The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 23, 1850, Image 2

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A Pew Post Office hsa bean establiihed in this
county, called West Manchester, and William H.
Phelps appointed Psi:muter. We resume this
- is in the baronet of,Manchesfer.
We publish, • day, the Bill adopted by the Lell
islatere,for t • ; election by the people of Auditor
and Surveyor end of the State, and also for Ike
election of r • •nty Suryeyor. Thfte elections take
place next f
We regr to learn That Hon. Jam. Cooper,
United ' es Senator from Pennsylvania,• was
°maned b sickness to hi. lodgings daring nil I."
week. accounts for the abasece of his name
among lb. plias and nays, on the important votes
on the ale question. We are happy to hear
That ho i recovering, and when swatter trial
codum, w. feel assured we shall and his alma es
uniformly .. riled on the aide of freedom, as That
if Mr. &. eon's is on the aide of the alarm
(=prom •
Conant 'aro Vrottron.e.—Among the coniirma.
eons of the Senate, which are given, it
'gat of.Faxmoucx A. Exuma, Eva., of this city,
eon of our respected townsman, Anthony Beaten,
to be Goon! of the United Slates at Angos
tura, in the Republic of Venezuela, Sown Amesi
ca. Mr. Beaten made one of the Expedition prin.
cipally fitted out from thin city, a few yew. ago,
staler the direction of Ve.pasiaft Ells, Erg, for
nay goting the Oronoo - t, by steam, and resided for
sometime in that country. The honor of the coun•
try and the interests of ter cif zeta will be safe in
the hand. of Mr. Reelen, who will bear with him,
to his consulate, the beat wishes of bin friends and
fellow citizens In Pittthdrgb.
Otto Waxman Itatutoin.,-The advertisement
for Iron, by the President of the Ohio and Penney!-
. Tattle Railroad, showa that there is a determination
to a sub as well as estesmenee that great work
at the earliest posstble period. As the stock of the
Company will be undoubtedly among the roost safe
and profitable in the country, we do not appre
hend the Company will have any great difficulty in
disposing of its bands, for the porchwo of Iron, of
' ter having provided for the grading and bridging of
the road by actual subscriptions. A letter to our
columns, td day, from Bellefontaine, Uhio, gives
essence that, by the time our road is finished, we
shall have railroad connections with Cincinnati,
Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Sandusky, Cleveland,
:and most probably Louisville, besides opening up
to to the interior tmde of the great States of Ohio
and Ind Lina. All this immense trade will pour over
Our road, and as it will toot be an expensive work,
its profits most be very large.
The Steubenville Herald says that a committee
of Puddler*, from this city, have fixed upon that
town as the place for the erection of a new Rolling
Mill, and , that they have raised fifteen. thousand
&tilers towards the project. We trust the Sieuben•
ville people will take these enterprising men by
the hand, and assist them by both capitol and coon
eel, we thiOli they acted unwisely in
somemattere connected with the turn outs here, yet
none would rejoice more than we to see them suc
ceed in their effort to establish a business for them•
selves, either on the individual or joint-stock and
associative principle.
News natal Lure Sorraton-The Cleveland
Herald notices a new paper which has just been
waded at Sault Ste. Marie, called the Lake Sup,-
riot Journal. This paper contains a very interest
ing commmiatitin•froin Charles Whittlny, Esq.,
from Ontonagan, Eetnmary 26, 1520, giving an ac
count of a Lake Superior winter, the ancient dig,
giugs and mining relies, and the operations of the
present mining companies. He writes that thewiater
has thus far been agreeable beyond anticipations,
• Arrriv•r-a• ear.--....„.„,k., 90 account
of the weather, "nor has there been a
man could not work comfortably out of doors" N.
snow or ice until the 21st of November, when win
ter commenced. In December, considerable snow
fell, and from 15th of December to 15th January,
more cord weather than in any period of like length.
Coldest, 15 deg. below zero, and that but one morn
ing for a short time. Since 15th of January, wea
ther mild and pleasant, and snow about two feet
deep. Sky beautifully serene and clear, generally
thawing about noon sufficiently to moisten the
snow. Mr. \V. asserts from experience, that as
for as regards health and comfort the climate on
the southern shores of Lake Superior is preferable
to the vicinity of she north eastern sea Ward.
Oar HafTiSbUffib idler, of to day, is oreeech if.
teresh It give. mt. the new Apportionment Bill,
as it passed the Hoare, with the amendments ad
ded by the Senate. It is a little finprovement on
the vetoed bill, but Is still exceedingly defective,
and greatly unjust to the Whig. It gives to the
Whigs about 35 members of the House, and from
12 to 14 in the Senate, and secures, the rest to the
Loccrucoet. It is still, to all Intents and purposes,
a Gerrymander, nod an won hy of any honorable
and just legislator. We regret to see among the
names voting aye on the plunge of this bill through
the House, that of Mr. Espey, oao of the Whig
members front this county. How he can justify
such • vals to his conqinter ts, we rennet see. I
certainly will net m, •;,•-r eil.,livret, or rlO
mote a renewal a it. Mr. W.thrr
Toted against the I llkna Mr. Mike was uhaent.
Ideaintoeir, of &mufti., war arnongthe ay, Wt.,
the Governor will do we trei..a.l not to ray. Ile
maylhiek it better to Yee tie bttl chin t.) let the
samba pus without any riooril‘naieut at all.
Ouropinion is deeided:y in favor of rejecting the
bill, aad'asy bill apportioning the State, that doe,
not deal justly with all sections and pallier.
Western stocks cppear to be poi u'ar in New
York. The elty of Decelend has subscribed 1100,-
00010 the Cleveland and Columbus Rad Road, and
given her bonds, with coupons annexed, having
twenty years to MP. The New York Tribune
nays these bonds have all been negotiated, in that
City, by Munn. Winnings, Lanier & Co., the tut
of them having been closed during last week. Is ,
very Imp portion of the bonds have been sold to
French and German holism, and have gone abroad
for annul invasimen..
Pittsburgh city 6's sell at 9.5 in Philadelphia, and
Allegheny county at advance. They will
loon be at par, as no sounder stocks exist in the
Blonee,F mirth St., has received part 1, of Dick
ens' rum and highly popular .work, the Moen.
tares of David copperfield. It is to 6e completed
lit two parts .
The' nor Mirk and Erie Railroad Company
havtacontraeted for all the rails (some 11,000 tons)
which they will need to finish their road to Dun-.
kiik,payablis part in bonds and part to cash. .
. - .
.Tne Coutas B...Lt.—This . pent sale is still is
proems, in New Yorin Oa Wednesday last, the
bows of the Napoleon Family, by Tiorawalsden,
Canova, Sc., were sold for 5600--sot onetenth of
their cut, or one grinner of what bit:Cohnla held
.1- them - at during his life lime.
. _ .
By ■ note which it published in the Tribune, it
appears that Mr. 1361n11111 engaged apartments
at the Irving house, New York, foi Jenny Lind and
her vine, and ordered them to be held In reserve
for them from sod after the IChlt of septe m b e i
. .
The Cole, yesterday, on the question of Sunday
havolling, was, 11 stockholders vote 127 sharei for
daily line. ; 8 stockholders vote 199 shares ageing
daily lines. Majority against daily lines, 72 votes.
The whole vole, thus far is :
.. .. .. . ..
Siockhoidem. Share". ,
For daily !inv., CF 12,341
Agaiinif daily lines, 111 fi,g73
Malority for daily line. :KA : 5,60 S
—North American, Friday, April ill.
STWII on t o o—One of the steamers
which recently loft New York is going to the ?a
cid* r,r tho pi:lrian.c of plying regularly between
San F(2OCiSCO and the Sandwich lolanda Here
is eon link, and a long one, too, in the chills of
sterns erannitinicalloo which is to mite China
with thei r rnitta) Stites— Tie other great link,
from tha Sandwich biota to China, well Wow in
ikt4 Orme. Lerrow...—The greet annul let
ting-00a General Pelt Ogee malls, at Wesideg
lot, ti woman. :.Within eiexteeti snwles;
lea days the keetteawer cheentel can't eitisb'ey
done, examine,yeinstsi told decide upon at but
ten thousand bids. It will be bard woL—equal
to an editor's ; almost.
Vireisient Divides. of tits P.uua7ti.ut•
Hatt Boa&
Below we give the allotment al thecrarieus sec
tine given to contractors, &Vibe letting at Blain•
villa, Saturday, on the Wetter,' Division of
the Central Rail Bead.
This allotment includes all the work on the Di.
West et' as Atesnisins, except nineteen
miles, which is comparatively light.. , .
A portion of the work let is exceedingly heavy.
The Engineer, have been ketanate in pinning it
WA the nands of the moat efficient cool:Kelm in
the Bete. Most of the work 4, Allegheny is let
to citizens of the county.
The question now, of rail road communication
,Philadelphia, Is purey one of time. As
area as the work eau be performed we shall have
the can running to Philadelphia The nineteen
miles of light work will be put under contract as
seen no will be necesury to hove it completed, by
the time the heavier sections are finished. By the
close tint:limn, INSI, or the spring of 1552, the
work will be done, and the line opened for end.
and travel.
Mlonsnent of Seetioas on ibis Western Wail=
of Pennsylvania Rail Road, at . Blairsville, !adieu.
County, April 20th, 1850.
NO. 7—James Kelley, Wilkiniburg, Allegheny
B—John Reilly & Co, Lockport.
9—Keefe, Howley & Co„ Hollidayiburc,
Blair County, Pa.
10—James W. Buchanan, Pittsburgh.
lI—S. F. Von Boanhorst& Co., Pittsburgh.
