtity of
the ii , ll/I,lali, a alloreed In the ettar.trr of the Di•
meter, who are all citizens of Pittsburgh, well and
favorably knowit to the community for their prudence,
intelligence, and integrity.
Dias..TOLS-4:. G. Humey, Wm. Dmrstey, Wm. Lar
boor. Jr, Walter Ducat, no. D. King, Edward,
Ifinsty, P. I ' larliangb, A. M. Bier.
Inr.o•tr (Journal and regicapy.)
Pnanalga* WaralaeMae, •
Adjorning thy Pirtiburgh ford, cm Third meet,
r{ilosu nem ns who dean. .to rave from terentT
five to thirty percent, in purchasing Furniture,
aft llTSrPrifol , y incr.! to call at My warchouse r
vain, will be found a large arid well selected stork
of the moot opproved style of re orlimanrhip, Loth
rand,.l.l and ancient, and calculated to pleat. the
arts of all those who demo cuiror elegant or salmon.
ilal Furniture. Having determine:l to dispose of my
present enure stock, at very reduced Pricer, I feel
confident tlort those who desire any article to my line,
will not fall of beep suited.
rirartf A. PIoCU (WV.
Broadway, of !Malden Lasts.
IdIS extensive HOTEL has been leased by the
subscriber, and beta been completely refined In
Mort elegant Large additions are now
being made, witch, when ump , e...17 will mote it the
moat extensive Haiti in New York. It is tee determi
nation of the proprietor, to make it equal, in every re
spect, to any other Goose In the United Nudes. Its!.
cation is at meat desirable and central in the city. be
ing in the faabionabic out of Broadway, convenient
to all the polite hallb hiss, place, of
business. Grateful (Di 'he liberal patronage received
from hie wealern totted., while at Cumberland, hid.,
and more recently at the Weddell Mats,, Cleveland,
Ohio, he respectfully solicit.. renewal of tivir patron•
age, Lir his new ertalikahment. at New York, and
begs to famine them tin every effort nit hi, pan shah
be given to aslminlater to their cc rerun and pleasure.
New Work, March, IBM —rincitbArn
rl ROUNDYEPPER—iM t.xs pan c L.r./Und peeps
(7 for sale by 'WICK k 51cCANDI.V.SS
I,4fKCII—CII.x• Roubtirbt's extra litora re'd ,
5„ for wale I.y spls WICK 5. M.:CANDLE:RS
i't ;°Ull.7' lVs: .l 4 d t11:11TI.:V/1...4
KTilailKtiATED bx• gee sale by
EACIIEM.-54 sects Dried fo
reaches rpeole
Pto close consignment, I.
I? Pt,"
LB-13 WI. tor rain bV
V 8
DOTASII-16 casks Gm sort, for sale hv
spld 1111E5', GI hTINIEWS & CO
PEARI, /Oa 11E9 rah. just reed on rang/gement ,
far su'e (eel.% lIARDIr,JONES &CO
TrrOBACCO—D bile. Tobaren jury landing. fur
sale by 111051 HARDY, JONES ar. co_
BACON 11111 , --] cooks lest landing, for sale by
arid 10NV.3 & CO
r — AR 41-40 kegs just lacdirg. and for sale by
JA 21113 BARRY. JONKII & co
LRAF LA RD — brls No I Leal Lard, aurt re'd
a L lnd (rankle be leplsl Cll (MAT
Iraffsvi GCE IVIIITE LIME-100 oils fresh beset,
1 rec.* per Genesee, far ”le by CII (RANT
BROOM9-1117dal Brooin — iier sale tiy—
said WICIt 11‘ AIeC,OIDLE.33
WIC & ber.CANDLI 51 .
S i—l 4 teaks recd, and for salt by
p- wr& 12 WICK & bIoCARDLESS
TID3rB--10Palent Ydmed Tub., salisby—
%pi, 10 , 4111.LA* RUE
ri ASII—iS eaistriu Ptot e low
ICIFINPATR mr itle 1.7
11 , 111 , 17 N ICK
cukzro.._,73 dot tot . tt e ltyy ...
