The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 26, 1850, Image 3

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    IP • . ,
or i s Receipts and Uspesdlturss. et, Alleghen; Cally. tVem tits -
ilsys inclhstirs .Is 4 day ef
• ,Isatutsy, 1649, Is the bth dsy of Jsaciary, - lEad; tooth.
Did Auditors elided to adjud and utile the Public Accounts of tke County of At:lethal, •
Ike first day of January, 1850, beds days inclusive, kavi4 examined tar same, respectfully
lay before the Honorable,the /taiga of the Court of Common Pleas, If said County, 0/AP
i Is's/s
-ng Statement and Ileport,xix •
F . By ballerina in the a!,
on the Ist day or IA •,1610,
as pet last Auditor' ;sport
$ 13 , 72 /
FROM Coßreton. vie •
Find Ward,Cityof Pittsburgh,
Cliariero Craig, Collector au
1918, to full 9166 3 42
1919, on account 4100 00
6393 42
Smelled Wad.
Jan lA'Kee, Collector for
1848, in fall iP7S 0 0
1819, co a , count • 4830 440
Third Ward.
Thomiui Fairsono,Coltersor for
032 10
-1947,1 u full
Josh hlcCullah.Coilector - i
for ep 194 9 , in fullug 437 29
!Samuel Baird, Oilloatdr fur •
1849, ors arrourd . 5070 00
------ 6239 69
Fauna W•ti.
0. L. gobinsoa, Collector GA
1645, la fall 514 - 65
Join Vandive ne r, Collector
1846, In !di 1556
Itlabard Hope,.oollector for
1848,1 a rail 9079 10
1810,00 sewn% 4600 00
---- '91,9 95
F. 116 Word.
John Loran, Col!actor 0)r 382
1848, in fall
Alozaider Ohm, Colkrotor for
ixi .
.1649, on aeon) 7 3534 06
' - &nth Wad. _ i
E. &but, Collector for 1517,
In ,i. .
Arhus IreGiniland, Collector ' 44 '. V'
for 1619, in lull 1258 35
Ibl9, on account 1163 n
---- 2706 25
Seventh Ward
O. Garobed, Collector for
1649, on secooot
Sint Ward.
Neely..Collectot for
1817,10 Coq Xii
Flaming 41orrow,Collector for
1819, no account 822 - 60
1126 22
Ninth Ward.
George Dobbs, Cohector for
644 OS
1849, on account
First Ward,City of Atlanta:ay. . . --. .
Wm. A. Irwin, Collector for ~ * .
- 1843, lo full 36 P
David Smith, Collector far.
1848, la full 1119 72
1849, on account . 2236 SS
Sceoiid Ward.
Joseph Irwin, Collector (
1 :1643. in full
David U. Scott, Collector for
1847. in fall 25 94
Thome* Smith, Collector lot
1849, in full
1849, on termini , oo
---' 666 16
Third Ward.
Ita o.4..texander, Collector for
3 50
1848, in fell
1849, on account
____l,ls4 00
. Fourth Ward.
lamas Graham, Colloolor for
haft. to fill
1819, on account
__3056 B_l
317 ' 4
Birmingham Borough.
N. P. Pearson, Collector for
1817, to toll
'207 67
James Ham Collector for 1819,
1405 _
OD ,
on account
—..—. 1819 87
South Pgaburatt.
O. B. Hamilton, Collector for
1869, on account
Itanchuter Borough.
William Lynch, Collector for
• 1849, on account
Lawrenceville Borougla
Wm. 3. Munto, Contactor f. r
11348, in full
415 93
1939, on amm.P 4 i 55 0 72
Bharriabiteth Borough.
John Weigle, Onilemor.
1849, in fo il
Elizabeth BOTOUgh•
Aigrew -Pale, Connell:lr fie
1844, in full
Benjamin Wllaoo, Collector
tor 1849, In fall . 7 09 5g
. -
Joseph Wanspler, Collector,
IBIS, in fall
James Harrison, Collector Lis
PHD, on account 117
' 210 N
'Want laUntbetb.
Morph Brisk, Collector for
:4919, on account 44 50
. Pitt Township.
Lai Sonaber. Collector for
1840, lo iull 500 00
Wiley, Collector for
1848, in full 197 62
1849, on account 396 00
Peebles Towmair6
S. L..: B o l ht , ecalec ' i" 511 8 2
/815. is
Callaclar for
Job._ sumo!, 3165 8t
is ' 3107 03
W ilkim Tomarhip.
/plus Parchment, Collector Cor,
11317, in full
James WiLeivult Cone 1834 66
ISO, in lull 1958 7
plum Town hip.
John COOll. Collector for iBi7,
ha lf fell
A, Cant. Collector for 545 584 50
• in full
Jona Alter. Collector for 1849,
on account 1549 94
Versailles Toarunhip.
0. LITiIIIIST, Callenun , tot 55
on account
Elisabeth Townshin.
Edon I d ule, Collector Gm
.1E43, in full
Icann-Calboon. Collector for
1517, In full
Odd II Collector for ISIS,
In foil
MOW:, Headotioo,Collector
tot 1819, oa acconot 13117
2371 27
•Jererson Townebie.
John Sheeler, Collector pr I
1848, in WI 293 44
Wllliain A. Payne, Collector .
kyr 1819, on account . 6919.01
---- 919 48
Mifflin Township.
Andrew Hamilton, Collector
fur 1919. 10 rail -735 SO
.3 p 9 Irwin, few Ihr
1519, on account
Snowden TewS 4 IP.
Wu. C. 14'Kulibt, Collector
157 99
pc 1545, is full
David Riggs, Collector for
1849, araccount
--638.7 i
Baldwin Township
15anittel Collectne
for 1519, ni fall
Upper S. Char Township.
Junes EIPT. CoUestor for
12148, in foil &a 29
Thowol E•nt C°ll edua fat
• 1549, on seam= 495 62
- Amoun t of Taw Aupsed;
d ar by Collect:Pm, for the
Vast W aN. nto.b.wk,
fon d Word. do
&A Ward. do
Poortk Ward, ,
Fad, Ward,
ruts Ward
s,,,,.”,etaWord do
riooo Wood. AllOghool.
t0,,,0ed Ward, do •
Tidal Word. do
Farah Ward, do
Etomilighasa &nodal.,
SOuth rat. !nog
t i Vr l C ' filot
Sharpshargh do
Elizabeth do
IdeKeropott do
Wert Elizabeth do ,
riu Township.
?oak. do
• ~ do
' ?bosh do
lOC i tr do
lemon do
Maid d°
warden la o
t r ld
gt iair do 0,
L. Ft Clair ,do
s.Payettd •
lc Filo=
ir t tkEa d o
Wear DKr do
Eou beet. a° •
Indians do
Ishaler dC
Coilsetpts- r
'I .
Llorer St. Clair.
W6l. Perkins, Collector fur
19 ,
ISt% in lull
1519,011 account . 1193 95
South Fayette Tewusttil ,
J. E. McCabe; Colle . ctOr 101
Ibt9, on socentat„ •
North FaintliTtraniaip. ,
David M'Kee, Collector for
Findlay Township.
' ar id, Mahan, Collector for
'lBl9, on iccoent
Moon Township.
Benjamin !Beano', Collector
for 1819, in full
Onto Township.
Thomas blitebell,Colloctor for
1519, on account
Franklin Township.
Bayer, Collector for 1849,
on accOnnt
Pine Township.
AJczander Dunl.p, Collector
far 1849, In full
Reserve Township.
A. S. Lvddoo; Collector for
1519, on seeonot
West Deer Township,
Richard hlorrow,ol)Hector fur
1577, io full
Allen Aber, Colketor for 1949,
in full Vie 79
--- 874 39
Enat Deer Township.
Andrew PJlar, Collector for
1919, on ICCOi3DI
Indians Township.
Jacob Hoddle Collector for
3h19, io toll
Sheler Towashlp.
James C. Bryant, Collector for
ISt% on account
Koss Township.
Joseph Crider, Collector for
ICI9, oa account
•UNDIES aster..
James Criawed, balance over
paid in 1947, SO 00
John Foray tb, on acct of ISIS, KO 13
To sundry costa and notes for
coats, 66 36
M. Daily, for engine aold, 50 00
Thos. McCoy, for old carpet, 19 00
Rent f3r,U. S Court Room, 1200 00
Money advane.rd to build
bridge over 801 l creek 500 OD
Temporary loan per S.
'CO 00
dv. de, per Merchants
and Matinflicturers' Bank,
Pittsburgh, 17:0 00
Abalcmcnt on 550,000 State
tleinode.l road daniagea (_t om
J. YeSet, S. Fayette, 120 00
John Ycnne, Etq.. 0 varchnta
in 28.
