THE YITTSBU'GH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE* CO TUESDAY MO/UM°, APELL 23, IMO. la - PEE NEXT PAGE FOE LOCAL MATIeEE TELEGRAPHIC NEW% u. A Pew Post Office hsa bean establiihed in this county, called West Manchester, and William H. Phelps appointed Psi:muter. We resume this - is in the baronet of,Manchesfer. We publish, • day, the Bill adopted by the Lell islatere,for t • ; election by the people of Auditor and Surveyor end of the State, and also for Ike election of r • •nty Suryeyor. Thfte elections take place next f We regr to learn That Hon. Jam. Cooper, United ' es Senator from Pennsylvania,• was °maned b sickness to hi. lodgings daring nil I." week. accounts for the abasece of his name among lb. plias and nays, on the important votes on the ale question. We are happy to hear That ho i recovering, and when swatter trial codum, w. feel assured we shall and his alma es uniformly .. riled on the aide of freedom, as That if Mr. &. eon's is on the aide of the alarm (=prom • Conant 'aro Vrottron.e.—Among the coniirma. eons of the Senate, which are given, it 'gat of.Faxmoucx A. Exuma, Eva., of this city, eon of our respected townsman, Anthony Beaten, to be Goon! of the United Slates at Angos tura, in the Republic of Venezuela, Sown Amesi ca. Mr. Beaten made one of the Expedition prin. cipally fitted out from thin city, a few yew. ago, staler the direction of Ve.pasiaft Ells, Erg, for nay goting the Oronoo - t, by steam, and resided for sometime in that country. The honor of the coun• try and the interests of ter cif zeta will be safe in the hand. of Mr. Reelen, who will bear with him, to his consulate, the beat wishes of bin friends and fellow citizens In Pittthdrgb. Otto Waxman Itatutoin.,-The advertisement for Iron, by the President of the Ohio and Penney!- . Tattle Railroad, showa that there is a determination to a sub as well as estesmenee that great work at the earliest posstble period. As the stock of the Company will be undoubtedly among the roost safe and profitable in the country, we do not appre hend the Company will have any great difficulty in disposing of its bands, for the porchwo of Iron, of ' ter having provided for the grading and bridging of the road by actual subscriptions. A letter to our columns, td day, from Bellefontaine, Uhio, gives essence that, by the time our road is finished, we shall have railroad connections with Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Sandusky, Cleveland, :and most probably Louisville, besides opening up to to the interior tmde of the great States of Ohio and Ind Lina. All this immense trade will pour over Our road, and as it will toot be an expensive work, its profits most be very large. The Steubenville Herald says that a committee of Puddler*, from this city, have fixed upon that town as the place for the erection of a new Rolling Mill, and , that they have raised fifteen. thousand &tilers towards the project. We trust the Sieuben• ville people will take these enterprising men by the hand, and assist them by both capitol and coon eel, we thiOli they acted unwisely in somemattere connected with the turn outs here, yet none would rejoice more than we to see them suc ceed in their effort to establish a business for them• selves, either on the individual or joint-stock and associative principle. News natal Lure Sorraton-The Cleveland Herald notices a new paper which has just been waded at Sault Ste. Marie, called the Lake Sup,- riot Journal. This paper contains a very interest ing commmiatitin•froin Charles Whittlny, Esq., from Ontonagan, Eetnmary 26, 1520, giving an ac count of a Lake Superior winter, the ancient dig, giugs and mining relies, and the operations of the present mining companies. He writes that thewiater has thus far been agreeable beyond anticipations, • Arrriv•r-a• ear.--....„.