The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 22, 1850, Image 4

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Tyer liau Expren Pat t
aup msaa
(Excamitattir rot Passzgazza,)
_ .... _
. . , Via the New Central Rail Red ash Pe 45'a Canal.
) Thine—oo helm. — . .........7arej411D thrush.
- 130 - miles EAU itnedi sad 180 an ilea Canal.
(lAN the In hem the new C,entral Ball Road CraaP. -
. O N-the
ty earanneneed mutiny Two SAILI tuna r
- 1110112Clas from lankatown m Plallidelpianai WU. ,
I ll. " . -10 ...edillgi afar the arrival or lthai Meta
• Snaurfrata UM west; UT this atrangeul.g r'r"' .
, •gers will gas reath whboat detention. 1 -, ,
. - eloe A k ne otzl e env "" e= le a l tVcrea ..*
anThaerabl/2.- . wi . *Walla sr.!, ..d c..nohn, L. wx
vr an!in nee to the Enema Chum
Vet pavane ar forma:len MIT w • "
LLCMIa Ihwirea, _
' - •PS - D LhalXll ic CO. C4aal Dam
--- • . ..:
"Ma 1850 L—
omas *Tanta Camas agait Bwd&
GCONNOTL, ATM& & Co,tiatal n, to Lamy
urea. Ping.rx&
ATM& C0.,119&3C1 Woks% mat,
ildlsdelptaa. .
, agars, '
FeCotclatle k CO.. NI North street, Baltimore;
- • E. Bram, New York: . •
Moan &Gana, IL Donne sweet, Barton;
• • Itearazew Gael, Kamilla, Senteclrr;
. • flasi Co.,Colaurbra meet. Cmeemerr;
• • • Y. WM, Lordeville; •
• . • - limn, Morn t Co., St. Linda
71s alay Menoleavisse Praises to and
from .rklaMpliis, Baltussore, York,. Buten.'
Our nide being now le,fom order, we are prepared
to forward goods as above at .7 W.
• ' • insser aLI freigetfrat ef any theme Peewit pekoe* for
• • . aver 131PCO, and with the following extensive meek
of Bois feel confident of Ming retiremdisnarhod to
'• all boleess entrusted to our ewe. Oar boom are all
• • new, and commanded by ea.mairoi ef experienee, and
• oar entire line is conducted on raid serieds Luria(
. end gat.. prinriples.
Boma: Captain. - Mara Caput Ms
800 Penorlyanieir F. Layton,
Maryland' Marshall.
• to- Inv.. Bends Col HowardFtldley
Rea Anna, Chatham . Mary Deberali Biro
tine Atkins Penrod Enterpme, ,Irartoti
Mgode / hinters Brown
. Aker.. •d • . he. eem 'Gore .•
• .Riley / • Teleenteltno Ightelda
Celia • florklaa , PoklMßl nada
vliveßranchGewser • . BalunkelOperlbley
AlE{ll2ll.. Pare Obis Balla , Keasnal •
Mermaid • bi , Colgan Munn . •- - Slagle • •
'lle Fax Viands • JIMA= •. 1 Layton
Alll 1371 L 01 , Dowell Telegraph No:Waal* ,
Look Shlllp Derry Nona Qtnen,•Wifile
Shipperarrdl find it to than advantage to Lnra to
ntrl6 Canal Bann Liberty in, Pittsburg ,
• . By Peentrylaenia Ceseal ezei Bad Bead
• T M = tn a Tee of
rh-ztrb7n pol 11‘
now ones to thf sasoe, w' nobles us to*:s of
• large
quantify of produce end glOes.
The entire /dock of the Line i. owned and centre..
/ed by.lhe Proprietors. '
HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 Swath Third et,
And of the Tobareo Won boom, nook at,
Phi odephia, Pa 4
- • No 141 North Howell et, Ratlawre, Md.;
OFFICE, No 7 West st, New Tort;
D LEECH & CO, Coma Bado ,
=l3 Patebarrh.
'CLARE PANES &CO, Ilmhemtr,
• Ofteo ear Smithfield and Water sts, Piusharatt: •
Cleveland, Ohio:
MOMS' well known - Line are prepared to transport
freight and Passengers.from PIIII.IRGII and
CLEVELAND. to any point on the Canal and Lakes.
. fireirtnes °fibs Line .ara onomposaell in member,
quabsy and napseity of Boats, expenenenot captain%
• and Melina of Agents.
Oneitoadleaves Pirisbargb and Coveted dally,ron , '
alog ermneedmi with a Linn el Steamßoats be
tween PrITSBUSIGH sad' BEAVER; and a Line of
First Clara Steam Boats, Propellers and Vestals, on.
the Lakes.'
Clark, Parks A. Co, Radians; PE ,
Parks it Co, tioannstown. Ohio;
• M B Taylor, Varian.o:
A A. N Clark, Newton Fall;
I Brayton A Co, Ravenna. U,.
• . Rem, Grinnell A. Co, Frankbri 3 O; '
N A Mille; Coyaboga Falls. Di.
• ".. Wheeler, tir. Co, Akron.o; • •
Chamberl Crawford fr.Co, Cleveland, Ca
Hubbard , Sandasky,o;
. • Peckham&nu, Toledo, Ca
Williams St Co, - Detwit, Miele
• .• Williams ACo BlitarankteoVis;
Morley it Daum, Racine, WIE
„ lestalLA l rt=agfela, .
1011t4 A'CAUGIIET, Aran,
man . names Water and Smithfield au
1850. maim
CLANKS, PARES te CO, Rochester, Proprietors •
-Tng..,„Nr="e4,th.ll 4.7"=1'.1.°
ender, fat they resent seaso c t4 and have commenced
reeeiviag• Fteight and Passenyers, which they are
rally remind to tarry to all pews on the Canal and
At the lower. rides. One of the Beau el the Line
will be constantly at the landing, below Nottongancla
Bridge, to roceive freight.
.101 IN A. CAUGHET Agent,
'Offer, ear Water and Smintleld ws,Pinsbeallt.
N W Oteninjbarn., New Castle, Pei
Mi teheltree&Wan, Sh it Co, Peloski;
W C vorn
JAB Hall, litharythare;
Wick. Arbor & - Co, Greenville;
Wo Henry, Ilartstown;
• Win Power, Connearaville;
John Ilearn A Co, Erie; "
John 1 Hollister & Co, Buffalo, NT. ter3o
1850. peam
• - nlnviseLt. s.,WLOTIISa,
. (Dtnver Point.)
Cgic 1.:171)S\ Ml
PACKETS; totting etmhalippiAilleDreen Pittsburch
asd Rochester by steam basu „Michigan, Laic F:tie,
and Beaver.
- • MP Goods reteirted and promptly ielieered to all
places on the Canals and Lakes, et sit lowest rotas
Skipper , ' will please dinsed goods to "B,dwelPsLine.a
J. C. JUDWFI.L.Agent,..
Water st, PittOorsti.
Pittsburgh Potal)loItt
NW= 1850.:MRat
-Tam. Bammosa Tours & Cninrso&
Philadelphia- $ Pittaborgt::. IPUE 4
establlshg 10
ed Ll:e P Tris a L P = at ni thelr
. wiwZ g reeehrteg wid forwardisw Merehanißew owl
Predate et low xtra, awl with We an...,
tenth mad Way, tweriliu w their eye= awl wed . °
of trenspertation. where i n to
evade& with We consequent delay, wed probabill y
of damage.
. •
Merchandise and Produce shipped east or west, an d
• mu lof Lading forwarded free Of charge fat commis
don...Misr:milts, or stomp. Ilarltig no 'interest di
roosts' or ind/xectly in steamboats, dud of the owners
• {..idol) consulted when snipping their /coifs.
dll extunnedeanons to tho following agents prompt.
• Valinrket Mow. Philedatoble.
Corner Penn end Waynnallareets, Pirobargb.
John Methanol& & Co, G 8 North et,Boln P,l4.llart
tr. C 0.45 Doane et, Bawls, W. & 2.T. Teparota & C'
it he South et, New York; James Wheelwright, Caeca •
. .
1850. 1850.
PrrTentuan clxv.szautzLimisz.
fIHIE LINE, arida unsurpassed fit Elder, is new
prepared to trsnaport Freight to Cleveland, the
Late Perm, Ohio Canal, and interntmllans placer, on
the moat favorable terms, and with ths smarms do.
'paten. . • ,
.4=ppe ire referred to those ho have heretofore
this Um Send goodrto "Bider Irs Una."
&owns —4 C Indwell, water st, herb arg * ln
• Bidwell &Mother, Hoe kel4oii
L 0 Mannevra, Cleveland;
Rhodes k. Green, do.
D Jacobs, Younestorve;
-.C E LeMnamell & Co, Warren;
. A & N Clark, Newton Falls;
J Drayton & Co, Ravenna;
Hen; Orennell & Co, Franklin Mills;
Thomas Earl. - do 4,
A H hfiller, Cuyahoga Falls; , •
Stephens & ,Aro n;
V7lteeler Lee & Co, .
JD&JAEd.onI.,, do;
J J he'r'o, Mazatlan;
Cammins &Co, a.;
Wm Monteath & C4Bndaio, •
it Gibbs &Co, SandukTi ' •
• E ;IVO t To=,
" H N Strong, Woolf.;
Mootty &om., Deloo;
Hall & Elkins &nape n;
Doomon & oo,lddorento;
• D DteltituMn, Little Fon:
Kirkland & Taylor, Ehehoyeas;
Dole, Ramsey & Co, Micelle;
Thomas do.
Pittsburgh. March 30.1850. .
..r.c •
. . The Canal Immo new open, are are ready to receive
and fantod promptly, predate and Ilixtmlutatze eat!
Fre=alarays at 'corral mu. etatted by reopen-
Bibb .
- nutlet and n'acrelr . artize artll be received and for
: vraiderttaat and west; *therm aiiy . clam for for
. - wan:bestir sara.nripg freight, eomenarbta or voyage.
• Bin. By r.dimproarda, and all direntlims
folly amended
Add revs or apply It. WM.
Canal Darin, roe. iiiberry and Wia l y i r a n t . about.
- .No lsa, Mika n t l!Lw.ttre.
Bp IdANoia , ppg togrardgeld:Ram
riONA ;H rfou , lw YOk!
1,11 pyy satV , .••••- • 1.1 1 .-- 4 ••• .1.
r - _- - - - - •
- VAR lel" ,-4, WAR eR OH 0 E i' - '
a• TB, Fourth Sts+.4.,
hOCLINTOCH wy, cansuusily rteeivito , Ids
(i l if " . Sprlr.Scook of _CARPET OW CLOTHS,
....MO, 4., eanigang ia part the CoUoariternirr
rr Extrp Soper Valartffila.Carlreth p.
... 1 - a • ” In
Elea sad Alleritta Brasanta ~ n
• - Arra traperfina Imtertal 381 T i
• a' • SOPC , f. - • •
SaPerdnalarmin Carom, eV:ma'am pateduChandle
Extra firm " Kam
ROperfutP do do nags
Common, an "ma. " " • - Tad.rd Duo
44, and Tap Van Car. Comma
44, and f Tiitt'd Cup. Extra Witten , " •
44,1, ift and 44 piainCar. Common do , "
LI. and Rag Camels, Came,
8:4 PnamdCottenCalTada radad
also. • Mier-31am • ;
13.4,,.54, 44 - ad A d4L4
44, gi.4, Kamm; ExtragriniedZn: corm
lltli puma Oil .Clutha
toe a wn. Embossed Nato
" Table "
Blue and a. Taaniu lb m Printed d
Drab Clos;
Coach 00 CI ,
Watered for Linings;
Watered Martina .
Ba T,. d Mikan for Wltlilides.
Venetiaap. P
14441) le ikon;
Leann Creski
Seotr Diapers; ' •
Uravna li Linen Molar;
German Oil 'Cloth Table
'Elam Corm from
dish and !Lambe. marinfa
In width, width will be e
Tenthslee of any site or std
Tho andenigned harbor
land, bla Velvet Pile and Ts
Carpets, whit, ma of the
styles and patterns, and of
mat be sold at paces as los
br m any of the eastern elf
Raving the largeit ansomeat ol the:richest mad
mast fathionabla ItRUSSELR. IMPERIAL TIMM,
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far summons
P fl i e=rit ' eltlrf7te ' e=
Men atta Comb Manufacturers to his large and prell
in otTRIMAIINUS,and other articles
'rearm in their hotness.
andersigned la also agent for the only Stair Rod
Manufactory in Philadelphia, end is prepared to nail
lower than can be patchued elsewhere in this city.