Received from Prothonoiory of
Lawrence Co., for • seal
press eineraer,
tredempt.on money en onacoo
ect lauds,
AWOIII3I paid to Asocasors
Mayors', Aldermen, and Instr
• bees key,
John llerroo, Mayor of City of
Pittsburgh, 1852 23
G. Adams. do. Potsburgh, 31 MI
.1. Rush, Mayor of Allegheny, 314 31 4
11. Campbell, do. do. St 21
Aldermen and Justices, 752 234
3081 97,
N. PaterSoo (State 'Lerma.)
Comaty Auditors. 337 50
Appropriations to mind!, Fits
Engine Compatriot,
Attorney. Goneral's Coes,
Bridges baildirg,
Osaka and Statiora .
Commissioner' expenses.
County Commissioners' pay.
Clask ta Oontuadastoneri,
Crier, Wm. )I.miton.
lass n
larors' pay,
157 00
Tipstaves do.
320 00
Court of Common Plena and
Quarter Simmons.
Junin' pay, 4691 814
Wiinces do. 1 T 26 394
Tipstaveia do. 602 624
Gera. do. 495 91
1 Crier do. 167 50
_ --- 1904 101
raronet's , lace,.. 011 Ili
Coulomblea do.'i 112 19
Cantingenielpenser 294 51
, Mimetic. diacomoted% 597 43
Counter it money,2o 00
Election expenses, ' ' 1404 61
Extra amiesament of State tax .. '
by the Board of State Com
missioners, at lianialitagb,
' for 1848, 101,05 94
Engineer to Jul—James Cris
' well, ~ - 225 39
Espensea of o,rming new
114 00
Fermium for Court Home and
Jail, 308 91
Fuel and Light, 550 12
Fogitiveatrom lustier—eppre- •
benaion of 623 001
Interest on Loam, 2746 00
interpreter to Court of Quit-
T - ler Seado,
J 19 50
ill term sod prise:le:se allow. ,
SACO . 302 i 674
Printing, 1251 614
Postage, 21 551
Phyaician to Jail, 119 60
Prothonotary's fees in election
Public ground improvement,
Premium on Fox scalps,
Bond Mewing,
Road damages.,
Roll road bonds issuing,
H.efreshurento far Jurors,
Redemption moony on =mat
ed lands,
iti•paira to Court Howe and
Se periotendent at COUlthoum
Serb cancelled,
do porintendeut to buildiog ter
race wall on Sib weer,
Totes and costa refunded,
Traorcribiug duplicatco,
Treasurers COUlaillllloo on ex.
tie State tax.
Treasurer's Salary,
Treasurer's communion on a
batement at Slate tax
Viewing road and street dam
Watchman at Court home,
Water tax,
Etaisiona in the Treasnly
issions, Exorwationt, and balanct
• amount
year 1849
.4otio .....
• 3o.mitoi 0.0 .. ..
..11.Vello7land .....
lb6a •
. Ylortung Morrow
oGonp Siobb .. .• • • •
David ...
Thcao.s rollit •
• • •
•A. C. Alexander • •
'ices Grahton
Jam. Barr ......
(AB. Ha milton • •
jOblti . tiglC • • • •
/lOW. Ilartison•
Josiah IJriok • • • •
Junes Mellelvey
Johtt Alter
George Larimer • • •
X=beer HendersonSYm.
Dirra. A Payne • •• •
°Joseph leirrur
David elan
Samuel MeAualiy• • •
Thomas •••• • • • •
retkiax• • • •
•Ji E. McColl..
Da.l McKee
Alexander Philime •
Josiah htahon
tienjamio Meime• •
• rhom. blatrbel
Alexander Dunlap
.A. 8. Lad"
All. Ober • • • • • •
•Aoslimor Pillar • • •
JacobloJ dle .....
•JaMes C. Eq.! •
aipaophCrtdoi • • —•
1,419 LOl oti i 7 11
• 240 10.1
3 . 4 1 If 4 ;,
'llO/2610 10 •40 06\110100 4091
litepaid the Wane own '3..04 Anilast iltaat wbg W"!,4
COUNTY comassti
John McDowell, to amount due him as
per last Auditor's repow,. 791
. Amount paid him, 111 19
T. Marks served boos January tat
1849, to -16th October, 1849, both Ago
Inc Moire; 248 day', at $t 50 par day, 372 00
Amount due him as per last Auditor's re
pot,' 22 50
Amount paid Min,
Thomas Perkins served from January Ist,
11149, ea January 6th,1850, both days in
clusive, 011 days, at it 50 per day.
Amount due him, as pet lam Auditor's re-
Amount paid him,
Amount due him,
Jahn Forrytk, Esq., Sliorsff, is account rids th e
to do lot rf Mambo,. I
To amount paid u Jail fees and prim
& alkiranee, fans the 2d 0,, / ,, e , &: 1-
January,lBl9, to the lat ofN
1849, both days Inclasive, '51834 014
Balance duo, In per last, report, 1232 43
Forty kw verdicts in D. C. of P. and
Qr. &mans MVO. 176 00
Cone and fines In Commonwealth eases, 1237 29 9
Amount dna John Forsyth, Erry., 985 05
Carty. Curtis. Eq., sa qcoun.r with Anyhow
51. 1 4 41 . Armes% Vid
To amount paid Jab bees and prisoners'
allowance from 2d November to the
sth of January 1650, the'
Nine verdicts in D. O.P. do Q.lO. coasts, 36 00
Coatsin Coamulwealth cm" 106 001
Balance due Allegheny county, $l4 59
Outstardiese Debts dn. the Gusty eflssh
Amount due by Collection tar the you
1849, u above dated, 1414333 15
Amour I due by Cuter Curtis, Esquire,
Sheriff, to Allegheny county, 44 58
Su:damsel cf do Dots awl Crait., ritla Cower
day Jan
To James Bose (hair*/ on permanent
limn, 143000100
David Shinlda, Etq , 3000!00
County Scrip outuanilinti. 99210 00
JamenGomly, Clerk to Clommlaulonnis
for VW, 4600
Outstanding Warrants at 1949,
Balance maim by Cammluslatiem 93 50
Balance dna John Pony*. Esq., 922 05
3146312 67
-- 18,094 0
8147,801 82
Given under our hands and seals, at the Auditor's Office, in the City of Pittsburgh, the
2th day of Match, A. D. 1850,
JOHN K. FOSTER, [L. S 1 Anditori.
JOHN BYERS, (L. 5..)
The foregoing is a COITeCt statement of the Kedeipts and Expenditures of the Comity
of Allegheny, for the. year 1849; alto, of the w , amount of County
five Tax tor each l the
respective Wards , Boroughs; and Townships,thin u
the County, at the rate of
on the dollar; of the assessed value of real estate, including personal taxes, together with
a statement of the Debts and Credits of the County, as shown by the books on the bah
day of January, 18511, in conformity with the Acui of Asserhbly in such case made and
:provided. Witness our hands, the day and year above written:
WILLIAM BENSON, ‘,. Comrnissmners.
Attest: Juan Gokrgt.r, Clerk
rkilii hi Oil tli Mir ffrgil
563 56
559 49
117 30
1564 29
769 00
prrrsavaciu MOAILD OW MEADS
a. NTIZILLIeIft 1111111,1*I.
SWIM LIM, • ..11. V. VON 100.41211101 M, • • .020.
Blevemesets of the Ocean Ilteaseere.
The Susses, Gar- ars* leaves Beam tor Liver
pool, ea do Sod apnl,
The El/ItalL, Caps. Lon, leaves Llama, for Liver
pool, on we inlet Apell.
104 00
Orrtet, Prnaoses Games,
Tneeday morning. Meath ge.,153 0 . t 1
The weather yesterday, won cold and aoPlesunt fo, •
sidoor trUll.ti01:111, end we beard of yen few led. '
FLOUR-Bmin. continua vex dull,
and the nor •
kat ta Louth.. Smell transact.. an effect. from
Ent bred., al 114/3604, 1 30, and from store at 411,08344,7 5
04,97 V bbl.
Reit nows•-With limited supplies In store. we note :
small sates at OA .
* bbl, which 1. 1.14. 90. M '
the 'aorta..
Coos 0401 ..-4401. 4 2 from store no 504 11m, mil tram
first kande selia 49 bat. •
ORAIN-Tton to a fait repass' for Con, at 43845 e, :
and for Om at 3116340 •On Whs. is told at 1564164 .
