IIIMIMEOUS , wrogncac 1850.. msaiswzOia:no Boat; Tyer liau Expren Pat t aup msaa (Excamitattir rot Passzgazza,) - TO - PEULADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, _ .... _ . . , Via the New Central Rail Red ash Pe 45'a Canal. ) Thine—oo helm. — . .........7arej411D thrush. - 130 - miles EAU itnedi sad 180 an ilea Canal. (lAN the In hem the new C,entral Ball Road CraaP. - . O N-the ty earanneneed mutiny Two SAILI tuna r - 1110112Clas from lankatown m Plallidelpianai WU. , I ll. " . -10 ...edillgi afar the arrival or lthai Meta • Snaurfrata UM west; UT this atrangeul.g r'r"' . , •gers will gas reath whboat detention. 1 -, , . - eloe A k ne otzl e env "" e= le a l tVcrea ..* anThaerabl/2.- . wi . *Walla sr.!, ..d c..nohn, L. wx vr an!in nee to the Enema Chum Vet pavane ar forma:len MIT w • " LLCMIa Ihwirea, _ ' - •PS - D LhalXll ic CO. C4aal Dam . . THE PENN YLVANIA CANAL 113011". --- • . ..: -.. PINIBUIGII. TRUSITILTITIOA LID. "Ma 1850 L— omas *Tanta Camas agait Bwd& GCONNOTL, ATM& & Co,tiatal n, to Lamy urea. Ping.rx& ATM& C0.,119&3C1 Woks% mat, ildlsdelptaa. . , agars, ' FeCotclatle k CO.. NI North street, Baltimore; - • E. Bram, New York: . • Moan &Gana, IL Donne sweet, Barton; ~• • • Itearazew Gael, Kamilla, Senteclrr; . • flasi Co.,Colaurbra meet. Cmeemerr; • • • Y. WM, Lordeville; • • . • - limn, Morn t Co., St. Linda 71s alay Menoleavisse Praises to and from .rklaMpliis, Baltussore, York,. Buten.' Our nide being now le,fom order, we are prepared . to forward goods as above at .7 W. • ' • insser aLI freigetfrat ef any theme Peewit pekoe* for • • . aver 131PCO, and with the following extensive meek of Bois feel confident of Ming retiremdisnarhod to '• all boleess entrusted to our ewe. Oar boom are all • • new, and commanded by ea.mairoi ef experienee, and • oar entire line is conducted on raid serieds Luria( . end gat.. prinriples. Boma: Captain. - Mara Caput Ms 800 Penorlyanieir F. Layton, Maryland' Marshall. Cm l. Cowden • to- Inv.. Bends Col HowardFtldley Rea Anna, Chatham . Mary Deberali Biro tine Atkins Penrod Enterpme, ,Irartoti Mgode / hinters Brown . Aker.. •d • . he. eem 'Gore .• • .Riley / • Teleenteltno Ightelda Celia • florklaa , PoklMßl nada vliveßranchGewser • . BalunkelOperlbley - AlE{ll2ll.. Pare Obis Balla , Keasnal • Mermaid • bi , Colgan Munn . •- - Slagle • • 'lle Fax Viands • JIMA= •. 1 Layton Alll 1371 L 01 , Dowell Telegraph No:Waal* , Look Shlllp Derry Nona Qtnen,•Wifile Shipperarrdl find it to than advantage to Lnra to ; O'CONNOR, ATKINS& t.A., ntrl6 Canal Bann Liberty in, Pittsburg , 7VrataThis—in- 1850, I D. ILIMECII a 0/78 LINZ, BETWEEN PITIIMOIROIL PIELADELPHIA / • BALTIMORE k. NEW YOU, • • . By Peentrylaenia Ceseal ezei Bad Bead • T M = tn a Tee of rh-ztrb7n pol 11‘ now ones to thf sasoe, w' nobles us to*:s of • large quantify of produce end glOes. The entire /dock of the Line i. owned and centre.. /ed by.lhe Proprietors. ' HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 Swath Third et, And of the Tobareo Won boom, nook at, Phi odephia, Pa 4 JOSEPH TAYLOR & SON, - • No 141 North Howell et, Ratlawre, Md.; OFFICE, No 7 West st, New Tort; D LEECH & CO, Coma Bado , =l3 Patebarrh. 1850.. bait UNION LINE;*: ON TEE PENN% AND 01110 CANALS. 