Aa. MASON & CO.. CO Market arect, between
• Third awl Fourth. are now receiving a large as
sortment of Darege Do Laing Pere. Cloths, un en
tire new article; Palletotg Crape De Letitia, ree;_ with
large assortment of Lawn. and other Diet, goods,
of the latest styles and most fashionable colors:
COFFSE—NTbngs prune Rio and Java;
Cannus-40 bon mould, dipped, and sperm;
Coax—l6o bra Cream and English Daisy;
(Ccans—s6los Hemp and Manilm; .
• ..Cassza-50 Matt
Clikocus-4 barrel;
Cluass—SC , M Common and half Spanish;
' Fm-4b beamed half brla Mackerel And Sabana
' Gtass—So bra asnorted sizes;
Hams—= Pried., Venison;
• o IWO Sugar Cured;
Ismoo-100 lb. S F . and
Ing-16 doe Harrison. Black and Confine;
Blogssam—P brls N Orleans;
llb half brit Sugar Heim;
Murray—SO dos assoned canister.;
• Manunost-50 lbs Italian; •
Vansisurgm-150 lb. do
Naus-200 bop amonedi
Plarzins-4 dos jars named;
. Pluesum-30 bushels lialveN
Para-60 reams assorted;
Pumas-100 lb. Borden.;
Boar—So bra Basin and Cast Steel;
Snaaa-10 hhds N Orleans and Clarified;
Tsa-60 packages Green and Black;
Toucan—kg/ has le re I lb lamp;
Wass. klouns—S o do. patent Zink;
melO Comer of Fifth and Wood
FVCRS! FURS! FUR!—The subscribers ply
for Coon, Mink, Moak Ray Gray wad Find tor;
and all kinds of snipping Furs, ilte highest enstern
earner Fifth and Wood so.
rIrMA. Partnersliiphormotom oximing between James
k Taney mid John Bost, in die Groom, Produce
and Commission businees, moos dissoived by mutual
OUSE7I4 on Ma 14th Inst. Mr. John Boat having par •
chased the entire Miami of James Tassel, m the
bren, the business will be settled by him, at Moir old
stand, N 0.33 Wood et.
/HN Tassel
Paper Ilaagings. •
‘,.. ' en .RI SELECI/(44.—Wei be received, by fiat
canal shipaerde, vreew andchoice rierorenerd of
Wall Paper, of the IntestFreuth end &were styles,PA nhn and hi hcolcn.
Vii' nk n i erg .
- Oltlwastslo Tauten
Co-partnership heretofore existing between S.
n.BoAkld nod Jettn.hlelltll, under the firm el
g. Dunked & Co., bthis day db.:deed by mutual
conseL - Tho badness of the old forn will be settled by
I. e. Bushfield, at the old Hoodso. Liberty street,
Pinsburglt. • ll. 13USIIFIELD,
March 1, IBS& JOHN
• • .
tontines , the Wholesale and Retail' Dry Goods and
OfOCLII business, lathe old stand. No. to-10 Llbeny nt,
ander the Am of S. IL BUSRFIELD & CO.
Monk I,l9so.—[mrld
I RAVE this day assoctstrdawnn ew,
ni the Whole
'. sale GrOeery. Commission, and Forwardlng busi
ness, my two sons, R. N. iind . W. IL Waterman. The
mi.. In tuturo will be =Weered under the style of
S. Wotan:tart ik Row, at the old sued, No_ 31 Wo.
we and et Front street. , L. 9:WATERMAN.
rattstaugh, March 10,
ATIAD CHERRY, the meat remedy for
. And the bat medicine k.orn
• to man for Anthem of every _slue, Liver
conspthints, - Brotichitir Indent.. Coughs, Colds,
Blimerin of the Lan., Elsortness of Breath,
Pains and Weakness In tie Sid.
Breast, an., and all other
• doteases of the
A very Important disease river which this Balsam cx.
arts a very powerful Influence, is Milo( a
In this complaint It has endoubtedly proved more
cfficacioas th. any remedy hitherto employed, and it
numerous instances when patients had endured long
and severe gaming from the disc... without recess
ing the least benefit from various remedies, and when
Menemy has been resorted min vain, the use of this
Balsam has restored the Liver • healthy action , aid
In many instances effected permanent cores, MU ,
very well known remedy had Gilled to produce Bin
desired elect.
Resides Its untinishing efficacy In the disease..ei
mentioned, we also find It a very effectual remedy in
itmthme i complaint hi which it h is been extensively
sued wth, dectdei success, even in cm. of years
Standing. :Wahl.. increase of intelligence his grown
op knowledge of the elements of health, mad a Tv
ghlior them, end commensurately with the mndett
set ee have we acquired the means of attesting dim
eise r and accrue; Its mirages. Is °midi/standing the
progreas sixth have made, simian.. show hat even
now, foie hof th e whole pOpahltioc, die annually
of cousuroptien.
One uf th e est Insponant discoveries of the a g e. ir
areclionting the colidition of this large elm of au(
tonne bontanity, Is
WIMP" Baliwo of %V Cherry iv a
Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and
the gent.. Iceland Moss, B. lanes Imported express
ly tor thin re...pos.lJ the rare medians' wane. of
which are ainrearobteed by a new chemical prunes'
,with the extract of Tar, than rendering the whole
tamp:Mad the most eenaici and effleamona remedy
au &watered for
Still further evidence. alba remarkable curative
properties of this Inestimable preparation:
Sussatamux, Brown ea., 0., Aug. M, ISM).
Messrs. Sandford tc..Parkt Gentlemen, Jibes% sis
weeks ago I received the agency of Waters Balsam
of Wild Merry, but with some reluctance on my poet.
for the moon that I had breathe agent of so many
gas and other mmtmeas, which were cracked op to
be something wonderer!, bet which turned out In the
end to be of no account whatever, except to the men
imaturer. Bat I candidly admit that this time I have
been deceived, for the extraordinary entre affected by
Wistaes Balsam have convinced me that "good can
come out of Nazareth.. Your agent left vie one doz.
en bottles, which are all gone—having beeo the means
of coring several obstinate Cal. of Consamption—
and so mistake; for what I see and know I am board
to he'll:mt. One case In particular: A young gentle.
annals Winchester, Adams county, 0, 10 notes free
this p 3 mar cured of Consumptim when the doe..
tors has ven at op, or loan could do nothing for
I him, t wen the intention of hls friends to convey
him to your city, and {deceit= mdse the oat. of some
anthem p there. .13• friend mid him
Mame. Ba/s hysician am, and that h a could obtain it of me of ,
lle sent for it, and before the second Louie matron
he was sound and well, and anending %obi. every day
busineu. As there are several inquiries for the medi
cine, it would be well to forward an additional supply
without delay. VM EMIVOIMULAND. •
The abon,from L.Pfewhoad,Esq, a highly respec
able country merchant, commend. Itself forcibly to
the mobil attention of all those who have doubted
the great =mit of
Wild Cherry Balsam
Remember the original and only genuine Winer,
Balsam of Wild Cherry, was introduced the year
133, and has been well tested in all complanas for
which it is recommended. For 17 years it has proved
more efficacious as a remedy for Coughs, Celds,lnd
enra, Bronchitis, Asthma, mrol Consumption la Its in
. /West Magee, than lather medicine.
surIIIDIreRo, Aug. 10, 1948.
hfr. S. W. Fowler Having seen may certificates
published in relation to Dr. Whites Balsam of Wild
Cherry, take this opportardty of arming a word in
its favor, which you
also s 4 liberty to publith. A
Dm months alma my erifele lunge became ais meth af
fected with a sodden cold, that s lees her voice,
Named severely from pains In the
m. ea. lire shirk.
tion caused her friends much alar Having heard
your Balsam strougly recommended by thoie who
med It, I purchased a bottle from your Logan, In this
, pliers. She took It according to e direions, and it pr.
' doted a wonderfal effect. Befor sting one bottle she
had completely recovered bar voice, the pain”untiil
' ed, and her health leo aeon hilly re.mtablishad.
To DZIMICIIII arm Destro IN filsotorix..—Thi • cel
ebrated and Infallible remedy for the cure of Consump.
lion, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by Hs own ine
rt...lmre rapidly, sure and safely working its way
through the opposition of eser.ka and counterfeiter ,
until,by Its true value arid Intrinsic excellence. ••
galued for tuella mom enviable popularity.
tithed itself In the confidence at au tatelbee
lightened public, Dem one end of the 000110
other. The testimony of thousands who have
tiered and cured by this saleable article, wn.
drat it nand. unrivalled—at the head ot all other
dielnea, for the more of diseases for which it rs
mended. The genuine Dr. tal's Balsa.. off
Cherry lam: for sale by duly appointed Agents, und
ansorespectable dealers in medieth in ell large eitiet
d all Important towns throestolut es,
the United States.
Plum tl per,Dottin I Six Soule* for SS.
Sold by 1. 0. FARS, tmeeetwor to andford & FaM4
Fr/Milt and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, Geound
Ascot far the South aed Wmt, whom all orders .
Mug beaddrene4.
videos, Jr; James A. Jamie J. Kidd ft co; R. A.
Palmesesek & Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Remelt, \Tub- '
jo h eel W. ll..eraberten,l'rank lin; 0,,,„,
.et; Scott ti. l llilesole7l4e ' d7o ' rd; rte g e b litt " ,==
do ,„, um Hollidaysburg; ltddebran & Co, Ind..
. 0 , 4 .1, A. Wright, Kinanntor, Emma a. Ca, Crook..
Cdr.A. Wilson & Son, Waynesburgb;.Mlirarland ►
ea, hr. Callender, hleadvilk.; Bonen & C.o, 1X.4 . 1.
aotfin.,lllerten Janus, Kelly Co.Rutler; Pow,
Bever; J. D. Seausetrlon, Warre; F.L.&C.S.Jenew
Oondemport,' 411rocrar,Jr,Drewriterille.
144:4410.70dir •
r ...r. .tr
rie!iPAkresga47GlE+il:u I
a t ,i1 h ..?1 1 .51M°47#51 1 . h .11Y.4..kf1t9.0.
R. E. IcoM Mee h and 101 P. SCOTT
LibenY H. Plughargb.
Ditmlngham, by JO ON D. SMITH.
Allegheny Dy,. by DENBY thglCll‘ ATM an
The Best sad Clheapast Minis eaialls•
/Ara tanned a rath nowt. XV" Pwity, of dna-has/A
ty t an4 IllennettlotethPLOAND DINTath:NT Fazed
'AM la vapidly tagentedlng all other Ointment. and
1-tattooing now In late for the elite of the following dth
eaten t
Fresh wounds, gins of all kinds, sprain., Nelms
'crocked heels, rtmthone, windhone, whWeelle, pOt
evil, Va., *Norio., sinewy, Gangs, althot, strobe
hm•ncte, ...I creek, teandereil feet, *melee or
grease mange or horse distemper.
The Powder will remove .111 ndamniathen lei fever
ratify the blood, loosen the skin, lease{ water
and ettensthem every part of the bodyi an huproved
a wrreteton remedy for the following di est
Distemper, bide bound. loss ef. amdie, Inseam
attain, yellow grater, Inenramation of the qr., fade.
hem hard emeteisto also, thearesabiert,lcolronnuly
led stiff complantawhich Peeves so 4,0 e, moor vat.
cable horses in this country. It is also • ate and car
min reined y for roughs and colds which generate so
many fatal ammo. W. B. iSLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chleaeo, Illinois.
_.„ • ..
faun v.11..014114
Damask Staill-lneol
Tatter Red Chintzes;
Charm "miterin
English.oll. Cloth g;
Drown Linen ammb cloths
Woolen n
Ur Stsh Rah;
Stair Dreggcn;
Carpel Bindtogs;
Jute and Coto Mats;
Alicant and skeleton Mats;
54 and 4-4 Groaned Cloth
for 1111adg; •
linekebact Diaper,
Retract from the "Galena North Western Garette! ‘
By the use of Slomes Ointment and Condition Pow
der, I hare entirely eared a fistula on my horse and
otherwise Improved his condition more an 60a pe
on the coo of the medicine And a , ear 'duel,
was so feeble al tribe considered worthle • by myself
end nelebban,was restored to good health lid strength
by the age of less then her • package of be powder,
and is now doing better than anylethar ow I have.
