BY MAGNETIC TELECELAPII. .aicr..atreu bIICLICCIItAPLIRD !OR. Tlail PITTSBURGH DAtLY GAZETTE cowan.EssizoNAL. =sown= or aeon sloes:soma or musray. Want/Ratan. Apra 26 . , . THE FRANKLIN EXPEDITION. Mr. White moved the previous questloc. Sev eral votes were taken, but no quorum voted. ineffectual motions ware made in • call of the 'House, and to adjourn. Finally, the de d far the previous question *as seconded. , The gnostical w then taken, an relining the resSlution to the mince of the Whole, on the Mate of the Halos, d decided In the negative. The amendment I Mr. Hail, that the govern• merit should cot be iabte to claims for damages or deterioration of v Ls, was adopted by a vets of 91 to 45. Mr. Mc ,of Marylane, moved the rammelderation of e vote. He said that these vends now belonge m the United Status and the whole expedlil was, so 5 ought to be, at their expert, —and he intended it offer a prop*• anion, that Mr. Grinnell be indemnified for ho F.„ expense as it wes won kart coo that there were no • Alps m the navy suitable for the eapedidoo. • Mr. SUanton, of Tenneioce, dee Wed to soy, that • the übjeit of Mr. McLane sot the porpoto of Mr -t,Griooe I in making the offer. Mr. fdeLone—..Constaly not.. lie bdieved be oedema td the whole quesboe. He wised to day. the motion to reconsider op Out tstde,which was corrmd. The Homo, at 5 o'clock, adjourned till Monday neat. CONFIRMATIONS BY THE SENATE. Werniserroa,April 27. The Ibilowleg Cluermetions by He Senate are announced: • George Little, Marshal for the S.ale of North Carolina. Witham Paine, Marshal for the State of Maine Jos °coded, kati,4hal for th e 811140 of New • Hampshire. Charles Bryant, Manhal for the State of ohusetts. • Akron It. Petringell, Mariam) for the Sate of Conneetieet„ George W. Jseksoe, Marshal for the Save of Rhode Wand. Jima Batt, Marshd for the State of Delaware. • Theresa 11. Kent, Martha!! for the Sate of Maryland. °oaken A. Jones, Marshal for the State °COMA Solomon Meredith, Marshal for the State of lo dises. • John W. Twitched, Marshal for the State cf Missouri. Luther Chose, Marshal for the State of Minn ". Frederick T. Smith, Marshal Dr the Western District of Louisiana. • Stephen B. Sheiladay, Marshal for the State of lows Alexander Matched, Martial for Mimeses Territory. Wi.tiam M. Brown, Marshal for the State of • Georgia. la. P. Speed, Marshal - for the State of Karate, ky. ezcadcaa OF 14IILIC 110,110. Ezell Road. for the IXttrict of Mich . gsa, and Marcus 13Jad,for Sari. gield, Masa. ARRIVAL FROM SAN FRANCISCO. The Salted States ship of the lioe °bin, Capt. 'dribbling, is tokgrapbed from Sao Francisco, Houtenln : Valparaiso, and lido de Janeiro. Sbn will bo op in about three how, Bairns, April f 27. The brig Boston, from Bahia, has arrived, bringing dans& to the 10th ult., The yello,v fever had been mg tog terribly— sweeping off the seamen of the vessels in port, and the algae., in wrest numbers. The Government re. ports make the told mortality in the province 0,• 000. Just before the Boston left, a severe thunderstorm ccemred, after which the disease began to abate. Several vessels had arrived from Hayti, with detest° the 6th oh. .Business was improving. Tim blacks were:preparing to invade tit Do mingo, in May next. The Ohio 111331i13/ below Parser Price, who came cp In a steamboat. re, pinta that while the 9luo was at Rio, the Yellow Fewer broke out on board, and offer teasing Rio, the Fever will continued to rage far aboht three weeks: There were about alcip cum, •Ixteen of which were haat, consiatir • of flee CAMS, and eleven of the crew. • ' 1, 4 ... ,;.'