'CLARE PANES &CO, Ilmhemtr, • 'IOIINA CAIIGHEY. Arent, • • Ofteo ear Smithfield and Water sts, Piusharatt: • GIIAMBEELLIN, CRAWFORD& CO, Acta Cleveland, Ohio: MOMS' well known - Line are prepared to transport freight and Passengers.from PIIII.IRGII and CLEVELAND. to any point on the Canal and Lakes. Tao . fireirtnes °fibs Line .ara onomposaell in member, quabsy and napseity of Boats, expenenenot captain% • and Melina of Agents. Oneitoadleaves Pirisbargb and Coveted dally,ron , ' alog ermneedmi with a Linn el Steamßoats be tween PrITSBUSIGH sad' BEAVER; and a Line of First Clara Steam Boats, Propellers and Vestals, on. the Lakes.' • • CONSIGNM: • Clark, Parks A. Co, Radians; PE , it Parks it Co, tioannstown. Ohio; • • M B Taylor, Varian.o: A A. N Clark, Newton Fall; I Brayton A Co, Ravenna. U,. • . Rem, Grinnell A. Co, Frankbri 3 O; ' N A Mille; Coyaboga Falls. Di. • ".. Wheeler, tir. Co, Akron.o; • • Chamberl Crawford fr.Co, Cleveland, Ca Hubbard , Sandasky,o; . • Peckham&nu, Toledo, Ca Williams St Co, - Detwit, Miele • .• Williams ACo BlitarankteoVis; Morley it Daum, Racine, WIE „ lestalLA l rt=agfela, . 1011t4 A'CAUGIIET, Aran, man . names Water and Smithfield au 1850. maim LAINE /AWN AND NICIIIOAN LINE, ON THE EMIR EXTENSION - CANAL. CLANKS, PARES te CO, Rochester, Proprietors • -Tng..,„Nr="e4,th.ll 4.7"=1'.1.° ender, fat they resent seaso c t4 and have commenced reeeiviag• Fteight and Passenyers, which they are rally remind to tarry to all pews on the Canal and • - LAJIFS ERIE AND MICHIGAN, At the lower. rides. One of the Beau el the Line will be constantly at the landing, below Nottongancla Bridge, to roceive freight. .101 IN A. CAUGHET Agent, 'Offer, ear Water and Smintleld ws,Pinsbeallt. CONSIGNEES: N W Oteninjbarn., New Castle, Pei Mi teheltree&Wan, Sh it Co, Peloski; W C vorn JAB Hall, litharythare; Wick. Arbor & - Co, Greenville; Wo Henry, Ilartstown; • Win Power, Connearaville; John Ilearn A Co, Erie; " John 1 Hollister & Co, Buffalo, NT. ter3o 1850. peam • - nlnviseLt. s.,WLOTIISa, FORWARDING hIERCIIAPIT9,BOCIIF2CF.R, Pa, . (Dtnver Point.) Cgic 1.:171)S\ Ml 11 LINE TO ERIE: Ws ttliEli AND NFAV CASTLE PACKETS; totting etmhalippiAilleDreen Pittsburch asd Rochester by steam basu „Michigan, Laic F:tie, and Beaver. - • MP Goods reteirted and promptly ielieered to all places on the Canals and Lakes, et sit lowest rotas Skipper , ' will please dinsed goods to "B,dwelPsLine.a J. C. JUDWFI.L.Agent,.. Water st, PittOorsti. Pittsburgh Potal)loItt NW= 1850.:MRat 101 IMILLOSTOSTATIO. Or YOZIO. TO AND FIDOX PriTSBURGii. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE; NENW YORE , BOSTO, fee. -Tam. Bammosa Tours & Cninrso& Philadelphia- $ Pittaborgt::. IPUE 4 Caeal establlshg 10 ed Ll:e P Tris a L P = at ni thelr . wiwZ g reeehrteg wid forwardisw Merehanißew owl Predate et low xtra, awl with We an..., tenth mad Way, tweriliu w their eye= awl wed . ° of trenspertation. where i n to trowitelhneet:r evade& with We consequent delay, wed probabill y of damage. . • Merchandise and Produce shipped east or west, an d • mu lof Lading forwarded free Of charge fat commis don...Misr:milts, or stomp. Ilarltig no 'interest di roosts' or ind/xectly in steamboats, dud of the owners • {..idol) consulted when snipping their /coifs. dll extunnedeanons to tho following agents prompt. THOMAS lIORBSIDOE, • Valinrket Mow. Philedatoble. TAAPPE & O , MNNDR, Corner Penn end Waynnallareets, Pirobargb. John Methanol& & Co, G 8 North et,Boln P,l4.llart tr. C 0.45 Doane et, Bawls, W. & 2.T. Teparota & C' it he South et, New York; James Wheelwright, Caeca • . . • 1850. 