Satan Poe, May 13, OAS. - WM. VINCENT.
. .
dm most sPr.romtd Eng'
ctutera from tfi to fii trot
at to fit rooms, 6filla, and
thereby certify that one of my children, when rat
tad, fell Into large lire alive coals, and.w.bemed
severely from head to feet. The best of medical aid
and attention was given to the child for four or five
days without any relief—emelt day's sufferings mereaw
ed till his pd., could he beard at a great distance, at
which critical period one of my neighbors recommon•
ded and presented to too a boa of - Sloan% Ointment.
and in lots - than fifteen minim" after tea tipplicatiou
of thaOlD.Clll to the aggravated sores of the.dering
child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began
to recover.. My residence is in licit township, Vm.
million coUnty,und Staten( Indiana.
Chicago, Aural 24, ISIS.
Imponed direct ham k'dm
aposuy CARPETS. Thew
o latest and most 'lnmost
ditto most acted.. colon,
ar as they eno parehasod
April 13, ISIS. Four miles north of Chicago (on the
road to hblwankle,) Cook county, _
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin One of my hones had a large
bony tamer on his breast bone, immediately under the
collar, which lamed him and rendered his nervier., of
very Little Ten.. Inabfally applied several hordes
of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Done Liniment, without the
least benefit. I Men promared Wilder , . Celebrated
(loran Ointment, and used that until I became folly
satisfied that It would never relieve the animal. Fi
nally I obtained a box of your truly valuable Onn
ment,and in less than 60 days Amu the first appltea
don the tumor entirely disappeared, and the boron was
•• • •
If popular opinion is any criterion of the womb of an
article, we Invite the incredulous to read al least a few
of the many voluntary certificates that appear in oor
columns rerpecting the great variety of remarkable
mires effected by the use of *Slosn's Celebrated Oint•
meat and Condition Powders.
These remedies no longer remain among thou of
doubtful utility, they Imvspeesed from the tide of ex
periments and now stand higher in reputation and an
becoming snore extensively used than all other arti
cles of the kind.—hitch. City News.
Fox Rm., June 12,161.0.
Dear Sloan—Sin Please send by the beans a new
xerPlY of your Dome 3ledieines They are the best
article. of the kind that I have ever lased, none hay.
ins been disappointed in their effect, as I have been in
the rue of others, even the most celebrated Ointments,
Linintenu, &c., of ths day. I like very ranch this fee.
tone In them, stm that they do all that is promised, and
upon a thorough trial one contreined to add. that
"half has not been told) ,
Esspeetfolly, • H. DUDLEY.
The ordinary tment. arid liniments it la well
known are severe and partial in their operatic.—
Sloan , . Ointment is mild pet thorough—it reaches and
removes the cane, hence it gives real and permanent
relict For panty, mildness, eatery, certainty, and
thoroaghnass, Stoares Ointment excels, and ls rapidly
earperceding all other Ointments and Liniment, now
Erne. Gnovx,llL, Oct it, USW.
Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue or Tout
Ointment in the cute of rattl.nahe bites, core thro.,
burns, and many other injuries, and in every case il
has surpassed our expectations. Asa family 0201.
went, I hive never seen its equal, ad for beasts Ws
can't get along it it.
Yours, An, MUM ii. JOHNSON.
Mr.Sloati—Dear Dm For a considerable length of
ini e I was seriously afflicted moth the rheumatic com
plaint, and applied freely the various liniments, paint
killers, b v., without obtaining any relief. After wale k
your up... at this piece indueneed me to try your
Ointment, and within two venrits from the time I rem
intellect! using it, the pain ceased, and I was effectually
memed„ and shall recommend all who are similarly of.
Meted with the distressing complaint, to procure Yon ,
e'ciliZe'sVyn!moeogsynt without
Frincemlie, l Fcoria ea Ate . .
In — From the Br, MIT. BrOatalt, .Ajellt Of the
Illumia and Michigan Canal •Packet awn Company.
Cates., Juno 21, tall
Dr. W. It. Sloan—Dear Sir: Far the last as years I
have had Occasion to arc many horse, and have used
the great variety of liniments and ointments to ose,
Out, Ear; meter found any thing equal to your ;tins
runt the inknies on hero, Wsthin the loot two
that haste applied your ointment to some tot horwts.
(or 'Various intunes. and in every instance it has pro
' red a sovereign rt candy.
A FINGER 11177 F—N EN - 11 REIN OFF.
T mile• ,outa of Cbieatto, Sept_ 14, le4e.
Dr. Sloan—Sin On the Cltt instant if son hard a fin
ger bater entirely off by ttliorre. We Immediately .r
plital your celebrant onaturnt, which lved hoe t
pain in I 1",,w minute, and pretrcated th e nfinger Imo
steel/tilled= least particle, and Ile wounit he'
tepidly. Resply yours, S. BRUCE:WA V.
IVlC.Sloan—Dear abr. About three y,Alt, Ice I was
severely attained m nu< alloy lets by the inllme of a
pile of wood whir+ sic t.lOlO d large tmming ulecro.
Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to eury therm but
tried in vain, unul from .yin Parity mid troffer'', me,
meat my other leg became as bad as the one original
ly wounded. I despaited of ever being well again—
but In order that I might neglect no weans within say
reach, I purchased of your agent in Galena come .4
- year ointment. set ye suture of my 'surprise an I
gratitude - better Wan i <nu 0.1,.44.. it. to bud my it
before I hod finished .sing the second be
Them farts I make known that When .Mimed may
believe and not delay using so valeatale an ointment
as yours his proved to be. Ltezry your grateful fed,
Galena, 111, Dee. 10,1,13. EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order, Messrs. Vaughn O. Co.
purehwed a large supply of Sloan's preporationa.
/Arneson, MKS. Feb. at, leis.
S. K. Hibbard—Dear Sir: I am out of SiOan's Coodt
don Powder and Howe Ointment. 'the sole tore[-
ceed. my expectation. If you an marmot to send rue
I dozen Ottantent, I will pay for them the Chtst
that you are here, owl presume I shall be able to tell
a luxe quantal in the cenme of the year. It wilt be
n obteet to you, as well as to myself, to keep me eon.
Gaudy supplied. Very resproan,
Sr. Louts, 1310.
De-Sloan—Sin About two years ago, while ranting
on the Mssippi river, In Noising aver the rapider
was plunged into the water, and by the raft dathing
against rock. crushing ley left kg and othersetse see
nously interior( maw much that I low all senwhitity.
11Then constioasnew reamed I found rnytelf in bt..
Louts, surrounded by my weeping family. rood mars.
lag and Medical aid, enabled me to about wok months
to nobble around with the assistante of strut-eh. The
moan& only partially heated, leaving largo canning
at the knee, which for many Monty,' discharged
blood and matter cattle Most offensive chiracter. Sty
pains were inekpressible at times •mesuffering wog
amat that quit at have received a hearty wel
co Fortunately Mr. Wilson, lone of my neighbors)
advised me to try your Ointment I obtained a boa
applied It according to dlreetion—the soma soon began
to astern' , a healthy appearance,
rely e ad t d In three mouths
-I was entiared , and .alled do hard labor.
Your obedient .rrast,
We, tkit andenigned, ehbora of W. Them.,
were aegasanted with the ease above stated, and know.
Ink the eireumethneee, mot cheerfully conk= anal
Thomas' atalcment. REV. J. IMAIGLASS,
segicsoo, San. felt, 184 g.
W.B. Strm—Rio One army horses was hoof bound
and alsowounded in the Male, in which ho took cold,
and tnxame so crippled that he could scarcely travel.
Dl' the free sppliesuon of your vslaable ointment, hif
I:moistest.. soon softened and the sena permanently
cured. I have also used the Ointment Liz the ease of
PolidEvil and on seven galls with equal success.
On a mashed finer that was VC.) pslnful, It opera.
ted like • charm. YElittr&< , A. VAN ORDEN.
Moan's Ointment and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged by all who have need them to be the I so
remedy for horses and cared that has been discovered
Fresh wounds, galls, spaying, timisra, fleabane, poll
evil, and in short every outward disorder or injury can
be cured by this wonderful remedy. The Powder Is
designed for inward strains, distemper, hide bound
fatigue from bard exercise, diseased eyes, &c.—Lake
County Chronicle. •
Wicuttyca, Cook Co. Feb. 13,18.18
Me. Ski I hove ken young ham too
taken with the scratches last fait I paid t he ws ut
three dollars tar medicine w cure Itim, bu w
11:410. then bought t thou of poor ointutent at you
office when in Chicago hub rather doubungly, boll
thought I would tyy it /edge of my 'Mei. and my
opimon of its beneficial ornate% when round my
borsch. legs smooth and well intone days from the lime
commenced applying it. Your obedient,
arectiann fifteen rots of unrivalled me. io the
cure or grery variety of eiternal diseases and WIWI!.
11001 61.1.11 r
goreollrll4 brll r l . .. 0,01111, bores, cutaneous erllti
emuy .pepped baud.,
other Pags kale system, rattlesnake biter, &e„ Iwata
foryugglenny that klknods [Murton is rum th e thing
for the boo.• Gertifieste. v•ltheut number bare been
ee ceived by tidePrriptirtilr front disinterested WOW..
Alta, giving dictage•l'remarksible cures bp its see,
• ,
Ilitswille, Pißim Ale eo. Wis., Oct 11, 1.94 ft
MS.,sl,!eft—pear Mr: Recently my hews ran sway
i w n ift4LlTse . uggry b !:l7rt h n i ch u t:ll:ll 4 ettn w ert
my warn owed Cot time:Wes. Fortunately • friend en.
coosmendoe the timed your Ointment I went to Mils
winkle tid.PUSChaisee e box. ft wan removed the
Inflaillaltlinfl, unit's: a few days the wounds healed
The great benefailarived from the nee of your UM.
=eaten toy Wier induced me to acquaint you with
the hem, believing/le .mablicity would benefit yea and
Om put/U. Respeotntily yo ur..
And ItaA - become o common saying, that Sloanto
(liniment and Condi: n um Powder are rapidly sperm
ding all otmt natireles for all diseases of horses and
Theitesiaty of the medicines consists in Melt
parity and Weal, to wan the? may be used e•el
tangly wolsool soy danger of toting cold, or soy other
41.7 mooting it&a their (Mown gso, and tamer fa
toltnleW, Yflgnitya
• "
Lt Vain
lUnnt SID 'S .
PetellOMS•lt Ilagatittasee4 00beas
lIIANRDEN ik centinne .te b ne Perim
.._ any pan of England, Ireland Scotland or
''''`'est "on the most liberal mAkuritli ihelt
natal punetnality and attention to the m andeem
rott oremonignotta We do not allow Otr i r.r.P.
be robbed by the swiedlini tempt dud Idle st the ma
ports, as ere take charge of them th e emu rat they re
port themseive , and seem their well being, and de
watch thenVwilhout any deteutiun t i the Arm ships.—
We ray this fearlessly, as we defy oe eliodr P"ted , '
gore to show that they were detained 48 lArs by usin
"LleerPool, whilst Leona :We of others • 4rel del•t ed
months, until they tould . be Bent in some 9 , 1 u• •
thin rate, which too frequently proved, di •t corms.
We intend to perform out eOritriett AO !ably, cost
what it may, and not net as war the taselart season,
with ether oficen,—who either.perlimmei 110 t aD, or
when it ached their eonvenience.
Warta drawn at Final:quilt for do 1M from it to
EOOO, payable at any of the provides' B•••• tois
land, England, Scotland and Walea
Etropemt 00 Gaol EPP,
COI nth Wert OM door hallow wood ,
Ste u amer MICHIGAN No. I—ptipt, Gaon.
11E. above regular and well known a llrydr Pack.
.1. es, have commenced making their,doily trips to
and from Beaver, and will emit:nue to dim between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly doling theme.", 51
.• • .
klichigan No. 2 leaves Pittsbure della at
A. M., and Beaver at 5 &Otte , p.h1.1 Lake Eros
leaves Beaver daily tad c'elock, A. pt., and Pittsburgh
at 3 o'clock, P. M.
These summers will run In connection with
R G Parke Express enekel Line, for Etiki
Taylor tr. LefaingwelPs Warren Panketsi
-Baton Line of Freight Boat. Clevelandnd;
Clarke rk.Co'sPlttsburgh and Lino Freight
2 G Ya m s daily New Castle rackety: ,
CLARKE, PARKS fr. Co,Belveri AIMS.