. : ..1 1 •1 •, ..z ... ' . • fil The fothowlog are the nemee of the cilleers who riletk—Lient. C. Aratkupog lierory Etd, junkiest?. aboard; Burgeon E. G. Ball, Mitlahipolart Jas. B. and Pewee Clerl4.l. C. Jameon. The last American steamer Missile, sailed to. 'big, with 150 passengers. Sae went off in iiise style, amidst shouts of applause (inmate cast mill alludes of speetstora Being the hut day arils week, sod tie Cam• Isles news being folly due, the markets were eauscqnently quid, and wry mite d, ing. Yesterday's quotations of Floor, Grain, and may be resumed. NEW ORLEANS COTTON MARKET. Nlill, On , Aral '2.1 Cotton, resterdsy, adratured one.elgtitb, under the A6106111'1; news. Sales to day amosuited to %SOO bales, at 1.2t0 for good raiddliog. OrpWow , Court Dale. . PURSIJAIVT to an order of the Orphans' Comb bald _ at Pittsburgh, on the tat day of April, A. tete, 'mill be crpomd to public sale, on the rill day of April, 11E00, at three o'clock P. K , on the premise.. all Mat certain lot of ground &mate in t h e sty of Pithstiarysh, corkeselld as follow., to tric-11 ginning oinns feet casmardly from (Gant n. Mono by the Sea of Ann Sullivan'. lot, and parallel:with Grant at testy three IL Pa a three feet nley common to pennn. owing 10.• OP either alert, th ence by end alley and pantile! &It Second all twenty aesen tee, to the line of William Arthur.' lot. Mopes by the sail line , of Wm Amber.. hot, andpo.ll•l wish Grant greet forty Gore feet to coe ILeT4Se along Secoad M. twenty &area few ur yw I loco It begianme• Means .(Sou—Our:headred deli. , to be paid upon ddlkery of the deed, the berace in taro equal a ments at sir end ten yeall ICS, petively from die d o te oflilt, with filtered payable &mushy, and be in . mond by bond and mortgage on Me premises. For father panlculare apply to 0 E Appleton, Attorney Is Law, Voanh street, or to the underbid - fled, ROBERT DUNCAN, iOnaldian of Ann *hairs& Christian/ Wendt, minor.. aPhdtregO _ era lloanbara wad a Morehead.. IrMARL'S PREMIUM PERFUhIERY. The ' otheeriber respectfully Invitee public aLentian to • extensive stock of Perfumery. Soaps, Shaving Cwt.., Re, to whieh seven Silver and two Golden , Medal. bath. velthlo the law sin year,. been .warded by the losiltatee of New York, Boston. and Phila. ' 441Rdar the letter bring the only Golden Medals ever ' awarded for perfattery either In Europe or in tide country. itoirmaCs Unatruban SnaSlso CRUM, !Almond, Ithoe, and Ambrosial ) universally ocknowledged to to evertor to any Shaving Cream in thin country of Eannie. • ditamensivx nos fthevreo—Beriatifally transparent, and possessing eighty pepp,eceenee and emollient I papertar area s ethos Compound; Ambrosial St or "lconansalmber t ' in '" sr yth e r li S o n o a u p ti, Rose, M el i nn, ~ fouset,l' p astang , o a ltie du Pxlarl , tha . alAn r s, P m at- . ; 'Tantrums to du b e, iamln, Esequet de Car01:50,64.111am, Jr Jenny Lind. Mousse ; line Jockey Club. Ilsgmalla, C o Citronelle i, mit, and many other vedette., to all anty dlforent t T=Wateu—Floritia Water, Era de Toilette, ..g. anvier Water. and • great variety of Co „gnu and Lavender Waters Alnns roe ens Sate—Genuthe Ileu , s Oil, gamins* Oil, flandolthe, Eaa Lastrele, Ovine, Com pound CM klarrow, Hair Oyer, braid and In powder, .mad