I2—King & Parte:ton, Westmoreland Co
16—M'Grann & Barry, Lancaster, Pa.
31—B. J.& H. M'Grann, do.
32—Michael Malone & Co. do.
33—Michael Malone &Co. do.
31—McCsnalaad & Forward, Blair Co.
35—Wynkoop, Lanigan do Co., Pottsville,
Schuylkill Co. ,
36—John Secidgrass & Co., Westmoreland,
.37—Carr & Tondos', Spruce Creek, Hun.
tingdon County.
33—Carr & Thurlow, Spruce Creek, Hun
tingdon County.
39—D. Wilams & Co., Hollidaysburg.
40—M'Grann do Fitzpatrick, Union Furnace,
Huotingdon Co.
41—George Clark & San, Holmeaburg, Phil.
nde!phiu Co.
42—John Dougherty & Cc, Hollidayaburg,
43—Carr & Thurlove, Spruce Creek, Hun
tingdon Co.
4I—E. & J. M'Oovern, Huntingdon, Co.
45—M'Evoy & Maher, Lancaster, Pa.
46—G00. Clark 6: Son, Holincohutai PDIIo
dolphin Co.
I7—ld'Orann ✓Y Ittlrtovern, Lancaster, Pa.
19--Snider, Foster do Snyder, Halifax, Dan.
phis Cu. '
49 —M'Grann & Malone, Lancaster, PS.
al—Sehogeld & Bell, Philadelphia.
51—hd. D. Madigan, Huntingdon, Hunting
don Co. -
52—M'Grann & Reilly, Um:aster, Pe.
59—Collins & McCaffrey, Summu, Cambri
51—Welcb, gueele & Graham, Rant Centre
vitle, Iw:tame Co.
Corre.pondeme - of thePiLtaborgh O auto.
The Gnat Central Railroad.
Beusrarrrates, April lb, IMO
Dana Sra—As - any thing which interests aril
portion of the" great back lose line" from Philo
.le!plain to St. Louis, is interesting to Pittsburgh
,hat being the mast Imponam city between thi
Atlantic sea port and tle Father of Waters,
make no apology for troubling you with • feu
tame oincerning In important ring in the rjnnc
Pealing through this place, which, as you we
aware, is aituated on the line of the Sandusky and
Cincinnati Rail Read, nearly midway between tin
river and tle lake, and titan midway of the Belle
Out•ine and India. Rai Road, I have been mud
.ratified to learn that the prospects for this link it
.he great east end welt chain, are highly encou
'aging. The subscriptions to the capital stock an
etubtaincressing,nedthey are made by the right
clod armee, and by townships and COUrille.S gaud ,
ire abundantly able''to pay all their oldie/tient,
rho subscription" now exceed lac' mum of fear
artazfrad thousand dolfars. The Engineoes esti
nat.: of the coat of grading and bridging the whale
distance, (120 calico), frOITI the Lran!CM terminus
f the 0,110 and Pennsylmeia Rail Road to thr
Indiana line, according tolls topottro the Board,
nada in lanairy last, tau $480,000, mad no doubt
is now c alcitained,•long thecroute. that MMa the
his ammnt vi! he aubscribed by the time the line
he prepared gad placed under .attract.
On the 15th of May, next, accordicg to striver
,weracal, the Company will commence remising
oropoaals at then. office, in Sidney, for several por.
tons of the distance, from the eastern ter.
annul to Marion—about 22 miles ; from &llama.
twine to Sidney—about 23 miles, and some miles
west of Sidney, The heaviest work on the toad
I in the vicinity of, and ten miles west, and ten
miles east of, Sidney.
The Engineers have lamina llom from Marion
~ never.] different points of junction, on - the
C:eveland and Columbus Hail Road, all of which
,stabliah the feel, that the fleet division of the road,
eaching to Marion, rill conaiatof • single *kaiak
Ina, 20 or 21 miles long, depending on the mat to
dirernsined as tie grand junetare of the Pitts•
trash road, the Cleveland road, and the Relief ,a,
1w e and tedious 'tad. Titta l portioe of the route
will have very moderate grade., generally about
t 5 feet to the mite, with a very small amount 01
~111110,1 and filing.
The Company are now obtaining the Right of
Way along the located lines, and as far as they
tote progressed in thin important branch of their
operations, they have been quite successful In W.
cuing leases, free of charge, from the laud own.
Th - eskics appear bright for this Company, and
should Ohio be tamed with an abundant crop of
her great staple, whew, of which there is a spiels
did prosper-1, the march will be " onward," till a
successful opening of the he road shall crown the of
firts of the enterprising citizens of this nourishing
rigion, and place them within Web* hour, of the
iron City. Very unity, your,.
Correrponeenee of ihe Pim/Imb °cum.
liczeuisuaci t April 19.
In the Senate yeXerday, Mr. Savory, from the
immitkv on Corporation., M which was referred
tho billfrem the House, entitled "An act locos.
posting the Associated Fireman'. Inturanee coup
part} of the city of Pittsburgh, reported the same
without amendment.
Mr. MMililaa from the Select Committee on
Slavery, to which was committed bill from the
flause,entirled "An act to repeal in part the act
mtitled an act to prevent kidnapping, preserve
pitblia peace, prohibit the excereise of certain
'awes, heretoCre %itemised brindges, Justices
ri the Peace, Aldeimen, and Jailors to this Com•
me0w...9.14.mA to repeal certain slave lama,
passed the 3rd day of Much 1817," reported the,
same with ■ recommendation that It be nega
tired. - •
lotion amendments to Senate bill went then
taken up, and occupied a conaidarablo portion of
.he day. The amendmente were Firstly of a local
and private character, cod generally of but little
Oa motion of Mr. Streeter, the Senate then pro•
<coded to the consideration of the bill to Inoorpo•
notithe Honesdale and Hastitope plank road com
pany to Wayne and Pike o •unties.
Mr. Malone moved as aniendment, to come in
al a new section. providing kr the enlargement
of the loeks,and general improvement of the work
upon the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania
canal, and antborining a lean at the rate of six per
oont. interest, ft, such sons as may ta necessary
to complete the said improvements.
Mr. Demi* moved to amend the amendment by
substituting "Ave per cent." far "six per tent." se
the rate of interest lobe allowed.
After a great deal of discord= upon the ques
tion of agreeing to this amendment go the amend.
Merit, and in to the rata orb:Merest which
it wu proper to allow , which wu participated to
by Mows. Dante, Packer, Crab!), Malone, and
Brooke, it wan agreed to.
The question wait than taken Nina the amend
ment as amended, and determined in the alma
The question then recurring upon the dual pea.
mum oldie bill, it was determined 113 the adirma.
Lives/Liu:rat a must.
, On motion a Mr. Walker. the Sonata then took
:tip the bill to annul tha marriage owdzatt between
Jetteph' C. Smith and Sabina, hie wile.
Mr. Walker moved to amend by Edding a mew
anthonzingtha sale et the Erie and Wa.
LAW turnpike road, which wu weed to.
!diatom moved a farther amendment, to eau
la as an addaioval section, to authorize the Caul
Commistioneva to investigate the did= of Peter
&Amen, for work done on the Freeport sequednet
which wu agreed to.
The bill ea amended, wu then read a third
time, passed, and and to the Hum for con•
On motion of Mr Walker, the Senate took up
the bill, entitled a - Supplement lathe actrelative to
voters at the elections in the counties of Adam*.
Dauphin, Yolk, Lnocaster, Franklin, Cumberland,
Bradford, Crzitre, Greene, and Bele, approved the
24th of February, 1919, and incorporating Edin
boro Academy in the county of Erir, which was
read a second and third time, passed, and soot to
the House for concurrenre.
On motion of Mr. Bogus, the Senate took up the
bill from the House, entitled "An act for the re
lief of David Clark, and Andrew Clink of Colum
bia county, which wu read • second time, sad
amended by the additioo of Bement BOCtiOall pro.
'riding for the erection ol a saw count oat: of
parts of Columbia, to he called Pdontour. .
1 '
The question then recurring upon the ual par
sego of the bill.
The yens and nays were required by Mr. Dar
sie and Mr. Frick, and were as follows, to wit:
Yur.—ldesara Bumley, Cunningham, Drum,
Femon, Fratley, Hulett, tires, Jones, Hoaigmach•
er, Muncher., M'Culin, Malone, klublenberg,
SMUG/. Sunkey, Stveryi - Sterrett, Streeter, Beat,
NATC—Meurs. Crabb, Dare le, Forsyth:Frick
Matthias, Packer, Stine, Walker— 9.
So the bill pawed, and woo ordered to be r
turned to the Route for concurrence.
is the House, the Appropriation Bill was taken
on motion of Mr. Conyaliam and Mr. McClin
tock, and occupied the emir° day.
Mr. Porter offered an amendment to this bill to
limit the compensation of the Attorney Generel
and his deputies la mob county to 111000 a year,
the entire races, to be paid into the Stale Trea
On this amendment ■ warm debate arose can
cerning the manner in which the prosecohona had
been conducted in the county of Philadelphia.
Mr. Porter was particularly severe upon the
prevent Deputy !Mornay °metal, Wm. B. Reed,
EA., abuse character he said was utterly des
Mr. Reed watably and eloquently defended by
Mr. Kiddie and Mr. O'Neill, the latter • f whom
aaid ittn odium which formerly attached to that of`
gee some sir or eight yearling°, (0. F. Johnson,
tatty. Gen1.,.1 did not aowertet.