JOHN A. CAUGHBY, Agent, pligsburh,"
:eclat ear Water and Panithfield to
„ alit 1849..
W E ,
TIIII Proprietor( of Ws old eatebllsked and popular
dailylwyeonr ding of SIXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, sane by themselves and ruining in Penmen•
Lion with the steam bows BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and Jou...engem, on the
apening . •(Cannl navigatton, to all points on the Penn•
ay Name and Ohio and N. York ewe" and the Lakes.
E. M. FrlClllk, On Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver. ,
3. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
martl Mater street. eat,
).c. araar.l., D. W. a. NUMMI"
Pittsbnagb tl . • Bearer.
Forwarding Remnant:,
/gems for the PivakergA enutelerodsnd,Lant,Pitta•
darg/s Prla Lissa via Be* grad for awes
baou Brasyr and. Caleb Cops. -
Haring parehased the large and tubstantlal Wharf
,boot: ust built for the Monongahela Packet., have
with the addition ofa IVarehooth, the most ample me
commoilations for • receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost ratcatiou, pompom's and despatch
to consignments to their care, and rely on their (sends
for a trial. ruar4.47 D. & ORO.
Rannolidaisithrtd Plasma.
J ANE second band "
Pima, 0 octaves, price 11.50.
V " • " DI
1 61 40.
1 6 . " sM.
For sale for cordial the above priers, bf
del2 JOHN II hIIiI.LOR. el Wood st
r.l IbtlisrPlaYldt.3. - -Ser7ows uaan,
2c00L., altered and conciceledirom (helm Eei
lish to correspond with Spohrls Original
School of Violin playing, by his pupil U. C. "If
an m ay saguments are required to recommend-this work,
It he observed that Spots, himself adheres strictly
to the system laid down in the above work, and that
he has by tie Caine mode .of instruction. , produced a
greater number of distinguished pupils than any other
masthr in Europe."
A supply of the above last recd (price.4l7,) and for
sale by del? &II MELLOR. SI Wood in
, : ,•,....i:...-*4.7;i:-.7-24.,y3,,,;1_, , ._
v ypil rat RAN , ,,sm(nx.,:
.te --.. -... 1 ,..A....h
Li 1,,.5.g17.167;.:::. -- -*r•:;)
,- , ......t'-A.,.., -...-..:
114111iIiiiiitiVi r llf ,11: ; \
: 3.- siv- , ...,..,..- ...,-. -._.,-..- . 1 . -..!;- . _ ...,-&----- - ~- . •.. '7 - 1
.. A, N E.L .' l, l:l ( n . an . d . cipi= from the
of a Delieue Nature with promptness; anasecrecy.
Ilinneeemßuffalo and other large eines boa
been proverbia l
l. (lie charge s are modular!, and hie
ens permanent.' Old eases Of Glee; Strictue, Seto
ea ls, Fluor Alb as, Rheumatism, Agne t ßyphills, or any
chronic or inveterate eases
re ed. • . .
A tare warranted, Of charger
. efe.l
Owerco, St Chit. creet,2 door (rem the Midi&
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
N. IL—Dr. A. solicits the wont cases deny dleisee
In lintaburgh to era • italattlll
pkyrnosaitun, on ftocitroic.
.There are more Domes It heaven and earth
Titan are &rear of in phdoeophy.e
!FRE VIRTCLLS of tho temarkuileremedy, and
eonstant application for It, the proprietor,
'has induced him to bag. II pa , up in bottle, will , BI"
&els and direction, fot Ilse benefit of the public.
• —The .pETROLEUM Is procured Dem a well In this
conetyilt a depth of foot hundred feet, Ira pore una
dulterated anode, without any elietiniell chimp". but
fast 111 fowl. from Natures Great Labratelyll That it
rootaino properties resehlng •• number of d/seaseaja
, no tense, a matter of oneertaling. Them arc many
ninny. in the arcne of netue,which,lf knowa,might
rte or v...i awfulness in alienating rods.., and iv'
storing the Inoue of health end vigor to many a suf
freer. Long Oriole the propnetor bought of putting
it up in kitties,. had • ren,llllllol for the cure of du-
The emistent and daily inures/mg calls for it,
and remarkable , cues it bas petfonued, Is •
ante imbeatton of tie future popalenty and wide
spread application in rhe sure of docue.
• We do Unt Senn In funkslong parade , of eer64-
, emote. cc we are muscle. that the medicine can teem
work tie way non the (ante of those who ender and
mob to be healed. whilst we do edit claim foe It a
1 Universal application in every disease, We unbent.-
ungly any, that ut a number of Chronic Disease. o
anulle. Attica; the., may tie enumerated —all
iltseases of the mucous unite*, Inch as CHRONIC
PONSUNIPTION On to early, .e.)
AGlone, and an doreme. of the mar pampa, LIVKIL
MMIPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, Ilierbee& Diseaces of
th- Madder and Ksdnevs. Punt in the Rack or Aide,
Nervou• Dileascs, Nuiralgto, Inlay, Rticurnietic
Gout. Eryupelo, 'Pow Rtneworme, BUTIIIN Scala%
Old Sores. ar.,./le. In cues of dehility re
sulting from caposure, or longend pretracted ea.* of
&wow, tine (11 , 11i<ILICI will hung relief. II will set as
a general TONIC uld ALTERATIVE in such eases
imparuria tone and energy lotta whole fragile', remov
ing ob.tructions, ripening the •loggiel s, fonetion which
close disease aud • broken lo on, consti and giving
tnetraod and renewed cheery to ll the organs of
bunt The proprietor know. of several cures of
PILKe, that resisted every ober treedsnenL get well
under the um of the PETROLEUM' for • short time.
The proof can be given to any person who damns
None gcnutne without the squint:re Of the PGlLemre,
Sold byAtie proprietor,
B. at KIER. Canal Basin. near Seventh st.
Also liy R K SELLERS, 07 Wood an
center Wood at and Virgin alley; wko are his
nova-41y • regularly appointed Agents
F. H. EATON& C 0.,.
No. 67 Fourth , Plttlobargh,
(live now In Stone thew fell wsortment of
Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Late Goodi
Dt ['TED to the wants of every class of hierchants
II and Consumers. No palm have been /pared to
prevent the newest and most huhlonable styte of
Gond. ttinr tine. Thar stock consists in pan of the
Fringes and Gimps, of every variety-, new Myles
figured Galloon; Algerine and Impenal Welds; wide
and rtillTow Silk and Wormed Einbroulenng Braids;
flared and cat Yellin Ribinms. plain do do; Corded
Mottles and plain Dann Ribbons, for trunralng; black,
white and colored tilt Loam Extra wide do do, for
goonces; with • fall ...Mein of Dress Ilutlatml
Drew. Pinked. IStamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Ittee end Montt Capes, Chernivettea,
Urenkfast end Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French
Worked Cotten and Cure, in great verlelT Lace Veils,
Lappetsand Orr. Tien Mounting Chenallenea, Col.
lan, Cuffs en Half Sleeve.; Lunen Yawn (Idols,
plain embroidered end hemstitched do, plain Lillendo;
real thread laces and Edgings; Int. do do; Bobbin,
Lisle, Lace Manna and Cotton Edgings and !mailings.
Rids new styfe Bonnet Ribbon., French Face glow
er., Bonnet Tabs, Velvets. Latins and Plorenees,
S ilk
Ilitnions and Taileloll6, Lanett Frames and Tip
Iles, ma:tureen..., with MOO approved fanenlags,
ana choteest eotors. ka extensive •esortmeninvesys
on hand.
A great variety of Silk, Wool, Conon, Merin and
Ca.liniere, for Ladies and Wines, Tanan Plaids, and
a lull itsIIOIIMCIII other style. (army and plain Child.
ren'e Hose; newts* style. intanu. Boots and Sonde;
lierite I/ rampian, Vignnia, Merino, COMB slid Floe
Wool lira 110Bd. _ 1
• • •• •
A toll assortment for men, women and children;
among which are Derby Itibbed, Yoknells and plain
Silt; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Ike-
Ini; Cussimere, Merino, Furdined Mayer ' heavy and
fine Ltockstin, Military and Lisle Tlireadand Cotton.
Such as Ladles' and Children's Hoods, Children's
Woolen Sacks, Nen Pasta and Ito., Chlldren's Malt.
en, and Long Mina, Worved Cads, Knitting Womtesls
and Woolen Yarn., California Comforts, also, fine
Cashmem Scarf. for Ladle.
••- - - -
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvass Patterns,
Flo and Prolt`g bilk, 'Brian! and read Hoard., Par
per Flower Materials, Lamp . Mani, and Stn.
broldered Work. Alui—lmartieslthlk and htertno Veal,
and Drawas; tinhroldered backs and Flannels, French
Worked Caps and Waists for Infants; and Swan's-down
Fine Shin., Crayats and Collar.; hletino, Silk .0
Callon Ironing and Drawer.; Suattendera, Shoulder
Braces and (towns; Silk and !dn. Ildkfs,
Wawa and Ilasiery.
French patteruvearvcd end plain Shell 11. k Combs;
Buffalo and In,. dn. ' Shell Side and Long Combs; lat.
do; Buffalo, Satin mod Homewood Ilair Brushes: Shell,
S fth
and Dig. Born Drsing and 10.1 Coml.;
an armament of Noll es and Walla Brushes.
Wellicrill"."l3old Medal" perfumery.
Noodls,. rim, Tel.e/1 Nicol Hags and ones,
Button* and riirel Berlin Wire, Baskets,
Pane Twist arid Sowing. Fine ILosewimd Beets and
Cots Bindings & Balloon*, Fancy Work Baskets
Cloak Cnrd and Tassel*, Pour°hos, Pagiennts and
lllml &Shade Trimming*, Lunn,' Stationary,
Pulpit &Banner Ta•ACIS, French Cork
Cpholrtereris Fringe*, k i riing'm Umbrella*,
BOXLinen, riled width*, Paper Minims&
F:nallah Oil Cloth*, Eleatic Band* &
'Fighl Chintz Binding, Cornet and Shoo Lacer*.
• Lin. TO Wood meet, and for NJ. at Eastern price:
Jownins' Hebrew booboo, Townsend's Arrangement
of the Dade, Neander's Ilistory of the Chrionen Reli
gion and Chlarch, Milton's Treolice on Ceti.. Doc
trine, Life ofie remiali Evarvi, Esq., Robinson's Greek
Hartriony of the Gospel., do English do do, dcou's Hi.
hie,6 role, poem,, edition; Pamirs Bible (Warmer,
Medburst's China and no Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lew
mmit on tiwedmitiorgianism, Itoit's2diasionary Ana
-1 date% ad many , hot intereados works, lo addition
absmsoil maw molt tamer
SYedr,.gegl . L.,.m.'"'NEß - 1° 07,. .. 0.
Clearratee Mules, 0h.10,11ey141,1110.
R. E. Beller*: I think It right forth° benefit of othea '
to SLIM Mae fut. In relation to year excellent rand.
IY Medicine.—
I have nail your VermUnge impiety In* , own fern
ily, one vim frequently answering for a Inert . ego
, i ,,,,,,,,t (..y i ~, gOoi worm. frensleruchildone I
-have also seed you Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in
my fatuily, and they have In every butanes produced
the riled desired.
As I are imegued In merehaadielna, I am able to
state that I tllO/1, yet wham oil
th e y tla failure where
your medicine. hue been Mien attune of the
country In conclusion, I may state thatithey are as
methane. at the day, and are /canned to ham • very
emena ye pepularity Yount. maiiecitrilly, i
f' • , I.ll6 .. pntasts- •
Preparmf and sold by R. t• I I•RB,rie 47 Weal
street, utheoll by Divagate . e e unally Ito the two ci
ties and vi laity • I. chill elavAllcia r rilif - LONA ColitP9l , l7 - 6., Ib.
Li original, only One, arid genuine Lac Pia
Snow Cum., Ohio calmly, Va. j
March lath, DM. I
Mr. R. E. &Hear Dear Sir—l think it sdate I owe
you and to the patio gums ly, to Male that rheas
been &Mated with the Liver ComplainX fog • long
tinte, ud no badly that an abuse formed end broke,
which left me in a very low state.. Halite Beard of
your celebrated Liver Pills being (or iMillr,by A R
Sharp, In Wein_Liherry, and mcomm.ended to me , by
rjefr:Zi!"TpuLturd ith .6 l a.',e- 1 110r...TI:Zro
,„ Ju l a whet they are reeemmended, Tllb BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED and alternating four bare.