1850. • • 'BIDWELL I S PrrTentuan clxv.szautzLimisz. fIHIE LINE, arida unsurpassed fit Elder, is new prepared to trsnaport Freight to Cleveland, the Late Perm, Ohio Canal, and interntmllans placer, on the moat favorable terms, and with ths smarms do. 'paten. . • , .4=ppe ire referred to those ho have heretofore this Um Send goodrto "Bider Irs Una." &owns —4 C Indwell, water st, herb arg * ln • Bidwell &Mother, Hoe kel4oii L 0 Mannevra, Cleveland; Rhodes k. Green, do. CONSIGNEES: D Jacobs, Younestorve; -.C E LeMnamell & Co, Warren; . A & N Clark, Newton Falls; J Drayton & Co, Ravenna; Hen; Orennell & Co, Franklin Mills; Thomas Earl. - do 4, A H hfiller, Cuyahoga Falls; , • Stephens & ,Aro n; V7lteeler Lee & Co, . JD&JAEd.onI.,, do; J J he'r'o, Mazatlan; Cammins &Co, a.; Wm Monteath & C4Bndaio, • it Gibbs &Co, SandukTi ' • • E ;IVO t To=, " H N Strong, Woolf.; Mootty &om., Deloo; Hall & Elkins &nape n; Doomon & oo,lddorento; • D DteltituMn, Little Fon: • Kirkland & Taylor, Ehehoyeas; Dole, Ramsey & Co, Micelle; Thomas do. Pittsburgh. March 30.1850. . - BI6GIIIIIIII 11016PUBTLTI0N 1850. ..r.c • . . The Canal Immo new open, are are ready to receive and fantod promptly, predate and Ilixtmlutatze eat! Fre=alarays at 'corral mu. etatted by reopen- Bibb . - nutlet and n'acrelr . artize artll be received and for : vraiderttaat and west; *therm aiiy . clam for for . - wan:bestir sara.nripg freight, eomenarbta or voyage. • Bin. By r.dimproarda, and all direntlims folly amended Add revs or apply It. WM. Canal Darin, roe. iiiberry and Wia l y i r a n t . about. - .No lsa, Mika n t l!Lw.ttre. . 718. Bp IdANoia , ppg togrardgeld:Ram riONA ;H rfou , lw YOk! 1,11 pyy satV , .••••- • 1.1 1 .-- 4 ••• .1. irAir4.4 E=E MISCELLANEOUS. r - _- - - - - • - VAR lel" ,-4, WAR eR OH 0 E i' - ' a• TB, Fourth Sts+.4., hOCLINTOCH wy, cansuusily rteeivito , Ids (i l if " . Sprlr.Scook of _CARPET OW CLOTHS, ....MO, 4., eanigang ia part the CoUoariternirr rr Extrp Soper Valartffila.Carlreth p. ... 1 - a • ” In Elea sad Alleritta Brasanta ~ n • - Arra traperfina Imtertal 381 T i • a' • SOPC , f. - • • • duo, SaPerdnalarmin Carom, eV:ma'am pateduChandle Extra firm " Kam ROperfutP do do nags Common, an "ma. " " • - Tad.rd Duo and Ara 44, and Tap Van Car. Comma 44, and f Tiitt'd Cup. Extra Witten , " • - 44,1, ift and 44 piainCar. Common do , " LI. and Rag Camels, Came, Mats; 8:4 PnamdCottenCalTada radad also. • Mier-31am • ; 13.4,,.54, 44 - ad A d4L4 Oil 44, gi.4, Kamm; ExtragriniedZn: corm lltli puma Oil .Clutha toe a wn. Embossed Nato " Table " Coaco Blue and a. Taaniu lb m Printed d Drab Clos; Coach 00 CI , Watered for Linings; Watered Martina . Ba T,. d Mikan for Wltlilides. ' Venetiaap. P 14441) le ikon; Leann Creski Seotr Diapers; ' • Uravna li Linen Molar; German Oil 'Cloth Table Cover, 'Elam Corm from dish and !Lambe. marinfa In width, width will be e Tenthslee of any site or std Tho andenigned harbor land, bla Velvet Pile and Ts Carpets, whit, ma of the styles and patterns, and of mat be sold at paces as los br m any of the eastern elf Raving the largeit ansomeat ol the:richest mad mast fathionabla ItRUSSELR. IMPERIAL TIMM, PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far summons P fl i e=rit ' eltlrf7te ' e= Men atta Comb Manufacturers to his large and prell aclacted in otTRIMAIINUS,and other articles 'rearm in their hotness. a andersigned la also agent for the only Stair Rod Manufactory in Philadelphia, end is prepared to nail lower than can be patchued elsewhere in this city. mule WM. IIPCLINTOCK. I.nrri.czs•T'r Aa. MASON & CO.. CO Market arect, between • Third awl Fourth. are now receiving a large as sortment of Darege Do Laing Pere. Cloths, un en tire new article; Palletotg Crape De Letitia, ree;_ with large assortment of Lawn. and other Diet, goods, of the latest styles and most fashionable colors: • apl COFFSE—NTbngs prune Rio and Java; Cannus-40 bon mould, dipped, and sperm; Coax—l6o bra Cream and English Daisy; (Ccans—s6los Hemp and Manilm; . • ..Cassza-50 Matt Clikocus-4 barrel; Cluass—SC , M Common and half Spanish; ' Fm-4b beamed half brla Mackerel And Sabana ' Gtass—So bra asnorted sizes; Hams—= Pried., Venison; • o IWO Sugar Cured; Ismoo-100 lb. S F . and nr.ing Ing-16 doe Harrison. Black and Confine; Blogssam—P brls N Orleans; llb half brit Sugar Heim; Murray—SO dos assoned canister.; • Manunost-50 lbs Italian; • • Vansisurgm-150 lb. do Naus-200 bop amonedi Plarzins-4 dos jars named; . Pluesum-30 bushels lialveN Para-60 reams assorted; Pumas-100 lb. Borden.; Boar—So bra Basin and Cast Steel; Snaaa-10 hhds N Orleans and Clarified; Tsa-60 packages Green and Black; Toucan—kg/ has le re I lb lamp; Wass. klouns—S o do. patent Zink; For We by J D WILLIAMS t CO melO Comer of Fifth and Wood FVCRS! FURS! FUR!—The subscribers ply for Coon, Mink, Moak Ray Gray wad Find tor; and all kinds of snipping Furs, ilte highest enstern McCORD CO , earner Fifth and Wood so. D/5101.17T10N. rIrMA. Partnersliiphormotom oximing between James k Taney mid John Bost, in die Groom, Produce and Commission businees, moos dissoived by mutual OUSE7I4 on Ma 14th Inst. Mr. John Boat having par • chased the entire Miami of James Tassel, m the bren, the business will be settled by him, at Moir old stand, N 0.33 Wood et. /HN Tassel TAHOEY, JOHN BUM. Paper Ilaagings. • ‘,.. ' en .RI SELECI/(44.—Wei be received, by fiat canal shipaerde, vreew andchoice rierorenerd of Wall Paper, of the IntestFreuth end &were styles,PA nhn and hi hcolcn. Vii' nk n i erg . Wood...vet - Oltlwastslo Tauten Co-partnership heretofore existing between S. n.BoAkld nod Jettn.hlelltll, under the firm el g. Dunked & Co., bthis day db.:deed by mutual conseL - Tho badness of the old forn will be settled by I. e. Bushfield, at the old Hoodso. Liberty street, Pinsburglt. • ll. 13USIIFIELD, March 1, IBS& JOHN • • . S. R. BUSIIFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD will tontines , the Wholesale and Retail' Dry Goods and OfOCLII business, lathe old stand. No. to-10 Llbeny nt, ander the Am of S. IL BUSRFIELD & CO. Monk I,l9so.—[mrld I RAVE this day assoctstrdawnn ew, ni the Whole '. sale GrOeery. Commission, and Forwardlng busi ness, my two sons, R. N. iind . W. IL Waterman. The mi.. In tuturo will be =Weered under the style of S. Wotan:tart ik Row, at the old sued, No_ 31 Wo. we and et Front street. , L. 9:WATERMAN. rattstaugh, March 10, CAUTION—About IPS the 19NLY ORIGINAL A AND GENUINE WISTABALSAId OF ATIAD CHERRY, the meat remedy for CONSUMPTION! . And the bat medicine k.orn • to man for Anthem of every _slue, Liver conspthints, - Brotichitir Indent.. Coughs, Colds, Blimerin of the Lan., Elsortness of Breath, Pains and Weakness In tie Sid. Breast, an., and all other • doteases of the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very Important disease river which this Balsam cx. arts a very powerful Influence, is Milo( a DISEASED LIVEIL In this complaint It has endoubtedly proved more cfficacioas th. any remedy hitherto employed, and it numerous instances when