„,k., 90 account of the weather, "nor has there been a man could not work comfortably out of doors" N. snow or ice until the 21st of November, when win ter commenced. In December, considerable snow fell, and from 15th of December to 15th January, more cord weather than in any period of like length. Coldest, 15 deg. below zero, and that but one morn ing for a short time. Since 15th of January, wea ther mild and pleasant, and snow about two feet deep. Sky beautifully serene and clear, generally thawing about noon sufficiently to moisten the snow. Mr. \V. asserts from experience, that as for as regards health and comfort the climate on the southern shores of Lake Superior is preferable to the vicinity of she north eastern sea Ward. Oar HafTiSbUffib idler, of to day, is oreeech if. teresh It give. mt. the new Apportionment Bill, as it passed the Hoare, with the amendments ad ded by the Senate. It is a little finprovement on the vetoed bill, but Is still exceedingly defective, and greatly unjust to the Whig. It gives to the Whigs about 35 members of the House, and from 12 to 14 in the Senate, and secures, the rest to the Loccrucoet. It is still, to all Intents and purposes, a Gerrymander, nod an won hy of any honorable and just legislator. We regret to see among the names voting aye on the plunge of this bill through the House, that of Mr. Espey, oao of the Whig members front this county. How he can justify such • vals to his conqinter ts, we rennet see. I certainly will net m, •;,•-r eil.,livret, or rlO mote a renewal a it. Mr. W.thrr Toted against the I llkna Mr. Mike was uhaent. Ideaintoeir, of &mufti., war arnongthe ay, Wt., the Governor will do we trei..a.l not to ray. Ile maylhiek it better to Yee tie bttl chin t.) let the samba pus without any riooril‘naieut at all. Ouropinion is deeided:y in favor of rejecting the bill, aad'asy bill apportioning the State, that doe, not deal justly with all sections and pallier. Western stocks cppear to be poi u'ar in New York. The elty of Decelend has subscribed 1100,- 00010 the Cleveland and Columbus Rad Road, and given her bonds, with coupons annexed, having twenty years to MP. The New York Tribune nays these bonds have all been negotiated, in that City, by Munn. Winnings, Lanier & Co., the tut of them having been closed during last week. Is , very Imp portion of the bonds have been sold to French and German holism, and have gone abroad for annul invasimen.. Pittsburgh city 6's sell at 9.5 in Philadelphia, and Allegheny county at advance. They will loon be at par, as no sounder stocks exist in the cOhntry. Blonee,F mirth St., has received part 1, of Dick ens' rum and highly popular .work, the Moen. tares of David copperfield. It is to 6e completed lit two parts . The' nor Mirk and Erie Railroad Company havtacontraeted for all the rails (some 11,000 tons) which they will need to finish their road to Dun-. kiik,payablis part in bonds and part to cash. . . - . .Tne Coutas B...Lt.—This . pent sale is still is proems, in New Yorin Oa Wednesday last, the bows of the Napoleon Family, by Tiorawalsden, Canova, Sc., were sold for 5600--sot onetenth of their cut, or one grinner of what bit:Cohnla held .1- them - at during his life lime. . _ . By ■ note which it published in the Tribune, it appears that Mr. 1361n11111 engaged apartments at the Irving house, New York, foi Jenny Lind and her vine, and ordered them to be held In reserve for them from sod after the IChlt of septe m b e i next. . . Tar PICINSTLVAMA Ilan. ROAD COX I, NT.-- The Cole, yesterday, on the question of Sunday havolling, was, 11 stockholders vote 127 sharei for daily line. ; 8 stockholders vote 199 shares ageing daily lines. Majority against daily lines, 72 votes. The whole vole, thus far is : .. .. .. . .. Siockhoidem. Share". , • For daily !inv., CF 12,341 Agaiinif daily lines, 111 fi,g73 Malority for daily line. :KA : 5,60 S —North American, Friday, April ill. STWII on t o o—One of the steamers which recently loft New York is going to the ?a cid* r,r tho pi:lrian.c of plying regularly between San F(2OCiSCO and the Sandwich lolanda Here is eon link, and a long one, too, in the chills of sterns erannitinicalloo which is to mite China with thei r rnitta) Stites— Tie other great link, from tha Sandwich biota to China, well Wow in ikt4 Orme. Lerrow...