I find the disease has entirely left me, and I'm now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours, , '.. •
West Übe 7, March 1.11,1e,Pi.
. I certify that Imu personal' acquainted with 'ne
relent". and cu bear testimony to the lath at the
abrve erhifiente. A B SLURP
The ermine Liver Pills are prepared and sold by
It I:6 LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
I .
I tilt we Mum
TO THE PUBLIC.—The engine], only true and gen
e Lau Pills are prepared by It E Sellars, and hue
b I name . staroped In black wax upon the lid of each
in ,and his signatere on the outside w a pper=all
I o e pare counterfeiu, or bum imitations. ,
!pp ' It lii BELLER4, Preprletor
ore. aA Y II ie.Thilmumi ATIVE ama An
'l 4" Mgreff. ' t.W, " 1 1.1 ,o N tg.7ll l :ll=tl P g
The undersigned haul; been afilleteddming thanes; '
winter with • disease fifths stomach, sometimes pro '
ducinegrestpeln In the stomacbfor Waif twasehous
without anterm ..on,u4 after having tried cations
remedie. with - effect, was famished with a bottle
ot Dr D Jaynes C mauve Baum, Thu s he used at,
cardinal. , the Shelton., and fund Inv:mistily that Oda
medicine ceased the pain to abate in three or fOrannin
atell, end in fifteen or twenty minuteseeeryiutuy
mnsation eau mantels , gelatin The medicine Wane
terwardnismi whenever indica:lomat the,approath of
parawele pa recitred,gndthe pain was thereby prevenb
ed. Ile untanned Mu. the medicine every evening
and minetintes in . .h• morning, sad to a few week.
health was so far r emoted, that the sneerer was relies
ed from • large mounter oppressive pain. PRIM or
parience,theonfore, ne eu confidently recammetad . D
Jayne's Cirminativ• Balsam, as a Maury la tdc I n
for diseases of thestomach and bowels. A SIIIN IND
Allegheny eity.i,y3l
For sale IriPittsburgh at to sPEKIN IEA 'OR
T 3 Fourth street, near aro . and also at the Drug
Stoma II P SCHWARTZ: X . ,, eial amen_ AlleglOtil
MI Olin 111=01 808
Consumption, Coughs, Cold., Asthma, Bronehius, Lis
" l e' 7l li gi ng, 1 111 lade li ur
1.1111 Heart, Inguensu, C li roup, Broken Con
eilrutiou, Sire Throat, Nervous Debili
ty, and all Diseases thee Throat,
Dreutand Longs;meet ef
teethe end speedy core
eves known for any of
the abm
tsove &Ileu-
Gomapotrad Syrup of Wild Citorryt
TM& medicine is no banger iniong them of doubtful
Malty. It has peened SIMI item the thousands daily
launched upon the tide olumperlment, and now s mnb
highuyin reputation. end miliceoming medicinesive:
ly used than any other preparation' of ever
psulteed for the rehM et entering atm.
It has been Introduced very generally through the
Mated States mid &aerie, and there are few towns ef
Impoetance but what corium somusemallable t 1 i
-40400 r , effects. For proof of the foregoing
stafernents, an of the valor and efficacy of this
mg the proprietor will insert • few of the many Mon
ils. testimonials which time been presented to Min by
mon of the first reepeetability—men echo
have bio,"
Mows of morn/ responsibility and justice, than to cer
tify to feels, beesuse it will do another favor, and
themselves no thilL•lit. Such teidniony proves eon
etesimily,that Its murrains excellence is established
by Its intrinsic merits, end the unquestionable authori
ty of sub& opinion. The imiatitaneom relief it af
fords, and the soothing influence dillased through the
whole home by Ma use, TV:Vier• a men sercenhle
muscly for the afflicted.
"When men, &Ming loomconseientions impulses,
voluntarily bear testimony to the van of a thing, or
earnestsr fact, suchtestimony, being comm.* to their
worldly in and purposes, coerces on of
its truth, and commends itself in • special manner to
universal crodenee."—O'llogatie Moroi Maxims.
Sum. ASCalitl etr. Of Femmes-vs Conscormoni—
There never was a remedy Mat has been succesiful
in desperate eases of Consumption, ,Dr Swaync's
Command tlyrap of Wild Cherry, It suengthenv the
system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lune,
misuse new and rich blood: power Possessed
other .dieing
Cut =CO Aprtl23th,
Dr. Pri. sync—Dear Sir. I Verily believe your Com
poand Ityrup of Wild Cherry fru been the mean. of
saving my life. I caught a *even cold, which credo.
gr., worse, attended with severe cough, that
'muted all the remedies which I had recourse to, gull
tnercaeing tuttll my ease exhibited ell the symptom. of
Fulsocreary Cementation. Every thing I died yegog,g
to heroaa effect, and my complaint incressed
ty ea myself, give up alf hop. of
my recovery. At this time twill recommended to vy
your invalaublo medicine: I did wraith the most hap.
try mulls. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the
romfb., maiming me to expectorate freely, arid by the
time I had teed gig botttesyl mas entireiy and ern
now beefy a Iranlran ea I ever wits an my life, and
monad au
Fie h appy to give any triformadonseveming
cede, thm other eafferen mey derive the benefit for
watch lam so gratefel. For the troth of the shore
etatement, I refer you lar Peter Resih, Ureter, West
Chester, Fi e of mbom I purchased Um madmit.
Itcap^fally Yoet. .4=ll MUrroll.
• Wonderful Curs of a ldscludiss .fiAneette.
Dr. Banyao—Dur BM i (eel • debt erg:anted& doe
:a you—and • daly to ere &Meted generally, to oder
hamble teetimerty in favor of you Comp.:Lod By
rap of Wild Cherry. Some three , years son wvic
nolentli attacked with gold and intiammzu. of the
Lang i s , , which aceono d a i n , ad d with dl.trew.iNg
rlniltLgTol'oeffe"nst an d
Moe ' 7t71171
bt ..' cape- .
.. t ) I war prruy
won eouvi need %halt was rarodly Into consump
tion. I grew deer weaker, nod at le ng
thng was scarce
ly able to walk abut, OT 'peak above wideper, tub
wee traceeeedog week neu delay lo leaving thj.
tuna I had triedvarious eery , . woo. a ndpreeenpu
bat found no Lo
reto all the time worth. J oe l
here I mu &Setae and cenuaded by • dear Mend in
Wilmington u• mem teal of your Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I mast sonata that previously I had been pr m.
diced taming patent medieture, and I am still aga inst
those taming oat of the kfrids of emperles, bat uoder.
I standing your elven* to e profenon
ensue of
ec thleine, end hevirq; to t
heat faith in the saying of my
Mends, forthwith pore4ord of Dr. Mow, one of your
agent., • few Isettlel, ...ountented its ate My dj s .
we was et eisaume et Woe 23 months' mandno, eon
seqeently it wee drug: scout I fond, however,
considerable raw( from the use of the Inc four or five
bottles. at bang • pablle elieefier, I frequently at.
tempted to preach with my
thereasing strength, and
to ruptieral dove noels that had already begun
to heal; to des way, deubtlees, my cue woo ready
retarded. In canstannee of acting thns inthrnene
ball to um tisane or fifteen bottles before I env pe.•
fret restored I have no qnestion, a toothsome
mother Ulu:Attu would been made me mound,lne.
the above indiseretion. The Synn allayed the feei.
els habit, took .way the distressing roue h, p ut an
te the discharge of Woe( ,from the lunge ' d gar
them and the eases nystcnt good health. I have dela,
red offering the. certificate Mute now, (or thatrafr o e.
of being perfewir satisfied with the,permioney of the
cure, and now that I red perfectly well I offer it with
cleanse. VAT. J. P. Jowthee
Dublin nutty.
impoollutt Couteen—Roads
Them is Lairs .11[11.111 0 : preparalierrefWild Cherry,
and that is Dr. SWAINS'', the Iwo ever offered to the
pp Lee whzeh been wild largnly tinougbout the
United States and seine pans of Lampe; and ali per
paratio. calla. by wide r me of_ Wild Cherry have
been put oat slaw, this, cover of some deceptive I
eirewnetances, order lo give currency to their sale.
little obstcreatiou, pemon - need mietake the
(endue from Of fella. Each bottle of the genuine Is
enveloped Wit. •beiatiful steel as
o, with the
likewise of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Sissyne's
ectoderm arid so farther secarity, tha
n rtrait of Dr.
BISONS will tif added bereallaront ato distinanneb
its preparation • com alt others. Now, it it was not for
the great curative propernee and known virtue. of Dr.
SWATSN'• CONWNIUNd Sy . rUp of Wild Cherry, persons
would not bo endeavoring to give currency to their
.fietitiotte noenamen by Ate
the nanie. of Wild
Cherry. Itemmaber, always bear to mord the name
of Dr. Swayer ••nd be not deceived.
Principal Otbae, earner of Eighth and Race steems,
For sale artantesale and retail by OGDEN ts SNOW
DEN, ear' Sid sad Wood ets; El A PAIINVATOCK A,
Co, roe In en.; Wood, and Sib and Wood ins; WM
THORN ,S 3 Motel stt S JONEN, O.* Liberty so JAS
A JOKE !, col eland and Penn Jim; JOHN MITCH
ELL, AtlegheoJ 01W, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. oett3
Der W. P. Island's Prenatal:la Plaster.
If, W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College hf Phil
sulelphia,,,now offers to the public hie Inch. Veg
etable Premixes Fluter, h a s aint. of which, after
t o t Ut shed. " r women may tr. fi
tiiiTraw c A
Prolapses Uteri, or Fallen Womb, he recommend. his
plaster, guaranteeing • mac and speedy cure in the
short space Of from two to thee weeks, if applied with
care and rest—discarding &lithe mantle. instrumenu
and expensive ban d a
ge. w me , mio he feels
stating, inamanah as he has not
In one ease oat of Wren hundred and firty.three pa
Also feyRll(lOMll35.l3 and Weak Dream or Ilack, et
tended with pain, there is nothing to ithrel this Plaster
th edording render effecting • cure. For sale by
Wilcox, corner of lthunend and Market st
Drams A. Reiter," Liberty and St. Chu, Ott
Dr .1 Magee% " Federal stand Minuend, Alla.
gheny city
Jacque. " Denman and Diamond Ihnning.
ham. tiff
E --
ITRACT OP COFFEE --An •rtICIO which is ra
pidly corning into one as • wholesome, nourishing
and delictouo ococrage, being more plewont and pal.
stable than common Caw, and Car chraper, or o small
poundcowing only ten centS, Min go as or or feur
of Coate. Manufactured by
JOHN S. littlArldll, Piturborgh, l'a.
Hold atwholesale by II A VAIINFATOCK A corner of First sad Wood and Sloth and Wood sort
"ate b. spilt
rcaueogrue RUBBER (1000.4—Jost reeetved,
SO Camp Blankets; t. 4 officer c. 0.; 12 pry Ponta;
tv volts nett lined Muting Boom; IS Wham. Wigs; V
w mr Tanks, 6 and IV gollotat vaalt; SO auteens, 1
gn pen oath, I do: Boekstm hitmet Belts; I do oil.
eambne do do. The above goods fat sole at the Call
Conga thatfliing Eatatillohment Nu S Wood Rt.
016161 J & 11 PIIILIJES
AliVlLS—Wnnight Iron Anvils, fn. die Temper s
4neewllle works, vrarninted; will be rnonankly
on bind and sipplled to order, by
Wig* 6ldn frCIIRAN.. Wood in
r 9 r, l . pe u t o lL i ril d ny li ; i ota . rd, Dupuy,
4 eats N E Hum;
400 bblaWhiskeP; for sale by
ThP.AMINCIDr... - _1 Oaak• las anisprati
5„,„,, karat, a superior artioni, for rule by
nos e NV k 111 AI ITCHIFIta REF:
node Asi: sod lo casing
I Weacbing PYW4Cf, arnsed per rblp tirenbridge,
o . apag on by ennui, for solo by
N. D.—They will mays, during the calmer, lvv,
supplies via !law Orkin; nair2o
--- - - -
nereptima.netww.infoithma:htlesoldwork, a l Fopy be o , f i vr o tt;
United htittes,wthat e tt charge, ri e go ry oliei ' r e appllention
to A. 11. Eaglish A. Co., 70 Wood wino, Ftusborgh,
(poet paid The work 1. entitled,
or, An Amalgam ad the Language of figures and Set
ence of Number&
The following notice t. copied from the New York
Tribune of Jan. 2.1 d,
"Gasman °, tructmarnc, us Cuss. Dana, le 1 , . D.