" U114...!1,."4504
Dural.liar Donnie outd Ofllse
rpitE Dwelltug.House occupied' by the
subscriber, to Third Stem, above
if f Smithfield street, with Bath Vaasa and
_OtSae, from the In orJuae, 1830.
klquire of HENRY WOODS, -
n 095 dtr Tblot, or 'Water sts.
TO BRICK DWELLINGS corner of Rubinson
and Corry streetc,Alleeseny. Poseession at any
time. Apply to SOL'lsf SCUOIM
nrYO DO Second street
A LARGE and condonable
Sl OFFICE, ...a if t
uired, route Roca. in Warehouse No 112 Secona
it; a desirable location for burbler,. Enquire at the
Vor Satan
TIIREE ACRES OF LAND, theme about Smile.
I from ILe City, near the resirence of Rev. Richard
Lee, on the Greensbargb Turnpike; soimbie for aeon
'try residence..
ALto—Four Hundred Acres . of Land, situate in.
Frmklin township, about IS miles from Pittsburgh
near Franklin Road. This will be chi& dto rill pa:-
chosen. There Inn excellent sins site on It.
ALSO—A Let of Ground near the New Halle, Be..
cent Ward, being 100 feet aqua., on which is a two
story Brlels,Darelling Douse.
For pa:neuters and tern:s of sale enquire of
DAVID.D. lIRUCK Attorney at Law,
&olio, Fifth at, bet'n Wood .o I Funikfield.
AHANDSOME STORE, co Market skeet, bevel:a
Third and koorth etre_ ,te t errand occupied by M.
1 . 1,mm White, u • Dr, o:odAtare.
APo—Alcmg tbdalted EDON io lba emend gory.
next door la Mr. Den Mercaalik Called.. The room as
ve,ll .healed, and nitalde 6r • musieti celxie, or Academy,
or could be connxicelly arrued doable offices.
• of Older, Third st. mar the' Poet OE..
For Sale s .
IL basement story, sortable for a Grocery. The
s o uk, is substantiall y both,amd Is de (eel front by 96
Ce.l deed, sworn, back to an idle). it Is now Onto
pied by four faro Lies. Terms very reasonable, and
NryMel.l) Made c. 0..
!k BRICK BUILDING, 23 by LO feel, three awrics
t 1 high, with Engine, aci located Rimlngham,
iausedlaiely below the Berl. }inquire of
Pitiatairgh Foundry
ZU I 1 61'— lyre gore do Narltet at, nen door to Firrt,
will be rdoted low to n good tenant, fad poorer.
riot, raven imat.Aborty. For term• apply to
n.rlatl if INAI.Tt:R BRYANT.l. 6 lll.itteny g.
Tlf E Dwelling Donee, Third. above Smithfield, now
opied : by Rev. Mr. Dakewell.
Also Por one or more Team some large Lot, of
Ground, In the Ninth %Yard, on and near the river,
artlishle for Lumber Yards. &Inure of JOHN Al.
DA II 1.1 NGTON, or of
mein' R DARLINGTON. Fourth st.
- - ._— ToLet
1i AT large and eonirnodions DWELLING HOUSE
on Webster street. near Seventh, nt present occu
pied by Mr. A. Vnelark. Pos.ession in to be given en
the Its April. Inquire on the premise., or of
hi. II LOWRIE, Wylie sr,
near Cbstbinn.
belo terry three rory Brick Warehov ve, %Vete,
vir, running front Water In First
erect, on reescatable tern. Pea et
aievelon given 'me.
diatrly. Fnquire
THE subscriber wid sell or rent his very demi.
rable Osumi Residence,ln Allegheny city,sll.
nnWd and Ohio Lime arid Allegheny Avenue.
west of the Common. The house is a large double
brick building, in complete order. Them Is • Car.
p H
lisouse, :liablemad good water on the ground.,
which comprim two acres, well improved, containing
every deeenption of Fruit. Alses—a spring house and
smoke house. i'maession given dorms the month
hlsreti. ud,i Air RT.
Dial Wing Losa.
