IP • . , --,..,-,1---.-.Z.,44'..1.7---7n.i'M'rc..'-i21,,:,,,_.'-::.-,'L„;..,•,::i.;2-.:.''-j' • ANNUAL STATEMENT or i s Receipts and Uspesdlturss. et, Alleghen; Cally. tVem tits - ilsys inclhstirs .Is 4 day ef • ,Isatutsy, 1649, Is the bth dsy of Jsaciary, - lEad; tooth. Did Auditors elided to adjud and utile the Public Accounts of tke County of At:lethal, • Ike first day of January, 1850, beds days inclusive, kavi4 examined tar same, respectfully lay before the Honorable,the /taiga of the Court of Common Pleas, If said County, 0/AP i Is's/s -ng Statement and Ileport,xix • s V.. RE EIPII9. F . By ballerina in the a!, on the Ist day or IA •,1610, as pet last Auditor' ;sport $ 13 , 72 / FROM Coßreton. vie • Find Ward,Cityof Pittsburgh, Cliariero Craig, Collector au 1918, to full 9166 3 42 1919, on account 4100 00 6393 42 Smelled Wad. Jan lA'Kee, Collector for 455 36 1848, in fall iP7S 0 0 1819, co a , count • 4830 440 Third Ward. Thomiui Fairsono,Coltersor for 032 10 -1947,1 u full Josh hlcCullah.Coilector - i for ep 194 9 , in fullug 437 29 !Samuel Baird, Oilloatdr fur • 1849, ors arrourd . 5070 00 ------ 6239 69 Fauna W•ti. 0. L. gobinsoa, Collector GA 1645, la fall 514 - 65 Join Vandive ne r, Collector 1846, In !di 1556 Itlabard Hope,.oollector for 1848,1 a rail 9079 10 1810,00 sewn% 4600 00 ---- '91,9 95 F. 116 Word. John Loran, Col!actor 0)r 382 08 1848, in fall Alozaider Ohm, Colkrotor for 301 ixi . .1649, on aeon) 7 3534 06 ' - &nth Wad. _ i E. &but, Collector for 1517, .... .... In ,i. . fall Arhus IreGiniland, Collector ' 44 '. V' for 1619, in lull 1258 35 Ibl9, on account 1163 n ---- 2706 25 Seventh Ward O. Garobed, Collector for 1649, on secooot Sint Ward. Neely..Collectot for 1817,10 Coq Xii Flaming 41orrow,Collector for 1819, no account 822 - 60 1126 22 Ninth Ward. George Dobbs, Cohector for 644 OS 1849, on account First Ward,City of Atlanta:ay. . . --. . Wm. A. Irwin, Collector for ~ * . - 1843, lo full 36 P David Smith, Collector far. 1848, la full 1119 72 1849, on account . 2236 SS 3393 23 Sceoiid Ward. Joseph Irwin, Collector ( or 245 31 1 :1643. in full David U. Scott, Collector for 1847. in fall 25 94 Thome* Smith, Collector lot 229 91 1849, in full 1849, on termini , oo ---' 666 16 Third Ward. Ita o.4..texander, Collector for 87 3 50 1848, in fell 1849, on account ____l,ls4 00 1047 50 . Fourth Ward. lamas Graham, Colloolor for 957'63 haft. to fill 1819, on account __3056 B_l 317 ' 4 44 Birmingham Borough. N. P. Pearson, Collector for 1817, to toll '207 67 James Ham Collector for 1819, 1405 _ OD , on account —..—. 1819 87 South Pgaburatt. O. B. Hamilton, Collector for 1869, on account Itanchuter Borough. William Lynch, Collector for • 1849, on account Lawrenceville Borougla Wm. 3. Munto, Contactor f. r 104 29 11348, in full 415 93 1939, on amm.P 4 i 55 0 72 Bharriabiteth Borough. John Weigle, Onilemor. 1849, in fo il Elizabeth BOTOUgh• Aigrew -Pale, Connell:lr fie 352,83 1844, in full Benjamin Wllaoo, Collector 43, 93 tor 1849, In fall . 