patients had endured long and severe gaming from the disc... without recess ing the least benefit from various remedies, and when Menemy has been resorted min vain, the use of this Balsam has restored the Liver • healthy action , aid In many instances effected permanent cores, MU , very well known remedy had Gilled to produce Bin desired elect. Resides Its untinishing efficacy In the disease..ei mentioned, we also find It a very effectual remedy in itmthme i complaint hi which it h is been extensively sued wth, dectdei success, even in cm. of years Standing. :Wahl.. increase of intelligence his grown op knowledge of the elements of health, mad a Tv ghlior them, end commensurately with the mndett eI set ee have we acquired the means of attesting dim eise r and accrue; Its mirages. Is °midi/standing the progreas sixth have made, simian.. show hat even now, foie hof th e whole pOpahltioc, die annually of cousuroptien. One uf th e est Insponant discoveries of the a g e. ir areclionting the colidition of this large elm of au( tonne bontanity, Is 88. WI-STAB'S BALSAM OF mu:, CIYERBY. WIMP" Baliwo of %V Cherry iv a One Ilerbal Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and the gent.. Iceland Moss, B. lanes Imported express ly tor thin re...pos.lJ the rare medians' wane. of which are ainrearobteed by a new chemical prunes' ,with the extract of Tar, than rendering the whole tamp:Mad the most eenaici and effleamona remedy au &watered for CONSUMPTION OP THE LUNGS. • Still further evidence. alba remarkable curative properties of this Inestimable preparation: Sussatamux, Brown ea., 0., Aug. M, ISM). Messrs. Sandford tc..Parkt Gentlemen, Jibes% sis weeks ago I received the agency of Waters Balsam of Wild Merry, but with some reluctance on my poet. for the moon that I had breathe agent of so many gas and other mmtmeas, which were cracked op to be something wonderer!, bet which turned out In the end to be of no account whatever, except to the men imaturer. Bat I candidly admit that this time I have been deceived, for the extraordinary entre affected by Wistaes Balsam have convinced me that "good can come out of Nazareth.. Your agent left vie one doz. en bottles, which are all gone—having beeo the means of coring several obstinate Cal. of Consamption— and so mistake; for what I see and know I am board to he'll:mt. One case In particular: A young gentle. annals Winchester, Adams county, 0, 10 notes free this p 3 mar cured of Consumptim when the doe.. tors has ven at op, or loan could do nothing for I him, t wen the intention of hls friends to convey him to your city, and {deceit= mdse the oat. of some anthem p there. .13• friend mid him Mame. Ba/s hysician am, and that h a could obtain it of me of , lle sent for it, and before the second Louie matron he was sound and well, and anending %obi. every day busineu. As there are several inquiries for the medi cine, it would be well to forward an additional supply without delay. VM EMIVOIMULAND. • The abon,from L.Pfewhoad,Esq, a highly respec able country merchant, commend. Itself forcibly to the mobil attention of all those who have doubted the great =mit of tic Wild Cherry Balsam •••• Remember the original and only genuine Winer, Balsam of Wild Cherry, was introduced the year 133, and has been well tested in all complanas for which it is recommended. For 17 years it has proved more efficacious as a remedy for Coughs, Celds,lnd enra, Bronchitis, Asthma, mrol Consumption la Its