17 On SALE, on very liberal ter.—Fifty Nine Los
of ti situated on Penn, Way ne, and r.k.=u
and the atiquesne Way, .eording to a plan She oven
at ant ...le, vb•re temr tail coalitions Will be male
known , Jana
Lit.erty street. between O'llata and %Valnutatreets
Ft!th Ward, ta presets , a e wird by tbn sabennbet
l'ussestion given on the 10 April. Enquirst of
'sate if WAI. ttiNG. II 1 Liberty at.
SALF..—A. Lot of Gtout.J utast, on Pen
eet, between flay and Nlarboryetr tulientins
the htturt• and tot now occupied by Richard ,ets,
baring n front of :Li feet, and its depth 1.13 feet, will 1..
sot.l 011 favorable:its:cm Title uocieeittionable. En.
quire of C. O. LOOMIS, tlib et, near Wool.
THE vobsoriber ' , spec-666y informs hi. friends RIO
the puthe, than he ha. sombved his unar AND
bIANI;FACIORY to Na 6:Rorktt sheet,
611010 Wale, v• 11010 he ha- an hind a 0c,3
2,lollnaent 011100114 AND Y HOES of ht• oon.
ma:miaow, while he will sell toon tan hr
purrOoson In the city. DANIEL RHEA.
I)ItA , TICAL MACHINISTS-6u excellent oppor
tunt,y bow occur. 10 • Functlcal Macbtratt, ei
see:l..o4od rrpumtion, andcapital, to en
race extenvively in th e ...srealt En .., ., m En .., ., Da1t., Ann
F.cabltv Iteworts.
. .
M, evinl,nthixeat la now ready for Lus ova, amp:.
Zct,ilv, iuelniirß eate•sive wharf room, to,
any tied .Icalo bra,. red tram /la posllleu, if pro
perry cnoduetel, wtll doubdens coseased a large
.bare or beam.:.
A orwooral Marhintst, portner, iv required, to
ootie,. I 121 C. NV holc erlablt.hmeeo, and only those 1',1117
roonproo,l oecd epply. tpoil poig,) 'MA .
1:0'• 11, So 711, Phlndelphsn,
Win on bond, aud fur ..1e br
N. o . .. , II .. uLASSES-40 bria ergal 1i:1 1. 1347 1 b
uz I; GA tntgariiiitore, and Tar
C 2. sale by A CULBEIrre,ON
iIOT—IS kgs at , ! of tad 1.3b0t, on tund,•nd tor .ale by
VIRE ISOARD - Tithirrl —_sr Erre nova root. or
V French manufacture, from V 5., to $1 eon, for tale
M 5 Wood •r.
LIv4F.I I) Oil,— el 1,,I• Cub I,nic uldes
F. • • k.
LALI b—LI beet 4,130 act, ;maw, me an e by
V O. moLAszr.3-1= bbls oar cooperage, for
)..1 • sale by
apt WILIRObi k CO
It—Lo Wadi prime, for R le by
Q'r AIELCeI-41 tar I. I. Sao.] • Prior Starch, 'oil re
-I.)erived. and fo- vile by A CULDERTSON
DAPO. pro ree'j, ua for rule by
TALLOW=sbiis Tallow just reed, and tale by
B s , . an
LACK TEAS-7U half ens Pou boos, various
• • gradd slyieru
12 ID cheats loom blark, for sail, by
apll C H GRANT
FLOUR -1 NIA Flour jurr ree'd. and for rale by
anti tvrmr raerl.
IILAILITFP Wady Ciarined eugar, jam
kireerlyed, and for rale by
IL rßiut
aod for pale (7,11.2
lITRICCID-1n tea. tart reed and for wale by
Nal .' I KIDD& CO
ZMUE POTASSIUM-9 Ibm ferrica a
CREOSOTE—o lbs last meld, and for Islet ty
ups! J KIDD i CO
for sole by Il A PA lISPATOCIC k CO
ryl2 Corner of Pint & Wood oto.