7 09 5g . - McKcesPDIC Joseph Wanspler, Collector, 12757. IBIS, in fall James Harrison, Collector Lis PHD, on account 117 00. ' 210 N 'Want laUntbetb. Morph Brisk, Collector for :4919, on account 44 50 . Pitt Township. Lai Sonaber. Collector for 1840, lo iull 500 00 Wiley, Collector for 1848, in full 197 62 1849, on account 396 00 Peebles Towmair6 far S. L..: B o l ht , ecalec ' i" 511 8 2 /815. is Callaclar for Job._ sumo!, 3165 8t is ' 3107 03 W ilkim Tomarhip. /plus Parchment, Collector Cor, 153 85 11317, in full Collector fo, James WiLeivult Cone 1834 66 ISO, in lull 1958 7 plum Town hip. John COOll. Collector for iBi7, 63 44 in ha lf fell A, Cant. Collector for 545 584 50 • in full Jona Alter. Collector for 1849, 925 00 on account 1549 94 Versailles Toarunhip. 0. LITiIIIIST, Callenun , tot 55 19, on account Elisabeth Townshin. Edon I d ule, Collector Gm 260 62 .1E43, in full Icann-Calboon. Collector for 306 40 1517, In full we Odd II Collector for ISIS, In foil MOW:, Headotioo,Collector tot 1819, oa acconot 13117 2371 27 •Jererson Townebie. John Sheeler, Collector pr I 1848, in WI 293 44 • Wllliain A. Payne, Collector . kyr 1819, on account . 6919.01 ---- 919 48 Mifflin Township. t.: Andrew Hamilton, Collector fur 1919. 10 rail -735 SO .3 p 9 Irwin, few Ihr Ins 37 1519, on account • 17,1 Snowden TewS 4 IP. Wu. C. 14'Kulibt, Collector 157 99 pc 1545, is full David Riggs, Collector for 4678 76 1849, araccount --638.7 i Baldwin Township 15anittel Collectne for 1519, ni fall Upper S. Char Township. Junes EIPT. CoUestor for 12148, in foil &a 29 Thowol E•nt C°ll edua fat • 1549, on seam= 495 62 117r91 • - Amoun t of Taw Aupsed; d ar by Collect:Pm, for the Dirriucri Vast W aN. nto.b.wk, fon d Word. do &A Ward. do Poortk Ward, , Fad, Ward, ruts Ward s,,,,.”,etaWord do riooo Wood. AllOghool. t0,,,0ed Ward, do • Tidal Word. do Farah Ward, do Etomilighasa &nodal., SOuth rat. !nog t i Vr l C ' filot do Sharpshargh do Elizabeth do IdeKeropott do Wert Elizabeth do , riu Township. ?oak. do • ~ do ' ?bosh do lOC i tr do lemon do Maid d° warden la o t r ld gt iair do 0, L. Ft Clair ,do s.Payettd • lc Filo= Robinson do ir t tkEa d o do do Wear DKr do Eou beet. a° • Indians do Ishaler dC Coilsetpts- r jr="l' 11‘. sr, 'I . '4==4s TRE,kAUREIt OF.ALLEtiIiIa,V COUNTS Llorer St. Clair. W6l. Perkins, Collector fur 1667 19 , ISt% in lull 1519,011 account . 1193 95 South Fayette Tewusttil , J. E. McCabe; Colle . ctOr 101 Ibt9, on socentat„ • North FaintliTtraniaip. , David M'Kee, Collector for Findlay Township. ' ar id, Mahan, Collector for 'lBl9, on iccoent Moon Township. Benjamin !Beano', Collector for 1819, in full Onto Township. Thomas blitebell,Colloctor for 1519, on account Franklin Township. Bayer, Collector for 1849, on accOnnt Pine Township. AJczander Dunl.p, Collector far 1849, In full Reserve Township. A. S. Lvddoo; Collector for 1519, on seeonot West Deer Township, Richard hlorrow,ol)Hector fur 1577, io full Allen Aber, Colketor for 1949, in full Vie 79 --- 874 39 Enat Deer Township. Andrew PJlar, Collector for 1919, on ICCOi3DI Indians Township. Jacob Hoddle Collector for 3h19, io toll Sheler Towashlp. James C. Bryant, Collector for ISt% on account Koss Township. Joseph Crider, Collector for ICI9, oa account •UNDIES aster.. James Criawed, balance over