in . /West Magee, than lather medicine. LOST TOIC tse, RESTORED! surIIIDIreRo, Aug. 10, 1948. hfr. S. W. Fowler Having seen may certificates published in relation to Dr. Whites Balsam of Wild Cherry, take this opportardty of arming a word in its favor, which you ens also s 4 liberty to publith. A Dm months alma my erifele lunge became ais meth af fected with a sodden cold, that s lees her voice, roll Named severely from pains In the m. ea. lire shirk. tion caused her friends much alar Having heard your Balsam strougly recommended by thoie who med It, I purchased a bottle from your Logan, In this , pliers. She took It according to e direions, and it pr. ' doted a wonderfal effect. Befor sting one bottle she had completely recovered bar voice, the pain”untiil ' ed, and her health leo aeon hilly re.mtablishad. To truly, ~ILENRY 0. DIUDIITMAN. To DZIMICIIII arm Destro IN filsotorix..—Thi • cel ebrated and Infallible remedy for the cure of Consump. lion, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by Hs own ine rt...lmre rapidly, sure and safely working its way through the opposition of eser.ka and counterfeiter , until,by Its true value arid Intrinsic excellence. •• galued for tuella mom enviable popularity. tithed itself In the confidence at au tatelbee lightened public, Dem one end of the 000110 other. The testimony of thousands who have tiered and cured by this saleable article, wn. drat it nand. unrivalled—at the head ot all other dielnea, for the more of diseases for which it rs mended. The genuine Dr. tal's Balsa.. off Wild Cherry lam: for sale by duly appointed Agents, und ansorespectable dealers in medieth in ell large eitiet d all Important towns throestolut es, the United States. Plum tl per,Dottin I Six Soule* for SS. Sold by 1. 0. FARS, tmeeetwor to andford & FaM4 Fr/Milt and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, Geound Ascot far the South aed Wmt, whom all orders . Mug beaddrene4. videos, Jr; James A. Jamie J. Kidd ft co; R. A. Palmesesek & Co, Pittsburgh. L. T. Remelt, \Tub- ' jo h eel W. ll..eraberten,l'rank lin; 0,,,„, .et; Scott ti. l llilesole7l4e ' d7o ' rd; rte g e b litt " ,== do ,„, um Hollidaysburg; ltddebran & Co, Ind.. . 0 , 4 .1, A. Wright, Kinanntor, Emma a. Ca, Crook.. Cdr.A. Wilson & Son, Waynesburgb;.Mlirarland ► ea, hr. Callender, hleadvilk.; Bonen & C.o, 1X.4 . 1. aotfin.,lllerten Janus, Kelly Co.Rutler; Pow, Bever; J. D. Seausetrlon, Warre; F.L.&C.S.Jenew Oondemport,' 411rocrar,Jr,Drewriterille. 144:4410.70dir • r ...r. .tr rie!iPAkresga47GlE+il:u I SLOAN'S COLUMN. a t ,i1 h ..?1 1 .51M°47#51 1 . h .11Y.4..kf1t9.0. R. E. IcoM Mee h and 101 P. SCOTT LibenY H. Plughargb. Ditmlngham, by JO ON D. SMITH. Allegheny Dy,. by DENBY thglCll‘ ATM an D. M. CURRY: The Best sad Clheapast Minis eaialls• 'III THE tIOILD. SLOAN'S OtIITIIIIIVIT-Alll3 CO OLT lON POWDZIt. /Ara tanned a rath nowt. XV" Pwity, of dna-has/A ty t an4 IllennettlotethPLOAND DINTath:NT Fazed 'AM la vapidly tagentedlng all other Ointment. and 1-tattooing now In late for the elite of the following dth eaten t Fresh wounds, gins of all kinds, sprain., Nelms 'crocked heels, rtmthone, windhone, whWeelle, pOt evil, Va., *Norio., sinewy, Gangs, althot, strobe hm•ncte, ...I creek, teandereil feet, *melee or grease mange or horse distemper. The Powder will remove .111 ndamniathen lei fever ratify the blood, loosen the skin, lease{ water and ettensthem every part of the bodyi an huproved a wrreteton remedy for the following di est Distemper, bide bound. loss ef. amdie, Inseam attain, yellow grater, Inenramation of the qr., fade. hem hard emeteisto also, thearesabiert,lcolronnuly led stiff complantawhich Peeves so 4,0 e, moor vat. cable horses in this country. It is also • ate and car min reined y for roughs and colds which generate so many fatal ammo. W. B. iSLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chleaeo, Illinois. _.