AL. mODA-13 enarCblaglh.h, tor sale by
apl2 11 A FA lINFIiTOCK & CO
SOAP -45 big Baltimore fine Variegtued and While,
on youvenmcul, fur anla by
1 3.11.1 e by 13 A FAHNESTOCK lb CO
SOMA AR11. 7 -10 citsk•TA a auperTer brand, mu hand,
and tor rain by BROWN k KIRKPATRICK
OP:r— 5 hsles of W. N. l ink Hops rood ibis day ,
la and for sale by lIROIVN & KIRKPATRICK
DAISIN3-75 qr Los on b•nd and for sale ICY
n rpm
11,ACCIY—la ley - TlTisaite's ,D.MI lam on hand
and for saio by DROWN St KIRKPATRICK
to b ebesoi F. 11. Tea;
an do O. P. Ted;
II do linprriol do;
Yo eaddie• Extra Fine V. Tea:
30 do G. I'. ood Imp, tort, and for dale Ly
Ylf - FCOTR-11(1 bpi celebrated Eastern brand
received, and for Kale by
nipl3 Canal Dash, Penn Il i Pittsburgh.
CI A LAIRATILB-18 easily ja•t Dowling, for sate b y
C. 71 AJ. '3 J 8 DILWORTH A. CO
r AN, ""l7,l4N,V•oClLlit' i by
L A ay 11 5 "Not
T EA-I . i , d o ii o i d n d r io sl o s
d l o " 0 Imp,
do . aelgens;
.nrr, and rot pain by I 14 DILWORTH A CO
IS IW RA R—" ""N.
"7k or sale by
& co
WAIL PAPER—W. P. Iliamnst.r. Is constantly
Fr receiving, from the largest m inufamories In
Nom 'York and Phtladelpbta, and also Item French
neenele., the newest and most unproved styles of Pa
Printsaudi, together with Borders, tire Board
, and Tester Topa For r ape at 85 Wood at, be.
tween Fourth at and Diamond alley, Doeneautr to S.
C lull) ap.l
11 - FAlP—SBbnic a hllisourl dew rel Jed, just c e Ived
13. and for vale by
OA Y-103 his Chnelnnligltrltfor pale hv
nnIN J s
fIORN lINAX)MS-20 dosjust landing. fors ony
spit, J R DILW'ORTIIt Cq
COFFEEI-4:1) bilge pr ßßOWime Bin j k utt tee, far axle by
apl3 1.11 Liberty elreet.
BACON, 35-06 0 Fondly limn
600 do Shoulder",
tn/ do Joel.
5 !Ma No I Laid, to .lota oni
The Brownsville Water Cure Eitablithment,
IONTIMIES to. Ira open for the recently:l of toasts
lids. Many impravemeatt have been added for
the comfon and accommodation of patients. to•
gather with the anceess doting OR yeand eaperienee•
enables Dr. gilt the assurance to the pabbe
that his ealablAmerit shall still oandone m merit toe
patronage of those who may place themselves ander'
his care.
• -.
The daily intertonnot between Pinahamh and
Bmwaavibe, with boat; affordo easy accent from the
South and Welt. •
Six towels, two cotton shoals. three comfort.,an ,
liDen !or I .d , alMai sea necessary to andeme the
Tem.—Six Dollars per erect, payable wall
mar dlterk.ve3mT
Meets having claims against the Ertwe o
Naialt, late ef Lower St. Clair , deed ar •
requeated to present time', duty setbentleated, to tb
ettbieriber, Mr settlement. arid all persons lunar are in
added to said FAtate. willplease call and settle thnl
=aunts Immediately.
New Hope W.I. Par.l. dam's.
Lower Et ols l r Inare
MuchUo,•l6oo. ap.14.114
er , haernois Ann EU, 11:0111114,10NEEP,Sti
1131 Chemical Seep routes a tree Pe rinuraWn, OVA
the tante tone =olden, soften, wed whitens the
the tenure and beauty of all intaut`e.
&env, SALT ROUX MID Snit, are soon ter 007.-
hyaled, but cured by its sae, aileast seven 1 tryst
mans In New York know, who ase it in such ease.,
and Cad it mfailing—as also in
un., Bitsreates, Faecal:es, or any other sh
sate. The reader is as:acrd thattlda Is no arable
panel no as, as one trial will Peeve.l d.. 14
aerate at least SO persons cured of
Sole llesn,Sara Lt., AND Seas Bum— , Ey
and am it, and tha reader la again mann' *INN
not cruelly sell k for the above unless / /mouth in be
CI I state. Those who era liable.