—The greet annul let ting-00a General Pelt Ogee malls, at Wesideg lot, ti woman. :.Within eiexteeti snwles; lea days the keetteawer cheentel can't eitisb'ey done, examine,yeinstsi told decide upon at but ten thousand bids. It will be bard woL—equal to an editor's ; almost. Vireisient Divides. of tits P.uua7ti.ut• Hatt Boa& Below we give the allotment al thecrarieus sec tine given to contractors, &Vibe letting at Blain• villa, Saturday, on the Wetter,' Division of the Central Rail Bead. This allotment includes all the work on the Di. West et' as Atesnisins, except nineteen miles, which is comparatively light.. , . A portion of the work let is exceedingly heavy. The Engineer, have been ketanate in pinning it WA the nands of the moat efficient cool:Kelm in the Bete. Most of the work 4, Allegheny is let to citizens of the county. The question now, of rail road communication with ,Philadelphia, Is purey one of time. As area as the work eau be performed we shall have the can running to Philadelphia The nineteen miles of light work will be put under contract as seen no will be necesury to hove it completed, by the time the heavier sections are finished. By the close tint:limn, INSI, or the spring of 1552, the work will be done, and the line opened for end. and travel. Mlonsnent of Seetioas on ibis Western Wail= of Pennsylvania Rail Road, at . Blairsville, !adieu. County, April 20th, 1850. NO. 7—James Kelley, Wilkiniburg, Allegheny County. B—John Reilly & Co, Lockport. 9—Keefe, Howley & Co„ Hollidayiburc, Blair County, Pa. 10—James W. Buchanan, Pittsburgh. lI—S. F. Von Boanhorst& Co., Pittsburgh. I2—King & Parte:ton, Westmoreland Co 16—M'Grann & Barry, Lancaster, Pa. 31—B. J.& H. M'Grann, do. 32—Michael Malone & Co. do. 33—Michael Malone &Co. do. 31—McCsnalaad & Forward, Blair Co. 35—Wynkoop, Lanigan do Co., Pottsville, Schuylkill Co. , 36—John Secidgrass & Co., Westmoreland, County. .37—Carr & Tondos', Spruce Creek, Hun. tingdon County. 33—Carr & Thurlow, Spruce Creek, Hun tingdon County. 39—D. Wilams & Co., Hollidaysburg. 40—M'Grann do Fitzpatrick, Union Furnace, Huotingdon Co. 41—George Clark & San, Holmeaburg, Phil. nde!phiu Co. 42—John Dougherty & Cc, Hollidayaburg, Pa. 43—Carr & Thurlove, Spruce Creek, Hun tingdon Co. 4I—E. & J. M'Oovern, Huntingdon, Co. 45—M'Evoy & Maher, Lancaster, Pa. 46—G00. Clark 6: Son, Holincohutai PDIIo dolphin Co. I7—ld'Orann ✓Y Ittlrtovern, Lancaster, Pa. 19--Snider, Foster do Snyder, Halifax, Dan. phis Cu. ' 49 —M'Grann & Malone, Lancaster, PS. al—Sehogeld & Bell, Philadelphia. 51—hd. D. Madigan, Huntingdon, Hunting don Co. - 52—M'Grann & Reilly, Um:aster, Pe. 59—Collins & McCaffrey, Summu, Cambri County. 51—Welcb, gueele & Graham, Rant Centre vitle, Iw:tame Co. Corre.pondeme - of thePiLtaborgh O auto. The Gnat Central Railroad. Beusrarrrates, April lb, IMO Dana Sra—As - any thing which interests aril portion of the" great back lose line" from Philo .le!plain to St. Louis, is interesting to Pittsburgh ,hat being the mast Imponam city between thi Atlantic sea port and tle Father of Waters, make no apology for troubling you with • feu tame oincerning In important ring in the rjnnc edam. Pealing through this place, which, as you we aware, is aituated on the line of the Sandusky and Cincinnati Rail Read, nearly midway between tin river and tle lake, and titan midway of the Belle Out•ine and India. Rai Road, I have been mud .ratified to learn that the prospects for this link it .he great east end welt chain, are highly encou 'aging. The subscriptions to the capital stock an etubtaincressing,nedthey are made by the right clod armee, and by townships and COUrille.S gaud , ire abundantly able''to pay all their oldie/tient, rho subscription" now exceed lac' mum of fear artazfrad thousand dolfars. The Engineoes esti nat.: of the coat of grading and bridging the whale distance, (120 calico), frOITI the Lran!CM terminus f the 0,110 and Pennsylmeia Rail Road to thr Indiana line, according tolls topottro the Board, nada in lanairy last, tau $480,000, mad no doubt is now c alcitained,•long thecroute. that MMa the his ammnt vi! he aubscribed by the time the line he prepared gad placed under .attract. On the 15th of May, next, accordicg to striver ,weracal, the Company will commence remising oropoaals at then. office, in Sidney, for several por. tons of the distance, from the eastern ter. annul to Marion—about 22 miles ; from &llama. twine to Sidney—about 23 miles, and some miles west of Sidney, The heaviest work on