paid in 1947, SO 00 John Foray tb, on acct of ISIS, KO 13 To sundry costa and notes for coats, 66 36 M. Daily, for engine aold, 50 00 Thos. McCoy, for old carpet, 19 00 Rent f3r,U. S Court Room, 1200 00 Money advane.rd to build bridge over 801 l creek 500 OD Temporary loan per S. odes, 'CO 00 dv. de, per Merchants and Matinflicturers' Bank, Pittsburgh, 17:0 00 Abalcmcnt on 550,000 State tax, tleinode.l road daniagea (_t om J. YeSet, S. Fayette, 120 00 John Ycnne, Etq.. 0 varchnta in 28. Received from Prothonoiory of Lawrence Co., for • seal press eineraer, tredempt.on money en onacoo ect lauds, EXPENDITURES AWOIII3I paid to Asocasors Mayors', Aldermen, and Instr . • bees key, John llerroo, Mayor of City of Pittsburgh, 1852 23 G. Adams. do. Potsburgh, 31 MI .1. Rush, Mayor of Allegheny, 314 31 4 11. Campbell, do. do. St 21 Aldermen and Justices, 752 234 3081 97, Auditors' 93 N. PaterSoo (State 'Lerma.) Comaty Auditors. 337 50 Appropriations to mind!, Fits Engine Compatriot, Attorney. Goneral's Coes, Bridges baildirg, Osaka and Statiora . Commissioner' expenses. County Commissioners' pay. Clask ta Oontuadastoneri, CJort—Supreme Crier, Wm. )I.miton. Tips/ayes, Court—District. lass n larors' pay, 157 00 Tipstaves do. 320 00 Crier, Court of Common Plena and Quarter Simmons. Junin' pay, 4691 814 Wiinces do. 1 T 26 394 Tipstaveia do. 602 624 Gera. do. 495 91 1 Crier do. 167 50 _ --- 1904 101 raronet's , lace,.. 011 Ili Coulomblea do.'i 112 19 Cantingenielpenser 294 51 , Mimetic. diacomoted% 597 43 Counter it money,2o 00 Election expenses, ' ' 1404 61 Extra amiesament of State tax .. ' by the Board of State Com missioners, at lianialitagb, ' for 1848, 101,05 94 Engineer to Jul—James Cris ' well, ~ - 225 39 Espensea of o,rming new 114 00 townships, Fermium for Court Home and Jail, 308 91 Fuel and Light, 550 12 Fogitiveatrom lustier—eppre- • benaion of 623 001 Interest on Loam, 2746 00 interpreter to Court of Quit- T - ler Seado, J 19 50 nt ill term sod prise:le:se allow. , SACO . 302 i 674 Printing, 1251 614 Postage, 21 551 Phyaician to Jail, 119 60 Prothonotary's fees in election returns, Public ground improvement, Premium on Fox scalps, Bond Mewing, Road damages., Roll road bonds issuing, H.efreshurento far Jurors, Redemption moony on =mat ed lands, iti•paira to Court Howe and Jul, Se periotendent at COUlthoum Serb cancelled, do porintendeut to buildiog ter race wall on Sib weer, Totes and costa refunded, Traorcribiug duplicatco, Treasurers COUlaillllloo on ex. tie State tax. Treasurer's Salary, Treasurer's communion on a batement at Slate tax Viewing road and street dam ages, Watchman at Court home, Water tax, Etaisiona in the Treasnly issions, Exorwationt, and balanct !3=iii • amount year 1849 Amount Arte•sed. COILOCtOreN aaL ..... .4otio ..... • 3o.mitoi 0.0 .. .. • ..11.Vello7land ..... lb6a • . Ylortung Morrow oGonp Siobb .. .