900; Rye at 07e, and Earthy at 830 diy bash.--oopplisa
MALT-San of Bub. 041100, and of Rye Koh et
ithe ir ba 1 FOX Latityll.l-5.-The uthgraficent TegOlaf pastel
owegatEs-n. gmrket ooritioßas needy Ritzily um Z.bary Taylor, will leave as above, ..s after
goad rates-eity, for 74 0 Sagar,44•3a; NO
neon, at 4 o'clock. .
as, 117941170; Rio :Coffee, 1541914 e; Roe, 410411- 40 : . IMPORTS BY ° EIIYEIL.
ding* hi otter articles. Loaleol.llo-F. 11...-1 .8 barge 10 bbls,
PROVISIONS -10 that F. market webs.. A blf do, II kegs lard, 42 tines tob, Leech & co', 31 bbl.,
g z g eges so rouse. Ilia sake of Bacon have b.a to
84 do lard, O'Connor & AO inr; i Mid tot, be looke,
0 rni4 , 44 . 4 , 4444 . 4 . co , 0040 44444,44,444.a.g.,c,,45ieR5iii, I trtftroiNe..s.dtd4bil,:•l3 t , Sei ee l e h : Z i f ec l ie lf e urr.W
.d shoulders at 411841 for Motion. and MO cored i 95 Its, eh( do empty, .A. A 'rood ' s; 96 rks meat. 1 t XI,
home. Country cued is wad at M.. atom. B.:10.1 I r a ed°, J Mend en &by .44.1.
ee Weyman;
a prim bagged hams al Be, Ladd antra sag. cared ionoelateirthien42ll34end, 51 11 & to; 60 btdo
by the tree, at to • b. SOP of Lard la blots at de, Lai
.„, 4 Ceschan.l-P. Home. NO. 2-50 hbl44, 157
tel..* ir 12 o. l a 8... 1 1. old " 1 " 1 " 17." "" , tr. boom, 3 blot., 8 bes wine, Lerch tr co, Id Olds lob,
IA , Cork k Thaw; 1 be, I tie tom. 1 kg 1.4 , 20 LIM., ISO
DRIED MIT-Saks of 250 bus dried peaches, to lies ham, e .l , recieFuedkuirttelttbl,th.lruk,gtel 1 14 4 t ,; :'
balr., n IMP. Liiiii"' n ii. 4. 01 APO" no Illinn° Sellers & Meals; 1G blots erhl.key. 11 A Wes;l; 20;4
3110 • &a lard oil, 0 , & /141110013 b., 2 800 galat, 3 it
SODA ASH-Bala of le eta, at 444, time. no & co; 33 bbl. whiskey, Wdo charcoal, 1 Bryan; hf
4 , , olpe liquor, J Album, 2 do do, 1 bbt do, L Stern, . 4 hes,
BULK MELT-Baths ofd,ooo Rni Shoulders . h do,l MID 8, 1 be, Sake , lc Forsyth; 35 bbls gm 8.0 do
limos. 31 for flawitlitara, l3l for 11.22 ' 1.41,0 kgs do, Ibl deer skins. 8 beg lots. J S Dilworth;
FLAY REED-flalo of INN boo, at SLIM • Ma. 11 be e zies, Rhey, Matthews Y. co; 17 bbls egg., owner
LEAD-Lead h. advanoodi pig is now hold at 6c , '
. lier; l ' lsli K r breo 'n' n 1 8r trl ro, 3 t o )l3 . la .' erlVll l ; ° 4l 'v e . ga l ba l' eot,
and Bar 0484„ 419 R. •
LasoVern-The pressed Mg*. pric..of Load FM . 100 bbls hams, belles & Meals; 10 hlid. tthon, 11..
is ft to 1.7. • foot, according to Ma baogh,• 52 bble whiskey, R {bare;' 6 do do. /no 9e. 4 4
... 4 19 lots hemp, 30 bores meat, O'Connor tr. minas; I loot
2 , 04 ...,.....„41.5. n isi, 8 1 0,,, eh.; and H. v - ; book., 1111120115111; 21 bbls lard oll,Tosds &O'Connor; 34
Mai suns 4 . 1 blida bacon, 5 bbla beef tongue.,2l. bop. ramlle., D
o; 13 bee book. ltho to 1.1,42 I.& bac on,
W Lan-Para " nn " " a ll " " 11 "1 141 I Leech
~::0; 42 eles soda 4.14, tae.; 2 eeks wine,
81,111 • log. Hodkinson; 30 b. Ito plate, Forte la ece, 4e bllds gu ear.
35 bbls m. 0.., Heagriton; CO 4 Ind.. R Hanley; Is
bbls lard, 2eo ced, Salle. NMI.; .5 bbls ginactsg,lll
glom sad Gratz Ctrawla.t Ms skins, Raker & Forsyth.
PREPARED BY EDWARD BILL, BROKER. 1 Pekin, 11144-Poa Buaosnoooe-940 boxes meat.
-,. , Clark & Tuaw.
Export of Thwaolf. W G.,,, Herte l. 0 " ."... ' litnatiallng-Paa Loco 194.1-400-11. 4 MO. tob, W
forth. from EspiNt 4lo 1014
8 0 0 , Bingham):
do do, Brogr isrille host; 3 pkg., tlakei&
Bbls Db. o 800. 4 Forsy4b; OB. 6.00, W Binehm; 2 ea.. 0 teed, .1
Roan .r,, ft.,. c MR., Wheat. I. Corn Daleall; 1 bbl dour. a T ow ne eo, 29 bbla oniony, W
New York •4111reb 11.419,4911 354 213048 1,123,591 II /oilmen; 51 sirs oats, r
N o w cr... - S. • 100 MS 0• 11 9, 3 " 2 „. 1 2 5 Zadweevtlla ...Pia I Attrmr Lt.-2i el.. wool, 2661.
IththwilllPM " lii • 9041" 14770 1
40,091 lm
b.sw., 4 ske wool, II beg fors,tot , . 3.3 r• ba
ssnimme. . " ... =Am 411 10.5 71 nr,.,....,..... 555..41 aka lasthets, 25 hp, I bbls lard & bop ,er. 650 p I
8,,,,g en ...... o 94- 4333 "..... b meet: 8 babas lash 0. 13 Lee. & co; 9 ek• beet., 11
10645741 bbl., • kgs lord, Sing:Loam 46 lads do 2 hf do, craff &
Other pOrts•Faby 99. •
---- -- --- ------- I co . 99 hp lord, sylibls perk, Clark & Thaw, 3410 egg.
Tool --sass •• • •-•• • • •22035 9 4 WM Mgr , 2 . 12, P 3 , :do Der seed, Bagalay & co; In ck• bacon, Chore th.
' .-- 4 caratherm 14 pekoe fooniture, Baker k For... 5
Yo oo r. 7 /" . " 50 ' I°l 0400,0 lt. batter, I D Witham; 59 .41 lwf, 13 , 4 doz
Fo n g olineuree.Casorlaththie-.
ix,..d. .. 4 . 1 . 0 ! 1 i r0 .i 0rn .... 5,..10_ h i i_s_e i ggs ... ._, I , ll in hdth_b e , 2:74 rinbrd•beeteser,,4744.,
My report•
• Romps, summer of toe Lith Feb., bar. 17;0'4';;int; ,y,-,4- 0 -4:1 - -
bees . tlal. • Dated .010 - O. " _,.....! .4. '" rf,l: Ilitabiash 81202-9. CONNalltlirt -300 hake.
and Wheat baying bran elnolly" " -...„-.-..- Miged pork,so bbla bam, 60 el. Meal, Cls rk 5. Threw;
of the hoMo th.. o ..dao. 8.7. bate gale --•* n: calf skin*, bbl barns. Kell & Liege.; 135 be. re. nook
Mt. by shippers. ; 170 tes do, P3l h. middllngs, tat v... (tom 1 'l4OO
The opening of the Hod.n deer to Alba:
_gt±T . .!l mdse., 1 bg do, 1 tif bbl longues, I) Leech & on, ta eks
' nose ire pia. bat 0 o ooPPli.. of 91)"0"., !" . ..„...... 44 ". 1 bacon, 3470 ps b Mel, Forsyth fr. <O. .
001=15 bOod, ootii th0_,th00„.0992. of , 41:1,1;;I, ! 114. Longo-no 111.144 rowans-423 41 node,, ni
155 r 4
.0 the 1. 81.7. •m lll" . o' 4 - ;4,4,,,,,,01ge1b 14 paltss lend plea, J W Butler & bro; 1149 dry
47 igam•llline. .d Wisconsin, all accoon 4
. 0 d
kid.. R U•groi 2 601,4 •undries; %V Bingham, Bo bole.
195 saying, 11.11.1..4.901.17 " Y........" -7 ,1,,c ; „,,„.,, d e atatnn, King, Pennock & co; 104 do do, Kennedy &
350 loge tn.... 4 ::, ............. -, -. 7 idi t Wier 4720.6 os b meat, Seller. & &ie.,. 1702 14 sins A
7 V mend, prices curet rule low. !La crop 0 o .....,„,„4,,,,,,m L,,,,,,...51,„agi ~.., , ,,, ..1 0, . W
,II 0000, ,, me cootrary, Is from WI WW I ." "P" . " 1. ;II Hoboes & bra; 44 cks dodo, Bell &Liggett; 14411; do,
It 50 ad 40 be lane, and to pad condition. .. .. ~_ ~„,0 444404. 4k. A ,....
ID re The esp.. to Ora. Ilfilalll .4 Irel.didl,
.7 1 Z, -
,-- ' P. W 115511. o-11 casks bacon, Bell & Liggett, Ide
37 4 84 07 ris.... l got a' .