(tame , pp. 1444-10 this work the bangstage of figures,
and construction of numbers, tare cmefulty analysed.
Tbeal,pitabet, composed et ten figures—the meets te
r-turd Worn the alphabet. gad the laws by which the
figures are connected with each otber i yare clean).
The anaysis hows at tere are bin four hn
dred' and elightys th
eight elemen h tary combo:a:ions u in
Arithmettc, each corresponding to sword of our eon,
mon lingu•sa and that there coml.:anon, are ma
connected together arm be all expressed by only
sixty three different words. The system proposes to
commit there words to memory, and thee teed the
results Instead of spelling them, as now practical.
"in another respect the system proposes an import
ant change, namely: to et twirler and Venial! fractions
as entirothtegt, havi ng nines relation to the unit out,
from whichkhey were derived.
"We scarcely need say that the little work evinces
the ingenuity and skilful analysis, for which Professor
Davies' writing on this subject are justly celebrated.
We COMMerld'il to the attention of praktlcal tenchers•
believing shot they will find it ,crowded with new and
valuable suggestions."
From £L Ereatmrs at Wad Point.
"Nanette ACADLICT or 0.13. Wcrr Pete?, Jan.l7.
"The Grammar of `Arithmetic, by Professor Davies,
Arithmetic sane. in a new light. It so analyzes
es to Impress the mind of the learner with
the first principle. of mathematical science In Weir
right order nod connection, and the new talcs for the
reading of figures are of great practical value.
Signed, W. H. C. Harnett, Prof. of Nat.& Ex. Phih
• A. E. Church, Prof of Mathematics.
H.ll. Mahan Prof. or Engineering."
In Flit,.
A.S. BARNES & Co. would tegpecifully announce
to teachers, and to nll interested in mathearatiral in.
struetion, Mat they 1.111 publish, on or before the Lit
f Aug° 0,11.50, the follorringsrorkr—
Or, nn Annlyses of the Principleo of the Seierme—o . a
}he Maitre of the reasoning—wide( the best bleated;
of Imparting Insunetion. By Char. Bevies. LL.D.,
Author of "A Complete System of Slngierontics."
N. B.—A.. S. Butler; & Co., WO the peblishers o
DinTlee System of Methemaues.,
For We in this city by A. IL ENGLISLI k Co„ No.
79 Wood street. cob%
IltosterPS Mow Ethiopianlaloclia•
- - nWINE to Kan all Night; Unity Day;
it. 7 Dolcy Jones/ Co down to'de Caton Field;
Nally was a Lad), &0.
Iln Kind to the Loved Once at Dottie;
Row thy boat lightly; Trap Love, by T.Ilood;
uor way across the yea, does;
A new medley song, by &Coven;
Jenny Gray, make by Modell
Joys that were crowning, IVedding klatch;
(led bless the hardy martariSehoylkill Waltz;
Coneeripl's Deporiene,by Glover;
Sounds tram (tome; Waltzes, Steyermarkische CO;
Iron Rom of Summer, easy varlatton• by Derr
United States Polko; Lodi.' Souvenir Polka;
Coro Cracker Quadrino; Louismlle Quadrilles
Ikauties of Italy; Due., Trios, de.
A large admrtment of New Music ou band. to wbieb
additions are made weekly. For sale by
febms J. MELLOR. hl Waal st.
NEW 1300KE1
rr HE WAR WITH MEXICO, by R. S. Ripley; 2
Elements of Rhetoric, comprising an Analysis or
the Laws of Moral Evidence and of Persuasion: by
Richard NVbately,
Essay on Chrisuan Egotism; by Baptist W. Noel, Al
The Ogilviti, a Novel "
airy Tales, froo•
Fairy ales, from 01l Nadon4 by Anthony R. Mo. illostratron. by Doyle.
lust mord by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
dell/ corner Muni and Market-woe's
Saw amdl klaigassa Can Minfr.l
Headley, vial eleven original designs by Harley.
Poems and Prole Writings, by Richard It, Dana; 2
v 01.., muslin
Illuminated Cams et Sacred Poem arlitt viz illuatza
lions engraved co awl by lobe Sartain.
Just received by OIINsroN a. STOCKTON.
den earner Tblrtl and blarket at,
I =11217:12.3
PIIIKICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical Vievr
of the mutual Males, relations and interests of the
Medical Pirdession and the Community; by Worth
ington Hooter, N. D.
Joe WOOLS of hlichael Da Montaigne; comprising
hi. Evsays. Letters, &e. Ily Wm. Hazlett.
Nineveh and It. Remains. Ily Austen Henry Lay
aril: Eva, O. C.l.
Glimpses of Prim or Noma of an Unfinished Tour
in 1,17. Sy S I. Wallis.
Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, nese edition; Illus
trated. Jan received by
nov2l cantor Market and Third wee.
Mutated Rookr—Rooks in tinkly carved bindinit
illuminated and illuatrated—Booaa auperbly hound in
Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Conn osition, In umtaliol
the Middle Anna—Bible, and PrZyCr Rook., beau
tifully bound in Velvet and Mormay.mbeently or
nanunnted and illuminated. For s a l e by
Chrtatodaa and New Year Approaehnag
In Magnificent Antique lilted,. g,fir the Holiday
ATE u IMCKWOUD, uek eltat mad Impend
.0 CU Weal arm, e.e recua d a '<Amaral coiled.
of Iladdratad Beaks, bound in he non epleedid men
ner by the best LO:14011 /111 , i An ale in binders — among
Mem may be fooult
Pearl. of Amen magn firentip Mom' , "
fabled.. . .
11,7. of . M.'llllMieialaforlM 11:umtita fed ha gold mai
%Voris Tv,rlhht Grerrei richly liluAtraLeJ.
Tr.uchcr. illanchnalcd by °Well Jones, uld
bound cxrvcd woad.
. .
• • ' Pm • • S
• • •.
Sorg or ng, illuminated by lases
rower. and them Kiud red ThougluMi illuminated by
/Irmo.. of; tilextromd.
Mtg./uncap. , Clatart•rtxto, tit NVornpn; Ilior
1. For vale by JAN lAX;riWOOD,
Ca W.nnt
EDBURN i lii. ntel Voyage, by Ilcrmert hid (Olt
„IX anther of `Tyler," "Demo," ie.
If/story of Kin, Alined of ItlngLead,J4Jarob Abbe
erne Leo envevegge.
Sidoma the eenvereemi by Wm. Meinbobi.
nor2l clutter TheN and !dark et *treat.
.01684'Me Revkari44 IVarEs f£4. Age,"
N'NEVI-111 AND ITS RF:MAINS; with an account
of a risit to the Chaintnan Chrtstiana of Runlisi
tan, and the Tesnlia, or Detii•Worshippnrs; and wa
Inviry into the Manners and Arta of the Anetent Ae
yrituu. Ansten Ilcury Loyaril, Esq.,l). C. L.
With Ir.troluctory Note by Prof. E.'Robtstman, D. D.,
tai. D. Illustrated with Ia Ones notictaps, and 90
wood cots. 2 vols. Svc, cloth,
eTtie book has a rare =taunt of graphic, vivid, pie
litresque narrative ii—Trlbune.
- The work of Layard is tho most proesinent contri
bution totie Wady of antiquity, that has appeared for
loony years...—Christ. log. •
epint env excels in interest the neeeurn of Nineveh
and its Roma, given by Mr. LayartLii—Wuhnigtori
Int 'e elbgencer.•
As we follow the diggers with breathless interest
in their eievratiOnS, and suddenly find °timbres be•
lure a massive figure carved wadb mutate seems.),
now liftang Its algantie head loom the Just of 0000
years, awe ate ready to cry cad with the astonished
Arabs, It L woodstial, bat It to true!' "—ln
For sale by
al Wood at
rpm.: WOMEN of the Old and New Testament
j. Edited by E. IL Sprague', D. U. I vol. Imp. coo.,
nA aunty bound; lb amp:Lai:My finished engraving%
Irma descripuons by celebrated Anm g ~r Clergymen_
POKIHS By ANIELIA,(Mrs. Welf , , of Ky.,) a new
and enlarged mimeo.; illustrated by engravings from
7,1 1 .7. 0 „ 1 d".2 1 1,t y o`.°o l- .7raTaplveanen i cA g n'i2:
als and GUI hooka.
Beach's Child's First Book of the Iliau7 of Rome.
I rot. lame..
um of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
yer% lAl6lbarZlesi, Students, sod Anions generally:
being a thorough and practical Treauan on Igen:sum.
uon and the Sliding Rata. By D. M. Kapee A. 01.
BMW* Treanor on Greek Prow Conagoviimo.
OliandonP. lilementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Greene, of Brown University. I vol. larao.
Roediget'a Gammas' Hebrew lirammar, by Conant.
Gesentus' Hebrew Lexicon.
' Loomuil Trigonometry'and Logarithmic Tables. 1
vo w sbeepd
e Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 Vol.(maa-
Anthon's Classical Series.
Webater's Dictiouary, revived ed. 1 vol. Sot.
do do totabridged. I vol. 410.
Dame's Notes and Questions 013 New Testament
Mosheim's Rechisiastieal 'lister,. 3 vols. and tt
vols. labeell.l
Vestiges of Creation. foot. lemma
• blopongs among the Jesuits at Rome. I voL (cloth
and pallet/
Senta where the Templet' hum Triumphed.
«lo gDeoams
and paper.,
"L hoe. (onto
Diger'. French Dictionary.
flatart's Horace. For
. nevl3 rtuildings. Fool , a
10'EW IRADIS - JUST RECKIYRD. -7 7serra..
DI Montaigne, edited by 11. Haulm, comprising his
Ewers, letters, and Journey through herinottY and
holy, with notes from all the Commentators, Biograph
ical and IltbllograPhical Notices, Ac.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives
arid Method s of hood School-Keeping, by David
Plage, A. /11., Palumpal of the State Normal School,
All,Nl, N. Y.
Frank Forester's Flab sod Fishing of the U. Staten
and Unhitch Provinces of North Jounce. by !teary
neva canter Third and Market at.
The Olden_Tlme.
• - • -
JTAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and imposer,
No. MI Wood street, has for gale &few copies com
plete, (the maunder of the edition,) of this voltottile
work, devoted to the Pre.ervation of Document., and
other authentic information relating to the early el
ploratiour, settlement end improvement of the country
around the head of the Ohio. Ity Needle IL Craig,
Foy., of Pittsburgh, In 2 vole [lvo.
nova/ J. D. LOCKWOOD.
PaaRTY: A Ilistoiy, welt it view of the
11, Laberty of other Ancient Nations. By Samuel
Elliott, Eat. Illustrated with twelve enemy mg., exe
cuted .1
Rome: tt rots., 100., uniform with Prescott's
Historical Works.
Just publiabed and for sale by
lehlES D. IsOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
00010 Imparter. not Wood st
DANNY ichsrptglN — thonn'd edition,
"The reading of this book has imprewed us with 'a
meek higher opinion of Its author than we had formed
from perusing her other writings. It displaysatimPor
tone of thought, sinned to more pure womanly grate of
feeling titan any other production of the female mind
with whtelt we am acquainted..—Eve. Mirror.
"It is a very agreeable end readable book, written In
Fanny Kemble'a hest style—bold, spirited rind-enter
taining. We recommend it to our reader. iu the ben
publication of the season."—Rending
"h contains the Journal of a travel through Europe,
and residence in Italy; and in one of the pleasnotew
and must Interesting Loots of the season.'—Cour. and
"A very elairaeteriatle boot. We have read It from
title page to lhiloption'whlt unabated interest. Avi
vid picture of life in Roma In all respects eminently
novlO thmkteller k Importer, CI Wood at •
/gibbet. and F/011/...
301 du o .
Pl 21 Soperier Donnell Raltiona, Also
owersof all the (tn.{ endmoo lest:L.ole
able styles, recd thts day at
0.3 Market st
6EEF-10,1b10 lbs bbgay 11Cratt - lotidm,itt
out Of cabby, tor sale by
COLLECTIONS.—Draft, Notts utd. Keeltanned
parable in any part of dm Union, collected on °moot
favorable terms.