Philocerne. Rainiest, and Jenny Lied Pemaver. • ' Onolcratorc Pavesaamins—llatearele Malt ' Roar 400 M Pale, Ceareoei Dernr th ee, Odontirm, Tooth 21,nta, and Tooth roerrisr. Cosaimus—Vegentble Cosmetic Cream, Aroundise ler chapped bands, Cold Cream of Rorm, Cream dr 1 forms, Lip Salve, Rarpberry Cream, Ae. Depilatory Powders, for removing superfluous hair, I Pesti Powder, Vinalgre de Ithege, aromatic Vinegar, i Victoria Gale Composition, Preston Palm, besidei 0 to a mat variety of other ankles, too menthes to be narnedin this advertisement. Tbra mabasriber bores to sugintain the reputation il wklob this establishment hat IRgutted, by disposing A;grallist: `.'.1",..,".11'• p`:,/,7214•17i."Vbr, ,11 . , ~,,belerthle or mm 4 en vs reasonable norm, as any cc. 'd tabliskrocal in tha United emu. XAVIER DARIN, SIICCCIECT to and (Gram Memo, of ebb Lobo. awry Of EUGENE ROUSSEL, LW Chesnut meet. Si. Bi w t h, perferarry Is for sae by all the panel. 0 Dampen , in 11l =Meant. apt7diay --'---- IRDRWIR WOOD OATADISNR, IRV mike Wow nit cu b .. As Ohio Rim. ' r Retreat, basin. andne repsin 1".......i g 13 ' M i e fecre c ts, adding muck mo ms former v . ” * — r --- oe ' if for viators. Ica Ctinally Tem liekotitgy:frp, hails, Confectionery, do , Sept .o 1'.16:,.t.a.: w lda. ts pertiealmiy i s to a large _„/...,„,j0f ever blooming plants of all naiades, et...`* — .......d La ireerthouseg also,tha thole., a kinds valthl ....1...110.71....141mt5rfeal dahlias mid be ready an delivuT th..., will corns:maga running (rem Ow Tlie Sw" ---; ot t Gardena, the lei day otkley. toot of PA: Ve c t.',,' 1b,,,,,, are now ranr „...... ow Urea Vial•ge:7..eft uiAr4,.. r i.ipkt,--- --- S p p`y I COMMERCIAL RECORD. PiTTIIBLISGO ISOAILD OF T0.A.D.11 an 3incsnYa Annns. -COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. IOW( !LW.. • • .xx. x xnrat.•••r. I. 3110011t4D. Tm OC. X grammos —The fallowing me the dates of departure of the Ocean Pleurae., daring the month of May AYtnICS, from Boston, Wednesday, let MAY esteems, horn New Vora, Wednesday. May Oh, Cafun•, float Beaten. Wedamday, May I Sta. • NI. Ls*, from New York. Wednesday, May 2ht. Maraca Frmsatraan Gavel-Mr, Monday morednii Apr 11.20,16.50. The member on Satarday was clear and pleaaant and •pp+orehing more swirly to rummer heat than any Freaking d ay of the triton. Hua.nrs. manifested a considerable degree of •etia ity Ina may, and so far as quotations are con cerned, we noticed • general amines. in almost ova. ry branch of trade FLOUR—FIoar continues to Come forward slowly, mingles have been on a limited scale. From store, sates summed some tO3 Lbla ic LH. From first hands, the market is firm at 51,00 f brli with small aslaa. RI'S FLOUR eonditues in fair request at 81.75113,67 our !al, according to quality and quemtity. FEED—Bran Is telllog readily at 1121 015 g p bo, an. cording to weight; Shorts at 25c; Rye shalt. die, wad Chat p Rya and Corn at 37{: p bu;froult City Mill.. CORN .ME&L—We quote regale limited sales horn the mills and Irani start, at dbe 0110 :FAMES —F.cary thing under this heal eat On a. gone hMI at last quotiona. dale. of N 0 Sag/ rla lots of Gra IP tan hhila at 4105}, or fair to prime. t alt t of 37 bele N 0 Molasses at 271 1 / 2 71e P gall. 8... Sag mimetic at 40.911 c tr gall. Coffee continue, doll and uccertnin, with sales of Hio, in small lat. . , 11. Sale. of rite at 41636, f. lb. Sales of Lat u tar at ItAcON—Eales du est! Western and c ty