,7,947 "11. / Fb."../WVlthontid'ollehbe'be,l9l47. bo . i d l e n th dl b m ie i 10E., llrthace4eloen4l4o..
e d e o ; d i n ;
e i e b ie lc e r reev, 4 , 44o4 24l. d y r,y i,
43 31 Corn;th addition to winch the. So ba d
o; 6 bdls steel, Lyon & Shod., 5101 , .• parr 22 bilin
',roll a 1
" pely,l "4
cd'Af-ihrlireigelts. to Live/Iml aro making , hams, 42 cks shoUldevf, le do bat., Clam ~. yl,mg, it
177 3i at 3401. for Corn, ant Is 9dOgs for Flour.. .. 144e4.thiusd;0, J 4 V . 04 4 1 4 34ngh0m; 10 bbl. sweet polnlvo, Ar ni
MI 99 FLOUR-There Is a fair tonally (mambo
dre g:L .
517 01 and pices are firm, whiLst the lower kinds . . 1.1..k.h.,..„,,,,,....p,_ i ,._ __ N a. „-...
GM 134 what redocod in pace-the clewing rate. tor •rtlrovee v4444,,,44444,40447,-3,3 nn bnn,0n,..n•44141.11
i t:
vi l , 4 ei b i
ted and Ana, ore 8404,60, for sour $8115. 4 4 71, e?..",.. oatr, IV Kyle; 11 ek. oats, Edo corn 2 tors cal, I 1.1 , 1
~,,,,,, ~,,g ..,,Mio. .ftly, i11if7i0k111512.5 = l . "MP . Larne, 10 dog tabs, Wdo bloke., 214 ° 410 k rele P l . lo .
bOO 35 Okla, Ildielaigon, and Indlons 1115.1210337449..."9.T4 cons. D T Morgan; 250 10 kegs i ',men., Sternne 5.,
et ad ego 85,511401.5.75, southern b.n. 81,910.4,4 w n. ; 4 l in ceithdreiebyblks ceoemibilbarieb44o:eo)lspbeb.s.dl,,t,44bede•
Ethl 70 reen Alex's,
4, 7 2 .d Oeorgelo 9 .l
bond Is dull at 84,72
.ante, IS lib's {atoms, lOU Les oat h owner, 0 wade '
Res nous rolls at nee801,75. sheep, J it Wood.
970 53 Coax 141.-112.7602 for /May and BroOdlotit. .
W 3 01 ORAIN,Yor Weise there le a rood home 4 1.4 . 4; '
1570 it sad with a light Moot, holders aril leto .1961171
At. 09 OpeapitCloollla fet WcatiViti 22l lU 7Oll°. IF' '
WI 31 for CansAion In band.
553 34 Rai ts
dad WM at vow r 6 0 11 . -
11..... is soiree, at IBIPToo dii 45 212
143 11 00.1 bring 400130 for Northam.
941 0 67 Co.-Indiana Ita• (de
sand f or
aloha my
1332 159 lose aim..., atid Itaa bead io good demand for oithorti,
the closing rat. are 63dedda tar mired Boothe:to d.,d
816 96 66 0 67 c • 00100 for i3outbern eat and Nor th am goo.,
310 80 whito and TOWN. Rerthl.
EDW D BILL. Broker,
No. 111 Broad Street
288 87
29 04
90 '7B
230 674
730 00
100 00
04 '79
$130.925 98
18,875 81
11147,801 82
547103 Ut,
a:75 nu
1,0 00
41:.0 Uto
J 172 0,
679 IN
to 37
6,0 70
106 70
4WI 6@ll tr.
CM 11
1.1.1 41
11 1 0184
1.4 , 5 1
If.,ra 1
I. .1 61
I 1 :Ss
tart 14
I 9 33 TA 41
6 - 7J\ 43 51
via 33 4. 4
91 11 7 /37
6' 11 61 41,
\ CADAUS aoluitryriN
tini:leMmosqoftrptabi 2VI; I et
Vb • e
ptitslrt be divided Ito <lama adapted to their ass.
65 that, takat, and ;Zeal attenotessa. Private Worm*
'7l I.l.ll7lnatritor:noto eau be el Oen Osman, ita
wean and 6 °bloat, at the Mira*/ ot Ir Boa.
In lilt el, looms IWO% sI4 Wool
-• ••
{UI 16 ell 4
rs ,
Wm. Benson tarred from Jan. 14 , 1819 ,
to Jan. stb, 1650, both days 10 cluar , o.
311 days, at 51 50 per day, 106 50
Doe Wm, as par lut Auditor's report, 97 50
Amount paid him,
Amount due htm,
James hittchell served from Oet.bcr 11,b,
184° . in Jeneary sth, lad, both ticr
1 _ 0.2
inclusive, 60 days, at Si. 50 per d'y.
102 00
Amami paid him,
,qty .f AUegAzny,f ram the 2d al
sty, dour days inetanre. Cr.
By jail i fees and prisoners'
{manner, for the quarter
coda* the 31st of March. 531 30
1849, sit:--tragranl,. fal 12
Coart priaoners,
-- 1149 42
QuOtot analog 3001 June, viz:
618 6.4
Court prisoners,
----- 1162 90
QI/Olef eadirg 30th &pt. viz
499 20
Glat prisoners, 690 01 t
---- 1159 27i
‘ 11616 i '731
Quatter coding 1.1 Nov. sit
Vsgrants, 157 30
Court prim:tars, 263 6t3
---- 420 96
Amount paid on acc't, as par last report, 610 43 ,
Summoning 509 Jurors for District Court, 126 lo
,do 356 do Q. S. 8: C. P.
&1 00
89 00
Cotiveying 26 cowries* to Pante:awl.,
Boardiag Sarah Morrison 3 months white
18 00
Boarding Cott:wise Stephens 4 weeks
6 00
orbit° sick,
Cooveging convicts to House of Ite
foga in Philadelphia, 355 00
36161 '33
asy. from Ms 2d day rf Noveuther, 1619. to 'ha
boa days inclosrim Cr.
By rail rasa .4 prisoner.' allowance for
tee quarter end Les pec. 31 al, 1549, $.564 444
Summoolog 165 jurors for Vionef Coco, 42 00
Secomontog 123 jurors for C. P. 6: Q. S.
COW% 30
Covello!' three fronvicra to the Peol
tentiary, -7 50
5914 69
nay, cnik, the kA day of January. A. D. 1550.
James Criswell, Engineer to Jail, caw
drawn, 25 30
Alivlunv, as JAM. 11 ,
A. D. 1850.
By amount of ontatanding dean, as
shore stated, $14433 12
Balance in the treasury, Jan sth, 1830, 8.515 SI
County deficit, 850t13 66
Weftii feel OM. T
gverung, mud rallirg.
caw;m :ALVED.
Michigan, ides, Fleineer.
Viroqua, Galloway, Sdononealsil• Cite
Peebbes, Nlaabeth
Atlantic Parknon.
Bailie, /*cob., Brown.rillo
Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport
Lake Crle. Clark. Beaver.
donee Nelson. Moore Ml...line.
Jenny Lind, Gallaeber. Zones...
Hibernia, Bachelor,
Orient Smith. r,
Wyoming, H 4, St Lou...
Keg...tone State, Stone, Clueing.
- - • • •
Caleb Cope, Eloreciet, Rarer,
Michigan. Dries, Beaver.
Virago., Gallo. RV, Morrantobela Car.
Camden, limdrietran, MeKterpon.
Fasbion, Peabteraletheiti.
Jaeobs, Brownsville.
Adaotie, Pllklllooll. Brownsville.
Labe Erie, Clara, Deaver.
Lora. McLane, Crane], mely's.
Keynote Mate. Stone, Cramnoiti
Diadem, Colmg Pi Laois.
&Ile of the R est, Pt Loma.
ST LOVlS—FairMount , lb
LOUisTILLF,—Zichm Taylor, 4 r w
Amottamr Wlilie. en the ditaaitt.
Ma. S. M. I:am—Allow me to express to you my
heartfelt thanks for the great benefit I have tcceived
from an article celled PETROLEUM. or Hoc, On, of
which you are this sole proprietor. I had ',CC/U.43W. ,
11111, It about tha Ist of J•nuaty, to a •ialent snack of
Rheumatism, which was very painful, flying about
from place to place, accompanied with ranch sweltlng.
ao as to keep me in constant torture. I wind die Pe-
Wieu...,enlMll, • few applications of whirl+ re.
moved all pain, sod every symptom of the disease.
I an now entirely well, and would take this occarion
to recommend the Petroleum to ail who may be suffer
leg under no agonizing pains of itticamausni or hill.
dead Mittman. piped]
611140 Mete.,
ow Petry Moose. Pittsburgh.
. tram. Muhl eelvemsoment In enothar Dolmen
. • . .. .