• • • • David ... Thcao.s rollit • • • • •A. C. Alexander • • 'ices Grahton Jam. Barr ...... (AB. Ha milton • • EV=IIM jOblti . tiglC • • • • /lOW. Ilartison• Josiah IJriok • • • • • Junes Mellelvey Johtt Alter George Larimer • • • X=beer HendersonSYm. Dirra. A Payne • •• • °Joseph leirrur David elan Samuel MeAualiy• • • Thomas •••• • • • • retkiax• • • • •Ji E. McColl.. Da.l McKee Alexander Philime • Josiah htahon tienjamio Meime• • • rhom. blatrbel lbelV. Alexander Dunlap .A. 8. Lad" All. Ober • • • • • • •Aoslimor Pillar • • • JacobloJ dle ..... •JaMes C. Eq.! • aipaophCrtdoi • • —• 1,419 LOl oti i 7 11 • 240 10.1 I_— 3 . 4 1 If 4 ;, 'llO/2610 10 •40 06\110100 4091 litepaid the Wane own '3..04 Anilast iltaat wbg W"!,4 1110002 COUNTY comassti John McDowell, to amount due him as per last Auditor's repow,. 791 . Amount paid him, 111 19 Joseph T. Marks served boos January tat 1849, to -16th October, 1849, both Ago Inc Moire; 248 day', at $t 50 par day, 372 00 Amount due him as per last Auditor's re pot,' 22 50 Amount paid Min, Thomas Perkins served from January Ist, 11149, ea January 6th,1850, both days in clusive, 011 days, at it 50 per day. Amount due him, as pet lam Auditor's re- Amount paid him, Amount due him, SHERIFF'S Jahn Forrytk, Esq., Sliorsff, is account rids th e to do lot rf Mambo,. I To amount paid u Jail fees and prim & alkiranee, fans the 2d 0,, / ,, e , &: 1- January,lBl9, to the lat ofN 1849, both days Inclasive, '51834 014 Balance duo, In per last, report, 1232 43 Forty kw verdicts in D. C. of P. and Qr. &mans MVO. 176 00 Cone and fines In Commonwealth eases, 1237 29 9 Amount dna John Forsyth, Erry., 985 05 Carty. Curtis. Eq., sa qcoun.r with Anyhow 51. 1 4 41 . Armes% Vid To amount paid Jab bees and prisoners' allowance from 2d November to the sth of January 1650, the' '25 Nine verdicts in D. O.P. do Q.lO. coasts, 36 00 Coatsin Coamulwealth cm" 106 001 Balance due Allegheny county, $l4 59 Outstardiese Debts dn. the Gusty eflssh Amount due by Collection tar the you 1849, u above dated, 1414333 15 Amour I due by Cuter Curtis, Esquire, Sheriff, to Allegheny county, 44 58 Su:damsel cf do Dots awl Crait., ritla Cower day Jan Dr. To James Bose (hair*/ on permanent limn, 143000100 David Shinlda, Etq , 3000!00 County Scrip outuanilinti. 99210 00 JamenGomly, Clerk to Clommlaulonnis for VW, 4600 Outstanding Warrants at 1949, Balance maim by Cammluslatiem 93 50 Balance dna John Pony*. Esq., 922 05 ---- 3146312 67 DM -- 18,094 0 8147,801 82 Given under our hands and seals, at the Auditor's Office, in the City of Pittsburgh, the 2th day of Match, A. D. 1850, WILLIAM CAVIN, IL. S.l JOHN K. FOSTER, [L. S 1 Anditori. JOHN BYERS, (L. 5..) COMITY COMMLIZIONER.S' OFTICZ, Match,'lsth 1850. The foregoing is a COITeCt statement of the Kedeipts and Expenditures of the Comity of Allegheny, for the. year 1849; alto, of the w , amount of County five Tax tor each l the respective Wards , Boroughs; and Townships,thin u the County, at the rate of mill. on the dollar; of the assessed value of real estate, including personal taxes, together with a statement of the Debts and Credits of the County, as shown by the books on the bah day of January, 18511, in conformity with the Acui of Asserhbly in such case made and :provided. Witness our hands, the day and year above written: PERKINS, ) WILLIAM BENSON, ‘,. Comrnissmners. JAMES MITCHELL, Attest: Juan Gokrgt.r, Clerk rkilii hi Oil tli Mir ffrgil 563 56 559 49 117 30 1564 29 769 00 prrrsavaciu MOAILD OW MEADS a. NTIZILLIeIft 1111111,1*I. COMMITTEE FOE MAIICH. SWIM LIM, • ..11. V. VON 100.41211101 M, • • .020. Blevemesets of the Ocean Ilteaseere. The Susses, Gar- ars* leaves Beam tor Liver pool, ea do Sod apnl, The El/ItalL, Caps. Lon, leaves Llama, for Liver pool, on we inlet Apell. 