„ • .. faun v.11..014114 Damask Staill-lneol Tatter Red Chintzes; Charm "miterin English.oll. Cloth g; Table Drown Linen ammb cloths Woolen n Ur Stsh Rah; Stair Dreggcn; Carpel Bindtogs; Jute and Coto Mats; Alicant and skeleton Mats; 54 and 4-4 Groaned Cloth for 1111adg; • linekebact Diaper, Retract from the "Galena North Western Garette! ‘ By the use of Slomes Ointment and Condition Pow der, I hare entirely eared a fistula on my horse and otherwise Improved his condition more an 60a pe t was on the coo of the medicine And a , ear 'duel, was so feeble al tribe considered worthle • by myself end nelebban,was restored to good health lid strength by the age of less then her • package of be powder, and is now doing better than anylethar ow I have. Satan Poe, May 13, OAS. - WM. VINCENT. t TIIE SUFFERING CHILD. 1 . . dm most sPr.romtd Eng' ctutera from tfi to fii trot at to fit rooms, 6filla, and thereby certify that one of my children, when rat tad, fell Into large lire alive coals, and.w.bemed severely from head to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was given to the child for four or five days without any relief—emelt day's sufferings mereaw ed till his pd., could he beard at a great distance, at which critical period one of my neighbors recommon• ded and presented to too a boa of - Sloan% Ointment. and in lots - than fifteen minim" after tea tipplicatiou of thaOlD.Clll to the aggravated sores of the.dering child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began to recover.. My residence is in licit township, Vm. million coUnty,und Staten( Indiana. THEODORE L. TAYLOR. Chicago, Aural 24, ISIS. Imponed direct ham k'dm aposuy CARPETS. Thew o latest and most 'lnmost ditto most acted.. colon, ar as they eno parehasod Idea EXTRAORDINARY CURE. April 13, ISIS. Four miles north of Chicago (on the road to hblwankle,) Cook county, _ Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin One of my hones had a large bony tamer on his breast bone, immediately under the collar, which lamed him and rendered his nervier., of very Little Ten.. Inabfally applied several hordes of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Done Liniment, without the least benefit. I Men promared Wilder , . Celebrated (loran Ointment, and used that until I became folly satisfied that It would never relieve the animal. Fi nally I obtained a box of your truly valuable Onn ment,and in less than 60 days Amu the first appltea don the tumor entirely disappeared, and the boron was well. Foam, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. •• • • If popular opinion is any criterion of the womb of an article, we Invite the incredulous to read al least a few of the many voluntary certificates that appear in oor columns rerpecting the great variety of remarkable mires effected by the use of *Slosn's Celebrated Oint• meat and Condition Powders. These remedies no longer remain among thou of doubtful utility, they Imvspeesed from the tide of ex periments and now stand higher in reputation and an becoming snore extensively used than all other arti cles of the kind.