-4 ir NIAGNETIC TELEGRATII.I B " iug reuwea , ulthccellihnls the math*
_.. -„, , 1 of the complet,Fis sunk! not no} !Wale it der
I It was ma de.
tt till. isitTED Oa iSCIEOIta PLIED
COll Tiiki PITTABITEUH DAILY - GAZETTE MI . 11,1 4 replied, !bathe compact was rude in
1815, and wasjust enamel a realiry in 1848, as It
FURTIIEN.. PARTICI:MAUS EY TIIE NI. , wen in 1850; and it seemed to him, that under the
AGARA.. oseumitatees, there wan an unwarrantable dif-
Nig Yong, Mafch 25. 1 terenee of sentiment. Re has, however, In hie
FRANCE. allusion designed no oensure or disrespect.
result of thr eleinion was not known on Mr. Webster said, if he did not intend quoting
Thursday. to chow inconersteuey, ha could not sea what Ws
The Government; have emablished a censorship &feet wen.
on all foreign books•
and the question on amendments wu reported
House—The bill to simply the drfielenies War
A Corveuo bad sailed fur Lapland. proprietions for the present Aural year, was taken
The menaces of Prussia against the Sabre can- up,
I ramming, have been renewed, but as Franca and from the Committee of th e Whole on the State of
Aestria have interfered, nothing serious Is anticb the Union. :
psted. The amendment. voting 32,000 for • Minister
DENMAItE AND THE DUCHIES. to Pruesis,and stgo for Charge to Austria, wu
The report gains ground that the armistice in concurreskin—yeas 114, nays 72.
to be prolonged. It et currently reported. that The amendment appropriating $200.000 for the
Denmark ban Concluded a private treaty unit ..baiatencer isr.,orthe Florida Indies, wa con- i
Prumia, by which_ the laurels to have the Islmil cured in—yeas let, nays 75,
of Bernhohn, should hostilities be renewed with Other amendments were concurred in, and the
Schleswig,. • bill mu passed.
___... The Nouse then went into ConiMittee of the
The Sultan proposes that the Hungarian reins
gees shall ho detained in gala Minor, for a peel*
od not exceeding one year. Kamm and others
em about to be removed accordingly.
Fears are entertained at Naples, that Admiral
Parker will pay his respects to the Neapolltisna,
as soon a• he leaves the Greek Coast, Ilk* feu.
are entertained at Madrid.
There len° tudieetion of the Pep&.. relent t•
By the Overland Mall, we leant that ladle it
traeq oil
Cminernial Recounts are favorable, but not so
much as as to have an effect on the English mu-
t'reiglea have decline 1 at Bombay,
The Vienna journals sots that tatelligenee had
been received from Transylvania, Om the Rua
slims were assembling cansiderable military force
for the defeat of Gerto, with the titivation of again
occupying Transylvania, so m to allow the Aus
trian troops Li pass through to Italy and the Ger
man frontier.
General Harman has called out the National
Guard of such towns as Presburg, to make up •
1100 levy al 20.000 men.
Many of the people have left borne, in copse.
nue nue of mowing that they would be obliged t
wrve. A few political prisoners also canape d
All National Guards who served in the intim.
rectonitry forces in Hungary, are being i peaty..
rat .41 with toe Austrian army.
Lune ,ambers of the Hungarian refugees ma
e li ‘ etieg on the frontier Leif Bosnia, where they
are treated with year tinder, by the TurkiM
Oar lent advice. state that all mamma of
denth have been commuted to term. of imprison.
went in Irons. •
Pre.nise Monitcor of the sth inst, publish
• the members of theCtiareber of Staleammvd by
the Government. They aro allof the aristocratic
:The constitutionalists mid DaMOcrata will not ist.
terfarc in the election of the tint Chamber, be.
eausethey consider thstithe nomination of pommy
Members of the aristocracy, is too idgatAcant, that
the hint on the part of the Government, to admit
of a have that the internal liberties of Germany
are .brut to bb developed.
AU who iiinemely drains that Germany should
attain to a detains conetnutional State, are great.
ly dimaureged at this act of the Uovernmelat
A farms! protest has bean entered, by the Conn.
oil of Administration, against Hanover, for with.
drawing tram the alliance of the twenty States, or
the sth of Play.
5146372 62
We learn from Oldenburg b, that in coast quence
V the armistice with Denmark, the soldiers in that
de pirtment have been called in.
A Dan:sh war legate, and a barque, have been
discovered cruising otf the Baltia It would ap
pear thst they were reconnoitering.
The Committee of the Baieon Chamber, on the
German question, baa agreed to a aerimofrasnt•
men.lartins la the Minlatry,uriging the policy of
adopting the Prussau baud, and using its inflnenee
with Watoluburg and Bavaria to induce them to
join abw.
It al. .“1 tLat Erfurt Parliament would
be puftpoued. to cdout of the comidenttion oftbts
'la. NI A IiKEIS, FILIJM 1141.11.1CN6'S lON
American S:ocks—Aceounts and actuations ri
ri.syell from the United States,by the last steams
produced a firmness on this aide; and as the gnus.
toy of stocks now for este is, generally speaking,
small, and es an absedarice of money condones,
we gusto an improvement in orlees. Sales a
United Slates 6'lo bil2 . at 920930.; United Stater
bends, 1 609 , at 1071010b1, and in fair demand .
Illinois Interest linprovement. 41045; and ladi.
atm State ho at 67069; o.lio IPie 1009101— one
for sale; Pennsylvania n'a, b 3.
Caller has been entirely neglected, and quota
tiOrtaintlat lee Callieelerild nominal.
, Gram—The corn trade remains in a mate of
peat depreraon, with large arrivals from abrdad.
Price , have amain receded. We quote 11. States
and Canada wheat at 320105. per gather.
Flour—Sales of Amerman at 10024. per bid.
IL,parts from the Provincial and Irials•markSts,
are in general very doll, and Indian Corn ca l n•
not be spieled at over 28.0214 per 480 lbsi.
11. blaaarr—Tbe iron market is leas fi r ,
and with in order to hand, we could buy co •
mon bare at .fO, arid rails at £h,--both free, n
board, in Weld. Swethah iron ha scarce, in 13
per ton; on the opal. Sales for spring ahipme i s
have, been rondo at £ll 10 6 per trosiof Scotch ig
al 45,015 0.11 for mined numbers. No. 1, Optic,
horee,ta selling at 471 per ton, at Glasgow.
Lead is in active request, and Spanish Is dear.
or. It bas beeti - nrad at £l7, and Is now held at
XI 7 fut. British lead is firm at last (potations,.
Sugar—We have bade firmer market, without,
however, say Improveirrent in valve.
The Liverpool Saturday Commercial Cireslari
toys, we have again to unties a decline M bin
market, affecting nil deseripliOrie of grain ltd
hoist; and notwithstanding the reduction in vane,
there continues hot little demand; and the to of
the market is very much depressed. For A eri
can, we cannot quote above 2.31, nor for the e bra
qualities of Ohio sound, and Plaadelphta trod
Baltimore, over 21,011 s 3d.
Western Canal Fleur, sweet and good brags
are quoted at 2060115, while for inferior 1660 I ,
piny be [plated.
Indian Corn has freely come in, and the Irish
demand being ate pause, the main part has been
stored. White hat declined more than yellow,
and is now worth only 20s 61029.; yellow is
selling at 2600 Ids 6d, and mixed at 25,0235 8d
per hoarier.
Corn Meal is 1100100 at Ida 6dol 3s per 196 lbs,
Provelions—There hat bean a moderate buti•
nese in Beef, without material change in prices
Old Pork has been in demand, for export, at for
rates—for new, them is but little inquiry.—
New Bacon moves off to retail lots at 310 120 , for
fair, nod 360375, far fine Eosins. • Nothlog new
in hams and shoulders.
Cheer —Cheese fully maintains its valae, with
• stuidy demand. Lord low lately beta taken to
a fair extent-111e Pales 01 the month amounting to
aboAt 41111. pits, the latter transaetioos being at
Over quotations.
Tobacco—The businees done in Feb. amounted
to 2 2471 lihda. The speculative operations were .
cloudy in the earlier part of the month, and led to
an advance of a tot penny per lir, in stem lobao•
co, hut Virginia leaf hes bean comparatively neg
lected. The amok, on the 2 ith ult, wait 15,.50)
bales, against 15,110 hlula. at the close of Fobiu.
try, I ti 49.
• Wawtooros, March 25, 1850.
tic arc—Mr. Wcbater role to make an *sole.
nation, for the purpose of de4nding his irecont
speech fr om the charge of beteg ineonaisteolt with
remarks on slavery, made is 1649.
Mr. Webster said that come person had been
edifying the Senate, by sending round a piece of
piper quo idg 1:0111 (hr two speeches.
Ile would not undertake to say now, that if any
body would mako these quotations (or the per-
Dusan! showing any inconsistency, be ether
did out ondorstand the subject, or was not cuts
There was no ineonandeney—he had never vo
led (or soy inerea” of atererr. or elave territory.
Ha would Carry out the entsmiet made with Tea
Whole, on the California question.