Mr. Killinger thought it very meanie that the
gentleman from Northampton should conaide
$lOOO per mentors sufficient fir the prosecutor in
the city and county, whose time, for at least thirty
weeks; was employed in conducting prosectnious,
some of them of the total responsible sad arduous
kind, when but recetitly, that gentleman put his
hand into the Treasury, by the connivance of •
brother of his, the Governor of the State, and to k
out • hke sum of $lOOO, without any appropnation
made by low.
(Mr. K. was here called to order by the
Spanker, as personally red.tivr, and he took
his sea'.)
Mr. Porter bad M.i.ted tbal be be permitted
proceed, but he made no reply, except that be could
not waste, his ammunition upon small game.
Mr. Molloy offend an amendment to the amend.
mem to require these efficient to pay one half of
the excels above $lOOO per year. Into the State
TreaWry, which was agreed to—yeas 48 nays 43 .
The macadamia as amended was then agreed
to—yeas 54, mays 36.
Tne annual appropriation to the State Library
was reduced from six hundred to two hundred
In the-Senate to day, the following bills we
read in place, to wit:
A bill to incorporate the Carlisle Daposite Bank
Ti, re-charter the Fanner.' Bank of Lanraster.
Ta rccbrcier_tbo Catfish; Deposita Bank.
To it:eintrter the Leacaster County Bat k
To rc•ckaricr lha Waal Branch Bank
And to incorporate ■ new Bank to be called
'The Anthracite. Bank of Tamaqua."
On the motion of Mr. Brooke, the Senate then
nieceeded to the second 'reading and coriander,.
.1/013 of the bill from the Hotwe entitled an net to
6z the number of Representative., and divide
the State into Senatorial and Representative
The question was taken separately upon snob
district; and amendments proposed by Wbig mem.
hero were unilormly voted down, while those pro.
posed by the other aide were its unifdrusly curled
by the casting vote of the Speaker.
The following are the districts as imaged in
dm toll as it passed the Hoane on Wednesday
Loserne and C.lambi
and Wyoming,
Mods, Potter. M'Kea•
Elk and Jed-anon,
Philadelphia city
roomy, :Si,
Cheater sad Delaware,
Berke and Schuylkill, 2
Huckr, 1
Lancaster, 2
Lehanim and Dauphin, 1
Whampron and Lehigh,l
Cuban. Monroe, Pike,
and Wayne, , 1
liams and Franklin, 1
York, 1
Cumberland, retry and
Juniata, 1
Northumberland, Lye.
ming, Sullivan, and
Clinton, 1
Blalr, Camlnle, Castro
and Cleat Gild, 2
Mercer, Venango, and
Erie and Crawford,
Butler, Lawrence, and
' Beaver,
Allen heng,
Wenteron and Greene
Artnetrong. Indiana and
Huntingdon, 'Olin and
ILyeoming, Clinton and
Potter, . 2
Laneaa4r, 4
Luxerne, 2
Lehigh and Carbon, 2
Monroe, Pike, Wayne, 2
Monet, Venal:in°, and
Warren, 3
[Crawford, 2
[Malin, 1
Allegbeay, 5
Badlord and Cambria, 2
Backs, 3
Blair and Ifuntingdou,
Bradford, 0
Buller and Lawrence, 21
Cheater, 31
Cumberland, Perry, and
Juniata, 3
Clearfield, 2ik, and
McKean, I
Claim, Jefferson, and
Columbia sad Bellivan.2l
Dauphin and Lettmon,3
Erie . 2
Wa;felon and Greene, 3
Franklin, 21
Indiana, II
A great many efforts w
to amend the bill in the 8
make something like a fair
Philadelphia dip,
ISulquebasina and Wy
erti made by the Whip
:anise, to day, so as to
apportiOnmetai but as
the whole matter had been ,itranged In mega
again the night balers, they were not listened to,
and only etoertatned at all beetuse the farms of
business required it.
The only amendments adopted bflihe Senate
were, to add Warren to the Tog., Potter, hle-
Klan, Eik, and Jefferson district—Crawford to
,Nlereer and Venango—to unite the Westmoreland
and the Bedford, Somerset, and Fayette -dialects—
and. to leave Erie, with hat little over BOO* tn.-
byes, but little more than half the , ratio adopted in
the bill, to stand alone.
Walt these exceptions the bill minds now opon
}kW sod deal reading to the Senate, Just a. It
pawed ebe llosse. It is said, however, that the
Ileum Will not agree to the amendmente; and
that o committee of conference will be the cense
r' oence. They had a warm time of it in caorma
last night, and it is thought the proceedings of to
&where tied improved the temper of the &gar
feetad overmuch.
The cross luequalitiesofible bill are measly,
t oot quite as tumorous, as those of the other.
In the House the day was again taken op with
the second reading of the Appropaatioa Bat.
Amougst other amendments, your indeatlgable
member', Mean. McClintock and Walker, cur
weeded In getting one for an appropriation of forty
cine hundred dollars for the improvenient of the
Western Penitentiary.
Au amendment giving to the Sopreme Court
tee appointment of one third of the Directors et
the Institution for the Outland Dumb was agreed
'o=yeas 43, nays 40.
bikr. Klotz wu also antenatal hum amendment
proposed to refund to Carbon openly the militia
Ones paid by that openly in the year 1819, for the
poruisecgrebuilding the Court House. It appeared
by the speech of Mr. K. that moat of the counties
la the State did not collect the militia &nes lest
Year, not having been cognisant of the act which
devoted those tine■ to the sinkieg fund, but that
(baton county did pay fritif,that fend about $lOOO.
Mr. Patter moved an amendment in favor el
widening the looks on the Delaware divbilon 10
Ireef, earrespon d with the Lehigh Co. Nut
ICIP, which elicited a very warm debate, to
which Mum. Beaumont, Porter, William, Mots,
and Cunningham, took part. The aileudulgail
heptived—peu 28, nap 62.
Mr-Porter then =avid the appointmentofthres
engineers, to wax. Ms. Gay, Kr. fluffnaile, end
Mr. Dail.* who were nutted to Investigate
both cons* sad make report to the Ousel Cour
=redone* which war opposed by Mr. Barden
and was lost leas 23, Days 49.
. The saute bill occupied =a Roue doing Ile
&lemon =salon, and Mr. Cenyosham made a
very tble and convanang speech in favor of the
North Brutal Caul.
Mr. Conyugharo sake en appropriation of 11300;
000 fur this obj•et„whicb will probably be granted
Tke quack's' upon it, however, boa not
yea teen taken.
The whole bill will probably go throir„b to emu.
Correspondence of the Pivabatik Onseue.
W•ALLIPOTOTI. April 1&h,1650
The proceedings in both Homan have been very
animated to day. A geed deal of work has been
done, and what is a miner of real sabatiction, no
body has been shot, or had his bones broken in eith
er branch.
Foote's special Committee scheme has succeed
ed JO the Senate, by the large vote of 31 to 22 The .
Northern Senators who voted for It, were Can,
Dickenson, STURGEON, Bright, and Whitcomb, of
Indiana. I vast every one of thee, men will be
remembered when the reckoning comes. If they
are not "laying up wrath against the day of wrath,"
my philosophy is at fault.
The Senate have spent the day in voting, after
the "shouting and fighting of yesterday, to use an
expressive flash term, a recurrence of the old fash
ioned way of cooducting legislative business,
seemed to be generally looked upon at en agrees
able and desirable recreation. All fair parliamen
tary expedients fur contesting end resisting the evi
dent designs of • decided majority of the Senate,
having been stunted, I was glad to perceive that
Mr. Beaten did not press his opposition to the pro
posed measure to the bitter end. Though from the
energy and obstinacy of his character, • protracted
and in some degree unreuonable reismance to the
project,was anticipated from Mr. Benton. All have
been forced to admit that in the course of these pro.
needing's, he has transcended no tree parliamentary
privilege, with inlet:4M defeat the bill. He has
consumed no time in useless debate, and he had a
right to demand a separate vote upon each of his
numerous propositions to instruct the Committer,
which he has obtained.
The Committee will be selected to morrow. Mr.
Clay will doubtless be chosen Chairman, and the
133014 distinguished of those who arc known as the
Compromising Senators, will be associated with
him. They will probably report week after next.
I presume the minority of the Senate, in respect to
this matter, looking upon the'whole project, as they
do, as a fraiidulent plan to foist upon Congress, un
der the shadow of California, othermeasuzu, which
alone would stand no chance of rumness, will take
no part in the balloting at all.
The Committee appointed by the Vice President
to examine into the circumstances of the riot and
tumult in the Senate yesterday, is a good one,
though the Chairman, Governor Dodge, is himself
as impetuous en old gentleman as cam stood be
fore a foe, whether national or individual.
In the House, a ridiculous, and I may say perfidi
ous attempt was made to reverse the decision be
fore settled, that the present Door,Keeper, Whig,
and Democratic Postmaster, should be permitted to,
serve through Congress without an election. There
was some contention shout it, and then the subject
was passed over.
A dimingiuMied member of our profession, from*
Pittsburgh, has been for some time a welcome and
honored guest 11.131001! its, and was yesterday • muck
entertained spectator of the excitement and uproar
in the Senate. I refer to Mrs. Swishelm, Editras
of the Pittsburgh Saturday Visitor. This lady was
yesterday inducted into the priviliged slip of the
correspondents and the reporters in the gallery,
desk having been there assigned her, I am told, by
the gallant and discerning Vice President. Whelk
er this fair member of the cones become disgusted
with her first day's experience, as a sentinel over
the bear garden below, I do not Imow,',but I have
not seen her among her rucle_4m.laborers to day.
corrupoodertee arum Patishaath Gamma.