5500 104 00 Orrtet, Prnaoses Games, Tneeday morning. Meath ge.,153 0 . t 1 The weather yesterday, won cold and aoPlesunt fo, • sidoor trUll.ti01:111, end we beard of yen few led. ' EM= sales. FLOUR-Bmin. continua vex dull, and the nor • kat ta Louth.. Smell transact.. an effect. from Ent bred., al 114/3604, 1 30, and from store at 411,08344,7 5 04,97 V bbl. Reit nows•-With limited supplies In store. we note : small sates at OA . * bbl, which 1. 1.14. 90. M ' the 'aorta.. Coos 0401 ..-4401. 4 2 from store no 504 11m, mil tram first kande selia 49 bat. • ORAIN-Tton to a fait repass' for Con, at 43845 e, : and for Om at 3116340 •On Whs. is told at 1564164 . 900; Rye at 07e, and Earthy at 830 diy bash.--oopplisa light. MALT-San of Bub. 041100, and of Rye Koh et ithe ir ba 1 FOX Latityll.l-5.-The uthgraficent TegOlaf pastel owegatEs-n. gmrket ooritioßas needy Ritzily um Z.bary Taylor, will leave as above, ..s after goad rates-eity, for 74 0 Sagar,44•3a; NO Mesa neon, at 4 o'clock. . as, 117941170; Rio :Coffee, 1541914 e; Roe, 410411- 40 : . IMPORTS BY ° EIIYEIL. ding* hi otter articles. Loaleol.llo-F. 11...-1 .8 barge 10 bbls, in.. PROVISIONS -10 that F. market webs.. A blf do, II kegs lard, 42 tines tob, Leech & co', 31 bbl., g z g eges so rouse. Ilia sake of Bacon have b.a to 84 do lard, O'Connor & AO inr; i Mid tot, be looke, 0 rni4 , 44 . 4 , 4444 . 4 . co , 0040 44444,44,444.a.g.,c,,45ieR5iii, I trtftroiNe..s.dtd4bil,:•l3 t , Sei ee l e h : Z i f ec l ie lf e urr.W .d shoulders at 411841 for Motion. and MO cored i 95 Its, eh( do empty, .A. A 'rood ' s; 96 rks meat. 1 t XI, home. Country cued is wad at M.. atom. B.:10.1 I r a ed°, J Mend en &by .44.1. Alen ee Weyman; a prim bagged hams al Be, Ladd antra sag. cared ionoelateirthien42ll34end, 51 11 & to; 60 btdo by the tree, at to • b. SOP of Lard la blots at de, Lai .„, 4 Ceschan.l-P. Home. NO. 2-50 hbl44, 157 tel..* ir 12 o. l a 8... 1 1. old " 1 " 1 " 17." "" , tr. boom, 3 blot., 8 bes wine, Lerch tr co, Id Olds lob, p IA , Cork k Thaw; 1 be, I tie tom. 1 kg 1.4 , 20 LIM., ISO DRIED MIT-Saks of 250 bus dried peaches, to lies ham, e .l , recieFuedkuirttelttbl,th.lruk,gtel 1 14 4 t ,; :' balr., n IMP. Liiiii"' n ii. 4. 01 APO" no Illinn° Sellers & Meals; 1G blots erhl.key. 11 A Wes;l; 20;4 3110 • &a lard oil, 0 , 03.er & /141110013 b., 2 800 galat, 3 it SODA ASH-Bala of le eta, at 444, time. no & co; 33 bbl. whiskey, Wdo charcoal, 1 Bryan; hf 4 , , olpe liquor, J Album, 2 do do, 1 bbt do, L Stern, . 4 hes, BULK MELT-Baths ofd,ooo Rni Shoulders . h do,l MID 8, 1 be, Sake , lc Forsyth; 35 bbls gm 8.0 do limos. 31 for flawitlitara, l3l for 11.22 ' 1.41,0 kgs do, Ibl deer skins. 