cure I, al, for shoaldersAc, sole. be, and toms at Gin f lb. Sales Om smoke house to tots of SOO to 10,000 lb. at 41, 2f Off for shoulders, stdeo and Loma Pates of sugar 'Clare4 barns and tics at 9c, an lof prime Lagged at be P 6. LA lll:t—Tkc market, if auk thing, Is dollar, bat pri me toe unchanged. Salm, ts a madame event, at :4 06 fu Ws for No. I, and Glt6 for teen OILY—We note sale. of No 1 Lard Clit at 53935 a; and of No ddo sit 45e Q gall. Linseed reinains firm at 101 e Casor Oil is aearee, and 10 demand at 54,53 ♦ gall. Sales of Tanner'. Oil at SidDlei Y bbl. SOAP &CAM:SLIM—SaIes of City and Cineinnoil manufactured rosin soap, at 4041 e par lb. Cap man. afaetiercd Star Candles are in fair request, at Man:, of mould tallow at 10e, and of COMM. slipped et 94: la Es TAI.LOW—We hear of ty o sales to any large ex• tout, but may continue our goomt lona, bt to (or cheap and for beef tallow Darning of the ,4 11 elle of the Neat." We extract from the Cincinnati Commercial. of the OM inst., the following paracolars of the burning of )he steamer Belle of the West, • telegraphic accoont of which so published a few clays since. We are compelled On, morale; to elsromele a corm awful and deptorable steamboat disaster, ant paratul coo of We. '(i.e steamer Bello of the West, D. rt. June., Master, bound four tits prat for St. Louts, with upward. or two boadred passenerrs a d crew. woo dneovered to be on fire at o , elock on Monday .ight when tear Florence. Int, sixty her miles below tlttt city. In a fewmoments afar Me fire war distorerud the .met W. in on., vast loon .diately on the disrovety of the far, she Cap min ordered the boat to be put lu shore, and the pas• wagers, the 1131 of suborn were staid as le• p, were awake tied, e n d warred cf. their danger. Then come • most bean reeding scone—mere than two han dfed Souls strewed from their sleep. find themselves otentooded the fiery element It is onpeossible toils - smite the • rear presented Hotheads lookin. fa• wires mothers for their children, aid children coin. for their parents, all terrified beyond pre...eel/mud the atonesanereasing and becoming each cm mem nearr and more dangerous he boat wet eon ar e to the shore and planks put out, but runty in brie night jumped overboard on the WMO.:iiiide of he hoot. sone f whom were doubtless drowned. Morro of the ...niers, with great presen,e of nue.l, moan and dressed them.lves, and seca•cd th eir ig g ice and attempt d. Others endeavoring to save leer n ee s,e, were 14st tisny .1 the passen.. were farmers, web their families, brand for Minoan. One pitmen,. who had tome f out Missouri after his father aid mother, and was returningith them, missed them on reaching the note 'racy doubtless perished. Tn. egact number of per lon by fins di... miner ea readily Cape. lame. feels con fident that not mote than twenty were lost in all Prob them were lathy more. A minter tad not tentsteted their names, conaequeutty it cannot be ascertained from the hooks, seen if they a n recov ered . . Borrox. Aprll27, P. M 1h • fire originated in the hold. and It la • etyttary as to d e mime. The boat lent horned to the water'. edge. end toe hub sunk elms< to th o h, If e ahre. The book. •ild meney were the este, whic nrithroon the fire, may yet be laved. the 15010 WM6 ,n.rej in the City Insuranc• office of th a city, and the Preonlin L .., on irintie,zu the mnottrit of Se t Ota, wlude will profirddy corer the loss. At thts