, New You, April IS, 16511: '
The steamer for Europe look a vase large nanit,
be: of pawengen yesterday, Including many w
have gone abroad upon pleasure excumieel.--190.
Collin. mime, has a very large number el Urdu;
engaged, and minted on the 27M, with Ma United
I States mail, which has been evicted on board'
by the Department. A very ime amount of
'docks were sent eel yesterday, includingaot leas
thou a queue. of • million of Ponnaylvanis fives,
now one of the most sought fir docks on the list.
and the most roaringly sold at the board of broker..
The certainty that New York lull not buxom
her public debt, has given the securities of Penn
sylvania a value that le not overlooked by theme
whet seek • permanent investment rather thin
Imo profits, with doubtful uarentice. Among
the securities lately upon the marker, none are
more favorably regarded than the Pittsbtugh and
Allegheny six per cents. Each day's work upon
the road to which this loan is dented, area et
haw. Glii. ol .itlf, for each_ day adds to ;the WA
sources of Pittsburgh. Thriving es shake now,.
an one can examined/as plan of palls works nor
in progress, and resist the cm:elision that a; ; 60
distant dey she is to start spots • mine whieb will
throw into the shade het previous progree4l4o
will see repeated upon ben basinew, the ma*
enacted upon the completkia of theßrie Canal . .
New York. The immense inetund resources •
Allegheny county, developed by the magio . power
of rail roads, cannot be estimated: by her preset'
business. An influx of population most soon be
seen bringing new capital to enhance every &Wel
rod estate within her limits. She will Ind newer
sod larger markets for her manufactures, mom
employment lee labor, and la the end, her money
now lent with interne, ten times told.
The rate of sterling bills has not approached
near enough to the 'peen, point to make it plain
ble that we shall loan any amount of the coin now
filling the vaults of our banks. The bulk of ear
imports are here and paid for, and the cotton
crop remaining in the hands of our merchants
mstl take care of the balance due. The stock on
hind I. now 150,000 bales larger than list year ;
aadrepresents at least 1125,000,11(10 (499,000 bales
about:ll6o per bate.) which, had In the capital to
hold sixty days, would be swelled another mlllinn.
The crop is short, and • Mlle month would ens:
ble us to show to Ensieed and her manufacuireM
that American cotton is the basis of Ilia stability coy
their Government. The imports of March,l6sl4
are about the same as In the North Mt year, No
from now to Austad mast continue to deolise,so
cannot effect the money market unfavorably.
Mr. Thom, of Ayrshire, the sculptor of the
groope illustrating Burns' Tarn CYShanter, is dal&
The groups war out from red Gaud stone, and
gave with all the truth of life, Tam °Shutter
close conclave with "Scatter Johnnie," his asi
dent "trusty, Mouthy er9nie," With the kirlandlit_
dy mil ag at the Mies of wit of her gay ensas
era. This unique spielmett of anulptnre Gut ;
only monument to .the fame of its lutist ..Vila
Church his in Its neh earrings, notosrotts ••
mum of his skill, which will remain to • v i
of the achievements of this humble .
one of the sweetest poets of the timea. !l
In the Money Idastst, Item is the are lest Wl*.
sod a very buoyant hinting In all kinds of et •
Lana on call eau he had se low
, tittl kiakper
libridelus paper in the street, eosin pet caul.,
at the bank. M. Pennsylvania SACS liSCliig
921. United Stales Vs of 1869, Illf, and
due, 119/. All gooks are active; and
' clean rash receipt of $6,900. Yesterday,•
Road run op to 70, the price at which It cipoSid
when the those:milli= were subscribed. Ps
.nislt of country merchants seem:UM be reirtillk
and fall se were the hotels ea the opening et Ote
week, they are crammed now. Some of ltiet
have brought down the river as many as
hundred passengers at a trip, a number IissIWIS9
seem fabulous to those who never saw • r i.
Myer boat disgorge its cargo of hundred& I .
A good degree of activity is seen of 'qilt,:
Ashes are lift kir Peesle, 136300 tear Polo . i,ltleit.
ton sells upon • liberal wale, and the rearkskikei
. .
6CA Sent, wieltiog the news by the, Maui'
due sr SW.. Float is active,lend pelm+flrlil
for all kinds.- Common State briapAililigigk
good Ohio, $5,2505.37. Corn. is Si; aridi t7 OO- ; -
donna& Whiskey 221=0. p aa ja aa ,
oat change. Mesa Pork stand, at aba
l ar d y 6,3164.50 tor NU lad ter& 111
Gtoceriee a doll market, piutieularly (or "
florae has needed to 91612., the • attet..
butt.) Lane sales of New 'Weans Sett
are: large sake ef double redoad Sugar,
s naa ,,, a 1 hie. Linseed Oil Is maigledisides•
iNk, and IMO 'kWh LW 10: 0 18:119
dratBle, sad • class ankle. Than Us deal
arettdslion In the whale, and theme sales era
or offset. Tallow has limn to Ilan
Tobacco is firm, bat gpeculaton have complete
control of ilea market. ,on is doll. Pig bu •old
II W. and large sales of Bar •t $371 s7B.
Seeds an doll, and price• rather on the s one.—
Holders prefer to withdraw at carnet rates. C.
001. D.—The Grand Rini. Eagle is certain that
gold rituals large quantities on the Yellow Stone
River. An individual io Chicago has deposited
63000 for the equipment of ■ company to go and
INF for it.
nem the National lotelligeneer.
We us:demand Ma the follouring letter WIC
yesterday commanieued to the United S:ates AC
torney for thla District:
C Bram, April IS, IS
To Parur B. Piesnar4 -Esq.
United States Thanes Attorney:
Bra: A pistol mu drawn upon me yesterday in
the Benne Chamber, and although tbo Senate has
taken notice of that act, and commenced a pr
media/ upon it, yet this proceeding is no bar
the anion of a court equities., and, beside., tb
powerof the &eau is limited. I !hick it a proper
@abject 637 a coon of Jamie°, and wish it to be
brought before the Criminal Conn of this Monet
for tee examination and decision which the laws
would give it. I enclose • National lotelbgeseer
et this morning, an official reporter of the Senate
proceedings, and have marked the passages to
which I invite attention. Ido not seed the paper
as evidecee, brit ea a guide to the empiric. untie
Grand Jury, and have to add that I will be ready
to appear before that body, if 'squired, aad per
haps to give the names of some person. uwitoes
Respectfully, air, your obedient seen,
*and rah tha azhnea and wasn't Ma Si
SOZVILTOII3 or rue ersrom.
Eh B. Swearingen, Wheeling, Va.
Win C. Bryan, St. Andrew'aßay, Fa.
F. A. Beelen, of Pennsylvania, to be Consul of
the United Staten, for Angostura, in the Republic
of Venezuela.
Philip Clayton, Enq., of Gs., to be Second An.
ditor of the Treasury.
Being the day notified by the Secretary of the
Nary that the steamship Allstate has beet, In.
stecied and, accepted by him into the eery!oe of
tie Government, under a cecina made on the
Ist November, 1E47, for the transoorution of th.",
United States mail between New York and Liver.'
pool, voiles Is hereby given that the United States
mall line of steam packets, called Collate' Lane,
will gelato (mention on Saturday, the 27th April,
mama. On that day, at 12 ellrlet coo., old
steamship, the Atlantic, will lean, New York for
Liverpool, and convey the malls between the lloi.
ted States and Meat Britain, ender the pestal tree.
ty entered into between the two connotes. Poet.
masters will duly make op and forward for dirpateh
by uid ateamship, at the time aforesaid, oil toed.
for Great Britain, and couutries beyond, that are
received in season for that purpose.
J. COLLAMEIL Postmaster General.
Weutorgtes„ April 16, IMO.
ALMER, HANNA k CO. have removed their
Ktektogo Ole. to north welt corner of Wood
nod Third MULL •pV
• •
_ . .
(Sticeeesors to Hassey, Hanna & Co.)
• in Temkin and Domestic F.scharere, Certlicate•
Deposate. Bank Notes, and Specie—North weal
rrier of Wood and Third streets. Current money
eived on dere:Wm.—Sight Cheeks for sale, and
Ilections made ea nearly all the principal points In
a Halted Steles.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Amer'
Advanoes made on cormilromenu of Prodoce gamy
pod V.m . h.on !Bond tonna. .a 3"
Bop nameslsis end Nem Books.
ODhrS LADY'S DuOA kr Mar.
Urahrsn's Ma ylll.O do
lieotain's N 01112104 do
Morning Call by Mn. Ellis.
Women in Anerlea; her work and her reward. By
Maria J Melenosb.
hloneypeatty, or the Heart Of the World.
LitlaWALleing Age, Na 310
Diary of • Pyloician In Cakfundat being the results
of &else espertenee, lneludlng tunes of the j.marnry
by land and water, observation. on the climate, soil,
Its. For eale by J HOLMES..
sell Literary Depot, Third &Lannon. Post Office.
NO as ST. CLAIR STREET, near the Undge
Customer Skins made in order promptly. Our
Shinearede be measurement the acme se gar
ments. sit th4ts warranted to hi, otherwies ex
changed, or the money retorted. We keep lit the
store a largo aseertment; those al,htee to gnirehaile
ens takq (Lair eueasare, select atoris to corretp-md,
and thus they ere correctly hued. We hove shins
with nisgrafieuit embroidery en the bow., to which
we call Ma attention of gentlemen in the habit of
going in partite, as they wonld add much to Menlo,
ipotesi appearanee. Na Mina veil ar our more bat
111 , bee made bytmusihrea. II N. AUL
1,043 dlor
Rambla* Card..