Cetera, Cum., oa Gaston Finn, will En this
earn Anylaa athietedwith any of the mho.. AlUi•
Vu diaeases, Sal tide all and even aeons (a lain
..ble in le propestiasbrae s
lint, l.ttdst . ,th. 'ores are flooded with leek aliens;
and be sure you adr. for JONES'S Italian Cl esalesl
Soap. Sold by NV id. JACIZEON, ES Manly eraser
Pinsburgh aagtt,v__vT
Ir'Ns ants w aa.tu Item. Is not arose sepa_l
stye than a bad, putrid breath, or dart, yellow alien
ed fiette Ifperwins have these It is ea,e own flak—
they ean, for two shillings, buy an antelo that will
make their breath pare and sweet ma ohs Spbeab •
It mum diseases of Gums, renew or ales:Med.
and for the Tomb it le unequalled, removing Mu tartar..
fastening the tech In the gams, and elcan theme
whim as the ma,. qtrasfeerms NortA.
Such reader, are the properties of /welds Anibal
Tooth rave, and, without pmtsing It ottrsubrus t burr
what OW of ear most respectable and Selena* Dm ..
dna, Mr. E. Field, of New Toe: sayer' _
,1 0 W .
"I hare bothacrd ad end mndirea this bean and int
Plditelna ankle. (Jones' Amber T 1 ste,) •Is
c recommend it as pease:rang all th ender . •
ed for it^ Reader, we ran ray nom to baggily it,
only that dyne try thrs once yen will be wall pie= 1.
It . put up in beautiful Englirli China Puts; for 4
mots. Sold by the Agent, WhL JACKSON, No Lltar_iy
Ir street, Pittsburgh. : auggulaster
11:7 - AU. goo& emus. ars essorasty mama tv a
lbe bellowing am the acted qualities of aN. bates Cr
Jon. Coral flair Restorative: If they e mail oar
wont they caret these highly resgetablet tithe:al
who have tried It—
Mr. Geo. Becket, II Elm at, New York.
Mrs Matilda Reeve., Myrtle or Brooklyn. •
Mr. Wm. Tompkina, 92 King sr,-New York.
hlr. Thos. Jackson, Montaara Island,emir Pittah•
11. E Callen, late barber steamboat &Armee.
And more than a hundred others state, though able
seMee, that it will force the hair to grow on the
head or face,'Stop It falling of arrengthea the rt
removing scurf and dandruff from the roots, mak trg
light, red, or gray hair ermine a fine dark look, and
keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft., , eleart. sad
beauti lel. a very, very long time.
Sold by the Agent, WTI. JACKSON, 80 Liberty at;
ver. Price rirg,lo cents, and one dottier. •
CUESIICAL comsottenorir • .
From do Vegdatit Kingdoms, fo repel Distartrc 1
Dr. aspirants Hstraet of Vallew Deck
• anal Sarsaparillas
Ceara ennsuraption g. acrofell, erysipelas, tbeamailmn,
root, liver complatots, aoinal sffeerionsoaleera, sy
plrilia, dropsy, asthma, piles, scanty, affections or
the bladder and kidney, mercurial dlacaaes, cot
rapt humors, rush of band ,o the head; fever and
ague, female complaints, general debility, dyrpep• •
sty, lots of-appetite, headache, celda, sostivenes%
gravel, night sweats, elaglie, organic affections,
palbitation.of the teen, todes,_ pains in the Wm
ant, beet, he.
It le infallible in all die rcenZatising hem an Im—
pure state edict bloat or irregular action of Ma sys
In the Vegetable Kingdom, en All-wise Being has
deposited plants and herbs. congenial to our constitit-
Cons, and adapted to he ewe of disease; and to the
vegetable kingdom does the reason of ma., so well as
the instinct of ani all, tura for antidotes to pain.