season of the year, lace the rock. of Pro• vt•lhns have linen chirlif sent forward from the fate. rot, al. ea is nastily considerable anxiety cratfested ks use something leave to the amount held in the print ire! markets,—and name m e reaction that has tale., Osiers in the market far bat Pork and Lard, the desire mr information is at Ids time irsercesee. We a Imo, Mauna, elve it entrant statement et tbc stock of any ante's, In the abreacts of rt ratified; relative to the trade of Eastern clay; hat we aao present same feet., tram whirh talerebly cornet ertansies.amy pe male. blare than seven month. of the Calsraceresal year have paled, and of court° the shipments daring the fen editing five mouths will be comparatively itea In mar to accrual the stock in the market, we take the t eons ad receipts at this port, tram September lot t.' ',member I•L et for laat two Yeere,liY which we Can ap sralimate very nearly la the stock as the Wet Sept ,;n each Yes , • • Elcrrox, April 27, A. M • / 16.19. 1615 tb.l2. La td, 111. 9 6:7 1 5.61.5 4,316 g. 2,05 u 400 21 .111 4,012 Baron, hod. 521 lilt 421 t.Z114 . . Darns, lies 01 18W 1 310 Porl,l:tls 2..1:2 1,110 20,E51 12 OW Pon. lb, 212431 r; ~,a1 :.OW Lteduettna the reccipts from ilLe eLp.l3 l . We get al abut I what the stock was on the 1.101 Sept 111. nos of cantle tract, as some probably . tcmained over a ter Die I. and some was eemsume•l, and small loLset t forward, of which we have no account we knew that &eve al luta of old laid were ettipp d alter Ike let t f Ott; but our figute• arc stdetently accurate for all practtentic purposes At coroins to 00r statentteot Inert rote, the stools on•l'm Ist of I. 4 eptclbtorn Walt follow r, In the last two} a era • 109 1,40 Lard, hbla• • • • ........... —•• •• • • • 91V2 2010 Lsid. kirs 22119 42 733 {tarn.', hods 4.ltre 2,742 &tote, area 1.:102 1.230 Nur You, April fa. Nzw Yoex April 27 .. . , Polk, Ch..— 1.31UU 12 751 Polk, la 21,20.1 5,2.0 It i, wen that theca was an excess to 14.10, of equal to a 9.101 kegs of Lan!, and a defieienay of ['anon and Pto I lb- teeeipts and exports of the sane ;uncles at el • you from Sept Ist to A pnl till, it the last two seasons, sacra . follows: 1934•0. , 1949 1:43 141811 154120. 4 . ,,j,1b1 g ..... 21,2,51 25,113 93t 07,3•37 Lard. kg. 323,199 17 09.110/ 137,445 flacon, bliels• •• • 3,10/ 3,271 2131r3 11,575 Basun. 1000. • • 2:1 2311 0,100 13,579 Pnek,,l•ll 40,915 445319 171.010 137,452 Pork, b • 7,634.415 42,940,165 e 23,976 991, 43 The yeantiiy of meet cured lea fast season was of coots.. it•es ban in 1518 13; button/acing it to Lay/14000 *boat 19.0 same in each year, Me increase and tlo• ems,. in the sleek of tbe,aevetal articles in .hit triad ket, as notapaecd with the about.. held at dale /sec last year, onatil be as bilows : Increase Decrease Bacon. halls 12,•12 Itaeon, tree 3:113 Pork I Igl D 1,724 Late!, bye 1.7.49 The a•toalgarments stork of meat it of coerce lam than indlegted by the 9,099 figurer, g.t is known there war a deficiency in the number o heap rut le' , season. compare with the ruttiness of revione year. Another fact to be natter d it. that del reeeistt of halt meat, atA al.o of Lard, OM. cao•ed by largely Inc:eased impose from Vie Waba.ll river and St LAW., whleb. while thoy Memo. the etock here, must re bore it elsewhere. The following a'atert ant. made up in part from vete clom ertimete.. and patty from 09f impn.t and export tett., •howa the acct ir( L e rfd to be very light, cam.. pa•ed with that held at the cortaypnading period in the lan Igo year.: 81091, as 1.1 Rept 1610 9,787,891 , Re •cipia fro n kept lrt t 4 April 17 Id 140 rroduct of Hogs packed la the city. Kettle rendered 10.400.1930 G al 1110,10) Ilea' . 