EET CARDS for Wool Canfiog &Whines, comb
- oad CIOSOCM, for •ale by
16 Wood O.
• -
CILRESE— bi 4 pnme mew elleesei
0.34 old cheese, }nu teed at the butte
mod thane depot, 143 Front towel
INSEED OIL-15 brim jail( ree'd, and for sale by
BLTI'P.a-761, lied 8 key frebb, iosi reed, arid
for gale by
• Illmspratts• Patent Leda Ash. •
464 ":" las 1 1 " 'fa*" h "" r bnod sad
auks big
'w*" (rota the bib :TO:ll "r % ea•
Stied bo h;* wisfj ; shonTs'
via Balttaere per ship. /waists, Chesapeake, DI es e
Rte and Albs., which will be sold so arrival, Cl the
*west Market pike for mill or approved bilk.
.• NCI No lib Liberty sh
iSCCIAIt-161) NO Zlrwriiisistorefifiliee
RA 041.QP1 VA bitspuime N O ?donates, in sok
411,/ bands, in don, and tor sale by
. .
If *awaits Ban,
OUNllkenald -PdprILINS, rirovrti Linings, Bork
Imo, .Cottem Yam from sto LON. Alan, WICK-
S Bat Soma tinkled Wink, Chasidism , Wink
. IlattnOke., manaraelared and for sale •
ifba lawesi teraio7 LI IdeillVlNG,
& dloa : 136 Pearl •1. Near York.
gtks fkler.;
it t;n do do io pape
dila day toceiyed,4bd for tale by
DOTA£II.I-11 cooks reoA and for We by
.8 , 23 WICK k bIeCANDLEBB
TAR -0 bit. N. O. Tar;
20 half Cabo do, vied and kr oale by
.023 WICK &
`~~ +rp,: Lai . 7~^ i••.Rl~~~! . ~tm~n1
.i l) l 6i N!Fl ia°N 77 ikilll7/4"Cif.II4eOmIAND6"I44dESS°
11,10111 1 / 1 11/10 11701114
Ile AS Noah Soceitd S
.; Neu Cbssitust, PkU , s.
eSSuN k. lON an sow toseivitat thcirlspilog
Impostations t and,woeld respectfully eaeite Ike
sltsalloatsf all Csset el*. wkolccmc or re
taU, to Omit lure stock of !SOURPUSS' GOODS ex.
GLACE G•scica, •Musialsc, Muds, Botabosin.,
• talsk Alpacas, .11Clucos, Ciotks,
.• • • saki* itassolLastlolaiactlitfrecodines, C.-
o t . 7apac, Dawes Lattsta,Tklbct•hms. sid souse
Dame akalllk Osumi larca 'sad COW
• • eitc,patcalliogbak trisuo/si and Vol Crapes,
RECORD MOURNING Lawns, Gingham, Garages,
Masailine de Laing*, Gingham Lamm Clams.,
Arles Clanks, Linea LOW., Mourning Dordered
Ilatulkarehtels 3 Gallus, and Cats, Blank and lead
Rd Gloves, Naspoliuut Glover, ke. Ate.
ty ars lanai, provided Mot/ruing Goods,
sad se wishing weersimas. mill And amnia oppor
malty int do so mot thest."—lNank Amsflean.
aNi advantage takes tkumeatie Mamma an en.
natio impoadkut.”—Lardarday Ceuta'. .
odium, vas, at any mement,eall at
tad oitsin/mom material kr !War attire, list la
naessaltry the sawn of sliketian, amideatgle son
of obtalairm past pods, mat u ihrideratisx-Ila,
its.earruvotodrata VIR mAscitt
110118 Erl haul, by _ JD BUSYPOoI.r.,
• 1L Beeeui u.
"..),...:•'. I '.atIMIIIIIIIRLIIIii 11017111C/1.
li,o6fto having sitaborniat en tielr yam,
fa ray re a roolasioa of Connelly eall
ptnan at Ow Room of the Ceara of Tragic
wend wry, c omer ol Wood end Thad I at rl aay
do the mod. idAhLULIL FAUN
"Plltabando. Anti! 10,1 M eaten
_ s, oo omits seam ROAD uuiir..
quit and Panznytnnals'ltall Road Caniin 7
.1, NA la esannant Ake enrha innuand tau of Sail
'M . fat tionenntesedirlalans of abet, toad : extend
it:tale "stn% n a nm en 6 tr Wab g t6ll7, ` , prAZtil
th..., ft. 1 / 1 10 eloaa et canal alai:Wigan at aus
prestla laje* and the
at lb. ming !aat
mat yam Ths nil* tan SO be at al If pantry an
iseinlas ea torcall inet,and an to walgla GI pond. Per
Anna! y I. Tiaras. fa lat saaaect ta am hastmaaa
tlf=tQltictsa .b ritrdten .Cl'' . ILI tg. ,al7/14 rAtllt r etna
mum, at Pausberik. .By ardor or the' Dowd at D 1 ..,,,,,,,,.. ~ . M. ROBlangaCaNar., ?madam
a ,PlLlanteldiPtal !Oa t Ina.
.IAI 01191-11.116azaa Clara Wines, ebalee - btaadg
y y WW2 Mumma* do' do
Ireedri ataans. fila•lpan, and tot nla br
lad Libeny M
datlAtailt V NCtI ei..ll4 6lA Ld.
A Amman, GUIGNOLET, Jaid see`d, - wd
ter tale by , way A OLII.AIERTISON
rikran . t. VIIMEMAII.—a buts, a taperidr Artiald!
r jazz absd,uld for de by
apttl ! . • CULBERTSON '
ERAR#ROb' Is Weed*. Powdortil And Crbabel
fJ flagary,MmreeM, arti Tx sate by
B AWNTIV Bboalast d,
Taal reed, ikyd for lab by
A 4 kb.
tadisKl-4.o4mis M 0 Molasses Mu otatased
/IL mut bosala by 7. fl WATERMAN* SONS,
.11.)1KAUHM—Si4 twiliegt pay iu tal i zalette .
IL4 r l for ars 47. L. 8 °
. nit tei I- Mi. PIM P..."*.agn
fit' pN9
ra renvedi
braatUffELIVSO istar Mr sa% 17 4—"*
%at L 8 WATICULta 1/50315
COFFEE A TEAS-73 bags prime Rio Coffee.;
73 half chests V. IL lea;
CI do G.P. do;
3Y caddy hys to,
00 half chatty Black Tea, re
calving rcr canal, and for sale by
TANN rats , 011,-25 tols for o j alei
naent yOnag men to mist in
s fora Directory of the City
ledialely to
rard of Trade, corner of Third
and second .tory.
FIVE active awl anion ,
making pronarm . ions
of Pittsburgh, aPPIT A I I I. 7 I
Rooms of Rot
sptM-illw and IV(
EXTRA CREAM CHEESE-50 bar Cream . Chen.
of extra quality, in Mora and to artive,and for
We by R DaLZELL & CO,
mitt 215 Liberty at.
nso mt sr ll2: n one t fora:tc,
iuje SW
new edition. cloth .
Tag Pans or TOO Worn, or Living (or Appear.
anew, with Illastrrionm. BY the Brodie , . Metre.
o Chronicle, Pont, American, and doornail ring.]
• / cloveraced, and 39 bu Timothy in awry and inr
ante Ly area DALZKLL. & Co
Sidlora , Vormifspo—uTtke But now In
Beam vita, 0., April 8.1 , 5 A.
Mr. R. F. Samna—De. Sir—Having nsed some
or your Varrnifuge in Out Wail., with great BllrCe•t,
and believing, (Tom the very groat satosetion It has
given to our neighborhood. Most It is the best now in
wa are &ratans to procure theageney for this
place. VG have sold all we obtained of your Ohio
agent. Yours, respectfelly, - Fh A JULIAN.
(Q-Parents .he Id always procure the mi. re
liable Worm Medicine.
Prepated and sold by R E SELLERS. N 57 Wood
treet, and sold by Druggists generally t o the IWO
ethos. up=-
a MUIPI erltpl ElyL? inve4sekrerion or
bmVot rr,a 4 eG. t
s Cot7ssoVise
klansooks nod
Marlins, Figared Swiss Meshes Embroidered dill.,
.Book and Swiss kruslins, Bseretl
Jaekoners, Cambric aortic. and Stripes. Vietorin,
Lisle, F,gyptiao, Thread, Ils/Mine. Jamkonet, awl
Swiss Edg,ngs and Imertings; Needlework, Collars,
Ike &e.
As thew good. are peaches...a from the aaenia of
the manufaciarera, they can be sold at low prwee.
T Ano—mnTard In kegs and h alf brie, in st - oc,
Ld and for este by R DA L7.ELL & Cu
()3011,111.11111.:,—IU Cotton Ullneb.urga, suitabln
for gratn and feed bags, larpouluts, steam boat
fun screen., &c., jolt received, and for sale by
11 LEE,
IN Liberty street.
RURI.APS— P bale. 40inch bravj burlaps received
and kir .ale II LEV
1. oo
WINE-400 IL. wool tying and revving twine , fur
see by ap4o II LK F.