Mr. Thurston said he war the .drat represents•
five from Oregon on this door. He came here,
not as a party roan. He had been grieved tohear
California slandered, because she had dared to pro'
tent herself, them a Constitution, and ask fier ed.
mission into thin Union.
His opinion was, that California should be ad.
milted into the Union, without plucking a single
hair from the silver locks of her golden constitu
Wassunaron, March 25.
Suave—After some further explanation be•
mete Webster and Hale, Mr. Douglass, dons the
oommittee on territories, reported a bill Dr admit '
California; also a bill organising a Territorial Go •
vertu:neat for Nam Mexico.
The Senate than proceeded to the considers•
lion of the special order Dribe day, being the too•
lion to refer the President's California Message.
Mr. Hunter having the door, addressed the Sea
etc at ledith, upon the queation of slaver)—nda•
tinning the right of thin South to take their slam
into territories; and pirsturies the eva. which
would result from Emancipation. Ile took decid
ed Southern grounds, and said that the Union
could not be preserved by any patched up that.
promise, but man ready, himaelf, to do any thing
that promised peace, ii consistent with the Con•
atitution and the rights of his State.
Mr. Upham obtained the floor, when the sub•
jest wan postponed until Monday next.
After • short time spent in Executive Amine
the Senate adjourned.
Homo—Mt. Thurman hold
has not only a conatitutional right to ask, but to
demand adatimiou into the Union. The question
is naked, is the Constitutionel Callorula
cant In the whale history of this country, a coo.
atitution cannot be found more Republican, and
mote extended in its views. With regard to hu
man rights, she contains no more area than she
ought to.
He contended that the soave:Mon to tam the
State Constitution was not brought .bunt by Gee.
Taylor. It was purely • matter of themselves.
Ile gave a history of past event., ta prove, that
neither Gea. Taylor, Gen. Reilly, or Butler King,
had nay thing to do with forming the constitution.
hi,. Brest remarked—them were some who
looked on what had been said by gentlemen an
mere menace, bravado; bat be was not one o
those. The country has been in danger before.
He believed that the omens are ill, and that the
time• are out of joint. The 'croft of his race.
Mom wee, and w licit he had been reluctant to be..
lievc, thnt the moray wee in danger. At no peri
od in our history has the spirit of meditation and
compromise been mote required, to save the
country (rum the possible calamity.
It has been emphatimdly -annottneed, that if
Conoco abolish eleven , in {he Dist:let of Colnma
bin, or exclude it from the territories, the South
will take action (or protection, by secession or dir
sufficient unto the day was the evil
thereof; but he believed neither event would
happen, unless the exclusion of slavery from Cal.
Hernia be regarded so equivalent to *glycol,*
messureie—the division of parties on the question
of slavery; and, therefore, it became the duty of
all to preserve a Union under which we have been
. 0 r yoperons and heppy--so great and eo power
He believed that the question ought to be ear
tied. The agitation was unuatural and unholy,
nod joopards the safety of this Government. Coo•
yeas way settle the goesilon walnut axo.lco of
principle. The President has recommended' non
scums. if the vestion cannot be settled in any
other way, this may be the wisest. No man of
of the Committee had ► stronger desire kr Union
than he had. lie was • natty° oft ho State whose
rear never sets; but, for thirty you., he had ta
sided in Kentucky, and he would say, ia the lan
, amigo of one of old--o Wheie thou gorat. I will
go--where Moo hest, I will he. Thy peeople
shall bo mp people—thy God my God."
Me- Gerrie, of Illinois, obtained the fiICIT, when
the committee rote.
An tuaeotual attempt was made to pus the
Sauote bill kr the relief of the widow of General
Worth; after which .the House adjourned.
Bosun, March 25
The ail absorbing Wed of Dr. Webster was
resumed this morning, being the 6th day aineei Its
commencement. The Coon and Jury Game in
promptly at 9 o'clock. The prisoner looked na►er
worn down, but sill .elf possessed.
Public interest Is so great as ever, and there b
so increasing desire mantfested to get ins
side the Court Room; effleers and Olken on duty
are offered money pretty freely, to pals gentlemen
io or members of the bur.
New Toys, March, 2.5.
The Crescent City arrived from Chaves this
afiernoun. She brings eight passengers, and no
specie. Nothing later Irmo California. The Ohio
sailed the same day, and the Unicorn was the
next steamer doe at Panama, and would Min!
ee the 251 b inst.
Ns. Yeas, March 23.
The Niagara's mails tesotied Sete yesterday
Oar Welder In England, Abbott LlWlelne, a
ended the Prince Coulon Levee.
Several vestals were advertised, at Liverpeo
fur Calikenia.
lenity Lied has arrived is Bar lie.
PmlAnzunna, March 25.
Private circulars by the steamer do not mated•
ally differ from the telegraphic accounts published
on Saturday, and have but little effect upon the
market, although ! Mate. for cotton and bread•
muffs are more unfavorable than was generally
Flour—The markedleontinues quiet and the de•
mood for shipment is limited. Holden generally
demand gt,tit, for standard shipping brands. For
city use. sales have been moderate, within Ike
range et gt,9l to 51,67.
°min—The demand far wheat Is limited, but
prices have undergone no change. The supplies
of corn are quite moderate; a cargo of yellow was
sold at bile. A sale of white on Saturday at 52i
ye be.
Now Yeas, D.lamb 25,1630.
Toe foreign news bar unsettled the caukals for
domestic produce, and the itclerneney of the VU.
thee, generally, checks out door transaction..
Floor—Common to straight State flour Is telling
at St Fool 91; and fenny Michigau and good
Ohio at S 3 003 31 per bbl.
Crain—Wheat la in lair demand, though no
&ales of importance are mating. The prices Raked
am too high for the mallets Corn Is Armand quira,
with sales 56d15fq for round yellow.
Celina continues at nominal quotation.
N. O. Saga—Sales at 4 in per RI.
Provisions—l? ask is quiet, oral quotations eye
unchanged. Sales of extra prime mesa at ill per
Lard fa steady at 620 6 11 a. Pei rh
Nate OaLula, March 25.
Cotton—The market la Wady, sates, witbie the
paid tato, days of 8000 bates again; at 101. The
sales of the week •mouot to 22,000 bates. Re.
Is fillies off, being 178,000 . behind Name
period test year, moot oo hand 223,000 halm.
Rio GAee is dull at 110111 e.
Whit Joey le in demand at 2910 per eatt•
lilazia,ll94#4,°,' 14''
a... J. DWIS On=LP7t MAW uiliogii , riiithat
ws kaie ield all of isitzWiriinapecifte poi RR With
as. We wish :poi se milli some mere essa as
pawl* as st 'Au Amen lizard wmistaiskai Wee.
We knee many, cull Ss It awe we are eat dike as.
redo. It km sepereided all Mimi preparations In thta
eaulty,'*od for Okla reason we wish to keep a .07117
en hand . . R. a AL A. PATTERSON.
The above is tinef the hand weds of sindlar,eora.
maniations i witick the aerpiketont el hi. medians
are daily readying. When it has been introduced,
it has banana the meat papal. mad/ In ma.
For ale by J. Is CO. N. 0.
and Woad it., Pittsburgh. ' • argydtartrAlf
•sk the attention of parehaenta to *ear
rit.E./11111PR.11110 ■TOOK,
Which they think vl/1 cereepare favorably, both — in
meta and ohttannotai erhl that of any
other tout, either here or in
the Eastem4:l4.
Dy Joh& D. Davis. •tetlealer.
Ay afar at Amnon.
Car Thandsy reaming, Munk klith, at 10 reelect, at
ihe Coannermal ',Was loam owner of Weed .4,1
Filth Creels, will be sold
A large end geoeral assortment of seasonable staple
and Taney Dry Goods.
Ai 9 o'clock,
Leasehold sad Altaltert lot-
0 rOtWiek q
dto" ia-
Ely order of melpse•—•Don Wes, goal slug 9
large waking staTes,= l movesdker..
DrT goods and faun ardeles, inainums,
clath Zi u"ll4 . "Mt 8./k it:llN D DSVI.9, Suet
Undenimut's Sal" V Birdwell. tc.
On Wednesday ototoloelititli init. At 10 o'clock, at
Commercial Sales Rooms, mock of Wood sod WM
streets, will be sold, for- wont of whoa it mip
conecto—a quantity or Hardware, At ß A . wv 4 %we .
„Tilt; cALT:i f td lss tllleocls, ass' • padlocks:
limes end Wax hand rail cam% bout cupboard
tannin:la tea wet table kaolinsCitMet kicks; Uti tamer
book., &e. Also, Knives and Forks, BAUM, Pocket
Calm, dm
mkt JOHN D DAVIS, Alai
Right Digillinit Litt is Alieghttly Oily. at Asc.
On Wednesday Arnow, at 3 otelook, will be sold,
on the premienWvery desirable Batik% ou t
duets on Canal malCialg sweets, /Urinate+ • fwiti
of feet, and extending back to an alley 4 but wide;
a plea of which will be annthaed the Uwe of wale,
and lbw terms made known.