8 beg lots. J S Dilworth; FLAY REED-flalo of INN boo, at SLIM • Ma. 11 be e zies, Rhey, Matthews Y. co; 17 bbls egg., owner LEAD-Lead h. advanoodi pig is now hold at 6c , ' . lier; l ' lsli K r breo 'n' n 1 8r trl ro, 3 t o )l3 . la .' erlVll l ; ° 4l 'v e . ga l ba l' eot, and Bar 0484„ 419 R. • LasoVern-The pressed Mg*. pric..of Load FM . 100 bbls hams, belles & Meals; 10 hlid. tthon, 11.. is ft to 1.7. • foot, according to Ma baogh,• 52 bble whiskey, R {bare;' 6 do do. /no 9e. 4 4 ... 4 19 lots hemp, 30 bores meat, O'Connor tr. minas; I loot 2 , 04 ...,.....„41.5. n isi, 8 1 0,,, eh.; and H. v - ; book., 1111120115111; 21 bbls lard oll,Tosds &O'Connor; 34 Mai suns 4 . 1 blida bacon, 5 bbla beef tongue.,2l. bop. ramlle., D o; 13 bee book. ltho to 1.1,42 I.& bac on, W Lan-Para " nn " " a ll " " 11 "1 141 I Leech ~::0; 42 eles soda 4.14, tae.; 2 eeks wine, 3 81,111 • log. Hodkinson; 30 b. Ito plate, Forte la ece, 4e bllds gu ear. 35 bbls m. 0.., Heagriton; CO 4 Ind.. R Hanley; Is bbls lard, 2eo ced, Salle. NMI.; .5 bbls ginactsg,lll glom sad Gratz Ctrawla.t Ms skins, Raker & Forsyth. PREPARED BY EDWARD BILL, BROKER. 1 Pekin, 11144-Poa Buaosnoooe-940 boxes meat. -,. , Clark & Tuaw. Export of Thwaolf. W G.,,, Herte l. 0 " ."... ' litnatiallng-Paa Loco 194.1-400-11. 4 MO. tob, W forth. from EspiNt 4lo 1014 8 0 0 , Bingham): to do do, Brogr isrille host; 3 pkg., tlakei& Bbls Db. o 800. 4 Forsy4b; OB. 6.00, W Binehm; 2 ea.. 0 teed, .1 Roan .r,, ft.,. c MR., Wheat. I. Corn Daleall; 1 bbl dour. a T ow ne eo, 29 bbla oniony, W New York •4111reb 11.419,4911 354 213048 1,123,591 II /oilmen; 51 sirs oats, r N o w cr... - S. • 100 MS 0• 11 9, 3 " 2 „. 1 2 5 Zadweevtlla ...Pia I Attrmr Lt.-2i el.. wool, 2661. IththwilllPM " lii • 9041" 14770 1 40,091 lm b.sw., 4 ske wool, II beg fors,tot , . 3.3 r• ba ssnimme. . " ... =Am 411 10.5 71 nr,.,....,..... 555..41 aka lasthets, 25 hp, I bbls lard & bop ,er. 650 p I 8,,,,g en ...... o 94- 4333 "..... b meet: 8 babas lash 0. 13 Lee. & co; 9 ek• beet., 11 10645741 bbl., • kgs lord, Sing:Loam 46 lads do 2 hf do, craff & Other pOrts•Faby 99. • ---- -- --- ------- I co . 99 hp lord, sylibls perk, Clark & Thaw, 3410 egg. Tool --sass •• • •-•• • • •22035 9 4 WM Mgr , 2 . 12, P 3 , :do Der seed, Bagalay & co; In ck• bacon, Chore th. ' .-- 4 caratherm 14 pekoe fooniture, Baker k For... 5 doe 10 Yo oo r. 7 /" . " 50 ' I°l 0400,0 lt. batter, I D Witham; 59 .41 lwf, 13 , 4 doz Fo n g olineuree.Casorlaththie-. the then., the ix,..d. .. 4 . 1 . 0 ! 1 i r0 .i 0rn .... 5,..10_ h i i_s_e i ggs ... ._, I , ll in hdth_b e , 2:74 rinbrd•beeteser,,4744., ki My report• • Romps, summer of toe Lith Feb., bar. 17;0'4';;int; ,y,-,4- 0 -4:1 - - bees . tlal. • Dated .010 - O. " _,.....! .4. '" rf,l: Ilitabiash 81202-9. CONNalltlirt -300 hake. and Wheat baying bran elnolly ...no" " -...„-.-..- Miged pork,so bbla bam, 60 el. Meal, Cls rk 5. Threw; of the hoMo t.bn th.. o ..dao. 8.7. bate gale --•* n: calf skin*, bbl barns. Kell & Liege.; 135 be. re. nook Mt. by shippers. ; 170 tes do, P3l h. middllngs, tat v... (tom 1 'l4OO The opening of the Hod.n deer to Alba: _gt±T . .!l mdse., 1 bg do, 1 tif bbl longues, I) Leech & on, ta eks ' nose ire pia. bat 0 o ooPPli.. of 91)"0"., !" . ..„...... 44 ". 1 bacon, 3470 ps b Mel, Forsyth fr.