VENISON IJAI I / B —L cask Vanisan llama, tor sale
CORN—SCO sbell,ia stare, and for enle b
B EA .p V tI R BUCK E 13-60 dox I j lrbf!. Ne
i ATTINU —AO hal. No I, at mole. ml for pn e by
A LCIIOIIOI.-12 bala m atom mad for mie by
apl:9 J a. CO
Ffume,' rAn ON GOLD LE &F-20 par Iner . •
just ret'ajor sale by •p9) J KIDD .4 CO
PATENT lILACK—M lb. for sole br
ap93 J KIDD k CO
Sr.,p t ?S " P"'" VF '— gg ' l ' llitiVili b o 7 ll..ST. fr. CO,
VE •TT )UR-17 br"
P`I`ANN,r - Zriq
CIORN UatOMIS—Z, InGding. fcr tran hy
1.1 open J S 1/11.WOIMI &CO
TA _-
•ply 1,1, in
"°"' and
T4 ' ll - 11 ' ,NVORTO h CO
B R . r b l i .3-41U doz
. d . it . rott vi4 , 1 1 1 . 0r Col: p i :0 1;11-4 d r .., fon 71:,,,,,J.L.w0RTH
LRSION SYRUP-21 den nupeour 10,4114, fur mule
by sp2o J KIDD & CO
w IN DOW ULASS— 60 I. .
:9 bar 1, 7 :10 . , in nary. end for
. ._.
- •
DACON-51 , 00 abouldenr;
NMI In hams, city cultd. in mare, and
span tTUANTa NII.I,
ltartlN VA - WU/ 166 elannird. Int M 1•11.
np , .o ruART SILL
/'IAN n and tor spl , by
ap2o STUAap dr.pILL
pEARL AHH-7 emk.j;:et meld And !AT
Ltherty cl.
DOT A SII— 5 casks rcce.vul, sad I;,r s2le by
pAPEII-1 1 .1L7: Mn1 m . :31 , / , r aw lVlElsl:lllg Plger;
Together with a large assortment of Printing Paper
of every me, on hand and for sale bp
A 11, P.M:I,Sn A CO,
ureessor. F:l.t.tOrr ENOLIP.II,
No Wood airert.
(1110 OIL-60 gallons while, warren:ed
jooro, for .ale by I: A FAIINE:STUCI: k CO,
siva Corner of Fa. and Wood 01.4.
ikvitrsivt: I.LAsTEit-3elo Y mete, yeereende
for role ley B A I'AIINEYeIIee.:K 410
.p I g7 IUU lb. new.•rnp,
tp/allty, must ',to
for •ale by 1 KIDD CO,
aril ti" Go Wood etre..
owcatto , onitoeo. s co., _
DANK NUPE ENIGRAVESIN b•ve oasootal , .,l
tam CHARLES WELSH, (ha favorably known
fur the pan f.ortrca owe ollEograyrr in the
of Pi:rower, Holly & Daafoob.l “,Pallno, The
buainao 11, 'more Lc rooduciel under the Goo
- - -
Pkiladelphla Exth arr., April 4 14,10
Tho nolo Color, Dotal. Eagles aad Gold Dollar...
Pittaborigh. 8;20
_ _
(AFX/ROF. F. AnNOLD & CO. have opened mt
Facemmar Orme; Nati FOillth street, next door
to the Bank of Pittsburgh, and are prepared to inane
act, an reasonable terms, any bothers in their tint
that may be entrusted to hem
Mtettiulge, Cain, Bank Note., e., bench end mid.
Collection.- made In all. the principal aides sod
towns inlhe United pones.
Would. received in par fend. and currency.
They respectfully ...alien clue of the custom at
the business community. mablm
No. 74Totantt street, next door Co the flask of Slat
beret. . toell•Ilot
Munn., ig the United Buttes Expedition to .he
itilICT Jordan `and the Dead Bt. By W. F. Lynch,
U. B. Nan, Memoirs of Fatraorelnary Popular R.
historic By Chula. Mackay. Women in Flame
during the Eighteenth Century. iiliMbOidr• Mecum
of Nature. Dictionary of Poetical Quotation.: By
John T Wanton. Loins of the Queens of EnglmJ,
from the Norman Conquest: By Agnes Sttieklau.l.
Simpeon's Journey gonad the World. Charming'.
Memoirs. The Mercy ficei: By Gardner fiance D.D.
aple No 104 hounh at.
1110111 a IN &
East ride Diamond, Piitsbargh. opts
PRECLSELY I. rase kind of &antra and Rovon
flavored Teas that are retailed in the old country
at is sad Al per lb. can be obtained for 60e and 770 per•
pound at Ton T. Alain, east ride of the Diamond,
Pittsburgh, orat Morris & Ilawonh's Wine Store,
Federal titreet, Allegleny.- .The above roan Ctn.
MA, we melte Omagh oar Foglia, A gent, dire.
from the Girteen's Bonded Warehou thityjroo,
bolo` foreiponatloa . 09 tritni VILLE Win OE UM b_
_ryayytee d,
_ j.. 1 and far aale by• . ....
AZATlWit.ttlitaftt,ld°---Tif'` i"" 11 4." - - 44 14"
I o :Y*°"lcilliwiksT
and friers?, Chameleon ao; Plain Ellackdoodi uoldth, • gir.g• - A c tn . , • FaiLto•
for rude y
renews wishing to purchase aro panleatudy reopen AL__'_••.lFllB(,2l`'L
ed to .01 and mon. the& Moak. sailor, will find it if IASTUR ree'd, notitur sate by •
muck the largest and e4rip.. tida any. BRAUN &REITER
LAIHOUOL-5 brio reed, and sale hy
430 p. aok. 180 do Ca !1 ape ' • —l3llaUN &RIUTER
do • as. 60 rink /gored Silk Oriental. Psesels, wit h
bonny Matte; 90 Op with told orb.. friago,,frara QWEP.T - ,01L 7 d4 that i reed and for rale by" '
and upwaNhteed and now Daewoo' by . ; soli . • LIRAUN & KITED
, !toilet aL LI A".....NIea, ' reinedore'd and for sale by
Alro,reosived and opening 3 aseel'ibited tows. "RAYN nErrER
every variety of nyles and totem. '
Brest 41ti00teata alsolutmloal ilrOlk. 13ACt - TN-21. hem; . .
D APPLETON k CO., New Vert, kayo In new. to do 'aide , • ' :., 4
7 do Moulders, nos landinefromFor l i
~ rr 'ATM le parts
at .70,!. Pitt r and kir tele by , ("Al!,)) DICKEY &CO •
i c k7n - Vort ai and.ftglecerirtm dedgned le! Practical epl7 •,, ‘ 112 Water et./ , '
orkill ._11.5 limellfdeneed Me Ms Leg Meeting d'' 10FM414‘30 bags prime Rio Ina reef". for
l'relltuson, kated b 7 unser Dim& l a - • . .14RoWN & KIRKPATRICK,
Tlale work Is of large Mro slu r and sill contain two apl3 , -- - 114 Lamar etrect. '
Moused paler, rod .r..d., °1 I " i1......d A __
_ id.. "• AND lICKI4-iii - ii sale - , :Veleaitie .
_ . - 1 - 71 !I.ital:l7y
bo g .. It will pre eat laarkgeg dra getup and.oserip-
. u, g .,1-3 , ', • 1 , w.d , .gy an • HAI r . ,.
hots of tau most hemstard.maehine. in the United .. . • ' ..:-. 1 ---- -.- -__-. P_,,,,..,,,,.
Sara Inepandent of the melts of American hi- . ' ....''. 'SIMIIIIIVIITCIZ -' . i
ge eiy,' it Val gonad. capploga raorgoal Marble. on rilllE Mime rn••• .-I r tereee - tfolly Mien,. ble (need. and
1. Manias, Meeld•s7 , Entine ‘Vorhi Imd
;inner- • I the public, Om he has reenovenltia,oool,AND
wit! en 1•11 t felsefel le gargra then one thausaud stip': MAN U PACTORY to No d Merkel etnectillso
dot are worth of' NM aplumer, magazines and other door. .Corn w.,„ . wh ., o , ~.., ~..d
g . ma. number. ga o On.dg sod for eel. lq th e urge &mohair. or Ihrurn AND BROPSOf jilt - two ,
agcyll . 7 , Apoll . tiedin , e... 1...
Purchased in
mjiZ y lie . ma mil: inahm. Bfie can be
Tao TEA immotr, -.---,g -• ; ~.. .' , DA . !‘! IE !..I\KIW- 1 1
' • Prmsesen.
T 1
VrV, a gge t erein7l4 l :6 th y I%=g
... 6.1 Magid/I Imported on which th, ro a
il igkrr ' nege' Mien pratti4rd. The BLACK TEAS sold
y therein generelly,ese week uld Ll . .by, and the
GOMA Teas with a freer excephot.e, • Ca•ren Ranch
Wilereamit 'Mick. the fine !mom OA In tura, belt g a
composition of Visinehls,.&c.... ennlyssuen . 1 6. 1
.. gook
. t,,, L. h ought to be expelled from oar
as •Pottorlome
We ham ecneseenete Ito Tea Trade in Piti.butah
with Pm MI determieaden Cl selling laXtnee Targa
gam 'ioran dealers In ghat ankle T ea. ) apaad
fair; 4.4 h a which exelmis4l 7 i )
. "*.MY " %ems folic itterwork sad As; wo
r o t " erV "r a . Oa ASS yr.r, .ol i bed pear. IS &Ara
tildr:iled b7rel ling glfralli bet if se'Unife ~,,?, 4 , w .,
at a gesserleble pricezlA l4 . l „ nr4r,sh4Lalirg .
=l . l.l;:ttne low.. any . other Ttrilealchill
the United Metes
_Our Prier. Per Po gad.
.L.Cf. allattl.