Thirty Euilduog Lou, ifoot for Sum Sao
and volualo rite for ban Weal, at Amities.
Oa Teseday mondng, Kush likloalo o'clock, will
be wad an the pm:num near lignes !nand, in the bo
rough of Dwiseene-30 valuable Buildag Lou, or U.
now sires. baying a front on tke Dotneylvenis Canal
and Baler Tuntpilte
um valuable - meat for Steam flaw Mill,
and a desirable soma= for hoc Warta
A plan of width may b. P.l unto Mann. Dooms,
and lb. property Wawq by exiling on Mr. Henry
Hen .ko resid e
D of ate
UNCOUIititORD by the Mend patrentge extended
JCs te all neuter ma well emanated tbe own
ers of the fallowing fine gement have arranged thew
into a Lira between Piesbarib and Louisville.
Om or the bean paritimly leave Piusbarith ea
every allamav, mad Femme Emulate,
at I o'eleek—fall er not fall.
The first boat of the {Lima will mart ea Monday,
February 111th.
Stamm Genese!----•••••Cenelh Moen.
For freiffitt OT Vra TErannon, ARt
fobll.= VL - - -
• J. Klinefelisr.
Captain WlWas J. Nom: •
Ttde entendl4 boat am ballt by the
mom of the unmet lute Mama,
and ether, fa 'h. analanatt and
=banal Stoke% trade, and mill
leave every Werinceday, be Chteinnati, In plate of
the New Enland, Ne.
Fe=nrat or weav e ! voiVtAltraratiox
• • '
The %pleadld fast tanning etearaer
MtLOUIS MeL. w h.N ' E, W. 13. Camel.
master. (ha ezdelgose thor.
oath m4O yell rart hereafter ste • ,
regular pee-M bemoan Pittsburgh
and Wheelies,' leaser( Pieeeergh er c ej Monday.
Wednesday •
1,1'7717 7 . BS. greet.
11.).t.J.C . 1".,: 4
Only It 11.11.••
VV Bramwell:la sam e beri and to Badmen sad
ug morning boat lawns the ...tart, above T w
bridge, daily, at 9 Waive& randomly. Tisne
17.jumora, =boars; timer Philadelphia, 40 hour.
eveniug , boat leatdatiy, (except Sanday ani
ening%) at o okask. unwise:a by leaning os, tas
boat, wilt croak neonzelna In stages nett
day, and Unto avoid Mini nova
9.are you tickets . Odes, Xinongonoin
Rama, or In Charles noteL
ocukly '
skiaLtbbfrs, mum, will lam for the
and all bnenresdials pone
on Tuesday, the likb bast...llo o'clock, A. If.
For haled and ly mods a
CI /3 pp onboard, or to _
mei ,
" '!4alineho fast riming manses
Lanaa,magar, will have [costae abase
sad aillotanandLato landings maul
day. tbe Illtlk Inst. at 4 &dock, P. M.
For fret, la or . .a o. on lowa or to
Tbroplcorka damn FORT PPP,
billlcronastor, yin kave for above
and alljoienstediale parts cmArs day,
Mk bac, al lb o'clock, A. X.
For aright or peasogodgElV boort
--- •
Tal spland l id gr a ti zatr um
Gallagher,. sugar, mill leave for lb.
so and all laterraediate ports 0 •
Tuesday, :ha SISM last, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For tralght.or postage, apply: on board. mar
TAO *Nadia stroniar
Coz, Moor, will leave Orr tha above
and ail mtenordlnut port, on Ons
day, the DM Ina, at 4 dslook P.M.
Far ittlightorp444.46 b• orLe
orIG : ••
F04.,81. LOUt&
milateakly master, P will leave Cambay*
pan an dda day, the Vd Inn, at 4
°block I. s.
F" II f ISV 6 I r PUS.°
The splendid fast =dog summer
DewDa, inner, will leave for do
• and all iritermedlaut ports on
Friday. tbis nM Harr-AO 4 oieloet, P. M.
Poe fret& or passage apply_ on board. or to
outi 13 13 MILTENBERGER.
B10:114-45 Barer, on DI and/or sale
1r1.23 2 710 do= Denver, on Mad andtz ram
- nßoosia— l 3 dos
A in store and fen stanoyv
plait -0 mkt,
WICK (os sale el
ele Ty irvS
—a*-144 boles thilts
70 do TA
rIM d& lit for ale by
0 1 71111 " s"Ped,h2Wlk tor D ia l o
'..'S MUSS, 37 Woolet_
i nN~OtIH-3;ausM P~ 4 tf toe We f
"to the for We by
tnrirE Pattnerahlp heretofore existlegbetweep ELM I
I& Eegilsh, In the Book sad Piper Rosiness, *ea
dissolved on the nth laws by mews' =sew. The
badness will be continued Cl the el& stank No 70
Wood wee; ender diorites of °A. IL English es,"
whore the business of the fortoosierater shio ELLlOTT will
be ended. DAUM. ,
melt A U. ENGLISH.
micomukominossui unTrruiloati
0117 IZ ENS' . •' .
Oi Pittallsargh.
C. G. 1105ElliY, Valet, • • --.A. W. MARKS, Beer.
Cif:ma—Nix 41 Water street, 1 the warehouse of C.
11. GRANT.
T H Ain CO J I
T raZir ou la= 441 pared li e nsag o t
reorsbanOise in Rom and in transits vessels: it.
An mote pinnate for Mcability and linearity at
the lostitatien, Is afforded in the stanza of the
melon, Who Wha ate enthrone of Pinebareh, an
rworehll hhown to the eemaleatty for their preashoo ,
letelllgenee, eati inteasity.
Draariolui—Ct 0. Human Wm. Elagsmr, w...... 43.7.
Imm, Jr , Weller -Bryant. Minh D. I EI E4 .
kietwillan. L Illases, S. Ilerainteh. 1.,••• 100. .
sar2o t traei and Peat orals
THE Minim CaslCosp:::= ZrA.PrA
ts; the" Thimstrsl""ll2% 'olden of 'heir Rail
Ryyd y Chynkory"" • foe bitildbli Ora
gt:74l4er ClortierCrik,; peat
14.0 4°41 r*, aeavorrorr...
• To Lot,
A. 13111,..51C utTlLDll4o,,,Z,LSZiref.2Mtlyt_ez
1.7 - 0 0 7 boa"lr o ies aaaasnsori
PittallmOryth USIA LIMN
NUM 185kitai
• TO A:017 10 S
Toowas Bollaroge.l • Taarga & &Coin;
PhiladelpEh 1 itsbn 11, -
ro E rag e''.l Ithget'r‘Ln7,`°' Pitaitnnh"T'afeird'ili
monde, receiving and forwarding Merchandise arol •
Produce at low rates, =id with L am prompt.. , 0 ... -
Minty, and seclT pecolior to their ayMem and mode
Or.ltanoportation, where intermediate transhipment is
avoided, with the consequent dela,* Probi!bilitY
of dc----
• dung .
Merchandise and Prods. shipped east or wesa,and
SN e of Lading forwarded ft. of charge for eomniis
atom adrancing, or storage. Haying so Interest
recd. or indirectly in steamboata, that of the owner.
in gaiety eonsulted when shipping their goods.
All communications to Me following agents prompt•
ly attended to:
No 17 , 3 lifaiket AM!, Philadelphia.
Corner Penn and NVayne streets, Pittsburgh.
John MeCallegt A Co, 19 Nonh st, Hatt: P. 13. Ban
& Co- 25 Doane st, Boston, W. & J. T. Taurean /a C:
MI South in, New Pork; Jame. Wheelwright, Cffleitt
testi. , mad
if 5 - 4
Rail Beads. stud Osumi.
Two Daily Liao Expussfacket Boats,
(Exclusively fur ratlellgerb ) •
allkiiMOf this Line will leave as folios%
Buckeyes T. Leash, master. •Tuesday oromiug;
Buckeye Sune•H.Traby, Tuesday sught,
Keystone State• Thompson, Wednesday ant;
loam. •• • *A. " Wednesday nighu
Kentucky J. L. Elliott, Thu•sday thorehigi
laths= P. Beaky. n nlht: '
Ohio. • ....... L. Creighon, Friths] , a.m.&
A Pabst will leave-eves, blaming and Evening
Wenzhou the season.
Etax—Ten Dollars through,
Trio—Sixty Haws.
For passage apply to
W strreu,
Monongahela Hone,
or D LEECH & Co. Canal Dario •
Taxi •Daily Lines of Expro4 Paola Brmao, and
Rat[ Road Carr,
Via the Great Central Rail Road and Penn's. CanaL
?turn—Silli Dadra
Rals—Ten Dalian. through.
936 tailes Rail Road •
150 'do Canal.
=DIRTILY 105 20131:0010 1 5.