EXCLIANGE on New York, Philadelpida and Dal
(; also. Cincinnati. hotsisittlta, Saud Lawns and
NewWenn. , constantly formals,
11A.NK NtirE.3.—Notra on all solvent banks In the
United Notes seen nted nt the lowest rates. All kinds.
of Forrun and Amerman Gold .4 BihrerGoin taught
and rola.
Mire No. 45 Market street, between 3d and4ll4
Paula:apt; Pa. 0c1.23
pot/Juan Nracew — i - O — A7 7----
TROLLS Co Englund, Ireland, Seottand bought
any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
Also, bra la parable to any part of the Old Cour:nen,
from 1,1 to 110.10, at the me of 65 to the L Sterling,
without deduction or auroral; by JOSHUA RODLN
'O3I, Eurepenn and General Agent, oleo st one
' oetlftf
a wen of wood.
/1.113,—.13[11. Decerrasa name
X) in Foreign and Domestic Bins of I.erusige, Cu
rates:es of Deporite, lisnk Nines sind.Coin, comer of
31 and Wood streets, directly byposlic S. Clue. Iler
remlddlY '
Bank Mtn; j.
perebesed at the lowest ra tes, by •
sepia 25 Market tweet.
BILLS ov en
New York,
Philadelphia, end
Constantly rot sale by l N. HOLMES lc EONS.
eepl3 25 Narking. '
Llestnese Cured.
From rItO N York Tribune
A FIIIEND, whose word Is most knil who
21. has no possible intermit in thematter: but one of
gratitude, desires na to say, that he haa been cured
inveterate dealitets, by the risco( "SearpaisCompound
Aeouitie Oil." a Philadelphia medicine, winch Is not
for coin in this city, but which he thinks ought to be,
fei: the good of the alllicted. Ile byte a sister who has
also been noted by b. fib urgeeilY edvi.* all who
ere suffering from desen.s, to trr this remedy, wit!.
eoteranee that. unless the CRrn be uuaorthtuin, the
experiment will prove abundantly sueeessful.
F sale tit VIM PF.KIN TE.A. STORE,
feta 711 Fourth at, Pittsburgh •
Comb.l Combil • • • •
sus.. d r
i l=ll.l do do very
12 " super Faiglisir n nom Reddlnp
0 . , rocket 'Combs; .
500 " Write "
MU doe us'il rote Ivory;
30 . " • Shell Side Cotribs;
In - super large Ituablo;
200 gross us d Side Combs; reed and for Wei by
C YEAGER, lob Marked st
Doff Holland: Buz Holland!
received several of tehnst and'bns
Window linliand,ta which be would most respectfully
call the ettenuou of his cumulus and the public lit
enrect Wax H00m5,75 Fourth Ft Anil.
A rfnv very fine GUITAILS, Jost reed (new the
la. celebrated marrofnetory of C. F. Altudin.• and for
...le by inn/3 .1. 11. lIIELLOR., et Wood at.
Books Just Liscalv !Id.
THE Complete Worts of John [Moms; 9 vole, ago,
litilusrtamd; muslin gilt and mit edges.
Mitchell's Biblleal and Sabbath School Geography;
• new work; I vol,
Town's Analysis and Speller.
late of J o h n 4. Ad.., by Wm. IL Segragd; Ivo],
12.m0i meson
S Poems by ;Sm. Remits's; I vol,lrtaist muslin; gilt.
Sermons—Sernions pretwhod upon aeseml
occasions, by Robert S.otab,_ D. Rio ne. edinobi 4
gots; including Port/Mamas Woman&
Seund—• sots. in tit sheep, ottrai boo.
For sole by R. HOPKINS,
lebgl Apollo Buildings, Fourth et
"FM: ondersigned, ruccessam to Arthors Metal
l. rot, beg lcue to inform the citixens ofFittaburgh
cod pubbe generally, that alloy hove rebuilt the EA
tla lA, FOUNDRY and are now in full operation; and
Lave pan of thew patiems ready for the markets
Amongst winch are Catoknag Stoner, Coal and Wood
Stases, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is
now ouperceding in other titles the common round
trove. Alto, n oboop coal Cooking Stove, idap•
led for small (mollies, with a 'lull assortment of cotna.
moat mad sauna:l.6rue* We would particularly in
vite the :attention of persons building to call at goe
warehouse beau= purchasing, tout examine a *Judd
toddle of ea nettled Grates, Entailed In Lon style--
courely new in this market. •
Warehouse, No. let Liberty st, oppoolte Wood at
C. Vr-A I. ! ...:dV I" A I UNUi d RIT:I I? )=ZI/ k1"
Si‘n 01 the atm Comb, Motet ex, iii
Mrirbanl.l. recilitrs, and others visitant
Dinstamb a m i ne Goods, are resputfully invited
to 0011 nod examine the
colonstve o.ortancitt of Eng.
American. Drench and Gorman Fancy Goods.
Foredo Good. at this esiablialanient as impart
ed dime: by °quail', rod purchasers may rely on get
ting gouda from fast hands. I hove the lalhooknourl
ansni of articles. is the variety line, in' theoily a
lout of which will be tel lola for cub or
art-armee, - The Stock consists, ialteet, of
i01t7,-.Titst.7',l=TO):l4%ll7;t:?l=,4: Gilt,
tip o ol Cotton, Tapes, Sospeadml r BollaON nut NoO•
dins and Cutlery.
Gold and Salver Watcher, Gold Jewelry, all kinds at
Brushes, Combs rand Hamm.
1 , 1 - cession Caps, Strohm, Palmas, Clocks, Silk
Cotton Durres, spectacles, Steel Feta, Merle Dozes,
Calvet Bags and Baskets.
lltadvms, Findings and Trimmings.
Toy. and Fancy Goods; together with &largo
Sty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS.
C. YEAGER is also agent for the celebrant! Lan.
roster Combs. nosl7
- 1 - , OR Colic Its, Colils . Astlitna Co n sumption! Th.
1:` GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the.reof tha
sbove diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP
LUPE, discovered by Um celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, England, and Muesli:teed into the United States
under the immediate surnrintend.ce of the inventor.'
The catruordinary success of this medicine, in th.
of Pulmon.y di..rtses, arrant. the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment the warn possible cm
eel that cnn befound Indic community—cares that seek
relief in vain from any of the common semedtes of the
de), and have been given up by the most distinguNbed
pl,7scansne Confirmed and incurable. The [Sungari.
on lists= has cured, and will care, the most desperats
of eases. It is no quack nostrum, bate staudard Eng.
Inds medicine. of known Wei established efficacy.
Every famil in the Uited sta should b n ot ppl
with Mich.'s y Hanged. B S al i sam of Life, only to
counteract the consomptive tendencies of the climate,
ho. to be used u a preventive medicine in all cases of
colds, coughs, opining of blood, pain in the aide and
clic., irritation nod.reitess of the low, brachia!,
diffteulty of breatingt beetle fever, night sweats, emu,
anon suit general debility, asthma, indansa,whoopinf
ans'. and croup.
Sold in large bottles, al fl per bottle, with fall dusts
Cons for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing • manse English and Ante..
con certificates, and other evidence showing the um
Notated merits of Oils great F.nglish . Remedy, may tis
°blamed of the Aire... Pr.mlioallif •
For .ale by 1.1 A PAILNatTOLR do Co., earner
are— de on tin most aPp - rovedEa;tern . p - I . =
and most faehionable Eastetnpanerne .d colons. Also
or made to order of all liana, and at all penes.
Country Merenulta and others are invited to call and
•nenude the above for themselves *III he soil
whnlesala or retell, and a Mural dedzedon made It
wholeeale purchasers.
EMI side of the Diamond. where Vennian
Blind anti %Lei/DB=l sizes and colors
-are kept on hand Inroads, to order elle
the latest and most approved Eastern huh.
ions, at the slorwst noting and on the ELID.
reavennble term , 4 • . .
Also, the cheap Boston rpli Or split Blind Tmtimpa
rency and Paper Carta., cif ill the laillerli sires and
patterns, on hand and for sale low (breast,. Old Veni.
clan Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken input.
payment for new. - 12 hi WESTERVELT, Pro'pr.
N. /I—All we,. done with the belt material and
works •rihip, mid warranted to please the moat las
t Moos. anll7-dly
. - ." .....,
Allr.ghtng etty, Aug. 10, MB.
Q i OutWYa tau 17:
Pirmaraan, March 27,1847.
R. VSellera—lo justice to you and your Mem:a
pe-table Cough tlyrdp, 1 beg leave to etate g ier the ben
efit of the community, that my wife hail been several
time. afflicted with a meet distrtmleg rough. 7pag
chased, in Jimuary Mat, a bottle of your Syntp, which
mired it rouge of two Month.' Handing. About one
rooriffl .lure, rho cough returned, and Was so loner°
that .be coool badly move, from weaknera in- the
bream; I trill for ono bottle or your Cough Syrup, and
part of o,m Imitie cured the cough I gave the other
to a m0de1...1 wh ,"eatenezely affli, candy,
to are log owo wordenoug cough to
cure oil the people in Pittsburgh," if the candy hod
been ns good sis ...presented.
Yalu, regpectfully, AL”III R. KIM".
Prepared and sold or R. E..•SEI.LI-IRS, 37 Wood
street, mot mid by Druggists germrsily in the two
dem •
IJ. A:BROWN would resysert
fkacll.yp,.itt.f.orm :the hand ini ttic,
.t i l . tagc .
west elde of tho• lhamoud, Alle
gheny eity r ai: complete Riuketl
latent of Yettlttiaßlindrialsojfe-
Mtlart 4111UILM . ite Ulada tryor
der lathe hest' 'style, warranted 1
equal to - uty;lo the.Llnited Stem.
Ills Made eon be.yesoevedletth
eut the Askil oft . same driver:
laelltg.' purchrotod , the cock
atlas troodof thoeabinet es:
satlishotcruof Smutty& WClel
laedi I ProPqed to furnish
their old, easborsteraj- az *ell ZS
Ole public at large,dith eVerthing in *whoa. - •
Agency, No a Weal street. Pittsburgh.. _ ,
gru.llll J. A BROWN .
T IlsT rec'd, nu eleglntplate Rereewooda one. Pianel
0 from the celebrated luanufactory of litmus &
Clark, N. Y., of auperior 0111c,liell eery moderate price.
For .ale by 11-KU:BEN,
.100 at J. W. Weserells.
-----.—__. _ _
i gy I
V V reecortng-Tartor, hoer's', Conker, and al l
erdataneca destructive to the Teeth. It is Jebel... to
the woe, eicaatleg the mouth,lealing and tursegthen
tug dm gems-and pa n fyi ng the breath.
For sole, lotiolesole and retail, by .. • •
deed ...- ".... , ' R E SELLERS.'47 Wood at
WA.TCfiEIfI( TflAti . P.VER!-4.
7,2.0veV, nic. fell ieveHed pelent Ir
ear Watchre;lB carets hue run, which / eon cell as
low an thirty stud hirty hen dollar., and aranranted to
keep good unie.
also—n..plandid aWortment of JEWELRY, tom.
prtning the miens and latest .tyles, and tempt:gm&
W. W,51114,0N, Watchmaker sad /avatar ,
41110 Amur Masks sad /*BM
• C. "" imft fir " /demo/ osor. ram .AfistraL
TDR followmlrr terdirrieenal was glean by tho eel '' 's
tinted Dr. WooatemDeaeh.theaathorofthe Rea
medical work entitled `The American Practice •
Medwim and Fundy Plysielarau
''Dewing been medemqualnuedwWr Ile innedunts;
w hi c h eomposo MeAllimerte ADDealing Mame.'
and having prescribed and tested it inimeral cases in:,
„" pricer', meant, 1 Imre no battalion in sayintd.N
ecrulyurg that it la a Vegetable Remedy, cornainwe..
ao mineral enbstanco whatever thm ha i csm cients.
carbine,' 'es they me, and aced esrillreered by ttre
Proprietor, are not only harmless, bat of great mice:,
being a traly scientific [tardy of great power — and 1:
cheerfully recommend a as a command which hie:
done =c a t good, and wide'. is admitted to the mire o
a - of roes. numb !hare nevereltiel
recommended or engaged in the sale of secret Medi
clam, regard faction tralr bonen, consciewnees,
Inane chmactei• of the Proprietor of dins oinumatj
and the mbar of his dimmer', oblig e me to say thee'
much regarding it. MREACii, D.ll.