Good Black Tee. • •-• 0 al Wed Green Tca ..... 0 40
Pule Flavored de- --• 0 it , Rrserditte•-- ..... 0 go
h 0.. 0 ,,d dunag and One
o 75
8 11.L. 4, "' h li giod e.•-• 0 50 tee y
eentsior •---• lor ""-- - - - • - c tree la d'n f - Ealb
LI itaterentalle Ird 0 : 5 Extramnality gad br.g, C10E14.-00Ise Rio c a g 11 , tom
, 1W mrpo rto 4 ...... .... ,
, g , tia,gibe Wins, and kr rant kar to o- ow - cower.
Vely beet IstP° o lll,,,„ h a,,i 'e m i r r.._ m.,. meet, by . - ' JAsigst naLz4.,,,,e,
Eats f U lt . .. r o o - ave direct tram the - Teimit - t; ' e P,..,," ' 7d VfAtpis. r e
Wh b .; l dety free, II 1 . 1 .11 577 . 4 41estathur ; it le pee- - 1 - A 1113-1 - 71.4 W
De a l t
the woe bind that it 0,1.1103 by the Tea Beal- f And fox .ale by
I' ' Meeland Inland end Scotand, .ltiperm on ,r
..." 'cm will ,3 • • , ,,,ei be am 0r... ttale'ruults-ra ucttudi steirker-Plu.
Too, who ..—y , . - . ° •.. -• , -1 . - ..• Pat, and for aide by
.. ISAIAIhIRCIrigy rg,Cgrt
Mad elite.
ii ..b,,,,,,, rcsewe yetuil Motet from - the erlgnj '' v u0ti0. ..,, g igna. '' ' g t-,,,,ggrA
Citralfieo larmweid Irem Chive... Thom "w r .
..._........u~. liq m ong,„ " en:a c i " •."I al
, _
aipati.".- •. • • •••
• BROW!! k ilkYrkritl %..
..4=6,.. , gro. mew.
044A1V epl7 , . " - 111 LiberM4negg.
Elekhreel KW&
Premiere's ertkeltallarkst, era I*
.. _ - f!OFTEE- , 101 i bap liftla ills, la store iitiliii
aplEhtMer Sj al g i n :,1 k "FLOYD
UI P. IL I) .1.. Aaett
tuna-4n COIN. or WOOD •TD 7,111 mom.
Tro dour Gm" S.cythe, at Auction
/AN Thomdav alert... 25M inst., at 3 silver, at
1„,/ the Sol. s Rooms, comer of Wood and 1113 t
dor Bast: or Mier Feythm
DI d•
• •
ot crate Scythes.
The above are a ;Toed ankle., and worthy - the
tentien of the tral:e. P. Nf DAVIS, Age
PEARL STARCH—aI las eriperioe Pearl Starch,
roannfacined by Julius J Word, Colombo. 0 do,
received on consignment, and for ale ti
apl9 HARDY JON&N Z 10
DIALO k GUE OFle DEVILS—A tear Coition of tbis
wor for pa by JOHNSTON &STOCKTON,
oPHI Bookseller. coiner of Market and Third siv t
A few copies of each of the above works SO tech!
I/cutout!, tonnicle, awl Pn 1. eoPT
on band, and for rale at the 'oared pikes. ey
'JAR'S GREEN-5 ours of T. rade U. me& nod f•
by trl9 DILIUN & MITER
ULM Ithdit N U sure. to arrive b?
tiergoo, fur by ISAIAH C
oolb ' ll.llVater
- -
J3RANDIR!--A elvoce &election of pure liranl
John INern4 a Co., onolneture, kepi o on liatail old for tale by
A CULtiblrF+ON,
uPld IYO Libetto rtar
WlNEbb—Superior eueloieo of Covet end Chsta•
pegne Wines 1 ept ronstetaly on hend r atel for
se e by spl9 A CULIIEItTSON
7Q DIMS. LOUISVILLE LIME ib 4 l Y.'ed‘ bud for
O este by nolo A CULI!ERTIION
and (nr rule lby np . o A CM.PEIt NON
Fr,•‘l,en.l Gar eeleby C II GRAN
apIS PI Watt,
HAIIIF-4i lea auger cereal loame,lual reed, and
for wale 1.7 JANIEIi A 11I1TC111NEON A. CO
LSIAD-11100 pip Galena Loon reel per loran,
Stilton, and for role tor •
not- J. 011,14 A 111111111F•OS:
c.! HOT-36 kg orportrd numbers tor We I,
gp • 'IN : I Is crushed, soadr rd
11.. ' end est. ('
Ly A JANIF:S A " IllUTC111:30N fr. CO
splb Mews St. Louis Steen , wear Refinery.
w ro A tt i e i nerr im la c ri x dt l e . , e, rl o l:ar
L. stee by
aptti 112 Water •L
S paw
Shah. Ser.l. and relfuakery Warehoufte. retort
Sixth ard iVnatl tirects. N WICKERSN A hl
AEMP—i6 dew vetted, Just receive
and for Kale by
- • -
SOAP=- Las otte bv
aglEr J g Dii,wonTil h fl
1 OgT OR STOlSN.—VegO•rdny 01-r•
• WtVer Meer, l•poreen the Motiongolteht
end Wood etreo, sl.Vrti
will be rewarded by louring It utti.
in rim order, ju
Q VGA R—S Mt& N Fuger for by
1.7 .ply F UN DONN HORST & CO
DT/1811-0 casks But funding.. POMO ...le.
ttplel J S DILWORTH & CO
/Mourning Wash Bilks.
their orFort
ent nhove goods. npl7
I ed itarag.ot. 'F out, locum...llw, not other .1,
goola Att ttsioloornt t.O nc-cit styles ree'd by
The Chaapost and D[edfeln• In t 6
TAR J. U. CAllieut:Lus LIALS-r,.NI OF %YHA)
CHERRY for :Lc uurc Coldo, Couch, Coo.
rucupuon, troort , conolo:n , r,oul all
Atlerlon, ISvar Corrp:Ntnlt. land retnn,
and for I,npariort nf the Uh.od, Catarrh
Fever, Mama, Ctoup, Inikerzn, Wlmnpint Cough,
For &tile in 11.1.t111C, la ill the SillXie butt:o,
the Drn!r, tiny r... tvgat,y kVi.kfLotteci.conler
Sixth ;Intl It, Price only i'e ;rr I.ntllo
•p , 7 y N WICK I.:11,411A 11
Notice to our Patron.. -
. lndelrhie
rel Hu, I.willt..r.,nrrengriu,n. brto tnaLltr7l.l::l
wvolvrm thenarnr itatirbt* whkh boo•
her tolurc rziPtcd I.emactx<
We ?time. mate coil 1..4 v 2.--
J• 1U DAV. & Co, PU1400011;
Juan N't , tou. &Oct 'holm e.
ybe runtinorture of the palmoar,e of out many
fr;er.a•ia retpeett.lni so.settod. li u.lsr.ons bove
dett.nds a¢ains. Ll.e con:corn, they ure retaceltrd
p r went tbetu f0r.11.111. for poyturr.t.
1,11.14a,gb, April lu,•ta !MIN MIPFADEN,
opl7 p Lrt..or.
pope, ;a 4tl conla per vol. 'flare vols t eed, and
ior Aole
.pl 7
011r1 titoo & R. R. C0.,Thi..1
Ptrvtlsocoo, April Is; 1851. • t
Steelilinkere of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
I Rat! Road Company am hereby notified to pity the
hillt in...linen% of Five Dollars per share. at the office
of the Company, as heretofore, as or belote VA, :Mat
Jay of May 'ler; and the reaintor 11341111.1.4
Roe Dollars per M1:111/C each. on m or (wt.., the WM day.
of each aneeeedlite mouth Wail the whole ate loud.
Ito order of the Ward of Directors.
apl7-dtkt LAR1311:11, Jr., TICIIIIIft r.
j3ROPCOSAI.S will be received by the subsoil,
I for th- delivery nr-Ffty Thotteentl Bethel,
Cool, suitable for G. earnoto.; the ace! to be (re
vlev• and dry, elloveing eighty , wind,' to the both
vrelpla to be deterroinedLy.‘" ,. Col:ecv.r'e tern
%Lithe vieich
_PittOurch,"erlllo, 1850 apt:
rp Ilg E I 'ATCTNE.ILLiIiIr'it - trettoronie-saatiag Lattame
Jame. lAttaghlla and Jaime. atrele mate, the Gr,
~, .1. Steel., as. CO., W. timely...ll/y matital craw.
uu =llt March.- The butotamt• of the late fun: will L
ittle.Xutt by James Ittoghltn at them !rimer plate
huaturatt, SL Clair street. JAMFB STEELE.
— OSiNS2UN. h STOCKTON have iv.: received to
. .
oule-volurnol /hones' History of Englund, Dor
per.' new ed doupelotli.
Vol. "hut S Common Pince hank. Cloth and
-spa/ er binding. •
• Carlyle's Lauer Day Pamphlets:No. SoNeet—
utiludol Prirons.”
ltolwer's New Novel—Night snit brut - rang. opt'?
linen:el, A • uriesin and Chronicle copy.)
sanity now. occurs to a practical Machined,
well ertableihed reputation and mato capital, to
&age evenrively the EX•IXI4 BOUAII, •
Fannon, Humans.
An establishment Is now ready (or buelners, ample
In dl its details, Jusluiling extensive wharf room, for
any shed steam limns, mid from IN yosCion, If pro.
perry conducted, will doubtless commend a law
shore or business..
A jimmies! Slailtinist, as • partner to requited, to
condo. the whole establisbnieui; and inure folly
eninpeient need apply. Address. (post (nail,' "NIA.
CHINE CO" 800 No 741, Plithulelphis, Pi.
opt? dim
.1111.11..Agell—bn tibia grammar& Mu!trier,
ride Prig.