The Syrup is a scientific compound of the most val
uable plants in allure, entirely Dee from deleteriet■
and enervating mineral substances, and nail expel.
disease from the system, moatts vigor and strength in
a corresponding degree.
txtrooldgnarycam n 1 ScredutaEryaipetas and "D
-eere, cured by the ode um of tr. GUysatl'a COM
pound Setup, Yellow Doak and Elareaparills_
ittoactatil, Nov. 17, 1318.
far-nn—Sir:Da I tender: my sincere thanks for
the Kent benefit I have derived from the ese of your
rclusiste altos. I hove been troubled very bad with
• pert:l,llms Sara, which roads its appearance on my
dim I did net per emelt attention to it at Seat, sup•
rosins at Its be nettring but art ortmlitat that appears
en ran 'areal.l, finally bt gnnm iaartall.a, ndl ll
.prowl to ark ran of the bead. I appLed to a
physician. who amended cue all In no Purpose.. I hod
tried every thing that could be tried. I saw your Syr
up of Yellow Deck and Ssraaparilles and cuncla&s.l
to nee it, 'or I knew that Yellow Dock Was one of oho
moat valuable articles in the world for the blond. I
Onneht yottr Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I
could sees great change In soy eyatom. I contineed
to tacit until 1 w a well. mau. I new het Ilk,
neer person; my lien I is perfectly cleansed and free
(rout all imp tribe,. There Is not a natation bat that
newly disenveten'enrapennd is tat superior fa
any partite strap ever ;old
Thu certificate taut your divot.' to pubbsh if yam
lilts, OW any one you may to me 1 shall be hap
py to etre them ell the Infrometioit I can about soy
case, be. I tannin your obellent coronet,
Grotto. G. (trusser,
113 filarket street.
Th, bol female medicine known. The Extract of
Yciimer Dark sing Sertamarilla i.. opeedy,
mid permrncn, vim eer ell romplaiiim incident to
FE 31 Al.Ehi.
hr rlt , ratios asperses rondeth psenlishig
she slender nod .. .Idles.: constinflion 01
the female. It tt unrivalled in its Chet, Span sect
dlsestres .as inciyiSet ColifUrripllOU, harrerne...
century's, yr whaler, irreculer menstruation, ineenit-- - '
ernee ell:intr, and grinned prostroich orate system.
It hem edisirlyentantemets that distressing nervass•
nes. and lassitudeto romance to the female frame,
and imparts en energy and boolsoleY as serntising W
rc grateful. `We have evidence oe fdestuch
indu c ercr us /unmet,' to rccammend this medteine to'
marrlud people woo have not been blessed with-off
anus,. Urn', or FaUlna cf the Womb, of Gra
yelhfe cord by Dr. Guymott's Extract of
Yellow Ddst and Sarsaparilla, after every other
known fccuedy had been tfied'arithoat
Wagon :tarots, Ohio, Feb, 1619.
Thin err:rte.; that my wife, aged 21 years, bee
been enacting end, the above complaint (or ire
yorn-nentlr an of that time confined in her bed. I
here for four rear. ronroamly employed alreinestmcd
ced talent r•ar be lit this SeCtt6ll of the
. eoentry, without any benefit who:ever. I have alto
purchased every it meet rmended for the
core such disease, ail of wh irl. proved worthless.
In the sprint el Isle, I was indmed by my friends
to try Or. livytoit's Vellum Deck and Sarsaparilla,
which was used for roar months. After sae had treed
It for about rent went, it wits evident to all that she
nm• imareving, and from Uri. time the imported tap
idly, mid gained flesh and strength, mail the dim.e
was entirelyremoved, ant rho la Mlle enjoying moat
excellent health. WM. MlsNMllirlf.
We Minx ne.ghbors of Wm. and Julia Norden.
know that tic labose.StatMent, as ID me Admen of
Mm. Monfort, and es to the eine luting effected by
nureint's Yellow honk and SamaparillainE
EDDY hostrictly •
nne. HE
SARAN rovhclua. •
Great Care or aleuirunaptiom.
Ilexame.v, January 4.15119.