—hitch. City News. 'TILEILLLF OAS NO T DEEN TOLD. Fox Rm., June 12,161.0. Dear Sloan—Sin Please send by the beans a new xerPlY of your Dome 3ledieines They are the best article. of the kind that I have ever lased, none hay. ins been disappointed in their effect, as I have been in the rue of others, even the most celebrated Ointments, Linintenu, &c., of ths day. I like very ranch this fee. tone In them, stm that they do all that is promised, and upon a thorough trial one contreined to add. that "half has not been told) , Esspeetfolly, • H. DUDLEY. THEoin DIFFERENCE. The ordinary tment. arid liniments it la well known are severe and partial in their operatic.— Sloan , . Ointment is mild pet thorough—it reaches and removes the cane, hence it gives real and permanent relict For panty, mildness, eatery, certainty, and thoroaghnass, Stoares Ointment excels, and ls rapidly earperceding all other Ointments and Liniment, now WE CANT GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. Erne. Gnovx,llL, Oct it, USW. Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested the virtue or Tout Ointment in the cute of rattl.nahe bites, core thro., burns, and many other injuries, and in every case il has surpassed our expectations. Asa family 0201. went, I hive never seen its equal, ad for beasts Ws can't get along it it. Yours, An, MUM ii. JOHNSON. IDECELLENT OINTMENT. Mr.Sloati—Dear Dm For a considerable length of ini e I was seriously afflicted moth the rheumatic com plaint, and applied freely the various liniments, paint killers, b v., without obtaining any relief. After wale k your up... at this piece indueneed me to try your Ointment, and within two venrits from the time I rem intellect! using it, the pain ceased, and I was effectually memed„ and shall recommend all who are similarly of. Meted with the distressing complaint, to procure Yon , e'ciliZe'sVyn!moeogsynt without daisIOSCAR Frincemlie, l Fcoria ea Ate . . In — From the Br, MIT. BrOatalt, .Ajellt Of the Illumia and Michigan Canal •Packet awn Company. Cates., Juno 21, tall Dr. W. It. Sloan—Dear Sir: Far the last as years I have had Occasion to arc many horse, and have used the great variety of liniments and ointments to ose, Out, Ear; meter found any thing equal to your ;tins runt the inknies on hero, Wsthin the loot two that haste applied your ointment to some tot horwts. (or 'Various intunes. and in every instance it has pro ' red a sovereign rt candy. A FINGER 11177 F—N EN - 11 REIN OFF. T mile• ,outa of Cbieatto, Sept_ 14, le4e. Dr. Sloan—Sin On the Cltt instant if son hard a fin ger bater entirely off by ttliorre. We Immediately .r plital your celebrant onaturnt, which lved hoe t pain in I 1",,w minute, and pretrcated th e nfinger Imo steel/tilled= least particle, and Ile wounit he' tepidly. Resply yours, S. BRUCE:WA V. . DOCTO R ING GALFIA IVlC.Sloan—Dear abr. About three y,Alt, Ice I was severely attained m nu< alloy lets by the inllme of a pile of wood whir+ sic t.lOlO d large tmming ulecro. Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to eury therm but tried in vain, unul from .yin Parity mid troffer'', me, meat my other leg became as bad as the one original ly wounded. I despaited of ever being well again— but In order that I might neglect no weans within say reach, I purchased of your agent in Galena come .4 - year ointment. set ye suture of my 'surprise an I gratitude - better Wan i