Arriving per steamer Milton, and fur tale 1 y
KEN-12 cesee3rieN . l A/W fur :Ale by
BRAUN tea gl?Elt_
11111CF-03:1,,tai-Stestrrnal Hrmkofille,thett
44 4,,r„. "r 4,'1 0 t r,r 3 rnr.
A7salßLy •.. nplA: VICIZIcCADLMI7
.PPEXT -111 •ACK7V00 IL. iu.l ziiedeydl.;;;d2qtry ,
.1 . ,NIDD/d, co , . di
1." rr _
- No Ca Woodiurei
_WI • • • DRAWN REITI4I ,- ;
FIA Mt....4011es Teed antriai
• ,
T- 7 -%- Tel..inls just ituidittilloxi sicsolit
41 ;
. 11 .4 4 e Ve.t, CAI &rude .by .4
• u.cecriniiib
0 ALEILIII,S--1. bzs and 15 eastetosag land for
.pa 4 - u CM4Y/ELD
imeor4-19...0rtnt Eticart.imirlo4.
..44 .. ,pa wind., by C 111UR . 111,:
{ZAN KET•VOTATORS-0 torl, for ,r . ed, we'd, 4.1 for
jr.M by apl7 Altalt•TgUNG CROZEIci;
M 111.44,291 0 N Molitsse• ill. •E 0
forule by opt 7 AR.msntosra t CrAngER
.07 isiimipicxxx..4
Lesza" Kea Mat!ge!•
Oren Circle acid Parquette•
Second and Third Tiers
Usher). (for relored
Cisrtain will the II *. &slack,
Irr.: , ecoodaisht of Mr. S11.81)till
Du Tatlmlay, April :3, 4611 be piesentrd
To be followell with
karo Patch
tle mereilte -
To conclude with the
Ehijah l'ettengell
Ca-In Fcbastsal,llThe Green /fountain Bort.
bONNAPOrPti Erma son law ratty will take
~ place On Thanes'', ApfY ttab. Yawn. of
most reatmettelly leaned in attend, as an
eavannatinuatill take Mete. A I o' Pantie Yee de
Trot. Win be deneed by three of hie pupae, ttni We
Bone IVA!I VeLak by other pupils.
Tito, lodine who received &swan Tickets, ate re.
cwet Ily invited, and will be alniota with the eaten
tic kw.
S. B. will be happy to runtish nnyeliming Wies e
hie tonne• perils sou their patients, wall teams for
Stet eem reig.
Gentlemen' i teekete for scholars of this seas., $1 Olt
Fer others ..... ,• • ....... I Oa
The repeation to admit . yours [miles Or chit Irma
Oretteut hetet., will be sirully Observed on that
irrneket to he had of A. n. h:te.elf,. no neltahs
will Le told at the door. Tiekrtm are now Italy .or
deliver) at A. , s real fence, Mark. at, neat 'Mid.
ol t n etlebt.ted RAM. P.nm , Mtn Oro
.a rand
At Villkine Tucala7,23d bait
gAhlarlagh oecn‘inn, they rrell ring. in their National
Cortgule, n number of their Sat.onal A•rg,Na.t.
Log Da... Quintettze, an.rp •afeJt by
(Inuar end ~ Tyrtgeen re introdayed
for We kill lime law this vaantly by Zrppa Haunt,
And prarountral ant or theryoretrei rangiest dovellieg
of Inn age.
Tickgt,r.a et., in he bed al IllehgrarniegjegrellY
ntore, hlarltat el, Wileat'e erns At .50, SiallhfiChl
Fount. eiterli, and at the dune on lbw ClClune of per
lkfot et 7, concert to 'a...fence at P o'clock,
137 & 139 Wood Oise*. .b... Pinb•
IMAT aMoblisboicat is nom offeted for
Relit It is admirably attatigad for Caimans,
Lactates, Exhibitions, he. Far moms. apply to
'JULY w E1TZ:11110N.S,
137 Waal st.
IA PEN DAlLY—from e to loin We morning; filo 3
If in the efictooon; wd (ran 7 to Inc:clock in the
Arlmatimee-Sll3 !Mt . .; Children ceder 12 gears
halt mire. ms 27
C. AN - nloxT &
111arkoll. Stottsbelsvoisa Tbl.o SMau.l h,
• Plitabnalgh, Pa.
MET 0111. D tali ic,Moncia of ens
Vrconitcy merchants, to line of the went even use
in Inc country, comp is over It'ouriccis
11 unified Cares and Poekaais of Foicigi, and Domes
tic Dry ticods, causisting, in pan, of
id:acmes belt aisle Cancan '•
"Dlraxhed Muslim all grader,
41, o Slimmer Stun aml Domand-4.
ati" Alden do Loins,
Ott Lawns and Montag -
So " 'Sown. and Tweeds;
ID " Canincercs, Clotho;
" and lialea Tickincii, Cheeks, lies
• I frown Nadine
Tegether with the most mein so assertnient of
Imported_ Coeds to this tanker, roars , Ytg Ike Cloth
ample feedlot., for the tremor:ion of their banner.,
midore of the partners beingnonalmaily the ewiere
corbel,, presenting every advantage arrayed by
...ere bea m s. y believe that th ey ears offer
rester indlleCl.ll.l le merchants generally, en st
eeilllee, end places, than any easte'int,'eastrket. New
t ones constantly annuls Stlerehantg intending pure
haling Coot, are particalatly solteirsto examina
then usonment. Ispill AA k Antikl Cit
Jules /Can Lvitrali
B E L: R j.P.T=l;l4='•gror g la W•r!
ledge, Lot calf of the own. itself, bat di tho phystue
logy ot too orris,. sought to be itete . ,l 111.41. Tl.ll
el•Ove Annie la offend the public a. remedy Ale
vilteale• it the 1 . , and el eerlllt year:
ewe and nrcL.
Jobe-Itseeles /Anomie Heir Restorative to, probe
b.'', the oast officers.. and agreeable a
r don it
hat owe beentlie lot Wee poe
are .11. e delightfulperfame s tind will reader dm
Ilan LaTurmet and boaselfe cleanstag it tho
roughly frouvell lergethder, end by ds arils° Spun ,
11110LLIC organs at the lisle rive in it a tone and
vigor before InekeelelL it le 11010 Minify eletheen,
all seta, der drag, p
sore*, or other unpunt es
from 00 Reel,
It ie salsa wn that eneh hair la si tioltow tube, hav
ing a net to the shin, through. widek'titere tea con
e.miesirculabo t or blood, stud
o r let • m sickness,
the accumulnli n 01 dandruff, or other causes, rho
cnpillary lobes became clogged, these organs etas°
In perform then functions sod the this becomes
harsh, rally, end gradeally . falls off, hereby sedeolar
ptemature tubes.. ln Is is ta eases sorb as this that
the Elia Lemralo UMW/U. is pecaherly Idol lee,
as tes eriliwining and pa 14 is r propefUlli • til ra• vo
oil iropunnes, and give Ilfe and freshness to Ilia city
"1" Y . riot to toyotherf d
the " i ' lle f t o r, r na . iNntits timost NZ e.r.,l'..` g e:V,l.
odor, and Imparts to !fair a beautiful and
non , orbetinneo cis probably the only really
tatiy compoended preparation 1 ow before Om
patine. and no •nereasing populetity Is uproot that the
inbile elele Ile Math ,Esatte seitttfactunt wen
lo t ;tor nlfebN•el tor. ery case. Prepared ally by
JL1.k..1 RAPES.. Penman - lid Chemist,
• ale.
Chennut holes, nadir.
For rale wholesale. at retell by It A. Pahneceek
A. Co end It e.„ notion., Pinta...wit, and John yes.
ho neid Sitte - kepleittsmi/ est,. I a api7dlt
• al I •
1 1 1 = 111 X , :=11:11411TL.0417L i t l i:
hisVelellltlee stack of Peoltisitary, - Situps, Slaving
Creates, ,to which seven Salver and two Ualdni
have the tins six yews, neea awmdril
by the Institute, of lalest.,Tork, Roden, and Phan.
fur hare brine lite WO Ceils4l
or 00cr
awarded fur perfumery' either In Europe or ia thla
. • .
RousaWs thorrykituri Suanao taws.!Minna.
Anse; Asantau ) universally acknowledged to
be so pepor.larkyy /amain fuelttlirlartala 'truantry or
Ur. Pui
Saayea — kautsfady gr
1,41 posit Using Middy Sapb•l ace°. and magical'
propertlenßarmermas Compound;
. .uoyeuMilsf,
Tablecj Ilw• Y 3110,1415 Soap. • ?• a •
utyrrnanTo Eldlearata,
Itounntl,intatlajduak; raloloull;tWitalbuu, Float
ing, Traluparent,Olive 011,SWeatior, nut Circa ulna.
kurancts POR • 1 11.101.91021C•1111.11- BIM% Jaann,
Bouquet de ' Caroline, tienull u to, Jelin b• Lind, Manus.
(Inn, - Magnolia, Crummy, Curonello
• Horan, and m!oly , ollsauvarielisa, in all slaty dltrataut
Toter IValzlv—Flo - rida Water, Lau de
Orange. Plover Water, and a great ralielr el Ca.
lognra ind Lagged r,Waderal,• ;
IhniuuTioasoros_vgs • liAup , 7(levulna .Voar's 00.
Antoine 011, llandalthe. rata LastraW;Alkine, tam.
pound Oz glagidiar,ll;lr 'R11114.441! CU powder,
..a , '
and PhilotomelhleiaSue.oo4Jenuy.lAndkavaaataa,"
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