Mr. Beneen-Deer Sir meat benefit which I
have derived from cont Etaireet of Yellow berCt , and
Sas ennuilla, indices me, a. m ant ofJ dance,. to mate
tLe following atatementr
A der sta'alar lit two years from seismal debility,
which Coolly r e nted Jo ermsOmptloo, / waggle.
up by my friends end Mit - setae. as beyend 'ha old of
medicine. Asa leer Tel.; I was Indeed to try
your Extrem, cod baying used but two bottles, ae
cardnig to TOW directiens, I am entirely well. I
wand therefor* earnestly roman:teed your oatmeal
led componed to the afflicted who desire a powesfal,
pleammt and safe remedy. Gratefully your friend,
NottAgennine anima potty in large square bottles,
containing a quarb'end the name of the mrep blown
in Oil glass with.the written • Itnature of S.F. Ilan
nen en MC Outside wreprer. Free. Al pet bottle, or
six bold< eforrO
.- • •
Itt sold bri-D. Park, earner or Fourth and Wal-
St rtMetl. (thin, Cement Agent for Ile
outh and Wee, se-whom all orders mem be address.
Csrmr ed
& Ilia s zErars'N• P. Judson b. Co, Water
line, Olin Clem naLCierslegrille; Abel Terrell,
hlontrere; Ihrsm - 1114,Teurandzu Robert Roy, Well..
bore; Rodrriel, Calleurharre lYlleer, Jr- Pinar
l'Urlrb, toner of Maillllflltet and the !Remand.
art3M/kerly:lT • •
They ere Pill ZWIITO 21.01, frightfully injueinaa h is
to the skin! how rouse, bow rough, how cal!
low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin er e
pears eller using prepared chalk! 80.
aides it is injurious, containing •
large quantity of Lead!
We hove prepared a beatnikl vegetable arlielsl
which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WIH7h.
Ills perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleenj
us qualiiics,• nod a imparts le the skin n natarai,Leal.
thy, alaheiner, clear, living white; tithe mine Moe
arta, cosmetic 611 the skin, matins( it soh and
smooth. Sold by the 40111, WM. JACKhON, M' Lab
'or rt, piashorgh, Price 3 cents. asiaTuldwl.
DionN MARTIN respectially announces to the
j_.l citizens of Pittsburgh, that be hn permanently .
located himself in this city, for the purpose of gnus.
-tic;n Medicine and Surgery, in ail its carious breach •
es i , llllt oftce is on Fourth guest, NoIW. Residence
No 07 nine st. ap14111.14.11.
rD. STUART fr. CO, of Philadelphia, sailrelellt
el •om the Ist of AptlL an retire new stock of -
And TA ILORsil TRIMMINGS, at eastern feiees,eeTy
low f.t ea.h, at Se. 11E Wes.' at, neat to &le Reana'a
ArroluirS AT LAW,
STATIi CoNIIIIIB9IONFR for taking Dept.-
, gluons, AcknowricAgnscuut of Deeds, &e.
Office—Fourt44/thrT h street, above_SulithfichL
ir roper., ha aitaigtoetty Ott, log
TIIE aulnenbers once for awe • number* choice
Lou, ituate in the Seeend Ward,frontin on iha
Common ground, on cantering. Jr.nnin of
ROCIN.S.bN, Any at Lam, 810 air It
OF of JAS ROBINSON. on thavrontiu a.
nuncnr klaiationT,
A LAW--Orate on south side of
Fourth it. between Corm alloy and Grant or.
ST. eDICit..
or T riu M•
8. T .Wrnicuu,
orst. Louis. S -
- • •
C1051511;5510N k 1 7 010VARDING idERCIIIANTB,
VNo 67 Levkl, a nd No 6 Notth'Commetelal stret;
.St. bola, Mk
.116766655.-151gell, Pealley k Co ; 56 Louis;
Rokoell a Renner, • do;
Gnvly k Oak, do;
Jame. ToJd, Looi.viCe, ; s4;
IrLet•mer, Clocanna6, 0;
C II 61261, Pittlbllll6. Pal
npl.dl.l Jahn 61 Hadehurn, P 6666001.
TAt nsso Coins, DovMn,Fbglu sned Gold Dollars.
/01' ,PALS AT 1111
Pittsburgh. .770
Na. 74 Faulk .treett door ui tho Doak of Pitli•
herrh.. M:4 Sit:.
MAIN C-3, bf reed per dewier,
Mind tof ode by LOS barrel of Biagio ppyykl ay ow
ISeLd, rOffinOcry . WALOkIlle. O>fllef Or
suia.atia Wad $ N W1C.U.2.311/LIO.,
. ,
• ...,-