New York, April 9:93, INN
MM.—lt is ewe of the beet &leo tett. ero det
for Dam.
Pllaßh.—Thousandrare yearly eased by this Oiurl
moot. It term fails in gluing relief.
For 14tmets Clews, and all Itinde_ot Sorts, has!
equ I.
" If AILOM: and Named You/ its Valle la awe or
Swollen er sore Breast, they would gamy. apply it.
In such cams, If used according to direction., it glees
relief in weary few hour. '•
Around the boa aro directions hsruslhg MeAlliner's
Ointment tor Scrofula. Laser Complaint, ErYslpelas,
Tuley, Co, .Scald Bead, 'Sore Elea • lasirstY,l
Sore Throat, Manchu* Nervous Allecuons,
Discus of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma. Bearnesal,
Ear Ache, Rams, Conn, all Meas. altos Hein, Vont
Lips, Einipks. be., Swelling of the Limbo, SM..,
Rhourimina. Pike, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro.,
ton Breast, Tooth Ache. Ape I. Me ram% ax^
Fr= de - Reading Fegl
There Wee stover, unapt, a Modi s eine brought be
fore the yntblle, eoll has in eoshort ■ time won seek a ;
reputation 11.11 McAllister% All•Lkalieg or World
Belie. Absent every pen. that bee made trial of it
speaks warmly In its OWN,. Oen has been cured by
it of the meet painful ritrum.nt. ,,, a me pik,
a third of a troubletome pain In the side, a founh of •
swellitnein the limbs, ge. If it doe. not give tame. •
dilate relief, in every cue, it eau de ne 'nary, being
applied Qumran/h.
. 4.• another evidence of thewouderfal pow•
er possessed by this tsetse, we sebloin the l
~,nineete from a respectable citizen of klaldencrock '
township, n this county:
Maidatereektßerks co., March 90, WC.
Messrs. Ritter k Cot-I denim to inform you that I
was entirely cored of • severe *nice. hack, by the
use of McAllister's Alhllealing Salve, wbleh I pur
chased from you..• I sugared width for about Sr years, I
and at night wog enable to sleep. Doing that time
tried venue remedies, which were preutibed tor me
by physicia.and other personvonthoutreulving any
end at lest mode trial of this Salve, with • re
alt favorable beyond expectation. lam now enure•
ly free front the pain, and .enjoy • at night •• peaceful
an l
d sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve stn. for
tooth who and other complaints, with stroll. happy I
results. .Your friend, , Jounltottuessce.
Sole Proprietor of me above medicine.
Principal Dicey No 93 North Third street, PhiladeL
Mastsre PISAZEILSIII.-MALUO A Relian t corner of
Mery and Clair strung and L.'
d, Jr., ear-
of Market MCC( and the Diamond, also earner of
Fourth and Steithaeld streeti; J. It. Natant, corner of
Walnut and Penn streets. Fifth Want and sold it the
Bookstoresa Smithfield next. 9d door from Second. I
In A Ilegheny.Clry byP.Sehwarta and J. Sargent.
By J. G. Smith. Ihuggist, Entihrghare: D. Nagler, 17.,
I East Liberty; IL Rowland, Meßeeepon; J. Alexander
Son, Monongahela City. N. If. Bowman I Co., and
ionßogers, Brovmullie; John Barkley,Beaver,
Walker. Elisabeth. febtleedly q Y
- - - -
O. W. ilano.r., Dualist— i
ItEMOVED to anew three sorry brier
on Smithfield stfeet, one door below
Sixth street.. Teeth inserted from on*
to an entire Mt, wets mike prieelpie, with. bear
dial repreeentetion of thettedtrat gant—watenes the i
'Nings al shape pe of the fate.' '• I
.B.—Teeth extracted with little or ne pain.
Decayed Teeth penmen eady sand by, pre.
venung the tooth aebe,_ which le much Lotter than en-
ring tt, thvogh It should be done In five, athletes, or:
eve. meted'', _
....__L__ WWI/
• 1, LUNGS—The unprecedented ascent v•bleb Ise
=dui the nee of the
a all the mina fonts which ',Station at the Innate.
nines, has induced the proptictor spin to call utis,l
dos to tale •
The changable weather which marks mu aft oil
wield mantis, is abrays **MI wares of • •
TheiCa If neglected, are but the menus* of WA gill •
Tie - question, then, how shaft we rip the destroyer in
me bee how shall we get Sear our ewes ui
olds! is of vital importance to Me patties.
Will be found In th's Ginseng kluistoes.• in proof Millis
we have from ume to One pabilshed the mildest= of
dote. of oar but known cAlsens, 'de hays experi
enced its curative palms, - Thwe,with a mass of tea
Limo ty Don " h ,N . o f 'ha rote from
Mi M nibler l e of the Gape!,
O AI., baptist** mynas is I
loss from the
we hen embodied in pamphlet form, end Mel be a.t
gratis of anyAtan i =: ) .b p iwi a tileastay.
date been used in this
thronghaat the Dania States nod Casa" and we she
lenge any mattlgtut oat a— :aw e .
a which, when taken according to Mreeilers, Ind be :'
fore the long+ had hadosis flO k .
stet p,.upam ier A toi ... tc - ir : vl
W 1,7, then, nag atilmed •Why - so
the ausoreble naltrans, teem ht own lastele•
Isla • led the assurned name of wens elebusubliky
sicin.d pared into runtirley by cartilestes !nee:
sons equally anknownt Whilst a mailed. ef
j C
•Ista be had, whowe vouchers WS et W:Set—eV 111dal 1
brim—many of whom it hu I
In order Mk do invellehle noulleine may be Vasa
within the reach of the poor as well the deb, we have
pot the p ONLY marry CUTS
jar one half the usual cos of smash maxima. It is
for ask by oar agents in aptly amp taloa end village
',Ter the west, Idle aro prepared ta gyro 1111 inform
relative to ' T. EMI:MR, Proprietor,
• Broadway,Chtelottall,Ohia
In relation to that unrivalled fdlolls /WY
rIitn,TIMONV of a nspeetable khyslerau—Read
the following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. P. Met
rywenther, Cincinnati:
Commun. 26.1.1,1849.
Su: A sense of dray comprds mo to glee my lobate
to DalleyN Pain Extractor. Deng opposed to quack
ery and all nostrums hosing for their "
object mister
eaves—bat realising mach good from the ram of
Pup Killens—l am induced to tender yon this cenifi
eate. I have used nin my family, in mr nude., nod
with all the happy and wonderful erects that could
possibly be imagined. 11. J. Sammy M. D.
Dr. Brodie is the senior partner of. Brodie &Levi,
Fordsonmetory Rhouninfiern.
The following comes from a mores fa 3
nubv to many of those traveling on our Western wa
ters Mr. Mune, the well and tunably karma pro
prietor of the Parkenbarg Hotel, is husband to the
Lady whom lean I annex
Pantsantras,Va , April MM.
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. &e. Sint Having for
merly been long atlimed with violent intlammaton
Ithnmatiern which appeared no fi rt nn mot.. le
defy all ortlikuy appliances to allay the "sere pain
attending 11,1 was induced to try yourldameal Pam
Extractor; and it having effected. almost as if by mo
pe, ir.lnunedinte relief, and also, to appearances
an enure non perfect erne s I am Induced far the bene
fit of *then who may be %Meted with palmeansed by
any tried of inflammation, to writs to you, declaring
that In my
al opinion, founded on actual expenenee
your clinic Pain Extractor ill the anon valaable dis
covery of the present age for the immediate em KMn
of bodily pain. It is an alutort Immediate and a per
fect roe s for Bents sad betide, end all external lit , -
damn many annaintanees formed -by Mall visits
el my hualianiPs hotel to this plan, I havomposed
bylosir showing Mem thne few hues, it may possibly
be of knelt bon to them and yourself.
iI entertain the hope dim Mrs. Gltme will pardon..
publicity I give to her letter, as well on the score o f
humanity as out. being the must mede of Winging
to the =nice of her friends.-11. Data...)
Felon Cored
Entreat Ma letter, dated
thrtmon, Ky. Nov. 01,11344
Mr. IL Dailey: "I have tried your Pun Extneurt in
a case offeloa, In my awn family which tt relieved
.4 cured in a very non titan.. In haste, yours re
letfally, JAB. U. YOCIIG.
80(11512d Scalds, Pileo,Soro:Res, Broken
Dream, Eruptions, Sores, Ceti Wm. and all ia•
Summation, melds readily to the wo I propenin
of this unrivalled family calm nut, in the same pro
portion that". will receive benefit from the genuine,
you will be injured by the deleterious effects of the
counterfeit salves. •
CAUTION—Be oar send WIT . 1 1/ lo .e inventor,
21. MU= 415 Bror ,New York or _us tits etc
thence,' an'enta /01IN D IaoRGAN,
Gems. Depot, Patsbergh.
Henry p, &Imams, Allegheny, Age_nt; J. Eater,
Wbeetulg, Ye ; James W Jollll6loll, maysmlle, Ky.;
P. merry...lnter, thrietanatt, G., General Depot.
N —lit die severes t Bums nod Scalds it .muss
the pain la a few minata--it never Mils 1 iota
B. A. PAthilleiTilCK4 iien.suruax..
• cease: on rgrnanswareslrra.
TN.crilar to arard all possible security to the pahlm r
•1 as well uto themselves, nelson fraud anii
anion from counterfeiting, the proprietors have mad.
a change in the exterior wrapper or table of their Yen.
mirage. The new label, which is a steel engraving of ~,_
Me mon exquisite design anstworkinanship, has been t
Introduced M a eery great expense. a me
nd is from the
brain of an artist oldie fins talent. The devise la new, I
and the excretion elaborate. Several figures and a
portrait are most prominent, bet the word oVaxar- c,
nom. printed In white lettere on a red end finely en.
graved ground, should be penicularly examined.— t i
Witco held uo a the light the - letters, ahadiat of the
letters Anil every line, however initiate, threeoout tW . ?;.
whole of Illi• pan of the engraving matehu eilltetly
to it die oopre—ioo had Men made
ir, alteolielt ti is +enroll, printed au With side. of me
roper. Tina should in cares In obrerred. 1,
bet upon each dozen is also printed fa red won both. a
sides, and should be examined in the lame manner.
This pieparation has now good that test or many
• Q
.yeas trial, and is confidently recommended as is are
and effectual medicine for expeningsvorms from the
ayatem. 'lle unexampled sweets Mat has attended
its aiognietration In every ease vim, the patient wee
really girlhood with woims, certainly, renders it wow-
thy_lito intention of phyaseians. - j
TM proprietor has made
a•'Matto ascertain the
result of it. see .in ambles. as tame within Ind
knowledge and observaties—end he hivatiehly (mad
it to produce tho tenatulutary elfacts—aot
ly after pearly oelry preperations strew , ;
mended fee MOMIS-W.4 previeesly_ resorted w
without any _permanent _advantage.. This hat - 4
tested by - the certificates end - newsman, of Irseer..„_, - •
Fspee:ir o ble peraons ilitfemet pans of trat7r d i
0 & and . families alway s l l l o wlo gi
and Wa t
maybe Viruntaletlr vriliteerkW i e d t'
ty to the me nd ndlicat infant.
The only genuine Is prepared by
ct 7 B ♦ PAHNIMITOCY. Inww . ".^
Bead! Read,
coun4 svour.—rma.vt_..LWl
l' q, filer got ;man of Qsarter sus
Beaver Cour •
Mr. H. PI Set`, Some time In the
wire was atllletbi Wok a severe Luddite:m. o W
and hearing at your .nvalueble Coatis Syrup'l„.%l_
chased • bottle tam 8. T. Trimble, of nnu„ . M.7,4
and after tabu` a portion. of it or gue
two siervers.i.:
, on going to be • Ms 'found immediam
several friends ale been relieved In Severe
am therefore unified that it Ls safe ead. o =,,,,
medicine, rind would recommend it to dam
be afilieted with revere Coatis and Col& . • reo ,
, • Match litti,lB4.l. • —W. Jr " 9C losollf I
• Prepared arul sold by P. sl y,
and sold by droggista mmumaLty, Lit PlMMldlin