18190 1g m Dead bog. and soot meat Reectred by wagons MO CO 1,800 0 0 Total 26.460,3111 Co,umed by lard od reanufactur• Of P Seal two Esp. - led from the tat Sept. to 17th April 13.6197%1 91.050,77 Stock this date 11,3n5 bit According to the above estimate. it is men the clock en hand Is 85.478 tem whit, a ri,‘ ,36 kegs let. that the amount held on the tot of Sept last. We estimated the Lard made by butchers s• about equal to the smart consumed by others than munutretarow. The small stock accounted tor—Eirm by a delleiercy la the praluet; as It is known that there was tint as much end, n proportion to the timber of Lo s• packed, a. In the soul. 1b59-41; and second, by the great in crease in Me moons livid tis orinuilictutirm purpo. ens. Pnr the latter we have ovinistrO Me consortia uon of seven and a half months al Sentra) v., vita iv it. 0.10 seemingly large, we hoilt low, wlme wo coroidie that the business (torn dill tone to the 1 ei of Sr pwattier Will be comparatively. light, About ennui to 20 WV kegs of the present climb it held by I to Lou. sea • Balm/tat, April 25. CC/FlTE—Then was • decidedly attlto rnovemeni la the market to day, and upwards of WOO hogs Air wore told, mostly si 9169 i Oro.. Theta aro no Kell nal• Si lOw Wall Paper Warebeinieo TO 41,1 MARKET LePREfsT. between Third ma NFourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. THO.fAB PAle PIER mould respectfully call lib attention of his friends awl customer., to Wm present extensive .0 general stock of merebandice. It mill be Noodle com prise ewer d .scription of American and French WWI Paper and Border tor Porten. Halls, Dining Booms, Rent: hambers, coonting Booms,• to., farming from 1M rento Si • piece. Bo great • di,c.ity or prices and outlines can hardly fail to suit the eitelmodences end Wt. 131 porchavers who may favor with their P...., the old established wand on Market ttreet mrlddint ltAr URP I iY &BURCHFIELD invite the attention of 11i bar. to their large .took of White Goad., .neh ea Cambr er ea and Jaekonh_ ,t. Hanukah. and Mali Irtnalins, Plirared Syria. hansline. Eabroidered ditm Queen'. Leans, Book and Swiss alnallits, Barred Jaekonets, Cambria Maine. and Stripe.. Vietort& Llsle, _fgrpheni Thread, Bahian, Jaekonet, and EaSine Deertinavi Neorlawork, Collate, &e. &a. . . goody C b a o T u" Leanstarert, theyrube Ls pfet &az! WCs=Vitierees reMb Wee, reel per suer camber , land No 8, and for sales y 1,17 - DROWN R ARIPATRICK a=! WHITTCIOOOII PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 149 66.—There were 9 feet 6 triches water in a.... nel last testing, and ruing. • Caleb Cope, MurdockARRIVED., Beaver. Michigan, Dries, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Itinnengalicla City. Fashion, Peebles, IBlssbeth. A "nt'.9 FarEson, Brown',Me. Billie, Jacobs, Brownsville. Beaver, Gordoia, Wellsville. Camden. Ilendnekson. McKeesport Lake Erie, Clark. Beaver. Fanner. Murdoch, Wellsville. Louis McLane, Connel. WheitiPie. Keystone State, Stone, Cincinnati. Genesee, Moore, Loolsv.he, Comport:on. Cinetnnott Caledonia, Cincinnati. • DEPARTED. COO! Cope, MaMork, Braver. Ichigan, Cries,Cr aver. Viroqua, Galion sy, Monongahela CM , Camden nr.: MeKetssort Fashion, Feeble., El.ratieth. Daltle Jaeol,r, Browostrille. Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville. Deaver, Cordon, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Former, Murdock, Jilalf• Nelson, Moore, Wheellilst. Buckeye State, Reno, Cincinnati. IJersengcr No. S. Fisher, C 11.1111111.1.. Entorrsv, Cat, Zuterrille. Consignee, lance), St Jovapha Fortntllr. irirerion,Louivrille, LOATS LEAVING THIS HAY WHEELING—Lon(' MeLame, 9 A.. I=3=! Britt geport —Poo Cont.-4 •k. potatoes, bleak• & Co; •y' do wheat. Satoh & Siorikir; I brl moo loos., 3 do Aindelos, tl bao uo, 6U wogon I ock (ea her. J & It Floyd; It ht.d tobacco, COOO &Thew; 1 do o , t, Wrn Illoghwo, 6 do do, 400 roan. twp,r, Rei f olds & Shoe. Portsmouth—Par LAM Ilrinam-55 empty IMO. 3 hf do, 0 W ;.ronti h co; 4 elm onsertz, 3 Mils tcrie• woo, Ito .t.Yag., Clark & Thaw; I box Inds, Ogden & re; tit' his broom corn, O'Connor & AM Ism F 7 t or b iron, Coleman & lI.IImnrI9 birds tob, Gra It no; 40p* p met.l. McCordy tr. Loomis Hoover & Faxamn-14 flow, nonstrong & Crozet; 2 bble lard, ow ' Wlliecllog —Pus hams Ncupti—l bbl lard rni, 9 do dour J Oa;zett;Y roar carpet, F. IV Lual; 27 hog, OVVr...• —Pro —4O lizs cheese, / It Can. bold, 3 do do, Wick & Nlettondiets, 2 do do, I Dicker & co; 3 kJ. rook.", Stewart & Sill; 9 hill. paper, it F Sinderly, 5 ko do, Dirpatch; 1 Mid* ton, bbl butter, Calif, Id MORI, H & HAWORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS East side Diamond, Pittsburgh. opts TEA z{noint sanoLkdo lIECISEIN the tame I Ind of FaiuMo and RO.ll P ti•vored Teet . itoll are retailed in the bld eoultry at 4. and Z. per It, can be obtained for of and 75c per ipound rut Tim Tat alar.airi. earl glide of the Viatoond, atsLargh, o at Mortis & Wine Store, Federai Mauve Peas Cruet Tear, Wc receive throe;!, our Er' glieh Agent, direct from the Que, - .%4 Bonded W•rell3.Cll, Mar Ire, Icing fur exportation. .pt. • TILL: TEA MARKET. EAST iIDE OF "Mr DIANI..ND, l'a - rs,ruo it. rimultE nothin• too, rc . rc•hing titan • cup cf T good It. Cut is newt daCultylO Obtali 14 . Ler ILO 4.110 r int pc net!w bit h lb re I. g matt r deceptm.o practised. Tbr 50:4.1 Ay Una . era grwrally, rite weak and tta,,y, ..t.ll me Green Ten with • few exception, • CAN lON Mitt FACilitlitil art, r, tits fine Mee. on Is to ti, berg compostricn of Vasa... 1.. as w:at'. ratinti •wt Pratt, eurti Ira h oug , . to be eK,e,ird lit to oar market as 'Tor, soca.' • We have co:ratient the Tea Truer. m with t .e ecterametirn uf Gket..Na un.l haTteg 1 ,, en teas. on 11..1 at nr!e u perm. er twenty years. Irt rt wh.rh on Tea.) we al.:ter our el." obe judgrat t tt. Bud wr eanntler IMAM ai L,l und e bed eetne IT o :ten obt.mnd by 'wawa thew, bat if er'huiro GOOLO •artera at a maw nablclce, will °Liam custom. eely r sre of our share. Oar price, tqua't , y conanlved.) e .1.101 always he as low as an. ether Tr• Dealcr. a the Coiled elates Our Prneas per Pound 4 OA.. rood War k lie •• • 0 alik,ad Green lea u4O Tine Flan red du . • • • 0 Ca 3trong ditto•-- ..... Str Fl ong rough 13 snored strong and Cob Llis'd 15 .English ind,' . • ••• 0 Wi Very superior • •-- •• l W 11,4.1101 aromatic ITd U tra quality andlost Very hest inaported• • I imported ••••r •• • I 23 Litie rane e aid {layered lhack Tea, :; per Ili.; this Ta we receive direct Iron. the Duel 6, dal). tree, It bell g tar c portahon fllef Or suia.atia Wad $ N W1C.U.2.311/LIO., . , • ...,-