the toad I in the vicinity of, and ten miles west, and ten miles east of, Sidney. The Engineers have lamina llom from Marion ~ never.] different points of junction, on - the C:eveland and Columbus Hail Road, all of which ,stabliah the feel, that the fleet division of the road, eaching to Marion, rill conaiatof • single *kaiak Ina, 20 or 21 miles long, depending on the mat to dirernsined as tie grand junetare of the Pitts• trash road, the Cleveland road, and the Relief ,a, 1w e and tedious 'tad. Titta l portioe of the route will have very moderate grade., generally about t 5 feet to the mite, with a very small amount 01 ~111110,1 and filing. The Company are now obtaining the Right of Way along the located lines, and as far as they tote progressed in thin important branch of their operations, they have been quite successful In W. cuing leases, free of charge, from the laud own. Cr,. Th - eskics appear bright for this Company, and should Ohio be tamed with an abundant crop of her great staple, whew, of which there is a spiels did prosper-1, the march will be " onward," till a successful opening of the he road shall crown the of firts of the enterprising citizens of this nourishing rigion, and place them within Web* hour, of the iron City. Very unity, your,. FROM HARRISBURG. Correrponeenee of ihe Pim/Imb °cum. liczeuisuaci t April 19. In the Senate yeXerday, Mr. Savory, from the immitkv on Corporation., M which was referred tho billfrem the House, entitled "An act locos. posting the Associated Fireman'. Inturanee coup part} of the city of Pittsburgh, reported the same without amendment. Mr. MMililaa from the Select Committee on Slavery, to which was committed bill from the flause,entirled "An act to repeal in part the act mtitled an act to prevent kidnapping, preserve pitblia peace, prohibit the excereise of certain 'awes, heretoCre %itemised brindges, Justices ri the Peace, Aldeimen, and Jailors to this Com• me0w...9.14.mA to repeal certain slave lama, passed the 3rd day of Much 1817," reported the, same with ■ recommendation that It be nega tired. - • lotion amendments to Senate bill went then taken up, and occupied a conaidarablo portion of .he day. The amendmente were Firstly of a local and private character, cod generally of but little ruportanee. Oa motion of Mr. Streeter, the Senate then pro• iftbs at4s farilieh those Who may wu .asnainef wliolesale or yotialovismisaub 41111.. 41'.44i44R11S 144° 6° °.ti of atireaU Soecemor to and fren, Director of Adtc Mr. Basin's. retrumta B mtiAZl 't ale 'IOIIN H i'mzelft•C r a.,—.6 a.a Ne lc ac 7 grg: r. SdiumiCobah i MI6 4111.1 We ‘. -JOH?. CCI.AIs Nilo-OW-10 tIENiaiE ,i-Atiriegv 14, !711. 77, W 1i .P.."" ()Tl-1-"Plrc=l---'7lliJbr :1;-:17 1 1/' IM - ' '' y..0„..1_,, : :30 1 11 J.J: 4. 70: „.„ .41 7... : ' CAR t,,,, , ~11b1,hr1502.., Par siVo 5r. , 917 4 :' '' ' ' 111,01 Rao. ratttUjeittt" siumari lbs;fgp 7444 1 ,... 11111S7 I L Veri , Palyil , rtillci,iTiticAl , „RE .........,,.... ' Aleut', ...12.-.4 . Ipr awe tt ., i:: ., cii, r _ JiliO to4a, - .11111.:15 CZik'sk --- I h hig . ' . . - 7)gesll4`'`tais'lt 5 - izook' - 4;,, ,ti'',,l,,Tiat.r,, ii,2 - -- , - -,r.-3.0f.,, 4,77- ‘2 , --. , - Wows, i-liin t 8r..17 . 174 . 1 4 7 % - if.p.M7iiii'; ta,t, br.. ipt7 '' It LOON ir, MC PPMI:Y.4-5'R ;'79'7'8,74,6; 61.1i:iiit . 14C0 * P I ..-_-______ -2‘ '- ' - UP.Woodst Vir1i.......1.1\U ki.ealikeApii.,.. - }RIZ -,....\ „,,.. , J t3Cill -1-AVAlll9.lEffli . . .... . 77nisa, qtyle4y elll/4(kli.i. ,_ '.I,44 COOONMACAR.'.* CO -- t ,oststtk l'oe.- __ (...0 1 1,....0rLe.• . \ JSC HOOPOIAKKE &CO .. j., , I Nei*. Tint ,RINE:-30btli ti,it. re 14,--7,1.4 I ailIT. • ..." V IiCIUJOUMAZEit lt. all ritilt:73. :ifrfllf.Ccill34;.."!L 'ei4fiII'PEOT.OOYOVO---1101rdillin; , 1 , • 107 ' . -:. r J. tCfIOO/001424 CO ' '''. • TibilliAß AV....71 3 1 4ra-u 1.0.1. -'- 73 . 73 . ,:: , Pa . 4 ,4 4.* ...*: . -,,, i' - 1441.0 r 4 . ,, --!* e- , -. l , ..f.k! , ' , :.1! , "...,-, C1..,41FA-401.N4*,_,-.1 r ippitipgw.vipa t t ut eiterwaild4...-- .L. 0,. ..t k...lariout z o e --, 7 . Aisit—via,-- Pll ---dcw,,,iimiestivoin Ytßte x3YD ------,-= tralt.O.X.V.-ntou Ratonl-a larisaturelearip, in Mrs mad kotials blk , : =1 MI IItOYD . -.1 .. ._._ '3' ~~ rORTCR