THE PROPRIETORS have built an additlanal Line
of superior new and comfortable Pockets, to connect
with the new Central Rail Road. .00 the opening Of
naviratton, a packet will leave every morning at six
o'clock, and every evening at nme o'clock; ortm-ing
the Portage Rail Road in daylighn.arinsknlowtt take
the splendid Can of the Control Raul Road, SlDOrmin
to Plulayelyhia A limited number of ywsenge=
will boasted an these yetekem, so wit. inSarO
This roam, for ...fey. snood, 'end comfon, in not
equalieg by nor now in use to the Eaf teal '
for panne or information apply to
W. SL'TCH, Monongahela Hansa;
trr to D LEECH a CO , Canal Daain.
N. D.—Of the lot May next the 'Contrail Rail Road
will be open to HOOOllOlOO, which will shorten the
Imo through sevenit boon. .maria
, Tramapormateout Company.
llr Panssyloonio Coma and Rad Boa:
THE BM, and Cars of this Line have been pat to
complete order. and entb the addition of wavers!
mw ones to the Line, enalike ot. MI, le large
quantity of produce and yowl.
The entire stook of the Line is owned and cont . :oil•
rd by the Proprietors.
HAIIRI3 & LEECU. No la South Third at,
And at the Tohaeo W4rok i tiJALlV... ;
No Ili North Howard st, Baltimoro,Nd.;
OFFICE, No 7 West at, New I ark;
• 1) LEECH & CO, Canal Basin, Penn st, .
• Pittsbirreho'
Yia Pexasylvasla Canals Roads.
WCONNOR, ATRINS & Co., Canal Ruin, Liberty
street, Pittabuse
PKINSr, O'CONNOR & C0.,10 & = Market strut,
Philadelphia. '2
fPComtom tr. Co, 70 Booth MM., Bettinoloi
E Brom, New 'Oak:
ELLUrit & Goma, 11. Donna strew, Boston;
lissturox Garr, Nayaritle, EentackE • .
Hsu. & Co.,Crilamtna street, Cincinnati; ,
E. Wan. Latissille;
Baxast,llmear, a Co., SL Louis.
To SktPlexxx d 41.fachands. and Product to , eintt .
rua PAtiattiphiS, Baltussore, N. York, IV Boston.
Oat route hying now in fate order, we nor prep - mod
to forward goods as above to eery ouras pats.
Meow all freight/Hi deny charge. having policies for
over 11030,000, and with the folloterng extensive stock
of Boats fool conident claming entire satiwattion to
101011.21 n m, entrusted to our care. 'Oar boats ore all
now, and commanded by captains of exparienee,and
car antra loto ts condactri on stria sabbath /wiping
andsompronm principles.
Boats. Captain. I Boats. Captains
Ban Ciry, Flag. Ponrisylvanht E Layton,
j = l l=l, f‘dn Marshal l e
tc . illo ' l4 . .rd Cowd en
Rath Anna, Chatham Mary Deborah Sims
Wm Atkins, Penromt Entermue, Karon
lemon, Migamle. Juniata Bloom
&Won, Alma • Gee. Seritt,_ Gore
Garlindo •
Riley TylegraphNo IShields
cello ttroweas
amerie. Perry to , o Belle . KetswAy
Mermaid M'Colgmt IHtmtre..._ Bugle '^_
Me Fox . ads . Julia Anri' - ---7,Lamon
ASTMS . Telegraph No2Dawa_ --
Look Sharp Berry Bona au Wible
Shippers will find it to their advantage to give son •
. rar i 6 Caithl Baaiclibely st., Pituitary,.
811611111'3 TRANSPORTLTION LINE, • ...,
Drawees Pittsburgh and Ey(AIM Vile..
,The Canal being now och, we are ready to receive
sad forward promptly, proddee sad aserehandme east
en 4 wen.
Ffelgittli always at linen rams, charged by respon
sible Imes
Predate and mamba:aim will be received and for
warded cut arid west, without say charge tor for.
warding or aunties freight, commission or storage.
Bills or lading forwarded, and all directly. falth.
rally auanded m.
Addresa or apply to. WM. BINGHAM, •
Canal Bun, car. Libeny t i ti , Wayne sts. Mehl:ugh.
.11114511 h DOCK t
Na IE9, Maher st,betwece Ith a sth, rhiln.
No 1/32, Noir s. H i ods m ar o d it sl i .,.?alamora
mttd: ;".. No 10, Wens... blew York.
'rth Street.
• 1r constantly receiving Ms
• in part the Mowing, viz:
belrec Pilo Cape., ~
Tapoarf " 7,
can Brouois
real S gly
30 Ts. So
1T,4 8 r.t
raxn , fforor
Mtn tnapertfino
Extm super p.tamehemth,
Supadne ladtal , t cor
Extra ant a
Raped= do do Rap;
Tufted Raga;
fttra Wilton
Common do
Chenille Door Marc, - ' —
Sheep Skin
Clesomea, ail wool,
cotton "
4-4, 1424 I Tap yrd or
4-4, and Tmli
4.4, I, 2-4 plain Car.
f 1.4 Pnallo?tort gimes.
84,74. 8-4, .6.4, 44 and 1
64,64.44, and I Muting;
18 Web ;maid Oil Cloth
for stun.
11.1/0, -
Extra primed plane
table •
eovers •
Eamosord Plzmo
• Table. •
Printed woolen
Embossed Stand ” -
&Yawn Pies. loon and rosined •
Coach 01.1 Cloths; Damask Star lAnen;
Damasks for Lintogr, roam, Red Chintiesi •
Watered Mocha. Chittre Bonleriogl.
- ...0, (English Od Coat - Table
Beef Flollendfor WSltaies; • Cover.;
tmparent • Mown Lanett erntab cloths
pFrench panel, " Woolen . • -
Venetian Blinds; Bro.. Stth Red , . • ..
BUllblll rot Flees; ' Suit Meagan • ••• . ~,,
'74 and* 4 Table Linen; Carpet Bindings;
Rassia. Crest; Jew and Coco Mat,.
Semen Diapers; Aliettnt and Skeleton Mat,.
Brown Linen Napkiing' 54 and 44 Green Oil Cloth
German CHI Cloth 'Table for Blinds; • • .
Covert; linekebeek Diaper;
• t -,,
SEW Ou, CtoisM from me molt approved Eng. •
Bob and Arnerielgt mannfacavers from 12 to 24 feet
in width, width will be era to lit WOW% halls, and _
ventilates of any Oise or shape.
Tim undersigned having imported direct from Eng-
land, bla Velvet Pilo and Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets, which are of the idesand most alemmt -
mitts and patents, and ofthe mum someone colors.
will be sold at prices as low as thefcan be perchaud
for in any of Me eastern cities. • ---
Having, the lawn essortment of the richest and
most faetionable BRUSSELS. IMPERIAL. THREE
PLY and INGRAIN CARPET'S which. fausurpasese
In qnality and intestine. of prise, any assortment veer
bible brought to Ibis city. lie elm omit. Stesratiost
Men and Coach Manufacturers to andrgo and well
ee lotted asaortmentofTßlMMlNGS, other attless
• necesrary in their hulloes. . .
_ . The undersigned is also agent for the only Stair Rea
lower to Philadelphf. and is prepared to sell
. lower than can be purchased e l se
to this one.' —•
mad AVM. atartutarrocK. , .
-- A7VOUT all - arlf mu it 0 or Lb.
c . B awes, George IMO., Pipmenthi England. 'The
,„ •
.„,,gers beg to acquaint their numerous that
tte nest Diatnbation of Postai. of Race I forma will
escapist, Owe entered for the forthcomng. Grand
• ..1 Wetly Rare; the number of obese% to be •
thaws ,
1 ,..i.4 . Awn eseh el., Past class member idir,
second class ditto .1.1 Early epplication Mr the nn'
1 approPtialed than. is A party aotater..
t he
for more than one abate T. the chance of gaining
...anal number bona.. There titer/11,M who draw _
' the mama. Powell , . will be presented-yeah the fel
, lowing sears:-
Petimit of Ist class Donnas RI dine
Winner, or Fast Hone £10,20.7 1.10,000-
- " 'Second llotse• • - 140 ,C • WM
Thiel Heise ,Atta 4,000
Divided amongst Starters -• • aeon a,oeu
" Non-Starter. 0,000 . ?,000
. -There are 909 %manses in each class, that being the
number of bones entered for rite Mee. The DrANYIII4 ,
will be conducted upon the Caine iewiliell.le flriflt-Well .
MS those which ellleaCtelited the late fil. Ledger and
other preeeedmgs. Fall pardetat.ara of tho leBl.lil will ..
be snot to absent member" immediately alter the ,ge..
eiwon, that each may Snow hot position: •
Subserincra olioelvd and sent, forwarded on ne, , •
eidpl,Ora rennuence. Bill. of Exchange, Drage. Dank
Notes, a.. 'Adm.: ca and made payeti .to Ms •• ~
Neatens Troestare •• W. JA SIRS &al • ' ....
plea per cam eormatssion to be redacted••
'premaßoant ormaroma .
Slue and Drab Cloths;